HomeMy WebLinkAbout20190610Knox Exhibit 11 Schedule 3.pdfo Summst Scenario: AVU-E-19-04 Company Base Case Load Factor Peak Credit Transmission By Demand 12 CP(b) (c) (d) (e) AVISTA UTILITIES Cost of Service Basrc Summary For the Turelve Months Ended December 31, 2018 (0 System Total 502,822pN 279,5$,0m 602,384,000 1 01 ,228,000 141,9'12,000 (s) Residential Service Sch 1 2M,320,223 120,949,01 1 313,111,220 53,297,758 79,669,030 (h) General Service Sch 1 1-'12 61,920,275 33,727,895 89,859,161 1 3,881,1 93 20,1 90,071 (D Large Gen Service Sch21-22 1 06,350,028 s9,940,339 127,723,806 1 6,448,896 21 ,419,830 (j) Extra Large Gen Service Sch 25 ldaho Jurisdiction Electric Utility (k) Extra Large Service CP Sch 25P 69,866,796 35,314,736 2,893,213 8,471,237 8,935,322 (r) Pumping Service Sch 31 -32 9,543,509 4,522,147 22,638,6U 1,979,040 2,962,893 (m) Street & Area Lights Sch 4149 Filed 06/1 0/19 1,428,337 354,951 26,923,1 05 660,484 1,256,145 Description Plant ln Service 1 Production Plant 2 Transmission Plant3 Distribution Plant4 lntangible Plant5 General Plant6 Total Plant ln Service Accum Depreciation7 Production Plant8 Transmission Plant9 Diskibution Plant'10 lntangible Plant 1 1 General Plant12 Total Accumulated Depreciation 13 Net Plant 14 Accumulated Deferred FIT 15 Miscellaneous Rate Base16 Total Rate Base 17 Revenue From Retail Rates 1B 0ther Operating Revenues19 Total Revenues operating Expenses20 Production Expenses21 TransmissionExpenses22 DistributionExpenses23 Customer Accounting Expenses24 Customer lnformation Expenses25 Sales Expenses26 Admin & General Expenses27 Total 0&M Expenses 28 Taxes Other Than lncome Taxes29 Other lncome Related ltems Depreciation Expense30 Production Plant Depreciation31 TransmissionPlantDepreciation32 DistributionPlantDepreciation33 General Plant Depreciation34 AmorlizationExpense35 Total Depreciation Expense 36 lncome Tax37 Total Operating Expenses 38 Net lncome 39 Rate of Retum40 Return Ratio41 lnterest Expense42 Revenue Related Operating Expenses 49392,832 24,743,920 19,2U,862 6,489,393 7,478,710 1,627,899,000 771,U7,242 2'19,578,595 331,882,899 107,339,716 125,481,303 41,U6,223 30,623,022 (21 1,408,000) (77,602,000) (230,41 5,000) (28,995,000) (49,660,000) (85,905,01 2) (33,574,61 8) (122,3s9,312], (1 5,651 ,61 5) (27,878,996) (26,033,947) (9,362,633) (35,014,376) (4,035,987) (7,065,21 6) (44,714,127) (16,639,028) (47,1 55,164) (4,598,511) (7,495,552) (20,766,871 ) (6,868,743) (6,308,075) (1,727 ,037) (2,617,064) (29,375,006) (9,803,1 29) (722,005]| (2,1 79,1 60) (3,126,783) (4,012,502) (1,255,317) (8,532,248) (585,384) (1,036,820) (600,534) (98,532) (10,323,819) (21 7,306) (439,569) (598,080,000) (285,369,553) (81,512,159) (120,602,381) (38,287,790) (45,206,084) (15,422,272) (11,679,761) 1 ,029,819,000 (209,725,000) 1 6,726,000 485,977,689 (98,809,163) 7,835,567 69,051,926 (14,043,056) 1,009,880 80,275,219 (1 6,545,054) 1,045,509 26,223,951 (5,338,573) 485,514 1 8,943,260 (3,865,646) 433,123 138,066,436 211,280,518 (28,209,212) (42,914,296\ 2,282,439 3,633,967 836,820,000 395,004,093 112,139,663 172,000,189 56,018,750 U,775,674 2137A,892 15,510,738 252,896,000 27,492pN 113,021,000 38,602,000 51,205,000 11,il1,129 3,431,032 5,829,292 1 7,867,000 2,510,497 22,781,000 3,467,873 5,784,000 549,625 3,636,000 1 62,553o280,388,000 124,562,129 42,033,032 57 ,0U,292 203n,497 26,248,873 6,333,625 3,798,553 93,350,000 1 0,556,000 1 1,698,000 4,712,N0 663,000 0 26,21 3,000 37,932,495 4,567,069 6,147,711 3,526,427 541,01 1 0 14,422,138 1 1,495,634 1,273,575 1,856,887 79,353 108,435 0 3,727,056 19,7M,114 2,2633il 2,530,813 1 85,186 5,516 0 4,126,791 9,1 69,887 9U,337 469,U2 99,089 (q 0 1,414,923 12,970,923 1,333,494 107,325 72,offi E 0 1,681,985 1,771,773 170,758 456,370 59,277 7,130 0 564,397 265,174 13,403 129,252 1 5,582 848 0 275,710 147J92p00 67,'136,851 19,215,939 28,855,785 12,087,933 16,165,818 3,029,7M 699,970 1 3,555,000 941,000 12,360,000 5,678,000 16,439,000 6,678,000 1 1,840,000 6,003,161 795,350 5,022,449 2,456,595 8,634,393 3,749,012 5,612,715 1,762319 40,283 1,522,079 685,047 2,613,149 950,091 1,582,471 2,875,959 59,145 2,614,218 1,217,448 3,305,242 1,007,960 2,340,951 1,055,747 15,359 1,214,138 502,574 493,697 351,928 824,609 1,U2,403 14,923 1,717 ,414 717,277 68,311 420,472 '1,020,716 321,U7 8,321 2U,592 91,849 61 6,035 139,426 280,338 194,064 7,619 35,'110 7,209 708,173 59,111 178,200 52,995,000 25,475JM 7,352,837 10,485,819 3,386,946 3,944,191 6,459,000 2,187,143 1,579,340 1,511,673 349,058 455,222 221,142,000 101,s97,669 29,950,719 43,788,379 16,895,043 21,922,557 7.09o/o 1.00 21,757 p00 1,403,000 5.81o/o 0.82 1 0,269,955 627,011 10.770/o 2,91 5,588 214,1il 7.70o/o 1.09 4,471,939 2Up72 6.220/" 0.88 1,456,466 99,1 21 6,68% 0.94 1 ,684,143 1 26,383 1,362,239 1 55,255 4,876,867 6.82% 0.96 555,635 32,088 987,804 221,310 2,110,766 10.88% 1.il 403,273 20J72 59,246,000 22,9U,459 12,082,313 13,245,912 3,482,453 4,326,317 1,456,758 1,687,787 Exhibit No. 11 Case No. AVU-E-19-04 T. Knox, Avista Schedule 3, p. 1 of 4 o Summst AVISTA UTILITIES Scenario: AVU-E-19-04 Company Base Case Revenue to Cost by Functional Component Summary Load Factor Peak Credit For the Twelve Months Ended December 31, 2018 Transmission By Demand 12 CP(b) (c) (d) (e) (0 (s) (h) (i) (r) Residential General Large Gen Extra LargeSystem Service Service Service Gen ServiceDescription Total Sch'l Sch 11-12 Sch21-22 Sch 25 Functional Cost Components at Current Return by ScheduleProduction 115,442,938 45,529,715 15,522,U8 24,825,326 11,118,160Transmission 27,785,739 11,010,476 4,264,988 6,264,359 2,323,712Distribution 62,243,107 31 ,806,940 I '1,355,056 12,163,722 1,840,075Common 47,424,216 24,673,869 7,459,609 7,951,594 2,585,052 Total Cunenl Rale Revenue Expressed as $/kWh 252,896,000 113,021,000 38,602,000 51,205,000 17,867,000 22,781,000 5,784,000 3,636,000 ldaho Jurisdiction Electric Utility (0 Extra Large Service CP Sch 25P 1 5,908,1 16 3,432,999 330,931 3,1 08,954 (D Pumping Service Sch 31-32 (m) Street & Area Lights Sch 4149 Filed 06/1 0/19 o 1 2 3 4 to 17 18 19 20 21 2,1 80,355 M4,M9 2,117,U2 '1,041,655 358,918 45,156 2,628,442 603,484 6 Production7 Transmission8 Distribution9 Common10 Total Current lvlelded Rates $0.03847 $0.00926 $0.02074 $0.01 580 $0.0391 5 $0.00947 $0,02735 $0.021 21 $0.04162 $0.01 144 $0.0304s $0.02000 $0 03958 $0.00999 $0.01 939 $0.01 268 $0.035M $0.00732 $0.00580 $0.00815 $0 03562 $0 00769 $0.00074 $0 00696 $0.03505 $0.0071 4 $0 0340s $0 01 675 $0.031 06 $0.00391 $0.22742 $0.05222$0.08428 $0.09718 $0.103s2 $0.08165 $0.05631 $0.05100 $0.09299 $0.31460 Functional Cost Components at Uniform Cunent Retum11 Production 115,620,432 46,982,018 14,238,138 24,4il,451 11,357,539 16,065,385 21%,4U 328,43612 Transmission 27,976,123 12,103,910 3,375,302 5,998,499 2,476,235 3,534,104 452,552 35,52213 Distribution 61,718,951 34,133,313 9,419,289 11,690,838 '1,947,095 339,514 2,153,086 2,035,81614 Common 47,580,4% 25,697,592 6,685,448 7,801,662 2,656,233 3,148,180 1,050,242 541,13815 Total UniformCurrentCost 252,896,000 118,916,833 33,718,176 49,945,449 18,437,102 23,087,183 5,850,344 2,940,911 Expressed as $/kWh Production Transmission Distribution Common Total Current Uniform Melded Rates $0.03853 $0.04040 $0.00932 $0.01041$0.02057 $0.0293s $0.0'1586 $0.02210 $0.03818 $0.00905 $0.02526 $0 01793 $0 03899 $0.00956 $0.01864 $0.01244 $0.03580 $0.00780 $0.00614 $0.00837 $0.03597 $0.00791 $0.00076 $0.00705 $0.03528 $0.00728 $0.03462 $0.01 689 $0.02842 $0.00307 $0.1 761 5 $0.04682 $0 08428 1.00 $0.10225 $0 09042 $0 07964 $0.05811 $0.05169 $0.09406 $0.25446 Revenue lo Cost Ratio at Cunent Rates 095 1.14 1.03 0.97 Functional Cost Components at Proposed Return by Schedule22 Production 116,908,678 46,463,461 15,522,323 25,051,714 11,2fi,674 16,082,736 2,198,852 358,91723 Transmission 28,846,359 11,713,595 4,265,000 6,426,696 2,395,423 3,545,289 455,200 45,15624 Distribution 64,133,719 33,302,847 11,355,074 12,452,466 1,890,391 340,464 2,164,033 2,628,44425 Common 48,262,244 25,332,096 7,459,603 8,043,124 2,618,512 3,152,511 1,052,914 603,48326 Total Proposed Rate Revenue 258,151,000 116,812,000 38,602,000 51,974,000 '18,135,000 23,121p00 5,871,000 3,636,000 $0.03896 $0.00961 $0.021 37 $0 03995 $0 01007 $0 02863 $0.041 62 $0.01 144 $0.03045 $0.03868 $0.00940 $0.02601 $0.01 823 $0.03994 $0 01 025 $0.01 986 $0.03540 $0 00755 $0 00596 $0.03626 $0.00810 $0.00635 $0.00851 $0.03601 $0.00794 $0 00076 $0.03535 $0.00732 $0.03479 $0.03574 $0.00755 $0.03576 $0.01716 $0.031 06 $0.00391 $0.22742 $0 02879 $0.00319 $0.1 8333 $0.04758 o0.99 Expressed as $/kWh27 Production28 Transmission29 Distribution 30 Common31 Total Proposed Melded Rates $0.01608 $0.02178 $0.02000 $0.01282 $0.00825 $0,00706 $0.01693 $0.05222 $0.08603 $0.10044 $0.10352 $0.08287 $0 05716 $0.05177 $0.09439 $0.31460 Functional Cost Components at Uniform Requested Retum 32 Production 117,123,924 47,592,958 14,423,286 24,772,449 11,505,229 16,274,294 2,223p00 332,70733 Transmission 29,039,517 12,563,989 3,503,600 6,226,506 2,570,359 3,668,438 469,753 36,872U Distribution 63,614,059 35,112,132 9,698,428 12,096,390 2,013,138 350,918 2,224j85 2,118,87035 Common 48,373,500 26,128,274 6,797 ,070 7 ,930,227 2,7ffi,152 3,200,290 1,067 ,612 549,87436 Total Uniform Cost 258,15'1,000 121,397,353 U,4223U 51,025,572 18,788,878 23,493,%1 5,984,550 3,038,322 Expressed as $/kwh Production Transmission Distribution Common Total Uniform l\,lelded Rates 37 38 JY 40 41 42 $0.03903 $0.04092 $0.00968 $0.01080 $0.02120 $0,03019 $0.01612 $0,02247 $0.039s0 $0.00993 $0,0'1929 $0,0'1264 $0.03644 $0.00821 $0.00079 $0.0071 7 Revenue to Cost Ratio at Proposed Rates $0.08603 1.00 0.98 5,255,000 $0,1 0438 0,96 0.93 8,376,000 $0.09231 1.12 1:t2 (4,180,000) $0,08136 $0.05922 $0.05260 $0.09622 $0.26289 1.02 0.97 0.98 0.98 1 .20 1.00 0.95 0.97 0.97 1.20 (179,000) 922,000 713,000 201,000 (s98,000) Exhibit No. 11 Case No. AVU-E-19-04 T. Knox, Avista Schedule 3, p.2 ot 4 43 Cunent Revenue to Proposed Cost Ratio 44 Target Revenue lncrease o 1.240.99 O Sumcost Scenario: AVU-E-'19-04 Company Base Case Load Factor Peak Credrt Transmission By Demand 12 CP(b) (c) (d) (e)(f) SYstemDescription Total Cost Classifications at Cunent Retum by ScheduleEnergy 79,686,405Demand 142,762,780Customer 30,446,814 AVISTA UTILITIES Revenue to Cost By Classification Summary For the Twelve Months Ended December 31, 2018 ldaho Jurisdiction Electric Utility (k) .Extra Large Service CP Sch 25P 11,623J23 1 1,150,815 7,061 Filed 06/1 0a I 1 2 3 4 (s) Residential Service Sch 1 (h) General Service Sch'11-12 10,882,232 22,169,955 5,549,813 (i) Large Gen Service Sch21-22 16,982,649 33,755,294 467,057 (j) Extra Large Gen Service Sch 25 (t) Pumping Service Sch 31-32 (m) Street & Area Lights Sch 4149 338,103 757,BU 2,540,093 30,050,551 61,557,480 21,412,970 8,1 60,623 9,632,848 73,530 1,U9125 3,738,585 396,290 Total Current Rate Revenue Expressed as Unit Cost5 Energy6 Demand7 Customer 252,896,000 113,021,000 38,602,000 51,205,000 17,867,000 22,781,N0 5,784,000 3,636,000 $/kwh $/kWmo $/Cust/mo $/kvvh $/kWmo $/CusUmo $0.02656 $11.28 $1 9.1 8 79,770,3U 142,91 0,085 30,215,6'11 $0.02584 $16 53 31,043,306 65,588,045 22,285,483 $0.02918 $14.13 $21.38 9,953,467 18,782,827 4,981 ,BB3 $0.02708 $21 .35 $35.36 16,720,311 32,766,048 459,090 $0.02572 $13.39 $557.04 8,U2,529 1 0,020,298 74,275 $0.02602 $1 1.36 $588.46 11,742,040 '1 'r,338,047 7,096 $0.02651 $23.22 1 ,660,1 67 3]90,757 ?oo /.1 0 $0.02925 $23.44 $1,250.66 308,484 624,064 2,008,3M $9 05$8.36 Cost Classifications at Uniform Cunent Return 8 0 10 11 Energy Demand Customer Total Uniform Current Cost Expressed as Unit Cost Energy Demand Customer 252,896,000 118,916,833 33,718,176 49,945,449 18,437,102 23,087,183 5,850,344 2,940,911 12 13 14 $0.02658 $11.29 $19.03 $0.02669 $11.97 $1 9.1 9 $0.02629 $1 3.92 $562.69 0.97 $0.02629 $11.55 $591.36 0.99 $0.02669 $9.18 $23.40 $0.02669 $8.91 $17.20 1.00 0.95 $0.02666 $20.72 $34.76 1.14 1.03 $0.02669 $19.30 $988 85 0.99 1.2415 Revenueto Cost Ratio at Current Rateso to 17 '18 19 Cost Classifications at Proposed Retum by ScheduleEnergy 80,716,833Demand 146,4'17,000Customer 31,017 ,167 30,688,840 64,149,'189 21,973,971 10,882,216 22,169,976 5,549,808 17,142,788 u,359,292 471,920 8,246J24 9,814,996 73,880 11,755J62 '1,l,358,738 7,100 1,663,602 3,807,005 400,393 338,102 757,8U 2,540,091 Total Proposed Rate Revenue 258,151,000 1'16,812,000 38,602,000 51,974,000 18,135,000 23,121,000 5,871,000 3,636,000 Expressed as Unit Cost20 Energy21 Demand 22 Customer 23 Energy 24 Demand 25 Customer26 Total Uniform Cost Expressed as Unit Cost27 Energy 2B Demand 29 Customer Cost Classifications at Uniform Requested Return $/kwh $/kWmo $/Cust/mo $/kwh $/kW/mo $/Cust/mo $0.02690 $'11 s7 $19.54 $0.02639 $8.71 $16,96 $0.0291 8 $1 4.1 3 $21 38 $0.02733 $21.73 $35.73 1 6,945,250 33,614,401 465,921 $0.02599 $1 3.64 $559.70 8,4U,762 1 0,259,381 74,735 $0.02632 $11.57 $591.68 1 1,900,006 1 '1,586,792 7j43 $0 02675 $9.22 $23.46 $0.02925 $23.44 $1,250.66 80,u3,457 31,460,933 10,087,371 146,554,795 67,283,871 19,271,243 30,752,748 22$525/9 5,063,769 1,682,501 312,6U 3,896,300 642,806 405,748 2,082,883 258,151,000 121,397,353 U,422,3U 51,025,572 18,788,878 23,493,941 5,984,550 3,038,322 30 Revenue to Cost Ratio at Proposed Rates 31 Cunenl Revenue to Proposed Cost Ratio $0 02694 $11 58 $1937 1 .00 0.98 $0 0270s $9.14 $17.49 0.96 0.93 $0.02705 $12.28 $19.50 $0 0266s $14.26 $566.18 $0.02705 $9.43 ll3.l t 0,98 0.97 $0.02705 $19.88 $1,025.55 1.20 1.20 $0.02702 $21.26 $35.28 1.12 1.02 1.12 1.00 $0.026M $11.80 $595.22 0.97 098 0.95 0.97 32 Annual Consumption (mWh's) 33 Estimated Annual Billing Demand (kW) U Monthly Average Number of Customers 3,000,798 12,659,M4 132,281 1,163,049 7,362,730 107,%2 372,910 1,568,914 21,635 627J62 1f81,224 1,'101 317,271 71 9,595 11 446,649 981,810 1 62,1 99 413,U4 1,423 11,557 JZ,3lt 169 Exhibit No. 11 Case No. AVU-E-19-04 T. Knox, Avista Schedule 3, p. 3 of 4 o o Summst Scenario: AVU-E-19-04 Company Base Case Load Factor Peak Credit Transmission By Demand 12 CP(b) (c) (d) (e) AVISTA UTILITIES Customer Cost Analysis For the T\,\€lve Months Ended December 31, 2018 ldaho Jurisdiction Electric Utility Filed 06/1 0/1 I Description (0 System Total (s) 0) (i) 0Residential General Large Gen Extra LargeService Service Service Gen Service Sch 1 Sch 11-12 Sch21-22 Sch 25 (k) Extra Large Service CP Sch 25P (D Pumping Service Sch 31-32 (m) Street & Area Lights &h 4149 Meter, Services, Meter Reading & Billing Gosb by Schedule at Requested Rate of Return Rate Base1 Services2 Services Accum. Depr.3 Total Services 58,326,000 (26 958 000) 47,ffi7,882 (22,q31,q68) 9.554,067 14,415,844) 475,867 (21 9,943) 0 0 628,184 0(290,344) 0 31,368,000 25,636,013 5,138,223 255,924 0 337,840 0 4 o Meters Meters Accum. Depr. Total Meters 22,997,000 (1 2,1 39,000) 14,8U,%2 (7,846,481) 6,048,138 (3,192,518) 1,301,932 (687,226) 31,145 (16,440) 4,483 (2,366) 746362 (393,968) 0 0 10,858,000 7,018,460 2,855,619 614,705 14,705 2,116 352,394 0 7 Total Rate Base 42,226,000 32,654,474 7,993,U2 870,629 14,705 2,116 690,234 0 8I 10 11 Return on Rate Base @ 7.55% Tax Benefit of lnterest Revenue ConveBion Factor Rate Base Revenue Requirement 3,188,1 18 2,465,455 603,545 65,734 1,1 10 160 (384,251) (297,151) (72,743) (7,923) (134) (1e) 0.748671 0.748671 0.748671 0.748671 0.748671 0.748671 3,745,125 2,896,203 708,993 77,218 1,304 ,l88 52,114 (6,281 ) 0.748671 61,219 0 0 0.748671 0 o 12 13 14 15 to 17 18 Expenses Services Depr Exp Meters Depr Exp Services operations Exp Meters operating Exp Meters Maintenance Exp Meter Reading Billing 1 ,1 98,000 2,076,000 250,000 459,000 7,000 246,000 3,538,000 979,085 1,341,898 204,317 296,691 4,525 1 62,566 2,885,580 1 96,238 545,981 40,951 120,716 1,U1 32,583 578,356 9,774 117,529 2,040 25,985 Jvb 1,658 0 2,812 0 622 o 43,1 30 1 ,916 0 405 0 B9 1 3,921 174 1 2,903 67,376 2,693 14,897 2,142 38,027 0 0 0 0 0 0 19 20 21 23 Total Expenses Revenue Conversion Factor Expense Revenue Requirement Total Meter, Service, Meter Reading, and Billing Cost Total Customer Bills 7,774,000 5,874,662 1,516,667 0.994549 0.994549 0.994549 7,816,608 5,906,860 1,524,979 29,422 186,803 0.994549 't87,827 255,045 13,207 $20.07 4B,4BB 0.994549 48,754 4,591 0.994549 4,6,t6 1 38,265 0.994549 139,023 4,525 4,525 0.994549 4,549 4,549 2,031 $2.24 11,561,733 8,803,054 2,233,972 1,587,376 1,295,306 259,61 B $7.28 $6.80 $8.60 50,058 132 $379.23 4,803 12 $400.29 200,241 17,070 24 Average Unit Cost per Month $1 1.73 Distribution Fixed Cosb per Customer 25 Total Customer Related Cost 26 Customer Related Unit Cost per Month 30,752,748 22$52,il9 5,063,769$19,37 $17.49 $19.50 46s,921 $35 28 74,735 7,143 $566.18 $59s.22 405,748 $23.77 2,082,883 $1,025.55 27 Total Distribution Demand Related Cost28 Dist Demand Related Unit Cost per Month 58,263,403 29,0U,472 8,618,942$36.70 $22,45 $33,20 1 4,683,408 $1,11 1 .79 2,444,4% 433,318 $18,s18.89 $36,109.82 2,468,068 $144.59 530,702 $261 .30 $55.08 $39.94 $s2.70 $1,147.O7 $19,08s.07 $36,705.04 $168.35 $1,286.85 Exhibit No. 11 Case No. AVU-E-19-04 T. Knox, Avista Schedule 3, p. 4 ol4 29 Total Distribution Unit Cost per Month o 0 0 0