HomeMy WebLinkAbout20190311Application.pdfAvista Corp. 1411 East Mission P.O.Box3727 Spokane, Washington 99220-0500 Telephone 509489-0500 Toll Free 800-727-9170 March 8,2019 :-'': :;i i-"r ri1in tF -:+ ll! \J 'Fi\) cI'5 ti) Diane Hanian State of Idaho Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W. Washington Street Boise, Idaho 83702-5983 Case No. AVU-E-I9- 0 3 I.P.U.C. No. 28 - Electric Service Enclosed for electric filing with the Commission are the Original filing plus seven copies, and one compact disc, of the following revised tariffsheets: Fourth Revision Sheet 51 f,'ourth Revision Sheet 51A Sixth Revision Sheet 51B Fourth Revision Sheet 51C Eighteenth Revision Sheet 5lD Twenty-Second Revision Sheet 51E Twentieth Revision Sheet 51F Twenty-First Revision Sheet 5lG Nineteenth Revision Sheet 51H Third Revision Sheet 51I Seventh Revision Sheet 51J Third Revision Sheet 51K Third Revision Sheet 51L Second Revision Sheet 5lM Twentieth Revision Sheet 51N Twentieth Revision Sheet 51O Third Revision Sheet 51 Third Revision Sheet 51A Fifth Revision Sheet 51B Third Revision Sheet 51C Seventeenth Revision Sheet 51D Twenty-First Revision Sheet 51E Nineteenth Revision Sheet 51X' Twentieth Revision Sheet 51G Eighteenth Revision Sheet 51H Rep. Second Revision Sheet 51I Sixth Revision Sheet SlJ Rep. Second Revision Sheet 51K Second Revision Sheet 5lL First Revision Sheet 51M Nineteenth Revision Sheet 51N Nineteenth Revision Sheet 51O canceling canceling canceling canceling canceling canceling eanceling canceling canceling canceling canceling canceling canceling canceling canceling canceling The Company requests that the proposed tariff sheets be made effective May l, 2019. These tariff sheets reflect the Company's annual electric Line Extension filing. Detailed information related to the Company's request is included in the attached Application and supporting workpapers. The Company will issue a notice to its effected customers through a letter in the April 2019 timeframe. A copy of the letter has been included in the Company's filing. ll\stsra If you have any questions regarding this filing, please contact Joe Miller at (509) 495-4546 J()e Miller Manager of Pricing and Tariffs li,ivtsrl :, J !-InAvista Corp. 141 1 East Mission P.O. Box 3727 Spokane. Washington 99220-0500 Telephone 509-489-05 00 Toll Free 800-727-9170 Total Cost per Lot Less:Service Cost Deve lope r Re s pons ibility t:-LA Prcsent $ 1,867 s 471 {,rulStfr Prorlosed $ 1,907 $ 471 torp, April 1,2019 Name Address City, State Dear Builder andlor Developer: Avista Utilities is proud to have supplied your projects with natural gas and electric service, as well as quality construction coordination, of your utility needs for many years. As you may know, in the spring of each year, the Company files a request with the Idaho Public Utilities Commission ("Commission") to update the costs associated with the materials required to provide our electric service for individual homes and new developments. The Company filed its proposed changes with the Commission on March 8,2019, and if the requested changes are approved, they would go into effect on May 1,2019. The changes include updating the standard or basic development costs and allowance to reflect actual 2018 material and labor costs. Below is a summary of the changes included in the filing: s 1,396 $ 1,436 Developer Ref.rndable Payrcnt Builder N on- Refimdable P aynent Allowance $ $ $ 7,396 $ s7$ 1,436 67 1,810 $ 1,940 The proposed increase in the cost per lot would require builders to make a non-refundable payment of $67. Developers would only need to provide a letter of credit, or cash deposit, for $1,436 per residence until such time as a permanent hookup is made. Please keep in mind that these new costs and allowance affect only new developments or additional phases contracted on or after May l, 2019. The Company's application is a proposal, subject to public review and a Commission decision. A copy of the application is available for public review at the offices of both the Commission and the Company as well as their respective websites (www.myavisla.con:/rates or www.puc.idaho.qov), If you would like to submit comments on this proposed decrease, or review the application, you can do so by going to the Commission website at www.puc.idaho. sov. Res ide ntial Developments If you have any questions or concems please feel free to contact your Avista Account Executive or Customer Design Coordinator. Sincerely, $x* Ilaldra,ia Account Executive-Development Specialist 208-769-1340 1,1r I --l I' I ir"^( Jamie Howard Customer Project Coordinator 208-769-1871 1 2 J 4 5 6 7 8 9 DAVID J. MEYER VICE PRESTDENT AND CHIEF COUNSEL FOR REGULATORY AND GOVERNMENTAL AFFAIRS AVISTA CORPORATION 1411 E. MISSION AVENUE P. O. BOX 3727 SPOKANE, WASHINGTON 99220 PHONE: (509) 495-431-5, FAx: (509) 495-885I BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTTLITIES COMMISSIONt0 1t I2 13 l4 l5 l6 t7 IN THE MATTER OF THE ELECTRTC LINE EXTENSION SCHEDULE 51 ANNUAL RATE A.D.]USTMENT FILING OF AVISTA CORPORATION cAsE NO. AVLr-E-le-E3 APPLICATION OF AVTSTA CORPORATION 18 l9 2A 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 r. IMTRODUCTION In accordance with Idaho Code S51-502 and RP 052, Avista Corporation, doing business as Avista Utilities (hereinafter "Avista" or "Company"), at 1411 East Mission Avenue, Spokane, Washj-ngton, respectfully makes application to the Idaho Public Ut.ilities Commission ( "Commission" ) for an order approving the update in costs, allowances, and administrative changes to the Company's El-ectrj-c Line Extension Schedule 51. The Company has requested a May 1, 2Ol9 effective date. The Company requests that this filing be processed under the Commj-ssiorl's Modif ied Procedure Rules (np 2OL-204) . AVTSTA'S ANNUAL ELECTRIC LINE EXTENSION FILING PAGE 1 ) ) ) ) i Communications in reference to this Application should be 2 addressed to: J 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 l1 12 l3 David J. Meyer, Esq. Vice President, and Chief Counsel for Regulatory & Governmental Affairs Avista Corporation P.O. Box 3727 MSC- 2 7 1411 E. Mission Ave Spokane, WA 99220-3727 Phone: (509) 495-43).6 David. Meyer@avistacorp . com Patrick Ehrbar Dj-rector of Regulatory Affairs Avista Utilit.ies P.O. Box 3727 MSC- 2 7 14L1 E. Mission Ave Spokane, WA 99220-3727 Phone: (509) 495-8520 patrick . ehrbar@avist,acorp . com II. BACKGROTTND The Company's present Schedule 51 electric line extension tariff incorporates the principle of average costing for electrj-cal- facilit,ies commonly used in extending service. The tariff sets forth "Basic Costs" , which are cosLs based on recent average actual costs for facilit.ies such as transformers and conduit which are used consistently for elect,ric l-ine extensions. The Basic Costs have a f ixed and variable component, wit.h the variable component stated on a cost-per-foot basis. 14 15 l6 l7 l8 l9 2A 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 AVISTA'S ANNUAL ELECTRIC L]NE EXTENSION FILING PAGE 2 1 The average costing principle incorporated in the 2 Company's t,arif f has worked well and the Company is not 3 proposing to change the conceptual structure of the tariff. 4 In an on-going effort, to make Schedule 5L easy to understand 5 from both a Company and customer perspective, the Company is 6 proposing to make adminj-strative changes to the tariff as 7 described below in the section labeled "Administrative 8 Changles". These proposed changes will provide greaLer 9 clarity, which in turn will provide greater consistency when 10 administering line extensions. 11 Detailed below are the Company's proposed changes to 12 Schedule 51 and included with this filing are workpapers 13 which provide support for the proposed changes. t4 15 III. AIJLOWAI\ICE 16 The In this filing, the Company has updated the 17 allowances applicable to new residential, commercial and 18 industrial cusLomer's servj-ces. For purposes of calculatj-ng 19 the revised allowances, the Company is continuing to utiLize 20 an embedded cost methodology approach that is designed to 21 ensure that investment in distribution/terminal faciLities 22 for each new customer will be similar to the embedded costs 23 of the same facilities reflected in base rates. Any costs in AVTSTA'S A}{NUAL ELECTRIC LINE EXTENSION FILING PAGE 3 I excess of the allowance would be paid by the new customer as 2 a Contribution in Aid of ConsLruction. The Company utilized 3 its Cost of Service study from its most recently concluded 4 general rate case filing (AVU-E-17-01), updated for the 201-9 5 base rates approved in the Settlement Agreement, as the basis 6 of the embedded cost calculation. Below is a summary of the 7 proposed allowance changes: 8 9 (per unit) 1l t2 The Company has provided workpapers that provlde t.he 13 inpuLs and calculation of the allowances. 14 t5 IV. AVERAGE COSTS 16 The Distribution Engineering Department at Avista is 17 primarily t,asked with the development and maintenance of the l8 Company's Construction & Material St,andards. Periodically, 19 Distribution Engineering wiIl update the Construction & 20 Material Standards in order to comply with t,he National 21 Electric Safety Code ( *NESC" ) These Construction & Material 22 Standards were last updat.ed j-n 2015 to ref lect the NESC's 23 code revisions. The standard designs in this filing have not service ScheduLe Schedule 1 Individual Customer Schedule 1 Duplex (per unit) Schedule 1 Multiplex (per unit) Schedule 1-t/1,2 (per kWh) Schedule 2L/22 (per kwh) Schedule 3L/32 (per kwh) Existing s 1,810 $ 1,44s $ 1,085 $ 0.14788 $ 0.13503 $ 0.24227 Progoeed $ 1, 84 0 # 7,470 $ 1,105 $ 0.1s022 $ 0 . 13 8s3 $ 0.245s3 10 AVISTA'S AI{NUAL ELECTRIC LINE EXTENSION FILING PAGE 4 I changed and are consistent with those reflected in the 2 company's 20LB Schedul-e 51 filing. As Company service detailed on proposed tariff sheets 51H and 51I, the is proposing to updat.e the and transformer average costs relatively consistent between years. Below is a summary of the cost changes: Present Proposed Overhead Primary Circuit: J 4 5 6 7 8 primary, secondary, which have remained 9 Fixed Cost Variable Cost Underqround Primary i 4,323 $ 8.43 Circuit 4,253 8.38 l_, 854 tL .23 418 LO .42 L,774 3.91 9 .41, 2,3]-0 3 ,507 $ $ 10 11 12 l3 14 l5 t6 t7 Fixed Costs $ 1,889 $ Variable Costs # L1.24 $ Underground Secondarv Circuit Fixed Costs Variable Costs Overhead Padmount Overhead Service Cir $ Underground Service $ t ( Transformer $ Transformer $ 430 9.93 $ $ Overhead SecopdaFy .CircuitFixed Costs S 1,785 3.98 9.39 $ $ $ $ $ l8 l9 20 Residential development costs, updated for the most 21 currenL Construction & Material Standards and average 2OLB 22 consLruction costs are detailed below. 23 2 ,38L 3, 516 AVISTA'S ANNUAL ELECTRIC LINE EXTENSION FILING PAGE 5 1 2 J 4 5 6 7 8 Residential DevelopmenEs Total Cost per Lot Less: Service Cost Developer Responsibi lity Developer Refundable Payment Builder Non-Refundable Payment AII-owance Present $L,867 $ 47L $1,395 $1,435 $1,396 $ s7 $1,810 Propoagd S1,eo7 I azr $L,436 $ 67 $1,840 V. ADMINISTRATIVE CHA}iIGES 9 Overtime the Company has come to realize that when l0 discussing line extensions, conversions, or relocations of l1 existing service with new and/or existing customers, they 12 often times face difficulty in understanding the provisions 13 outlined in the Company's tariff Schedule 51. In an effort to 14 make Schedule 51 easier for customers to understand and for 15 our construction employees to app1y, the Company proposes to 16 make modifications to the Schedule. 17 A summary of the changes are as follows: l8 1. As currently written (see Sheets 51 and 51M), the 19 provisions relating to when a Design Fee is charged are 20 not entirely clear. The Company proposes to make the 21 language rather regarding Design Fees more flexible, such t.hat than state it "is required" in certain Z)circumstances, that it "may be required". This aligns 22 AVISTA'S A]iINUAL ELECTRIC LINE EXTENSION FILING PAGE 6 1 2 J 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1l 12 13 t4 l5 16 t7 l8 19 20 21 22 /.) beLter with the Company's operations pract,ices, such that a Design Fee is only charged when absolutely necessary. The Company's primary effort is to provide customers with a pos j-t.ive exper5-ence and accommodaLe changes that come up relating to obtaining and receiving electric service from the Company. Lastly, Lhe Company proposes removing reference to the Design Fee being construction. With t,hecredited against the cost of the modified language, if the Company does require a Design Fee, it will not be refundable. 2. Schedule 51 provides a definition for the multiple components that make up the Extension Cost a customer must pay to receive electric service, including both the Basic Cost and Exceptional Cost port.ions of a line extension. As an example, shown in the formula on Sheet 51A for calculating the Extension CosL, Basic Costs and Exceptional Costs are added together prior to the customer's Allowance being applied. For customers, Basic Costs and Exceptional Costs are one in the same, meaning that they are simply the costs for receiving a line extension. The Company proposes to remove all references to Exceptional Costs and broaden the definition of Basic AVTSTA'S ANNUAL ELECTRIC LINE EXTENSION FILING PAGE 7 I 2 J 4 5 6 7 8 9 l0 11 t2 l3 t4 l5 16 t7 l8 19 20 21 22 Cost, such that Basic Cost now covers all costs necessary to consLruct the line extension. In practice, this change will have no impact on the costs paid by customers for line extensions. It will s j-mpIy make the costs of line extensions easier to understand for customers. 3. The Company proposes making two modifications to its definition of Customer-Requested Costs. a. First, the Company proposes removing reference to its minimum design for determining what constitutes Customer-Request,ed CosEs (see Sheet 5fD) . The Company instead proposes that Customer-Requested Costs apply to the cost of unusual labor aad/or materials requested by t.he customer t,hat are not necessary to consLruct a l-ine extension based on the Company construction design standards and operatj-ng practices. In some cases the Company's minimum design is not the best option or adequate for customers. b. Second, the Company proposes to remove the example of "underground facilities in overhead areas. " Removing this example provides customers with the ability to apply their line extensi-on Allowance to AVISTA'S ANNUAL ELECTRIC LINE EXTENSION FILING PAGE 8 2 5 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 l3 t4 15 16 17 18 t9 20 2l 22 23 underground service. A scenario where this would apply is a new residential home in an existing development that requests an underground service line. Currently, the customer is required to pay the cost difference bet,ween receiving service overhead compared to underground, even though their allotted Allowance would cover the full cost of the underground service. Customers choose to receive underground service for a multitude of reasons including, aesthetics, reliability, or no need to maintain vegetation around servj-ce wires. With these two changes combined, customers will have a greater ability to apply their line extension Allowance towards the overall cost of their line extension. This is easier to understand and a positive customers, while not burdening other expected revenue from the new customer benefit to new customers j ust,if ies receive. the full line extension Allowance they may For commercial and industrial customers, the Company proposes to clarify when an AlIowance wilI not be provided immediately, and in such cases, when a customer as the 4 AVISTA' S A}TNUAL ELECTRIC LINE EXTENSION FILTNG PAGE 9 will receive a refund of their Allowance after service installation (see Sheet 51,J) . do not impact line extensions The proposed changes to this section the Company's current pract j-ces indust,rial customers, buE rather make the excepti"on to when the Company will not grant an immedi-ate Allowance more clear. The Company has also added clarifying language when referring to "meLered energy usage" to include a parenthetical stating "delivered by Avista". The purpose of the clarifying language is to make clear for any distributed generation customers that allowances are based on the net retail energy usage sold by Avista. 5. For conversions and relocations, the Company has proposed a clarification to the definition of Salvage Value to state that not all materials removed will have salvage value and thaL the Company will determine Salvage Value in its sole discretion (see Sheet 51L). This proposed change will have no material impact on customers. for to new commercial and AVISTA'S ANNUAL ELECTRIC LINE EXTENSION FILING PAGE 10 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ll t2 13 t4 15 16 t7 l8 l9 20 21 22 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 l0 1l 12 l3 t4 l5 t6 VI. COMMI'NICATIONS A}ID SERVICE OF APPLICATION In conformance with RP L25, this Application will be brought to the week of the at,tention of the Company's customers. During April L, 2AL9 the Company will send a letter to t.hose developers proposed changes and builders that. may be affected by t,he to inform them of the Company's request. VII. REQUEST FOR RELIEF The Company requests that the Commission issue an order approving the update in costs, allowances, and administrative changes to Schedule 51 to become effective May 7-, 20L9. The Company requests Lhat the matter be processed under the Commission's Modified Procedure rules through the use of writ.ten comments. Dated at Spokane, Washington this 8Eh day of March 201-9. AVISTA CORPORATION BY Patrick D. Ehrbar Director of RegulaE.ory Affairs t7 l8 19 20 AVISTA'S A}TNUAL ELECTRIC LINE EXTENSION FILTNG PAGE 11 I 2 J 4 5 6 7 8 9 t0 11 12 13 t4 t5 t6 t7 l8 19 20 2l 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 3l 32 VERIFICATION STATE OF WASTTINGTON County of Spokane Patrick D. Ehrbar, being first duLy sworn on oath, deposes and says: That he is the Director of Regulatory Affairs for Avista Corporat,ion and makes this verification for and on behalf of said corporat,ion, being t,hereto duly authorized; That he has read the f i1i Dg, knows the contents thereof, and believes the s SIGNED Al{D SWORN to before me this 8th day of March 20L9, by Patrick D. Ehrbar. DE t:uuu- 10TARY Punltc NOTARY PUBLIC in and for t Stateof WashingLon, residing at Spokane. Commission Expires: to be AVISTA'S AI{NUAL ELECTRIC LINE EXTENSION FILTNG PAGE 12 05-&- Zozt IDAHO Avistaz0lg Schedule 51 Filing Proposed Tariff Sheets AVISTA CORPORATION dba Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 51 LINE EXTENSION, CONVERSION AND RELOCATION SCHEDULE IDAHO 1, APPLICABILITY The rules for Line Extensions in this Schedule apply to allexisting and prospective Customers requesting a new line extension. The rules for Conversions and Relocations in this Schedule apply to all Customers requesting changes to existing facilities. 2. GENERAL RULES Every Customer who wants the Company to design a line extension must first submit a written application. A Design Fee of $150 may be required for any line extension, Conversion of Primary Circuit, or Relocation of Primary Circuit. that is unusually large, complex, or of a questionable nature, and for each additional design requested. b. The Company shall have the right to enter and exit the Customer's property to construct, reconstruct, operate and maintain the line extension. The Company's agents and employees shall have access at all reasonable times for reading, inspecting, constructing, reconstructing, repairing and removing the Company's meters, metering equipment and electric facilities. All necessary right-of-way assignments, easements and permits across other properties will be secured at no cost before the Company constructs the line extension. The length, depth, Point of Delivery, location, route, phases, voltage, capacity and cost of the Line Extension shal! be determined by the Company. The line extension shall be compatible with existing neig hborin g electric facilities. Premises where the Company's electric facilities have been removed or otherwise disconnected for longer than twelve months, and where a customer wants service re-established, will be treated as a new customer and granted an allowance. a. c d e lssued March 8, 2019 Effective May 1,20'19 l.P.U,C. No.28 Fourth Revision Sheet 51 Canceling Third Revision Sheet 51 Patrick Ehrbar, Director of Regulatory Affairs 51 Utilities 7g/*t-u l.P.U.C. No.28 Fourth Revision Sheet 51A Canceling Third Revision Sheet 51A 51A AVISTA CORPORATION dba Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 51 - continued 3. RULES FOR INDIVIDUAL RESIDENTIAL CUSTOMERS Both the General Rules and the following rules apply to line extensions to serve individual Residential Customers. Before the start of construction, the Customer must submit a written application for service and pay an extension cost to the Company which is computed as follows: Basic Cost Allowance Customer-Req uested Costs Cost Reductions (one) Design Fee of $150 (if paid) Share of Previous Extension extension cost 1)"Basic Cost" is the cost of the Service Circuit, Secondary Circuit, Transformer and Primary Circuit computed from the rates listed in this Schedule, along with the cost of labor and/or materials which are necessary to construct the Line Extension. The meters and metering facilities used by the Company for billing purposes are provided at no cost to the Customer. "Cost Reduction" is a decrease allowed when the Company uses lower-cost construction methods or allows the Customer to do some of the work. Allfacilities provided by the Customer must meet or exceed the Company's specifications. The Cost Reduction may only reduce the Customer's total cost of construction to $0.00; no payment shall be given to the customer. 3)"Allowance" is a credit to each Customer who has at least 2500 kwh per year of new load. The Allowance will be applied first to the Basic Cost of the Service Circuit, second to the Basic Cost of the Secondary Circuit, third to the Basic Cost of the Transformer and fourth to the Basic Cost of the Primary Circuit. a b + + 2) lssued March 8,2019 Effective May 1, 2019 Utilities Patrick Ehrbar, Director of Regulatory Affairstg*til- l.P.U.C. No.28 Sixth Revision Sheet 51B Canceling Fifth Revision Sheet 51B 518 AVISTA CORPORATION dba Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 51 - continued When two or more Customers apply concurrently for service from the same Line Extension, each will receive an Allowance up to their proportion of the Basic Cost of the line extension. Allowances shall be granted only against the Basic Cost of the current project and not against any part of an earlier or future extension. The Allowance will be equal to the Basic Cost or the applicable amount listed below, whichever is less: MAXIMUM ALLOWANCE Schedule 1 individual Customer Schedule 1 duplex Schedule 1 multiplex $1,840 per unit $1,470 per unit $1 ,105 per unit EXCEPTION: The Company will not grant an immediate Allowance if the Company, in its sole judgement, determines that the load: a) is less than 2500 kWh per year, orb) will be in service less than five years. A mobile home will not qualify for an Allowance until it has permanent connections to both water service and either a sewer or septic system. lf such connections are made within five years after the completion of the line extension, the Company will, at that time, refund the Basic Cost or the amount of the Allowance in effect at the time of the line construction, whichever is less. The Customer must apply for the refund before the line extension becomes six years old. Effective May 1, 2019lssued March 8,2019 v Patrick Ehrbar, Director of Regulatory Affairsg*lil- l.P.U.C. No.28 Fourth Revision Sheet 51C Canceling Third Revision Sheet 51C 51C AVISTA CORPORATION dba Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 51 - continued tf an immediate Allowance is not granted because electric consumption is expected to be less than 2500 kWh per year, but the Customer can demonstrate after the end of the fifth year that the annual electric consumption was at least 2500 kwh each year for all five years, then the Company will refund to the Customer the Basic Cost or the amount of the Allowance in effect at the time of the line construction, whichever is less. The Customer must apply for the refund before the line extension becomes six years old. !f an immediate Allowance is not granted because the Customer is not prepared for a permanent service connection upon completion of the line extension, but the Customer does request a permanent connection within the next five years, and will have consumption of at least 2500 kwh per year, the Company will at that time refund to the Customer the Basic Cost or the amount of the Allowance in affect at the time of the line construction, whichever is Iess. lssued March 8, 2019 Effective May 1,2019 Avista 7 Patrick Ehrbar, Director of Regulatory Affairs l.P.U.C. No.28 Eighteenth Revision Sheet 51D Canceling Seventeenth Revision Sheet 51D 51D Utilities AVISTA CORPORATION dba Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 51 - continued 4)"Customer-Requested Cost' is the cost of unusual labor and/or materials which is requested by the Customer but which is not necessary to construct the Line Extension based on the Company's construction design standards, and operating practices. All Customer-Requested Costs must be paid in full by the Customer. Customer-Requested Costs may include, but are not limited to, the following: a) facilities to provide three-phase service where single- phase service is adequateb) construction which is not for electric servicec) facilities longer, deeper, or larger than deemed appropriate by the Companyd) soilcompaction on private property Etfective May 1,2019lssued March 8, 2019 4-"1 Patrick Ehrbar, Director of Regulatory Affairs l.P.U.C. No.28 Twenty-Second Revision Sheet 51E Canceling Revision Sheet 51E Patrick Ehrbar, Director of Regulatory Affairs 51E Avista Utilities AVISTA CORPORATION dba Avista Utilities 5) SCHEDULE 51 - continued "Share of Previous Extension" applies only to Primary Circuits less than five years old. lf part of a previous line extension is used to serve a new Customer, the new Customer must pay a share of the previous Primary Circuit cost and Transformer cost, if shared, to the Company before the start of construction. The amount paid by the new Customer will be refunded to existing Customers in relation to their share of the Primary Circuit and Transformer, if shared. The Company will refund appropriate shares to the bearers of Extension Certificates when the Certificates are presented for payment and the connection of the subsequent Customer has been verified. The Company will make a reasonable attempt to inform the bearer of the Certificate when a refund is due. Bearers of Extension Certificates must apply for refunds before the original line extension becomes six years old. Unclaimed refunds will be returned to the contributor. E)GMPLE: 1. First Customer pays $11,230 for 1,000 feet of primary underground circuit ($11.23 per foot). 2. Second Customer takes service within five years using 600 feet of the original extension. 3. Both Customers share the first 600 feet equally: 600 ft x $1 1 .231ft x% = $3,369.4. The Second Customer's payment of $3,369 will be refunded to the First Customer to reduce his investment in the 600 feet to $3,369. The First Customer's investment in the remaining 400 feet remains at $4,492. ($1 1 ,230-$3,369-$3,369=$4,492) EXCEPTION: lf the refund to an existing Customer is less than $100 each, the new Customer will not be required to pay that share and the existing Customer will not receive a refund. lssued March 8, 2019 Effective May 1, 2019 7gl*tur- AVISTA CORPORATION dba Avista Utilities 4 SCHEDULE 51 - continued RULES AND CHARGES FOR UNDEVELOPED RESIDENTIAL LOTS A development is a group of neighboring undeveloped lots separated by no more than streets and under the ownership or legal control of a single party as determined by the Company. Both the General Rules and the following rules apply to line extensions within residential developments. Before Company facilities will be installed, the developer must submit a wriften application for service, a copy of the plat as approved by the governing agency depicting dedicated utility easements approved by the serving utilities and must pay an extension cost to the Company which is computed as follows: Basic Cost+ Customer-Requested Costs- Cost Reductions- (one) Design Fee of $150 (if paid) = extension cost within development+ cost of extension to development+ Share of Previous Extension extension cost 1)"Basic Cost" will be computed from the following rate per lot when the Development serves single phase loads, has at least six lots and the average frontage is no more than 175 feet per Iot. The Basic Cost includes the cost of the Primary Circuit, the Transformer and the Secondary Circuit in the utility easement or public right-of-way, but does not include the Service Circuit from the point of connection with the Secondary Circuit to the Point of Delivery. Developments $1,436 per Lot a. b lssued March 8, 2019 Effective May 1,2019 Twentieth Revision Sheet 51F Canceling Nineteenth Revision Sheet 51F Patrick Ehrbar, Director of Regulatory Affairs 51F Utilities 7u-r,o, l.P.U.C. No.28 l.P.U.C. No.28 Twenty-First Revision Sheet 51G Canceling Twentieth Revision Sheet 51G Patrick Ehrbar, Director of Regulatory Atfairs 51G Avista AVISTA CORPORATION dba Avista Utilities c SCHEDULE 51 - continued The Basic Cost for all other Developments will be computed from the rates listed in this Schedule for Service Circuits, Secondary Circuits, Transformers and Primary Circuits. 2) "Cost Reductions, "Customer-Requested Costs, and "Share of Previous Extension" are described under Rules for lndividual Customers. 3) "Extension to development" is the line extension between the Company's existing energized electric facilities and the boundary of the development. The Rules for lndividual Customers apply to the extension to the development. ln lieu of a cash payment of the Basic Cost in a Development, the Company will accept a letter of credit, a contractor's performance bond, or another credit instrument agreeable to the Company for $1,436 per lot upon execution of a written agreement with the Developer. The agreement shall prescribe the requirements for such a credit instrument and shall permit the face amount of the instrument to be reduced annually as new customers are connected within the Development. The Developer will provide ditching within the Development. Prior to the installation of the Service Circuit to each single-family residence in a development, the home builder will be required to make a non-refundable cash payment to the Company of $67 per residence. There will be no charge to the builder for the installation of the Service Circuit to serve a duplex or multiplex dwelling. A Developer who pays the extension cost described in 4.b.1) may apply for a refund annually for each permanent Customer connected within the Development during the first five years after the extension is completed. The Company will make a reasonable attempt to inform the bearer of the certificate when a refund is due. The Company will pay the refund to the bearer of the Extension Certificate when it is presented to the Company for payment and the connection of the permanent Customer has been verified. d e. Effective May 1, 2019lssued March 8,2019 7gl"t*"- l.P.U.C. No.28 Nineteenth Revision Sheet 51H Canceling Revision Sheet 51H 51H AVISTA CORPORATION dba Avista Utilities f SCHEDULE 51 - continued For Developers who have made a cash payment to the Company for the Basic Cost in the development, the sum of all refunds shall not exceed the total Basic Cost paid by the Developer or $1,436 per lot multiplied by the number lots, whichever is less. The developer must apply for the refunds before the line extension becomes six years old. ln a Development where primary taps may be required into some lots to provide adequate service or where the loads are not clearly defined, the Company may elect to install only an initial Primary Circuit through the Development (no Transformers or Secondary Circuits), The Rules for lndividual Customers will be used to establish the extension cost of the Primary Circuit and that cost must be paid in advance by the Developer. The permanent Customer on each lot must meet the Rules for lndividual Residential Customers for the extension into the lot, except they will not pay a share of the cost of the Primary Circuit through the Development or a share of previous extensions outside the Development. The applicable Allowance will be credited first to the Basic Cost to serve the permanent Customer. The Developer will be refunded only the portion of the Allowance not granted or applied to the permanent Customer. lssued March 8,2019 Effective May 1, 2019 7 Patrick Ehrbar, Director of Regulatory Affairs g*1 ",r- l.P.U.C. No.28 Third Revision Sheet 511 Canceling Replacement Second Revision Sheet 511 511 AVISTA CORPORATION dba Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 51 - continued 5. RULES FOR COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL CUSTOMERS a c. b Both the General Rules and the following rules apply to Line Extensions to serve individual Commercial and lndustrial Customers. Single-Phase Extensions: For Customers who may be served at single phase, as determined by the Company, before the start of construction, the Customer must submit a written application for service and pay an extension cost to the Company which is computed as follows: Basic Cost Allowance Customer-Requested Costs Cost Reductions (one) Design Fee of $150 (if paid) Share of Previous Extension extension cost 1) Allterms are described in Section 3.b. and the Basic Costs are set forth in Section 7. The amount of the Allowance will be determined individually for each Customer based on the Company's estimate of the Customer's annual metered energy usage (delivered by Avista) and an allowance per kWh based on the applicable service schedule. Three-Phase Extensions: For Customers requiring three-phase service, as determined by the Company, before the start of construction, the Customer must submit a written application for service and pay an extension cost to the Company which is computed as follows: Total Estimated Extension Cost- Allowance+ Customer-Requested Costs- Cost Reductions- (one) Design Fee of $150 (if paid)+ Share of Previous Extension extension cost + + lssued March 8,2019 Etfective May 1, 2019 Avista Utilities Patrick Ehrbar, Director of Regulatory Affairs 7?,/*t*r- LP.U.C. No.28 Seventh Revision Sheet 51J Canceling Sixth Revision Sheet 51J 51J Utilities AVISTA CORPORATION dba Avista Utilities d. SCHEDULE 51 - continued 1)The Total Estimated Extension Cost shall include all costs which are necessary to provide service to the Customer, as determined by the Company. The amount of the Allowance will be determined individually for each Customer based on the Company's estimate of the Customer's annual metered energy usage (delivered by Avista) and an allowance per kWh based on the applicable service schedule. When two or more Customers apply concurrently for service from the same Line Extension, each will receive an Allowance up to their proportion of the Total Estimated Extension Cost. Allowances shall be granted only against the costs of the current project and not against any part of an earlier or future extension. The Allowance will be the Total Estimated Extension Cost, or the applicable Allowance by Schedule multiplied by the Customer's estimated metered energy usage (delivered by Avista), whichever is less: ALLOWANCE BY SERVICE SCHEDULE Schedule 11 or 12: $0.15022 per kWh Schedule 21 or 22: $0.13853 per kWh Schedule 31 or 32: $0.24653 per kWh Exception: The Company will not grant an immediate Allowance if the Company, in its sole judgement, determines that the load is unknown, or will be in service less than five years. lf an Allowance is not provided at the time service is installed, the Customer is eligible to receive a refund of their Allowance when annual metered energy usage (delivered by Avista) is known and measured, Any refund of CustomerAllowance must be requested by the Customer within five years of the service installation. Undeveloped Commercial and lndustrial Lots: A development is a group of neighboring undeveloped lots separated by no more than streets and under the ownership or lega! control of a single party as determined by the Company. The General Rules, the Rules for Commercial and lndustrial Customers and the following apply to line extensions within commercial or industrial developments. Before Company facilities will be installed, the developer must submit a written application for service and a copy of the plat as approved by the governing agency depicting dedicated utility easements approved by the serving utilities. Effective May 1, 2019lssued March 8, 2019 7 Patrick Ehrbar, Director of Regulatory Affairs AVISTA CORPORATION dba Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 51 - continued A developer requesting a Line Extension to one or more undeveloped commercial or industrial lots, where the future occupant and estimated metered energy usage (delivered by Avista) are unknown, will be required to pay to the Company in advance all costs associated with such Line Extension. Such Line Extension will be referred to as the Developer portion of the Line Extension and may include only a Primary Circuit. The subsequent Customer requesting completion of the Line Extension to the facility will be granted an Allowance based upon the estimated metered energy usage (delivered by Avista) of the facility. The Allowance will be applied first to the Customer portion of the Line Extension and any remaining Allowance may be applied to the Developer portion of the Line Extension. lf the Allowance exceeds the Customer portion of the Line Extension, the developer will be entitled to a refund of such excess amount, not to exceed the total advance which was paid to the Company. The developer may apply for a refund for each permanent Customer connected within the development during the first five years following completion of the Developer portion of the Line Extension. The Company will make a reasonable attempt to inform the developer when a refund is due. 6. RULES FOR CONVERSIONS AND RELOCATIONS Both the Genera! Rules and the following rules apply to all requests to convert overhead facilities to underground or to change the location of overhead or underground facilities. Construction to replace electric facilities which were disconnected or removed at the customer's request within the last 12 months will be treated as a Conversion or a Relocation and will not be granted an Allowance. a.All requests to convert or relocate electric facilities wil! be considered only when the Company, in its sole judgment, determines that they are feasible and compatible with existing neighboring electric facilities and when the requesting party has paid any Design Fees required. e lssued March 8, 2019 Effective May 1, 2019 l.P.U.C. No.28 Third Revision Sheet 51K Canceling Second Revision Sheet 51K Patrick Ehrbar, Director of Regulatory Affairs 51K by By es 7*;,^- l.P.U.C. No.28 Third Revision Sheet 51L Canceling Second Revision Sheet 511 511 AVISTA CORPORATION dba Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 51 - continued Before construction starts, the pafi requesting a Conversion or Relocation must pay a conversion or relocation cost to the Company which is computed as follows: Basic Cost Customer Requested Costs Cost Reductions new line cost Removal Costs Salvage Value (one) Design Fee of $150 (if paid) conversion or relocation cost EXCEPTION: lf the Customer is adding load and the load increase would require the Company to add or modify facilities at its expense, the conversion or relocation cost will be reduced by the estimated cost of such modification. "New Line Cost" is the cost of the new line extension in accordance with the Rules for lndividual Customers, except no Allowance will be credited to the cost. "Removal Cost" is the cost of the labor, overheads and use of equipment required to remove the existing facilities. "Salvage Value" is the value to the Company of the materials removed from the existing facilities. Materials removed may not have Salvage Value. Salvage Value will be determined in the Company's sole discretion. 7. DEFINITIONS AND CHARGES (listed alphabetically) a "Customer" is any individual, partnership, corporation, association, governmental agency, political subdivision, municipality or other entity. + = + 1) 2) 3) lssued March 8, 2019 Etfective May 1, 2019 Patrick Ehrbar, Director of Regulatory Affairs b. l.P.U.C. No.28 Second Revision Sheet 51M Canceling First Revision Sheet 51M Patrick Ehrbar, Director of Regulatory Affairs 51M AVISTA CORPORATION dba Avista Utilities b SCHEDULE 51 - continued "Dedicated Utility Easements" are designated strips or locations within the platted development which have been approved by the serving utility companies and the localgovernment planning department and are dedicated to the serving utility companies for the purpose of construction, reconstruction, maintenance and operation of utilities, including the inspection of those utilities at reasonable times and the trimming or removal of brush and trees that may interfere with the construction, maintenance or operation of those utilities. "Design Fee" is a $150.00 payment to the Company by the Customer requesting a Line Extension, Conversion, or Relocation, in advance of the Company preparing the design. A Design Fee may be collected for any Line Extension, Conversion of Primary Circuit, or Relocation of Primary Circuit that is unusually large, complex, or of a questionable nature. Design Fees may be collected for additional designs if the Customer requests more than one design. "Extension Certificate" is a transferable certificate which entitles the bearer to receive certain refunds. Certificates will be issued to all Customers paying for a Primary Circuit, including Developers. The conditions under which refunds will be paid are described in this Schedule and on the Certificate. "Point of Delivery" is the location on the Customer's premises where the Company's service conductors and the Customer's service entrance conductors are connected at a common point to permit a single meter installation. The Point of Delivery will be designated by the Company. "Primary Circuit" is the electricalfacility between the Company's existing energized primary facilities and the proposed Transformer. The Primary Circuit is single phase, is operated at2400 to 20,000 volts to ground and may include conductors, connectors, supporting structures, conduit and ditch. The Basic Cost of the Primary Circuit shal! be computed using the following rates. c. d. e. f lssued March 8, 2019 Effective May 1, 2019 By Avista ?Qtt*r- l.P.U.C. No.28 Twentieth Revision Sheet 5'1N Canceling Nineteenth Revision Sheet 51N 51N AVISTA CORPORATION dba Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 51 - continued Single-Phase Overhead Primary Circuit: Fixed Costs: Variable Costs: $4,253 per Customer $8.38 per foot Underground Primary Circuit: Fixed Costs: Variable Costs: $1,854 per Customer $11.23 per foot g."Secondary Circuit" is the electrical facility from the Company's Transformer to a handhole or connectors from which one or more Service Circuits originate. The Secondary Circuit is single phase, is operated at less than 600 volts to ground and may include conductors, connectors, conduit, handholes, and ditch. The Basic Cost of the Secondary Circuit shall be computed using the following rates. Single Phase Underground Secondary Circuit: Fixed Costs: $418 per customer Variable Costs: $10.42 per foot Single Phase Overhead Secondary Circuit: Fixed Costs: $1,774 per customer lssued March 8, 2019 Effective May 1, 2019 7 Patrick Ehrbar, Director of Regulatory Affairs ?L/*4- l.P.U.C. No.28 Twentieth Revision Sheet 51O Canceling Nineteenth Revision Sheet 51O Patrick Ehrbar, Director of Regulatory Affairs 510 by By AVISTA CORPORATION dba Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 51 - continued "Service Circuit" is the electricalfacility between the Company's Transformer, connectors, or handhole and the Point of Delivery for a single Customer or building. The Service Circuit is single phase*, is operated at less than 600 volts to ground and may include conductors, connectors, conduit, and ditch. The Basic Cost of the Service Circuit shall be computed using the following rates. These rates do not include meters and metering facilities which are used by the Company for billing purposes. Single Phase Overhead Service Circuit: Variable Costs: $3.91 per foot Single Phase Underground Service Circuit: Variable Costs: $9.41 per foot "Transformer" Basic Cost shall be computed using the following rates for single phase transformers. Single Phase Overhead Transformer Costs: $2,310 per Customer Single Phase Padmount Transformer Costs: $3,507 per Customer "Underground Facilities" may include primary cable, secondary and service cable, secondary and service connections, surfacetype (pad- mount) Transformers, pads, enclosures, terminations, and conduit where necessary. These facilities will be owned, operated and maintained by the Company unless othenrvise provided for by agreement. j. lssued March 8,2019 Effective May 1, 2019 7t"-t^- h. i. IDAHO Avista 2019 Schedule 51 Filing Legislative Tariff Sheets AVISTA CORPORATION dba Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 51 LINE EXTENSION, CONVERSION AND RELOCATION SCHEDULE IDAHO 1. APPLICABILITY The rules for Line Extensions in this Schedule apply to all existing and prospective Customers requesting a new line extension. The rules for Conversions and Relocations in this Schedule apply to all Customers requesting changes to existing facilities. 2, GENERAL RULES: Every Customer who wants the Company to design a line extension must first submit a written application. A Design Fee of $150 is required for any line extension, Conversion of Primary Circuit, or Relocation of Primary Circuit, that is unusually large, complex, or of a questionable nature,andforeachadditionaldesignrequested.@ ien= The Company shall have the right to enter and exit the Customer's property to construct, reconstruct, operate and maintain the line extension. The Company's agents and employees shall have access at all reasonable times for reading, inspecting, constructing, reconstructing, repairing and removing the Company's meters, metering equipment and electric facilities. All necessary right-of-way assignments, easements and permits across other properties will be secured at no cost before the Company constructs the line extension. The length, depth, Point of Delivery, location, route, phases, voltage, capacity and cost of the Line Extension shall be determined by the Company. The line extension shall be compatible with existing neig hboring electric facilities. e Premises where the Company's electric facilities have been removed or otherwise disconnected for longer than twelve months, and where a customer wants service re-established, will be treated as a new customer and granted an allowance. a b c d lssued March 3'1,2015 Effective May 18, 2015 l.P.U.C. No.28 Third Revision Sheet 51 Canceling Second Revision Sheet 51 51 lss By Utilities Kelly Norwood, Vice President - State & Federal Regulation AVISTA CORPORATION dba Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 51 LINE EXTENSION, CONVERSION AND RELOCATION SCHEDULE IDAHO 1. APPLICABILITY The rules for Line Extensions in this Schedule apply to all existing and prospective Customers requesting a new line extension. The rules for Conversions and Relocations in this Schedule apply to all Customers requesting changes to existing facilities. 2. GENERAL RULES Every Customer who wants the Company to design a line extension must first submit a written application. A Design Fee of $150 mav be required for any line extension, Conversion of Primary Circuit, or Relocation of Primary Circuit* that is unusually large, complex, or of a questionable nature, and for each additionaldesign requested. The Company shall have the right to enter and exit the Customer's property to construct, reconstruct, operate and maintain the line extension. The Company's agents and employees shall have access at all reasonable times for reading, inspecting, constructing, reconstructing, repairing and removing the Company's meters, metering equipment and electric facilities. All necessary right-of-way assignments, easements and permits across other properties will be secured at no cost before the Company constructs the line extension. The length, depth, Point of Delivery, location, route, phases, voltage, capacity and cost of the Line Extension shall be determined by the Company. The line extension shall be compatible with existing neig hboring electric facilities. e.Premises where the Company's electric facilities have been removed or otherwise disconnected for longer than twelve months, and where a customer wants service re-established, will be treated as a new customer and granted an allowance. a b c. d lssued March 8,2019 Effective May 1,2019 l.P.U.C. No,28 lssued by By Fourth Revision Sheet 51 Canceling Third Revision Sheet 51 51 Avista Utitities Patrick Ehrbar, Director of Regulatory Atfairs AVISTA CORPORATION dba Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 51 - continued 3. RULES FOR INDIVIDUAL RESIDENTIAL CUSTOMERS Both the General Rules and the following rules apply to line extensions to serve individual Residential Customers. Before the start of construction, the Customer must submit a written application for service and pay an extension cost to the Company which is computed as follows: Basic Cost @- Allowance+ Customer-Requested Costs- Cost Reductions- (one) Design Fee of $150 (if paid)+ Share of Previous Extension extension cost 1)"Basic Cost" is the cost of the Service Circuit, Secondary Circuit, Transformer and Primary Circuit computed from the rates listed in this Schedule. The meters and metering facilities used by the Company for billing purposes are provided at no cost to the Customer. "Cost Reduction" is a decrease allowed when the Company uses lower-cost construction methods or allows the Customer to do some of the work. All facilities provided by the Customer must meet or exceed the Company's specifications. The Cost Reduction may only reduce the Customer's total cost of construction to $0.00; no payment shall be given to the customer. 3)"Allowance" is a credit to each Customer who has at least 2500 kwh per year of new load. The Allowance will be applied first to the Basic Cost of the Service Circuit, second to the Basic Cost of the Secondary Circuit, third to the Basic Cost of the Transformer and fourth to the Basic Cost of the Primary Circuit. a b 2) fssued March 2,2018 Effective May 1, 2018 l.P.U.C. No.28 Third Revision Sheet 5'tA Canceling Second Revision Sheet 51A 51A By Patrick Ehrbar, Director of Regulatory Affairs AVISTA CORPORATION dba Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 51 - continued 3. RULES FOR INDIVIDUAL RESIDENTIAL CUSTOMERS Both the General Rules and the following rules apply to line extensions to serve individual Residential Customers. Before the start of construction, the Customer must submit a written application for service and pay an extension cost to the Company which is computed as follows: Basic Cost Allowance Customer-Requested Costs Cost Reductions (one) Design Fee of $150 (if paid) Share of Previous Extension extension cost 1)"Basic Cost" is the cost of the Service Circuit, Secondary Circuit, Transformer and Primary Circuit computed from the rates listed in this Schedule, alonq with the cos and/or materials which are necessary to construct the Line Extension. The meters and metering facilities used by the Company for billing purposes are provided at no cost to the Customer. "Cost Reduction" is a decrease allowed when the Company uses lower-cost construction methods or allows the Customer to do some of the work. AII facilities provided by the Customer must meet or exceed the Company's specifications. The Cost Reduction may only reduce the Customer's total cost of construction to $0.00; no payment shall be given to the customer. "Allowance" is a credit to each Customer who has at least 2500 kwh per year of new load. The Allowance will be applied first to the Basic Cost of the Service Circuit, second to the Basic Cost of the Secondary Circuit, third to the Basic Cost of the Transformer and fourth to the Basic Cost of the Primary Circuit. a b + + 2) 3) lssued March 8, 2019 Effective May 1, 2019 LP.U.C. No.28 Fourth Revision Sheet 51A Canceling Third Revision Sheet 51A 51A Utilities Patrick Ehrbar, Director of Regulatory Affairs l.P.U.C. No.28 Fifth Revision Sheet 518 Canceling Fourth Revision Sheet 51B 518 AVISTA CORPORATION dba Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 51 - continued When two or more Customers apply concurrently for service from the same Line Extension, each will receive an Allowance up to their proportion of the Basic Cost @ G€sts of the line extension. Allowances shall be granted only against the Basic Cost and Ex€ep{ienal€este of the current project and not against any part of an earlier or future extension. The Allowance will be the+um+f the Basic Q6sf anC+nygxeeptienarco*sr or the applicable amount listed below whichever is less: MAXIMUM ALLOWANCE Schedule 1 individual Customer Schedule 1 duplex Schedule 1 multiplex $+#{€ per unit $1' t+S per unit ${,985 per unit EXCEPTION: The Company will not grant an immediate Allowance if the Company, in its sole judgement, determines that the load: a) is less than 2500 kWh per year, orb) will be in service less than five years. A mobile home will not qualify for an Allowance until it has permanent connections to both water service and either a sewer or septic system. lf such connections are made within five years after the completion of the line extension, the Company will, at that time, refund the Basic Cost pluscny gxeeptienarces&r or the amount of the Allowance in effect at the time of the line construction, whichever is less. The Customer must apply for the refund before the line extension becomes six years old. lssued March 2,2018 Effective May 1, 2018 by By Patrick Ehrbar, Director of Regulatory Affairs l.P.U.C. No.28 Sixth Revision Sheet 518 Canceling Fifth Revision Sheet 51B 518 AVISTA CORPORATION dba Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 51 - continued When two or more Customers apply concurrently for service from the same Line Extension, each will receive an Allowance up to their proportion of the Basic Cost of the line extension. Allowances shall be granted only against the Basic Cost of the current project and not against any part of an earlier or future extension. The Allowance will be equalto the Basic Cost or the applicable amount listed below, whichever is less: MAXIMUM ALLOWANCE Schedule 1 individual Customer Schedule 1 duplex Schedule 1 multiplex $1.840 per unit $1,470 per unit $1 .'105 per unit EXCEPTION: The Company will not grant an immediate Allowance if the Company, in its sole judgement, determines that the load: a) is less than 2500 kWh per year, orb) will be in service less than five years. A mobile home will not qualify for an Allowance until it has permanent connections to both water service and either a sewer or septic system. lf such connections are made within five years after the completion of the line extension, the Company will, at that time, refund the Basic Cost or the amount of the Allowance in effect at the time of the line construction, whichever is less. The Customer must apply for the refund before the line extension becomes six years old. lssued March 8, 2019 Effective May 1,2019 by By Patrick Ehrbar, Director of Regulatory Affairs l.P.U.C. No.28 Third Revision Sheet 51C Canceling Second Revision Sheet 51C 51C AVISTA CORPORATION dba Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 51 - continued lf an immediate Allowance is not granted because electric consumption is expected to be less than 2500 kWh per year, but the Customer can demonstrate after the end of the fifth year that the annual electric consumption was at least 2500 kwh each year for all five years, then the Company will refund to the Customerthe Basic Cost@ CoEtq or the amount of the Allowance in effect at the time of the line construction, whichever is less. The Customer must apply for the refund before the line extension becomes six years old. lf an immediate Allowance is not granted because the Customer is not prepared for a permanent service connection upon completion of the line extension, but the Customer does request a permanent connection within the next five years, and will have consumption of at least 2500 kwh per year, the Company will at that time refund to the Customer the Basic Cost @ or the amount of the Allowance in affect at the time of the line construction, whichever is less. 4) "Exeeptienal Gesfris the eest ef laber and/er materials whieh the+Uewing; U)--+ane+aAding 9-------+ig+e-ef+ray#+ermie n)----scr#eyingi etoratien ef Gustonler ment e+ seA anA gef,era+€leanup lssued March 31,2015 Etfective May 18, 20'15 By Kelly Norwood, Vice President - State & Federal Regulation l.P.U.C. No.28 Fourth Revision Sheet 51C Canceling Third Revision Sheet 51C 51C by By AVISTA CORPORATION dba Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 51 - continued lf an immediate Allowance is not granted because electric consumption is expected to be less than 2500 kWh per year, but the Customer can demonstrate after the end of the fifth year that the annual electric consumption was at least 2500 kwh each year for al! five years, then the Company will refund to the Customer the Basic Cost or the amount of the Allowance in effect at the time of the line construction, whichever is less. The Customer must apply for the refund before the line extension becomes six years old. lf an immediate Allowance is not granted because the Customer is not prepared for a permanent service connection upon completion of the line extension, but the Customer does request a permanent connection within the next five years, and will have consumption of at least 2500 kwh per year, the Company wil! at that time refund to the Customer the Basic Cost or the amount of the Allowance in affect at the time of the line construction, whichever is less. lssued March 8, 2019 Effective May 1, 2019 Patrick Ehrbar, Director of Regulatory Affairs l.P.U.C. No.28 Seventeenth Revision Sheet 51D Canceling Sixteenth Revision Sheet 51D 51D AVISTA CORPORATION dba Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 51 - continued 5)"Customer-Requested Cost" is the cost of unusual labor and/or materials which is requested by the Customer but which is not necessary to construct the Line Extension based on the Com pany's minimumdesign, con struction, a nd operatin g practices. All Customer-Requested Costs must be paid in full by the Customer. Customer-Requested Costs may include, but are not limited to, the following: a) facilities to provide three-phase service where single- phase service is adequateb) construction which is not for electric servicec) facilities longer, deeper, or larger than deemed appropriate by the Company e) soilcompaction on private property lssued March 31, 2015 Effective May 18, 2015 ities Kelly Norwood, Vice President- State & Federal Regulation l.P.U.C. No.28 Eighteenth Revision Sheet 51D Canceling Seventeenth Revision Sheet 51D 51D By AVISTA CORPORATION dba Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 51 - continued 4)"Customer-Requested Cost" is the cost of unusual labor and/or materials which is requested by the Customer but which is not necessary to construct the Line Extension based on the Company's construction design standards, and operating practices. All Customer-Requested Costs must be paid in full by the Customer. Customer-Requested Costs may include, but are not limited to, the following: a) b) c) d) facilities to provide three-phase service where single- phase service is adequate construction which is not for electric service facilities longer, deeper, or larger than deemed appropriate by the Company soil compaction on private property lssued March 8, 2019 Effective May 1, 2019 Utilities Patrick Ehrbar, Director of Regulatory Affairs l.P.U.C. No.28 ssued by By Twenty-First Revision Sheet 5'1E Canceling Twentieth Revision Sheet 51E 51E AVISTA CORPORATION dba Avista Utilities 6) SCHEDULE 51 - continued "Share of Previous Extension" applies only to Primary Circuits less than five years old. lf part of a previous line extension is used to serye a new Customer, the new Customer must pay a share of the previous Primary Circuit cost and Transformer cost, if shared, to the Company before the start of construction. The amount paid by the new Customer will be refunded to existing Customers in relation to their share of the Primary Circuit and Transformer, if shared. The Company will refund appropriate shares to the bearers of Extension Certificates when the Certificates are presented for payment and the connection of the subsequent Customer has been verified. The Company will make a reasonable attempt to inform the bearer of the Certificate when a refund is due. Bearers of Extension Ceftificates must apply for refunds before the original line extension becomes six years old. Unclaimed refunds will be returned to the contributor. D(AMPLE: 1. First Customer pays $1+Z4O for 1,000 feet of primary underground circuit ($11,24 perfoot). 2. Second Customer takes service within five years using 600 feet of the original extension. 3. Both Customers share the first 600 feet equally: 600 ft x$11,241ftxY2= $3372.4. The Second Customer's payment of $3.372 will be refunded to the First Customer to reduce his investment in the 600 feet to $4322. The First Customer's investment in the remaining 400 feet remains at $4486. ($ ) EXCEPTION: lf the refund to an existing Customer is less than $100 each, the new Customer will not be required to pay that share and the existing Customer will not receive a refund. lssued March 2,2018 Etfective May 1, 2018 Patrick Ehrbar, Director of Regulatory Affairs l.P.U.C. No.28 Twenty-Second Revision Sheet 51E Canceling Revision Sheet 51E 51E AVISTA CORPORATION dba Avista Utilities 5) SCHEDULE 51 - continued "Share of Previous Extension" applies only to Primary Circuits less than five years old. lf part of a previous line extension is used to serve a new Customer, the new Customer must pay a share of the previous Primary Circuit cost and Transformer cost, if shared, to the Company before the start of construction. The amount paid by the new Customer will be refunded to existing Customers in relation to their share of the Primary Circuit and Transformer, if shared. The Company will refund appropriate shares to the bearers of Extension Certificates when the Certificates are presented for payment and the connection of the subsequent Customer has been verified. The Company will make a reasonable attempt to inform the bearer of the Certificate when a refund is due. Bearers of Extension Certificates must apply for refunds before the original line extension becomes six years old. Unclaimed refunds will be returned to the contributor. EXAMPLE: 1. First Customer pays $11.230 for '1,000 feet of primary underground circuit ($11.23 per foot). 2. Second Customer takes service within five years using 600 feet of the original extension. 3. Both Customers share the first 600 feet equally: 600 ft x$11.23ftxlz= $3.369.4. The Second Customer's payment of $3,369 will be refunded to the First Customer to reduce his investment in the 600 feet to $3.369. The First Customer's investment in the remaining 400 feet remains at $4.492. ($t t.ZS0-$3,369-$3 ) EXCEPTION: lf the refund to an existing Customer is less than $100 each, the new Customer will not be required to pay that share and the existing Customer will not receive a refund. lssued March 8,2019 Effective May 1,2019 By Utilities Patrick Ehrbar, Director of Regulatory Affairs Nineteenth Revision Sheet 51F Canceling Revision Sheet 51FE 51Fl.P.U.C. No.28 AVISTA CORPORATION dba Avista Utilities 4 SCHEDULE 51 - continued RULES AND CHARGES FOR UNDEVELOPED RESIDENTIAL LOTS A development is a group of neighboring undeveloped lots separated by no more than streets and under the ownership or legal control of a single party as determined by the Company. Both the General Rules and the following rules apply to line extensions within residential developments. Before Company facilities will be installed, the developer must submit a written application for service, a copy of the plat as approved by the governing agency depicting dedicated utility easements approved by the serving utilities and must pay an extension cost to the Company which is computed as follows: Basic Cost @+ Customer-Requested Costs- Cost Reductions- (one) Design Fee of $150 (if paid) = extension cost within development+ cost of extension to development+ Share of Previous Extension extension cost 1)"Basic Cost" will be computed from the following rate per lot when the Development serves single phase loads, has at least six lots and the average frontage is no more than 175 feet per lot. The Basic Cost includes the cost of the Primary Circuit, the Transformer and the Secondary Circuit in the utility easement or public right-of-way, but does not include the Service Circuit from the point of connection with the Secondary Circuit to the Point of Delivery. Developments $ffi per Lot a- b lssued March 2, 2018 Etfective May 1,2018 By Pahick Ehrbar, Director of Regulatory Affairs AVISTA CORPORATION dba Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 51 - continued 4, RULES AND CHARGES FOR UNDEVELOPED RESIDENTIAL LOTS a.A development is a group of neighboring undeveloped lots separated by no more than streets and under the ownership or lega! control of a single party as determined by the Company. Both the General Rules and the following rules apply to line extensions within residential developments. b.Before Company facilities will be installed, the developer must submit a written application for service, a copy of the plat as approved by the governing agency depicting dedicated utility easements approved by the serving utilities and must pay an extension cost to the Company which is computed as follows: Basic Cost Customer-Req uested Costs Cost Reductions (one) Design Fee of $150 (if paid) extension cost within development cost of extension to development Share of Previous Extension extension cost 1)"Basic Cost" will be computed from the following rate per lot when the Development serves single phase loads, has at least six lots and the average frontage is no more than 175 feet per lot. The Basic Cost includes the cost of the Primary Circuit, the Transformer and the Secondary Circuit in the utility easement or public right-of-way, but does not include the Service Circuit from the point of connection with the Secondary Circuit to the Point of Delivery. Developments:$1.436 per Lot + = + + lssued March 8, 2019 Effective May 1,2019 LP.U.C. No.28 Twentieth Revision Sheet 51F Canceling Nineteenth Revision Sheet 51F 51F By Patrick Ehrbar, Director of Regulatory Atfairs l.P.U.C. No.28 Twentieth Revision Sheet 51G Canceling Nineteenth Revision Sheet 51G 51G AVISTA CORPORAT]ON dba Avista Utilities c. e. d SCHEDULE 51 - continued The Basic Cost for all other Developments will be computed from the rates listed in this Schedule for Service Circuits, Secondary Circuits, Transformers and Primary Circuits. 2) "Cost Reductions," r'E.(G6Plbfial€ostsr', "Customer-Requested Costs, and "Share of Previous Extension" are described under Rules for lndividual Customers. 3) "Extension to development" is the line extension between the Company's existing energized electric facilities and the boundary of the development. The Rules for lndividual Customers apply to the extension to the development, ln lieu of a cash payment of the Basic Cost in a Development, the Company will accept a letter of credit, a contractor's performance bond, or another credit instrument agreeable to the Company for $-1#96 per lot upon execution of a written agreement with the Developer. The agreement shall prescribe the requirements for such a credit instrument and shall permit the face amount of the instrument to be reduced annually as new customers are connected within the Development. The Developer will provide ditching within the Development. Prior to the installation of the Service Circuit to each single-family residence in a development, the home builder will be required to make a non-refundable cash payment to the Company of $57 per residence. There will be no charge to the builder for the installation of the Service Circuit to serve a duplex or multiplex dwelling. A Developer who pays the extension cost described in 4.b.1) may apply for a refund annually for each permanent Customer connected within the Development during the first five years after the extension is completed. The Company will make a reasonable attempt to inform the bearer of the certificate when a refund is due. The Company will pay the refund to the bearer of the Extension Certificate when it is presented to the Company for payment and the connection of the permanent Customer has been verified. Effective May '1, 2018lssued March 2, 2018 By Patrick Ehrbar, Director of Regulatory Affairs l.P.U.C. No.28 lssued by By Twenty-First Revision Sheet 51G Canceling Twentieth Revision Sheet 51G 51G AVISTA CORPORATION dba Avista Utilities c. e. d SCHEDULE 51 - continued The Basic Cost for all other Developments will be computed from the rates listed in this Schedule for Service Circuits, Secondary Circuits, Transformers and Primary Circuits. 2) "Cost Reductions, "Customer-Requested Costs, and "Share of Previous Extension" are described under Rules for !ndividual Customers. 3) "Extension to development" is the line extension between the Company's existing energized electric facilities and the boundary of the development. The Rules for lndividual Customers apply to the extension to the development. ln lieu of a cash payment of the Basic Cost in a Development, the Company will accept a letter of credit, a contractor's performance bond, or another credit instrument agreeable to the Company for $1.436 per lot upon execution of a written agreement with the Developer. The agreement shall prescrlbe the requirements for such a credit instrument and shall permit the face amount of the instrument to be reduced annually as new customers are connected within the Development. The Developer will provide ditching within the Development. Prior to the installation of the Service Circuit to each single-family residence in a development, the home builder will be required to make a non-refundable cash payment to the Company of $67 per residence. There will be no charge to the builder for the installation of the Service Circuit to serve a duplex or multiplex dwelling. A Developer who pays the extension cost described in 4.b.1) may apply for a refund annually for each permanent Customer connected within the Development during the first five years after the extension is completed. The Company will make a reasonable attempt to inform the bearer of the certificate when a refund is due. The Company will pay the refund to the bearer of the Extension Certificate when it is presented to the Company for payment and the connection of the permanent Customer has been verified. lssued March 8, 2019 Effective May '1, 2019 Patrick Ehrbar, Director of Regulatory Affairs LP.U.C. No.28 Eighteenth Revision Sheet 51H Canceling Seventeenth Revision Sheet 51H 51H By AVISTA CORPORATION dba Avista Utilities f. SCHEDULE 51 - continued For Developers who have made a cash payment to the Company for the Basic Cost in the development, the sum of all refunds shall not exceed the total Basic Cost paid by the Developer or ${s96 per lot multiplied by the number lots, whichever is less. The developer must apply for the refunds before the line extension becomes six years old, ln a Development where primary taps may be required into some lots to provide adequate service or where the loads are not clearly defined, the Company may elect to install only an initial Primary Circuit through the Development (no Transformers or Secondary Circuits). The Rules for lndividual Customers will be used to establish the extension cost of the Primary Circuit and that cost must be paid in advance by the Developer. The permanent Customer on each lot must meet the Rules for lndividual Residential Customers for the extension into the lot, except they will not pay a share of the cost of the Primary Circuit through the Development or a share of previous extensions outside the Development. The applicable Allowance will be credited first to the Basic Cost to serve the permanent Customer. The Developer wil! be refunded only the portion of the Allowance not granted or applied to the permanent Customer. lssued March 2,2018 Effective May 1, 2018 Utilities Patrick Ehrbar, Director of Regulatory Affairs l.P.U.C. No.28 Nineteenth Revision Sheet 51H Canceling Eighteenth Revision Sheet 51H 51H AVISTA CORPORATION dba Avista Utilities f, SCHEDULE 51 - continued For Developers who have made a cash payment to the Company for the Basic Cost in the development, the sum of all refunds shall not exceed the total Basic Cost paid by the Developer or $1.436 per lot multiplied by the number lots, whichever is less. The developer must apply for the refunds before the line extension becomes six years old. ln a Development where primary taps may be required into some lots to provide adequate service or where the loads are not clearly defined, the Company may elect to install only an initial Primary Circuit through the Development (no Transformers or Secondary Circuits). The Rules for lndividual Customers will be used to establish the extension cost of the Primary Circuit and that cost must be paid in advance by the Developer. The permanent Customer on each lot must meet the Rules for lndividual Residential Customers for the extension into the lot, except they will not pay a share of the cost of the Primary Circuit through the Development or a share of previous extensions outside the Development. The applicable Allowance will be credited first to the Basic Cost to serve the permanent Customer. The Developer will be refunded only the portion of the Allowance not granted or applied to the permanent Customer. lssued March 8, 2019 Effective May 1,2019 By Patrick Ehrbar, Director of Regulatory Atfairs Replacement Second Revision Sheet 5'll Canceling First Revision Sheet 511 511l.P.U.C. No.28 ssued by By AVISTA CORPORATION dba Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 51 - continued 5. RULES FOR COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL CUSTOMERS a c. b Both the General Rules and the following rules apply to Line Extensions to serve individual Commercial and lndustrialCustomers. Single-Phase Extensions: For Customers who may be served at single phase, as determined by the Company, before the start of construction, the Customer must submit a written application for service and pay an extension cost to the Company which is computed as follows: Basic Cost@- Allowance+ Customer-Requested Costs- Cost Reductions- (one) Design Fee of $150 (if paid)+ Share of Previous Extension extension cost 1) Allterms are described in Section 3.b. and the Basic Costs are set forth in Section 7. The amount of the Allowance will be determined individually for each Customer based on the Company's estimate of the Customer's annual energy usage and an allowance per kWh based on the applicable service schedule. Three-Phase Extensions : For Customers requiring three-phase service, as determined by the Company, before the start of construction, the Customer must submit a written application for service and pay an extension cost to the Company which is computed as follows: Total Estimated Extension Cost Allowance Customer-Requested Costs Cost Reductions (one) Design Fee of $'150 (if paid) Share of Previous Extension extension cost + + lssued April29, 2015 Effective May 18, 2015 Kelly Norwood, Vice-President - State & Federal Regulation LP.U.C. No.28 Third Revision Sheet 511 Canceling Second Revision Sheet 511 51t AVISTA CORPORATION dba Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 51 - continued 5, RULES FOR COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL CUSTOMERS a c. b. Both the General Rules and the following rules apply to Line Extensions to serve individual Commercial and lndustrial Customers. Single-Phase Extensions: For Customers who may be served at single phase, as determined by the Company, before the start of construction, the Customer must submit a written application for service and pay an extension cost to the Company which is computed as follows: Basic Cost Allowance Customer-Req uested Costs Cost Reductions (one) Design Fee of $150 (if paid) Share of Previous Extension extension cost 1) All terms are described in Section 3.b. and the Basic Costs are set forth in Section 7. The amount of the Allowance will be determined individually for each Customer based on the Company's estimate of the Customer's annual metered energy usage (delivered bv Avista) and an allowance per kWh based on the applicable service schedule. Three-Phase Extensions: For Customers requiring three-phase service, as determined by the Company, before the start of construction, the Customer must submit a written application for service and pay an extension cost to the Company which is computed as follows: Total Estimated Extension Cost Allowance C ustomer-Req uested Costs Cost Reductions (one) Design Fee of $150 (if paid) Share of Previous Extension extension cost + + + + lssued March 8,2019 Effective May 1, 2019 By Patrick Ehrbar, Director of Regulatory Affairs LP.U.C. No.28 Sixth Revision Sheet 51J Canceling Fifth Revision Sheet 51J 51J AVISTA CORPORATION dba Avista Utilities d SCHEDULE 51 - continued 1)The Total Estimated Extension Cost shall include allcosts which are necessary to provide service to the Customer, as determined by the Company. The amount of the Allowance will be determined individually for each Customer based on the Company's estimate of the Customer's annual energy usage and an allowance per kWh based on the applicable service schedule. When two or more Customers apply concurrently for service from the same Line Extension, each will receive an Allowance up to their proportion of the Total Estimated Extension Cost. Allowances shall be granted only against the costs of the current project and not against any part of an earlier or future extension. The Allowance will be the Total Estimated Extension Cost, or the applicable Allowance by Schedule multiplied by the Customer's estimated energy usage, whichever is less: ALLOWANCE BY SERVICE SCHEDULE Schedule 11 or 12: $&+4788 per kWh Schedule 21 or 22; $0+:1603 per kWh Schedule 31 or 32: $W per kWh Exception: The Company will not grant an immediate Allowance if the Company, in its sole judgement, determines that the load will be in service less than five years. Undeveloped Commercialand lndustrial Lots:A development is a group of neighboring undeveloped lots separated by no more than streets and under the ownership or lega! control of a single party as determined by the Company. The General Rules, the Rules for Commercial and lndustrial Customers and the following apply to line extensions within commercial or industrial developments. Before Company facilities will be installed, the developer must submit a written application for service and a copy of the plat as approved by the governing agency depicting dedicated utility easements approved by the serving utilities. lssued March 2,2018 Effective May 1, 2018 By Avista Patrick Ehrbar, Director of Regulatory Affairs l.P.U.C. No.28 Seventh Revision Sheet 51J Canceling Sixth Revision Sheet 51 J 51J ssued by By AVISTA CORPORATION dba Avista Utilities d SCHEDULE 51 - continued 1)The Total Estimated Extension Cost shall include all costs which are necessary to provide service to the Customer, as determined by the Company. The amount of the Allowance will be determined individually for each Customer based on the Company's estimate of the Customer's annual metergq, energy usage (delivered by Avista) and an allowance per kWh based on the applicable service schedule. When two or more Customers apply concurrently for service from the same Line Extension, each will receive an Allowance up to their proportion of the Total Estimated Extension Cost. Allowances shall be granted only against the costs of the current project and not against any part of an earlier or future extension. The Allowance will be the Total Estimated Extension Cost, orthe applicable Allowance by Schedule multiplied by the Customer's estimated metered energy usage (delivered bv Avista), whichever is less: ALLOWANCE BY SERVICE SCHEDULE Schedule 11 or 12: $0.15022 per kWh Schedule 21 or 22: $0.13899 per kWh Schedule 31 or 32: $0;1C53 per kWh Exception: The Company will not grant an immediate Allowance if the Company, in its sole judgement, determines that the load is unknown. or will be in service less than five years. lf an Allowance is not provided at the time service is installed, the Customer is eliqible to receive a refund of lheir Allowance when annual metered enerov usaqe (delivered bv Avista) is lllnown and measured. Anv refund of Customer Allowance must be requested bv the Customer within five vears of the service insjgllation. Undeveloped Commercial and lndustrial Lots: A development is a group of neighboring undeveloped lots separated by no more than streets and under the ownership or legal control of a single party as determined by the Company. The General Rules, the Rules for Commercial and lndustrial Customers and the following apply to line extensions within commercial or industrial developments. Before Company facilities will be installed, the developer must submit a written application for service and a copy of the plat as approved by the governing agency depicting dedicated utility easements approved by the serving utilities. lssued March 8,2019 Effective May 1,2019 Patrick Ehrbar, Director of Regulatory Affairs AVISTA CORPORATION dba Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 51 - continued e.A developer requesting a Line Extension to one or more undeveloped commercial or industrial lots, where the future occupant and estimated energy usage are unknown, will be required to pay to the Company in advance all costs associated with such Line Extension. Such Line Extension will be referred to as the Developer portion of the Line Extension and may include only a Primary Circuit. The subsequent Customer requesting completion of the Line Extension to the facility will be granted an Allowance based upon the estimated energy usage of the facility. The Allowance will be applied first to the Customer portion of the Line Extension and any remaining Allowance may be applied to the Developer portion of the Line Extension. lf the Allowance exceeds the Customer portion of the Line Extension, the developer will be entitled to a refund of such excess amount, not to exceed the total advance which was paid to the Company. The developer may apply for a refund for each permanent Customer connected within the development during the first five years following completion of the Developer portion of the Line Extension. The Company will make a reasonable attempt to inform the developer when a refund is due. 6. RULES FOR CONVERSIONS AND RELOCATIONS Both the General Rules and the following rules apply to all requests to convert overhead facilities to underground or to change the location of overhead or underground facilities. Construction to replace electric facilities which were disconnected or removed at the customer's request within the last 12 months will be treated as a Conversion or a Relocation and will not be granted an Allowance. cr.All requests to convert or relocate electric facilities will be considered only when the Company, in its sole judgment, determines that they are feasible and compatible with existing neighboring electric facilities and when the requesting party has paid any Design Fees required. lssued May 13, 2015 Effective May 18,2015 l.P.U.C. No.28 Replacement Revision Sheet 51K Canceling First Revision Sheet 51K 51K Kelly Norwood, Vice-President - State & Federal Regulation AVISTA CORPORATION dba Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 51 - continued e A developer requesting a Line Extension to one or more undeveloped commercial or industrial lots, where the future occupant and estimated metered energy usage (delivered bv Avista) are unknown, will be required to pay to the Company in advance all costs associated with such Line Extension. Such Line Extension will be referred to as the Developer portion of the Line Extension and may include only a Primary Circuit. The subsequent Customer requesting completion of the Line Extension to the facility will be granted an Allowance based upon the estimated metered energy usage (delivered bv Avista) of the facility. The Allowance will be applied first to the Customer portion of the Line Extension and any remaining Allowance may be applied to the Developer portion of the Line Extension. lf the Allowance exceeds the Customer portion of the Line Extension, the developer will be entitled to a refund of such excess amount, not to exceed the total advance which was paid to the Company. The developer may apply for a refund for each permanent Customer connected within the development during the first five years following completion of the Developer portion of the Line Extension. The Company will make a reasonable attempt to inform the developer when a refund is due. 6. RULES FOR CONVERSIONS AND RELOCATIONS Both the General Rules and the following rules apply to all requests to convert overhead facilities to underground or to change the location of overhead or underground facilities. Construction to replace electric facilities which were disconnected or removed at the customer's request within the last 12 months will be treated as a Conversion or a Relocation and will not be granted an Allowance. All requests to convert or relocate electric facilities will be considered only when the Company, in its sole judgment, determines that they are feasible and compatible with existing neighboring electric facilities and when the requesting party has paid any Design Fees required. a lssued May 8,2019 Effective May 1, 2019 Third Revision Sheet 51K Canceling Replacement Second Revision Sheet 51K 51KLP.U.C. No.28 By Patrick Ehrbar, Director of Regulatory Affairs AVISTA CORPORATION dba Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 51 - continued Before construction starts, the party requesting a Conversion or Relocation must pay a conversion or relocation cost to the Company which is computed as follows: Basic Cost @+ Customer Requested Costs- Cost Reductions = new line cost+ Removal Costs- Salvage Value- (one) Design Fee of $150 (if paid) conversion or relocation cost EXCEPTION: !f the Customer is adding load and the load increase would require the Company to add or modify facilities at its expense, the conversion or relocation cost will be reduced by the estimated cost of such modification. 1)"New Line Cost" is the cost of the new line extension in accordance with the Rules for lndividual Customers, except no Allowance will be credited to the cost. 2r)"Removal Cost" is the cost of the labor, overheads and use of equipment required to remove the existing facilities. 3)"Salvage Value" is the value to the Company of the materials removed from the existing facilities. 7. DEFINITIONS AND CHARGES (listed alphabetically) a "Customer" is any individual, partnership, corporation, association, governmental agency, political subdivision, municipality or other entity. b lssued March 31,2015 Effective May 18, 2015 LP.U.C. No.28 Second Revision Sheet 51L Canceling First Revision Sheet 51L 511 By Avista Kelly Nonrood, Vice-President - State & Federal Regulation LP.U.C. No.28 Third Revision Sheet 51L Canceling Second Revision Sheet 51L s1L by By AVISTA CORPORATION dba Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 51 - continued Before construction starts, the party requesting a Conversion or Relocation must pay a conversion or relocation cost to the Company which is computed as follows: Basic Cost Customer Requested Costs Cost Reductions new line cost Removal Costs Salvage Value (one) Design Fee of $150 (if paid) conversion or relocation cost EXCEPTION: If the Customer is adding load and the load increase would require the Company to add or modify facilities at its expense, the conversion or relocation cost will be reduced by the estimated cost of such modification. 1)"New Line Cost" is the cost of the new line extension in accordance with the Rules for lndividual Customers, except no Allowance will be credited to the cost. "Removal Cost" is the cost of the labor, overheads and use of equipment required to remove the existing facilities. 3) "Salvage Value" is the value to the Company of the materials removed from the existing facilities. l4aterials removed may not have Salvage Value. Salvage Value will be dete-rmined in the Companv's sole discretion. 7. DEFINITIONS AND CHARGES (listed alphabetically) a "Custome/' is any individual, partnership, corporation, association, governmental agency, political subdivision, municipality or other entity. b + = + 2) lssued March 8,2019 Etfective May 1,2019 Patrick Ehrbar, Director of Regulatory Affairs l.P.U.C. No.28 lssued by By First Revision Sheet 51M Canceling Sheet 51M 51M AVISTA CORPORATION dba Avista Utilities b. SCHEDULE 51 - continued "Dedicated Utility Easements" are designated strips or locations within the platted development which have been approved by the serving utility companies and the local government planning department and are dedicated to the serving utility companies for the purpose of construction, reconstruction, maintenance and operation of utilities, including the inspection of those utilities at reasonable times and the trimming or removal of brush and trees that may interfere with the construction, maintenance or operation of those utilities. "Design Fee" is a $150.00 payment to the Company by the Customer requesting a Line Extension, Conversion, or Relocation, in Fee will be collected for any Line Extension, Conversion of Primary Circuit, or Relocation of Primary Circuit that is unusually large, complex, or of a questionable nature. Design Fees will be collected for additional designs if the Customer requests more than one design. "Extension Certificate" is a transferable certificate which entitles the bearer to receive certain refunds. Certificates will be issued to all Customers paying for a Primary Circuit, including Developers. The conditions under which refunds will be paid are described in this Schedule and on the Certificate. "Point of Delivery" is the location on the Customer's premises where the Company's service conductors and the Customer's service entrance conductors are connected at a common point to permit a single meter installation. The Point of Delivery will be designated by the Company. "Primary Circuit" is the electricalfacility between the Company's existing energized primary facilities and the proposed Transformer. The Primary Circuit is single phase, is operated at2400 to 20,000 volts to ground and may include conductors, connectors, suppofting structures, conduit and ditch. The Basic Cost of the Primary Circuit shall be computed using the following rates. c e. I lssued March 31 ,2015 Effective May 18, 2015 Kelly Norwood, Vice-President - State & Federal Regulation d. l.P.U.C. No.28 Second Revision Sheet 51M Canceling First Revision Sheet 51M 51M AVISTA CORPORATION dba Avista Utilities b SCHEDULE 51 - continued "Dedicated Utility Easements" are designated strips or locations within the platted development which have been approved by the serving utility companies and the local government planning department and are dedicated to the serving utility companies for the purpose of construction, reconstruction, maintenance and operation of utilities, including the inspection of those utilities at reasonable times and the trimming or removal of brush and trees that may interfere with the construction, maintenance or operation of those utilities. "Design Fee" is a $150.00 payment to the Company by the Customer requesting a Line Extension, Conversion, or Relocation, in advance of the Company preparing the design. A Design Fee mav be collected for any Line Extension, Conversion of Primary Circuit, or Relocation of Primary Circuit that is unusually large, complex, or of a questionable nature. Design Fees may be collected for additional designs if the Customer requests more than one design. "Extension Certificate" is a transferable certificate which entitles the bearer to receive certain refunds. Certificates will be issued to al! Customers paying for a Primary Circuit, including Developers. The conditions under which refunds wil! be paid are described in this Schedule and on the Certificate. "Point of Delivery" is the location on the Customer's premises where the Company's service conductors and the Customer's service entrance conductors are connected at a common point to permit a single meter installation. The Point of Delivery will be designated by the Company. "Primary Circuit" is the electricalfacility between the Company's existing energized primary facilities and the proposed Transformer. The Primary Circuit is single phase, is operated at2400 to 20,000 volts to ground and may include conductors, connectors, supporting structures, conduit and ditch. The Basic Cost of the Primary Circuit shall be computed using the following rates. c. d f. lssued March 8, 2019 Effective May '1, 20'19 By Avista Patrick Ehrbar, Director of Regulatory Affairs e. l.P.U.C. No.28 lssued by By Nineteenth Revision Sheet 51N Canceling Revision Sheet 51N 5'1N AVISTA CORPORATION dba Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 51 - continued Single-Phase Overhead Primary Circuit: Fixed Costs: Variable Costs: $+323 per Customer $8J3 per foot Underg round Primary Circuit: Fixed Costs: Variable Costs: $+8gg per Customer $11,24 per foot g "Secondary Circuit" is the electrical facility from the Company's Transformer to a handhole or connectors from which one or more Service Circuits originate. The Secondary Circuit is single phase, is operated at less than 600 volts to ground and may include conductors, connectors, conduit, handholes, and ditch. The Basic Cost of the Secondary Circuit shall be computed using the following rates. Single Phase Underground Secondary Circuit: Fixed Costs: Variable Costs $43O per customer $9S3 per foot Single Phase Overhead Secondary Circuit: Fixed Costs: $4;€5 Per customer lssued March 2,2018 Effective May 1, 2018 Avista U Patrick Ehrbar, Director of Regulatory Affairs l.P.U.C. No.28 Twentieth Revision Sheet 51N Canceling Nineteenth Revision Sheet 51N 51N By AVISTA CORPORATION dba Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 51 - continued Single-Phase Overhead Primary Circuit: Fixed Costs: Variable Costs: Underground Primary Circuit: Fixed Costs: Variable Costs: $4.253 per Customer $8.38 per foot $1,854 per Customer $11.23 per foot g "Secondary Circuit" is the electricalfacility from the Company's Transformer to a handhole or connectors from which one or more Service Circuits originate. The Secondary Circuit is single phase, is operated at less than 600 volts to ground and may include conductors, connectors, conduit, handholes, and ditch. The Basic Cost of the Secondary Circuit shall be computed using the following rates. Single Phase Underground Secondary Circuit: Fixed Costs: Variable Costs: $418 per customer $10.42 per foot Single Phase Overhead Secondary Circuit: Fixed Costs: $1.774 per customer lssued March 8,2019 Effective May 1, 2019 Avista Patrick Ehrbar, Director of Regulatory Affairs l.P.U.C. No.28 lssued by By Nineteenth Revision Sheet 51O Canceling Revision Sheet 51O 510 AVISTA CORPORAT]ON dba Avista Utilities h SCHEDULE 51 - continued "Service Circuit" is the electricalfacility between the Company's Transformer, connectors, or handhole and the Point of Delivery for a single Customer or building. The Service Circuit is single phase*, is operated at less than 600 volts to ground and may include conductors, connectors, conduit, and ditch. The Basic Cost of the Service Circuit shall be computed using the following rates. These rates do not include meters and metering facilities which are used by the Company for billing purposes. Single Phase Overhead Service Circuit: Variable Costs: $3Sg per foot Single Phase Underground Service Circuit: Variable Costs: $939 per foot "Transformer" Basic Cost shall be computed using the following rates for single phase transformers. Single Phase Overhead Transformer Costs: $4381per Customer Single Phase Padmount Transformer Costs: $3r5{€ per Customer "Underground Facilities" may include primary cable, secondary and service cable, secondary and service connections, surfacetype (pad- mount) Transformers, pads, enclosures, terminations, and conduit where necessary. These facilities will be owned, operated and maintained by the Company unless otherwise provided for by agreement. l. j lssued March 2, 2018 Effective May 1,2018 Avista Patrick Ehrbar, Director of Regulatory Affairs l.P.U.C. No.28 Twentieth Revision Sheet 51O Canceling Nineteenth Revision Sheet 51O 510 AVISTA CORPORATION dba Avista Utilities h SCHEDULE 51 - continued "Service Circuit" is the electricalfacility between the Company's Transformer, connectors, or handhole and the Point of Delivery for a single Customer or building. The Service Circuit is single phase*, is operated at less than 600 volts to ground and may include conductors, connectors, conduit, and ditch. The Basic Cost of the Service Circuit shall be computed using the following rates. These rates do not include meters and metering facilities which are used by the Company for billing purposes. Single Phase Overhead Service Circuit: Variable Costs: $3.91 per foot Single Phase Underground Service Circuit: Variable Costs: $9.41 per foot "Transforme/'Basic Cost shall be computed using the following rates for single phase transformers. Single Phase Overhead Transformer Costs: $2,310 per Customer Single Phase Padmount Transformer Costs: $3.507 per Customer "Underground Facilities" may include primary cable, secondary and service cable, secondary and service connections, surface-type (pad- mount) Transformers, pads, enclosures, terminations, and conduit where necessary. These facilities will be owned, operated and maintained by the Company unless otherwise provided for by agreement. i. j. lssued March 8, 2019 Effective May 1, 2019 By Patrick Ehrbar, Director of Regulatory Atfairs