HomeMy WebLinkAbout20200820Comments(13).pdfFrom: To: Subject: Date: Marian OReilly <theophilus421-forum@yahoo.com> Jan Noriyuki Comment re: Avista 2020 Electric IRP, Case No. AVU-E-19-01 Wednesday, August 19, 2020 4:50:36 PM Dear Idaho Public Utilities Commissioners: I am an Avista customer and I support clean energy because: 1. Cur world, our country and our state are warming and we need to derive our energy fromclimate-friendly sources. 2. Coal is more expensive. As a ratepayer, I object to paying more for a fuel that is degradingour climate and environment. 3. As automobiles become increasingly electric, in Idaho they will be polluting without beingaware of it. Avista needs to develop a clean-energy plan for Idaho. We live here because we care about our natural world and our human world. We want clean energy. IPUC, please insist on it. Regards, Marian OReilly 413 St Clair AveSandpoint, ID 83864 I acknowledge that submitting a comment in an open case constitutes a public record under Idaho Code § 74-101 (13) and all information provided by me on this form is available for public and media inspection. My comment may be reviewed by the utility. From: To: David Stroud <stroud.david1@gmail.com> Jan Noriyuki Subject:Comment re: Avista 2020 Electric IRP, Case No. AVU-E-19-01 Date:Wednesday, August 19, 2020 5:42:23 PM Dear Idaho Public Utilities Commissioners: I am not an Avista customer, but my tax dollars support students heated by Avista energy. As a retired school teacher, I pay for my fly fishing by substitute teaching in the Lake PendOrielle School District. It has come to my attention that Avista is ignoring Idaho in its effort to transition from coal to clean energy. We do have an active Citizens Climate Lobby (CCLchapter, here, in Sandpoint. There is also one in Moscow and in Lewiston. In fact, I attended a CCL conference in Moscow 15 months ago. Idaho's first. We are interested in clean energy.Very! As a fly fisher, I am concerned that pollution is going to hamper the natural cutthroat trout that I seek on a regular basis. As an educator, I am concerned about the environment mygrandchildren will inherit from our generation. Thank you for what you do in helping to transplant fish and for supporting outdoor recreation in North Idaho. Thank you for your endeavor to become 100% clean in creating energy.However, I do want you to include North Idaho in your information gathering re: the social cost of energy. Regards, David Stroud 2574 Dufort RdSagle, ID 83860 I acknowledge that submitting a comment in an open case constitutes a public record under Idaho Code § 74-101 (13) and all information provided by me on this form is available for public and media inspection. My comment may be reviewed by the utility. From: To: Subject: Date: warren santoro <warren.santoro@gmail.com> Jan Noriyuki Comment re: Avista 2020 Electric IRP, Case No. AVU-E-19-01 Wednesday, August 19, 2020 7:27:13 PM Dear Idaho Public Utilities Commissioners: Commissioners and Avista Management; I am a 35 year resident and 30 year former teacher and principal in Boundary County. I am presently retired and living in Bonner County. The future we create for our young people hasalways been a primary concern of mine. As an educator I am quite familiar with the science behind climate change. I am also aware of the environmental, economic, and social costs ofignoring such science. We owe it to Idaho’s young people to transition to clean energy as soon as possible and as completely as possible. Ending Idaho’s dependence on fossil fuels is essential. The long termcosts of continuing as we have are too enormous. I encourage Avista to heed those concerns and treat Idaho citizens with equal attention to environmental considerations as they do in the State of Washington. In most other respects Isupport Avista’s plan. Please factor in Idaho’s future into your plan. We the people of the northern counties support a transition to renewable sources and the reduction of the carbon we add to the atmosphere. Respectfully, Warren J SantoroSandpoint, Idaho Regards, warren santoro 204 N 4th Ave Sandpoint, ID 83864 I acknowledge that submitting a comment in an open case constitutes a public record under Idaho Code § 74-101 (13) and all information provided by me on this form is available for public and media inspection. My comment may be reviewed by the utility. From: To: Mary Reed <mloucda@aol.com> Jan Noriyuki Subject:Comment re: Avista 2020 Electric IRP, Case No. AVU-E-19-01 Date:Wednesday, August 19, 2020 8:56:38 PM Dear Idaho Public Utilities Commissioners: To: Members and staff of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission: I salute you for reaching out to our communities to find out what our concerns are for the future of our society in the face of rapid climate change which we see already making achange on many fronts. As I write this today the temperature has dropped to 91 at the end of a series of very warm days. Warmer every year since we moved to North Idaho 50 plus yearsago. Avista and the Public Utilities Commission are wise to see that if we plan and work together we can make a difference and leave a legacy for our children's children which may turn theproblem into an opportunity. Because the sooner we adapt our life styles to transferring off the oil/gas carbon world, the safer our planet will be for all. Just as in its earlier days, Avista/ Washington Water Power has recognized that the energythey were transmitting is precious and conservation of energy is good business for the company, as well as its customers. Nowyou are recognizing that the wise course is to shift to a non-carbon based alternative source. Just as it sounds, "clean energy" is preferablefor every possible occasion. We are all in this together and Avista is to be congratulated for helping us help its company turn into a carbon clean company. I personally drive a Prius and have just filled its tank with gas for the first time in threemonths. Partly that is because of the Covid, which has kept most of us from traveling. But the Prius really doesn't spill much carbon intothe air. I hope to be able to afford an all electric car as soon as possible. I hope Avista is able to switch to an all clean energy company as speedily as is possible, too. I also would supportrequesting the Public Utilities Commission to offer incentives to both Avista and customers to speed the transition along. The closing hour for comments is drawing tonight. There are lots of arguments in support ofAvista transitioning to clean energy, but I can say that I have been concerned about melting glaciers and rising waters for several years. Asan inland state, Idaho, will not have to face water lapping at our shores, but our globe is like a ping pong ball -- a dent in one side impactsthe other sides. We are all in this together and should do our part, and pay for it where necessary. Sincerely, Mary Lou Reed Regards, Mary Reed P O Box A, Coeur d'Alene, ID Coeur D'alene, ID 83816 I acknowledge that submitting a comment in an open case constitutes a public record under Idaho Code § 74-101 (13) and all information provided by me on this form is available for public and media inspection. My comment may be reviewed by the utility. From: To: Subject: Date: Linda Pendleton <pendletonl@frontier.com> Jan Noriyuki Comment re: Avista 2020 Electric IRP, Case No. AVU-E-19-01 Wednesday, August 19, 2020 10:05:19 PM Dear Idaho Public Utilities Commissioners: We are an Avista customer and we support clean energy because we are avid outdoor enthusiasts. Both my husband and I enjoy living in an area that is conscious about ourcommunities and area that we live and play. We hope that Avista will continue to move towards clean energy. My husband has lived in the Spokane and Spirit Lake area since 1953while I have lived in the area since 1972 relocating from the Seattle area. We both appreciate the clean air and water and hope it can stay that way for years to come. We are already IdahoConservation League members. Clean energy is extremely important to us for years to come. Regards, Linda Pendleton 6504 W Brentwood Ln Spirit Lake, ID 83869 I acknowledge that submitting a comment in an open case constitutes a public record under Idaho Code § 74-101 (13) and all information provided by me on this form is available for public and media inspection. My comment may be reviewed by the utility. From: To: Subject: Date: Shelby Herber <shelby.r.herber@gmail.com> Jan Noriyuki Comment re: Avista 2020 Electric IRP, Case No. AVU-E-19-01 Wednesday, August 19, 2020 10:14:35 PM Dear Idaho Public Utilities Commissioners: The best time to address climate change was yesterday, but the next best time is now. While I support the Idaho PUC and Avista’s transition to 100% clean energy, I urge both the IdahoPUC and Avista address climate change by requiring Avista to analyze and weigh the impacts of climate change in all its studies and decisions that impact its Idaho customers. I have lived in the Pacific Northwest the majority of my 29 years of life, while two of thoseyears were spent living abroad in the Philippines. Living on an island nation, the impacts of climate change were extremely apparent as we experienced one of the Philippines’ strongesttropical storms in 2017, Super Typhoon Nina, as well as direct impacts of rising sea levels. When I returned to Sandpoint, Idaho in 2018, I personally experienced, for the first time, theeffects of massive forest fires throughout the end of July and all of August that summer. The air quality was so poor in Sandpoint I know many people who would not go outside without amask or could not go outside at all. It was obvious that both business and tourism dramatically declined as well. Despite being a healthy and active individual, who runs marathons and hasno history of respiratory issues, I came down with a severe case of laryngitis due to working outside as a waitress in the smoky environment. This resulted in my inability to work periodsof that summer and caused a lot of stress in my life. While, I was still in a privileged situation, I couldn’t help but think about those lower economic individuals and families who wereaffected even more dramatically. No matter who you are, your socioeconomic status, or where you currently reside, in North Idaho and beyond, climate change is a part of all of our lives.We're in this together. The bottom line is North Idahoans are concerned with climate change and we need Idaho leaders to step up and address this critical tipping point. Therefore, I call on you Idaho PUCand Avista to take this seriously and implement a responsible, but accelerated, transition to 100% clean energy. Not only are your customers depending on you, but so is the nextgeneration. Thank you for your time and consideration. Regards, Shelby Herber 808 Larch St Sandpoint, ID 83864 I acknowledge that submitting a comment in an open case constitutes a public record under Idaho Code § 74-101 (13) and all information provided by me on this form is available for public and media inspection. My comment may be reviewed by the utility. From: To: Paul Sturm <prsturm52@gmail.com> Jan Noriyuki Subject:Comment re: Avista 2020 Electric IRP, Case No. AVU-E-19-01 Date:Wednesday, August 19, 2020 10:55:18 PM Dear Idaho Public Utilities Commissioners: I am an Avista customer and I support clean energy because fossil fuels are unsustainable, clean energy will provide more jobs, and clean energy sources will protect against furtherglobal warming. Regards, Paul Sturm 7325 W Commander Ct Spirit Lake, ID 83869 I acknowledge that submitting a comment in an open case constitutes a public record under Idaho Code § 74-101 (13) and all information provided by me on this form is available for public and media inspection. My comment may be reviewed by the utility. From: To: Subject: Date: Kerry Hinders <lookoutkh@yahoo.com> Jan Noriyuki Comment re: Avista 2020 Electric IRP, Case No. AVU-E-19-01 Wednesday, August 19, 2020 10:59:58 PM Dear Idaho Public Utilities Commissioners: I am not an Avista customer but I support clean energy because we need to be responsible stewards of this Earth. Everyone needs to be responsible for their carbon footprint. Regards, Kerry Hinders 3165 W Kings Ridge DrCoeur D'alene, ID 83814 I acknowledge that submitting a comment in an open case constitutes a public record under Idaho Code § 74-101 (13) and all information provided by me on this form is available for public and media inspection. My comment may be reviewed by the utility. From: To: Subject: Date: Nadine Sturm <ncsturm51@gmail.com> Jan Noriyuki Comment re: Avista 2020 Electric IRP, Case No. AVU-E-19-01 Wednesday, August 19, 2020 11:09:28 PM Dear Idaho Public Utilities Commissioners: I am an Idaho Avista customer and I support clean energy because I care strongly about the effects of climate change.I am retired with a science/dental background who came to Idaho to live and enjoy the beautiful outdoor opportunities of North Idaho. I strongly urge the Commision to enforce Avista's move to 100% clean energy as soon as possible.Thank you for listening. Nadine Sturm Regards, Nadine Sturm 7325 W Commander CtSpirit Lake, ID 83869 I acknowledge that submitting a comment in an open case constitutes a public record under Idaho Code § 74-101 (13) and all information provided by me on this form is available for public and media inspection. My comment may be reviewed by the utility. From: To: Subject: Date: Richard Paine <rpaine70@gmail.com> Jan Noriyuki Comment re: Avista 2020 Electric IRP, Case No. AVU-E-19-01 Wednesday, August 19, 2020 11:15:53 PM Dear Idaho Public Utilities Commissioners: I was an Avista customer and I support clean energy because ... We all need to be responsible stewards of our planet! Regards, Richard Paine 31848 3rd AveSpirit Lake, ID 83869 I acknowledge that submitting a comment in an open case constitutes a public record under Idaho Code § 74-101 (13) and all information provided by me on this form is available for public and media inspection. My comment may be reviewed by the utility. From: To: Subject: Date: Deborah Dolan <debsdolan@gmail.com> Jan Noriyuki Comment re: Avista 2020 Electric IRP, Case No. AVU-E-19-01 Thursday, August 20, 2020 12:23:56 AM Dear Idaho Public Utilities Commissioners: I am an Idaho Avista customer and I support clean energy because it is essential to protecting our planet and managing climate change. The current goal of a 22 year plan to move to cleanenergy by 2047 is too long. I encourage Avista to move faster to achieve the clean energy goal. I also encourage Avista to support Idahoans in their effort to save energy by reducing theuse of fossil fuels. We live on Spirit Lake, ID and value its beauty and recreational opportunities. We want to preserve the state's environmental resources through the benefit ofclean energy. Avista's managment of the transition from coal to clean energy in Idaho should mirror Washinton's efforts. To do less is to ignore the needs of this great state. Regards, Deborah Dolan 7334 W Lake DrSpirit Lake, ID 83869 I acknowledge that submitting a comment in an open case constitutes a public record under Idaho Code § 74-101 (13) and all information provided by me on this form is available for public and media inspection. My comment may be reviewed by the utility. From:PUC Consumer Comments To:Jan Noriyuki Subject:Notice: A comment was submitted to PUCWeb Date:Thursday, August 20, 2020 8:00:06 AM The following comment was submitted via PUCWeb: Name: Jerrold Long Email: jlong@uidaho.eduTelephone: 208-885-7988 Address: 445 Victoria Dr. Moscow, ID 83843 Name of Utility Company: Avista Case ID: AVU-E-19-01 Comment: "Greetings Commissioners, Please accept these comments on Avista Utilities’ Integrated Resource Plan. I live in Moscow, where I work at the University of Idaho. I havetaught natural resources and environmental law for 14 years, and currently serve as the Dean of the College of Law. I'm also an Idaho native, having grown up in southeast Idaho. Finally, Iam the father of two sons, ages 12 and 14, who will experience the consequences of the choices we make today. Although climate change and clean energy have unfortunatelybecome polarizing issues, the reality of climate change is incontrovertible. And this is critically important in Idaho. Our fire season has grown longer and more severe, our snowpacks are declining and runoffs increasingly unpredictable. Our rivers are warming up, and iconic fish species increasingly imperiled. Our farming, ranching, and timber economies facenew pests, more extreme weather, and less water. As Governor Little declared, climate change is real, the e" ------[Open in the PUC Intranet application] From: To: Vicki Watson <vickiwatson2002@yahoo.com> Jan Noriyuki Subject:Comment re: Avista 2020 Electric IRP, Case No. AVU-E-19-01 Date:Thursday, August 20, 2020 11:36:52 AM Dear Idaho Public Utilities Commissioners: I support clean energy and helping Idahoans fight climate change.... I moved to Idaho in 1977 when the Salmon were still coming to Idaho to spawn and I was soexcited to be in a place that cared for fish, rivers and the environment. I was from Cincinnati where rivers caught on fire from pollution and the air was hard to breathe. Things havechanged since I first arrived. You no longer can watch the Salmon return to Red Fish Lake. I’ve gotten asthma from the factories surrounding Pocatello. The smoke from wild fires keepsme inside. Why would anyone support dirty coal..it is beyond me! Regards, Vicki Watson 240 Valleyview Dr Pocatello, ID 83204 I acknowledge that submitting a comment in an open case constitutes a public record under Idaho Code § 74-101 (13) and all information provided by me on this form is available for public and media inspection. My comment may be reviewed by the utility.