HomeMy WebLinkAbout20120221_3613.pdfDECISION MEMORANDUM 1 DECISION MEMORANDUM TO: COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER COMMISSIONER REDFORD COMMISSIONER SMITH COMMISSION SECRETARY COMMISSION STAFF FROM: DON HOWELL DEPUTY ATTORNEY GENERAL DATE: FEBRUARY 17, 2012 SUBJECT: PROPOSED SETTLEMENT REGARDING HOKU’S PETITION TO REFORM ITS SPECIAL CONTRACT WITH IDAHO POWER, CASE NO. IPC-E-12-02 On January 9, 2012, Hoku filed a Petition requesting that its “Amended and Restated Agreement for Electric Service” (the “amended special contract”) with Idaho Power be reformed. Hoku is a special contract customer of Idaho Power and is constructing a polysilicon manufacturing facility in Pocatello. In an Order issued in the related Hoku complaint case objecting to termination of service (Case No. IPC-E-11-28), the Commission ordered Idaho Power and Hoku to immediately enter into negotiations regarding Hoku’s Petition to Reform the amended special contract. . . . If settlement negotiations are not fruitful, the Commission will issue further instructions regarding the processing of the Petition. Order No. 32437 at 11. Following issuance of this Order, Hoku, Idaho Power and Commission Staff (the “Parties”) met on more than five occasions in settlement negotiations. On February 17, 2012, the Parties filed a proposed Settlement Stipulation, Joint Motion to Approve the Settlement Stipulation, and supporting testimony. THE PROPOSED SETTLEMENT The Parties agreed to resolve all of their disputed issues in Hoku’s Petition. As set out in the Settlement Stipulation, the Parties agreed to reduce the monthly minimum payments for the first block of energy (the take-or-pay provision) to $800,000 for a period not to exceed 18 months from January 1, 2012, through June 30, 2013. Hoku will continue to pay the applicable DSM Rider DECISION MEMORANDUM 2 surcharge as applied to the demand and energy charges. Stipulation § 6.1. The cumulative total of the reduced minimum payments will be added to the end of the special contract that is extended until December 1, 2014. Stipulation § 6.4. Other elements of the proposed Settlement Stipulation include: 1. Up-front Payment. In consideration for amending the contract, Hoku shall pay to Idaho Power $3.8 million as an “up-front payment.” Idaho Power will immediately collect $2 million for the up-front payment from the existing $4 million deposit held by Idaho Power. The remaining balance will be collected by assessing Hoku a monthly payment of $100,000 for 18 months. Stipulation § 6.3. 2. Balancing Mechanism. Effective January 1, 2012, Idaho Power will establish a “balancing mechanism” capped at $16.5 million and will accrue interest at 6%. The purpose of the balancing account is to track the difference between: (1) the deferred first block minimum energy charges under the amended special contract; and (2) the “modified” minimum monthly billed energy charges (excluding demand) under the proposed Settlement Stipulation. Beginning with the invoice for service in December 2013, Idaho Power will then charge and recover from Hoku 1/12 of the balance in the balancing mechanism. In other words, Idaho Power will charge and recover amounts that were deferred during the 18-month deferral period over a 12-month period, in addition to all other energy and demand charges. All payments collected from the balancing mechanism will be allocated to ratepayers in the Company’s PCA mechanism. Stipulation § 6.2. 3. Usage. If Hoku plans to begin commercial operation during the 18-month deferral period, it must provide a 6-month advance notice before its monthly consumption may exceed 20 MW. Id. § 6.5. Once Hoku uses more than 20 MW of energy in any given month, then Hoku shall be obligated to pay the minimum billed energy charge according to the current amended special contract for the remainder of the deferral period. Stipulation § 6.6. The Parties recommend that the Commission issue a Notice of Proposed Settlement and request comments within 14 days of the Commission’s Notice. Stipulation at 10. Each party also filed testimony supporting the approval of the proposed Settlement Stipulation. The Parties assert that the Settlement Stipulation is in the public interest and that all of its terms and conditions are fair, just and reasonable. COMMISSION DECISION Does the Commission wish issue a Notice of Proposed Settlement in this case? DECISION MEMORANDUM 3 Does the Commission wish to set a 14-day comment period? bls/M:IPC-E-12-02_dh