HomeMy WebLinkAbout20180910Application.pdfI 2 J 4 5 6 7 8 9 l0 11 DAVID J. MEYER VICE PRESIDENT AND CHIET COUNSEL FOR REGULATORY AND GOVERNMENTAL ATTAIRS AV]STA CORPORATION 141]. E. MlSSION AVENUE P . O. BAX 312'7 SPOKANE, WASHINGTON 99220 PHONE: (509) 495-4316 IN THE MATTER OF THE APPL]CAT]ON OF AVTSTA CORPORATION FOR AN ORDER AUTHORIZING APPROVAL OE PROPOSED SERVICE QUALITY MEASURES PROGRAM AND ASSOCIATED REVIS]ONS TO I?S ELECTRIC AND NATURAL GAS TARITFS BEFORE TIIE IDNIO PUBLIC U?ILITTES COMMISSION CASE NO. Au rr- E - t?',o l/ nv L- q- 18-o V t2 l3 l4 l5 l6 T7 18 l9 20 2t APPLICATION OF AVISTA CORPORATION 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 3l I. I}ITRODUCTIOII fn accordance with Idaho Code S61-502 and RP 052, Avista Corporallon, doing business as Avista Utilities (hereinafter "Avista" ot "Company"), at 1411 East Mission Avenue, Spokane, Washington, respectfully makes application to the Idaho Public Utilities Commission (*fPUC" or the "Commj-ssion") for an order authorizing the approval of proposed electric tariff Schedule B5 and natural gas tariff Schedule 185, "Service Quallty Measures Program" (*SQM Program"), and implementation of the associated SQM Program, effective November 1, 2478. -t Application of Avista Corporation ) I Avista is a utility that provides service to 2 approximately 378r000 electrj-c customers and 342,A0A natural 3 gas customers, of whlch 129,000 and 81,000, respectively, 4 are ldaho customers. ?he largest community served by Avista 5 is Spokane, Washington, which is the location of its 6 corporate headguarters. 7 The Company reguests that this filing be processed 8 under the Commission's Modified Procedure rules. 9 Communications in reference to this Appli-cation 10 shoul-d be addressed to: David J. Meyer, Esq. Vi-ce President and Chief Counsel for Regulatory & Governmental Affairs Avista Corporation P.O. Box 3721 MSC-2 7 l4L1 E. Missi-on Ave Spokane, WA 99220-312'l Phone: (509) 495-4316 David. MeyerGavistacorp . com Linda M. Gervai-s Senior Manager, Regulatory PolicyAvista Utilities P.O. Box 3121 MSC-2 7 1411 E. Mission Ave Spokane, WA 99220-372'l Phone: (509) A95-4975 Linda . GervaisG avi stacorp . com II. SI'M}MRY OE' APPLICATTON 1l 12 13 t4 15 t6 17 l8 t9 2A 2t 22 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 2 Application of Avista Corporation I Avista requests approval of the folJ-owing revj-sions to 2 the Company's electri-c Tariff I.P.U.C No. 28 and natural gas 3 Tariff I.P.U.C No. 27. 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ll 12 85 85A 858 85C 85D Tariff r.P.U.C No. 28 fariff I.P.U.C No 27 Original Original OriginaJ. Original Original Sheet Sheet Sheet Sheet Sheet Original. Sheet 185 Original Sheet 185A Original Sheet 1858 Original Sheet 185C III. BACKGROT'IID 13 On December 28, 2011, the Commission issued Order No. 14 33953 in the Company's general rate case1, approving the l5 Settlement Stipul-ation ("Settlement") filed by the Parties2 16 and requirlng the Company to make addit.ional compliance 17 filings to meet the terms and conditions of the Settlement. 18 Wlth respect to Service Quality/Performance Measures, the 19 Parties agreed that: Avista has estab-Zished Service Quality Performance, Customer Guarantees and a Service Quality Measure Report Card for jts customers in Washington. The Company and interested parties will work to develop similar performance standards, customer guarantees and a reporting mechanism for jts Idaho customers. Foll-owing those discussions, the Company wi7l fil,e its proposal with the Commission requesting implementation 1 Case Nos. AVU-E-7'7-01/AVU-G-17-022 Stipulation "Partj-es" include Avista, IPUC Commisslon Staff, Clearwater Paper Corporation, Idaho Forest Group, LLC, and the Community Action Partnership Association of Idaho ("CAPAI"). 20 2l 22 23 24 25 26 27 3 Application of Avista Corporation 1 2 J on or before JuJy 7, 2A78. (Stipulation and Settfement Para. 21) 4 An initial draft of the proposed SQM Program, nearly 5 identical- to the program 1n place for the Company's 6 Washington customers, was provided to IPUC Staff cn February 7 1,5, 201,8 . Af ter subsequent correspondence between the 8 Company and Staff, a conference call- regarding this matter 9 was held on June 73,2018. On June 25, 2AlB, Avista filed a l0 Motion for Procedural Relief under Rule 256, requesting to 11 extend the filing deadl-j-ne from Juty l, 201,8 to October 7, 12 20Lg to allow sufficient time to complete the proposed l3 measures. With no parties in this case objecting to the 14 motion, 15 July 3, 16 calt was 17 28, 2018. the Commission granted the request for extension on 201-g in Order No. 34102. An additional conference held between Commission Staff and Avista on July Einal consensus on the measures between Commission 20 2l 22 23 24 18 Staff and Avista, as described be1ow, was reached on August 19 2J , 2A78. rv. PRoPoSED SERVICE QUAI,IIY ME:ASITRES PROGRAM Under t.he SQM Program, Avista and Commission Staff agree that the Company will- track and report its annual performance in meeting the benchmarks established for a 4 Application of Avista Corporation I combined total of 22 el-ectric and natural gas measures. These 2 measures are grouped into three categrories Customer 3 Service, Electric System Reliability, and Customer 4 Guarantees. Thirteen measures apply to the Company's 5 electric service, and nine measures are applicable to 6 natural gas service. A description of the measures and 7 respective benchmarks are provided below. 8 A. Custoner Service lrteasures (5 measures) 1. The level of Customer satisfaction with telephone service, as provided by the Company's CoqtaclC5rnter, will be at least 90 percent, where: a. The measure of Customer satisfacti-on is based on Customers who respond to Avista's quarterly survey of Customer satisfaction, known as the "Voice of the Customerr " as conducted by its independent survey contractor i b. The measure of satisfaction is based on Customers participating in the survey who report the l-evel- of their satisfaction as either "satisfied" or "very satisfied"; and c. The measure of satisfaction is based on the statistically-significant survey results for both electric and natural gas service for Avista's entire service territory (Idaho, Oregon, and Washington) for the calendar year. 9 l0lt t2 13 14 15 16 l7 l8 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 3I 32 33 34 35 36 37 2- Ihe level of Customer field services will be satisfaction with the Company's at least 90 percent, where: a. The measure of Customer satisfaction is based on Customers who respond to Avista's quarterly survey of Customer satisfaction, known as the "Voice of the Customerr " as conducted by its independent survey contractor; 5 Appllcation of Avista Corporation 1 2 J 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 t1 t2 13 14 l5 l6 l7 r8 l9 20 2t 22 28 29 30 31 32 JJ 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 The measure of satisfactlon is based on Customersparticipating in the survey who report the level oftheir sat.isfaction as elther "satisfied" or "verysatisfied"; and c. The measure of satisfaction is based on thestatistically-significant survey resul-ts for bothelectric and natural gas service for Avista's entireservice territcry (Idaho, Oregon, and Washington)for the calendar year. 3. The percentage of Customer calls answered by a live representative within 50 seconds will be at least 80 percent for the calendar year, where: b. Response time 1s based on the combined results for both el-ectric and natural- gas Customers f or Avista's entire service territory (1daho, Oregon, and Washington). emergency in Idaho will not exceed 65 minutes for the calendar year, where: b a. The measure of response time is based on results from the Company's Contact Center, and is initiated when the Customer requests to speak to a Customer service representative; and 24 25 26 27 4. The Company's average respon se time to an electric system 23 a. Response time Customer call technician,' measured from the time of the the arrival of a field service l_s to b. Response times are excluded from the calculation for those perlods of time when the Company is experiencing an outage that qualifies as a Major Event Day (MED) in Idaho, dS defined by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics EngJ-neers, fnc. (IEEE)3 Guide for Electric Power Dlstribution 3 IEEE is a professional organization that has developed a range of electric reliability standards, which have been broadly adopteci by the elect::ic utilit.y industry. 6 Application of Avj-sta Corporation a b I 2 J 4 5 6 7 8 9 l0 11 12 r3 14 l5 t6 l7 18 l9 20 2l 22 23 24 25 Reliability Indices, Standard 1366. This includes the 24 hour period following an MED. An "electri-c system emergency" is defj-ned as an event involving policelfire departments, arcinq/flashing wires down, or a feeder lockout. 5. The Company's average response tlme to a natural gas system emergency in Idaho wiIl not exceed 55 minutes for the calendar year, where: C Response time i-s measured f rom the time customer call to the arrival of a field technician; and of the service A "natural gas system emergency" is defined as an event involving a natural gas explosion or flre, a fire in the vicinity of natural gas facilities, pollce/fire departments, Ieaks identified in the field as "Grad€ \", high or low gas pressure problems identifj-ed by alarms or customer ca1ls, natural gas system emergency alarms, or calls regarding carbon monoxide, natural gas odor, runaway furnace, ar delayed ignition. B. Electric System Reliability (2 measures) 1. The Company will report the frequency of electric system interruptlons per Customer for the cafendar year, where: a. The interruptions are measured as the System Average Tnterruption Frequency Index ("SAIFf"), as calculated by IEEE Std.1366; 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 JJ 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 b. The cal.culation of SAIFI associated with any MED in excludes interruptions Idaho; AS c. The report will provide a brief description of the predomi-nant factors influencing the current-year results, the previous year's system results, and the Company's historic five-year rolling average of SAIFIi and d. The results wil-l be reported on a system basis, wel-l- as fdaho only. 1 Applicati-on of Avista Corporation I 2 J 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 l1 l2 13 14 t5 t6 l7 l8 19 20 2t 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 3l 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 2. The Company will report the duration of electric system interruptions per Customer for the calendar year, where: a. The interruption duration is measured as the System Average Interruption Duration Index (*SAfDI"), as defined by IEEE Std.1366; b. The calculation of SAIDI associated with any MED in excludes Idaho; interruptions c. The report will provlde a brief description of the predomj-nant factors influencing the current-year system results, the previ-ous yearr s system results,and the Company's historic five-year rolling average of SAIDI; and d. The results will be reported on a system basis, as well as ldaho only. C. Customer Service Gua,rantees (7 measures) For failure to meet any of the Customer Service Guarantees under this SQM Program, Avista will provide compensation in the amount of $50 j-n the form of a bill- credit for service provided to an existing el-ectric or natural gas Customerr oyr for service provided to an Applicantra the Company will mail a check for $50 to the Applicant. The Company will provide the qualifying Customer credit or Applicant check in a timely manner, without any requj-rement on the part of the Customer or ApplicanL to either apply for or request the applicable credit or check. 1. The Company will keep mutually agreed upon appointments with customers regarding electric or natural gas service, scheduled in the time windows of either 8:00 a.m. to L2:40 p.m. or 12:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.fr., except for the following instances: a. The Customer or Appli-cant cancels the appointment; to keep theb. The Customer appointment; or Applicant fails 4 Per IDAPA 3 I .21 .01 .005, "Applicant" is defined as "any potential customer who applies for service from a utility." B Application of Avista Corporati-on b I 2 J 4 5 6 7 8 9 l0 ll t2 13 14 l5 t6 t7 18 t9 20 2t 22 23 24 25 zo 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 4A 4t 42 43 44 The Company reschedules the appointment with at least 24 hour notice; or d. The Company is experiencing an MED 1n Idaho. In such cases, the Company will notify the customer and reschedule the appointment (electrlc service only). 2. When the Customer experiences an electric service interruption, the Company wil-1 restore the servicewithin 24 hours of notificatj-on from the Customer, except for the following instances: a. During periods of time when the outage is associatedwlth an MED 1n ldaho; An action or event that is outside the control- of the Company prevented the Company from restoring supply or accessing the Company's equipment to restore supply; c. The premise is vacant, disconnected or not receiving service immediately preceding the outage; or d. The customer notifies the Company that servj-ce restorati-on does not require immediate attentj-on. 3. The Company will turn on power or connect natural gas service the same day the Customer or Applicant requests service, except for the following instances: a. The service request is received by the Company after 7:00pm on weekdays, or on a weekend or holiday; b. The Customer requests an alternative future datefor service connection,' The Customer or Applicant is not available at the time of connection (natural gas service only) d. Construction energized or is required before the service can be connected; 9 Application of Avista Corporation I ') J 4 5 6 7 8 9 l0ll t2 l3 14 l5 t6 17 18 l9 20 2t 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 3l 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 4t 42 43 44 45 e. The Customer or Applicant does not provide evidence that all required government inspections have been satisfied; f. Requlred payments to the Company have not been receivedi g. The service was disconnected for nonpayment or theft/diversion of servi-cei h. The service cannot be turned on or connected due to an outage; i. Electric service is not connecting gas servj-cei connected prior to j. When Applicable, water serviceprior to connecting gas service; is not connected k. An action or event that is outsi-de thethe Company prevents the Company from service. control of connecting 4. The Company will provide a cost estimate to the Customeror Applicant for new electrlc or natural gas supplywithin 10 business days upon receipt of al-1 the necessary lnformation from the Customer or Applicant. The Company will respond to most billing lnquiries at the time of the initial contact. For those inquiries thatrequire further investigation, the Company will investigate and respond to the Customer within 10 business days. 6. The Company will investigate Customer-reported problems with a meter and/or conduct a meLer test and repcrt theresults to the Customer wit.hi-n 20 business days from the date of the report or request. 7. The Company will provide notification to the Customer, through means normally used by the Company, at least 24 hours 1n advance of disconnecting electric service for scheduled interruptions, except for the following instances: tr, Application of Avlsta Corporation 10 1 2 J 4 5 6 7 8 9 l0 11 12 a. The interruption is a momentary interruption of fess than five minutes in durationi b. The safety of the public or Company personnel- or the imminent failure of Company equipment. is a f actor leadi-ng to the interrupti-on; or c. The interrupt.ion meter. was due to work on the Customer's l3 l4 15 16 t7 l8 19 20 2t 22 23 24 25 26 V. PROPOSED IMPLEMENTATION TIMELINE A}ID REPORTING The proposed effective date of the new tariff Schedules 85 and 185 implementing the SQM Program 1s November 1, 2018. The Company proposes to begin tracking and reporting results of the SQM Program to the Commj-ssion and its customers as f o1l-ows: 1. The Company will include the results of its Customer Service Measures and Customer Service Guarantees in an annual report to be fj-led with the Commission on or before Aprll 30th of each year for the prior calendar year. 2. The initial effective period for implementation of the Customer Service Measures and Electric System Reliability will be calendar year 2018, with results to be reported to the Commission on or before April 30, Application of Avista Corporation 11 I 2 J 4 5 6 7 8 9 2A19. Thereafter, the report wilI be fii-ed annually on or before April 30 for the preceding year. 3. The initial implementation Customer Service Guarantees, date for the Company's including tracking of the application of customerandCompany's performance credits, will begi.n on 4. The Company's initial January l, 2019. report of the results of its Customer Service Guarantees, for the calendar year 201-9, will be filed with the Commission on or before April 30, 2020. Thereafter, the report will- be filed annually on or before Apr1l 30 for the preceding year. In addition, within 90 10 l2 1l 13 14 15 16 Customer Report, to its Service Quality and the Company will send a days of filing its Annual Electric System Reliability Service Qualit.y Report Card Company's Customer Service the respecti-ve perf ormance Customers, which will include the following 17 information: a. Results for each of the Measures, compared with benchmarks; 18 19 20 2t 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 b. Report on the Company's Electric System Reliabili-ty; c. Results for each of the Customer Service Guarantees, compared with the respective benchmarks, and including the number of events for each measure where a credit was provided, and the total dollar amount of the credits paid for each measurei and Application of Avista Corporation t2 1 2 J 4 5 6 7 d. Performance highlights for the year. The Company will issue its first Report Card to customers on or before July 31, 2A20. vI. coNcLusloN The purpose of the SQM Program is to monitor and measure Avista's performance with respect to customer service and electric system reliability, ensuring that the Company is maintaining its service leve1 to its customers, as demonstrated by reporting results of the SQM Program to the Commission and its customers each year. Accordingly, Avista requests that the Commission issue an Order approving the SQM Program and associated tariff Schedules 85 and 185. WHEREFORE, Avista respectfully requests the Commission issue its Order finding the proposed Applicatlon to be fair, just, reasonable and nondiscriminatory, and effective for electrj-c and natural gas service rendered on and after November L, 201,8, with this Application being processed under Modified Procedure. 8 9 l0 11 t2 l3 t4 15 t6 T7 l8 l9 2A 2t 22 23 Applicatj-on of Avista Corporatlon 13 2418. rL- Dated at Spokane, Washi,ngton this 7 day of U AVISTA CORPORATlON ,rr,,fZ /DavidTd. tr4ey'er Vi-ce President and Chief Counsel for Regulatory and Governmental Affairs Application of Avista Corporation t4 l.P.U.C. No.28 inal Sheet 85 Patrick Ehrbar, Director of Regulatory Affairs AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 85 SERVICE QUALITY MEASURES PROGRAM - IDAHO PURPOSE: This Schedule provides general terms and conditions for the Company's Service Quality Measures Program. The purpose of this program is to monitor and measure Avista's performance with respect to customer service and electric system reliability. The results of the program will be reported annually to the ldaho Public Utilities Commission and the Company's electric customers. Customer Service Measures 1. The level of Customer satisfaction with telephone service, as provided by the Company's Contact Center, will be at least 90 percent, where: a. The measure of Customer satisfaction is based on Customers who respond to Avista's quarterly survey of Customer satisfaction, known as the "Voice of the Customer", as conducted by its independent survey contractor; b. The measure of satisfaction is based on Customers participating in the survey who report the level of their satisfaction as either'satisfied' or "very satisfied"; andc. The measure of satisfaction is based on the statistically-significant survey results for both electric and natural gas service for Avista's entire service territory (ldaho, Oregon, and Washington) for the calendar year. 2. The level of Customer satisfaction with the Company's field services will be at least 90 percent, where: a. The measure of Customer satisfaction is based on Customers who respond to Avista's quarterly survey of Customer satisfaction, known as the "Voice of the Customer", as conducted by its independent suruey contractor; b. The measure of satisfaction is based on Customers participating in the survey who report the level of their satisfaction as either "satisfied" or "very satisfied"; andc. The measure of satisfaction is based on the statistically-significant survey results for both electric and natural gas service for Avista's entire service territory (ldaho, Oregon, and Washington) for the calendar year. 3. The percentage of Customer calls answered by a live representative within 60 seconds will be at least 80 percent for the calendar year, where: a, The measure of response time is based on results from the Company's Contact Center, and is initiated when the Customer requests to speak to a Customer service representative; and September 7,2018lssued Effective November1,2018 VgtJr"L l.P.U.C. No.28 Original Sheet 85A Patrick Ehrbar, Director of Regulatory Affairs utit AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 85A SERVICE QUALITY MEASURES PROGRAM - IDAHO (continued) b. Response time is based on the combined results for both electric and natural gas Customers for Avista's entire service territory (ldaho, Oregon, and Washington). 4. The Company's average response time to an electric system emergency in ldaho will not exceed 65 minutes for the calendar year, where:a. Response time is measured from the time of the Customer call to the arrival of a field service technician;b. Response times are excluded from the calculation for those periods of time when the Company is experiencing an outage that qualifies as a Major Event Day (MED) in ldaho, as defined by the lnstitute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, lnc. (IEEE) Guide for Electric Power Distribution Reliability lndices, Standard 1366. This includes the 24 hour period following an MED.c. An "electric system emergency" is defined as an event involving police/fire departments, arcing/flashing wires down, or a feeder lockout. Electric System Reliability Measures 1. The Company will report the frequency of electric system interruptions per Customer for the calendar year, where: a. The interruptions are measured as the System Average lnterruption Frequency lndex ('SAlFl"), as calculated by !EEE Std.1366;b. The calculation of SAIFI excludes interruptions associated with any MED in ldaho;c. The report will provide a brief description of the predominant factors influencing the current-year results, the previous year's system results, and the Company's historic five-year rolling average of SAIFI; andd. The results will be reported on a system basis for Washington and ldaho as well as for ldaho only. 2. The Company will report the duration of electric system interruptions per Customer for the calendar year, where: a. The intenuption duration is measured as the System Average Interruption Duration lndex ("SAlDl"), as defined by IEEE Std.1366;b. The calculation of SAIDI excludes interruptions associated with any MED in ldaho;c. The report will provide a brief description of the predominant factors influencing the current-year system results, the previous year's system results, and the Company's historic flve-year rolling average of SAIDI; lssued September7,2018 Effective November1,2018 Vg*bu l.P.U.C. No.28 Patrick Ehrbar, Director of Regulatory Affairs AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 85B SERVICE QUALITY MEASURES PROGRAM - IDAHO (continued) d. The results will be reported on a system basis for Washington and ldaho as well as for ldaho only. Customer Service Guarantees Keepinq Appointments 1. The Company will keep mutually agreed upon appointments regarding electric service, scheduled in the time windows of either 8:00 a.m. - 12:OO p.m. or 12:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m., except forthe following instances: a. The Customer or Applicant cancels the appointment;b. The Customer or Applicant fails to keep the appointment;c. The Company reschedules the appointment with at least24 hour notice; ord. The Company is experiencing an MED in ldaho. ln such cases, the Company will notify the customer and reschedule the appointment. Restorinq Service 2. When the Customer experiences an electric service interruption, the Company will restore the service within 24 hours of notification from the Customer, except for the following instances:a. During periods of time when the outage is associated with an MED in ldaho; b. An action or event that is outside the control of the Company prevented the Company from restoring supply or accessing the Company's equipment to restore supply;c. The premise is vacant, disconnected or not receiving service immediately preceding the outage; or d. The customer notifies the Company that service restoration does not require immediate attention. Turninq on Power3. The Company wil! turn on power the same day the Customer or Applicant requests service, except for the following instances:a. The service request is received by the Company after 7:00pm on weekdays, or on a weekend or holiday; b. The Customer requests an altemative future date for service connection;c. Construction is required before the service can be energized;d. The Customer or Applicant does not provide evidence that all required government inspections have been satisfied;e. Required payments to the Company have not been received; lssued September7,2018 Effective November1,2018 by 7e*uu Sheet 85B LP.U.C. No.28 Sheet 85C Patrick Ehrbar, Director of Regulatory Atfairs Utilities AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 85C SERVICE QUALITY MEASURES PROGRAM - IDAHO (continued) f. The service was disconnected for nonpayment or thefUdiversion of serviceg. The service cannot be turned on due to an outage; orh. An action or event that is outside the control of the Company prevents the Company from connecting service. Providinq Cost Estjmateq 4. The Company will provide a cost estimate to the Customer or Applicant for new electric supply within 10 business days upon receipt of all the necessary information from the Customer or Applicant. Resoondino to Bill lnquiries 5. The Company will respond to most billing inquiries at the time of the initial contact. For those inquiries that require further investigation, the Company will investigate and respond to the Customer within 10 business days. Resolvino Meter Problems 6. The Company will investigate Customer-reported problems with a meter and/or conduct a meter test and report the results to the Customer within 20 business days from the date of the report or request. Notification of Scheduled lntenuptions 7. The Company will provide notification to the Customer, through means normally used by the Company, at least 24 hours in advance of disconnecting service for scheduled interruptions, except for the following instances: a. The intenuption is a momentary interruption of less than five minutes in duration;b. The safety of the public or Company personnel or the imminent failure of Company equipment is a factor leading to the interruption; orc, The interruption was due to work on the Customer's meter. Effective November1,2018lssued September7,2018 VgtJ,-.,- l.P.U.C. No.28 Sheet 85D Patrick Ehrbar, Director of Regulatory Affairs AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 85D SERVICE QUALITY MEASURES PROGRAM - IDAHO (continued) CUSTOMER SERVICE GUARANTEE CREDITS For failure to meet a Customer Service Guarantee for service provided to an electric Customer, the Company will apply a $50 credit to the Customer's account. For failure to meet a Customer Service Guarantee for service provided to an Applicant, the Company will mail a check for $50 to the Applicant. Avista will provide the qualifying credit or check without any requirernent on the part of the Customer or Applicant to either apply for or request the applicable credit or check. Tracking of the Company's performance on the Customer Service Guarantees, including the application of customer credits, will begin on January 1,2019. ANNUAL REPORT The Company will include the results of its Customer Service Measures, Electrical System Reliability Measures, and Customer Seruice Guarantees in an annual report to be filed with the ldaho Public Utilities Commission on or before April 30th of each year. CUSTOMER REPORT CARD Within 90 days of filing its Annual Customer Service Quality & Electric System Reliability Report with the Commission, the Company will send a Service Quality Report Card to its Customers, which wil! include the following: a. Results for each of the Company's Customer Service Measures, compared with the respective performance benchmarks; b. Report on the Company's Electric System Reliability; c. Results for each of the Customer Service Guarantees, compared with the respective benchmarks, the number of events for each measure where a credit was provided, and the total dollar amount of the credits paid for each measure; and d. Performance highlights for the year. The Company will issue its first Report Card to customers on or before July 31,2020. lssued September7,2A18 Effective November1,2018 By Vgu-L l.P.U.C. No.27 ed by Avista Util Sheet 185 Patrick Ehrbar, Director of Regulatory Affairs AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 185 SERVICE QUALITY MEASURES PROGRAM - IDAHO PURPOSE: This Schedule provides general terms and conditions for the Company's Service Quality Program. The purpose of this program is to monitor and measure Avista's customer service performance. The results of the program will be reported annually to the ldaho Public Utilities Commission and the Company's gas customers Customer Service Measures 1. The level of Customer satisfaction with telephone service, as provided by the Company's Contact Center, will be at least 90 percent, where: a. The measure of Customer satisfaction is based on Customers who respond to Avista's quarterly survey of Customer satisfaction, known as the "Voice of the Customer", as conducted by its independent survey contractor;b. The measure of satisfaction is based on Customers participating in the survey who report the level of their satisfaction as either "satisfied" or "very satisfied"; andc. The measure of satisfaction is based on the statistically-significant survey results for both electric and natural gas service for Avista's entire service territory (ldaho, Oregon, and Washington) for the calendar year. 2. The level of Customer satisfaction with the Company's field services will be at least 90 percent, where: a. The measure of Customer satisfaction is based on Customers who respond to Avista's quarterly survey of Customer satisfaction, known as the "Voice of the Custome/', as conducted by its independent survey contractor; b. The measure of satisfaction is based on Customers participating in the survey who report the level of their satisfaction as either "satisfied" or "very satisfied"; andc. The measure of satisfaction is based on the statistically-significant survey results for both electric and natural gas service for Avista's entire service territory (ldaho, Oregon, and Washington) for the calendar yeat. 3. The percentage of customer calls answered by a live representative within 60 seconds will be at least 80 percent for the calendar year, where: a. The measure of response time is based on results from the Company's Contact Center, and is initiated when the customer requests to speak to a customer service representative; andb. Response time is based on the combined results for both electric and natural gas customers for Avista's entire service territory (ldaho, Oregon, and Washington). lssued September7,2018 Effective November'1,2018 TgtJ-u l.P.U.C. No.27 lSheet'185A Patrick Ehrbar, Director of Regulatory Affairs AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 185A SERVICE QUALITY MEASURES PROGRAM - IDAHO (continued) 4. The Company's average response time to a natural gas system emergency in ldaho will not exceed 55 minutes for the calendar year, where:a. Response time is measured from the time of the customer call to the arrival of a field service technician; andb. A "naturalgas system emergency' is defined as an event involving a natural gas explosion or fire, a fire in the vicinity of natural gas facilities, police/fire departments, leaks identified in the field as "Grade 1", high or low gas pressure problems identified by alarms or customer calls, natural gas system emergency alarms, or calls regarding carbon monoxide, natural gas odor, runaway furnace, or delayed ignition. Customer Service Guarantees Keepinq Aooointments 1. The Company will keep mutually agreed upon appointments regarding natural gas service, scheduled in the time windows of either 8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. or 12:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m., except for the following instances: a. The Customer or Applicant cancels the appointment;b. The Customer orApplicant fails to keep the appointment; orc. The Company reschedules the appointment with at least 24 hours' notice. Connectino Gas Service 2. The Company will connect gas service on the same day the Customer or Applicant requests service, except for the following instances:a. The service request is received by the Company after 7:00pm on weekdays, or on a weekend or holiday; b. The Customer requests an alternative future date for seryice connection;c. The Customer or Applicant is not available at the time of connection;d. Construction is required before the service can be connected;e. The Customer or Applicant does not provide evidence that all required government inspections have been satisfied;f. Required payments to the Company have not been received;g The service was disconnected for nonpayment or thefUdiversion of service;h. Gas service cannot be connected due to an outage;i. Electric service is not connected prior to connecting gas service;j. When applicable, water service is not connected prior to connecting gas service; ork. An action or event that is outside the control of the Company prevents the Company from connecting service. t. lssued September7,2018 Effective November 1,2018 lssued by Avista VgLbL l.P.U.C. No.27 inal Sheet't85B Patrick Ehrbar, Director of Regulatory Affairs Avista Utilities AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 1858 SERVICE QUALITY MEASURES PROGRAM * IDAHO (continued) Providino Cost Estimates 3. The Company will provide a cost estimate to the Customer or Applicant for new natural gas supply within 10 business days upon receipt of all the necessary information from the Customer or Applicant. Respondino to Bill lnquiries 4. The Company will respond to most billing inquiries at the time of the initial contact. For those inquires that require further investigation, the company will investigate and respond to the Customer within 10 business days. Resolvino Meter Problems 5. The Company will lnvestigate Customer-reported problems with a meter and/or conduct a meter test and report the results to the Customer within 20 business days from the date of the report or request, Effective November1,2018lssued September7,2018 VgLbL l.P.U.C. No.27 Sheet 185C Patrick Ehrbar, Director of Regulatory Affairs ista Utilities AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 185C SERVICE QUALIry MEASURES PROGRAM - IDAHO (continued) CUSTOMER SERVICE GUARANTEE CREDITS For failure to meet a Customer Service Guarantee for service provided to a gas Customer, the Company will apply a $50 credit to the Customer's account. For failure to meet a Customer Service Guarantee for service provided to an Applicant, the Company will mail a check for $50 to the Applicant. Avista will provide the qualifying credit or check without any requirement on the part of the Customer or Applicant to either apply for or request the applicable credit or check. Tracking of the Company's performance on the Customer Service Guarantees, including the application of customer credits, will begin on January 1,2019. ANNUAL REPORT The Company will include the results of its Customer Service Measures and Customer Service Guarantees for gas customers in an annual report to be filed with the ldaho Public Utilities Commission on or before April 30th of each year. CUSTOMER REPORT CARD Within 90 days of filing its Annual Customer Service Quality & Electric System Reliability Report, the Company will send a Service Quality Report Card to its Customers, which will include the following: a. Results for each of the Company's Customer Service Measures, compared with the respective performance benchmarks; b. Report on the Company's Electric System Reliability;c. Results for each of the Customer Service Guarantees, compared with the respective benchmarks, and including the number of events for each measure where a credit was provided, and the total dollar amount of the credits paid for each measure; and d. Performance highlights for the year. The Company will issue its first Report Card to customers on or before July 31 ,2020. Effective Novemberl,2018lssued September7,2018 By 7gu-u