HomeMy WebLinkAbout20180824Supplement Amendment No 3.pdf^liivtsta Avista Corp. 141 I East Mission P.O.Box 3727 Spokane. Washington 99220-0500 Telephone 509-489-0500 Toll Free 800-727-9110 August 23,2018 Diane Hanian, Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission W. 472 Washington Street Boise, Idaho 83720 r.")*s3 €::-H'atsE Zm-Loe dlul i,--t i,-u- t!r{7 UD z Re:Supplement to Amendment No. 3 to City of Cove Power Purchase Agreement IPUC Case No. AVU-E-18-05 Dear Ms. Hanian: Attached for filing with the Commission is an electronic copy of Avista Corporation, doing business as Avista Utilities ("Avista" or "Company"), Amendment No. 3 to the power purchase agreement ("PPA") with the City of Cove, Oregon ("City"). It has come to Avista's attention that the rates in Exhibit B were not the correct avoided cost rates. Amendment 3 deletes and replaces Exhibit B in its entirety. The change in the rates in Exhibit B also impact the amount of security that is required to be posted. Accordingly, Amendment 3 also deletes and replaces Exhibit H in its entirety. An original and seven (7) are being provided via overnight mail. Please direct questions on this matter to Michael Andrea at (509) 495-2564 or myself at (509) 495-4975. Sincerely, /y/LL4^"dnrM. Genw& Senior Manager of Regulatory Policy Avista Utilities I inda. servais@avistacorp. com 509-495-497s 8nvl8 AMENDMEITT NO. 3 This AMENDMENTNO, 3 ("Amendment 3") to the Power Purchase Agreement ("Agreemenf') between Avista Corporation ("Avista") and the City of Cove, Oregon ('City"), is entered into by the Parties and this Arnendment shall be effective on August A3 2018, or such other date as set by the Commission. RECITALS WHEREAS, the Parties entered into the Agreement, under which the City is to deliver and sell, and Avista will purchase, elechic energy generated from Seller's Facility; and WHEREAS, it has come to the Parties attention that certain terms of the Agreement are incorrect and need to be corrected: NOW THBREFORE, it is agreed as follows: AGREEMENT TO AMEND l. The Agreement was fi.rlly executed on June 13, 2018. Based on the date that the Agreement was fuIly executed, and Schedule 62 of Avista's Idaho tadfi, the Avoided Cost Rates specified iu Exhibit B to the Agreement are inconect, Accordingly, the Parties amend the Agreement by deleting all prior versions of Exhibit B to the Agreement in their entirety. The Exhibit B attached hereto as Attachment I shall replace all prior versions of Exhibit B. 2. The revised Avoided Cost Rates impact the amount of the estimated security deposit required by the Agreement as set out in Exhibit H to the Agreement. Accordingly, Exhibit H to the Agreement is deleted in its entirety and is replaced by the Exhibit H that is attached hereto as Attachment?. 3. Except as exprcssly amended by the provisions set forth in this Amendment 3, all of the terms and conditions of the Agreement shall remain in full force and effect following exeoution of this Amendment 3 and each Party confrms, ratifies and approves the Agteement as arnended by this Ameadment 3. Ail capitalized terms used herein and not otherwise defined shall have the respective meanings given to such terms in the Agreement. For the avoidance of doubt, this Amendment 3 is hcreby incorporated in the Agreement and, as of the effective date of this Amendment 3, all references to the Ageement shall !s deemed to be references to the Agreement as amended, 3. This Amendment 3 may be executed in two (2) or more counterpafis, each of which shall be deemed as an original and together shall constitute one and the sarne document. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties have caused this Amendment 3 to be executed by their duly authorized representatives as of the date first set forth above, Page - 1 AMENDMENT NO. 3 TO POWER PURCHASE AGREEMENT BETWEEN AVISTA COFJORATION AND THE CITY OF COVE, OREGON 8/21/18 CITY OF COVE, OREGON AVISTA CORPORATION nyr Don.;nr. ,.\. l-o---, i ,By: Printed Name:PrintedName: Chr,':,\€.{r Drq.F{ Title:t\f Title: fr.Ino\esate tAqr Page - 2 AMENDMENT NO. 3 TO POWER PURCHASE AGREEMENT BETWEEN AYTSTA CORPORATION AND THE CITY OF COVE, OREGON 0r^^,m,rl^r^-S!- Do",na- rrl, Lto\< J Exhibit B Avoided Cost Rates For Non-f,'uelgd Proiects Smaller Than Ten Average Mesawatts.- Levelized that are aonlicFblq to non-seasonal hvdroelectric OFs Contract Len4h Levelized Price Season 1 Pricing (108%) Season 2 Pricing (84%l Jul-Feb Mar-Jun 20 years $+e.u Ss1.96 S40,41 ATTACHMENT 2 Exhibit H - Estimated Security Deposit by Year' See attached spreadsheet iloll.tfi.h.d rotrl Prlynerf Xoat!{lfud&ltoo2 @d Cun/rtlrt Curuhtlv! trrars . trcan F.yficnl i Pllnart d[ilrfrlf Er63i Prrrnrll| ils.11 i I'ltlo*lrreftrd lhnLadhrt lhallidbad Xo*tagU IAo5.d63l Scronl tvmart isresont IS/rrwt SnffX Sr.3ool I gMfJh ili1l las $lo,7e $lslssi $23.9s:$u.n Sar2 $s,ss $a6.r,l$31fl $r.n ${2,m' $o.gsr$rs.o S7.$ $42130 $a.{E:g&rs $o.o S11i5s: $t039;gsr2 gua $4q7ss $l.rols&.u s&{ 94e:0s $$,?a'sA2rs 95ry $rs6 t35.o$r3s8 9tltm S5rp9 '1&699sr3r SilJg SToJa' 3$.ll.558'?0 Sa.o f71ril, 5.131$reJ{ $63{ se,?eel $o.rs$cu6 trr-es $ee$6l S6&135623, $o.eo to$r: S!2tls6.,fl $Asr $7SrC: i5..[i$6ior sro.e $st32 $s.relJo.zs Sttu t!2,?&r $s5,t0$oro Srr$ $lno? $r.6si$7r.l0 92.11 SfFll $r.{,sn.u s?rr5 $9$s $51.t3: gsrs6 $.ofi $25p€o; ssl.s6 $r0,{I $llsr0sl $s1.95 ${0rl $usrosi Sr.e6 $.ur $usrosl s5r,96 $.0,{l $llsrc: $51.s $40,u 9tu.eo5 $5r,s $40.4r $llsrc'$il.s $10.41 $ttspss 9!.96 ,O,fi 9uspu$r.r0 9,lolr Suspor s6t96 $1O{l sllsx6sr.95 $4Oa1 $1lsx05sr.96 srAfl slr5.005 $r.go $aaal $uslG $1.06 gr[lt $llsrc $1.95 t10r1 $rltlc $1.95 '',{O.{t $11916 $r.e6 tlu{l l+slos: $s1.96 $1o{r 9u5ros, s51.96 s{&n $rl5t05 Ltrlltd Scrroo I Sn/ftvtr lcrn&d St.ro!2 s/tiwh Tot l IrEldMI Ltl.l ! 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