HomeMy WebLinkAbout20180619Petition.pdfAvu,r- e- 1{- of Avista Corp. 141 1 East Mission P.O. Box 3727 Spokane. Washington 99220-0500 Telephone 509-489-05 00 Toll Free 800-727-9170 June 18,2018 Diane Hanian, Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission W. 472 Washington Street Boise,Idaho 83720 Dear Ms. Hanian: Attached for filing with the Commission is an electronic copy of Avista Corporation, doing business as Avista Utilities ("Avista" or "Company"), petition for approval of the PURPA Purchase Power Agreement (PPA) with the City of Cove, Oregon. An original and seven (7) are being provided via overnight mail. Please direct questions on this matter to Michael Andrea at (509) 495-2564 or myself at (s09) 4es-497s. Sincerely, /r/Lh^dn"M. Ge,na,& Senior Manager of Regulatory Policy Avista Utilities linda. gervais@avistasorp. com 509-495-4975 nmr)mamqf h1s t*{:: \.o > ..-l- @ ctl a{> cJ)o L Enclosures AFrutsra # I , For Avista Corporation Michael G. Andrea (lSB No. 8308) Senior Counsel Avista Corporation l4l I East Mission Ave.. MSC-33 Spokane, WA 99202 Phone: (509) 495-2564 Facsimile: (509) 495-5690 IN TI{E MAT"I-ER OF THE JOINT PETITION ) OF AVISTA CORPORATION AND THE ) CITY OF COVE. OREGON, FOR APPROVAL) OF POWER PURCHASE AGREEMENT ) ) ) ) BEFORE TIIE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION cAsE NO. AVU-E- / 8- 05 JOTNT PETI'|ION OF' AVIS A CORPORATION AND THE CITY OF COVE. OREGON Avista Corporation (-Avista') and the City of Cove, Oregon, ("City*) (collectively, the "Patties") hereby jointly petition the Idaho Public Utilities Cornmission ("Commission") for an order approving the Power Purchase Agreement between Avista and the City ("Agreement") with a requested effective date of June 13, 2018. The Agreement is attached hereto as Attachment A. l. Names and Addrerses of Petitioners Avista Corporation l41l East Mission Avenue Spokane, WA99202 City of Cove PO Box 8 Cove. OR 97824 2. Neture of Businesses Page - I JOINT PETITION OF AVISTA CORPORATION AND THE CrrY OF COVE. OREGON Avista is a corporation ueated and organized under the laws of the State of Washington with its principal oflice in Spokane, Washington. Avista is an investor'- owned utility engaged in, among other things, the business of generating tmnsmitting, and distibuting electric power to wholesale and retail customers in Idaho and Washington. Avista also provides natural gas service to customers in Idaho, Washington, and Oregon. As such, Avista's rates, charges, services and practices are regulated, in parL by this Cornmission, City is the owner and operator of an 800 kW hydroelectric generating facility in or ancund Cove, Oregon ('Facility). The Facility is a Qualifying Facility pursuant to the Public Utility Regulatory Policies of Act of 1978 ("PURPA"). 3. Names of Representatives All communications, pleadings, and orders with respect to this proceeding should be directed to: For Avista Corporation: Steve Silkworth Manager, Wholesale Mmketing and Contacts Avista Corporation 1411 E. Mission Ave., MSC-7 Spokane, WA 99202 Phone: 509-495-8093 Fax: (509) 49s4272 E-mail: steve,.silkworth@.avistacglp,gqtq Michael G. Andrea Senior Counsel Avista Corporation l4l I E. Mission Ave., MSC-33 Spolcane, rtrA 99202 Phone: 509495-2564 Fa,x: (509) 777-5468 E-mai I : rnichael.andrea@.av i stacorp.conr tr'or the City of Cove: Donna N. Lewis City of Cove PO Box 8 Cove, OR 97824 Phone: (541) 568-4566 F,mail : cityadmin@cityofcove.org Page - 2 JOTNT PETITION OIt AVIS IA CORPORATION AND 1Hh, Cl't'Y Ot' COVE, OREGON l I I i ! I I I 4. Description of Agreement 'l he Agpement is a power purchase agreement under which the City will generate and deliver the Net Delivered Output of its Faoiiity to Avista's electric system. For the Term of thc Agreemenl Avista will purchase the Net Delivered Output of the Facility that is delivered to the Point of Delivery. Avista will purchase such Net Delivered Output pursuant to Schedule 62 of its Idaho tariff at the applicable rate based upon the following; Non-F'ueled Projects Smaller Than I0 aMW**Levelized as shown in Exhibit B to the PPA. Pursuant to Section 8.2 of the Agreement, the City shall provide Avista a cash deposit, or other form of seculity that is acceptable to Avista, that represents the difference between tlre levelized payrnent Avista will pay and the non-levelized payment that Avista would have paid as show in Exhibit I{, F.stimated Security Deposit by Year'. Once a year by the fust day of each Contract Year the amount will be re-calculated to reflect actual volun:es fiom the prior year and estirnated volumes for the current year, The Term of theAgreement shall commenoe on the Effective Date and shall continue through June 12, 2038, unless the Agreement is terminated earlier pursuant to its terms. Avista and the City anticipare that the l.nitial Delivery Date under the Agreement will be Novenrber l,20lE. 5. Joint Request for Approval Avista and the City jointly reguest that the Commission issue an order (i) accepting the Agreement, without change or condition, with an effective date of June [3, 2018, and (ii) declaring that all paytnents made by Avista for purchases of energy under the Agreemeut be allowed as prudently inouned expenscs f'or ratemaking purposes, Page - 3 JOINT PETITION OF AVISTA CORPORATION AND THE CITY oF COVE, OREGON l l I I ! I I I Respectfutly submitted tui, lltr, day of June, 2018, AVTSTA G. Senior Counsel THE CITY Otr'COVE, OREGON arlA,. Mayor Page - 4 JOINT PETITION OIr AVISTA CORPORATION AND THE CITY OF COVE, OREGON I I I Final June 61 201E POWER PURCHASE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF COVE, OREGON AI\D AYISTA CORPORATION 1 Final June 6,2018 POWER PURCIIASE AGREEMENT This Agreement is made by and between Avista Corporation, a Washington colporation (,.Avista,'), and the City of Cove, Oregon ('Seller"). Avista and Seller ar.e sometimes refemed to individually as a "Party" and collectively as the "Patdes." RECITALS WHEREAS, Seller will own, operate and maintain an 800 kilowatt electric power generating facility in or around the City of Cove, Ortgon, as more fully described in Exhibit A (*Facility"); WHEREAS, Seller will operate the Facility as a Qualifying Facility, as defined by the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 ("PUR}A"); and WHEREAS, Seller will deliver and sell, and Avista will purchase, elechic energy generafed from the F'acility subject to the terms of this Agteement. NOW, TIIERBI'ORE, in consideration of the mutual agreements set forth herein, the Parties agree as follows. I. DEFINITIONS Except as otherwise defined in this Agreemenl whenever used in this Agreement and exhibits hereto, the following terrns shall have the following meaniogs: 1.1 "Atggg@!'means this Power Purchase Ageement, including all exhibits, and any written amendments, 1.2 "@" shall havethe meaning provided in Section 11.3 of tbis {geement. 13 "AggilbrySggglggg, means those services that are necessary to support the transmissiou of capacity and earergy fium resources to loads while maintaining reliable opemtion of the electrical systems in accordance with Prudcnt Utility Practices and any existing or future WECC rcquirements. 1.4 Agreernent. ,,4y9!sg1!.,1@1!$41[gg'' shall have the meaning provided in Section 7.2 of this 1.5 "gsf" rneans average megawatt(s). An average megawatt is calculated by dividing the total generdion in MV/h over a given period of time (e,9., a calendar month) by the numberof hours in that period of time. -2- I'inul June 6, 2018 I.6 n'@" The collertion of generation, transmission, and loads within tlre melered boundaries of the Balancing Authority. The Balancing Authority maintains load-resource balance within this area, 1.7 ',@D means mouthly Net Output that is grcater than or equal to 90 percenl, and less than or equal to ll0 pelcent, of the Monthly Net Output Estimate. 1.8 "$g$IgggBAI" means every day other than a Saturday or Sunday or a national holiday. National holidays shall be those holidays observed NERC. f.9 Reservefl. 1.10 Reeerved, 1'1l'eg@meanstlrcIdahoPublicUtilitiesCommission,oritssuccessor. l.l2 " D shall have the nreaning provided in Section I0.3.I ofthis Agreeme,nt. f ,I3 Rescned. 1.14 Reserved. Reserved. "El@" shall have the meaning provided in Section 4 ofthis1.16 Agreeme,nt. t.t7 Agreement. "@E4org" shall have the meaning provided in Section 7.3 of this 1.18 '&g!!!E'm€ans the electric energy generating facilities, including all equipnrent and struchres necassary to generate and supply electric energy, more particularly described at Exhibit A. 1.19 "@'meaus the electic energy generated and used by the Facility during its operation to operate equipment that is auxiliary to primary generation equipme,lrt including, but not limitsd to, pumping, generator excitation, cooling or other operations related to the production of elechic energy by &e Facility. 1,20 "E@iggIg" shall have the meaning provided in Section 12 of this Agreement l,2l 'EEBQ'mea$r the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, or its successor. -3- I.l5 i I I I I I I 1 Final June 6,2018 l,ZZ "Independent Ensinee rr meals certifications detailed in Section 3,4 provided by a professional engineer tegistered in Oregon or Idaho, who has no direct or indiect, legal, or equitable ownership interest in the lraciliry. 1,J3 "'nitill Capacitv D?termination" shall have the meaning provided in Section 3.5 ofthis Agreement, t24 "@'shall mean the date upon which Seller fu'st schedules Net OuQut to Avista pursuant to this Agreernent. lr5 t"'shalllrave themeaningprovided in Section 5.1 of this Agreement. 1.25 "Interconnectirm Agreement" meanq as applicable, the agreement between Seller and Avista or Seller and a Transnritting tintity that is providing interconnection seryice whioh govems how the Net Output is delivered to Avista's or the Transmitting Entity's electrical syst€m at the Point of Interconnection cturing the 'Ierm of this Agrcement. 1,27 t'@" means all facilities required to connect the Facility to the Point of Interconaection, including connection, tansformation, switching, relaying and safety equipnent. Interconnection Facilities shall also include all telemetry, metering, cellular telephone, and/or commuoication eguipment required under tris Agreement regardless of location 1.28 "Loises,' means the loss of electrical en€rgy occurring as a result of the transformation and fiansmission of enerry between the Point of Interconnection and the Point of Delivery. Forpurposes ofthis Agreement, Losses shall equal2.135 percent of the total geaeration of the Facility as meteted at the Facility. 1.29 "MW'means megawatt. One thousand kilowatts equals one megawalt. 1.30 "IAUbt' msans megawatt-hour. One thousand kilowatt-hours equals one megawatt-hour. I.31 t'@'means 85 percent (85%) of the PowerDex hourly Mid- Columbia ("Mid-C') index. 1.32 "Monthlv Net OutnutFstimate' means, as applicable, the_Initial Year Monthly Net Output Estimates provided pursuant to Section 5.1 or the Subsequent Monthly Net Output Estimates provided pursuant to Section 5.2. 1.33 @ mcans the maldmum generating capacity ofthe Faoility, as detenrrined by the manufacturer, and expressed in kilouxatts (kW). 1.34 "IUqBg" meaus the North Arnerican Elestric Reliability Corporation or its successot 4 I I I I Final June 5, 2018 l.3S "N@'means the capability and electric energy generated by the Facility, less Facility Service Power and Losses, that is delivered to the Point of Delivery, expressed in kilowatt-hours. To the extent that any elechic en€l'gy is scheduled by Seller and delivsred to tlre Point of Delivery in excess of the Net OuSu! such elect'ic energy shall be Surplus Energy. 138 'ppggt$+IJget''mea:rs each l2-month period from January 1 through Decernber 31. 1.39 "Bgjplgd-D&ery" means the location, as specified in Exhibit A of this Agreernent, where Seller's F-acility interconnects with Avista's electrical systetn and the electric onergy produced by the Facility is delivered to Avista's electrical systenr. 1.40 (Point of Interconne€ion" menns the high voltage side of Seller's step-up transformer at the point of interconnection betrueen Seller's Facility and the Transrrifring Entity's electric systcm, wtiich i.s commonly refened to as the "busbar." 1.41 t'@'means the practicas, methods, and acts comrnonJy and ordinarily used in electrical engineering and operations by a significant portion of the elec8ic power generadon and transmission industry, in the exercise of reasonable judgment in lhe light of the facts known or that should have been kuown at the time a decision was made, that would have been c:rpccted to accomplish the desired result in a manner consistent with law, regulation, reliability, safety, envilonmental protection, economy, and expedition. 1.42 "8g,[sjgg-tegili$" or rrfl[" means a generating facility which meets the requircments for "QF"'status under PT RPA and part 292 of FERC's Regulations, l8 C.F.R. Part 292,a\d, which has obtained certification of its QF status. 1.43 "$g[g!g!gf.fu!4gg" means any outage which is scheduled by the Seller to retnove electrical or mechanical equipment from service for repair, replacement, maintenance, safety or any other reason, and which thereby limits the generating capability of tho Facility to less than the Initial Capacig Deter:nination. 1.44 "$@s!LEggIg" shall have the meaning provided in section 7.4 of this Agreement. I.45 "@" shall mean the price Avista will pay Seller for Shortfall Energr as providcd in secdon 7.4 ofthis Agreernent. 1.46 "SgI!:lUp-Lq4bg" means the start-up tests rcquircd by the manufacturer and/or Avista that prove that the Facility is reliably producing elostric energy. 1,47 "&Iplgq&!ry' means (i) Net Output during any month which exceeds 110 percent of the Monthly Net Output Estimate for the coresponding month up to l0 aMW; and (ii) 5 I I i I I I I Finsl June 6,2018 any elecfiic energy thal is scheduled by Seller and dclivered to the Point of Delivery in excess of theNet OutpuL 1.48.,@,,shallhavethemeaningprovidedinsection7.3ofthis Agreement. 1,49 *bgg4iftinq-&li$'means any entity orentities that provide transmission and/or interconnection service to deliver electric energy from the Facility to Avista's elechical system at the Point of Delivery, 1.50 "@" means any agreement(s) entered into betweeu Seller and a Transmitting Eutity under which flre Transnitting Entity shall provide firm transmission from the Freility to Point of Delivery for the Term of this Ageement. lhe Transmission Agrtement is attaclred hereto as Exhibit F. I.51 (.Term" shall have the meaning provided in Section 4.1 of this Agrecment. 1.52 i'WECC'means the Westem Electricity Coordinating Council or its successor 2, WARRANTIES 2.1 No Warryntv bv Avista. Avista makes no warranties, expressed or implied, regarding any aspect of Seller's design, qpecifications, equipment or facilitiss, including but not limited to, safety, durability, rcliability, str€mgth, capacity, adequacy or economic feasibility, and any review, acceptarce or failure to review Selley's design, specifications, equipment or Fracility shall not be an endorsement or a confirmation by Avista. Avista assumes no responsibility or obligation with rregard to any NERC and/or WECC reliability standard associated with the Facility or the delivery of electric energy from the Facility to the Point of Dclivery. 2.2 Sellor's Wsrrenty. Seller uarrants and reprosents that (a) Seller has investigated and determined that it is capable of performing and will perform 0re obligations hererurder and has not relied upon the advice, experience or expedise of Avista in sotrncction with the tansactiorrs contemplated by this Agreement; (b) all professionals and expetts including, but not limitcd to, engineers, attonreys or accounhnts, that Seller may have corsulted or nelied on in undertaking the transactions conternplated by this Agreement haye been solely thosc of Se1ler; (c) Seller will comply with all applicable laws and regulations and shall obtain and comply wiih applicable licenses, penuits and approvals in the desigrL consftuc{ion, opei.ation and maintenance of the Facility; and (d) the Facility is, and during the Term of this Agrccrneut will remairu a Qualifyins Facility as that tenn is used in l8 C.F.RPart 292. Seller's failure to maintain Quali&ing Facility status will be a material breach of this Agrccment Avista reserves the right to review lhe Seller's Quahrylng Facility stafus and associated support and compliance docrunen6 at any time during tte Term sf this Agreement. 3. CoNprrroNs PRroR TO DELMRY q4J[ET OUTPU',T -6- Final June 61 2.018 S.1. Iime is of the Essencc. Time is ofthe essence fur the performance of this Agreement and Selter understands and agees that Avista is relying on Seller to rneet the requireanents of S*tion 4.2 on or before the Effective Date. Seller understands and agrees thrt Avista's acceptance of deliveries of energy from Seller is contingent upon Seller fully satisfring each of the requirement$ in Section 4.2 of this Agrecment pdor to thE comrnencoment of the first delivery of Net Output to Avista- 3.2 Rererved" 3.3 Onl&iqn of Coqnsel. Upon Avista's rcquest, prior to the commencement of tle first delivery ofNet Output to Avista, Seller shall submit to Avista an opinion letter sigaed by an attomey admitted to practice and in good standing in the state where the Facility is located providing au opinion that Seller's licenses, permits and approvals (including but not limited to, evidence ofcompliance with Subpan B, l8 C.F.R. gZy2.2A1, aibal, state and local business licenses, enyironmental pemrits, easements, ieases and all other required approvals) are legally and validly iszued, ae held in the narne ofthe Seller, and based on a reasonable independent review, counsel is of the opinion that Seller is in substantial compliance with said permits as of the date of such opinion letter. The opinion letter will be in a form acoeptable to Avista and will acknowledge that the attorney rendering the opinion understands that Avista is relying ou said opinion. Avista's accaptarse of the foun shall not t e unraasonably withheld. 3.4 l$rle.osndentEnginep*r&Cetrificationr. Upon Avista's lequest,prior to the commencefirent of fte fitst delivery of Net Output to Avista, Seller shall submit to Avista applicable Independent Engincering Cstifications for (a) Consfiuction Adequacy for a Qualiffig Facility, and (b) Operations and Mainteuance Policy for a Quali$ing Facrlity as described in Commission Order No. 21690. Each Independent Engineering Certification shall be signed by a licmsed professional ongineer in good standing submitted in a form acceptable to Avista aild will acknowledge ttlatthe licensed proftssional engineenendering the opinion understands that Avista is relying on said opinion Avista's acceptance of such forms shall not be unreasonably withheld. 3,5 Initial$aoacitv Ilete.rmination, Seller shall operate tha F'acility in a manner such that under normal design conditions the Net Output does not exceed l0 afufW in uny salendar Month. Prior to the commenoement of the fust delivery of Net Output to Avista, Seller shall submitto Avista the maximum hourly generation capabiliry of the Facility ("lriltial Capacity Determination"). Such Idtial Capacity Detemrination shall be determined either by use of the Nameplate Capactty Rating or such other means acceptable to Avista and shall be documented and submitted to Avista by Seller. Such documetrtation shall include &e information listed in Exhibit E. Upon receipt of Selle.r's Initial Capacity f)etermination, Avista will review such deterrnination within a reasonable time and, if acceptable to Avista" Avista shall issue to Sellcr its written 4pproval of the Initial Capacrty Deteflnimtion If the Initial Capaoity Detemrinatiou submitted by Seller is not acceptable to Avista, Avista will pncmptly notifu Seller tlrat Avista will not accept its Initial Capacity f)etermination. In such even! Avista shall engage, at Seller's sole expense, an independent qualified cousultant to determine the Idtial Capacity Determination. During the Term of this Agreemen( Seller shall not cause the capacity of the Faoility to be greaterthanthe Initial Capacity Determination by any means, including by addition, upsade, or replacement. -7- I I I : : i i I I I I Final June 6,2018 3.6 luterconnection AsrPemsot, Prior to the Effective f)ate, Seller shall pmvide Avista a oopy of its Intcrconnection Agreement, which shall be attached hereto as Exhibit G. 3.7 Angi[erv Senices. In the event that the f'acility is located outside of Avista's Balancing Auftoriry Area, Seller shall be responsible at its sole expems for obtaining any and all necesstry fuioillary S ervices. 3.8 Insurancel $eeurilv. Prior to the commencement of the first delivery of Net Output to Avist4 Seller shall zubmit to Avista evidence of eornpliance with Sections 8.1 and 8.2. 3.9 Reserved. 3.10 l.{etworkResourcc Deisnation. hior to the commsncement of ths fust dclivery ofNet Output to Avista, Seller shall provide to Avista all data required by Avista to enable the Facility to be designated by Avista as a network resouFce. 3.ll 'lVritten Accentance. Prior to the commencement of the fust delivery ofNet Output to Avistq Seller shall request and obtain from Avista written confinnation that ali conditions to acceptance of electric enerry bave been fulfilled. Avista shall use rcasonable commernial etrorts to pronrptly provide Seller wdtten confi:mation that all conditions to acceptance of electric energ/ bave been futfilled or provide notice that such conditions have not bern fulfilled. 4. TERIVI OF AGREEMENT: COMMISSI0N APPROVAI* 4.1 This Agreenrent shall be effective on the date last signed below or such other date set by Commission oxler (the'Effective Date") and shall continue fbr twenty years after the Effcctive Date (the "Term), unless otherwisc tcrminated as provided hercin. 4.2 Projeot Developer and Avista shalljointly petition the Commission for an ordor approving the Agreomcnt and any mutually agrecd to amendment to the Agreement. This Agreement and any amendment to this Agreoment is conditioned upon the approval and determination by the Commission that the pricos to be paid for elechic power are just and reasonable, in thc public interesl and that the costs incured by Avista for purchases of electric power from Scllcr ars legitimate experrses, 4.3 In the event that the Commission fails to issue a final order approving this Agreement by October 29,2A18, neither Party shall have any further obligations to purcha.se or sell eleclricpowcrhereunder, and this Agreement shall terminate ou October29, 2018. 5. NET OUTPUT AMOUNTS 8 Final June 6, 2018 5.1 Initipl Monthly Net Output Estimatps. Seller shall provide to Avista Net Output estirnates for each of the trpelve consecutive monflrs that begin with the month containing the Initial Delivery Date, counting the month during which the Initial Delivery Date occu's as month one ("Initial Year Monthly Net Ouput Estimates"). Seller shall provide to Avista such Initial Year Monthly Net Output Estimates by written notice in accordance with Section 29 no later than five (5) calendar days prior to the commencement of the first delivery of Net Output to Avisl.a. 5.2 Subsequent Monthly Net Output Estimates. At the end of month three following the Initial Delivery Date, and at dre end of every month thereafter, Seller shall provide to Avista Net Output estimates pertaining to each additional consecutive month for which Seller has not yet delivered to Avista Net Ouput estimates. Seller shall provide such Net Output estimates to Avista by raritten notice in acoordance with Section 29, no later than 5:00 p.m. of the last Business Day of the month during which they are required to be provided. 5.3 Content gf Net Output Estimates. All Net Output estimates shall be expressed in kilowatt-hours by month. 5.4 Failure to Provide Net Output Estimates. Failure to provide Monthly Output Estimates when requirrd herein shall be a matedal breach of this Agrrement and Avista may, in its sole discrntion, either terminatc this Agreement or Avista may deterrrine the Monthly Nel OutputEstimabs peftaining to zuch month ormonths, and the Monthly Net Output Estimates determined by Avista shall be binding for purposes of the Agrecnrent as though they were propared by Scller and provided to Avista as requircd by the Agreement. 5.5 Resglved. 5.6 AvistaAdjustment of MonthlyNet Owput Estimate. III pursuant to Section 10.2, Avisla is excused from acceping the Seller's Net Output the Montlrly Net Output Estimate for the specific month in which the reduction or suspension occurs will be reduced in accordance with the tbllowing: Where: NO: Current Month's Net Output estimate SGU =(a) (b) If Avista is excused from accepting flre Seller's Net Output as spceified in Section 10.2 this value will be equal to the percentage of curtailment as specified by Avista multiplied by the lGU as defined below. If the Seller declares a suspension of Net Output as specified in Section 10,3 this value will be the generation unit sizs rating of 0.8 MWo TGU: Generation unit size rating of 0.8 MW, -9- I i II I I Final June 6, 2018 RSH = TII = Resulting forrrula being: Adju*ed Net Output Actual hours the Facility's Net Output was either reduced or suspended under Sections 10.2 ot 10.3. Actual total hours in the curent month :No (( sGU x No ) x( RSH )) TGU TH This Adjusted Net Outprrt estimate will be used in applicable Surplus Energy calculations for only the specific month in utrich Avista wae excused from accepting the Net Output or the Sellcr's Declared Suspension of Net Output. 6. SCIIEDI,'LING 6.1 Seller isresponsible for zupplying day(s)-ahead enerry pre*ctrcdules for each hour. Such schedules will, to the extent practical, be based on the anticipaled achral generation of the Facility for each zuch hour. Seller shall submit enery1r pre-schdules for the nod Br:siness Day by email, or by other mutually agreed upon means, to Avista no later than 5:30 am on lhe Business Day immediately preceding the day on which energy deliverics arc to be made;provided, however,that for estimates of deliveries on rveekends and holidays (as de{ined by NERC), Seller and Avista shall follow scheduling procedures in accordance with then-cunent WECC standard scheduling prastices with regard to multiple day scbeduling. 6.2 Seller shall create an electonic tag (e-Tag) that reflccts the day-ahead hourly estimate no later than 2:00 pm on the Business Day immediately preceding the day on which energy deliveries af,e to be rnadq' provlded, however,that for estimates of deliveries on weeksnds and holidays (as dofined by NERC), Seller and Avista shall follow scheduling procedures in accordance with then current IVECC standard schedulingpractices with regard to multiple day scheduling. 6.3 The day-ahcad estimate shall be provided for preschedule pruposes and shall not restrict Seller's right to submit revised hour-ahead schedules as provided herein. 6.4 At least sixty minutes prior to the start of each delivery hour during the delivery Business Day, Seller shall pmvide Avista with an updated eleckic tag (e-Tag) that reflects the firm schedule for that delivery hour. Seller shall pay any energy imbalance charges or penalties inrposed by rhe Transmission Entity on tho delivery of the Net Outputto the Point of Delivery, 6.5 Email contact infomration with regard to pre-scheduling and telephons contact inforrnation with regard to generation level changes, intenupions or outages are specified in Exhibit C, Communication and Reporting. -l0- Final June 6, 2018 6.6 Should cilcumstances change in the WECC or WECC sub-region, within which Avista operates its electric system, dictate that soheduling protocols or timing of sshedule notifications need to conform, then the Parties agree to negotiate in good faith to a mutually agreed modifisation of this Section 6 as necessary, 7. PURCTIASD PRICE*S A}II} PAYIVIENT 7.1 E:rcept uihen either Pa$y's performance is excused as providcd heretq for the Term of this Agreement, Seller slrall deliver all Net Output fmm the Facility to Avista at the Point of Delivery. For all Nct Output delivercd to Avista at the Point of Dclivery, Avista shall pay the applioable rate spocified in Sections 7.2,7.3,7.4 and 7.5 of tttis Agreement. 7,2 Base Enerw. For all Base Energy delivered to Avista at the Point of Delivery, Avista shall pay Seller the applicable rate based upon the Avoided Cost Rates For Non-Fueled Pmjects Smaller Than Ten Average Megawatts - Levelized in effect on the Effective Date ('Avoided Cost Rates') as specified in Exhibit B. 7.3 Surqluq.Eng_rsy. For all Surplus Energy delivered to Avista at the Point of Delivery, Avista shall pay Seller 85 percent of the cunentmonth's Market Energy Price ("Surplus Energy Price'). 7.4 Shorilall Enerny. If the month's Net Output is less than 90 percent of the Monthly Net Output Estimare for thc conesponding month, Shordall Energy will be the same month's actual Net Output delivered to Avista at the Point ofDelivery. For all Shortfall Energy delirre,led to Avista atthe Point of Delivery, Avista shall pay Seller 85% of the cutent month's Martet Encrgy Price f'Shortfall Energy Price"). 7.5 Sxcess Enersq. Excess Energy is Net Output, expressed in MWh, which Seller delivers to Avista at the Point of Delivuy that exceeds l0 aMW in a calendar Month. Avista, at its sole discretion, may accept Excess Enetgy, but Avista will not pay for any Excess Energy. Where Avista does not elect to acriept Excess Energy, and Sellsr delivers suoh urergy after notification by Avista in accordance with Exhibit C, Sellu shall pay Avista liquidated damages equal to $100 per MWh of Excess Eneryy delivered to Avista. The Parties agree thal the damages that Avista would iucur due to Scller's delivery of Excess Energy wheu Avista does not elect to accept Excess Energy would be difficutt or impossible to prrdict with celtainty and the liquidated damages oontemplated by tlris provision are a fair md rcasonable calculation of sr:ch damages and are not apenalty. 7.6 Pavments to Seller. Avista_shall prepare and submit to Seller monthly statemats druing the Term of the Ageoment based rpon Net Output delivered to Avista during the previous month- Payments owed by Avista shall be paid no later tlan the 15h day of the month following the end of the monthly bitling period or five days after the receipt of a monthly statement, whichever is later. If the due date falls on a non-Business Day, then the payment shall be due on the next Business Day. 7.7 Pryuents to Avista and Riqht of Set QIf. If Seller is obligated to make any payment or refinrd to Avista, Seller sgrees that Avista may set offsuoh payment or refund - 11- Einal June 6, 2018 amount against any cunent or futurr payments due Seller under this Agreemeot. If Avista does not elect to set ofl or if no cunent or future payment is owed by Avista, Avista shall submit an invoice to Seller for such payrnents. Seller shall pay Avista no later than the 15tl' day of the month following the end of the monthly billirrg period or five days after the receipt of a monthly statement, whichever is later. If the due date falls on a non-Business Day, then the payment shall be due on the next Business Day. 7.8 Inte-fest. In addition to the remedies set fotlh in Section 16 of this Agreement, any amounts owing after the due date specified in Sections 7.6 and 7.7 will lle subject to interest in the amount of one and one half percent (1.5ol0) pcr montfu not to exceed the maxirnurn rate allowed by ttre law, multiplied by the unpaid balance. 7,9 Wire Trynrfer. All payments shall be made by ACH or wire hansfer in accordance with furtrer agresnent of tbe Panies. 8. INSURA.NCE:SECURITY:Q9NTINTIINGOBI.,IGATIONS 8.1 Insurance Prior to the commencement of the first delivery of Net Output to Avista, Seler, at its own cost shall obtain and maintain the following insurance inforce over the tsm of,this Agrcement and shall pruvide ceitificate"s of all insurance polieies. All insurance policies reguired to fulfi.ll the ruquiremenb of this Section 9 shall include language requiring that any notice of cancellation or notice of change in policy terms be sent to Avista by the inzurance canieds) at least sixty days prior to any change or tennination of the policies. 8.1.I Ge"neral Liability. Seller shall cary commercial gencral liability insurance for bodily rqiury aad property damage with a minimum limit equal to $e000,000 for each oceunence. The deductible shall not exceed the Seller's frnancial ability to cover claims and shall not be greater than prevailing practices for similar opemtions in the State of ldaho. 8.1.2 Propertv. Seller shall carry all-risk propqty insurance for repair or rrplacemcnt of &e Facili$. The limit of property insuranco shall be sufiicient to restore operations in the event of reasonably foreseeable losses fi'om natural, operational, mechanical ad humau-caused perils. The deductible shall not exceed the Seller's financial ability to fund the cost of losses and shall not be greater than prevailing practices for similar operations in the State of ldaho. 8.1.3 Qualifviue Insursnce. The insurance coverage required by this Section 8 shall be obtained tom an insurance company reasonably acceptable to Avista and shall include an endorsemeot naming Avista as an additional insured and loss payec as applicable. 8.1.4 No4co of Logs or.Lqppe of hgurgnse bv Seller. [f the insurance coverage required by this Section 8 is lost or lapscs for any reason, Seller will immedimely notify Avista ia writing of such loss or lapse. Such notice shall advise Avista of (i) thc reaton for srch loss or lapse and (ii) the steps Seller is taking to rcplace -12- I!I I Final Jnne 6,2018 or reinstate coverage. Notice provided by the insurer required by Section 8,1 shall not satisff the notice requirernent of this Section and Seller's failure to provide the notice roquired by this Sectian anilor to promptly replace or reiustate coverage will constitute a material breach of this Agreement 8.2 Security. For the Term of this Agreernent, Seller wilt provide Avista with the following: Prior to delivering any output from the Facility puflsuant to this Agreernent Seller shall provide Avista a cash doposit, or other furm of security that is acceptable to Avista, that represents the differcnce between the levelized paymentAvista witl pay and the non-levelircd payment thal Avista wouldhave paid plus acsumul&ted interest. An estimate of each year's cash deposit is show in Exhibit H, Drtimated Security Deposit by Year. The Security Deposit shall be tounded to the nearest $5,000, The initial Security Deposit of $10,000 shall be made be the first day of scheduled delivedes (assurned to be November 1 , 2018). Once a year by thc l0s' business day of a new calendar year Avista will re-calculate the Security Deposit amount to retlect actual generation from the prior year and estimated generation for the current year plus acoumulated interest. Seller will insrease the security deposit to rroflect such calculation by February l, or ifthe required Security Deposit amount is reduced, Avista will provide a refund of any cash security that exceeds the amount Seller is required to deposit with Avista for that calendar year. Avista will hold this securily deposit in its account in a domestic bank (or a domestic branch of a foreign baak) that has a senior debt rating of at least "A-" (or its equivalent) from Standard and Poor's, Moody's, Fitch, DBRS or CBRS. Avista will pay daily interest on the amount deposited on amonthly basis based on the Fed Funds rate as reportcd by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York at https ://apps,new.vprkfed.or dmarl-c.gtdautorates/fed'lo20fu nd$, Io the event of default as delined in Section l6 or early termination due to failute to per'form, Avista is entitled to keep the total seourity deposit or a reduced arnount if Avista, at its sole discretion, detennines thar the total security deposit sxceeds the amount required 8.3 Continuing Qfuligationr. For the Term of &is Agreement, Seller will pmvide Avista with lhe following: 83.1 Insurancs. Upon Avista's lequest, SellEr shall provide Avista evideuce of compliance with the provisions of Section 8.1 , If Seller fails to comply, such frilure will be omaterial breach and may only be oured by Sellerpromptly supplying evideuce that the requfued insurance covorage has been replaced or reinstated. 83.2 Enginesr'g Cerfificatiou. If requcstcd by Avi.sta, Sellel will supply Avista with a Cer-tification of Ongoing Operations and Maintenance fum a Registered Frofessional Fngineer licensd in the State of Idaho or the state in w]rich the Facility is -13- Final June 6,2018 located, which certification shall be in the fomr specified in Exhibit B, Seller's failure to supply the ccrtificate rsquired by this Section 8.3.2 will be a material breash that may only be cured by Seller prompfly providiug flre required ceftificate. Avista may request the Certitication of Ongoing Operations and Maintenance required by this seotion once in any three-year period during the Term. 8.3.3 Licensos and Permits. During the Tenn of this Agreement, Seller shall rnsintain compliance with atl permits and licenses described in Section 3.3 of this Agreement. In addition, Seller will obtain, aud supply Avista with copies o(, any new or additional p€rmits or licenses that may be required for Seller's operations. At least every fifttr yeal after the Effective Date, Seller will update the documentation described in Section 3.3. If at any time Seller fails to maintain compliance with the permiu and Iimnses described in Section 3.3 or this Section, or to provide documentation required by this Section, srch failurc will be a material breach of this Agreement that may only be cured by Seller submitting to Avista evidence of compliance. e. CURTJ\ILMENT.II{TERRUPTION QR RED.UCTI9N or DE}IVERY Avista may require Seller to curtail, interrupt or reduce delivery of Net Output if, in accordauce with Section 10.2, Avista determines that curtailment, intenuption or rcduction is neoessary becauso of a Force Majeure event or to protrect persolrs or property from injury or damage, or because of emergencies, necessary systcm maintenance, system modification or special op,erating circumstances. Avista shall use commercially reanonable efforts to keep any period of curtailment inttmrption, or reduction to a minimum. In order not to interfere unreasonably with Seller operations, Avistra shall, to the extent practical, give Seller reasonable prior notice of any curtailment, internrption, or reduction, the reason for its occurrence and its probable duration. Seller understands and agtees that Avista may not be able to pruvide notice to Seller prior to intonupion, curtailment, or reduction of electrical energy deliveries to Avista in emergency cfucumstances, real-time operations of the electic systern, and/or unplanned events.. IO. OPERATION 10.1 Communications aod Reooiline. Avista and the Seller shall maintain appropriate operating communications tluoughthe Cornmunicating and Reporting Guidelines specified in Exhibit C. 10.2 Ersue From Aqpeqtance of DeliverJ o{Fnersv. 10.2.1 Avista may curtail, intemrpt, reduce or suspend delivery, receipt or acceptance of Net Ouput if Avista, in its sole discretion, reasonably determines that such curtailment, intemrption, reduction or suspension is necessary, consistent with Prudent Utility Practice, and that the faiiure to do so may: (a) endanger any person or property, or Avista's electric system, or any eleotric system with whichAvista's system is interconnectcd; - 14- I I I I I Btnal June 61 2018 @) cause, or contibute to, an imminent significant disruption of elechic sewice to Avista's or another utility's customers; or (c) interfere with any constuction, installatiory inspection, testiug, repair; replacement improvemeut, alteration, modification, operation, use or maintenance of, or addition to, Avista's electric system or other property of Avista. 10,2.? Avista shall plomptly notifi Seller of the reasons for any such sudailmenf, intemrption, reduction or suspension provided for in Section 10.2. Avista shall use rgasonable effcrts to limit the duration of any such curtailment, intemrption, rcduction or suspension- 103 Reserued. 10.{ Schedulcd Outaqe. On ot beforeDecember 15 prior to each calendar year, Seller shall sub,mit a wdtten proposal of Scheduled Outages for the upcoming calendar year. Such uritten proposal of Scheduled Outages shall contain the percentage of hours in each calendar month wlrerc the Facility is expected to be on Scheduled Outage, Seller may trydate the annual Scheduled Outagss proposal periodically, The Seller in no instance may change Scheduled Outages for the current or following 2 oalendar months. Avista and Seller shall mutually agree as to the acceptability of the proposal and any updates or changes to the proposal. The Partis' determination as to the accepability of Seller's timetable for Scheduled Outagas shall take into consideration Pnrdent Utility Practices, Avista's system requirements and Seller's preferred sclredule. Neither Party shall unreasonably wi6hold acceptance of the proposed Scheduled Outages. 'Ihe Parties shall cooperate in determining mutually acceptable times tbt Sctreduled Outages. f05 Sell,er'sRigk Seller shall design, oonstruct, ovm, operate and maintain the Iracility at its own risk and expense in compliance with all applicahlc laws, ordinances, rules, r',ogulations, orders and other rcquirements, now or hereafter in effect, of any goveru"mental authority. 10.5 Avista's Risht to Inspect Seller shall pennit Avista to inspect and audit the Facility, any relaled production, delivery and scheduling docrmrentation or the operation, use or maintenance of the F'acility at any roasonable time and upon reasonable notice. Seller shall provide Avista reasonable advance notice of any Faoility test or inspection performed by or at the direction of Seller. 10,7 Seller Oblisptions in Aecordance $,ith PrElenf UglltI FracLipo.g. Seller shall owa, operate and maintain the Facility and any Seller-owned Iaterconnection Facilities so &s to allow reliable generation and delivery ofNet Ottput to Avista forthe ftrll Ternr of the Agreement, in accordance with Prrdent Utility Practices. II.O INTERCONNECTIONAI{D TRANSMISSION -15- I I Finsl June 61 2018 f 1.l Seller shall make all necessary arrangements and pay all oosts to interconuect its Facility with tlre electrical system of such Transmitting Entity. Ll.z Prior to the commencement of the first delivery of Net Output, Seller shall provide Avista with copies of all executed Transmission Agreements in a form reasonably satisfactory to Avistn, providing for the firm transmission of Net Output fiom the Facility to the Point of f)elivery for the Terrr of this Agreement. Seller shall not consent to any modificatiou of any finn Transmission Agrcement without Avista's advance written apprcval, which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld. ll.3 ln the event that Seller is required to curtail, intenupt or reduce delivery of Net Output to the Point of Delivery, SeUer shall arrange at its ou,n expense to deliver Net Output to a secondary point of delivery ("Altemate Point of Delivery"), and Avista shall use reasonable commercial efforts to accept Net Output at such Alternate Point of Delivery. tl.4 The lermination, cancellation or expiration of any Transmissiou Ageement required to deliver electric energy to Avista under this Ageement shall constitute a material broach of this Agreement, and Avista may terninate the Agrcement by grving Seller unitten notice of such termination which shall be effcctive upon written notice of such termination, cancellation or expiration of the applioable Transmission Agreement. 11.5 Sellsr shall be responsible for any and all costs and expenses related to transrrission ofNet Output to the Point of Delivery under this Agreement, including but not limited to Ancillary Services any costs or expenses incured by Avista rcsulting from the Transnrission Agrecments ineluding but not limited to, any charges, reimbursable expenses or other amounts payable by Avista to any Transnittiug Entity. Seller shall deftnd, indemni$ and hold harrrless, Avista from all claims, losses, harm, liabilities, damages, costs, and expenses including but not limited to, reasonable asomeys' feas, arising out of any act or omission of Seller in connection with the Transmission Agreements, including but not limited to, any breach of or default under any of the Transmission Agreements by Seller. 12. FORCE MAJEURE l2.l Except as orpressly provided in section 12.6, neither Party shall be liable to the other Party, or be considercd to be in breach of or default under this Agreement, for delay in pcrformancc due to a csuse or condition beyond such Party's reasonable control which despite the exerrise ofrcasonablc due diligencg such Party is unable to pre'vent or overoome ("Force Majeue'), including butnot limited to: (a) fire, floo4 earthquakg volcanic activity; court order and ast of civil, military or govemmental authority; strike, lockout and other labor dispute; riot, inzunaction, sabotage or waq unanticipatcd electrical disturtance originating in or transmitted through srch Prty's elecbic system or any electric system with which such Party's systmr is interconnected; or -16- f inal June 6,2018 (b) an action taken by such Party which is, in the sole judgment of such Party, necessary or prudenl to protect the operation, performance, integrity, reliability or stability of such Party's electric system or any electric systenr with which such Pafly's elestic system is interconnected, whether such actions occur automatioally or manually. 12.2 In the event of a Force Majeu'e event, the time for performance shall be extended by a period of time reasonably necessary to overcome such delay. Avista shall not be ruluired to pay for Net Output which, as a rezult of any Force Majeure event is not delivered. 123 Nothing contained in this Sectiou shall require any Party to settle any strike, lockoul or other labor dispute. 12,4 In the event of a Force Majeure event, the delayed I'arty shall provide the other Party notice by telephone or email as sootr as reasonably praoticable and written notice within fourteen days after the occurrence of the Force Majerne event. Such notice shall include the particulars of the o@urrence. The zuspension of perfounance shall be of no greater scope and no longer duration than is required by the Force Majeure and the delayed Party shall use its best efforts to rrmedy its inability to petform. 12.5 Force Majeure shall include any rmforeseen electrisal dishubance that prevents any electric energy dEliveries from occurring at the Point of Delivery. 12,6 Notwithstanding anything to the contrary hereia" Force Majeure shall not apply to, or excuse any default under, Sections 16.1(a), 16.1(h) or 16.1(i). For the avoidance ofdoubt, Avista may declare Seller in Default if an evant dcssdbed in any of Sections 16.1(a), l6.l(h), or I6.l(i) occrlrs and Avista may pursue any remedy available to it underthis agreement, including draw upon the secrxity posted by Sellerpursuant to Section 8.2. 13. INDEMNITY 13.I Each Party shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless, the othq Party, its directory ofrcers, employeeg and agents (as the "lndemnitce') from and against all claims, demaads, causes of actiorq judgments, liabilities and associated costs and expenses (including reasonable attorney's fees) to the extent arising fiom or athibutable to the performance or non- perfomrmcc ofthat Party's (as the "Indemnitor') obligations under this Agreement, including but not limited to, damage to tangible property and bodily injury or death suffered by any persor (including employees of Seller or Avista or the public), provided that: (a) No Indemnitee shall be indemnified for any loss, liability, injury, or darnage resulting from its sole negligsnce, gross negligence, fraud or wiltful misconduct; and (b) 'Ihe Indemnitor shall be entitled, at its option, to assume and control the defense ar:d any settlement of such suit -17 - I I I Finsl June 6,2018 Hach indemnity set forth in this Section is a continuing obligation, sepalate and independent of the other obligations of each Party and shall survive the expiration or terrnination of this Agteement. I3.2 SELLERAND AYISTA SPECIFICALLY WARRANT THAT THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THE TOREGOING INDEMNITY PROYISIONS ARE TITE S{JBJECT OF MUTUAL NEGOTIATION BY TIIE PARTIES, AND ARE SPECIFICALLY AFID EXPRESSLY AGRDED TO IN CONSIDENATION OT THE MUTUAL BENEFITS DERIV}D UNDER TTIE TERIIffI OF TEE AGREEMENT. 13.3 EXCEPT AS E)(PRESSLY PROVIDED HER$IN, NEITHER PARTY SIIALL BE LHBLE UNDER ANY PROVISTON Ox. THIS AGREEMENT FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT, INCTTIENTAL, CONSEQ U ISNTIAL, OR P U N ITM DAMAGI:S, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITEII TO LOSS OF PROTIT, SAVTNGS OR REVENIJE, LOSS OF TIIE USE OP EQUIPMENT, COST OI" CAPII'AL, oR COST Of TEMPORARY EQUIPMENT OR SERYICES, WIIETIIER BASED IN WHOLE OR IN PART IN CONTRACT, IN TORT, INCLUDING NEGLTGENCE, S'TRICT LIABILITY, OR ANY OTIIER THEORY Of,'LIABILITY. 14. ASSIGNMENT l4.I Seller shall not assign its rights or delegate its duties under this Agreement wilhout the prior written consent ofAvista, which consent shall not be rmleasonably withheld. Subject to the foregoing restictions on assignments, this Agreement shall be fully binding upon, inue to the benefit ofand be enforceable by the Parties and their respective successors, heirs and assigns. 14.2 Seller shall have the right, subject to the obligation to prnvide security specified in Section 8, without Avista's consent but with a thirty days prior written notice to Avista, to make collateral assignmcnts of its rights under this Agreement to satisfy the requirements of any development construction, or other rcasonable long term financing. A collateral assignment shall not constitute a delegation of Seller's obligations under ilris Agrcemont, and this Agreement shall not bind the collateral assignee. Any collateral assignee succeeding to any portion of the ownership inrerest of Seller shall be considered Seller's succe{rsor in interest and shall thereafter be bound by this Agreement. 15. NO UNSPECIFmD TIIIRD PARTY BENETICT.{RrES Thorc are no thfud party beneficiaries of this Agreeurent. Nothing contained in this Agreement is intended to confer any dght or interest on anyone other than the Parties, and their respective succeslors, heirs and assigns pemritted under Section 14. 16, DEFAULT AND TERMINATION 16.1 ln addition to any other breach or failure to perform under this Agreement, including without limitation failure to deliverNet Output in the amounts required by this - 18- i I'inal June 6,2018 Agreement that is not otherwise excused under this Agreement, each of the following events shall constitute a Default: (a) Seller abandons the Facility; O) The Facility ceases to be a Quali$ing l'acility; (c) A Party becomes insolvcnt (c.g., is unable to meet its obligations as they become due or its tiabilities exceed its assets); (d) Seller makes a general assignment of substantiatiy all of its assets for the benefit of its creditors, files a petition for bankruptcy or rcorganization or seeks other relief under any applicable insolvency laws; (e) Seller has filed against it a petition for bankruptcy, reorganization or other relief under any applicable insolvency laws and such petition is not disrnissed or stayed within sixty days after it is filed; (f) Seller is in default under any Agreement related to this Agreement; (g) Termination, cancellation or expiration of any agrcement required for Seller to deliver electric enerry to Avista under this Agreement, inoluding but not limited to ttre Transmission Agreement or the lfierconnection Agreemenl; (h) Sello has failed to deliver output lium the Facility for a period of six consecutive calendar months or a total of180 calendar days in any calendar year; or (i) Sellcr fails to post the security, or Eny part thereo{ as required by Seotion 8.2. 162 Noticc end Opportunity to Cure. In the event of a Default, the non-Defaulting Party shall give written notice to thc Defaulting Parfy of a Default in accordance with Section 29. Except as provided in Section 16. 1(e), if the Defaulting Party has not cured the breach within thirty days after receipt of such uritten notice, thc non-Defauhing Party may, at its option, terminate this Agreement anilor pursuc any ramedy available to it in law or eauity;provided that, if a Default occurs under Sections 4.3,5.4,5.7, l6.l(a), l6.l(g), l6.l(h) and/or 16.1(i), Avista may immediately termiuate this Agreement wiilrout opportunity to cure, and such termination shall become effective upon unitten notice of Default. 163 Additional Rights and Rcmedies. Any right or remedy afforded to either Parg under this Agreennent on accourt of a Default by the other Party is in addition to, and not in lieu of, all other rights or remedies available !o such Party under any other provisions of this Agreemen! by law or otherwise on account of the Default. 16.4 Danragos. If this Agreement is terminated as a resuh of Seller's Default after the Effective Date, Sellershall pay Avist4 in addition to other damages, the positive difference, if - 19- Final June 6, 2018 any, between the purcha.se price specified in Section 7 .2 and the cost to replace the Net Output for [welve months beginning on the date of the original Default, plus all associated transmission costs to Avista to acquire such replacement Net Output. 17. DISPUTERESOI,UTION Fach Party shall strive to resolve any and ail difhrences during the term of the Agreement thrcugh meetings and discussions. If a dispute cannot bc rcsolved within a reasonable time, not to exceed thirty days, each Party shall escalate the r"rmesolved dispute to a senior offrcer designated by each Party. If the senior officerc are not able to resolve the dispute within ten Business Days of escalation then either Party may either agree to mediate or arbinate the dispute or request a hearing beforc the Commission. I8. RELEASS BY SELLI]R Seller releases Avista from any and all clains, losses, harur, liabilitics, damagcs, costs and expenses to thc extent resulting from any: f 8.l Electric disfurbance or fluctualiou that migrates, directly or indirectly, fronr Avista's electtic system to the lracility; 18, Internrption, suspension or euilailment of electic service to the Facility or any other premises owned, possessed, contolied or served by Seller, which intenuption, suspension or qutailment is caused or contibuted to by thc Facility or the interconnection of the Facility; 18.3 Disconnectioq intemrption, suspension or curtailment by Avista pursuant to tenns of this Agreement or the lnterconnection Agreement; or 19. GOyERIYMENTALAUTHOBTTY This Agreement is subject to the nrles, regulations, orderr and other requirements, now or' hercafter in effeot, of all govemmental authorities having jurisdiction over thc Facility, this Agrcemen! tbe Parties or either of them. All laws, ordinances, rules, regulations, orders and other requirements, now or heusaft€r in effect, of govcnunental authorities that arc required to be incorporated in agree,ments ofthis character are by this reference incorporated in this Agreement. 20. SEYERAL OBLIGATIONS The duties, obligations and liabilities of the Parties under this Agreement are intended to be several not joint or oollective. This Agreement shall not be interpreted or construed to create an association, joint vcntrre or partnership betweea the Parties. Each Party shall bc individually and severally Iiable for its own obligations under this Agreernent, Furthu, neithcr Party shall have any rights, ponrcr or authorlty to enter into any agrcement or undertakiug for or on behalf of, to act as to be an agent or representative of, or to otherwise bind the other Party. 2I. IMPLEMENTATTON -20 - I I : I I i I Final Juno 61 20lE 22. NON.WAIVER The failure of either Party to insist upon or cnforoc shict pertormance by the ottrer Party of any provision of this Agreemenl or to exercise any right under this Agreement shall not be construed as a waiver or relinquishment of such Party's right to assert or rely upon any such provision or right in that or any subsequent instance; rather, the sarne shall be and remain in full force and efifect. 23. AMENDMI4NT No change, amendment or modification of any p'ovision of this Agrcement shall be valid unless set forth in a written arnendmentto this Agreement signed by both Partes and subsequently approved by the Commission, 24, CEOICE OF LAWS AT{D YENUE this Ageement shall be construed and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the Statc of ldaho without reference to its choice of law provisions. 2s. rrEA-pINGS The Section headings in this Agreement are ftr convenience only and shall not be considered part of or used in lhe interpretation of this Agreement. 26. SEYERABILITY The invalidity or urenforceability of any provision of this Agrecnrent shall not affect the validity or enforceability of any other provision of this Agreement, and this Agreement shall be construed in all reqpects as if the invalid or unenforceable provision were omitted. 27, COUNTERPARTS This Agreement rnay be executed in two or more couatcrparts, cach of which shell be deemed as an original, and together shall constitute one and the same document. 2E. TAXES Each Party shall pay before delinquency all taxes and other goveronrental ohargcs which, if failed to be paid when due, could result in a lien upon the Facility or the Interconnection Facilities. -21 - Each Party shall proruptly take such action (including, but not limited to, the execution, acknowledgement and delivery of docurnents) as may be reasonably requested by the other Party for the implemcntation or continuing performance of this Agreement. Final June 6, 2018 29, NOTICES Unless otherwise specified, all written notices or other communications rcquircd by or provided undel this Agreement shall bc mailed or delivered to the following addrcsses, and shall be considered delivered when deposited in the US Mail, postage prepaid, by certified or registered mail or delivered in person: to Avista:I)irector, Power Supply Avista Corporation P.O. Box 3727 Spokane, WA 99220 to Seller:Donnatewis City Recorder City of Cove P.O, Box 8 Cove, OR 97824 Eitrer Party may change its designated representative to receive notice and/or address specified abovc by grving the other Party written noticc of such ohange. 30. SI.JRVIYAL Rights and obligations whictr, by their naflue, should survive termination or expiration of this Agreement, will remain in effect until satisfied, including without limitation, all outstanding financial obligations, and the provisions of Sectioo 14 (lndemni$) and Section l8 @ispute Resolution). 31, ENTIRE AG.R"EEMENT This Agpeement, including the following exhibits whiclr are attached and incorporated by refeteirce herein, constitutes the entire agreemenl of the Parties and supersedes all prior and oontsnlroraneous oral or writlen agrcements between the Parties with respect to the subject matter hereof, Exhibit A Exhibit B Exhibil C Bxhibit D Project Description and Point of Delivery Rates Communications and Reporting Independent Engineering Certifications for Construction Adequacy for a Quali&ing F'acility and Operations and Maintenance Policy Lritial Capacity Determination DosumentationExhibit E -22- FInel June S,20IS Exhibit F Tranmission Agroemcnt ExhibitG IntsrsonnectionAgrcemcnt Exhibit H Estimatcd $ecurity Deposit by Year IN WIIT{XSS WIIEREIO$, the perti$$ hgvr oaumd *ris Agpoenrcnt to bc cxlcutcd by their duly a'&orized reprcsotatirrcs as of &c dm sct fortb blow. SELLPR Print*d Printed fYl t ,t{ Dr*: &fr ;'r l r { r {i{ I -23 - I *.,,r" * I I t; I Final June 6, 2018 Exhibit A Proiect Description and Point of Delivers Descriotion of tle Facilitv: Seller's Facility is desoribed as City of Cove Hydro and consists of: 800 kW hydroelectric QF Location: Seller's Facility is located: 67694 Mill Creek Lane, Cove, Orcgon, 97824 Poiut of Delivcrr: IIATWAI by means of interconnection with and tansfer over Oregou Trail Electris Consumct's C,ooperative (OTECC) and then transmission through Bonneville Power Adminishation' s @PA) BPAT.AVAT. -24 - Final June 6,2018 Rates Exhibit B Contract Leneth Levelized Price Season L Pricing (108%) Season 2 Pricing (84%l Jul-Feb Mar-Jun 20 years S48.s4 Ssz.+z $qo.tt -?5 - Final June 6,2018 Erhibit C Communication snd Reoortins (1) nmait communications between Seller and Avista shall be submitted to: Avista: chris.&ake@avistacorp.com; ot steve. silkworth@vistacorp.com Seller: Donna Lewisr cityadmin@CityofCove.org Altemate: Mike Brown 541.786,0377 (2) All oral communications relating to elestric enersr scheduling, generation level changes, intonrptions or outages between Seller and Avista will be communicated on a recorded line as follows: (a) Prc-Schedule (5:30 am to 12:00 noon on Business Days); Avista Pre-Scheduler: (509) 49549 I I Altemate Phone: (509) 4954073 Seller: Mike Brown Altemate Phone: 541.786,0377 (b) Real-Time S_chedule (available 24 hous a day) Avista Real-lime Scheduler: (509) 495-8534 Seller: Mike Brown Altemate Phone: 541.786$377 (3) Either Party may change its contact information uporr written notice to the other Party. -26 - I X'iaal June 61 20LB Exhibit D Indeoendent Ensireerine Certilication for Construction Adequacy for a Oualifyins Facilitv N/A No New Construction am a licensed professional engineer registered to practice and in good standing in the State of .--.-__. I have substantial experience in the design, construction and operation of electic powff plants of the same type as (Title of QF) sited at _ in County, State of -* (the "Facility"). 2. I have reviewed and/or supervised the review of the construction in progress and of the completed Facility and it is my professional opiniou that said F'acility lras been designed and built according to appropriate plans and specifications bearing the words "CEITTIFIED FOR IDAHO P.U.C. SECLJRITY ACCEPTANCE" and with the stamp of the certifuing licensed professional engineer of the design, and that the Facility was built to commercially acceptable standards for this type of facility. 3. I have no economic rclationship to the designer or owner of said Facility and have made my analysis of the plans and specifications independently. 4, I hereby CERTIFY that the above statements are complete, true, and accurate lo the best of my knowledge and I therefore set my hand and seal below. Signed and Sealsd DA'TE: SIGNATTJRE: PRINTED NAME: I,L 27-I I i I Final June 6,2018 Indenendenf Ensineerine Certilicetion for Ooerations end Meinfenance P-olicy for a OualifvinelacilitY C.rttfication Below APIIENDIXD ENO INBBN.'S CBRTIFICATION Tho rurdeslgned strlcr rnd ocrllllw rr lollorvu C,N -/n f8ngltrcor) liorcby l. Tltit &tglttqr| ls a lJoanscd hofossiollat Btgirrcr in Sood Jordhrg ln lho Sln;o of Orogorr. 2, That Eoglnaor har trvlo$,cd llto Porv!il l\rrohlso Agrronraot, horohaher, rtAgreulrnl," hetrycol OTEC nr Btrycr, ud Cily ofCovo er Scltcr, a*ca 2 I J nn a Zq t/ 1, t'lnl tlto PmJrcl rvhloh lr ths desodtod ln lho Aertotlcnl ls oorrrnmrily knoun ar llro City of Covo Hydrocleclrlo Prdeol. looated ltt Mlll Creck, Unlop Couttly, Oregon rvlth o rmmophto oapRctty rntlng of E00kW, 4. thit Bltllugtd ltor rtlxloutlol or;*flonoo ln lltc d arlgr, corrs{ruollon ond oparillol of olcltrh po$u'plaNc of lhocunc lyp0 nE mh Prdoot, t. 'Itnt BnBlnoorhrs no oconomio rddiauhlp h tho DcdEr Englncor of tlrb ProJcot. 6. Thll Erglnccr lms urado r phyrlcd lnrpetlor of lhcProJcot arrd lu opa'rtlorr and nnlnlona6cs (O & M) aoot& md polloy. [t le &tglmilia pofierhnal oplnlorr, bnsod ot tllc Prqlcct'r rrppcarrucq thrt tho urgofug O & M lrm bcou ululnltlnlly io u.rrrdrlroo wlrh lla Prdcctir O&M pollcy; rlnt l[c projoct is ln roasounbly 3ood opcrallug ootxllliqri md thtt lf rdlrcrtoco to rild O*lvl Polloy oorillnuo, tho Ptojral wltl oonllruc ilodrcbrg et or'nmr llr dolgr oloctdcrl oulpul, clliohocy ud plarl ftcftor for llrc tcrrr of tboAgrcomnt ?- ThrlBrrghoorruooprlzu{rdoTBC,traccordancorr,ttf,prr,er.t,5*,1,odEfri#,,O tdylng on Xrylncot'r mpmsu[rtlutr rnd opltrlou ooolalncd hr tlllr stltEmilt. E. Thnl BBltEal,oorllfb lll0l lho nbovo rlitflr0[F rn oonploto, truo md noormlB to t[|! bo* of hidhor tmwledp $d llrcmhn solr ildha lrrnM and ssl By t/,r APPTNOIX 0.1 Elhibit E 0nE00ft -28 - ft 'ars Q/g/zarg Final June 6,2018 Initiel Csnncity Determlnatiou Documeutation Cove to insert 800 kW Hydroelecttic Facility -29 - Final June 6,2018 E*ibit r Transmission Agreement See Attached BPA TSR cotrIifltration. llru 5r6l2otB to:17 aMU RowqDeborah J {BPA} - TSIM-DTT-1 <<Ijrovue@bpa,9ov> Contlrrtrd Coue TSn 865r8t89 UJz THrrcmDro;'€UraddolDcirdrd&fi0' T.yhr,BE: {tPA} - ISE-IPP-' lrh lthblto[alGH0rocoatt'l^!flrotEa ronl you, :b Rowc rbllc Udlltles speclallst, Rcs€rvatlon 0e* -30- IErMt I Finsl June 6,2018 Erhibit G Interconnection Asreement See Attached OTECC Lrterconnection Agreement. -31 - Interconnection and Transmission Agreement Between and By Oregon Trail Electric Consumers Cooperative, fnc. and City of Cove TABLF.OF CONTENTS ARTTCLE r DEFINITIONS................... ARTICLE 2 INTERCONNECTION FACILITIES AND SYSTEM UPGRADES....,........................."....,.3 2.1 Agrcement to Continue lnterconnection................... ....................'.'.-.3 2.2 Generator-owned lnterconrrction Facilities ...-.....'.'....'3 2.3 Construction and Installation of OTEC-owned lntcrconnection Facilitie,s and SystemUpgrades.-... ..........,.........'4L4 Procurement and Constnrction Costs"...... ....................'4 LS Testing of Facilities ,.....,-..4 L6 Change in Transmission Voltage2.7 RegulatoryApprovals2.t Power Purchase...-................ ARTICLE 3 CONTINUING OBLICATIONS AN'D RESPONSIBILTTIES 3.1 FaciliU Design and Final As'Built Parameters.'......'..... 3.2 Other Services 3.3 Access Ri9ftts.......,... 3.4 Opaation and Maintenance of the Facility and Generator-owned Intersonnection Facilities....... 3.5 Operation and Mainlenance of the OTEC-owned lntErconnection Facilities and OTEC'sSystem. --....-.........-............73.6 Scheduled Ouraeps and Maintenarre Scheduling.... ...........................8 3.7 Emergency Procedures.... ........................8 3.8 Abnormal or Out of Limit Opcrating Conditioo Procedures. .............9 3.9 Protctive Relays ........,.....9 l0 and Record KeepingObligations and Audit Rights. 3.12 Responsibility for Safety of Employees, etc................. 3. I 3 Compliance wifi Applicable Laws............. ARTICLE 4 TRANSMISSION PROVISIONS............. 4.1 Trarumission of 4.2 Payment for Transmission Service 4,3 Curtailment..4.4 Request to lncrease Msximum Demand ...,..,,.......,.,... t2 ARTICLE 5 BILLING PROCEDURES...,,...............t2 ARTICLE 6 COMIDENTIALITY 3. r0 3.t I 6-2 Exempt lnformation and Documents...........-........ ............................13 6.3 Notification. ....................13 6.4 Usc of Information or DocumeDtatiom.......... .....,........136.5 Remedies Regarding Confidentiality.. .,........,............. t4 ARTICLE 7 TERM, TERMINATION, AND DEFAULT... .......................,... 14 I I I 7,1 Tcnn and Effective Date .............. .........14 7.2 Effect of Expiration or Terrnination of Agreement on Liabilities and Obligations...................... l4 7.3 Effectivoness of Certain Prrvisions after Expiration, Carrcellation, or Ternrination ofAgreement ...................... 14 7.4 Rcmoval of lnterconnection Facilities afier Expiration or Termination of Agreement..........,..... l4 7.5 f)a&rrlt ?.6 Rcmcdics upon f)eferrlt 7.7 RemediesCumulative.. ARTICLE 8 REPRESENTATIONS. 8.1 Rcprcsentations of OTEC8.2 Representations of 8.3 Represenations of Both Parties........... 8-4 FurtherAc1s............. ARTICLE 9 DISPUTE RESOLUTION 9.1 Parties to Address First.............. 9-2 Attomey's Fees -...--........ ARTICLE I O INSURANCE................ l4 t5 t5 t5 l5 l6 t7 t7 t1 11 IE r8 l8 l8 l0.l General 102 Claims Made..--........ 10.3 Cerdficates of lnsursnce; Copies of Policies..... .....,...18 I 0.4 Waiver of Subrogation....................l8 l8ARTICLE I I NOTICES I1.1 General 11.2 Changcs I 1.3 Emergensies.....-....., I I.i[ Authority of Pary Reprcsentatives I lJ Poinls ofContacg 24-hour Cnntact ARTICLE 12 FORCE MAJEURE 12.2 Force Majeurc Deftned ............-............20 ARTICLE 13 LIMITATIONS ON LLABILITY AND INDEMNIFICATION.. ...................20 I8 r9 t9 I9 t9 r9 l3.t t3.2 20 2t 13.3 Furtherlimitation of Liabilit1.... ..........21 13.5 No Duty to Non-Parties... ......................2t 13.6 No Public Dedication .2t ARTICLE I4 INTEGRATION....... I 15.3 No Liability for Acts of Other Party '.....'...... ARTICLE 16 WAIVER Exhibit2 Point of Receipt and Pointof Delivery................ Exhibit 3 Ratcs and Payment Mahodolog......... 1'' ..22 2_a16.l Waiver Pennitted...... 16.2 Limitcd Nature of Waivers ..-................22 ARTICLE 17 AMENDMENTS............ -.----.--...'-.22 17. I Amendmenls -.....-...... ARTICLE I8 SUCCESSORS, ASSIGNS, AND THIRD-PARry BENEFICIARIES ............... 18. t Binding on Parties, Successors and Assigns .. 18.2 OTEC Assignment Rights.,......... 18.3 GeneratorAssignment Righs. ARTICLE I 9 GOVERNING LAW.,.. l9.l Govcrning Law .............. ARTICLE 20 COUNTERPARTS 20. I Counterpart ExEcution Pennitted...... ARTICLE 2 I HEADINGS AND CAPTIONS ............,... 2l.l No Effect on Interpretation ARTICLE 22 SEVERABILIry............... 22.1 Severable Natme of Agreement ............24 Exhibit I Intcrconnection Facilities. ,7 22 77 ,? 23 23 t) 23 23 24 24 24 Exhibit4....... 25 26 n 28 2t 29 30 3r 32 TINTENTIONALLY BLANKI ...... Exhibit5 IINTENTIONALLY BLANKI Exhibh 6 Mocimum Transmission Demand...,.... Exhibit 7 Metering Exhibit 8 Facility Operating Restrictions... ut This INTEBCONNECTION AND TRANSMISSION AGREEMENT ("Agrcemenf') is made as of ttris fruV of il V .201t, by and beween Oregon Trail Electric Consumers Coopcrativg Inc. COTEC'),addthe City ofCove, Oregon ('Gcnerator), (refened to INTERCOI{I\IECTION AND TRANSMISSION AGREEMENT collectively as tlrc'?arties" or, individually, as a "PartS/'). WHEREAS, Generator has an elearic generation facility ("Facility"), located at Mill Creek, Union County, Oregon; and WHEREAS, Generator desires to irterconnect the Facility with OTEC's transmision and disribution system ('OTEC's System"); and WHEREAS, Crcnerator desircs to sell power from the Facility to Avista Corpontion ("Avista'"), a third-party buyer, and OTEC desires to dcliver such power to Avista; NOW THEREFORE, in consideration ofthc mutual represcntations, covenants and agrcements as set forth in this Agfeement, and other good and valuable conslderation, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the Parties hercto aglte as follows: ARTICLE T Df,flNITIONS l.l 'Abnormal or Out of Limit Operating Condition" means any condition on the Facility, Interconnestion Facilities, OTEC's System or tlp transmission sysrcm of other entities thet is outside nominal operating pararncters such that facilities are operating outside their nominal ratings or reasonable opcrating limie have been exceeded but that has not resulted in an Emergency. An Abnormal or Out of Limit OperatingCondition may include, but is not limited to, high or low deviations iu: voltage, frequency, power factor, cguipment bmpetanre, equipment pr€ssurrs, and o&er cquipment and opcrating par|metcrs. t2 "'Agrcement" means this Interconnection and Transmission Agreement between Generaton and OTEC, including all Exhibire anached hercto, as the same may be amended, supplemented, or modified in accordance with its terms. I 3 "Effective Date" has the meaning set forth in Section 7.1 1.4 "Emergency" means a condition or situation that: (A) presents an imminent physical threat of danger to life or a significant threat to health or propcrty; or (B) could cause imminent sigrrificant disruption on or significant darnage to thc Facility, the Interconnection Facilitieq OTEC's System or the facilities and oquipment of OTEC or its retail customerc. I 1.5 "Enginecring and Design Studies" means those studies conducted in accordanc€ with Prudent Utility Practice in order to dctermine the design and specifications for the lnterconnection Facilities and/or the Systcm Upgrades. 1.6 "Facility" means an existing hydroelectric generating plant owned and operated by Generator and locatcd in Mill Creclq Union County, Oregon with a nameplate capacity rating of 800 kW. 1.7 "Facility Station Service" means all electric servica requirements used by Gencrator in connection with the operation and maintenance of the Facility; including, but not limitcd to, stand-by, supplemenul, bac*,-up, maintenance and intenuptible power. 1.8 *FERC'means the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission. 1.9 "'Ceneration" means the capacity, €nergy and/or ancillary services produced at the Facility. l.l0 'oGeneratoro'has the meaning set forth in the inuoduclory paragraph of this Agrccment and includes its permitted succossors and assigns. l.l I "Generator-owned Interconnection Facilitics" means any fhcilitieu or portions of facilities owned by ttre Generator betwesn the Facility and the Point of Reccipt that arc ncc€ssary to physically and electrically inrcrconnect the Facility to tlre Point of Receipt l.l2 "Interconneclion Facilities" means ths OTEC-owncd Intcrconnection Facilities and the Generabr-owned Interconnection Facilities, collwtively. The Intenconnection Facilities are described in Exhibit l. l.l3 'Metering Point(s)" moans the poin(s) at which the amount of Generation delivered to thc Point of Rcceipt is measured. l.l4 'NERC" mcans thc North Amcrican Electric Reliability Council or any succcssor organization. l.l5 "OTEC" has the meaning set forth in the introductory paragraph of this Agreement and its pcrmitted successors and assigns. l.l6 'OTEC'owned lnterconnection Facilities" means all those facilities or portions of facilities owned by OTEC between thc Point of Receipt and OTEC Polc Number 04fl241713 below the clrtouts locarcd on said pole, as described on Exhibits l, whidr is thc point of intermnnection with OTEC's Systcm; and also including OTEC owncd facilities, whercver locatedn used to correst the reactive component of tte power produced by the Generator. l.l7 "OTEC's System" mearui the transrnission, distribution and interconncction fasilities, including any System Upgrades, oumeq oporated or contollcd by OTEC, including those 2 that are neoessary to dcliver the Generation from the Point of Receipt to the Point of Delivery. l.l I "Party' or "Parties" has thc meaning set forth in the introductory paragraph of 0ris Agrcernent. l.l9 "Point of Delivery" mcans the point at which OTEC's System is connected to the Bonneville Power Administration's (BPA) La Grande substatiorq as describcd in Exhibit 2. 1,20 "Point of Rcceipt" mcans the point at which thc Oenerator-owned lnterconncction Facilities are connccted to the OTECowned Interconncction Facilities, m described in Exhibit2. l.2l '?rudcnt Utility Practice" means the praclices, methods and acts engaged in or approved by a significant portion of the elecric utility indusry in ttrc Untted States during the relevant time perio( or any ofthe practices, methds and acts ttrat, in the exercise of reasonable judgment in light of the facts known at ttretime thc decision was madg could have been expooted to accomplish the desired result at a rcasonable cost consistent with good business prastioes, rcliability, safery and expedition. Prudent Utility Practice is not intended o be lirnitcd to the optimum practice, msthods, or act to the cxclusion of all others, but rather includes all acceptable practiceg me$o{ or acts genemlly accepted in the rcgion. Prudent Utility Practice shall include. but not be limited to, rpplicablc law and regulatory requiremcnts, and the criteria, rulcs and standards promulgarcd by NERC or WECC, or as set forth in the National Electrical Safety Code and Nationtl Elcctrical Code as thcy may bc amended from time to time, irrcluding the rules and guidelines and criteria of any successor organizations. 122 *Systcrn Upgradcs" metns ttrat portion of ury modifications, upgrades or additions to OTEC's System that rnay bc rquired to dclivcr powEr from the Facility to ttlc Point of Delivery, and o be constructcd and installed under this Agreement. 123 "WECC" means the Western Electricity Coordinating Council or succcssor organizalion. ARTICLE 2 INTERCONNECTION trACILITIES AND SYSTEM I'PGRADES Agroemont to Conflnue Intercoonecfion. The Parties hereby agree that the Facility shall continus to be inrcrconrected to OTEC's System ar the Point of Receipt for fte term ofthis Agrement Generator+wued Intercontregtlon Faclllttes. 2.t 22 3 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.2.1 Generotor-owned Interconnection Facilities must be designed, constructed, installed and maintained in accordance with applicable Engineering and Design Studies and Prudent Utility Praotice. Generator agrocs to rnaintain in accordance with this Agreemeirt and all industry applicable standardq all Gcnerator-owned Interconnestion Facilities as described in Exhibit l. 2.2,2 Inspection ofcenemtor-owned kterconnection Facilities. OTEC may, with prior naritten notice to Generator, inspect the Gencrator-owncd Intcrconncction Facitities to ascertain whetherthc Generatorowncd Intcrconnection Facilities confinn to applicablc Engineering and Design Studies and Prudent Utility Practice. Generator agrses to makc any modifications or repairs, at its own sxpenso, needed for the Generator-owned Interconnection Facilities to comply with applicable Engineering and Dcsign Studies or Prudent Utility Practicc. Congtruction and llstrlhtbn of OTEC-owned Intercounection Facflifies and Sptem Upgradcs. 2.3,1 Constructionond Installation.(A) OTEC-owned lntcrconnection Facilities and any Sysrcm Upgrades shall be designed, constructed, installcd and maintained in accordancc with applicable OTEC Engineering and Desigr Sandards and Prudent Utility Practiceq and shall be sufficient to delivcr thc Gcneration to thc Point of Delivery. OTEC agrees to maintain in accordancc with dtis Agrrcment all OTEC-owned Interconnection Frcilitics as dcsoribed in Exhibit I and System Upgndes. (B) OTEC-owned Interconncction Facilitics and any System Upgrades shrll bc constnrctcd and installcd only by OTEC or a third-party conhactor selectcd by OTEC. OTEC shall obain any lan{ pfinits, eascments, licenses or rights-of-way reasonably requircd for the oonstruction, installation or operation of tre OTEC-owned Intcrconncction Fapilities and System Upgrades. Procurremeut aod Construclion Cosb. Generator shall bc rcsponsible for all procuremqrt and construction costs rclatcd to OTEC-ovmed Intcrconncction Facilities and that portion ofany Systcm Upgrader attributablc to OTEC's provision of scrviccs to Generator under this Agrcemcnt. Gcnerator also shall be rcsponsiblc for all Gcnsator- approved costs of completion of Enginccring and Dcsign Studics undertaken by OTEC solely for purposcs of complying wiilr this Agrccmcnt. Testing of Facilities. Gencrator, at its sole cost, shall tcst thc Facility and the Generator- orvncd Intorconnection Facilities, including interconncction rclaying circuit brcakcrs and zuch ottrcr cquipment as rcquired by OTEC for protcction of ttrc Transmission Systan. OTEC shall bc allowcd to observe such tcsting and shsll bc provided with copics of all test rcsults. 4 2.8 2.6 Change in Treusmissiou Voltage, Atprcsenf OTEC's system at thc Point of Reccipt is configured as thrca phasc, grounded wyc, 13,800 Volts phasc to ground. OTEC may changc the voltage to 14,400 Volts phasc to ground. lf such churp o@uts, Generator and OTEC will coopcratc in cmrdinating schedules for thc modification of facilities to accommodatc a change in voltage, such changc to occur upon 30 days' notice to Gencrator. 2.7 Regulatory Approval* The Parties strall coopcrate in timely sceking and obtaining all rsgulatory approvals, certificateE liccnscs or authorizations ncccssary for each to cany out its responsibilities undr$is Agreement. Power Purchase. This Agrtcment does not constitute an agrecment by OTEC to purchasc Gencrator's powcr, nor docs it constitutc an clectric scrvicc supply agrccment. ARTICLE3 CONTINIIING OBLIGATIONS AND RESPONSIBILITIES 3.1 Facility Design and Flnel As.Built Perameterr. Within l0 days of0rc exccution of this Agrccment and subscquently within 45 calcndar days of cornplcion of any additional construction or modification to the Facility or Gcncralor-owned Intermnnection Facilities, Gcnerator shall provide nvo complet sets of "as built" technical drawings of those portions of&c Facility or the Generator-owned lntsroonncction Facilitics requested by OTEC and that are relevant to thc interconnection of thc Facility or delivery of Gcncration puruant to this Agrcemcnt Altcrnativeln Gcncrator shall confirm that illc "as built" drawing prcviously providcd to OTEC regarding thc Facility rcrnain unohangcd. Such as-built drawings shall includc single linc AC schematic, relay and contro! wiring, rcactive capabiliry curvcs and such ottrer information rcasonably rcquested by OTEC and reasonably available !o Gcncrator. 3.7 Other Services. 3.2.1 Facility Station Sertice. Any Facility Station Service needcd beyond that provided by thc Facility whsn in operation will bc provided by OTEC under separate agreement or applicable raE schedule or tariff. 3.2.2 Ancillary &lrviccs. OTEC does not have the capability to providc and is not providing hcrcunder Generator control area senices or ancillary services such as reseraes, Gncrgy imbalance, schcduling or regulation. To &e sxtent that OTEC incurs charges for ancillary sewices that are duc to the operation of the Facility, OTEC will pass such charges through to Generator and Ere Gencmtor shall pay such chargcs. 3,2.3 Other Services. This Agreemcnt does not obligate either Party to provide, or entitle ei&cr Party to rcceive, any scrvice not expressly providcd for herein. Erch Party is rcsponsible for making thc arrangeinents nccessary for it to rcceive any 5 otrer service that it may desirc from &e other Party or any third party, including but not limited to, Generator's desire to sell power to third-party purchasers. 3J Access Rights. The Parties shall provide each other such easements and/or access rights within its control or possession as may be neoessary for either Pany's performance of its respotive obligations under this Agreement. A Pary performing maintenance work on the other Party's property must abide bythe nrles applicable to such property.Generator shall provide OTEC with all necessary keys, codes or other entry requiremonts in ordcr to enter Gen€rator's property to perform emergsncy disconnect operations. 3.4 Operetlon end Maintenrnce of the Faciltty and Generator-owned Interconnec{ion Fecilttiec. 3.4.1 Applicable laros. Generator shall perfonn all obligations of this Agreement in accordance with all applicable laws. 3.4,2 Operation dnd Maintenance olthe Facility. Generator or its designee will operate and maintain the Facility in a safc and cfficient manncr and in accordance with applicable standards, codes and Prudcnt Utility Practice. 3.4.3 Operation and Maintenance of Generalor-owned Inlercornection Facilities. Generator will operme and maintain the Generator-owned Intsconnection Facilities in accordance with this agr€ement and in a safe and cfficient manner and in accordance with applicable standards, codes and Prudsnt Utility Practice. 3.4.4 Reacttve Power and Chmges. OTEC may be subject to rcactive power chargcs for lagging or leading power factors at OTEC's points of delivery. Ganerator shall be liable for any reactivc power chrges imposed on OTBC that results from Generator's operation of the Facility. To the extent OTFC instells equipmcnt to compcnsate for power factor impacts rcsulting from operation ofthe Facility, Generator shall pay OTEC forthe cost of such equipment and is installation, maidenance and replacement. 3.4.5 OTEC's System Qualtty. Gencrator's equipment shall not cause changes in OTEC's System voltage greater than 2 percent for contingencies; nor cause excessive voltagc flicker; nor introduce excessive distortion to fie sinusoidal voltage or currcnt waves as set forth by applicable codes, industry standards, BPA standards or Prudent Utility Practices; nor othenuise cause significant adverse effects on OTEC's System. 3.4.6 Switching, Tagging" Gruwding od Isolation f,rdes. OTEC shall providg and Generator shall comply widL OTEC's switching tagging, gounding and isolation rules as such rulm may be modified by OTEC from tirne to time. OTEC will notifr Generator in writing in advance of any changes in the switching tagging grounding and isolation rules. 6 3.5 3.4.7 Synchronizatror. Generator will install and maintrain equipment that will auomatically synchronize the Facility to OTEC's System. 3.4.8 Inspection. With respect to the Facility and Generator+wned Interconnection Facilities, OTEC shall have the right to: i) observe Generator's tests and/or inspect Gcnerator's protective equipment; ii) review the setings of GeneruoCs protective equipment; and iii) rcview Generator's maintenance records' The forcgoing rights may be exercised by OTEC from timc to timc as deemed necessary by OTEC upon reasonable advance, wrinen notice to Generator. Thc exercise or non-exercise by OTEC of any of the forcgoing rights shall be constructed neither as an endorsemenq warranty nor conformation of the fitness, safety or reliability of any aspect, feature, elemont or condition of the Facility or Generator-orrvned lnterconnection Facilities or the operation thercof. 3.4.9 Testing. Each Party shall routinely inspect and test its facilities and equipment in accordance with Prudent Utility Practice as may be necessary to ensur the reliable operation ofthe equipment and facilities ofthc Party in accordance widr Prudent Utility Practice and the continued interconnection of thc Facility with OTEC's System in a safe and reliable manner. Each Party may obscrve tesB on any ofthe other Party's facilities and equipment the performance of which may reasonabty be expected to affect the reliability of thc observing Party's facilities and cquipment. Each Party shall notify the other Party in advance of its performance of tests of its facilities and equipmanq and the othcr Party may commerit on thc tests to be conducrcd and may have a representativc pr€sent during such tesing. 3.4.10 Deficiencies and Defects.If a Party obscrves any deficiencies or defects on, or becomes aware of a lack of scheduled maintenance and testing with respect to, the o&er Party's facilities and equipment that might reasonably be expected to adversely affirt the obsering Party's facilities and equipment, the observingParty shall provide notice to the other Party that is prornpt under the circumstancg rnd the other Party shall make any con',ections required in accordance with Prudent Utility Practice; provided, however that neither Party shall have a duty or obligation to inspect the other Party's facilities or equipment Operation end ll{einten.trc! of the OTEC-owned Interconnection Facilities aud OTEC's Sptem. 3.5.1 Opration and Maintenane. OTEC will operate and maintain the OTECowned Interconnection Facilities and OTEC's System in a safe and efficient manner and in accordance with applicable standardq codes and Prudent Utility Practice. 3S2 Rates and Payment OTEC's costs charged to Generator and payable by Crenerator to OTEC, for operation and maintenance ofthe OTEC-owned Interconnection Facitities, and OTEC's System, shall be included in ttre Fixcd Charge descriM in Exhibit 3. In addition, Ganerator shall pay OTEC for any 7 necessaD/ replacement! from time to time, of OTEC's lnterconnection Facilities as set forth in Exhibit 1. 3.5.3 Notificuion of Liniting Conditions on OTEC's,9ystem. To the extent practicable, OTEC will notiil Generator of any condition that restricts or limits the ability of OTEC's Systcm to deliver all of the Generuion o the Point of Delivery. 3.6 Schoduled Outage and llflaintenance Scheduling' 3.6.1 futointenane Sche&ie. OTEC will consult witr Generator regarding the timing of schduled maintenance of OTEC's $ystem or the OTEC-owned Interconnection Facilities thu might affect the dclivery of Gencration from the Facility to the Point of Delivery. OTEC will use reasonable efforts to schedule such maintenanc€ to coincide with the scheduled outages of the Facility or with Generator's rcquests for outage schedules. 3.62 lvtaintenane Expcnses. Excep as othenvise provided in this Agrcement, each Party shall be responsible for all expenses associated with (l) rnaintaining its own prcpcrty, equipmcnt, facilities, and appurtenanoes on its side ofthe Point of Receipt, and (2) maintaining the Interconnection Facilities that it owns. 3.6.3 Coordtnation. Thc Partles shall coodinate he planning and scheduling of preventative and concctive maintcnance. 3.6.4 Cooperation Each Party agrees to cooperar€ with the o$er ln the inspwtion, maintenance. and tcsting of those secondary systems directly affecting the operation ofa Party's faoilities and equipment which may reasonably be cxpected to impact the other Pany. Each Party will provide advance noticE to the othu Party before undertaking any work in these areas, especially in electrical circuits involving circuit brealcer tip and close contactq current transformcrs, or potential transformers. 3.7 Emergency Procedures. 3.7.1 Nottfcation OTEC will provide Generator witr prompr notification by telephone of any Emergency regarding OTEC's System or OTEC-ownd Interconnection Facilities that may affect Generator's operation of thc Facility, and Generator will provide OTEC with prompt notification by telephone of any Emergency regarding the Fasitity or Generator-owned Intersonnection Facilitics that may affect OTEC's opentions. Such notification shall indicatc the nanro of thc Emergenry, the Emergency's cxpectcd effect on the operation of Generalor's or OTEC's facitities and operations, the Emergency's expected duraion and the conective sction to be taken 8 3.72 Actions by Panies (A) If a Party determines in its good faith judgment that an Emergency exists, such Parry shall take whatever action that may be reasonable and necessary, consistent with Prudent Utility Practice, to prevenq avoid or mitigate the Emergency. (B) OTEC has the right to rcquirc Generator to make any operational changes attre Facility, consistent with Prudent Utility Practice, including, but not limited to, raising or lowering voluge or clecnic power levels or discoonection of the Facility from OTEC's System in ordEr to eliminate, mitigate or control an Emergency condition or if Generator fails to mcet operational standards specified in Section 3.4.2 through 3.4.5 above. Exhibit 8 desribes additional othcr specific instances of when a temporary disconnction of the Generator may be required. (C) A Tcmporary disconncction shall continue only so long as rcasonably necarsary under Prudent Utility Practice. The Parties shall cooperate with each other to Estore the Facility, the lnterconnection Facilities and OTEC's Sfstern o their normal operating state as soon as reasonably practicable following a tcmporary disconnection. 3.E Abnormsl or Out of Llnlt Operetlng Condlflon Plucedurcs. 3.8.1 Notificaion. Each Party will provide prompt notification, elesronically sndlor by telephong ofany Abnormal or Out of Limit Operating Condition and the expected duration and the conective astion to be taken with respect to the notifuing Pafty's facilities. Such notificaions shall indicarc the nature ofthe Abnormal or Out of Limit Operating Condition, the expected effect on the operator of Cenerators or OTEC's facilities and operations, the expectcd duration and the corective actioa to bc taken with respect to the noti&ing Party's facilities. 3.82 Mitigalion or Eltmination To the extent negessary, each Party egrees to cooperatc and coordinate whh the other Party in taking conective measures drat are reasonable and necessary to mitigate or eliminate thc Abnormal or Out of Linrit Operating Condition, including but not limited to, temporary disconnealon ofttre Faciliry ftou OTEC's System or adjusting opention ofequipment, provided such measurcs ere consi$ent with Prudent Utility Practice atd do not require operation of any ofdrc Parties' facilities outside their opcrating parametcrc. Any temporary disconnection made pursuant to this Section shall be subject to tre same llmitation sct forth in Scc'tion 3.7.2(c). 3.9 Protectlve Retayr. Generalor shall provide and maintain mutually beneficial prctective rclay schemes on is side of &e hint of Rrcerpt. Generator agrees to have all such protective relay sc,heme settinp rcviewed and approved by OTEC, which shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed, in order to ensur€ prcper coordination wilh OTEC's existing protective relay schemes. Generstor furttrer agrces to opcrate such schemcs in compliance with OTEC-approved scttings. Generator agrces to test such schcmes at 9 intcrvals determined by OTEC consistent with Prudent Utility Praptice. The results of the test shall be provided to OTEC, Generator will notifr OTEC in writing as soon as practicable of any failures in, or any setting or desigrr changes to, such protective relay schemes. 3.f 0 Metering. 3. r0.1 General, At Generator's cost, OTEC shall provide, install, own and maintain metering equipment nscessary to meet iu obliptions undcrthis Agreement as set forth in Exhibit 7. All OTEC personnel costs necessary for the administration, opention, testing and calibration of maering cquipment shall be included in the rate described in Exhibit 3. OTEC and Generaror anticipate that the majority of testing calibratiou and maintenance will be performed by BPA or other third psrties. Generator shall rcimburse OTEC for all reasonabte costs paid by OTEC to third parties associated with any necessary changes or additions to the metering equipment requircd by OTEC, BPA, Avista or Gcnerator or for the adminisuation, opcratioq testing and calibration of the metering equipment by third parties. 3.1 02 TestW of Metertng Equipment. OTEC, either directly or through BPA or Avista" shall inspccg test and calibratc all metering equipment used ptnsuant to this Agreement at least once every other ycar or as determined necessary by OTEC. Generator, BPA orAvista" OTEC shall give reasonable notice ofthe time when any inspection or test shall talc place, ard Generator may have representativcs present ar fte test or inspection. With the exception of OTEC personnel costs, the cost of such inspections, tests and calibrations performod by third parties shall be paid by Generator. 3.103 Metering Data. Generator shall be respomible for providing, maintaining and operding equipment neoesssry for communicating metering data as required by BPA or Avi*a- 3.10.4 Comnrunications. Generator shall maintain satisfactory operating cornmunications with OTEC'S representative, as desigrated by OTEC, including but not limited to, voice, electronic or data communication. Generator will reirnburse OTEC forthe cost of communication facilities, if such equipnrent and serviccs arc used exclusively to communicate with Facility. Any third-party costs fur required maintenance of such communications equipmcnt shall be paid by Generauor. Operationd communications shall be activated and mainuined under, but not limited tq the following events: systsn paralleling or separation, scheduled and unscheduled shutdowns" and equipment clearances. 3.105 Meter Inarctracy. If any metcring equipmem rced pursunt to this Agreement is found to be inaccurate by amargin greater than that allowed by OTEC, BPA or Avisa for system or billing purposest then OTEC shall cause such metering equipment to be repaired or replaced u thc sole cost of Generator. Mcter rcadings l0 for thc period ofinaccuracy shall be adjusted so far as the samc can be reasonably ascertained. 3.11 Information and Record Keeping Obligations end Audit Rights. 3.1 l.l Recor&Keeping Obligalions. Each Party shall maintain such records as required by WECC, NERC, FERC or successor organization and this Agreement" All data, documen8, or other materials relating to or substantiating any charges to be paid by or to OTEC or Gencrator, as the casc may bc, shall h mainuined for a minimum period of seven years from the datcthat such records are gadrered. Ncithcr Party shall use the accounts or rccords of the other Party without the exprcss written consent ofthe other Party unless such use is permitted by this Agrcement or required by law. 3.11.2 Audit Nghts. Each Party shall have the right, within seven years following a calendar ycar, lo audit the othcr Party's records pertaining to this Agreement whercver such rccords are maintaine4 providcd 30 calendar days written notice is given prior to any audit" and provkled further that the audil will be limited to, those portions of such records thal relate to services provided under this Agremcnt, 3.12 Rcsponsibility for Safety of Employeer, ctc. The Parties agrce to be solely responsible for and assume all liabilily forthe safety urd supervision of their own employecs, agcnts, reprssentatives, and subcontractors. 3.13 Compliance with Applicsble Lrwr. All work performd by either Party that could be expectcd to affect thc opcrations of the othcr Party will be pcrformed in accordancc with all applicablc laws, rules and rtgulations pertaining to the safety of persons or propcrtyr including without limitation, compliance with the safcty regul*ions and standards adopted under thc Ocorpational and Safety Health Act of 1970, as amendcd from time to timo, the National Electical Safety Code, as amended from time to time, and Prudent Utility Fractice. ARTICLE4 IRANSMISSION PROVISIONS 4.1 Tranmisrion of Power. OTEC will provide firm uansmission service tom the Point of Rcoeiptto ths Point of Delivery up to the amount specified in Exhibit 6, Manimum Transmission Demand. fite Point of Receipt and Point of Delivry shall be as specified in Exhibit2. Pryment for Transmission Servlce. Generator shall pay OTEC fortrmsmission selvice in accordance with the payment methodology in Exhibit 3. Curtrilment OTEC may temporarily curtail deliveries of Gsneration in rcsponse to Abnormal or Out oflimit Operating Conditions. OTEC shall use reasonable efrrts to 42 43 ll provide Generator with prior notice of any such temporary curtailmcnt. If prior notice is not giverq OTEC strall, upon rcquest, provide Generator written documentation afterthe fact explaining fie circumstanc€s of the temporary curtailment. 4.4 Request to Inseage lldaximum Demend. Generator may request higher maxirnum hansmission demand amounts by subrnitting such request in writing to OTEC at l€ast 180 days priorto the effective date ofthe r€quested increase. At Generator's exp€nse, OTEC will evaluate the impact of such request on OTEC's System and will accommodate eush rcquoq provided that Gcnerator agtEes to pay OTEC, in advance, for System Upgrades necessary to accornmodate such r€quesq and to pay OTEC revised Exhibit 3 rates for the provision oftansmission service at Generstor's higher maximum transmission demand amount. ARTICLE 5 BILLING PROCEDIJRES 5.1 Billing Procedures 5.1.1 Invoices, With rrspect to any costs and expenses for which aParty is entitled to be prid under this Agreement, the Parfy (tha "invoicing Party) must submit an invoice to the other Party at the start of each calendar month. 5.12 Palnnnt. Payment of invoiced amounts will be due and payable within 15 business days after receipt of the invoice, or such other time as the Parties mutually agree. All payments will be made in immediatcly available ftnds payable to the invoicing Party or by wire transftr to a bank account specificd by the invoicing Party. If any portion of any invoicc rcmains unpard 15 business days after the receipt of the invoicg or such other timc as the Partica mutnlly agres upon, the invoioing Party will apply to the unpaid balance, and the other Party shall pay an interest charge calculated in accordance with Section 5.3 of this Agreement. 5.1 .3 Disputes. tf a Party disputes any portion of an invoice, the disputing Party shall notifr the invoicing Party in writing of any such dispute and the nsason thersfore. No invoicc may be disputed after such time as a Party's audit righrs have expircd. Parties shall scttle billing disputes in accordsnc.o with Articlo 9 of this Agrcement. In the event of a billing dispute, each Party agrees to continu€ to perform its dutics and obligations undsr this Agreenrent as long as the other Party continues to make all undisputed payrrents. Disputed payment resolution amounts shall bear interest at the interest rate catculated in accordance with Section 5.3, for the period from the dat ofthe invoiceto the date of payment ruolution. 52 Pryment Not a \illiver. Payment of invoices by Gcnerator will not reliwe Generator fiom any responsibilities or obliptions it has un&r this Agrecrncnf, nu will it constitute a waivr ofany claims Generator may have undsrthis Agecmenl l2 5.3 Intereut. Intcrest shall be caloulded using an interest rate of 1.5% per month. Interest on delinqucnt pa),rnents shall be calculatcd from the duc date of the invoice to the date of rcceipt of payment ARTICLB 6 COI\IIIDf,NTIALITY 6.f Gcncral. Unless compelled to disclose by judicial or administrative process or other provisions of law or as otherwise provided for in this Agrecment each Party will hold in confidcnce any and all documents and information fumishcd under an explicit written claim of confidentiality by the other Party in connection with this Agreement. To thc extent either Party is requircd by law or administrative process to rclease or disclose such information to a third party, such Pafly shall advise the third party of the confidentiality povisions of this Agreenrent and usc is best effors to require said third party to agree in writing to comply witlr such provisions. OTEC cxpressly acknowlcdges and agrees that Generator is subject to Oregon Public Records laws, and lhat Generator's compliance with this section 6.1 is subjcct to Generator's obligations under such Public Rwords laws. 6.2 Erempt Informetiou and Docuoeah. The Parties' confidentiality obliptions set forth in Section 6.1 shall not apply to information or documents that arc: (A) gpnerally available to the public other ttran as a rcsult of disclosure by a Party (the "disclosing Party') to the other Party; (B) available to a Party on non-confidential basis prior to disclosurE by the disclosing Party; o'r (C) available to a Party on a non-confidcntial basis fum a sourw otherthan thc disclosing Party, provided that the sourc-e is not known and, by reasonable effort, could not be known by tbc Party rcceivhg such information or documents to be bound by a confidantiality agreement with the disclosing Party or otherwisc prohibircd frorn transmitting the information to the Party rweiving such information or doouments by a contractual, legal or fiduciary obligation. 63 Notificalion. Each Party will promptly notif, the other Party if it receives notice or otherwise concludes ftat the production of any confidential information or documentation fimished by the disclosing Party and subject to Section 6.1 is being sought undr any provision of law or regulation. The notifring Parly shall have no obligation to opposc or objoct to any afisrnpt to obain such produotion exeept !o the antont requested to do so by the disclosing Party and cthe disclosing Party's expense. Ifeither Party desires to object or oppose suoh productioru it must do so at is ovm expcnsc. The disclosing Party may request a pmtective order to prevent any confidential information from being made public. Use of Infomrtlon or Documentadon. Each Parly may use information or documentation otherwisc subject to Section 6.1 in an adminisrativc agency or court of comp€tent juridiction ad&rssing any dispute arising under this Agreement, subject to a 6.4 l3 confidentiality agrecment or a protective order binding all participants including if applicable, any arbitrator. 5.5 Remedics Regarding Coufidentiality. The Parties agree that monetary damages by themselves will bc inadequate to compensate a Party for the othu Party's breach of its obligations under Article 6. Each party accordingly agrces that thc other Party is entitlcd o equitable relie{, by way of injunction or otherwisq if it breaches or threatens to breach its obligations under Article 6. ARfiCLE 7 TERItil, TERMINATION, A}ID DEFAULT 7.1 Term and Effostive Date. This Agreemcnt shall bE cffective upon exccution by both Partics and shall rcmain in full forc€ and effcct until thc expiration or termination of Generabr's energy purchase and sale agreemcnt with Avistq provided, howevcr, that this agrwment may be earlier terrrinated: (a) by mutual agreement of the Parties; u (b) by Generator for any re&son upon 30 days prior written notice. 72 Eficct of Erpiratlol or Termirrtiol of Agrccmcnt on Liabitltles and Obligations. Expiration or termination of this Agrement shall not relieve Genorator or OTEC of any of iu liabilities and obligations uising hereunder priorto the date ofexpiraion or when rcrmination bmomes effective. Upon expiration or rcrmination of this Ageem€nt, €ach Party shall be responsible for any cosu associarcd with the opcration and maintenance of any facilities owned by it- 73 Effoctlveness of Certrin Provlsiom after Erpirrtlon, Cancellation, or Terminrtion of Agrement Thc applicable provisions of tris Agreement will continue in effect after cxpiration, cancellation or early tcrminarion hercof to the extent neffissary to provide for final billings, billing adjustnents and thc determination and enforcement of liability and indcmnific*ion obligations arising from acts or evenB that occuncd whilc this Agreement was in effecl. Thesc provisions include, without limitatiorL Article I0 ('lnsurance) and Article I 3 ('Limitatiom on Liabi lity and Indemnifi cation'). 7.4 Removal of Intercouncction Facilities afterErpirndon or Terminetiol of Agrecment Upon expir*ion or Ermination of this Agreemenq either Party may remove the Interconnection Facilities owned by it at no cost to the other Party; providd, however, OTEC shall not nemove any OTEC-owned Interconnoction Facilities nocessary to providc station servie to the Fecility for a period of throe years aftcr expirution or termination ofthis Agrecmentwithout the wriften consent of Crenerator. Neither Party shall have any responsibilif for uy cos$ associated with the rernovaL rclocation or othcr disposition or rctiremcnt of the lnterconnection Facilities owned by the other Parly. 75 Defrult. A Party will be in de&ult under this Agreement if, u any timc: t4 (A) The Party fails to make any payment due the other Party in accordance wift this Agreement and does not make such payment to the othcr Party within 30 calendar days after receiving written notice from fie other Party of such failure; or (B) (l) The Party: (a) fails to comply with, observe or porform any material term or condition of this Agreemeng (b) any matcrial represenation or waranty made herein by the Party fails to be true and conect in all material respects; or (c) fails to provide o the other Party reasonable written assurance of its ability to pcrform fully and mmptctely any of tts material duties and responsibilities under this Agreernent within 30 calenda days after receiving a rcasonable request for such assurances fiom the other Party; and (2) The Party: (a) fails to corTect or cure the situation described in Section 7.5(BXl) within 30 calendar days after receiving writtcn noticc from the othei Party; or, if the situation cannot be completely conuted or cured within such 30- day period, (b) fails to either: (i) commence diligcnt effons to conect or cure the situation within such 30day period or (ii) completely correct or curc the situation within 90 calendar days after receiving written notice fum the other Party. 7.6 Remedies upon Defruft. If a Party is in default under this Agreernent, the other Party may: (A) act to Erminate this Agreement by providing written notice ofrcrmination to the defaulting Party, and/or (B) talce wharcver action at law or in equity as may appear n€cessary or desirable to enforcc thc pcrformance or observance of any rights, rcmedies, obligations, agreements or covenans under this Agreement. 7J Remedle Cumulatlve" No rcmedy mnfened by any of the provisions ofthis Agreement is intended to bc exclusive of any other rernedy and each and every remedy shall be curnulative and shall be in addition to cvery othcr remody givcn hereunder or now or hercafrer oristing at law or in equity or by statute or oftenuise. The election of any onc or more rcrncdies shall not constitute a waiver of the right to pursuc other availablc remedies. AN,TICI,ES REPRESEI{TATIONS 8,1 Represenutions of OTEC. OTEC r€prcsents and wanants the following: E. I .l OTEC is a cooperative duly organized, validly existing and in good sanding under, the laws of the Sut of Oregort ud OTEC has 6e rcquisite corporatc power and authori$ to own in facilities ud equipment, and O car6r on its business as now being conducted. E.1 ,2 OTEC has the requisite corporate power and authority to o(ecute and delivcr this Agreement and to carry out the actions required of it by this Agreerncnt. The execution and delivery of this Agreement and the actions it conbmplarcs have l5 been duly and validly authorized by OTEC, and no other corporate proceedings on the pan of OTEC are necessary to authorize this Agreement or to consummate the transactions contemplatcd hoeby. This Agreement h8s been duly and validly executed and delivcred by OTEC urd constitutes a legal, valid and binding obligation of OTEC enforceable against h in accordance with its terms, exoept as limitd by any applicable reorganizrtion, insolvency, liquidation, rcadjustmcnt of debt, moratoriurn or other similar laws affecting the enforcement of riglrts of crcditors gencrally as zuch laws may be applied in the event of reorganization, insolvency, liquiduion, readjustment of debt or other similar proceeding of or moratorium applicable to OTEC and by general principles of equity (rcgardless of whether srch enforceability is considered in a proceeding in equity or law). 8.1.3 OTBC has obtained or will obtain all approvals of, and has given or will give all notices to, any public authoritythat arc rcquircd for it to execute, deliver and perform its obligations under this Agrecment- 8.1.4 To thc best of OTEC's knowledge, and as of the effective date of this Agreanent: (a) OTEC is not in violation of any applicable law, stah$c, order, rule or reguldion promulgatcd by, orjudgment decree, writ, injunction or award rendered by any federal, state or local govemment court or agency that would adversely affect OTEC's ex*ution or performancc of this Agrecmcnt; (b) OTEC is not aware of any pending or threatened litigation, suit or claim that would adversely affect OTF,C's o(ccution or pcrformancc ofthis Agreement; and (c) OTEC's execution and performance ofthis Agrecment will not give rise to any default under any other agreement to which it is a party. 8.1.5 OTEC will comply with all applicable lawq rules, rcgulations, codes and standards of all federal, state and local governmcntal agcncies having jurisdiction over OTEC or the transrctions under this Agreenrent and with which failure to comply may have a material adverse effect on either Party, 8.2 Rcpresentations of Generetor. Generator rcpresents and wanants the following: 8.2.t Generalor is an incorporatd city duly organized, validly existing and in good shnding underthe laws ofthe State of Orcgon. Generator has the requisitc shtutory power and authorityto own the Facility, and to carry on its business as now being conducted. t.22 Generator has the requisirc power and authority to executr and deliver tlris Agrannent and to carry out ttrc octions rcquired of it by this Agrccraent. Thc execution and deliveryof this Agreement and the actions it contemplates have beer duly and validly authorized by C-renerator's govcming body, and no other corpomte proceedinp on the part of Generator are necessaryto authorize this Agreement or to consummate the transactions contEmplated hereby. This Agroement has been duly and validly executed and delivered by Generalor and constitutes a legal, valid and binding agreemetrt of Gencratorenforccable against it l6 83 t.4 in accordance rvith its tenns, except as limited by any applicablc reorganizalion, insolvency, Iiquidation, readjusunent of debt, moratoriurn or other similar laws affecting the enforcfiient of rights of crcditors generally as such laws may be applied in ttrc event of reorganization, inmlvency, liquidatiou readjustment of debt or other similar proceeding of or moratorium applicable to Gcnerator and by gcncral principlcs of equity (rcgardless ofwhether such enforceability is considered in a procceding in equity or law). 8.2.3 Generator has obuined or will obtain all approvals of, and has given or will give all notices to, any public authority that may be required for Cenerator to executei dcliver and pcrform its obligations under this Agreernent. E.2.4 To the best of Generator's knowledge, and as ofthe effective date of this Agreement (a) Generator is not in violation ofany applicable law, statutq order, rule or regulation promulgated by, or judgment, decreq writ, injunction oraward rendered by any federal, state or local governmenq court or agency that would adversely affect Generator's exesution or performance under this Agreernent; (b) Generator is not aware of any pending or threatened litigation, suit or claim that would adversely affect Generaor's exesution or poformancc of this Agrtement; and (c) Generator's exec{tion and performance ofthis Agroement will not give rise to any default under any other agreement to which it is a party. 8.2.5 Generalor will comply with all applicable lawg rules, regulations, codes and standards of all federal, stde and local governmental agencies having jurisdiction over Generator or dre transactions under this Agreement and with which failure to comply may have a material advene effect on either Party. Representations of Both Frrties. Except as expressly provided thc Parties shall ensure that the representations in Sections 8.1 and 82 $all continuc to be true and accurate during the term ofthis Agreemat. Further Actr. Each Party agrees to fumish to each otrer such further infcrmation, to do such othcr and further acts, and to executc and/or dclivcr such instmments and documents, as the other Puty may reasonably request from tims to time in furdrerance of the purposes of*ris Agrcemcnt- ARTICI,E 9 DISPUTE RESOLUTION Perties to Addrcss Fint. \ilhen a Party believes that there is adispute, disagreenrort or claim against the other Party arising out of this Agreemeng that Pa$y shall give the other Psrty wrinen notice of such dispute, disagreanent or claim. Such notice shall describe the nature and substance ofthe dispuh, disagreement or clairn and propose a resolution. Representatives ofthe Parties must attempt to negotiste in good faith to resolve such dispute, disagreement or claim within 30 calendar days affcr notice of the dispuk has been given. Any disputc, disagreement or claim arising out of or concaning this 9.1 t7 92 Agreement must first be addressed by the Parties pursuant to this Section 9. l, prior to any Party seeking relief in acourt having jurisdiction ovcr such dispute. Attoruoy's Fees. In thc evcnt of any legal action between OTEC and Generator arising under this Agreement, the prcvailing krty strall recova all of its coss and reasonable attorncy's fces in connection with such action both u the trial and appellatc levels. ARTICLE 10 INSI.'RANCE 10.1 General Throughout dre term ofdris Agreemeng OTEC agre€sto maintain general liability insurance or self-insurance consistent with OTEC's commercial practicc. Thmughoutthe term ofthis AgreemenL Generator egrees to maintain, at its own cost and expense, the typcs and minimum dollar amounts relating to its own property and facilities, of insurance @verage sct forth below: l0.l.l Workers compensation insurance in accordance with the rcquirements of the State of Oregon; 10.12 Commercial general liability insurance, including automobile liability coverage, of nol less than $1,000,000. 10, Clalms Made, The insurance required underthis Agrcement must bc maintained on a "claims made" basis. The Parties shall mainrain uil coverage for two years. 103 Certlficetes of Insurence; Copier of Policles. The Parties each agree to provide the other Party with ccrtificates of insurance evidencing $e insurance coverage set fordr in Section t 0.1 and each agws o provide copies of all relevant policies upon requcst. f0.4 Waiver of Subrogrdon. Each Party waives any right of subrogation against the otha Party or its affiliates, directors, officers or employecs. Each Party ftrthcr waives its righu of recovery again$ the other for any loss or damagc covered by such policy or policies to the extentthat zuch loss or damage is reimbursed under such policy or policies. ARTICLE 11 NOTICES 11.1 General. Except as othenrise arpressly provided in this Agteunent, all noticeg demandg requcsts or communicaions rcquired or pennined to be glven by either Party underthis Agreement, or my instrument or documentation requircd or pcrmitted to be delivcrcd by either Party to the odrer, shall be delivered either by: (A) hand; (B) registered or certified first class mail, postage prcpaid, retum*eccipt rcquestd; (C) conftrmed hcsimile nansmission; or (D) an overnight oourierthat provides evidence of delivery or refusal. All srch notices shall bo addressed as follows: t8 OTEC:PO Box 226 Baker City, Oregon 97814 OTEC's Point of Contact:OTEC's General Manager (s4r) s24-2833 OTEC's 24-hour Contact:OTEC Dispatcher(CRc) (866) 7e4-47rc Generator:City ofCove PO Box 8 Cove, Oregon97824 Generator's Point of Contact:Donna Lcwis City of Cove PO Box 8 Cove, Oregon 97824 (s4l) s684565 Generator's 24-hour Contact:tI Mike Brown (s4t)7864377 ll2 Cheuges. Either Pa4y may change its address for notices or the person(s) to whom notices should be given by notice to the other in the manner provided above. f l3 Emergencies. Any notice concerning an Emergency or other occunence requiring prompt attention may be made by telephone to the'24-hour Contact" desigrratd above. ll.4 Authority of ParfyReprcseatatives. The representatives identified in Section I l.l, or theh designees, slrall be aurhorized to aot on behalf of the Partieq and ttreir instructiong rtqu€stq and decisions will bo binding upon the Parties as to all mattffi pertaining to this Agreement and the performance ofthc Parties hereunder. 115 Polnts of Contact; 2*hour Contret Each Party shall identifu a point of contact for day-today business as well as a 24-hour point of contact who shall have knowledgc and control ofthat Party's fapilitiEs. ARTICLE 12 rORCE MA'ET'RE t2.l Gencral. Ncither Party shall be oonsidered to be in dehult or breach of this Agreemcnt or liable in damages or otherwise responsible to the other Party, due to any dclay in or failure to carry out atry of its obligations under this Agreernenq if thc Pany is unable to perform or is prevented fiom performing by an evort of Forcc Majeurg as such Erm is l9 defined in Section 12.2. Notwithstanding the foregoing neither Party may claim an event of Force Majeure for any delay or failure to perbrm or carry out any provision of this Agreement to the extent that such Party has been negligent or engaged in intentional misconduct or failed to exercise rcasonable foresighr and such negligence or intentional misconduct or failure to exercise reasonable foresight contributed to that Par$r's delay or failure to perform or carry out its duties and obligations underthis Agreement. All performancc obligations affccted by the event of Force Majeure will be extended for a period equal to the length ofthe resulting delay. 1;1,2 X'orce MejeureDefined. "l'orce Majeure" means those events beyond the reasonable contol of the Party claiming Force Majeure thaf through the exercise of reasonable foresight and Prudent Utility hactice, that Party could not have avoided and that by ercrcise of due diligence, tttat Pafty is unable to overcome. Such events includg but are not limited to, the following: flood; lightning strikes; ice storm; tsunami; earthquake; firc; hurricane; tornado; epidemic; waq invasion; riog civil disturbance; sabotage; orplosion; insurrection; military or usurped power; srike; labor dispute; action ofany court or govemmenhl authority, or afly civil or military authority de facto or de jure; act of God; or any other event or cause of a similar nature. 123 Procedurcs. A Party clairning r*orre Majeure must:(A) Give wriften notice tothe other Party of the occurence of a Force Majeurc event as soon as possible after learning ofthe occurrence ofsuch an evcnq (B) Use due diligence to resurne perlbrmance or the provision of service hereunder as soon as practicable; (C) Take all commercially reasonable and prudent actions to conect or cure the Force Majeure event; provide4 however, that settlement of strikes or othq labor disputes are completely within the sole discretion of the Party affectd by such stike or labor dispute; (D) Exercise all reesonable efforts to mitigate or lirnit damages to the oher Party; and (E) Provide prompt written notice to the other Party ofthe cessation of the adverse effect of the Force Majeune event on its ability to perform its obligations under this Agreoment. ARTICLE T3 LITdI'TATIONS ON LIABILITY AITD INDEMNINCATION l3.l Liebility- OTEC shall not be liable for money damages or othcr compensation to Ge,nerator for actions or omissions by OTEC in performing its obligrtions underthis Agreement, exc€pt to the extent such ast or omission by OTEC is found to result from its gross negligence or intentional wrongdoing, and only for the amount of direct damage actually incurred by Generator. Neither Party may seek to enforcr any claims against the 20 directors, memberq shareholders, ofrcerq employees or agents ofthe other party solely by rcason of their stafus as directors, mcmbers, shareholdcrq officers, employees or agonts. In no event shall either Party be liablc for any incidental, conscquential, punitive, special, exemplary or indircct damages, loss of revmues or profits, arising out ot, or connected in any way with dre performance or nonaerformance under this AgreemcnL 132 Indemnilication, &rcept to the extent limitcd by taw, Generator shall at all times indemniff, defend, and save OTEC harmless from, any and all damagcs, losscs, claims, including claims and actions relating to injury to or dea6 of any percon or damagc to property, damandq srits, recoveries, costs and expenses, coun costs, attorn€y fces, md all other obligations by or to &ird prrties, arising out of or rcsulting fiom OTEC's perfornrancc of obligntions underthis Agreement, cxcept in cases of gross negligence or intentisnal wrongdoing by OTEC. 13J further Linihtion of Lirbility. OTEC shall not be liable fordamages arisingoutof services provided under this Agreement, including but not limited to, any act or omission that results in a deficicncy or intemrpion of scrvice occurring as a rcsult of conditions or circumstance beyond the controlof OTEC, or rcsulting frsm electric-sysrm design common to the domestic elecfiic utilig irdustry or elcctric system opcration practices or conditions oommon to domestic electic utility indusry. l3.4 Notice. If either Party receives notice of the commenoement of any lcgal action rclating to or arising out of dre operation ofthe Facility, the Intcrconncction Facilities, or OTEC's System that may affect thc odrer Party, the Puty so notificd shall promptly inform tlre other Party ofthe commenoement of such legal action. Failurc to so inform thc other Party shall not relieve either Party of any liability or obligations to the other Party. 13.5 No Duty to Non-Parties. Nothing in this Agreement shall bc constucd to crcatc any duty, standard ofcare or liability to any person not a party to this Agrccmcnt. 13.5 No Pnbllc Dedication. No undedaking by either Party to tbc otrer Party under any provision of this Agreernent shall constitutc thc dedication of that PaO's clechical sysEm, cquipmeng or facilities or any portion thercof to thc other Party or to thc public. 13.7 Sunival Each hrty's obligations under this Article 13 will srrvive expiration, cancellation or early termination of this Agrccmcnt. ARTICLE T4 INTEGRAIION I4.1 Bndru AgrcemenL This AgrccmEnt s€B foth the cntirc agrccmcnt and undcrstanding of Generator and OTEC and supcrsedes all prior oral and writtcn urderstandings and agreemcnts wi6 respect to the spccific subject matter addresscd hcrcin. 2t ARTICLE 15 RELATIONSIilP Otr PARTTES 15.1 Rehtionship of Partiee. Nothing in this Agreement is to be consrued or deemed to cause, cnsate, consitutq give effect to or otherwise reognizo OTEC and Generator to be partnem, joint ventures, employer and employee, principal and agent or any other business association, with rcspect to uly matter. 152 No Auttority to Act for Other Party. Unless othenuise agrced to in writing signed by both Parties, neither Party shall have any authority to crcate or assume in the other Party's name or on its behclfany obligation, sxpress or implied, or to ast or purpose to act as the other Party's agcnt or legally cmpowercd reprcscntative for any purpose wh*socver. 153 No Liebility for Acts of Other Perty. Excep as expressly provided for hetdn, neither Party shall be liable to any third party in any way for any cngagemcnt, obligation, contract, reprcsentation or any neglipnt act or omission of thc other Party arising out of or relating to such Party's exccution or performance of this Agfeement. ARTICLE 16 WATYER 16J Walvcr Permitted. Except as othenrise providcd for in this A$einent, the failure of either Partyto comply with any obliptioq duty, agreemsnt or condhion hcrcin maybe waived bythe Party mtitled to the benefits thertofonly by a written instrument signed by the Party granting such waiver. 162 Llmitd Nature of Weiven Any waiver granted by a Party shall not be deemed a waiver with resprct to any othcr failurc of the Pafiy granted a waiver to comply wih any obligatiorq duty, agrcement or condition herein. ARTICLE I7 AMENDMENTS l7.l Amendmsnts. This Agreement and the Exhibi8 athched herao may only be modified, anendo{ changed or supplemented in writing signed by both Parties. ARTICLN IE succEssoRs, AssIGNs, AND TEIRD-PARTY BENEFTCIARIES l&I Blndlng on Prrticq Succersors and Assignr. This Agrecment shall be binding upoa and inure to the benefit of the Parties hereto and 0reir successott and permitted assigns. The 7) Parties expressly disclaim any intent to create any rights in any other person or party as a third-party bencficiary to this Agreunent or othenrise. 1E OTEC Assignmert RigLb. OTEC may assign this Agreonent to any lender or financial institrtion in connection with a collateral assigrrment of this Agreement for financing or refinancing purposes, or to any entity[ies] ttrat acquiru ownership or control of all, or subsantially all, of OTEC's Systern and agrees in writingto be bound by all ofthe obligations and duties of OTEC in this Agrcement. Except as othcnilise provided above in this scction, OTEC may not assrgr this Agrecrnent, or any of its righs, intercss or obligations arising hereunder, without the prior written oonsent of Generator, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld or delaycd. lE.S Generrtor Assignment Rights. 18.3.1 Except as otherwise provided in this section, Genentor may not assign &is Agreement or any of its rights, inter€sts or obligations arising hereunder, without the prior written consent of OTEC, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed. 18.3.2 Generator may, with only prior written notice to OTEC, assign, transfer, pledge or othenrise dispose of its rights and inrcrcsts under this Agreement to any lender or financial institution in connection with a collatcral assignment of this Agreemcnt for financing or refinancing Burposes; any affiliarc of Generrtor; any eotity[ies] that acquires all, or substantially all, of Generator's rights or interests in tre Facility and agrees in writing to be bound by all of the obligations and duties of Generator prcvided for in this Agreement; or 8ny entity that operat€s the Facility. OTEC agrees to execute and deliver such documents as may be reasonably necessary to accomplish any such assignment, trusfer, pledge or disposition of rights. Such assignment, tansfer, pldge or disposltion of rights shall not relieve Generator or any subsoquent assignor of liability under this Agreement. ARTICI,E 19 GOVERNING LAW f9.f Govenlng Law. This Agreernent is to be govemed by the laws ofthe State of Orcgon without regard to its conflict of laws principles. ARTICLE 20 COI]NTERPARTS 20.1 Cornterpart Execution Pennittod. This Agreement may be orecuted in two or mor€ counterparts, each of which strxll be deerned an original but all of which togetha shall constitute one and the same instrumenl 23 ARTICLE 21 TEADINGS AND CAPTIONS 21.1 No Effcct on Interpretation. Thc hcadings and captions oontained in this Agrccmcnt are forconvcnicnoc only and shall not afcct thc interprctation of thir Agrcanrcnt ARTICLE 22 SEVERABILITY t\.l Severeble Nature of Agrcement. If any pmovision of this Agmment or lhe application thercof to anypessoo oroircrmsunccs t+ to any eftcnt, hcld to be invalid or unsnforaoablo, thc remain&r of this Agroemont, or tho applloatlon of suoh povision to pergons or circumstmoes o$crthm those ac b whbh it is hctd to bo irvalid or uncnforwable, will not be rEcstcd thercby, and oach provision of this Agpcmentshall bo valid qnd cnforceable to the fulles exent pemlitted by law. llc Parties shall negotiate in good fai& to rcstol€, insofEr as praoticqble, ftc b6cfit8 to cach Partythat wcre atrEctcd by any provieioo ofthil Agwment hcld to bc invalid or rucnforccablc. IN WITNESS HEREOF, this Agrccmcnt has bmn duly orcouted by the Parties heflcto, By Orcgon TnilElectric Coopemtive,Inc. By 24 i I I iI I i I I I I I I i City of Cove Dxhibit I lnterconnection Facilitics The Generator-owned Interconnection Facilities shall consist of all facilities and equipment ownod by Generator and locared bctween the Facility and the Point of Receipg as defined in Exhibit 2, necessary to physically and electrically interconnectthe Facility to the Point of Receipt. The OTEC+wned lnterconnection Facilities shall consis of all facilities and equipmcnt owned by OTEC and locaed betwecn the Point of Receip as defined in Exlribit 2, and OTEC Polc Numbcr M624173, neoessary to deliver the Gaeration from the Facility to OTEC's Systern and for thc provision of Facility Station Service. The OTECorvned Interconnection Facilities shall also include those ftcilities whercver located, used to correct thc reactive component of the power produced by the Gensrator. 25 Erhibit 2 Point of Recet$ aod Point of Delivery Point of Roceipt The point at which the wires connecting the output of the Facility to OTEC's System pass through the cument transformsr used to supply metering information. Point of Delivery The point at which OTEC's Systcm is connected to Circuit Breaker Lt32 at the Bonneville Power Administration's (BPA) La Grande substation. 26 Exhibit 3 Rrtes and Payment Illethodolory Rate forTransmission of Power The ratc for Transrnission of the Creneration under this Agreement (Based on a Maximum Transmission Demand of 1000 kW), mea$red at the Point of Receipt, shall be a Fixed Charge of 3200 per month plus a variable charge, as follows: Date ofthis Agreement through June 30, 2021 $3.S7lkWimo. July I, 2021 through June 30,2026 $3.97lkW/mo. July 1,2026 through end of Agrcement OTEC to recalculate orr or aftcr July l, 2026, OTEC shall have the righg upon 30 days' notice to Generator, to revise the monthly Fixed Charge and the $/kWmonth charge to reflect OTEC's cost of providing transmission service to Genemtor, as those costs may change from time to time. Other Charges Other ctrarges, as specified in the Agreement, will be billed to Generator as they are incurrcd by OTEC. Real Power Loses The Parties agree that Real Power Losses between the Facility and the Psint of Delivery arr initially e$imated to be 0.235 percent. If * any time during thc Term of this Agreernent OTEC determines that this loss estimatc does not corectly reflect the actual kWh losses attributed to the elec.trical equipnent between the Facility and thc Point of flelivery, then OTEC shall notif, Generator ofthe actual real powo loss calculatiom and OTEC shatl, on the next billing statement to Generator, adjust the transmission rates esablished above to reflect actual real power losses. )7 Erhibit 6 Merimum Transmbsion I)emand 30 I Maximum Transmission Demand is 1000 kW. OTEC-owned Metering Equipment l. Jemstar met€r 2. 3 potcntial trans'formcrs 3. 3 cunenttansfonuers 4. Modcm Generator-owned Mctering Equipment l, Cellular phonc, modcm and antenna Exhibtt 7 Metering 3l -)