HomeMy WebLinkAbout20180309Decision Memo.pdfDECISION MEMORANDT'M TO:COMN{ISSIONER KJELLANDER COMNflISSIONER RAPER COMMISSIONER ANDERSON COMI\{ISSION SECRETARY COMMISSION STATF FROM:BRANDON I(ARPEN DEPUTY ATTORNf,Y GENERAL DATE: MARCH 7r20l8 IN THE MATTER OF THE JOINT PETITION OF AVISTA CORPORATION, IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES STAFtr', AND COMMT'NITY ACTION PARTNERSHIP ASSOCHTION OF IDAIIO (cAPAr) TO INCREASE LOW-TNCOME Fr.rNDrNG r,rNDER TARrrr SCHEDULES 9r AND r9l; CASE NO. AV[J-E-I8-02 On February 20,z0l&,Avista Corporation, Commission Staff, and CAPAI ('the parties') filed a joint petition requesting approval of a settlement that increases funding to low-income programs. BACKGROT'ND On December 28, 20fi, the Commission approved a settlement of Avista's general rate case. ,See Order No. 33953. One provision of the settlement was that "[tJhe Company and interested parties will meet and confer to consider whether the Low Income Weatherization Program and Energy Conservation Education Program funding should be increased from the current Commission approved levels..." See Stipulation and Settlement at 15. After extensive examination into how the low-income funding has been utilized, and confening with the parties, an agreement to increase &e funding levels was reached. THE SETTLEMENT The parties report that after confening on the issue, a funding increase is appropriate. Specifically, they agreed that $125,000 of additional funding for Avista's Low lncome Weatherization Program, and $25,000 of additional funding for Avista's Conservation Education Program in Idaho be approved. The Company reported that the increase in funding "has no effect on the Company's approved revenue requirement,'and that "the funding will come dircctly out of Avista's Energy Efficiency TariffRider Schedules 9l and l9l. IDECISION MEMORANDUM SI,IBJECT: STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that this matter be processed by modified procedure. Staff further recommends that the Commission set a 2l-day comment deadline for all parties. COMMISSION DECISTON Does the Commission wish to issue a Notice of Application, and set a 2l-day comment deadline for all parties? Attorney General t Uigrr€ECTRtC\ W.E.li.02$rlcnor\AWEllU2_btl da 2DECISION MEMORANDUM