HomeMy WebLinkAbout20180212Comments (7).pdfDiane Holt From:crista.favazza@gmail.com Sent:Friday,February 9,2018 7:24 PM To:BeverlyBarker Diane Holt;Matthew Evans Subject:Case Comment Form:CRISTA FAVAZZA Name:CRISTA FAVAZZA Case Number:AVU-E-17-11 Email:crista.favazza@gmail.com Telephone:9077385551 Address:702 S LINCOLN AVE SANDPOINT ID,83864 Name of Utility Company:Avista Comment:Please reconsider "no opt-out from smart meters."I want the choice to opt out due to my sensitivity to WiFi. I have a medical condition where my heart is affected by WIFI.It is imperative to my health that WIFI be as limited to me as possible.Furthermore young children are also affected by WIFI.I am a parent of a young child who deserves the righttogrowanddevelopinaWIFIfreezone.Thank you for your consideration. Unique Identifier: 1 Diane Holt From:johnmarkmaio@imaxmail.net Sent:Friday,February9,2018 7:29 PM To:Beverly Barker Diane Holt;Matthew Evans Subject:Case Comment Form:JOHN MAIO Name:JOHN MAIO Case Number:AVU-E-17-11 Email:johnmarkmaio@imaxmail.net Telephone:208 263 1592 Address:125 SAGLE IDAHO,83860 Name of UtilityCompany:northern lights Comment:TO THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION: CASE NUMBER AVU-E-17-11 With regard to the mandatory installation of "smart meters,"I am urgently requesting an OPT-OUToption for AVISTA customers and all other public utilities customers in Idaho. Negative biological effects have been amply observed in electromagnetic radiation (EMR)studies.To cite only tworesponsestothesestudies 05/2015 -The International EMF Appeal:190 scientists call on the UN,WHO and national governments to adoptprotectiveguidelinesinresponsetoevidenceofbiologicalchangesanddamagescausedbyEMFs(electromagnetic frequencies). 05/2011:The WHO's International Agency for Research on Cancerclassified RF from cell phones as a 'Possible HumanCarcinogen'(Class 2B).However,some scientists say the IARC classification,which only references risk for glioma,is still not strong enough,and that RF should have been classified as a 'Probable Human Carcinogen'(Class 2A)based theexistingscience. Idaho Code 61-302 Maintenance of adequate Service states:"Every public utility shall furnish,provide and maintain suchservice,instrumentalities,equipmentand facilities as shall promote the safety,health,comfort,and convenience of itspatrons,employees and the public,and as shall be in all respects adequate,efficient,just and reasonable." Many carcinogens such as tobacco smoke went unrecognized for decades before public health agencies responded tothethreat.It is not at all unreasonable that thoughtful individuals are now concerned about the growing body ofevidenceregardingEMFs,a matter that is particularly sensitive with regard to EMF exposure to young children.WhyshouldAVISTAnotallowconcernedcustomersanOPTOUToptionregarding"smart meters"until such time as research has confirmed or allayed their concerns?Until further research has been conducted,the mandatory installation of smartmetersisnotreasonable. By not providing an opt-out option,AVISTA and other public utilities run the risk of costly lawsuits in the future,similartothoseeventuallypursuedandwonagainsttobaccocompanies. I trust that you want to do what is right but have not yet looked. Below are my petition requests: 1 1.I request the Commission support my rights to opt-out of smart or digital meters that emit radio frequency electro-magnetic radiation (RF-EMR).A expect the Commission to uphold the American freedoms that in Idaho we hold so dear. I am requesting the Commission to require Avista and all other Idaho Utility Companies overseen by the Commission to: 1a.allow a customer to choose not to have a smart or digital meter installed,at no additionalmonthly or other charge. 1b.allow a customer to require removal of a previously installed smart or digital meter for any reason and at an agreed-upon time and replace with an analog meter,without incurring any charge for such removal and replacement with ananalogmeter. Unique Identifier: 2 Diane Holt From:buzsube@icioud.com Sent:Friday,February 9,2018 7:45 PM To:BeverlyBarker;Diane Holt;Matthew Evans Subject:Case Comment Form:Susan Beard Name:Susan Beard pg-··Ë ~Ì T ' Case Number: Email:buzsube@icloud.com Telephone: Address:P.O.Box 473 Dover Idaho,83825 Name of Utility Company:Avista Comment:In regardsto Idaho Public Utilities Commission considering upholding Avista's policy of no opt-outfrom smart meters being installed.I am asking you for your reconsideration in giving those who request it the choice to opt out for those who are sensitive to WiFi.Wi-if is lethal to some of the population and they should have the right to live healthy lives.Thank you! Unique Identifier: 1 Diane Holt From:4gigglin@gmail.com Sent:Friday,February9,2018 9:46 PM To:Beverly Barker Diane Holt;Matthew Evans Subject:Case Comment Form:Leslie Taillon Name:Leslie Taillon Case Number:AVU-E-17-11 Email:4gigglin@gmail.com Telephone: Address:2434 Aspen Way Sandpoint Idaho,83864 Name of Utility Company:Avista Comment:l'm shocked to learn of Avista's policy of no opt-out from smart meters. I believe everyone and especially those who are sensitive to WiFi should have the choice to opt out.It's not as if there were no other options,when in fact fiberoptics which are faster and safer already exist.Thanks. Unique Identifier: 1 Diane Holt From:polonicarmen38@gmail.com Sent:Saturday,February10,2018 10:21 AM To:BeverlyBarker;Diane Holt;Matthew Evans Subject:Case Comment Form:Carmen Poloni Name:Carmen Poloni Case Number:AVU-17-11 Email:polonicarmen38@gmail.com Telephone: Address: Laclede ID,83841 Name of Utility Company:Avista Comment:We do not have Avista but I have a friend who's business is serviced by Avista.She is extremely sensitive to EMF and has picture of what has happened to her.I do not want to see smart meters installed anywhere They have horrible effects on many people.Please reconsider installing them. Unique Identifier: 1 Diane Holt From:christinedenova@icloud.com Sent:Saturday,February10,2018 11:50 AM To:Beverly Barker;Diane Holt;Matthew Evans Subject:Case Comment Form:Christine Denova Name:Christine Denova Case Number:AVU-E-17-11 Email:christinedenova@icioud.com Telephone:2082637621 Address:502 N.2 nd Ave Sandpoint ID,83860 Name of UtilityCompany:Avista Comment:Please reconsider offering "opt-out".My place of business listed here has clients who are extremly sensitive to EMR. Unique Identifier: 1 Susan L Greene 7501 S.Greensferry Rd. Coeur d'Alene,Idaho 83814 February 10,2018 Case number:AVU-E-17-11 TO THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION: CASE NUMBER AVU-E-17-11 With regard to the mandatoryinstallation of "smart meters,"I am urgently requesting an OPT-OUT option for AVISTA customers and all other public utilities customers in Idaho. Negativebiological effects have been amplyobserved in electromagneticradiation (EMR)studies.To cite only two responses to these studies 05/2015 -The International EMF Appeal:190 scientists call on the UN,WHO and national governmentsto adoptprotectiveguidelinesin response to evidence of biological changes and damagescaused by EMFs (electromagneticfrequencies). 05/2011:The WHO's International Agency for Research on Cancer classified RF from cell phones as a 'Possible Human Carcinogen'(Class 2B).However,some scientists say the IARC classification,which only references risk for glioma,is still not strong enough,and that RF should have been classified as a 'Probable Human Carcinogen' (Class 2A)based the existingscience. Idaho Code 61-302 Maintenance of adequateService states:"Every public utility shall furnish,provide and maintain such service,instrumentalities,equipmentand facilities as shall promotethe safety,health,comfort,and convenience of its patrons,employees and the public,and as shall be in all respects adequate,efficient,just and reasonable." Many carcinogens such as tobacco smoke went unrecognized for decades before public health agencies respondedto the threat.It is not at all unreasonable that thoughtfulindividuals are now concerned about the growing body of evidence regarding EMFs,a matter that is particularlysensitive with regard to EMF exposure to young children.Why should AVISTA not allow concerned customers an OPT OUT option regarding "smart meters"until such time as research has confirmed or allayed theirconcerns?Until further research has been conducted,the mandatoryinstallation of smart meters is _n_ot reasonable. By not providing an opt-outoption,AVISTA and other public utilities run the risk of costly lawsuits in the future,similar to those eventuallypursued and won againsttobacco companies. I trust that you want to do what is right but have not yet looked. Iow are my petition requests: 1.I request the Commission support my rights to opt-out of smart or digital meters that emit radio frequency electro-magneticradiation (RF-EMR).A expect the Commission to uphold the American freedoms that in Idaho we hold so dear. I am requestingthe Commissionto require Avista and all other Idaho Utility Companiesoverseen by the Commission to: la.allow a customer to choose not to havea smart or digital meter installed,at no additional monthly or other charge. 1b.allow a customer to require removal of a previously installed smart or digital meter for any reason and at an agreed-upontime and replace with an analog meter,without incurring any chargefor such removal and replacementwith an analogmeter. Sent Safely from a WIREDComputer Sincerely, Susan L.Greene