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HomeMy WebLinkAbout20181031Comment.pdfFrom:Mark Ehlinger [] Sent:Wednesday,October 31,2018 12:29 PM To:Kristine Raper<>;Eric Anderson<> Subject:Re:Avista/Hydro One Acquisition Dear Commissioners Mrs.Kristine Raper and Mr.Eric Anderson, I wanted to follow-up my previous email to you with some additional information I have discovered that could be impactful to your decision making process regarding the Hydro One's acquisition of Avista. a)Premier Doug Ford has shown no regard for clean energy and a blatant disregard for the broader health of the environment which directly contradicts some of Avista's (and the Pacific Northwest's) environmentally friendly values.He has cancelled 758 renewable energy contracts and has campaigned around Canada (not just in Ontario)to scrap the carbon tax and related environmental regulation. https://www.cbc.calnews/canadaltoronto/758-renewable-energy-cancelled-1.4746293 https://www.ctvnews.calcanadalontario-qovernment-moves-to-scrap-qreen-enerqy-act-1.4102549 b)On Friday night (i.e.a few days ago),Hydro One applied for 2019 rate increases in Ontario (was issued Friday night in the hopes that few would see it). source=LM BUTTON&ut m medium=TX RATE APPLICATION PAGE&utm campaiqn=2019 RATE APPLICATION Reading through the document (which is confusing),it looks as though Hydro One is seeking a 2.6% average transmission rate increase for 2019 and disposition of a $37.6 million credit balance.Keep in mind that Premier Ford was elected just a few short months ago with the promise to lower hydro bills by 12%for the average household (https:llwww.ontario.calpage/premier).Yet,only a few months after Premier Ford is elected,Hydro One is seeking transmission rate increases of 2.6%for 2019.How quickly will Hydro One /Premier Ford break promises to Idaho ratepayers (as well as Washington,Oregon, Alaska and Montana payers)? Table 3 -Average Bill Impacts on Transmission and Distribution-connected Customers .Descripthm 2018 2019 Rates Ret enue Requirement ($\1)SI 510.7 5 .55 .2 et Impact on verage Transmission Rntes Transmission as a °o oCIX-connected customer°.s Tot 11 Bil 7A .iggaty Merug nipzigt n Tx-Connected Customer .2 Transmissionas a °o of DX-connectedcustomer's Total Bil 2 Estimated Àverstge Ëill mptic IS$DX-Cimected C tomer .2 Respectfully, Mark Ehlinger