HomeMy WebLinkAbout20180710Comments (3).pdfDiane Holt From:mike_padula@yahoo.com Sent:Monday,July 9,2018 10:42 PM To:BeverlyBarker Diane Holt;Erik Jorgensen;Matthew EvansSubject:Case Comment Form:Michael Padula Name:Michael Padula Case Number: Email:mike_padula@yahoo.com Telephone:2082629380 Address:3083 E.Lapis Ave. Post Falls Idaho,83854 Name of Utility Company:self Comment:I do not want a company from another country buying Avista and it's customers are susceptible To rate hikes. Unique Identifier: 1 Diane Holt John Kibby 9398 N.Clarkview PI. Hayden,ID 83835-7198 Sjkibby@yahoo.com We wanted to let you know we are very much opposed to the sale/merger of Avista Utilities with the CanadiancompanyHydroOne. We feel Idaho resources should remain in full control of American companies.We do dot feel Idahoians should be at themercyofforeigncompanieswhenitcomestoourwater,gas and electric resources.Having rates controlled by a foreigncompanythattypicallyhashighratesisunacceptable. Please fight against this merger. Thankyou. 1 Diane Holt Subject:The Sale of Avista to Hydro One of Ontario CanadaAttachments:image001.jpg;image002.png Dear Governor Otter:July 8,2018 There is a problem brewing in the State of Idaho which is of grave concern for the peopleoftheState.I have contacted your office about this problem,however,my request wasmeantwithimmediateopposition;your office flatly stated it has no control to doanythingaboutit.It would be up to the IPUC (Idaho Public UtilitiesCommission).This letter is about a company named Hydro One,an Ontario,Canadabankruptcompany. Here is a copy of the link of the CDA Press,dated Friday,July 6,2018,so you can readthearticletitled:"My T¾rn:Why Sale of Avista Is Cause for Alarm".OPINION:WhysaleofAvistaiscauseforalarm OPINION:Why sale of Avista is cause for alarm 1 I have had correspondence with both the IPUC and have attended some of the town hallmeetings.What Mr.Moore says is true.All of those people following this issue areagainstthismerger;but so many others are just unaware or uninformed.Even though theIPUChasnotmadeadecisionyet,NO should be the only answer. I would not be able to understand how or why you could leave the Governorship of theGreatStateofIdahowithoutdoingeverythinginyourpowertomakesurethisdealdoesnotgothrough.Surely you have not forgotten the many lumber tariff wars we have beeninwithCanada?I mention the lumber for a reason;the lumber industry in North Idaho isagainstthismerger.Can you see the advantage Canada would have if Our Lumber Millscouldnotgetelectricity?Is turning our water power resource over to a foreign countrysomethingyouwanttosee?Can you imagine the danger of this?People in high profilepositions,that are decision makers,especially in other Avista States that struggle tobalancetheirstatebudgets,could be tempted to take a generous pay off,don't youagree? Well Sir,my Idaho would not and should not do that!We need to stand firm in thisdecisionbyusingeverytoolwehave,and make sure IDAHO does not turn over its waterpowersourcetoaforeigncountry.I was always under the impression the FederalGovernmenthadcontroloverthesetypesofmatters.I also believe the Governor appointsthecommissionersfortheIPUCTIrealizeotherstateshavealreadysoldtheirwaterpowerresourcestoaforeignentity;I ask please,do not follow this pattern forIdaho.Could you imagine the TVA (Tennessee Valley Authority)selling its water powersourcetoaforeigncountry? In closing,I will give you some reference links for facts on this sale and hope you willtakeagenuineinterestinthis: http://avistacustomergroup.com/ www.nwpoa.org http://gemstatepatroit.com/blog/aughor/angelo-longisero http://gemstatepatroit.com/blog/author/david-boleneus/ Sincerely, Lila I Tatum 7080 N Valley St Dalton Gardens,ID 83815 CC:Crapo/Risch/Labrador 2