HomeMy WebLinkAbout20180618Comments (18).pdfDiane Holt From:tomwhin1249@hotmail.com Sent:Friday,June 15,2018 4:45 PM To:BeverlyBarker;Diane Holt;Matthew Evans Subject:Case Comment Form:Tom Whin Name:Tom Whin Case Number:AVU-E-17-09 Email:tomwhin1249@hotmail.com Telephone: Address:1249 S Fairmont Loop Coeur d Alene ID,83814 Name of Utility Company:Avista Comment:l'd like to submit a comment in opposing the acquisition of Avista by Hydro One.My wife and I are retired and on a fixed income.Hydro One has a history of steep rate increasesand being based in Canada will not be accountable to customers in the U.S.I'd also prefer to keep Avista as an American company since China already is buying up so many companies in the U.S.I've been a Avista customer since I moved here 3 years ago and have had no problems with their customer service or billing or even what they charge for elec and gas.And their responsesto power outages in my opinion have been excellent.Please don't allow this merger to proceed.Tom Whin Coeur d Alene Unique Identifier: 1 06/16/2018 22:08 12086640789 DAHLHEIM PAGE 01/01 June 16,2018 FAX to 208-334-3762 PUC,Idaho Subject:Sale of Avista Gas and Electric ....we are opposed to this proposal. We are Avista customers for both naturál gas and electricity.Since late 2006,we have enjoyed the service provided by this company which includes contact before we bought our home in Coeur d'Alene. The service provided has been of high standards and the cost acceptable. As so many have publicly stated over last few weeks and months,we also do not.approve of a sale to a foreign entity.The pitfalls are many with such limited control by the local company, inspite of what is reported. Please do not approve this. Thank you for the opportunityto comment. Joe and Diane Dahlheim 1523 E.Cromwell Dr.,Coeur d'Alene,ID 83815 Diane Holt From:cinza2@gmail.com Sent:Saturday,June 16,2018 3:24 PM To:BeverlyBarker;Diane Holt;Matthew Evans Subject:Case Comment Form:Patricia Collins Name:Patricia Collins Case Number: Email:cinza2@gmail.com Telephone: Address: Coeur d'Alene ID,83814 Name of Utility Company:Avista Comment:I object to HydroOne acquiring Avista Corp. Unique Identifier: 1 Diane Holt From:devans6874@gmail.com Sent:Saturday,June 16,2018 3:21 PM To:BeverlyBarker;Diane Holt;Matthew Evans Subject:Case Comment Form:Donna Evans Name:Donna Evans Case Number:AVU-E-17-09&AVU-G-17-05 Email:devans6874@gmail.com Telephone:2088181744 Address:PO Box 3327 Coeur d Alene Idaho,83816 Name of Utility Company:Avista Corp Comment:I object to HydroOne acquiring Avista Corp. Unique Identifier: 1 Diane Holt From:aking10@roadrunner.com Sent:Saturday,June 16,2018 3:11 PM To:BeverlyBarker;Diane Holt;Matthew Evans Subject:Case Comment Form:Ann King Name:Ann King Case Number:AVU-E-17-09 Email:aking10@roadrunner.com Telephone: Address: Hayden Idaho,83835 Name of Utility Company:Avista Comment:I firmly object to Hydro One acquiring Avista.My comments represent those of us elderly who enjoy some of the lowest electricity rates available in the country.You know in your hearts that Hydro One will increasetheir rates and those of us on fixed Social Security incomes will have to suffer the tragic and ugly consequencesof the Avista merger. Please,please do NOT LET THIS happen.Thank you. Ann King Unique Identifier: 1 Diane Holt From:shy83833@hotmail.com Sent:Saturday,June 16,2018 2:00 PM To:Beverly Barker Diane Holt;Matthew Evans Subject:Case Comment Form:Judith Phillips Name:Judith Phillips Case Number: Email:shy83833@hotmail.com Telephone:2086597579 Address:27528 S Lacon Ln,P.O.Box 248 Harrison Idaho,83833 Name of Utility Company:Avista Utilities Comment:I would like to oppose of the sale to Canada Hydro One.Let's keep it here,it's pur water our dams our employees so WHY is this being done?Nothing good will come of this if it sells.Please don't do this.It's a really bad idea. Keep it here,it belongs to us.A concerned Idaho resident.Judith Phillips Unique Identifier: 1 Diane Holt From:kingfishrgm@hotmail.com Sent:Saturday,June 16,2018 1:15 PM To:BeverlyBarker;Diane Holt;Matthew Evans Subject:Case Comment Form:Ralph Mavity Name:Ralph Mavity Case Number:AVUE-E-17-09 Email:kingfishrgm@hotmail.com Telephone: Address: Sandpoint ID,83864 Name of Utility Company:Avista Comment:I request that the IPUC vote against the sale of Avista to Hydro One.We (America)need to keep control of our utilities.Your voting considerations should include guidelines such as long-term effects and consumer costs.I see no upside to a foreign corporation having control of a critical part of our infrastructure. Unique Identifier: 1 Diane Holt From:Cathylsprouse@yahoo.com Sent:Saturday,June 16,2018 12:03 PM To:BeverlyBarker Diane Holt;Matthew Evans Subject:Case Comment Form:Cathy Sprouse Name:Cathy Sprouse Case Number: Email:Cathylsprouse@yahoo.com Telephone:2088182123 Address:10301 W Gallop Lane Post Falls ID,83814 Name of Utility Company:Avista Comment:So nice to see our Avista executives cave into money in their pockets and turn their backs on the customersthatwillsufferthemostfromthisbuyout.I certainly wouldn't want to be remembered as a crook by the very peoplewhodependonyoutodotherightthing.We cannot be a self sufficient nation when we sell out to a foreign company. What are you thinking??ll Unique Identifier: 1 Diane Holt From:sanandchu@gmail.com Sent:Saturday,June 16,2018 12:41 AM To:BeverlyBarker Diane Holt;Matthew Evans Subject:Case Comment Form:Sandy Carter Name:Sandy Carter Case Number:AVUE17-09 Email:sanandchu@gmail.com Telephone:714 3931942 Address:11974 n.Avondale loop Hayden ID,83835 Name of UtilityCompany:Avista Comment: To:diane.holt@puc.idaho.gov I live in Hayden Idaho and have only Avista to supply all energy utilities (Gas and Electric)to my residence.We were told by lawyers at a meeting with Avista in Spokane that the CEO and all board members would receive 15 million dollars or more each for selling control of a Vista to Hydro One.Hydro one's supposed resources primarily are copper wire and Ontario Canada entrapped customers all outside the IPUC's jurisdiction.How can Hydro One of Canada meet the demands response policies of a growing Idaho when Capital will be siphoned off completely outside of the IPUCs control destroying the title 61 requirement to provide a "Efficient"utility service to Idaho customers?Efficiency defined by a cost-benefit ratio. Do you havethe discovery capability to really know Hydro-one's finances and future plans?IfAvista is so poor it needs to sell,let Idaho customers float a bond and buy the Idaho facilities!Utilities are so fundamental to life we depend so on your judgement.Please use known confident information only in your logic,not Scenerio Analysis,where you don't know what you don'T know! Thank you for your kind consideration to this pressingmatter. Sandy L.Carter 11974 n.Avondale loop Hayden,I'D 83835 (714)3931942 Unique Identifier: 1 Diane Holt From:Lockhart3@hughes.net Sent:Saturday,June 16,2018 9:16 AM To:BeverlyBarker Diane Holt;Matthew Evans Subject:Case Comment Form:David Lockhart Name:David Lockhart Case Number:AAvU-E-17-09 Email:Lockhart3@hughes.net Telephone: Address:PO Box 302 Laclede Idaho,83841 Name of Utility Company:Northern Light Comment:Please vote down the support of the proposed hydro one purchase of Avista.Such ownership should remain solely of US interest and ideally regional businesses Unique Identifier: 1 Diane Holt From:wer2travelers@roadrunner.com Sent:Saturday,June 16,2018 11:25 AM To:BeverlyBarker;Diane Holt;Matthew Evans Subject:Case Comment Form:Carla Skinner Name:Carla Skinner Case Number:AVU-G-17-05 Email:wer2travelers@roadrunner.com Telephone:208 777 0783 Address:2127 Clark Fork Pkwy. Post Falls Idaho,83854 Name of Utility Company:Avista Comment:The PUC staff does not make the decision on this merger.Who does?Who owns Hydro one?If you say stockholders then as I see it,this merger is to benefit of the stockholders at the expense of the customer.You say rates will not go up;in reading the proposal it is stated the rates will not go up due to the action of the merging;it does not state that in the future the rates will not go up after the merge.Where is the money coming from to give back to the customer?Would this money be there if the merger does not go thru?Why does your web site say by Idaho state law you have to sell to a foreign company?What does the federal people say about this sale?You have not said how they feel about selling to a foreign country for our national security reasons.I have heard of black outs in the Northeastern part of the our country will this happen to us if they use our power for the east coast? Unique Identifier: 1 Diane Holt From:junkparame@gmail.com Sent:Monday,June 18,2018 7:15 AM To:Beverly Barker;Diane Holt;Matthew Evans Subject:Case Comment Form:Kimberly Lee Name:Kimberly Lee Case Number:AVU-G-17-05AVU-E-17-09 Email:junkparame@gmail.com Telephone: Address: Hayden ID,83835 Name of Utility Company:Avista Comment:I am against the merger with Hydro One.Local utilities should not be under foreign control. Unique Identifier: 1 Diane Holt From:rIclarkrc@netscape.net Sent:Sunday,June 17,2018 3:41 PM To:Beverly Barker Diane Holt;Matthew Evans Subject:Case Comment Form:Gerda Chapman Name:Gerda Chapman Case Number:AVU-17-05 Email:r\clarkrc@netscape.net Telephone: Address:301 N 1st Coeur D'Alene ID,83814 Name of Utility Company:Avista -Hydro One Comment:I have submitted my comment on previous case AVU -17 -09 and they remain the same. My position is to reject the merger plans of Avista by Hydro One Gerda Chapman Unique Identifier: 1 Diane Holt From:rIclarkrc@netscape.net Sent:Sunday,June 17,2018 3:33 PM To:BeverlyBarker Diane Holt;Matthew Evans Subject:Case Comment Form:Gerda Chapman Name:Gerda Chapman Case Number:AVU-17-09 Email:rIclarkrc@netscape.net Telephone: Address:301 N 1st Coeur D'Alene ID,83814 Name of Utility Company:Avista Comment:In review of Canadian company monetary records I believe Idaho will be experiencing unfair customerpracticesandenergymanagementafterthe5year(small 1%)reduction.The consumers rights will become obsoleteduetotheenlargedstatesandinternationallegalities,Therefore,I object to this merger as concerned, Gerda L Chapman Unique Identifier: 1 Diane Holt From:fnbp624@gmail.com Sent:Friday,June 15,2018 5:50 PM To:BeverlyBarker Diane Holt;Matthew Evans Subject:Case Comment Form:Barbara Peretti Name:Barbara Peretti Case Number:AVU-G-17-05 Email:fnbp624@gmail.com Telephone: Address:5476 East Fernan Hill Road Coeur d Alene Idaho,838114 Name of Utility Company:Avista Utilities Comment:I ask that you do not to allow Hydro One to acquire Avista Utilities.I do not want Avista to be owned, operated or under any kind of control by a foreign entity.Let's keep it 100%American owned. Thank you for allowing me to comment. Unique Identifier: Diane Holt From:sherry.oldfield@outlook.com Sent:Friday,June 15,2018 5:55 PM To:Beverly Barker;Diane Holt;Matthew Evans Subject:Case Comment Form:Sharon Oldfield Name:Sharon Oldfield Case Number:AVU-E-17-09 Email:sherry.oldfield@outlook.com Telephone:2085976332 Address:1036 Park Ave Sandpoint ID,83864 Name of Utility Company:Avista Comment:I am against the merger. 61-328 3 (b)That the cost of and the rates for supplying service will not be increased by reason of such transaction... The fact that they plan to shut coal burning electrical plant and turn to alternative energy sources will cause energy costs to "necessarily rise"to quote President Obama! 61-328 3(c) It is my understanding that Hydro-one is not financially stable.One wonders where all the money for pay-offs is coming from.Where is all this money coming from and why isn't going to the shareholders Or to reduce ratesl Unique Identifier: 1 Diane Holt From:Pgmagolfbag@msn.com Sent:Sunday,June 17,2018 11:13 AM To:Beverly Barker;Diane Holt;Matthew Evans Subject:Case Comment Form:Robin Bruneel Name:Robin Bruneel Case Number:AVU-E-17-09 Email:Pgmagolfbag@msn.com Telephone:208-467-1233 Address:307 Ruth Ln Namoa Idaho,83686 Name of Utility Company:Avista Comment:Please do not approve thie merger/acquisition of Avista &Hydro.Allowing foreign control of our utility infrastructure can only create future problems.Keep the control within the USAl Unique Identifier: 1 Diane Holt From:parodyf@yahoo.com Sent:Sunday,June 17,2018 9:22 AM To:Beverly Barker;Diane Holt;Matthew Evans Subject:Case Comment Form:Fran Parody Name:Fran Parody Case Number:AVU-G-17-05 Email:parodyf@yahoo.com Telephone:2087735445 Address:4970 E SHORELINE DR Post Falls ID,83854 Name of Utility Company:Avista Comment:I have 3 Avista accounts with you for both gas and electric.I am very much against the proposed sale to Hydro-One!With all of the foreign intervention in our country today,I see no reason why you would even consider furthering this trend.We live in America;we do NOTneed foreign companies to own American companies.You will get $5.3 billion,and we will lose complete control of our infrastructure.Our utilityrates are high enough as it is,and are consistently rising.Hydro-One is known for raising their rates --we do NOT need this and can't afford it.From what I've read,if this buyout goes through,Hydro-One will have more than a 50%majority of Avista's Board of Directors,and they will therefore have authority to control Avista.--they are a foreign country!!Local infrastructure,local waterways,and the local power grid should be controlled locally,not by a foreign country.As bribery by Hydro-One they will not raise rates for 2 years,or give rate credits for 5 years.That sounds like self-serving bribery to me!What happens after the time period is up?Perhapssomeone should disclose to Avista's American customers what the present rates are that Hydro-One charges,and also a yearly disclosure of how often and how much they've increasedtheir rates.I can't believe you are actually even considering this sale!Il Unique Identifier: 1