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HomeMy WebLinkAbout20180615Comments (27).pdfDiane Holt {tt'l I , tl /lOt{t|Ii' DPr',r D,/From: Sent: To: Subiect: Name: Brenda Benson Case Number: AVU-E-17-09/AVU-G-17-05 Email: Te le pho ne : 208-667 -67 67 Address: 14150 s CarlinBay Road Harrison ldaho,83833 Name of Utility Company: Avista Utilities Comment: NO to merger. No foreign ownership. U niq ue ldentifier: L7 4.2L6.L2.236 Friday, June 15, 2018 3:43 PM Beverly Barker; Diane Holt; Matthew Evans Case Comment Form: Brenda Benson 1 Diane Holt From: Sent: To: Subject: Name: karen Giddings Case Number: AVU-G-17-05 Email: Telephone: 208-651-4190 Address: 1880 E Grandview Dr. cDA tD,83915 Name of Utility Company: Avista Comment: I am completely against the sale of Avista to Hydro One. Why would we want to sell out to a Canadian Co. whos country opposes more equal trade with the States. We should be very worried about foreign control. Unique ldentifier: 98.746.L67 .37 Friday, June 15,2018 3:27 PM Beverly Barker; Diane Holt; Matthew Evans Case Comment Form: karen Giddings /"../ ^ru'Er'/7'0" 1 Diane Holt From: Sent: To: Friday, June 15,2018 12:22 PM Beverly Barker; Diane Holt; Matthew Evans Case Comment Form: Monique HUTCHINGSSubiect: Name: Monique HUTCHINGS ./ case Number: avu-r-iz-o; /-'r/ A//- 6 ' /7- o r Email: Te le pho ne : 208-627 -7 969 Address: 470873 Highway 95 Sagle id,83860 Name of Utility Company: Avista Comment: I am completely against selling our dams, utilities and water rights to foreign countries. This is not only a violation of Federal laws but our ldaho state laws as well. U niq ue ldentifier: 24.49.L7 6.L24 1 Diane Holt From: Sent: To: Subiect: Name: Robin Bohna Case Number: AVU-E-17-09 Friday, June 15,20'18 1:37 PM Beverly Barker; Diane HolU Matthew Evans Case Comment Form: Robin Bohna a,J A(l/ 'G' /? - o v' Email: Telephone: 2086645662 Address: 2415 S. Wolf Lodge Creek Road Coeur d Alene lD, 83814 Name of Utility Company: Avista Comment: I strongly oppose this proposed merger. Our utility infrastructure is crucial to our sovereignty and defense. lt should never fall under foreign control in any way, shape or manner. I urge the members of the Public Utility Commission to reject this merger and maintain Avista as a United States company under control by United States citizens. U nique ldentifier: L7 2.7 6.96.LL7 1 Diane Holt From: Sent: To: Subject: Name: Teresa Richardson Case Number: AVU-E-17-09 teresa.richardson. 1 956@ g Friday, June 15, 2018 1:40 PM Beverly Barker; Diane Holt; Matthew Evans Case Comment Form: Teresa Richardson &J,4u- 6 /7- 0 5-. Email : teresa.richa rdson. Telephone: 208964L973 Address: 7915 Kayak Court Rathdrum 1D,83858 Name of Utility Company: Avista Comment: I do not believe it is in the best interest of ldaho residents to have their utility company owned, run or be managed by a foreign entity. Please do NOT allow the purchase of Avista by Canadian HydorOne. Thank you Unique ldentifier: 1 Diane Holt From: Sent: To: Subject: Name: Michael Neher Case Number: AVU-E-17-09 bluelake@ road ru Friday, June 15, 2018 11:41 AM Beverly Barker; Diane Holt; Matthew Evans Case Comment Form: Michael Neher alltta- 6- //-o{ Email: Telephone: 2087L99L65 Address: Dalton Gardens lD, 83815 Name of Utility Company: Avista Utilities Comment: June 15, 2018Re: Case AVU-E-L7-09 Case AVU-G-t7-O5 As an Avista natural gas and electricity customer, I am OPPOSED to the merger of Avista Utilities with Hydro One Limited. The reasons have been well stated by others at the June 14, 2018 public hearing in Coeur d'Alene. ln addition those reasons stated by others for the record, I submit the following: 1. Hydro One's could seek to acquire ldaho Power and other ldaho utilities, further wresting control of ldaho's commerce. Hydro One has stated publicly that Avista is just the first such acquisition. Even though Avista serves gas and power customers in northern ldaho, there is every reason to fear that electric utilities in the rest of ldaho, including ldaho Power, could be a future target. The accumulation of U.S. critical infrastructure by a foreign, quasi-governmental entity is most disturbing as it takes away the control of this most basic and critical need away from the citizens of ldaho. According to a November 2L,2017 article in the Globe and Mail, "Hydro One Ltd.'s Sg.+-bittion (U.S.) deal to purchase Avista Corp. is just the beginning of a strategy that will see the Canadian utility expand into the U.S. market." ... Mayo Schmidt, CEO of Hydro One, stated "There are quite a number of organizations of the same size and complexity of Avista in the arena that, as we think about over the course of the next years, there's some potential," he said in an interview at Bloomberg's Toronto office...The utility has faced criticism around high electricity prices and executive compensation since the Ontario Liberal government sold a 13.6-per-cent stake of its shares through the initial public offering. The province now holds about 45 per cent of Hydro One after two subsequent sales and doesn't intend to go below 40 per cent." 2. Hydro One, should it acquire Avista, will compromise ldaho's control of it's critical infrastructure. The merger has the potential to put in jeopardy the State's economy because power resources are the foundation of commerce. The IPUC Commisioners have an unbearable personal burden in deciding this case. The pressure is huge to approve this deal as it has cleared the scrutiny of Federal regulatory agencies, Alaska and Montana, and received the approval of Avista stockholders. I assume that Oregon and Washington will follow suit to further their motives of green energy. The only thing standing in the way of this merger is the IPUC. Three people, three ldaho citizens, with unprecedented authority and responsibility to serve the interests of ldaho citizens...and NOT the power company shareholders...are now sitting in the hot seat. lt is a monumental decision that will affect the course of ldaho commerce and the well being of its citizens for generations. This merger offers no real benefit to ldaho and has the potential to do great harm in the future. ln balance I urge the IPUC Commissioners to vote with caution and prudence for the good of ldaho. 3. VOTE NO 1 Diane Holt From: Sent: To: Subject: Name: Carla Skinner Case Number: AVU.-E-17-09 wer2travelers@ Friday, June 1 5, 2018 1 1:30 AM Beverly Barker; Diane Holt; Matthew Evans Case Comment Form: Carla Skinner k,fr 4W- 6 - 17- o{ E ma il : wer2travelers@ road ru n Telephone: 2O8777 0783 Address: 2!27 Clark Fork Pkwy. Post Falls 1D.,83854 Name of Utility Company: Avist Comment: I oppose the sale of Avista to Hydro One. lt is taking away our ability to keep fairness in trade of goods for our country. ln WW 2 we destroyed the ability for Germany to run their factory's. This inabled the free country's to continue to be free. I wonder how this is going to effect our say about the safety of the water. Canada has a history in Kettle falls causing the fish to become unsafe to eat as well the health problem of the people who lived there. What happens to ldaho's EPA agreement. What happens to our tax dollars that supports the utilities commission. Where do we complain after the deal is complete Where will we get power if Canada decided to not provide to the U.S.A. I have heard promises before and they are never kept. The way I look at this it will make The United States a third world country. U niq ue ldentifier: 98.L46.7 5.64 1 Diane Holt From: Sent: To: wer2travelers@ road Friday, June 1 5,2018 1 1:30 AM Beverly Barker; Diane HolU Matthew Evans Case Comment Form: Carla SkinnerSubject: Name: Carla Skinner caseNumber:AVU.-E-17-og rey' A//- /7- 0s' Ema il : wer2travelers@ roadru Telephone: 2O8777 0783 Address: 2L27 Clark Fork Pkwy. Post Falls 1D.,83854 Name of Utility Company: Avist Comment: I oppose the sale of Avista to Hydro One. lt is taking away our ability to keep fairness in trade of goods for our country. ln WW 2 we destroyed the ability for Germany to run their factory's. This inabled the free country's to continue to be free. I wonder how this is going to effect our say about the safety of the water. Canada has a history in Kettle falls causing the fish to become unsafe to eat as well the health problem of the people who lived there. What happens to ldaho's EPA agreement. What happens to our tax dollars that supports the utilities commission. Where do we complain after the deal is complete Where will we get power if Canada decided to not provide to the U.S.A. I have heard promises before and they are never kept. The way I look at this it will make The United States a third world country. U niq ue ldentifi er: 98.t46.7 5.64 1 Diane Holt From: Sent: To: Subject: Friday, June '15, 2018 1 1:08 AM Beverly Barker; Diane Holt; Matthew Evans Case Comment Form:Anita Aurit Name: Anita Aurit case Number: AVU-E-17-09 a,{ 4t/u- 6 - //- Or Email: Telephone: 208.510.0626 Address:403 Louis Lane Sandpoint ldaho,83864 Name of Utility Company: Avista/Hydro One merger Comment: I am opposed to this merger. Northern ldaho does not need a foreign company and/or government (one that is not healthy financially) and who promotes carbon credits and global environmentalism to dictate to us. A foreign owned corporation shouldn't be allowed to own or control critical infrastructure such as the electrical grid. That is a matter of national security. One only has to look at the agony that Hydro One is causing people in Ontario, Canada to see what ramifications there are for Avista customers. My electric bill went up S1ZOO.OO this year with Avista and it will only get worse if this merger is approved. Many of us will be forced out of our homes because we cannot afford to keep ourselves warm in the winter. Unique ldentifier: 1 Diane Holt From: Sent: To: Subject: Friday, June 1 5,2018 10:44 AM Beverly Barker; Diane Holt; Matthew Evans Case Comment Form:John Flynn Name: John Flynn Case Number: AVU-E-17-09 O,,/,q//- 6 - / 7 - O f Email : Telephone: 5106048556 Address: 3069 W. Smoke Tree Ave Athol tD,83901 Name of Utility Company: Kootenai Co-op Comment: Sirs: I obtain my electricity from Kootenai Electric Coop, which buys from Avista. I strongly urge you not to allow the purchase of the utility by Hydro One. When I was in school, I learned that the government allowed certain monopolies such as telephone, electric and water because it served the public good. I see no public good in this deal for the current customers of Avista. The rates will have to increase. By that time, there will most likely be new commissioners who will be powerless in regulating a foreign utility. There are too many pay-offs and grants in this deal to buy the support of the involved parties. Like most things, follow the money. There is no upside for the people that you are supposed to be protecting, the people of IDAHO! Unique ldentifier: 208.94.83. 130 I Diane Holt From: Sent: To: Subject: Name: joseph miller Case Number:avu-e-17-og 4^rlA// - 6 - f Z - C s' Email: greekgod Telephone: 2086640951 Address: 521e. mallard coeur dalene lD, 83815 Name of Utility Company: avista Comment: Sirs: I don't think it's a good idea. You have to be kidding! To have a foreign country in charge of YOUR CUSTOMERS IS LUDICROUS! THIS IS A LOT LOT LOT BIGGER THAN IS BEING REPORTED. YOUR THE SMALL GUY COMPARED TO WHATS GOING ON, BUTA PIECE OF THE PUZZLE. THINK ABOUT IT. LOVE THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA LOVE IDAHO THANKS TRUE AMERICAN Unique ldentifier: greekgod @ Friday, iune 15,2018 9:50 AM Beverly Barker; Diane HolU Matthew Evans Case Comment Form: joseph miller 1 Diane Holt From: Sent: lo: Subiect: Name: Robert Proctor Case Number: avu-e-17-09 Friday, June 15,2018 10:02 AM Beverly Barker; Diane Holt; Matthew Evans Case Comment Form: Robert Proctor aJ .A//- 6 -/T* os' Email: Telephone: 2O8263L984 Address: 566 Pine View Ln Spirit Lake lD, 83869-9635 Name of Utility Company: Avista Comment:Sirs: lam an ldaho resident, and ldo NOTagree with the sale of Avista to a foreign entity Given the public turmoil surrounding Hydro One in Canada, I'm having a difficult time believing that we're allworking towards the same goal: the maintenance and continuing operation of Avista's infrastructure with the customer in mind I could drone on, but let's cut to the chase: this is a REALLY bad idea. Please say NO to the export/sale of American lnfrastructure. I don't believe it will end well Let me know if you have questions. Rgds, Robert Proctor Unique ldentifier: 7 2.L06.54.7 1 Diane Holt From: Sent: To: Subject: Friday, June 15, 2018 9:45 AM Beverly Barker; Diane Holt; Matthew Evans Case Comment Form: Karen LaRue a-,1 rul*E- // - a?Name: Karen LaRue Case Number: AVU-G-17-05 Email: Te le p hone : 208-699-237 0 Address: 1608 E Northwood dr Hayden Lake ldaho, 83835 Name of Utility Company: Avista Comment: Since Hydro one does not currently have any experience with or holdings of naturalgas, what guarantee is there that they don't sell off the natural gas side of the business? As both an employee and a customer this concerns me, my neighbors and my co-workers. lf Hydro one sells out it will negatively impact our safety and job security. 1 U niq ue ldentifier: LO4.24O.27 .66 Diane Holt From: Sent: To: Subiect: Name: Gerald Sebby Case Number: AVU-E-17-09 Friday, iune 15, 2018 9:04 AM Beverly Barker; Diane Holt; Matthew Evans Case Comment Form: Gerald Sebby aJnil-6-/vot Email: Te le pho ne : 208-689-3527 Address: L32LL S Ridgeview Loop Harrison 1D,83833 Name of Utility Company: Avista Comment: I am opposed to the sale of Avista to a foreign entity. Avista is a well run and reliable local company. By allowing transfer of the utility to a large, remote Canadian company, we may in the future look on the transfer of ownership of our utility as a big mistake. Please don't put our utility service at risk. Unique ldentifier: 1 Diane Holt From: Sent: To: Subiect: Name: Dale and Lillian Knapp case Number: av%e-rz-og fr.C Al / ^E - I 7' 0 7Email: Telephone: 2086913946 Address: 3314 n 5th pl Coeur d Alene lD, 83815 Name of Utility Company: Avista Comment: We truly believe we have given away enough of the United States to foreign govts. We cannot see where this will help any of the Avista customers, only the big boys will gain anything. DO NOT!!! DO NOT !!!lapprove this take over. Ontario Canada is a long way away from ldaho. Why do they want us, just our water and money. Thanks in advance The Knapp family Unique ldentifier: knapp4l Friday, June 15, 2018 9:20 AM Beverly Barker; Diane Holt; Matthew Evans Case Comment Form: Dale and Lillian Knapp 1 Diane Holt From: Sent: To: Subject: Name: Robert Denton Case Number: AVU-E-17-09 Email: Te le pho ne : 2O8-292-4LLO Address: 1106 N 12th St Coeur d'Alene lD, 83814 Friday, June 15,2018 8:56 AM Beverly Barker; Diane Holt; Matthew Evans Case Comment Form: Robert Denton A//-6 - /z-os' Name of Utility Company: Avista Comment: Vote NO on the sale of Avista to a FOREIGN utility, Hydro-One. All legal and monetary considerations aside, selling critical US infrastructure (natural resources) to a foreign business lS JUST PLAIN STUPIDITY !l!l U niq ue ldentifier: 98.L46.L47.144 1 Diane Holt From: Sent: To: Subject: Name: John F. Oldfield Case Number: AVU-E-17-09 Thursday, June 14,2018 5:19 PM Beverly Barker; Diane Holt; Matthew Evans Case Comment Form:John F. Oldfield aJaru-6-/7-0-s- Email: sherry.oldfield Telephone: 2085976332 Address: 1035 Park Ave Sandpoint 1D,83864 Name of Utility Company: Avista Comment: I am against the Avista merger with Hydro-One an Ontario, Canada Company whose majority stock holder is a foreign government and the resultant board of directors would be essentially controlled by Hydro-One. lt also appears that one of the driving factors behind conservation groups backing of this "merger" is the projected use of the tax moneys saved by the new US tax rates on corporations to fuel the 10 year acceleration in the shutting down of the Coalstrip plant and town. I don't agree with the benefit of accelerating the shut down and don't believe any such guarantee of future can be made by any company because the tax laws may be changed at any time. U niq ue ldentifier: 24.7 5.LzO.62 1 Diane Holt From: Sent: To: Thursday, June 14, 2018 10:30 PM Beverly Barker; Diane Holt; Matthew Evans Case Comment Form: Duane McMurdieSubiect: Name: Duane McMurdie Case Number: Case No. AVU-E-17-09 and AVU-G-17-05 Email: Telephone: 2088615882 Address: 8124 East Jacob Drive Nampa lD,83687 Name of Utility Company: ldaho power Comment: ln doing a quick review of HydroOne as a lifelong resident of ldaho with many friends and relatives who have been employed by ldaho Power, PLEASE REGISTER THAT I srenuously object to HydroOne acquiring Avista Corp. U niq ue ldentifier: L7 1 Diane Holt From: Sent: To: Subject: Name: Matthew Tulleners Case Number: AVU-E-17-09 sawfilerTS@ Friday, June 15, 2018 7:03 AM Beverly Barker; Diane Holt; Matthew Evans Case Comment Form: Matthew Tulleners *l,eut-6-//-os- Email: Te le p ho ne : 208-29O-t645 Address: 2809 W Fisher Ave Post Falls ldaho, 83854 Name of Utility Company: Avista Comment: American owned Utilities should stay American owned ! Say NO to the sale of Avista to Hydro 1!!!!! U niq ue ldentifier: 7 6.L7 8.L88.2O4 1 Diane Holt From: Sent: To: Subject: bsel lers98 1 Friday, June 15, 2018 8:24 AM Beverly Barker; Diane HolU Matthew Evans Case Comment Form: Barry Sellers Name: Barry Sellers caseNumber:AVU-E-17-os/--/ 4//-6 - 17- 0{ Email: Telephone: 2082924882 Address: 2050 N Main St. Coeur d'Alene lD, 83814 Name of Utility Company: Avista/Hydro One Comment: As a long time ldahoan, I encourage the Commission to vote no and not allow the sale of Avista to go through. lt is simply unthinkable to know that our energy company and services will be provided, maintained, and regulated by a foreign country. Please be the voice of reason in this matter and say NO. lf this goes through, it will be one more thing in our country we no longer own or control. Thank you U nique ldentifier: 7 7.23L.27 .273 1 Diane Holt From: Sent: To: Subiect: Diane Holt Friday, June 1 5, 2018 8:31 AM Diane Holt COMMENTS for Case Nos. AVU-E--17 -05 M Neher 6056 N Colfax Dalton Gardens, lD 83815-9283 (208) 719-915s bluela ke@ road Dear Governor Otter: As you know, unless the State of ldaho stops it, Avista is poised to be taken over by Hydro-One, a Canadian corporation whose major stockholder is the government of Ontario. I am worried that the ldaho PUC has insufficient political and technical clout to completely grasp this issue and to fairly protect the Avista customers in ldaho. Therefore, I ask that you and Lt. Governor Little immediately intervene in this process to ensure that ldaho citizens are protected, not just for 5 years but permanently, by stopping this merger once and for all. For background, please review the following information: https://ime1.wsi bbv/eol1a545e 1d-a9ba-4c9f-9 1 12- 762455a79dfaldownloads/lccepbvb9 8731 11.pdf Delfina Krakau Constituent Service Coordinator Office of Governor C.L. "Butch" Otter (208) 334-2100 Delfina.Kraka u @gov.ida 1 Diane Holt From: Sent: To: Subject: Friday, June 1 5, 2018 8:36 AM Beverly Barker; Diane Holt; Matthew Evans Case Comment Form: Katherine Hennigan Name: Katherine Hennigan CaseNumber:AVU-E-17-O} iZ.*0,4/0 - 6- //- o:- Email: kathy@nezasoft .com Telephone: 2082702660 Address: 3594 N Cederblom St., Apt 216 Coeur d Alene lD, 83815 Name of Utility Company: Avista Comment: I would like to state my opposition to the proposed sale of AVISTA to the Canadian company, Hydro One. I am opposed because I do not want a foreign company to own my public utility or have any controlling interest in it. I ask that you DO NOT APPROVE this sale. Thank you! U niq ue ldentifier: 52.L29.39.4O 1 Diane Holt From: Sent: To: Subiect: Name: Katherine Hennigan Case Number: AVU-E-17-09 Email: kathy@nezasoft .com Telephone: 2082702660 Address: 3594 N Cederblom St., Apt 216 Coeur d Alene ldaho, 83815 Name of Utility Company: Avista Comment: I would like to request that you DO NOT APPROVE of the sale of AVISTA to Hydro One, a Canadian company. I do not feelthat a foreign company has any business in controlling a utility company in the United States. Thank you! U niq ue ldentifier: 52.L29.39.40 kathy@ Friday, June 1 5, 2018 8:40 AM Beverly Barker; Diane Holt; Matthew Evans Case Comment Form: Katherine Hennigan *-0n((/-6-/2-or 1 Diane Holt From: Sent: To: Subject: paulnezl Thursday, June 14, 20184:21 PM Beverly Barker; Diane Holt; Matthew Evans Case Comment Form: Paul Niespodziany Name: Paul Niespodziany Case Number: AVU-E-17-09 & AVU-E-L7-OS Email: Telephone: Address:5493 N Martha Loop Coeur d Alene 1D,83815 Name of Utility Company: Avista Comment: "l object to HydroOne acquiring Avista Corp. Unique ldentifier: 1 Diane Holt c#s7 a7a. 4-//-E- /7-o? a-/ 4u/- 6-/7'0s- From: Sent: lo: Subject: 13 June 2018 Dear Sirs, I am 73 years old and have lived in Idaho since 1975. Some of my ancestors have been in this country since the 1600s. Myself and many of my family have served in the US military to defend and protect US rights. This merger of Avista and Canadian Hydro One will turn the control of vital US resources and their management over to a foreign country. My family and I are Not in favor of this merger or any other plans that allow other countries to have control of our utilities (or any other US asset). James Herbert Hayden, ldaho Thursday, June 14, 2018 4:19 PM Diane Holt Avista and Hydeo One merger 1 Thank you for allowing me to voice my opposition to the Avista and Hydro One merger. Diane Holt From: Sent: To: Subject: Thursday, June 14, 2018 10:18 AM Beverly Barker; Diane Holt; Matthew Evans Case Comment Form:John Rudd Name: John Rudd Case Number: AVU-E-17-09 -',/ AUU' 6 - /7- o{ Email: jsrudd Te le pho ne : 208-882-367 4 Address: 1292 Highlsnd Dr Moscow 1D,83843 Name of Utility Company: Avista Comment: Am I the only one who is not comfortable with a company from a foreign nation purchasing a public electric / utility company in the State of ldaho, United States of America? Avista is not in financial trouble, it does not need 'bailing out' or bankruptcy protection. Where is our common sense? This is a very bad takeover. s/n John W. Rudd Unique ldentifier: 1 ZAsr //0s- 4{/rt-6- tz- o 7 *4 ,1//-6 - /7- a;- Madin D Hendrix 6848 N Government STry #1,25 Coeur d'Alene, ID 83815 208-946-4846 marlinh June 1,3,201,8 Idaho Public Utilities Commission RE,: Avista sell out I believe that none of our Public Utilities should be owned by any foreign entity, government or private company! This is ridicules to say the least. Why would ^ company pay $5.3 billion for another company and not expect to make something on their investment? Casey Fielder also says "customets will continue to see the same level of regulatory oversight by the utility commissions in each state. Again, this may be true. However, if the new owners can show that they need an increase to make up for thet expenses, which could include the cost to purchase Avista they will get an increase. If everythirg is going to remain the same, why sell? If Avista is making enough profit for another company to believe they are worth $5.3 billion REC E IVE D tfllfi JUN l5 At{ 8: L9 ILrc{l,,ilssl0N0 Casey Fielder says "after the transaction closes, Avista will continue to operate as a stand-alone company under the same name, from the same headquarters in Spokane with the same employees. "This m^y be true, but all of the profits will go to Canada. He also says "Avista will continue to run the business and serve customers and communities as it always has with local decision-making authority." If Hydro One Limited owns Avista, Hydro One Lirnited will make the final decision if they disagree with the local authority. \7e have all heard these lies in the past regarding this rype of activity. then why would Avista want to sell? Mryb. we should follow the money. \7ho is really going to benefit from this sale? Maybe in the beginning they will lower bills, but that most likely is the hook. If the two companies want to receive benefits of scale, why not form a purchasing co-op. They could include other Utility companies as well and do even better. I urge you to oppose this purchase and or merger. Sincerely )'1*1 P"'-47 Matlin Hendrix