HomeMy WebLinkAbout20180529Comments (3).pdfA rrut- p-t1-c>q // n rx- e- /?-os' Opposing Sale of Avista to Hydro One There are numerous issues in this proposed sale. First, as a utility, this is a public allowed monopoly. There is no competition to influence pricing nor an alternative in service failure. The utility commission must rely on a foreign entity to comply with operating requirements. To further complicate this, Canada is part of the Paris Climate Accord. The purpose of the Paris Climate agreement was to place a significant economic burden on the US. without any commensurate improvement in the atmosphere that was measurably provable. This sale will enable Canada through Hydro One to inflict the Paris Climate Accord on U.S. citizens of the Northwest. Additionally, Hydro One has demonstrated poor management of their infrastructure resulting in an increasing rate of shut-downs of increasing duration. This begs the question will Northwestern customers in the U.S. have to pay for repair of poorly maintained Canadian infrastructure. Another concern are the U.S. employees of the utility. Will their pay be within the Canadian pay scale and down-grade due to the comparison of the U.S. dollar and Canadian dollar? Will U.S. employees have to participate in Canadian health insurance? Will U.S employees be replaced by Canadian workers to take advantage of wage and health costs? Finally, Hydro One has overseen radical rate increases wellover 100% and incurred an excess of 58 billion debt creating an issue of insolvency. Should Hydro One fail, the first buyer aligned is China. These issues should preclude purchase of Avista by Hydro One. Paul Mahlow Hayden, ldaho l',v u- E - t1 ^o1 // nvu- G- /?-or I Object to HydroOne acquiring Avista Corporation I am writing to let you know that I object to Hydro One acquiring Avista Corporation 1,. lt would be a security threat to the U.S and particularly to our area of the Northwest. I am surprised that this is legal. 2. Maurice Strong was involved with many scandalous projects (e.g. "Oil for Food" and some North Korean projects) and organized Uranium One besides this Hydro One. 3. Why doesn't Canada build their own dams if they believe in green power? 4. We know Canada is desperate because their Green Energy penalty is coming. lt is obvious that they are counting on us paying for that penalty. 5. U. S. citizens would have no control over fees (especially regarding Canadian penalties). 5. lt seems that Canada can't even manage properly the green facilities they have and the Canadian people have huge fees and no power! 7. These green efforts don't accomplish anything provable (i.e., doesn't reduce CO2)l 8. lt seems there is a very real question about bribery to those on the commission! 9. lt is rumored that if Hydro One becomes insolvent that China will buy the company. That would mean that our U. S. power could possibly be controlled by a country that is not our friend. There is NO advantage to the current American Customers of Avista and only the possibility of a very real threat of no future control, poor management, no power, MUCH higher prices, and possible bribery of officials. Linda Mahlow Hayden Lake, ldaho Diane Holt From: Sent: To: james@thomas.net Tuesday, May 29,20187,.23 AM Beverly Barker; Diane Holt; Matthew Evans Case Comment Form:iames ThomasSubject: Name: James Thomas Case Number: AVU-E-17-O9// AvtJ-*c>- l-r -oS- Email: james@thomas.net Telephone: 2088416393 Address: 668 S Whisperwood Way Boise 1D,83709 Name of Utility Company: Mr. Comment: PUC: Please do NOT allow Avista-HydroOne merger. We should not allow foreign (albeit our friends to the North) control of US assets. U nique ldentifier: 24.L16.41.34 1