HomeMy WebLinkAbout20180521Comments (5).pdfDiane Holt From:cristshe99@gmail.com Sent:Monday,May 21,2018 12:08 AM To:BeverlyBarker;Diane Holt;Matthew Evans Subject:Case Comment Form:Sheri Crist Name:Sheri Crist Case Number:AVU-G-17-05 Email:cristshe99@gmail.com Telephone:2082175571 Address:10160 N Justin Ct Hayden ID,83835 Name of Utility Company:Avista Comment:I disagree with the possible merger between Hydro One and Avista. Unique Identifier: 1 84 5 E yd S ~ AV P - E - /7 - 0 9 Å AW & - 77 9 5 VE D E/ 2\ A 9: 5 5 pm , , ,e .« ap p - . « yee s ha - ga L, » m p 2 4 2 wa ' u su d ,P M w « e as se Am wa y my aw k a /w t A »r x « A ap d ; As ga m av Ae m w a, /A r a d o d . AM a dw < Æ ,a r m a r s u < > my Ma g M as au t a í d ta x p a n y , 2M C A- A &M r p no i ra i g /O pr y d , 4 9 r Jack &Deborah Preston 9323 N Government Way #214Hayden,ID 83835 Idaho Public Utilities Commission PO Box 83720 Boise ID 83720-0074 Subject:Avista and HydroOne To Whom It May Concern: We stronglyoppose the sale of one of America's energy companies to a foreign-ownedcorporationinaforeigncountry.The abilityto own and control our nation's energy companieswhetherelectrical,dams,or natural gas should never be allowed.We stand to lose control andownershipof12hydroelectricdamsandthelossofreliable,safe thermal power provided byColstrip3&4 units. There are a number of troublingreasons whythis sale should not be allowed to go forward: Lowest rate to highest rate in N.America -Avista customers currentlyenjoy some of thelowestkwhrratesinthecountry(approx.7.89/kwhr)while Ontario's customers are sufferingfromunbearablyhighrates-in 2015 Hydro One had the highest electric rates in NorthAmericaat29.9/kwhr--a rate that has increased steadily to 52.0/kwhrin 2018.Ontarioelectricityrateshaverisensohighthatit's driving some customers to go off-grid or closebusinesses,and some families must choose between eating and heating.In 2016 HydroOnedisconnected60,000 customers for their inability to pay. Global Adjustmentcharge -In addition to Ontario'sexorbitant charge for electricityanadditionalfeeisbeingaddedon-a fee whichgoes to shuttingdown coal plants and addingandbuildingrenewables. Mismanagement-Hydro One overcharges,is unresponsiveto complaints,has deterioratingsystemsthataretheleastreliableinCanada,has maintenance shortfalls,and long lastingpoweroutages. Controlled by Provincial government-being a socialist progressive countryand a memberoftheU.N.'s Paris Accord on Climate Change,Canada's HydroOne can and will chargeAmericanratepayersexorbitantpricesfortheir"green policies"and green-mandated energylaws. Renewables -HydroOneis switchingto unaffordable,expensive and unreliable windmillsandsolar,both requiringlabor intensive maintenance for correct operation.HydroOne willlikelybringwindturbineshereastheyhavedoneinOntariowheretheyarehated.Ontariohas6,736 wind turbines that cover an area of 1,320,000acres,more than 2,060 square miles.It has been proven that wind turbines cannot be a primary energy producer.Theyutilizehugeareasofland,are expensiveto build and maintain,are a major killer of bird and batpopulations,negativelyaffect property values,and are generally hated by neighbors,many ofwhomsufferfromrelatedhealthproblems.In Ontario 90 townships and counties havealreadypassedresolutionsthattheyare"not willinghost communities"for wind turbines. The Province of Ontario has mandated the outlayof the turbines without regard to publicopinion-this could happen here next. Control -Ontario government will control Avista's Board of Directors,decision-making andrate-setting.Due to international trade agreements Canada can later sell HydroOne to Chinaoranycountry.There will be questions of HydroOne stock ownership and control theywield.We will be handing our local control over to Ontario'sprogressive,socialist government andbesubjecttotheirclimatelaw(CCAP). Ontario's Climate Change Action Plan -Ontario's 5-year CCAP 2016-2020 includes:raise electric rates,close coal plants and build wind farms.Round 2 begins with cap and tradeandraisingelectricratesevenhigher.The 5-year plan approved in 2016,along with its 80regulationsandsubsidies,was described by the Fraser Instituteas "extraordinarilyinefficientandexpensivestrategiestoreducecarbonemissions."The plan calls for customers,includingHydroOne,and perhaps Avista customers,to pay from $18 to $157 (Canadian dollars)inmonthlyutilitychargesstartingin2020tofightthenon-existent climate change.Carbon Cap &Trade -Ontario utilities can use carbon credit cap and trade to meet theirimpossibleCarbonreductionstandards.ThatOntario plan mandates an 80 percent emissionsreductioninthreedecades,which reveals Hydro One's interest in Avista:that's Avista's 887megawattsatsevenhydroelectricgeneratingplantsnearSpokane.Avista's hydro issacrificedtosatisfyHydroOne's 2020 target under Ontario's CCAP.This should not beallowed-our state's irreplaceable dams are a treasure to our citizens.Hydropoweris thesafestandcleanestenergyproducerontheplanet. The sale of Avista to Hydro One is not in the best interests of U.S.citizens and state ratepayerslikeus.A progressive countrymay want to implement policies that are not consistent with thosewebelieveareinourbestinterest.Say no,please. This sale would affect four states includingIdaho.The sale should not be approved. 15 May 2018 9 55 Idaho Utilities Commission SSION PO Box #80720 Boise,Idaho 83720-0074 ATTN:Diane Holt Dear Ms.Holt, As a resident of the Great State of Idaho,an Idaho taxpayer,Idaho Utilityuser,and a US Veteran of the Vietnam War I would like to voice my graveconcernswiththeproposedsaleofAvistatoaforeignnation's (Canada)utilityprovider-Hydro One. In general terms this deal should never be considered since it proposes togiveourutilitiesandelectricalenergycontroltoaforeignnation.We own thisutilityanditproduct(electricity)now and must piotect it at all costs.Mie wouldneversellournuclearenergytoIranwouldwe?We would not sell our Air-ForcetoBrazilwouldwe?Yet electricity,along with water,is our most preciouscommodityofthefuture. This proposed sale is beneficial to a very few Americans,a significantdangertothemajorityofAmericans(in Avista's service area),and a nationalassetinourNationalDefenseArena!Yet,this proposed sale is critical,withsurvivalconsequencestoHydroOne.Their short term survival is hitched to this one sided proposal!By 2021 Canada,May be in International crisis,andmillionsofCanadianswithoutelectricity.Canada's electrical survival maydependuponthisdeal! Since Canada signed the UN's Paris Accord on climate change,Canada isfacedwithdireconsequencesofmeetingtheiragreeduponstandardsby2020.Canada has inadequate renewal sources for its electricity.Windmills don't work,shortoutwhenhighdemandoccurs,too few dams generatingelectricity,and are faced withagreatdependenceoncoal,petroleum,and fossil fuels.These three sources areoutlawedbytheAccord,and fall under the Cap &Trade penalties of the Green Houseregulations.Penalties for non-compliance for Paris Accord Signees will start at the $8Billionpluslevelandcontinue.Hydro.One must take drastic measures to try and meetagreeduponcompliancelevels. Since Canada's utility structure is based on the US's Paris Accord Climate ControlissuesHydroOnecanchargeusAmericanstaxpayersexorbitantpricesundertheirgreenmandatedenergylaws.We would then have no say since our utilities are no longer under US laws and is without competitionfor this required energy.Canada'sHydroOneismostlydependentuponwindmillandsolarpower;both require extensivemaintenanceandkeep-up.This type power is unreliable and not as efficient as ourpresenthydroelectricgeneratingdamshereintheareaservicedbyAvistaintheUS.We as rate-payers and taxpayers and US citizens are requestingthat the sale not beapprovedbythePublicUtilitiesCommissionofIdahoandturndownAvista's requestfortosale! Since all public utilities are a monopoly,any foreign country wanting to make apurchaseintheUSAshouldberefusedunderourgovernmentregulationsinceweautomaticallylosecontrolofanychangestheymaymake. We have been told that the only one that this sale would benefit greatly is Avista'sCorporateboardofficials.The Avista Lawyer,present at the Coeur d'Alenepresentation,stated that each member of the Avista Utilities Board would not receive$10 million signing bonus,but would receive a $15million dollar bonus if thissalegoesthrough.Also,the Avista Board would remain the same. Canada our neighboris still considered a foreign government,and out associationsaremostlyonfriendlyterms,things could change at any time.Hydro One has changedthecostofits'rates for Canadian customers from $.05.8 cents per Kw hour to $3.58perKwhourduringthepast2years.The proposed sales contract states that the USpriceswouldremainthesameforthenexttwoyearsuntil2020.At that time the ratescouldbeadjustedtoHydroOne's costs.The result of Hydro One's rate changes inCanadahaveforcedover300,000Canadians to drop their electrify hook-ups andresultedinthoseCanadianstobetotallywithoutpowerduetothegreatlyincreasedrates.This rate increase is over 6100 %!No wonder Canadians cannot affordelectricity!WE want to protect US Citizens and taxpayers! We are asking that the Idaho Public Utilities Commission take our request and pleatorefusetoapprovethissaletoHydroOne,and turn down the Avista request. Save our taxpayersand citizens from foreign takeover. Respectfully submitted, Kenneth W.Moore 31048 East Hayden Lake RoadHayden,Idaho 83835(208)772-7494 Lt.Col.Bertram W.Mc Cauley RECEIVEDfos//(7//'G 77 853 N.Victorian Dr.CoeurDAlene,ID83814 20\8 N.21 PM 3r25 SSION