HomeMy WebLinkAbout20180124Comment.pdfIdaho Utilities Commission re Avista-HydroOne merger agreement January 24 2019 Via email to secretary@puc.idaho.gov. Submitted by David Boleneus. Dated January 24,2018. Re AVU-E-17-09 - AVISTA-- JOTNT APPLICATION WITH HYDRO ONE LIMITED FOR APPROVAL OF PROPOSED MERGER AGREEMENT COVER LETTER The key objection to the merger is that Hydroone, as demonstrated by their actions in Ontario, is unfit for this purpose and incompatible with customers of the Avista territory. Attached are the subject articles that explain the problems with Avista becoming a Hydro One subsidiary. Another representative of our organization (local rep. for eastern Washington, Citizens Alliance for Property Rights) and I talked with the Avista government affairs executives on January 6, 2018 and became even more alarmed that they know nothing about the ghastly happenings with electric power in Ontario or the reasons that Ontarians' are suffering as a result, a subject which is well documented in that Canadian province. but unknown outside Ontario, so Ontarians are suffering in "isolation". The attached two page document is an "Executive Sumrnary" is appended to a longer (35-page) fully referenced document (175 footnoted references), which I include also. The executive sunllnary highlights all key concerns. The events occurring in Ontario that concern HydroOne need to be known and examined so that Avista customers might confrorrt the company on the issues. Fufiherrnore, the acquisition of Avista must pass muster before the utilities commission where they operate, so the commission members must be informed of circumstances by disinterested parties other than Avista and events about HydroOtte's history that concern its ownership of Avista Corp., Avista's hydroelectric dams and any impact on customers of Avista. Of great concem is that customers of HydroOne in Orrtario, especially rural customers without benefit of natural gas. paid (in Canadian currency) CN48.9 cents per kilowatt-hour fbr elcctricity (an amount determined by dividing the total invoice by the electricity use) in 2017 , a rate which in 2018 increased again by $ I 41 per month per customer to equivalent of CN66.2 cents per kwhr. Hydro One says it will increase rates again in 2019 by $144 so electricity in Ontario will cost equivalent CN 83.9 cents per kwhr next year. This compares with US 5.9 cents for Kootenai Electric and US 6.97 cents per kwhr fbr Northem Lights. As I explain the bulk (about 75o/o) of the invoiced charges in Ontario are for "glohal adjustment.fbes", a fee unique to Ontario, a f'ee on the increase, while the charge for electric usage only represent about25oh of the customer invoice. A global adjustment Another concern is tlrat Ontario rates have been driven by Ontario's goverxments' fear of carbon dioxide tlrat it might atlbct climate, that Ontario can do its share to change clinrate because they believe that carbon dioxide (CO2) controls temperature, so their actions taken include scuttling their coal plants, once the best fleet in North America, for replacernents by wind turbines and sweetheart contracts with wind providers which adds lO-fold to the going electric costs, the global adjustnrent.fbes increasing in the main. Because most people have been climate brainwashed, they accept the "fear of carbon dioxide that exerts a profound effect on climate" as truthful when neither are the case. Carbon dioxide is a plant fertilizer, required for photosynthesis in plants. It's well known that carbon dioxide is unrelated to temperature or climate, a conclusion which is easily drawtt based on information submitted here. So, the concem (perhaps it should be concem #l) is tlrat HydroOne and Avista, both unaware that the carbon dioxide-related clirnate scare is a lie, in concert, rvill introduce. reinforce, and enfbrce Ontario's fcar of CO2 to scuttle Avista's thcrmal elcctric power solrrces, introcluce wind turbines in the Avista territory as main power sources and consider scuttling hydroelectric dams, which will greatly inrpact river trade fiornito ldaho and Montana. Again, such is based on the f'alse assumption that rvind turbines are clean energy sources, but they are just the opposite. Taken together, therc is possibility that if these courscs of action arc followed that costs rvillbe passed on to customers. There is concern that Avista managelnent will be overtaken by the concern fbr climate change, in the talsc belief that such is a true event, that Avista nlanagcmcrrt will undertakc actions to mitigatc climate. This is a vier,v to whicli HydroOne subscribes, but no proof for climate change has ever been advanced, so alry mitigation action takcn is without merit. and senseless. It is the expending moncy and rcsources needlessly that will impact customers that is also a key concern. Another collcern is the introduction of cap and trade and taxation of carbon dioxide in Canada and Ontario. Washington has renewable portfolio standards for purposc of mitigating carbon dioxide but Idaho does not. Thank goodness for Idaho. Both ofthese practices are favored by derrrocrats, Washington's gov. Inslce, Calif. gov. Brown, Ontario's Premier Kathlcen Wyrne, and Oregon's Gov, Brorvn. Each of these people want to use the Paris Agreelrent on climate and Obama's Clean Power Plan as pathways to make unaflbrdablc electricity within their respcctive states. Ontario's calamity- inviting goals have lbr more than a decade proved themselves as tailed social experiments in Europe, UK, Australia, and U.S. as shown: Ontario-Wind-Rcsistancc.org, StopThescThings.com and EPAW.org. So, Ontario's. Washington's and other lawmakers aren't historically- or scientitlcally- knowlcdgcable. Thcre are other conceflrs. Thcre is reason to bc conccrncd also that HyclroOne's rcsponsibilitics in Ontario about cap and trade, Ontario's Green Errergy Act, Ontario's Climate Change Action Plan. Avista's loss of ownership of its hyclroclectric dams. Avista's loss of rights to the Columbia Rivcr as a lrydroporver resource, Ontario's carbon taxes" and these mandates takeu collectively handed dorvn fionr Hydroonc will be translatcd cross border to Avista Corp. and impact Avista's customers. Organization of writtcn nraterials l. Cover lctter 2. The two page article is entitled "Avista sale to l{ydroOne Summary to the 35-page article. 3. The 35-page article is "Cancel the Sale of Avista......" 4. YouTube video..."The Avista Utilities...." ". This article represents an Executive Finally, as to my experience. I have practiced as a geologist and geophysicist and hold a Master's Degree in geology ancl MBA with 45 years of experience. I har.e professional registrations with State of Washington, SME and DOL I am retired as a research geologist frorn the U.S. Dept. of Interior in 2007. For l0 years I have operatecl a wheat growing operation on the family farm in its l04tl'operating year. Also during those last ten years I have collected and analyzed data on electric power and many other subjects related to the mining business. During this time I have fbllowed the literature on climate cltatrge and lectured at several venues in eastenr Washington on "Climate Change: Why lts Not Happening-flow the Public Has Been Deceived". I have also presented my views about the Avista acquisition befbre public audiences on trvo occasions. Carbon dioxide was a related topic of my graduate thesis. so I am quite lbmiliar with its effects and benefits. Should AVISTA CORP. become HYDRO ONE? Hydro One, a provider of electric power in Ontario, Canada wants to acquire Avista Corp., headquartered in Spokane, in a CN$6.7 billion deal and approved by shareholders in November. The deal exposes Avista electric customers to nightmarish effects of foreign practices, policies and impacts that Avista seems unaware. Following is what we have learned of possible impacts upon Avista's 377,000 customers that stretch across a 30,000 square mile area in five states of Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Montana and Alaska. Customers without say in this deal must confront the companies about these issues. a Utility commissions in these five states must approve the merger with Hydroone, a review process that will begin in February 2018, Ayet-to-be-named Canadian holding company will take ownership of Avista but it's unclear how this shields Avista customers from human hardships and job-killingt experiences by Ontarians caused by Ontario's Green Enerry Act, 20092. Hydro 0ne's electric costs rocketed to North America's highest cost electricity in 2015 at29.9 cents/kilowatt- hour (low density urban), a direct result of green energy laws. Hydro One promised to add $285 more in 2018- 2019, increasing customer billings to 12 times larger than Avista's 20L6 small business rate of 7.1 cents per kilowatt-hour and 35 times larger than Chelan and Douglas County PUDs 2.36 cents/kwhr rate3. Ontario's seniors cannot afford Hydroone's electricity. One in 20 businesses closed, including grocers. Ruralites now rely on baclqyard generators and families must weigh paying electric bills against feeding childrena. 58,000 households were cut off that couldn't pay bills. Just before Christmas families had to decide whether to eat or heat. Disconnects grew 190/o to 392,963, with arrears debt growing40o/o in one year to $134,886,000s. Hydroone's service is poor. It charges ratepayers more for deteriorating service yet ignored 10,000 complaints about high costs. Its outages are 30o/o longer, 24o/o more frequent. Their transmission system is in considerable disrepair, the least reliable of Canada's distribution companiesoT. Economists and company CEO's say rates cause Ontario'serious harm. lust2To/o of billing is electricity used. 0ntario's Auditor General repeatedly slams its electricity sector as dysfunctional as customers over-paid $37 billion for electricity because 73 % of bill in gs ar e for g ree n mandates, global adjustments and delivery fees. Hydroone is a two-year old quasi-private/public company, a monopoly, exempt from public oversight, FOIA requests, customer complaints and its Sunshine list. The Province's still owns 70o/o of Hydroone. Avista customers may share responsibility in Hydroone's carbon emissions mandates that become increasingly cost-prohibitive in 2020,2035 & 2050, ThisAcf and the Conada-wide $50 per ton tax on carbon are not Avista's best interest. The,4ct will add another 1230o/o in costs from Cap and Trade (C&T) mandates beginning now. Consumers also share carbon tax pass-through costs as they purchase Canadian products from suppliers, i.e., a B.C. company paid $55 million in carbon taxes in 2016, HydroOne now owns Avista's 13 hydro-electric dams (with 1,024 MW of capacity) on the Columbia River and Alaska. ln Cap and Trade terms, Hydroone will refashion Avista's hydro dams into "clean energy credits", a maneuver enabling it to avoid paying California's (or Ontario's) $8 billion climate exchange fee to satisfy the Act's C&T 2020 mandate. The transfer of dams mostly guarantees customer's preferential loss of Avista's electricity on the Columbia River systems. Ontario's Green Energy,4ct prohibits its use of coal-fired plants, once its cheapest electricity, but Hydro Onehas given Avista a pass for a time on retaining its 233 megawatts of thermal-coal generation in Montana which supplies 330/o of Avista's thermal electricity. The Act mandates that wind turbines generate electricity in Ontario, an experience found to be highly inefficient with very high costs in both Ontarioe and Washington and widely opposed in Ontario, several European countries, U.S. states, & Australiat0. Wind turbines are wasteful. They provide 0.60/o of world energy at a cost of $5.45 trillion that could have provided a five times larger supply from natural gas or CCS coal planB. rrrz In a sprint to avoid the Green Energy Act's 2020 enforced Cap and Trade carbon emission fees, Canadian utilities purchased $74 million of U.S. hydroelectric assets in 2016 and $28,7 billion more by February 201.713 to feed an insatiable need for cheap, reliable green power assets, Forbes listed 11 other U.S. utilities targeted. Ontario advertises itsGreen Energy Actplanas "virtuous", but effects on people, jobs and economy are the exact opposite. Ontario makes energy arbitrarily scarce as its electricity powers energy povertyl4. It penalizes emissions and masks negative consequences behind rhetorical benefits of new government programs. The Green Energy Acllike Washington's Energy Independence Act {l-937) represents a grond social a a a a a a a a llPage a experiment conducted population-wide on a whim, without forethought, without pilot testing, without scientific proof, to satisfy a hasty policy-a policy that runs counter to best economic choicesls, a policy to reduce a substance proved to provide humongous monetary, human, and food producing benefitl6: carbon dioxide-with illusion of reducing greenhouse emissions that will never occur, with consequences known to be unprovable, but at extraordinary high cost while failing to consider enforced human suffering. Such rhetorical goalshave for a decade proved themselves as hurried failed experiments in Europe, UK, Australia, and U.S.tz Ontario's and Washington's Cap and Trade (C&T) harms people and needlessly risks economies, e.g.:/ In Washington by 2030, annual costs to reduce emissions will soar to $8,200 per household, with job losses rising to 82,000 per year, with gross domestic P-roduet down by $14,7 billion each year but without scoring a savings in temperature or sea level rise18,/ According to U.S. Senate Conference reportle,C&T artificially increases annual household electricity cost $5,429 by 2035 so renewables can compete; Inflicts economic pain disproportionately on poor families and lower quartile income earners, including college graduates with loans; Reduces gross domestic product $393 billion annually, making U.S. $9.4 trillion poorer by 2035; Reduces net iobs by 1.14 million annually, including green jobs; Discourages domestic enerS, intensity, the lifeblood of business and U.S. economy- wide; Forces industries to exit; Cloaks C&7"fees as inflated prices on consumer goods, essentially removing control away from utility commissions; Impacts farms hardest due to their 58%o larger need for fuel; Farm profits plummet by 57o/o; Food costs surge upward; and like European and California's C&T,with pretense of mitigating climate, exposes unsustainable state-sponsored Ponzi-schemes. Almost all Cap and Trade practices run counter to the purpose of mitigating climate, as they are not market- baseill but incorporate major elements of centrally- planned economies, for example: Co-opting for green energy gvarantees energy poverty2l; Since carbon emissions are unrelated to climate, any action to mitigate emissions becomes an expensive, useless exercise; European experiences show they do not reduce emissions but invite more corporate welfare programs22; German anti-renewable citizen petitions have grown to over 1,000 and its Minister says energy subsidies are now at unsustainable levels and inducing de-industrializationz3?a; It's a massive energy tax in disguisezs; It forces peoples to conform, is oppressive on all but the rich26; It transfers important economic decisions from private to government hands, with loss of private property rights and overall net loss ofgross domestic product thus subordinating to elements of USSR- or Chinese-like central planning of economies. a a 2 Ontario Climate Action Plan - www.applications.ene.gor,on.ca/ccap/products/CcAP 3 Rate data from utility websites in 2017 a Power costs are increasing hydro prices https://youtu.be/EAmChm584z0 and tttps://wurw.youtube.com/watch?v=lw5dRlzywgt Ontario's Wind Power Obsession Punishing Thousands-390,fiX) Families Stru8glin8 to Pay Power Bills and 58,000 D'rsconnected 5 Auditor General, by Adam B€ck on YouTube, Heated over Hydro One https://youtu.be/3mdBrategYc 7 https://ep.probeinternational.orBil2O15/lll}a/top-thtakeaways-from-auditor{enerals-report-on-ontarios-electrkfty-sector/ 8 A large portion ofthe Columbia River System electric power is beint promised to Canada as part ofthe 2024 Columbia River System Treaty now being re-n€gotiated according to Washington's Department of Agrlculurre head Derek Sanderson (lnside Olympia, broadcast 1V19l2017)s Ontario Wind Resistance, w\r,w,ontariowindresistance.org 10 European Platform Against Windfarms http://epaw.org/ and http://www.wind-watch.oryl 11 Xey world eneryy statistics: lnternational Energy Agency, 2017. http://www.'rea.org,/statistics/ 12 Comparlng Electricity Production ln 6 Major Nations https://principia-sciemific.org/comparison-of-electricity-production-in-six-major-nations/ 13 Why Canadians are buyint up U.S. utilities. https://www.forbes.com/sites/mergerma*eV2016/02/25/why-canadians-are-ririnning-the-utilitydeals/1'https://ontario-r,yind-resistance.o1Z/2OLSl%ltolontarios-wind-porered-energy-poverty/ andhttps://youtu.be/3nbTjuiSSnAtt Social benefits of carbon. Roger Bezdek http://marshall.or&/climate{harUe/presentation-by-roger-bezdek-on-social-cost-of{arbon/ concentrations-onalobal-food-production; https://www.masterresource.orglcarbon-dioxid{positive€xternalitiesro2/ http://scienceandpublicpoliry.orlmages/stories/papers/other/55_benefits_of_co2_pamphlet.pdf 17 Ontario.Wind-Resistance.or& StopTheseThings.com and EPAW.org. 18 http://scienceandpublicpolicy.orglwpcontent/uploads/2013/04/state-by-rtate.pdf 1e http://scienceandpublicpolicy.orglcommentaries{ssays/commentaries/cap-and-trade-economk-impactrc https ://institutef orenergyresearch.oru/topics/policy/ca ptrade/ 21 Professor of meteorology E/Aleo€reen enerty, a train to en€r8y poverty - hnp://icecap.us/index,php/go/narr,-and<oo/green-energy-tnin-to-energy-"povery/ 22 https://ep.probeinternational.org l2O!5/L2llL/5+easons-to-oppose-ontarlos-cap-and-trade-proposal/ 23 Germany's Energiewende, an energy policy calamity htQ://notrickszone.com/flsthash.2lZEPOOw.lAfqlcMw.dpbs2'What happens when forced to us€ renewable enerry trttps://www.manhattan-institute.org/sites/defaultfiiles/&RB-0516.pdf 25 http://scienceandpubllcpoliry.org/commentaries€ssays/commentaries/cap-and-tradeeconomic-impact 25 Heritage Foundation; 2OO9; afternativeenergy.procon.org 2lt'age Cancel the Sale of Avista Corp. to Hydro One By David Boleneusl Contents Part 1. Cancel the Sale of Avista Corp. to Hydro One ............. THE ISSUE: Why it's a terrible idea. What's the impact on Avista Customers?. INTRODUCTION - AN AVISTA WARNING... RENEWABLES AND ONTARIO'S USELESS CLIMATE BATTLE.. TMPACT OF GREEN ENERGY ACr (2009).. TMPACT ON CUSTOMERS ............. CLIMATE CHANGE ACNON PLAN, 2O2O AS A CAUSE OF SOCIETAL UPHEAVAL WHY CLIMATE CHANGE IS NOTOCCURRING Appendix 1. - MORE ON CAP-AND-TRADE....... Appendix 2. - Calculation of Hydro One Ontario electricity rate in kwhr........... NOTES, AUTHORITIES AND REFERENCES 2 2 2 3 5 9 9 9 11 15 15 18 18 28 29 Figure 1. World energy consumption 8 Figure 2. Chart compares the installed capacity of renewables to cost in Euro cents per Figure 3. Charts comparing the costs of complying with the Paris Agreement (left) and EPA Clean Power Plan (right)..... Figure 4. Chart shows source of carbon dioxide by sources by colored blocks............ Figure 5. Chart shows the temperature record for the last 4000 years, since 2,000 BC from Greenland ice core program Figure 5. No increase in the temperature record occurs outside of El Nino events, which are purely natural events.......24 Figure 8. Comparison of satellite temperature record at the South Pole against level of carbon dioxide in the Figure 9. Comparison of carbon dioxide and temperature from 1900 to 2AL7 ............. ..........27 20 2t 22 ' Mr. Boleneus is a geologist and geophysicist and holds a Master's Degree in geology and MBA with 45 years of experience. He holds professional registrations with State of Washington, SME and DOl. He retired as a research geologist from the U.S. Dept. of lnterior in 20A7 . For 10 years he has operated a wheat growing operation on the family farm in its 104th operating year. llPage Cancel the Sale of Avista to Hydro One David Boleneus Part 1. Cancel the Sale of Avista Corp. to Hydro One THE ISSUE: Why it's a terrible idea. What's the impact on Avista Customers? SUMMARY Avista electric customers must heed climate laws in Ontario and corporate responsibilities that Hydro One mistakes for representing the public's best interest. Ontario policies translated through Hydro One will likely increase Avista customer's monthly electric charges by hundreds to a thousand dollars or more in the next decade or more. Ontario's Green Energy Act (local citizens callit "Round 1")with purpose to battle climate change became law in Ontario in 2009 and immediately caused Ontario's power costs to skyrocket to highest in North America today23a. Monthly electric charges increased 5OO% or more from S1OO to 5800 in eight years, said Joannas in Timmins, Ont. The increase is due mainly to building renewable power systems, paying sweetheart signing bonuses and subsidies6T8 to renewable providerss, guaranteeing above-market feed-in tariffs to renewable companies whether or not they generate power and closing power plants that formerly produced the most reliable and least expensive power on the continent1011. Ontario mandates these actions to avert the effects of greenhouse gas emissions. 2!Page Cancel the Sale of Avista to Hydro One David Boleneus This is what is happening? Avista Corp., an electric and natural gas utility based in Spokane, with 374,OOO customers in four states, formerly known as Washington Water Power Co. has agreed to be acquired by Hydro One of Toronto, Ontario, Canada. The sale price is CS6.7 billion in cash. Hydro One is a two year old quasi-public/private company re-organized from Ontario Hydro who will control decision-and rate-making, as confirmed by GemStatePatriotl. What's wrong with this deal? Hydro One is 70% owned by the Province and owes duty to Ontario, its climate laws, and its Premier Kathleen Wynne who is under fire for selling out Ontario's once-public utility and ignoring soaring electric cost. Hydro One's rates are the highest in North America, soon to rocket to highest in the world while Avista's rates are nearly the lowest. Furthermore, Hydro One covets Avista's 1136 MW in 13 hydro dams as a contrivance to honor Ontario's Green Energy Act, its Climate Change Action Plan and U.N. Sustainability goals requiring closing of the finest coal-electric generating fleet on the continent and re-tooling power with low-carbon energy, principally incapable and inefficient wind turbines to stop greenhouse gas emissions. But the wind turbines contribute to the electric rate disaster because they cannot provide full time electricity and obscure shores of three Great Lakes with thousands of wind turbines and because Ontario locked in 20 year sweetheart deals with wind generator companies, 82% of whom are foreign companies, at excessive rates five times the electricity market for wind and ten times the market for solar. Costs are not the only problem as wind turbines also invite serious health problems1213141s16 and economic and social disasters17181e20 and death to wildlife and crop dusters. The health and cost experiences are similar those in Germany?122 and Australia232o2s whose electric charges increased 6LO% and 670% respectively in the last decade 'u"".Today, Ontario families must choose between paying for electricity and feeding children, others say electric bills require one-half a month's wages, while exorbitant costs forced families "off -grid" because of inability to pay and rely on generator power as Hydro one disconnected 1o,0oo customers in 2015 that didn't psy2e303r32r33o3s. Hydro One's fiduciary duty to the Province and Ontario climate law will become more onerous in coming years and a decidedly high impact to customers in the Avista service territory seems unavoidable. Round 2 of the Act, its Climate Change Action Plan became effective in 2OL7 and requires Hydro One to press harder against climate change by obtaining clean energy resources outside Ontario by the 2020 initial deadline of its Plan. Hydro One must begin trading of carbon emission credits (by cap and trade) on Ontario's, California's climate exchanges to satisfy initial "Round 2" requirements. The first clean energy resources going on the climate market are Avista's 12 hydro-electric dams on the Spokane River Clark Fork River sold and in Alaska (L,146 megawatts) as Hydro One refashions dams into carbon credits according to the recent deal announced in luly 20L7. Dams are offered as clean energy credits to satisfy the 2020 goal, the first of three goals. Avista customers will be impacted by Ontario's climate laws as Hydro One must make larger expenditures and larger demands on customers in the future to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions that will accelerate compliance costs by 520% by 2030 and L28O% in the two decades. The serious problems with cap and trade of emissions are: its Marxist (Chinese or USSR) element of centrally-planned economies; its failure to reduce carbon emissions contrary to stated designs36; the very high and unpredictable cost heaped onto electric users; and its identity as a government-sponsored fraud37383e and Ponzi-schemeaoal. Those most severely affected by the high costs are high-risk individuals, low- to middle-income families, newly graduated students with loan debt and businesses with especially high use of fuels, such as farmingaz, manufacturing, and transportation. INTRODUCTION . AN AVISTA WARNING The Board and shareholders of Avista Corp., an electric and natural utility based in Spokane, with 374pOO customers in four states, formerly known as Washington Water Power Co. have agreed to be acquired by Hydro One Ltd. of Toronto, Ontario, Canada. The sale price is CNS6.7 billion in cash. Hydro One is a two year old quasi-private/public company re-organized from Ontario Hydro and will control Avista's decision-making. This article warns Avista customers of a critical issue and a gathering storm not revealed. This likely is Hydro One's underlying motivation of the acquisition. This deal will likely expose Avista customers to risk of electric rates ballooning to unaffordable levels within a decade. The cause of the rising electric rates that Hydro One must address are Ontario's (1) the Green Energy Act (2009) and (2) 3lPage Cancel the Sale of Avista to Hydro One David Boleneus Climate Change Action Plan (CCA Plan) in Ontario and (3) Canada's nation-wide carbon tax obsession. Avista customers will bear the costs of these useless measures now that Avista became subject to Hydro One policies and Canadian and Ontario laws. Hydro One's Ontario electric customers have experienced the highest electric costs in the hemisphere unleashed by Ontario's Green Energy Act. Canada and Ontario intend to stiffen their green energy resolve upon its population by forcing carbon taxation in 2018 and cap and trade beginning in 2077 to confront climate change a state of climate that these governments falsely attribute to greenhouse gas emissions. Furthermore these laws are Canada's answer to battle climate change and reduce greenhouse gas emissions, a worthless effort to address on a swindleo3 of global scale. At the root of the Avrsto worning is this (self-inflicted and totally unnecessary) chain of events (1) induced by Canadian political belief in the false claims of catastrophic climate change said due to carbon dioxide emissions that (2) spawned the useless green energy laws that force Ontario utilities to address greenhouse gases, especially carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions. These beliefs led to the (3) Green Energy Act in 2009, the (4) explosive expansion of inefficient renewable energy facilities, and and explosive increase in electricity costs, (5)the beginning of cap and trade in2Ot7 that brings insatiable demands on the public as a method to end carbon-based fuels (6) likely explains the interest by Hydro One in Avista Corp's hydroelectric resources and fortheir sacrifice of Avista's dams for refashioning into carbon credits on the California Climate Exchange. Adding to the catastrophe is the (7) unleashing of the Canadian purchases of unwary small public utilities in the U.S., in an apparent sprint to forfeit control of America's abundant hydropower and affordable electricity, including Avista's hydroelectric dams, as evidenced by Canadians purchasing $z+ million of U.S. hydroelectric assets in 2015 and 528.7 billion more by February 201744. Forbes lists several other targeted utilities. The bowl of evidence to support catastrophe and existence of climate change caused by carbon dioxide emissions is empty--a result of hasty generalization, mere anecdotal (or non-)evidence, and ad hominem and logicalfallacies--while the evidence opposing climate change/global warming and benefit of carbon dioxide is enormous, overwhelming, ond factuol.We provide a sample of the overwhelming evidence to confront the false claims against climate change to explain: why green energy promises energy povertyas, how to protect our freedoms from climate deceptiona6, and whyo'48 4e s0 s1 s2 global warming/climate change is a fraud, a deliberate corruption of science, an admitted lie, is not occurring, is not supported by 97o/oof climate scientistss3 and is denounced by 31",487 American scientists including L,536 scientists in the Avista service territorysa. Ontario is undertaking these Herculean measures for the following reasons: Promoters say that carbon dioxide from human emissions have warmed the atmosphere and altered climate patterns. They claim that climate change will cause the melting of the polar ice caps, rising sea levels and an increased number of extreme weather events and the community is concerned for the urgent and irreversible threat to the environmentss. 4l David Boleneus But these claims of alarm cu'e./ulse. Plenly of'scientific eviclence supports this view thqt human caused climate change does not exist. What goes unreported in the media is that none o/'these control measures is necessary and reasons to creote a carbon.free economr- and nev' laws made to qt,oid carbon clioxide are themselves deception andfraud. Furthermore, there is no evidence that any o.f these deleterious effects are occwring, including melting of ice polar ice caps, rising sea level, increased number of extreme weathe r events and certainly there is no reason to take ttrgent qction. For more in/brmation see ll/hy Climate Chonge is Not Occurring for explanation later in lhis article To summarize, the political motives to serve its climate change illusion poisons Ontario's goodwill to unleash a Green Energy Act with a result that its "green" taint contaminates any Avista-Hydro One relationship. RENEWABLES AND ONTARIO'S USELESS CLIMATE BATTLE Presently, Avista Corp's hydroelectric resources provide the relief valve to Hydro One for its use of cap and trade of emission credits-Avista's hydro resources-to satisfy Ontario law. That is, Avista's hydro resources are the prize socrificed to this purpose. The use of cap and trade is an immoral non- solution to a non-problem-the reason politicians love it. They can claim credit for a pointless action at high cost to the public yet devoid of benefit. The green energy inducements are quite unsettling to utilities and their customers continent-wide. Green energy laws passed to mitigate climate in Canada with a view of eminent emissions trading on the horizon and a rush to gobble up scant green energy prizes for tradable cleon energy ossets have forced Canadian utilities hungry for regulatory relief to look beyond its borders. To date mergers accounted for a wave of Canadian power and utility acquisitions of U.S. utilities amounting to S74 million in two transactions in 2016 and 528.7 billion in five acquisitions by February 2017 according to Forbess6 not counting the CN56.7 billion acquisition of Avista Corp. Other US-based utilities with market caps under SfO Uittion include Allete; Alliant Energy; CMS Energy; Great Plains Energy; IDACORP; MDU Resources; NorthWestern; Pinnacle West; Portland General Electric; Vectren; and Westar Energy, are torgets to feed the insotioble need to meet Canada's cap and trade and its climate targets by 2020. But identifying "clean energy'' utilities to satisfy Ontario's climate targets still remains unfilled for 2030 and beyond. Ontario's electricity mayhem has added Sbillions to Ontario utility customer billings caused by its Green Energy Act (2009), its newly unveiled Climate Change Action Plan 2016-2020, unpopular decisions by its Premier and a Canada-wide love-fest with renewable energy to avoid carbon dioxide emissions. Ontario intends to press harder toward new forms of energy, such as renewable wind and solar power to meet the 2009 Act and embarks on a program to use cap and trade starting with the CCA Plan in 2OL7 it claims will avoid carbon dioxide emissions. An added burden, and separate issue, is the Canada-wide S50 per tonne tax on carbon dioxide that begins in 2018. Such a tax rate 5lPage Cancel the Sale of Avista to Hydro One David Boleneus could add hundreds of millions to billions of dollars per year in new taxes as a means to penalize use of carbon-based fuels by energy intensive business. One company subject to British Columbia's S30 per tonne carbon tax paid SA8 million and S55 million in carbon tax in 2015 and 2016 respectively. Taxesoncarbondioxidearestraight-forward orexplicit costchargedonadollarpertonnebasis. Costs of cap and trade to reduce carbon dioxide as implicit taxes force higher costs on consumer goods and camouflages costs by invisible actions on carbon/climate exchanges. Why is Avista being sold? Motivation to buy/sell Avista to Hydro One remains clouded behind celebration of the high share price paid, but the irnpact upon Avista customers remains in the fog? The utility prornises that service will remain unchanged fbr two years after the sale to be concluded in late 2018, but what comes afterward, in2020? Hint: The year 2020 is a key year in the CCA Plan. Events in Ontario, in Canada and history of Hydro One paint a somewhat clearer picture. What is the Green Energy Act (2009), its purpose and why would Avista's US customers be subject to these laws? One can easily forecast a troubled future for Ontario, and then translated to Avista, by comparing its intended green energy path against identical actions began bythe European Union more than a decade ago. The EU uses above-market electric rate payments to favor green energies (feed-in tariffs) and cap and trade of carbon credits to end use of coal, natural gas, and nuclear fuels and to expand renewables. The rush to convert to renewable energies brings costs beyond what the public can bear, by employing methods that remain mere social experiments based on benefit forecasts shown as illusions. The UK a year ago decided to reverse direction by adding another large nuclear plant in Wales at Hinckley PointsT to avoid building more wind turbines mainly because wind power required generous subsidy, required immense land areas, and above-market tariffs for it to survive and big utilities expected big profitss8. Germany today questions its once ambitious Energiewende (Energy Transition) that it realizes is close to death as "green energies have failed", and it's time to end subsidies and feed-in tariffs paid to renewabless'. Today Germany and Denmark pay the highest prices of electricity in the world, 43.4 and 44.8 cents /kilowatt-hour (kwhr) respectively 6o u' but led by South Australia at 47 .L cents /kwhr with Spain, lreland and UK close behind them. lts choice of electricity supplied from wind turbines is clearly shown as inadequate that recently forced Germany to add 10 gigawatts of new coal energy62, about 18 new coal plants of average size fueled from brown coal. So its emissions continue to rise along with electricity rates and the climate protections anticipated have not materialized. The Energy Minister referred to Germany's current path of renewables and energy subsidies as "unsustainable" and continuing them "risks de- industrializations3". The German public now recognizes this brewing wind calamity that if carried to an end means total destruction of its landscape as the number of citizen petitions against wind power, as in Ontario, has grown beyond 1,00064. Hundreds of examples show that wind turbines near residences in Europe and US invite serious adverse health consequences and wreak destruction on the rural communities6s 66 6' and identical complaints also coming from Ontario are ignored68. 6l David Boleneus Other countries, Denmark, Sweden, UK, Australia, and Spain have experienced similar negative consequences. President Obama said Spain was to model to follow, but 536 billion in renewable subsidies caused the loss of 2.Zjobs elsewhere in the Spanish economy for each renewable job created and raised its debt. Each green job in Spain cost 5770,000 and each renewable megawatt destroyed 5.39 jobs elsewhere in the economy. Nine out of 10 construction jobs ended when renewable construction ended (G.C. Alvare r"'ol. Washington State's poor experience with wind turbines is consistent with renewable failures in Europe and the IER's assessment that wind power in the U.S. is not a reliable energy source or worthwhile investment of tax dollarsTl. Washington's wind turbine failure appears as an apparent success only due to the highly efficient back-up supply provided by the natural gas and hydroelectric systems operated on the Columbia-Snake Rivers by Bonneville Power Administration, Corps of Engineers, Avista and others. A closer look reveals that o// of Washington's 46 wind turbine farms produced no usable power supply for 37 days in the first four months of 2015, a record similar to 2014. These intermittency and inefficiency shortcomings go unnoticed because its reliable, full-time power sources from coal, nuclear, gas or hydroelectric immediately fills in the gaps. The paltry 26% reliability of Washington's 46 wind farms translates to a74% inefficiency that the regions'other plants and BPA's transmission assets seamlessly obscures from public view72. Since Washington's wind turbines will never replace the Snake River dams and since the U.S. has tentatively promised U.S. hydropower to Canada73, will Avista customers continue to benefit from Avista's current hydro capacity of 1,136 megawatts once the Avista hydro is offered on the trading block of Ontario's Climate Exchange? On a cost and performance basis, renewable energy is clearly inferior. Still, Canada intends to blindly duplicate the mistakes experienced elsewhere by constructing renewable technologies-wind and solar PV-that up lo 2017 provided a paltry six-tenths of one percent (0.6%l of the worlds' energy supplyTa (illustration, Figure 1). The capital cost to date to build these wind and solar PV systems for major economies (US, lndia, China, and 28 European countries) required Euro4.54 trillionTs 76 which is more than five times larger than the cost to build conventional natural gas or CCS coal plants when compared on a Euro per GW basis. The natural gas and CCS coal plants are also at least five times more efficient and have useful lives four times longer than wind or solar PV. This clearly demonstrates that based on cost and performance standards that wind and solar PV are a poor choice and clearly inferior for generating electrical power compared to the best sources of conventional power generation available today. TlPage Cancel the Sale of Avista to Hydro One David Boleneus World Energy Consumption (lEA, 2AL7l Xry World Encryy $tatirtk, cunc{'t drtr fw 20tr6 ilrt.B$ tlcctdcity-to.l Fry 0lx Figure 1. World energy consumption. Note that wind power and solar PV power add to six-tenths percent of world energy consumed Does this mean that histories and experiences of high cost electric supply are inelevant? Will Hydro One's operating problerns and electricity mayhern transfer to or impact Avista customers for several reasons? Will you guarantee they will not transfer to Avista customers? 8l David Boleneus , :l 59b }l.. C{ral 4f!, il 296 Part 2. Cancel the Sale of Avista Corp. to Hydro One 2712 words TMPACT OF GREEN ENERGY ACT (2009) Unwise energy policies have moved Ontario nearer to a human and financial precipice because planning for energy in Ontario is broken, critics are ignored or silenced by monopoliesTT, and the promise-them-anything-to-get-reelected government leaders circumvent the market to pay electric producers 20 times the market rate for electricityT8 7s. Ontario's actions raise its risk of bankruptcy to 43% and threaten its financialstability. The two-year old privatized Hydro One owes fiduciary duty to Ontario since the Province still owns 70% (May 2077)of Hydro One80 . Privatizing is also problematic because this moves Hydro One beyond reach of the Province Auditor allowing Hydro One to operate outside public oversight, shields the company from FOIA requests, bars plus-St00,000-paid employees from the Sunshine Law and public's ability to resolve complaints with its energy supply81. Consumer Policy lnstitute reports that Ontario is headed for a fatal future and only by ending renewable contracts can prevent it82. Ontario signed 20 year sweetheart deals with foreign wind turbine providers which guarantees generators such as Samsung at four times the existing electricity market rates for wind and ten times existing rates for solar. At least S1.7 billion in subsidies have been paid for subsidies from 2006 to 2014 with another St: billion due over the next 20 years83. The Green Energy4c[ resulted in buil ding237 wind turbine farmssa that now span all shorelines of the three Great Lakes that border the Province, including some off-shore wind sites, while at the same time forced the closure of the finest fleet of coal-electric generating stations in North America. Wind turbines provide 4.4% of Ontario's wind capacity but about !o/o of supplyss. Several Green Energv Act programs are increasing the cost of electricity in Ontario, including Cap and Trade to begin in Ontario in2OL7, uneconomic expansion and 5700 million conservation programs of the natural gas system, SZ.6 billion electricity conservation programstu, use of electric customers to fund social programs, a 70%hike in payments to nuclear generators, and adding another 1,385 megawatts of new wind generation post-201687. Ontario's green energv policv provides sobering lessons. Bank of Montreal's chief economist warns that electric rates will bring serious harm to its economytt. The province's electric power systems is essentially broken, the province goes against advice of its planners, the provinces expensive taste for renewables paid generators 5339 million not to produce power and renewable tariffs cost S9.2 billion above the market price for electricityse. IMPACT ON CUSTOMERS Power costs have reached the breaking point because Ontario charges its electric customers 400% to 500% more e0 for the same quantity of electricity they used in 1997 yet it"spills" more than 1,000 9lPage Cancel the Sale of Avista to Hydro one David Boleneus megawatts of Ontario grown power at a loss to New England, Quebec and Manitoba because renewable power is not available when the electricity demand is high. Ontario's Auditor General reports that Ontorions have been over-billed for electricity by SSZ billionel for globol odjustment /ees with another Sfgg bittion due before 2}32sz. A most serious problem is its convoluted billings. Electric billings consist of 27% for electric use, the commodity charge, and 70% for globol odjustment feese3, an extraordinory itemeo that triples electric billings; the latter is the sum of bonuses and premiums paid to renewable generators, building of wind turbines, providing $2.6 billion in conservation measures, 5285 million in electric car subsidiesss, shutting of coal-fired power plants, and 52 billion to install smart meters that remain problematice6. Hydro One charges customers for service that has deteriorated since 2010 with outages that are 30% longer and 24% more frequent. Hydro One spent 53 billion on capital projects without benchmarking cost against other like costs at other utilities, builds in cost overruns, charges ratepayers more money for deteriorating service as its transmission systems are in a state of steady decline, is the least reliable among Canadian distribution companies, and Hydro One is gaming the Ontario Energy Board for funding by saying its assets are in poor conditionsTe8. Residences cannot use their oven or microwave due to load limiters installed on smart meters by Hydro One. Other customers say they spend one-half their income for electricity. Families had to choose between heating their homes and feeding the kidsee . Mayor Watson says rural Echo Bay Ontario seniors and fixed income residents can no longer afford electricityloo, Joanna in Timmins says electricity costs 5800 a month for her trailer home and many neighbors get disconnect notices1o1. Carol and her husband east of Toronto couldn't pay late fees of SIO,OOO because their electric bill increased 2O-fold so Hydro One disconnected their power'o'. They cannot get water from their tap, must cook on the BBQ, must rely on their own generator power and a neighbor contacted child protective services over concern for their children. Hydro One cut off electricity to 59,000 households in 2015 that didn't pay and continues disconnects even as winter approaches. Rates are killing small businesses as one in twenty close, including food stores. Citizen groups, the Ontario Wind Resistance.org, Stop These Thingsl03, EPAW.org, and BrokenHydro.ca regularly demonstrate against excessive electric billing charges and the invasion by wind turbines along with the health problems wind turbines bring to a once peaceful rural Ontario. Electric rates for Ontario ranked highest in North America and this hemisphere because of its policies. Ontario's off-peak electric rates have skyrocketed in the last decade through 2015 bV L44% or 9-and-one-half times faster than the 77.8% rise in its gross domestic product and three times faster than wages in the same period 10410s 'ou. Hydro One continues to increase rates faster than any place in North America. Rates increased 18% in 2015, increased 25Yo, or 19 cents per kwhr in 2016 and Hydro One promises to add another St+t per month in 2018 and St++ per month in 2019 ltotal $zas1o';to the average electric bill. l0 lPage (a11 .tIthe Sale oi Avrslii to llydrr-r (lre David Boleneus Hydro One's low density urban electric rate stood at 29.9 cents(C) per kwhr in 2015; it is not known if this amount includes or excludes the gtobot odjustment chorge'o8. The price of S0.Z billion Hydro One paid for Avista is cheap and it gains assets compared to the 58 billion it must pay for carbon credits on California's or Quebec climate exchanges between 2OL7 and 202010e. So far Ontario and the exchanges have not agreed as to how to count the carbon reductions, which ensures there will be ample "double-counting" on both sides. A counter-argument can claim that Ontario's problems are largely caused by regulatory agencies and not Hydro One's and that the UTC from the four states it serves will shield Avista customers from these problems. But can these commissions be effective if a logicalrate adjustment is lodged by Hydro One based on high cost operations though these requirements come frorn Ontario? How much leverage is wielded by the Province of Ontario by its majority 10% ownership over Hydro One operations and financial condition? If the clirnate change argument are accepted by Washington's liberal west coast then the likelihood increases that an Ontario high cost argument would prevail. Given these demands in Ontario, can Hydro One maintain financial stability and reliable service under financial demand of the Green Energy Act, the Climate Change Action Plan, and Canada's $50 per tonne carbon tax while shielding Avista customers from these denrands and still aveft risk to re-sell Avista if financial conditions deteriorate in the future? CLIMATE CHANGE ACTION PLAN, 2O2O AS A CAUSE OF SOCIETAL UPHEAVAL The Climate Change Action Plan (CCA Plan) is a second part in the second decade of the Green Energy Act. Clearly, part one of the Green Energy Act, as experienced to date, and as described above has had serious negative societal impacts. The CCA Plan is round 2. ls the Green Energy Acta grand sociolexperiment conducted population-wide without forethought, without pilot testing, without scientific proof , and without consideringhuman consequences within a parliamentary democracy? Does the Act represent beginnings of the Crown's centrally-planned economy? Could the introduction, operation and impacts of a cap and trade program as a requirement of the CCA Plan will bring more serious and long-lasting deleterious effect on an already bruised society? Could Canada's climate mishap bring continent-wide electric power calamity upon utility systems across Canada and the U.S.? lt appears the answer is YES to all questions. Operating under the Climate Change Action Plan requires the use of cap-and-trade to trade emission credits (or emissions credit trading)to meet Ontario's greenhouse gas reduction targets starting in 2020. As it begins in 2OL7 , the Plan mandates the Province to reduce its carbon dioxide 11 lPage Cancel the Sale of Avista to Hydro One David Boleneus emissions by 15% below 1990 levels by 2020110 which translates to a reduction of L8O% below the level today. The t5% reduction translates to a cost increase of 1.8O% from the 201-4 level. ln 30 years by 2050 Ontario must reduce carbon dioxide emissions to 80o/o below the 1990 level which translates to a reduction of t230% below today's level with a forecasted cost increase of 1",230o/o above that of 2014. Is the "emissions by l5% below I990 levels by 2020" the force that motivates an Ontario utility to acquire Avista Corp.? Cap-and-trade requires companies to buy or sell permits to allow a certain level of carbon dioxide emissions. Each permit, allowance or carbon credit, valued at one tonne each of carbon dioxide can be bought and sold at government auctions, or bought and sold between emitters at climate exchanges-the "trade" in cap and trade. "Cap" refers to the limited total number of allowances the government releases into the market annually with the caveat that once a permit is purchased its emissions are excused. Those who emit carbon dioxide must obtain allowances equal to annual emissions-effectively a license to emit. lf Hydro One buys Avista along with its hydroelectric assets Hydro One will sell (trade) the emission credits of the L,136 megawatts of hydro and wind power that previously served Avista's customers. Avista's hydro and wind assets is the prDe that Hydro One covets most and perhaps is the key driving force in the proposed acquisition. See section 4 (Appendix) -- More Details on Cop-ond-Trode. See section 3 - Why Climote Change is Not Occurring Ontario says it may join either the California or Quebec climate exchanges although it plans to start its own cap and trade exchange. Three reasons reveal why the plan for cap and trade cannot alter climate, so any use to mitigate climate is illogical. First, cap-and-trade is ill-suited to reduce carbon dioxide emissions so its use os on ogent to effect climate is impossible. Second, the key, unrealized principle is that ALL CAP AND TRADE practices run counter to the purpose of mitigating climate, because the carbon offsets rely on an illusion of reduced emissions of carbon dioxide, and third, emission reductions are ineffective because carbon dioxide is unrelated to controlling climate or temperature. These reasons render cap and trade a foolhardy and purposeless exercise111. Political advisor to UK's PM Margaret Thatcher, C. Monckton's thesis addresses this key principle: Why cap and trade of carbon--the trading of hot air--is an immoral non-solution to a non-problem1lz. Cop-and-trode methods can be divided into one of three general categories that describes their effect on people and economies (a more lengthy explanation is found in the Appendix): o Cap-and-trade is not morket-basedll3 but incorporates major elements of centrolly-plonned economies (i.e. North Korea, Venezuela, China, Cuba, USSR) that transfers decisions from private hands to government. lt's also a massive energy tax11411s that forces all to conform and places the most severe impacts on the low income to upper middle income taxpayers. 12!t'age (ai:rtIthe !aie o{ Ar.irsla 1o l'l yr:l ro Or:t'David Boleneus a a 13 lt'age carrce i the sale ci Avista to ii1'dro f,rne A main objective for cap-and-trade isto collopse industrial civilizotionll6, as the only demonstrated purpose for cutting emissions is to accelerate economic collapse117, the purpose stated by the U.N. Environment Programmell8 11e 120. Tax penalties on cap and trade are so enormous that domestic energy businesses must shut which shifts supply from localto imported energy sources121. Weakly regulated carbon markets have begun to reveal their real identities- os Ponzi schemesl22. True to its name, the California cap and trade market, like Europe's now-imploding market, and the market proposed in 2015 by Gov. lnslee (that he intends to begin by executive order in Washingtonrz3lz4l. California's Gov. Brown had hopes to sell credits for Sooo million, but they garnered only S2.S million anticipated, so the State is looking for other monies such as property taxes, income and sales taxes to make up the difference to fund projects promised in legislation. However Bezdek and others argue"t to oppose cap and trade, to maintain use of fossil fuels for their massive social benefits and their enormous monetary benefits of emissions of carbon dioxide that benefits plant and plant photosynthesist26 r27128. A suitable economic analysis and result of a cap and trade law is not available for the Ontario law, so the following describes the economic impact of the Americon Clean Energy and Security Act of 2009 in the U.S. that did not become law. The text of this bill combines elements of cap and trade methods L and 2 outlined above. lts economic impacts are described as followsl2s: David Boleneus o As an energy tax in disguise, it's a very convoluted system of central planning whose chief purpose is to inflict economic pain on individuals and businesses. o Only large energy users will pay the tax on CO2 but the costs will be camoufloged as costs added to inflate prices of consumer goods o Direct energy costs for a household of four starts at 5436 per year and grows to 5829 per year in 2035. o lndirect energy costs begin at 52979 per year and increase to 54600 annually by 2035 so all energy, direct and indirect would cost a family of four 55,429 per year. o Additionally, electricity cost will increase by 9O%, gasoline by 58% and natural gas by 55% with the cumulative cost on a family of four of 520,000. o Net job losses would be 1.1.4 million per year to 2035 after including the much-touted green jobs. o Farming and farm profits would be particularly hard hit since agriculture uses 58% more energy for fuel and fertilizer. Farm profits would plummet by 57% through 2035 which puts American farmers at a global disadvantage and likely many will quit or face bankruptcy. Food-related industries would exit the state. a a It reduces gross domestic product by nearly 5393 billion annually and S9.4 trillion cumulatively to 2035 so the nation would be SS.+ trillion poorer. ln EPA's valuation of statistical life or mortality rate (VSL or VMR) studiesl3o '3', EPA values one statistical life in the range of 550,000 up to SfO million in lost income. The usual implied value is in terms GDP lost. Accordingly the 5393 billion in annual lost income from the American Clean Energy and Security Act of 2009 translates to a minimum death rate of 39,300 deaths per year or minimum approaching 1 million deaths over the period 2OL2 to 2035. The rate would be much higher among the high risk group (i.e. young, elderly, infirmed, disadvantaged, and low income individuals) with value less than St0 million. Low and middle income taxpayers (the high risk group) would be particularly hardest hit; each 1% reduction in emissions would cost the high risk group 1-% of their incomes; accordingly, the target of 85% reduction (Obama's EPA Clean Power Plan and Paris Agreement) in emissions by 2050 or the 80% reduction (Ontario's Climate Change Action Plan) promises hardship and widespread death among low and middle income families. (see Economic lmpacts of Paris Climate Agreement'3', o[ left below and EPA's Clean Power Plan133, below, right) Midwest and South would lose a substantial number of manufacturing jobs and rural America would be particularly hard hit compared to urban counterparts in the Northeast and West a a 14 lPage Carrcel thc Salc,oJ Avr!ia io I'iycl ro ()r-i .)David Boleneus Part 3. Cancel the Sale of Avista Corp. to Hydro One 7037 words WHY CLIMATE CHANGE IS NOT OCCURRING The usual claim is that carbon dioxide (symbol: CO2)from human emissions has warmed the atmosphere and altered climate patterns but no proof has been offered for this claim. The unproven effects repeated by those who wish to spread false alarm is to melt the polar ice caps, cause sea levels to rise, cause extreme weather events and we should be concerned for these urgent and irreversible threats to the environmentl3a. This is Al Gore's claim, but Gore and his company, Generation Investment Management planned to be a carbon credit aggregator on the Chicago Climate Exchange, where he with Maurice Strong served on its board of directorsr3'. Sen. Barack Obama was a board member of the Joyce Foundation when Joyce provided $l million startup capital for the Chicago Climate Exchange.136 Both were followers of Maurice Strong, the .fabricator-in-chief of'the climate scaret3' The evidence is the exact opposite. CO2 cannot alter temperature. lt is temperature that controls CO2. Sea level rise is not extraordinary and extreme weather events have been absent. Evidence is overwhelming that carbon dioxide (symbol: CO2) has no effect on climate or temperatur€138, ? fact easily proven 13e 140 141 which condemns claims of climate change as the worst scientific fraud and anti-human political scandaleverto2'03. Evidence proving CO2 has no control on temperature or upon climate comes from hundreds of peer-reviewed, paleo-climate studies carried out in Greenland and Antarctica and published before 2000 in key scientific journalslao tos. Materials collected during research are stored at laboratories at U.S. Geological Survey at Denver Federal Center and data results are archived at NOAA/paleoclimatology website of National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Because these scientific results go unreported governments now enforce empty measures upon the public to control CO2 emissions by use of carbon taxes or cap- and-trade of emission credits because efforts to promote catastrophe have successfully deceived the world due to more than St.8 trillionla6 expended while, intentionally, no funds support opposing views. The great travesty in scientific circles is that academics and government scientists are held to support the alarmist view and conduct research to support this view, the only view that garners government scientific grant money, lest they sacrifice their jobs, while those with skeptical views who work without pay are retired scientists or persons having non-academic means of support. Sea levels are not rising worldwide. ln fact sea levels are falling at many locations along the coast of North America, along Vancouver lsland, at Astoria, Oregon, at Crescent City, Calif., at Ketchikan, Sitka, Kodiak lsland and Valdez in AlaskalaT. Sea level appears to be rising at Houston Texas, but the 15 lPage Cancel the Sale of Avista to Hydro One David Boleneus rise is only apparent because the land has sunk more than 10 feet due to withdrawal of groundwater, so the sea level rise is artificial. Worldwide the rate of sea level rise has been maintained at steady rate of three inches per century, despite rise of CO2, since about L800, at the end of the Little lce Age which lasted 600 years and ended about 1800. Before 1200 AD, the temperature had fallen 6oF over a period of 2,300 years, since the Middle Kingdom of Egypt and Time of Tutankhamun, Akhenaten, and Ramesses ll, as shown on Figure 5. Placing a cost on carbon dioxide to force command and control measures to control CO2 is a useless measure and severely harms people and the economy. Claims that promote global warming or climate change caused by CO2 are wrong for several reasons because: The impact of water vapor upon climate and weather is at minimum 2500-times to 5,000 times larger than CO2 from all human emissionslas. 97%to 98o/o of CO2 comes from natural sources that easily overwhelm any human contributions'o', so climate protectors are controlling the wrong corbon ond deceiving the public by claiming carbon, including the noturolly-formed carbon, is a donger. (see figure 4) Carbon dioxide provided enormous benefits to field crop production worldwide in the past and with anticipated monetary returns of S13 trillion dollars from 1955 to 20351s0. The amount of CO2 emitted from all human sources in a year is consumed by the photosynthetic processes of earth's plant life (on land and at sea) in two weeks. The climate sensitivity due to a doubling of CO2 have been reduced in scientific literature to less than one degree Celsius rise in temperaturelsl with that increase having already occurred over the 200 year period since the end of the Little lce Age in 1800 to today. The ice caps on Greenlandls2 and Antarctica are expanding annually while the Arctic sea ice remains stable, with normal melt and re-freeze seasonal cycles; the increase in the volume of continental ice in Greenland in 2017 reached extremely high levels. Tropical cyclone activity is decreasing and solar activity readily explains the up and down cyclical changes in climatels3. The Antarctic ice cores recovered from sites at Vostok and Dome C sites in Antarctica and GISP ice core sites in Greenland show that carbon dioxide responses (whether increases or decreases) lag 800 years behind temperature rise (or fall), and disprove the link of carbon dioxide to global warming and climate changetso Radiation transmitted by the atmosphere shows that water vapor blocks absorption of carbon dioxide proving that a greenhouse effect is impossiblelss CO2 is a plant fertilizer necessary for photosynthesis in plants and required to sustain life on this planetls6 and decrease of carbon dioxide below 180 parts per million, less than one-half of its level meons the end of oll life on earth. a o a a a a a a a a 15 I David Boleneus O L7 I High rates of energy that use carbon based fuels provide a benefit that exceeds its cost by a factor from 50 to 1 to 500 to L that1s7 drives the US economy to provide the worlds' highest standard of living, facilitated successive industrial revolutions, annually creates SSO to SZO trillion in world GDP, creates the world's advanced technologies, doubled life expectancy, and increased incomes 1l-fold. The most stark explanation to show that carbon dioxide does not control temperature comes when comparing satellite temperature records with main El Nino events. We know that El Nino's are natural events related to ocean convection that occur in cycles and within predictable time periods. Figure 6 shows that global temperature as measured by UAH and RSS satellite platforms since 1979 has not increased during the non-El Nino periods of 1980 to1997 and 2001 to 2015. There was a step increase in temperature during the main El Nino of late 1.997 to mid-2001, but because El Nino is purely a natural event it is unrelated to CO2 or to human causes. Since the temperature does not increase outside of the El Nino's, then there is no reason to support the idea for CO2 having control of temperature. Figure 6 shows that outside of the late 1997 to mid-2001 El Nino the satellite record shows temperature fluctuated between limits but the average temperature remained stable and did not increased during the periods. This represents the most obvious example to show that CO2 does not control temperaturelss. The lack of a relationship between temperature and the increase in the level of carbon dioxide again confirms that CO2 cannot have control on temperature. lllustrations in figures 7 and 8 show the lack of a relationship between the two factors. Since there is not a correlation between the factors, it is impossible that CO2 can exert a control on temperature. ln figure 7 (upper panel), the temperature from Hadley station (CRUT3v) and UAH MSU satellite records show a decreasing trends while the CO2 levels measured at Mauna Loa are increasing. Lacking a correlation, the CO2 cannot have a controlon temperature. ln the lower panelof figureT, the temperature and CO2 records are shown from L880. Most noticeable in the lower panel of figure 7 is the 1940 to 1970 period when the temperature was decreasing while the CO2 level was increasing. This example again shows that CO2 does not exert a control on temperature. Figure 8 shows the atmospheric CO2 levels and the satellite temperature record from the South Pole. The CO2 level is increasing consistently throughout the period from December 1978 to 201.4 yet the average temperature (heavy purple line) remains nearly constant at near 0o C. Over the short term the temperature fluctuates between +LoC and -1oC but shows no relationship with the increasing level of CO2 from 320 ppm (parts per million) in 1978 to 400 ppm in 20L4. Again, the lack of relationship shows that CO2 cannot exert control on temperature. Figure 9 shows the same result when comparing temperature and carbon dioxide over the period of 1900 to 2017. Again, there is not a relationship between CO2 and temperature. David Boleneus Part 4. Cancel the Sale of Avista Corp. to Hydro One 670 words Appendix 1. - MORE ON CAP-AND-TRADE Cap-and-trade requires companies to buy or sell permits to allow a certain level of carbon dioxide emissions. Each permit, allowance or carbon credit, valued at one tonne each of carbon dioxide can be bought and sold at government auctions, or bought and sold between emitters-the "trade" in cap and trade. "Cap" refers to the limited total number of allowances the government releases into the market annually with the caveat that once a permit is purchased its emissions are allowed to continue or excused. Those who emit carbon dioxide must obtain allowances equal to annual emissions-effectively a license to emit. Ontario says it may join either the California or Quebec climate exchanges although it plans to start its own cap and trade exchange. Cap-and-trade is ill-suited to reduce carbon dioxide emissions as an agent to change climate for the following economic and scientific reasons... o Almost all cap and trade practices run counter to the purpose of mitigating climate, for example.... o Carbon emissions are completely unrelated to climate change so it's purpose is useless (see Why Climate Change is Not Occurring) o The trading of carbon offsets creates and "illusion" of reducing emissions, that continues, and is untrackable to render the purpose worthless. o lt encourages companies to cheat, to make their own rules, to levy additional costs on ratepayers, and allows both buyer and seller to double-bank the creditslse o Soaring energy costs are pushing Ontario households into energy poverty and cap and trade guarantees to worsen the trend160. o Cap and trade won't reduce emissions as European experience has shown, and they are just more corporate welfare programstu' o Cap-and-trade is not market-based162 but incorporates major elements of centrally-plonned economies, for example.... o As a massive energy tax in disguise'63, it forces nations to conform and is a death sentence to all but the rich as it intends to de-develop the developing worldl6a o lt transfers important economic decisions from private hands to government with an overall net loss of gross domestic product, thus subordinating to central planning (reminiscent of North Korea, Venezuela, China, Cuba, FSU) o A main objective for cap-and-trade isto collapse industrial civilizationtut, for example... o The only demonstrated purpose for cutting emissions is economic collapse166. lSlPage Cancelthe Sale of Avista to Hydro One David Boleneus a o lt will assess heavy penalties on the motor and heating fuels, and the high priced shale gas and shale oil in the USA and Canada. The result will be loss of employment, closing of business, regional economic impacts and a need to import more expensive oil from the Middle East or non-conforming counties like China, lndia, Russia or Africa (and perhaps need to defend these supplies by military force)167 Some carbon markets are beginning to reveal their real identities-os Ponzi schemesr5s o The California cap and trade market had hopes to sell 40 million credits for 5600 million, but they garnered only StO million, and earned only SZ.S million rather than 5150 million anticipated, sothe State is lookingforother monies such as propertytaxes, income and sales taxes to make up the difference (1)to fund its most high profile bullet train (564 billion) and (2)to fund affordable housing and low carbon vehicles. o Just like in Europe, whose decade-long carbon market imploded shortly after every regulatory intervention to prop it up, California's and Ontario's cap and trade schemes look increasingly doomed. o The new federal carbon tax planned to start across Canada in 2018, like the carbon tax proposed by Gov. lnslee in Washington will use tax proceeds to fund electric vehicles, energy efficiency upgrades, help homeowners reduce their carbon footprint and to support walking and cycling. lf the tax is successful in reducing carbon emissions, the program will run short of monies to fund programs promised and will need to look to other sources. 19!Page (.ancei the 5ai: cf rivista to 11 yrjrc Oni.David Boleneus Renewable Energy $cosr in world * Hydro One, Ont, wlglobal adjus't. &r*.n,$crilrrplot. Ebcrrica$r Cort vr lnrtrlhd Rrnrwrbb CrFrcity 1', nowat 38 Euro cents/kw-hr ct{rl I *R ElR tP C,,ts ,1, I .*:.tg*d r * "rt.o* txrL .I{re*i Crtr ' rt i aa.t (l at7 *au,r," = 6.63 Euro cents (>grB/kw-hr o*i'rr?lhry3*dlmp*hrterritrrrIt..ri/2grrryg,,am}'tr.fi lf Ec{/ I 2m *00 em m rmo h,rfnlrrl l'"rfrfir*lt Rrnnrr*rtec {r*tdn*pllr} Figure 2. Chart compares the installed capacity of renewables to cost in Euro cents per kilowatt-hour. Note that Germany is 3'd highest at 38 Euro cents (about 43.3 US cents). South Australia is highest al47.1US cents/kwhr. Ontario's Hydro One is climbing fast at 29.9 cents/kwhr in 2015 (Canadian), but with rate increases of 19 cents/kwhr in 2016, and $295 added per month through 2019, the new price for Hydro One's electricity is 85.1 cents/kwhr (Canadian) at end of 2019. This compares to 7.89 cents/kwhr US for Avista power. 20 lPage Cancel the Sale of Avista to Hydro One David Boleneus DAMAGE CAUSED BY LIMITING or TAXING CARBON DIOXIDE Economic lmpacts under the L, Parls Agreement ond 2. Obama EPA's Clean Power Plan: lmplications of 2050 CO, Goals Pu Crpitr GDP Inplications 0l fic lSO C0, Rtductlm Gorl * I r't I Rcdudf G)2 cmlssbm m Sll bchr 1990lcwlr bry 2050 wtH rcducr GDP bv 95X $tate Electrkity Price lrpacts, 2022-2033.. The highest annual increase in retail rates shortt Etetes could experlence significant prlce inrreases. 4l rtEtcr could hr* clcctriclty prire incmscs of 1(}ll m morr. 28 states couH hae electricity price increass of 20?6 or more. 7 sbtes cordd harc electricity prier incrercc$ of {Otl or mort TfE f,..| t,ryffi d E*l CLI| kuEr Phn Irttp //rwvr.arroqacr,org/ncn/ UUbrH GDP if tofiotr Frds ( Gonf nGrccn') I lr r r r !lm Hrtll tri3 *}? frghl blfr. H*Stl l{l arrfil Figure 3. Chads comparing the costs of complying with the Paris Agreement (!eft) and EPA Clean Power Plan (right). On left, complying with Paris Agreement by reducing CO2 emissions by 80% below 1990 levels will reduce world GDP by 95%. This means death to most of the worlds populations. On right, complying with the Clean Power Plan would increase electricity prices in 7 states by 40% or more. 21 !Page Cancelthe Sale of Avista to Hydro One David Boleneus crtH D(XDi: l{I0llt 65l fl tfirrrt t$=ifI?,rEl'ldrdf u5.tn rtvA*ili(n Eligbn,Dr.h!!r H L*1, ilr.D., MrtaSrilllf !ilhmt.(rl 5afticlt, Irx- ul*fi3{Et.(Ill[rQcrrtbcr 15, 20rit lrtp .i.tffir.rnisl{ct,aom/pdf iairr-b And Deceived Again The COZ Deception 98Yo of CO2 is Natural COz Additions by Source Per Year450 rt(p t50 !m lro ,m lto 1m BO f, tlffims ldrr.rac rchr*rtnri eddty a(Xrml lurmen- oalyl r0096 Natural il EHE EH HH $ $$$ ET T EE$8 BT fi Figure 4. Chart shows source of carbon dioxide by sources by colored blocks. Blue-CO2 from oceans, about 175 billion tonnes, Red-CO2 from microbial activity, about 80 billion tonnes in 2020, insect activity, terrestrial, volcanic, fires and mammals are all natural sources. Black-CO2 from human activities, about 10 billion tonnes in 2020. What is important is that about2o/o of CO2 is human caused compared to 98% that is natural CO2. :, 22 lPage Cancelthe Sale of Avista to Hydro One David Boleneus Frrss,cru++d at riillIlt ilt l, lllil lllltrr ll 1i r-\--.i!II] Cooling for Last 8,000 Years The coaling since the Holocene Maximurn and the Modern Maxlmum The cooling ovBr Central Greenland l;lse the Holocen€ maxmum is very clear in the 61SPZ rtcord (Alt:y, JUtIr), whrch re rhown brlow: {r {ll tl {ltf*'I*t I:,t .*t st .*r 'It Figure 5. Chart shows the temperature record for the last 4,000 years, since 2,000 BC from Greenland ice core program (G!SP2). Note that the temperature has fallen by 6.3oF since 1500 BC, at time of Middle Kingdom of Egypt to 1750 AD at time of Little lce Age. Since 1750 the temperature has risen about 1oF, so today we are about 5.3oF cooler than during time of Middle Kingdom. Today, temperature is rising as earth "climbs" out of the Little lce Age periodl6e. Temperature has been cooling since the last temperature maximum about 8,000 years ago (the period 6,000 BC - 2,000 BC not shown)170. 23 lPage Cancel the Sale of Avista to Hydro One David Boleneus IaJ Roman Period t %q" fhl\ t Xin3dornr of tY{rddlt to Hew Artfiric to Hd:aargr 6*tcr t tlt - 7 \. ! t , I at al at at al o al a, at aa at aa World UAH bcforc El Nino +T+- Irn ItD taal ltaa rtr Itu lt9a t+t,tlt ro(I) r .*. Fb. O:$L)- qr3lming has comc frora rlre mrin El Nino events. From (atlorc)fOOl-:Ol5. :VO Itr:ARMING (belou') El lrirno e1'ents hare no or hutaan thgl'afc B hfrcr tbc 97 9, rupcr Et Niao, rrc a'.or rigbt iato r poritil.l AfrO Tbrr cotrtd rcotrrr for 6c qPPr€0r ! o.- *cp c*rrod b'1. rt,e El Nino I!o, EIoT4 *o,tIt I Dodthif..rrrrrtr.xdArc I n {rtrtr((60rr*i.c{aalp - ,t*tm'araarxmllD9.C.lcdffiq-il la .t,3 t.L EIx g ,t E lo t 6 a t9ao IL., t50 I!aF Figure 6. No increase in the temperature record occurs outside of E! Nino events, which are purely natura! events. Note that in upper and lower panels of A, which does not include the El Nino years, the temperature fluctuates but does not increase over the period. The most recent positive El Nino main event occurred in 1998-2002. A. Univ. of Alabama Huntsville (UAH) satellite temperature record before (A, upper)and after (A, lower) main El Nino events. B. El Nino warm and cool events since 1880. El Nino events are unrelated to CO2 or to CO2-forcing, but are natural events.l71 aa aa aa at al u a <rl .al al&ru E !lo rlr ,ta5a,u 24 lPage Cancel the Sale of Avista to Hydro One David Boleneus World UAH rftcr El Nino Carbon dioxide does not control temperature Hadley CRUT3v and UAH MSU vs CO2 Hadlcy CRUT3VTcmp Anomalyo.7 o.6 o.5 o.4 o.3 o.2 o.r o €. 1 4.2 o.3 Mauna LoaSaeronallyAcljuatcdco2 - ESRL UAH MSU Lol/\rcr TropTcmp Anomalyrr-O.tC 390 3A5 3ao 375 370 365 ?--O.12 2(JfJ2 2@3 2oo4 2oi05 2006 nO7 200A Fig- l - Chuge io nco alottd t@trdrc I a6(F2OOO (-da grapb Ed riEht bad scde) udioegeia coisim of crbo (t!isffic ud left hud ccalc). D6 tff4rrr'on co2 ottrffitt crE,,,, rh c*,,x'tr? Fo,il, v* Foct by Fred Goldberg - London conference at conway Hall September E eM 9, 2O16 on C limate Change:Science & Cieoetft ics Figure 7. Carbon dioxide does not controltemperature Both charts show that temperature falls (upper) or rises and falls (lower) as carbon dioxide continues to increase to show there is not a correlation between temperature and CO2. Lacking a correlotion, CO2 connot be reloted to temperature.Upper - Comparing temperature records (purple, Hadley CRUT2v global ground- based; and UAH MSU global satellite in black curve) against carbon dioxide (green curve, Mauna Loa CO2), 2002to 2009. As the temperature falls the CO2 continues to rise, so there is not a relationship between temperature and CO2 level. Lower - Comparing temperature anomaly (red) against carbon dioxide (black), 1880 to 2010172. This graph shows there is not correlation between the temperature curve and the CO2 curve. Notice, in particular, that during the 1940 to 1970 period that as temperature is falling that the CO2 is rising. This relationship confirms there is not a relationship between temperature and carbon dioxide. 25 lPage Cancel the Sale of Avista to Hydro One David Boleneus Gtonl€l D-p.rtrr". ln oG (frorn'196'l-i990 average) ?'G r o'3lcoil@E.bft-o66tdlartsr O.'4 o,o 3 -r-.- -v^ i*:t!s -O'a -o.aott60 ttto r900 1920 'l9rlo r960 r980 2000 Per NASA Satellites, South Pole ls Not Warming Huga abnoepheric CO2 levele hava no impad on frozqt a nthent 3.O s!1*-410 400 390 380 Linear Trerrd = o.UD'C Aer century oo GF o o -Gt-oe EoF I 2.0 e ooE o =.o ooNro g @ EE) 0.0 360 350 340 330 320 -2.O -3.O R8E8tE588S88tr8EgtBEBe=9r8t8t8t8 e8r 8r8E8E8t8 tt i8r8o - o .lE ct I cl r o r ct 5 a d ct a 6 { .! { o - o - o Figure 8. Comparison of satellite temperature record at the South Pole against leve! of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. The atmospheric temperature (purple) shows no relationship to the rise in level of carbon dioxide (gray shading and gray curve) since 1978 to support the conclusion that CO2 cannot exert a control on temperature"3. This graph proves that CO2 has no effect upon the temperature at the South Pole. 26 lPage Cancelthe Sale of Avista to Hydro One David Boleneus ---\-^cG*EAr#1,"*\.^/..,\A^^\'.^ I,jE -1 a - *ycormwingov"rqe 20 10 o -10 -20 -30 -4l, -50 -60 -79 -80 r980 1920 1940 1960 1988 2000 2420 Figure 9. Comparison of carbon dioxide and temperature from 1900 to 2017 The satellite temperature record from Remote Sensing Systems (red line, RSS) from 1979 and surface global temperature record from Hadley (blue line, HADCRUT 4) from 1900 to present are compared with the carbon dioxide record (green) since 1958. Note there is not a response of temperature from increasing level of carbon dioxide which forces us to reject any claim that CO2 has a control on temperature.tTa 27 lPage Cancel the Sale of Avista to Hydro One David Boleneus rss/froresrl-co2/f ron : 190o/t oZ2Ol7 I ol f set : -398 hadcrut4gl / f ron : 190O I to a 28.L7 Temperature (rss, red); (hadcrut, blue) Carbon dioxide (green) ) lloodForfrecs.org Appendix2. - Calculation of Hydro One Ontario electricity rate in kwhr CALCUIAT|ON OF HYDRO ONE, ONTARTO EI"ECTRIC|TY RATE {rN KI^,HR} Caution: This spreadsheet is an attemt to estimate the electricity cost in Ontario in dollars and cents (Canadian) in kilowatts per hour. This example I assume that all costs are expressed in cents per kwhr. One is a difficult task but caution is that about 75Vo of the customer billing is for global adjustment and about l5-25%o are fixed charges, but fixed charges are ignored here. ln this example we start with the Hydro One R2 low density urban rate of 29.9 cents/kwhr given for 2015 assuming this is the total cost per kwhr and estimate the cost forward. We know that the rate increased 19 cents per kwhr in 2016, 5141 per month in 2018 and $1214 per month in Jan. 2019. We assume usage is 815 kwhr per month. The result: The calculated rate for beginning January 2018 is 66.2 cents/kwhr and the rate for January 2019 is 83.9 cents/kwhr Irble l: Orlrlo rhcHcll pdc hcrrlr.r CcnE pCr kilowatt hour 2006 ccntt prr !(llowan % changG hour 2015 Sources: 1. Hydro One website; 2. Survey of average elstric rates from utilities across Canada (D. Boleneus,Ol-2o17) 3. Top 10 takeaways from auditor general's report on Ontario's electricity sector December 4,2015 by cons umerpol i cyi nstitute https://ep-probei nternati ona l.ory2OL5/12/O4/top-lo-ta keaways-from-a uditor- genera I s-report-on-onta ri os-el ectri city-setor Source: Getting zapped: Ontario's residential hydro prices increasing faster than anywhere in North America: Brady Yauch, economist Energy Probe, Consumer Policy lnstitute, http://cpiprobeinternational.org Source: StatisticsCa na da - M.statca n.ca Source: Why does Ontarios electricity cost so much? A reality check https://beta.theglobea ndma i Lcom,/news/nationa l,/why-does-el ectricity-cost-so-much-i n-ontario/ article3345327O /?ref=hltp:/ /w.theglobea ndmai l.com& Exchange rates (Dec. L9,2OL7l US to Canadian t.29 or 1 CAD = 0.7767 USD US to German mark 1.72 or 1 DEM - 0.605227 USD German mark to CN dollar 1 DEM = 0.779334 CAD or 1 CAD = 1.28315 DEM Calculation of Ontario's electric rate in 2018 in US dollars CNS 0.562 x .7767 = USS 0,514 / kwhr Calculation of Ontario's electric rate in 2019 in US dollars CNS 0.839 x.7767 = USS 0.6517 28 lPage Cancelthe Sale of Avista to Hydro One David Boleneus o.652 o.439 Rate C cents/kwhr 2015 o.ZX' 2015 0.488) mL7 0.489 Addition Additlon C cents/kwhr S/month a4,, t4 o.19 o,t73 o.177 Retailelectricity prices of NEM states, including taxes, compared to selected countries(C per kWh) Southfoistrelle Dernalr Crerrtafty ItaU ttcr5ornhllt kt Hmd $tttrdrdtortrgal Il/ictale I IBdsilum ISpatn I6nerBrltrln Astrla EU anregc Holand Srrtdcn Gnece Slovakh Fr*re Lusr$onrg Flriland t{aw.y Shnnia Hmd Ltthuanla Huteary Estorda lrs -f:Im -Ff:A re -Ertrd-Frd:r-Irr.r-Fr.n-Er ;rrffIUEIUIIiIE SOt lRCf r tttAlXlNl[tt. U5 tr{EnGY [SOfl UAIX!fl ADirlt{lsTRAr(I{ Figure 10. Electrlcity prices woddwlde See end noteslTsu6 NOTES, AUTHORITIES AND REFERENCES lCanada Now Owns Part of ldaho, by Karen Schumacher http://gemstatepatriot.com/bloglcanada-now-owns-part- idaho/ 2 Ontario's great wind rush sees power prices triple. https://stopthesethings.coml2Ot4loil2}lontarios-great-wind-rush- sees-power-prices-triple/ 3 Why Ontario suffers the highest power costs in North America. https://stopthesethings.com l2}tillLll4lwind-power- why-onta rio-suffers-the-h ighest-power-costs-i n-north-a merica/ o Kathleen Wynne's Ontario wind power fantasy doubles power prices. https://stopthesethings.com 12016105/3Llkathleen-wynnes-ontario-wind-power-fantasy-doubles-power-prices/t Outrage grows over rising electricity rates in rural Ontario https://youtu.be/5lYT8MDsrp0 29!Page Cancel the Sale of Avista to Hydro One David Boleneus 39.r0 3r.34 4 rc L IL:E t-til t Wind power subsidies triple power prices in Ontario. https://stopthesethings.com l2Ot5/08/25/ross-mckitrick-wind- power-su bsidies-triple-power-prices-in-ontario/ 7 51 Ontario towns and municipalities call for wind power subsidies to end. https://stopthesethings.com /2076103120/51-ontario-towns-municipalities-call-for-wind-power-subsidies-to-end/ 8 Trudeau's politics of pain-Canadians suffer rocketing power prices due to subsidized wind power. https://stopthesethi ngs.com /2017 /02/04/trudea us-politics-of-pain-canadians-suffer-rocketing-power-prices-due-to- subsid ised-wi nd-power/ s Wind industry corruption leaves Ontario with nothing but misery and a whopping bill. https://stopthesethings.com 120t6/06/04/wind-industry-corruption-leaves-ontario-with-nothing-but-misery-a- whopping-bill/ 'o Wind power guaranteed to double power prices and destroy once reliable grids. https://stopthesethings.com /20!6110/3Uwind-power-guaranteed-to-double-power-prices-destroy-reliable-grids/ " Ontario's eco-fascists Kill Coal agenda kills Ontario instead-Now everything costs more. https://stopthesethings.com 120!6ltL/23/ontarios-eco-fascists-kill-coal-agenda-kills-ontario-instead-now-everything- costs-more/ " WHO investigates health effects of wind turbine noise and infrasound. https://stopthesethings.com l2Ot6/09/03/who- i nvestigates-health-effects-of-wind-turbine-noise-infrasound/ 13 Needless human suffering the price of wind industry corruption. https://stopthesethings.com l2OL6ltOlB/needless- hu man-suffering-the-price-of-wi nd-industry-corru ption/ 'o Ontario's council includes infrasound in wind farm noise law. https://stopthesethings.coml2OT4/10/13/world-first- ontario-cou ncil-i ncl udes-i nfrasou nd-in-wi nd-farm-noise-law/ ls Ontario's wind powered health calamity. https://stopthesethings. com/20t4lLt/30/ontarios-wind-powered-health- calamity/ " Wind turbine generated vibrations wrecked Ontario's groundwater supply. https://stopthesethings.com /2Ot6/10/27/wind-turbine-generated-vibrations-wrecking-ontarios-groundwater-supply/t' Deep green hypocrisy cult happily ignores bird and bat blood bath. https://stopthesethin gs.com/2oL7lO4/OGldeep- green-hypocrisy-wind-power-cult-happily-ignores-bird-and-bat-blood-bath/ " Wind power fantasy -tOO% renewable claims a mixture of magic and pixie dust. https://stopthesethings.com /2014106/20lontarios-great-wind-rush-sees-power-prices-triple/te Ontario's wind powered energy poverty. https://stopthesethings.com /20t5/04/tOlontarios-wind-powered-energy- poverty/ 2o Economic and social disaster looms-Ontario counts the crippling cost of wind power. https://stopthesethings.com /2076/09l78leconomic-social-disaster-looms-ontario-counts-the-crippling-cost-of-wind- power/2'Germany's transition back to coal-Renewable energy push smacks into reality. https://stopthesethings.com 12017 /08/22/germanys-transition-back-to-coa l-renewable-energy-push-smacks-into- reality/ " Greens founder calls Germany's renewable policy and economic, social and ecological disaster. https://stopthesethings.com /2017 106/06lgreens-fou nder-calls-germanys-renewa bles-policy-an-economic-social-and- ecological-disaster/ 23 South Australia's wind power obsession sends business power costs out of this world. https://stopthesethi ngs.com 12017 /L2l04/south-austral ias-wind-power-obsession-sends-business-power-costs-out-of- this-world/ 2a Australia's power crisis generated by a conspiracy of incompetents. https://stopthesethings.com /2017172/03laustralias-power-crisis-generated-by-a-conspiracy-of-incompetents/2s Australia's self-inflicted renewable energy fiasco-Product of political treachery. https://stopthesethings.com 12017 ll0/29lau stralias-self-inflicted-renewable-energy-fiasco-product-of-political- treachery/ " Germany's wind and solar obsession pushes power grid to brink of collapse. https://stopthesethings.com /2017 /L2/Otlgermanys-wind-solar-obsession-pushes-power-grid-to-brink-of-total-colla pse/ 30 I David Boleneus " How energy prices compare woddwide. https://stopthesethings.com l2OL7 l08/t3lpower-prices-in-wind-powered- south-australia-double-the-price-of-power-in-nuclear-powered-france/ 28 Subsidised Wind & Solar Rocketing Retail Power Prices https://stopthesethings.com l2ot7ltzl\z/euilty-subsidised- wind-solar-drive-australias-rocketing-retail-power-prices/ 2s Ontario's Wind Power Nightmare: More like a Drug-Fuelled Horror Movie https://stopthesethings.com 12017 /7Ll30/ontarios-wind-power-nightmare-more-like-a-drug-fuelled-horror-movie/ 30 Canada's wind power debackle-sbillions wasted yet CO2 emissions to double https://stopthesethings.com /20L5ltO/tO/canadas-wind-power-debacle-billions-wasted-with-co2-emissions-to-double/ 31 Canada's wind power disaster laid bare https://stopthesethings.com /2O74l08l22lcanadas-wind-power-disaster-laid- bare/ " Wind power-Unfolding environmental disaster-Entire ecosystems collapsing. https://stopthesethings.com 120t7 /tL/09/wind-power-unfolding-environmental-disaster-entire-ecosystems-collapsing/ 33 Ontario's wind energy nightmare https://stopthesethings.com l2}t7 lltl3}lontarios-wind-power-nightmare-more- I ike-a-drug-fuelled-horror-movie/ 3a Renewable energy policy in South Australia and Ontario-Simply murder. https://stopthesethings.com 12077 /0Slt4lrenewable-energy-policy-in-south-australia-ontario-simply-murder/3s Businesses and households crushed-Ontario's wind power obsession sends power prices in to orbit, thousands live without power. https://stopthesethings.com 120t6/t2/0tlbusinesses-households-crushed-ontarios-wind-power- obsession-sends-power-prices-into-orbit-thousands-live-with-no-power/ 35 Ontario's wind power nightmare-Crippling power prices and rising CO2 emissions. https://stopthesethings.com 120t6/04ltSlontarios-wind-power-nightmare-crippling-power-prices-rising-co2-emissions/ 37 America's wind power cult-Hitler like hypocrites out to wreck the environment and the economy. https://stopthesethings.com l20LGlt0l06lamericas-wind-power-cult-hitler-like-hypocrites-out-to-wreck-the- environ ment-the-economy/ ".f ames Delingpole dumps on the great wind power fraud. https://stopthesethi ngs.com/2OL7lO3/O8fiames-delingpole- dumps-on-the-great-wi nd-power-fraud/ "Wind power propaganda unplugged-How the media helped sell the greatest fraud of all time. https://stopthesethings.com 12017 l07 129/wind-power-propaganda-un plugged-how-media-helped-sell-the-greatest- fraud-of-all-time/ oo Wind power Ponzi scheme implodes. https://stopthesethings.com l2}t5l05lt8/wind-power-ponzi-scheme-implodes- ifm-investors-ditches-pac-hyd ro-pac-hydro-agl-and-ratch-ditch-wind-farms/o' Wind power Ponzi scheme collapsing--https://stopthesethings.com/2015/O9l07 /wind-power-ponzi-scheme-running- out-of-puff/o'Wind power outfits go bust-Farmer-investors lose their shirts. https://stopthesethin gs.com/2}LilOtllLlmore-wind- power-outfits-go-bust-farm er-i nvestors-l ose-th ei r-sh i rts-i n -the-us/ o' Wind power-The greatest swindle ever known. https://stopthesethings.com l2OL6l06l27lwind-power-the-greatest- swindle-ever-known/* Why Canadians are buying up U.S. utilities. https://www.forbes.com/sites/mergerm arket/2016/02/25lwhy- canadians-are-winning-the-uti lity-deals/#34cd57 dd6944 os Professor of meteorology D'Aleo-Green energy, a train to energy poverty - http://icecap.us/index.php/go/new-and- cool/green_en ergy_train_to_energy_poverty/a6 Sen. Malcolm Roberts. Climate deception-Protecting freedom by understanding climate. http://www.climate.conscious.com.au/CSl ROh !. htmlo' Mark Steyn-global warming is a lie to redistribute your wealth. https://youtu.be/IdoRvly02Bo ot Mark Steyn, Heartland climate conference. https://youtu. be/6bARjABDqoko' Prof. Bob Carter, James Cook University Global warming fad https://youtu.be/6xtlUx8bjeUto Dr. Tim Ball, meteorologist, Univ. of Manitoba. The deliberate corruption of climate science. https://youtu. be/Owm25OHGglkt' Dr. Tim Ball, Univ. of Manitoba, a different perspective http://drtimball.com/u' Nobelist and Emeritus Prof. of Physics lvar Giaever, Rennselaer Polytechnic University, https://youtu.be/SXxHfb66ZgMt' Prager University. Do 97%of climate scientists really agree? https://youtu.be/SSrjAXK5pGw 31 I David Boleneus to Petition to reject global warming and Kyoto agreement signed by 31,487 scientists, including 555 from Washington State, 237 from ldaho, 140 from Montana, 350 from Oregon, 144 from Alaska, and 3,766 from California http://www.petitionproject.org/i ndex.php ss Chapter 3.02 Climate Change, Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change, 2016 Annual Report of the Office of the Auditor General of Ontario, http://www.auditor.on.calen/contenVannualreports/arreports/en16/vr_302en16.pdftt Why Canadians are buying up U.S. utilities. https://www.forbes.com/sites/mergerm arket/20l6112125/whV- ca n adians-a re-wi n ni ng-th e-uti I ity-dea ls/#34cd57 dd69 44 s7 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hinkley-Point-C-nuclear-power-station s8 https://energytransition. org/2Ol5lOalwhy-is-uk-wind-power-so-expensive/ se Germany's green energy close to death-Feed in act has failed, has to go. P Gosselin http://notrickszone.com/20L7l09l29lSermanys-treen-energy-project-close-to-death-eeg-feed-in-act-has- failed-has-to-go/* German electricity prices projected to quadruple by 2020 to over 40 cents per kwh. http://notrickszone.com/20Lll02l28leerman-electricity-price-projected-to-quadruple-by-2020-to-over40-cents-per- kilowatt-hour/t'J. D'Aleo, Green energytrain to energy poverty. http://icecap.us/index.php/go/new-and- cool/green_energy_train_to_energyJroverty/* France and Germany turn to coal https://instituteforenergyresearch.org/analysisfrance-germany-turnroal/t'What happens when forced to use renewable energy https://www.manhattan-institute.orgilsites/defaulVfiles/lB-RB- 0515.pdfn Germany's Energiewende an energy policy calamity http://notrickszone.com/Ssthash.2lZEP00w.lAfqlGMW.dpbs6 Facts about wind power. http://www.aweo.org/ F A C T S about wind power* European Platform Against Windfarms http://epaw.orgl 6' http://www.wind-watch.orgl 68- www.ontariowindresista nce.org 6e https://www.instituteforenergyresearch.orglwp-content/uploads/20L5/05/OgO327-employment-public-aid- renewable.pdf 70 https ://www.ee news. n e t/ tv / videos I 975/tra n scri pt 71 lnstitute of Energy Research (lER) Utah State University https://www.strata.orglRELIABILITY-OF-RENEWABLE- E N E RGY/#148 27967 O8924-da cfed4c-59ae " https://www.bpa.govlProjects/lnitiatives/Wi nd/Pages/defa ult.aspx " A large portion of the Columbia River System electric power is being promised to Canada as part of the 2024 Columbia River System Treaty now being renegotiated according to Washington's Department of Agriculture head Derek Sa nderson ( I n sid e Olympia, broadcast tt/ t9 I 20t7 |7a Key world energy statistics: lnternational Energy Agency, 2OL7 http:llwww.iea.org/statistics/ 's Comparing Weather Dependent Renewables ln Europe: 2015. November 29,2OL7https://principia- scientific.org/comparing-weather-dependent-renewables-in-europe- 2016/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+psintl+%28Principia+Scientific+lntl+- +Latest+News%29 75 Comparison Of Electricity Production ln Six Major Nations. November 29,2Ot7 https://principia- scientific.org/compa rison-of-electricity-production-in-six-major- nations/?utm source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+psintl+%28Principia+Scientific+lntl+ -+Latest+News%29 " January 4,2OL6 https://ep.probeinternation al.orgl2}t6/O1/04/queens-park-moves-to-silence-dissent-on-electricity/ 78 May 15, 2017 Lawrence Solomon http://business.financialpost.com/opinion/lawrence-solomon-how-to-make- onta rios-awf u l-power-system-as-d ul l-and-affordable-as-natura l-gas 7e Heated over Hydro One 01/08/2015 https://ep.probeinternational.orgl20L6lOll}8lheated-over-hydro-one/e May 2017, theGlobe andMail.com https://beta.theglobeandmail.com/news/national/why-does-electricity-cost-so- much-in-ontario/article3345327O/?ref=http://wunr.theglobeandmail.com& 81 https://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/politics/ontario-liberals-set-to-remove-hydro-one-oversight-ahead-of-sell- off larticle247U334l 32 lPage Cancel the Sale of Avista to Hydro One David Boleneus 82 https://ep.probeinternati onal.org/21L6lLOl3Llontario-is-headed-for-a-fatal-future-and-only-ending-the-renewable- dea ls-ca n-p revent-it/ 83 Corporate welfare goes green in Ontario, Energy Probe, Consumer Policy lnstitute http://cpi.propeinternational.orgto Wayne Gulden, Ontario-wind-turbines.org 8s https://beta.theglobeandmail.com/news/national/why-does-electricity-cost-so-much-in- onta riolarticl e3345327 0 /?ref=http://www.theglobeandmail.com& 86 Climate change plan another blow to Ontario's competitiveness and consumers; June 25, 2016, www.f ra serin stitute.o rg 87 https://ep.probeinternati onal.orglZOLGlOS/2tlontarios-residential-energy-bills-will-continue-to-march-higher/s Ontario's Energy Crisis: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3nbTjuiSSnA&feature=youtu.bes https://ep.probeinternational.org/2015 lL2/O4ltop-LGtakeaways-from-auditor-generals-report-on-ontarios- electricity-sector/e Ontario's overpriced electricity https://youtu.be/srJOFvkQlYel https://stopthesethings.c oml20L5l12l01/businesses-households-crushed-ontarios-wind-power-obsession-sends- power-prices-i nto-orbit-thousa nds-live-with-no-power/ e2 https://ep.probeinternational.orgl2015 /t2lo4ltop-tO-takeaways-from-auditor-generals-report-on-ontarios- electricity-sector/ e3 https://beta.theglobeandmail.com/news/national/whydoes-electricity-cost-so-much-in- onta riolarticl e3345327 0 I ?ref=http ://www.th eglobeandma il.com& ea theglobeandmail.com, May 2017 https://beta.theglobeandmail.com/news/national/why-does-electricity-cost-so- much-in-ontario/article33453270/?ref=http://www.theglobeandmail.com& es Carbon pricing plus more regulation equals bad news for Ontario's economy: Fraser Forum ,May 24 20L6, www.f raserinstitute.org/prinV9855 e5 Heated over Hydro One,0!1O812016. https://ep.probeinternational.orgl20 t6lOL/0Slheated-over-hydro-one/ e7 https://ep.probeinternational.orgl2015 /L2l04ltop-tO-takeaways-from-auditor-generals-report-on-ontarios- electricity-sector/* Auditor General, by Adam Beck on YouTube, Heated over Hydro One https://youtu.be/3mdBrategYc* Power costs are increasing hydro prices https://youtu.be/EAmChm584z0 1@ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lw5dRlzyY7g 'ot Outrage trows oyer rising electricity rates in rural Ontario https://youtu.be/5lYT8MDsrp0 102 https://stopthesethings. coml2016/12/01/businesses-households-crushed-ontarios-wind-power-obsession-sends- power-prices-into-orbit-thousa nds-l ive-with-no-powerl r03 https://stopthesethings.com/experience/t* Why are Ontarios hydro bills soaring? July 8, 2016 https://ep.probeinternation al.orCl2OL6/071}8/why-are-ontarios- hydro-bills-soaring/ tou Getting zapped: Ontario's residential prices increasing faster than anywhere else in north america http://probeinternational.orgllibrary/wq-content/uploadsl20t6l02lGetting-Zapped.pdf16 https://beta.theglobeandmail.com/news/national/why-does-electricity-cost-so-much-in- onta rio/a rticl e3345327 0 /?ref=http://www.theglobeandma il.com& 107 Ontarios Auditor General Slams the Provinces Pending Cap and Trade Fiasco Dec 2, 2016 by consumerpolicyinstitute https://ep.probeinternation al.org/20L61L2102/ontarios-auditor-general-slams-the-provinces-pending-cap-and-trade- fiasco/ r@ Op cit. Getting zapped: Ontario's residential prices increasing faster than anywhere else in north america http://probeinternational.oretllibrary/wp-content/uploadsl20L6/O2lGetting-Zapped.pdf 'n Ontarios Auditor General Slams the Provinces Pending Cap and Trade Fiasco Dec 2, 2016 consumerpolicyinstitute https://ep.probeinternation al.org/20L6/t2l02lontarios-auditor-general-slams-the-provinces-pending-cap-and-trade- fiasco/ 110 California Dreamin in Ontario, Consumer Policy lnstitute, Ontario Energy consumer policy institute https://cpi.probeinternational.orgl2At6l06/01,lcalilornia-dreamin-in-ontario/ 111 https://ep.probeinternational.org/20t5/t2lLtl5+easons-to-oppose-ontarios-cap-and-trade-proposal/ 33 lPage Cancel the Sale of Avista to Hydro One David Boleneus 112 http://scienceandpublicpolicy.org/wp-content/uplo adsl2AOS|LUMonckton- Th e_cost_a nd_f util ity_of_tra d i nlhot_a i r. pdf 113 https ://i nstituteforenergyresea rch.org/topics/pol i cylcap-trad e/ 114 http://scienceandpublicpolicy.orlcommentaries-essays/commentaries/cap-and-trade-economic-impact 115 Heritage Foundation; 2009; alternativeenergy.procon.orgllt Maurice Strong, 1992 U.N. Climate Summit in Rio de Janeiro "' M. Ebell, 20(x); alternativeenergy.procon.orgllsMaurice Strong, the father of America's destruction. http://www.unitypublishing.com/Government/Maurice%Z0Strong.htmttt Maurice Strong, climate crook. https://quadrant.org.aulopinion/doomed-planet/2OL5lt2ldiscovering-maurice- strong/ 120 http://news.investors.com/ibd-editorialsilO2L0t5-738779-climate-change-scare-tool-to-destroy-capitalism.htm 121 lnstitute for Energy Research 2fi)9; alternativeenergy.procon.org 122 https://cpi.probeinternational.orgl20L6lOGlOL/california-dreamin-in-ontario/ 123 http:7/www.ery.wa.gov/p rograms/airlpermit-register/Clean-Air*Rule/car.htm 124 http://www.ecy.wa.gov/ news/ 21t6l t18. html 12s Social benefits of carbon. Roger Bezdek http://marshall.org/climate-change/presentation-by-roger-bezdek-on-social- cost-of-carbon/ 126 https://www.heartland.org/publications-resources/publications/the-positive-externalities-of-carbon-dioxide- estimating-the-monetary-benefits-of-rising-atmospheric-co2-concentrations-on-global-food-production t27 https://www.masterresource.orglcarbon-dioxide/positive-externalities-co2/ u8 http://scienceandpublicpolicy.or&/images/stories/papers/other/55-benefits-of-co2-pamphlet.pdf 12e http://scienceandpublicpolicy.orglcommentaries-essays/commentaries/cap-and-trade-economic-impactlshttps://cms.dot.gov/sites ldol.govlfilesldocs/21l6%2}Revised%20Value%2Ool%o20a%20statistical%2}Lile%Z0Guidan ce.pdft" https://www.epa.gov/environmental-economics/mortality-risk-valuationtt'Carbon dioxide-social cost of social benefit, Management lnformation Services, Roger Bezdek www.misi- net.com/publicaionts.html Dec. 2014 "t The real impacts of EPA's clean power plan http://www.americaspower.org/nera1il Chapter 3.02 Climate Change, Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change, 2015 Annual Report of the Office of the Auditor General of Ontario, http://www.auditor.on.ca/en/content/annualreports/arreports/en16/v1_302en16.pdf 13s http://icecap.us/index.php/go/joes-blog/carbon-trade-ends-on*quiet-death-of-chicago-climate-exchangettt 2009http://canadafreepress.com/article/obamas-involvement-in-chicago-climate-exchange-the-rest-of-th e-story r37 The Creator Fabricator And Proponent Of Global Warming Maurice Strong https://climatism.wordpress.coml2OL3l09lLTlthe-creator-fabricator-and-proponent-of-global-warming-maurice- strong/ls http://scienceandpublicpolicy.orglwp-content/uplo adsl2Ot3lC/,lstate-by-state.pdf 13s http://scienceandpublicpolicy.orglcommentaries-essays/commentaries/12-factsle http://scienceandpublicpolicy.org/wp-content/uplo adsl20OglOSlclimate-science-brief.pdfto'CO2 forcing-Fact or Fiction-Science answers unambiguously http://www.palisad.com/co2/slides/siframes.html 102 http://scienceandpublicpolicy.org/commentaries-essays/commentaries/worst-scandal 143 http://scienceandpublicpoliry.org/wp-content/uplo adsl2O09l08/real-climate-agenda.pdf '* lce cores reveal that CO2 levels rise and fall hundreds of years after temperatures change http://joannenova.com.au/2009lLZlcarbon-rises-800-years-after-temperatures/ '05 Carbon dioxide follows temperature by 800 years in the Vostok lce Cores http://joannenova.com.au/global-warming- 2/ice-core-graph/ '* http:T4oannenova.com.a ul2OL5/O7 /spot-the-vested-interest-the-1-5-trillion-climate-change-industry/ta7 https:TTtidesandcurrents. noaa.gov/sltrends/sltrends.shtml 1a The past and future of climate, by D. Archibald, http://www.davidarchibald.info/ 1ae Wikipedia-The carbon cycle !l4lPage Cancel the Sale of Avista to Hydro One David Boleneus e https://www.heartland.org/publications-resources/publications/the-positive-externalities-of-carbon-dioxide- estimating-the-monetary-benefits-of-rising-atmospheric-co2-concentrations-on-global-food-production https://www.masterresource.org/carbon-dioxide/positive-externalities-co2/ http://scienceandpublicpolicy.org/images/stories/papers/otherA5_benefits_of_co2jamphlet.pdfsr Op cit. The past and future of climate, by D. Archibald, http://www.davidarchibald.info/*'Surface mass budget of Greenland ice sheet, https://wurw.dmi.dVen/groenland/maalinger/greenland-ice-sheet- surface-mass-budget/ 1s3 Op cit. The past and future of climate http://unrvw.davidarchibald.infds https://wunr.newscientist.com/article/dn11559-climate-myths-ice-cores-show<o2-increases-lag-behind- temperatu re-rises-d isprovi nB-the-li n k-to-global-wa rming/ "'CO2 forcing-Fact or Fiction-science answers unambiguously http://www.palisad.com/co2/slides/siframes.html 156 ^^^LUZSCIenCe.OrStt' Management lnformation Services lnc.; www.Marshall.org* The ONLY warming has come from the main El Nino events. https://wattsupwiththat.co mlz}L9l}tl}3/tamper- tamper-how-they-failed-to-hide-the-gulf-between-predicted-and-observed-warming/se steverichey.com http://www.steverichey.com/writing-samples/climate-change/the-pros-and-cons-of-cap-and-trade/ 1m https://ep.probeinternational.orgl20 L5/t2lLLls+easons-to-oppose-ontarios-cap-and-trade-proposal/l6t https://ep.probeinternational.org/20L5/L2/7L15-reasons-to-oppose-ontarios-cap-and-trade-proposal/ 162 https://i nstituteforenergyresearch.org/topics/pol icylcap-trade/ 163 http://scienceandpublicpoliry.org/commentaries-essays/commentaries/cap-and-trade-economic-impactls Heritage Foundation; 2fi)9; alternativeenergy.procon.orgls Maurice Strong, 1992 U.N. Climate Summit in Rio de Janeirot* M. Ebell, 2fiD; alternativeenergy.procon.org 167 lnstitute for Energy Research 2fi)9; alternativeenergy.procon.orgls https://cpi.probeinternational.orgl2}l6l6lOtlcalifornia-dreamin-in-ontario/tt'On the present halting of globalwarming. http://www.mdgl.com/2225-fl5a/L/t/ /pdf 170 Most of the warming in the 206 century is due to the sun, Jan-Erik Solheim. http://www.climatedialogue.org/what- will-happen-during-a-new-maunder-minimum/ "t The ONLY warming has come from the main El Nino events. https://wattsupwiththat.com lz}tSl}!/O3ltamper- tamper-how-they-failed-to-hide-the-gulf-between-predicted-and-observed-warming/ "'Does human co2 emissions change the climate, p. 109, Abstracts, New Dawn of Truth, Conway Hall, London Conference, https://www.researchgate.net/profi le/Nils- Axel_Moerner/publication/305013278_The_London_Conference_Volume_of_Extended_Abstracts_Commentary_Notes _Third_Revised_Edition/links/57aa2e0fu8ae7a6420bcd9a4[he-London-Conference-Volume-of-Extended-Abstracts- Commentary-Notes-Third-Revised-Edition.pdf 173 http://www.c3headlines.c oml20l3ll2lthose-stubborn-facts-the-cooling-of-the-south-pole-confirmed-by-nasa- a ntarctic-ice-sheet-safe.htm I l7a WoodForTrees.org. This site hosts some f++ software tools for analysis and graphing of time series data, and an interactive graph generator where you can analyze different ways of comparing data. 17s Renewables Fiasco The Astronomical Cost of Germany's 'Green' Energy Failure Decem ber 7,2017 https://stopthesethings.com /2017ltZl07lrenewables-fiasco-the-astronomical-cost-of-germanys-green-en ergy-failu rel 176 https://stopthesethings.files.wordpre ss.com/2Ot7lC/|,/lsa-highest-power-costs-table.png 35 lPage Cancelthe Sale of Avista to Hydro one David Boleneus