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HomeMy WebLinkAbout20171113Commission of Alaska Comment.pdfSTATE OT ATASKADEPARTMENT OF COMMERCECOMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVETOPMENT Bill lYalker Coaernor Chr* Hladick, Commirioner S tephen Ma4lpine, Chaitman Regulatory Commission of Alaska Date: November 9,2017 In reply refer to: Docket U-I7-085 Idaho Public Utilities Commission P.O. Box 83720 Boise, lD 83720-0074 Attention: Paul Kjellander, President Re: IPUC Docket Nos. AVU-E-I7-09lAVU-G-I7-05, In the Matter of the Joint HYDRO ONE LIMITED and AI/ISTA CORPORATIONfoT Aproval of Merger Agreement Dear President Kj ellander: The Regulatory Commission of Alaska has issued the attached order rejecting the joint application filed by Hydro One Limited and Avista Corporation for Hydro One Limited to acquire a controlling interest in Alaska Electric Light & Power Company. Rejection was without prejudice to refiling a complete application. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, L. Walker Administrative Law Judge Regulatory Commission of Alaska direct line: 907.263.2138 email: 701 W. 8th Avenue, Suite 300, Anchorage, Alaska 99501-3469 Telephone: (907)276-6222 Fax: (907) 276-0160 TTY: (907) 276-4533 Website : http://rca.alaska. gov f.\D-.:-t 3 i*-*- *,''lz--' +-*i r': tu--i--- c5i .'r:r- *d iifi;. cr) ffihrsF:E6A \oU)+9N,,ffplication ;DTfi C)marn(3 of ,l 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 -9q 3HH S<€s€briEst C .iv'l\.9 5 oR r Et;E<<EF_Coi xNo.s,6'q! >rrr b td -r-lO A?i(o E *:1 EDr f-oo oEF- g 22 23 24 25 26 Before Commissioners: REC E IVE D ?0ll HOY l3 AH 9: h2 STATE OF ALASKA - ;ir ',1 iii-,-iil:llC - ,'I:r l:::-', Ci;i"i:,i!SSi0N THE REGULATORY COMMISSION OF ALASKA Stephen McAlpine, Chairman Rebecca L. Pauli Robert M. Pickett Norman Rokeberg Janis W. Wilson ln the Matter of the Joint Application Filed by Hydro One Limited and Avista Corporation for Authorityto Acquire a Controlling lnterest in ALASKA ELECTRIC LIGHT & POWER COMPANY u-17-085 ORDER NO. 2 ORDER DENYING JOINT MOTION FOR WAIVER. REJECTING JOINT APPLICATION. AND CLOSING DOCKET BY THE COMMISSION: Summary We deny the joint motion for waiver of the requirement to file proof of registration to do business in Alaska filed by Hydro One Limited (Hydro One), through its wholly owned subsidiary Olympus Equity LLC (Olympus Equity), and Avista Corporation (Avista). We reject the joint application for authorization to acquire a controlling interest in Alaska Electric Light & Power Company (AEL&P) under 3 AAC 48.6a8(c)(2). We close this docket. Backqround AEL&P provides electric utility service in the City and Borough of Juneau under Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity No. 1. AEL&P is a wholly owned subsidiary of Alaska Energy and Resources Company (AERC), which is a wholly owned subsidiary of Avista.l lOrder U-13-197(2), Order Approving Joint Application for Authority to Acquire Controlling lnterest in Alaska Electric Light and Power Company, dated May 30, 2014. u-1 7-085(2) - (1 1 t08t2017) Page 1 of8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 -9= 3HH S<€s€bdENE .iu'l\.9 5 oPI Et;E<al- 6 E, H'q!>ur b td -u-lo ot@ E #:1Crrr l'-oo oEF- 9 Hydro One, acting through Olympus Equity, is in the process of acquiring ownership of Avista. As part of this process, Hydro One, through Olympus Equity, and Avista jointly filed an application for Hydro One to acquire a controlling interest in AEL&P.2 Hydro One and Avista also filed a joint motion to waive the requirement that Hydro One and Olympus Equity file proof of registration to do business in Alaska.3 We issued public notice of the Application for Controlling lnterest and Motion for Waiver with comments due by October 12,2017. We received 34 comments in response to the public notice,a including eight comments in opposition to the Motion for Waiver.s Hydro One, through Olympus Equity, and Avista filed a reply to the comments in opposition to the Motion for Waiver.6 2Joint Application for Authorization to Acquire a Controlling lnterest in Alaska Electric Light and Power Company, dated September 14,2017 (Application for Controlling lnterest). 3Joint Motion for Waiver of Requirement to File Proof of Registration, daled September 14,2017 (Motion for Waiver). aluneau Hydropower lnc. filed two different sets of comments on October 12, 2017. sCorrespondence from G. Keiser, filed September 26,2017; Correspondence from G. Gagne-Hawes, filed October 5,2017; Correspondence from D. Redmond on behalf of Renewable Juneau, filed October 5, 2017; Correspondence from L. Spengler, filed October 6, 2017:, Correspondence from J. Crondahl, filed October 6, 2017; Correspondence from S. Lewis, filed October 7,2017; Correspondence from L. Stats, filed October 8, 2017; Correspondence from S. Sloss, filed October 9,2017 . oApplicants' Reply to Oppositions to Motion for Waiver, filed October 19, 2017 (Reply). u-1 7-085(2) - (1 1 t0812017) Page 2 of 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 -9e 3g6 S<€s€ EdEt.. E .ie'l\.o 5 oP E qt;E<=!-tr-c lFOi x.No .o', H'N>ur b td -r-lO (/,t(o E *:1EDr l-oo oEF- 9 Discussion Motion for Waiver Our Application for Authorization to Acquire a Controlling lnterest in a Regulated Public Utility form requires foreign corporationsT seeking to acquire a controlling interest in a certificated public utility to file proof of registration to do business in Alaska.s Hydro One, a corporation organized under the laws of Ontario, Canada, and Olympus Equity, a limited liability company organized under the laws of Delaware, seek a waiver of this requirement under 3 AAC 48.805.e They assert that after Hydro One acquires Avista, a corporation organized under the laws of Washington, all business in Alaska will be conducted by Alaska corporations AEL&P and AERC. They further assert that AEL&P and AERC will remain subsidiaries of Avista, which is a foreign corporation registered to do business in Alaska.1o They cite to orders in four dockets where we have granted similar waivers and assert that their circumstance is similar to the foreign parent companies in those dockets.ll 7As defined by AS 10.06.990(22), a foreign corporation is one organized under laws other than the laws of Alaska. This includes Hydro One, which was not created or organized under the laws of the United States or another state, and is therefore also an alien as defined by AS 10.06.990(3)(8). As defined by AS 10.50.990(7), a foreign limited liability company is one organized under the law of a state other than Alaska, and includes Olympus Equity which is organized as a limited liability company under the laws of another state (Delaware). sAPUC Form X107 at 5 (Paragraph 4.b). Available on our website at http ://rca.alaska.oov/RCAWeb/RCALibrarv/Form sLi bra rv.aspx. eMotion for Waiver at 2. loMotion for Waiver at 1-3. llMotion for Waiver at3-4. u-1 7-085(2) - (1 1 lo8t2o17 ) Page 3 of 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 I 10 11 12 't3 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 -9e 3HH Si€spbdEN C .ie'l:.9 5 oR r E{;E<<l- b E, H'e!>ur b tdO aDii(o Esl1EDr l-oo oEF- 9 Opposition to the Motion forWaiver was generally based on the ground that Hydro One is a foreign corporation.l2 We interpret these comments to use the term "foreign" in the colloquial rather than legal sense, and that in legal terms the basis for concern is that Hydro One is an alien corporation that is, a corporation organized under the laws of another country. One opponent noted that registration of foreign corporations provided the public with additional information.l3 ln reply, Hydro One, through Olympus Equity, and Avista point out that several opponents to the Motion for Waiver misunderstood that motion to be a request for permission to conduct business in Alaska without a business license. They assert that all business conducted in Alaska would be by AEL&P and AERC, both of which have Alaska business licenses. They further assert that the general opposition to the Motion for Waiver is not a reasonable basis for denial because AEL&P and AERC are currently owned by a foreign corporation, Aforeign corporation, including an alien corporation, may obtain a certificate of authority to transact business in Alaska issued by the Commissioner of the Alaska Department of Commerce, Community, and Economic Development.15 Hydro One and Olympus Equity have not claimed that they cannot register for a certificate of authority, l2Correspondence from G. Keiser, filed September 26, 2017; Correspondence from G. Gagne-Hawes, filed October 5,2017; Correspondence from L. Spengler, filed October 6, 2017; Correspondence from J. Crondahl, filed October 6, 2017: Correspondence from S. Lewis, filed October 7,2017; Correspondence from L. Stats, filed October 8,2017; Correspondence from S. Sloss, filed October 9,2017 l3Correspondence from D. Redmond on behalf of Renewable Juneau, filed October 5,2017 . laReply at2-4. lsAS 10.06.705; AS 10.06.990(10). u-1 7-085(2) - (1 1 t08t2017) Page 4 of 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 (Ea Cr)-Yx (f)8H S8.9 x so EdSRc ,io S.9 5 oR U ET;E<?Ftr-c lFOi Xc!o.s,6'i{>ur 5 td66t<o E *:1EDr F-oo o,t l.- O) and the process for doing so does not appear overly burdensome.16 Registration for a certificate of authority requires the entity to designate a registered agent located in Alaska for the purposes set out in AS 10.06.763 and AS 10.50.365, including service of process on the entity. ln addition, an applicant corporation must provide the information required by AS 10.06.730, and an applicant limited liability company must provide the information required by AS 10.50.615, which includes some information our APUC Form X107 does not require. Further, registration eliminates ambiguity about the identity of an entity by preventing a domestic entity and a foreign entity from having the same or similar names.l7 We find that there is a legitimate public interest served by enforcing the proof of registration to transact business requirement of APUC Form X107. Hydro One cites to four dockets where we have waived the proof of registration requirement of APUC Form X107.18 Three of these four dockets (U-13-016, U-11-065, and U-04-069) involved the same entity, the ultimate parent of Securus Technologies, lnc. (Securus), which is a provider of prison telephone services (technically, private pay telephone and intrastate interexchange services) was a Delaware corporation. Prison telephone providers periodically compete for contracts with the State of Alaska Department of Corrections to retain the right to offer public utility services. On the other hand, once Hydro One and Olympus Equity acquire a controlling interest in AEL&P, that control, and the right to offer public utility services through AEL&P, continues indefinitely. Also, unlike Securus, AEL&P is subject to full economic regulation. Therefore, the applicants here are not similady situated to Securus. l6See AS 10.06.730; AS 10.50.615 (The application forms for both foreign corporation and foreign limited liability company certificate of authority are posted at: https://www.commerce.alaska.qov/web/cbpl/Corporations/CorpFormsFees/FormsbvEve nt.aspx). 17AS 1 0.06.720; AS 1 0.50.620. lsMotion for Waiver at 3-4; Reply at4-5. u-1 7-085(2) - (1 1 t0812017) Page 5 of 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 I 10 11 12 13 '|.4 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 G^ (f) -Yx (f,HH S<€ssEdENc .iu'l-.9 5 oPI qI; E<<t Oi H'q!>uJ b tdo i,):(o E *:1Err |.-oo oEr- g The remaining docket cited to by Hydro One, U-06-005, involved New Edge Network, lnc., d/b/a New Edge Networks (New Edge), whose ultimate parent was a Delaware corporation. As a competitive intrastate interexchange telephone carrier, New Edge was only required to be registered, not hold a certificate of public convenience and necessity. On the other hand, AEL&P is required to hold a certificate of public convenience and necessity. Again, unlike New Edge, AEL&P is subject to full economic regulation. Therefore, the applicants here are not similarly situated to New Edge. Because none of the cited dockets involved either an alien ultimate parent or an economically regulated public utility, they are factually distinguishable and not precedential. ln addition, we had no occasion to closely examine the issue in those dockets since no objections to the requests for waiver of the proof of registration requirement were raised.le ln this docket, objections to the Motion for Waiver have been filed and these objections prompted us to examine the issue more closely. Hydro One and Olympus Equity2o assert as the primary premise in their Motion for Waiver that they will not transact business in Alaska except as the indirect owners of AEL&P and AERC. However, the requirement to register for purposes of APUC Form X107 is a public utility regulatory requirement and is not conditioned on an independent legal obligation to register under Alaska business organizations law. leSee Dockets U-13-016, U-11-065, U-06-005, and U-04-069. 2oOlympus Equity also observes that it is not a foreign corporation, but rather a foreign limited liability company. For purposes of the APUC Form X107, this is a distinction without difference. Both corporations and limited liability companies have a separate existence, and insulate their owners from direct liability for acts of the entity. Foreign limited liability companies, created by statute in 1994, are not directly addressed by APUC Form X107, which was last revised in 1993, merely because they were not a recognized form of business in Alaska when the form was adopted. The same is true of foreign limited liability partnerships (which must file a statement of foreign qualification under AS 32.06.921) because limited liability partnerships were not created by statute until 2000. u-1 7-085(2) - (1 1 t08t2017) Page 6 of 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 (E^ COix (o8H SE.9:e bdSR C .ie'JNo x -o u E*; E 1=rOi x.No.e H'q!>rrr b td66t@ E8+1EDr Noo c),r/ l\ O) Consequently, it is unnecessary for us to determine if Hydro One and Olympus Equity will be transacting business in Alaska for the purposes of AS 10.06.705 or AS 10.50.720. Because the burden of registration is minor when weighed against the benefit to the public from the additional safeguards afforded by registration and the availability of additional information not otherurise provided under our regulations, we do not find good cause to waive the APUC Form X107 requirement that Hydro One and Olympus Equity include proof of registration to do business in Alaska as part of their application to acquire a controlling interest in AEL&P. Therefore, we deny the Motion for Waiver. Application for Controllinq I nterest An application is generally considered complete when filed with us unless rejected within fifteen business days under 3 AAC 48.650.21 An exception to this rule occurs when an application is accompanied with a request for the waiver of an application filing requirement and the waiver request is denied.22 When a waiver request is denied, the application "is rejected without prejudice to refiling . . . .D23 The Application for Controlling lnterest was accompanied by a request for waiver of one of the APUC Form X'l07 filing requirements. For the reasons discussed above, we deny the Motion for Waiver. Therefore, the Application for Controlling lnterest is rejected without prejudice to refiling. Final Order This order constitutes the final decision in this proceeding. This decision may be appealed within thirty days of this order in accordance with AS 22.10.020(d) and Alaska Rule of Appellate Procedure 602(a)(2). ln addition to the appellate rights afforded 213 AAC 48.648(bX1) 223 N\C 48.648(bX2) 233 A/qC 48.648(cX2) u-1 7-085(2) - (1 1 108t2017) Page 7 of 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 -9= 3*H g<€seEdEt,c roC :fi Efi3 =1<EEE .e',6'!!>ur b td -r-lO (/,t@ E *:1Bs5EF- 9 by AS 22.10.020(d), a party has the right to file a petition for reconsideration in accordance with 3 AAC 48.105. lf such a petition is filed, the time period for filing an appeal is tolled and then recalculated in accordance with Alaska Rule of Appellate Procedure 602(a)(2). Docket Closure No substantive or procedural matters remain in this proceeding. Accordingly, we close this docket. ORDER THE COMMISSION FURTHER ORDERS: 1 . The Joint Motion for Waiver of Requirement to File Proof of Registration, filed by Hydro One Limited through Olympus Equity LLC and Avista Corporation on September 14,2017, is denied. 2. The Joint Application for Authorization to Acquire a Controlling lnterest in Alaska Electric Light and Power Company, filed by Hydro One Limited through Olympus Equity LLC and Avista Corporation on September 14,2017, is rejected. 3. Docket U-17-085 is closed. DATED AND EFFECTIVE at Anchorage, Alaska, this 8th day of November,2017 . BY DIRECTION OF THE COMMISSION u-1 7-085(2) - (1 1 108t2017 ) Page 8 of 8 N4l ss i>r- ,.4 .:. I t