HomeMy WebLinkAbout20181212Hydro One Supplemental Report.pdft..'I_rartr.frni .,.-. i-, i- l I L- U David J. Meyer Chief Counsel for Regulatory and Governmental Affairs Avista Corporation 1411 E. Mission Ave., MSC-27 Spokane, WA 99220-3727 David. me y er @avistacorp. com In the Matter of the Joint Application of HYDRO ONE LIMITED (acting through its indirect subsidiary Olympus Equity LLC) BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Elizabeth Thomas, Partner Kari Vander Stoep, Partner K&L Gates LLP On Behalf of Hydro One Limited Olympus Equity LLC 925 Fourth Avenue, Suite 2900 Seattle, WA 98104-1158 Liz.thomas@kl gates. com kari.vanderstoep@klgates. com CASE NOS. AVU-E-17-09 AVU-G-17-05 and AVISTA CORPORATION SUPPLEMENTAL REPORT ON HYDRO ONE MANAGEMENT CHANGES For an Order Authorizing Proposed Transaction As required by the Idaho Public Utilities Commission's (the "Commission") July 20, 2018, Order No. 34111 ("July 20th Order"), Hydro One Limited ("Hydro One") provides this Supplemental Report on Hydro One Management Changes and the Proposed Transaction. SUPPLEMENTAL REPORT ON HYDRO ONE MANAGEMENT CHANGES - I ':t'. ? F!l C.?Q! t.rt J. LJ I 2 On December 10, 2018, S&P Global Ratings ("S&P") issued two reports, one each on Hydro One and Avista, in response to the Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission's ("WUTC") decision denying the companies' Joint Application for Transfer of Property. The S&P report on Hydro One, titled "Hydro One Ltd. And Sub Ratings Affirmed As Regulator Rejects M&A Deal With Avista, Off Watch; Outlook Negative," is attached as Attachment A. The S&P report on Avista, titled "Avista Corp. Ratings Affirmed; Off Watch Positive; Outlook Stable," is attached as Attachment B. DATED: December I 1. 201 8 K&L GATES, LLP AVISTA CORPORATION J (L n r4A [* {,n, BY:BY J. Meyer, ISB No. 8317 3 I Elizabeth Thomas, Partner (admitted pro hac vice) Kari Vander Stoep, Partner (admitted pro hac vice) K&L Gates LLP On Behalf of Hydro One Limited Olympus Equity LLC 925 Fourth Avenue, Suite 2900 Seattle, WA 98104-1158 Liz.thomas@kl gates. com kari.vanderstoep@kl gates.com Chief Counsel for Regulatory and Governmental Affairs Avista Corporation 14118. Mission Ave., MSC-27 Spokane, WA 99220-3727 David. meyer@avistacorp. com SUPPLEMENTAL REPORT ON HYDRO ONE MANAGEMENT CHANGES - 2 Ir I *W Attachment A S&P Gtobal Ratings RatingsDirect' Research Update: Hydro One Ltd. And Sub Ratings Affirmed As Regulator Rejects fUae Deal With Avista, Off Watch; Outlook Negative Primar5r Credit Analyst: Andrew Ng, Toronto + 1 (416) 507 2545; andrew.ng@spglobal.com Secondary Contact: Obioma Ugboaja, New York + 1 (212) 438 7406; obioma.ugboaja@spglobal.com Table Of Contents Rating Action Overview Rating Action Rationale Outlook Company Description Our Base-Case Scenario Liquidity Environmental, Social, And Governance Issue Ratings - Subordination Risk Analysis Ratings Score Snapshot(Hydro One Ltd.) Ratings Score Snapshot(Hydro One Inc.) WWW,STANDABDANDPOOBS, COM/RATINGSDIRECT DECEMBER 10,2018 1 Irll: 9l c:lrll: (::lll Related Criteria Ratings List WWW,STANDARDANDPOORS, COM/RATINGSDIBECT DECEMBER 10,2018 2 Research Update: Hydro One Ltd. And Sub Ratings Affirmed As Regulator Rejects M&A Deal With Avista, Off Watch; Outlook Negative Rating Action Overview e The Washingt.on UEilities and TransportaEion Commission (WUTC) has denied the merger petiEion between Hydro One LLd. (HOL) and Avista Corp. o The WUTC's decision, in our view, significantly increases the likelihood t.hat. the transaction will not close as expecEed, reducing the possibility of an imminenu rat.ings downgrade on HOL. . However, in our assessment, the WUTC's decision weakens HOLrs ability to Erack, adjust, and conErol Ehe execuEion of iEs st.rat.egy, and raises broader concerns regarding HOL's governance and strategic direction as it seeks a permanenE CEO. r On Dec. 10, 2018, ScP Global Ratings affirmed it.s 'A-r issuer credit ratings on HOL and subsidiary Hydro One Inc. (HOI) and removed lhe ratings from CreditWaEch, where they were placed wit.h negat.ive implications on June 15, 2018. The outlook on both ent.it.ies is negative. r We also affirmed our issue-leve] ratings on HoI, including the rA-t rating on iEs senior unsecured debt, and the ta-2t globaf and 'A-1 (LOW)' Canadian Nat.ional Scale ratings on its commercial paper program. We removed Ehe raEings from CrediEWatch wit,h negative implicaE.ions. o The negaEive outlooks reflect uncertainEy about. HOL's ability Eo convert its straEegy into construcEive actions Ehat support. Ehe company's financial performance. In addiEion, the negat,ive outlook i-ncorporates broader concerns relat,ed to HOLrs governance, uncert.ainEy regarding Ehe company's sErategic direcEion, and our revised base-case assumption Ehat t.he Avist.a tsransaction is unlikely Eo close as expect.ed, t.he effecE of which resulEs in weaker sLand-alone financial measures for HOL through 20t9. Rating Action Rationale The removal of our CreditWatch negative list.ing reflect.s Ehe decreased likelihood for a one-notch downgrade, incorporating our revised assumption thaE t.he pending EransacEion with Avista Corp. is unlikely Eo close as expect.ed. As a result we forecasE HOL's funds from operaEions (FFO) tso debt, wit.hout Avista, tso be about 12? during our 201,9-2020 outlook period. However, the WIIIC,s decision weakens our view of HOL's abiliEy to Erack, adjusE, and cont.rol t.he execution of iEs strategy, and raises broader concerns related t.o WWW.STANDABDANDPOORS.COM/HATINGSDIBECT DECEMBER 10,2018 3 Researcb Update: Hydro One Ltd. And Sub Ratings Affirrned As Regulator Reiects MdA Deal With Auista, Off Watch ; Outlook Negatiue HOL's governance and sErategic direction, Moreover, our revised base-case assumptions suggesE weaker stand-a1one financial measures for t.he company through 2019, coflectively warranting a negat.ive outl-ook for HOL and HOI Our assessmenE of HOL's business risk is unchanged and contj.nues t.o reflect Ehe utilit.y's large electrlcity distributsion and transmission operations thaE serve about 1.3 million efecEricity cusEomers covering approximaEely ?5? of the province of OnEario. The company has hisEorically benefiEed from supportive regulation in OnEario thaE enables utilit.ies Eo earn cl-ose Eo Eheir authorized reEurn on equity. This is done through the use of a forward-looking tesE year, multiyear rate-seEEing Ehat adjusts to keep costs and rates aligned, decoupling, and variance accouncs that foster full cost recovery. Our base-case assumes the regulatory framework in Ontario remains transparent, st.able, and independenE from governmenE or political influence. We assess HOLrs financial risk using our fow volatiliEy financial benchmark Eab1e, reflecting t.he company's low-risk regulat.ed utility operaEions, and management of regulat.ory risk. Under our revised base-case scenario, which assumes merger terminaEion fees, redemption of the first, installment. of the convertible debentures of abouE C$500 million and accrued inEerest, and transacEion fees incurred thus far, we expect FFO t.o debt of abouE 11.5? in 20t9. Hist.orically, Ehe rationale for the posiCive ratings analysis modlfier reflects our view Ehat the consolidaLed credit. profile of HOL was incrementally stsronger than other peers with similar business profiles, which is no longer Ehe case. CurrenEly, our assessment of the positive ratsings analysis modifier reflecEs our expectat,ion of robusE financial measures for HOL aE its currenE financial risk profile caEegory. Any material deteriorat.ion in HOL's financial performance from our base case scenario could warrant a revision of Ehis modifier, posslbly resulting in a one-notch downgrade. Outlook The negative out.looks reflect uncertainty abouE HOL's abiliEy Eo convert it.s strat.egy inEo consEructive actions EhaE support t.he company's financial- performance. In addiEion, the negative ouElook incorporates broader concerns related to HOIrs governance, uncertainty regarding the companyrs sErategic direction, and our revised base-case assumption thaE Ehe Avista Eransact.ion is unlikely Eo close as expected, the effecE of which, resulEs in weaker sEand-alone financial measures for HOL Ehrough 20L9. Downside scenario We could take a negative raEing action on HOL over Ehe next. 12 months if the WUTC reverses iEs decision on the HOL-Avista merger. We could also lower the rating if t,he company's sErategic decisions result in weaker business or financial risk assessmenEs, includi-ng FFO Eo debE that consisEenEly remains befow 12?. WWW.STANDARDANDPOOBS.COM/RATINGSDIRECT DECEMBER 10,2018 4 Researcb lJpdate: Hydro One Ltd. And Sub Ratings Affirmed As Regulator Rejects MdA Deal With Auista, Off'Watch ; Outlook Negatiue Alt.ernatively, we could downgrade HOL if the ontario government i-ntervenes furEher in HOL's business or operaEing decisions, resulting in additional governance deficiencies LhaE we consider severe. Upside scenario We could revise Ehe outlook on HOL t.o stable if t.he company continues iEs hi.storic focus on 1ow-risk regulaLed utility operat.ions and the company's forward strategy does not weaken its business risk and financial measures, maintaining FFO to debE above 12?, consistently. Company Description Hydro One, through its subsidiaries, operates as an electrical Eransmission and dj.st.ribut.ion (T&D) company in Ont.ario. It operat.es through three segments: transmission, distribution, and other business, The company owns and operates approximatety 30,000 circuit kilomeEers of high-voltage transmission network, 123,000 circuit kilometers of 1ow-volt.age distribution network, and 308 transmission sEations. It serves approximat.ely 1.3 million residential and business cusEomers across the province of OnEario, as well as large indust.rial customers and local distribuEion companies. Our Base-Case Scenario . Assessment. of HOL on a stand-alone basis without Avista. . Merger terminaEion fees per the terms of t.he merger agreement. o RedempEion of Ehe first insEallment of the convertible debentures of about C$500 mi1]ion, plus accrued interesE, issued in 201,7. . No strucEural change Uo Ehe uEility regulatory framework in Ontario. e The Ont.ario utiliEy regulator, the Ontario Energy Board (OEB) remains independenE from governmenE int.erference. . No adverse regulatory decisions from the OEB. Liquidity We assess HOLrs lj.quidity as adeguate. We expect. liquidit,y sources Eo exceed uses by more t.han 1.1x over the next 12 months. In the event of a l-0? decline in EBITDA, we also expect liquidity sources will cover uses. In our view, t.he company has sound relationships with banks and a generally sat.isfact.ory standing in Ehe credit markets. fn Ehe unlikely evenE of liguidit.y di-st.ress, we expecE HOL to scale back its capital spending to preserve its liquidit.y posit,ion. Princi.pal liquiditsy sources: WWW,STANDARDANDPOORS.COMiBATINGSDIBECT DECEMBER 10,2018 5 Researcb Update: Hydro One Ltd. And Sub Ratings Affirmed As Regulator Rejects M(yA Deal With Auista, Off Watcb ; Outlook Negatiue . AbouE C$615 million cash as of Sept. 30, 2018; . Commit.ted crediE facilit.ies availabiliEy of about C$2.55 billion as of Sept. 30, 2018; and . Cash FFO of abouE C$1.6 billion over the nexE 12 monEhs. Principal l-iquidity uses:. Debt. maEurit.ies of about C$1.9 billion over the next 12 monEhs, including long-Eerm, shorL-Eerm, commercial paper, and redempEion of the convertj-b1e debenEures ; . Capital spending of about C$1.6 billion over the next 12 months; o Dividend pa)rmenUs of about C$500 mi]lion over t.he next 12 months; and o Abouts C$105 million for Ehe acquisitsion of Peterborough DisLribut.ion fnc. Environmental, Social, And Governance HOL's exposure Eo environmental risk is guite manageable compared with its elecEric utili-E,y peer group, since T&D companies are more favorably positioned t.han t.heir counEerparEs wj-th owned power generatlon asset.s. From a social perspecEive, high power prices and consumer el-ectricity bills are highly poliEicized in Ontario. We view this negatively in Eerms of regulaEory advantage, since polit.ical inEerference is a potenEial negative credit, factor. However, Ehe primary goal of Ehe company's critics is focused on reducing power costs, not T&D rates. These objectives can reduce social" risks in t,he short Eerm, buE excessive political interference could const.raint, managementls effect.iveness over t.j-me and hinder long-Eerm credit guality. From a management and governance sEandpoint., the Ontari.o government. recent.ly passed an amendmenE Eo the Ontario Energy Board Act (OEBA) Eo exclude any compensat.ion paid to HOL's CEO and other senior executives from consumer rat.es. We vi-ew Ehis legislaEive acEion as a governance deficiency related to HOL's ownership strucEure since the OnEario Province exercised its legislative authorit.y Eo lower elecEricitsy rat.es, consistent wit.h the governmentrs election campaign promises. In our view, the use of t.his legislative authority Eo influence HOL's compensation structure for executives undermines the effect.iveness of Ehe company's governance strucEure, and potentially promoE.es the i-nterests and priorj-Eies of the OnEario governmenE above those of other st.akeholders. We also note tshat these events fol-lowed the recent resignaEion of Hydro Oners entire previous board of directors. AddiEional interferences in HOL's business or operaEing decisions could resulE in a weaker assessment of t.he company's governance, reflecting severe deficiencies. With respect to HOL's sErategic posiEioning, the WUTC's rejecLion of its merger petj-E.i-on wit.h AvisEa suggests that HOL may be unable Eo convert st.rat.egic decisions into constructive acEions, which in our assessment weakens t.he companyrs overall ability Eo Erack, adjust and cont.rol the executj,on of WWW.SIAN DARDANDPOOBS,COM/BATINGSDIRECT DECEMBER 10,2018 6 Research Update: Hydro One Ltd. And Sub Ratings Affirmed As Regulator Rejects MbA Deal With Auista, Off Watch ; Outlook Ne gatiue its strategy Issue Ratings - Subordination Risk Analysis Capital structure HOL's capital structure consists of abouE $L0.5 billion of senior unsecured long-t.erm debt, all of which is issued by HOI. There is no senior unsecured debt aE the HOL fevel. Analytical conclusions We consider HOf as a gualifying invesE.ment.-grade regulat.ed utility under our criLeria. As such, we raEe iEs senior unsecured debt the same as our i-ssuer credit raEing on HOI. Ratings Score Snapshot(Hydro One Ltd.) Issuer Credit RaEing: A-/NegaEive/ -- Business risk: ExcellenE. Country risk: Very low o Industry risk: Very low . compeEitive position: Excel]enE Financial risk: SignificanEr Cash flow/Leverage: Significant Anchor: a- Modifiers o Diversificatsion/Port.folio effect: Neutral (no impact) . CapiEal structure: NeuEral (no impact) r Financial policy: Neutral (no impacE) o LiguidiEy: AdeguaEe (no impacE) . Management. and governance: Fair (-1 not.ch) . Comparable raEing analysis: Posit.ive (+1 notch) Stand-alone credits profile: a- Group credit profile: a- WTVW,STANDAHDANDPOOHS.COM/RATINGSDIRECT DECEMBER 10,2018 7 Research Update: Hydro One Ltd. And Sub Ratings Affirmed As Regulator Reiects MdyA Deal Witb Auista, Off Watch ; Outlook Negatiue StaEus wit.hin group: ParenE Ratings Score Snapshot(Hydro One Inc.) Issuer Credit. Rating: A-,/Negative/A-Z Business risk: Excellent o Country risk: Very low . fndustry risk: Very Iow o CompetiEive posiEion: Excellent Financial risk: Significant o Cash f low,/Leverage: Signif icant. Anchor: a- Modi f iers o Diversification/PorEfolio effect: NeuEral (no impacE) . CapiEal strucEure: Neutral (no impact) o Financial policy: Neutsral (no impact) r Liguidity: AdequaEe (no impact) . ManagemenE and governance: Fair (-l- not.ch) . Comparable rating analysis: Posit.ive (+1 notsch) Stand-a1one credi-t, prof i-1e: a- Group credit profile: a- SEat.us within group: core (no impact.) Related Criteria o Criteria - Corporates - General: Reflecting Subordination Risk In Corporat,e fssue Ratings, March 28, 201-8 . General CriEeria: MeEhodology For Linking Long-Term And short-Term Ratings , April 7, 2017 o General CriEeria: Rating Government-Related EnEities: Methodology And Assumptions, March 25, 201-5 o CriEeria - CorporaEes - General: Methodology And Assumpt.ions: Liquidit.yDescriptors For G1oba1 Corporate Issuers, Dec, 1G, 2Ol4 WWW,STANDABDANDPOOHS.COM/RATINGSDIBECT DECEMBER 10,2018 8 Research Update: Hydro One Ltd. And Sub Ratings Affirmed As Regulator Re'jects MdA Deal'V/ith Auista, Off Watch ; Outlooh Negatiue o General Critseria: MeEhodology: Indust,ry Risk, Nov. 19, 20]-3 . GeneraL CriEeria: Group RaEing Methodology, Nov. !9, 20t3 o Criteria - CorporaEes - UtsiliEies: Key Credit. FacEors For The Regulated Utilit.ies IndusEry, Nov. a9, 20L3 o Crit,eria - CorporaEes - General: Corporate Methodology: RaLios And Adjust.menEs, Nov. 19, 20]-3 r Criteria - CorporaEes - General: CorporaEe Methodology, Nov. L9, 20a3 . General Critseria: CounEry Risk AssessmenE Methodology And Assumptions, Nov. 19, 2Ot3 . General Criteria: MeEhodology: Management, And Governance CrediE Fact.ors For Corporatse Entities And Insurers, Nov. 1-3, 20L2 . General CriLeria: Use Of CreditWatch And Outlooks, Sept. !4, 2009 Ratings List Ratings Affirmed; CreditwaEch/OuElook Action To Hydro One Limit.ed Issuer Credit Rating A-/Negaeive/-- Hydro One Inc. fssuer Credit Rating From A-lwatch Neg/-- A-lNegative/I.-2 A-lWatch Neg/A-2 Hydro One Inc. Senior Unsecured Commercial Paper Commercial Paper A- A-r. (LOW) A-2 A-lwat.ch Neg A-1 (LOW) /Watch Neg A-2,/Watch Neg Cert.ain Uerms used in t.his report., particularly cerEain adjectives used Eo express our view on rating reLevant factors, have specific meanings ascribed to Ehem in our criteria, and should Eherefore be read in conjuncEion with such crit.eria. Please see Ratings Cri-Eeria aE www,st.andardandpoors.com for further informat.ion. CompleEe raEings i-nformat.ion is available to subscribers of RatingsDirect aE www.capitalig.com. All- ratings affected by Chis rating action can be found on S&P Globaf RaEings' public websiEe at www.standardandpoors.com. Use the RaEings search box locat.ed in Ehe left column. WWW.SIANDARDANDPOOFS, CO[,{/RATI NGSDIBECT DECEMBER 10,2018 9 Copyright @ 2018 by Standard & Poor's Financial Services LLC. All rights reserved. modified, reverse engineered, reproduced or distributed in any form by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without the prior written permission of providers, as well as their directors, officers, shareholders, employees or agents (collectively S&P Parties) do not guarantee the accuracy, completeness, timeliness or of the Content, or for the security or maintenance of any data inpul by the user. The Content is provided on an "as is" basis. S&P PABTIES DISCLAIM ANY AND ALL EXPBESS OR IMPLIED WAHRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, ANY WARRANTIES OF MEBCHANTABITITY OB FITNESS FOB A PARTICULAR PUBPOSE OR USE. FREEDOM FROM BUGS, SOFM/ABE ERBOBS OR DEFECTS, THAI THE CONIENT'S FUNCTIONING WILL BE UNINTEBBUPTED OR THAT THE CONTENT WILL OPERATE WITH ANY SOFIWARE 0R HABDWAHE C0NFIGURATI0N. ln no event shall S&P Parties be liable to any party lor any direct, indirect, incidental, exemplary, compensatory, punitive, negligence) in connection with any use of the Content even if advised of the possibility of such damages. Credit-related and other analyses, including ratings, and statements in the Content are statements of opinion as of the date they are expressed and not statements of fact. S&P's opinions, analyses and raling acknowledgment decisions (described below) are not recommendations to purchase, hold, or sell any securities orto make any investment decisions, and do not address the suitability of any security, S&P assumes no obligation to update the Content following publication in any form or format. The Content should not be relied on and is nol a substitute for the skill, judgment and experience of the user, its management, employees, advisors and/or clients when making investment and other business decisions. S&P does not act as a fiduciary or an investment advisor except where registered as such. While S&P has obtained information from sources it believes to be reliable, S&P does not perform an audit and undertakes no duty of due diligence or independent verification of any information it receives. Rating. of a periodic update on a credit rating and related analyses. To the extent that regulatory authorities allow a rating agency t0 acknowledge in one jurisdiction a rating issued in another jurisdiction for certain regulator purposes, S&P reserves the right to assign, withdraw or suspend such acknowledgment at any time and in its sole discretion. S&P Parties disclaim any duty whatsoever arising out of the assignment, withdrawal or suspension of an acknowledgment as well as any liability for any damage alleged to have been suffered on account thereof. S&P keeps certain activities of its business units separate from each other in order to preserve the independence and objectivity of their respective activities. As a result, certain business units of S&P may have information that is not available to other S&P business units, S&P has established policies and procedures to maintain the confidentiality of certain non-public information received in connection with each analytical process. its opinions and analyses. S&P's public ratings and analyses are made available on its Web sites, www.standardandpoors.com (free of charge), and www.ratingsdirect.com and www.globalcreditportal.com (subscription), and may be distribuled through other means, including via S&P publications and third-party redistributors. Additional information about our ratings fees is available at www.standardandp00rs.com/usratingsfees. STANDARD & P00B'S, S&P and BATINGSDIRECT are registered trademarks of Standard & Poor's Financial Services LLC. WWW,STANDARDANDPOOHS. COMiRATINGSDIBECT DECEMBER 10,2018 10 Attachment B S&P Gtobat Ratings Research Research Update: Avista Corp. Ratings Affirmed; Off Watch Positive; Outlook Stable Primary Credit Analyst: Obioma Ugboaja, New York + 1 (212) 438 7 406; obioma.ugboaja@spglobal.com Secondary Contacts: Sloan Millman, New York + I (212). 438 2146; sloan.millman@spglobal.com Kevin M Sheridan, New York + I (212l. 438 3022; kevin.sheridan@spglobal.com Table Of Contents Rating Action Overview Rating Action Rationale Outlook Company Description Liquidity Environmental, Social, And Governance(ESG) Issue Ratings - Subordination Risk Analysis Issue Ratings - Recovery Analysis Ratings Score Snapshot Related Criteria Ratings List ururw. sTAlf DAnDAI| DPoons. coM @ S&P Global Ratings. AJl rights reserved. No reprint or dissemination without S&P Global Ratings' pemission. See Tems of Use,/Disclaimer on the last page. DECEMBER 10,2018 I 2141978 Research Update: Avista Corp. Ratings Affirmed; Off Watch Positive; Outlook Stable Rating Action Overview o The Washington UEiliEies and Transport.aEion Commission (WUTC) has denied t,he merger peeition beEween Avista Corp. and Hydro One Limit.ed (HOL) . o The WUTC's decision, in our view, significant.ly increases the 1ike1i-hood that the transacEion will not close, despite other regulatory approvals achieved from oEher states. . We are affirming our ratings on Avista, and removing our CreditwaEch Posit.ive listing on the company. r The stable outlook reflects our base-case expecEat.ion that Avist.a will most likely continue to operate as a stand-alone regulated utility, and that t.he company's funds from operations (FFO) to debt will stay at. about L6t through 2020. Rating Action Rationale On Dec. 10, 2018, ScP Globa1 Ratings affirmed it.s ,BBB/A-2' long- and short-term issuer credit raEings on Avj-sta Corp. and the IA- | issue rating on its senior secured debt. At the same, we removed the raEings from CreditWatchwith positive implications, where they were placed on \Tune 15, 201-8 (see',Hydro One Ltd. And Hydro One Inc. Placed On Wat.ch Negative, Avista Corp. On Watch Positive Ahead Of Regulatory Approvals't). the outlook on Avista is stable. The rating action follows the WUTC's rejection of Ehe merger petition beEween Avist.a and HOL. Because Washington is Avista's largest. jurisdict.ion, the WUTC's decision, in our view, significantly increases the likelihood that the Eransact,ion may noE close as expecEed, despite other regulatory approvals achieved from ot.her staEes. As such, we no longer incorporate in our base case Ehe potential for ratings uplift on Avista as previously expected, given that Hydro One Limit,ed is rated higher t.han Avista. Our assessment of Avista's business risk profile primarily reflects its managemenE of regulatory risk, since about 95? of the companyts overall EBITDAis derived from 1ow-risk regulated utility operatlons. The company is generally authorized Lo use various cost recovery mechanisms to help alleviate regulat.ory 1ag, buE is somewhat exposed to potent.ial excess power cosLs,typically tied to an earnings sharing mechanism in Washington. Our businessrisk assessment also incorporates our view of the company's regulatory diversity and generation mix. Avista primarily operates in Washingt.on andIdaho; Oregon and Alaska jointly cont.ribuEe less than 10? of it.s consolidaEed $ruyw.sTAttDARDArDpooRs.coM DECEMBER tO,2Ot$ 2 @ S&P Global Ratings. AII rights reserved. No reprint or disseminauon without S&P Global Ratings' permission. See Terms of Use/Disclaimer on rhe 2t4tgi8 last page. Research Update: Auista Corp. Ratings Affirmed; Off Watch Positiue; Outlook Stable revenues. Moreover, the company's dependence on hydro-electsric generation introduces fuel replacemenE risk during periods of unfavorable hydro conditions. We assess Avist.a's financial risk profile under our medial volatilit.y financial benchmark tab1e, reflecEing the company's business risk derived from its low risk regulated utillty operations and average management. of regulaEory risk. Under our base-case scenarj-o--including capital spending averaging about $430 miI1ion, dividends of abouE $l-00 million, periodic raEe cases, and Lhe effects of U.S. tax reform--we expect FFO to debt, to average about 15? through 2020. Our base case also assumes a merger termination fee payment to Avista from Hydro One, as per Ehe merger agreement terms, reflect.ing Ehe lack of regulat,ory approval in Washington. Outlook The stable outlook reflects our base-case expectat.ion that. Avista will mosE like1y continue Eo operate as a sLand-a1one regulated uEilit.y, and that the company's FFO tso debt will stay at around 16? through 2020. Downside scenario We could lower our raEings on Avist.a during the next two years if Ehe company shift.s iEs strategic focus Eo other business act.ivit.ies thaE weaken its credj.t guality, or if the company's management of regulatory risk weakens, relative to our expectations. We could also lower our ratings if adverse regulatory decisions weaken the company's FFO to debt consistently below 15?. Upside scenario We could raise the rating on Avista if the company materially improves its financial measures, including FFO t.o debt that is consistently above 21?. Company Description Avi-sta is a vertically integrated regulated electric and natural gas uEility company. It. operates through Lwo segments, Avista Ut.i1it.i-es and AEL&P. Avista Utilities provides electric distribution and transmission, and natural gas distribution services in parts of eastern Washington and northern Idaho; and natural gas d!-sEribution services in parts of nort.heastern and southwestern Oregon. AEL&P offers electric services Eo approximately 17,000 customers in t.he city and borough of ,Juneau, Alaska. Overa11, AvisLa has about 382,000 electric customers and approximately 347,000 natural gas cusEomers. Liquidity We assess Avista's liquidity as adequate. we expecL Ehe company's sources to cover uses by more than 1.1x over the next 12 months even in the event of a 10? decl-ine in EBITDA. Our assessment, also reflect.s the company's generally prudent risk management, sound relaEionships with banks, and generally $nTW.STAI|DARDANDPOOnS.COM DECEMBER 10,2018 3 @ S&P Global Ratings. All rights resewed. No reprint or dissemination without S&P Global Ratings'permission. See Tems of Use,/Disclaimer on the 2141978 last page. Research Update: Auista Corp. Ratings Affirmed; Off 'Watch Positiue; Outlook Stable satisfacEory standing in the credit markets. Principal LiquidiEy Sources o Revolving credit facilit.y of $400 million; . Cash FFO of $330 millioni and o Minimal cash assumed. Principal LiguidiEy Uses . Long-Eerm debt maturities of about $272 million in 2019; o Assumed mainEenance capital spending of $245 million; and r Dividends of approximately $100 mi11ion. Environmental, Social, And Governance(EsG) With a Eotal generat.i-on fleet capaciEy of over 1,800 megawaEts, close to 45? of which j-s based on fossil-fired generat.ion, Avj-st.a's environmental footprint is a significanE risk factor, including from nat.ural gas (35t) and coal (around 10?) . This reflects the potential for ongoing cosE of operat.lng fossil units in the face of disruptive technol-ogy advances and t.he potential for changing environmenEal regulations t.haE may reguire significant capital investments. In addition, the company's dependence on hydro-electric generation int.roduces fuel replacemenL risk during periods of unfavorable hydro conditions. From a social perspective, Avista's safety and health management sysEems processes enable it Eo effectively serve electrici-ty customers across four states. Governance factors are neutral Eo our ESG assessmenE. Avista has board of directors who, in our view, are capably engaged in risk oversight, including on matters that affect the company's financia] performance, regulatory relations, and environmental mandates. Issue Ratings - Subordination Risk Analysis Capital structure Avistats consolidated capital structure comprises about $L.8 billion of long-t.erm debt, most of which j-s secured, and abouE $50 million of preferred sEock, issued through Avista Capital II. Analytical conclusions We raEe the preferred stock issued by Avista Capit.al- II two notches below tshe issuer credit rating to reflecE the deferability of t.he dividends, and because it is deeply subordinated Eo oEher j-nstrumenEs in the company's capital sEructure, consistent wj-t.h our criteria. The short-term rating on Avista is 'A-2', based on our long-term issuer credit rating on Ehe company. Issue Ratings - Recovery Analysis Avist.a's first-mortgage bonds benefit. from a first-priority lien on subst,antially all of the utilityts owned or subsequenEly acquired real unilw.sTAI{DARDAttDpOOnS.COM DECEMBEB t0,20t8 4 @ S&P Global Ratings, All rights reserved. No reprint or dissemination without S&P Global Ratings' permission. See Terms of Use/Disclaimer on the 21419i8 last page. Research Update: Auista Corp. Ratings Affirmed; Off 'Watch Positiue; Outlook Stable propert,y. Collateral coverage of more than L.5x supports a recovery rating of '1+tand an rA-r issue raEing, two noEches above the issuer credit raEing. Ratings Score Snapshot Issuer Credit Rating: BBB/Stable/A-2 Bus j-ness risk: Stsrongr Country risk: Very 1ow . Industry risk: Very 1ow . Competitive position: Satisfact.ory Financial rj-sk: Significant r Cash flow/Leverage: Significant Anchor: bbb Modifiers o Diversi-fication/Portfollo effect: NeutraL (no impact) . CapitaL seructure: NeuEral (no impact.) o Fi-nancial policy: NeuEral (no impact) . Liguidity: AdequaEe (no impact) . Management and governance: Sat,isfactory (no impact) . Comparable ratsing analysis: Neutral (no impact.) St.and-a1one credit profile: bbb Related Criteria o Criteria - CorporaEes - General: Reflect.ing Subordination Risk In Corporate Issue Ratings, March 28, 2078 . GeneraL CriEeria: Methodology For Linking Long-Term And Short-Term Ratings , April 7, 201-7 o Criteria I Corporates I General: Methodology And Assumptions: Liquidity Descriptors For Globa1 Corporate Issuers, Dec. 16, 201,4 r Criteria - CorporaEes - Utilities: Key Credit Factors For The Regulated Ut.ilities Industry, Nov. A9, 2013 . General Critseria: Country Risk Assessment Methodology And Assumptions, Nov. 19, 2013 WWW.STAI|DARDANDPOORS.COM DECEMBER 10,2018 5 @ S&P Global Ratings. All rights reserued. No reprint or dissemination without S&P Global Ratings'permission. See Terms of Use,/Disclaimer on the 21419?8 last page. Research Update: Auista Corp. Ratings Affirmed; Off 'Watch Positiue; Outlook Stable . General Criteria: Methodology: Industry Risk, Nov. !9, 2073 o Crit.eria - CorporaEes - General: Corporate Methodology, Nov. 19, 20]-3 . GeneraL Criteria: Group RaEi-ng MeEhodology, Nov. !9, 2013 o Criteria I CorporaEes I General.: Corporat.e Methodology: Ratios And Adjustments, Nov. L9, 20L3 o Crit.eria - Corporates - Utilities: Collateral Coverage And Issue Not.chi-ng Rules For 11+ I And I 1 ' Recovery Rat.ings On Senior Bonds Secured By UtiliEy Real ProperEy, Feb. 14, 2013 . General Criteria: Methodology: ManagemenL And Governance CrediE Factors For Corporatse EnEities And Insurers, Nov. 13, 20L2 . General Crit.eria: Use Of CreditWat.ch And Outlooks, SepE. !4, 2009 o Crit,eria - Insurance - General: Hybrid Capit.al Handbook: September 2008 Edition, SepE. 15, 2008 Ratings List Ratings Affirmed; From Avist.a Corp. Issuer Credit RaEing BBB/SLable/A-2 BBB/WaEch pos/e-Z Avista Corp. Senior Secured CreditwaEch/Out.1ook Act ion To A- BB+ A-lwatch Pos Avista Capit.al 1I Preferred Stock BB+/WaEch Pos Certain terms used in this reporE., particularly certain adjectives used to express our view on rating rel-evant factors, have specific meanings ascribed to them in our criteria, and should therefore be read in conjunctJ-on with such criteria, Please see Ratings Criteria at. www.standardandpoors.com for furtherj-nformation. Complete ratj.ngs information is available Lo subscrj-bers of RatingsDirect at www.capiEaliq.com. A11 ratings affect.ed by this rat.ing action can be found on S&P Globa1 Ratings' public website at www.sEandardandpoors.com. Use the Ratings search box Located in Ehe ]eft column. W'WW.STANDARDAIIDPOORS.COM DECEMBER 10,2018 6 @ S&P Global Ratings. All rights reserued. No reprint or dissemination without S&P Global Ratings' permission. See Terms ofUse/Disclaimer on the 21419?8 last page. Copyright @ 2018 Standard & Poor's Financial Services LLC. 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Rating- related publications may be published for a variety of reasons that are not necessarily dependent on action by rating committees, including, but not limited to, the publication ofa periodic update on a credit rating and related analyses. To the extent that regulatory authorities allow a rating agency to acknowledge in one jurisdiction a rating issued in anotherjurisdiction for cenain regulatory purposes, S&P reserves the right to assign, withdraw or suspend such ac}nowledgment at any time and in its sole discretion. S&P Parties disclaim any duty whatsoever arising out ofthe assignment, withdrawal or suspension ofan acknowledgrnent as well as any liability for any damage alleged to have been suffered on account thereof. S&P keeps certain activities of its business units separate from each other in order to preserve the independence and objectivity of their respective activities. As a result, certain business units of S&P may have information that is not available to other S&P business units. S&P has established policies and procedures to maintain the confidentiality of certain non-public information received in connection with each analytical process. S&P may receive compensation for its ratings and certain credit-related analyses, normally from issuers or underwriters of securities or from obligors. S&P reserves the right to disseminate its opinions and analyses. S&P's public ratings and analyses are made available on its Web sites, www.standardandpoors.com (free of charge), and www.ratingsdirect.com and www.globalcreditportal.com (subscription), and may be distributed through other means, including via S&P publications and third-party redistributors. Additional information about our ratings fees is available at www.standardandpoors. com/usratingsfees. Standard 6( Poor's I Research I December 10,2018 214r978 7