HomeMy WebLinkAbout20181116First Amendment to Stipulation and Settlement.pdfri:r'-f,\./trI\..L-\J.* t'l ;lJ David J. Meyer, Esq. Vice President and Chief Counsel of Regulatory and Governmental Aflairs Avista Corporation I41l E. Mission Avenue P.O.Box3727 Spokane, Washington 99220 Phone: (509) 495-4316, Fax: (509) 495-8851 Brandon Karpen Deputy Attorney General Idaho Public Utilities Commission StafT P.O. Box 83720 Boise.lD 83720-0074 Phone: (208) 334-0312, F ax: (208) 334-37 62 IN THE MATTER OF THE JOTNT ) APPLTCATTON OF HYDRO ONE ) LIMITED AND AVISTA CORPORATION ) FOR APPROVAL OI-- MERGER )AGREEMENT ) BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION ', ' l ':,, l - f:l iElizabcth'l'homas,Partner' ' ' iJ i"I ) Kari Vander Stoep, Paftner K&L Gatcs LLP On Behalf of Hydro One Limited Olympus Equity Ll.C 925 Fourth Avenue. Suite 2900 Seattle, WA 98104-1158 Liz.thomas@kl gates.com kari. v anderstoep@,k I gate s. c om AVU-E-17-09 AVU-G-17-05 iQ CASE NO FIRST AMENDMENT TO STIPULATION AND SETTLEMENT This First Amendment to Stipulation and Settlement (hereinafter "First Amendment") is entered into by and among the fbllowing parties in this case: Signatories include: Hydro One Limited ("Hydro One"), acting through its indirect, wholly-owned subsidiary Olympus Equity LLC, and Avista Corporation ("Avista") (sometimes hereafter jointly referred to as "Joint Applicants" or the "Companies"), the Staff of the Idaho Public Utilitics Commission ("Staff'). Clearwater Paper Corporation ("Clearwater"), Idaho Forest Group, LLC ("ldaho Forest Group"). Idaho Conservation League ("lCL"), the Community Action Partnership Association of ldaho ('CAPAI") and, the Washington and Northern Idaho District Council of Laborers ("WNIDCL"), These entities are collectively referred to as the "Signatories". The Signatories undersland this First FIRST AMENDMENT TO STIPULATION AND SETTI,EMENT _ AVU.E,-17-09 & AVU.G-17-05 Page 1 Amendment is subject to approval by the Idaho Public Utilities Commission ("IPUC" or the "Commission"). l. On April 13,2018, all parties (excluding the Idaho Department of Water Resources ("IDWR") and the "Avista Customer Group" ("ACG')l) entered into. and filed. a Stipulation and Settlement meant to resolve all issues in this proceeding and recommending approval of the Joint Applicants' Application to exercise substantial influence over Avista (hereinafter referred to as the "rnerger lransaction"). 2. Attached to the April 13th Stipulation and Settlement as Exhibit A, were a set of agreed-upon commitments, numbering 73 in total, that allowed all parties (excluding IDWR and the ACG, who had not yet intervened), to support the Stipulation and Settlement. 3. Hydro One entered into an agreement with the Province of Ontario datedJuly 11,2018 for the purpose of the orderly replacement of the Board of Drectors of Hydro One and the retirement of Mayo Schmidt as the chief executive officer (hereinafter referred to as "management changes"). 4. The technical hearing previously scheduled for July 23,2018 was vacated, in light of the news of the management changes. 5. On August 15, 2018, the Joint Applicants notified the Commission that the members of the new Hydro One Board of Directors had been named, and the Joint Applicants requested that the Cornmission direct the parties to meet and confer about re-establishing a case schedule. On Seplember 10,2018, the parties met (including ACG and IDWR) and agreed upon a proposed I IDWR and thc ACG were late intervenors in the Case. IDWR petitioned to intervene and was granted intervention on Jufy 20,2018. The ACG petitioned to intervene and was granted intervention on .luly 19, 2018. FIRST AMENDMENT 'fO STIPULATION AND SETTLEMENT - AVU-D-17.09 & AVT]-G.17-05 Page 2 schedule, which was later approved by the Commission on September 20,2018, with technical hearings set for November 26,2018, carrying over to November 27 ,2018, if nccdcd. 6. Based on supplemental testirnony submitted by the parties, as well as continuing discussions among all parties, the Signatories have reached an agreement on revisions/additions to the commitments originally attached as Exhibit A to the April 13th Stipulation and Settlement. 'fhese revisions/additions address the impact of the managemenl changes and the potential for Provincial involvement in the affairs of Hydro One and Avista, as well as addressing concerns by the IDWR. Thcsc revised commitments are attached as Revised Exhibit A to this First Amendment. This revised list of commitments should supplant, in its entirety, the list of commitments previously attached as Exhibit A to the April l3tl'stipulation and Settlement. In all other respects, the provisions of the April 13ti' Stipulation and Settlement remain in full force and effect. 7. Revised Exhibit A to this First Amendment consolidates all commitments into final form and is attached. (Staff Witness Carlock is spbnsoring as Exhibit 101, this revised set of cornmitments.) 8. Exhibit B to this First Amendment shows in redlined forrn the changes that have been made to the oriqinal Exhibit A to the April 13th Stipulation, for ease of comparison, and is also attached. DATED this 14th day of November. 2018. FIRST AMENDMENT TO STIPULATION AND SE,TTLEMENT _ AVU-E-17.09 & AVU-C-17-05 Page 3 HYDRO ONE LIMITEI) By: Elizabeth'fhomas, Parlner, K&L Gatcs LLP Kari Vander Stoep, Partner, K&L Oates LLP On Bchalf of l{ydro One Limitcd and Olympus Equity LLC STAF'F'OT THE IDAHO PUBLIC ISSTON IDAHO tr'OREST GROUP, LLC Ron L. Williams Attomey for Idaho Forcst Croup, LLC WASHINGTON AND NORTIIERN IDAHO DTSTRICT COUNCIL OF LABORERS By: Danielle Franco-Malone Schwerin Campbell Bamard lglitz.in & Lavitt, LLP //2 47tw*s ,fl/,r AVISTA CORPORATION By Davitl.ffiycr- " 'ZAttomcy for Avista Corporation CLEARWATER PAPER CORPORA.TION Peter Richardson I Grcg Adams Attorncys for Clcarwater Paper IDAHO CONSERVATION LEAGUE Bcnjamin Otto Idaho Conscrvation Lcague COMMUNITY ACTION PARTNERSHIP ASSOCIATION OF IDAHO Brad Purdy Attorncy for CAPAI FIRST AMENDMEN'T'fO SI'IPULATION AND SEfiLEMENT _ AVU-E-I7-09 & AVU-G-17-05 Page 4 HYDRO ONE LIMITEI)AVISTA CORPORATION 4-7rwox tll n*7 ta By;l)aviM,Mdycr u / Attorncy for Avista CorporationElizabeth'l-homas, Paflner, K&L Gatcs LLP Kari Vander Stoep. Pafiner, K&[, Gates LLP On Bchalf of l{ydro One Limited and Olympus [quity t,l,Cl STAFF OF THE TDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMTSSION CLEARWATER PAPIIR CORPORATION , By: tlv lc / Grcg AdamsBrandon Karpen Deputy Atlorney General Attorneys lbr Clcarwater Paper IDAHO CONSERVATION LEAGUEIDAHO FOREST (}ROUP, LLC By: By: Ron L. Williams Attorney fbr Idaho Forcst Croup, [,LC Benjamin Otto ldaho Conservation l,cague WASHINGTON AND NORTHERN IDAHO DISTRICT CO{"INCIL OF LABORERS COMMUNITY ACTION PARTNERSHIP ASSOCIATION OF IDAHO By By: Daniel le Franco- Malone Schwerin Campbell Barnard lglitzin &Lavitt, t,I,P Brad Purdy Attorney fbr CAPAI FIRST AMENDMIN]' 'I'O S]'IPULATION ANI) SE'TTLEMENT - AVU.E,-17.09 & AVU-G.17-05 page 4 /2 HYl)llo (}:,1Ii l-l lllI'l't:l)AYIS'l',\ (:() til,oltA'l'l()N //2 %lowax 13v B)': Elizabeth'lhomas. Parlner. K&L Cutcs l.LP Kari Vander Stoep. Partner. K&1. Catcs I.l.P On llchalf ol'l lvdro Onc Linritccl and Oll,rnpus lieluity l,,l.C Attorncy for Avista Corporalion S'l',l't'F Of''l'HE ll)i\l I0 PLl l.il.l(' UTILITI ES CON,I},IISSIO\ ('1.E,,\ll\\'i\.l'li ll l'/\ l'li lt cottPottA'noN l].r : Brandon Karpen Deputl, Attonrcv Gencml Pctcr lticluu'ds.rn , (ircg .,\danrs Atlornels lirr Clcaru'alcr Pirpcr ID,\HO C'Olt{Sn R\/Al' t0N l.t,:A(; t I t'. TDAIIO F'OREST (;ROIIP. I.I,(' fl,^ilil'*ts1 By:Bcnjanrirr Otto Idaho Conscn'ltirrn l.cagucRon 1.. \\'illianrs Attornel lbr ldaho ljorcst (iroup. LL( \\'ASt I tN(;TON AN l) )-Oltl'l I ti Rr IDAI{O DTSTITICT COL]NCIL OF L.{BORERS c'()ll l\ I t, N tT\' .,\('l'to N t,,\ ta't'\ li t{sl I I l, ,\SSOCIA'l'lON OF I l)AlI( ) ll1': Il)';Bracl Purdl' r\ltonrcl' tor ('AP;\lDaniel le Francr:- [t,lalone Schucrin Canrphell lJrrnard lglitzin & l-n'itt. i.I.P FIRST AMENDMENT TO S]'tPt'LATION AND SETTI.EMIINT - AVI I.F".I7.IIq & AVIi.(i-17-05 l'agc .l tr7 ta HYDRO ONE LIMITET) /4'7ow*g By Elizabeth Thomas, Parlner, K&L Gates I.LP Kari Vander Stoep, Partner, K&L Gates LLP On Behalf of Hydro One Limited and Olympus Equity LI,C STAFF OF THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION By: Brandon Karpen Deputy Attorney General IDAHO FOREST GROUP, LLC By: Ron L. Williams Attomey for Idaho Forest Group, LLC WASHIN(;TON AND NORTHERN IDAHO DISTRICT COUNCIL OF LABORERS By AVISTA CORPORATION l4c--7 Attorney for Avista Corporation CLEARWATER PAPER CORPORATION llv Peter Richardson i Creg Adams Attorneys for Clearwater Paper IDAHO CONSERVATTON LEAGUE By Benjamin Otto Idaho Conservation COMMUNITY ACTION PARTNERSHIP ASSOCIATION OF IDAHO Ilv Brad Pwdy Attomey for CAPAIDanielle Franco-Malone Schwerin Campbell Barnard Igliuin & Lavitt, LLP FIRST AMENDMENT TO STIPULATION AND SETTLEMENT - AVU.E.I7.Og & AVU-G-17-05 Page 4 By:/2 ,,7 HYDRO ONE LIMITED AVISTA CORPORATION of.bn4dx oal,rBy: By:oiaviH,*€yer e / Attorney for Avista CorporationElizabeth Thomas, Partner, K&L Gates LLP Kari Vander Stoep, Partner, K&L Gates LLP On Behalf of Hydro One Limited and Olympus Equity LLC STAFF OF THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CLEARWATER PAPtrR CORPORATION By Brandon Karpen Deputy Attorney General Peter Richardson / Greg Adams Attorneys for Clearwater Paper IDAHO CONSERVATION LEAGUE IDAHO FOREST GROUP, LLC B By Benjamin Otto Idaho Conscrvation LcagueRon L. Williams Attomey for Idaho Forest Group, LLC WASHINGTON AND NORTHERN IDAHO DISTRICT COUNCIL OF LABORERS COMMUNITY ACTION PARTNERSHIP ASSOCIATION OF IDAHO By: By:Brad Purdy Attorney for CAPAIDanielle Franco-Malone Schwerin Campbell Bamard Iglitzin &Lavitt, I,I.P FIRST AMENDMENT TO STTPULATION AND SETTLEMENT _ AVU-E-I7-09 & AVU-G-17-05 Page 4 /n HYDRO ONE LIMITEI' By: Elizabeth'[homas, Panncr, K&L Gatcs LLP Kari VanderStoep, Partncr, K&L Gates LLP On Bchalf of l{ydro One Limited and Olympus Equity LLC STA['[' O[' THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTI ON IDAHO FOREST CROUP, LLC Ron L. Williams Attomey for Idaho Forcst Oroup, LLC WASHINGTON AND NORTIIERN IDAHO I}ISTRICT COUNCIL OF LABORERS By: Danielle Franco-Malone Schwcrin Campbell Barnard lgliuin & Lavitt, LLP //2 %Zrwa-q fltaBy: AVTSTA CORPORATION DwiH.,6yir u /r Attomcy for Avista Corporation CLEARWATER PAPER CORPORATION Peter Richardson / Grcg Adams Attorncys for Clcarwater Paper IDAHO CONSIIRVATION LEAGUE Bcnjamin Otto Idaho Conscrvation Lcague COMMUNITY ACTION PARTNERSHIP ASSOCIATION OT IDAHO rle 0 Esrt=O Brad Purdy Attorncy for CAPAI FIRST AMENDMENT'I'O STIPULATION AND SETTLEMENT _ AVU.E.I7.Og & AVU.G-17-05 Page4 Revised Exhibit A to First Amendment to Stipulation and Settlement MASTER LIST OF COMMITMENTS IN IDAHO Table of Contents Page Reservation of Certain Authority to the Avista Board of Directors .........................................5 l. Authority Reserved: 2. Executive Management:................ 3. Board ofDirectors: ....................... 4. Avista's Brand and Plan for the Operation of the Business 5. Capital Investment for Economic Development:.................6 .66. Continued Innovation: ........ 7. Union Relationshipsr........... 8. Compensation and Benefits: 9. Avista's Headquarters: 10. Local Staffing: I I . Community Contributions: .................... 12. Community Involvement: ...................... I 3. Economic Development:.............. I 4. Membership Organizations:...... 15. Safety and Reliability Standards and Service Quality Measures:.. Rate Commitments 16. Treatment of Net Cost Savings:................ 17. Treatment of Transaction Costs 18. Travel Expenses:.........................9 .........................919. Rate Credits 5 5 5 6 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 8 8 .8 .8 .8 Regulatory Commitments ............. 20. State Regulatory Authority and Jurisdiction:...... 21. Compliance with Existing Commission Orders:. 22. Separate Books and Records 23. Audit, Access to and Maintenance of Books and Records il l0 l0 ...........1 I ...........1I 24. Cost Allocations Related to Corporate Structure and Affiliate Interests:..........................12 Revised Exhibit A to First Amendment to Stipulation and Settlement 25. Ratemaking Cost of Debt and Equity: ..................... 26. Avista Capital Structure:........... 27. FERC Reporting Requirements: 28. Participation in National and Regional Forums:.................. ........14 29. Treatment of Confidential Information:............... .........1 3 ,......,,14 ,,,......14 30. Commission Enforcement of Commitments:...... 31. Submittal to State Court Jurisdiction for Enforcement of Commission Orders: 32. Annual Report on Commitments: 33. Commitments 8indingt............... 14 14 t4 t4 l5 17 Financial Integrity Commitments ...............................15 34. Capital Structure Support:..... .................15 35. Utility-Level Debt and Preferred Stock: ...................15 Continued Credit Ratings:..... Credit Ratings Notifi cation : ................. Restrictions on Upward Dividends and Distributions: ............... 36. 37. 38. ....... I 5 ....... I 5 ....... I 6 39. Pension Funding: 40. SEC Reporting Requirements: 41. Compliance with the Sarbanes-Oxley Act: .........17 .,.,.....17 .................17 .................17 ................. I 8 Ring-Fencing Commitments 7 43. Independent Directors:......... 44. Non-Consolidation Opinion: 45. Olympus Equity LLC 46. Restriction on Pledge of Utility Assets: ....................18 47 . Hold Harmless; Notice to Lenders; Restriction on Acquisitions and Dispositions:..........18 48. Olympus Holding Corp. and Olympus Equity LLC Sub-entities 20 50. No Inter Company Debt:20 51. No Inter Company Lending:.................20 Resource Planning Commitments............. ........................20 52. Renewable Energy Resources:. ..............20 Revised Exhibit A to First Amendment to Stipulation and Settlement 53. Regulatory Integrated Resource Planning (IRP) Sideboards: 54. Energy Imbalance Market ("EIM") 55. Transport Electrification:............... Environmental Commitments...... 56. Greenhouse Gas and Carbon Initiatives:.. 57. Greenhouse Gas Inventory Report:.. .21 .21 .21 .................22 .22 .22 ))Energy Efficiency, Weatherization, Community and Low-Income Assistance Commitments ...................... 58. Funding for Energy Efficiency, Weatherization, Conservation, and Low-lncome Assistance Programs: ..................22 59. Clearwater Paper DSM Assistance: Idaho Forest Group (IFG) DSM Assistance:......., Community Contributions: ............. Addressing Other Low-lncome Customer Issues: 63. Fee Free Payment Program:......... 64. Improve Penetration of Low-lncome Programs: ........... 65. Tribal Communities: .............. Miscellaneous Commitments 66. Sources of Funds for Hydro One Commitments: 67. Service Rules for Gas Utilities 68. Meters: 69. Colstrip Planning: 70. Montana Community Transition Fund 71. Colstrip Transmission Planning:......... 72. Contract 73. Most Favored Nations 74. Notice and Petition to Alter or Amend: 75. North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA): 76. Venue for and Resolution of Disputes:.......... 77 . Environmental Liabilities of Parent: .............. 7 8. Foreign Exchange and Hedging:.................... 60. 61. 62. 23 .23 .24 .24 .24 .24 .24 .25 .25 .2s .25 .27 .28 .28 Water Rights and Facilities.............. ..28 ..28 ,R Revised Exhibit A to First Amendment to Stipulation and Settlement 79. Subordination of Water Rights: .............28 MODTFICATION TO DELEGATION OF AUTHORITY, CLAUSE 3................................28 Revised Exhibit A to First Amendment to Stipulation and Settlement Reservation of Certain Authority to the Avista Board of Directors Authoritv Reserved: Consistent with and subject to the terms of Exhibits A and B to the Merger Agreement (referred to as "Delegation of Authority") contained in Appendix 5 of the Joint Application, decision-making authority over commitments 2- l5 below is reserved to the Board of Directors of Avista Corporation ("Avb!a") and not to Hydro One. Any change to the policies stated in commitments 2-15, plus 30 (Commission Enforcement of Commitments), 37 (Credit Ratings Notification), 38 (Restrictions on Upward Dividends and Distributions), 43 (lndependent Directors), 49 (No Amendment), 74 (Notice and Petition to Amend or Alter), 75 (North American Free Trade Agreement), and 76 (Venue for and Resolution of Disputes), requires a two-thirds (213) vote of the Avista Board, provided that Avista must obtain approval for such changes from all regulatory bodies with jurisdiction over the Commitments before such changes can go into effect, and provide written notice to all parties to Case No. AVU-E- 1 7-09IAVU-G- I 7-05 of such request for approval: Governance 3. l. 2.Executive Management: Avista will seek to retain all current executive management of Avista, subject to voluntary retirements that may occur. This commitment will not limit Avista's ability to determine its organizational structure and select and retain personnel best able to meet Avista's needs over time. The Avista board retains the ability to dismiss executive management of Avista and other Avista personnel for standard corporate reasons. Any decision to hire, dismiss or replace the Chief Executive Officer of Avista shall be within the discretion of the Avista Board of Directors, and shall not require any approvalof Hydro One Limited ("Hydro One") or any of its afTiliates (other than Avista), notwithstanding anything to the contrary in the merger agreement, and its exhibits and attachments, between Hydro One and Avista. Avista Employee Compensation: Any decisions regarding Avista employee compensation shall be made by the Avista Board consistent with the terms of the Merger Agreement between Hydro One and Avista, and current market standards and prevailing practices of relevant U.S. electric and gas utility benchmarks. The determination of the level of any compensation (including equity awards) approved by the Avista Board with respect to any employee in accordance with the foregoing shall not be subject to change by Hydro One or the Hydro One Board. Board of Directors: After the closing of the Proposed Transaction, Avista's board will consist of nine (9) members, determined as follows: (i) two (2) directors designated by Hydro One who are executives of Hydro One or any of its subsidiaries; (ii) three (3) directors who meet the standards for "independent directors" - under section 303A.02 of the New York Stock Exchange Listed Company Manual (the "Independent Directors") and who are citizens of the United States and are and have been residents of the Pacific Northwest region for at least two years, to be designated by Hydro One (collectively, the directors designated in clauses (i) and (ii) hereof the "Hydro One Designees"), subject to the provisions of Clause 2 of Exhibit A to the Revised Exhibit A to First Amendment to Stipulation and Settlement Merger Agreement; (iii) three (3) directors who as of immediately prior to the closing of the Proposed Transactionl are members of the Board of Directors of Avista, including the Chairman of Avista's Board of Directors (if such person is different from the Chief Executive Officer of Avista); and (iv) Avista's Chief Executive Officer (collectively, the directors designated in clauses (iii) and (iv) hereof, the "Avista Designees"). Avista and Hydro One shall consult with each other prior to the designation of any Independent Directors. The initial Chairman of Avista's post- closing Board of Directors shall be the Chief Executive Officer of Avista as of the time immediately prior to closing for a one year term. If any Avista Designee resigns, retires or otherwise ceases to serve as a director of Avista for any reason, the remaining Avista Designees shall have the sole right to nominate a replacement director to fill such vacancy, and such person shall thereafter become an Avista Designee. The term "Pacific Northwest region" means the Pacific Northwest states in which Avista serves retail electric or natural gas customers, currently Alaska, Idaho, Montana, Oregon and Washington. The Independent Directors will have no material relationship with Hydro One and its subsidiaries and affiliated entities, the Province of Ontario, or Avista and its subsidiaries and affiliated entities currently or within the previous 3 years. Former directors of Avista who otherwise meet these qualifications qualify as Independent Directors. Business Operations Avista's Brand and Plan for the Operation of the Business: Avista will maintain Avista's brand and Avista will establish the plan for the operation of the business and its Subsidiaries; Capital Investment for Economic Development: Avista will maintain its existing levels of capital allocations for capital investment in strategic and economic development items, including property acquisitions in the university district, support of local entrepreneurs and seed-stage investments; 6.Continued Innovation: Avista will continue development and funding of its and its subsidiaries' innovation activities; I "Proposed Transaction" means the transaction proposed in the Joint Application of Avista and Hydro One filed on September 14,2017. 4. 5. Revised Exhibit A to First Amendment to Stipulation and Settlement Union Relationshins: Avista will honor its labor contracts and has the authority to negotiate, enter into, modify, amend, terminate or agree to changes in any collective bargaining agreement or any of Avista's other material contracts with any labor organizations, union employees or their representatives; Compensation and Benefits: Avista will maintain compensation and benefits related practices consistent with the requirements of the Merger Agreement; Local Presence/Community Involvement Avista's Headquarters: Avista will, and Hydro One agrees Avista will, maintain (a) its headquarters in Spokane, Washington; (b) Avista's office locations in each of its other service territories, and (c) no less of a significant presence in the immediate location of each of such office locations than what Avista and its subsidiaries maintained immediately prior to completion of the Proposed Transaction; 10.Local Staffine: Avista will maintain Avista Utilities' staffing and presence in the communities in which Avista operates at levels sufficient to maintain the provision of safe and reliable service and cost-effective operations and consistent with pre- acquisition levels; I l.Communitv Contributions: For five years after the close of the Proposed Transaction, Avista will maintain a $4,000,000 annual budget for charitable contributions (funded by both Avista and the Avista Foundation) and additionally, a 52,000,000 annual contribution will be made to Avista's charitable foundation. No approval from any regulatory bodies with jurisdiction over the Commitments is required for any changes to this commitment from and after the sixth year following closing; however any such changes will continue to require a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Avista Board. Avista agrees it will endeavor, over time, to distribute this annual budget across the service territory in proportion to each state's portion of the system;2 Communitv Involvement: Avista will maintain at least Avista's existing levels of community involvement and support initiatives in its service territories; including involvement with low-income service agencies and support initiatives; Economic Development: Avista will maintain at least Avista's existing levels of economic development, including the ability of Avista to spend operations and 2 Note that Commitment 6l contains an additional commitment relating to charitable contributions; pursuant to that commitment Hydro One will cause Avista to make a one-time contribution of $7,000,000 to Avista's charitable foundation at or promptly following closing of the Proposed Transaction. 7 8. 9, 12. 13. 14. Revised Exhibit A to First Amendment to Stipulation and Settlement maintenance funds3 to support regional economic development and related strategic opportunities in a manner consistent with Avista's past practices; Membershio Orsanizations: Avista will maintain the dues paid by it to various industry trade groups and membership organizations; and 15. Safetv and Reliabilitv Stand and Service Oualitv Measures: Avista has established Service Quality Performance Standards, Customer Guarantees and a Service Quality Measure Report Card for its customers in Washington. Avista is currently working with the Idaho Commission Staff to develop similar performance standards, customer guarantees and a reporting mechanism for its customers in ldaho. Following Idaho Commission approval of such standards, customer guarantees and a reporting mechanism, Avista will not seek, and Hydro One agrees Avista will not seek, to remove or reduce any associated penalty provisions for ten (10) years after the date of the merger. Rate Commitments 16.Treatment of Net Cost Savings: Hydro One commits that Avista customer rates will not increase as a result of the Proposed Transaction. Hydro One will hold Avista customers harmless from any such rate increase. Further, any net cost savings that Avista may achieve as a result of the Proposed Transaction will be reflected in subsequent rate proceedings, as such savings materialize. To the extent the savings are reflected in base retail rates they will offset the Rate Credit to customers, up to the offsetable portion of the Rate Credit. 17. Treatment of Transaction Costs: a. Costs associated with the Proposed Transaction will be separately tracked as non- utility costs with no charges, either allocated or direct, to be recovered from Avista customers. After the consummation of the Proposed Transaction, any remaining transaction costs or other costs of Olympus Holding Corp. or Hydro One will not appear on Avista's utility books, i.e. such costs will be recorded as non-utility. Avista shall furnish the Commission with journal entries and supporting detail showing the nature and amount of all costs of the Proposed Transaction (including but not limited to management time, BOD time, in-house and outside counsel time, any consultants engaged, etc.) since the Proposed Transaction was first contemplated, as well as the accounts charged, within 120 days of a Commission order in this docket. 3 Operations and maintenance funds dedicated to economic development and non-utilify strategic opportunities will be recorded below-the-line to a nonoperating account. Revised Exhibit A to First Amendment to Stipulation and Settlement b. Avista will exclude, and Hydro One agrees Avista will exclude, from Avista general rate cases, or any other method of cost recovery, all costs related to the Proposed Transaction including but not limited to: (i) all legal work from in-house counsel and outside counsel; (ii) any financial advisory fees associated with the Proposed Transaction; (iii) the acquisition premium; (iv) costs related to M&A consulting and advice (v) preparation of and materials for presentations relating to the Proposed Transaction (vi) any senior executive compensation or any Avista board of director time tied to a change of control of Avista; and (vii) any other costs directly related to the Proposed Transaction. c. Technology expenditures and investments related to software and hardware compatibility issues between Avista and Hydro One and its affiliates shall not be recovered from Idaho ratepayers except to the extent such costs are offset by savings over time. Travel Expenses: Avista's corporate travel expenses recovered in rates, including variable costs of flying the Avista corporate jet and commercial travel for all directors and executives, shall not exceed 105Yo of 2017 expenses, adjusted annually for inflation. 19. Rate Credits: 18. Avista and Hydro One will flow through to Avista's retail customers in Idaho a Rate Credit of approximately $15.8 million" over a 5-year period, beginning at the time the merger closes. Rate Credit Proposal Idaho Annual Credit Years 1-5 Idaho Total Credit Total Credit $3.2 Million $15.8 Million Offsetable Credit S527,510 $2.6 Million The Total Rate Credit to customers for the five years following the closing will be approximately $3.2 millions per year. A portion of the annual total Rate Credit will aTheexactagreed-uponfigureis$l5,8ll,050,whichisequalto 5%oofthe Idahobaserevenueasof02/01/18. Idaho electric base revenue is $259,473,000, and Idaho natural gas base revenue (including natural gas costs - Schedules 150/155) is $56,748,000. Five percent of those revenues ue $12,973,650 (electric) and $2,837,400 (natural gas). 5 The exact amount agreed upon is $3,162,21 0 per yetu. The annual Idaho electric Rate Credit for each of the five years is $2,594,730. The annual Idaho natural gas Rate Credit for each ofthe five years is $567,480. Revised Exhibit A to First Amendment to Stipulation and Settlement be offsetable, in the amount of $527,5106. During the S-year period the financial benefits will be flowed through to customers either through the separate Rate Credit described above or through a reduction to the underlying cost of service as these benefits are reflected in the test period numbers used for ratemaking. At the time of the close, the S3.2 million benefit will be provided to customers through a separate Rate Credit, as long as the reduction in costs (of up to 5527,510 annually) has not already been reflected in base retail rates for Avista's customers. To the extent Avista demonstrates in a future rate proceeding that cost savings, or benefits, directly related to the Proposed Transaction are already being flowed through to customers through base retail rates, the separate Rate Credit to customers would be reduced by an amount up to the offsetable Rate Credit amount. The portion of the total Rate Credit that is not offsetable effectively represents acceptance by Hydro One of a lower rate of return during the 5-year period. The $15.8 million represents the "floor" of benefits that will be flowed through to Avista's customers, either through the Rate Credit or through benefits otherwise included in base retail rates. To the extent the identifiable benefits exceed the annual offsetable Rate Credit amounts, these additional benefits will be flowed through to customers in base retail rates in general rate cases as they occur. Avista and Hydro One believe additional efficiencies (benefits) will be realized over time from the sharing of best practices, technology and innovation between the two companies. It will take time, however, to identify and capture these benefits. The level of annual net cost savings (and/or net benefits) will be tracked and reported on an annual basis, and compared against the offsetable level of savings. Any application of offsetable savings will be reviewed by the Commission before the offset is applied, and Avista bears the burden of proof to prove that savings have materialized and the offset to rate credits should apply. Regulatory Commitments 20. State Resulatorv Authoritv and Jurisdiction: Hydro One and its subsidiaries, including Avista, as applicable and as appropriate, will comply with all applicable laws, including those pertaining to transfers of property, affiliated interests, and securities and the assumption of obligations and liabilities. As required by and consistent with applicable laws, venue for resolution of proceedings related to these matters will be at the appropriate state utility commission(s). Hydro One and its subsidiaries, including Avista, will make their employees and officers available to 6 The offsetable portion of the Rate Credit is calculated using a pro rata share of the jurisdictional total of the rate credit (i.e. Idaho's share of the total system offsetable Rate Credit is 31.03%, therefore Idaho's share of the $1.7 million offsetable portion is $527,510). 21. Revised Exhibit A to First Amendment to Stipulation and Settlement testify before the Commission at the Commission's request to provide information relevant to the matters within its jurisdiction. Compliance with Existins Commission Orders: Hydro One and its subsidiaries, including Avista, acknowledge that all existing orders issued by the Commission with respect to Avista or its predecessor, Washington Water Power Co., will remain in effect, and are not modified or otherwise affected by the Proposed Transaction. Hydro One and its subsidiaries, including Avista, as applicable and as appropriate, will comply with all applicable future Commission orders that remain in force. Separate Books and Records: Avista will maintain separate books and records from its affiliates. Audit. Access to and Maintenance of Books and Records: Nothing in the Proposed Transaction and corporate structure thereafter will limit or affect the Commission's rights with respect to inspection of Avista's and Olympus Holding Corp.'s accounts, books, papers and documents pursuant to and in compliance with all applicable Idaho laws and administrative rules. Hydro One, Olympus Holding Corp. and its subsidiaries, including Avista, will provide reasonable access to Avista's books and records; access to financial information and filings; access rights with respect to the documents supporting any costs that may be allocable to Avista; and access to Avista's board minutes, audit reports, and information provided to credit rating agencies pertaining to Avista. Hydro One, Olympus Holding Corp. and its subsidiaries, including Avista, will maintain the necessary books and records so as to provide documents relating to all corporate, affiliate, or subsidiary transactions with Avista, or that result in costs that may be allocable to Avista. The Proposed Transaction will not result in reduced access to the necessary books and records that relate to transactions with Avista, or that result in costs that may be allocable to Avista. Avista will provide the Commission, its agents, Commission Staff and other parties to regulatory proceedings reasonable access to books and records (including those of Hydro One, Olympus Holding Corp. or any affiliate or subsidiary companies) required to verify or examine transactions with Avista, or that result in costs that may be allocable to Avista. Nothing in the Proposed Transaction will limit or affect the Commission's rights with respect to inspection of Avista's accounts, books, papers and documents in compliance with all applicable laws. Nothing in the Proposed Transaction will limit or affect the Commission's rights with respect to inspection of Hydro One and Olympus Holding Corp.'s accounts, books, papers and documents pursuant to all applicable laws; provided, that such right to inspection shall be limited to Hydro One 22. 23. 24. Revised Exhibit A to First Amendment to Stipulation and Settlement and Olympus Holding Corp.'s accounts, books, papers and documents that pertain solely to transactions affecting Avista's regulated utility operations. Hydro One and its affiliates agree that the Commission may have access to all the accounting records of Hydro One and its affiliates that are the bases for charges to Avista, to determine the reasonableness of the costs and the allocation factors used by Hydro One and its affiliates, or its subdivisions to assign costs to Avista and amounts subject to allocation or direct charges. Hydro One and its affiliates agree that they will not raise lack ofjurisdiction as a means of denying such access, and agree to cooperate fully with such Commission investigations. Furthermore, any party may recommend that the Commission deny recovery of any costs assigned or charged to Avista by Hydro One or its affiliates if that party believes that Hydro One or its affiliates have failed to provide sufficient access to records relating to the costs at issue. Cost Allocations Related to Corporate Structure and Affiliate Interests: Avista agrees to provide, and Hydro One agrees Avista will provide, cost allocation methodologies used to allocate to Avista any costs related to Hydro One or its other affiliates and subsidiaries, and commits that there will be no cross-subsidization by Avista customers of unregulated activities. Avista will not charge to customers expenses allocated or directly assigned by Hydro One except as specifically authorized for recovery in rates by the Commission. The cost-allocation methodology provided pursuant to this commitment will be a generic methodology that does not require Commission approval prior to it being proposed for specific application in a general rate case or other proceeding affecting rates. The cost-allocation methodology provided pursuant to this commitment also will establish a procedure for ensuring that additional costs or revenues resulting from changing curency exchange rates will not be reflected in rates charged to Idaho customers. Avista will bear the burden of proof in any general rate case that any corporate and affiliate cost allocation methodology is reasonable for ratemaking purposes. Neither Avista nor Hydro One or its affiliates and subsidiaries will contest the Commission's authority to disallow, for retail ratemaking purposes in a general rate case, unreasonable, or misallocated costs from or to Avista or Hydro One or its other affi liates and subsidiaries. With respect to the ratemaking treatment of affiliate transactions affecting Avista, Hydro One, and Olympus Holding Corp. and its subsidiaries, as applicable, will comply with the Commission's then-existing practice; provided, however, that Olympus Holding Corp. and its subsidiaries, including Avista, will provide the Commission with access to written information provided by and to credit rating agencies that pertains to Avista. Olympus Holding Corp. and each of its subsidiaries will also provide the Commission with access to written information provided by and to credit rating agencies that pertains to Olympus Holding Corp.'s subsidiaries to the extent such information may affect Avista. 25. Revised Exhibit A to First Amendment to Stipulation and Settlement nothing in this commitment limits Avista from also proposing a different ratemaking treatment for the Commission's consideration, or limit the positions any other party may take with respect to ratemaking treatment. Avista will notify the Commission of any change in corporate structure that affects Avista's corporate and affiliate cost allocation methodologies. Avista will propose revisions to such cost allocation methodologies to accommodate such changes. Avista will not take the position that compliance with this provision constitutes approval by the Commission of a particular methodology for corporate and affiliate cost allocation. Avista will notify the Commission prior to the implementation of plans by Avista or Hydro One or any of Hydro One's affiliates: a. To form an affiliate for the purposes of transacting business with Avista's regulated operations; b. To commence new business transactions between an existing affiliate and Avista; or c. To dissolve an affiliate that has transacted substantial business with Avista. Ratemaking Cost of Debt and Equitv: Avista will not advocate for, and Hydro One agrees Avista will not advocate for, a higher cost of debt or equity capital as compared to what Avista's cost of debt or equity capital would have been absent Hydro One's ownership. For future ratemaking purposes: a. Determination of Avista's debt costs will be no higher than such costs would have been assuming Avista's credit ratings had not been affected by the Proposed Transaction, and applying those credit ratings to then-current debt; b. Avista bears the burden to prove prudent in a future general rate case any pre- payment premium or increased cost of debt associated with existing Avista debt retired, repaid, or replaced as a part ofthe Proposed Transaction; and c. Determination of the allowed return on equity in future general rate cases will include selection and use of one or more proxy group(s) of companies engaged in businesses substantially similar to Avista, without any limitation related to Avista's ownership structure. d. Avista and Parent agree that Avista's Cost of Capital, including Avista's Rate of Return (ROR), common equity, and Long-Term Debt, shall not be more costly after the close of Proposed Transaction than they would have been absent the Proposed Transaction. Avista bears the burden of proving that increases in Avista's Cost of Capital, including Avista's ROR, common equity, and Long- 28. 29. 30. Revised Exhibit A to First Amendment to Stipulation and Settlement Term Debt, is caused by circumstances or developments that are unrelated to the financial risks or other characteristics of the Proposed Transaction. 26.Avista Capital Structure: At all times following the closing of the Proposed Transaction, Avista's actual common equity ratio will be maintained at a level no less than 44 percent. This commitment does not restrict the Commission from ordering a hypothetical capital structure. 27.FERC Reportinq Requirements: Avista will continue to meet all the applicable FERC reporting requirements with respect to annual and quarterly reports (e.g., FERC Forms 1,2,3q) after closing of the Proposed Transaction. Participation in National and Resional Forums: Avista will continue to participate, where appropriate, in national and regional forums regarding transmission issues, pricing policies, siting requirements, and interconnection and integration policies, when necessary to protect the interest of its customers. Treatment of Confidential Information: Nothing in these commitments will be interpreted as a waiver of Hydro One's, its subsidiaries', or Avista's rights to request confidentialtreatment of information that is the subject of any of these commitments. Commission Enforcement of Commitments: Hydro One and its subsidiaries, including Avista, understand and agree that the Commission has authority to enforce these commitments in accordance with their terms. If there is a violation of the terms of these commitments, then the offending party may, at the discretion of the Commission, have a period of thirty (30) calendar days to cure such violation. The scope of this commitment includes the authority of the Commission to compel the attendance of witnesses from Olympus Holding Corp. and its affiliates, including Hydro One, with pertinent information on matters affecting Avista. Hydro One and Olympus Holding Corp. and its subsidiaries waive their rights to interpose any legal objection they might otherwise have to the Commission's jurisdiction to require the appearance of any such witnesses. 31. Submittal to State Court Jurisdiction for Enforcement of Commission Orders: Hydro One, on behalf of itself and its subsidiaries in the post-close corporate structure between Hydro One and Avista (as those companies in between may change over time), and Avista willjointly file with the Commission prior to closing the Proposed Transaction an affidavit affirming that they will submit to the jurisdiction of Idaho courts for enforcement of the Commission's orders adopting the commitments made by and binding upon them and their affiliates where noted, and subsequent orders, and will agree to the application of ldaho law with respect to such matters. 32. Annual Report on Commitments: By May 1,2019 and each May 1 thereafter through May l, 2029, Avista will file, and Hydro One agrees Avista will file, a report with the Commission regarding the status of compliance with each of the commitments as of December 3l of the preceding year. The report will, at a Revised Exhibit A to First Amendment to Stipulation and Settlement minimum, provide a description of the performance of each of the commitments, will be filed in Case No. AVU-E-17-09|AVU-G-17-05 and served to all parties to the docket. If any commitment is not being met, relative to the specific terms of the commitment, the report must provide proposed corrective measures and target dates for completion of such measures. Avista will make publicly available at the Commission non-confidential portions of the report. 33.Commitments Bindins: Hydro One, its subsidiaries in the post-close corporate structure between Hydro One and Avista (as those companies in between may change over time) and Avista, acknowledge that the commitments being made by them are fully binding upon them and upon their affiliates where specifically noted and their successors in interest. Hydro One and Avista are not requesting in this proceeding a determination of the prudence, just and reasonable character, rate or ratemaking treatment, or public interest of the investments, expenditures or actions referenced in the commitments, and the parties in appropriate proceedings may take such positions regarding the prudence, just and reasonable character, rate or ratemaking treatment, or public interest of the investments, expenditures or actions as they deem appropriate. If Hydro One or any other entity in the chain of Avista's ownership determines that Avista or any other entity has failed to comply with an applicable Commitment, the entity making such determinations shall take all appropriate actions to achieve compliance with the Commitment. Financial Integrity Commitments 34. Capital Structure Support: Hydro One will provide equity to support Avista's capital structure that is designed to allow Avista access to debt financing under reasonable terms and on a sustainable basis. Utility-Level Debt and Preferred Stock: Avista will maintain separate debt and preferred stock, if any, to support its utility operations. Continued Credit Ratings: Each of Hydro One and Avista will continue to be rated by at least one nationally recognized statistical "Rating Agency." Hydro One and Avista will use reasonable best efforts to obtain and maintain a separate credit rating for Avista from at least one Rating Agency within the ninety (90) days following the closing of the Proposed Transaction. If Hydro One and Avista are unable to obtain or maintain the separate rating for Avista, they will make a filing with the Commission explaining the basis for their failure to obtain or maintain such separate credit rating for Avista, and parties to this proceeding will have an opportunity to participate and propose additional commitments. 37 Credit Ratines Notification: Hydro One and Avista agree to notify the Commission within two business days of any proposed or actual downgrade of Avista's credit rating by S&P, Moody's, or any other such ratings agency that issues such ratings with respect to Avista. 35. 36. Revised Exhibit A to First Amendment to Stipulation and Settlement If Avista or Hydro One anticipates or is notified of a proposed or actual downgrade of Avista's credit rating to a non-investment grade status, then Avista and Hydro One will: a. Within 30 days of providing notice, provide a plan and timeline ("Compliance Plan") that is subject to Commission review, modification, rejection, or approval for maintaining Avista's investment grade status or restoring Avista's investment grade status. b. Subsequent to the filing of the Compliance Plan, Avista shall file progress reports every 90 calendar days detailing its effons for maintaining Avista's investment grade status or restoring Avista's investment grade status, in addition to detailing how Avista has met each requirement in the Compliance Plan. 38. Restrictions on Upward Dividends and Distributions: a. If either (i) Avista's corporate credit/issuer rating as determined by both Moody's and S&P, or their successors, is investment grade, or (ii) the ratio of Avista's EBITDA to Avista's interest expense is greater than or equal to 3.0, then distributions from Avista to Olympus Equity LLC shall not be limited so long as Avista's equity ratio is equal to or greater than 44 percent (the "Minimum Equity Ratio") on the date of such Avista distribution after giving effect to such Avista distribution. Under any other circumstances, distributions from Avista are allowed only with prior Commission approval. The Minimum Equity Ratio is subject to change as set forth in subparagraph b. below. Both the EBITDA and equity ratio shall be calculated on the same basis that such calculations would be made for ratemaking purposes for regulated utility operations. b. If a proposal is made, or if the Commission determines, in an Avista rate case that Avista's rates should be based on a common equity ratio of less than 44 percent, the Parties agree that the Commission should consider and determine, either in the rate case or in a separate proceeding, whether the Minimum Equity Ratio for purposes of subparagraph a. above should be adjusted in light of any adjustment to the common equity ratio for ratemaking purposes. In addition, Avista may at any time upon a showing of good cause petition the Commission for a change to the Minimum Equity Ratio, and no party to the Settlement Stipulation will oppose the initiation of such a proceeding. c. If Avista does not have an investment-grade rating from both Moody's and S&P, or from one of these entities, or its successor, if only one issues ratings with respect to Avista, and the ratio of EBITDA to Avista's interest expense is less than 3.0, no dividend distribution to Olympus Equity LLC or its successors will occur. d. Avista commits, and Hydro One agrees, that prior to upward dividends from Avista, Avista cash flows will not be comingled in common accounts with cash Revised Exhibit A to First Amendment to Stipulation and Settlement flows for other purposes at either of Olympus Equity, LLC or Hydro One, including all Hydro One subdivisions and affiliates. Hydro One will ensure that all of the Parent's corporate entities maintain accounts and subaccounts that are separate from Avista accounts and subaccounts, sufficient to cause handling of cash flows to be entirely consistent with Avista's corporate purposes. Pension Fundins: Avista will maintain its pension funding policy in accordance with sound actuarial practice. Hydro One will not seek to change Avista's pension funding policy. SEC Reporting lRtqu[euea]tsi Following the closing of the Proposed Transaction, Avista will file required repofts with the SEC Compliance with the Sarbanes-Oxlev Act: Following the closing of the Proposed Transaction, Avista will comply with applicable requirements of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act. Ring-Fencing Commitments 42. Golden Share: Entering into voluntary bankruptcy shall require the affirmative vote of a "Golden Share" of Avista stock. The Golden Share shall mean the sole share of Preferred Stock of Avista as authorized by the Commission. This share of Preferred Stock must be in the custody of an independent third-party, where the third-party has no financial stake, affiliation, relationship, interest, or tie to Avista or any of its affiliates, or any lender to Avista, or any of its affiliates. This requirement does not preclude the third-party from holding an index fund or mutual fund with negligible interests in Avista or any of its affiliates. In matters of voluntary bankruptcy, this Golden Share will override all other outstanding shares of all types or classes of stock. 43.Independent Directors: At least one of the nine members of the board of directors of Avista will be an Independent Director who, consistent with Commitment 3, meets the standards under 303A.02 of the New York Stock Exchange Listed Company Manual. At least one of the members of the board of directors of Olympus Equity LLC will be an Independent Director who, consistent with Commitment 3, meets the standards under 303A.02 of the New York Stock Exchange Listed Company Manual. The same individual may serve as an Independent Director of both Avista and Olympus Equity LLC. The organizational documents for Avista will not permit Avista, without the consent of a two-thirds majority of all its directors, including the affirmative vote of the Independent Director at Avista (or if at that time Avista has more than one Independent Director, the affirmative vote of at least one of Avista's Independent Directors), to consent to the institution of bankruptcy proceedings or the inclusion of Avista in bankruptcy proceedings. In addition to an affirmative vote of this Independent Director, the vote of the Golden Share shall also be required for Avista to enter into a voluntary bankruptcy. 39. 40. 41. 44. Non-Consolidation Opinion: Revised Exhibit A to First Amendment to Stipulation and Settlement a. Within ninety (90) days of the Proposed Transaction closing, Avista and Olympus Holding Corp. will file, and Hydro One agrees they will file, a non-consolidation opinion with the Commission which concludes, subject to customary assumptions and exceptions, that the ring-fencing provisions are sufficient that a bankruptcy court would not orderthe substantive consolidation of the assets and liabilities of Avista with those of Olympus Holding Corp. or its affiliates or subsidiaries (other than Avista and its subsidiaries). b. Hydro One and Olympus Holding Corp. must file an affidavit with the Commission stating that neither Hydro One, Olympus Holding Corp. nor any of their subsidiaries, will seek to include Avista in a bankruptcy without the consent of a two-thirds majority of Avista's board of directors including the affirmative vote of one of Avista's independent director, and the Avista Golden Shareholder. c. If the ring-fencing provisions in these commitments are not sufficient to obtain a non-consolidation opinion, Olympus Holding Corp. and Avista agree to promptly undertake, and Hydro One agrees to cause them to undertake, the following actions: i. Notifu the Commission of this inability to obtain a non-consolidation opinion. Propose and implement, upon Commission approval, such additional ring- fencing provisions around Avista as are sufficient to obtain a non- consolidation opinion subject to customary assumptions and exceptions. iii. Obtain a non-consolidation opinion. 45.Olvmpus Equitv LLC: Olympus Holding Corp.'s indirect subsidiaries will include Olympus Equity LLC and Avista. See the post-acquisition organizational chart in Attachment C to the Master List of Commitments in Idaho. Following closing of the Proposed Transaction, all of the common stock of Avista will be owned by Olympus Equity LLC, a new Delaware limited liability company. Olympus Equity LLC will be a bankruptcy-remote special purpose entity, and will not have debt. 46.Restriction on Pledee of Utilitv Assets: Avista agrees to, and Hydro One will cause Avista to agree to, prohibitions against loans or pledges of utility assets to Hydro One, Olympus Holding Corp., or any of their subsidiaries or affiliates, without Commission approval. In addition, the Applicants agree that Avista's assets will not be pledged by Avista or any of its affiliates, including Hydro One and Olympus Holding Corp. and any of their subsidiaries or affiliates, forthe benefit of any entity other than Avista. ll. 47. Hold Harmless: Notice to Lenders: Restriction on Acquisitions and Dispositions: Revised Exhibit A to First Amendment to Stipulation and Settlement a. Hydro One, its affiliates, and subsidiaries including Avista will hold Avista customers harmless from any business and financial risk exposures associated with Olympus Holding Corp., Hydro One, and Hydro One's other affiliates. b. Pursuant to this commitment, Avista will file, and Hydro One agrees Avista will file, with the Commission, prior to closing of the Proposed Transaction, a form of notice to prospective lenders describing the ring-fencing provisions included in these commitments stating that these provisions provide no recourse to Avista assets as collateral or security for debt issued by Hydro One or any of its subsidiaries, other than Avista. c. In furtherance of this commitment: Hydro One, its affiliates, and subsidiaries including Avista commit that Avista's regulated utility customers will be held harmless from the liabilities of any unregulated activity of Avista or Hydro One and its affiliates. In any proceeding before the Commission involving rates of Avista, the fair rate of return for Avista will be determined without regard to any adverse consequences that are demonstrated to be attributable to unregulated activities. Measures providing for separate financial and accounting treatment will be established for each unregulated activity. Il.Hydro One, its affiliates, and subsidiaries including Avista will notify the Commission promptly after Hydro One's, its affiliates', or subsidiaries' including Avista's board approval but contemporaneously with any public announcement of: (l) any acquisition by Hydro One, its affiliates, and subsidiaries including Avista of a regulated or unregulated business that is equivalent to five (5) percent or more of Hydro One's capitalization; or (2) any change in control or ownership of Avista. Should there be a change only to the upstream ownership of Avista or Olympus Holding Corp. among wholly owned subsidiaries of Hydro One, notice of such a change will be provided in either an updated organizational chart, or in a separate notice filing prior to the change taking place. Notice pursuant to this provision is not and will not be deemed an admission orexpansion of the Commission's authority or jurisdiction over any transaction or in any matter or proceeding whatsoever. Within sixty (60) days following the notice required by this subsection (c)(ii)(2), and prior to completion of any transfer, Avista and Olympus Holding Corp. or its affiliates, as appropriate, will seek Commission approval of any sale or transfer of any material part of Avista, or of any transaction or series of transactions, regardless of size, that would result in a person or entity, other than a wholly owned subsidiary of Hydro One, directly or indirectly, acquiring a controlling interest in Avista or Olympus Holding Corp. The term "material part of Avista" means any sale or transfer of stock representing ten percent (l0o/o) or more of the equity ownership of Avista. Revised Exhibit A to First Amendment to Stipulation and Settlement iii. Hydro One, Olympus Holding Corp. and Avista will provide notification of and obtain Commission approval of the divestiture, spin-offi or sale of any integral Avista asset, including power plants, as required by Idaho law. This notification and approval requirement does not limit any jurisdiction that the Commission may have. lv Neither Avista nor Hydro One will assert in any future proceedings that, by virtue of the Proposed Transaction and the resulting corporate structure, the Commission is without jurisdiction over any transaction that results in a change of control of Avista. d. If and when any non-regulated subsidiary of Avista becomes a subsidiary of Hydro One or one of its subsidiaries other than Avista, Avista and Hydro One will so advise the Commission within thirty (30) days and will submit to the Commission a written document setting forth Avista's proposed corporate and affi liate cost allocation methodologies. Olvmpus Holdins Corp. and Olvmnus Equitv LLC Sub-entities: Olympus Holding Corp. will not operate or own any business and will limit its activities to investing in and attending to its shareholdings in Olympus Equity LLC, which, in turn, will not operate or own any business and will limit its activities to investing in and attending to its shareholdings in Avista. No Amendment: Hydro One, Olympus Holding Corp. and Avista commit that no amendments, revisions or modifications will be made to these regulatory commitments without prior Commission approval. No Inter Companv Debt: Avista will notify the Commission before entering into any inter-company debt transactions with Olympus Holding Corp., Hydro One, or any of their subsidiaries or affiliates. Avista shall comply with Idaho law for any debt transactions over a one year term. No Inter Companv Lending: Without prior Commission approval, Avista will not lend money to Olympus Holding Co.p., Hydro One, or any of their subsidiaries or affiliates. Resource Plannin g Commitments 52. Renewable Enerw Resources: Avista will continue to offer renewable power programs in consultation with stakeholders. Communications with customers shall accurately reflect the environmental attributes associated with power delivered to such customers. Hydro One and Avista acknowledge that Avista retains the burden of proof to demonstrate the prudence of any resource acquisition. 48. 51. 49. 50. Revised Exhibit A to First Amendment to Stipulation and Settlement Nothing in this Commitment prohibits Avista from selling renewable energy credits that arise from resources included in base rates applicable in Idaho. Hydro One acknowledges Avista's obligations under applicable renewable portfolio standards, and Avista will continue to comply with such obligations. 53.Resulatorv Intesrated Resource Plannins (IRP) Sideboards: Avista and its afliliates agree to consider in all resource planning and acquisition efforts both demand-side and renewable energy resources that are consistent with the Idaho Commission's resource evaluation and acquisition rules and policies. Avista and its affiliates agree that o'Resources" to be considered in all IRPs include Power Purchase Agreements ("PPAs"). Avista commits to calculating a variable generation resource's contribution to capacity in terms of that resource's contribution to resource adequacy and that resource's ability to reduce the loss of load probability in some or all hours or days utilizing the Effective Load Carrying Capability ("ELCC") methodology or an appropriate approximation. Avista will work with an independent third-party consultant, with expertise in renewable energy resources, to ensure that the utility has up-to-date resource cost and performance assumptions, as well as the appropriate learning curves, for use in the 2019 IRP process. Unless it conflicts with any instructions contained in the Commission's acknowledgement letter in response to Avista's current integrated resource plan (IRP), beginning with the next IRP, Avista commits to modeling a range of potential costs for greenhouse gas emissions, and will work with its IRP Advisory Group to determine the appropriate values to model. 54.Energv Imbalance Market ("EIM"): Avista is currently refreshing its EIM analysis and will release it publicly by the end of 2018. Avista commits to hold workshops with the Commission and interested stakeholders to review the analysis and discuss the prudent next steps. The goal is to convene the workshop within 30 days of the release of the EIM analysis. 55. Transport Xleetrifiealieri Avista commits, and Hydro One agrees that Avista commits, to initiate a stakeholder process within 60 days of the close of the Proposed Transaction to explore opportunities for transpoft electrification that benefits all Idaho customers. Environmental Commitments Greenhouse Gas and Carbon Initiatives: Hydro One acknowledges Avista's Greenhouse Gas and Carbon Initiatives contained in its current Integrated Resource Plan, and Avista will continue to work with interested parties on such initiatives. Greenhouse Gas Inventory Report: Avista will report greenhouse gas emissions as required. Energy Efficiency, Weatherization, Community and Low-Income Assistance Commitments Fundins for Energy Efficiency. Weatherization. Conservation. and Low-Income Assistance Prosrams: Hydro One will arrange funding of $5,308,847 over a lO-year period to fund energy efficiency, weatherization, conservation, and low-income assistance programs. The funding will be disbursed as directed by the Energy Efficiency, Weatherization, Conservation, and Low-lncome Assistance Committee ("EWCL"), a new committee of stakeholders tasked with determining which existing or new programs should receive this funding to address energy efficiency, weatherization, conservation, and low-income needs in Avista's Idaho service territory. The committee will initially consist of representatives from the following stakeholders: Avista, Commission staff, the Lewiston CAP, Idaho Conservation League, the Idaho Forest Group, and Clearwater Paper. The Committee may add members at its discretion. The EWCL will consider the needs of all parties and remain flexible on the timing of any disbursements. The EWCL will convene within 90 days after the close of the Proposed Transaction, will present a 10-year funding plan to Avista by June 1,2019 and will revise this plan periodically as needed. 59.Clearwater Paper DSM Assistance: Avista agrees to work with Clearwater Paper to attempt to qualify the following projects for DSM funding under Tariff Schedule 90, upon closing of the Proposed Transaction: . Variable speed drives on the No. I paper machine hydropulper. Variable speed drives on the No. 4 power boiler demineralized water pumps. Energy efficient chillers and compressors for the Lurgi system. A variable speed drive on the No.1 paper machine white water system. Variable speed drives on the two waste water outfall pumps The total estimated cost of the projects is $750,000. Tariff Schedule 90 allows for possible DSM funding of up to 70%o of the cost of the project, subject to meeting certain specified cost-effectiveness criteria. The portion of the estimated cost of these identified projects that is not reimbursed under Schedule 90 will be considered for funding through Commitment 58. The EWCL will consider the needs of all parties and remain flexible on the timing of any disbursements. 56. 57. 58. Revised Exhibit A to First Amendment to Stipulation and Settlement Revised Exhibit A to First Amendment to Stipulation and Settlement 60. Idaho Forest Group (IFG) DSM Assistance: Avista agrees to work with Idaho Forest Group (lFG) to attempt to qualify the following projects for DSM funding under Tariff Schedule 90, upon closing of the Proposed Transaction: a a Installation of information technology to gather plant information data (PI Data) on energy usage at IFG's Lewiston plant, and through an installed interface, transmit real time energy load information data for each operating station to IFG and Avista. This may serve as a useful demonstration project for data interfaces with other customers on Avista's system. The total estimated cost is S300,000. Replacement of aging compressors, saws and other equipment with state of the art machinery at IFG's Lewiston and Grangeville plants, in order to increase productivity and energy efficiency. Tariff Schedule 90 allows for possible DSM funding of up to 70%o of the cost of the project, subject to meeting certain specified cost-effectiveness criteria. The portion of the estimated cost of these identified projects that is not reimbursed under Schedule 90 will be considered for funding through Commitment 58. The EWCL will consider the needs of all parties and remain flexible on the timing of any disbursements. Communitv Contributions: Hydro One will arrange funding for a one-time 57,000,000 contribution to Avista's charitable foundation at or promptly following closing.T Addressing Other Low-Income Customer Issues: Avista will continue to work with low-income agencies to address other issues of low-income customers, including funding for bill payment assistance. Fee Free Pavment Program: Avista will continue to offer the Fee Free Payment Program to its residential customers. Improve Penetration of Low-Income Programs: Hydro One and Avista will work with the Lewiston CAP to undertake a targeted effort with a goal of improving the penetration rate of low-income programs with a focus on underserved, vulnerable, and high energy burden households. This commitment may include expanding marketing, outreach, and data analysis as appropriate. Tribal Communities: In implementing these conditions, Avista will reach out to tribal communities to encourage participation of members of such communities in receiving the benefits of this settlement. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 7 Note that Commitment I I contains additional provisions relating to Avista's charitable contributions Revised Exhibit A to First Amendment to Stipulation and Settlement Miscellaneous Commitments 66. Sources of Funds for Hydro One Commi Throughout this list of merger commitments, any commitment that states Hydro One will arrange funding is not contingent on Hydro One's ability to arrange funding, particularly from outside sources, but is a firm commitment to provide the dollar amount specified over the time period specified and for the purposes specified. To the extent Avista has retained earnings that are available for payment of dividends to Olympus Equity LLC consistent with the ring fencing provisions of this list of merger commitments, such retained earnings may be used. Funds available from other Hydro One affiliates may be used without limitation. Avista will not seek cost recovery for any of the commitments funded or arranged by Hydro One in this list of merger commitments. Hydro One will not seek cost recovery for such funds from ratepayers in Canada or the United States. 67 Service Rules for Gas Utilities: Avista will meet with Commission Staff to review the Commission's Service Rules for Gas Utilities (IDAPA 31.31.01) to determine which provisions should be retained and/or modified, and, if the participants agree, incorporate those changes into Avista's tariff. Meters: Avista will meet with Commission Staff to review its meter placement and protection policies and practices and determine, if the participants agree, what additional steps should be taken to revise Avista's current policies and practices. Colstrip Planning: Hydro One and Avista agree to support a December 31,2027, end of life for depreciation purposes in the processes described below. Hydro One and Avista also agree that issues relating to the potential accelerated depreciation of Avista's interest in Colstrip Units 3 and 4 and related matters should be addressed in three existing, interrelated Commission proceedings as follows: a GNR-U-18-01 -- Investigation Into the Impact of Federal Tax Code Revisions on Utility Costs and Ratemoking: As part of this docket, not less than $12.0 Million regulatory liability should be created using the unprotected Excess DFIT/Deferral of January - May 2018 tax credit. This $12.0 Million regulatory liability would then be available to offset costs associated with accelerated depreciation of Colstrip Units 3 and 4 or other use as determined appropriate in AVU-E-l 8-03/AVU-G-l 8-02. a AVU-E-18-03 / AVU-G-18-02 -- Avista Corporation's Application to Change Its Electric andNatural Gas Depreciation Rates: As part of this docket, the Commission will determine whether, as proposed by Hydro One and Avista, December 31,2027, should be set as the "useful life" for Colstrip Units 3 and 4 for depreciation purposes. The Parties will work towards resolution of this proceeding by April I ,2019. Avista's Application 2019 Electric Integrated Resource Plan (IRP): Avista's 2019 IRP will analyze multiple retirement dates for Colstrip Units 3 and 4, 68. 69. a 70. 71. Revised Exhibit A to First Amendment to Stipulation and Settlement including but not limited to, the "end of useful life" date determined in AVU- E-18-03/AVU-G-18-02. The other retirement dates analyzed, as well as the method, inputs, and assumptions for those scenarios planning analyses, will be determined with input from the IRP stakeholder advisory group. Avista anticipates that the first draft of its 201 9 IRP will be released in May 2019 and its second draft will be released in August 2019. Montana Communitv Transition Fund: Hydro One will affange funding of $3.0 Million (on a system basis) towards a Colstrip community transition fund. Colstrip Transmission Planning: Avista will work with the other Path 8 (MT-to- NW) owners (Northwestern Energy and BPA) to resolve questions surrounding the ability of new generation to use the Colstrip line once Colstrip Units 1 and 2 retire, and also when Units 3 and 4 retire. At least one year prior to any closure of Colstrip Units 3 and 4, Avista will develop a transition plan for its Colstrip transmission assets. Avista will hold at least one workshop with Commission Staff and stakeholders to determine the transition plan's impacts to Idaho ratepayers. Avista will work with stakeholders and Commission Staff and file this transition plan with the Commission. In developing this transition plan, to the extent practicable, Avista should participate in l) the workshops on this topic that PSE and the Commission will be holding in 2018 (per the PSE GRC settlement), and 2) the BPA/Governor Bullock Transmission Task Force that commenced work on December 8, 2017 , and will work through the middle of 20 I 8. Hydro One agrees Avista will conduct the activities described in the foregoing paragraphs. Contract Labor: The parties agree that employees, contractors, and subcontractors of Avista shall be paid a fair and competitive wage, and that Avista shall utilize principles of fairness in bidding and contracting work in the state of Idaho. Avista agrees to employ highly skilled and trained workers. Such training and education can be obtained through college programs, technical schools, apprenticeships, or union hall programs, including those of the Washington and Northern Idaho District Council of Laborers. The parties recognize that no employee, contractor, or subcontractor of the Company is required or prohibited from participation in any labor organization. The Parties agree that Commitment 72 is severable, and if this provision is declared void, invalid, or unenforceable in whole or in part, such declaration shall not affect the remaining provisions of this Commitment List. Most Favored Nations: The Applicants agree that upon the joint request of the Non- Applicant Parties, or a request of less than all Non-Applicant Parties which is unopposed by any Non-Applicant, the Commission shall have an opportunity and the authority to consider and adopt in Idaho any commitments to which the Applicants agree in other jurisdictions, even if such commitments are agreed to after the 72 73. Commission enters its order in this docket. To facilitate the Commission's consideration and possible adoption of the commitments from other jurisdictions, the Parties recommend that the Commission issue an order accepting this Stipulation as soon as practical, but to reserve in such order the explicit right to re-open to add commitments accepted in another state jurisdiction. The Applicants further agree that upon the request of any Non-Applicant Party prior to the Commission's action on this Stipulation, if Applicants agree with any commitments in other jurisdictions, within five days of such a request, Applicants will meet and confer with the Non-Applicant Parties to discuss whether such commitments should be added to the existing list of commitments already agreed to by the Parties in this Stipulation. Process for Consideration: Within five calendar days after Applicants file a stipulation with new or amended commitments with a commission in another state jurisdiction, Applicants will send a copy of the stipulation and commitments to the Non-Applicant Parties. Within five calendar days after a commission in another state jurisdiction issues an order that accepts a stipulation to which Applicants are a party and imposes new or modified commitments, that order, together with all commitments of any type agreed to by Applicants in such other state, will be filed with the Commission and served on all parties to this docket by the most expeditious means practical. Within fourteen (14) calendar days after the last such filing from the other states ("Final Filing"), the Non-Applicant Parties may file with the Commission any response they wish to make, including their position as to whether any of the covenants, commitments and conditions from the other jurisdictions (without modification of the language thereof except such non-substantive changes as are necessary to make the commitment or condition applicable to Idaho) should be adopted in ldaho. a a a a a Within five calendar days after any such response filing, the Applicants may file a reply with the Commission. Ifany ofthe dates above fall on Saturday, Sunday, or a holiday, the next business day will be considered as the due date. The Parties agree to support in their filings the issuance by the Commission of an order regarding the adoption of such commitments as soon as practical thereafter, recognizing that the Proposed Transaction cannot close until final state orders have been issued approving the Proposed Transaction. Revised Exhibit A to First Amendment to Stipulation and Settlement a Revised Exhibit A to First Amendment to Stipulation and Settlement Limitations on Adj ustment: Only commitments specific to gas service may form the basis for adjustments specific to gas service. Only commitments specific to electric service may form the basis for adjustments specific to electric service. Any commitments relating to support of communities in Montana are not subject to this provision. As Avista does not operate as a utility in Alaska, any commitments made in Alaska are not subject to this provision. For purposes of financial commitments or commitments having a financial impact, commitments should be proportionate to Avista's corresponding business function in Idaho in relation to its corresponding total company business function. Accordingly, commitments should be allocated among Avista's WA, ID and OR jurisdictions based on the following: 1) Rate Credit is allocated based on base revenues; 2) all other financial commitments are allocated using the Company's jurisdictional "four factor" allocation methodology, routinely employed for purposes of allocating common costs, as discussed in Mr. Ehrbar's testimony in this proceeding. For purposes of this provision, "financial commitments or commitments having a financial impact" do not include ring fencing provisions. Notice and Petition to Alter or Amend: If any event occurs that would have an effect on Avista's operations and/or customer rates because of Avista's corporate relationship with Hydro One, or affects Hydro One's compliance with any commitment in this stipulation (an "Event"), any of the parties to this proceeding may petition the Commission at any time to alter or amend the final order in Case Nos. AVU-E-17-09 and AVU-G-17-05, and neither Hydro One nor any of its subsidiaries, including Avista, will oppose initiation of such a proceeding. Hydro One or Avista will report to the Commission any material Event as soon as practicable. For purposes of the Commitment 74, a material event means (i) an event that a properly informed person would reasonably conclude would have a significant effect on Avista's operations or customers' rates; or (ii) making it more probable than not that Hydro One would be out of compliance with any Commitment herein. Nothing in this Commitment 74 shall be interpreted to limit the positions or arguments that Avista or Hydro One may take or advance in any such proceeding, including the right to argue that a petition presents insufficient grounds or evidence. Prior to filing a petition with the Commission under this Commitment 74, a party must provide Hydro One and Avista at least 30 days advance written notice and an opportunity to meet and confer about resolutions other than filing with the Commission under this commitment. Nothing in this commitment is intended to restrict the rights of the parties to petition the Commission concerning its order(s) in this docket, or to limit the authority of the Commission. a a a a 74. Revised Exhibit A to First Amendment to Stipulation and Settlement 75.North American Free Trade Asreement (NAFTA): Hydro One and Avista commit to forego their rights to bring any claim under NAFTA, or similar provision of the United States Mexico Canada Agreement (USMCA) challenging, or seeking monetary damages related to, any regulations, laws, orders or actions passed or taken by the State of Idaho or any instrumentality thereof or the government of the United States in relation to the production, transmission or distribution of electric power, natural gas or other energy sources by Avista. In the event that such a claim is brought under NAFTA (or the USMCA) that involves or impacts Avista, Hydro One commits that it will not voluntarily participate in, support or otherwise encourage such action. Hydro One will indemnifu Avista from any damages payable by Avista in respect of any such claim as determined by a finalnon-appealable judicialorder. 76.Venue for and Resolution of Disputes: Avista and Parent agree that the venue for disputes regarding the operation and/or customer rates of Avista will be in state and U.S. federal regulatory bodies or courts of competent jurisdiction, as applicable, in Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Montana or Alaska. 77. Environmental Liabilities of Parent:Hydro One will hold Avista and Avista ratepayers harmless from any environmental obligations or liabilities of Hydro One or its affiliates other than Avista, including those associated with harmful substances such as asbestos or polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and environmental cleanup and restoration. 78.Foreign Exchange and Hedginq: Avista and Parent agree that Avista ratepayers will be held harmless from any currency exchange or related cash flow smoothing or hedging costs pertaining to activities beyond Avista's Idaho utility operations and/or customer rates and not usual and customary prior to close of the Proposed Transaction. Water Rights and Facilities 79. Subordination of Water Riehts: Hydro One and Avista shall abide by the terms of the luly 25,2018 Agreement with the Idaho Department of Water Resources regarding Avista's Hydroelectric Facility Water Rights. The July 25, 2018 Agreement is Attachment I to this Master List of Commitments. MODIFICATION TO DELEGATION OF AUTHORITY, CLAUSE 3 (see below for defined terms) Shareholder shall have the unfettered right to designate, remove and replace the Shareholder Designees as directors of the Surviving Corporation with or without cause or notice at its sole discretion, subject to the requirement that: (i) two (2) of such directors are executives of Parent or any of its Subsidiaries and (ii) three (3) of such directors are Independent Directors who are citizens of the United States and are and have been residents of the Pacific Northwest Region for at least two years, while such requirement Revised Exhibit A to First Amendment to Stipulation and Settlement is in effect (subject in the case of clause (ii) hereof to Shareholder determining, in good faith, that it is not able to appoint an Independent Director who is a citizen of the United States, and resident of the Pacific Northwest Region in a timely manner, in which case Shareholder may replace any such director with any person who is a citizen of the United States, excluding any employee or executive of Parent or any of its Subsidiaries other than Avista, on an interim basis, not exceeding six months, after which time Shareholder shall replace any such interim director with an Independent Director who is a citizen of the United States and is and has been a resident of the Pacific Northwest Region for at least two years). If, at any time a circumstance arises, and during the pendency of any such circumstance, whereby the Province of Ontario ("Ontario") exercises its rights as a shareholder of Hydro One, uses legislative authority or acts in any other manner whatsoever, that results, or would result, in Ontario appointing nominees to the board of directors of Hydro One that constitute, or would constitute a majority of the directors of such board, then Hydro One's authority to replace an Independent Director on an interim basis is suspended for the pendency of such circumstance. For purposes of this modification to the Delegation of Authority, the following definitions, which are set forth in the Delegation of Authority and Merger Agreement, will apply: "lndependent Directors" means any director of the Surviving Corporation who (i) meets the standards for "independent director" under section 303A.02 of the New York Stock Exchange Listed Company Manual with respect to Parent and its Subsidiaries, including the Surviving Corporation, (ii) has no material relationship with Parent, its Subsidiaries or affiliated entities currently or in the prior three years, and (iii) if and to the extent required with respect to a specific director, who meets such other qualifications as may be required by any applicable state utility regulatory authority for an independent director. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this definition of "lndependent Director," (a) a director who also serves as an independent director of the Surviving Corporation or any of its Subsidiaries or the Shareholder and who otherwise satisfies the criteria set forth above for an "lndependent Director," may still be considered independent within the meaning hereof and (b) former officers of the Company or the Surviving Corporation, who otherwise satisfy the criteria set forth above for an "lndependent Director," may still be considered independent within the meaning hereof. "Pacific Northwest R " means the Pacific Northwest states in which the Surviving Corporation seryes retail electric or natural gas customers, currently Alaska, Idaho, Montana, Oregon and Washington. 6'Parent" shall mean Hydro One Limited, a corporation organized under the laws of the Province of Ontario. "Shareholdel'shall mean Olympus Equity LLC, a Delaware limited liability company. "Shareholder Desi " shall mean (i) two (2) directors designated by Shareholder who are executives of Parent or any of its Subsidiaries; (ii) three (3) Independent Directors who are residents of the Pacific Northwest Region, to be designated by Shareholder (the "shareholder Independent Directors"). [Note: for purposes of this modification to the Revised Exhibit A to First Amendment to Stipulation and Settlement DoA, "Shareholder Designees" has the same meaning as "Hydro One Designees" in Commitment No. 3.1 "Subsj1ljarles" when used with respect to any party hereto, shall mean any corporation, limited liability company, partnership, association, trust or other entity of which securities or other ownership interests representing more than 50Yo of the equity and more than 50Yo of the ordinary voting power (or, in the case of a limited partnership, more than 50%o of the general partnership interests) are, as of such date, owned by such party or one or more Subsidiaries of such party or by such party and one or more Subsidiaries of such party. "Surviving Corporation" shall mean Avista Corporation, a Washington corporation. Revised Exhibit A to First Amendment to Stipulation and Settlement State of ltlaho DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES 322 East Front Slrecl . P.O. Box E3?30'Boise, Idaho 83720,009E Phone: (2fi8) :81-48fi0 . Fax: (208) 2E?-6?00 . trVebslte: rvww.ldrvr.ldaho.gov C.L. "BU'TCATF OTTTR GoYcmc G,ARY SPACX-IVIAN Dlrcctor August l0,20lt Transmitted Yia Hand Delivery and by E-mail Paul Kjellander, President Kristine Raper, Commissioner Eric Anderson, Commissioner C/O Diane Hanian, Commission Secretary Idatro Public Utilities Commission 472W. Washinglon St. Boise,Idaho E3702 Re: Case Nos. AVU-E-17-09 and AVU-G-17-05 Dear Commissioners, I am writing to update you regarding discussions between the tdaho Department of Water Resources (*IDWR") and Avista Corporation ("Avista"). Since early 2018, IDWR and Avista have been discussing Avista's water right claims in the Coeur d'Alene-Spokane River Basin Adjudication ('CSRBA"). The main focus of our discussions has been Avisk's hydropower water rights at the three dams and power plant at Post Falls ("Post Falls dam"). The State of ldaho has a history of disputes over hydropower water rights. The Swan Falls controversy of the early 1980s involving ldaho Power's hydropower water rights at Swan Falls dam led to thc commeneement of the Snake River Basin Adjudication ('SRBA") in 1987. Litigation in the SRBA related to Idaho Power's Swan Falls water rights did not conclude until 2012. A main reason for engaging with Avista early in the CSRBA was to avoid extended litigation over Avista's hydropower water rights, especially over the issue of subordination to existing and future waler rights. In July of 20 I 8, IDWR was notified of the Joint Application for an Oder Authorizing Proposed Transaction ("Joint Application") filed with the Idaho Public Utilities Commission (*PUC") by Avista and Hydro One Limited ("Hydro One"). The Joint Application sought the PUC's approval of a planned m€rger between Avista and Hydro One pursuant to ldaho Code $ 6l-328. Immediately, IDWR was concerned the merger would disrupt the adjudication claim discussions and might impede or prevent resolution of the issues. Furthermore, IDWR was concerned the merger could result in a change in the use of water authorized by Avista's hydropower water rights. To ensure that the public interest, as it pertains to Avista's use of water under its hydropower water rights, would not be adversely affected, IDWR moved to intervene in the PUC proceeding. The PUC subsequently granted IDWR's petition to intcrvene. While IDWR's petition to intervene was pending before the PUC, IDWR and Avista continued discussing Avista's hydropower water rights at Post Falls dam. We are pleased to inform you that IDWR and Avista reached an agreement that addresses IDWR's concerns. Specifically, IDWR and Avista have Revised Exhibit A to First Amendment to Stipulation and Settlement August I 0, 201 I Letter to Commissioners Page2 reached an agtreement regarding subordination of Avista's water rights consistent with the historical operations at Post Falls dam. IDWR and Avista have agreed that Avista's water right claim nos. 95-4518, 95-91 15, and 95-91l9 shall be recommended in the CSRBA with the following subordination language: The use of water confirmed in this right shall be junior and subordinate to permits, licenses, or decrees for all uses within the State of Idaho with a priority date of, or earlier than, July 25, 2018, diverted upstrcam from allthree points of diversion for this right. The use of water confirmed in this right shall be junior and subordinate to permits, licenses, or decrees for all uses, except for permits, Iicenses, or decrees for inigation storage or power purposes. within the State of Idaho with a priority date later than July 25, 201 8, diverted upstream from all thrte points of diversion for this right. The use of water confirmed in this right shall not be subordinate to permits, license, or decrees within ths State of Idaho diverted downstream from all three points of diversion for this right The agreement ensures that the public interect, as il reletes to Aviste's water use pursuant to its wster righta, will not be adversely affected by the proposed transactior between Avistt aad Hydro One, The agreement safeguards existing and future water users from changes in historical operations, helps protect the summer lake level of Coeur d'Alene Lake, and supports the ongoing operations of Post Falls dam in a manner consistpnt with prior agreements and the ldaho Department of Environmental Quality 40 I Certifi cation. A copy of the agreemcnt between IDWR and Avista is attached to this lctter. To ensure documentation of the agre€ment before the PUC, IDWR requests that if the PUC approves the pending transaction between Avista and Hydro One, the PUC include the agreement as an attachment or exhibit to any such order so that the resolution of this issue is documented in the order. Sincerely, Director Attachment: Agreement Regarding Subondination of Avista's Post Falls Hydroelectric Facility \ilater Rights Cc: All parties Revised Exhibit A to First Amendment to Stipulation and Settlement CERTITICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this 10ft &y of August 2018, I served a true and conect copy of the foregoing document on the following by the method(s) indicated. IDAHO PUC Idaho Public Utilities Commissioners C/O Diane Hanian Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472W. Washin$on St. Boise,Idaho 83702 d iaue.holt@puc.idaho. gov David Meyer Vice President and Chief Counsel of Regulatory & Governmental Affairs Avista Corporation P.O. Box 3727 Spokane, WA99220-3727 David. nrever@avistacom.conr Patrick Ehrbar Director of Rates State & Federal Regulation Avista Corporation patrick.elubar@avistacorp.conr Elisabeth Thomas Kari Vander Stoep Dirk Middents K&L Gates LLP 925 Fourth Avenue, Suite 2900 Seattle, WA 98104-1158 I iz.thomas@.k I sates.corn kari.vanderstoep@kl gates.com d i rk. m i ddents@.kl gates, com James Scarlett Executive Vice President & Chief Legal Officer Hydro One Limited i scarlett (@h vdroone. con r f] u.s. Mait, postage prepaid El Hana Defvcry fl ovemight Mail E Facsimile E Email AVISTA CORPORATION [l U.S. Mail, postage prepaidtrtrtra Hand Delivery Ovemight Mail Facsimile Email n u.s. Mail, postage prepaid ! HanaDelivcry E Overnight Mail fJ Facsimile EI Email HYDRO ONE LIMITED f] u.s. Mail, posrage prepaidtrtrtra Hand Delivery Ovemight Mail Facsimile Email E U.S. Mail, postage prepaidE gana Defivery EI OvemightMail D Facsimile E Email Revised Exhibit A to First Amendment to Stipulation and Settlement COMMISSIONSTAFF B U.S. Mail, postage prepaid f] UanA Delivery Brandon Karpen Deputy Attomey General Idatro Fublic Utilities Commission 472W. Washington P.O. Box 83720 Boise, lD 83720-0074 brandon.karpen@nuc. idalto. eov Ronald Williams Williams Bradbury, PC P.O. Box 388 Boise,lD 83701 ronrDwi I I ianrsbradburv.com Larry A. Crowley, Director The Energy Strategies Institute, Inc. 5549 S. Cliffsedge Ave. Boise,ID 83716 crowlevla@aol.com Dean J. Miller deanjmi ller@cableone.net Dr. Don Reading 5070 Hill Road Boise,ID 83703 dreadinp@mindsprine.conr carol.hauenAclearwaterpaper.conr rnarv@malewallen.com i ohn j acobs@c learwatemaper.com dav i d. wren(Ocl earwaterpaper.cont nat han. sm ithfdcl earwaterBaper.com trua Overnight Mail Facsimile Email IDAHO FOREST GROUP, LLCatrnntr U.S. Mail, postsge prepaid Hand Delivery Overnight Mail Facsimile Email [l u.S. Mail, postage prepaid fl Hana Delivery n Ovemight Mail fl Facsimile EI Email fl u.s. Mail postage prepaidfl Uana fleliveryfl overnight Mailn Facsimilefi rmail CLEARWATER PAPER CORPORATION Peter J. Richardson E U.S.Mail, postage prepaid Richardson Adams, PLLC I gana Delivery SiiN-. Zifr St. ! ovemight Mail Boise,ID 83702 H ;H:lI'" oe t erlD ri c h ard sonad am s. c o m I u.s. Mail, postage prepaid I Hana Deliveryfl ovemightMailI Facsimile El amait El Email E email EX Email I Email I emait Revised Exhibit A to First Amendment to Stipulation and Settlement COMMUNTTY Brady M. Purdy Attorney at Law 2019N. l7h St. Boise, ID 83702 bnrpurd v(0thotmgi l.com Benjamin J. Otto Idaho Conservation League 710 N. 6s St. Boise, lD 83702 botto@idahoconservati on. or,I Norman M. Semanko Parsons Behle & Latimer 800 West Main Street, Ste. 1300 Boise, Idaho 83702 nsemanko6lnarsonsbeh le.conl ACTION PARTNERSHTPE ASSOCIATION OF IDAHO U.S. Mail, postage prepaid Hand Delivery Overnight Mail Facsimile Email U.S. Mait, postage prepaid Hand Delivery Overnight Mail Facsimils Email U.S. Mail, postag€ prepaid Hand Delivery ovcrnight Mail Facsimile Email L. Baxter IDAHO CONSERVATION LEAGUE Enntrtr WASHINGTON AND NORTHERN IDAHO DISTRJCT COUNCIL OF LABORERS Danielle Franco-Malone EI U.S. Mait, postage prepaid Schwerin Campbell Bamard I uano Delivery Iglitzin & Lavitt LLP I overnight Mail l&West Mercer Street, Suite 400 H [ffii"'"Seattle, WA 98119-3971 Iianco@workerl aw,corn AVISTA CUSTOMER GROUP BntrfI EX Revised Exhibit A to First Amendment to Stipulation and Settlement Agreement Regarding Subordination of Avista's Post Falls Hydroelectric Facility Water Rights Purpose This Agreement, reached hetween Avista Corporation, a Washington corporation ("Avista") and the ldaho Department of Water Resour€es ("lDWR") (collectively the "Parties), is lntended to capture the m utual understanding of the Parties regarding su bordination of Avista's Post Falls water rights, of record with IDWR as Avista's claim nos. 95-4518, 95-9115, and 95-9119 (hereafter "Avista's water riBhts"). This Agreernent guides the Parties' actions in settings including, but not lirnited to, the Coeur d'Alene- Spokane River Basin Adjudication ("CSRBA") and the currently pending proceeding before the ldaho Public Utilities Commission ("PUC") related to the proposed merger of Avista and Hydro One Limited (aairg through its indirect subsidiary Olympus Equity LLC)("Hydro One"). This Agreement is built upon several interests of the Parties:o To protect the summer lake level of Coeur d'Alene Lake;e To ensure the public interest, as it relates to the use of water by Avista, will not be adversely affected by the proposed transaction between Avista and Hydro One; andr To support the ongoing operations of the three dams and power plant at Post Falls ("Post Falls darn") in a manner consistent with prior agreements and as referenced by the ldaho Department of Environmental Quality 401 Certification ("401Certification")for Post Falls dam and the Federal Energy Regulatory Cornmission's License for the Spokane River Project #2545 ("FERC license"), Subordination of Avista's water rights The Parties agree that Avista's water rights are subordinated consistent with the following language, and the following language will be included in the CSRBA claims for Avista's water rights and will be incorporated in IDWR's recommendations of Avista's water rights in the CSRBA Director's Report for Basin 95 ("Directo/s Report"): The use of water confirmed in this right shall be junior and subordinate to permits, licenses, or decrees for all uses within the state of ldaho with a prioraty date of, or earlier than, July 25, 2018, diverted upstream from all three points of diversion for this right. The use of water confirmed in this right shall be junior and subordinate to permits, licenses, or decrees for all uses, except for permits, licenses, or decrees for irrigation storage or power purposes, within the State of ldaho with a priority date later than July 25, 2018, diverted upstream from all three points of diversion for this right. The use of water confirrned in this right shall not be subordinate to permits, license, or decrees within the State of ldaho diverted downstream from all three points of diversion for this right. Agreed Actions by the Parties 1. Upon both Partles' slgnature to this Agreement, IDWR will convey to the PUC a copy of thls Agreement along with a letter stating that if the PUC approves the pending transactaon between Avista and Hydro One, the PUC shall reference this Agreement in any such order. The letter will I Revised Exhibit A to First Amendment to Stipulation and Settlement also explain that with this Agreement, IDWR is satisfied that the proposed merger, with resp€ct to Avista's water rights, will not be adverse to the public interest; 2. Avista will not object to the terms of subordination described above which will be included in the Direstor's Report for Avista's water rights, and wlll support those terms in the CSRBA; 3. The Parties agree on dismissal or withdrawal, as appropriate, of Avista's federal water right claims in the CSRBA, numbered 95-16653 and 95-16654; and 4- Avista also owns certain water rights for power purposes at Cabinet Gorge dam, of record with IDWR as water right nos. 96-4565,95-2179,96-2180, and95-2269. IDWR and Avista agree to worlc, in good faith, toward reaching an agreernent regarding subordination of Avista's water rights at Cablnet Gorge dam. General Terms 1. Consideratio4.. The Parties acknowledge receiving sufficient consideration forthe commitments contained in this Agreement and waive any argument that they might have in any judlcial proceeding that no consideration exists to support this A6reement or that the consideration received is not sufficient. 2- Bindine Effect of Asreement, This Agreement is intended to be a final and binding agreement between IDWR and Avasta, jointly and severally, and inures to the benefit of, and is binding upon, the successors in interest and assigns of each entity. The Parties further agree that this Agreement is not contingent upon approval of the pending PUC merger case between Avista and Hydro One. 3. CapaeitvtoExecuteAEr . ThePartieswarrantandrepresentthatthe personexecuting this Agreement on its behalf is ernpowered to do so and thereby binds it by signing this ABreement. 4. Waivers. The failure to object to any breach of any term or condition in this Agreement shall not constitute a waiver, and no failure to object shall be deemed a waiver of any prior or subsequent breach. 5. Entiretv of Agreement. This Agreement represents the entire and integrated agreement between the Parties with respect to the subject matter hereof. No prom'se or inducernent has been offered or made except as herein set forth, and this Agreement is executed by each party without reliance upon any statement or representation by any other party or its agent. 5. Modification, To the extent this Agreement may be amended or modified, it shall be only by a written agreement signed by each of the parties to this Agreement. 7. Disoute Eesolution. The Parties agree to meet and discuss informally, in good faith, before filing an action arising from the Agreement, 8. Execution of ARre_gment in Parts.. Due to time constraints, the parties acknowledge that it is not possibletohaveall PartiessignthesamecopyofthisAgreernent. Therefore,thepartiesaBree that this Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original, but all of which together shall constitute one and the same instrument. 2 Revised Exhibit A to First Amendment to Stipulation and Settlement 9. Signatures. ln witness whereof, the parties to this Agreement through their duly authorized representatives have executed this Agreemem and certify that they have read, understood, and agreed to the terms and conditions of this Agreement as set forth herein. 4greed to, the 25s ofJuly, 2018. Avista Corp Bruce Howard, 5r. Director Rea! Estate and Envlronmental Affairs For IDWR Gary Spackman, Director ldaho Department of Water Resources 3 Revised Exhibit A to First Amendment to Stipulation and Settlement ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS srArE o, gCashi*s{o. Y"(*^r ss. COUNTY OF On this35 dayof Juh,2018, before me,?.oJ Pcic< A notary public of the State of [,r]"sh,+n*o-. , personally appeared Rf.:uc FLrut*fd* s Sr, T)', r€.(-+or of Avista Corporation, known or identified to me to be the Frson who executed the foregoing instrument on behalf of Avista Corporation, and he/she acknowledged to me that he/she executed the same. NOTARY Reslding PUBLIC "y Sfov&6e- r LJrA My cornmission expires: a{n traU STATE OF COUNTY OF - On this _ day of July, 2018, before me, , A notary public of the State of ldaho, personally appeared GARY SPACKMAN, the Director of the ldaho Department of Water Resources, known or identified to me to be the person who executed the foregoing instrument on behalf of the ldaho tlepartment of Water Resources, and he acknowledged to me that he executed the same. NOTARY PUBLIC Resldlng at My commisslon expires: ss. 4 Revised Exhibit A to First Amendment to Stipulation and Settlement 9. SEnglrcE ln wltness whereof, thc partlcs ttt thls Agreement through theirduly authortsed reprEentatlues hae executed thls Agreement and certlfy that they hrve read, understood, and agreed to the terms and condltlons of thls Aefeemcnt as set foith herein. Agreed to. the 2srh of July, 2018. For Avista Corp Bruce Howard, Sr. Director Rcal Estate and EnvironmGntal Affairi Gary Director ldaho Department of Water Rercurces For 3 Revised Exhibit A to First Amendment to Stipulation and Settlement ACKNOWLEDGEMEITITS SIATE OF COUNWOF On this - day of July, 2018, before ne , - , A notary public of the State of personally appeared a-ofAvistacorporation.knownoridentifiedtometo be the person who executed the foregoing instrument on behalf of Avista Corporation, and he/she acknowledged to me that he/she executed the same. NOTARY PUBLIC Residing at; Mycommission "*pir"rZ sTArE orHda.r-^ COUNTY OF $rat .- On thisSayof July,2O18, before me,gi*. lL r-'\r^;+6- A notary public of the State of ldaho, personally appeared GARY SPACKMAN, the Director of the ldaho Department of Water Resources, known or identified to me to be the person who executed the foregoing instrument on behalf of th€ ldaho Department of Water Resources, and he acknowledged to me that he executed the same. \Jlu*r" & NOTARY PUBLIC Residing at; My cornmission t-r1\cr \.zo-r.r- ss. s5. ilu- 4 * a Op ID r' ) ) Exhibit B to First Amendment to Stipulation and Settlement Bevised Exhibit A Table of Contents Reservation of Certain Authority to the Avista Board of Directors l. Authority Reserved: 2. Executive Management: 3. Board of Directors: 4. Avista's Brand and Plan for the Operation of the Business: 5. Capital Investment for Economic Development: . 6. Continuedlnnovation: 8. Compensation and Benefits: Page 4tr fl 9. Avista's Headquarters: 10. Local Staffing: I l. Community Contributions: 12. Community Involvemen 17. Treatment of Transaction Costs: sz sz q 14. Membership Organizations:6g 15. Safety and Reliability Standards and Service Quality Measures: Rate Commitments 16. Treatment ofNet Cost Savings:6g 6g 18. TravelExpenses: 19. Rate Credits:+g Regulatory Commitments 20. State Regulatory Authority and Jurisdiction:elo ell 22. Separate Books and Records: 23. Audtt Access to and Maintenance of Books and Records ell 24. Cost Allocations Related to Corporate Structure and Affiliate Interests: +412 Idaho Settlement Proposal - Master List of Commitments Revised !!16/2019 5019!gf4 v19 Page 1 of2431 MASTER LIST OF COMMITMENTS IN IDAHO Exhibit B to First Amendment to Stipulation and Settlement Revised Exhibit A 25. Ratemaking Cost of Debt and Equity: 26. Avista Capital Structure: 27. FERC Reporting Requirements: 28. Participation in National and Regional Forums 29. Treatment of Confidential Information: 30. Commission Enforcement of Commitments 31. Submittal to State Court Jurisdiction for Enforcement of Commission Orders: 32. Annual Report on Commitments: 33. Commitments Binding Financial Integrity Commitments r+13 4315 )2A )2U EA )24 $a )214 +3r5 1315 {+li -1315 34. Capital Structure Support: 35. Utility-Level Debt and Preferred Stock 37. Credit Ratings Notification: 38. Restrictions on Upward Dividends and Distributions 39. Pension Funding: 40. SEC Reporting Requirements: , 41. Compliance with the Sarbanes-Oxley Act: 1316 +44 +411 +44 MURing-Fencing Commitments 42. Golden Share: 43. Independent Directors:+4A 44. Non-Consolidation Opinion: 46. Restriction on Pledge of Utility Assets: 47. Hold Harnrless; Notice to Lenders; Restriction on Acquisitions and Dispositions: -1-61! 48. Olympus Holding Corp. and Olympus Equity LLC Sub-entities: 49. NoAmendment@ 50. No Inter Company Debt: 51. No Inter Company Lending: Resource Planning Commitments 52. Renewable Energy Resources: Idaho Settlement Proposal - Master List of Commitments Revised 11/6/201B 50tE!_s,1ztg_9 E4 +14 +820 l8z) 1820 182I) Page2 of24! I Exhibit B to First Amendment to Stipulation and Settlement Bevised Exhibit A 53. Regulatory Integrated Resource Planning (IRP) Sideboards: 54. Energy Imbalance Market ("EIM"): 55. Transport Electrification: Environmental Commitments 56. Greenhouse Gas and Carbon Initiatives: 57. Greenhouse Gas Inventory Report Energy Efficiency, Weatherization, Community and Low-Income Assistance Commitments 58. Funding for Energy Efficiency, Weatherization, Conservation, and Low-Income Assistance Programs:tez +e2 60. Idaho Forest Group (IFG) DSM Assistance 61. Community Contributions: 62. Addressing Other Low-Income Customer Issues +eL lel +%L +e2 59. Clearwater Paper DSM Assistance 63. Fee Free Payment Program: 64. Improve Penetration of Low-Income Programs 65. Tribal Communities: Miscellaneous Commitments 66. Sources of Funds for Hydro One Commitments: 67. Service Rules for Gas Utilities: 68. Meters: 69. Colstrip Planning: 70. Montana Community Transition Fund: 7 L. Colstrip Transmission Planning: 72. Contract Labor: 73. Most Favored Nations: 14, Notice and Petitio 75. North American Free lffi 76. Venue for and nesolutio 71- environmentat fiabili 78. Foreisn Exchanse and Hedsins: Idaho Settlement Proposal - Master List of Commitments BevlEd Xl62018 50191s47tu9 2+D z+4 ?+D 2+4 ru ?+4 z+4 %ru 44 n 28 a 8 n Page 3 ot24l I ! Exhibit B to First Amendment to Stipulation and Settlement Revised Exhibit A Water Riphts and Facilities 28 79. Subordination of Wa D MODIFICATION TO DE D Idaho Settlement Proposal - Master List of Commitments Revised 1 1/6/20'18 5a-19!-54ZrrX! Page 4 of243l I Exhibit B to First Amendment to Stipulation and Settlement Revised Exhibit A Reservation of Certain Authority to the Avista Board of Directors 1. Authority Reserved: Consistent with and subject to the terms of Exhibits A and B to the Merger Agreement (refened to as "Delegation of Authority'') contained in Appendix 5 of the Joint Application, decision-making authority over commitments 2-15 below is reserved to the Board of Directors of Avista Corporation ("Avlsta") and not to Hydro One. Any change to the policies stated in commitments 2-15. plus 30 (Commission gnforcement of Commitmen UowarO Pividends a emendmentl. Z+ fNotice frade eqreement). an requires a two-thirds (213) vote of the Avista Board, provided that Avista must obtain approval for such changes from all regulatory bodies with jurisdiction over the Commitments before such changes can go into effect, and provide written notice to all parties to Case No. AVU-E-I7-09/AVU-G-17-05 of such request for approval: Governance 2. Executive Management: Avista will seek to retain all current executive management of Avista, subject to voluntary retirements that may occur. This commitment will not limit Avista's ability to determine its organuatronal structure and select and retain personnel best able to meet Avista's needs over time. The Avista board retains the ability to dismiss executive management of Avista and other Avista personnel for standard corporate reasons Cnief Pxecutive Offic Oirectors. and snalM approval of Hydro One Limited ("Hydro One") fer nUstat. notwithstm exnibits and attachments eUsta gmotovee Comoens compensation snal tvtereer Asreement b ueyailins Dractices of r determination of the the avista goard wit not Ue suUiect to cn 3. Board of Directors: After the closing of the Proposed Transaction, Avista's board will consist of nine (9) members, determined as follows: (i) two (2) directors designated by Hydro One who are executives of Hydro One or any of its subsidiaries; (ii) three (3) directors who meet the standards for "independent directors" - under section 303A.02 of the New York Stock Exchange Listed Company Manual (the "Independent Directors") and who are citizens of the United States and are and have been residents ofthePacificNorthwestIegion@,tobedesignatedbyHydroone (collectively, the directors designated in clauses (i) and (ii) hereof, the "Hydro One Idaho Settlement Proposal - Master List of Commitments Revised 1'116/2018 5q-U-alzryrc I Page 5 of243l Exhibit B to First Amendment to Stipulation and Settlement Revised Exhibit A Designees"), subject to the provisions of Clause 2 of Exhibit A to the Merger Agreement; (iii) three (3) directors who as of immediately prior to the closing of the Proposed Transactionr are members of the Board of Directors of Avista, including the Chairman of Avista's Board of Directors (if such person is different from the Chief Executive Officer of Avista); and (iv) Avista's Chief Executive Officer (collectively, the directors designated in clauses (iii) and (iv) hereof, the "Avista Designees"). evista ana gvdro On Indeoenaent Oirecton The initial Chairman of Avista's post-closing Board of Directors shall be the Chief Executive Officer of Avista as of the time immediately prior to closing for a one year term. If any Avista Designee resigns, retires or otherwise ceases to serve as a director of Avista for any reason, the remaining Avista Designees shall have the sole right to nominate a replacement director to fill such vacancy, and such person shall thereafter become an Avista Designee. The term "Pacific Northwest region" means the Pacific Northwest states in which Avista serves retail electric or natural gas customers, currently Alaska, Idaho, Montana, Oregon and Washington= The Indenendent Directors will have no material relationshio with Hvdro One and its suUsidiaries anO am suUsidiaries and am directors of Avista Duectors. Business Operations 4. Avista's Brand and Plan for the Operation of the Business: Avista will maintain Avista's brand and Avista will establish the plan for the operation of the business and its Subsidiaries; 5. Capital Investment for Economic Development: Avista will maintain its existing levels of capital allocations for capital investment in strategic and economic development items, including property acquisitions in the university district, support of local entrepreneurs and seed-stage investments; 6. Continued Innovation: Avista will continue development and funding of its and its subsidiaries' innovation activities; I "Proposed Transaction" means the transaction proposed in the Joint Application of Avista and Hydro One filed on September 14,2017. Idaho Settlement Proposal - Master List of Commitments Revised 11/6/2018 501915474 v'|9 Page 6 of24! I Exhibit B to First Amendment to Stipulation and Settlement Reused Exhibit A 7.Union Relationships: Avista will honor its labor contracts and has the authority to negotiate, enter into, modrfy, amend, terminate or agree to changes in any collective bargaining agreement or any of Avista's other material contracts with any labor organizations, union employee s or their repre sentatives ; 8. Compensation and Benefits: Avista will maintain compensation and benefits related practices consistent with the requirements of the Merger Agreement; Local Presence/Community Involvement 9. Avista's Headquarters: Avista will, and Hydro One agrees Avista will, maintain (a) its headquarters in Spokane, Washington; (b) Avista's office locations in each of its other service territories, and (c) no less of a significant presence in the immediate location of each of such office locations than what Avista and its subsidiaries maintained immediately prior to completion of the Proposed Transaction; 10. Local Stafrinq: Avista will maintain Avista Utilities' staffing and presence in the communities in which Avista operates at levels sufficient to maintain the provision of safe and reliable service and cost-effective operations and consistent with pre-acquisition levels; 11. Community Co4tributiq4q! For five years after the close of the Proposed Transaction, Avista will maintain a $4,000,000 annual budget for charitable contributions (funded by both Avista and the Avista Foundation) and additionally, a $2,000,000 annual contribution will be made to Avista's charitable foundation. No approval from any regulatory bodies with jurisdiction over the Commitments is required for any changes to this commitment from and after the sixth year following closing; however any such changes will continue to require a two-thirds (213) vote of the Avista Board. Avista agrees it will endeavor, over time, to distribute this annual budget across the service territory in proportion to each state's portion of the system;2 12. Community Involvement: Avista will maintain at least Avista's existing levels of community involvement and support initiatives in its service territories; including involvement with low-income service agencies and support initiatives; 13. Economic Development: Avista will maintain at least Avista's existing levels of economic development, including the ability of Avista to spend operations and 2 Note that Commitment 6l contains an additional commitment relating to charitable contributions; pursuant to that commitment Hydro One will cause Avista to make a one-time contribution of $7,000,000 to Avista's charitable foundation at or promptly following closing of the Proposed Transaction. Idaho Settlement Proposal - Master List of Commitments Bevisdlll62E!! 501915474 v'19 PageT of24L I Exhibit B to First Amendment to Stipulation and Settlement Revised Exhibit A maintenance funds3 to support regional economic development and related strategic opportunities in a manner consistent with Avista's past practices; 14. Membership Organizations: Avista will maintain the dues paid by it to various industry trade groups and membership organizations; and 15.and Standards and Service Avista has established Service Quality Performance Standards, Customer Guarantees and a Service Quality Measure Report Card for its customers in Washington. Avista is currently working with the Idaho Commission Staff to develop similar performance standards, customer guarantees and a reporting mechanism for its customers in Idaho. Following Idaho Commission approval of such standards, customer guarantees and a reporting mechanism, Avista will not seek, and Hydro One agrees Avista will not seek, to remove or reduce any associated penalty provisions for ten (10) years after the date of the merger. Rate Commitments 16. Treatment of Net Cost Savings:--Aay Hvdro One commits that Av rates witt not incre avista customers narm net cost savings that Avista may achieve as a result of the Proposed Transaction will be reflected in subsequent rate proceedings, as such savings materialize. To the extent the savings are reflected in base retail rates they will offset the Rate Credit to customers, up to the offsetable portion of the Rate Credit. 17. Treatment of Transaction Costs: a. Costs associated with the Proposed Transaction will be separately tracked as non-utility costs with no charges, either allocated or direct, to be recovered from Avista customers. After the consummation of the Proposed Transaction, any remaining transaction costs or other costs of Olympus Holding Corp. or Hydro One will not appear on Avista's utility books, i.e. such costs will be recorded as non-utility. Avista shall furnish the Commission with joumal entries and supporting detail showing the nature and amount of all costs of the Proposed Transaction (including but not limited to management time, BOD time, in-house and outside counsel time, any consultants engaged, etc.) since the Proposed Transaction was first contemplated, as well as the accounts charged, within 120 days of a Commission order in this docket. 3 Operations and maintenance funds dedicated to economic development and non-utility strategic opportunities will be recorded below-the-line to a nonoperating account. Idaho Settlement Proposal - Master List of Commitments Revisecl !t!1,62E!t 501-s1-?lZl:vX! Page 8 of243) I I I I Exhibit B to First Amendment to Stipulation and Settlement Revised Exhibit A b. Avista will exclude, and Hydro One agrees Avista will exclude, from Avista general rate cases, or any other method of cost recovery, all costs related to the Proposed Transaction including but not limited to: (i) all legal work from in-house counsel and outside counsel; (ii) any financial advisory fees associated with the Proposed Transaction; (iii) the acquisition premium; (iv) costs related to M&A consulting and advice (v) preparation of and materials for presentations relating to the Proposed Transaction (vi) any senior executive compensation or any Avista board of director time tied to a change of control of Avista; and (vii) any other costs directly related to the Proposed Transaction. c. Technology expenditures and investments related to software and hardware compatibility issues between Avista and Hydro One and its affiliates shall not be recovered from Idaho ratepayers except to the extent such costs are offset by savings over time. 18. Travel Expenses: Avista's corporate travel expenses recovered in rates, including variable costs of flying the Avista corporate jet and commercial travel for all directors and executives, shall not exceed l05o/o of 2017 expenses, adjusted annually for inflation. 19. Rate Credits: Avista and Hydro One are-prepesing-teur[! flow through to Avista's retail customers in Idaho a Rate Credit of approximately S15.8 milliona over a 5-year period, beginning at the time the merger closes. Rate Credit Proposal Idaho Annual Credit Years l-5 Idaho Total Credit Total Credit $3.2 Million $15.8 Million Offsetable Credit 5527,510 $2.6 Million The Total Rate Credit to customers for the five years following the closing will be approximately $3.2 million5 per year. A portion of the annual total Rate Credit will be 4 The exact agreed-upon figure is $15,811,050, which is equal to 5% ofthe Idaho base revenue as of02101/18. Idaho electric base revenue is $259,473,000, and Idaho natural gas base revenue (including natural gas costs - Schedules 150/155) is $56,748,000. Five percent ofthose revenues are$12,973,650 (electric) and $2,837,400 (natural gas). 5 The exact amount agreed upon is 53,162,210 per year. The annual Idaho electric Rate Credit for each of the five years is 52,594,730. The annual Idaho natural gas Rate Credit for each ofthe five years is $567,480. Idaho Settlement Proposal- Master List of Commitments Rerisd lll6201_t! 5al9lslZtr]Il Page 9 of 24i-L ! Exhibit B to First Amendment to Stipulation and Settlement Revised Exhibit A offsetable, in the amount of $527,5106. During the 5-year period the financial benefits will be flowed through to customers either through the separate Rate Credit described above or through a reduction to the underlying cost of service as these benefits are reflected in the test period numbers used for ratemaking. At the time of the close, the $3.2 million benefit will be provided to customers through a separate Rate Credit, as long as the reduction in costs (of up to $527,510 annually) has not already been reflected in base retail rates for Avista's customers. To the extent Avista demonstrates in a future rate proceeding that cost savings, or benefits, directly related to the Proposed Transaction are already being flowed through to customers through base retail rates, the separate Rate Credit to customers would be reduced by an amount up to the offsetable Rate Credit amount. The portion of the total Rate Credit that is not offsetable effectively represents acceptance by Hydro One of a lower rate of return during the 5-year period. The $15.8 million represents the "floor" of benefits that will be flowed through to Avista's customers, either through the Rate Credit or through benefits otherwise included in base retail rates. To the extent the identifiable benefits exceed the annual offsetable Rate Credit amounts, these additional benefits will be flowed through to customers in base retail rates in general rate cases as they occur. Avista and Hydro One believe additional efficiencies (benefits) will be realized over time from the sharing of best practices, technology and innovation between the two companies. It will take time, however, to identify and capture these benefits. The level of annual net cost savings (and/or net benefits) will be tracked and reported on an annual basis, and compared against the offsetable level of savings. Any application of offsetable savings will be reviewed by the Commission before the offset is applied, and Avista bears the burden of proof to prove that savings have materialized and the offset to rate credits should apply. Regulatory Commitments 20. State Regulatory Authority and Jurisdiction: Hydro One and its subsidiaries, including Avista, as applicable and as appropriate, will comply with all applicable laws, including those pertaining to transfers of property, affiliated interests, and securities and the assumption of obligations and liabilities. As required by and consistent with applicable laws, venue for resolution of proceedings related to these matters will be at the appropriate state utility commission(s). Hydro One and its subsidiaries, including Avista, will make their employees and officers available to testify before the 6 The offsetable portion of the Rate Credit is calculated using a pro rata share of the jurisdictional total of the rate credit (i.e. Idaho's share of the total system offsetable Rate Credit is 31.03%, therefore Idaho's share of the $1.7 million offsetable portion is $527,510). Idaho Settlement Proposal - Master List of Commitments Bevised Xl6/2018 5alg'1+1ztrs19 Page 10 of24! I Exhibit B to First Amendment to Stipulation and Settlement Revised Exhibit A Commission at the Commission's request to provide information relevant to the matters within its jurisdiction. 21. Compliance with Existing Commission Orders: Hydro One and its subsidiaries, including Avista, acknowledge that all existing orders issued by the Commission with respect to Avista or its predecessor, Washington Water Power Co., will remain in effect, and are not modified or otherwise affected by the Proposed Transaction. Hydro One and its subsidiaries, including Avista, as applicable and as appropriate, will comply with all applicable future Commission orders that remain in force. 22. Separate Books and Records: Avista will maintain separate books and records from its affiliates. 23. AudjL Access to and Maintenance of Books and Records: Nothins in the Propos atrect the Commisslon's r Holdins Com.'s acco compliance with all appl Hydro One, Olympus Holding Corp. and its subsidiaries, including Avista, will provide reasonable access to Avista's books and records; access to financial information and filings; access rights with respect to the documents supporting any costs that may be allocable to Avista; and access to Avista's board minutes, audit reports, and information provided to credit rating agencies pertaining to Avista. Hydro One, Olympus Holding Corp. and its subsidiaries, including Avista, will maintain the necessary books and records so as to provide documents relating to all corporate, affiliate, or subsidiary transactions with Avista, or that result in costs that may be allocable to Avista. The Proposed Transaction will not result in reduced access to the necessary books and records that relate to transactions with Avista, or that result in costs that may be allocable to Avista. Avista will provide the Commission. its as Commission Staff and other parties to regulatory proceedings reasonable access to books and records (including those of Hydro One, Olympus Holding Corp. or any affiliate or subsidiary companies) required to verify or examine transactions with Avista, or that result in costs that may be allocable to Avista. Nothing in the Proposed Transaction will limit or affect the Commission's rights with respect to inspection of Avista's accounts, books, papers and documents in compliance with all applicable laws. Nothing in the Proposed Transaction will limit or affect the Commission's rights with respect to inspection of Hydro One and Olympus Holding Corp.'s accounts, books, papers and documents pursuant to all applicable laws; provided, that such right to inspection shall be limited to Hydro One and Idaho Settlement Proposal - Master List of Commitments Revised 11/6/2018 50lE!ElZLv1g Page ll ofZ4}L Exhibit B to First Amendment to Stipulation and Settlement Bevised Exhibit A Olympus Holding Corp.'s accounts, books, papers and documents that pertain solely to transactions affecting Avista's regulated utility operations. Olympus Holding Corp. and its subsidiaries, including Avista, will provide the Commission with access to written information provided by and to credit rating agencies that pertains to Avista. Olympus Holding Corp. and each of its subsidiaries will also provide the Commission with access to written information provided by and to credit rating agencies that pertains to Olympus Holding Corp.'s subsidiaries to the extent such information may affect Avista. Hydro One and its affiliates agree that the Commission may have access to all the accounting records of Hydro One and its affiliates that are the bases for charges to Avista, to determine the reasonableness of the costs and the allocation factors used by Hydro One and its affiliates, or its subdivisions to assign costs to Avista and amounts subject to allocation or direct charges. Hydro One and its affiliates agree that they will not raise lack ofjurisdiction as a means of denying such access, and agree to cooperate fully with such Commission investigations. Furthermore. anv oartv m tnat tne Commission 0e HvAro One or its amt AircO to oroviAe su 24. Cost Allocations Related to Corporate Structure and Affiliate Interests: Avista agrees to provide, and Hydro One agrees Avista will provide, cost allocation methodologies used to allocate to Avista any costs related to Hydro One or its other affiliates and subsidiaries, and commits that there will be no cross-subsidization by Avista customers of unregulated activities. evista witt not ctla C)ne exceot as soecificallv authorized for recoverv in rates bv the Commission. The cost-allocation methodology provided pursuant to this commitment will be a generic methodology that does not require Commission approval prior to it being proposed for specific application in a general rate case or other proceeding affecting rates. The cost-allocation methodology provided pursuant to this commitment also will establish a procedure for ensuring that additional costs or revenues resulting from changing curency exchange rates will not be reflected in rates charged to Idaho customers. Avista will bear the burden of proof in any general rate case that any corporate and affiliate cost allocation methodology is reasonable for ratemaking purposes. Neither Avista nor Hydro One or its affiliates and subsidiaries will contest the Commission's authority to disallow, for retail ratemaking purposes in a general rate case, unreasonable, or misallocated costs from or to Avista or Hydro One or its other affiliates and subsidiaries. With respect to the ratemaking treatment of affiliate transactions affecting Avista, Hydro One, and Olympus Holding Corp. and its subsidiaries, as applicable, will comply with the Commission's then-existing practice; provided, however, that nothing in this commitment limits Avista from also proposing a different ratemaking treatment Idaho Settlement Proposal - Master List of Commitments Page 12 of 24! 8evioeo Xl62018 50lelElZ4rls I ! I I Exhibit B to First Amendment to Stipulation and Settlement Revised Exhibit A for the Commission's consideration, or limit the positions any other party may take with respect to ratemaking treatment. Avista will notify the Commission of any change in corporate structure that affects Avista's corporate and affiliate cost allocation methodologies. Avista will propose revisions to such cost allocation methodologies to accommodate such changes. Avista will not take the position that compliance with this provision constitutes approval by the Commission of a particular methodology for corporate and affiliate cost allocation. Avista will notifr the Commission prior to the implementation of plans by Avista or Hydro One or any of Hydro One's affiliates: a. To form an affiliate for the purposes of transacting business with Avista's regulated operations; b. To commence new business transactions between an existing affiliate and Avista; or c. To dissolve an affiliate that has transacted substantial business with Avista. 25. Ratemaking Cost of Debt and Equity: Avista will not advocate for, and Hydro One agrees Avista will not advocate for, a higher cost of debt or equity capital as compared to what Avista's cost of debt or equity capital would have been absent Hydro One's ownership. For future ratemaking purposes: a. Determination of Avista's debt costs will be no higher than such costs would have been assuming Avista's credit ratings ing ratings-i@had not been affected bv the Proposed Transaction-eleses* and applying those credit ratings to then-current debh+nless z\vista preves that a lewer eredit rating is eaused by eiretrrnstarees er P+epese+Transaetien; b. Avista bears the burden to prove prudent in a future general rate case any pre-payment premium or increased cost of debt associated with existing Avista debt retired, repaid, or replaced as a part of the Proposed Transaction; and c. Determination of the allowed return on equity in future general rate cases will include selection and use of one or more proxy group(s) of companies engaged in businesses substantially similar to Avista, without any limitation related to Avista's ownership structure. 4 Avista and Parent as neturn fnOnt. conmon equ ater tne cnse of Pro Idaho Settlement Proposal - Master List of Commitments Page 13 of 24! Revised 1 1/6/201t 501915474 v19 I Exhibit B to First Amendment to Stipulation and Settlement Revised Exhibit A Pronosed Transaction. Avista bears the burden of orovins that increases in Avista's Cost of Caol Debt is caused bv circums fmancial risks or ot 26. Avista Capital Structure: At all times following the closing of the Proposed Transaction, Avista's actual common equity ratio will be maintained at a level no less than 44 percent. This commitment does not restrict the Commission from ordering a hypothetical capital structure. 27. FERC Reouirements Avista will continue to meet all the applicable FERC reporting requirements with respect to annual and quarterly reports (e.g., FERC Forms 1,2,3q) after closing of the Proposed Transaction. 28. Participation in National and Regional Forums: Avista will continue to participate, where appropriate, in national and regional forums regarding transmission issues, pricing policies, siting requirements, and interconnection and integration policies, when necessary to protect the interest of its customers. 29. Treatment of Information:Nothing in these commitments will be interpreted as a waiver of Hydro One's, its subsidiaries', or Avista's rights to request confidential treatment of information that is the subject of any of these commitments. 30. Commission Enforcement of Commitments: Hydro One and its subsidiaries, including Avista, understand and aergg that the Commission has authority to enforce these commitments in accordance with their terms. If there is a violation of the terms of these commitments, then the offending party may, at the discretion of the Commission, have a period of thirty (30) calendar days to cure such violation. The scope of this commitment includes the authority of the Commission to compel the attendance of witnesses from Olympus Holding Corp. and its affiliates, including Hydro One, with pertinent information on matters affecting Avista. Hydro One and Olympus Holding Corp. and its subsidiaries waive their rights to interpose any legal objection they might otherwise have to the Commission's jurisdiction to require the appearance of any such witnesses. 31. Submittal to State Court Jurisdiction for Enforcement of Commission Orders: Hydro One, oost-ctose coroora Uetween mav chanse ov , and Avista will jointly file with the Commission prior to closing the Proposed Transaction an affidavit affirming that they will submit to thejurisdictionof@courtsforenforcementoftheCommission's orders adopting the commitments made by and binding upon them and their affiliates where noted, and subsequent orders of ldaho law with reso . Idaho Settlement Proposal - Master List of Commitments Revised 1:ll6/20'E 5aE$4Ztr19 Page 14 ofZ43L I I Exhibit B to First Amendment to Stipulation and Settlement Revued Exhibit A 32. Annual Report on Commitments: By May 1,2019 and each May 1 thereafter through May l, 2029, Avista will file, and Hydro One agrees Avista will file, a report with the Commission regarding the status of compliance with each of the commitments as of December 3l of the preceding year. The report will, at a minimum, provide a description of the performance of each of the commitments, will be filed in Case No. AVU-E-17-09/AVU-G-17-05 and served to all parties to the docket. If any commitment is not being met, relative to the specific terms of the commitment, the report must provide proposed corrective measures and target dates for completion of such measures. Avista will make publicly available at the Commission non-confidential portions of the report. 33. Commitments Binding: Hydro One, its subsidiaries; inelrlding in tne oost-ctose co tnose comoanies ln U Avista, acknowledge that the commitments being made by them are fu[v binding enly-upon them and upou their affiliates where spccificallv noted; and their successors in interest. Hydro One and Avista are not requesting in this proceeding a determination of the prudence, just and reasonable character, rate or ratemaking treatment, or public interest of the investments, expenditures or actions referenced in the commitments, and the parties in appropriate proceedings may take such positions regarding the prudence, just and reasonable character, rate or ratemaking treatment, or public interest of the investments, expenditures or actions as they deem appropriate. If Hydro One or any other entity in the chain of Avista's ownership determines that Avista or any other entity has failed to comply with an applicable Commitment, the entity making such determinations shall take all appropriate actions to achieve compliance with the Commitment. Financial Integrity Commitments 34. Capital Structure Support: Hydro One will provide equity to support Avista's capital structure that is designed to allow Avista access to debt financing under reasonable terms and on a sustainable basis. 35. Utility-Level Debt and Preferred Stock: Avista will maintain separate debt and preferred stock, if any, to support its utility operations. 36. Continued Credit Ratings: Each of Hydro One and Avista will continue to be rated by at least one nationally recognized statistical "Rating Agency." Hydro One and Avista will use reasonable best efforts to obtain and maintain a separate credit rating for Avista from at least one Rating Agency within the ninety (90) days following the closing of the Proposed Transaction. If Hydro One and Avista are unable to obtain or maintain the separate rating for Avista, they will make a filing with the Commission explaining the basis for their failure to obtain or maintain such separate credit rating for Avista, and parties to this proceeding will have an opportunity to participate and propose additional commitments. Idaho Settlement Proposal - Master List of Commitments Revised 11/6/2018 501915474 v19 Page 15 of2431I I I 37. Credit Exhibit B to First Amendment to Stipulation and Settlement Revised Exhibit A Notification Hydro One and Avista agree to notify the Commission within two business days of any Eapas€d_alagtual downgrade of Avista's credit rating y S&P, Moody's, or any other such ratings agency that issues such ratings with respect to Avista. U. Subsequent to the fi reoons everv q0 cale investment srade s to detailins how Avi 38. Restrictions on Upward Dividends and e-. L If either (i) Avista's corporate credit/issuer rating as determined by both Moody's and S&P, or their successors, is investment grade, or (ii) the ratio of Avista's EBITDA to Avista's interest expense is greater than or equal to 3.0, then distributions from Avista to Olympus Equrty LLC shall not be limited so long as Avista's equity ratio is equal to or greater than44 percent (tne "tvtinimum gouitv Ratrol on the date of such Avista distribution after giving effect to such Avistadistribution ity-+atie OrcatemaHnfpurpeses. Under anv otner clrc are aUowed ontv wittl o subiect to change as . Both the EBITDA and equity ratio shall be calculated on the same basis that such calculations would be made for ratemaking purposes for regulated utility operations. rre atlewee enb witn p b. tf a orooosal is tnat Avista's rates s percent. the Partie eitner in tne rate case natio for ourooses of su adiustment to the c evista mav at anv tlme Idaho Settlement Proposal - Master List of Commitments Revised lil6/2011! 501915424:19 Page 16 of24l tf evista or gvdro One downsrade of Avist to a non-investmeff s Avista and Hvdro One will: a. Witnin gO davs of o Plan") tnat is subi for maintainme Avista's inv srade status. Exhibit B to First Amendment to Stipulation and Settlement Revised Exhibit A a chanqe to the Mini witt oooose tne init e-e, If Avista does not have an investment-grade rating from both Moody's and S&P, or from one of these entities, or its successor, if only one issues ratings with respect to Avista, and the ratio of EBITDA to Avista's interest expense is less than 3.0, no dividend distribution to Olympus Equity LLC or its successors will occur. O. Avma commits. a Avista. Avista casn nows for other ouroos inctuOinq all Hvdro O of the Parent's corDorate entities maintain accounts and subaccounts that are seoarate tom avist cash flows to be entire 39. Pension Fundins: Avista will maintain its pension funding policy in accordance with sound actuarial practice. Hydro One will not seek to change Avista's pension funding policy. 40. SEC Reporting Requirements: Following the closing of the Proposed Transaction, Avista will file required reports with the SEC. 41. Compliance with the Sarbanes-Oxley Act: Following the closing of the Proposed Transaction, Avista will comply with applicable requirements of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act. Ring-Fencing Commitments 42. Golden Share:Entering into voluntary bankruptcy shall require the affirmative vote of a "Golden Share" of Avista stock. The Golden Share shall mean the sole share of Preferred Stock of Avista as authorized by the Commission. This share of Preferred Stock must be in the custody of an independent third-party, where the third-party has no financial stake, affiliation, relationship, interest, or tie to Avista or any of its affiliates, or any lender to Avista, or any of its affiliates. This requirement does not preclude the third-party from holding an index fund or mutual fund with negligible interests in Avista or any of its affiliates. In matters of voluntary bankruptcy, this Golden Share will override all other outstanding shares of all types or classes of stock. 43. Independent Directors: At least one of the nine members of the board of directors of Avista will be an Independent Director who, consistent with Commitment 3, meets the standards under 303A.02 of the New York Stock Exchange Listed Company Manual. At least one of the members of the board of directors of Olympus Equity LLC will be an Independent Director who, consistent with Commitment 3, meets the standards under 303A.02 of the New York Stock Exchange Listed Company Manual. The same individual may serve as an Independent Director of both Avista and Olympus Equity LLC. The organizational documents for Avista will not permit Avista, without the Idaho Settlement Proposal - Master List of Commitments Revised 11/6/20-18 50le!5424ry19 PagelT of243l I I I I Exhibit B to First Amendment to Stipulation and Settlement Revised Exhibit A consent of a two-thirds majority of all its directors, including the affirmative vote of the Independent Director at Avista (or if at that time Avista has more than one Independent Director, the affirmative vote of at least one of Avista's Independent Directors), to consent to the institution of bankruptcy proceedings or the inclusion of Avista in bankruptcy proceedings. In addition to an affirmative vote of this Independent Director, the vote of the Golden Share shall also be required for Avista to enter into a voluntary bankruptcy. 44. Non-Consolidation Opinion: a. Within ninety (90) days of the Proposed Transaction closing, Avista and Olympus Holding Corp. will file, and Hydro One agrees they will file, a non-consolidation opinion with the Commission which concludes, subject to customary assumptions and exceptions, that the ring-fencing provisions are sufficient that a bankruptcy court would not order the substantive consolidation of the assets and liabilities of Avista with those of Olympus Holding Corp. or its affiliates or subsidiaries (other than Avista and its subsidiaries). b. Hydro One and Olympus Holding Corp. must file an affidavit with the Commission stating that neither Hydro One, Olympus Holding Corp. nor any of their subsidiaries, will seek to include Avista in a bankruptcy without the consent of a two-thirds majority of Avista's board of directors including the affirmative vote of oae_o:f Avista's independent director, oryi i . If the ring-fencing provisions in these commitments are not sufficient to obtain a non-consolidation opinion, Olympus Holding Corp. and Avista agree to promptly undertake, and Hydro One agrees to cause them to undertake, the following actions: i. Notify the Commission of this inability to obtain a non-consolidation opinion. ii. Propose and implement, upon Commission approval, such additional ring-fencing provisions around Avista as are sufficient to obtain a non-consolidation opinion subject to customary assumptions and exceptions. iii. Obtain a non-consolidation opinion. 45. Olympus Equity LLC: Olympus Holding Corp.'s indirect subsidiaries will include Olympus Equity LLC and Avista. See the post-acquisition organizational chart in Attachment C to the Master List of Commitments in Idaho. Following closing of the Proposed Transaction, all of the corlmon stock of Avista will be owned by Olympus Equity LLC, a new Delaware limited liability company. Olympus Equity LLC will be a bankruptcy-remote special purpose entity, and will not have debt. Idaho Settlement Proposal - Master List of Commitments Revised 1t!t620lt 50lg!ElVtlXl c Page 18 of243l I Exhibit B to First Amendment to Stipulation and Settlement Revised Exhibit A 46. Restriction on Pledge of Utility Assets: Avista agrees to, and Hydro One will cause Avista to agree to, prohibitions against loans or pledges of utility assets to Hydro One, Olympus Holding Co.p., or any of their subsidiaries or affiliates, without Commission approval. In addition, the Applicants agree that Avista's assets will not be pledged by Avista or any of its affiliates, including Hydro One and Olympus Holding Corp. and any of their subsidiaries or affiliates, for the benefit of any entity other than Avista. 47.Hold'HaiononAcquisitionsandDispositions: a. Hydro One, its affiliates, and subsidiaries including Avista will hold Avista customers harmless from any business and financial risk exposures associated with Olympus Holding Co.p., Hydro One, and Hydro One's other affiliates. b. Pursuant to this commitment, Avista will file, and Hydro One agrees Avista will file, with the Commission, prior to closing of the Proposed Transaction, a form of notice to prospective lenders describing the ring-fencing provisions included in these commitments stating that these provisions provide no recourse to Avista assets as collateral or security for debt issued by Hydro One or any of its subsidiaries, other than Avista. c. In furtherance of this commitment: Hydro One, its affiliates, and subsidiaries including Avista commit that Avista's regulated utility customers will be held harmless from the liabilities of any unregulated activity of Avista or Hydro One and its affiliates. In any proceeding before the Commission involving rates of Avista, the fair rate of return for Avista will be determined without regard to any adverse consequences that are demonstrated to be attributable to unregulated activities. Measures providing for separate financial and accounting treatment will be established for each unregulated activity. Hydro One, its affiliates, and subsidiaries including Avista will notiff the Commission @ Hydro One's, its affiliates', or subsidiaries' including Avista's board approval @ any public announcement of: (1) any acquisition by Hydro One, its affiliates, and subsidiaries including Avista of a regulated or unregulated business that is equivalent to five (5) percent or more of Hydro One's capitahzation; or (2) any change in control or ownership of Avista a change qnly to the upstream ownership of Avista or Olympus Holding Corp. among wholly owned subsidiaries of Hydro One-may@ beprovidedineitheranupdatedorganizationalchartjffi or in a separate notice filingjliaE to the chanse takmg plrc. Notice pursuant to this provision is not and will not be deemed an admission or expansion of the Commission's authority or jurisdiction over any transaction or in any matter or proceeding whatsoever. Idaho Settlement Proposal - Master List of Commitments Revised 1116/201! 50191542trs19 l. Page 19 of24{ I Exhibit B to First Amendment to Stipulation and Settlement Bevised Exhibit A Within sixty (60) days following the notice required by this subsection (c)(ii)(2), and orior to comoletio Avista and Olympus Holding Corp. or its affiliates, as appropriate, will seek Commission approval of any sale or transfer of any material part of Avista, or of any transaction or series of transactions, regardless of size, that would result in a person or entity, other than a wholly owned subsidiary of Hydro One, directly or indirectly, acquiring a controlling interest in Avista or Olynrpus Holding Corp. The term "material part of Avista" means any sale or transfer of stock representing ten percent (10%) or more of the equity ownership of Avista. iii. Hydro One, Olympus Holding Corp. and Avista will provide notification of and file{epbtla]g Commission approval of the divestiture, spin-ofi or sale of any integral Avista asset, including power plants, as required by Idaho eede $6++Zgbru. This notification and approval requirement does not limit any jurisdiction that the Commission may have. lv.Neither Avista nor Hydro One will assert in any future proceedings that, by virtue of the Proposed Transaction and the resulting corporate structure, the Commission is without jurisdiction over any transaction that results in a change of control of Avista. d. If and when any oon-rcgulatgd subsidiary of Avista becomes a subsidiary of Hydro One or one of its subsidiaries other than Avista, Avista and Hydro One will so advise the Commission within thirty (30) days and will submit to the Commission a written document setting forth Avista's proposed corporate and affiliate cost allocation methodologies. 48. Olvmpus Holdins Corp. and Eouitv LLC Sub-entities Olympus Holding Corp. will not operate or own any business and will limit its activities to investing in and attending to its shareholdings in Olympus Equity LLC, which, in turn, will not operate or own any business and will limit its activities to investing in and attending to its shareholdings in Avista. 49. No Amendment@: Hydro One, Olympus Holding Corp. and Avista commit that no materialamendments, revisions or modifications will be made to hese regulatory commitments without prior Commission approval @ingfrevisions. 50. No Inter Company Debt: Avista will notify the Commission before entering into any inter-company debt transactions with Olympus Holding Corp., Hydro One, or any of their subsidiaries or affiliates. Avista shall comply with Idaho eeAe-{O+-g0tr-et seftlaw for any debt transactions over a one year term. 51. No Inter Lendins Without prior Commission approval, Avista will not lend money to Olympus Holding Corp., Hydro One, or any of their subsidiaries or affiliates Idaho Settlement Proposal - Master List of Commitments Revised 11/6/2018 5use1zry19 I Page 20 of243l Exhibit B to First Amendment to Stipulation and Settlement Revised Exhibit A Resource Planning Commitments 52. Renewable Energy Resources: Avista will continue to offer renewable power programs in consultation with stakeholders. Communications with customers shall accurately reflect the environmental attributes associated with power delivered to such customers. Hydro One and Avista acknowledge that Avista retains the burden of proof to demonstrate the prudence of any resource acquisition. Nothing in this Commitment prohibits Avista from selling renewable energy credits that arise from resources included in base rates applicable in Idaho. 53. Regulatorv Integplq[Resource Plannins (IRP) Sideboards: Avista and its affiliates agree to consider in all resource planning and acquisition efforts both demand-side and renewable energy resources that are consistent with the Idaho Commission's resource evaluation and acquisition rules and policies. Avista and its affiliates agree that "Resources" to be considered in all IRPs include Power Purchase Agreements ("PPAs"). Avista commits to calculating a variable generation resource's contribution to capacity in terms of that resource's contribution to resource adequacy and that resource's ability to reduce the loss of load probability in some or all hours or days utilizing the Effective Load Carrying Capability ("ELCC") methodology or an appropriate approximation. Avista will work with an independent third-party consultant, with expertise in renewable energy resources, to ensure that the utility has upto-date resource cost and performance assumptions, as well as the appropriate learning curves, for use in the 2019 IRP process. Unless it conflicts with any instructions contained in the Commission's acknowledgement letter in response to Avista's current integrated resource plan (IRP), beginning with the next IRP, Avista commits to modeling a range of potential costs for greenhouse gas emissions, and will work with its IRP Advisory Group to determine the appropriate values to model. 54. Energy Imbalance Market ("EIM"): Avista is currently refreshing its EIM analysis and will release it publicly by the end of 20 I 8. Avista commits to hold workshops with the Idaho Settlement Proposal - Master List of Commitments Revised 1X'6l2018 501915474 v'l9 Page2l of24\ I Hydro One acknowledges Avista's obligations under applicable renewable portfolio standards, and Avista will continue to comply with such obligations. I Exhibit B to First Amendment to Stipulation and Settlement Revised Exhibit A Commission and interested stakeholders to review the analysis and discuss the prudent next steps. The goal is to convene the workshop within 30 days of the release of the EIM analysis. 55. Transport Electrification: Avista commits, and Hydro One agrees that Avista commits, to initiate a stakeholder process within 60 days of the close of the Proposed Transaction to explore opportunities for transport electrification that benefits all Idaho customers. Environmental Commitments 56. Greenhouse Gas and Carbon Initiatives: Hydro One acknowledges Avista's Greenhouse Gas and Carbon Initiatives contained in its current Integrated Resource Plan, and Avista will continue to work with interested parties on such initiatives. 57. Greenhouse Gas Inventory Report: Avista will report greenhouse gas emissions as required. Energy Efliciency, Weatherization, Community and Low-Income Assistance Commitments 58. Funding for Enerqy Efficiency, Weatherization. Conservation, and Low-Income Assistance Programs: Hydro One will arrange funding of $5,308,847 over a l0-year period to fund energy efficiency, weatherization, conservation, and low-income assistance programs. The funding will be disbursed as directed by the Energy Efficiency, Weatherization, Conservation, and Low-Income Assistance Committee ("EWCL"), a new committee of stakeholders tasked with determining which existing or new programs should receive this funding to address energy efficiency, weatherization, conservation, and low-income needs in Avista's Idaho service territory. The committee will initially consist of representatives from the following stakeholders: Avista, Commission stafi the Lewiston CAP, Idaho Conservation League, the Idaho Forest Group, and Clearwater Paper. The Committee may add members at its discretion. The EWCL will consider the needs of all parties and remain flexible on the timing of any disbursements. The EWCL will convene within 90 days after the close of the Proposed Transaction, will present a l0-year funding plan to Avista by June 1,2019 and will revise this plan periodically as needed. sg.Qlea Avista agrees to work with Clearwater Paper to attempt to qualify the following projects for DSM funding under TariffSchedule 90, upon closing of the Proposed Transaction: . Variable speed drives on the No. I paper machine hydropulper. Variable speed drives on the No. 4 power boiler demineralized water pumps. Energy efficient chillers and compressors for the Lurgi system. A variable speed drive on the No.1 paper machine white water system Idaho Settlement Proposal - Master List of Commitments Revised 11/6/2018 50ls!54ztu9 Page22 of24! Exhibit B to First Amendment to Stipulation and Settlement Revised Exhibit A . Variable speed drives on the two waste water outfall pumps The total estimated cost of the projects is $750,000. Tariff Schedule 90 allows for possible DSM funding of up to 70o/o of the cost of the project, subject to meeting certain specified cost-effectiveness criteria. The portion of the estimated cost of these identified projects that is not reimbursed under Schedule 90 will be considered for funding through Commitment 58. The EWCL will consider the needs of all parties and remain flexible on the timing of any disbursements. 60. Idaho Forest Group (IFG) DSM Assistance: Avista agrees to work with Idaho Forest Group (IFG) to attempt to qualify the following projects for DSM funding under TariffSchedule 90, upon closing of the Proposed Transaction: a a Installation of information technology to gather plant information data (PI Data) on energy usage at IFG's Lewiston plant, and through an installed interface, transmit real time energy load information data for each operating station to IFG and Avista. This may serve as a useful demonstration project for data interfaces with other customers on Avista's system. The total estimated cost is $300,000. Replacement of aging compressors, saws and other equipment with state of the art machinery at IFG's Lewiston and Grangeville plants, in order to increase productivity and energy efficiency. Tariff Schedule 90 allows for possible DSM funding of up to 70%o of the cost ol the project, subject to meeting certain specified cost-effectiveness criteria. The portion of the estimated cost of these identified projects that is not reimbursed under Schedule 90 will be considered for funding through Commitment 58. The EWCL will consider the needs of all parties and remain flexible on the timing of any disbursements. 61. Community Contributions:Hydro One will fot a one-time $7,000,000 contribution to Avista's charitable foundation at or promptly following closing. 7 62. Addressing Other Low-Income Customer Issues: Avista will continue to work with low-income agencies to address other issues of low-income customers, including funding for bill payment assistance. 63. Fee Free Payment Program: Avista will continue to offer the Fee Free Payment Program to its residential customers. 7 Note that Commitment l1 contains additional provisions relating to Avista's charitable contributions. Idaho Settlement Proposal - Master List of Commitments Bevtse<Llll6201t! 5a1ge1Z1:v19 Page23 of24!I I I Exhibit B to First Amendment to Stipulation and Settlement Revised Exhibit A 64. Improve Penetration of Low-Income Programs: Hydro One and Avista will work with the Lewiston CAP to undertake a targeted effort with a goal of improving the penetration rate of low-income programs with a focus on underserved, vulnerable, and high energy burden households. This commitment may include expanding marketing, outreach, and data analysis as appropriate. 65. Tribal Communities: In implementing these conditions, Avista will reach out to tribal communities to encourage participation of members of such communities in receiving the benefits of this settlement. Miscellaneous Commitments 66. Sources of Funds for Hydro One Commitments: Throughout this list of merger commitments, any commitment that states Hydro One will arange funding is not contingent on Hydro One's ability to arrange funding, particularly from outside sources, but is a firm commitment to provide the dollar amount specified over the time period specified and for the purposes specified. To the extent Avista has retained earnings that are available for payment of dividends to Olympus Equity LLC consistent with the ring fencing provisions of this list of merger commitments, such retained earnings may be used. Funds available from other Hydro One affiliates may be used without limitation. Avista will not seek cost recovery for any of the commitments funded or arranged by Hydro One in this list of merger commitments. Hydro One will not seek cost recovery for such funds from ratepayers in Canada or the United States. 67. Service Rules for Gas Utilities: Avista will meet with Commission Staffto review the Commission's Service Rules for Gas Utilities (IDAPA 31.31.01) to determine which provisions should be retained and,/or modified, and, if the participants agree, incorporate those changes into Avista's tariff 68. Meters: Avista will meet with Commission Staffto review its meter placement and protection policies and practices and determine, if the participants agree, what additional steps should be taken to revise Avista's current policies and practices. 69. Colstrip Planning: Hydro One and Avista agree to support a December 31,2027, end of life for depreciation purposes in the processes described below. Hydro One and Avista also agree that issues relating to the potential accelerated depreciation of Avista's interest in Colstrip Units 3 and 4 and related matters should be addressed in three existing, interrelated Commission proceedings as follows: GNR-U-18-01 -- Investigation Into the Impact of Federal Tax Code Revisions on Utility Costs and Ratemaking: As part of this docket, not less than $12.0 Million regulatory liability should be created using the unprotected Excess DFIT/Defenal of January - May 2018 tax credit. Mantiei This $12.0 Million regulatory liability would then be available to offset costs associated with a Idaho Settlement Proposal - Master List of Commitments Rerisedll/6/2E18 50ls!5424rv19 Page24 of24!I I I a a Exhibit B to First Amendment to Stipulation and Settlement Revised Exhibit A accelerated depreciation of Colstrip Units 3 and 4 or other use as determined appropriate in AVU-E- I 8-03/AVU-G- I 8-02. AVU-E-18-03 / AVU-G-18-02 -- Avista Corporation's Application to Change Its Electric and Natural Gas Depreciation Rates: As part of this docket, the Commission will determine whether, as proposed by Hydro One and Avista, December 31,2027, should be set as the 'hseful life" for Colstrip Units 3 and 4 for depreciation purposes. The Parties will work towards resolution of this proceeding by Jaru*aryAprll l, 2019. Avista's Application 2019 Electric Integrated Resource Plan (IRP): Avista's 2019 IRP will analyze multiple retirement dates for Colstrip Units 3 and 4, including but not limited to, the "end of useful life" date determined in AVU-E-18-03/AVU-G-18-02. The other retirement dates analyzed, as well as the method, inputs, and assumptions for those scenarios planning analyses, will be determined with input from the IRP stakeholder advisory group. Avista anticipates that the first draft of its 2019 IRP will be released in May 2019 and its second draft will be released in August 2019. 70. Montana Community Transition Fund: Hydro One an#Avistrwill arrange funding of $3.0 Million (on a system basis) towards a Colstrip community transition fund. 71. Colstrip Transmission Planning: Avista will work with the other Path 8 (MT-to-NW) owners (Northwestern Energy and BPA) to resolve questions surrounding the ability of new generation to use the Colstrip line once Colstrip Units 1 and 2 retie, and also when Units 3 and 4 retire. At least one year prior to any closure of Colstrip Units 3 and 4, Avista will develop a transition plan for its Colstrip transmission assets. Avista will hold at least one workshop with Commission Staffand stakeholders to determine the transition plan's impacts to Idaho ratepayers. Avista will work with stakeholders and Commission Staff and file this transition plan with the Commission. In developing this transition plan, to the extent practicable, Avista should participate in l) the workshops on this topic that PSE and the Commission will be holding in 2018 (per the PSE GRC settlement), and 2) the BPA/Governor Bullock Transmission Task Force that commenced work on December 8,2017 , and will work through the middle of 2018. Hydro One agrees Avista will conduct the activities described in the foregoing paragraphs. 72. Contract Labor: The parties agree that employees, contractors, and subcontractors of Avista shall be paid a fair and competitive wage, and that Avista shall utilize principles of fairness in bidding and contracting work in the state of Idaho. Avista agrees to employ highly skilled and trained workers. Such training and education can be obtained through college programs, technical schools, apprenticeships, or union hall Idaho Settlement Proposal - Master List of Commitments Bev6edll620lE 5Al915,121v19 Page25 of24! I Exhibit B to First Amendment to Stipulation and Settlement Revised Exhibit A programs, including those of the Washington and Northern Idaho District Council of Laborers. The parties recognize that no employee, contractor, or subcontractor of the Company is required or prohibited from participation in any labor organization. The Parties agree that Commitment 72 is severable, and if this provision is declared void, invalid, or unenforceable in whole or in part, such declaration shall not affect the remaining provisions of this Commitment List. 73. Most Favored Nations: The Applicants agree that upon the joint request of the Non-Applicant Parties, or a request of less than all Non-Applicant Parties which is unopposed by any Non-Applicant, the Commission shall have an opportunity and the authority to consider and adopt in Idaho any commitments to which the Applicants agree in other jurisdictions, even if such commitments are agreed to after the Commission enters its order in this docket. To facilitate the Commission's consideration and possible adoption of the commitments from other jurisdictions, the Parties recommend that the Commission issue an order accepting this Stipulation as soon as practical, but to reserve in such order the explicit right to re-open to add commitments accepted in another state jurisdiction. The Applicants further agree that upon the request of any Non-Applicant Party prior to the Commission's action on this Stipulation, if Applicants agree with any commitments in other jurisdictions, within five days of such a request, Applicants will meet and confer with the Non-Applicant Parties to discuss whether such commitments should be added to the existing list of commitments already agreed to by the Parties in this Stipulation. Process for Consideration: Within five calendar days after Applicants file a stipulation with new or amended commitments with a commission in another state jurisdiction, Applicants will send a copy of the stipulation and commitments to the Non-Applicant Parties. Within five calendar days after a commission in another state jurisdiction issues an order that accepts a stipulation to which Applicants are a party and imposes new or modified commitments, that order, together with all commitments of any tlpe agreed to by Applicants in such other state, will be filed with the Commission and served on all parties to this docket by the most expeditious means practical. Within ten&urtcen_(]4 calendar days after the last such filing from the other states ("Final Filing"), the Non-Applicant Parties may file with the Commission any response they wish to make, including their position as to whether any of the covenants, commitments and conditions from the other jurisdictions (without modification of the language thereof except such non-substantive changes as are necessary to make the commitment or condition applicable to Idaho) should be adopted in Idaho. a a a Within five calendar days after any such response filing, the Applicants may file a reply with the Commission. Idaho Settlement Proposal - Master List of Commitments Revised 11/6/2018 50lel!1zlr19 Page26 of24L I a I a a a a a a a Exhibit B to First Amendment to Stipulation and Settlement Revised Exhibit A Ifany ofthe dates above fall on Saturday, Sunday, or a holiday, the next business day will be considered as the due date. The Parties agree to support in their filings the issuance by the Commission of an order regarding the adoption of such commitments as soon as practical thereafter, recognizing that the Proposed Transaction cannot close until final state orders have been issued approving the Proposed Transaction. Limitations on Adjustment: Only commitments specific to gas service may form the basis for adjustments specific to gas service. Only commitments specific to electric service may form the basis for adjustments specific to electric service. Any commitments relating to support of communities in Montana are not subject to this provision. As Avista does not operate as a utility in Alaska, any commitments made in Alaska are not subject to this provision. For purposes of financial commitments or commitments having a financial impact, commitments should be proportionate to Avista's corresponding business function in Idaho in relation to its corresponding total company business function. Accordingly, commitments should be allocated among Avista's WA, ID and OR jurisdictions based on the following: 1) Rate Credit is allocated based on base revenues; 2) all other financial commitments are allocated using the Company's jurisdictional "four factor" allocation methodology, routinely employed for purposes of allocating common costs, as discussed in Mr. Ehrbar's testimony in this proceeding. For purposes of this provision, "financial commitments or commitments having a financial impact" do not include ring fencing provisions. Z4 Notice ana Petitio on evista's ooerat retationsnm witn commitment in tnis stl Petition tne Commissio aVU-e-tZ-Og and AV inctudins Avista. wiil witt reoort to tne Co of tne Commitment Z+. a Derson would reaso ooerations or custo One woun Ue out of c Comrmtment Z+ snan Ue UvAro One mav tate or Idaho Settlement Proposal - Master List of Commitments Revisd_Il6l2E18 5Q19rslZlylg Page27 of24! I I I I Exhibit B to First Amendment to Stipulation and Settlement Revised Exhibit A that a oetition Dresents insufficient mounds or evidence. Prior to filins a oetition with tne Commission under nvista at least fO dry about resolutions o Notnme in this commitmen the Commission conc eorromrrugn. 25, Nortn American free fm forego their rishts to States tvtexico Cana Oamases related to. a State ofldaho or anv relation to the nrodu otner enerw sources Neffa (or the UStUCe) witt not votuntaritv oa One will indemnifu evis ctaim as aetermined bv a m 26, Venue for ana nesotu disoutes resardins U.S. federal resula Oreson. Washinston. Idaho. Montana or Alaska. TZ Environmental Lia narmtess tom anv environmenta otner than avista. fu or oo tvchlorinated blpn 78. Foreisn Exchanse and Hedsinp: Avista and Parent asree that Avista rateDavers will be nen narnless tom anv cur costs pertainine to ac rates and not usual and Water Rishts and Facilities 79. SuUoraination of Wa Uvdro One anO evista tAaho Oepartment of niehts. The Julv 25. 2 egrnnutments Idaho Settlement Proposal- Master List of Commitments Revisedll6/2qlg 501915474 \49 Page28 of24! I I Exhibit B to First Amendment to Stipulation and Settlement Revised Exhibit A uronlnlclrloN ro o tcrms) Sharetrctder shatt tra Shareholder Desisnees as directors of the Survivins Comoration with or without cause or notice at its sole disc are executives of P Indenendent Directors who are citizens of the United States and are and have been rcsidents of the Pacl in etrect (subiect in tn that it is not abte to and resiAent of tne Pa Snareholder mav reo States. exctudins an Avista. on an interm renlace anv such interim director with an Indeoendent Director who is a citaen of the United States and is a two vearsi. lf at anv t circumstance. wnere sharenoher ot gvdr whatsoever. that r directors ol ftvdro O sucn UoarO. tnen Uvd Uasis is susnenOeO n'or ournoses of tni definitions. which Asreement, will ap Comoration wno (il 3OSA.02 of the New Y Parent and its Subsl retationsnio witn Pa vears. anO (iiil lf sucn otner ouannc autnoritv for an inAe aemition of "lndeo director of tne Survi who otherwise satis be considered indeo Companv or tne Survl for an "tndenenden herco,L Idaho Settlement Proposal - Master List of Commitments Rarised 11/!20'18 50t9l54ztu9 Page29 of24! ! Exhibit B to First Amendment to Stipulation and Settlement Revised Exhibit A Pacific Northwest neq Corooration serves r Montana- Oreson and Washinston. Parent" snail mean Uvd Proymgg_afQl[ana. Snarenoner" sna Sharehot0er Oesisn are executives of Pa wno are resiaents of Snarenoher tnOeoe Ooe. "SnarenoUe Commitment No. 3..l Subsidiaries" whe limited tiabilitv compa or other ownership of the ordinarv votinq p the seneral partners SuUsiAiaries of su Survivinq Comoratio Page 30 of24! I Idaho Settlement Proposal - Master List of Commitments Revised 11/6/2018 sOlgl-8&rrurc Exhibit B to First Amendment to Stipulation and Settlement Summary report: Lit6ra@ Change-Pro TDC Document comparison done on 11161201811:41:03 AM Style name: KL Standard Intelligent Table Comparison: Active Original filename: Idaho Settlement Proposal - Commitment List - rev 4-13-2018 (FINALCLEAN) USW Active0l 501197292 2.DOCX Modified filename: MASTER LIST OF COMMITMENTS IN IDAHO USW Active0l 501915474 |9.DOCX Changes: Add 178 l.M t24 MeveFrem 5 Move To 5 Table Insert 0 +ableDelete 0 Table moves to 0 Table-msves*om 0 Embedded Graphics (Visio, ChemDraw, Images etc.)0 Embedded Excel 0 Format changes 0 Total Changes:312