HomeMy WebLinkAbout20181114Woods Rebuttal.pdfON BEHALF OF AVISTA CORPORATION DAVID J. MEYER V]CE PRESIDENT AND CHIEF COUNSEL FOR REGULATORY & GOVERNMENTAL AFFAIRS P.O. BOX 3121 ]-ALL EAST MISSION AVENUE SPOKANE, WASHTNGTON 99220-3721 TELEPHoNE: (509) 495-4376 EACSIMILE: (509) 495-8851 DAVI D . MEYERGAVI STACORP . COM ON BEHALE OF HYDRO ONE IJIMITED ELIZABETH THOMAS, PARTNER KARI VANDER STOEP, PARTNER K&L GATES LLP 925 FOURTH AVENUE, SUITE 29OO SEATTLE, WA 981014-1158 TELEPHoNE: (206) 623-1580 FACSIMILE: (206) 370-5190 L] Z . THOMASGKLGATES . COM KARI . VANDERSTOEPGKLGATES . COM IN THE MATTER OF THE JOINT APPL]CAT]ON OF HYDRO ONE LIMITED (ACTING THROUGH ITS INDIRECT SUBS]DIARY, OLYMPUS EQUITY LLC) AND AVISTA CORPORATION FOR AN ORDER AUTHORIZING PROPOSED TRANSACT]ON FOR HYDRO ONE LIMITED ldaho Public Utilities Office of the SecretaryRECEIVED 0ilT r q 2018 Boise, ldaho BEEORE THE IDAHO PT'BTIC UTIIITIES COMMISSION CASE NO. CASE NO. AVU-E-11 -09 AVU-G-17-05 REBUTTAL TESTIMONY OF THOMAS D. WOODS 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 B 9 10 11 1,2 13 I4 15 T6 L7 1B 19 20 I. INTRODUCTION A. Please state your n€une, business address and present position with Hydro One Limited. A. My name is Thomas D. (Tom) Woods, address is 483 Bay Street, South Tower, Bth and my F1oor, bus iness Toronto, DirectorsOntario M5G 2P5. I am the Chair of the Board of for Hydro One Limited ("Hydro One"). A. Have you fiJ.ed direct, rebuttal, or supplemental testimony in this proceeding? Yes. I filed supplemental testimony on SeptemberA 24, 2078. a. testimony? A A tab]e of Are you sponsoring any exhibits that accompany your No contents for my testimony is as follows: I. INTRODUCTION 1 2 B II. PROVINC]AL ]NFLUENCE III. PROVINCIAL INELUENCE OVER HYDRO ONE OVER AVISTA.... 27 22 Surmnary of Iestimony a. Please surmnarize your testimony. Zq A. The Province of Ontario ("Province") exercises 25 limited authority over Hydro One's business affairs and wil-l Woods, Supp. Reb. 1 Hydro One Limited 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 oU 9 have no authority over Avista after the merger. As Hydro One's largest shareholder, the Province does have, the ability to other than itsinfluence Hydro One's governance, compensation but, authority over executive pursuant to the Hydro One AccountabiLity Act, the Province does not have management authority over Hydro One II. PROVINCIAI INFLUENCE OVER HYDRO ONE A. In direct testimony fiJ-ed on November 6th, Staff 10 witness Terri Carlock states on page 10, lines 20-22, that 11 "the ].imits to the influence of the Province of Ontario over 12 Hydro One are not cIear." Do you have a response to that 13 statement? 74 A. Yes. 15 A. I{hat is your response? 16 A. As a starting point, the Governance Agreement 71 between Hydro One and the Provincel expressly Iimits the 1B Province's rol-e with respect to Hydro One to that of an L9 investor, and not a manager, and subsequent to the June 20 election, the Province ratified and reaffirmed its 27 obligations under the Governance Agreement.2 Eurther, in my 1 See AVU-E-17-09/AVU-G-17-05 - Supplemental Testimony of James Scarfett, Exh. No. 10, Schedufe 3 (Sept . 24, 20lB) ("Scarlett Supplemental Testimony") (see S 2.7.3 j-n Governance Agreement).2 See Scarl-ett Supplemental Testi-mony, Exh. No. 10, Schedufe 1 (S 16 in July 11, 2O1B Letter Agreement.). Woods, Supp. Reb. 2 Hydro One Limited 1 2 3 4 5 6 '7 9 experience to date as Chair of the Hydro One Board of Directors ("Boar^d"), the Province has acted only as an investor in, and not as a manger of, Hydro One, consistent with the Governance Agreement. a director on that premise and, In fact, I took on the role as then Chair, I have worked with since becoming a director and Hydro One's experienced and talented management, and not the Provincer oo alI of Hydro One's strategic business decisions. In short, the new government is looking to the new Board and existing management to run the company, not the other way around. A. Do you have concerns that the Province wiLl interfere with Hy&o One's management in the future? A. No. Based on my communications with Provincial officials prior to my acceptance of a position on the Hydro One Board, and based on communications and events since that time, I expect that the Province wi-l-I not intervene in Hydro One management other than participating in a Iimited manner on certain compensation matters as set forth in the Hydro One Accountability Act.3 A. You mentioned communications with Provincia1 officia1s prior to acceptingr a position on the Hydro One Board. Can you describe the selection process? 3 See Scarl-ett Supplemental Testimony, Exh. No. 10, Schedule 2. Vfloods, Supp . Reb . 3 Hydro One Limited 10 11 72 13 t4 15 t6 L1 1B 79 20 2t a) 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 o 9 A. Yes. I was the first person to be named to the new ten-person Hydro One Board. On or around the 4th of July 2078, I received a caIl from the executive recruiting firm involved in ident.ifying and selecting four directors to be named to the Hydro One Board by the Province pursuant to the Governance Agreement. The firm contacted me based on my business experience and service on other boards. I had not previously met the Premier, a Doug Ford, and to me it was important to meet him and get an understanding of his thinking and plan regarding Hydro One before f decided whether I was willing to serve as a director of the company. I had two meetings with him over the course of three or four days. During the first meeting, I also met the Premier's chief of staff and the head of civil service. That meeting lasted about an hour. I then met Mr. Ford a second time with a broader group. After those meetings I was confident that the Province had no intention of influencing Hydro One beyond the Premier's election promises and - this was very important to me that the new Hydro One Board would be able to act independently. After about a week and a ha1f, I agreed to accept the Province's appointment to the Board. a A premi-er in Canada is the equivalent of a governor in the United States. Woods, Supp. Reb. 4 Hydro One Limited 10 11 L2 13 74 15 t6 I1 1B 79 20 2l 1 Q. Do you know whether your feJ.J.ow Board members also 2 evaluated the Board's abiJ'ity to act independent1y? 3 A. Yes. I am not certain I spoke with each and every 4 one of the other nine, but I do know that several- of us talked 5 about the ability to act independently. The other directors 6 all had similar level-s of comfort that the Province would not 7 infl-uence the Hydro One Board or business affairs moving B forward. 9 Q. Did you have any interaction with the Premier's 10 poJ.itical. party prior to being contacted by the recruiti-ng 11 firm? t2 No. When I was appointed as a director of Hydro One some I was affiliated13 people made the incorrect assumption that 14 with the Progressive Conservative Party, which is Mr. Eord's party. But I have had no invol-vement with that party or any other political party in Canada. 9. You mentioned the llydro One AccountabiTity Act. Do you believe the Act could impair Hydro One's abiJ.ity to attract and retain talented executive manag'ement? A. No, for several- reasons. First, the Province will not set pay for Hydro One's executives under the Hydro One Accountability Act. The Act states that the Hydro One Board will establish a new compensation framework for the Board, CEO, and other executives (as defined in the Act) in 15 76 1-1 1B t9 Woods, Supp. Reb. 5 Hydro One Limited 20 2T 22 23 24 1 2 J 4 5 6 1 B 9 consultation with the Iargest sharehol-ders, Cabinet with approval framework. Second, the Province and Hydro One's other five and provides the Management Board of rights over executive search firm that is 10 the executive compensation Hydro One's Board identify suitable candidates for helping the CEO position has reported that t.hey are attracting good candidates. In coordination with the executive search firm, the Board has conducted several interviews and is close to being able to make an offer. Third, other than the authority to approve the compensation framework for certain executive level employees, the Act did not provide the Provj-nce with any role in management of Hydro One. Hydro One otherwise has the unfettered ability to operate its business. Section 2.I.3 of the Governance Agreement stiII provides that the Province is an investor in, and not a manager of, Hydro One. Further, the Province made clear in Secti-on 16 of the JuIy 11, 2018 Letter Agreement between Hydro One and the Province that the Governance Agreement remains in full force and effect: Reaffirmation:By entering into this Agreement, the Province ratifies and reaffirms its obligations under the Governance Agreement and agrees that, except as specifically set out in this Agreement with respect to the subject matter hereof, (i) the execution, delivery and effectiveness of this Agreement or any other documents delivered in connection herewith shall not amend, modify or operate as a waiver or forbearance of any right, Woods, Supp. Reb. 6 Hydro One Limited 11 I2 13 l4 15 l6 T1 1B 19 20 27 22 23 Zq 25 Zb 21 2B 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 B 9 power, obligation, remedy or provision under the Governance Agreement, and (ii) such agreement shall continue in fuII force and effect.s A. Are you aware of any reason to believe that the Hydro One Board might feel beholden to the Province moving forward? A. Certainly not, for several reasons. First, the Board members have a fiduciary duty under Canadian l-aw to act in the best j-nterests of the corporation, which means all of Hydro One's stakeholders and not a single shareholder above10 11 all- others . !2 Second, the Hydro One Board compri-ses a distinguished 13 panel of hi-ghly successful- individuals with extensj-ve 14 experience serving as board members for large corporations. 15 The directors' r6sum6s and experiences speak for themselves 16 and demonstrate that none of them (including myself) will be L1 beholden to the Province r or any other shareholder for that 1B matter. 19 Third, as evidenced by their r6sum6s, each new director 20 has a number of opportunities outside of Hydro One. For that motivated to act in a27 reason, no single director wilI be 22 particular wdy, whether at the behest of the Province or another shareholder, for fear of Iosing her or his Board s See Scarlett Supplemental Testimony, Exh. No. 10, Schedule l-. Woods, Supp. Reb. 7 Hydro One Limited 23 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 B 9 position-especi-a1Iy if doing so would be contrary to Hydro One's best interests and the Board member's fiduciary responsibilities, and refl-ect poorly on the director's reputation. Fourth, the Governance Agreement prevents the selectj-on of Hydro One Board members that woul-d be beholden to the Province. Each director is independent of Hydro One and the Province. III. PROVINCIAI INELUENCE OVER AVISTA 9. Do you know whether or how the Province infJ.uences the appointment of the independent members of Avista's Board?6 A. The Province wiII have no role in selecting any of the independent directors to the post-merger Avista Board and wilI have no influence over the post-merger operations of Avista. On November J, 2018, Hydro One and Avista announced the sel-ection of the five independent directors to serve on the post-merger Avista Board. T It is a formidable group of independent directors, all with connections to the U.S. 6 See AVU-E-17-09/AVU-G-17-05 - Direct Testi-mony of Terri Carlock, pS. \6, lines 4-9 ("As is appropriate for a parent company, Hydro One wil-l- appoint the majority of Avlsta's Board of Directors. Whife some of these directors w1l-1 be independent under the SEC's definitlon of that term, 1t is unknown how the Province of Ontario influences those appointments.").7 See AVU-E-17-09, AVU-G-17-05, Rebuttal Testimony of Scott L. Morris, Exh. No. 16, Schedule 1 (Nov. 14, 2018). Woods, Supp. Reb. B Hydro One Limited 10 11 t2 13 T4 15 L6 t1 1B 19 20 1 Pacific Northwest, and none of whom were sel-ected by the Province or have any relationship Indeed, a number of them serve on and wiII continue to serve Avista and business acumen. with or to the Province. the current Avista Board with the utmost integrity A. Are you aware of any other measures that ensure the Province will not influence Avista? ) 3 4 5 6 1 B 9 A. Yes. A. Ilhat are those measures? 10 A. The ring-fencing, governance, and financial- 11- commitments made by Hydro One and Avista protect Avista's 12 independence and financial strength and ensure that the 13 Province cannot and will not interfere with Avista's L4 management, strategic direction, and financial health. These 15 commitments are detailed in the rebuttal testimonies of James 76 Scarlett and Chris Lopez filed on November 14, 20L8. 71 A. EarJ.ier you discussed the llydro One Accountability 18 Act and the Province's role in setti-ng Hydro One executive 79 compensation under the Act. Can you confirm that the Act will 20 not apply to Avista if the merger is approved? 2l A. Yes, I can. The Act does not apply to Avista, as it 22 expressly excludes Hydro One subsidiaries "incorporated in a 23 jurisdiction outside of Canada." In addition, Hydro One and 24 Avista have agreed to revise Commitment No. 2 Lo give the Woods, Supp. Reb. 9 Hydro One Limited 1 2 3 4 5 6 '7 B 9 post-merger Avista Board sole responsibility for setting compensation leve1s for Avista's employees and executives. A. Cou1d the Province amend the Hydro One AccountabiTity Act Lo apply to Avista, thereby nuJ.J.ifying the revised commitment? A. No. The Province cannot pass laws that apply directty to Avista. The scope of Provincial Iegislative authority is limited to the Province of Ontario. Rather, if the merger closes, Hydro One's ownership of Avista will be constrained by the commitments, the Commission's approval order, and the laws of the United States and the five states 12 in which Avista operates. this conclude your rebuttal testimony?A. Does L4 A. Yes it does. Woods, Supp. Reb. 10 Hydro One Limited 10 11 13