HomeMy WebLinkAbout20181114Leroy Supplemental Rebuttal.pdfON BEHAI,F OF AVISTA CORPORATION DAVTD J. MEYER V]CE PRESIDENT AND CHIEF COUNSEL FOR REGULATORY & GOVERNMENTAL AFFAIRS P.O. BOX 3727 L4LL EAST MISSION AVENUE SPOKANE, WASHINGTON 99220-3727 TELEPHONE : (s09) 49s-43L6 FACSIMTLE: (509) 495-8851 DAVID . MEYER@AVISTACORP . COM ON BEHALF OF HYDRO ONE LIMITED ELIZABETH THOMAS, PARTNER KARI VANDER STOEP, PARTNER K&L GATES LLP 925 FOURTH AVENUE, SUITE 29OO SEATTLE, WA 981014-1158 TELEPHoNE: (206) 623-7580 FACSfMfLE: (206) 370-6790 LIZ. THOMAS@KLGATES . COM KARI . VANDERSTOEP@KLGATES. COM IN THE MATTER OF THE .JOINT APPLICATION OF HYDRO ONE LIMITED (ACTING THROUGH ITS IND]RECT SUBSIDIARY, OLYMPUS EQUITY LLC) AND AVISTA CORPORATTON FOR AN ORDER AUTHORIZ]NG PROPOSED TRANSACTION FOR AVISTA CORPORATION (ELECTRIC AND NATURAL GAS) ldaho Pubiic Utilities Comm Office ol the SecretaryRECEIVED ocT r 'l 20t8 BEFORE THE IDAHO PTJBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSTON Boise,ldaho CASE NO. AVU-E-L7-09 CASE NO. AVU-G-17-05 SUPPLEMENTAL REBUTTAL TESTIMONY OF DAVID H. LEROY Leroy, Supp. Reb. David H. Leroy, Attorney at 1 Law ]- I. IMTRODUCTION 2 Q. Please state your name, business address, and 3 present position? 4 A. I am David H. Leroy, attorney at Iaw of Leroy Law 5 Offices, P.O. Box 193, Boise, fdaho 83701-. 6 O. What is your professional background? 7 A. I am a LgTL doctorate graduate of the University 8 Of Idaho College Of Law and was admitted to the Idaho Bar 9 that year, some 47 years ago. I hold a post-doctoral degree, 10 Master of Laws, from New York University and was admitted to 11 that State's Bar tn L972. I have been in both t.he public and L2 private practice of law for nearly half a century. 13 O. Do you have public policy experience? L4 A. Yes. I served two terms as Ada County Prosecuting 15 Attorney in the 7.9701s, a term as Idaho Attorney General and 15 presided over the fdaho State Senate as Lieutenant Governor 17 from 1983 to 7987. In the absence of the Governor from t.he 18 state during that period, f served as Acting Governor of 19 Idaho for 254 days. 20 f was a presidential appointee, confirmed by the United 2l States Senate, during the administration of President G.H.W. 22 Bush, with the title of United States Nuclear Waste 23 Negotiator. l- 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 v Subsequent to that service, I have featured the practice of administrative law in my legal career and am frequently hired by cl-ient.s, public and private, including members, committ.ees and even chambers of the Idaho State Legislature to give them opinions on matters of statutory int.erpretation. I have also argued or briefed cases frequently before the Idaho Supreme Court and various federal courts and have appeared three times before t.he Unit.ed States Supreme Court. O. Have you previously testified as an expert witness in legal or political mattere? A. Yes. On dozens of occasions before trial- courts, Iocal boards or commissions, staLe agencies, the Idaho Legislature and committees of the United States House of Representatives and Senate, it has been my duty and privilege to give testimony on widely varied matters of fact. and opinion. O. What is your connection to the insEant case? A. I was engaged by Avista Corporation ("Avista") t.o give it an independent interpretation as to the application or non-application of Idaho Code S51-327 to the proposed sale of Avista to Hydro One Limited ("Hydro One"), as such transaction is pending approval before the Idaho PubIic Utilities Commission (the "Commission" ) Leroy, Supp. Reb. David H. Leroy, Att.orney at a Law 10 11 L2 l_3 l4 15 L6 L7 18 L9 20 2t 22 23 z.* 1 Z 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 O. What, is meant by an "Independent Opinion"? A. By that term I mean that I had no prior familiarity with the issues involved, ro predisposition as to the questions presented and advised the client that I would make and render judgments independently of any party's preferred outcome. f explained that I would coll-ect data from all available sources and broadly research a1I extant statutory, regulatory and case precedent to reach a reasoned conclusion. O. Are you sponsoring any exhibits in this testimony? A. Yes, f am. I will refer to the following Exhibits: Exh. No. 15, Schedule 1 of October L7 , 201-8. My Engagement Letter Exh. No. 15, Schedule 2 October 25, 2018. My Legal Opinion of Exh. No. 15, Schedule 3 - Extracts of the Legi slative .fournal s of the Idaho House of Representatives and Idaho State Senate, January 22, l-951-. Exh. No. 15, Schedule 4 Chapter 3. Idaho Session Law 1-951, Exh. No. 15, Schedule 5 - An Extract from the Report of the fdaho Attorney General 1951 -7952, pages 10 and 1l-. 10 11 t2 13 L4 15 16 77 18 t9 20 2L zz 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 a a a a a o Exh. No. 15, Schedule Idaho Daily Statesman, 6 - An ExtracL from the January 23, 1951, page 6. Leroy, Supp. Reb. David u. Leroy, Attorney at 3 LctW 1 z 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A. fn reaching your opinion what resources did you consuLt? A. In addition to those items l-isted as Schedules 3 t.hrough 5 above, I reviewed t.he ,Joint Application for an Order AuthorizLng Proposed Transaction in this case, the transcripts of public hearings held by the Commission in Moscow, Sandpoint. and Coeur d'Alene, the Supplemental Testimony of K. Collins Sprague (Avista), six prior refevant decisions or final orders of the Commission issued between Support. of Stipulation and Hydro One. f a1so, as noted in t.he f ound several- useful- Idaho SettlemenL filed by AvisLa and Opinion itsel-f , researched and and rel-ated f ederal appellate 10 L989 and 20L6, and the ,fune 20, 2078 ,foint Comments in 11 L2 13 1-4 15 cases, two early briefs on appeal and examined the wording 16 of Idaho Code 551-327 itself in the conLexL of those cases 17 and histories. 18 I also reached out to Commission staff counsel to L9 receive a briefing as to t.he background of this case and 20 those statutory issues of most concern to them. I a1so left 27 two unreturned phone messages for the lawyer identified to 22 me as lead counsel for the Avista CusLomer Group, hoping to 23 obtain from that group any ot.her legal guidance, references 24 or reasoning. Leroy, Supp. Reb. David U. Leroy, Attorney at 4 Law 1 2 3 O. Would you begin by reciting the language of Idaho Code S5L-327? A. Yes. It reads as follows: ACQUIS]TION BY CERTA]N PUBLIC AGENCIES PROHIBITED. No title to or interest in any public utility (as such term is defined in chapter 1 title 61, Idaho Code) property located in this state which is used in the generation, transmission, distribution or supply of el-ectric power and energy to the public or any portion thereof, shall be transferred or transferable to, or acquired by, directly or indirectly, by any means or device whatsoever, any government or municipal corporation, guasi-municipal corporation, or governmental or political unit, subdivision or corporation, organized or existing under the l-aws of any other state; or any person/ firm, association, corporation or organization acting as trustee, nominee/ agent or representative for, or in concert or arrangement with, dfly such government or municipal corporation, quasi-municipal corporation, or governmental or political unit, subdivision or corporation; or any company, association, organizaLion or corporat.ion, organized or existing under the laws of this state or any other state, whose issued capital stock, or other evidence of ownership, membership or other int.erest therein, or in the property thereof , is owned or controlled, directly or indirectly, by any such government or municipal corporation,quasi-municipal corporation, or governmental orpolitical unit, subdivision or corporation; or any company, association, organization or corporation, organized under the laws of any other state, noL coming under or within the definition of an el-ectric public utility or electrical corporation as contained in chapter L, title 6a, Idaho Code, and subject to the jurisdiction, regulation and control of the public utilities commission of the state of fdaho under the public util-ities l-aw of this state; provided, nothing herein shall prohibit the transfer of any such property by a public utility to a cooperative 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 L2 13 74 15 t6 t7 18 79 ZU 21- .) .) 23 24 25 26 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 35 37 38 39 40 41- 42 .tJ 44 Leroy, Supp. Reb David H. Leroy, Attorney at. 5 Law 1 a 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 electrical corporation organized under the laws of another staLe, which has among its members mutuaf nonprofit or cooperative efectricaf corporaLions organized under the l-aws of the state of Idaho and doing business in this state, if such public ut.ility has obtained authorizatj-on from the public utilities commission of the state of Idaho pursuant to section 6L-328, Idaho Code. (Emphasis added) What questions did you examine? L2 o A In particular, both Avista and the Commission 13 Staff were especially concerned as to whether the language L4 of Idaho Code 551-327 which refers to the preclusion of the 15 ownership of utillty property used to generate or supply 76 e1ectric energy by any government or corporation existing L7 under the laws of "any other state" would apply to the 18 Province of Ontario, since Hydro One was formerly a Canadian 79 provincial entity. In addition, as the Province would remain 20 t,he holder of approximately 432 of the stock outstanding in 27 Hydro One, both Avista and the Commission staff wished to 22 know whether such ownership constituted "direct or indirect" 23 control by a government. 24 O. Were you able to reach an opinion on the concept of 25 whether a Canadian province was a "State" under the language 26 of Idaho Code 551-327? 27 A. Yes. In my opinion the Idaho Legislature referred 28 only to entities organized under the Iaws of another of the 29 States of the United States of America and did not refer Leroy, Supp. Reb. 6 David H. Leroy, Attorney at Law 1 thereby to foreign nations or their subdivisions by the term 2 "states. " As made cfear by the legislative history, it did 3 not contemplate Canadian Provinces. Therefore, the Province 4 of Ontario is not a "state" within the meaning of the 5 statute. 6 Q. What is the basis for your opinion? 7 A. Upon undertaking this assignment pursuanL to my 8 Letter of Engagement (Exh. No. 15, Schedule 1), I initially 9 examined the statute in its original form, House Bill Number l-0 26 which became Session Laws of 7957, Chapter 3 (Exh. No. 11 15, Schedule 4) . The ,Journal-s of the fdaho Legislature for L2 the House and the Senate, January 22, 1951 (col-Iectively 13 Exh. No. 15, Schedule 3) show that Idaho Code 561-327 was L4 passed under suspension of the rules through both chambers 15 in a single day. The Report. of the Attorney General- (Exh. L5 No. 15, Schedule 5) clarifies the "statute was patently aimed l7 at. preventing acquisition by Publ-ic Utilit Districts of the LB State of Washington of the operating properties of the L9 20 2L zz 23 Washington Water Power Company ( "WWP" ) located in Northern Idaho. " (Emphasis added) Although no official notes or transcripts of committee hearings or fl-oor debates on the Bill exist, the Idaho Daily Statesman of .fanuary 23, 1951- contained verbatim and summary descriptions from the passage process which confirmed and Leroy, Supp. Reb. David tt. Leroy, Attorney at 7 Law 24 1 z 3 4 5 6 7 expanded upon the Attorney General's comment. Most specifically, the Legislators are recorded as fearing a l-oss of property tax revenue and, Lo a lesser degree, Commission regulatory conLrol, if the utility operating property became owned by Washingt.on St.ate utility districts. The following is excerpted from t.he January 23, 1951 edition of the Idaho Statesman, at p. 5 (See Exh. No. 15, Schedul-e 5) : Then Rep. David Doane (Ada), assistant Republican fl-oor Ieader, opened the debate for the bill's supporters. He explained that the major purpose was to protect power users of Idaho, particularly those in North Idaho, 'to be sure that the electric utility properties be owned in Idaho and not escape LaxaLion.' He told the house t.hat. there was now pending negotiations between the Washington Water Power company and the PUD group from Washington for t.he sale of the former's north Idaho properties. 'How soon they are going through with the dea1, w€ don' t know, " said Doane, 'but it is essent.ial that this bill be passed right away.' This context makes it clear that the phrase "state" intended most broadly t.o apply subdivisions of Idaho's sister 24 arose in the conLexL of, and 25 to, the units or municipal I 9 10 l_ l- t2 13 L4 15 16 1-1 18 79 20 2l 22 zo 27 28 29 staLes - notably simple meaning, province or al-ien O. Is there this legislation? Washington. In "state" means nation. its ordinary, plain and "state," not a foreign 8 Law additional evidence providing contexE for Leroy, Supp. Reb. David H. Leroy, At.torney at 30 1 z 3 4 5 6 7 8 A. Yes. The "Thirty-First Biennial Report of the Attorney Genera] of fdaho (1951 - L952)", at p.10, (see Exh. No. 15, Schedule 5) describes the genesis of t.his Iegislation, noting that it was "patently aimed" at preventing acquisition by Washington public utility districts ("PUD's") of the operating property of Washington Water Power ("WWP", the company name changed from WWP to Avista) in State of Idaho: The 1951- l,egisl-ature enacted a sLatute which: forbade acquisition by a municipal corporation of another state of facilities for the generation or transmission of electrj-ca1 energy in Idaho. The staLute was patently aimed at preventing acquisition by Publ-ic Utility District. of the St.at.e of Washington of the operating properties of the Washington Water Power Company locat.ed in Nort.h Idaho, The enactment of the statute was productive of the most t.ime consuming litigation in which the office has been engaged in the period report.ed in this report. Our efforts were directed at the problem of securing enf orcement of t.he new staLuLe. O. Has this Commission expressed a position on foreign ownership? A. Yes. My understanding is that the Commission has not been historically concerned when foreign-rel-ated utilities, some with shareholding by governmental unit.s or subdivisions organized under the laws of other nations, have been invol-ved in prior utility regulatory acquisitions, merely because some foreign ownership was involved. To the 9 10 1l- L2 13 74 15 1_6 1-7 18 79 20 2L)) 23 24 ,tr 26 27 28 29 30 Leroy, Supp. Reb. David H. Leroy/ Attorney at 9 Law 31 1 2 3 4 5 contrary, " increased "American" "scottish ScotIand. 1 Ontario's reasonabfe the Commission has recognized the reality that globalizaLton" has made the concept of an company more obscure and that an entity named Power" does not constitute the government of Idaho Code 551-327 has no bearing on Province of involvemenL with Hydro One by virtue of any interpretation of "state". 6 7 a 9 O. Were you able to reach an opinion on the second guestion as to what concept of 10 control is precluded by Idaho Code 11 A. Even if "sLaLe" could ' g'overnmental corporate s6l--327? be somehow construed to under Idaho L2 cover Lhe Province of Ontario, there st.itl is no "direcL or 13 indirect" Lransfer of propert.y from Avista to the Province L4 of Ontario or even to Hydro 15 statute (Idaho Code 561-327), one within the meaning of the 16 and modern concept of "effecLive control-" Iaw. The emerging of a corporation L] 18 19 ZU 2L by some block or combination of minority shareholders was not within the intended definition of the statute as adopted by the Idaho Legislature in 1951. Nor would the Idaho Supreme Court, per its prior decisions, imput.e such a concept. to the statutory words in Idaho Code S51-327 of "contro1led, i Black's Law Dictionary, 1Qth Editions, (201-4), p.403 Leroy, Supp. Reb. 10 Pavid tt. Leroy, Attorney at Law 1 2 3 * 5 6 7 I directly that 1aw, o. or indirectly. " Control of a corporaLion, under means majority shareholdi ng. What is the basie for your opinion? A. Idaho Code 561--327, as noted, was designed to prevent a loss of tax revenue and regulatory authority. The words of the Iaw "acquired by, directly or indirectly" and "owned or controlled, directly or indirectly" were chosen t.o prevent those ends. Neither the Commission nor the taxpayers of the State of Idaho suffer any such debility here as a result of the retained minority stock holding of the Province of Ontario, since Avista remains fully subject to local taxation and regulatory enforcement obligations. V{here "ef f ective , " or l-ess than maj ority corporate control has been proscribed or intended by the Idaho Legislature, the wording of such statutes have specifically so stated, with detailed descriptions. In the absence of such extended language, using the pIain, simple and ordinary test of the Idaho Supreme Court, "control" within 6l-327 means "ownership of more than 50? of the shares of a corporation."z The threat perceived and prevented by House BiIl 25 in 1951 was the complete divestiture of utility assets to the ownership and control of a government entity. 9 10 11 72 13 L4 15 16 l7 18 L9 20 27 ZZ 2B1ack's Law Dictionary, 10th Edj-tions, (2014), p.403 Leroy, Supp. Reb. 11 David H. Leroy, Attorney at Law 1 z 3 4 5 6 7 U 9 The Idaho Supreme Court, has not, in the best of my knowledge, applied a more relaxed understanding of "corporate control" where a majority ownershi-p was noL present, at least absent specific statutory language to that effect. its indirect subsidiary, Olympus is a governmenL entity owned or directly or indirectly by the Province of simple "maj orit,y of ownership" testOntario, within the 10 envisioned by Idaho Code S51-327. 11 O. Wtrat, then, is the meaningr of the reference to 1,2 "indirect" control is Ehe statute? 13 A. As is typical in any Iegislature drafting, t,he 14 objective is to prevent the doing of something that is 1-5 specif icalIy proscribed in the statute, by use of a strat.agem L6 that "skirts" the legislat.ure by some other means. For L7 example, were t.he Washington PUD's to set up a special 18 purpose entity (non-PUD) to directly "own" the property of L9 WWP, t.hey could have attempted to "skirt" Idaho Code 561- 20 327. 21- A. To what degree of professional certainty do you 22 hold these opinions? 23 A. I am very comfortabl-e, given the sources examined, 24 legislative history and reasoning expressed above and with Leroy, Supp. Reb . L2 David H. Leroy, Attorney at Law None of Equity LLC cont.ro11ed, Hydro One, or Avist.a 1 z 3 4 5 A 7 I 9 the additional detail as explained in my that the conclusions reached are soIid, Leroy, Supp. Reb. David H. Leroy, Attorney at written opinion, substantial and 13 Law defensible. predictable protect the conservative construction of statutes The Commission endeavors to be consistent and in its public body decision-making process to assure and interest. The Idaho Supreme Court is a which practices and defends strict and the discernment legislative expressed are consisLent with my and objectivity and with the 10 intent. My opinions here professional experience traditions of the Court. Testimony of Admini strator, 11 O. Since issuing your written opinion on October 26, 12 20L8, has any other matter arisen or testimony been presented 13 which should be discussed as to these issues? L4 A. Yes. f have now also read the November 6th, 2018 15 L6 Terri Carl-ock, Idaho PUC Utilities Division which provides the Staff analysis of the 2 and 3 of herL7 proposed Avista transaction. At pages 18 comments, Ms. Carlock addresses, without any real discussion or elaboration, the issue of "foreign ownership." She raised the concern that Idaho Code 551-327 "may" provide a total bar to the proposed merger, but is quick to note that she is not an attorney, and is simply offering Staff's belief that L9 20 2! aa 1 a 3 4 5 6 7 9 "the Commission shoul-d analyze this possibility prior to making a final determination."3 I believe t.hat my research, reasoning and opinions as explained above are welI-supported and can be relied upon by the Commission to reach a final determination that Idaho Code S51-327 is not applicable t.o this transaction. A. In Eurrunary, how should the Commission regard this issue? A As the utility operating property remains in Commission retains unfetteredAvista's ownership, the regulatory control- over t.he entity and no loss of state property taxation base is experienced. Accordingly, t.he Legislature's concerns addressed in Idaho Code 561-327 do not come into play with this transaction. O. Does that conclude your testimony? A. rt does. 10 11 L2 13 74 15 l_5 L1 Leroy, Supp. Reb. Pavid tt. Leroy, Attorney aL 1-4 Law 3 Carlock tesLimony at p. 11