HomeMy WebLinkAbout20181114Ehrbar Supplemental Rebuttal.pdfON BEIIALF OF AVISTA CORPORATION DAVID J. MEYER VICE PRESIDENT AND CH]EF COUNSEL FOR REGULATORY & GOVERNMENTAL AFEAIRS P.O. BOX 3121 7477 EAST MISSION AVENUE SPOKANE, WASHTNGTON 99220-3127 TELEPHoNE: (509) 495-4376 EACSIMILE: (509) 495-8851 DAVI D . MEYERGAVI STACORP . COM ON BEHAIE OI' HYDRO ONE LIMITED ELIZABETH THOMAS, PARTNER KARI VANDER STOEP, PARTNER K&L GATES LLP 925 FOURTH AVENUE, SUITE 29OO SEATTLE, WA 981014-1158 TELEPHONE: (206) 623-1580 FACSIMILE: (206) 370-5190 LI Z . THOMASGKLGATES . COM KARI . VANDERSTOEPGKLGATES . COM IN THE MATTER OF THE JOINT APPLICATION OF HYDRO ONE LIMITED (ACT]NG THROUGH ]TS IND]RECT SUBSID]ARY, OLYMPUS EQUITY LLC) AND AVISTA CORPORATION FOR AN ORDER AUTHORIZING PROPOSED TRANSACTION EOR AVISTA CORPORATION (ELECTRIC AND NATURAL GAS) ldaho Public Utilities Office of the SecretaryRECEIVED ocT r { 2018 Boise,ldaho CASE NO. AVU-E-11_09 CASE NO. AVU_G-17-05 SUPPLEMENTAL REBUTTAL TESTIMONY OF PATRICK D. EHRBAR BEFORE THE TDAHO PT'BLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION 1 2 3 4 5 6 '7 B 9 I. INTRODUCTION A. P1ease state your n€rme, business address and present position with Avista Corporation (\\Avista") ? A. My name is Patrick D. Ehrbar and my business address is l-At"i- East Mission Avenue, Spokane, Washington. I serve as the Director of Regulatory Affairs. 9. Have you previously fiJ.ed testimony in this proeeeding'? A. Yes, I filed testimony that accompanied the Joint Application for approval of the merger (the "Proposed Transaction") My Lestimony explained, among other things, the proposed accounting protocol for any affiliate transactions between Avista and Hydro One Limited ("Hydro One") following the closing of the transaction. A. Are you sponsoring any exhibits that accompany 10 11 I2 13 74 15 16 your testimony? 71 A. No, I am not. 1B A. Ms. Carlock on p. 3 of her Direct Testimony 79 e:q>lained severaL ways customers are protected from the 20 transactions between Avista and Hydro One, or events 27 impacting Hydro One, which would cause customer rates to 22 increase. Wtrat were her conclusions? 23 A. Ms. Carl-ock states correctly that. any "customer 24 rate increase must be approved by the Idaho Public Utilities Ehrbar, Supp Reb. 1 Avista Corporation 501953276 v2 1 2 3 4 5 Commission (the "Commission") before Avista can increase rates to Idaho Avista customers. "1 In addi-tion, she states that Staff wiII scrutinize "any transactions, activities or allocations to Avista from any affiliated entities. "2 Even more emphatically, Ms. Carl-ock states :3 Staff wj-ll verify that no cost are included in customer rate that are not at the lower of the actual cost or market comparison.Although this is a normal- part of the Staff audit function it is al-so part of the ring- fencing provisions and the commitments from Avista and Hydro One. (emphasis added) 13 Fina1ly, Ms. Carlock goes on to state:a o 1 B 9 10 11 72 I4 15 L6 T1 1B t9 20 2l)) 23 24 25 ZO 21 2B The regulatory responsibility of the Commission Staff and ultimately the Commissioners making the final decisions for the fdaho Public Utilities Commission will noL change. Staff will continue to viqe{euEly review capital investments, ongoing operational- costs, changes in revenues and the overal-1 operations of Avista. When unreasonable costs are identified or operating decisions by management do not support just and reasonable costs to provide safe and reliabl-e utility services to customers at reasonable rates, Staff recommends financial adjustments and changes to programs during proceedings before the Commission. This wifl not change depending on the ownership of Avista. (emphasis added) 29 A. Do you agtree with Ms. Carlock's conclusions? 30 A. Absolutely. As I am sure the Commissioners know, 31 and I can attest to, Commission Staff does a thorough review 32 of Avista's costs and operations in general rate case 1c 2I 3I 4I arlock, Di. ,d. p. 3, Il. d. p. 4, 11. d. p. 5, 11. p. 3, 11. 14-16. 23-25. 3-8. 4-76 .Ehrbar, Supp Reb. 2 Avista Corporation 501 953276 v2 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 o proceedings. A. Are there buiJ.t in protections in the Stipulated Commitments that support the Joint Applicants and Ms. Carlock' s conclusions? A. Yes. There are two specific commitments I have provided below that memorialize the fact that customer rates will not be affected by this transaction. Eirst, Stipulated Commitment No. 16 states: Treatment of Net Cost Savings: Avista customer rates will not Hydro One commits that increase as a resul-t of the Proposed Transaction. Hydro One will hold Avista customers harmless from any such rate increase. Further, any net cost savings that Avista may achieve as a result of the Proposed Transaction wilI be reflected in subsequent rate proceedings, as such savings materiafize. To the extent the savings are refl-ected j-n base retail rates they will offset the Rate Credit to customers, up to the offsetable portion of the Rate Credit. (emphasis added) Treatment of Transaction Costs: a. Costs associated with the Proposed Transaction will- be separateJ-y tracked as non-utilit.y costs with no charges, either all-ocated or direct, to be recovered from Avista customers. After the consummation of the Proposed Transaction, any remaining transaction costs or other costs of OJ-ympus Holding Corp. or Hydro Onewill not appear on Avista's utility books, i.e. such costs wilI be recorded as non-utility. Avista shallfurnish the Commission with Sournal entries and supporting detail showing the nature and amount of all costs of the Proposed Transaction (including but not l-imited to management time, BOD time, in-house and Ehrbar, Supp Reb. 3 Avista Corporation 27 Stipulated Commitment No. 1,1 provides further protections 22 from the incl-usion of costs re]ated to this transaction from 23 being included in customer rates: 9 10 11 t2 13 14 15 I6 l1 1B 19 20 24 25 26 21 1A 29 30 31 JZ 33 34 35 36 501953276 v2 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 B 9 10 11 L2 13 l4 15 t6 71 1B 19 20 2L)) )? .ALA 25 26 21 outside counsel time, doy consultants engaged, etc.) since the Proposed Transaction was first contemplated, as wel-I as the accounts charged, within 120 days of a Commission order in this docket. b. Avista will exclude, and Hydro One agrees Avista will elqfuqg/ lfqm Avista general rate cases, or any other method of cost recovery, all costs related to the Proposed Transaction including but not Iimited to: (i) all legal work from in-house counsel and outside counsef; (ii) any financial advisory fees associated with the Proposed Transacti-on; (iii) the acquisitionpremium; (iv) costs related to M&A consulting and advice (v) preparation of and materials forpresentations relating to the Proposed Transaction (vi) any senior executive compensation or any Avista board of director time tied to a change of control of Avista,' and (vii) any other costs directly related to the Proposed Transaction. c. Technofoqy expenditures and investments related to software and hardware compatibility issues between Avista and Hydro One and its affil-iates shall not be recovered from Idaho ratepayers except to the extent such costs are offset by savings over ti-me. (emphasis added) 28 fn the end, Avista and Hydro One have agreed, through the 29 revised set of Stipulated Commj-tments, that customers will 30 be held harm"l-ess f rom the Proposed Transaction. Further, 31 Staff has provided strong support for the fact that it will, 32 as is their practice, records in general compliance. A. The Avista thoroughly evaluate Avista's books and 33 rate case proceedings to ensure 34 Customer Group (*ACG") j.n its Cormnents 36 fiJ.ed on June 27, 2018, stated that the Joint Applicants Idaho Code 6!-32831 have not met the statutory criteria under Ehrbar, Supp Reb. 4 Avista Corporation 35 501953276 v2 1 as it relates to eost increases.s Do you share their view? A. No, I do not. Idaho Code 61,-328(3b) states that "the cost of and rates for supplyi-ng service will not be 2 3 4 5 6 1 B 9 increased parties, Stipulated explicitly by reason of such transaction. " AII of the with the exception of the ACG, support the Commitments, which as discussed earl- j-er state that the cost to customers and their rates wi-I] not increase as a result of this transaction A. Did ACG conunent on the lack of a filed "cost 10 al.J.ocation methodolog"y"?6 11 A. Yes, ACG commented that Avista did not file a cost 12 al-Iocation methodology f or the al-Iocation of costs to 13 Avista. As I discuss later j-n my testi-mony, Hydro One will 74 not allocate corporate costs to Avista at this time 15 Instead, costs will be directly assigned to Avista or Hydro direct16 One. Attached as Exhibit No. J , Schedule 3, to my 1"1 testimony developed with the Testimony Protocol is Avista's "Direct Assignment Protocol, " 1B by Avista for the assignment of costs associated 19 Proposed Transaction. As I discussed in my Direct )i filed in September 2011, the Direct Assignment 27 addresses the accounti-ng for costs both prior to 22 the closing of the accounting for costs Transaction, as weIl as the the closing. p. 2. (June 27, 201"8). Ehrbar, Supp Reb. 5 Avista Corporation Proposed following s Comments of Avista Customer Group,6 tbid. 23 501953276 v2 1 9. FoJ.J.owing' the closing of the transaction, how wiJ.J. 2 Avista account for the costs associated with time and 3 e:q>enses incurred by Avista empJ.oyees and Hydro One 4 employees for any services or work between the two 5 companies? 6 A. To the extent Avista employees dedicate time and 7 incur costs rel-ated to the operati-ons of Hydro One, those B costs will be directly assigned and billed to Hydro One, and 9 woul-d not be borne by Avj-sta/s customers. Likewi-se, should 10 Hydro One employees dedicate time and incur costs associated 11 with Avista's operations, such costs would be directly 1,2 assigned and billed to Avista. If a Hydro One employee's 13 time and costs are related to Avista's regulated utility L4 15 76 I'7 22 operations, approval by retail rates. to Hydro One the costs would the Commission Avista expects and from Hydro the near-term, subject to review and to being recovered in assignment of costs, both be prior such One, to be relatively smaII, since Avista wilI continue to1B especially in 19 operate as a At this any specific opportunities and Hydro One 20 2I standal-one utility. time, there are nopoint utility arrse 1n plans to combine operations. In the future, however, if for the consolidation of certai-n Avista ZJ utility functi-ons, where the util-ities have an 24 opportunity to benefit from specialized expertise or to Ehrbar, Supp Reb. 6Avista Corporation 501953276 v2 2 3 4 5 6 1 B 9 1 achieve efficiencies, it may be appropriate to develop direct assiqnment or allocationadditional- or different protocols. A. Is Avista currently using the proposed Direct Assigmment Protocol with other existing affiJ.iate companies of Avista? A. Yes. In 20L4 Avista acquired Alaska Energy and Resources Company (AERC), including Alaska Electric Light and Power (AEL&P) which provides electric service to customers in the City and Borough of Juneau, Alaska. We are using the same Protocol for these companies as we will- use for the Avista/Hydro One Proposed Transaction. a. WiJ.l Hydro One allocate corporate costs to Avista, and if so, would Avista then seek to recover those allocated costs from customers? A. No, Hydro One will not allocate corporate costs to Avista at this time. In the alternative, had that not been the case, ultimately it is still the Commission, and not Avista/Hydro One, that woul-d decide if such costs are appropriate to include in customer rates. It is important to also distinguish the "all-ocation" of 10 11 72 13 74 15 1b, t1 1B 79 20 2L 22 costs and the "direct assignment" of costs 23 when I testify 24 Hydro One will to "allocation" of costs, what I not be allocating to Avista (and For example, mean is that then Avista Ehrbar, Supp Reb. 1 Avista Corporation 501953276 v2 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 B 9 to its' customers) corporate overhead costs, such as Hydro One Board of Director costs, Hydro One executive costs, other Hydro One corporate overheads, etc. Instead, costs may be "directly assigned" lo Avista in certain circumstances Eor example, the combined Hydro One and Avista entity may be able to procure less expensive two companies currently have in insurance policies than the effect today as two entities. In that example, Hydro expensive insurance that would One may procure cover both Hydro Avista our share , separate such l-ess One and of those10 Avista, and directly assign to L1 to Avista Nat this time". 11 costs, remembering that those costs woul-d be cheaper than 12 the status quo. Of course none of those costs would be 13 included in customer rates until aI1owed to do so by this 14 Commission, with Avista havinq the burden of proof that the 15 costs are reasonable. l6 A. You state that Hydro One wj-II not allocate costs What about in the future? 1B A. It is unknown whether there would be a desire for 19 future al-location of Hydro One costs to Avista. However, 20 customers are protected through Stipulated Commitment No. 21 24. Among other things Stipulated Commitment No. 24 states: ,) 23 24 25 26 21 Avist? agrees to provide , and Hydro One agrees Avista will provide,cost allocation methodologies used to al-locate to Avista any costs related to Hydro One or its other affil-iates and subsidiaries, and commits that there wiII be no cross-subsidization by Avj-sta customers of unregulated activitles. (emphasis added) Ehrbar, Supp Reb. B Avista Corporation 501953276 v2 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 B 9 10 11 72 13 1,4 15 16 71 1B I9 20 2L Avista will not charge to custome qAtqq or directly assigned by specificalJ-y authorized for Commission. (emphasis added) Hydro recovery One except in rates by AS the Avista wi-l-I bear the burden of proof rate case that any corporate andaIl-ocation methodoJ-ogy is reasonable purposes. (emphasis added) in any general affiliate cost for ratemaking Avista will notify the Corunissio lncorporatestructure that affects Avista's corporate and affiliate cost allocation methodoloqies. Avista wiII propose revisions to such cost allocation methodologies to accommodate such changes. Avista will not take the position that compliance with this provision constitutes approval by the Commission of a particular methodology for corporate and affil-iate costal-Iocation. (emphasis added) 22 Again, while there are no pJ-ans f or cost all-ocations 23 from Hydro One to Avista, shoul-d al-location methodologies be 24 necessary, they would be provided to the Commission, and the 25 burden of proof for cost recovery would be on Avista in a 26 general rate case proceeding. 21 A. Does Cormnission Staff believe that Idaho Code 61- 28 328 wi].L be met? 29 A. Yes. Ms. Carlock states that "I believe Idaho 30 Code S61-328(3) requirements will be met".7 Further, she 31 states that the "stipulated Commitments also assure that the 32 cost of and rates for supplying service will not be 7 Carlock, Di. , p. 4, 11 . 11-12 , Ehrbar, Supp Reb. 9 Avista Corporation 501953276 v2 1 increased by reason of such transaction."s I agree with her 2 wholeheartedly. 3 Q. Does this conclude your Supplemental Rebuttal 4 testimony? 5 A. Yes it does. I Id. p. 4, 11. 16-18 Ehrbar, Supp Reb. 10 Avista Corporation 501953276 v2