HomeMy WebLinkAbout20180924Thies Supplemental Direct.pdfldaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the SecretarvRECEIVED SEP Z tr 20tg o o Boise, ldaho ON BEIIA],E OE AVISTA CORPORATION DAVID J. MEYER V]CE PRESIDENT AND CHIEF COUNSEL FOR REGULATORY & GOVERNMENTAL AFEAIRS AV]STA CORPORATION P.O. BOX 3121 1411 EAST MISSTON AVENUE SPOKANE, VIASHTNGTON 99220-3121 TELEPHoNE: (509) 495-4316 EACSIMILE: (509) 495-8851 DAVI D . MEYERGAVI STACORP . COM ON BEIIALE OE HYDRO ONE LIMITED ELIZABETH THOMAS, PARTNER KARI VANDER STOEP, PARTNER K&L GATES LLP 925 FOURTH AVENUE, SUrrE 2900 SEATTLE, WA 981014-1158 TELEPHoNE: (206) 623-1580 EACSIMILE:. (206) 370-6190 L] Z . THOMASGKLGATES . COM KARI . VANDERSTOEPGKLGATES . COM BEEORE THE IDAHO PT'BLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION ]N THE MATTER OF THE JOINT APPLICAT]ON OE HYDRO ONE L]MITED (ACTING THROUGH ITS INDIRECT SUBSID]ARY, OLYMPUS EQUITY LLC) AND AVISTA CORPORAT]ON FOR AN ORDER AUTHORIZING PROPOSED TRANSACTION CASE CASE NO. NO. AVU-E- L7 _09 AVU-c-17-05 SUPPLEMENTAL TESTIMONY UT MARK T. THIES EOR AVISTA CORPORAT]ON (ELECTRIC AND NATURAL GAS) o o 1 Q. Please state your nane, business address, and present 2 position with Avista Corp. 3 A. My name is Mark T. Thies. My business address is 1411 4 East Mission Avenue, Spokane, Washington. f am empJ-oyed by 5 Avista Corporation ("Avista") as Senior Vice President, Chj-ef 6 Financiaf Offi-cer and Treasurer. 1 Q. Are you the sane l'tark T. Thies who sponsored pre- B filed direct testimony, on behalf of Avista Corporation 9 (Avista) ? 10 A. Yes, I sponsored Direct Testimony and Exhibit No. 3, 11 Schedule 1 through Schedule 4 in this Docket. o t2 13 a A Are you sponsoring any exhibits in this testimony? Yes, I am sponsoring Exhibit No. 72, Schedule 1, which 74 is the Golden Share agreement Holdings ( " Services 15 Agreement") between GSS (AGS ) , Inc. 76 Delaware corporation, Gl-obal Securitj-zation 71 ("Globa1"), a Delaware 18 HoldCo is an affil-iate and Indemnity ("Hol-dCo" ) , a Services, LLC limited Iiabili-ty company, and Avista. of GIobaI. GIobaI formed HoldCo, as a 79 special purpose entity (SPE) of hol-ding one share on July t7 , 2078 for the sol-e 20 purpose of Iimited voting preferred stock 2I in Avista. 22 A. I{trat is the put?ose of this Supplenental Testimony? 23 A. The purpose of this SuppJ-emental Testimony is to 24 reconfirm the benefits of this transaction (the "Proposed Thies, Supp 1 Avista Corporation o o o 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 B 9 Transaction") from a financial perspective and highlight the extensive financial safeguards incorporated into the agreed upon commitments (each, a "Stipul-ated Commitment", coll-ectively "stipulated Commitments") in the Settlement Stipulation ("Stipulation") filed on April 13, 201-8, which were designed to protect and insufate Avista and its customers from a change in management at Hydro One or changes in the political landscape of the Province of Ontario (the "Province") and ensure Avj-sta's ability to continue as a financi-a}1y sound, stand-alone utility. As I wil-I discuss further be1ow, neither Hydro One, nor 72 the Province, can deprive Avista of its necessary capital and One is duty-13 assets; indeed, quite the opposite is true. Hydro 74 bound to provide suffj-cj-ent capital to alIow Avista to provide safe, reliable, and cost-effective service. A. Have any of the benefits of the Proposed Transaction 15 27 10 11 76 I7 to Avista and its stakeholders changed as a result of recent 18 developments in Ontario? 79 A. No, the benef its highlighted j-n both my and Mr 20 Morris' direct testimony investor-owned electric have not changed. The number of and natural gas utilities in North 22 America has decreased significantly consol-idat j-on. Through consof idation, have the opportunity to spread costs, over the years through 23 these Iarger util-ities especially the costs of Thies, Supp 2 Avista Corporati-on o 24 o o 1 new technology, over a broader customer base and a broader seL 2 of infrastructure. The partnership of Avista and Hydro One will 3 provide opportunities for efficiencies in the long-term through 4 the sharing of best practices, technology and innovation. The 5 Proposed Transaction wiII provide benefits to Avista's 6 customers that otherwise would not occur. These benefits will- 7 not only be viewed favorably by customers, but also by debt B holders and rating agencies. An efficient, well-run business 9 increases the opportunity to achieve financial metrics to 10 support favorabfe credit ratings. 11 The merger with Hydro One will not only allow Avista and 1,2 its customers to benefit from being a part of a larger 13 organization (the benefits of scale), but at the same time 74 preserves cul-ture Iocal control- of Avista and the retention of Avista's 15 and its 76 preservation of way of doing IocaI control and management of Avista is 18 important to many stakeholders including, among others, our customers, our employees, the communit,ies we serve, the vendors we do business wi-th, lenders, and rating agencies. None of this has changed as a result of recent developments in Ontario. A. Are there any new financial risks to Avista in J.ight of the recent management changes at Hydro One? A. No. As I will discuss in further detail below, there are extensive financial safeguards and ring-fencing Sti-pulated 79 20 27 22 23 Thies, Supp 3 Avj-sta Corporation business. We believe this 77 o 24 o 1 2 3 4 trJ 6 7 B 9 Commitments agreed to by a1I parties as part of the Stipulation that were intentionally designed to ensure Avista will- continue as a financially sound, stand-a1one utility. A. WiJ.J. Avista continue to maintain its own capital structure foJ.J.owing the closing of the Proposed Transaction? A. Yes. Avista will maintain its own capital structure after the Proposed Transaction is consuflrmated and will continue to fund its ongoing operations with both debt and equj-ty sources. 10 9. Does Hydro One, or withhold equity contributions A. No. As described the Province, have the ability to to Avista? IN Stipulated Commitment No. 34, injections to support Avista's 11 72o o 13 Hydro One will- provide equity 74 capital structure. This commitment to maintain a strong equity 15 component in Avista's capital structure plays a significant 76 role in supporting financial metrics that ensure Avista's 71 access to its usual and customary financial markets under 18 reasonable terms and on a sustainable basis. 79 A. Are there protections buiJ-t into the StipuJ.ated 20 Comitments regrarding dividends from Avista to O11q>us Equity 2I LIJC. ? 22 A. Yes. As agreed to in Sti-pulated Commitment No. 38, 23 certain conditions must be met in order for Avj-sta to provide 24 a dividend to Olympus Equity LLC. If either (i) Avista's Thies, Supp 4 Avista Corporation o o 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 B 9 corporate credit/issuer rating as determined by both Moody's Investors Service ("Moody's") and Standard & Poor's ("S&P"), or their successors, is investment grade, oL (ii) the ratio of Avista's EBITDA to AvisLa's interest expense is greater than or equal to 3 LLC shall 0, then distributions from Avista to Olympus Equity not be limited so long as Avista's equity ratio is equal to or greater than 44 percent on the date of such Avista distribution after giving effect to such Avista distribution. If any of those conditions are not met, and Avista desired to o 10 distribute a dividend to Olympus Equity LLC, such distribution 11 would require approval from the Idaho Public Utilities 72 Commission (the "Commission"). 13 If Avista does not have an investment-grade rating from 74 both Moody's and S&P, or from one of these entitj-es t or its 15 successor, if only one issues ratings with respect to Avista, 16 and the ratio of EBITDA to Avista's interest expense is less I7 than 3.0, no dividend distribution to Olympus Equj-ty LLC or its 1B successors will occur. 19 A. Are there Stipulated Comitments that protect 20 Avista's customers' assets from being pledged as collateral? 21, A. Yes. Avista's utility assets can be pledged as 22 col-lateral only for the benefit of Avista, not Hydro One, as 23 agreed to in Stipulated Commitment No. 46. Therefore, neither 24 Hydro One, nor the Province, can strip Avista of its capital or Thies, Supp 5 Avista Corporation o 1 2 3 1oan, pledge r or transfer Avista's assets to Hydro One or any affiliates of Hydro One. A. Could Hydro One cut Avista's capital budget? A. Avista will have necessary funds available to provide safe and reliable service to customers. Avista and Hydro One 4 q 6 1 d 9 agree that neither the proposed merger, acquisj-tions, may diminish the delivery of safe utility service in Idaho as compared to Avista's nor future and reliable performance Avista will, 10 prior to the closing of the Proposed Transaction. under the leadership of the Avista Board, make the necessary 11 investments in order to ensure safe and rel-iabl-e utility 12 servj-ce, and will- make the necessary capital expenditures to 13 effectuate that. 74 A. Are there any other safeguards that maintain the 15 integrity of Avista's financial. health? 16 A. Yes. There are several- other financial obligations 71 included in Stipulated Commitment Nos. 34-47 that provide 1B Avista adequate protecti-on of its financia] health. I wiII 19 highlight a couple be1ow, having already discussed Stipulated 20 Commitment Nos. 34 and 38 earlier. 27 As outlined in Stipulated Commitment No. 35, Avista wj-II 22 maintaj-n separate debt and preferred stock, if any, to support 23 its utility operations. Eurther, Stipulated Commitment No. 36 24 states that each of Hydro One and Avista wil-I continue to be Thies, Supp 6 Avista Corporation o o o 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 B 9 rated by at ]east one nationally recognized statistical "Rating Agency." If Hydro One and Avista are unable to obtain or maintain the separate rating for Avista, they will- make a filing with the Commission explaining the basis for their fail-ure to obtaj-n or maintain such separate credit rating for Avista. Stipulated Commitment No. 37 states that Hydro One and Avista agree to notify the Commission within two business days of any downgrade of Avista's credit rating to a non-investment grade status by S&P, Moody's, or any other such ratings agency that issues such ratings with respect to Avista. Additionally, Avista and Hydro One have agreed that Avista will maintain its present pension funding policy, continue to file required reports with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, and comply with applicable Sarbanes-Ox1ey Act requirements. A. Are there protections in place to protect Avista from being drawn into bankruptcy proeeedings that are not in the best interest of Avista and its customers? A. Yes, there are various bankruptcy ring-fencing provisions. First, as outlined in Stipul-ated Commitment No. 42, Avista wilI issue a single share of preferred stock referred to as the Golden Share to an independent third party. The vote of this share wiIl be required to place Avista into voluntary bankruptcy. Additionally, as outlined in Stipulated Commitment No. 43, Avista's entry into voluntary bankruptcy woufd require Thies, Supp 1 Avista Corporation 10 o 11 t2 13 74 15 76 t'7 1B 79 20 2t 22 23 o 24 o 1 2 3 4 trJ 6 1 B 9 the consent of a two-thirds majority of all of its directors, including the affirmative vote of at Ieast one of the independent directors (as defined by the New York Stock Exchange rules). Stipulated Commj-tment No. 44 further requires a non- consolidatj-on opinion effectiveness of the ring-fencing measures substantive consolidation of the assets and filed with the Commission to confirm the to prevent the Iiabilities of o Avista with those of Hydro One or any of its affiliates or subsi-diaries. 10 A. Has the holder of the \\GoLden Share" been selected? 11 A. Yes. Avista and Hydro One have selected HoldCo as 12 the holder of the "Golden Share". 13 A. Please o<plain how you believe HoIdCo meets the 74 definition and purpose of the Golden Share holder as provided 15 in Stipulated Cormnitment No . 42. 76 A. Certainly. Stipulated Commitment No. 42, reads, in 71 pertinent part, as follows: 1B T9 20 2L aaZZ 23 24 25 ZO 21 2B 29 30 Enteri-ng into vol-untary bankruptcy shall- require the affirmative vote of a "Golden Share" of Avista stock. The Golden Share shall mean the sole share of Preferred Stock of Avista as authorized by the Commission. This share of Preferred Stock must be in the custody of an independent third-party, where the third-party has no financial stake, affiliation, relationship, j-nterest r or tie to Avista or any of its affiliates, or any l-ender to Avista r or any of its affiliates. This requirement does not preclude the thi-rd-party from holding an j-ndex fund or mutual fund with negligible interests in Avista or any ofj-ts affiliates. In matters of voluntary bankruptcy,o Thies, Supp 8 Avista Corporation o o 1 2 3 4 thj-s Go1den Share wilI override aII other outstanding shares of all types or classes of stock. The f ol-l-owing information describes the holder of this share: 1. HoIdCo is an affil-iate of GIobaI. Founded in L996, Global is a privately held fimited liability company owned by its senior management. 2. Gl-obal is a member of the Structured Finance Industry Group, and the firm is dedicated to provj-ding professional and responsible management of special structures such as the Gol-den Share (see attached Exhibit No. 72, Schedule 1 for more information about Gl-obal) . 3. HoIdCo does not and will not conduct any business activities other than holding the GoIden Share, wil,l- not incur any liabilities other than those necessary to carry out the duties of holding the Gol-den Share, and wiII not se1I, assign, transfer, pJ-edge, hypothecate or otherwise convey the Golden Share. 4. GSS Holdings (CHGE), Inc., another affiliate of Globa1, holds a simil-ar GoIden Share for Centra] Hudson Gas & Electrj-c Corporation. 5. cSS Holdings (NY Utility), Inc., another affifiate of G1oba1, holds similar Golden Shares for New York State Electric & Gas Corporation and Rochester Gas and Electric Corporation. 6. GSS Holdings (NG) , Inc. , another affiliate of Global, holds similar Golden Shares for National Grid pfc companies Keyspan Gas East Corporation, Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation, and The Brooklyn Union Gas Company. 5 6 1 o 9 10 11 t2 13 74 15 76 t1 18 19 20 27 22 23 24 z5 zb 27 2B 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 31 3B 39 40 7. Closer to home, by the Oregon an affiliate of GlobaI was approved Publ j-c Utili-ty Commission as the Thj-es, Supp 9Avista Corporation o o o t holder of the Portland General El-ectric Company's 2 Golden Share. 3 A copy of the Services and Indemnity Agreement has been 4 provided as Exhibit No. 72, Schedul-e 1. Avista and Hydro One 5 request that the Commission expressly approve HoldCo as the 6 hol-der of the Golden Share as part of its approval of the 7 Proposed Transaction itsel-f. B Q. From Avista's perspeetive, why is it beneficial to 9 close the Hydro One transaetion by the end of the year? 10 A. There are a number of reasons why closing this 11 transaction at the end of a month, and especially at the end of 12 a cal-endar year, is beneficial. As you can imagine, Avista 13 will be required to have certain procedures completed as of the 74 day that the transaction closes. A year-end transaction close 15 date has several advantages. Eirst, Avista will be required to 76 a have an audit of its financials as of the transaction close I7 date. If that date is different than December 31st or January 1B 1st, multiple audits woul-d be requj-red. This resul-ts in 1,9 significant effort on the part of Avista staff as well as third 20 party costs to have an audit completed by an independent 21, auditor. Next, there is less risk involved with a month-end 22 close, ds the month-end close j-s part of our normal- process, 23 whereas, a mid-month close is outside of normal- operating 24 procedures and introduces a higher chance for potential error Thies, Supp 10 Avista Corporation o o 1 2 3 4 trJ 6 1 B 9 (as system and report modifications would need to be configured shoul-d closing occur in the middfe of any month). Third, more accurate val-uation information is available at year-end cutoff for purchase accounting, than would occur in a mid-month, or non-end of the year closing. fn addition, a valuation of the pension will be required as of the transaction close date. Avista would not need to have a mid-period pension valuation completed by a third party actuary as well as the normal- year-end pension valuation. Finally, Avista would avoid a "stub period" federal tax return, which again would help save costs and minimize potential errors. In the end, a c.l-osing at the end of the year woul-d provide limited disruption to normal closi-ng and reporting cycles, which saves costs and resul-ts in more accurate financial reporting. A. Do you have any concluding remarks? A. Yes. A11 of the benefits of the Proposed Transaction and structured safeguards remain intact, notwithstanding political- developments in Ontario and management changes at Hydro One. The Stipulated Commitments negotiated by the parties were designed to achieve these protectj-ons and preserve the benefits. Nothing has changed in that regard. A. Does that conclude your Supplemental Testinony? A. Yes, j-t does . Thies, Supp 11 Avista Corporation 10 o 11 t2 13 t4 15 76 71 18 79 20 27 22 o 23