HomeMy WebLinkAbout20180924Sprague Supplemental Direct.pdfldaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the SecretaryRECEIVED o o ON BEHALE OF AVISTA CORPORATION DAVID J. MEYER VICE PRESIDENT AND CHIEF COUNSEL FOR REGULATORY & GOVERNMENTAL AFEAIRS AVISTA CORPORATION P.O. BOX 3121 L41.T EAST MISSION AVENUE SPOKANE, WASHTNGTON 99220-3121 TELEPHONE: (509) 495-4316 EACSIMILE: (509) 495-8851 DAV] D . MEYERGAVI STACORP . COM ON BEIIAIF OF HYDRO ONE LIMITED EL]ZABETH THOMAS, PARTNER KAR] VANDER STOEP, PARTNER K&L GATES LLP 925 FOURTH AVENUE, SUITE 2900 SEATTLE, WA 981014-1158 TELEPHONE: (206) 623-7580 FACSIMILE: (206) 370-6190 LIZ . THOMAS GKLGATES . COM KAR] . VANDERSTOEPGKLGATES . COM ]N THE MATTER OF THE JO]NT APPLICATTON OE HYDRO ONE L]M]TED (ACTING THROUGH ]TS ]ND]RECT SUBSID]ARY, OLYMPUS EQUITY LLC) AND AVISTA CORPORATION FOR AN ORDER AUTHORIZING PROPOSED TRANSACTION FOR AV]STA CORPORAT]ON (ELECTRIC AND NATURAL GAS) BEFORE THE IDAIIO PT'BLIC UTILITTES COMMISSION CASE NO. .A qI' I\TN Boise, ldaho AVU-E- 71 -09 AVU-G-17-05 K SUPPLEMENTAL TEST]MONY OF COLLINS SPRAGUE o O 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 H 9 A. Please state your name, business address, and present position with Avista Corp. A. My name is Kevin "CoIIins" Sprague. My business address j-s 7417 East Mission Avenue, Spokane, Washington. f am employed by Avista Corporation as Senior Director of Government Relations. A. Did you sponsor Direct Testimony is this Case? A. No. A. What is your background? A. I was qraduated by the Universj-ty of Washington with10 o 11 honors in 1985. After working in state and local- (Seattle) L2 politics, I became a contracL Iobbyist in 1987 representing 13 private and public sector clients before the Washington State 14 Legislature and executive state aqencies. I was then hired as 15 a Manager of Government Refations for the Association of 76 Washington Business, where f created the organizatj-on's 71 environmental- affairs division. I entered the employ of Avista 1B in 1990 as State Government. Relations Representative and, 19 later, made Manaqer of State Government Relations, wlth the 20 primary responsibility of representing the company in Olympia, 2l Washington. I was promoted to Director of Government Relations 22 (now Senior Dj-rector) 1n 20L2. In my current ro1e, I oversee 23 our giovernment relations activities in our five state 24 jurlsdictions and Washington, D.C. During my career, I have Sprague, Supp 1 Avista Corporation o o 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 drafted, had introduced and secured enactment of numerous pieces of legislation dealing with a range of subject maLters I have also been involved with litigation associated with publlc policy. A. Iilhat is the purpose of this Supplemental Testimony? A. My testimony wiff address the quest.ion of whether or not Idaho Code S61-327 prohibits the Proposed Transaction with Hydro One Limited ("Hydro One") A. Do you have a background in Law? 10 A. No, I am not an attorney and I am not offering a legal 11 opinion. However, because of my extensive backqround 1n 72 drafting and analyzing legislatlon, T am providing my 13 perspective on Idaho Code 561-327, and why this statute is not 74 appficabl-e in this proceeding. 15 A. Are you sponsoring any exhibits in this testimony? 1,6 o A. No, f am not. 71 A. Can you sununarize the purpose of fdaho Code 561-327? 1B A. Yes. This section of ldaho law prohibits the transfer 79 of ownership in electric ut.ility properties used for servlng 20 the public in Idaho to any "public agency" (the term used in 27 the statute's headlng) that is organized or existing under the 22 l-aws of any other state (not "province"). 23 a. To the best of your knowledgie, what is the origin of Sprague, Supp 2 Avista Corporation o 24 Idaho Code 561-327? o 1 A. Idaho Code 551-327 originated as House Bill- 26 (HB 2 25), which became law in 1951-. (The law was subsequently 3 amended in L9B2 by House Bill 412; the substance of this later 4 enactment does not affect this analysj-s, ds it created an 5 exception to the statute's initial prohibition by allowing the 6 transfer of property from a "public utility" to "members of a 7 mutual non-prof it or cooperat.ive el-ectrical corporation 8 organized under the l-aws of fdaho" and subject to Commissj-on 9 approvaf.) The year 1951 is absol-utely pivotal to this analysis, 10 and why it is requires an explanation here. 1l- A. What was the political context for the ldaho 72 Legislature's enactment of Idaho Code 561-327? 13 A. Identifying the political context for Idaho Code 561- L4 321 is critical- for understanding its scope and intended 15 meaning. Oddly enouqh, factors in Washington State appear to L6 have underpinned the text of HB 26 and motivated the Idaho 71 Legislature to enact it. 18 Pubfic utility districts (PUDs) in the State of Washington 19 are "municipal corporations" (see Idaho Code S61-327 for cross- 20 reference) which operate in a proprietary capacity as electric 21, utilities under Washington l-aw. (Idaho l-aw has no equivafent to 22 Washington's public utility districts. ) The formation of PUDs 23 was authorized through passage of a bal-lot measure (Initiatlve 24 1) in 1931. Initiative l- conferred on these municipal Sprague, Supp 3 Avista Corporation o o o 1 corporations, organlzed and existing under Washington law, 2 broad powers of eminent domain. Voter approval of Initiative 1 3 l-ed to the creation of PUDs across the State of Washington. 4 Through the threat and exercise of their powers of eminent 5 domain, PUDs in eastern and central Washington acquired certain 6 generation, transmission and distributed assets owned by The 7 Washington Water Power Company (now Avista). B In the 1940s, The Washington Water Power Company (the 9 "Company") was owned by American Power and Light Company (AP&L), 10 a holding company. When the Securities and Exchange Commissi-on 11 directed AP&L to divest of its utility holdings, a consortium 1,2 of three public utility districts 1n centra1 and easLern 13 Washington sought to buy the stock of the Company from AP&L, 74 with the plan, had they been successful, of spinning-off the 15 Company's Idaho properties to a non-profit cooperative. l 16 According to PeopLe, PoTitics and Publ-ic Power, " (t) his 17 arrangement unl-eashed legislative fights in both Idaho and 1B Washington, SEC rulings, and federal appellate court figthts."z 1,9 This effort. precipitated enactment of HB 26 by the Idaho 20 Legj-slature. *With active negotiations going on for three 2l eastern Washington PUDs to acquire the cofirmon stock of 22 Washington Water Power from AP&L, the Idaho Legislature rushed 1 People, Pol-itics and Pubfic Utj-J-1ty Districts Association, ' ld, p. 49 Ken Billington, Washington Public Sprague, Supp 4 Avista Corporation o o Power 1988. o 1 2 3 4 5 6 -t a law through, under private power urging, making it ilIegal for any PUD to own property in that state. "3 The author of t.his publication, Mr. Ken Billington, who had begun his career in 1951 as an employee of the Washington Public Utility Districts Association, thus accurately summarized the thrust of HB 26 and what exists today as the substance of ldaho Code 561-327. The historical- context for Idaho Code S61-327 is important o B because it indicates that the Legisl-ature did not introduce and 9 enact HB 26 to target any private companj-es or with any 10 "province" in mind. Eurthermore, and central- to this analysis, 11 Idaho's Legislature did not intend for the law to apply to a 12 private company "organized or existing" under the laws of any 13 other state (or province) . The Legislature's clear intent was 14 to prevent certain municipal corporations -- PUDs 1n Washington 15 from acquiring the properties of the Company that were L6 located in Idaho. 71 A. Do you have additional thoughts about the distinction 18 between "state" and "province" in Idaho law? L9 A. Yes. Looking at other ldaho laws, it is evident that 20 the Legislature is cognizant of, and very deliberate in making, 27 distinctions between "state" and "province" in Idaho Code. 22 There are examples 1n faw where the Legislature has referenced Sprague, Supp 5 Avista Corporation o 3 rd, p. 58 o 1 2 3 4 5 5 '7 U 9 Canadian Provinces as being distinct from a "state. " For instance, Idaho Code S67-7801 (Pacific Northwest Economic Region) references both "states and provinces. " a. Erom your perspective, does Idaho Code 561-327 prohibit the Proposed Transaction? A. No. Under the plain and ordinary meaning of the statute, Idaho Code S61-327 is not applicable to t.he parties Lo, or circumstances of, the Proposed Transaction for two important reasons: Hydro One 1s not a government or municipal 10 corporation; rather it is an j-nvestor-owned utility. Moreover, 11 the statute has no application to entities formed out.side the 12 United States.o 13 The operative portlon of the l-aw warranting examinatlon 74 for its application, or not, Lo Hydro One is as fol-l-ows: o 15 76 t1 18 L9 20 27 22 23 24 25 26 27 1ALA 29 30 31 32 33 ". any g1overnaent oz murticipal coza>oratiott, quasi- rutnicipal cozporatiott, or groveznmental or political urtit, subdivision or cozporation, org'anized or existing under the laws of any other state; or any person, f:-rm, associatlon, corporation or organization acting as trustee, nominee, agent or represenLative for, or j-n concert or arrangement wit.h, any such government or municipal corporation, quasi- municipal corporation r or governmental or political unit, subdivision or corporation; or any company, association, organization or corporation, organizedor existing under the l-aws of this state or any other state whose issued capital stock, or other evj-dence of ownership, membership or other interest therein,or in the property thereof, is owned or controlled, directly or indlrectly, by any such government or municlpal corporation, quasi-municipal corporation, or governmental or politicaf unit, subdivision or corporation; or any company, association, Sprague, Supp 6 Avista Corporation o 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 B 9 organization or corporation/ organized under the laws of any other state . " (Emphasis added. ) This provision embodies two distinct and relevant elements. The first entail-s a compendium of different lega1 forms of governmental entities, and the second concerns the phrase "organized or existing under the laws of any other state" and assocj-ated cross-references to that. phrase with such These two aspects 10 of the statute control its application to persons and 11 clrcumstances. An interpretation of those controlJ-ing 72 at.tributes leads to a conclusion that the law does not and 13 cannot prohibit the Proposed Transactj-on because it doesn'toL4 apply in this instance. 15 O. What is the statutory basis for your analysis? A. My analysis beglns with the phrase, "government or municipal corporatj-on/ quasi-municipal corporation, or governmental- or political unit, subdivision or corporation." With this phrase, the fdaho Legislature precfuded the PUDs and any other governmental- entities from taking over the assets of an i-nvestor-owned utility. Thus the Leglslature was able to thwart the PUDs' effort to acquire the Company's stock. The Legislature was not concerned with acquisitj-ons by private companies of an interest in an investor-owned utility. Hydro One, of course, is an j-nvestor-owned utility. Hydro One is not. L6 71 1B 79 20 aaZZ 24 Sprague, Supp 1 Avist.a Corporation government or municipal corporation 27 ZJ o 25 o 1 2 3 4 5 6 '7 B 9 a government entity, nor is it. an instrument of government, nor are all (or even a majority) of its shares owned by a government. It is clear that the statute is meant to apply to g,overnment entities, their agents, or organizations that are "representative for" such government entities. My analysis also addresses the phrase, "any other sLate, " which is used throughout the statute t.o define its scope. fn particular, this analysis concentrates on t.he l-aw's reference to state." This specific term shoul-d substantively inform the interpretation of the statute. Idaho Code 561-327 can only be applied to circumstances under which "titfe to or interest in any property located in this state" and owned by an "electric pubtic utility or efectrical- corporation," as defined under Chapter L, Titfe 61, Idaho Code, is "transferred" to, or acquired, directly or indirectly, by a public aqency "organized or existing under the laws of (another) "state." A. In your opinion, how might the phrase "any other state" (taken in isolation) apply to the circumstances underlying the Proposed Transaction? A. If the Commission approves the Proposed Transaction between Hydro One and Avi-sta, along with all other regulatory authorities exercising jurisdiction in this matter, Olympus 10 11 1,2o13 74 15 t6 T1 1B 79 20 21 ZZ 23 Equity LLC,a Delaware limited liability company, and an 24 indirect wholIy-owned subsidiary of Hydro One, a company whose Sprague, Supp B Avista Corporation o o 1 2 3 4 5 5 1 B 9 ownership shares are traded on the Toronto Stock Exchanqe, will acquire all of the shares of Avista. A plain and ordinary reading of the statute necessarily restricts its application to an entity that is both a governmental- entity and that is "organized or existing under the l-aws of any other state. " Importantly, Olympus Equity LLC is "organized" and exists as a private, for-profit l-imited liability company under the laws of Delaware, just as Hydro One is an investor-owned, for- o 10 profit corporati-on organized under the l-aws of Ontario. Neither 11 is incorporated as "any government or municipal corporation, 72 quasi-municipal corporation, or governmental or polit.ical unit, 13 subdivj-sion or corporatt-on," and both therefore fal-1 beyond the 74 scope of Idaho Code 561-327. A. In your opinion, can Idaho Code 561-327 be construed in any way as applying to Hydro One Limited? A. No. Idaho Code 561-327 doesn't apply and cannot be applied to Hydro One. Assumingi, merely for the sake of argument that the Province of Ontario were deemed Lo constitute a "state" under Idaho Code S6L-321 , the statute does not affect Hydro One. Hydro One itself is an investor-owned utitity "orqanized and existing" as a private, publicly-traded corporation under the Ontario Business Corporations Act. Hydro One is not, as the statute 15 16 71 1B L9 ZZ 23 Sprague, Supp 9 Avista Corporation 20 27 o .AZq o 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 B 9 requires,a "government or municipal corporation, quasi- municipal corporatj-on r or governmental- or political unit, subdivision or corporation." The mere fact. that Hydro One has a (foreign) government (the Province of Ontario) as one of its shareholders is irrel-evant because Hydro One is a distinct private, corporate entity. (Units of government, such as CaIPERS, often hol-d ownership interests in investor-owned utillties but that does not affect the status of the utility asa privat.e, for-profit o 10 corporation. It might also be noted that the Canadian Pension 11 Pl-an InvesLment Board is among the owners of Puget Sound Energy 12 (PSE) and that together with other Canadian public pension funds 13 hold a majority interest in PSE. This fact does not al-ter the 1,4 fact that PSE is a private, investor-owned utility and subject 15 to state and federal law, accordinqly. ) Even if the presence of 16 a governmental- sharehol-der were somehow relevant, Idaho Code Ll S61-327 woul-d require such a government be "orgiani-zed or 18 existJ-ng under the laws of any other state." (Emphasis added.) t9 The Province of Ontario is neither a "stater " nor is it, more 20 j-mportantly for this analysis, "organized or existing under the 2l laws of any other state. " 22 Historical context, ds previously discussed, clearly 23 illustrates why the Idaho Legislature focused the statute's Sprague, Supp 10 Avista Corporation a o 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 application on "public agencies" that are "organized or existing under the laws of any other state." (Emphasis added.) A. How would you sunumarize your analysis? A. Based upon the plain and ordinary meaning of Idaho Code S6L-321, the law does not apply to the Proposed Transaction. A. Does that conclude your Supplemental Testimony? A. Yes, it does. Sprague, Supp 11 Avista Corporation B o o