HomeMy WebLinkAbout20180924Howard Supplemental Direct.pdfldaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the SecretaryRECEIVED sEP 2 'l 20t8 o o Boise, ldaho ON BETIAJ,E OF AVISTA CORPORATION DAV]D J. MEYER VICE PRESIDENT AND CHIEF COUNSEL FOR REGULATORY & GOVERNMENTAL AFFAIRS AVTSTA CORPORATTON P . O. BOX 3'121 1411 EAST MISSION AVENUE SPOKANE, WASHTNGTON 99220-3727 TELEPHoNE: (509) 495-4376 FACSIMILE: (509) 495-8851 DAVID. MEYERGAVISTACORP . COM ON BETIAI.E OE HYDRO ONE LIMITED ELIZABETH THOMAS, PARTNER KAR] VANDER STOEP, PARTNER K&L GATES LLP 925 EOURTH AVENUE, SUfTE 2900 SEATTLE, WA 981014-1158 TELEPHoNE: (206) 623-'7 580 FACSIMILE: (206) 370-6190 L] Z . THOMASGKLGATES . COM KARI . VANDERSTOEPGKLGATES . COM BEEORE THE IDATIO PI'BLIC UTII,ITIES COMMISSION ]N THE MATTER OF THE JOINT APPLICATION OF HYDRO ONE L]M]TED (ACTING THROUGH ITS INDIRECT SUBSID]ARY, OLYMPUS EQUITY LLC) AND AVISTA CORPORATION EOR AN ORDER AUTHOR]ZING PROPOSED TRANSACTTON CASE NO. AVU_E-71_09 CASE NO. AVU_G-17_05 SUPPLEMENTAL TESTIMONY OF BRUCE F. HOWARD EOR AVISTA CORPORATION (ELECTRIC AND NATURAL GAS) o ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) o 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 A. PJ.ease state your name, business address, and present position with Avista Corporation. A. My name is Bruce E. Howard. I am employed as the Senior Director of Environmental- Affairs by Avista Corporation ("Avista") located at 1411 East Mission Avenue, Spokane, V[ashington . A. Please describe your education and business e:<perience. A. I recei-ved a Bachelor of Science degree in Natural Resources from Cornell- University in 1980 and a Master of Arts from the University of Texas in Geography in 1986. I started working for Avista j-n 2000 as a Corporate Environmental Auditor, became the Spokane River License Manager in 2002 and started my current position in 2008. A. Wtrat are your duties as Senior Director of Environmental Affairs of Avista? A. I am responsible for environmental- compliance, compliance with Avista's two hydroelectric licenses issued by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission ("FERC"), fulfilling additional- settfement agreements with Tri-bes and agencies, hydro and public safety, dam safety, environmental policy and Avista's real- estate matters, including property and rights- of-way acquisition, property management and water rights. Additionally, I manage AJT Mining Properties, based in Juneau. Howard, Supp 1 Avista Corporation 10 o 11 1,2 13 74 15 L6 L1 1B 19 20 21 22 23 o 24 o l- 2 3 4 5 6 7 B 9 Please sumrnarize your testimony. The purpose of my testimony is to introduce the the Idaho Department of Wateragreement reached between Resources ("IDWR") and Avista, which ensures that the public interest, as it relates to Avista's water use pursuant to its water rights, wj-1l not be adversely affected by the merger, and meets the requirements of Idaho Code 542-1"701(6) and 561- 328. A. Are you sponsoring' any exhibits with your testimony? 11 A. Yes. I am sponsoring \2 which is a l-etter from the Idaho Exhibit No. l.4, Schedule t, Department of Water Rights 13 (the "fDWR") addressed to the fdaho Public Utilitj-es 74 Commission (the *IPUC") and the agreement between IDWR and 15 Avista. T6 9. Before discussingr Avista and the specifics of the agreement IDWR,pJ.ease provide a brief the agreement.18 history of events that which J.ed to 19 A. Certainly. On July 9, 2018, the IDWR intervened in 20 Case No. AVU-E-17-09 and AVU-G-17-05, the Joint Application 2L for an Order Authorizing Proposed Transaction, pursuant to 22 ldaho Code 561-328 and 542-1101(6). Idaho Code 542-1,701(6) 23 provides, in relevant part: I A o I1 reached between (6) (a) public Any authorization or order of util-ities commission, under the the Idaho provis j-ons Howard, Supp 2 Avista Corporation o 24 Z3 10 a o 1, 3 4 q 6 1 B 9 10 11 t2 13 T4 15 t6 77 1B 19 20 27 22 23 24 25 26 of section 6l-328, Idaho Code, approving the sa1e, assignment or transfer of hydropower water rights used in the generation of electric power shal-l- bej-ssued only upon such conditions as the director of the department of water resources shal-I require as necessary to prevent any change in use of water under the water rights held for hydropower purposes that would cause injury to any water rights existing on the date of the sale, assignment or transfer. Any such conditions shal-1 ensure that the public interest, as it pertains to the use of water under the hydropower water rights, will not be adversel-y affected. Conditions, if any, imposed by the director shall be subject to review under section 42-11 0lA(4), Idaho Code. Idaho Code S61-328 provides, in relevant part: The commission shall include in any authorization or order the conditions required by the director of the department of water resources under section 42-L101(6), Idaho Code. The commission may attach to its authorization and order such other terms and conditions as in its judgment the public convenience and necessity may require. )1 As described in a Ietter to the IPUC written by Gary Exhibit28 Spackman, Director of the IDVIR, and attached here as 29 No. 14, Schedul-e 7, IDWR's immediate concern was that the 30 merger "wou1d disrupt the ongoing discussions with Avj-sta's 31 water right claims in the Coeur d' Alene-Spokane River Basin 32 Adjudication ("CSRBA") claim and might impede or prevent the 33 resolution of the issues. " In addition, IDWR was al-so 34 concerned the merger could possibly "result in the change in 35 the use of water authori-zed by Avista's hydropower water 36 rights. " Howard, Supp 3 Avista Corporation o o 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 B 9 Soon after IDWR' s intervention, I began discussions with Dj-rector Spackman, his staff and representatives of the Idaho Attorney General's office representing IDUIR. Over a series of dj-scussions durj-ng the following several weeks, we reached a common understanding of interests. Primarily, these were to affirm Avista's ongoing operations of the Post Fa1ls dam as reflected in the Spokane River FERC l-icense and to resolve IDWR' s subordination concerns. A. Ilhat are the ter:ms of the Agrreement reached between Avista and IDI|R? A. Specifically, IDWR and Avista have reached an The use of water confirmed in this right shal-1 bejunior and subordinate to permits, Iicenses, or decrees for all uses within the State of Idaho with a priori-ty date of , or earlier than, JuIy 25, 201,8, diverted upstream from all three points of diversion for this right. The use of water confirmed in this right shall- bejunior and subordj-nate to permits, licenses, or decrees for all- uses, except for permits, licenses, or decrees for irrigation storage or power purposes, within the State of Idaho with a priority date later than July 25, 2078, diverted upstream from all three points of diversion for this right. Howard, Supp 4 Avista Corporation 10 o 72 agreement regardj-ng consistent with the subordination of Avista's water rights 13 historical operations at Post Fal-Is dam 14 IDWR and Avista have agreed that Avistars water right claim 15 nos. 95-4518, 95-9115, and 95-9119 shal-I be recommended in 1,6 the CSRBA with the following subordination language: 11 71 1B 79 20 2t 22 23 24 25 26 21 2B 29 30 31 32o o 1 2 3 4 trJ 6 1 The use of water confirmed in this right shall- not be subordinate to permits, license, or decrees within the State of Idaho diverted downstream from al-l three points of diversion for this right. A. Does IDIIR believe that the proposed transaction adversely affectg the pubJ.ic interest? A. No. As stated by IDVIR in its Ietter to the IPUC dated August 10, 20L8, "The agreement ensures that the public interest, as it relates to Avista's water use pursuant to its water rights, will not be adversely affected by the proposed transaction between Avista and Hydro One. " A. Does this conclude your pre-fiJ.ed, direct testimony? A. Yes, it does. Howard, Supp 5 Avista Corporation B 9 11 12 13 t4 15o o 10