HomeMy WebLinkAbout20171114Comments_2.pdfDiane Holt From: Sent: To: Subject: rrasmus9l 1@gmail.com Monday, November 13,2017 5:59 PM Beverly Barker; Diane Holt; Matthew Evans Case Comment Form: Roger Rasmussen Name: Roger Rasmussen Case Num ber: AVU-E-17-08 Email: rrasmus9lL@gmail.com Telephone: 2086647294 Address: 14100 S. Dolliver Road Coeur d' Alene ldaho, 83814 Name of Utility Company: Kootenai Electric Comment: My comment regards Avista's proposalto put more money into the Colstrip mining facility in eastern Montana. Coalisadyingindustryandshouldbeallowedtodiequickly. Coalisoneofthelargestsourcesofcarbon emissions and contributes to the warming of our planet. I am concerned that global warming could adversely affect the availability of abundant hydroelectric power in the Northwest. U niq ue ldentifie r: 7 1 Diane Holt From: Sent: To: Subject: jcashr@gmail.com Monday, November 13,2017 7:17 PM Beverly Barker; Diane Holt; Matthew Evans Case Comment Form: Jackie Cash-Rolland Name: Jackie Cash-Rolland Case Number: AVU-E-17-08 Email: jcashr@gmail.com Telephone: Address: 1104 E. Linden Ave Coeur d Alene lD, 83814 Name of Utility Company: Avista Comment: Coal is becoming more expensive than alternative energy sources which by the way are generating more jobs. Coal is also the dirtiest form of fossil fuel energy and one of the largest contributor to global climate change. lt seems wasteful and counterproductive to continue to invest in coal. Uniq ue ldentifier: 1 Diane Holt From: Sent: To: kingston323@yahoo.com Monday, November 13,2017 7:26 PM Beverly Barke[ Diane Holt; Matthew Evans Case Comment Form: Karla WinklemanSubject: Name: Karla Winkleman Case Number: AVU-E-17-08 Email : kingston323@ya hoo.com Tele pho ne : 2Og 582-4329 Address: 2206 E. Boyd Ave Coeur d'Alene ldaho, 83814 Name of Utility Company:Avista Comment: lnvesting in a sources of energy that is old schools not the way of the future and not being progressive Coal is the dirtiest form of energy and the largest contributor to climate change, which is taking place as we speak! Let's be progressive and look towards the future. Unique ldentifier: 1 Diane Holt From: Sent: To: Subiect: pbandjcda@hotmail.com Monday, November 13,2017 7:35 PM Beverly Barker; Diane Holt Matthew Evans Case Comment Form: jULIE Dalsaso Name:jULlE Dalsaso Case Number: AVU-E-17-08 Email: pbandjcda@hotmail.com Telephone: Address: 743 Fairmont Lp CD'A ldaho,83814 Name of Utility Company: Colstrip Comment: lf other owners pull out of Colstrip before 2037, Avista ratepayers will be on the hook for a larger share of the costs. Most importantly, Colstrip is one of the largest contributors of greenhouse gases in the United States. truly! thank-you, Julie Dalsaso Unique ldentifier: 1 Diane Holt From: Sent: To: Subject: FAG ERN ESS.DOUG@GMAI L.COM Monday, November 13,2017 7:44 PM Beverly Barker; Diane Holt; Matthew Evans Case Comment Form: DOUGLAS FAGERNESS Name: DOUGLAS FAGERNESS Case Number: AVU-E-17-08 Email: FAGERNESS.DOUG@GMAIL.COM Te lephone : 7 8L-640-987 3 Address: 2193 W AVIARA PL COEUR D'ALENE ID,83814 Name of Utility Company: AVISTA COMment: OTHER OWNERS AS A RATEPAYER IAM CONCERNED THAT IF OTHER OWNERS PULL OUT BEFORE 2037 AVISTA RATEPAYERS WILL BE ON THE HOOK FOR THE LARGER SHARE OF COSTS. pLUS, COAL lS BECOMING MORE EXPENSIVE THAN ALTERNATIVE ENERGY SOURCES. INVESTING lN OUTDATED TECHNOLOGY FOR THE NEXT 20 YEARS IS RISKY TO SAY THE LEAST. Unique ldentifier: 1 Diane Holt From: Sent: lo: Subject: aramalic@isu.edu Monday, November 13,2A17 7:55 PM Beverly Barker; Diane Holt; Matthew Evans Case Comment Form: Alice Arambarri Name: Alice Arambarri Case Number: AVU-E-17-08 Email: aramalic@isu.edu Telephone: 2083800298 Address: 1223 E lndiana Ave Coeur d Alene ldaho, 83814 Name of Utility Company:AVISTA Comment: Coal is rapidly becoming more expensive than alternative energy sources. lnvesting in 1980's technology for the next 20 years is risky. Coalis the dirtiest form of fossilfuelenergy and the single largest contributorto globalclimate change. The use of Colstrip should absolutely be discontinued I Unique ldentifier: 1 Diane Holt From: Sent: To: should_be_riding@hotmail.com Monday, November 13,2017 B:11 PM Beverly Barker; Diane Holt; Matthew Evans Case Comment Form: Sharon BosleySubject: Name: Sharon Bosley Case Number: AVU-E-17-08 Email : should_be_riding@hotmail.com Telephone: Address: 419 S 14th St Coeur d'Alene 1D,83814 Name of Utility Company: Avista Comment: Colstrip is one of the largest contributors of greenhouse gases in the United States. Coal is the dirtiest form of fossil fuel energy and the single largest contributor to global climate change. Million of dollars in infrastructure improvements could be necessary to keep the plant running safely for the next 20 years. I do not advocate continuing to use Colstrip for the next 20 years. I want my energy from green energy, not dirty energyl U nique ldentifier: 1