HomeMy WebLinkAbout20170915Comments.pdfCAMILLE CHRISTEN DEPUTY ATTORNEY GENERAL IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION PO BOX 83720 BOISE, IDAHO 83720.0074 (208) 334-0314 BAR NO. t0t77 Street Address for Express Mail: 472 W. WASHINGTON BOISE, IDAHO 83702-5918 Attorney for the Commission Staff BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE POWER COST ADJUSTMENT (PCA) ANNUAL RATE ADJUSTMENT FILING OF AVISTA CORPORATION CASE NO. AVU-E-17-07 COMMENTS OF THE COMMISSION STAFF COMES NOW the Staff of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission, by and through its attorney of record, Camille Christen, Deputy Attorney General, and in response to the Notice of Application and Notice of Modified Procedure issued in Order No. 33841 on August 16,2017, tn Case No. AVU-E-17-07, submits the following comments. OVERVIEW OF COMPANY APPLICATION The Power Cost Adjustment (PCA) is an annual cost adjustment mechanism that tracks changes in the Company's hydropower generation, fuel costs, power market purchases and sales, transmission revenue and expenses, Renewable Energy Credit (REC) revenue, power contract revenue and expenses, and other miscellaneous revenue and expenses. It ensures that customers do not pay more or less than the Company's prudently incurred actual net power costs (NPC). When the actual NPC are greater than that recovered through base rates, customers are surcharged the difference. When the actual NPC are lower, customers receive a rebate. The annual PCA rate is combined with the Company's base rate to produce aratepayer's overall t r l-ii JJ ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ISTAFF COMMENTS SEPTEMBER 15,2017 D energy rate. The money collected from ratepayers through the PCA surcharge can only be used to pay approved NPC, and the Company's earnings are not increased by the PCA mechanism. The Company asks the Commission to approve a PCA rebate rate of 0.240 cents per kilowatt-hour (kWh) to be effective October 1,2077, in place of the current 0.017 cents per kWh rebate approved by Order No. 33605. Under the Company's proposal, the PCA rate for all customers, including residential customers, would decrease the billing rate by 0.223 cents per kwh. Since the PCA rate adjustments are spread on a uniform cents-per-kWh basis, the resulting percentage increase varies by rate schedule. The overall decrease is2.7Yo. The table below shows the percentage change on billed revenue for each customer group. Percent Change on Billed Revenue for Each Type of Service STAFF REVIEW Staff has thoroughly examined the Company's PCA Application by reviewing: (1) actual and authorized expenses included in the deferral; (2) the deferral calculation method; (3) the prudence of actual NPC incurred during the deferral period; (4) the calculation of balancing accounts and interest used to determine the final PCA rate; and (5) the calculation of the PCA rate. Major findings as a result of Stafls review are as follows. 1. The Company correctly booked actual NPC amounts and antortrzatrons for the PCA period (July 2016 through June 2017) and utilized proper loads and NPC amounts embedded in base rates to calculate the deferral. 2 Types of Service Schedule Numbers Percent Change on Billed Revenue Residential I -2.4% General Service \\,\2 1 ao/-L.L /O Large General Service )1 ))-2.7% Extra Large General Service 25 -4.3% Clearwater 25P -4.6% Pumping Service 37,32 -2.4% Street and Area Lights 41-49 -0.7% Total -2.7% STAFF COMMENTS SEPTEMBER 15,20I7 2. The Company properly calculated the deferral using the methods approved by the Commission. 3. The amount of actual NPC incuned to serve customer load was reasonable and prudent. 4. The Company calculated PCA rates using methods approved by the Commission providing a rebate to customers ensuring they will pay no more or no less than actual costs minus sharing. Details of Staff s major findings are provided in the sections below. Audit of Actual and Authorized Amounts Staff conducted an on-site audit during the week of August 14,2017 . Staff reviewed and audited the deferred balance amounts included in the current filing. Additionally Staff reviewed and audited the amounts from the prior PCA deferral that is currently being amortized, and finds the amortization of the prior year's PCA deferral to be correct. Staffs review ofthe deferral balance covered expenses incurred for the period ofJuly 2016 through June 2017. Staff examined transactions included in the Purchased Power account (FERC Account 555), Thermal Fuel account (FERC Account 501), Combustion Turbine Fuel account (FERC Account 547), and the Sales for Resale account (FERC Account 447). Based on its review of these transactions, Staff concludes that the various power cost transactions are reasonable and were prudently incurred at the time they were made. Staff confirmed that all transactions comply with Avista Utilities Energy Resources Risk Policy. Staff also verified that Avista's booked amounts and other calculations have been correctly reflected in the deferral. Staff checked the authorized amounts used to calculate the deferral and confirmed they were the same used to determine base rates that were authorized during the deferral period. Base rates that were in effect during the deferral were authorized in Case Nos. AVU-E-15-05 for July I ,2016 through December 31,2016, and AVU-E-16-03 for January 1,2017 through June 30 2017. Calculation of the Deferral The final deferral balance with interest is a rebate to Idaho customers of $7,233,993. It includes a NPC deferral of $7,180,332, a REC Retirement Benefit of $36,414, and interest of JSTAFF COMMENTS SEPTEMBER I5,2017 517,247. The power cost deferral captures the difference between actual NPC and the revenue that recovers NPC through base rates for the twelve months ending June 30, 2017. It is then adjusted by the load change adjustment (LCA) and the REC revenue adjustment. Under Avista's PCA, the Company and its ratepayers share the difference between actual NPC and NPC embedded in base rates. The sharing percentage is 90o/o for ratepayers and 10% for the Company. When actual costs are higher than those recovered through base rates, Idaho customers only have to pay 90o/o of the difference. When actual costs are lower, customers are credited 90%o of the difference allowing the Company to keep l0%. This provides an incentive for the Company to lower NPC by operating their system more efficiently. Staff examined each account and item that contributes to the final deferral balance and reviewed the method used in the Company's calculations. Staff believes that the amount of deferral balance is accurate, and the method used to derive it complies with past Commission orders. The amount represents the over-recovery of NPC through base rates during the deferral period and thus is a refund to customers. Deferral l. FERC Account 555 - Purchased Power. Purchased Power costs reflect 90yo of the Idaho jurisdictional share of the difference in costs the Company incurred for power purchases in the review period compared to authorized power costs included in base rates. In the review 4 Number Accounts and ltems Amount 5 1q,q89,903 (L4,382,464) (1,,043,710) (472,1.45) (L,'J.12,633) 35,225 (3,743,3241 (65,438) 45,328 J______17J80332) (36,4L4) 5 0,2L6,7461 (17,247) s (7,233,993) 3 4 L 2 3 4 5a sb 6 7 8 9 10 11 FERC Account 555 - Purchased Power FERC Account 447 - Sale for Resale FERC Account 501 - Thermal Fuel FERC AccounI54T - Combustion Turbine Fuel FERC Account 456 - Transmission Revenue FERC Account 565 - Transmission Expense FERC Account 557 - Resource Optimization ldaho Load Change Adjustment Other Expense Renewable Energy Credits Revenue Net Power Cost lncrease (Decrease) REC Revenue Credit for WA RPS Net Deferral Balance lnterest on the Deferral Balance Deferral Balance with lnterest for Review Period STAFF COMMENTS SEPTEMBER 15,2017 period, the Company incurred more purchased power costs than are included in base rates. The positive amount is a cost to customers. Palouse Wind expenses are included in the Purchased Power costs. In the most recent general rate case (Case No. AVU-E-16-03), Palouse Wind was removed from base rates and the expenses have been required to flow through the PCA accounting mechanism. This expense treatment requires Avista to share 10% of the Idaho jurisdictional costs of Palouse. Had the costs been included in base rates, customers would have paid 100% of the costs associated with the Palouse Wind Project. 2. FERC Account 447 - Sale for Resale. Sales for Resale are long-term and short-term off-system sales. The amount represents 90% of the Idaho jurisdictional share of the difference between the actual off-system sale revenues and off-system sale revenues included in base rates. The negative amount in the Company's Application reflects an increase in sales for resale revenues and is a benefit to customers. 3. FERC Account 501 - Thermal Fuel. Thermal Fuel, primarily coal, is used to produce electricity. The amount represents 90Yo of the Idaho jurisdictional share of the difference in costs the Company incurred for thermal fuel compared to the normalized amount included in base rates. During the review period, the Company actually incurred lower coal costs than are currently included in base rates. The negative amount in the Application is a benefit to customers. 4. FERC Account 547 - CT Fuel. Combustion Turbine (CT) Fuel is natural gas burned in the Company's gas-fired generators. This amount represents90o/o of the Idaho jurisdictional share of the difference in costs the Company actually incurred for gas generator fuel compared to the amount included in normalized base rates. In the review period, the Company incurred less natural gas cost than is currently included in base rates. The negative amount here is a benefit to customers. 5a and 5b. Transmission Revenue (FERC Acppuut4SOan@ (FERC Account 565). In Case No. AVU-E-09-01, the Commission approved a multi-party settlement that authorized the Company to include transmission revenues and expenses in the PCA. Avista incurs third party transmission costs when it purchases power and has it wheeled or delivered to its service area by a third party. Third party transmission revenues occur when Avista is the third party and is delivering power for others. Including transmission revenues and STAFF COMMENTS SEPTEMBER 15,20I75 expenses in the PCA tracks the variability of these items. Avista's actual transmission revenue was greater than that included in the Company's base rates. This negative amount is a benefit to the customers. Avista's actual transmission expense was greater than that included in the Company's base rates. This positive amount is a cost to its customers. 6. Resource Optimization. Resource Optimization results in a cost or a benefit to customers when natural gas is purchased in advance for use in generating plants, then is later sold because it is more cost effective to sell the gas and purchase electricity than it is to generate electricity. Ninety percent of the Idaho jurisdictional share of the gain or loss on the sale of gas transactions resulting from optimizing the Company resources is included in the PCA. The gain during the review period, shown as a negative amount, is a benefit to Idaho customers. 7. Idaho Load Change Adjustment (Retail Revenue Adjustment). This adjustment captures the over or under recovery of net power supply expense through base rates attributable to the difference between actual sales and sales used to set base rates. During the review period, the Company experienced greater sales than what was used to set base rates. This results in a negative adjustment and a benefit to customers. The amount is subject to 90%o sharing. 8. Other Expense. This expense represents the Merchandise Processing Fees associated with U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP). Avista maintains that all of its natural gas imports should qualify for preferential treatment and not be assessed a merchandise processing fee. Other natural gas importers in the Northwest and across the United States have either been through, or in the midst of investigations similar to this issue. The industry, working with the American Gas Association, has requested reconsideration of its requirements for proof of Canadian origin. Staff agrees that the approximately $45,000 included in actual NPC is currently reasonable but recommends that the issue be revisited during the next PCA case when further information is available regarding the status of the investigation and related fees. 9. Renewable Ener$, Credits (REC) Revenue. The Company continues to book REC revenue in Account No. 557 along with Resource Optimizatron. Based on Order No. 33605, the Company has separately reported actual and authorized REC revenue and expenses in its PCA filing. The revenue generated from Avista's sale of RECs was greater than the amounts authorized in base rates. This is subject to sharing and is a benefit of almost $1 million to customers. STAFF COMMENTS SEPTEMBER 15,20176 10. REC Revenue Credit for W Renewable Portfolio Standards. The REC Retirement Benefits for RECs used to meet Washington Renewable Portfolio Standards (RPS) are tracked 100% in the PCA; it is based on the Idaho allocation of RECs that were retired to meet Washington RPS requirements that would have otherwise been sold. The benefit to Idaho customers this year is $36,414. 1 l. Interest durins Deferral Period. The Company calculates interest on the deferral balance using the Customer Deposit Rate of l%o. Due to the overall deferral balance being a benefit the interest is also a benefit to customers. Net Power Cost Analysis Staff determined that the Company's actual NPC incurred during the PCA year (July 2016 through June 2017) was reasonable. This was determined by comparing the actual unit cost and the amounts of generation to those assumed in base rates for each supply source. The results of Staff s analysis are shown in the table below: Actualversus Authofized Net Power Supply Expense Differences The largest contributing factors to the Company's decrease in actual NPC during the PCA deferral period was higher-than-normal hydro generation and lower natural gas prices which reduced market electricity prices throughout the region. Company-owned zero-fuel cost hydro resources generated 24oh more energy than what was assumed in base rates. Additionally, lower natural gas prices generally result in lower market electricity prices which allowed the Company to purchase more electricity from the market than was reflected in the base. Lower natural gas prices also led to the Company generating 4lYo more from their gas-fired units. The combination of more hydro generation, higher amounts of gas-fired generation, and more market purchases allowed the Company to appropriately reduce generation from the Company's coal- 7 Exptnse Category lfrYh Change M!1lh % Change $MlYh Change $M?llh % change A{sta ffiro 80i,s6 21}ffa rt'a Acd 5$ Purdax 1,78,013 89S (S10 Z1 .21S Aco417 Sab 1,519,9,l6 103%{$611 .1016 AcO 501 ilsnslFud {Caal&Wood}{1,0&,s&.sxi $84 7trfi &cd *7 CT Frcl {illatrral Sas}7m.42 (s11Ai .31$ STAFF COMMENTS SEPTEMBER 15,2017 11qbl fired thermal plants. Staff believes the resulting lower capacity factors contributed to less efficient coal-plant operation increasing the unit cost. The Company received slightly lower market prices for off-system sales. Staff would have expected to see lower off-system sales amounts, all things being equal. However, increased hydro generation likely contributed to the Company's ability to sell into the market by having excess capacity of lower cost resources increasing the amount of sales. Analysis of PCA rates Staff believes the Company's proposed rates are accurate and will fairly reimburse customers for over collection of actual net power cost embedded in base rates. Residential customers using an average of 910 kWhs per month would see their monthly bills decrease by 2.35% from $86.39 to $84.36. As illustrated in the table below, the PCA rate is calculated by dividing the PCA revenue requirement by the forecasted Idaho electricity usage during the next PCA billing period. The revenue requirement is converted from the total amortization and deferral balance including interest as of September 3 0, 20 1 7 through a conversion factor of 0.99327 6, which grosses up the revenue requirement for Commission fees and uncollectible amounts approved in the Company's last rate case (Case No. AVU-E-16-03). The total amortization and deferral balance includes the unamortized ending balance in the deferral account as of June 2016, the current PCA deferral, the REC Retirement Benefit adjustment, amortizations based on the current PCA rates, and a projected amortization for the months of July, August, and September of 2017. The projected amortization will be trued up in next year's PCA. Interest is calculated based on the authorized customer deposit rate, which is currently set at lo/o for the period from July 2016 through September 2017. Based on Staff s recommendations in the last PCA case and authorized by the Commission (Order No. 33605), the Company has adopted the simplified method to calculate interest, which adds greater transparency to this and future PCA filings. Staff verified the components of the revenue requirement and confirmed that a negative $7,324,133 amount results in a proposed 0.24 cents per kwh PCA rebate to customers. STAFF COMMENTS SEPTEMBER I5,20178 PCA Rate Calculation Amounts Total 2015-2016 PCA Ending Balance (June 30, 2016) 2016-17 Incremental Power Cost Deferral 2016-17 RPS Compliance Adjustment 2016-17 Amortization Subtotal Jul - Sept 2017 Projected Amortrzation Subtotal Interest July 2016 - Sept 2017 Grand Total Conversion Factor PCA Revenue Requirement Forecasted Sales during Collection Period (kwh) Final Proposed PCA Rate ($/kwh) CUSTOMER NOTICE AND PRESS RELEASE The Company's press release and customer notice were included with its Application. Staff reviewed the documents and determined that both comply with Rule 125 of the Commission's Rules of Procedure, IDAPA The notice was included with customer bills beginning August 8 and ending August 24. On August 24,9,959 customers who would have received a bill after that date were sent a copy of the customer notice by direct mail. Also on August 24th, electronic notices were emailed to 26,498 customers. Customers have the opportunity to file comments on or before September 15, 2017. CUSTOMER COMMENTS As of September 15,2017,the Commissionhas receivedzero comments from customers. STAFF COMMENTS SEPTEMBER I5,20179 $ (770,347) $ (7,180,332) $ (36,414) $ 627,818 $ (124,398) $ (6,588,928) $ (4o,oo9) s ( 124,398) s (7,274,886) 0.993276 $ (7,324,133) 3,049,182,386 (0.00240) STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS Staff recommends that the Commission authorize the total deferral balance with interest in the amount of $7,233,993 to be refunded to ratepayers and approve Schedule 66 as filed in Exhibit A of the Company's Application to go into effect on October l, 2017 . 1G,14^ Respectfully submitted this t ') day of September 2017 . 0"r^,11^ I P',*fo,^ Camille Christen Deputy Attorney General Technical Staff: Rachelle Famsworth Patricia Harms Daniel Klein Yao Yin Mike Louis i : umisc/comments/avue I 7. Tccrfdephdkyyml comments STAFF COMMENTS 10 SEPTEMBER 15,20I7 CERTIFICATE OF SBRVTCB I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE THIS 15TH DAY OF SEPTEMBER 2017, SERVED THE FOREGOING COMMENTS OF THE COMMISSION STAFF, IN CASE NO. AVU.F,-17-07, BY MAILING A COPY THEREOF, POSTAGE PREPAID, TO THE FOLLOWING: PATRICK EHRBAR SR MGR RATES & TARIFFS AVISTA CORPORATION PO BOX 3127 SPOKANE WA99220-3727 E-mail : patrick.ehrbar@avistacorp.com DAVID J MEYER VP & CHIEF COLINSEL AVISTA CORPORATION PO BOX 3727 SPOKANE WA99220-3727 E-mail: david.meyer@avistacorp.com -t" ,//rhr^ SECRET,{Rf/,/ CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE