HomeMy WebLinkAbout20170901Comments(12).PDF..4/t’—-/7o/I Vt’-E-17-01 August 27,2017 Idaho PUC P.O.Box 83720 Boise,ID 83720-0074 This is concerning AVISTA’s 2%proposed annual power cost rate adjustment/Bonneville Residential Exchange Program/Energy Efficiency Programs &Fixed Cost Adjustment Mechanism,to take effect on October,1,2017 for residential customers. The insert in our August bil I takes some convoluted thinking,but bottom-line,while the Bonneville Exchange Program sounds reasonable,I also have no objection to the apparent “rebate”portion of the rate increase request. The 3rd and 4th reasons however are questionable at best. Reason #3 is to finance the costs needed to run rebate, efficiency programs,and financial incentives.In other words, robbing ‘Peter”to pay “Paul.” Reason #4 for this increase is the real doozy.A backdoor way to implement what they tried a couple of years ago.As they say in the insert:“A fixed cost adjustment mechanism (FCA),to break the link between their revenue and customer energy usage/demand.Lower energy usage caused by the weather,warm winters,energy conservation,or the economy...”“This rate adjustment is driven primarily by a lower level of customer usage in 2016 due in part to a warmer than normal winter...“ In other words,they want to have their cake and eat it too. We get a break with a warmer winter so we don’t have to use as much power to heat our homes,but since this cuts into Avista’s revenue,they want a surcharge to compensate themselves with.Also,if we conserve as stated in reason #3, which they want to Charge us for their efficiency programs,then they want us to pay more so they don’t loose a dime when we do!They want as much money from us for giving us less! This is an abomination of the capitalist supply and demand system.What other business,in this case,a monopoly for electric service,can do this?If a grocery or clothing store has lower sales,they don’t just jack up the prices of their merchandise to compensate themselves,they have a sale to attract more customers.Of course,this means “Compition”which we obviously have none here. This on top of the of the general rate case requested in June of this year would increase our power rates by approximately 15%. Please draw a line in the sand and turn down these endless money-grubbing requests. Lawrence Fury II •1 I 4VL/Gd7-OI &-&AVC)-E—/7-of H I] fl t ’ r! , y -: c & c çS N • r -. •.— • .: . Diane Holt From:darylkmong47@gmail.com Sent:Wednesday,August 30,2017 1:47 PM To:Beverly Barker Diane Halt;Matthew Evans Subject:Case Comment Form:daryl mong Name:daryl mong Case Number:VV I7l JA/I761 Email:darylkmong47@gmail.com Telephone:2082670673 Address:224 bane lane bonners ferry ID,83805 Name of Utility Company:avista Comment:In reference to Avista’s FCA rate request of 11/1/17.If I understand the customer will now be penalized for winter weather when warmer than normal.Will you even consider this request? Unique Identifier: 1 Atp(+J//c My Name is Art Piltch and I’m an Avista customer in Sandpoint.I appreciate Avista’s energy conservation efforts,and I appreciate that half of the electricity that I get from Avista comes from clean hydropower,and some more from wind,solar and biomass.However,I am not at all pleased that Avista plans to further its investments in coal fired generators at Colstrip,Montana.They claim that this will allow them to maintain low electricity rates for their customers in the near term.I believe this is very shortsighted and certainly a bad decision for the long term. First of all is coal’s contribution to climate change.It’s no coincidence that the 1000 year flooding of tropical storm Harvey has occurred when the surface temperatures in the gulf are exceptionally high.It was no coincidence that record warm ocean temperatures in waters off the southeastern U.S.in 2016,also led to extreme amounts of rainfall.In March,a 200 year rainfall event brought 15-20”of rain to parts of Louisiana and Texas,killing 5 people and causing $1.5 billion in damage.Then in August,a 1000 year storm brought more than 20”of rain to Louisiana,causing 13 deaths and $10 -15 billion in damage. Then in October,Hurricane Matthew caused the highest ever observed, storm surge for the coasts of Northern Florida,Georgia and North Carolina,and dumped 1-in-1000 year rains in the Carolinas.Matthew killed 49 people in the U.S.,with damage estimated at up to $10 billion. It’s no coincidence that the alarming increase in wildfires in the west since the 1970’s,has been associated with increasingly long hot dry summers and early snow melt.It’s no coincidence that droughts,killer heat waves and extreme weather keep getting worse all over the US and all around the world,as global emissions from fossil fuels continues to rise.What we are seeing now is just a small taste of what conditions will be like by the end of this century,if we continue business as usual.The costs to future generations are incalculable,and will be beyond society’s resources to deal with.It will take a while to transition away from fossil fuel use,but we need to be planning for that transition right now, especially in the case of coal which produces the most greenhouse gas, as well as being the most destructive to our environment and health. Even in the short term,Avista’s continuing to invest in Colstrip may adversely affect the rates that we customers will pay.Since the other utilities that are now co-owners of the plant,have plans to divest in the near future,what additional costs will Avista accrue?What will happen when society finally agrees to a carbon tax?And why be stuck with paying for outdated technology,when the cost of harnessing solar,wind and geothermal energy will certainly become cheaper,and the costs associated with storage of intermittent sources is also decreasing. Instead,Avista should be planning on replacing coal.Por example,the same area of Montana that provides coal to the generators is among the best in the country for wind resources.Wind generated electricity could be transmitted to Avista customers along the same power lines that now bring us power from Coistrip. Washington,Oregon,California and a number of other states already have plans to shift to renewables.So should Idaho,and we have the resources.We may already be using all available hydropower,but we can certainly utilize more of our solar and wind resources.I think the most underutilized resource in Idaho is geothermal.A map prepared by the National Renewable Energy Laboratories,shows the location of known geothermal resources,and Idaho has a very favorable abundance of these.Also,by using cutting edge enhanced geothermal techniques,the geothermal resource can be increased up to forty fold. Geothermal power is a steady source,that can follow demand with a quicker response than coal.With the right planning and policies in place to encourage development of this technology,it will also produce electricity more cheaply than coal in the long run. L4 rw f l j Ø y u _, 3 ci s i p ic W. f Lk [ p LU il l 4 W u c i L I i u l . 1U F S 4 sø 41 4 P’ ’ .k R- L S di P W1 U P IL i i U 1? D% U C 1 Uf l J S9 5 j Wl l ’ w d l 1 d.1 t 4 U” I l X N .V ’ N h . t3 E i ta 9 c4 y 3 ro a5 ic i L I r w ! W € V c- J q . LO M 11 t h ? 40 ; • ‘L l F ? S C r.4 US . 5 ni a j a i j p A i j P3 R L P P ’ xit 1 rr 4 , i c s: S ! HU N fs j PL 1 U 1 : .4 (a h V ‘i i j n. l t a . qq t . n S) sz r k t n p. ;i a r •‘ 39 g n j S tF15 5a u s u L U S c j t? 6 4 & J f 3 II E S ? J f l ( * q io p w r n S II . ‘I WX ’ Ud f l f l1 (U l f l TU L LII .lL ro E S Mq j o q U s p r s. (5 9 ] ) sw a ; c J ( 5 wi a q ; o a pe u e q u j da e a 10 A1 ! I f l O I i C J pu e ca ; s nu a a q z o i p 4 j pa j u a p ; 10 su o p n o - sa : e i s pa 1 u f l aq i jo aa n o s a j ew e q o a ls : 6 r c t . (3 Q 6 z) o; i s t3 u J J e q 1 o A p A P9 I J I T U O P I 6 WG ON ci .N I N ci i 9R i O A qU J O A j IS O k ’ I IS ’ 5 3 p flL L S V bL U i L s Sr i ci . 3 ;w i O q c 1 ‘C u i 2 , su c £, OL k ;r n p o i d ?e c do w 4 g da o jo .1 3 •/ ‘ IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION COMMENT FORM Public Workshop AVU-E-1 7-01 Coeur D’Alene,Idaho 08131117 Please use the space below to file a comment in this case.Add extra sheets as needed.You may either hand this sheet to a commission staff member or mail it to: IPUC,PC Box 83720,Boise,ID 83720-0074 You may also post comments on our website: http://www.puc.idaho.gov Click on “Case Comment Form” ii’1.t I cJ -,/22;7A74 cdat z)o-&2 (tfW /@9-&- —— C&L}C (L c€,fL Print Name í ,, Addressô (‘,U T4(k-?4FP ‘-e 9-(Phone Number /_, ___________ 7-o Sign Name -/ 1.-I i(1 47/ City and State -9 (Q,t Zip Code / () IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION COMMENT FORM Public Workshop AVU-E-1 7-01 Coeur D’Alene,Idaho 08131117 Please use the space below to file a comment in this case.Add extra sheets as needed.You may either hand this sheet to a commission staff member or mail it to: IPUC,PC Box 83720,Boise,ID 83720-0074 You may also post comments on our website: http:Ilwww.puG.idaho.gov Click o “Case Comment Form” uS L i -‘‘ av E04\0 kui e i &s ALv’ Print Name ___________________ Address (.7 City and State _________________________ ,cow1 Sign Phone NumberDi)3O Zip Code ___ U€.)34;It’33’B1c Name address,Customer since Nov 2016 (c Here to comment on Avista’s request for rate increase which is considerable higher than the rate of inflation. This is a two fold request one for 3 percent because people are working to save energy so now Avista wants to raise rates to cover the success of their advertising campaigns. The second is an increase,that in two ways is out of line. A 7.5 percent increase in Jan 2018 followed by a 3.7 percent increase in 2019 which will actually be a 3.9775....,lets just call it 4 percent increase.This at a time when the national inflation rate is all the way upto 1.7% Also on the heals of a rate increase approved on Dec 28,2016 great time when no one is watching.E.cavtcv vk 1,0 Y Sa (Uo To put it bluntly,this rate increase is unacceptable and only designed to enhance the attractiveness or Avista as it sells out to an international company. Second on my agenda this evening is thresholds The average American Household uses 901 kilowatts a month, Idahoans on average use 957 figures are from the U.S.energy Information association. Avista’s rate threshold is 600 KW.At which point the KW price increases from .082526 to .09511. If you approve this increase do not do it witIan increase in this threshold.THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME. Rts-qOO IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION COMMENT FORM Public Workshop AVU-G-1 7-01 tewiston,Ida ho O8O *1/17 Please use the space below to file a comment in this case.Add extra sheets as needed.You may either hand this sheet to a commission staff member or mail it to: IPUC,PC Box 83720,Boise,ID 83720-0074 You may also post comments on our website: http://www.puc.idaho.gov Click on “Case Comment Form” (z Print Name f//J’,, Add ress 12 £4/o4- City and State _____________________ Sign Name _____________ Phone Number (zc&J—s77z Zip Code 3I4 v L2 i;/7 2j, Avista Rate Case Workshops How You Can Comment The Idaho PUC staff want to know your concerns,so here’s how you can introduce yourself and present issues of interest to you: “My name is _______and I am an Avista customer in [CITY],Idaho.I appreciate the PUC staff facilitating this workshop because I would like clarity on a few issues. •Avista estimates spending $24 million over the next 3 years on capital additions as part of the ownership agreement of Colstrip. Can they give us information on what those improvements are specifically? •Will these investments in Colstrip prolong the useful life of the plant beyond 2035? •Does this rate increase plan for any cleanup costs in Colstrip or will those be in future rate increases? •How much of the Colstrip cleanup costs will Avista ratepayers be on the hook for? •Why are Avista’s cost estimates for Colstrip so far off base from other utility companies?Are they accurately assessing all of the potential costs? ‘- 01 - >U ) 0-J $\\$ S S4 \ 0.U,I0C. ) 0. Cl )w2—DC I ) :c - DO Q- Q 0>- -óa)-a)a)Ce : ; U) 4- CUU) = 4- CU a)a) .CCl ) 0 La) E0a) 4- c o (0 ( l ) 2- f%. , 4-o I—z 4-E LU CO O Eo c o 0 O4- o CU Wc0 Q _ .2 an . . CU — -0-CcD j 5 C. ) - CU - 0.U) > -c-4 -ciU)a)U) CUa)0 a) -4 - .U) .0a)0C0U) .4 - .Ca)EE00-4 - .U)00.0U) CU>. 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C D a- < sf j IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION COMMENT FORM Public Workshop AVU-G-1 7-01 Coeur D’Alene,Idaho 08131117 Please use the space below to file a comment in this case.Add extra sheets as needed.You may either hand this sheet to a commission staff member or mail it to: IPUC,PC Box 83720,Boise,ID 83720-0074 You may also post comments on our website: http://www.puc.idaho.gov Click on “Case Comment Form” ‘4?‘a€ /Le ‘7Z d . LSr._.f_1_1 _Ae.e /‘17 D %______4--;c4’i I CityandState-)1 ZipCode t’;3)I C