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HomeMy WebLinkAbout20171103Andrews Direct.pdfidaho Publlc Utllities Commission Otfice of the Secretary RECEIVED Nov 0 3 2017 DAVID J. MEYER V]CE PRESIDENT AND CH]EF COUNSEL EOR REGULATORY & GOVERNMENTAL AEFA]RS AV]STA CORPORAT]ON P.O. BOX 3721 1471- EAST M]SSION AVENUE SPOKANE, WASHTNGTON 99220-3127 TELEPHONE: (509) 495-4316 EACSIMILE: (509) 495-8851 DAVID. MEYERGAVISTACORP . COM BEEORE THE IDAIIO PT'BLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OE AVISTA CORPORAT]ON EOR THE AUTHOR]TY TO ]NCREASE ]TS RATES AND CHARGES EOR ELECTRIC AND NATURAL GAS SERVICE TO ELECTR]C AND NATURAL GAS CUSTOMERS IN THE STATE OF IDAHO CASE NO. AVU-E-71_07 CASE NO. AVU-G-T7_07 DIRECT TESTIMONY OF ELIZABETH M ANDREWS IN SUPPORT OF ST] PULATION EOR AVISTA CORPORATION (ELECTRIC AND NATURAL GAS) 2 aJ 4 5 6 7 8 9 I. TNTRODUCTION A. Please state your nane, employer and business address. A. My name is EIj-zabeth M. Andrews and I am employed by Avista Corporation ("Company" or "Avista") as Senior Manager of Revenue Requirements in the State and Eederal- Regulation Department, at 7477 East Mission Avenue, Spokane, Washington. A. Have you previously provided direct testimony l0 in this Case? ll A. Yes. My previous direct testimony in this t2 proceeding support of and natural rate period covered accounting the Companyrs need gas j-ncreases in for the proposed rates over the resufts and financial data in l3 l4 electric two-year 31, 20L9. including l5 16 f explained pro 17 expense and rate l8 operating results Pl-an. A. IYtrat is January 7, 2078 through December formed operating base adjustments and rate base for made to actual the Two-Year Rate 20 l9 2l A. The purpose of 22 support the electric and 23 elements of the 24 ("Stipulation") filed on the scope of this testimony? my testimony is to describe and natural gas revenue requirement Stipulation and Settlement October 20, 2071 , as weII as Andrews, Di 1 Avista Corporation I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 explain why the Stipulation is in the public interest. The parties to the Stipulation include the Staff of the Idaho PubIic Utilities Commission ("Staff'), Cfearwater Paper Corporation ( "Clearwater" ) , Idaho Forest Group, LLC ("Idaho Forest"), the Community Action Partnership Association of Idaho ("CAPAI"), and the Company. These entities are collectively referred to as the "SettIing (*ICL"), and theParties. " The Idaho Conservation League Sierra C1ub, do not join in the Settl-ement Stipulation. l0 Company witness Mr. Ehrbar discusses the non-revenue I I related elements of the Stipulation agreed to by the 12 Settling Parties, such as electric and natural gas Cost 13 of Service, Rate Spread and Rate Desi-gn, as wefl as other 14 Stipulation components related to the Power Cost l5 Adjustment (PCA) and Eixed Cost AdSustment Mechanism 16 authorized ]evels and customer service-related 17 initiatives and programs. 18 9. Are you sponsoring any exhibits? 19 A. Yes. f am sponsori-ng Exhibit No. 7J, which is 20 a copy of the Stipulation and Settlement filed on October 21 20, 2071, with the Commission. Andrews, Di 2 Avista Corporation 2 J 4 5 6 7 8 9 l0 l1 12 13 14 15 16 17 l8 19 20 2l 22 23 24 II. ST'MMARY OE ORIGINAL EILING A. P1ease describe the Company's general rate case request, as filed. A. On June 9, 2011, Avista filed an Application with the Commission for authority to increase revenue effective January 7, electric and natural proposed a Two-Year electri-c base revenue Commission suspended charges for el-ectric 2018 and gas servlce Rate Pfan , 2079 for The Company increase in January 1 in Idaho. with an of $18.6 million or 1.5% for 2018, and $9.9 million or 3.7% for 20L9. With regard to natural gdsr the Company proposed an increase in base revenue of $3.5 mj-l-Iion or B. 8% f or 2078 (5 .7% on a billed basis ) , and $2.I million or 5. 0% for 201"9 (3 . 3% on a billed 33808, dated June 30, 2077, the the proposed schedules of rates and basis). By Order No. gas service. used the resul-ts of theFor el-ectric, the Company electric cost of service study a guide to spread the general and natural (sponsored by Ms. Knox) as increase. The spread of the proposed increase generally resulted in the rates of return for the various electric service schedules moving approximately 158 cfoser to the overall rate of return (unity) . While we believe it j-s reasonabl-e and approprj-ate to use the cost of service study results as Andrews, Di 3 Avista Corporation 1 2 J 4 5 6 7 8 9 the basis for rate spread, we tempered the this case duemovement toward unity proposed in to the impact such movemenL woul-d have between schedul-es. The Company proposed to increase the electric monthly customer charge from $5.75 per month to $6.00 per month effective January 1, 2018. For natural gas, the Company used the resul-ts of the cost of service study (sponsored by Company witness Mr. Mil-l-er) as a guide to spread the natural gas general increase. The spread of the proposed increase generally resulted in the rates of return for the various service schedul-es movj-ng approximately one-third closer to the overal-l- rate of return (unity) . The Company proposed to increase the natural gas monthly customer charge from $5.25 per month to $6.00 per month effective January 1, 20L8. A. Wtrat are the primary faetors driving the amount of primarily the rate l0 11 12 l3 14 15 l6 17 18 19 Company's need for an electric and natural. gas increases? 20 A. The primary factor driving the Company's 2l electric and natural gas revenue requirements in 2018 22 and 2019 i-s an increase in net plant investment 23 (including return on investment, depreciation and 24 taxes, and offset by the tax benefit of interest) from Andrews, Di 4 Avj-sta Corporation 2 J 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ll t2 l3 14 l5 t6 17 18 t9 20 2t 22 23 24 that currently authorized. Eor 201-8, net power supply expenses contributes to the incremental revenue requirement. For electric, specific capital investments over the period 2011-20L8 include, among other things, upgrades to certain major generating facilities, such as the Nine Mile Rehabilitation project, the Little FalIs Plant Upgrade, and the Kettle Falls Stator Rewind projectsr ds well as capital investment associated with the Clark Fork and Spokane River License agreements, discussed by Company witness Mr. Kinney. For natural 9ds, specific capital investments over the period 201-7-2018 include, among other things, capital investments related to the Gas Facilities Replacement (Aldyl A) and Gas Isolated SteeI Replacement programs, as weII as Gas Schweitzer Mountain Road HP and Gas Rathdrum Prairie HP main reinforcement projects, discussed by Company witness Ms. Rosentrater. For power Supply, as discussed by Company witness Mr. Johnson, the l-evel of Idaho's share of power supply expense for 2018 has increased by approximately $1.9 million ($5.9 million on a system basis) from the level- currently incl-uded in base rates. This increase in expense is primarily due to Iower net spot market sales Andrews, Di 5 Avista Corporation 2 aJ 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 l1 t2 l3 14 15 t6 t7 18 19 20 resulting from less favorable economic operating conditions for the Company's gas-fired resources. III. ST MMARY OE SETTLEI.{ENT STIPULATTON 9. Would you briefIy sunrmarLze the Stipulation? A. Yes. Under the terms of the Stipulation, as discussed further by Mr. Ehrbar, Avista would implement revised tariff schedules to recover additionaldesigned of $72.9annual electric revenue mil-Iion or 5.2% (on a billed basis the increase is 5.1%), effective January 7, 20L8, and increase base revenues by $4.5 mi11ion, or 1. B% (on a billed basis the increase is l.'7e") t, ef fective January 1, 2019. For natural- gdS, the Settling Parties agree that Avista would increase natural gas base revenue by $L.2 mi-I1ion, or 2.9eb (7.9% on a billed basis) , effective January t, 20L8, and $1.1 million, or 2.Je" (1.8% on a billed basis), effective January 7, 2079. These rate changes are designed to provide retail- revenues necessary to al-l-ow the Company the opportunity to earn the rate of return agreed to in the Stipulation 1 Overall electrlc percentage increase in bi-I1ed rates for January 7, 2018 and .Ianuary l, 2019 vary from that shown by Mr. Ehrbar within hls schedules for electric service, on page 4 of his supporting testimony, as the Settlj-ng Parties agreed with the proposal to offset the current Schedule 97 (Electric Earnings Test Deferral ) rebate of $2 .'7 mj-11ion, which exp j-res on December 31, 2071, with $1.5 mi-11ion rel-ated to the electric earnings test for cafendar year 2015. Andrews, Di 6 Avista Corporation 2 J 4 5 6 7 8 9 for the two-year rate period January 7, 20L8 through December 31, 2019. As noted by Mr. Ehrbar, a residential customer using an average of 910 kilowatt hours per month would see a $5.22r ot 5.9%, increase per month for a revised monthly bill of $93.34. An additional increase of $2.76 per month, or 2.3eo, for a revised monthly biIl of $95.50 would be Paragraph electric effective January l, 2079. (See Exhibit No. 7f, 15, for the January L, 20IB and January 7, 2019 l0 percentage changes in rates by rate schedule. ) ll For natural 9ds, a residential customer using an 12 average of 63 therms per month woufd see a $1.13 r ot 13 2.1"%, increase per month for a revised monthly bill of 14 $53.74. An additional increase of $1.09 per month, or l5 2.0%, for a revised monthly bilI of $54. B3 would be 16 effective January l, 2079. (See Exhibit No. tJ, Paragraph 17 16, for the January L, 20lB and January I, 201-9 natural 18 gas percentage changes in rates by rate schedule.) 19 In determining this revenue increase, the Settling 20 Parties have agreed to various adjustments to the 2l Company's original filing, which are summarj-zed in the 22 Stipulation, and described further in my testimony 23 below. Andrews, Di '7 Avista Corporation 2 J 4 5 6 7 8 9 The Stipulation cal-l-s for an overal-I rate of return of 7.672, determined using a capital structure consj-sting of 50% common stock equity and 50% debtr dfl authorized return on equity of 9.5% and cost of debt of 5.12%. Vflith regard to the Two-Year Rate PIan, the Settling Parties agree that, duri-ng the January 1, 2078 - December 37, 201-9 rate period covered by this Stipulation, Avista will not file another electric or natural gas general rate case to increase base rates before May 31-, 2079, and any such rates wifl not go into effect prior to January L, 2020. This does not apply to tariff filings authorized by or contemplated by the terms of the Power Cost Adjustment (PCA), Eixed Cost Adjustment (FCA), the Purchased Gas Adjustment tariff (PGA) r ot other miscellaneous annual fiJ-ings. Avista agrees that it wiIl not file deferred accounting requests or requests to create a regulatory asset during the Stay-out Period, except in extraordinary circumstances. Eor purposes of this paragraph extraordinary circumstances will- not include changes in inter-jurisdictional allocation methodology, accounti-ng changes r oL costs rel-ated to the Company's participation in Energy Imbalance Markets. Andrews, Di 8 Avista Corporation l0 il 12 l3 t4 l5 16 17 l8 l9 2t 20 22 I 2 J 4 5 6 7 8 9 r0 1l t2 l3 14 l5 t6 17 18 l9 20 21 22 Lastly, the Settling Parties agreed to certain cost of service, and rate spread and rate design changes as described by Mr. Ehrbar in his supporting testimony. A. Please o<plain how the Settling Parties arrived at the Stipulation in this proceeding. A. The Stipulation is the product of settlement discussions held in the Commission offices on September 29, 20L1.2 It represents a compromise among differing points of view, wj-th concessions made by Parties, to reach a balancing of j-nterests the Settling As will be Stipulationexplained in the Company's testimony, represents a fair, just and reasonable issues and is in the public interest. Sti-pulation is the end the result of extensi-ve discovery process3, visits by Commission compromise of the In addition, the audit work including Staff, and in this conducted through the various on-site audit hard bargaining by proceeding. The Stipulation the Settling Parties Settling Parties associated Company's requested cost of all- issues among the the calcul-ation of the capital, including capital structure and cost components, and resolves aII revenue 2 The Sierra Cfub was unable to attend the settlement conference.3 Avista responded to over 719 production and audit requests ( including sub-parts ) from TPUC Staff and other intervenlng parties. Andrews, Dj- 9 Avista Corporation resofves with I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 requirement issues over the Two-Year Rate Plan. As discussed by Mr. Ehrbar, the Stipulation al-so includes agreement regarding certaj-n cost of service issues, ds wel-I as rate spread and rate design. A. Why is the Stipulation in the pubJ.ic interest? A. The Stipulation is in the "public interest" for several reasons. The Stipulation was the product of the give-and-take of negotiation that produced an "end resul-t" that is just and reasonabl-e. fn addition, it is supported by the evidence, demonstrating the need for rate adjustments to provide recovery of necessary expenditures and investment, the costs of which are not 13 offset by a growth in sales l0 11 12 14 enjoys broad-based support l5 margins. from The Settlement a variety Clearwater, of Idaho 16 t7 constituencies, including CAPAI, Eorest Group, and the Staff of the In addition, the Settfement Commission. provides base rate (20l-B /201,9), which and budget for would prohibit l8 certainty over the next two years 19 would benefit all customers, as they plan 20 their needs. The Two-Year Rate PIan 2l Avista from making further changes in base rates prior 22 23 24 to January 1, 2020, thereby breaking the yearly cycle of Andrews, Di 10 Avista Corporation rate f iJ-ings. 2 J 4 5 6 7 8 9 III. Electric REVENT E REQUIRTMENT EIJED{ENTS OF THE STIPUI.ATION 9. Please explain the derivation of the Electric Revenue Requirement outlined in the Stipulation. A. The Settling Parties agreed that electric revenue increases are necessary, effective January 7, 201-8 and January !, 2019. While Avista's filing requested electric revenue requirement increases of $18.6 milfion and $9.9 miffion, effective January 7, 20LB and January l0 l, 2019, respectively, the Settling Parties agreed-upon l1 adjustments, including the agreed-upon rate of return, l2 resul-t in recommended e]ectric revenue increases of $72.9 13 mil-l-ion and $4 . 5 million, respectively. These increases 14 are designed to provide suffj-cient retail- revenues for l5 the 20lB and 201-9 two-year rate period, which woul-d 16 provide the Company wj-th the opportunity to earn the l7 return agreed to in the Stipulation. l8 9. Please e:cplain the Settling Parties, agreement 19 with regrard to an Authorized Rate of Return, incJ.uding 20 the Return on Equity. 2l A. The Settling Parties have agreed to an overall 22 rate of return of '7 .61e", based on a return on equity of 23 9.5eo, an equity component at 508 and cost of debt of 24 5.12%. By comparison, the Company's original filing Andrews, Di 11 Avista Corporation 2 J 4 5 6 7 8 9 requested an overall rate of return of 7.81%, a return on equity of 9.9%, an equity component of 50% and cost of debt of 5 .12%. A. Please provide an overview of the electric revenue reguirement adjustnents agreed to by the Settling Parties for 2018 effective ilanuary 1, 2018. A. The Settling Parties agreed to an electric revenue requirement effective January 1, 2018 that ref l-ects the l0 table from the adjustments shown below in the excerpted Stipulation: 11 Tab]-e No. 1: Electric Revenue Requirement (Jan. L, 2018) 12 l3 l4 l5 16 t7 l8 19 20 2t 23 As can be seen by a review of the individual- Iine 24 descripti-ons provided within the summary tabfe above, the Andrews, Di 12 Avista Corporation 22 STI}IMARY TABLE OF ADJTISTN{ENTS TO ELECTRIC REVENT E RE,QTIIREI\IENT' EFFECTIVE JANT]ARY I, 20I8 (000s of Dollars) Reve nue Requirement Rate Base s 18,571 $ 796,609 a.) b.) c.) Amount as Filed: Adjustments: Cost of Capital Company 2017 Net Rate Base Updates M isce llaneous Company Update s : Re gulatory Amortizatbq U ncollectibles, Maintenance and IS/IT Expenses. Remove Offrcer Incentives and Reduce Non-Offrcers Incentives Reduce Officer Labor Expenses Reduce 2017 IS/IT Capital Projects Delay Meter Data Management Project Recovery to January l, 2019 Remove 2018 Expense: Delay Recovery to Janaury l, 2019 i.) 2018 Labor Increase ii.) 2018 Undergromd Equipment Inspection Expense Miscellaneous Adjtstrnents: Board of Director Expenses, Injuries and Damages, Legal and Environmental Expenses, Removal of Expiring Lease Expense and lnclusion of O&M Savings Adjusted Amounts Efrective January l,2018 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ (2,&4)58$ ll2 (3e3) (il5) (276) $ (r,075) $ (447) (270) (671) ( r.926) (t.762) (6.834) d.) e.) f) c.) h.) i.) s 12,890 s ?86108? 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 adjustments accepted f or settl-ement purposes cover a and cost categories, including thebroad range of revenue authori zed rate of return . The individua.I ad j ustments should not be viewed in isolationi rather, they should be viewed in total as part of the entire Stipulation, and are the result of hard bargai-ning and compromise. 9. Would you please elaborate on the individual line itens contained within Tab].e No. L? A. Yes. A description of the adjustments resuJ-ting in the electric revenue requirement, effectj-ve January !, 2018, foll-ows. Cost of Capital (line a.) The overall revenue l0 ll t2 l9 l3 requirement reduction refated to the cost of capital 14 reduces the overal-I revenue requirement for electric by 15 $2 . 604 mil-l-ion . The agreed-upon cost of capital 16 components are shown in the table below: 17 Component Capital Structure Cost Weighted Cost Debt Common EquE Total 50% 50% 5.72% 9.50% 2.86% 4.75% 100%7.61. t8 20 21 Company 2071 Net Rate Base Updates (Iine b. ) The 22 2071 filed electric capital additions were updated by 23 Avista to reflect adjustments for updated information, 24 including related depreciation expense, accumulated Andrews, Di 13 Avista Corporation 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ll l2 13 14 15 16 t7 l8 19 20 2t 22 23 24 depreciation (A/D) and accumulated deferred federal income taxes (ADEIT), associated with these adjustments to reflect balances as of December 31, 2071. This adjustment resulted in an overall- reduction to rate base of $7.926 million, and an increased revenue requirement of $58,000. Miscellaneous Company Updates - (1ine c. ) This adj ustment removal of reflects updates to expenses related to amortization, the expiri-ng Colstrip credit regulatory uncollectible expense, maintenance expense associated with the Company's Colstrip generation p1ant, and annualized incremental Information Service / fnformation Technology (IS/IT) Iabor positions added in 2071. This adjustment increases the overal-I revenue requirement by $112, 000. Remove Officer Incentives and Reduce Non-Officer Incentives (1ine d. ) This ad;ustment reflects the all officer incentives incl-uded in theremoval of Company' s or j-g j-na1 f iling . This adj ustment also reduces incentives for Non-Officers to a 100% payout ratio. This adjustment decreases the overall revenue requj-rement by $393, 000. Reduce Officer Labor Expenses - (line e. ) This adjustment reduces officer l-abor expenses from that Andrews, Di 74 Avista Corporation 2 J 4 5 6 7 8 9 t0 11 t2 13 t4 t5 l6 t7 l8 l9 20 2t 22 23 24 1 included in the Company's origi-naI fi-Iing to an agreed- overalfupon leveI. This adjustment decreases the revenue requirement by $115,000. Reduce 2011 IS/IT Capital Projects (line f.) This adjustment reduces certain capital investments related to Information Services/Information Technology ( IS/IT) refresh and expansion projects planned during 2011. This ad;ustment decreases the overall revenue requirement by $216,000, and reduces net rate base by $7.162 million. D€lgy Nlqter Data Management Proj ect Recovery to January !, 2019 (l-ine g. ) This ad j ustment removes the Meter Data Management System project costs completed in October 207'1, delaying the recovery until January 1, 2019. This adjustment decreases the overall revenue requirement by $1.075 mil1ion, and reduces net rate base by $6.834 million. Remove 2018 Expense: Oelay n tq {C4uery 1. 2079 (Iine h. ) 2078 Labor fncrease (line i. )This adjustment removes the incremental non-executive Iabor increases planned for 2078, and includes them with the January I, decreases the 20L9 rate change. This adj ustment overall- revenue requirement by $ 441 ,000. Andrews, Di 15 Avista Corporation I 2 J 4 5 6 7 8 9 t0 11 t2 13 t4 l5 l6 t7 l8 l9 20 2t 22 23 24 20lB Underground Inspection Equipment Expense (line ii. ) This adjustment removes the 20IB underground equipment inspection costs, and incl-udes them with the January 7, 2079 rate change. This adjustment decreases the overall revenue requirement by $270,000. Miscellaneous Adjustments (Iine i.) Reflects the net change requested ($210,000) ; electric in removing legal expenses error ($+2,000); 3) in operating expenses rel-ated to: 1) removing additional Board of Director expenses aIl-ocated to Idaho2) associated with certain feases expiring during removrng expenses the 2078 rate year environmental cleanup costs al-Iocated to Idaho electric in error ($4e,000) ; 4) inclusion of the O&M savings associated with the Company's new website application ($23,000); 5) reducing the six-year average of in;uries and damages ($11,000); and 6) the net effect of removing certain other miscellaneous A&G expenses ($85r000). The net effect of this adjustment decreases the overall revenue requirement by $671r000. 9. Please sumnarize the impact of these adjustments on the electric revenue requirement agreed to by the Settling Parties effective ilanuary L, 2018. Andrews, Di 76 Avista Corporation ($192,000) ; 3) removing certain 2016 I 2 J 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ll t2 l3 t4 A. The adjustments discussed above, and agreed to by the SettIj-ng Partj-es, reduces AvisLa's 20lB rate year electric revenue requirement of $18.571 million to $72.89 million, resulting in a 5.2% electric base rate increase (on a billed basis the increase is 5.18 ) , effective January Settling 2018. The Net rate base agreed to by the Parties for electric is $786.1 million. A. Please provide an overview of the increrrental electric revenue requirement components agreed to by the Settling Parties effective ilanuary 1, 2OL9. A. The Settling Parties agreed to an incremental electric revenue increase effective January 7, 20L9 that refl-ects the adjustments shown below in the excerpted table f rom the St.i-pulation: Tab1e No. 2: Electric Revenue Recruirenent (.ran. L, 2019) Andrews, Di- 1-'l Avista Corporation 1 15 16 t7 l8 t9 20 2t 22 23 a.) b.) SUMMARY TABLE OF ADJUSTMENTS TO ELECTRIC REVENUE REQTIIREMENT EFFECTIVE JANUARY I, 20I9 (000s of Dollan) Revenue Requirement Rate Base Rate Base Amount Effective January l, 2018 Incremental Revenue Adjustment to January l,2018 Rate Change (see Tabel No. l): Add Meter Data Management Project Add 2018 Related Capital and Expenses: 2018 Capital Additions on an AMA Basis Property Tax Expense on 2018 Plant Additions 2018 Annualized Labor lncrease 2018 Underground Equfment Inspection Expense January l,2019 Incrcmental Revenue Adjustment and Rate Base Amount (above January l,2018 Rate Change - see Table No. l) $ 786,087 1.075 $ $ 4,544 _$_t21222_ s s $ $ $ 6,834 2,071i IL iii iv. I,,938 613 648 270 s J 4 5 6 7 8 9 A. P1ease elaborate on the individual line itanns 2 contained within Tab].e No. 2? A. A description of the adjustments resulting in the electric revenue requi-rement, ef fecti-ve January 7, 2079, foIIows. Add Meter Data__I4enegeme4t Pro j ect (line a. ) This adjustment adds the Meter Data Management System project costs completed October of 2077 for recovery effective January 7, 2079. This adjustment increases the overal-I adjustment increases by $1.938 million, l0 revenue requirement by $1.075 million, and increases net ll rate base by $6.834 million 12 Add 2018 Related Capi-tal and Expenses (line b. ) l3 2078 Capi-tal Additions on an AMA Basis ( Iine t4 i . ) This ad j ustment includes certain 20LB capi-tal- l5 additions on an AMA basis. This l6 17 l8 19 21 23 20 22 the overall revenue requirement. and increases net rate base by $2.071 mill-ion Property Tax Expense On 2078 Plant Additions (line ii.) This adjustment includes property tax expense associated with 2018 capital additions. This adjustment increases the overall revenue requirement by $613,000. 2078 Annual-ized Labor Increase (Iine iii.) This adjustment inc1udes the 20L8 annualized non- Andrews, Di 1B Avista Corporation 24 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 executive Iabor increases for both union and non- union empJ-oyees. This adjustment increases the overall- revenue requirement by $648,000 2078 Underground Inspection Equipment Expense (Iine iv. ) This adj ustment j-ncludes the 2018 ll 10 adjustments on the electric rev€rnue l2 by the Settling Parties effective Januar! L, A. The adjustments discussed above, underground equipment adjustment increases the by $270,000. A. P1ease sumarize inspecti-on costs. This overall revenue requirement the iryact of these reguirement agreed to 20L9. and agreed to rate year to $4.5 increase effective 13 by the Settling Parties, reduces Avista's 20L9 14 electric revenue requirement of $9.9 milfion 15 miJ-Iion, resulting in a I.9% electric base rate 16 (on a billed basis the j-ncrease is 7.72) , l7 January 7, 2079. The Net rate base agreed to by the l8 Settling Parties for electric is $795.0 million. rv. NATTRAIJ GAS REVENTE REgUTREI4ENT ELEI{ENTS OF THE STIPUI,ATION A. Please e:<plain the derivation of the Natural Gas Revenue Reguirement outlined in the StipuJ.ation. Andrews, Di 79 Avista Corporation l9 20 2t 22 23 A. The Settling Parties agreed that natural- gas 2 revenue increases are necessary, effective January l, 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 20lB and January 7, 2079. While naturaf gas revenue requirement the the Avista's filing requested increases of $3.5 mi-Ilion January 1-, 2078 and January Settling Parties agreed-upon agreed-upon rate of return, and $2.7 million, effective 7, 2019, respectively, adjustments, including resuft in recommended natural gas revenue increases of $7.2 million and $1.1 million, respectively. These l0 j-ncreases are designed to provide sufficient retail ll revenues for the 20lB and 20i-9 two-year rate period, 12 which would provide the Company with the opportunity to 13 earn the return agreed to in the Stipulation. 14 A. Is the Authorized Rate of Return, including the 15 Return on Equity the sarre as that e:<plained above for 16 electric? 17 A. Yes. Consistent with that for efectric, the 18 Settling Parties have agreed to an overall rate of return 19 of 7.61%, based on a return on equity of 9.5%, an equity 20 component at 50% and cost of debt of 5.12%. 2l A. Please provide an overview of the natural gas 22 revG:nue requirement adjustments ag'reed to by the Settling 23 Parties for 2018 effective .Ianuary 1, 2018. Andrews, Di 20 Avista Corporation 2 aJ 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ll t2 13 t4 l5 t6 17 t8 t9 20 2t 22 23 24 A. The Settling Parties agreed to a natural gas revenue requirement effective January l, 20lB that reffects the adjustments shown below j-n the excerpted tabl-e f rom the StipuJ-ation: Tab1e No. 3: Natural Gas Revenue Requirernent (,Jan. L, 2018) A. Wou1d you Line itoms contained A. Yes. A resulting in the effective January 1, Cost of Capital (see above). requirement by please elaborate on the individual within Tab1e No. 3? descr j-ption of the adj ustments natural gas revenue requirement, 2078, follows. - (Iine a. ) As previously described This adjustment reduces the overal1 revenue $470,000. Compeny 2lll Net Rate Base Updates (Iine b. ) The 20L7 filed natural gas capital additions were updated by Andrews, Di 2l Avista Corporation a.) b.) c.) d.) e.) f) c.) h.) i.) j.) ST]MMARYTABLE OF ADJIISTMENTS TO NATI.IRAL GAS REVENUE REQTIIREMENT EFFECTIVE JANI.IARY I, 20I8 (000s of Dollan) Revenue Requirrment Rate Base Amount as Filed: $ Adjustments: Cost of Capital $ Company 2017 Net Rate Base Updates $ Miscellaneous Company Updates: Uncollectibles and IS/IT Expenses. $ Adjust Weather Normalization $ Remove Officer Incentives and Reduce Non-Officers lncentives $ Reduce Oflrcer Labor Expenses $ Reduce 2017 IS/IT Capital ProFcts $ Remove Meter Data Management Project: Delay Recovery to January l, 2019 $ Remove 2018 Labor Expense: Delay Recovery to Janaury l, 2019 $ Miscellaneous Adjustments: Board of Director Expenses, lnjuries and $ Damages, Advertising Expenses, Legal Experses, Removal of Expiring Lease Expense and Inclusion of O&M Savings/Expenses. 3,4E0 $ 144,807 $ 2.199 Adjusted Amounts Effective January l,2018 $ r,180 (470) 324 20 (r,r62) (r0s) (2e) (43) (4r5) (120) (300) $ (2r4) $ (r,860) $ 144,932 I I Avista to reflect adjustments for updated information, related deprecj-ation expense, A/D and ADEIT, with these adjustments to reflect balances as 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ll t2 r3 14 15 16 t7 r8 l9 20 21 22 23 24 including associated of December 31, 2011. This adjustment increases the overall revenue requirement by $324r000 and increases net rate base by $2.199 million. Miscellaneous Company Updates (line c. ) This adjustment reflects updates to expenses rel-ated to uncol-IectibIe expense and annualized j-ncremental IS/IT l-abor positions added in 20L1. This adjustment increases the overall revenue requirement by $20r000. Adjust Weather Normalization (1ine d. ) This adjustment revises the natural gas weather normal-ization adjustment, increasing test year bi-J-Iing determinants, thereby increasing test year (present) revenue. This adjustment decreases the overall revenue requirement by $L.762 million. Remove Officer Incentives and Reduce Non-Officer Incentives (J-ine e . ) This adj ustment ref lects the al-1 of f icer incenti-ves i-ncluded in the Company's original filing. This adjustment also reduces incentives for Non-Officers to a 100% payout ratj-o. This adjustment decreases the overall revenue requirement by $1o5, ooo. Andrews, Di- 22 Avista Corporation removal- of 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Reduce Officer Labor Expenses ( line expenses filing to f. ) This adj ustment incl-uded i-n reduces of f icer l-abor from that the Company's original an agreed- overal-Iupon Ievel-. This adjustment decreases the revenue requirement by 529,000. Reduce 2071 IS/IT Capital Projects (Iine q.) This adjustment reduces certain capital investments related to IS/IT refresh and expansion projects planned during 2017. This adjustment decreases the overall- revenue requirement 10 by $43,000, and reduces net rate base by $214,000. il Delay Meter Data Management Project Recovery to l2 Janqery lr ?!19 (line h. ) This adjustment removes the l3 Meter Data Management System project costs completed in until January I,14 October 2071, delaying the recovery t5 20L9. This requirement by $1.860 miflion. Remove 20tB adjustment decreases the overall- revenue $415,000, and reduces net rate base by16 t7 l8 Labor Expense: DeJ-ay Recovery to January t9 1 2079 (Iine i. )This adjustment removes the ]abor increases planned for with the January L, 2079 rate decreases the overall revenue 20 2t 22 23 incremental non-executive 2018, and incl-udes them change. This adjustment requirement by $120, 000. Andrews, Di 23 Avista Corporation I 2 J 4 5 6 7 8 9 l0 l1 t2 t3 14 15 t6 t7 l8 19 20 2t 22 23 Mj-scef Ianeous Ad j ustments (Iine j.) Refl-ects the net change in operating expenses related to: 1) removing requested additional Board of Director expenses ($70,000); 2) removj-ng 1ega1 expenses allocated to Idaho natural gas in error ($3r 000) ; 3) removing expenses associated with certain Ieases expiring during the 2078 rate year ($53,000) ; 3) removing advertising expenses aIl-ocated to Idaho natural gas in error ($25,000); 4) inclusion of the O&M savings associated with the Company's new website application ($6,000) ; 5) reducing the six-year average of injuries and damages ($127,000); and 6) the net effect of removing certain other miscellaneous A&G expenses ($16,000). The net effect of this adjustment decreases the overal-I revenue requirement by $300, 000. A. Please sr:marize the iryact of these adjustnents on the natural gas revenue requirement ag'reed to by the Settling Parties effective January L, 2018. A. The adjustments discussed above, and agreed to by the Settling Parties, reduces Avista's 2078 rate year natural gas revenue requirement of $3.48 million to $1.18 million, resulting in a 2.9% natural gas base rate increase (1.9% on a billed basi-s), effective January 1-, Andrews, Di 24 Avista Corporation 1 2 J 4 5 6 7 8 9 2078. The net rate base agreed to by the Settling Parties for natural gas is $744.9 million. 9. Please provide an overview of the incremental natural gas revenue reguirement coryonents ag'reed to by the Settling Parties effective ilanuary 1, 201-9. A. The Settling Parties agreed to an incremental natural gas revenue increase effective January 7, 2019 that ref .l-ects the adj ustments shown below in the excerpted table from the Stipulation: Tab1e No. 4: Natural Gas Revenue Reqtrirement (Jan. 1, a. P1ease elaborate on the individual line iterrs 19 contained within Tab].e No. 4? l0 1l 12 13 t4 l5 t6 t7 18 22 23 24 20 A. Yes.A description of the adjustments 21 resulting in the natural gas revenue requirement, effective January l, 2019, follows. Add Meter Data Management Project (Iine a. ) This adjustment adds the Meter Data Management System project Andrews, Di 25 Avista Corporation SUMMARY TABLE OF ADJUSTMENTS TO NATURAL GAS REVENUE REQUIREMENT EFFECTI\TE JANUARY I, 2OI9 (000s of Dollars) Revenue Requirement Rate Base Rate Base Amount Efrective January l, 2018 Incremental Revenue Adjustment to January l, 2018 Rate Change (see Tabel No. l): a.) Add Meter Data Management Project b.) Add 2018 Related Capital and Expenses: i. 2018 Capital Additions on an AMA Basis ii. Property Tax Expense on 2018 Ptant Additions iii. Annualized 2018 Labor Increase January 1,2019 Incremental Revenue Adjustment and Rate Base Amount (above January l, 2018 Rate Change - see Table No. l) $ 144,932 s $ $ $ 4ts $1,860 (852)$4t4 122 l8r _$__t_€f19_$ I,132 I 2 J 4 5 6 7 8 9 costs completed October of 2011 f or recovery ef f ect j-ve adj ustment increases the overa.l-I $415r 000, and increases net rate January L, 20L9. This revenue requirement by base by $1.860 million. Add 2018 Related Capital and Expenses (line b. ) 20LB Capital Additions on an AMA Basis ( Iine i.) This adjustment includes 2078 capital additions on an AMA basis. This adjustment increases the overall revenue requirement by $414,000, and decreases net rate base by $852r000.4 Property Tax Expense on 2018 Pl-ant Additions (l-ine ii.) This adjustment includes property tax expense associated with 20IB capital additions. This adlustment increases the overall revenue requirement by $122,000. 2078 Annualized Labor fncrease (Iine iii.) This adjustment includes the 2078 annualized non- executive Iabor increases for both union and non- union employees. This adjustment increases the overall revenue requirement by $181,000 a Includi-ng the lmpact of 2O7B capital additlons, as well- as including the impact on accumufated depreciation and accumufated deferred federal j-ncome taxes on total net plant during 2018 on an average-of-monthly-average basis, has the result of decreasing overall net rate base. Andrews, Di 26 Avista Corporation l0 11 12 l3 l4 15 t6 17 l8 19 20 2 J 4 5 6 7 8 9 A. Please sumarize the iryact of these adjustnents on the natural gas revenue requirenent agreed to by the Settling Parties effective ilanuar! L, 201-9. A. The adjustments by the Settling Part j-es, discussed above, and agreed to reduces Avista's 2079 rate natural gas revenue requirement of $2.L miIlion, resulting in a 2 .J eo natural- million to year $1.1 rate 14 public interest? gas base increase (1.8% on a billed basis), effective January 7, 2079. The Net rate base agreed to by the Settling l0 Parties for natural gas is $145.9 million. ll l2 v. coNcIJusIoN l3 A. In conclusion, why is this StipuJ.ation in the A. This Stipulation strikes a reasonable balance between the interests of the Company and its customers, including its low-j-ncome customers. As such, it represents interests a reasonable compromise among differing and points of view. The terms of the Stipulation represent electric and natural gas base rate increases designed to provide necessary retail revenues over the Two-Year Rate Plan from January 7, 20IB through December 37, 20L9. The Settling Parties have agreed that the Company has Andrews, Di 21 Avista Corporation l5 16 17 l8 19 20 2t 22 23 24 I demonstrated the need for the revenue increases for its 2 eLectric and natural gas operations, thus providing 3 recovery of its costs over the 2078-2079 two-year rate 4 period. 5 ln the fi-na1 analysis, dny settlement reflects a 6 compromise in the give-and-take of negotiations. The 7 Commission has before it a Stipulation that is supported 8 by sound analysis and supporting evidence, the approval 9 of which is in the public interest. l0 A. Does this conclude your direct testimony? 11 A. Yes, it does. Andrews, Di 28 Avista Corporation