HomeMy WebLinkAbout20170609Johnson Direct.pdf DAVID J. MEYER VICE PRESIDENT AND CHIEF COUNSEL FOR REGULATORY & GOVERNMENTAL AFFAIRS AVISTA CORPORATION P.O. BOX 3727 1411 EAST MISSION AVENUE SPOKANE, WASHINGTON 99220-3727 TELEPHONE: (509) 495-4316 FACSIMILE: (509) 495-8851 DAVID.MEYER@AVISTACORP.COM BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION ) CASE NO. AVU-E-17-01 OF AVISTA CORPORATION FOR THE ) AUTHORITY TO INCREASE ITS RATES ) AND CHARGES FOR ELECTRIC AND ) NATURAL GAS SERVICE TO ELECTRIC ) DIRECT TESTIMONY AND NATURAL GAS CUSTOMERS IN THE ) OF IN THE STATE OF IDAHO ) WILLIAM G. JOHNSON ) FOR AVISTA CORPORATION (ELECTRIC ONLY) Johnson, Di 1 Avista Corporation I. INTRODUCTION 1 Q. Please state your name, business address, and 2 present position with Avista Corporation. 3 A. My name is William G. Johnson. My business address is 1411 East Mission Avenue, Spokane, Washington, and I am employed by the Company as a Wholesale Marketing Manager in the Energy Resources Department. Q. What is your educational background? 8 A. I graduated from the University of Montana in 1981 with a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Political Science/Economics. I obtained a Master of Arts Degree in Economics from the University of Montana in 1985. Q. How long have you been employed by the Company and 13 what are your duties as a Wholesale Marketing Manager? 14 A. I started working for Avista in April 1990 as a Demand Side Resource Analyst. I joined the Energy Resources Department as a Power Contracts Analyst in June 1996. My primary responsibilities involve power contract origination and management, and power supply regulatory issues. Q. What is the scope of your testimony in this 20 proceeding? 21 A. My testimony will 1) identify and explain the proposed normalizing and pro forma adjustments to the 2016 Johnson, Di 2 Avista Corporation test period power supply revenues and expenses, and 2) describe the proposed level of expense and Load Change Adjustment Rate (LCAR) for Power Cost Adjustment (PCA) purposes, using the pro forma costs proposed by the Company in this filing. Q. Are you sponsoring any exhibits to be introduced in 6 this proceeding? 7 A. Yes. I am sponsoring Exhibit No. 6, Schedules 1 through 4, which were prepared by me. Exhibit No. 6, Schedule 1 identifies the power supply expense and revenue items that fall within the scope of my testimony. A brief description of each adjustment is provided in Exhibit No. 6, Schedule 2. Exhibit No. 6, Schedule 3 shows the pro forma fuel costs for each thermal plant and short-term purchases and sales by month. The proposed authorized PCA power supply expense and revenue, transmission expense and revenue, retail sales and LCAR are shown in Exhibit No. 6, Schedule 4. Q. Are there other Company witnesses providing 18 testimony regarding issues you are addressing? 19 A. Yes. Company witness Mr. Kalich provides detailed testimony on the AURORA model used by the Company to develop short-term power purchase expense, fuel expense and short- term power sales revenue included in my exhibits. Johnson, Di 3 Avista Corporation II. OVERVIEW OF PRO FORMA POWER SUPPLY ADJUSTMENT 1 Q. Please provide an overview of the pro forma power 2 supply adjustment. 3 A. The pro forma power supply adjustment involves the determination of revenues and expenses based on the generation and dispatch of Company resources and expected wholesale market power prices as determined by the AURORA model simulation for the pro forma rate period (calendar year 2018) under normal weather and hydro generation conditions. In addition, adjustments are made to reflect contract changes between the historical test period and the 2018 pro forma period. Table No. 1 below shows total net power supply expense during the test period and the pro forma period. For information purposes only, the power supply expense1 currently in base retail rates, which is based on a calendar 2017 pro forma period, is also shown. 1 For the remainder of my testimony, for purposes of the power supply adjustment I will refer to the net of power supply revenues and expenses as power supply expense for ease of reference. Johnson, Di 4 Avista Corporation Idaho System Allocation Power Supply Expense in Current Rates (2017 pro forma)$155,334,000 $53,388,296 Actual 2016 Test Period Power Supply Expense $134,524,000 $45,951,615 Proposed 2018 Pro forma Power Supply Expense $161,230,000 $55,253,521 Proposed 2018 Expense vs 2016 Test Period $26,706,000 $9,301,906 Proposed 2018 Expense vs Current Rates $5,896,000 $1,865,225 Power Supply Expense Table No. 1: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 The net effect of my adjustments to the test year power supply expense is an increase in 2018 of $26,706,000 ($161,230,000 - $134,524,000) on a system basis and $9,301,906 Idaho allocation. The increased expense in 2018 from the level in current base rates is $1,865,225 (Idaho share). This increase in power supply expense was higher primarily due to lower net spot market sales resulting from less favorable economic operating conditions for the Company’s gas-fired resources. III. PRO FORMA POWER SUPPLY ADJUSTMENTS 18 Q. Please identify the specific power supply cost 19 items that are covered by your testimony and the total 20 adjustment being proposed. 21 Johnson, Di 5 Avista Corporation A. Exhibit No. 6, Schedule 1 identifies the power supply expense and revenue items that fall within the scope of my testimony. These revenue and expense items are related to power purchases and sales, fuel expenses, transmission expense, and other miscellaneous power supply expenses and revenues. Q. What is the basis for the adjustments to the test 7 period power supply revenues and expenses? 8 A. The purpose of the adjustments to the test period is to normalize power supply expenses for normal weather and normal hydroelectric generation and to reflect current forward natural gas prices using the AURORA model and include other known and measurable changes for the 2018 pro forma period. A brief description of each adjustment is provided in Exhibit No. 6, Schedule 2. Detailed workpapers have been provided to the Commission with this filing to support each of the pro forma revenues and expenses. The detailed workpapers for each adjustment show the actual revenue or expense in the test period, and the pro forma revenue or expense. Johnson, Di 6 Avista Corporation Long-Term Contracts 1 Q. How are long-term power contracts included in the 2 pro forma? 3 A. Long-term power contracts are included in the pro forma by including the energy receipt or obligation associated with the contract in the AURORA Model and including the cost or revenue in the pro forma net power supply expense. Q. Are there any new long-term power purchases or 9 sales in the pro forma that are not in current base rates? A. Yes. The Company has entered into a new contract with Douglas County PUD for a share of the output of the Wells hydroelectric project. The contract begins September 2018, after the expiration of the existing Wells contract, and continues through September 2028. Q. Are there any long-term power purchases or sales 16 that are in current base rates but not in this pro forma? 17 A. Yes. Two contracts end before or during the pro forma period. The Douglas Settlement contract ends August 31, 2018. The Nichols Pumping contract ends October 31, 2018. Johnson, Di 7 Avista Corporation Short-Term Power Purchases and Sales 1 Q. How are short-term transactions included in the pro 2 forma? 3 A. Short-term electric power purchases and sales are an output of the AURORA model. The model calculates both the volumes and price of short-term purchases and sales that balance the system’s generation and long-term purchases with retail load and other obligations. The price of the short- term transactions represents the price of spot market power as determined by the AURORA model. Q. What actual forward short-term transactions are 11 included in the pro forma? 12 A. Consistent with past general rate cases, the pro forma does not include actual short-term fixed-price transactions entered into for the 2018 pro forma period. Thermal Fuel Expense 16 Q. How are thermal fuel expenses determined in the pro 17 forma? 18 A. Thermal fuel expenses include Colstrip coal costs, Kettle Falls wood-waste costs, and natural gas expense for the Company’s gas-fired resources including Coyote Springs 2, Lancaster, Rathdrum, Northeast, Boulder Park, and the Kettle Falls combustion turbine. Unit coal costs at Colstrip are Johnson, Di 8 Avista Corporation based on the long-term coal supply and transportation agreements. Unit wood fuel costs at Kettle Falls are based on multiple shorter-term contracts with fuel suppliers and inventory. Total fuel costs for each plant are based on the unit fuel cost and the plant’s level of generation as 5 determined by the AURORA model. Exhibit No. 6, Schedule 3 shows the pro forma fuel costs by month for each plant. Mr. Kalich provides details and supporting workpapers regarding the level of generation for the Company’s thermal plants, and the fuel cost for natural gas-fired plants. Transmission Expense 12 Q. What changes in transmission expense are in the pro 13 forma compared to the test-year and the expense in current 14 base rates? 15 A. The only change is an increase of 9 MW of BPA point-to-point transmission purchased. Summary 18 Q. Please summarize your proposed pro forma power 19 supply expense that is provided to Company witness Ms. 20 Andrews for the Company’s electric Pro Forma study. 21 A. The net effect of my adjustments to the test year power supply expense is an increase in 2018 of $26,706,000 Johnson, Di 9 Avista Corporation ($161,230,000 - $134,524,000) on a system basis and $9,301,906 Idaho allocation. The increased expense in 2018 from the level in current base rates is $1,865,225 (Idaho share). 5 IV. PCA AUTHORIZED VALUES 6 Q. What is Avista’s proposed authorized power supply 7 expense and revenue for the PCA? 8 A. The proposed authorized level of annual system power supply expense is $145,045,600 for the 2018 pro forma. This is the sum of Accounts 555 (Purchased Power), 501 (Thermal Fuel), 547 (Fuel), less Account 447 (Sale for Resale). It also includes transmission expense and transmission revenue. The proposed level of net Renewable Energy Credits (REC) revenue is also included in the total authorized net expense. Q. What is the level of retail sales and the proposed 17 Load Change Adjustment Rate for the PCA? 18 A. The proposed authorized level of retail sales to be used in the PCA is 2016 weather adjusted Idaho retail sales.2 The proposed Load Change Adjustment Rate is $24.89/MWh for 2 The historical loads also include a pro forma adjustment as explained by Company witnesses Mr. Kalich and Ms. Knox. Johnson, Di 10 Avista Corporation the 2018 pro forma period3, which is the energy related portion of the average production and transmission cost. The proposed authorized PCA power supply expense and revenue, transmission expense and revenue, REC revenues, Load Change Adjustment Rate and retail sales are shown in Exhibit No. 6, Schedule 4. Q. Does that conclude your pre-filed direct testimony? 7 A. Yes. 3 Also shown on Exhibit No. 6, Schedule 4 is the proposed 2019 Load Change Adjustment Rate of $25.34/MWh, which includes the impact of production and transmission costs for the 2019 Rate Year as pro formed by Ms. Andrews. The Company is not proposing to update power supply costs or the PCA base effective with the 2019 electric base rate change January 1, 2019.