HomeMy WebLinkAbout20160527Attorney General Letter.pdfIi[(:TIVED 2i!6 iiiiY 27 f,H ll: I tr r', I l ''t; i .:t]'Lltr(:(.li{t,{lSSl0NSTATE OF IDAHO OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL LAWRENCE G. WASDEN VIA E-MAIL May 27,2016 Avista Corporation Michael Andrea m i cltae L and rea@av i staco rp.conr Avista Utilities l4l I E. Mission PO Box3727 Spokane, WA99220-3727 Rocky Mountain Power Yvonne Hogle yvon ne. ho gle(@pac ifi corp.co m Ted Weston ted.weston@pacifi corp.com PacifiCorp dba Rocky Mountain Power 1407 West North Temple, Suite 330 Salt Lake Ciry, UT 84116 Idaho Power Company Donovan E. Walker dwa lker@idahopower.com Idaho Power Company PO Box 70 Boise, ID 83707-007 Clint Kalich cl int.kalich@av i stacorp.corn Avista Utilities 141I E. Mission PO Box3727 Spokane, W A 99220-3727 Brian Dickman brian.dickman@pacifi corp.com Daniel MacNeil daniel.macneil@pacifi corp.corn Hui Shu hui.shu@pacifi corp.com Laren Hale laren.hale@pac ifi corp.com PacifiCorp dba Rocky Mountain Power 825 NE Multnomah Street Portland, OR97232 Randy Allphin ra I lphin@idahopower.com Idaho Power Company PO Box 70 Boise, ID 83707-0070 Re: Case Nos. IPC-E-16-12, PAC-E-16-10, AVU-E-16-04 -- Update to Published Avoided Cost Rates to Reflect an Updated Natural Gas Price Forecast of the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) Pursuant to the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 (PURPA) and the implementing regulations of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC), the Idaho Public Utilities Contracts & Administrative Law Division, ldaho Public Utilities Commission P.O. Box 83720, Boise, ldaho 83720-0074, Telephone: (208) 334-0300, FAX: (208) 334-3762, E-mail: lpuc@puc.slate.id.us Located at 472 West Washington St., Boise, ldaho 83702 May 27,2016 Page 2 Commission (Commission) has approved a Surrogate Avoided Resource (SAR) methodology for calculation of avoided cost rates at which PURPA qualifying cogeneration and small power production facilities ("qualifuing facilities" or "QFs") are paid by Idaho Power, Avista, and PacifiCorp. Avoided cost rates are the purchase price paid to QFs for purchases of QF capacity and energy. The release of a new natural gas price forecast by the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) triggered an updated calculation of avoided cost rates. In accordance with the methodology approved in Order No. 32697, the "reference case" natural gas price forecast for the Mountain Region's Electric Power sector included in EIA's Annual Energy Outlook serves as the basis for computing avoided cost rates. In Order No. 32697, the Commission also found that the final release of Annual Energy Outlook automatically triggers a recalculation of the published avoided cost rates. In Order No. 32802, the Commission clarified that an update should occur on June I or within 30 days of the final release of the Annual Energy Outlook, whichever is later. EIA released the Annual Energy Outlook 2016 on May 17,2016. Staff has used this forecast to compute the new published avoided cost rates. A copy of the relevant natural gas price forecast is attached. Also attached are updated published avoided cost rates for all three utilities. Please review the rates and file your respective responses (either written or via e-mail) with the Commission on or prior to June 10, 2016. The case caption is as follows: UPDATE TO PUBLISHED AVOIDED COST RATES TO REFLECT AN UPDATED NATURAL GAS PRICE FORECAST OF THE U.S. ENERGY INFORMATION ADMINISTRATION (EIA) Thank you for your cooperation. Please contact Yao Yin (vao.yin@fuc.idaho.eov) for an electronic copy of the most recent SAR model. Please feel free to contact me or Yao if you have any questions. Sincerely,*i-- Deputy Attorney General Enclosures L:IPC-E-16-12 PAC-E-l 6-l 0_AVU-E-16-04_yy_d.ih iol, Fl!l..i : l! '! i<ii Flr!..i I ti lm1, F{1l^i i i!rt i -riI F{iic.i i tt t, r I/)r;gi r.i or, or+io;doii ui. uiN, d, ,fcli ol r.rGl 1 0ioqil d: dNr Fti ol rol o-,! 1 cr'!, q Nil/t:lnNt F{,ti tl ol oj r. '1 : \1 C(oi+;l,)N' r{' (Y1r OOi st.-.,r; o'l I ql/}i mr r/iNI HI Nlqt(\r I ! €io-r iHJI! I a{;o)i dl I I a 1 -r!Ol:.ii i I rnl€:.ii oloO.il ol6r.il if o1oli 'ii 1 a j I (oio;UI Etl!i(U, , O| F{rrl; o9N' stF.l l ; €! stql qO. rlFl' orl(o\; I00: + I I r,)i t\o: sfdi { I rni sstlFl.'ij+ I Hl O6i t\.i: ryi ; sfi4I tol rnlOli Nr.+l.il ,l ori rnl(hr N'<i .il !l ti ,nl r-l\1 \t+i F{il, i1 i!,ni orir,),N' <r, FliJI1l t! tor FlIY}; NI st{ Fl I t )r d)iry; \isl' Ft! !l1i o! or!(_\l \i$1 .rl il ltNl ooani \i{: -rl{N !it![! c{! 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E5E oc. =o (u5ro o P o 6 o]o4 Lug uJ lONoN r,tNoN aNo(\l dtNoN NNoN NoN oNoN oroN 6 clN or{ ro oN gE E19 X3;!, '=EI =bE R tJooctaf lr ;6 taEo.9.9=LEOCL.P =&-3!{?ov, =ErotrE.=EllJ E .[]l s.rnEQ09 5 eHmSi.>'n (of.{ N (oqN Nol ro @\(, o4ro si4lo Nn(o Nc.i(o st I u.)\l o)N!NL,!, m r+r ros;.r'lOr Flln: rY) I I F: Hei o)6r cttsl: c.l i , Il,l1 (Ylry; a(lr!@$i N I !sil <i(D; m$l F.sti r! Io)l 6(oiol ^il u;\f; N ol r-Hi CII.jr +\t, N I €; sfr<! tO oi i crimiN ln: Nai aNi r!mr c\,1 r-l r.NINlrl r Fi(l1 ] N I I tFl i O)6lr d SlomlN I sf ,Nq,amr olm,d NidI\l u1 Fll oOm,d sf.rl !"1(n Flqo(Y) oqo(Y) Flaorf\,1 r{o)€nl r\N oda{ moc Fr.,l NFlFr\,1 orn tcir{ ooog rnAI @nlu;c{ tol <tc! stntc{ 6qslN otoN ol(vtoN @tYtoN moa\l 10(no(\l r,t6AoN rt(rloN m(Ytol\I NdtoN (Y!oN orYloN o!NoN q,NoN iil o:6q;oqi .!oi t\! rofft; -l; tl NoN AVISTA AVOIDED COST RATES FOR WINO PROJECTS xxxx xx, 2016 $/MWh New Contracts and Replacement Contracts without Full Capacity Payments Eligibility for these rates is limited to projects {00 kW or smaller. LEVELIZED NON.LEVELIZED CONTRACT LENGTH lYFARSI ON.LINE YEAR CONTRACT YEAR NON-LEVELIZED RATES2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 1 2 3 4 E 6 7I I 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 3'1.16 31.43 32.1 9 32.56 33.52 34.33 35.1 0 35.90 36.71 37.52 38.26 38.91 39.4s 39.98 40.44 40.84 41.25 41.65 42.02 42.38 31.72 32.77 33.1 1 34.23 35.12 35.95 36.81 3;;t.67 38.54 39.31 39.99 40.55 41.09 41.57 41.97 42.39 42.79 43.17 43.54 43.89 33.91 33.88 35.21 36.1 5 37.01 37.91 38.81 39.72 40.53 41.22 41.78 42.32 42.80 43.21 43.63 44.04 44.42 44.79 45,15 45.51 33.86 35.93 37.O2 37.94 38.91 39.87 40.83 41.67 42.38 42.95 43.50 43.98 44.38 44.80 45.21 45.60 45.97 46.34 46.71 47.O7 38.17 39.4438.78 40.2839.52 4 1.3140.43 42.s441.37 43.3842.34 44.2543.17 44.9543.86 45.48 44.40 46.00 44.93 46.46 45.39 46.8345.77 47.23 46.1 8 47 .6446.58 48.0246.96 48.4047.34 48.7747.70 49.16 48.08 49.53 48.44 49.9048.80 50.27 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 2041 31.'16 31.72 33.9'l 33.86 38.17 39.44 41.19 43.60 45.95 48.41 49.77 50.49 50.5't 52.05 52.62 52.47 54.54 55.98 56.72 58.27 59.66 61.50 62.97 64.89 66.63 68.15 Note: These rates will be further adjusted with the applicable integration charge. Note: The rates shown in this table have been computed using the U.S. Energy lnformation Administration (ElA)'s Annual Energy Outlook 2016, released May 17,2016. See Annual Energy Outlook 2016, Table 3.8 Energy Prices by Sector-Mountain at http ://www. eia. gov/forecasts/aeo/er/tables_ref . cf m AVISTA Page 1 AVISTA AVOIDED COST RATES FOR SOLAR PROJECTS xxxx xx, 2016 $/MWh New Contracts and Reolacement Contracts without Full Caoacitv Pavments Eligibility for these rates is limited to projects '100 kW or smaller. LEVELIZED NON.LEVELIZED CONTRACT LENGTH TYFARSI ON-LINE YEAR CONTRACT YEAR NON-LEVELIZED RATES2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8I 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 '18 19 20 32.45 32.10 32.66 32.92 34.06 34.98 35.84 36.71 37.57 38.42 39.20 39.87 40.44 40.99 4',1.48 41.90 42.33 42.74 43.12 43.49 31.72 32.77 33.1 1 34.54 35.61 50.c/ 37.52 38.45 s9.37 40.20 40.91 41.50 42.07 42.57 43.00 43.44 43.86 44.25 44.64 45.01 33.91 33.88 35.63 36.79 37.78 38.77 39.74 40.70 41.55 42.27 42.86 43.43 43.94 44.36 44.80 45.23 45.62 46.01 46.38 46.75 33.86 36.59 37.90 38.95 39.99 41.00 42.00 42.87 43.61 44.19 44.76 45.26 45.68 46.11 46.54 46.93 47.32 47.70 48.08 48.45 39.54 4A.84 40.17 41.6940.92 42.7241.83 43.7642.78 44.8143.76 45.6944.60 46.4045.30 46.93 45.84 47.47 46.38 47.9446.85 48.3'l47.24 48.7347.66 49.1448.07 49.5348.45 49.92 48.84 50.3049.21 50.6849.59 5'1.06 49.96 51.44 50.33 51.82 201 6 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 204'.1 32.45 31.72 33.91 33.86 39.54 40.84 42.60 45.04 47.40 49.89 51.27 52.01 52.06 53.62 54.21 54.09 56.18 57.64 58.40 59.98 61.39 63.26 64.75 bb./u 68.47 70.02 Note: These rates will be further adjusted with the applicable integration charge. Note: The rates shown in this table have been computed using the U.S. Energy lnformation Administration (ElA)'s Annual Energy Outlook2016,releasedMay17,2016. SeeAnnual EnergyOutlook20l6,Table3.SEnergyPricesbySector-Mountainat http: //www. eia, gov/forecasts/aeo/erltables_ref . cfm AVISTA Page 2 AVISTA AVOIDED COST RATES FOR NON-SEASONAL HYORO PROJECTS xxxx xx, 20,16 $/MWh New Contracts and Replacement Contracts without Full Capacity Payments Eligibility for these rates is limited to projects smaller than 10 aMW. LEVELIZED NON-LEVELIZED 3ONTRACI LENGTH /YFAAS\ ON-LINE YEAR CONTRACT YEAR NON-LEVELIZED RATES2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 1 2 1 4 5 6 7II 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 38.44 35.21 34.81 34.60 36.53 38.00 39.25 40.42 41.52 42.58 43.52 44.34 45.04 45.69 46.28 46.79 47.29 47.78 48.23 48.56 31.72 32.77 33.1 1 35.95 37.88 39.42 40.80 42.06 43.23 44.27 45.1 6 45.91 46.61 47.23 47.76 48.29 48.80 49.27 49.72 50.1 5 33.91 33.88 37.59 39.74 41.35 42.76 44.03 45.23 46.27 47.16 47.88 48.57 49.1 8 49.69 50.21 50.72 51.18 51.63 52.06 52.49 33.86 39.65 42.00 43.59 44.97 46.22 47.40 48.42 49.27 49.96 50.62 51.20 51.68 52.18 52.67 53.12 53.56 53,98 54.41 54.82 45.89 47.28 46.56 48.1747.35 49.25 48.31 50.3449.3'1 51.4350.32 52.35 51 .20 53. 1051.94 53.6852.53 54.25 53.1 0 54.76 53.6 t 55.17 54.03 55.62 54.49 56.0854.94 56.5055.36 56.9255.77 57.3356.18 57 .75 56.59 58.16 56.99 58.58 57.39 58.98 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 2041 38.44 31.72 33.91 33.86 45.89 47.28 49.14 5'1.67 54.1 3 56.72 58.1 I 59.04 59.1 9 60.85 61,56 61.54 63.74 65,31 66.1 I 67.87 69.40 71.39 73.01 7s.07 76.97 78.64 Note: These rates will be further adjusted with the applicable integration charge. Note: The rates shown in this table have been computed using the U.S. Energy lnformation Administration (ElA)'s Annual Energy Outlook 2016, released May 17 , 2016. See Annual Energy Outlook 2016, Table 3.8 Energy Prices by Sector-Mountain at http://www. eia. gov/forecasts/aeo/erltables_ref .cfm AVISTA Page 3 AVISTA AVOIDED COST RATES FOR SEASONAL HYDRO PROJECTS xxxx xx, 2016 $/MWh New Gontracts and Replacement Contracts without Full Capacitv Pavments Eligibility for these rates is limited to projects smaller than '10 aMW. LEVELIZED NON.LEVELIZED CONTRACT LENGTH /YtrAPS\ ON-LINE YEAR CONTRACT YEAR NON-LEVELIZED RATES2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8I 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 28.34 29.97 3l.18 31.78 32.36 32.91 33.50 34.16 34.85 35.57 36.23 36.81 37.29 37.77 38.19 38.5s 38.92 39.28 39.62 39.95 31.72 32.77 33.1 1 33.57 34.06 34.61 35.27 35.98 36.72 37.40 37.99 38.48 38.95 39.38 39.73 40.1 1 40.47 40.81 41.15 41.47 33,9'l 33.88 34.29 34.76 35.33 36.04 36.79 37.59 38.30 38.92 39.42 39.91 40.34 40.70 41.08 41.46 41.80 42.15 42.48 42.82 33.86 34.50 35.09 35.76 36.57 37.42 38.29 39.07 39.72 40.24 40.74 41.19 41.55 41.95 42.33 42.69 43.04 43.39 43.74 44.O8 35.19 36.4235.78 37.2336.50 38.24 37.38 39.2538.31 40.26 39.25 41.1240.06 41.8040.74 42.3041.25 42.8141.77 43.2642.21 43.60 42.57 43.99 42.96 44.38 43.36 44.7443.72 45.11 44.08 45.4744.43 45.8344.79 46.1945.13 46.55 45.48 46.90 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 2041 28.34 31.72 33.91 33.86 35.19 36.42 38.1 1 40.49 42.79 45.20 46.51 47.19 47.16 48.65 49.17 48.97 50.99 52.37 53.06 54.55 55.89 57.68 59.09 60.95 62.64 64.1 0 Note: A "seasonal hydro project" is defined as a generation facility which produces al least 55% of its annual generation during the months of June, July, and August. Order 32802. Note: These rates will be further adjusted with the applicable integration charge. Note: The rates shown in this table have been computed using the U.S. Energy lnformation Administration (ElA)'s Annual Energy Outlook2016,releasedMay17,2016. SeeAnnual EnergyOutlook2016,Table3.SEnergyPricesbySector-Mountainat http://www. eia. gov/forecasts/aeo/erltables-rel cf m AVISTA Page 4 AVISTA AVOIDED COST RATES FOR OTHER PROJECTS xxxx xx, 2016 $/MWh New Contracts and Replacement Contracts without Full Capacity Payments Eligibility for these rates is limited to projects smaller than 10 aMW. LEVELIZED NON-LEVELIZED ]ONTRACl LENGTH TYFARS'I ON-LINE YEAR CONTRACT YEAR NON-LEVELIZED RATES20'16 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 I 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 47.77 40.05 38.1 6 37.20 40.37 42.69 44.55 46.20 47.68 49.04 50.24 51.29 52.18 53.01 53.75 54.39 55.02 55.62 56.1 7 56.70 31.72 32.77 33.1 1 38.14 41.42 43.86 45.90 47.66 49.24 50.61 51.78 52.76 53.67 54.47 55.1 6 55.84 56.48 57.07 57.63 58.1 6 33.9'l 33.88 40.63 44,34 46.89 48.96 50.72 52.28 53.63 54.76 55.70 56.57 57.33 57.99 58.64 59.26 59,83 60,38 60,90 61.41 33.86 44.40 48.38 50,81 52.72 54.34 55.80 57.04 58.08 58.93 59.73 60.43 6'1.02 61 .62 62.20 62.74 63.26 63.76 64.26 64.73 55.77 57.3056.51 s8.2757.37 59.4258.40 60.5759.46 61.7360.54 62.7261.48 63.53 62.29 64.1762.93 64.81 63.57 65.3864.13 65.8464.61 66.3665.12 66.8765.62 67.3466.09 67.8266.56 68.2867.02 68.75 67 .48 69.2167.93 69.6768.37 70.13 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 2041 47.77 31.72 33.91 33.86 55.77 57.30 59,31 61.99 64.61 67.34 68.98 69.98 70.29 72.12 72.98 73.1 3 75.50 77.25 78.30 80.16 81.88 84.05 85.85 88.10 90.19 92.05 Note: "Other projects" refers to projects other than wind, solar, non-seasonal hydro, and seasonal hydro projects. These "Other projects" may include (but are not limited to): cogeneration, biomass, biogas, landfill gas, or geothermal projects. Note: The rates shown in this table have been computed using the U.S. Energy lnformation Administration (ElA)'s Annual Energy Outlook 2016, released May 17 , 2016. See Annual Energy Outlook 201 6, Table 3.8 Energy Prices by Sector-Mountain at http://www. eia. gov/forecasts/aeo/erltables_ref . cfm AVISTA Page 5 IDAHO POWER GOMPANY AVOIDED COST RATES FOR WIND PROJECTS xxxx xx, 2016 $/MWh New Contracts and Replacement Contracts without Full Capacitv Payments Eligibility for these rates is limited to projects 100 kW or smaller. LEVELIZED NON.LEVELIZED CONTRACT LENGTH /YFARS'I ON-LINE YEAR CONTRACT YtrAQ NON.LEVELIZED PATtrq2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 1 2 2 4 5 6 7 8 o 10 11 12 't3 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 28.34 29.96 31.18 31.77 32.35 32.90 33.48 34.14 35.09 36.01 36.84 37.56 s8.16 38.73 39.24 39,68 40.12 40.54 40.92 41.30 31.72 32.77 33.1 1 33.57 34.05 34.60 35.26 36.27 37.25 38.1 1 38.86 39.48 40.06 40.58 41.42 41.46 41.89 42.28 42.67 43.03 33.91 33.88 34.28 34.76 35.33 36.03 37.15 38.21 39.1 5 39.93 40.57 41.18 41.71 42.16 42.61 43.05 43.46 43.85 44.23 44.60 33.86 34.50 35.09 35.76 36.56 37.85 39.05 40.06 40.90 41.57 42.21 42.76 43.21 43.68 44.13 44.55 44.95 45.34 45.73 46. t0 35.19 36.4235.78 37.23 36.50 38,23 37.38 39.97 38.86 41.4340.18 42.5841.26 43.4842.14 44.1542.82 44.7943.46 45.3444.01 45.7744.46 46.24 44.93 46.70 45.39 47.11 45.81 47.5246.22 47.9246.62 48.32 47 .01 48.71 47 .39 49. 1047.77 49.48 2016 2017 2018 201 I 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 2041 28.34 31.72 33.91 33.86 35.19 36.42 38.1 'l 40.49 46.10 48.56 49.92 50.65 50.67 52.21 52.78 52.64 54.71 56.1 5 56.89 58.44 59.83 61.68 63.15 65.07 66.82 68.34 Note: These rates will be further adjusted with the applicable integration charge. Note: The rates shown in this table have been computed using the U.S. Energy lnformation Administration (ElA)'s Annual Energy Outlook2016,releasedMay17,20'16. SeeAnnual EnergyOutlook20l6,Table3.SEnergyPricesbySector-Mountainat http://www. eia. gov/forecasts/aeo/erltables-ref . cfm IDAHO POWER COMPANY Page 1 IDAHO POWER COMPANY AVOIDED COST RATES FOR SOLAR PROJECTS xxxx xx, 2016 $/MWh New Contracts and Replacement Contracts without Full Capacity Payments Eligibility for these rates is limited to projects 100 kW or smaller. LEVELIZED NON.LEVELIZED CONTRACT LENGTH /YFARS\ ON.LINE YEAR CONTRACT YEAR NON-LEVELIZED RATES2016 2017 2018 20'19 2020 2021 1 3 4 5 6 7 8I 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 28.34 29.96 31.18 31.77 32.35 32.90 33.48 34.14 37.51 40.39 42.83 44.90 46.65 48.22 49.59 50.79 51.90 52.93 5s.86 54.72 31.72 32.77 33.1 1 33.57 34.05 34.60 35.26 39.12 42.33 45.0'l 47.24 49.11 50.76 52.20 53.44 54.60 55.66 56.62 57.51 58.34 33.91 33.88 34.28 34.76 35.33 36.03 40.55 44.19 47.15 49.57 51.56 53.31 54.82 56.1 0 57.30 58.39 59.38 60.29 61.14 6'1.95 33.86 34.50 35.09 35.76 36.56 42.00 46.18 49.47 52.10 54.21 56.05 57.62 58.94 60.17 61.28 62.29 63.22 64.09 64.90 65.67 35,19 36.4235.78 37.2336.50 38.23 37.38 46.7344.05 52.3148.86 56.2552.48 59.1855.29 61.4157.50 63.29 59.38 64.8560.97 66.13 62.30 67.32 63.53 68.4164.65 69.3865.65 70.2866.58 71.13 67.44 71.9368.26 72.68 69.02 73.40 69.75 74.08 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 2041 28.34 31.72 33.91 33.86 35.1 I 36.42 38.1 1 40.49 76.63 79.54 81.36 82.54 83.03 85.05 86.1 0 86.44 89.01 90.95 92.20 94.27 96.19 98.57 1 00.58 1 03.05 1 05.3s 107.44 Note: These rates will be further adjusted with the applicable integration charge. Note: The rates shown in this table have been computed using the U.S. Energy lnformation Administration (ElA)'s Annual Energy Outlook 2016, released May 17,2016. SeeAnnual Energy Outlook2016, Table 3.8 Energy Prices by Sector-Mountain at http://www. eia. gov/forecasts/aeo/er/tables_ref . cf m IOAHO POWER COMPANY Page 2 IDAHO POWER COMPANY AVOIDED COST RATES FOR NON-SEASONAL HYDRO PROJECTS xxxx xx,2016 $/MWh New Contracts and Reolacement Contracts without Full Caoacitv Pavments Eligibility for these rates is limited to projects smaller than t0 aMW. LEVELIZED NON.LEVELIZED CONTMCT LENGTH ryEARSI ON.LINE YEAR CONTRACT YtrAP NON-LEVELIZED RATES2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 1 2 3 4 5 6 7I o 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 28.34 29.96 31.18 31.77 32.3s 32.90 33.48 34.14 37.28 39.97 42.25 44.19 45.83 47.30 48.59 49.71 50.76 51.73 52.60 53.42 31.72 32.77 33.1 1 33.57 34.05 34.60 35.26 38.85 41.84 44.34 46.43 48.17 49.72 51.07 52.24 53.32 54.32 55.22 56.07 56.85 33.91 33.88 34.28 34.76 35.33 36.03 40.22 43.61 46.37 48.64 50.49 52.13 53,54 54.75 55.87 56.90 57.83 58.70 59.50 60.26 33.86 34.50 35.09 35.76 36.56 41.60 45.49 48.55 5'1.01 52.99 54.70 56.'17 57.41 58.57 59.62 60,57 61.45 62.27 63.04 63.77 35.19 36.42 35.78 37.2336.50 38.2337.38 46.0843.54 51.2548.02 54.9251,40 57.6554.02 59.73 56.07 61.49 57.84 62.9559.33 64.1660.57 65.2861.72 66.3062.78 67.2263.72 68.0864.60 68.87 65.42 69.6366.19 70.35 66.92 71.0467.62 71.69 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 2041 28.34 31.72 33.91 33.86 35.'l 9 36.42 38.1'1 40.49 73.67 76.54 78.30 79.45 79.89 81.86 82.87 83.16 85.68 87.57 88.77 90.79 92.66 94.99 96.95 99.36 101.61 103.65 Note: These rates will be further adjusted with the applicable integration charge. Note: The rates shown in this table have been computed using the U.S. Energy lnformation Administration (ElA)'s Annual Energy Outlook 2016, released May 17 , 2016. See Annual Energy Outlook 201 6, Table 3,8 Energy Prices by Sector-Mountain at http://www. eia. gov/forecasts/aeo/erltables_ref . cfm IDAHO POWER COMPANY Page 3 IDAHO POWER COMPANY AVOIDED COST RATES FOR SEASONAL HYDRO PROJECTS xxxx xx, 2016 $/MWh New Contracts and Replacement Contracts without Full Capacitv Pavments Eligibility for these rates is limited to projects smaller than 10 aMW. LEVELIZED NON-LEVELIZED CONTRACT LENGTH(YEARS) ON-LINE YEAR CONTRACT VtrAFI NON.LEVELIZED FIATtrC20't6 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 1 2 3 4 5 o 7 I I 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 28.34 29.96 31.18 31.77 32.35 32.90 33.48 34.14 38.93 42.95 46.32 49.1 8 51.6'l 53.75 55.63 57.27 58.78 60.1 6 61.40 62.56 31.72 32.77 33.1 1 33.57 34.05 34.60 35.26 40.79 45.30 49.03 52.13 54.72 57,00 58.98 60.69 62.26 63.69 64.98 66.16 67.26 33.9'l 33.88 34.28 34.76 35.33 36.03 42.54 47.68 51.82 55.1 9 57.97 60.38 62.46 64.24 65.87 67.34 68.67 69.89 71.01 72.06 33.86 34.50 35.09 35.76 5b. cb 44.41 50.34 54.95 58.63 61.59 64.12 66.28 68.12 69.78 71.29 72.64 73.88 75.02 76.09 77.08 35.19 36.4235.78 37.2336.50 38.23 37.38 50.6747.07 58.6s 53.93 64.2259.03 68.33 62.96 71.47 66.06 74.0768.67 76.2270.86 78.0172.70 79.6274.37 81.08 75.88 82.37 77.22 83.56 78.45 84.6679.59 85.6980.65 86.6681.64 87.5782.57 88.43 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 2041 28.34 31.72 33.91 33.86 35.19 36.42 38.1 1 40.49 94.45 97.62 99.69 101 . 15 101.91 104.20 1 05.54 106.16 1 09.02 111.25 112.80 115.17 1 17.39 120.09 122.41 125.20 127.83 1 30.25 Note: A "seasonal hydro pro.iect" is defined as a generation facility which produces at least 55% of its annual generation during the months ofJune, July, and August. Order 32802. Note: These rates will be further adjusted with the applicable integration charge. Note: The rates shown in this table have been computed using the U.S. Energy lnformation Administration (ElA)'s Annual Energy Outlook2016,releasedMay17,2016. SeeAnnual EnergyOutlook20l6,Table3.SEnergyPricesbySector-Mountainat http: /Awww. eia. gov/forecasts/aeo/erltables_ref . cfm IDAHO POWER COMPANY Page 4 IDAHO POWER COMPANY AVOIDED COST RATES FOR OTHER PROJECTS xxxx xx, 2016 $/MWh New Contracts and Replacement Contracts without Full Capacitv Pavments Eligibility for these rates is limited to projects smaller than 10 aMW. LEVELIZED NON-LEVELIZED CONTMC] LENGTH (YEARS) ON-LINE YEAR CONTRACT YEAR NON.LEVELIZED RATES2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 1 2 3 4 5 6 7I I 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 28.34 29.96 3'l .18 31.77 32.35 32.90 33.48 34.14 36.64 38.81 40.67 42.25 43.59 44.80 45.86 46.78 47.65 48.46 49.20 49.88 31.72 32.77 33.1 1 33.57 34.05 34.60 35.26 38.09 40.50 42.52 44.22 45.63 46.90 48.0'l 48.96 49.86 50.69 5'1.45 52.1 6 52.82 33.91 33.88 34.28 34.76 35.33 36.03 39.33 42.04 44.26 46.1 0 47.60 48.93 50.09 51.08 52.00 52.86 53.64 54.36 55.04 55.69 J5_60 34.50 35.09 35.76 36.56 40.50 43.61 46.08 48.06 49.66 51.06 52.26 53.27 54.22 55.1 0 55.89 56,63 57,33 57.99 58.61 35.19 36.42 3s.78 37.2336.50 38.2337.38 44.3042.18 48.3845.73 51.3248.44 53,5250.55 55.1952.20 56.62s3.64 57.81 54.86 58.79 55.87 59.7256.82 60.5857.70 61,3558.49 62.0859.24 62.7659.93 63.4260_60 64.04 61.22 64.6461.83 65.21 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2A26 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 2041 28.34 31.72 33.91 JJ-6b 35.19 36.42 38.1 1 40.49 65.62 68.37 70.02 71.O4 7 t.36 73.21 74.09 74.26 76.64 78.41 79.47 81.35 83.08 85.27 87.08 89.36 91.46 93.34 Note: "Other projects" refers to projects other than wind, solar, non-seasonal hydro, and seasonal hydro projects. These "Other projects" may include (but are not limited to): cogeneration, biomass, biogas, landfill gas, or geothermal projects. Note: The rates shown in this table have been computed using the U.S. Energy lnformation Administration (ElA)'s Annual Energy Outlook2015,releasedMay17,20'16. SeeAnnual EnergyOutlook20l6,Table3.EEnergyPricesbySector-Mountainat http://www. eia. gov/forecasts/aeo/erltables_ref . cfm IDAHO POWER COMPANY Page 5 PACIFICORP AVOIDED COST RATES FOR WIND PROJECTS xxxx xx, 2016 $/MWh New Contracts and Replacement Contracts without Full Caoacitv Pavments Eligibility for these rates is limited to projects 100 kW or smaller. LEVELIZED NON-LEVELIZED CONTRACT LENGTH IYFARS'I ON.LINE YEAR CONTRACT YEAR NON-LEVELIZED RATES2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 1 2 3 4 A 6 7 8 I 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 28.34 29.97 31.18 31.77 JZ.5b 32.91 33.49 34.15 34.84 35.79 36.63 37.37 37,98 38.57 39.09 39.54 39.98 40.41 40.81 41.19 31.72 32.77 33.1 1 33.57 34.05 34.61 35.27 35.97 36.98 37.87 38.63 39.26 39.86 40.39 40.84 41.30 41.74 42.14 42.53 42.91 33.9'l 33.88 34.28 34.76 35.33 36.03 36.79 37.89 38,85 39,66 40.32 40.94 41.49 41.95 42.41 42.87 43.28 43.68 44.07 44.45 33.86 34.50 35.09 35.76 36.57 37.41 38.66 39.71 40,58 41.27 41.92 42.49 42.96 43.44 43.91 44.34 44.75 45.15 45.55 45.93 35.19 36.4235.78 37.2336.50 38.2437.38 39.2538.30 40.8239.69 42.0540.83 43.0141.75 43.72 42.46 44.40 43.13 44.9743.70 45.4344.17 45.9144.66 46.3845.13 46.82 45.56 47.24 45.98 47.65 46.39 48.0746.80 48.4747.19 48.8747.58 49.26 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 2041 28.34 31.72 33.91 33.86 35.19 36.42 38.11 40.49 42.79 48.49 49.85 50.57 50.59 52.13 52.71 52.56 54.63 56.07 56.80 58.36 59.75 61.59 63.06 64.98 66.73 68.25 Note: These rates will be further adjusted with the applicable integration charge. Note: The rates shown in this table have been computed using the U.S. Energy lnformation Administration (ElA)'s Annual Energy Outlook 2016, released May 17,2016. See Annual Energy Outlook 2016, Table 3.8 Energy Prices by Sector-Mountain at http: //www. eia. gov/forecasts/aeo/erltables_ref . cf m PACIFICORP Page 1 PACIFICORP AVOIDED COST RATES FOR SOLAR PROJECTS xxxx xx, 2016 $/MWh New Contracts and Replacement Contracts without Full Capacitv Payments Eligibility for these rates is limited to projects 100 kW or smaller. LEVELIZED NON-LEVELIZED CONTMCT LENGTH(YEARSI ON.LINE YEAR CONTRACT YEAR NON-LEVELIZED RATES2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 1 2 a 4 E b 7 I 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 '18 19 20 28.34 29.97 31 .18 31.77 32.36 32.91 33.49 34.1 5 34.84 37.88 40.45 42.63 44.48 46.12 47.57 48.83 49.99 51.07 52.04 52.95 31 72 32.77 33.1 I 33.57 34.05 34.61 35.27 35.97 39,41 42.25 44.63 46.62 48.37 49.90 51.22 52.44 53 56 54.57 55.51 56.38 33.91 33.88 34.28 34.76 35.33 36.03 36.79 40.74 43.94 46.55 48.70 50.58 52.19 53.58 54.85 56.02 57.07 58.04 58.94 59.79 33.86 34.50 35.09 35,76 36.57 37.41 42.06 45.68 48.58 50.90 52.91 54.62 56.06 57.39 58.60 59.68 60.68 61 .61 62.48 63.30 35.19 36.4235.78 37.23 36.50 38.2437.38 39.2538.30 45.9943.83 50.7147.95 54.20s1.13 56.8453.63 59.03 55.75 60.85 57.52 62.34 59.0't 63.7060.37 64.9461.60 66.0362.70 67.0463.71 67.9764.65 68.8665.53 69.68 66.36 70.47 67 .14 71.21 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 zvo I 2038 2039 2040 2041 28.34 31.72 33.9'l 33.86 35.19 36.42 38.11 40.49 42.79 78.80 80.6'l 81.78 82.26 84.26 85.31 85.64 88.1 I 90.1 3 91.36 93.42 95.32 97.69 99.69 102.15 104.44 106.52 Note: These rates will be further adjusted with the applicable integration charge. Note: The rates shown in this table have been computed using the U.S. Energy lnformation Administration (ElA)'s Annual Energy Outlook 2016, released May 17 , 2016. See Annual Energy Outlook 2016, Table 3.8 Energy Prices by Sector-Mountain at http://www. eia. gov/forecasts/aeo/erltables_ref . cfm PACIFICORP Page 2 PACIFICORP AVOIDED COST RATES FOR NON.SEASONAL HYDRO PROJECTS xxxx xx, 2016 $/MWh New Contracts and Replacement Contracts without Full Capacity Payments Eligibility for these rates is limited to projects smaller than 10 aMW. LEVELIZED NON.LEVELIZED ONTRACT LENGTH /YFARS\ ON-LINE YEAR CONTRACT VtrAFI NON-LEVELIZED RATES2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 I 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 '18 19 20 28.34 29.97 31.18 31.77 32.36 32.91 33.49 34.'t5 34.84 37.68 40.08 42.12 43.85 45.39 46.74 47.92 49.02 50.03 50.95 51.81 31.72 32.77 33.1 1 33.57 34.05 34.61 35.27 35.97 39.17 41.83 44.05 45.90 47.54 48.97 50.21 51.36 52.41 53.36 54.25 55.07 33.91 33.88 34.28 34.76 35.33 36.03 36.79 40.47 43.44 45.88 47.89 49.64 51.16 52.45 53.65 54.74 55.73 56.65 57.50 58.30 33.86 34.50 35.09 35.76 36.57 37.41 41.73 45.1 0 47.80 49.97 51.84 53.44 54.79 56,04 57.17 58.1 9 59.14 60.01 60.84 61.61 35.19 36 4235.78 37.2336.50 38.2437.38 39.2538.30 45.4943.43 49.87 47 .26 53.'t I50.22 55.5652.54 57.61 54.52 59.3156.18 60.70 57 .57 61.9858.84 63.1360.00 64.1661.03 65.12 61.99 66.0062.88 66.84 63.71 67.6264.50 68.3765.24 69.08 2016 2017 2018 201 9 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 2041 28.34 31.72 33.91 33.86 35.19 36.42 38.1 1 40.49 42.79 75.86 77.62 78.75 79,1 9 81.15 82.14 82.43 84.93 86.82 88.01 90.02 9'1.87 94.1 I 96.14 98.54 1 00.78 I 02.80 Note: These rates will be further adjusted with the applicable integration charge. Note: The rates shown in this table have been computed using the U.S. Energy lnformation Administration (ElA)'s Annual Energy Outlook 2016, released May 17,2016. See Annual Energy Outlook 2016, Table 3.8 Energy Prices by Sector-Mountain at http://www. eia. gov/forecasts/aeo/erltables_ref . cf m PACIFICORP Page 3 PACIFICORP AVOIDED COST RATES FOR SEASONAL HYDRO PROJECTS xxxx xx, 2016 $/MWh New ContracG and Replacement Contracts without Full Gapacity Payments Eligibility for these rates is limited to projects smaller than 10 aMW. LEVELIZED NON.LEVELlZED CONTRACT LENGTH lYtrAFIS\ ON-LINE YEAR CONTRACT YEAR NON-LEVELIZED RATES2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 1 2 3 4 E 7 8 o 10 11 12 IJ 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 28.34 29.97 3'1.18 31.77 32.36 32.91 33.49 34.1 5 34.84 39.1 o 42.68 45.70 48.26 50.53 52.51 54.24 55.83 57.28 58.59 59.80 31.72 32.77 33.1 1 33.57 34.05 34.61 35.27 35.97 40.82 44.81 48.1 3 50.91 53.33 55.44 57.27 58.94 60.45 61.82 63.08 64.24 33.9'l 33.88 34.28 34.76 35.33 36.03 JO./Y 42.41 46.91 50.57 53.59 56,20 58.44 60.36 62.11 63.69 65.1 1 66.42 67.62 68.74 33.86 34.50 35.09 35.76 36.57 37.41 44.04 49.17 53.24 56.52 59.32 61.69 63.71 65.53 67.17 68.63 69.98 71.21 72.36 73.43 35.19 36.4235.78 37.2336.50 38.24 37.38 39.2538.30 49.0146.24 55,7652.11 60.7256.61 64.49 60. 15 67 .57 63.1 1 70.11 65.59 72.2167.66 74.0869.53 75.76 71 .20 77.2472.69 78.5974.05 79.8275.30 80.98 76.46 82.05 77.54 83.06 78.55 84.01 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 2041 28.34 31.72 33.91 33.86 35.19 36.42 38.1 1 40.49 42.79 96.49 98.55 99.99 100.73 103.01 104.32 104.93 107.77 1 09.99 111 .52 113.87 116.08 118.75 121.A6 123.83 126.44 128.84 Note: A "seasonal hydro prolect" is deflned as a generation facility which produces at least 55% of its annual generation during the months ofJune, July, and August. Order 32802. Note: These rates will be further adjusted with the applicable integration charge. Note: The rates shown in this table have been computed using the U.S. Energy lnformation Administration (ElA)'s Annual Energy Outlook 20'16, released May 17 , 2016. See Annual Energy Outlook 201 6, Table 3.8 Energy Prices by Sector-Mountain at http://www. eia. gov/forecasts/aeo/erltables-ref . cfm PACIFICORP Page 4 PACIFICORP AVOIDED COST RATES FOR OTHER PROJECTS xxxx xx, 2016 $/MWh New Contracts and Replacement Contracts without Full Capacity Pavments Eligibility for these rates is limited to projects smaller than 10 aMW. LEVELIZED NON.LEVELIZED 30NTMCI LENGTH TYEARS) ON-LINE YEAR CONTRACT YEAR NON.LEVELIZED RATES2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 1 2 3 4 A o 7I 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 28.34 29.97 3l.18 31.77 32.36 32.91 33.49 34.'15 34.84 37.13 39.07 40.73 42.14 43.40 44.51 45.48 46.38 47.23 47.99 48.71 31.72 32.77 33.1 1 33.57 34.05 34.61 35.27 35.97 38.53 40.67 42.47 43.96 45.30 46.47 47.48 48.42 49.29 50.09 50.83 51.52 33.91 33.88 34.28 34.76 35.33 36.03 36.79 39.72 42.10 44.07 45,68 47.10 48.33 49.38 50.37 51.28 52.10 52,86 53.58 54.26 33.86 34.50 35.09 35.76 36.57 37.41 40.83 43.53 45.69 47.43 48,95 50,25 51.34 52.36 53.30 54.15 54.94 55.68 56.38 57.04 35.19 36.4235.78 37.2336.50 38.2437.38 39.2538.30 44.1342.34 47.5945.38 50,16 47 .75 52.1149.60 5s.76 51 .20 55. 12 52.54 56.24 53.66 57.29 54.70 58.25 55.66 s9.10 56.52 59.9057.32 60.6s58.07 61.3658.78 62.03 59.45 62.6860.09 63.30 2016 2017 2018 2015 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 2041 28.34 31.72 33.91 33.86 35.1 I 36.42 38.1 1 40.49 42.79 67.87 69.52 70.53 70.84 72.68 73.55 73.71 76.09 77.85 78.90 80.78 82.50 84.68 86.49 88.75 90.84 92.72 Note: "Other projects" refers to projects other than wind, solar, non-seasonal hydro, and seasonal hydro projects. These "Other projects" may include (but are not limited to): cogeneration, biomass, biogas, landtill gas, or geothermal projects. Note: The rates shown in this table have been computed using the U.S. Energy lnformation Administration (ElA)'s Annual Energy Outlook2016,releasedMay17,2016. SeeAnnual EnergyOutlook2016,Table3.8EnergyPricesbySector-Mountainat http:i/www. eia. gov/forecasts/aeo/erltables-ref . cfm PACIFICORP Page 5