HomeMy WebLinkAbout20160127Decision Memo.pdfRECEIVED DECI$ON MEMORAI{DIIM ?015 Jip ZS p6 l: b9 ,,-,r',?ffio$lFfi18u,o*TO: COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER COMMISSIONER RAPER COMMISSIONER ANDERSON COMMISSION SECRETARY LEGAL WORKING FILE F.ROM: DANIEL KLEIN Avu -L4b'ot- DATE: JANUARY 22,2016 RE: I'ORMAL COMPLAINT OF *YOUR EQUITY SOURCE, YES MORTGAGE" AGAINST AVISTA On January 8,2A16, the Commission received a "formal" cornplaint (Auachment A) from Mel E. Wach, owner of Your Equity Source, Yes Mo(gage (Yes Mortgage) against Avista Utilities. Yes Mortgage shares a building with another tenant and electric service for each tenant was separately metered by Avista. Unbeknownst to Avista and Mr. Wach, the service meter for Mr. Wach's property was measiuring usage for the other tenanl, and vice versa. Yes Mortgage was billed for the other tenant's usage for over seven years due to the misidentification of meters. Avista issued a credit covering three years, but Mr. Wach is requesting a refrrnd for the additional four and a half years. Mr. Wach was unsatisfied with the outcome of the Staffs eflorts to informally resolve his complaint (Rule 2l-24) and has filed this "formal" complaint pursuant to Rules 24 and 54, IDAPA and .054. BACKGROUND Last fall, Mr. Wach noticed that his electric bill decreased considerably when the business tenant next door moved out of the adjacent suite. On October 16, 2015, he contacted Avista to ask that the meters be checked. According to Mr. Wach, it took Avista two on-site visits to determine that Suite A and Suite B's meters were switched. Avista compared the usage of Suite A and B and determined that Yes Mortgage had been overbilled. On November 13, 2015, Yes Mortgage received a credit of $1,866.20 for overbilling dating back to October 2012. This amount represents the difference between the amount previously paid by Yes Mortgage and the amount billed to the other tenant over the three year period. DECISIONMEMORANDUM -1-JANUARY 22,2416 On November 17,2015, Mr. Wach filed an informal complaint with the Commission regarding the overbilling, Staff investigated the matter and verified that Avista had conectly calculated the amount overbilled. In addition, Staffdetermined that Avista had complied with the requirements of Rule 204.02.b of the Commission's Utility Customer Relations Rules (IDAPA 3 I .21 .01). See Attachment B. At the customer's request, Staff made arrangements with Avista to issue a refund check instead of maintaining a large credit balance on Yes Mortgage's account. In his "formal" complaint, Mr. Wach is asking for full credit back to the time his Company started service at this location. Mr. Wach states that the misidentification of meters was not caused by Yes Mortgage. Furthermore, Mr. Wach maintains that he questioned his usage shortly after moving to ttre current location in 2008 and contacted the utility. He says the utitity sent a technician to the property and assured Mr. Wach that everything was in order. According to Avista, it does have customer records going back to 2008, but there are no notes on the customer's account regarding Mr. Wach contacting the Company in 2008 about this matter. Mr. Wach is also concemed about possible misidentification of the gas meters as well. Avista states that on October 21,2A15, it verified that the gas meters were corectly identified. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Mr. Wach was not satisfied with the outcome of the informal complaint. Consequently, he file d a "formal" complaint. .See Rules 23 , 25 and 54, IDAPA 3 I .01 .0 L023, .A24 and .054. Staff recommends that the Commission issue a Summons to Avista Utilities, Inc. and direct the Company to file a response to the complaint. COMMISSION DECISION Does the Commission wish to accept Mr. Wach's formal complaint? Does the Commission wish to issue a Summons to Avista? UdmcmoslYcs Mongtgc Fonnol Complaint dcc mcmo DECISION MEMORANDUM JANUARY 22,2016 t tonsnr" YES Mortgage Locol Morlgogo Erperls December 29,20L5 ldaho Public Utilities Commission 472W. Washinglon Boise, ldaho 837 20-007 4 Attn: Ms. Jean Jewell, Commission Secretary ldaho P$lic Utitiries Commtssiono*ir.%9.,$?of'.o - -" JAN 0 s 20t6 Bolse,ldaho RE: Avisto Utilities / Via USPS Priority Moil Dear Mt. Jewelf I would like to file a formal complaint against Avista Utilitiet for incorrect billing with respect to our utility bills from the period of Apri! 2008 to August 2015. Although I realiee that the time period for remediation of billing erors is typically 35 months, as detailed ln IDAPA i7,27.07, Sectlon 204 whereby the maximum amount of time a Utility Company may seek restitution from a customer is ertablished lar oErrars ln Preparatlon [of btlltng stotements[ - Molfunctions [in equipmentl - Failure to Bill, in this particular situation, there are exigent circumstances that I would like to take this opportunity to address: This is not a situation of a simple billing error, a malfunction in the meter/other equipment, or a failure to bill but rather it is a situatlon where we have been billed for another company's usage for over seven (7) years. ln this situation, after several months of high bills, I contacted Avista in August of 2008 to address my concerns regardlng what I considered to be extremely high bills. Avista responded by sending a technician out to investigate the situation and I was assured that everything was in order. ln September 2015, the neighboring office, North ldaho Home Health, vacated their office when they moved to another location and our utllity bills drarnatically decreased. lt was obvious that there was an issue and we contacted Avasta. Avista came out and once again, advised that there were no lssues; the meter and equipment were performing correctly. ln October 2015, we AGAIN contacted Avista and asked that they look at this situation further as there was obviously an issue. They scheduled a time to come out and inspect both office suites on October 27,2015. lt was discovered that the two {2} meters were incorrectly registered at Avista whereby our usage was being billed to North ldaho Home Health and their usage was being bllled to us. As you will note below, there is a significant difference in not only the office square feet, but ln the number of employees; therefore, thi: error negatively affected us for over seven (7) years. 2. 3. 4. Attachment A Decision Memorandum Page I of7 5. lf Avista had properly researched the issue back in 2(FB when it was first brought to their attention, this situation could have been resolved back then; therefore, we should not be penalized due to their failure to properly address the situation, To funher dorlfv obove iteq#l ond #2: Our building is set up as a commercialduplex in the Riverutone Complex and as such has two {2) separate office suites with (2)two separate meters for utilities. The overall building has 4,951sguare feet and our particular suite is substantially smaller than the adjacent suite with only 1,468 sq, ft. {or 29.5% of the overall building space) and the adjacent suite ha$ 3,483 sq. ft. (See Exhibit A). To put the space differentlal ln prospective, the adjacent suite, North ldaho Home Health, had a staff of 20'25 people and they were open 7- days a week. Our understanding is that they alto held monthly company meetings with sometimes up to 30+ people in attendance. Our businest, Your Equity Source, L[C, has a much smaller staff which consisted of four {4) people from 2008 untif 2014 and only five (5) people in 2015. Not only are we not open on weekends, but we were only openk days on Fridays. As mentioned above, the utility bills seemed extremely high for such a small space with limited equipment and employees which is why we asked Avista to research the situation back in 2(D8. When Avista advised us that everything was correct, we then contacted the owner of the building, MICA CREE( LLC and expressed our concerns. As a regult, they had extra insulation put in to see if this would help with the high utility bills. The utility bills never changed and now we can see why since the benefit was likely realized by the neighboring office. Tofurther clarifu obove item #3 ond il4: ln September, 2015 North ldaho Home Health vacated their office suite when they relocated to another location and when we received our October 2015 statement, our average billing went from $200+/- per month to S50+/- per month. We again contacted Avista Utilities to express our concerns. On Thursday, October 22, 2015, they sent their utility personnel out to check the meter. At that time, they again verified that the meters were in working order and once again advised that everything was in order. Basically, it was the same response we received from them in 2008. I strongly disagreed with their analysis and we once again contacted Avista and expressed our concerns - they scheduled a second inspection for Tuesday, October 27 ,20L5 whereby the Avista utility personnel conducted a test of the meters in both suites {our suite and the now vacant suite which was formerly occupied by North ldaho Home Health). They instructed us to shut all our electric equipment off prior to their coming out in the morning and upon their arrival and we had our staff member-Amy Adkinron on sight to assist and confirm that the test was actually conducted. They instructed her to stay upstairs in our office while they activated the electrical panel. It was determined by this physical testing of the meters that in fact, the meter to our business and the business next door to us (North ldaho Home Health) were crossed; thereby, creating a major billing error. We were assured that they would correct the issue and that we would be adjusted for any overpayments. Attachment A Decision Memorandum Page2 of7 ln Sun,tmarv: The end result is that we were being bllled for North ldaho Home Health's usage for the entire time we occupied our office starting April, 2008. The utility personnel said they would report this to their billing department and request that we be reimbursed for the overages we had been charged. We received a letter dated November 13,2015 from Avista Utilities stating that a recent investigatlon of the electric metering equipment revealed that the meter was mixed with another address. Our account was credited in the amount of $1,866.20 for 18510 lqwhs billed between L0l2l20l2 andS/312015. (5ee attached Exhiblt B). There war nothing included to show how they arrived at their calculations and they only went back 36 months. Although iDAPA37.27,07, Sedlon 2M and Section 61-642 indicate the timeframe for restitution ls 35 months, this appears to be more ln line with the maximum amount of time a Utility Company may seek restitution from a customer tor "Errors in Preporation [of biilinq stotementsl - Mallunctlons fin equipment] - Foilure to Bill. Not only is thir not the case in this situation, but the fact of the matter is that we did bring this to Avista's attention back in 2008 and they did not take the time or the initiative to properly research this situation. They had complete control of the situation with futl access to evaluate the meter wlring and the ability to compare the two office ruite billing data upon our initial request in 2008. lnstead, thelr only initiative was to check for the functionality of the meter itself. Slnce Aprilof 2008, we have paid a totalof 519,219 to Avista which actually represents the adjacent space's billing and as detailed below, their space is 70fi of the ovenll square footage. It would appear that such problems are not uncommon and 5tate Utility Commissions and Governlng officials do have the ability to allow for remediation beyond the typical period established within state statutes. For eromgle, in Grucc Edwords vs. Conaedleut Llght ond Power, the contumer wos oworded rcstllutlon lor 25 yeon ol overchorges when lt wos determincd thot odditionol items were lnconectly connected to her Meten As onother example, therc have been so mony such lnstoacet tn the State of New Yorlt whercby ronsumcns were harmed by Ucillty Compony cron thot the laws were changed to give eonsument the obilp to seek restitutbn lor the octuol omount at time they were finonclally hormed. to thclr statemerrt: f ",r,., "r*o coused by loulty wlre connettions, lncorrcct cornputotiont, lnstollotiod mishaps or othrr rirtrf., oftu) I continue lor ycon without deteclion, the blll soys. Even when o utility compony oc*nowlcdges the enor and con I I account lor the dmount olthe mlstoke, thc tlobtlU tslor [o limited period, according to curr.nc stote rtotut?r. I I "f,i, .rrr", on lnequitable situotion whereby a customar con provs tbe overchorge lor a longer pertod ol ttme, but I L-'*"';'::";:,,;:::l::,;:;;i,tr:"1:.:.':;::;tr#,;i:;",r:::::T,:x:;":i";::'H::!"'*'', ) Anachment A Decision Memorandum Page 3 of7 Our request is simple. We have. in good fath. substantially overpaid for our utility services since 2008 when Avista failed to properly research the problem after our initial complaint; therefore, we feelwe should not be encumbered by the 35 month period. We are requesting that Avista Utilities make available the actual billing information from April 2008 to December 2015 for our actual usage gg3! we are requesting for the commission to set aside the 36 month review period due to the unique circumstances and require Avista Utilities to promptly refund to us the full amount overpaid. We not requesting interest on the amount due; however, we are requesting that they issue us a refund check lnstead of a credit on the account. * "Also, Avista Utilities bills us not only for the electrical portion of our utilities, but also for the gas portion of our utilities. We have asked for the gas meter to also be checked and thus far, this has not been addressed. We are requesting that Avista check to ensure that the gas meters are not also incorrectly wired. As a small business owner, I can assure you that keeping every expense in line is critical, especially for a small business in the Mortgage lndustry (such as ours) whlch has endured decreased revenue overthe past 1O years due to the realestate market. I appreciate your time and consideration in this matter and should you have any questions or need any additional information. please do not hesitate to contact me. Daniel Klein, ldaho Utilities Compliance lnvestigator (via email) Ra0l Rafael Labrador, tdaho Congressman 1n District (hand delivered) CC: YOUR EQWTY SOURCE YES Mort*ase, NMIS tF3O79 2426 N. Meni* Creek Loop, Suite A Coetr d'Nene, ID 83814 208-664-9260 PHONE 208-667-8516 Filr Attachment A Decision Memorandum Page 4 of? 13,483 squore foot Closs A office spoce locoted in beouti{ul Merritt Creek Office Pork with in Riverstone Pngp-rnw Dsralus . Built-in reception oreo ' Copy / Supply Room Breok room 4 lorge privote offices a I a a . Lorge office oreo for cubicols Lower level conference room Secured file storoge Cosey Brqzil 248.770.2s95 cosepbrozil@khco.com Josh Beebe, SIOR 208.699.7980 iosh.beebe@khco.com KTEMLE & HAGOOpCOMP.{NY 208.770.2590 Attachment A ti:cc-com o."irion rtiurorandum tB Page 5 of7 Cosey Brnzil 208.77A.2s95 cosey. b rozil@khco.com Josh Beebe, SIOR Attachment A z0B.7r0.ts90 i?f,:f3J;"&t-?co.corn #;; il;;orandum krrco''loo ' r' -ttror! t ry.mltD $Es, t fiara, r nlt I (F* t ltryqJ 3m a ffi d- ffi brs Jr r-:': :';"ll..P;:jg*f if f"f ffi:*:*":*,ffi'7.t j:Tifi-,. .firy-.*B, 1..r._ n .r _ -,:d&,^ a;rfl,s *fr\r*1lff* Exilmr B November L3,2015 Your Equity Source 2426 N Merritt Creek Loop Ste A Coeur d'Alene lD 83814 Account Number 5558810000 Dear Your Equity Source, A recent investigation of the electric metering equipment at2426 N Merrit Creek Loop Ste A revealed that the meter was mixed with another address. We have credited your account 51866,20 for 18510 kwhs billed between 10/212012and 8l3l20Ls. lf you have any questions, please contact our office. Avista Customer Service Representatives are available to assist you Monday through Friday 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. and Saturday 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. at (800t.227-9187. You can also visit us at www.avistautilities.com. Sincerely, Tnq onl-Y trtol"red 3 qefr(s- v)e'JL bten h\111-{- ai^,er- kPr; t 1008 5o t+.r,r*r 5lro"! olbe- k Creo(.i 6 r d''l' o+l*L Lt .{enrS . ft{r, , *'tnu*'s ,n),W nr, *L /^, , irJftich ig o 't cl 5i',-t' *t.,r,k hry ^. ,3- r,,trrr" f#";:,'if4,^ b f lvre in o,-,tr of| i <t .Attachment A Decision Memorandum Page 7 of7 UTILITY CUSTOMER RELATIONS RULES IDAPA 3I.2T.01 204. INACCURATXLY BILLED SERYICE IINDER CORRECT TARIFF SCHEDULE _ FAILURE TO BILL FOR SERYICE (Rulc 204). 01. Errors in Preparation - Malfunctions - Failure to Bill. Whenever the billing for utility service was not accurately determined for reasons such as a meter malfunctioned or failed, bills were estimated, metering equipment was incorrectly installed or programmed, or bills were inaccurately prepared, the utility shall prepare a corrected billing. If the utility has failed to bill a customer for service, the utility shall prepare a bill for the period during which no bill was provided. (4-2-08) 02. Rebilling Time Period.(4-2-08) a. If the time rvhen the malfunction or error began or the time rvhen the utility began to fail to bill for service cannot be reasonably determined to have occurred within a specific billing period, the corrected billings shall not exceed the most recent six (6) months before the discovery of the malfunction, error, or failure to bill.(4-2-08) b. If the time when the malfunction, error, or failure to bill began can be reasonably determined and the utility determines the customer was overcharged, the corrected billings shall go back to that time, but not to exceed three (3) years from the time the error or malfunction occurred as provided by Section 6l-642,ldaho Code.(4-2-08) c. If the time when the malfunction or error can be reasonably determined and the utility determines the customer was undercharged, the utility may rebill for a period of six (6) months unless a reasonable person should have knorvn of the inaccurate billing, in which case the rebilling may be extended for a period not to exceed three (3) years. Utilities shall implement procedures designed to monitor and identi$ customers who have not been billed or who have been inaccurately billed.(4-2-08) 03. Refunds. The utility shall promptly prepare a corrected billing indicating the refund due to the customer and issue a credit on the customer's next bill. Any remaining credit balance shall be credited against future bills unless the customer, after notice from the utility, requests a refund. The utility shall advise the customer of the option to have any remaining credit balance refunded to the customer.(4-2-08) 04. Additional Payments. The utility shall promptly prepare a corrected billing for a customer who has been undercharged indicating the amount owed to the utility. An unbilled or undercharged customer shall be given the opportunity to malce payment anangements under Rule 313 on the amount due. At the customer's option, the term of the payment iurangement may extend for the length of time that the underbilling accrued or the customer rvas not billed. (4-2-08) [Adopted as Rule 8.2 and 8.3, O.N. 17744; amended and recodified, G.O. 177.] Statutory Reference: Idaho Code $ 6l-642. Cross-Reference: Rules 005, 203, 313. Anachment B Decision Memorandum YES Mortgage Locol Morlgoge Experls January 25,20t6 ldaho Public Utilities Commission 472W. Washington Boise; lda ho 837 20-007 4 Attn: Ms. Jean Jewell, Commission Secretary Via email: jean.jewell@puc.idaho.gov ldaho Public Utilities Con,;i,s;to,r Office of the SecretarvRECEIVED JAN 2 5 20t6 Boise, ldaho RE: Avisto Utilities / Vio USPS Prlorlty Moil Addendum to Letter Dated 72-29-2075 Dear Ms. Jewell, On December 29,2OL5,1 submitted to you a letter of complaint against Avista Utilities for erroneously billing us for another company's usage for over seven (7) years. I would like to take this opportunity to address a portion of my request whereby I asked to see the actual bllling information for the usage we should have been paying for the past seven (7) years so that we could determine the actual difference, Last week I did receive this information, as noted below, and as you can see, the difference is substantial: 2008-2015 Amount Paid by YOUR EqUlTY SOURCE (This amount was incorrectly billed to us) 2008-2015 Amount Billed to adjacent office (This is the actual billing for YOUR EqUlry SOURCE) Amount of overpavment by YOUR EQUITY SOURCE s19,219.00 s10.196.06 $g,ozz.gq The error created by Avista whereby they billed us for electric usage for another Business created a situation where we were paying 88% more than our actual usage. This may not seem like a large amount; however, as a small buslness wlth less than 5 employees, this ls a signlficant difference. As stated in my previous letter, our request is simple. We have, ln eood faith, substantially overpaid for our utility services since 2008 when Avista failed to properly research the problem after our initial complaint; therefore, we feel we should not be encumbered by the 36 month period. We are requesting that Avista Utilities promptly refund to us the full amount overpaid (as noted above), We are not requesting interest on the amount due; however, we are requesting that they issue us a refund check instead of a credit on the account. *Also, we have still not had any communication regarding the gas portion of the bllling; therefore, we are requesting that Avista research to ensure that the gas mete/s are not also lncorrectly billed. I appreciate your time and consideration in this matter and should you have any questions or need any additlonal lnformatlon, please do not hesitate to contact me. (\.tt,\ MelE. Wach Owner YES Mortgage, NMLS #3079 2426 N. Merritt Creek Loop, Suite A Coeur d'Alene, lD 83814 208-664-9260 PHONE 208-667-8516 FAX