HomeMy WebLinkAbout20160201Summons.pdfldaho Public Utilities Commission P.0. Box &l7n, Bolse, l0 8i172Ht074 C.L Butch Otter, Govemo Paul Kicllandcr, Commlssloner Kristine Rapcr, Commissioncr Eric Andcrson, Commbsioncr February 1,2016 Via Certified Mail Linda Gervais Manager, Regulatory Policy Avista Corporation dba Avista Utilities 1411 E. Mission Ave. Spokane, WA99220 Re: Case No. AVU-E-16-02 Dear Ms. Gervais: Enclosed please find a Summons and Complaint issued against Avista Utilities. As directed in the Summons, you are to file a written answer or motion in defense of said Complaint with this Commission within 2l days of the service date on the Summons. Your answer or response to the written Complaint should be in a narrative form, and should address the four areas of inquiry identified in the Summons. To assist you in preparing your response, I have also enclosed a copy of Staff s Decision Memorandum and an Addendum filed by the complainant on January 25,2016. Sincerely, ,''k ^L J{in D. Jewell Commission Secretary Enclosures Cc: Mel E. Wach, Complainant, Your Equity Source, Yes Mortgage 472 WestWashington Street, Boise lD 83702 Telephone: (208) 334-mm Facsimile (2m) $4-3762 Office of the Secretary February l,2016 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Mel E. Wach, Owner, Yes Mortgage Complainant,SUMMONS CASE NO. AVU.E.I6.O2YS. Avista Corporation dba Avista Utilities, Respondent. THE STATE OF IDAHO SENDS GREETINGS TO TIIE ABOVE-NAMED RESPONDENT. YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that a Complaint has been filed with the Idaho Public Utilities Commission by the above-named Complainant; and YOU ARE HEREBY DIRECTED to file a written answer or written motion in defense of said Complaint within twenty-one (21) days of the service date of this Summons; the answer or motion in defense should respond to the following areas of inquiry: l. Is there evidence (e.g. screen shots of notations in Complainant's account record) of contact by Complainant to Avista: a. from June through September 2008? b. from September through October 2015? If so, please provide and./or describe. 2. Is there evidence that Avista sent a technician to service Complainant's meter in 2008? If so, please provide and/or describe what the technician did, and what assurances, if any, were made to Complainant regarding Complainant's concerns. 3. Does the reimbursement proposed or offered by Avista to Complainant include interest from the date of original collection? 4. Is Avista aware of, or does it have any, evidence that Complainant had insulation installed at Complainant's service-site? YOU ARE FURTHER NOTIFIED that unless you do so within the time herein specified, the Idaho Public Utilities Commission may take such action against you as is prayed for in the Complaint or as it deems appropriate under Title 61 of the ldaho Code. WITI\ESS my hand and the seal of the Idatro Public Utilities Commission this E- day of February,20L6.