HomeMy WebLinkAbout20160222Respondent Answer.pdfAvista Corp.l4ll East Mission P.O.Box3727 Spokane. Washington 99220-0500 Telephone 509-489-0500 Toll Free 800-727-9170 February 19,2016 State of Idaho Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472W. Washington St. Boise,ID 83702-5983 Attention: Ms. Jean Jewell, Secretary RE: AVU-E-I6-02, Avista Response to Summons Issued February 1,2016 Dear Ms. Jewell: ,.:- ,.-i Iirf IJ Lr. =.H U}C'U,oz. !\aq 6frgfr N, C)r\) I!4fic,rE, a Enclosed is an original and seven (7) copies of Avista's response to the Summons issued on February 1,2016 in Docket AW-E-16-02 regarding the formal complaint filed by Mel E. Wactr" owner of Yes Mortgage. Please contact myself at the number below or Shawn Bonfield at (509) 495-2782 with any questions related to this filing. /Sincerely, //l-lAhlryb" Manager of Regulatory Policy Avista utilities linda. gervais@ avistacom. com 509-495-4975 Enclosures David Meyer Vice President, Chief Counsel, Regulatory and Govemmental Affairs Avista Corporation l4l I East Mission Ave. Spokane, WA99202 Phone: (509) 495-4316 Fa:r: (509) 495-8851 david.meyer@avistacorp. com Mel E. Wach, Owner, Yes Mortgage Complainant, vs. AVISTA UTILITIES, Respondent. R[CEIVED 2$l[Ffil22 Al'1 9:51 r,.!,,1| !^' - , '-1 , 1-1r,,I ti i',': I i,cr:il,il3si0N BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMN/flSSION CASE NO. AVU-E-I6-02 RESPONSE OF AVISTA CORPORATION Avista Corporation ("Avista" or "Company") hereby submits its response to the Idaho Public Utilities Commission's ("Commission") Summons dated February l, 2016 regarding the "Formal Complaint of Mel E. Wach, Owner of Yes Mortgage ("the Customer or Yes Mortgage") Against Avista Utilities." The Company appreciates the opportunity to respond to the complaint filed by the Customer. I. Introduction The Customer, in his letter to the Commission dated December 29,2015, stated his desire to file a formal complaint against the Company seeking a refund for incorrect billings from the period of April 2008 to August 2015. Yes Mortgage began receiving service from Avista in April 2008. In October 2015 it was identified that the electric meter installed at Yes Mortgage's AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE IN AW.E.I6.O2 Page I premise had been switched with the premise adjacent to his. As a result, Yes Mortgage was essentially overbilled from April 2008 to October 2015, as they were paying for electric usage from the neighboring premise, which was in fact higher usage than their actual usage. Per the requirements outlined in rule 204.02.b of the Commission's Utility Customer Relations Rules (IDAPA 31.21.01), Avista provided a refund of $1,866.20 for overbillings dating back to 2012 or 36 months as allowed per the rule. Yes Mortgage acknowledges that the period of remediation is 36 months as detailed in the rule mentioned above, however, they are seeking a refund for the billing period of April 2008 - August 2012 for the following reasons described in their formal complaint: l. This is not a situation of a simple billing error, a malfunction in the meter/other equipment, or a failure to bill but rather it is a situation where we have been billed for another company's usage for over seven (7) years. 2. In this situation, after several months of high bills, Yes Mortgage contacted Avista in August 2008 to address my concerns regarding what they considered to be extremely high bills. Avista responded by sending a technician out to investigate the situation and assured the Customer that everything was in order. 3. In September 2015, the neighboring office, North Idaho Home Health, vacated their office when they moved to another location and Yes Mortgage's bills dramatically decreased. It was obvious to the Customer there was an issue so they contacted Avista. Avista came out and once again, advised that there were no issues; the meter and equipment were performing correctly. 4. In October 2015, Yes Mortgage again contacted Avista and asked that they look at this situation further as there was obviously an issue. It was discovered that the AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE IN AVU-E-16-02 Page2 two (2) meters were incorrectly registered at Avista whereby the Customers usage was being billed to North Idaho Home Health and their usage was being billed to the customer. There was a difference not only in the office square feet, but in the number of employees; therefore, the error negatively affected the Customer for over seven (7) years. 5. If Avista had properly researched the issue back in 2008 when it was first brought to their attention, this situation could have been resolved back then; therefore, we should not be penalized due to their failure to properly address the situation. II. Historv of the Dispute On October 15,2015, Yes Mortgage contacted the Company requesting that the meter at their location be checked to see if it had been switched with the neighboring premises meter. A field representative from the Company's electric meter shop went to the Customer's location on October 27,2015 to check for switched electic meters. During that field visit, the representative identified that the electric meters at the Customer's premise and the neighboring premise were indeed switched. On October 21, 2016 a natural gas field representative confirmed that the natural gas meters at the premises were correctly assigned to each premise, therefore the Customer was correctly billed for their natural gas usage. Upon confrming that the Customer's electric meter was switched with the neighboring premise, the Company then calculated the amount the customer had been overbilled from October 2012,36 months prior to the discovery of the issue, to July 31't 2015. From July 31, 2015 to the date the error was discovered, the Customer was actually being underbilled as usage from the neighboring premise that they were being billed for was less than their actual usage. AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE IN AW-E-16.02 Page 3 From October 2,2012 through August 3,2015, the Customer was billed $6,268.20 for 58,101 kWhs, but should have been billed $4,402.00 for 39,591 kWhs. The Company issued a refund for the amount of $1,866.20 on November 13, 2015 for the amount which they were overbilled during the prior 36 months from the time the error was identified. Also, on November 13,2015 a field technician corrected the switched electric meters. The following table provides a suflrmary of the billings for Yes Mortgage and the neighboring premise from April 2008 through July 2015, along with the refrrnd already provided to Yes Mortgage. Yes Mortgage April 2008 - July 2015 Billed Amount Neighboring Premise April 2008 - July 2015 Billed Amount Amount of Overbilling Amount of Overbilling Refunded from October 2OL2 - October 2015 Amount Not Refunded per IDAPA 3L.21.0L, Rule 204.02.b 577,L48.22 S10,196.01 SG,952.18 s1,866.20 Ss,08s.gg In the Customer's formal complaint they are seeking the remaining amount of $5,085.98 that they were overbilled to be refunded, however, this amount is outside of the allowable remediation period of 36 months described in rule 204.02.b of the Commission's Utility Customer Relations Rules (IDAPA 31.21.01). III. Additional Information In the Summons issued on February 1,2016, the Company was asked to respond to the following questions. l. Is there evidence (e.g. screen shots of notations in Complainant's account record) of contact by complainant to Avista: a. from June through September 2008? AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE IN AVU.E.I6.O2 Page 4 The Company does not have evidence of contact by the Complainant to the Company, including screen shots or notations, from June through September 2008. If the Customer contacted the Company due to concerns over high bills, the Company would have sent a technician to the Customer's location, as described by the Customer, to test the meter and ensure it was reading accwately. At that time, the technician would have no indication that the meter at the Customer's premise and the neighboring premise could have switched as the Company is not responsible for the wiring of the building where the premises are located. b. from September through October 2015? If so, please provide and/or describe. The Company has no evidence of contact by the Complainant to the Company in September of 2015. The first contact on file of the Customer contacting Avista regarding a concern of switched meters at their location was on October 15,2015. Below are screen shots of notations and activities on the Customer's account from September through October 2015. Screen Shot #1 - Customer Contact from October 15,2015 lzsreamooo V Your Equity Source - Prinmry: ffCI8) 664-9260 Open User iD htrls-rols I /[o]o3PM I Held Ui,ork V FLDWRK '{ FtsH vtbrk NlelWach - 56588100t10-2426 N l*rlent Creek Loop Ste A, CDA-ID r,,uanted to deckfor svstched nEters. Rernemher to deleted shieH cdlectims once investigation b onpleted. AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE IN AW-E-I6-02 Page 5 Screen Shot #2 - Natural Gas Field Activity created as a result of Customer contact on October 15,2015 Screen Shot #3 - Electric Field Activity created as a result of Customer contact on October 15,2015 AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE IN AVU-E-16-02 Page 6 @-- ResHenthlcaScyde Day 3/Route 030909/2426 N MERRTTTCREK LooP STEA, n.rry coEuR DALEI,IE, ID. 93914/Connected Ffrz G$llrvesigtesrdtdred tdeter Cre*ed on 10-15-1015 03:01PM by u*r t {F3843.Fffiir-/@- Conpleted lrrrny so v Etigibte for Dispatch . No FieH Order Infonration p:rao+Intermdiate Status lm*inUserEnRoute il7] @l ld Uhdr O U7-51$82S, le mrff fcto be here rrlren you dreck mter. Thb b bcEted ln Rirer Storn iHrhd ldalro IndepenM Banh hc be&veo B pryfBfc $rfre B. if tr2f-20f S vetrhd ryae A and rer * Xl8t71 ue mtnect€d Cdfrrnd wilh It[ AH ok on gE Cde[ E FrArmm Non Resfilenthl Eedrfircyc{e Day 3fioute 030909P426 N ITGRRITT CREEK LOOP SIE A, COEUR DALENE, ID, 83814/Connected E$lrwestlgate $nltched MTHflrfrted Wirhg Creted on 10-1$2015 03:03PM [t user l-AF3&*3. FEIEffis- / Foolll-Res*edule Reasn Eligible for Dispatrh Ntptfno No FieH Orderlfifonmtbn Intermdiate Status I nate trtoriro bv uaoro lv m Conpleted lenary m FrAroo v. F33sos @l }thl tmdr O 7zFIlS$lSq, he ulotfl Io to be here r*en you dre* rntea Thb b b6ted hr Rler Store fdohotn@delt Bamli, hc bekee b pryingffr$m B. 1{F27-2O15 iltrs TriU6270 (Rd f,m04 ild Tr2r0ffir $d 2lS8) wre arffrcd.; Screen Shot #4 - Customer Contact from November 412015 (ustcrner Contact [nfo Your Equty Sourcg BdlinglBilhg, Contacted 11-04-2015 PersonID €You E+ity Sqrc - Prinry: (208) 664-960 Preferred dontact f,lethod T----- Vl Coniart DaterTime Cortat Class ConiaciTvpe Coflrflrents Reiated Letter Screen Shot #5 - Notation on Customer account regarding conclusion of bill correction analysis Custcme. Contaci Info Your Equty Source, Biflhg/Swtched Heter, Contacted 11-13-2015 Per:onID €Your EquitySoura -Primary: (Zts) 66{4260 Billmg V q, l1r{+ro1sl / [0tu1+]l I ]6ll-{a;lE fuie|5658810000 2426 N Merritt creek- Cust wanted to know when he was going to get his credt - I talked to billlng, they sail it can take a few weeks. He asked if he Ls going to get crediied for 6 years. - I toH him we haven't fgured out what side of the fence he is on yet Whether he pd fiiore thiln what he u€s suppoge to or hss. - I let hlm know we will contact him as s(x)fl as we know. Op, ultPr-eferred Contaci r"lethod Contact ilaie.,'Time (ontact Class Contert Tvpe Cc,tr,rmentg Related Leiter In Flu-mlsl I [o*ooAi4 I Biillir€V q Swit*rcdu:Er H SA A - }rtllrC Egbrl, ersuidGd ty A,iS. Core t{ llenitt Creek Loop Ste lr/acct 5658810000 Per FA 233808 on t012712015 electric meter r4as swtched wlth acct 3298870000 (2426 N MenEt ffeek Loop Ste B)...customer w?s overbiled untllSte B wcatedTl3LlLS, bted $6268.20 from L0lzlLZ to 8/3/2015 for 58101 knrhs & *touH have been billed *4402.00 for 39591 kwhs. Credl[ed difference of S1866.20, letter sent to custorner to advise, ennfud GIS 2. Is there evidence that Avista sent a technician to service Complainant's meter in 2008? If so, please provide and/or describe what the technician did, and what assurances, if any, were made to Complainant regarding Complainant's concerns. Please see response to Question No.l above. 3. Does the reimbursement proposed or offered by Avista to Complainant include interest from the date of original collection? The refund provided to the customer in the amount of $1,866.20 does not include interest. AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE IN AW-E-I6-02 PageT tiltE[ v 4. Is Avista aware of, or does it have any, evidence that Complainant had insulation installed at Complainant's service-site? The Company is not aware nor does it have any evidence that the Complainant had insulation installed at their location. IV. Efforts to Resolve As described above, the Company attempted to resolve this issue promptly after being contacted by the Customer and identifying that the meter at their location was indeed switched with the neighboring premise. The Company issued a refund for the time period allowed per rule 204.02.b of the Commission's Utility Customer Relations Rules (IDAPA 31.21.01). Y. Proposed Outcome The Company has provided Yes Mortgage a refund for the overbilling they experienced as required in rule 204.02.b of the Commission's Utility Customer Relations Rules (IDAPA 31.21.01). There was no way for the Company to know that the meters were switched in this situation as both premises involved were occupied from April 2008 through July 2015 and the meters were accurately recording usage. The Company understands the Customer's concerns and desire to seek a refund back to the time they moved into their location, however the Company has resolved the issue in accordance with rule 204.02.b of the Commission's Utility Customer Relations Rules (IDAPA 31.21.01). As a result, the Company respectfully requests that the Commission deem Avista's efforts to resolve this dispute to be sufficient and otherwise dismiss this complaint. AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE IN AW-8.16.02 Page 8 Respectfully submitted this 19 day of February 2016. AVISTA CORPORATION Lr"o^74zr-or rt" DAVID MEYE& Vice President, Chief Counsel, Regulatory and Government Affairs AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE IN AW-8.16.02 Page 9