HomeMy WebLinkAbout20150831Avista 2015 IRP Appendices.pdf2015 Electric Integrated Resource Plan August 31, 2015 Appendices Table of Contents Appendix A – Technical Advisory Committee Presentations (Page 1) Technical Advisory Committee Meeting 1 (Page 2) Technical Advisory Committee Meeting 2 (Page 68) Technical Advisory Committee Meeting 3 (Page 178) Technical Advisory Committee Meeting 4 (Page 263) Technical Advisory Committee Meeting 5 (Page 381) Technical Advisory Committee Meeting 6 (Page 520) Appendix B – 2015 Work Plan (Page 558) Appendix C – AEG Studies (Page 568) Demand Response Study (Page 569) Conservation Potential Assessment (Page 647) Appendix D – Avista Generation Energy Efficiency Studies (Page 779) Boulder Park Generation Facility (Page 780) Cabinet Gorge Hydroelectric Dam (Page 794) Coyote Springs 2 Thermal Generating Facility (Page 798) Kettle Falls Generating Facility (Page 814) Little Falls Generating Facility (Page 826) Long Lake Hydroelectric Dam (Page 833) Nine Mile Hydroelectric Dam (Page 856) Northeast Combustion Turbine (Page 860) Noxon Rapids Hydroelectric Dam (Page 865) Post Falls Hydroelectric Dam (Page 868) Post Street/Upper Falls Hydroelectric Facilities (Page 874) Rathdrum Combustion Turbine (Page 883) Appendix E – Transmission (Page 889) New Resource Table for Transmission (Page 890) Avista System Planning 2014 IRP Interconnection Study (Page 891) 2015 Electric Integrated Resource Plan Appendix A – 2015 Technical Advisory Committee Presentations 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 1 2015 Electric Integrated Resource Plan Technical Advisory Committee Meeting No. 1 Agenda Thursday, May 29, 2014 Conference Room 428 Topic Time Staff Introductions 8:30 Kalich TAC Meeting Expectations 8:35 Lyons 2013 IRP Commission Acknowledgements 9:00 Kalich Break 10:00 2013 Action Plan Update 10:15 Gall Energy Independence Act Compliance 11:30 Gall/Lyons Lunch 12:00 Pullman Energy Storage Project 1:00 Gibson Demand Response Study Discussion 1:30 Kalich Break 2:00 Draft 2015 Electric IRP Work Plan 2:15 Lyons Adjourn 3:00 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 2 2015 Electric IRP TAC Meeting Expectations John Lyons, Ph.D. First Technical Advisory Committee Meeting May 29, 2014 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 3 Integrated Resource Planning • The Integrated Resource Plan (IRP): • Required by Idaho and Washington every other year • Guides resource strategy over the next two years • Resource procurements over the next 20 years – Preferred Resource Strategy (PRS) • Snapshot of the current and projected load & resource position 2 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 4 Integrated Resource Planning (Cont) • Based on significant modeling and many assumptions – Fuel prices – Economic activity – Policy considerations – Resource costs – Energy efficiency • Action Items – areas for more research in the next IRP • This is not an advocacy forum • Not a forum on a particular resource or resource type • Supports rate recovery, but not a preapproval process 3 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 5 Technical Advisory Committee • The public process piece of the IRP – input on what to study, how to study, and review of assumptions and results • Wide range of participants in all or some of the process • Open forum, but we need to stay on topic to get through the agenda • Welcome requests for studies or different assumptions. – Time or resources may limit the amount of studies we can do – The earlier study requests are made, the more accommodating we can be • Planning team is also available by email or phone for questions or comments between the TAC meetings 4 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 6 Expectations • Avista: – Input about assumptions and areas to study – Six TAC meetings with set agendas that can change based on input. Topics will be covered later today in the Draft Work Plan. • TAC Members: What are your expectations? 5 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 7 2013 IRP Commission Acknowledgements Clint Kalich First Technical Advisory Committee Meeting May 29, 2014 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 8 Idaho Acceptance Order (32980) • No Public Comments • Comments by ICL, SRA, and SC/MEIC – Concerns with Colstrip costs and risk analysis • Regional haze, GHG regulation, prevention of significant deterioration, ambient air quality standards, mercury and air toxics, coal combustion waste, coal costs – Request more analysis of Colstrip replacement options – Too much natural gas in the plan – Changes to net metering rules are not necessary 2 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 9 Idaho Acceptance Order (32980) • Comments by IPUC Staff – Accept IRP as filed – Additional analysis of net metering and impacts on system – Closely monitor load growth for 2015 IRP given significant decrease between 2011 and 2013 IRPs – More detailed analysis around selected planning margin – More description of rationale for arriving at Conservation Achievable Potential Savings 3 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 10 Idaho Acceptance Order (32980) • Idaho Commission Order – Accept 2013 IRP as filed – Encourage commenters to actively participate in 2015 IRP – Consider and discuss concerns and suggestions offered by commenters – Continue exploring demand response – Continue to monitor federal environmental regulations, and their impacts on planning – Monitor actual load growth for 2015 IRP 4 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 11 Washington Acceptance Letter • No Public Comments • Commission – Evaluate value of risk mitigation when choosing among competing resource strategies. Provide justification of the choice of the PRS, including desired level of portfolio risk –Re-evaluate planning margin – Investigate modeling energy efficiency as a selectable and scalable resource within the IRP (PRiSM) – Incorporate a non-zero carbon value in the Expected Case – Continue evaluating Colstrip, including rate impacts of a hypothetical portfolio absent them – Evaluate the benefits of storage to Avista’s generation portfolio 5 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 12 Idaho Acknowledgement Order Specifics 6 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 13 Washington Acceptance Letter Specifics 7 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 14 2013 IRP Action Plan Update James Gall First Technical Advisory Committee Meeting May 29, 2014 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 15 Action Items- A Progress Report Existing Resources Identifying Need Demand Forecasting Supply Side Options Policy Implications Demand Side Options Evaluation Resource Selection Transmission 2 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 16 Demand Forecasting • Review and update the energy forecast methodology to better integrate economic, regional, and weather drivers of energy use. – Move from 30-year average temperatures to 20-year moving average – Integration of U.S. industrial production as an economic driver – Discuss the relationship between energy demand and population, energy pricing, income, and family size 3 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 17 Existing Resources • Continue to evaluate scenarios related to Colstrip and how each scenario may impact power supply costs. – Avista will update its 2013 IRP scenarios and consider other scenarios later in the process • Evaluate options to integrate intermittent resources. – As part of the storage RFP, we will get information regarding demand side options (to be discussed later) – Avista is part of the Energy Imbalance Market (EIM) process – Avista is developing a 1 MW storage project to test this benefit (to be discussed later) 4 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 18 Identifying Need • Evaluate the benefits of a short-term (up to 24-months) capacity position report. – Avista will implement this report this summer for single hour and sustained peak events – Report will integrate short-term planning and long-term capacity planning • Revisit with the TAC the benefits and costs of the Company’s 2013 IRP planning margin target to determine if a different level is warranted in the 2015 IRP. – Current method is 14% of peak load plus operating reserves & regulation – To be discussed at future TAC meeting 5 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 19 Policy Implications • Continue monitoring state and federal climate change policies and report work from Avista’s Climate Change Council. –Gov. Inslee’s executive order and the EPA’s Emission Performance Standards are current climate change initiatives • Evaluate and explicitly document various options for quantifying carbon costs in the IRP – For discussion at future TAC meeting • Work with TAC to determine which carbon quantification method should be employed in the Expected Case of the 2015 IRP – Washington Order requires a non-zero carbon cost – For discussion at future TAC meeting 6 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 20 Supply Side Options • Consider Spokane and Clark Fork River hydro upgrade options in the next IRP as potential resource options to meet energy, capacity and environmental requirements. – To be included as resource options in 2015 plan • Continue to evaluate potential locations for the natural gas-fired resource identified to be online by the end of 2019, including environmental reviews, transmission studies, and potential land acquisition. – Avista is working to identify potential locations • Use Avista’s new modeling capabilities to further evaluate the benefits of storage resources to its generation portfolio, including the impacts on ancillary services needs. – Avista is in process of modeling storage in its new portfolio optimization tool 7 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 21 Demand Side • Work with NPCC, commissions, and others to resolve adjusted market baseline issues for setting energy efficiency target setting and acquisition claims in Washington – Completed in December 2013 and is discussed in the 2014-15 WA Biennial Conservation Plan • Update processes and protocols for conservation measurement, evaluation and verification – The third party evaluator “Cadmus” completed the study and will be filed May 30th as part of the 2012-13 compliance/ cost recovery/ prudence case in Washington 8 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 22 Demand Side (Continued) • Commission a demand response potential and cost assessment of commercial and industrial customers per its inclusion in the middle of the PRS action plan – RFP to be released in June, to be discussed this afternoon • Assess energy efficiency potential on Avista’s generation facilities – This study is in process of this study and will be a presentation on the findings at a future TAC meeting 9 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 23 Transmission • Work to maintain Avista’s existing transmission rights, under applicable FERC policies, for transmission service to bundled retail native load • Continue to participate in BPA transmission processes and rate proceedings to minimize costs of integrating existing resources outside of Avista’s service area • Continue to participate in regional and sub-regional efforts to establish new regional transmission structures to facilitate long-term expansion of the regional transmission system • Study and quantify transmission and distribution efficiency projects as they apply to EIA goals – Navigant completed the study and will be filed May 30th as part of the 2012-13 compliance/ cost recovery/ prudence case in Washington 10 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 24 Evaluation • Continue participation in regional IRP and regional planning processes and monitor regional surplus capacity and continue to participate in regional capacity planning processes. – We participate in the NPCC’s 7th Plan, PNUCC, Regional IRPs • Evaluate the impacts of targeting individual or groups of energy efficiency options within PRiSM instead of targeting quantities using avoided cost –A test will be completed this summer using the 2013 IRP data to compare the methodologies. – The results will be discussed at a future TAC meeting along with a decision whether or not to use PRiSM or the current avoided cost methodology for the 2015 plan 11 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 25 Evaluation (Continued) • Evaluate with the TAC the impacts of different points along the efficient frontier. – For discussion at future TAC meeting 12 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 26 Energy Independence Act Compliance (Renewable Energy) James Gall and John Lyons, Ph.D. First Technical Advisory Committee Meeting May 29, 2014 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 27 The Energy Independence Act • RCW 19.285 or Initiative Measure No. 937 – Voted into Washington law November 2006 – Utilities with more than 25,000 customers qualify – Requires acquisition of all cost-effective conservation • Renewable energy goals – Based on a percentage of the two year average of Washington state retail sales – 3% by January 1, 2012 (166,047 MWh or 19 aMW) – 9% by January 1, 2016 (506,000 MWh or 57.8 aMW) – 15% by January 1, 2020 (867,000 MWh or 99 aMW) 2 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 28 Energy Independence Act • RCW 19.285 – The Energy Independence Act (EIA) or Initiative Measure No. 937 (I-937) • Requires utilities with over 25,000 customers to obtain 15% of their electricity from qualified renewable resources by 2020. • Qualified resources include solar, wind, hydro upgrades, biomass, and wave/ocean/tidal power. • Requires the acquisition of all cost-effective energy conservation. • I-937 approved by Washington voters on November 6, 2006. 3 3 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 29 Reporting Requirements Annual compliance report (WAC 480-109-040) is due annually by June 1st: • Report includes: background, alternative compliance (cost or low load growth), annual loads, renewable energy target for last year, current year progress, WREGIS certificates, incremental cost, and appendices • Appendix A – UTC Compliance Report Spreadsheet: details about eligible resources and renewable resource credits (RECs) • Appendix B – Incremental Cost Calculations • Appendices C, D and E – Clark Fork River, Spokane River and Wanapum Hydro Upgrade Calculations • Appendix F – Department of Commerce EIA Renewables Report 4 4 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 30 Ongoing Issues Active rulemaking by the Washington Commission and the Department of Commerce • Reporting issues – WREGIS and attestations • Incremental hydro quantities • Incremental cost calculation 5 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 31 Incremental Cost Calculation 6 • Incremental hydro filed as a zero incremental cost • Palouse wind: Incremental system cost- $8.2m – Washington Share: $5.4m • Idaho REC transfer: $350k • Total Washington Incremental Cost: $5.7m • 1.22% of Washington Revenue Requirement 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 32 2013 EIA Compliance MWh aMW Required Renewable Energy 166,740 19.0 Spokane River Long Lake #3 14,197 1.6 Little Falls #4 4,862 0.6 Clark Fork River Cabinet Gorge 2-4 95,333 10.8 Noxon Rapids 1-4 55,697 6.4 Wanapum Fish Bypass 21,927 2.5 Total Hydro Upgrades 192,016 21.9 Palouse Wind (Includes apprentice credit) 356,432 40.7 7 7 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 33 Avista’s Projected EIA Compliance 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 20 1 2 20 1 3 20 1 4 20 1 5 20 1 6 20 1 7 20 1 8 20 1 9 20 2 0 20 2 1 20 2 2 20 2 3 20 2 4 20 2 5 20 2 6 20 2 7 20 2 8 20 2 9 20 3 0 20 3 1 av e r a g e m e g a w a t t s RPS Compliance Position (Average Annual RECs) Qualifying Hydro Upgrades Qualifying Resources Purchased RECs Available Bank Requirement & Contingency Requirement 8 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 34 Energy Storage Proposal for Washington State Clean Energy Fund John Gibson First Technical Advisory Committee Meeting May 29, 2014 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 35 Agenda Washington Clean Energy Fund • Target Categories • Schedule • Avista Consortium Vanadium Flow Battery Energy Storage System Architecture Use Case Value Streams 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 36 Washington Clean Energy Fund Target Categories $15 Million in Total Funding: Preliminary discussions on funding: Avista; PSE; Snohomish PUD ✓Integrate intermittent renewable energy projects through energy storage and information technology (IT) ✓Demonstrate dispatch of energy storage resources from utility energy control centers -Use thermal properties and electric load of buildings or district energy systems to store energy ✓Improve reliability and reduce cost of intermittent or distributed energy resources 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 37 Washington Clean Energy Fund Schedule 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 38 Washington State Clean Energy Fund Avista Team Avista Consortium • UniEnergy Technologies – Vanadium Flow Battery • Pacific Northwest National Laboratory – Value Stream Methodology • Washington State University – Optimization Value Stream Algorithm 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 39 Vanadium Flow Battery Chemistry •Charging the Battery: –The electrical energy is converted into chemical energy stored in the vanadium ion tanks •Discharging the Battery: –The vanadium electrolytes are pumped into battery central stack –The chemical energy is converted into electrical energy by transferring electrons 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 40 Vanadium Flow Battery Performance •Can be quickly brought up to full power when needed – response time charge to discharge (50ms) •Offers a long cycle life > (UET: 10,000 cycles) •Energy efficiencies charge to discharge AC to AC 70% •Does not present a fire hazard and uses no highly reactive or toxic substances •Can sit idle for long periods of time without losing storage capacity 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 41 Vanadium Flow Battery Container 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 42 Vanadium Flow Battery System Footprint 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 43 Energy Storage System Architecture SCADA EMS DMS Value Engine Battery Control Vanadium Flow Battery Use Cases – Value Streams Automated FDIR and IVVC 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 44 Avista Smart Grid System Integration 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 45 Washington State Clean Energy Fund Use Cases - Value Streams •Transmission System •Distribution System •Micro-grid Operations •Maximizing the Total Value of Storage •Demand Response and Energy Storage 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 46 Use Case Bulk Power /Transmission System •Energy Shifting –The use case will demonstrate the following grid services: •Near-zero energy pricing market – abundant wind and water resource •General arbitrage instrument – charging during low-price discharging during high price •Provide Grid Flexibility –The use case will demonstrate the following grid services: •Regulation services and load following grid services – battery operational boundaries •Services for ramping and flex rate markets 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 47 Use Case Distribution System •Improved Distribution Systems Efficiency –The use case will demonstrate the following grid services: •Volt/Var control with local and/or remote information –4-quadrant inverter controller to perform Volt/Var control •Load shaping service –Demand limiting strategy – demand threshold –Deferment of distribution system upgrades •Outage Management of Critical Loads –The use case will demonstrate the following grid services: •Critical load support for one customer or several customer load components •Enhanced Voltage Control –The use case will demonstrate the following grid services: •Expand the voltage control strategy to support enhanced CVR 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 48 Use Case Micro-grid, Optimal Utilization of Energy Storage, Demand Response •Grid-connected and islanded micro-grid operations –The use case will demonstrate the following grid services: •Micro-grid operation while grid-connected •Micro-grid operation in islanded mode •Optimal Utilization of Energy Storage –The use case will demonstrate the following grid services: •The use-case must demonstrate the optimization of multiple use cases •Demand Response and Energy Storage –The use case will demonstrate the following grid services: •The demand response can be coupled to storage to optimize the use of battery 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 49 Example: Wind Generation 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 50 Questions 17 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 51 CEF - Systems Overview 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 52 Battery Network Diagram 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 53 WA State Clean Energy Fund - Grant Schedule: Project Award: June 20, 2014 Installation: 2nd Qtr 2015 Use Case Testing: All of 2015 All Use Cases In Service: 3rd Qtr 2016 Avista Consortium SCADA EMS DMS Value Engine Battery Control 1.2 MW, 3.6MWh Capacity Vanadium Flow Battery 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 54 WA State Clean Energy Fund - Grant Schedule: Project Award: June 20, 2014 Installation: 2nd Qtr 2015 Use Case Testing: All of 2015 All Use Cases In Service: 3rd Qtr 2016 Avista Consortium SCADA EMS DMS Value Engine Battery Control 1.2 MW, 3.6MWh Capacity Vanadium Flow Battery 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 55 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 56 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 57 Draft 2015 Electric IRP Work Plan John Lyons, Ph.D. First Technical Advisory Committee Meeting May 29, 2014 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 58 Technical Advisory Committee Meetings •TAC 1 (May 29, 2014): TAC Meeting Expectations, 2013 IRP Acknowledgement Letters, 2015 Action Plan Update, Pullman Energy Storage Project, Energy Independence Act Compliance & Forecast, Demand Response Study Discussion, and draft 2015 Electric IRP Work Plan. •September 2014: Review conservation selection methodology, energy and economic forecasts, generation options, and 2014 Shared Value Report. •November 2014: Peak load forecast, reliability planning, Colstrip discussion, energy storage technologies, 2015 IRP modeling, and energy efficiency. •February 2015: Electric and natural gas price forecasts, transmission planning, resource needs assessment, and market portfolio scenario development. •March 2015: Draft Preferred Resource Strategy (PRS), review of scenarios and futures, and portfolio analysis. •June 2015: Review of the final PRS and Action Items. 2 2 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 59 2015 Draft Electric IRP Timeline Preferred Resource Strategy (PRS) Tasks Target Date Finalize energy demand forecast July 2014 Identify regional resource options for electric market price forecast September 2014 Identify Avista’s supply & conservation resource options September 2014 Finalize Peak Load Forecast September 2014 Update AURORAxmp database for electric market price forecast October 2014 Finalize data sets/statistics variables for risk studies October 2014 Energy efficiency load shapes input into AURORAxmp October 2014 Draft transmission study due October 2014 Energy efficiency load shapes input into AURORAxmp October 2014 Final transmission study due December 2014 Finalize Distribution Feeder Forecast December 2014 Select natural gas price forecast December 2014 Finalize deterministic base case December 2014 Due date for study requests January 15,2015 Base case stochastic study complete January 2015 Finalize PRiSM model January 2015 Develop efficient frontier and PRS January 2015 Simulation of risk studies “futures’ complete February 2015 Simulate market scenarios in AURORAxmp February 2015 Evaluate resource strategies against market futures and scenarios March 2015 Present preliminary study and PRS to TAC March 2015 3 3 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 60 2015 Draft Electric IRP Timeline Writing Tasks Target Date File 2015 IRP Work Plan August 29, 2014 Prepare report and appendix outline October 2014 Prepare text drafts April 2015 Prepare charts and tables April 2015 Internal drafts released at Avista May 2015 External draft released to the TAC June 2015 Final editing and printing August 2015 Final IRP submission to Commissions and distribution to TAC August 31, 2015 4 4 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 61 2015 IRP Modeling Process Preferred Resource Strategy AURORA “Wholesale Electric Market” 500 Simulations PRiSM “Avista Portfolio” Efficient Frontier Fuel Prices Fuel Availability Resource Availability Demand Emission Pricing Existing Resources Resource Options Transmission Resource & Portfolio Margins Conservation Trends Existing Resources Avista Load Forecast Energy, Capacity, & RPS Balances New Resource Options & Costs Cost Effective T&D Projects/Costs Cost Effective Conservation Measures/Costs Mid-Columbia Prices Stochastic Inputs Deterministic Inputs Capacity Value Avoided Costs 5 5 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 62 2015 Electric IRP Draft Outline • Executive Summary • Introduction and Stakeholder Involvement • Economic and Load Forecast – Economic Conditions – Avista Energy and Peak Load Forecast – Load Forecast Scenarios • Existing Resources – Avista Resources – Contractual Resources and Obligations 6 6 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 63 2015 Electric IRP Draft Outline • Energy Efficiency and Demand Response – Conservation Potential Assessment – Demand Response Opportunities •Long-Term Position – Reliability Planning and Reserve Margins – Resource Requirements – Reserves and Flexibility Assessment • Policy Considerations – Environmental Concerns – Greenhouse Gas Issues – State and Federal Policies 7 7 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 64 2015 Electric IRP Draft Outline • Transmission Planning – Avista’s Transmission System – Future Upgrades and Interconnections – Transmission Construction Costs and Integration – Transmission and Distribution Efficiencies • Generation Resource Options – New Resource Options – Avista Plant Upgrades 8 8 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 65 2015 Electric IRP Draft Outline • Market Analysis – Marketplace – Fuel Price Forecasts – Market Price Forecast – Scenario Analysis • Preferred Resource Strategy – Resource Selection Process – 2015 Preferred Resource Strategy – Efficient Frontier Analysis – Avoided Cost 9 9 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 66 2015 Electric IRP Draft Outline • Portfolio Scenarios – Portfolio Scenarios – Tipping Point Analysis • Action Plan – 2013 Action Plan Summary – 2015 Action Plan 10 10 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 67 2015 Electric Integrated Resource Plan Technical Advisory Committee Meeting No. 2 Agenda Tuesday, September 23, 2014 Conference Room 130 Topic Time Staff 1. Introduction & TAC 1 Recap 8:30 Lyons 2. Conservation Selection Methodology 8:35 Gall 3. Load and Economic Forecasts 9:15 Forsyth 4. Shared Value Report 10:45 Fielder 5. Lunch 11:30 6. Generation Options 12:30 Gall/Dempsey 7. Clean Power Plan Proposal Discussion 1:45 Lyons/Kalich 8. Adjourn 3:00 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 68 2015 Electric IRP TAC Meeting Expectations and Schedule John Lyons, Ph.D. Second Technical Advisory Committee Meeting September 23, 2014 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 69 Technical Advisory Committee • The public process piece of the IRP – input on what to study, how to study, and review of assumptions and results • Wide range of participants in all or some of the process • Open forum, but we need to stay on topic to get through the agenda • Welcome requests for studies or different assumptions. – Time or resources may limit the amount of studies we can do – The earlier study requests are made, the more accommodating we can be – January 15, 2015 is the final date to receive study requests • Action Items – areas for more research in the next IRP • This is not an advocacy forum • Not a forum on a particular resource or resource type • Supports rate recovery, but not a preapproval process • Planning team is available by email or phone for questions or comments between the TAC meetings 2 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 70 Remaining TAC Meetings •TAC 3 – Friday, November 21, 2014: Planning margin, Colstrip discussion, cost of carbon, modeling overview and conservation potential assessment methodology. •TAC 4 – February 2015: Electric and natural gas price forecasts, transmission planning, resource needs assessment, market and portfolio scenario development, energy storage and ancillary service evaluation •TAC 5 – March 2015: Completed conservation potential assessment, draft PRS, review of scenarios and futures and portfolio analysis •TAC 6 – June 2015: Review of final PRS and action items. 3 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 71 2015 IRP Tasks for the PRS Exhibit 1: 2015 Electric IRP Timeline Task Target Date Preferred Resource Strategy (PRS) Finalize energy demand forecast July 2014 Identify Avista’s supply & conservation resource options September 2014 Finalize peak load forecast September 2014 Update AURORAxmp database for market price forecast October 2014 Energy efficiency load shapes input into AURORAxmp October 2014 Finalize datasets/statistics variables for risk studies November 2014 Transmission study due December 2014 Finalize distribution feeder forecast December 2014 Select natural gas price forecast December 2014 Finalize deterministic base case January 2015 Due date for study requests Jan. 15, 2015 Base case stochastic study complete January 2015 Develop efficient frontier and PRS January 2015 Finalize PRiSM model February 2015 Simulation of risk studies “futures” complete February 2015 Simulate market scenarios in AURORAxmp February 2015 Evaluate resource strategies against market futures and scenarios March 2015 Present preliminary study and PRS to TAC March 2015 4 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 72 2015 IRP Writing Tasks – Work Plan Writing Tasks File 2015 IRP work plan August 2014 Prepare report and appendix outline October 2014 Prepare text drafts April 2015 Prepare charts and tables April 2015 Internal draft released at Avista May 2015 External draft released to the TAC June 2015 Final editing and printing August 2015 Final IRP submission and TAC August 31, 2015 5 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 73 Conservation Modeling Options James Gall Second Technical Advisory Committee Meeting September 23, 2014 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 74 2013 IRP WUTC Acknowledgement Request ….the Commission requests that Avista, together with input from the TAC, investigate incorporating energy efficiency into its 2015 IRP as a selectable resource within PRiSM. 1.The model cannot readily adapt to new scenarios, changes in model assumptions, or the different avoided costs generated under various resource strategies. 2.The model cannot choose to accelerate acquisition of conservation, even in cases where the acceleration of acquisition is the least-cost resource or provides substantial risk mitigation value. Instead, the acquisition rate is defined by the ramp rates within the CPA. 2 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 75 Avista’s 2005-2013 IRP Conservation Selection Methodology 1.Develop a Conservation Potential Assessment (CPA) study 2.Identify resource requirements prior to conservation 3.PRiSM selects generating resources to meet resource deficits 4.Avoided energy, capacity, and risk costs are derived from resource selection 5.Potential conservation measures are compared to Avoided Costs and the economic conservation is selected (uses 10% premium on all avoided costs, including losses and T&D savings) 6.New resource requirements are developed based on selected conservation 7.PRiSM develops an efficient frontier and the PRS is selected 3 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 76 Pros & Cons with Avista’s Conservation Selection Methodology • Pros – Generation resources selection is faster, allowing more scenarios – Conservation resources with capacity contribution can get a 10% avoided cost premium • Power Council’s proposed RPM model only includes conservation adder on the avoided market prices for energy savings. – Third party conservation resource selection • Cons – When selecting different portfolios along the efficient frontier, conservation remains unchanged, unless scenario analysis is used – Third party conservation resource selection 4 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 77 Lessons from Modeling Conservation in PRiSM- Analysis Perspective • Model produces conservation acquisition consistent with 2013 IRP. • Short lived conservation measures get free energy savings after life (due to code or other reasons), modeling this in PRiSM bias more short term conservation because of long term free benefits. To avoid this, levelized costs have to be included after the resource life. • Ramp rates for each program year are required, but the model can select a program to begin earlier than CPA, with more detail on program population, costs, and constraints. • Levelized program costs have to be used rather than upfront cost to avoid detailed modeling beyond 20 years. This bias higher cost programs as it doesn’t see any benefits beyond 20 years. End effects may be required to be modeled. 5 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 78 Lessons from Modeling Conservation in PRiSM- Technical Perspective • PRiSM currently resides in Excel with Lindo System’s What’s Best as the optimization engine. – The optimization is a MIP- Mixed Integer Program – MIP’s solution time increases exponentially with additional variables • Solution time without adjustable conservation is ~2 minutes. • Adding conservation causes solution time issues, some simulations are ~7 minutes, some go forever- typically on lower risk scenarios along efficient frontier. • Alternatives for resolving solution times. 1.Use existing method 2.Try alternative optimization engines 3.Re-write program into a programing language and use Gurobi as a solver 4.Use LP for efficient frontier analysis, and MIP for scenario and PRS selection 6 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 79 Load and Economic Forecasts Grant D. Forsyth, Ph.D. Chief Economist September 23, 2014 Second Technical Advisory Committee Meeting 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 80 Main Topic Areas •Service Area Economy •Peak Load Forecast •Long-run Forecast and Load Impacts of Residential Solar Penetration 2 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 81 Service Area Economy Grant D. Forsyth, Ph.D. Chief Economist Grant.Forsyth@avistacorp.com 3 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 82 Non-Farm Employment: A Long, Slow Recovery Source: BLS and author’s calculations. -7% -6% -5% -4% -3% -2% -1% 0% 1% 2% 3% 4% Ju n -09 Au g -09 Oc t -09 De c -09 Fe b -10 Ap r -10 Ju n -10 Au g -10 Oc t -10 De c -10 Fe b -11 Ap r -11 Ju n -11 Au g -11 Oc t -11 De c -11 Fe b -12 Ap r -12 Ju n -12 Au g -12 Oc t -12 De c -12 Fe b -13 Ap r -13 Ju n -13 Au g -13 Oc t -13 De c -13 Fe b -14 Ap r -14 Ju n -14 Ye a r -ov e r -Ye a r , S a m e M o n t h S e a s o n a l l y A d j . Non-Farm Employment Growth Since June 2009 Avista WA-ID MSAs U.S. 4 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 83 Distribution of Employment: Services and Government are Dominant Source: BEA and author’s calculations. Farm 1% Goods 13% Private Services 71% Federal, civilian 2% Military 1% State 3% Local 9% Government 15% WA-ID MSA Employment, 2012 5 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 84 Population Growth: Slowly Recovering with Employment Growth Source: BEA, U.S. Census, and author’s calculations. 1.9% 1.4% 1.2% 0.8% 0.5% 0.5% 0.8% 0.0% 0.2% 0.4% 0.6% 0.8% 1.0% 1.2% 1.4% 1.6% 1.8% 2.0% 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 An n u a l G r o w t h Population Growth in Avista WA-ID MSAs Proxy for Customer Growth 6 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 85 Peak Load Forecast Grant D. Forsyth, Ph.D. Chief Economist Grant.Forsyth@avistacorp.com 7 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 86 The Basic Model •Monthly time-series regression model that initially excludes certain industrial loads. •Based on monthly peak MW loads since 2004. The peak is pulled from hourly load data for each day for each month. •Explanatory variables include HDD-CDD and monthly and day-of-week dummy variables. The level of real U.S. GDP is the primary economic driver in the model—the higher GDP, the higher peak loads. The historical impacts of DSM programs are “trended” into the forecast. •The coefficients of the model are used to generate a distribution of peak loads by month based on historical max/min temperatures, holding GDP constant. An expected peak load can then be calculated for the current year (e.g., 2014). Model confirms Avista is a winter peaking utility for the forecast period; however, the summer peak is growing faster than the winter peak. •The model is also used to calculate the long-run growth rate of peak loads for summer and winter using a forecast of GDP growth under the “ceteris paribus” assumption for weather and other factors. 8 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 87 Current Peak Load Forecasts for Winter and Summer, 2015-2040 1,000 1,200 1,400 1,600 1,800 2,000 2,200 19 9 7 19 9 9 20 0 1 20 0 3 20 0 5 20 0 7 20 0 9 20 1 1 20 1 3 20 1 5 20 1 7 20 1 9 20 2 1 20 2 3 20 2 5 20 2 7 20 2 9 20 3 1 20 3 3 20 3 5 20 3 7 20 3 9 Me g a w a t t s Winter Peak Summer Peak Peak Avg. Growth 2015-40 Winter 0.73% Summer 0.85% 9 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 88 MW Spread Between Peak Forecasts for Winter and Summer, 2015-2040 100 105 110 115 120 125 130 135 140 20 1 5 20 1 6 20 1 7 20 1 8 20 1 9 20 2 0 20 2 1 20 2 2 20 2 3 20 2 4 20 2 5 20 2 6 20 2 7 20 2 8 20 2 9 20 3 0 20 3 1 20 3 2 20 3 3 20 3 4 20 3 5 20 3 6 20 3 7 20 3 8 20 3 9 20 4 0 Me g a w a t t s Forecast Spread: Winter Peak Less Summer Peak , MW Projecting out, line would reach zero in 2106. 10 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 89 Current and Past Peak Load Forecasts for Winter Peak, 2013-2040 1,500 1,750 2,000 2,250 2,500 20 1 3 20 1 4 20 1 5 20 1 6 20 1 7 20 1 8 20 1 9 20 2 0 20 2 1 20 2 2 20 2 3 20 2 4 20 2 5 20 2 6 20 2 7 20 2 8 20 2 9 20 3 0 20 3 1 20 3 2 20 3 3 20 3 4 20 3 5 20 3 6 20 3 7 20 3 8 20 3 9 20 4 0 Me g a w a t t s Winter Peak: Current and Past 2009 IRP 2011 IRP 2013 IRP 2015 IRP 11 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 90 Current and Past Peak Load Forecasts for Summer Peak, 2015-2014 1,250 1,500 1,750 2,000 2,250 2,500 20 1 3 20 1 4 20 1 5 20 1 6 20 1 7 20 1 8 20 1 9 20 2 0 20 2 1 20 2 2 20 2 3 20 2 4 20 2 5 20 2 6 20 2 7 20 2 8 20 2 9 20 3 0 20 3 1 20 3 2 20 3 3 20 3 4 20 3 5 20 3 6 20 3 7 20 3 8 20 3 9 20 4 0 Me g a w a t t s Summer Peak: Current and Past 2009 IRP 2011 IRP 2013 IRP 2015 IRP 12 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 91 Distribution of Summer Temperature Anomalies in the Northern Hemisphere Temperature anomaly distribution: The frequency of occurrence (vertical axis) of local temperature anomalies (relative to 1951-1980 mean) in units of local standard deviation (horizontal axis). Area under each curve is unity. Image credit: NASA/GISS. See also NASA/GISS Science Brief , by James Hansen, Makiko Sato, Reto Ruedy (August 2012) at http://www.giss.nasa.gov/research/briefs/hansen_17/#fn1 13 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 92 Distribution of Summer Temperature Anomalies in the Spokane Region 0.0% 5.0% 10.0% 15.0% 20.0% 25.0% -5.0 -4.5 -4.0 -3.5 -3.0 -2.5 -2.0 -1.5 -1.0 -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 Fr e q u e n c y Z-statistic Spokane Summer Anomaly Histogram 1951-1980 Reference Period 2001-2013 Period Note: Due to the movement of the Spokane temperature gage to the Spokane International Airport in 1947, this anomaly analysis was restricted to the 1947-2013/14 period. 14 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 93 Distribution of Winter Temperature Anomalies in the Spokane Region 0.0% 5.0% 10.0% 15.0% 20.0% 25.0% 30.0% -5.0 -4.5 -4.0 -3.5 -3.0 -2.5 -2.0 -1.5 -1.0 -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 Fr e q u e n c y Z-statistic Spokane Winter Anomaly Histogram 1951/52-1980/81 Reference Period 2001/02-2013/14 Period Note: Due to the movement of the Spokane temperature gage to the Spokane International Airport in 1947, this anomaly analysis was restricted to the 1947-2013/14 period. 15 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 94 Long-Term Load Forecast and the Time Dynamics of Residential Solar Penetration Grant D. Forsyth, Ph.D. Chief Economist Grant.Forsyth@avistacorp.com 16 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 95 U.S. Penetration Rate for Residential Net Metering y = 0.000045e0.401291x 0.00% 0.05% 0.10% 0.15% 0.20% 0.25% 0.30% 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Penetration Rate: Share of U.S. Residential Customers with Net Metering Share of Customers Expon. (Share of Customers) Source: EIA and author’s calculations. California, Arizona, and Hawaii major drivers. Avista’s Current Penetration 17 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 96 Basic Forecast Approach 2014 Time 2019 2040 2020 1)Monthly econometric model by schedule for each class. 2)Customer and UPC forecasts. 3) 20-yr MA for “normal weather.” 4)Economic drivers: GDP, industrial production, employment growth, population, price, household size. 5)ARIMA error correction. 6)Native load (energy) forecast derived from retail load forecast. 1)Boot strap off medium term forecast. 2)Apply long-run load growth relationships to develop simulation model for high/low scenarios. 3)Include different scenarios for renewable penetration with controls for price elasticity, average household size, and EV/PHEVs. Medium Term Long Term 18 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 97 The Long-Term Residential Relationship, 2020- 2040 Load = Customers Χ Use Per Customer (UPC) Load Growth ≈ Customer Growth + UPC Growth Assumed to be same as population growth, commercial growth will follow residential, and no real change in industrial. Assumed to be a function of multiple factors including renewable penetration. 19 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 98 The Basic Idea: Base-Line Residential Customer Growth Starting in 2020 0.50% 0.60% 0.70% 0.80% 0.90% 1.00% 1.10% 1.20% 1.30% 20 1 4 20 1 5 20 1 6 20 1 7 20 1 8 20 1 9 20 2 0 20 2 1 20 2 2 20 2 3 20 2 4 20 2 5 20 2 6 20 2 7 20 2 8 20 2 9 20 3 0 20 3 1 20 3 2 20 3 3 20 3 4 20 3 5 20 3 6 20 3 7 20 3 8 20 3 9 20 4 0 Annual Residential Customer Growth Rates Medium Term Long Term Average annual growth rate from 2014-2040 = 1% 20 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 99 Assumptions for Residential UPC Growth •The Time-Path of Renewable Penetration Rate (Share of Customers with PV) •Starting PV size, generation per Customer, capacity factor, and the time-path of PV size •Own Price Elasticity •Average Household Size Elasticity •Long-Run Trend for EV/PHEV adoption. 21 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 100 Scenario analysis assuming 1% p.a. residential customer growth and a solar capacity factor of 0.13: •Base-Line Scenario: Residential penetration continues to grow in a linear fashion from 0.06% to 0.30% by 2040. PV system size does not change from the current average of 3,000 watts. •Low-Shock Scenario: Residential penetration at an exponential rate from 0.06% to 1% by 2025, and thereafter. PV additions grow to 6,000 watts by 2040. •Medium-Shock Scenario: Residential penetration at an exponential rate from 0.06% to 5% by 2025, and thereafter. PV additions grow to 6,000 watts by 2040. •High-Shock Scenario: Residential penetration at an exponential rate from 0.06% to 10% by 2025, and thereafter. PV additions grow to 6,000 watts by 2040. Based on historical norms, the following assumptions are also made: 1. Residential and commercial customer growth will be the same in the long-run. 2. Commercial load growth and residential load growth will follow each other based on a historical spread. This assumption is a proxy for commercial price impacts and renewable penetration. 3. Industrial load and customer growth are low and industrial load and customer growth are not strongly correlated with residential or commercial loads. 22 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 101 Base-Line Residential UPC Growth Compared with EIA’s Residential Reference Case -1.60% -1.40% -1.20% -1.00% -0.80% -0.60% -0.40% -0.20% 0.00% 0.20% 0.40% 0.60% 20 1 5 20 1 6 20 1 7 20 1 8 20 1 9 20 2 0 20 2 1 20 2 2 20 2 3 20 2 4 20 2 5 20 2 6 20 2 7 20 2 8 20 2 9 20 3 0 20 3 1 20 3 2 20 3 3 20 3 4 20 3 5 20 3 6 20 3 7 20 3 8 20 3 9 20 4 0 Annual Residential UPC Growth Rate UPC Growth, Base-Line No Shock Renewables EIA Refrence Case Use Per Household Growth Medium Term Long Term EIA assuming population shift to warmer climate states will push up AC load. 23 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 102 Native Load Scenarios, 2020-2040 950 1,000 1,050 1,100 1,150 1,200 1,250 20 1 5 20 1 6 20 1 7 20 1 8 20 1 9 20 2 0 20 2 1 20 2 2 20 2 3 20 2 4 20 2 5 20 2 6 20 2 7 20 2 8 20 2 9 20 3 0 20 3 1 20 3 2 20 3 3 20 3 4 20 3 5 20 3 6 20 3 7 20 3 8 20 3 9 20 4 0 Av e r a g e M e g a w a t t s Load Forecast Scenarios, Average Megawatts Base-Line No Shock with Renewables Exponential Low Shock Exponential Medium Shock Exponential High Shock Medium Term Long Term 24 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 103 Native Load Growth Scenarios, 2020-2040 -2.0% -1.5% -1.0% -0.5% 0.0% 0.5% 1.0% 1.5% 20 1 4 20 1 5 20 1 6 20 1 7 20 1 8 20 1 9 20 2 0 20 2 1 20 2 2 20 2 3 20 2 4 20 2 5 20 2 6 20 2 7 20 2 8 20 2 9 20 3 0 20 3 1 20 3 2 20 3 3 20 3 4 20 3 5 20 3 6 20 3 7 20 3 8 20 3 9 20 4 0 Base-Line and Exponential Scenarios: Native Load Growth Base-Line No Shock with Renewables Exponential Low Shock Exponential Medium Shock Exponential High Shock Medium Term Long Term 25 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 104 KWH Average Annual Load Growth by Scenario, 2014-2040 0.82%0.81% 0.75% 0.68% 0.08% 0.62%0.61% 0.56% 0.50% 0.02% 0.0% 0.1% 0.2% 0.3% 0.4% 0.5% 0.6% 0.7% 0.8% 0.9% 0.3%1%5%10%50% Av e r a g e A n n u a l T o t a l L o a d G r o w t h i n K W H Assumed Residential Penetration Rate Avg. Annual Residential Load Growth Avg. Annual Total Load Growth26 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 105 KWH Load Changes Compared to the Base- Line Scenario, 2020-2040 -0.3% -1.8% -3.7% -19.0% -0.2% -1.5% -3.1% -16.0% -25% -20% -15% -10% -5% 0% 1%5%10%50% Assumed Residential Penetration Rate KWH Residential, % Diff Compared to Base-Line No Shock KWH Total Load, % Diff Compared to Base-Line No Shock27 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 106 Final Comment on EV/PHEV Penetration: Large Forecast Variation Forecast Source Forecasted Penetration Rate as Share of Vehicles by 2030-2050 Period U.C. Berkley 65% by 2030 for EVs EPRI 60% to 65% by 2035 for PHEVs ORNL 40% by 2035 for PHEVs, 10% by 2050 for EVs PNNL 30% by 2035-2045 for PHEVs UMTRI 5% to 25% by 2040 for PHEVs U.S. DOE 5% to 20% by 2035 for PEVs Source: From 2013 presentation by Patrick J. Balducci, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, at the 2013 Pacific Northwest Regional Economic Conference. 28 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 107 Creating Shared Value Avista’s 2014 Report on Our Operations Casey Fielder Second Technical Advisory Committee Meeting September 23, 2014 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 108 Our Approach • Engage with stakeholders throughout the company • Cross-company Shared Value Action Team Consumer Affairs Customer Service Electric Operations Energy Solutions/DSM Environmental Facilities Gas Operations Generation & Production Health & Safety Human Resources Rates Resource Planning Supply Chain 2 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 109 Why Report? • Tell our story • Educate about our operations • Communicate the information our stakeholders want to know • Enhance transparency 3 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 110 Creating Shared Value Customers, Shareholders, Communities, Employees Sustainability Protect the future Compliance Laws, Licenses, Codes of Conduct, Philanthropy Goodwill, Reputation Reputation Business/Society The “Shared Value” Pyramid 4 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 111 Defining Shared Value Harvard Business Review – Jan. 2011 The principle of shared value…involves creating economic value in a way that also creates value for society by addressing its needs and challenges. Businesses must reconnect company success with social progress. Shared value is not social responsibility, philanthropy, or even sustainability, but a new way to achieve economic success. 5 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 112 A snapshot in time of what Avista does well that grows our business and at the same time provides “social” value Shared Value – The Opportunity 6 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 113 Highlights from 2014 Report 7 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 114 Highlights from 2014 Report 8 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 115 Highlights from 2014 Report 9 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 116 Highlights from 2014 Report 10 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 117 Highlights from 2014 Report 11 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 118 Materiality 12 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 119 Materiality 13 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 120 The Role of Our Stakeholders 14 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 121 Determining Content Materiality 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 V. System Reliability D. Customer Satisfaction S. Resource Planning T. Safety J. Ethical Business Practices I. Environmental Performance C. Corporate Citizenship H. Energy Security L. Financial Performance R. Public Policy F. DSM Program A. Avista's Energy Efficiency G. Employee Satisfaction M. GHG Footprint N. Global Climate Exchange K. Executive Compensation P. Human Resources W. Supply Chain O. Governance B. Biodiversity E. Direct Use of Natural Gas Z. Works Force Diversity Q. NGO Relations U. Stakeholder Engagement Y. Water Use X. Waste Dischaarge Importance to Stakeholders 15 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 V. System Reliability D. Customer Satisfaction S. Resource Planning T. Safety J. Ethical Business Practices I. Environmental Performance C. Corporate Citizenship H. Energy Security L. Financial Performance R. Public Policy F. DSM Program A. Avista's Energy Efficiency G. Employee Satisfaction M. GHG Footprint N. Global Climate Exchange K. Executive Compensation P. Human Resources W. Supply Chain O. Governance B. Biodiversity E. Direct Use of Natural Gas Z. Works Force Diversity Q. NGO Relations U. Stakeholder Engagement Y. Water Use X. Waste Dischaarge Importance to Stakeholders Internal External 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 122 Materiality Exercise Consider each of the topics on the list for: -- The importance you think each has for the stakeholders of Avista -- The relevance or impact each could have for Avista Plot the letter of each topic on the grid depending on the intersection of the values of importance to stakeholders and relevance for Avista 16 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 123 125 Years of Shared Value Available at avistautilities.com Feedback: SharedValue@avistacorp.com 17 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 124 Generation Options Thomas Dempsey, P.E. and James Gall Second Technical Advisory Committee Meeting September 23, 2014 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 125 Natural Gas Generation Options • Existing site vs. new site (“Brownfield” vs. “Greenfield”) • Simple cycle combustion turbines (peaking) • Simple cycle piston engines (peaking/hybrid, operation/load following) • Combined cycle (base load/load following) • Simple cycle combustion turbine with subsequent conversion to combined cycle 2 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 126 Natural Gas Generation Options Considerations 3 • Efficiency – Fuel efficiency – Responsible use of resources – Environmental impacts • Flexibility- meets operational requirements – Start time – Part load efficiency – Ability to, and speed of, cycling • Costs – Upfront installation – Fuel – Ongoing operations & maintenance 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 127 Efficiency • Greater efficiency means lower fuel costs • Greater efficiency means lower emissions – NOx, SO2, VOC’s, CO, CO2 • Efficiency is very important for options expected to have many run hours, but less important for options selected for peaking service or reserves • Other considerations, such as water or other consumable use is also considered 4 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 128 Flexibility • A flexible plant is quick to start, quick to full load, can withstand large frequent load swings (i.e., backing up variable resources), has low emissions across its operational range, and can be operated with minimal staff. 5 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 129 Costs • Avista has access to an extensive turbine database including machine price data that allows us to choose more effective cost options. • Initial capital cost – Brownfield vs. Greenfield – Economies of scale • Ongoing operations & maintenance costs • Fuel costs 6 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 130 Thermoflow • Sophisticated program allowing Avista to create preliminary plant designs • Allows for detailed initial cost estimates • Initial plant layouts • Site specific performance modeling • Plant Engineering And Cost Estimation (PEACE) 7 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 131 Thermoflow PEACE Output 8 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 132 Thermoflow PEACE Output 9 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 133 Available Gas Turbine Upgrades For Avista Plants • Supplemental Compression- enhances capability of simple cycle 7EA machines at the Rathdrum CT • Inlet Evaporation System- increases summer capability • High efficiency turbine blades • Water injected NOx control to allow for firing temperature increase 10 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 134 Kettle Falls Efficiency Improvements • Fuel stabilization- fuel drying or conditioning to keep the boiler operating at a continuously efficient point • Turbine and generator efficiency improvements to achieve greater output using the same amount of fuel 11 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 135 Hydro Upgrades • Same assumptions and options as 2013 IRP, adjusted for cost inflation • Post Falls- A detailed study is being performed to study long-term options for the 104 year old project- results will not be available for this IRP cycle Project MW Capacity Factor Winter Peak Credit Summer Peak Credit Capital Cost (Mil $) $/MWh- Levelized Long Lake 2nd Powerhouse 68 34% 100% 100% $140 $108 Monroe Street/Upper Falls 2nd Powerhouse 80 34% 31% 0% $152 $93 Cabinet Gorge 2nd Powerhouse* 110 17% 0% 0% $231 $197 * Project is limited to water rights 12 DRAFT 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 136 Natural Gas Turbine Resource Options Resource Option Technology Plant Size (MW) (59F) Capital Cost Excludes AFUDC (2014$/kW) Fixed O&M (2014$/kW/Yr) Variable Costs (2014$/MWh) Net HHV Heat Rate(s) (Btu/kWh) Advanced Large Frame CT Frame SC 203 608 2 3.50 9,931 Modern Large Frame CT Frame SC 171 636 2 2.50 10,007 Modern Large Frame CT with HRSG Option Frame SC 170 710 3 2.50 10,009 Advanced Small Frame CT Frame SC 96 814 3 2.50 11,265 Frame/Aero Hybrid CT Advanced Aero SC 101 965 3 3.00 8,916 Large Reciprocating Engine Facility NG Recip 184 1,048 7 3.00 8,427 Small Reciprocating Engine Facility (Option 1) NG Recip 110 1,072 8 3.00 8,427 Small Reciprocating Engine Facility (Option 2) NG Recip 93 1,075 8 3.00 7,700 Modern Small Frame CT Frame SC 45 1,206 4 2.50 10,252 Aero CT option 1 2 on 1 SS 45 1,221 6 2.50 10,392 Aero CT option 2 Aero SS 42 1,255 6 2.50 9,359 1 on 1 Advanced CCCT option 1 1 on 1 CC 341 1,045 18 3.75 6,631 1 on 1 Advanced CCCT option 2 1 on 1 CC 343 1,045 18 3.75 6,895 1 on 1 Advanced CCCT option 3 1 on 1 CC 294 1,091 19 3.50 6,790 1 on 1 modern CCCT option 3 1 on 1 CC 286 1,099 15 3.00 6,720 3 x 2 small CCCT 3 on 2 CC 225 1,601 27 3.50 6,980 2 x 1 small CCCT 2 on 1 CC 150 1,645 34 3.50 6,968 Add HRSG to Large Frame CT 1 on 1 CC 286 635 20 3.50 6,720 DRAFT 13 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 137 Levelized costs for Natural Gas-Fired Resources • In past IRP’s, Avista communicated levelized costs for all resources. • Levelized costs work well for energy only resources, but do not communicate the cost of capacity • Rather than showing levelized costs for capacity resources, the following slide shows capacity cost vs. energy costs for capacity resources • Least cost resources represent the right mix of cost between low cost capacity and energy 14 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 138 Fixed vs. Variable Costs 15 DRAFT 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 139 Renewables & Storage 16 Resource MW Capacity Factor Winter Peak Credit Summer Peak Credit Capital Cost * (2014$/kW) $2015/MWh- Levelized Wind On-System 99 35% 0% 0% $2,050 $102 Solar Photovoltaic Fixed Array 5.0 14% 0% 60% $2,100 $197 Solar Photovoltaic Fixed Array 25.0 14% 0% 60% $2,000 $180 Solar Photovoltaic with Single Axis Tracking 25.0 18% 0% 70% $2,500 $185 Battery Storage 25.0 N/A 100% 100% $4,000 N/A * Capital Costs excludes AFUDC DRAFT 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 140 Wind Levelized Costs Forecast Assumptions: 1) Cost shown are 2014 dollars levelized for first 20 years of asset life 2) ITC benefit taken up front, rather than utility amortization method 17 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 141 Solar Experience Curve (Past) World Solar Photovoltaic Production,1975-2012 Data from Earth Policy Institute and Bloomberg As production increase, costs fall 18 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 142 Solar Experience Curve (Future) How could costs change with 10 times the cumulative installation 19 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 143 Solar Levelized Costs Forecast Assumptions: 1) Cost shown are 2014 dollars levelized for first 20 years of asset life 2) ITC benefit taken up front, rather than utility amortization method 173 148 138 131 124 136 118 110 105 99 93 81 75 71 67 $0 $20 $40 $60 $80 $100 $120 $140 $160 $180 $200 2016 2020 2025 2030 2035 20 1 4 $ / M W h Base Case 30% ITC 30% ITC + 20% CF 20 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 144 Fixed Solar on Summer Peak (7/16/14) 1606 1485: 7.5% reduction, 24% Peak Credit 1556: 3% reduction, 50% Peak Credit 25 MW would get 60% peak credit 21 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 145 Fixed Solar on Winter Peak (1/21/14) 1715 25 MW would get 0% peak credit 22 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 146 Standby Generation • Avista is exploring the use of customer’s standby generation for meeting peak and non-spinning reserve requirements • Portland General Electric currently has a similar program with over 100 MW enrolled in the program • 30 MW of capability is required to have a viable program (e.g. 60 customers with 500 kW generators) • Feasibility study is expected to be finished by the end of the year – update will be made at a future TAC meeting 23 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 147 Clean Power Plan Discussion John Lyons, Ph.D. and Clint Kalich Second Technical Advisory Committee Meeting September 23, 2014 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 148 Introduction • Clean Power Plan Overview • Avista 111(d) Model • Clean Power Plan Modeling Inputs Discussion 2 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 149 Clean Power Plan • June 2, 2014 proposal covers certain existing fossil-fueled resources under 111(d) of the Clean Air Act • Goal is about a 30% reduction in CO2 emissions intensity from 2005 by 2030 • Goals set using 2012 base year data • Comments are now due by December 1, 2014 •http://www2.epa.gov/carbon-pollution-standards/clean-power- plan-proposed-rule • EPA anticipates final rule in June 2015 • Proposal includes state-by-state CO2 emissions intensity reduction goals • States submit a compliance plan one year after the final rule, or two years if a multi-state plan is proposed 3 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 150 4 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 151 Resources Covered Washington (Coal/Gas) • Centralia Coal • Big Hanaford • Chehalis • Encogen • Ferndale • Frederickson • Goldendale • Grays Harbor • March Point • Mint Farm • River Road • Sumas 5 Oregon (Coal/Gas) • Boardman Coal • Beaver • Coyote Springs 1 •Coyote Springs 2 • Hermiston • Klamath Cogen • Port Westward Montana (All Coal) • Colstrip 1 & 2 •Colstrip 3 & 4 • Hardin • J E Corette • Lewis & Clark • Yellowstone Idaho (All Gas) •Rathdrum, LLC (aka Lancaster) • Langley Gulch *Plants in bold italics serve Avista customer load 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 152 Building Blocks • Block 1: Heat Rate Improvement – 6% improvement on coal plants • Block 2: Re-dispatch to Existing Natural Gas Combined Cycle Plants (NGCC) – dispatch NGCC in place of coal up to 70% • Block 3: Renewable and Nuclear – maintain nuclear at risk and increase renewables up to 21% in the western region by 2030 • Block 4: End-use Energy Efficiency – 10.7% cumulative savings by 2030 6 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 153 Avista 111(d) Modeling Discussion Agenda • Disclaimers and Contact Information • Purpose of Model • External Release of Model • Data and Assumptions • Future of Model, Including Upgrades • Model Introduction • Observations 7 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 154 Disclaimers and Contact Information • The Avista 111(d) model (and this presentation) is based on preliminary analysis and subject to change • Parties using the Avista 111(d) model should independently verify its results • No warranty of the Avista 111(d) model is made or implied • Users must holds Avista harmless for any and all uses of the Avista 111(d) model • Use of the Avista 111(d) model is free; simply notify Avista of your use, or who you pass the model along to – ensures you and others receive any offered updates – email clint.kalich@avistacorp.com 8 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 155 The Purpose of Avista’s 111(d) Model • To emulate the draft EPA rule 111(d) • Decipher the EPA math • Focus on the building blocks discussed by EPA, as well as potential other blocks that Avista believes may provide similar impacts • Help Avista make decisions with regard to EPA’s draft rules 9 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 156 Purpose of Avista’s 111(d) Model, Cont. • Inform its potential comments on the draft rule • Support policy-level recommendations • Integrated resource (and other) planning • Quantify potential compliance costs • Assist with external party communication 10 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 157 External Release of Avista 111(d) Model • There is a lot of confusion about the EPA rule • Model may assist in understanding/quantifying 111(d) proposal • Avista provides its model for free use • Avista cannot provide passwords to allow reverse engineering • No warranty is granted or implied 11 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 158 Data and Assumptions • Most data from EPA worksheets * • Minor other “behind-the-scenes” assumptions • Some assumptions can be changed by the user • All regulated states are included in the model • User can combine states to perform a regional view • Default choices are already built into the model 12 * See http://www2.epa.gov/sites/production/files/2014-06/20140602tsd-state-goal-data-computation_1.xlsx and http://www2.epa.gov/sites/production/files/2014-06/20140602tsd-plant-level-data-unit-level-inventory_0.xlsx 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 159 Future of Model and Upgrades • Updates will be provided as deemed necessary by Avista • Updates will include enhancements and new features • User feedback will help dictate much of the future release features and frequency • Changes to the proposed rule will be incorporated in future releases as more information becomes known • Model may be revised by Avista without notification 13 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 160 Model Introduction 14 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 161 Some Observations • Compliance costs appear much higher than EPA estimates • Retirement without replacing with qualifying non-carbon resources is much less impactful on the emissions rate than building replacement resources • Higher conservation or renewables means fewer mass- based emissions reduction • EPA rule does not appear focused on electricity system reliability • 2012 base year has very high hydro generation – and a correlated low carbon emissions level 15 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 162 Some Observations, Cont. • Hydro/renewables variability is ignored in the math • States receive no credit for early action (e.g., Centralia, aggressive conservation) • Idaho has only two gas-fired plants regulated by 111(d), one of which operated only half of the 2012 base year • For Oregon and Washington the only EPA options are conservation and renewables, as coal plants already are in the baseline • In Montana, retiring coal for gas does not reduce emissions rate 16 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 163 2012 Operations at Coyote Springs 2 (OR) and Rathdrum LLC (ID) 17 An n u a l C a p a c i t y F a c t o r 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 164 Idaho Comparison: 2012 Langley Gulch and Rathdrum Power LLC Plant Operations 18 Annual Capacity Factor 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 165 Historical Carbon Emissions (millions of CO2 tons) 19 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 166 Pacific Northwest Hydroelectricity vs. Dalles Inflow Variability 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% 110% 120% 130% 140% 150% 160% 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 % o f 1 9 9 0 -20 1 2 A v e r a g e Comparison of Northwest Generation vs. Dalles Flow Calendar Year Averages Flow Generation 20 Year 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 167 Pacific Northwest Hydroelectricity vs. Coal Emissions (Centralia) 21 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 168 Hydro Variability in WA 22 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 169 Clean Power Plan Modeling Inputs Discussion • Base Case assumptions • Scenarios 23 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 170 2015 Electric Integrated Resource Plan Technical Advisory Committee Meeting No. 3 Agenda Friday, November 21, 2014 Conference Room 130 Topic Time Staff 1. Introduction & TAC 2 Recap 8:30 Lyons 2. Planning Margin 8:35 Gall 3. Colstrip Discussion 9:15 Lyons 4. Cost of Carbon 10:45 Lyons 5. Lunch 11:30 6. IRP Modeling Overview 12:30 Gall 7. Conservation Potential Assessment 1:45 Kester 8. Adjourn 3:00 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 171 2015 Electric IRP TAC Meeting Expectations and Schedule John Lyons, Ph.D. Second Technical Advisory Committee Meeting November 21, 2014 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 172 Technical Advisory Committee • The public process of the IRP – input on what to study, how to study, and review of assumptions and results • Technical forum with a range of participants with different areas of input and expertise • Open forum, but we need to stay on topic to get through the agenda and allow all participants to ask questions and make comments • Welcome requests for studies or different assumptions. – Time or resources may limit the amount of studies – The earlier study requests are made, the more accommodating we can be – January 15, 2015 is the final date to receive study requests • Action Items – areas for more research in the next IRP 2 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 173 Technical Advisory Committee • Technical forum on inputs and assumptions, not an advocacy forum • Focus is on developing a resource strategy based on sound assumptions and inputs, instead of a forum on a particular resource or resource type • We request that everyone maintain a high level of respect and professional demeanor to encourage an ongoing conversation about the IRP process • Supports rate recovery, but not a preapproval process • Planning team is available by email or phone for questions or comments between the TAC meetings 3 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 174 Remaining TAC Meetings •TAC 4 – February 2015: Electric and natural gas price forecasts, transmission planning, resource needs assessment, market and portfolio scenario development, energy storage and ancillary service evaluation •TAC 5 – March 2015: Completed conservation potential assessment, draft preferred resource strategy (PRS), review of scenarios, market futures, and portfolio analysis •TAC 6 – June 2015: Review of final PRS and action items. 4 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 175 2015 IRP Tasks for the PRS Exhibit 1: 2015 Electric IRP Timeline Task Target Date Preferred Resource Strategy (PRS) Finalize energy demand forecast July 2014 Identify Avista’s supply & conservation resource options September 2014 Finalize peak load forecast September 2014 Update AURORAxmp database for market price forecast October 2014 Energy efficiency load shapes input into AURORAxmp October 2014 Finalize datasets/statistics variables for risk studies November 2014 Transmission study due December 2014 Finalize distribution feeder forecast December 2014 Select natural gas price forecast December 2014 Finalize deterministic base case January 2015 Due date for study requests Jan. 15, 2015 Base case stochastic study complete January 2015 Develop efficient frontier and PRS January 2015 Finalize PRiSM model February 2015 Simulation of risk studies “futures” complete February 2015 Simulate market scenarios in AURORAxmp February 2015 Evaluate resource strategies against market futures and scenarios March 2015 Present preliminary study and PRS to TAC March 2015 5 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 176 2015 IRP Writing Tasks – Work Plan Writing Tasks File 2015 IRP work plan August 2014 Prepare report and appendix outline October 2014 Prepare text drafts April 2015 Prepare charts and tables April 2015 Internal draft released at Avista May 2015 External draft released to the TAC June 2015 Final editing and printing August 2015 Final IRP submission and TAC August 31, 2015 6 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 177 TAC #2 Recap • Introduction & TAC 1 Recap – Lyons • Conservation Selection Methodology – Gall • Load and Economic Forecasts – Forsyth • Shared Value Report – Fielder • Generation Options – Gall/Dempsey • Clean Power Plan Proposal Discussion – Lyons/Kalich 7 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 178 Today’s Agenda • Introduction & TAC 2 Recap (8:30) – Lyons • Planning Margin (8:35) – Gall • Colstrip Discussion (9:15) – Lyons • Cost of Carbon (10:45) – Lyons • Lunch (11:30) • IRP Modeling Overview (12:30) – Gall • Conservation Potential Assessment (1:45) – Kester • Adjourn 3:00 • Reminders: restrooms are across the hall and all visitors need Avista escorts to the lobby to leave the building 8 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 179 Planning Margin (Reserve Planning) James Gall Third Technical Advisory Committee Meeting November 21, 2014 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 180 What is the role of reserves for peak planning •Planning Margin1: Generally, the projected demand is based on a 50/50 forecast. Based on experience, for Bulk Power Systems that are not energy- constrained, reserve margin is the difference between available capacity and peak demand, normalized by peak demand shown as a percentage to maintain reliable operation while meeting unforeseen increases in demand (e.g. extreme weather) and unexpected outages of existing capacity •Operating Reserves: is required capacity to meet an instantaneous loss of generation. – New rule in WECC, 3% of load and 3% of operating generation is carried. Half of the capacity must be “synced” to the grid (spinning) and the other half must be available to sync within 10 minutes (non- spinning/supplemental). •Regulation is required intra hour capacity to meet instantaneous load changes instantly 1. http://www.nerc.com/pa/RAPA/ri/Pages/PlanningReserveMargin.aspx. 50/50 is also referred to as a 1-in-2 forecast 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 181 NERC's Reference Reserve Margin • is equivalent to the Target Reserve Margin Level provided by the Regional/subregion’s own specific margin based on load, generation, and transmission characteristics as well as regulatory requirements. If not provided, NERC assigned 15 percent Reserve Margin for predominately thermal systems and 10 percent for predominately hydro systems. As the planning reserve margin is a capacity based metric, it does not provide an accurate assessment of performance in energy limited systems, e.g., hydro capacity with limited water resources. http://www.nerc.com/pa/RAPA/ri/Pages/PlanningReserveMargin.aspx 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 182 2013 IRP WUTC Acknowledgement Request •In its updated action plan, Avista committed to re-assess with the TAC the benefits and costs of the Company’s 2013 IRP planning margin to determine if a different level is warranted in the 2015 IRP. The Commission supports this approach. • The 2013 IRP used the following planning margin – Greater of 1 hour or 18 hour sustained peak deficit • Includes the top six load hours of three consecutive days – Winter: 14% adder to the 1 in 2 peak forecast + Ancillary Services Requirement (~6% operating reserves + 1.3% regulation reserve) = 21% – 22 % – Summer: 0% adder to the 1 in 2 peak forecast + Ancillary Services Requirement (~6% operating reserves + 1.3% regulation reserve) = 7% - 8% 4 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 183 North American Planning Margin Survey • Planning margin added to peak load is most common • Some plan for 5% LOLP, others 1 in 10 years • Operating reserves is often included in estimates • Organized market have firm requirements • Northwest utilities/organizations recommend higher planning margins 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 184 Regional Planning Margins • Organized systems • Non Northwest Utilities PJM 15.7% MISO 14.8% TVA 15.0% SPP 13.6% NYISO 17.1% ISO New England 15.0% ERCOT 13.8% California PUC 15.0% New Brunswick Power 22.0% Hydro Quebec 8.0% Nova Scotia Power 20.0% Hydro One 20.0% FPL 20.0% Progress Energy 20.0% Entergy- New Orleans 12.0% Sunflower Coop 12.0% Kansas City B of PU 12.0% Basin Electric 15.0% LADWP 25.0% San Diego Gas & Electric 15.0% Roseville Electric 15.0% Dominion 15.6% Minnesota Power 11.3% Indianoplis Light & Power 12.7% Duke- Indiana 13.9% Duke- Carolina's 14.5% Oklahoma Gas & Electric 12.0% Platte River Power Authority 15.0% XCEL- Colorado 16.3% XCEL- New Mexico 13.6% Colorado Springs Utilities 18.0% Salt River Project 12.0% APS 15.0% UNS Electric 15.0% El Paso Electric 15.0% Sierra Pacific 15.0% Nevada Power 12.0% Public Service Co of NM 13.0% Tri-State G&T 15.0% 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 185 • Northwest Utilities • Northwest Organizations Northwest Planning Margins PSE (2018-19) 14.0% PSE (2020+) 16.0% PacifiCorp 13.0% PGE 12.0% Clark PUD 18.0% Cowlitz PUD 23.0% EWEB 17.0% Northwestern 0.0% Idaho Power 10.3% Fortis 10.0% BC Hydro 20.0% WECC- PNW Summer 17.9% WECC- PNW Winter 19.9% WECC- PNW Summer 18.8% WECC- PNW Winter 21.6% NPCC- Summer 24.0% NPCC- Winter 23.0% NWPP (NPCC) <28.0% WECC (NPCC) 18.0% PNUCC 12.0%-20% 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 186 Single Largest Resource Contingency Utility % Resource (MW) Public Service of CO 9% Comanche- 525 Public Service of NM 13% San Juan- 248 LADWP 8% Scattergood- 450 Salt River Project 6% Springerville- 415 Arizona Public Service 7% Redhawk- 500 El Paso Electric 12% Palo Verde- 207 Sierra Pacific 33% Tracy CCCT- 553 Nevada Power 10% Lenzie- 551 Largest shaft as a percent of 2014 forecast peak load Western Interconnect utilities with a control area Utility % Resource (MW) Puget Sound Energy 6% Mint Farm- 297 PacifiCorp- West 15% Chehalis- 477 PacifiCorp- East 9% Lake Side 2- 628 Portland General Electric 16% Boardman- 517 Bonneville Power Admin 7% Coulee- 805 Idaho Power 10% Langley Gultch-318 BC Hydro 5% Various- 500 Avista- Summer 16% Coyote Springs 2- 277 Avista- Winter 20% Coyote Springs 2- 312 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 187 Planning Margins Contrasts Between Interconnected and Electrical Islands • Since Avista is part of a larger power system it can leverage assets of the system to help meet peaks rather than rely entirely on its only system keeping planning margins low • This is the opposite from Avista’s newly acquired Alaska Electric Light & Power subsidiary; AELP must provide all its own reserves for reliability and plans on a 100% planning margin + largest single contingency within its core system. • The Northwest Planning Conservation Council (NPCC) attempts provide direction on system reliability on a regional basis for northwest interconnect utilities. 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 188 Northwest Power Conservation Council’s LOLP Results for 2019 http://www.nwcouncil.org/media/7148382/100914-raac-tech-2019-review.pdf 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 189 Northwest Market Depth January January January July July July Jan July Year 1 Hour 4 Hour 10 Hour 1 Hour 4 Hour 10 Hour Margin Margin 2017 12,222 8,014 5,315 11,323 10,740 9,829 28% 50% 2018 11,864 7,663 4,979 11,034 10,457 9,557 27% 49% 2019 11,503 7,309 4,639 10,742 10,170 9,283 26% 47% 2020 11,138 6,951 4,296 10,447 9,881 9,006 24% 46% 2021 9,514 5,334 2,694 9,182 8,623 7,759 20% 41% 2022 9,014 4,842 2,217 8,754 8,201 7,349 19% 39% 2023 8,638 4,474 1,863 8,450 7,903 7,063 18% 38% 2024 8,258 4,101 1,506 8,143 7,602 6,775 16% 36% 2025 7,875 3,725 1,145 7,833 7,298 6,483 15% 35% 2026 6,683 2,541 (23) 7,386 6,857 6,055 14% 33% 2027 6,291 2,158 (391) 7,070 6,548 5,758 13% 32% 2028 5,896 1,770 (763) 6,750 6,234 5,457 11% 31% 2029 5,497 1,379 (1,138) 6,428 5,918 5,154 10% 29% 2030 5,093 984 (1,517) 6,102 5,599 4,848 9% 28% Assumptions: • 1% load growth rate to match NPCC’s peak load forecast • Uses NPCC’s assumptions for shares of borderline resources contributing to NW • Centralia, Boardman, Big Hanaford, Corette offline as forecasted • Only new resources under construction are assumed • Excludes wind resources • Operating reserves and regulation requirements are satisfied ~8% of load • Winter import is 2,500 MW, summer exports IPP resources Violation of 5% LOLP 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 190 Avista’s Peak Situation • Peak can occur in summer or winter, but winter peak predominate concern • Large single largest contingency • Peak load is 5 percent of the Northwest’s peak load • Well connected to other utilities • Equal mix of hydro and thermal resources • Have mix of flexible hydro and flexible natural gas fired units to meet flexibility requirements 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 191 Spokane Temperature Volatility 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% 45% 60 63 66 69 72 75 78 81 84 87 90 93 96 99 102105 108111 Fr e q u e n c y Hottest Day Average Temperature Summer Temperature Variation 0% 2% 4% 6% 8% 10% 12% 14% 16% -20 -17 -14 -11 -8 -5 -2 1 4 7 10 13 16 19 22 25 28 31 Fr e q u e n c y Coldest Day Average Temperature Winter Temperature Variation Winter Summer Mean 4 82 Tail (10%) -9 86 Extreme -17 90 Stdev 9 3 Recent Events 2014: 5 2008: -7 2004: -9 2014: 84 2008: 86 2006: 87 Temperature Statistics 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 192 Flexibility Requirements (99th Percentile) 2013 CY Data DRAFT 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 193 Flexibility Requirements (95th Percentile) 2013 CY Data DRAFT 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 194 2013 IRP Planning Margin vs Market Reliance Cost Trade-Off 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 - 50 100 150 200 250 300 12%13%15%16%18%19%21%22%24%25%27%28%30%31% in c r e m e n t a l c o s t ( $ M i l l / Y r ) ma r k e t c o n t r i b u t i o n ( M W ) planning margin MW Annual Cost Winter Planning Margin in addition to Ancillary Services Requirements Avista’s Assumption: 14% Use if Avista is an electrical island 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 195 2015 IRP Planning Margin Proposal • Greater of 1 Hour or 18 Hour sustained peak deficit • Winter – 14% Planning Margin + – Control Area Operating Reserves + – Regulation (16 MW) • Summer – 0% Planning Margin + – Control Area Operating Reserves + – Regulation (16 MW) • Market Power Available – Winter: Through 2018 – Summer: Available throughout the study 22.6% Planning Margin for January 2015 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 196 1 Hour Net Load/Resource Position (No Short-Term Market) Temporary short position until capacity sale contract expires (150 MW) Apr ‘19, WNP-3 Expires (82 MW) Aug ‘18, Wells Contract Expires (28 MW) Lancaster Tolling Contract Ends 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 197 18 Hour Net Load/Resource Position (No Short-Term Market) (700) (600) (500) (400) (300) (200) (100) 0 100 200 300 400 20 1 6 20 1 7 20 1 8 20 1 9 20 2 0 20 2 1 20 2 2 20 2 3 20 2 4 20 2 5 20 2 6 20 2 7 20 2 8 20 2 9 20 3 0 20 3 1 20 3 2 20 3 3 20 3 4 20 3 5 Me g a w a t t s January August 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 198 Colstrip Discussion John Lyons, Ph.D. Third Technical Advisory Committee Meeting November 21, 2014 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 199 Future of Colstrip – Planning • Direction from the Washington Commission Acknowledgement of the 2013 IRP: – “Continue to evaluate scenarios related to the continued operation of units 3 and 4 of the coal-fired generating facility in Colstrip, Montana. As a component of this evaluation, Avista should provide an assessment of the impact on rates of a hypothetical portfolio that does not include these units.” (Docket No. UE-121421) • Idaho Commission Acknowledgement – “We expect the Company to consider and discuss at the TAC meetings the various concerns and suggestions that are and have been offered. In particular, we expect the Company to monitor federal developments, such as the promulgation of federal environmental regulations, and to account for their impact in its resource planning. We also encourage the Company to continue exploring the use of DR as a resource, and to be actively involved in and apprise us of matters relating to Colstrip.” (Order No. 32997) 2 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 200 2013 IRP Comments Regarding Colstrip • No public comments received in Washington • Summary comments to the Idaho PUC – Colstrip risks regarding continued operation: • Regional Haze • Greenhouse gas regulations • Permitting for prevention of significant deterioration • National Ambient Air Quality Standards • Mercury and Air Toxics Rule • Coal combustion wastes • Coal costs and the Rosebud mine – Colstrip retirement 3 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 201 Colstrip Ownership Information 4 Colstrip Basic Data Colstrip Ownership Percentages Colstrip Unit # Size (MW) Year Online Avista NorthWestern Energy, LLC PacifiCorp Portland General Electric PPL Montana, LLC Puget Sound Energy Unit #1 307 1975 0% 0% 0% 0% 50% 50% Unit #2 307 1976 0% 0% 0% 0% 50% 50% Unit #3 740 1984 15% 0% 10% 20% 30% 25% Unit #4 740 1986 15% 30% 10% 20% 0% 25% Total 2,094 11% 11% 7% 14% 25% 32% • 9% of Avista’s owned and contracted capacity • 14.86% of 2013 energy profile (Draft 2014 Washington Department of Commerce Fuel Mix Report) 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 202 Colstrip Economic Benefits • The plant employs 360 people and the mine has 373 employees • $104 million in annual Montana state and local taxes (4.5% of all state revenue collections) • 3,740 additional jobs and 7,700 more residents in Montana • $360 million in additional personal income • $638 million more in additional Montana economic output • Second lowest cost resource after hydroelectric for Avista • Baseload resource with stable fuel price Data from The Economic Contribution of Colstrip Steam Electric Station Units 1-4, November 2010. 5 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 203 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 19 8 0 19 8 1 19 8 2 19 8 3 19 8 4 19 8 5 19 8 6 19 8 7 19 8 8 19 8 9 19 9 0 19 9 1 19 9 2 19 9 3 19 9 4 19 9 5 19 9 6 19 9 7 19 9 8 19 9 9 20 0 0 20 0 1 20 0 2 20 0 3 20 0 4 20 0 5 20 0 6 20 0 7 20 0 8 20 0 9 20 1 0 20 1 1 Mi l l i o n M e t r i c T o n s Transportation Industrial Commercial Residential Electric Power Centralia WA Jim Bridger WA Colstrip Washington State Carbon Emissions & Goals In state and imported coal is 16% of total emissions Source: EIA- does not include agriculture and waste management and estimates differ than WA Ecology 2020 Goal (1990 levels) 2035 Goal (25% below 1990) 2050 Goal (50% below 1990) 6 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 204 Issues Related to Colstrip in this IRP 7 Modeling Assumptions: • Greenhouse gas regulations: – emissions performance standards (CA, OR and WA) – 30% WECC-wide reduction identified pursuant to 111(d) • National Ambient Air Quality Standards • Mercury and Air Toxics Rule (HAPs) • Regional Haze Emerging Issues: • Finalization of the 111(d) rule at the federal and state levels • Coal combustion residuals • Washington Executive Order 14-04 • Cost of closing the plant and continued use of the site 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 205 Colstrip Modeling in the 2015 IRP Expected Case Assumptions: • Assumes compliance with known environmental regulations (discussed in the previous slide) • Expected Case assumptions do not speculate – alternatives considered under futures/scenarios studies • Colstrip Units #3 – 4 in service through IRP modeling period • Cost of carbon (to be discussed in the next presentation) Draft Alternative Colstrip Scenarios: • SCR on units 3 and 4 in 2025 and 2026 • No SCR, shut down units 3 and 4 by end of 2026 8 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 206 Carbon Prices in the 2015 Electric IRP John Lyons, Ph.D. Third Technical Advisory Committee Meeting November 21, 2014 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 207 Background • Washington: – “Incorporate a non-zero expected value cost of carbon into the Expected Case. Avista should also work with the Technical Advisory Committee to investigate incorporating a range of prospective carbon policies into the Expected Case stochastic analysis.” (UE-121421 – 2013 IRP Acknowledgement Letter) • Forms of carbon regulation: – Cap and trade: an example is AB 32 in California – Direct regulation: EPA proposal under 111(d), RCW 80.80 – Carbon tax: British Columbia – Indirectly through an RPS • Four cases plus two others selected by the TAC (Expected Case, Benchmark Case, 111(d) Case and No Colstrip Case) 2 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 208 State of Carbon Regulation • No carbon prices for resources in our jurisdictions • Washington goal of 50 percent below 1990 emissions by 2050, but no implementation strategy. – 970 pounds/MWh for new baseload resources (RCW 80.80) • Emissions offset requirements for new baseload thermal resources in Oregon and Washington • No carbon prices in Idaho • Federal: 111(b) and 111(d) proposals • Other jurisdictions modeled in WECC includes their applicable prices: British Columbia’s carbon tax and California’s AB32. 3 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 209 2013 IRP Expected Case Carbon Assumptions • In the 2013 IRP, the implied cost of carbon in the expected case was $95.33 per metric ton. – Implied cost to the whole region from coal plant retirements and the cost to replace the lost capacity. – Avista’s implied cost was much lower than the region because of no expected lost capacity from coal. Avista’s implied cost included higher electric market prices ($1.79/MWh or 3.5%) due to the lost capacity between 2020-2033. • Assuming the price adder is from a 7,000 heat rate natural gas-fired plant the implied 2013 IRP carbon price is $4.70/metric ton levelized between 2020-2033. 4 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 210 Draft 2015 Expected Case Assumptions • Target 30% minimum reduction in carbon emissions rate from 2005 for plants covered under 111(d) • Adjust load forecast assumption to include additional conservation • 21% RPS for the region (not necessarily state-by-state) • 10% probability of carbon cost adder to generation ($12 nominal in 2020 with 5% escalation) • Options: – Will determine actionable measures needed to reduce existing plant emissions (rate or mass based) – Retire enough plants to hit 30% and calculate carbon price necessary to force retirement – Increased energy efficiency above utility forecasts – 2020 start date, but not the same EPA glide path • Scenario Purpose: provides market prices and conditions used to determine the Preferred Resource Strategy 5 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 211 Benchmarking Case • Assumes that 111(d) does not occur so we have a benchmark to show the costs of the 111(d) proposal and other carbon scenarios • Maintains existing RPS, emissions performance standards, plant retirements and existing energy efficiency programs • Scenario Purpose: only used to show costs and effects of the 111(d) proposal and regional haze programs 6 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 212 EPA 111(d) Draft Rule Case • Assumes suggested adoption of EPA building blocks for each state in the WECC • 21% RPS – state-level requirement • 10.7% DSM – state-level requirement • 6% heat rate improvements at coal plants • Shut down of planned/announced coal retirements • Caps EGU output to EPA level, with the exception of an adjustment for Langley Gulch to show a full year of output • Scenario Purpose: shows the impacts of the 111(d) draft rule 7 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 213 No Colstrip Case • Uses Expected Case assumptions, but removes Colstrip from the resource stack in 2026 • Does not make assumptions about why the plant is no longer available, but shows the costs and how it would be replaced • Scenario Purpose: answers question posed by the Washington Commission in the 2013 IRP acknowledgement letter 8 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 214 Other Potential Cases for Discussion • Regional cap and trade for carbon emissions • Coal limitations without retirement • All U.S. WECC coal retires by a certain date • Social cost of carbon as a price adder 9 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 215 2013 IRP Modeling Approach James Gall Third Technical Advisory Committee Meeting November 21, 2014 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 216 2015 IRP Modeling Process Preferred Resource Strategy AURORA “Wholesale Electric Market” 500 Simulations PRiSM “Avista Portfolio” Efficient Frontier Fuel Prices Fuel Availability Resource Availability Demand Environmental Considerations Existing Resources Resource Options Transmission Resource & Portfolio Margins Conservation Trends Existing Resources Avista Load Forecast Energy, Capacity, & RPS Balances New Resource Options & Costs T&D Efficiency Projects Conservation / DR Measures/Costs Mid-Columbia Prices Stochastic Inputs Deterministic Inputs Capacity Value Avoided Costs 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 217 3rd party software- EPIS, Inc. Electric market fundamentals- production cost model Simulates generation dispatch to meet load Outputs: – Market prices – Regional energy mix – Transmission usage – Greenhouse gas emissions – Power plant margins, generation levels, fuel costs – Avista’s variable power supply costs Electric Market Modeling 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 218 AURORA Inputs Regional loads Fuel prices Hydro levels Wind variation Environmental resolutions Resource availability Transmission 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 219 Regional Loads Forecast load growth for all regions in the Western Interconnect Consider both peak and energy Use regional published studies and public IRP’s Stochastic modeling simulates load changes due to weather and considers regional correlation of weather patterns Load changes due to economic reasons are difficult to quantify and are usually picked up as IRP’s are published every two years Peak load is becoming more difficult to quantify as “Demand Response” programs my cause data integrity issues Energy demand forecasts need to be net of conservation 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 220 California Northwest Desert SW Rocky Mountains Canada - 50,000 100,000 150,000 200,000 250,000 20 1 2 20 1 3 20 1 4 20 1 5 20 1 6 20 1 7 20 1 8 20 1 9 20 2 0 20 2 1 20 2 2 20 2 3 20 2 4 20 2 5 20 2 6 20 2 7 20 2 8 20 2 9 20 3 0 20 3 1 20 3 2 20 3 3 20 3 4 20 3 5 20 3 6 20 3 7 20 3 8 20 3 9 20 4 0 Me g a w a t t s Western Interconnect Peak Load Forecast Energy & Peak Forecast (draft) Energy AAGR Canada 1.95% Rocky Mtns. 1.18% Desert SW 1.61% California 0.99% Northwest 0.82% Peak AAGR Canada 1.80% Rocky Mtns. 1.23% Desert SW 1.46% California 1.00% Northwest 0.95% California Northwest Desert SW Rocky Mountains Canada - 50,000 100,000 150,000 200,000 250,000 20 1 2 20 1 3 20 1 4 20 1 5 20 1 6 20 1 7 20 1 8 20 1 9 20 2 0 20 2 1 20 2 2 20 2 3 20 2 4 20 2 5 20 2 6 20 2 7 20 2 8 20 2 9 20 3 0 20 3 1 20 3 2 20 3 3 20 3 4 20 3 5 20 3 6 20 3 7 20 3 8 20 3 9 20 4 0 Av e r a g e M e g a w a t t s Western Interconnect Energy Load Forecast 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 221 Electric Vehicles (PH/EV) Customer load shapes will be a result of PHEV To address this- a load adder will be applied to reflect new demand with a majority of load added in off peak hours By 2030 the following are the percent of vehicle sales, 25%: CA 15%: AZ, CO, OR, WA 10%: NM, NV,UT 5%: WY, MT, ID Beyond 2030 growth is equal to traditional vehicle growth (1/2 of population growth) - 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 2,500 20 1 5 20 1 6 20 1 7 20 1 8 20 1 9 20 2 0 20 2 1 20 2 2 20 2 3 20 2 4 20 2 5 20 2 6 20 2 7 20 2 8 20 2 9 20 3 0 20 3 1 20 3 2 20 3 3 20 3 4 Av e r a g e M e g a w a t t s Western Interconnect PH/EV Load 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 222 Rooftop Solar • As with PH/EV, rooftop solar will impact future load growth and its hourly profile • Future growth will be dependent upon policy choices • Assumes 20-40% growth, before leveling off to long run growth 1-3% in 2020’s 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 223 Natural Gas Prices Natural gas prices are one of the most difficult inputs to quantify A combination of forward prices and consultant studies will be used as the “Expected Case” for this IRP. This work should be complete by December 2014 500 different prices using an auto regressive technique will be modeled, the mean value of the 500 simulations will be equal to the “Expected Case” forecast A controversial input for these prices is the amount of variance within the 500 simulation. – Historically prices were highly volatile, recent history is more stable – Final variance estimates will look at current market volatility and implied variance from options contracts 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 224 Henry Hub Natural Gas Prices * * Based on methodology described above, to be updated $0.00 $2.00 $4.00 $6.00 $8.00 $10.00 20 0 9 20 1 0 20 1 1 20 1 2 20 1 3 20 1 4 20 1 5 20 1 6 20 1 7 20 1 8 20 1 9 20 2 0 20 2 1 20 2 2 20 2 3 20 2 4 20 2 5 20 2 6 20 2 7 20 2 8 20 2 9 20 3 0 20 3 1 20 3 2 20 3 3 20 3 4 20 3 5 $ p e r D t h 2013 IRP Forwards (11/20/2014) Avista 2014 Forecast Actuals Levelized price is $5.37/dth 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 225 Coal Prices With lower natural gas prices and EPA regulations the demand for US based coal is lower, but potential exports may stabilize the industry Western US coal plants typically have long-term contracts and many are mine mouth Rail coal projects are subject to diesel price risk Prices will be based on review of coal plant publically available prices and EIA mine mouth and rail forecasts 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 226 Hydro 80 years of hydro conditions are used for the Northwest states, British Columbia and California provided by BPA – Hydro levels change monthly – AURORA dispatches the monthly hydro based on whether its run-of-river or storage. For stochastic studies the hydro levels will be randomly drawn from the 80-year record A new Columbia River Treaty could change regional hydro patterns, but until there is resolution, no changes will be included 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 227 Northwest State Hydro Volatility Mean: 15,587 aMW 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 228 - 5,000 10,000 15,000 20,000 25,000 El Niño Neutral La Niña All Data Av e r a g e M e g a w a t t s Mean 2 Stdev High 2 Stdev Low Northwest Hydro Variability (1929-2008) 28% 52% 20% Annual Probability 14 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 229 Wind Wind generation in the Northwest’s is the fastest growing resource type RECs and PTC’s have caused wind facilities to economically generate in oversupply periods in the Northwest- particularly in the spring months Wind is modeled using an autoregressive technique to simulate output in similar to reported data available from BPA, CAISO, and other publically available data sources- also considers correlation between regions For stochastic studies several wind curves, will be drawn from to simulate variation in wind output each year 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 230 Wind Generation Profile (January 2007-14 from BPA) Hour of January 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% 1 18 3552 69 86 10 3 12 0 13 7 15 4 17 1 18 8 20 5 22 2 23 9 25 6 27 3 29 0 30 7 32 4 34 1 35 8 37 5 39 2 40 9 42 6 44 3 46 0 47 7 49 4 51 1 52 8 54 5 56 2 57 9 59 6 61 3 63 0 64 7 66 4 68 1 69 8 71 5 73 2 Ca p a c i t y F a c t o r Mean: 23.3% Stdev: 27.8% 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 231 Modeled Wind Generation Profile 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% 1 20 39 58 77 96 11 5 13 4 15 3 17 2 19 1 21 0 22 9 24 8 26 7 28 6 30 5 32 4 34 3 36 2 38 1 40 0 41 9 43 8 45 7 47 6 49 5 51 4 53 3 55 2 57 1 59 0 60 9 62 8 64 7 66 6 68 5 70 4 72 3 74 2 Ca p a c i t y F a c t o r Mean: 27.7% Stdev: 24.1% Hour of January 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 232 Oversupply Hours Mid-Columbia Prices Were Less Than $0/MWh Source: Powerdex daily average prices- substantially more hours had trades with negative pricing Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug 2011 8 10 4 31 39 85 25 0 2012 0 0 8 60 84 260 137 3 2013 0 0 0 0 31 0 11 0 2014 0 0 36 20 67 34 2 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 Mi d -Co l u m b i a P r i c e H o u r s B e l o w Z e r o Total 202 552 42 159 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 233 Western Interconnect Coal Capacity Forecast Announced retirements are 42% of coal plant capacity in the west between 2010 and 2035 0 5,000 10,000 15,000 20,000 25,000 30,000 35,000 40,000 45,000 20 1 0 20 1 1 20 1 2 20 1 3 20 1 4 20 1 5 20 1 6 20 1 7 20 1 8 20 1 9 20 2 0 20 2 1 20 2 2 20 2 3 20 2 4 20 2 5 20 2 6 20 2 7 20 2 8 20 2 9 20 3 0 20 3 1 20 3 2 20 3 3 20 3 4 20 3 5 Me g a w a t t s 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 234 Cooling Water Issues Once-through cooling – California plants with this cooling technology must be converted to alternative cooling methods or retired – For modeling purposes: older natural gas units will be retired and Diablo Canyon will be retrofitted Traditional water cooling – New NG resources are finding it more difficult to use water cooling- for new resources air cooling will be assumed 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 235 Once-Through Cooling Affect 14,167 MW of natural gas plants in California are affected by once-through-cooling rules Represents 29% of California’s natural gas fleet 0 2,000 4,000 6,000 8,000 10,000 12,000 14,000 16,000 20 1 0 20 1 1 20 1 2 20 1 3 20 1 4 20 1 5 20 1 6 20 1 7 20 1 8 20 1 9 20 2 0 20 2 1 20 2 2 20 2 3 20 2 4 20 2 5 20 2 6 20 2 7 20 2 8 20 2 9 20 3 0 20 3 1 20 3 2 20 3 3 20 3 4 20 3 5 Me g a w a t t s 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 236 Western State’s Renewable Portfolio Standards Capacity/Energy Forecast 0 5,000 10,000 15,000 20,000 25,000 30,000 35,000 40,000 20 1 5 20 1 6 20 1 7 20 1 8 20 1 9 20 2 0 20 2 1 20 2 2 20 2 3 20 2 4 20 2 5 20 2 6 20 2 7 20 2 8 20 2 9 20 3 0 20 3 1 20 3 2 20 3 3 20 3 4 20 3 5 Na m e p l a t e ( M W ) Hydro Geothermal Biomass Wind Solar Added Energy (aMW) 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 237 PRiSM- Preferred Resource Strategy Model Internally developed using Excel based linear/mixed integer program model (What’s Best) Selects new resources to meet Avista’s capacity, energy, and renewable energy requirements Outputs: – Power supply costs (variable and fixed) – Power supply costs variation – New resource selection (generation/conservation) – Emissions – Capital requirements 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 238 PRiSM Find optimal resource strategy to meet resource deficits over planning horizon Model selects its resources to reduce cost, risk, or both. Objective Function: – Minimize: Total Power Supply Cost on NPV basis (2016-2054)- Focus on first 20 years of the plan – Subject to: •Risk level •Capacity need +/- deviation •Energy need +/- deviation •Renewable portfolio standards •Resource limitations, sizes, and timing 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 239 Efficient Frontier  Demonstrates the trade off of cost and risk  Avoided Cost Calculation Ri s k Least Cost Portfolio Least Risk Portfolio Find least cost portfolio at a given level of risk Short-Term Market Market + Capacity + RPS = Avoided Cost Capacity Need + Risk Cost 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 240 Conservation Potential Assessment Technical Advisory Committee Meeting November 21, 2014 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 241 2 Outline Study Approach LoadMAP Overview Market Characterization Baseline Projection Measure Development Ramp Rate Development Economic Screening Potential Results Consistency with Council Methodology 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 242 3 Study objectives Characterize the Market Base-year energy use by segment Prototypes and energy analysis (BEST) Avista forecast data Codes and standards RTF data Secondary data Project the Baseline End-use forecast by segment Screen Measures and Options Measure descriptions Avista program data Avista avoided costs NWPCC/RTF workbooks Technical and economic potential Establish Customer Acceptance Avista programs Other studies Market acceptance/ramp rates Achievable potential Synthesize Sensitivity analysis Study results Avista billing data Avista program data Energy Market Profiles Avista GenPOP, RBSA, CBSA and other surveys Secondary data Previous study results Study approach 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 243 4 LoadMAPTM analysis tool LoadMAP stands for Load Management, Analysis and Planning – Analyzes EE, DR, distributed generation/renewables and electricification trends – Used for more than 40 potential assessments in last six years LoadMAP modeling features – Embodies principles of rigorous end-use models (like EPRI’s REEPS and COMMEND) – Uses stock-accounting – Uses a simple decision logic – Models are customized by end use User friendly and transparent algorithms: – Excel-based model – Can easily update all assumptions and results flow through to pre-formatted charts and tables – Conduct sensitivity analysis – Answer what-if questions from senior management 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 244 5 Segmentation for the CPA Dimension Segmentation Variable Dimension Examples 1 State Washington and Idaho 2 Sector Residential, Commercial, Industrial 3 Segment Residential: by housing type and income Commercial: by building type Industrial: as a whole 4 Vintage Existing and new construction 5 End uses Cooling, heating, ventilation, lighting, water heat, refrigeration, motors, etc. (customized for each sector) 6 Appliances/end uses and technologies Technologies such as lamp type, air conditioning equipment, motors by size, etc. 7 Equipment efficiency levels for new purchases Baseline efficiency and an array of higher-efficiency options as appropriate for each technology 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 245 6 We begin with a high-level market characterization Washington Customers 2013 Electricity Sales (GWh) Residential 200,134 2,452 General Service 27,142 416 Large General Service 3,352 1,557 Extra Large Commercial 9 266 Extra Large Industrial 13 614 Pumping 2,361 136 Total 233,011 5,440 Source: Avista 2012 CPA Idaho Customers 2013 Electricity Sales (GWh) Residential 99,580 1,182 General Service 19,245 323 Large General Service 1,456 700 Extra Large Commercial 3 70 Extra Large Industrial 6 196 Pumping 1,312 59 Total 121,602 2,530 Avista (WA and ID) Customers 2013 Electricity Sales (GWh) Residential 299,714 3,634 General Service 46,387 739 Large General Service 4,808 2,257 Extra Large Commercial 12 336 Extra Large Industrial 19 810 Pumping 3,673 195 Total 354,613 7,970 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 246 7 We disaggregate sectors into most important segments Residential Avista Total Number of Customers Annual Use (GWh) % of Sales Intensity (kWh/HH) Single Family 168,339 2,399 66% 14,251 Multi Family 23,456 202 6% 8,612 Mobile Home 10,022 128 4% 12,772 Low Income 97,896 905 25% 9,245 Total 299,714 3,634 100% 12,125 Source: Avista 2012 CPA 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 247 8 Market profiles characterize how customers use energy in the base year. • All buildings/dwellings • New construction Basic Equation: where Energy = annual energy use e = equipment technology N = number of homes Sate = saturation of homes with the equip UECe = unit energy consump in homes with the equipment present This sample market profile is captured from LoadMAP. Saturations and UECs are inputs to the model. LoadMAP calculates the intensity and usage. Values shown in the Total line match the market characterization control totals. We develop energy market profiles for each sector  e eeUECSatNEnergy )( Source: Avista 2012 CPA 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 248 9 Energy market profiles summarized Source: Avista 2012 CPA Annual Intensity for Average Household % of Use by End Use, All Homes 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 249 10 Data sources for energy market profiles Model Inputs Description Key Sources Market size Base-year residential dwellings, commercial floor space, and industrial employment Avista billing data, GenPOP survey, American Community Survey, NEEA surveys and reports, NPCC Sixth Plan Annual intensity Residential: Annual energy use (kWh/household) Commercial: Annual energy use (kWh/ sq ft) Industrial: Annual energy use (kWh/employee) Avista billing data, AEG Energy Market Profiles database , NEEA surveys and reports, AEO, previous studies Appliance/equipment saturations Fraction of dwellings with an appliance/technology; Percentage of commercial floor space or industrial employment with equipment/technology GenPOP survey, NEAA surveys and reports, RECS, AEG Energy Market Profiles, and other secondary data UEC/EUI for each end- use technology UEC: Annual electricity use for a technology in dwellings that have the technology EUI: Annual electricity use per square foot/employee for a technology in floor space that has the technology NEAA surveys and reports, RTF/SEEM data, RTF UES workbooks, engineering analysis, BEST prototype simulations, engineering analysis Appliance/equipment vintage distribution Age distribution for each technology NEEA surveys and reports, secondary data (DEEM, EIA, EPRI, DEER, etc.) Efficiency options for each technology List of available efficiency options and annual energy use for each technology RTF, Council workbooks, prototype simulations, engineering analysis, appliance/equipment standards, secondary data, previous studies 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 250 11 We develop a baseline projection Projects energy market profiles into the future • Baseline projection is an end-use forecast of energy usage absent the effects of future conservation programs. Includes the effects of appliance standards and building codes, but holds efficiency purchasing trends at current levels (assumes no naturally-occurring conservation). Model Inputs Description Key Sources Customer growth forecasts Forecasts of new construction in residential and C&I sectors Data provided by Avista’s Forecasting Department Equipment purchase shares for baseline projection For each equipment/technology, purchase shares for each efficiency level; specified separately for existing equipment replacement and new construction Avista program results Shipments data from AEO AEO regional forecast assumptions RTF data on current market baseline NEEA surveys and reports Appliance/efficiency standards analysis Exogenous forecast drivers Retail price forecasts Personal income forecasts Other Avista forecasts AEO Utilization model parameters Elasticities for each forecast driver EPRI’s REEPS and COMMEND models AEO Avista’s historical weather data and normal weather data (cooling & heating degree days) 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 251 12 Timeline of current residential appliance standards Today's Efficiency or Standard Assumption 1st Standard (relative to today's standard) 2nd Standard (relative to today's standard) End Use Technology 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 Central AC Room AC Evaporative Central AC Evaporative Room AC Cooling/Heating Heat Pump Space Heating Electric Resistance Water Heater (<=55 gallons) Water Heater (>55 gallons) Screw-in/Pin Lamps Linear Fluorescent T12 Refrigerator/2nd Refrigerator Freezer Dishwasher Conventional (355kWh/yr) Clothes Washer Clothes Dryer NAECA Standard NAECA Standard Conventional (MEF 1.26 for top loader) Conventional (EF 3.01) Cooling EER 11.0 SEER 13 EER 9.8 Conventional Conventional Water Heating EF 0.95 Heat Pump Water Heater EF 0.90 EF 0.90 Advanced Incandescent - tier 2 (45 lumens/watt) T8 SEER 14.0/HSPF 8.0SEER 13.0/HSPF 7.7 Electric Resistance Incandescent 5% more efficient (EF 3.17) Appliances 25% more efficient 25% more efficient 14% more efficient (307 kWh/yr) MEF 1.72 for top loader MEF 2.0 for top loader Lighting Advanced Incandescent - tier 1 (20 lumens/watt) 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 252 13 Example of a residential baseline projection Source: Avista 2012 CPA • Growth of 32% from ‘09 to '33, or 1.5% per year on average. • Per household basis, use is increasing slightly at 4% for the forecast period, or 0.2% per year. Total Annual Use (MWh) Annual Use per Household (kWh) 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 253 14 ECM identification & characterization •Develop measure list using • Council workbooks • Existing programs • AEG databases •Characterization • Description • Costs • Savings • Applicability • Lifetime •Data sources • RTF • Avista data • AEG’s database • BEST simulations •Measure Crosswalk Example: Water heating measures Conventional (EF 0.95) Heat pump water heater (EF 2.3) Solar water heater Low-flow showerheads Timer / Thermostat setback Tank blanket 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 254 15 ECM savings and costs • Measure savings change relative to baseline throughout study (as shown) • We use a market baseline, consistent with RTF/Council • Measure costs change with market projections and expectations Example of Savings Calculation for Screw-in Lighting Technologies 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 255 16 Calculating the three levels of potential ECM data Economic screening Customer adoption 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 256 17 Estimating potential and ramp rates Technical potential assumes most efficient option is chosen by all customers Economic potential assumes all customers choose the highest-efficiency option that passes economic screen •Use TRC and Avista’s avoided cost to perform economic screen Achievable potential is a subset of economic potential •Calculated by applying ramp rates to economic potential •Our approach for Avista: Start with ramp rates from the 6th Power Plan Map the Council ramp rates to ECMs in our analysis Adjust the starting point for each measure’s ramp rate to align with Avista’s recent program accomplishments 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 257 18 Customer adoption (ramp) rates Residential ramp rates from NWPCC Lost Opportunity Ramp Rates: Applied to equipment units each year that are turning over into a new purchase decision. Non-Lost Opportunity Ramp Rates: Applied cumulatively to all applicable opportunities in the market over time. 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 258 19 Residential conservation potential For 2014 to 2023, ten-year achievable potential savings are about 252 GWh. This is 28.8 aMW. 2014 2015 2018 2023 2028 2033 Cumulative WA and ID Savings (MWh) Achievable Potential 21,848 42,786 147,588 251,961 392,098 547,119 Economic Potential 231,078 335,111 744,684 1,041,719 1,390,377 1,549,252 Technical Potential 963,411 1,037,905 1,338,457 1,473,324 1,727,383 1,911,746 Cumulative Savings (aMW) Achievable Potential 2.5 4.9 16.8 28.8 44.8 62.5 Economic Potential 26.4 38.3 85.0 118.9 158.7 176.9 Technical Potential 110.0 118.5 152.8 168.2 197.2 218.2 Example from Avista 2012 CPA 0 50 100 150 200 250 2014 2015 2018 2023 2028 2033 En e r g y S a v i n g s ( a M W ) Achievable Potential Economic Potential Technical Potential 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 259 20 Achievable Potential in 2018 Top measures in the residential sector Example from Avista 2012 CPA Measure/Technology 2018 Cumulative Savings (MWh) % of Total Interior Lighting Screw-in 39,805 27% Electric Furnace 17,175 12% Interior Specialty Lighting 16,484 11% Exterior Screw-in Lighting 14,121 10% Water Heater <= 55 Gal 11,129 8% Water Heater - Tank Blanket/Insulation 7,317 5% Thermostat - Clock/Programmable 6,783 5% Water Heater - Low Flow Showerheads 5,885 4% Water Heater - Pipe Insulation 4,790 3% Electric Resistance 3,738 3% Water Heater - Faucet Aerators 3,244 2% Central AC 2,687 2% Water Heater - Thermostat Setback 2,626 2% Refrigerator 2,187 1% Insulation - Infiltration Control 1,692 1% Furnace Fan 1,170 1% Personal Computers 1,111 1% Insulation - Foundation 791 1% Freezer 789 1% TVs 745 1% 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 260 21 AEG Consistency with Council Methodology End-use model — bottom-up •Building characteristics, fuel and equipment saturations •Stock accounting based on measure life •Codes and standards that have been enacted are included in baseline •Lost- and non-lost opportunities treated differently Measures – comprehensive list •RTF measure workbooks •BPA data •AEG databases, which draw upon same sources used by RTF Economic potential, total resource cost (TRC) test •Considers HVAC interactions, non-energy benefits •Avoided costs include 10% credit based on Conservation Act Achievable potential – ramp rates •Based on Sixth Plan ramps rates, but modified to reflect Avista’s program history 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 261 Ingrid Rohmund irohmund@appliedenergygroup.com Bridget Kester bkester@appliedenergygroup.com Fuong Nguyen fnguyen@appliedenergygroup.com Sharon Yoshida syoshida@appliedenergygroup.com Thank You! 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 262 2015 Electric Integrated Resource Plan Technical Advisory Committee Meeting No. 4 Agenda Tuesday, February 24, 2015 Red Lion River Inn – Shoreline Ballroom A, Spokane, WA Topic Time Staff 1. Introduction & TAC 3 Recap 8:30 Lyons 2. Demand Response Study 8:45 Doege 3. Natural Gas Price Forecast 9:15 Dorr Break 4. Electric Price Forecast 10:30 Gall 5. Lunch 11:30 6. Resource Requirements 12:30 Kalich Break 7. Interconnection Studies 1:15 Maguire 8. Market Scenarios and Portfolio Analysis 2:15 Lyons 9. Adjourn 3:00 TAC meeting location: Red Lion River Inn Spokane Shoreline Ballroom A 700 N. Division Spokane, WA 99202 Directions: http://www.redlion.com/river-inn-spokane/map-directions 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 263 2015 Electric IRP TAC Meeting Expectations and Schedule John Lyons, Ph.D. Fourth Technical Advisory Committee Meeting February 24, 2015 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 264 Technical Advisory Committee • The public process of the IRP – input on what to study, how to study, and review assumptions and results • Technical forum with a range of participants with different areas of input and expertise • Open forum, but we need to stay on topic to get through the agenda and allow all participants to ask questions and make comments • Welcome requests for studies or different assumptions. – Time or resources may limit the amount of studies – The earlier study requests are made, the more accommodating we can be – January 15, 2015 was the final date to receive study requests • Action Items – areas for more research in the next IRP 2 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 265 Technical Advisory Committee • Technical forum on inputs and assumptions, not an advocacy forum • Focus is on developing a resource strategy based on sound assumptions and inputs, instead of a forum on a particular resource or resource type • We request that everyone maintain a high level of respect and professional demeanor to encourage an ongoing conversation about the IRP process • Supports rate recovery, but not a preapproval process • Planning team is available by email or phone for questions or comments between the TAC meetings 3 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 266 Remaining TAC Meetings •TAC 5 – March 24, 2015: Completed conservation potential assessment, draft preferred resource strategy (PRS), review of scenarios, market futures, and portfolio analysis •TAC 6 – June 24, 2015: Review of final PRS and action items. 4 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 267 TAC #3 Recap • Introduction & TAC 2 Recap – Lyons • Planning Margin – Gall • Colstrip Discussion – Lyons • Cost of Carbon – Lyons • IRP Modeling Overview – Gall • Conservation Potential Assessment – Kester 5 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 268 Today’s Agenda • Introduction & TAC 3 Recap (8:30) – Lyons • Demand Response Study (8:45) – Doege • Natural Gas Price Forecast (9:15) – Scott – Break • Electric Price Forecast (10:30) – Gall • Lunch (11:30) • Resource Requirements (12:30) – Kalich – Break • Interconnection Studies (1:15) – Maguire • Market Scenarios and Portfolio Analysis (2:15) – Lyons • Adjourn 3:00 6 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 269 Demand Response Potential Assessment Study Study & Report by: Applied Energy Group & Avista Prepared by Leona Doege Fourth Technical Advisory Committee Meeting February 24, 2015 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 270 Purpose of Study 2013 Electric IRP Action Item Answer the following questions: • How much capacity for DR? • How long will it take to reach it (ramp rate)? • How much will it cost? 2 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 271 Demand Response Customers making a change to their consumption in response to a price or incentive signal. Graph Source: FERC Demand Response Report 2006 3 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 272 Demand Response History at Avista •2001: Nickel buyback program •2006: Public plea, & bilateral agreements (emergency load shedding) •2007-2009: Idaho 2-year residential direct load control pilot •2012-2014 : Washington: 2.5-year residential & WSU direct load control demonstration (SGDP- Pullman) 4 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 273 Study Approach • Review U.S. Demand Response Programs Categorized DR Programs • Segmented Avista C&I customers • Identify DR Programs relevant to Avista & C&I customers • Develop & discuss assumptions • Develop framework 5 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 274 Demand Response Programs Relevant to Avista Load Aggregator 6 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 275 Demand Response Options Overview DLC Firm RTP Targeted Segment Sch 11 & 21 Sch 21 & 25 Sch 11, 21 & 25 Resource Availability Varies Year Around Year Around Event Notification Day Ahead Day ahead – preferred or 30 min Day Ahead Max Event Hrs/YR 60 hours 60 hours 60 Hours Event Duration 4 to 6 hours each 1 to 8 hours each 4 hours each Type of Response Space & water heat Non-essential loads or back-up gen. Load curtailment or back-up gen. Participant Incentive $60 annually SH $50 annually WH Determined & paid by 3rd party On-Off peak price differential Other Directly admin by Avista Admin by 3rd party Need AMI 10-15 max events per year. Need AMI 7 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 276 Summary of Results Graph from page 30 of report 8 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 277 DR Potential by Option from page 30 of report 9 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 278 Program Costs & Potential Stand Alone Interactive Charts from pages 32 & 33 of report Firm Curtailment and standby generation have overlapping capacity 10 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 279 Standby Generation Partnership Prepared by Marc Schaffner Fourth Technical Advisory Committee Meeting February 24, 2015 11 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 280 What is Standby Generation Partnership? A prospective partnership between customers and Avista to meet future peak load needs utilizing existing and future standby distributed generation. 12 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 281 Standby Generation Opportunities • Interconnect customers diesel or natural gas-powered generators to Avista’s distribution system • Utilize standby generator output as a peak resource and to improve voltage regulation on Avista’s electric distribution system • Introduce natural gas blending to diesel-powered generators for cleaner, more economical operation • Utilize standby generators as a cost-effective non-spinning reserve • Conduct an in-house pilot by interconnecting Avista’s standby generators at its headquarters in Spokane 13 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 282 2015 Electric IRP Natural Gas Price Forecast Eric Scott, Manager of Natural Gas Resources Fourth Technical Advisory Committee Meeting February 24, 2015 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 283 North American Pipeline Infrastructure 2 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 284 Pacific Northwest Supply and Infrastructure AECO Canadian gas coming out of Alberta, Canada Rockies U.S. domestic gas coming from Wyoming and Colorado Sumas Canadian gas coming out of British Columbia, Canada Malin South central at the Oregon and California border Stanfield Intersection of two major pipelines in North Central Oregon Williams Northwest Pipeline TransCanada Gas Transmission Northwest TransCanada Foothills TransCanada Alberta Spectra Energy Ruby Pipeline Jackson Prairie Storage Mist Storage SU P P L Y PI P E L I N E S ST O R A G E 3 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 285 Types of Pipeline Contracts Firm Transport • Contractual rights to: • Receive • Transport • Deliver • From point A to point B Interruptible Transport • Contractual rights to: • Receive • Transport • Deliver • From point A to Point B AFTER FIRM TRANSPORT HAS BEEN SCHEDULED Seasonal Transport • Firm service available for limited periods (Nov-Mar) or for a limited amount (TF2 on NWP) Alternate Firm Transport • The use of firm transport outside of the primary path • Priority rights below firm • Priority rights above interruptible 4 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 286 Pipeline Rate Structure • Pipeline charges a higher demand charge and a lower variable or commodity charge Straight Fixed Variable (SFV) • Pipeline charges a lower demand charge and a higher variable or commodity charge Enhanced fixed variable • Pay the same demand and variable costs regardless of how far the gas is transported Postage Stamp Rate • Pay a variable and demand charge based on how far the gas is transported Mileage Based 5 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 287 TransCanada Gas Transmission Northwest (GTN) • Mileage Based • Point to Point • Alternate firm allowed in path • Mostly – demand based with a couple Nomination based points • Demand based refers to gas that will be taken off the pipeline based on the demand behind the delivery point. • Nomination based refers to the pipeline only delivering what was nominated (requested). • Usually requires upstream transportation 6 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 288 Mileage Base: Pay based on how far you move the gas Jackson Prairie 7 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 289 Williams Northwest Pipeline (NWP) • Postage Stamp Based • Point to Point • Delivery to ‘zones’ allowed • Alternate firm allowed in and out of path • Demand based delivery • Demand based refers to gas that will be taken off the pipeline based on the demand behind the delivery point. • Nomination based refers to the pipeline only delivering what was nominated (requested). • May or may not require upstream transportation • Enhanced fixed variable structure 8 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 290 Postage Stamp: Same costs regardless of distance or locations Jackson Prairie 9 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 291 Natural Gas Pricing Fundamentals 10 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 292 What Drives the Natural Gas Market? Natural Gas Spot Prices Supply – Type: Conventional vs. Non-conventional – Location – Cost Demand – Residential/Commercial/Industrial – Power Generation – Natural Gas Vehicles Legislation – Environmental Energy Correlations – Oil vs. Gas – Coal vs. Gas – Natural Gas Liquids Weather Storage 11 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 293 12 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 294 13 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 295 14 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 296 Natural Gas Storage 15 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 297 The Short Term Fundamentals Bulls Dwindling rig counts Economic recovery LNG & Ethanol Plants Weather – Normal is now bullish Bears Demand is weak Storage is full Oil Prices are near 5 year lows Record Production 16 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 298 US Production – Where will it come from? 17 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 299 Shale gas refers to natural gas that is trapped within shale formations. Shales are fine-grained sedimentary rocks that can be rich sources of petroleum and natural gas. Over the past decade, the combination of horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracturing has allowed access to large volumes of shale gas that were previously uneconomical to produce. What is Shale Gas? 18 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 300 Evolving Flow Dynamics 19 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 301 The Link Between Rig Counts and Production 20 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 302 Our friends to the North - Production 21 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 303 LNG Export is the New Import Source: Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Source: Geology.com LNG traditionally flows to North America after other higher-priced markets receive their share Source: Apache LNG *As of January 8th, 2015 22 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 304 IRP Natural Gas Price Forecast Methodology 1.Two fundamental forecasts (Consultant #1 & Consultant #2) 2.Forward prices 3.Year 1: forward price only 4.Year 2: 75% forward price / 25% average consultant forecasts 5.Year 3: 50% forward price / 50% average consultant forecasts 6.Year 4 – 6: 25% forward price / 75% average consultant forecasts 7.Year 7+: 50% average consultant without CO2 / 50% average consultant with CO2 23 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 305 Forecasted Levelized Price 24 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 306 Henry Hub Forecasted Prices 25 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 307 2015 Electric IRP Electric Market Forecast James Gall, Senior Power Supply Analyst Fourth Technical Advisory Committee Meeting February 24, 2015 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 308 14 24 24 122 130 22 38 43 59 46 52 60 33 33 25 20 33 35 22 27 29 $0 $20 $40 $60 $80 $100 $120 $140 19 9 7 19 9 8 19 9 9 20 0 0 20 0 1 20 0 2 20 0 3 20 0 4 20 0 5 20 0 6 20 0 7 20 0 8 20 0 9 20 1 0 20 1 1 20 1 2 20 1 3 20 1 4 20 1 5 20 1 6 20 1 7 $ p e r M W h Mid-Columbia Flat Firm Price Index History Energy Crisis Natural Gas Market Tightens Shale Development Cheap Natural Gas, good hydro Forwards as of Feb. 18, 2015 2 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 309 Natural Gas vs. Electric Prices (2003-14) y = 7.7832x + 3.9974 R² = 0.9589 $0 $10 $20 $30 $40 $50 $60 $70 $80 $0 $2 $4 $6 $8 $10 Mi d -C $ p e r M W h Stanfield $ per DTh 3 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 310 Market Indicators $0 $5 $10 $15 $20 $25 20 0 3 20 0 4 20 0 5 20 0 6 20 0 7 20 0 8 20 0 9 20 1 0 20 1 1 20 1 2 20 1 3 20 1 4 $ p e r M W h Daily Price Standard Deviation Off Peak On Peak 0 1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000 5,000 6,000 7,000 8,000 20 0 3 20 0 4 20 0 5 20 0 6 20 0 7 20 0 8 20 0 9 20 1 0 20 1 1 20 1 2 20 1 3 20 1 4 Po w e r / G a s x 1 0 0 0 Implied Market Heat Rate 4.57 6.13 7.02 3.89 7.95 3.62 7.24 4.43 (2.45) 1.30 7.71 4.54 -$4 -$2 $0 $2 $4 $6 $8 $10 20 0 3 20 0 4 20 0 5 20 0 6 20 0 7 20 0 8 20 0 9 20 1 0 20 1 1 20 1 2 20 1 3 20 1 4 St a n f i e l d x 7 - Mi d C Spark Spread 4 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 311 US Power Generation 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 19 9 5 19 9 6 19 9 7 19 9 8 19 9 9 20 0 0 20 0 1 20 0 2 20 0 3 20 0 4 20 0 5 20 0 6 20 0 7 20 0 8 20 0 9 20 1 0 20 1 1 20 1 2 20 1 3 Av e r a g e G i g a w a t t s Renewables Oil Hydro Nuclear Natural Gas Coal 5 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 312 Fuel Mix Comparison Biomass 1% Coal 41% Natural Gas 27% Geothermal0% Nuclear20% Oil0% Other 0% Solar 0% Hydro 7% Wind 4% Biomass1% Coal31% Natural Gas 29% Geothermal2% Nuclear 8% Oil0% Other0% Solar1% Hydro22% Wind6% US Western Interconnect US Total 6 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 313 US Greenhouse Gas Emissions All Sources Source: http://epa.gov/statelocalclimate/resources/state_energyco2inv.html - 1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000 5,000 6,000 7,000 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Mi l l i o n M e t r i c T o n s Residential Commercial Industrial Electric Power Transportation 7 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 314 Western Greenhouse Gas Emissions Source: http://epa.gov/statelocalclimate/resources/state_energyco2inv.html 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 WY 40 39 43 41 43 40 41 41 44 42 44 44 42 43 44 43 43 43 44 41 42 41 43 WA 8 8 10 10 12 8 11 9 12 11 14 14 11 14 14 14 9 12 13 13 13 7 6 UT 29 28 30 30 31 29 30 31 31 32 33 32 33 34 34 35 35 37 38 35 34 33 31 OR 2 4 5 4 5 3 3 3 6 6 7 9 6 8 8 8 6 10 10 9 10 6 7 NV 17 18 19 18 20 18 20 19 21 21 25 24 21 23 25 26 17 17 18 18 17 14 15 NM 27 23 26 27 28 27 28 29 29 30 31 30 28 30 30 32 32 31 30 32 29 31 29 MT 16 17 18 15 18 17 14 16 18 18 17 18 16 18 19 19 19 20 20 17 20 16 15 ID 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 CO 31 31 32 32 33 33 34 34 35 35 39 41 40 40 40 40 41 42 41 38 39 38 39 CA 40 38 46 42 49 37 33 36 39 43 53 58 44 43 46 42 46 50 51 48 43 36 48 AZ 33 33 35 37 38 32 32 35 37 39 44 45 45 46 51 50 52 55 57 52 54 52 51 TOTAL 242 238 263 256 278 245 245 253 273 278 306 315 286 299 312 310 302 316 321 303 301 275 284 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 Mi l l i o n M e t r i c T o n s 8 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 315 3rd party software- EPIS, Inc. Electric market fundamentals- production cost model Simulates generation dispatch to meet load Outputs: – Market prices – Regional energy mix – Transmission usage – Greenhouse gas emissions – Power plant margins, generation levels, fuel costs – Avista’s variable power supply costs Electric Market Modeling 9 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 316 Stochastic Approach Simulate Western Electric market hourly for next 20 years (2016-35) – That is 175,248 hours for each study Model 500 potential outcomes – Variables include fuel prices, loads, wind, hydro, outages, inflation – Simulating 87.6 million hours Run time is about 5 days on 30 processors Why do we do this? – Allows for complete financial evaluation of resource alternatives – Without stochastic prices we cannot account for tail risk 10 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 317 Aurora Pricing Example- Supply/Demand Curve -$100 -$50 $0 $50 $100 $150 $200 $250 $300 $350 0 10,000 20,000 30,000 40,000 50,000 $ p e r M W h Capability (MW) Hydro (Must Run for Negative Pricing) CCCT Peakers Demand Hydro Availability Fu e l P r i c e s / V a r i a b l e O & M Other Resource Availability Nuclear/ Co-Gen/ Coal/ Other Wind (Net PTC/REC) Market Price 11 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 318 Modeled Western Interconnect Topology 12 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 319 Greenhouse Gas Reduction Modeling • California, BC, and Alberta include CO2 price adder • 10% probability for other states to have future carbon price adder (“Tax”) – Price is $12 per metric ton beginning in 2020, with a 5% escalator • Meets EPA 111(d) glide path reduction for total region by 2030 • Load growth is lowered to less than 1% across the Western Interconnect to account for increased conservation • No new coal-fired generation • Uses existing state Renewable Portfolio Standards 13 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 320 Western Resource Planned Retirements 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 20 1 4 20 1 5 20 1 6 20 1 7 20 1 8 20 1 9 20 2 0 20 2 1 20 2 2 20 2 3 20 2 4 20 2 5 20 2 6 20 2 7 20 2 8 20 2 9 20 3 0 20 3 1 20 3 2 20 3 3 20 3 4 20 3 5 Gi g a w a t t s Oil Coal Natural Gas Note: Includes only announced plants, and small coal plants in carbon constrained states Majority of natural gas retirements are once through cooling 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 321 New Resources to Western Interconnect - 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 - 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 20 1 6 20 1 7 20 1 8 20 1 9 20 2 0 20 2 1 20 2 2 20 2 3 20 2 4 20 2 5 20 2 6 20 2 7 20 2 8 20 2 9 20 3 0 20 3 1 20 3 2 20 3 3 20 3 4 20 3 5 Cu m u l a t i v e G i g a w a t t s Gi g a g a w a t t s Storage Biomass Wind Geothermal Hydro Solar Net Meter Natural Gas Cumulative 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 322 Resource Type Mix Forecast (Western Interconnect) Nuclear Hydro Other Coal Wind Solar Natural Gas 0 20,000 40,000 60,000 80,000 100,000 120,000 140,000 20 1 6 20 1 7 20 1 8 20 1 9 20 2 0 20 2 1 20 2 2 20 2 3 20 2 4 20 2 5 20 2 6 20 2 7 20 2 8 20 2 9 20 3 0 20 3 1 20 3 2 20 3 3 20 3 4 20 3 5 Me g a w a t t A v e r a g e 16 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 323 Stanfield Natural Gas Price Forecast Levelized mean price $4.85/dth Note: Coefficient of variation (stdev/mean) in 2016 is 15%, in 2035, the volatility increases to 56% $0 $2 $4 $6 $8 $10 $12 $14 20 1 6 20 1 7 20 1 8 20 1 9 20 2 0 20 2 1 20 2 2 20 2 3 20 2 4 20 2 5 20 2 6 20 2 7 20 2 8 20 2 9 20 3 0 20 3 1 20 3 2 20 3 3 20 3 4 20 3 5 $ p e r D e k a t h e r m Mean 25th Percentile 75th Percentile 95th Percentile 17 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 324 Mid-Columbia Electric Price Forecast (Mean of 500 iterations) Levelized Prices Flat: $37.29/MWh On Peak: $41.08/MWh Off Peak: $32.24/MWh $0 $10 $20 $30 $40 $50 $60 $70 20 1 6 20 1 7 20 1 8 20 1 9 20 2 0 20 2 1 20 2 2 20 2 3 20 2 4 20 2 5 20 2 6 20 2 7 20 2 8 20 2 9 20 3 0 20 3 1 20 3 2 20 3 3 20 3 4 20 3 5 $ p e r M W h Flat On-Peak Off Peak 18 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 325 Mid-Columbia Electric Price Forecast (Flat Price Statistics) Note: Coefficient of variation (stdev/mean) in 2016 is 22%, in 2035, the volatility increases to 52% $0 $10 $20 $30 $40 $50 $60 $70 $80 $90 $100 20 1 6 20 1 7 20 1 8 20 1 9 20 2 0 20 2 1 20 2 2 20 2 3 20 2 4 20 2 5 20 2 6 20 2 7 20 2 8 20 2 9 20 3 0 20 3 1 20 3 2 20 3 3 20 3 4 20 3 5 $ p e r M W h Mean 95th Percentile 25th Percentile 75th Percentile 19 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 326 IRP Price Forecast Comparison (Flat Prices) $0 $10 $20 $30 $40 $50 $60 $70 $80 20 1 6 20 1 7 20 1 8 20 1 9 20 2 0 20 2 1 20 2 2 20 2 3 20 2 4 20 2 5 20 2 6 20 2 7 20 2 8 20 2 9 20 3 0 20 3 1 20 3 2 20 3 3 20 3 4 20 3 5 $ p e r M W h 2015 IRP 2013 IRP Forwards (02/15/2015) 20 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 327 Implied Market Heat Rate - 1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000 5,000 6,000 7,000 8,000 9,000 10,000 20 1 2 20 1 3 20 1 4 20 1 5 20 1 6 20 1 7 20 1 8 20 1 9 20 2 0 20 2 1 20 2 2 20 2 3 20 2 4 20 2 5 20 2 6 20 2 7 20 2 8 20 2 9 20 3 0 20 3 1 20 3 2 20 3 3 20 3 4 20 3 5 Im p l i e d M a r k e t H e a t R a t e 2015 IRP 2013 IRP Actual & Forwards (02/18/2015) 21 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 328 Greenhouse Gas Emissions Forecast (US Western Interconnect Total) 0 50 100 150 200 250 20 1 6 20 1 7 20 1 8 20 1 9 20 2 0 20 2 1 20 2 2 20 2 3 20 2 4 20 2 5 20 2 6 20 2 7 20 2 8 20 2 9 20 3 0 20 3 1 20 3 2 20 3 3 20 3 4 20 3 5 Mi l l i o n M e t r i c T o n s US Western Interconnect Western Internconnect 111d Plants 22 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 329 Greenhouse Gas Emission Forecast (State Level) 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 Wyoming 33.3 33.7 34.0 33.2 32.4 32.2 31.2 31.0 31.6 30.7 31.7 31.9 27.3 27.5 25.6 25.0 25.4 25.5 24.4 24.5 Washington 6.5 6.7 7.1 6.7 6.9 5.7 6.0 5.8 6.0 5.4 4.3 4.3 4.2 4.2 4.4 4.3 4.6 4.5 4.8 4.6 Utah 28.9 28.8 29.0 28.7 27.5 27.2 26.8 26.3 26.4 25.8 20.5 20.3 20.4 20.5 20.5 20.4 20.5 20.3 20.2 20.5 Oregon 6.2 6.0 6.6 6.5 6.6 4.8 5.2 5.1 5.4 5.0 5.6 5.9 6.3 6.6 6.8 6.7 7.0 6.9 7.3 7.0 New Mexico 14.3 14.9 14.5 13.6 13.8 13.5 12.7 13.1 13.2 12.5 13.6 13.5 12.9 13.4 13.3 12.7 13.3 13.1 12.5 13.0 Nevada 12.7 12.5 11.7 11.7 11.2 11.4 10.2 9.7 9.9 9.5 9.2 9.4 9.7 9.8 10.1 10.1 10.8 10.9 11.2 11.3 Montana 15.8 15.8 15.5 15.4 16.0 15.4 15.4 15.9 15.4 15.0 15.8 15.2 15.2 15.7 15.3 15.3 16.3 15.9 16.1 16.9 Idaho 1.1 1.7 1.8 1.9 1.7 1.9 2.2 2.2 2.3 2.3 2.2 2.4 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.7 3.7 4.3 4.5 4.4 Colorado 32.2 31.7 30.1 31.4 30.9 29.4 31.1 30.9 30.1 31.5 31.6 30.6 32.6 32.2 31.3 32.6 32.4 31.3 32.3 32.0 California 46.9 47.1 48.0 49.9 52.1 53.9 56.2 57.5 58.6 58.8 59.1 59.2 59.3 59.4 59.7 60.2 62.0 62.6 63.9 64.7 Arizona 51.3 49.9 50.4 48.5 41.6 40.8 40.1 38.6 39.0 37.6 35.3 35.3 35.1 34.4 34.7 34.4 34.5 34.5 34.3 33.8 USA 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 Mi l l i o n M e t r i c T o n s 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 330 EPA 111d Goal Comparison Note: EPA 2030 goal is adjusted for Langley Gulch and plants residing outside of the Western Interconnect 0 200 400 600 800 1,000 1,200 20 1 7 20 1 8 20 1 9 20 2 0 20 2 1 20 2 2 20 2 3 20 2 4 20 2 5 20 2 6 20 2 7 20 2 8 20 2 9 20 3 0 20 3 1 20 3 2 20 3 3 20 3 4 20 3 5 EP A l b s p e r M W h Western Interconnect States 2030 Goal 24 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 331 111(d) EPA State Goal Comparison 801 702 537 1,108 324 1,763 1,048 647 372 1,322 215 1,666 669 922 305 1,082 277 1,667 679 539 313 1,228 231 1,699 0 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 West AZ CA CO ID MT NM NV OR UT WA WY EP A l b s p e r M W h 2030 Goal IRP Forecast 25 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 332 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 50 10 0 15 0 20 0 25 0 30 0 35 0 40 0 45 0 50 0 55 0 60 0 65 0 70 0 75 0 80 0 85 0 90 0 95 0 10 0 0 It e r a t i o n s o f 5 0 0 111d lbs per MWh 2020 2030 Washington Emission Volatility 2030 Goal 215 lbs/MWh 2020 Goal 264 lbs/MWh 26 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 333 2015 Electric IRP Resource Requirements Clint Kalich, Manager of Resource Planning and Analysis Fourth Technical Advisory Committee Meeting February 24, 2015 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 334 L&R Methodology Review • Sum up resource capabilities against loads – Reduced by planned outages • Capacity – Planning Margin – Operating Reserves and Regulation (~8%) – Largest deficit months between 1- and 18-hour analyses 2 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 335 L&R Methodology Review • Energy – Reduced by planned and forced (5-year average) – Maximum potential thermal generation over the year –80-year hydro average, adjusted down to 10th percentile • Renewable Portfolio Standards – 3% / 9% / 15% requirement of Washington retail load in 2012 / 2016 / 2020 – Qualifying resources less any forward sales obligations – Banking provisions help smooth out year-to-year variation • Final resource need determined by shortest position each year 3 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 336 Energy Position (aMW) Year Jan Aug 2014 0 0 2015 0 94 2016 23 81 2017 34 84 2018 36 73 2019 17 (4) 2020 64 (11) 2021 53 (18) 2022 42 (22) 2023 43 (32) 2024 36 (34) 2025 29 (40) 2026 21 (47) 2027 (249) (268) 2028 (257) (274) 2029 (265) (281) 2030 (274) (292) 2031 (282) (295) 2032 (290) (302) 2033 (298) (309) 2034 (307) (316) 2035 (315) (323) Year Jan Aug 2014 0 0 2015 0 94 2016 23 81 2017 34 84 2018 36 73 2019 17 (4) 2020 64 (11) 2021 53 (18) 2022 42 (22) 2023 43 (32) 2024 36 (34) 2025 29 (40) 2026 21 (47) 2027 (249) (268) 2028 (257) (274) 2029 (265) (281) 2030 (274) (292) 2031 (282) (295) 2032 (290) (302) 2033 (298) (309) 2034 (307) (316) 2035 (315) (323) 4 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 337 18-Hour Capacity Position (MW) Year Jan Aug 2014 0 0 2015 0 (212) 2016 (60) (48) 2017 151 38 2018 155 30 2019 106 (10) 2020 (7) (14) 2021 (25) (8) 2022 (43) (18) 2023 (49) (35) 2024 (64) (44) 2025 (78) (57) 2026 (93) (70) 2027 (387) (313) 2028 (401) (326) 2029 (416) (339) 2030 (432) (357) 2031 (447) (359) 2032 (463) (373) 2033 (478) (387) 2034 (494) (400) 2035 (509) (414) Year Jan Aug 2014 0 0 2015 0 (212) 2016 (60) (48) 2017 151 38 2018 155 30 2019 106 (10) 2020 (7) (14) 2021 (25) (8) 2022 (43) (18) 2023 (49) (35) 2024 (64) (44) 2025 (78) (57) 2026 (93) (70) 2027 (387) (313) 2028 (401) (326) 2029 (416) (339) 2030 (432) (357) 2031 (447) (359) 2032 (463) (373) 2033 (478) (387) 2034 (494) (400) 2035 (509) (414) 5 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 338 1-Hour Capacity Position (MW) Year Jan Aug 2014 0 0 2015 0 (266) 2016 (99)36 2017 115 177 2018 118 167 2019 69 124 2020 (44)120 2021 (62)126 2022 (80)114 2023 (87)96 2024 (101)87 2025 (116)73 2026 (131)59 2027 (425) (185) 2028 (440) (199) 2029 (455) (214) 2030 (470) (232) 2031 (486) (235) 2032 (501) (250) 2033 (517) (265) 2034 (532) (280) 2035 (548) (295) Year Jan Aug 2014 0 0 2015 0 (266) 2016 (99)36 2017 115 177 2018 118 167 2019 69 124 2020 (44)120 2021 (62)126 2022 (80)114 2023 (87)96 2024 (101)87 2025 (116)73 2026 (131)59 2027 (425) (185) 2028 (440) (199) 2029 (455) (214) 2030 (470) (232) 2031 (486) (235) 2032 (501) (250) 2033 (517) (265) 2034 (532) (280) 2035 (548) (295) 6 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 339 Washington RPS Position (aMW RECs) 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 20 1 6 20 1 7 20 1 8 20 1 9 20 2 0 20 2 1 20 2 2 20 2 3 20 2 4 20 2 5 20 2 6 20 2 7 20 2 8 20 2 9 20 3 0 20 3 1 av e r a g e m e g a w a t t s Qualifying Hydro Upgrades Qualifying Resources Purchased RECs Available Bank Requirement & Contingency Requirement 7 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 340 Impact of Major Contracts (Winter Capacity) 114 92 21 171 171 145 63 (200) (150) (100) (50) - 50 100 150 200 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Me g a w a t t s Mid-C WNP-3 PGE Net 8 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 341 Year Jan Aug 2014 0 0 2015 0 (266) 2016 (99)36 2017 115 177 2018 118 167 2019 69 124 2020 (44)120 2021 (62)126 2022 (80)114 2023 (87)96 2024 (101)87 2025 (116)73 2026 (131)59 2027 (425) (185) 2028 (440) (199) 2029 (455) (214) 2030 (470) (232) 2031 (486) (235) 2032 (501) (250) 2033 (517) (265) 2034 (532) (280) 2035 (548) (295) Year Jan Aug 2014 0 0 2015 0 (266) 2016 (99)36 2017 115 177 2018 118 167 2019 69 124 2020 (44)120 2021 (62)126 2022 (80)114 2023 (87)96 2024 (101)87 2025 (116)73 2026 (131)59 2027 (425) (185) 2028 (440) (199) 2029 (455) (214) 2030 (470) (232) 2031 (486) (235) 2032 (501) (250) 2033 (517) (265) 2034 (532) (280) 2035 (548) (295) Position Summaries Energy 18-Hr Cap 1-Hr Cap Year Jan Aug 2014 0 0 2015 0 94 2016 23 81 2017 34 84 2018 36 73 2019 17 (4) 2020 64 (11) 2021 53 (18) 2022 42 (22) 2023 43 (32) 2024 36 (34) 2025 29 (40) 2026 21 (47) 2027 (249) (268) 2028 (257) (274) 2029 (265) (281) 2030 (274) (292) 2031 (282) (295) 2032 (290) (302) 2033 (298) (309) 2034 (307) (316) 2035 (315) (323) Year Jan Aug 2014 0 0 2015 0 94 2016 23 81 2017 34 84 2018 36 73 2019 17 (4) 2020 64 (11) 2021 53 (18) 2022 42 (22) 2023 43 (32) 2024 36 (34) 2025 29 (40) 2026 21 (47) 2027 (249) (268) 2028 (257) (274) 2029 (265) (281) 2030 (274) (292) 2031 (282) (295) 2032 (290) (302) 2033 (298) (309) 2034 (307) (316) 2035 (315) (323) Year Jan Aug 2014 0 0 2015 0 (212) 2016 (60) (48) 2017 151 38 2018 155 30 2019 106 (10) 2020 (7) (14) 2021 (25) (8) 2022 (43) (18) 2023 (49) (35) 2024 (64) (44) 2025 (78) (57) 2026 (93) (70) 2027 (387) (313) 2028 (401) (326) 2029 (416) (339) 2030 (432) (357) 2031 (447) (359) 2032 (463) (373) 2033 (478) (387) 2034 (494) (400) 2035 (509) (414) Year Jan Aug 2014 0 0 2015 0 (212) 2016 (60) (48) 2017 151 38 2018 155 30 2019 106 (10) 2020 (7) (14) 2021 (25) (8) 2022 (43) (18) 2023 (49) (35) 2024 (64) (44) 2025 (78) (57) 2026 (93) (70) 2027 (387) (313) 2028 (401) (326) 2029 (416) (339) 2030 (432) (357) 2031 (447) (359) 2032 (463) (373) 2033 (478) (387) 2034 (494) (400) 2035 (509) (414) 9 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 342 Rely on the Wholesale Market? • Market is made up of real generating assets • Largest market reliance questions for Avista – Is there enough surplus in region to meet our and other utilities’ future needs? – Are we willing to expose ourselves to market volatility? 10 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 343 Rely on the Wholesale Market? • 5% is considered by industry to be a minimum level for reliability •2021 likely will be worse given closure of Boardman and Centralia Unit 1 in 2020 (over 1,200 MW) • 2026 loss of Centralia Unit 2 (670 MW) Northwest Power and Conservation Council Year 2020 Reliability Assessment 11 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 344 Resource Option Capacity Contributions 12 Technology Type Name- plate (MW) Winter Capacity Summer Capacity Technology Type Name- plate (MW) Winter Capacity Summer Capacity GE - 7F.05 Gas Peaker 203.0 109% 97%Rathdrum Supplemental Compression Upgrade 24.0 100% 100% GE - 7F.04 Gas Peaker 170.5 109% 96%Rathdrum CT 2055 Uprates Upgrade 5.0 100% 100% GE - 7F.04- Add HRSG Gas CCCT 115.3 107% 96%Kettle Falls Upgrade Upgrade 12.0 100% 100% GE - 7EA Gas Peaker 96.1 106% 96%Rathdrum CT: Inlet Evaporation Upgrade 4.3 0% 403% GE - LMS100PA Gas Hybrid 101.2 105% 94%Kettle Falls Fuel Stabilization Upgrade 3.0 100% 100% Jenbacher 920 flex Gas Recip 9.3 100% 100%Long Lake 2nd Powerhouse Upgrade 68.0 100% 100% Siemens- SGT-800-50 Gas Peaker 45.1 110% 96%Post Falls Upgrade Upgrade 22.0 24% 0% GE - LM6000- PF Sprint Gas Peaker 42.5 107% 95%Monroe St 2nd Powerhouse Upgrade 80.0 31% 0% GE - 7F.05 1x1 Gas CCCT 341.3 106% 97%Cabinet Gorge 2nd Powerhouse Upgrade 110.0 0% 0% GE - 7F.04 1x1 Gas CCCT 285.8 107% 96%Direct Load Control Customer 7.2+100% 100% Wind On System Wind 33.0 0% 0%Firm Curtailment Customer 7.5+100% 100% Solar Photovoltaic Fixed Solar 10.0 0% 62%Time-Of-Use Customer 1+ 100% 100% Solar Photovoltaic 1 Axis Solar 10.0 0% 70%Critical Peak Pricing Customer 4+ 100% 100% Battery Storage Battery 25.0 100% 100%StandbyGeneration Customer 20+ 100% 100% Northeast CT Water Injection Upgrade 7.5 100% 100% 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 345 Resources Acquisitions Are Lumpy (600) (500) (400) (300) (200) (100) 0 100 200 300 400 20 1 6 20 1 7 20 1 8 20 1 9 20 2 0 20 2 1 20 2 2 20 2 3 20 2 4 20 2 5 20 2 6 20 2 7 20 2 8 20 2 9 20 3 0 20 3 1 20 3 2 20 3 3 20 3 4 20 3 5 Me g a w a t t s Position CCCT Net LMS-100 Net Recips Net 13 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 346 Options to Address Lumpiness • Wait until size of need is larger – Pro: no surplus, Con: exposed to market • Build smaller-sized units – Pro: closely meets need, Con: higher cost machines • Partner with other utilities – Pro: better match of need, Con: not much interest 14 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 347 2015 Electric IRP Interconnection Studies Richard Maguire, System Planning Engineer Fourth Technical Advisory Committee Meeting February 24, 2015 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 348 Federal Standards of Conduct 1.No non-public transmission information can be shared with Avista Merchant Function employees 2.There are Avista Merchant Function employees attending today 3.We will not be sharing any non-public transmission information 2 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 349 Agenda • Introduction to Avista System Planning • Two Big Changes This Year • Recent Avista Projects • Generation Interconnection Study Process • Large Generation Interconnection Queue • Integrated Resource Plan (IRP) Requests • Future Transmission Planning Initiatives 3 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 350 Introduction to Avista System Planning • Transmission system planning • Distribution system planning • Asset Management • We all care about: – Federal, regional, and state compliance – Regional system coordination – Internal standards and processes 4 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 351 Big Change #1 – Regional Coordination • WECC “has been approved by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) as the Regional Entity for the Western Interconnection” • Peak Reliability “is listed on the NERC Compliance Registry to perform the Reliability Coordinator (RC) and Interchange Authority (IA) functions as statutory activities” PeakWECC tageSanDiegoOu WECC 2 5 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 352 Big Change #2 – NREC TPL Standards • Background – Loss of two or more elements (N-1-1) • If you have 300 elements (line, xfmr, bus, etc) – 300 X 299 = 89,700 outage events – If order does not matter (AB = BA) » COMBIN(300,2) = 44,850 outage events – 44,850 analysis takes about 12 hours on my laptop • “Out with the old”: TPL-xxx-3 – N-1-1 termed, ‘Category C’ – Engineering judgment allowed pairing down the list • “In with the new”: TPL-xxx-4 – N-1-1 termed, ‘P6’ – More ‘teeth’ in standard means more testing necessary • We need to look at all P6 events – Takes about a month on a study machine for all cases 6 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 353 Big Change #2 – What are we doing? • People possibilities – We could work longer, or we could take work home – We could take on risk and use engineering judgment – We could hire another engineer • Process possibilities – We are working with PowerWorld Corporation to enhance their ‘Distributed Computing’ environment – We are investigating new study machine purchases – A collection of machines working concurrently REALLY reduces analysis times 7 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 354 Recent Transmission Projects 8 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 355 Lancaster ‘Loop-in’ 9 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 356 Moscow Station 10 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 357 Noxon Station 11 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 358 Generation Interconnection Study Process • Typical Process for Generation Requests • We generally get requests via two sources: • External developers • Internal IRP requests • Typical process: • We hold a scoping meeting to discuss particulars • We outline a study plan • We augment WECC approved cases for our studies • We analyze the system against the standards • We publish our findings and recommendations 12 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 359 Generate Study Cases 13 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 360 Analyze Study Cases 14 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 361 Publish Results www.oasis.oati.com/avat/index.html 15 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 362 LGIA #43 – 150 MW Wind Project 16 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 363 2015 IRP Request Snapshot Station Request (MW) POI Voltage Cost Estimate ($ million) Kootenai County 100 230 kV 12 - 16.1 Kootenai County 350 230 kV 47.2 Rathdrum 26 115 kV 2.84 - 10.9 Rathdrum 50 115 kV 10.7 – 18.7 Rathdrum 200 115 kV 10.3 - 48.5 Rathdrum 50 230 kV 7 – 16.8 Rathdrum 200 230 kV 15.5 – 21.5 Thornton 30 230 kV .4 Thornton 100 230 kV .4 Othello 25 115 kV 2 Northeast 10 115 kV 0 Kettle Falls 10 115 kV 0 Long Lake 68 115 kV 19.7 Monroe Street 80 115 kV 7 Post Falls 10 115 kV 2.1 Post Falls 20 115 kV 5.2 [1] Preliminary estimates are given as -25% to +75% 17 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 364 Cost Assignment for Generation Integration • Simulate Generation Integration – Develop new list of “gen” violated elements – Compare new list to previous violated elements (without gen) • New violated elements are assigned to gen project – If previous violated elements need a corrective action advanced in time • Consider assignment of advancement cost to gen project – Any projects that improve transmission service to existing AVA customers need consideration as a network upgrade 18 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 365 2015 IRP Study Notes • These are pre-feasibility studies – Limited cases and scenarios – No stability studies • All generation fully on • Results include incremental issues, not base case issues • $$ estimates for planned projects are flexible 19 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 366 Kootenai: 100 MW to 350 MW • $16 to $48 Million • Overlaps existing projects • 426 MW existing already 20 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 367 Rathdrum: 26 MW to 200 MW • $2.84 to $48.5 Million • Overlaps existing projects • 426 MW existing already 21 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 368 Thornton: 30 MW to 100 MW • $400 K for new breaker 22 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 369 Othello: 25 MW • $2 Million • Station work only 23 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 370 Long Lake: 68 MW • $19.7 Million • 108 MW existing + 9 mile 24 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 371 Monroe Street: 80 MW • $7 Million • College & Walnut Station 25 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 372 Post Falls: 10 MW to 20 MW • $2.1 to $5.2 Million • Congested area already 26 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 373 Future Planning Initiatives 27 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 374 Future Initiatives • Big Bend – New 230 kV transformation needed • Coeur d’ Alene – Noxon Station work – 115 kV rebuilds • Lewiston / Clarkston – Voltage issues • Palouse – Two transformer outage scenario • Spokane –Long-term 230 kV transformation additions 28 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 375 2015 Electric IRP Market Scenarios and Portfolio Analysis John Lyons, Ph.D. – Senior Resource Policy Analyst Fourth Technical Advisory Committee Meeting February 24, 2015 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 376 Scenarios in the 2015 IRP • Scenarios are modeled to provide details about the impacts of different critical planning assumptions that could impact future resource choices, such as: –Technological innovations –Regulatory changes –Environmental regulations or legislation –Load and resource changes 2 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 377 2015 IRP Scenario Types 1.Deterministic Market Scenarios: use expected input levels (natural gas prices, hydro, loads, wind, and thermal outages) 2.Stochastic Market Scenarios: use Monte Carlo analysis 3.Portfolio Scenarios: show alternative portfolios to highlight the cost differences from the PRS 3 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 378 Market Scenarios 4 Stochastic scenarios test the preferred resource strategy (PRS) across several fundamentally different futures: •Expected Case •Expected Case without Colstrip (2027-2035) •Benchmarking Case •111(d) draft rule by state meets 2020 goals •Social Cost of Carbon 4 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 379 Portfolio Scenarios 5 •Shut down Colstrip in 2026 •2013 PRS •High and low load forecasts •All load growth with renewables and peakers for capacity: •All hydro, wind, solar •All deficits met by market purchases •Efficient frontier •Efficient frontier with tail risk •TAC requested high cost Colstrip case •Retire CCCT/coal and replace with renewables •Increased distributed solar penetration 5 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 380 2015 Electric Integrated Resource Plan Technical Advisory Committee Meeting No. 5 Agenda Tuesday, May 19, 2015 Conference Room 130 Topic Time Staff 1. Introduction & TAC 4 Recap 8:30 Lyons 2. Review of Market Futures 8:40 Gall 3. Ancillary Services Valuation 9:30 Shane 4. Conservation Potential Assessment 10:00 Kester (AEG) 5. Lunch 11:30 6. Draft 2015 PRS & Portfolio Analysis 12:30 Planning Group 7. Adjourn 3:00 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 381 2015 Electric IRP TAC Meeting Expectations and Schedule John Lyons, Ph.D. Fifth Technical Advisory Committee Meeting May 19, 2015 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 382 Technical Advisory Committee • The public process of the IRP – input on what to study, how to study, and review assumptions and results • Technical forum with a range of participants with different areas of input and expertise • Open forum, but we need to stay on topic to get through the agenda and allow all participants to ask questions and make comments • Welcome requests for studies or different assumptions. – Time or resources may limit the amount of studies – The earlier study requests are made, the more accommodating we can be – January 15, 2015 was the final date to receive study requests • Action Items – areas for more research in the next IRP 2 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 383 Technical Advisory Committee • Technical forum on inputs and assumptions, not an advocacy forum • Focus is on developing a resource strategy based on sound assumptions and inputs, instead of a forum on a particular resource or resource type • We request that everyone maintain a high level of respect and professional demeanor to encourage an ongoing conversation about the IRP process • Supports rate recovery, but not a preapproval process • Planning team is available by email or phone for questions or comments between the TAC meetings •TAC 6 – June 24, 2015: Review of final PRS, draft 2015 IRP document and Action Items. 3 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 384 TAC #4 Recap • Introduction & TAC 3 Recap – Lyons • Demand Response Study – Doege • Natural Gas Price Forecast – Scott • Electric Price Forecast – Gall • Resource Requirements – Kalich • Interconnection Studies – Maguire • Market Scenarios and Portfolio Analysis – Lyons 4 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 385 Today’s Agenda • Introduction & TAC 4 Recap (8:30) – Lyons • Review of Market Futures (8:40) – Gall • Ancillary Services Valuation (9:30) – Shane • Conservation Potential Assessment (10:00) – Kester (AEG) • Lunch (11:30) • Draft 2015 PRS and Portfolio Analysis (12:30) – Planning Group • Adjourn 3:00 5 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 386 Market Futures James Gall Fifth Technical Advisory Committee Meeting May 19, 2015 DRAFT 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 387 Introduction • Follow up presentation to the “Expected Case” market price forecast from the previous TAC meeting- this presentation shows alternatives prices given each future scenario • Used to value the cost of energy and resource options for potential resource strategies • Illustrate macro level impacts of environmental policies 2 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 388 Market Futures Overview • Expected Case – Stochastic, meets regional 111(d) goals, 10% probability of $13.23 CO2 “tax” (1st yr), Stanfield $4.65/dth levelized, 80 year hydro • Benchmark Case – Similar to expected case, stochastic, no CO2 “tax”, no 111d goal • Social Cost of Carbon – Stochastic case, similar to expected case, except includes ~$21/short ton CO2 “tax” levelized • Colstrip Retires – Stochastic case, similar to expected case, except Colstrip 1-4 retires by the end of 2026 and replaced with natural gas combined cycle plants • State-by-State 111(d) – Deterministic case, each state meets 111(d) goals – MWh credit remains in state generated in – Includes a low water year scenario 3 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 389 20-year Levelized Flat Mid-C Electric Price Comparison (Stochastic) $38.48 $38.71 $38.08 $45.41 $0 $5 $10 $15 $20 $25 $30 $35 $40 $45 $50 Expected Case Colstrip Retires Benchmark Social Cost of Carbon Le v e l i z e d $ p e r M W h 4 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 390 Cost to Serve US West: Production + Fixed Costs $20.9 $21.1 $20.9 $24.5 $0 $5 $10 $15 $20 $25 $30 Expected Case Colstrip Retires Benchmark Social Cost of Carbon Le v e l i z e d C o s t ( B i l l i o n s ) 5 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 391 US West: Greenhouse Gas Emissions Comparison - 50 100 150 200 250 300 20 1 6 20 1 7 20 1 8 20 1 9 20 2 0 20 2 1 20 2 2 20 2 3 20 2 4 20 2 5 20 2 6 20 2 7 20 2 8 20 2 9 20 3 0 20 3 1 20 3 2 20 3 3 20 3 4 20 3 5 Mi l l i o n s o f M e t r i c T o n s Expected Case Colstrip Retires Benchmark Social Cost of Carbon 6 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 392 Meeting 111(d) Targets in 2030 0 400 800 1,200 1,600 2,000 West AZ CA CO ID MT NM NV OR UT WA WY EP A I b s / M W h Goal Expected Case Colstrip Retires Benchmark Case Social Cost of Carbon 7 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 393 How to Meet the Proposed 111(d) in 2020 & 2030 State by State • Resource Retirements: – Northwest: Centralia and Boardman must close by end of 2019 – Other States: Most of SW coal must retire earlier • Conservation: – Continue acquisition levels from Expected Case • Renewables: – Arizona & Utah must increase penetration – Other states stay on current steady track • NW Carbon Pricing – WA & OR required $1.25/ton charge nominal 2020-2035 – ID required $3.00/ton 2020-2029 and $1.50/ton 2030-2035 8 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 394 Mid-C Market Price Impact of the 111(d) Proposal Scenario (Deterministic) $38.40 $39.02 $0 $5 $10 $15 $20 $25 $30 $35 $40 $45 $50 Expected Case 111d Proposal Le v e l i z e d $ p e r M W h 9 Assumes average hydro conditions 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 395 111(d) Impact in a Low Water Year • Can the Northwest meet 111(d) goals in a low water year? • Modeled 1941 water year (10th percentile year) • Solve for Carbon Price to meet goal in each year – WA: $18/ton (2020), $18/ton (2030) – OR: $19/ton (2020), $15/ton (2030) – ID: $23/ton (2020), $14/ton (2030) – Neighboring states have small price increases 10 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 396 Mid-C Market Prices: 111(d) Low Water Year 2030 With Water Year = 1941 $48.89 $49.50 $53.68 $57.80 $0 $10 $20 $30 $40 $50 $60 $70 Expected Case 111d Proposal Expected Case (1941) 111d Proposal (1941) An n u a l A v e r a g e F l a t P r i c e ($ / M W h ) Low Water Year Increases Prices $4.79/MWh (10%) Holding 111(d) Emissions will Increase Prices by $8.91/MWh or 18% over average conditions 111(d) will bring minor impact to NW prices with average water conditions 11 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 397 Financial Impact to Western States • Proposed 111(d) goal’s annual levelized cost to the US West is $340 million over the Expected Case in an Average Water Year. • In Low Water Year the US West will pay up to $1.6 billion (2020) beyond the Expected Case’s Low Water Year cost, declining to $175 million in 2030. (levelized $755 million) 12 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 398 Ancillary Services Valuation Xin Shane Fifth Technical Advisory Committee Meeting May 19, 2015 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 399 Ancillary Services Valuation Basics What? • The U.S. Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) defines ancillary services as: "those services necessary to support the transmission of electric power from seller to purchaser given the obligations of control areas and transmitting utilities within those control areas to maintain reliable operations of the interconnected transmission system.“ • FERC identifies six different ancillary services: – scheduling and dispatch – reactive power and voltage control – loss compensation – load following – system protection – energy imbalance Why? • Ancillary services are a significant value component of a generating unit • The Washington UTC asked Avista to “use the Company’s new modeling capabilities to evaluate the benefits of storage resources to Avista’s generation portfolio.” 2 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 400 Overview of ADSS Model • Mixed-Integer linear program • Full emulation of utility power supply problem – hourly analysis out to 20+ years – trading floor behavior – energy and ancillary services – unit- and engineering-level system definitions – modeling of transmission and market hubs 3 Avista Decision Support System 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 401 Hydro Modeling in ADSS • Cascading hydro • “Engineering level” representation • Full power curve modeling • Flow limitations – ramping rates – minimums/maximums –in-stream flow limits – dissolved gas • Plant head – impacts of flow on head (“live” tailrace) –in-plant head losses – impacts of head on efficiency curves • Operating considerations – min/max up/down times – must run – dispatch and merit order – motoring/condensing – AGC control – start-up/shut-down costs – min/max turbine/generator limits – rough zones, thermal limits – flash boards, Obermeyer gates – unit steady states – elevation targets – water right limits 4 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 402 Thermal Modeling in ADSS • “Engineering level” representation • Weather impacts – barometric pressures – dew point – temperature – humidity • Detailed heat rate curves • Start-up & shut down costs – fuel, O&M, ramp rates • Multiple fuels • Detailed emissions modeling –NOX, SOX, VOX, Hg, CO2 – generation-level production – permit limit optimization (allocation) • Multiple operating stages – duct firing • Operating considerations – ramp rates – min/max up/down times – must run – dispatch and merit order (on and off) – AGC control – min/max turbine/generator limits – thermal limits –equal wear cycling – unit steady-states – water right limits 5 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 403 Colstrip Avista BA Broadview Townsend Ownership Change BPA/Colstrip Garrison Taft Dworshak Hatwai Hot Springs BPA PTP 196 MW Coyote Springs 2 BPA PTP 97 MW Benton Mid-C Market 125 MW BPA PTP 240 MW Ownership Changes AVA/PAC/AVA 50 MW BPA PTP 210 MW BPA EI 230 MW Ownership Change BPA/AVA John Day COB Market (MC+$2.00) PGE IS 100 MW BPA PTP 250 MW Judith Gap Great Falls Eastern Market (Sell Only) (MC-$0.50) Transmission Assumptions AVA $0/MWh, 0.0% losses NWE $5/MWh, 4.0% losses BPA PTP $3/MWh, 1.9% losses Colstrip 5.5% losses (to Garrison) PGE IS 2.0% losses Total BPA PTP Firm Rights 568 MW (416 MW 10-1-14) Colstrip Output >196 MW must go thru NWE No transmission required to sell to NWE Firm Transmission ST-Firm Transmission Eastern Market (Sell Only) (MC-$0.50) Transmission/Market Modeling in ADSS 6 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 404 Reserve Modeling in ADSS ADSS Reserves Regulation Regulation Up Regulation Down Operating Reserve Spinning Reserve Non-spinning reserve Load Following Load Following Up Load Following Down Standby Reserve 7 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 405 Storage Valuation Key Input Assumptions • Storage Specification – Max Storage = 3×Capacity • e.g., 1 MW = 3 MWh – 85% Efficiency – Hourly Charge/Discharge Rate = 100% of Capacity – Capable of All Ancillary Services • Regulation +/- 100% • Load following +/- 100% • Spin/non-spin +/- 100% • Model Input – Year 2012 Historical Data – Year 2015 Gas and Power Prices – Average Hydro Study Scenario • By Size – 35 MW, 30 MW, 25 MW, 10 MW, 5 MW and 1 MW • By Ancillary Service Product Type – Charge/Discharge only – With Load Following/Contingency Reserve/Regulation • By Energy Consumption Rate – 10%, 25% and 50% of Load Following and Regulation 8 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 406 Storage Valuation Results 9 Battery Value Summary by Size Battery Cap (MW) Annual Value Annual Value/KW 35 1,201,590$ 34.33$ 30 1,024,569$ 34.15$ 25 923,291$ 36.93$ 10 381,407$ 38.14$ 5 189,000$ 37.80$ 1 36,862$ 36.86$ Battery Value Summary by Capability for 25MW Capability Annual Value - 25 MW Incremental Charge/Discharge Only 629,082$ 64.2% Load Following 905,114$ 276,032$ 28.2% SpinR/NSpinR 678,906$ 49,824$ 5.1% Regulation(AGC)653,402$ 24,320$ 2.5% Battery Value Summary by Energy Cost Ratio of AS for 25MW Energy Cost Ratio Annual Value 0.10 884,093$ 0.25 923,291$ 0.50 876,962$ 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 407 New Generating Resource Ancillary Services Valuation • New Resources Included in Study – 100 MW CCCT – 100 MW LMS – 100 MW Recip – 25 MW Diesel Back-up Generator • Model Input – Based on Historical Data of Years 2010-14 – Portfolio Contracts adjusted to Year 2020 Conditions – Load adjusted to Year 2020 Conditions • Run Scenario: for each new resource – Base Case Run with Existing Portfolio of Year 2020 Conditions – Energy-Only Run (i.e., no ability to generate ancillary services) – Energy/Capacity Run (i.e., ability to generate energy and ancillary services) 10 Ancillary service value will be unique to each system New Generating Resources Ancillary Services Capability Ancillary Service Value ($/kw year) 100 MW CCCT Load Following/SpinR/Reg 0.00$ 100 MW LMS Load Following/SpinR/NSpinR/Reg 1.12$ 100 MW Recip Load Following/SpinR 0.61$ 25 MW Diesel Back-up Generator NSpinR -$ 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 408 Why Are Ancillary Service Values Low 11 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 409 Avista Conservation Potential Assessment Presentation to the Technical Advisory Committee May 19, 2015 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 410 2 Outline • Study Approach •Market Characterization •Baseline Projection •Measure Development •Economic Screening •Ramp Rate Development • Potential Results •Overall – Washington and Idaho •Washington by sector •Idaho by sector • Consistency with Council Methodology • Supplemental slides •Market characterization for all three sectors for WA and ID 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 411 3 AEG Uses a Bottom-up Analysis Approach Establish objectives Characterize the Market Base-year energy use by segment Prototypes and energy analysis (AEG’s BEST) Avista Forecast data Customer surveys Secondary data Project the Baseline End-use projection by segment Screen EE Measures Measure descriptions Emerging technologies RTF data Avoided costs AEG’s DEEM Technical and economic potential Establish Customer Acceptance Program results Council ramp rates Other studies Achievable potential Avista data Secondary data Customer surveys AEG’s Energy Market Profiles 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 412 Overview of Analysis Approach Using the Residential Sector 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 413 5 Step 1a: Characterize the Market Segment Number of Customers Annual Sales (GWh) % of Sales Intensity (kWh/HH) Single Family 195,222 2,626 70% 13,450 Multi Family 17,229 139 4% 8,082 Mobile Home 12,526 151 4% 12,063 Low Income 96,112 837 22% 8,711 Total 321,089 3,753 100% 11,690 Avista Sales in 2013 8,081 GWh High-level characterization by sector – Washington and Idaho combined 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 414 6 Step 1a: Characterize the Market Residential characterization by state • Full market characterization for Washington and Idaho is provided in the supplemental slides • The following slides focus on Washington Washington Segment Number of Customers Annual Sales (GWh) % of Sales Intensity (kWh/HH) Single Family 129,893 1,783 70% 13,726 Multi Family 11,964 99 4% 8,236 Mobile Home 7,691 95 4% 12,354 Low Income 64,092 570 22% 8,892 Total 213,640 2,546 100% 11,919 Idaho Segment Number of Customers Annual Sales (GWh) % of Sales Intensity (kWh/HH) Single Family 65,329 843 70% 12,902 Multi Family 5,265 41 3% 7,733 Mobile Home 4,835 56 5% 11,599 Low Income 32,020 267 22% 8,349 Total 107,449 1,207 100% 11,233 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 415 7 Step 1b: Develop Market Profiles by Sector and Segment Base-year annual energy use by segment and end use Annual Intensity for Average Household - Washington Data Sources: •Avista billing data and residential GenPOP appliance saturation survey •Residential Building Stock Assessment (NEEA) •Commercial Building Stock Assessment (NEEA) •Secondary data as needed to fill gaps Total 2013 Residential Sales by End Use - Washington 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 416 8 Step 2: Project the Baseline • Baseline projection provides foundation for estimating potential future savings from conservation initiatives and reflects •Household growth and electricity price forecasts (from Avista) •Appliance standards in place at end of 2014 (AEG database) •No naturally occurring conservation or future utility programs •Alignment with Avista load forecast Residential Baseline Energy Projection (GWh) Residential Baseline Electricity Use per Household (kWh/hh) 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 417 9 Develop measure list using Council workbooks Existing programs AEG databases Characterization Description Costs Savings Applicability Lifetime Data sources RTF Avista data AEG’s database BEST simulations Measure Crosswalk Step 3: Screen EE Measures Example: Water heating measures Conventional (EF 0.95) Heat pump water heater (EF 2.3) Solar water heater Low-flow showerheads Timer / Thermostat setback Tank blanket 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 418 10 • Measure savings change relative to baseline throughout study (as shown) • We use a market baseline, consistent with RTF/Council • Measure costs change with market projections and expectations Example of Savings Calculation for Screw-in Lighting Technologies Step 3: Screen EE Measures 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 419 11 Step 4: Estimate Potential Future Savings Use LoadMAP model to estimate potential Technical Potential Theoretical upper limit of EE, where all efficiency measures are phased in regardless of cost Economic Potential Also a theoretical upper limit of EE, but includes only cost-effective measures Achievable Potential EE potential that can be realistically achieved by utilities, accounting for customer adoption rates and how quickly programs can be implemented 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 420 12 Estimating Potential and Developing Ramp Rates •Technical potential assumes most efficient option is chosen by all customers •Economic potential assumes all customers choose the highest-efficiency option that passes economic screen •Use TRC and Avista’s avoided cost to perform economic screen •Achievable potential is a subset of economic potential •Calculated by applying ramp rates to economic potential •Our approach for Avista: • Start with ramp rates from the 6th Power Plan • Map the Council ramp rates to ECMs in our analysis • Adjust the starting point for each measure’s ramp rate to align with Avista’s recent program accomplishments 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 421 13 Customer Adoption (Ramp) Rates Residential ramp rates from NWPCC Lost Opportunity Ramp Rates: Applied to equipment units each year that are turning over into a new purchase decision. Non-Lost Opportunity Ramp Rates: Applied cumulatively to all applicable opportunities in the market over time. 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 422 14 Summary of Changes since Previous study •Updated base year from 2011 to 2013 • Refined the market segmentation • Incorporated Avista’s GenPOP residential saturation survey • Supplemented with NEEA’s Residential Building Stock Assessment (RBSA) and Commercial Building Stock Assessment (CBSA) data • Characterized summer peak demand, in addition to annual energy use by segment and end use •Also estimated potential summer-peak savings • Used updated forecasting assumptions for baseline projection • Developed revised ramp rates using Council ramp rates as starting point and adjusting to reflect Avista program results in recent years •Developed estimates based solely on Council ramp rates for comparison purposes • Incorporated new avoided costs • And otherwise updated all measure, technology and modeling assumptions •There was substantial change in lighting: LED prices came down and lamps are readily available and acceptable to customers 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 423 Summary of Conservation Potential Across All Sectors 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 424 16 2016 2017 2020 2025 2035 Cumulative WA and ID Savings (GWh) Achievable Potential 34 74 236 574 1,090 Economic Potential 68 139 360 733 1,292 Technical Potential 173 344 837 1,581 2,506 Cumulative Savings (aMW) Achievable Potential 3.9 8.5 27.0 65.6 124.5 Economic Potential 7.7 15.8 41.1 83.7 147.5 Technical Potential 19.7 39.3 95.5 180.5 286.1 Avista Conservation Potential – All Sectors From 2015 to 2025, cumulative achievable potential savings are 574 GWh, or 65.6 aMW. Achievable potential in 2025 is about 78% of economic potential. Washington and Idaho combined 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 425 17 Avista Conservation Potential – All Sectors Washington and Idaho combined In the early years, savings from residential and commercial are about the same. Starting in 2020, savings are more likely to come from the commercial sector as a result of appliance standards. Industrial consistently contributes about 20% of the savings each year. 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 426 18 2016 2017 2020 2025 2035 Cumulative WA and ID Savings (GWh) Achievable Potential 13.1 29.9 87.1 168.6 274.1 Economic Potential 29.3 60.1 136.7 219.4 333.8 Technical Potential 84.5 168.7 400.1 718.9 1,116.7 Cumulative Savings (aMW) Achievable Potential 1.5 3.4 9.9 19.3 31.3 Economic Potential 3.3 6.9 15.6 25.0 38.1 Technical Potential 9.6 19.3 45.7 82.1 127.5 Avista Conservation Potential – Residential From 2016 to 2025, cumulative achievable potential savings are 169 GWh, or 19.3 aMW. Achievable potential in 2025 is about 77% of economic potential. Washington and Idaho combined 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 427 19 Energy savings by end use Avista Residential Savings Potential – WA & ID Cumulative achievable potential in 2017 Top measures by energy savings Measure / Technology 2017 Cumulative Energy Savings (MWh) % of Total Interior Lighting - Screw-in/Hard-wire (LED) 13,616 45.6% Ducting - Repair and Sealing 5,057 16.9% Exterior Lighting - Screw-in/Hard-wire (LED) 4,152 13.9% Water Heater - Pipe Insulation 2,264 7.6% Water Heater - Faucet Aerators 1,037 3.5% Behavioral Programs 688 2.3% Thermostat - Clock/Programmable 674 2.3% Insulation - Ducting 621 2.1% Water Heater - Low-Flow Showerheads 419 1.4% Electronics - Personal Computers 285 1.0% Total 28,800 96.4% 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 428 20 Avista Residential Savings Potential – WA & ID Cumulative achievable energy savings potential over time % of Cumulative Achievable Potential Cumulative Achievable Potential (GWh) 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 429 21 2016 2017 2020 2025 2035 Cumulative WA and ID Savings (GWh) Achievable Potential 13.2 28.4 104.7 304.4 617.3 Economic Potential 29.2 59.7 171.1 395.3 727.7 Technical Potential 71.2 141.7 352.8 694.2 1,095.9 Cumulative Savings (aMW) Achievable Potential 1.5 3.2 12.0 34.7 70.5 Economic Potential 3.3 6.8 19.5 45.1 83.1 Technical Potential 8.1 16.2 40.3 79.2 125.1 Avista Conservation Potential – Commercial From 2016 to 2025, cumulative achievable potential savings are 304 GWh, or 34.7 aMW. Achievable potential in 2025 is about 77% of economic potential. Washington and Idaho combined 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 430 22 Energy savings by end use Avista Commercial Savings Potential – WA & ID Cumulative achievable potential in 2017 Top measures by energy savings Measure / Technology 2017 Cumulative Energy Savings (MWh) % of Total Interior Lighting - Linear LED 6,604 23.3% Interior Lighting - Screw-in/Hard-wire LED and CFL 3,889 13.7% Chiller - Chilled Water Reset 1,362 4.8% Exterior Lighting - Linear LED 1,135 4.0% Interior Lighting - High-Bay Fixtures T5 and LED 1,130 4.0% HVAC - Duct Repair and Sealing 1,068 3.8% Interior Lighting - Occupancy Sensors 975 3.4% Interior Lighting - Skylights 831 2.9% Exterior Lighting - Screw-in/Hard-wire CFL and LED 702 2.5% Exterior Lighting – HID T5 and LED 671 2.4% Total Top 10 Measures 18,367 64.7% 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 431 23 Avista Commercial Savings Potential – WA & ID Cumulative achievable energy savings potential over time % of Cumulative Achievable Potential Cumulative Achievable Potential (GWh) 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 432 24 2016 2017 2020 2025 2035 Cumulative WA and ID Savings (GWh) Achievable Potential 7.8 16.0 44.4 101.5 199.0 Economic Potential 9.1 18.8 52.1 118.4 230.8 Technical Potential 17.1 33.9 83.7 168.4 293.2 Cumulative Savings (aMW) Achievable Potential 0.9 1.8 5.1 11.6 22.7 Economic Potential 1.0 2.1 5.9 13.5 26.3 Technical Potential 1.9 3.9 9.6 19.2 33.5 Avista Conservation Potential – Industrial From 2016 to 2025, cumulative achievable potential savings are 102 GWh, or 11.6 aMW. Achievable potential in 2025 is about 86% of economic potential. Washington and Idaho combined 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 433 25 Energy savings by end use Avista Industrial Savings Potential – WA & ID Cumulative achievable potential in 2017 Top measures by energy savings Measure / Technology 2017 Cumulative Energy Savings (MWh) % of Total Fan System - Optimization and Improvements 4,524 28.3% Motors - Variable Frequency Drive (Pumps) 3,020 18.9% Motors - Variable Frequency Drive (Fans & Blowers) 1,505 9.4% Compressed Air - Air Usage Reduction 1,247 7.8% Pumping System - Optimization and Improvements 893 5.6% Interior Lighting - Occupancy Sensors 703 4.4% Interior Lighting - High-Bay Fixtures 420 2.6% Fan System - Maintenance 414 2.6% Interior Lighting - Screw-in/Hard-wire LED 403 2.5% Motors - Variable Frequency Drive (Compressed Air) 399 2.5% Total Top 10 Measures 13,528 84.5% 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 434 26 Avista Industrial Savings Potential – WA & ID Cumulative achievable energy savings potential over time % of Cumulative Achievable Potential Cumulative Achievable Potential (GWh) 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 435 27 AEG Consistency with Council Methodology • End-use model — bottom-up •Building characteristics, fuel and equipment saturations •Stock accounting based on measure life •Codes and standards that have been enacted are included in baseline •Lost- and non-lost opportunities treated differently • Measures – comprehensive list •RTF measure workbooks •AEG databases, which draw upon same sources used by RTF • Economic potential, total resource cost (TRC) test •Considers HVAC interactions, non-energy benefits •Avoided costs include 10% credit based on Conservation Act • Achievable potential – ramp rates •Based on Sixth Plan ramps rates, but modified to reflect Avista’s program history 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 436 Summary of Conservation Potential Across All Sectors – Sensitivity Case 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 437 29 Sensitivity Case • Ran another version of the model to see which measures were on the edge of passing the TRC •Set the TRC threshold to 0.7 • The biggest impact was in the commercial sector • The measures that pass at the 0.7 level, but not the 1.0 level include: •ENERGY STAR Homes •Weatherization in more segments •Commercial faucet aerators and low flow nozzles •LED light bulbs pass in more segments •Industrial compressed air replacements 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 438 30 Avista Conservation Potential – All Sectors The case with TRC=0.7 provides more savings since more measures pass the economic screen. With the lower TRC, there is an additional 0.5 aMW in 2016 and an additional 10.7 aMW in 2025. •The biggest increase in savings is in the commercial sector with the addition of linear LED light bulbs, faucet aerators and additional screw- in LED light bulbs. Washington and Idaho combined 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 439 Bridget Kester bkester@appliedenergygroup.com Fuong Nguyen fnguyen@appliedenergygroup.com Sharon Yoshida syoshida@appliedenergygroup.com Ingrid Rohmund irohmund@appliedenergygroup.com Thank You! 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 440 Supplemental Slides: Base-year market profiles, baseline projection and sector-level peak-demand savings 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 441 33 WA Residential Market Profile, 2013 Annual Intensity for Average Household Segment % of Sales Single Family 129,893 1,783 70% 13,726 Multi Family 11,964 99 4% 8,236 Mobile Home 7,691 95 4% 12,354 Low Income 64,092 570 22% 8,892 213,640 2,546 100% 11,919 % of Use by End Use, All Homes 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 442 34 ID Residential Market Profile, 2013 Annual Intensity for Average Household Segment % of Sales Single Family 65,329 843 70% 12,902 Multi Family 5,265 41 3% 7,733 Mobile Home 4,835 56 5% 11,599 Low Income 32,020 267 22% 8,349 107,449 1,207 100% 11,233 % of Use by End Use, All Homes 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 443 35 WA Residential Market Profile, 2013 The technology detail behind the end-use profiles  e eeUECSatNEnergy )( Market profiles characterize how customers use electricity in the base year (2013) Basic Equation: where Energy = annual energy use e = equipment technology N = number of homes Sate = saturation of homes with the equipment UECe = unit energy consumption in homes with the equipment Average Market Profiles - Electricity End Use Technology Saturation UEC Intensity Usage (kWh) (kWh/HH) (GWh) Cooling Central AC 36.9% 1,249 461 98 Cooling Room AC 26.4% 402 106 23 Cooling Air-Source Heat Pump 6.5% 1,268 82 17 Cooling Geothermal Heat Pump 0.2% 1,326 2 0 Cooling Evaporative AC 1.2% 809 10 2 Space Heating Electric Room Heat 24.3% 5,302 1,288 275 Space Heating Electric Furnace 13.4% 9,021 1,213 259 Space Heating Air-Source Heat Pump 6.5% 10,487 677 145 Space Heating Geothermal Heat Pump 0.2% 5,564 10 2 Water Heating Water Heater (<= 55 Gal) 50.9% 3,025 1,539 329 Water Heating Water Heater (55 to 75 Gal) 6.5% 3,145 203 43 Water Heating Water Heater (> 75 Gal) 0.3% 4,209 12 3 Interior Lighting Screw-in/Hard-wire 100.0% 955 955 204 Interior Lighting Linear Fluorescent 100.0% 114 114 24 Interior Lighting Specialty Lighting 100.0% 286 286 61 Exterior Lighting Screw-in/Hard-wire 100.0% 289 289 62 Appliances Clothes Washer 91.8% 104 95 20 Appliances Clothes Dryer 49.9% 738 368 79 Appliances Dishwasher 77.1% 447 345 74 Appliances Refrigerator 100.0% 829 829 177 Appliances Freezer 55.3% 669 370 79 Appliances Second Refrigerator 20.7% 1,010 209 45 Appliances Stove 70.3% 453 318 68 Appliances Microwave 94.8% 139 132 28 Electronics Personal Computers 64.3% 214 138 29 Electronics Monitor 78.6% 91 71 15 Electronics Laptops 76.3% 57 43 9 Electronics TVs 177.4% 255 452 97 Electronics Printer/Fax/Copier 72.6% 65 47 10 Electronics Set top Boxes/DVRs 143.9% 128 184 39 Electronics Devices and Gadgets 100.0% 54 54 11 Miscellaneous Pool Pump 1.9% 2,514 49 10 Miscellaneous Pool Heater 0.5% 4,025 19 4 Miscellaneous Furnace Fan 58.7% 249 146 31 Miscellaneous Well pump 9.3% 642 60 13 Miscellaneous Miscellaneous 100.0% 744 744 159 Total 11,919 2,546 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 444 36 ID Residential Market Profile, 2013 The technology detail behind the end-use profiles  e eeUECSatNEnergy )( Market profiles characterize how customers use electricity in the base year (2013) Basic Equation: where Energy = annual energy use e = equipment technology N = number of homes Sate = saturation of homes with the equipment UECe = unit energy consumption in homes with the equipment Average Market Profiles - Electricity End Use Technology Saturation UEC Intensity Usage (kWh) (kWh/HH) (GWh) Cooling Central AC 33.4% 1,134 379 41 Cooling Room AC 18.6% 416 77 8 Cooling Air-Source Heat Pump 5.3% 1,282 68 7 Cooling Geothermal Heat Pump 0.0% 0 0 0 Cooling Evaporative AC 1.5% 777 12 1 Space Heating Electric Room Heat 24.2% 6,354 1,540 165 Space Heating Electric Furnace 13.1% 8,904 1,168 126 Space Heating Air-Source Heat Pump 5.3% 10,465 557 60 Space Heating Geothermal Heat Pump 0.0% 0 0 0 Water Heating Water Heater (<= 55 Gal) 49.2% 2,904 1,429 154 Water Heating Water Heater (55 to 75 Gal) 6.2% 3,025 189 20 Water Heating Water Heater (> 75 Gal) 0.3% 3,847 11 1 Interior Lighting Screw-in/Hard-wire 100.0% 1,041 1,041 112 Interior Lighting Linear Fluorescent 100.0% 129 129 14 Interior Lighting Specialty Lighting 100.0% 243 243 26 Exterior Lighting Screw-in/Hard-wire 100.0% 323 323 35 Appliances Clothes Washer 85.1% 99 84 9 Appliances Clothes Dryer 60.3% 754 454 49 Appliances Dishwasher 77.6% 424 329 35 Appliances Refrigerator 100.0% 789 789 85 Appliances Freezer 52.3% 643 337 36 Appliances Second Refrigerator 21.1% 945 199 21 Appliances Stove 63.6% 433 275 30 Appliances Microwave 91.2% 132 120 13 Electronics Personal Computers 56.9% 200 114 12 Electronics Monitor 69.6% 85 59 6 Electronics Laptops 79.3% 53 42 5 Electronics TVs 174.6% 248 434 47 Electronics Printer/Fax/Copier 66.7% 61 41 4 Electronics Set top Boxes/DVRs 92.5% 120 111 12 Electronics Devices and Gadgets 100.0% 51 51 5 Miscellaneous Pool Pump 1.6% 2,342 38 4 Miscellaneous Pool Heater 0.4% 3,750 15 2 Miscellaneous Furnace Fan 59.7% 239 142 15 Miscellaneous Well pump 12.5% 598 75 8 Miscellaneous Miscellaneous 100.0% 356 356 38 Total 11,233 1,207 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 445 37 WA Commercial Market Characterization, 2013 Segment Electricity Sales (GWh) % of Total Usage Floor Space (Million Sq. Ft.) Intensity (Annual kWh/SqFt) Peak Demand (MW) Small Office 280 13% 18.1 15.4 71 Large Office 106 5% 6.0 17.5 16 Restaurant 70 3% 1.7 42.4 11 Retail 285 14% 20.7 13.8 59 Grocery 209 10% 4.4 47.3 33 College 78 4% 5.6 13.9 13 School 117 6% 11.9 9.9 5 Hospital 271 13% 9.3 29.1 41 Lodging 112 5% 7.0 16.1 14 Warehouse 103 5% 13.7 7.5 12 Miscellaneous 455 22% 33.1 13.8 93 Total 2,086 100% 132 15.9 368 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 446 38 ID Commercial Market Characterization, 2013 Segment Electricity Sales (GWh) % of Total Usage Floor Space (Million Sq. Ft.) Intensity (Annual kWh/SqFt) Peak Demand (MW) Small Office 134 14% 8.7 15.4 35 Large Office 17 2% 1.0 17.5 3 Restaurant 12 1% 0.3 42.4 2 Retail 168 17% 12.1 13.8 35 Grocery 92 9% 1.9 47.3 14 College 73 7% 5.2 13.9 12 School 109 11% 11.1 9.9 4 Hospital 106 11% 3.6 29.1 16 Lodging 49 5% 3.0 16.1 6 Warehouse 47 5% 6.3 7.5 5 Miscellaneous 168 17% 12.2 13.8 34 Total 976 100% 66 14.9 167 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 447 39 WA Commercial Market Profile, 2013 The technology detail behind the end-use profiles  e eeUECSatNEnergy )( Electric Market Profiles End Use Technology Saturation EUI Intensity Usage (kWh) (kWh/Sqft) (GWh) Cooling Air-Cooled Chiller 10.3% 3.38 0.35 46.0 Cooling Water-Cooled Chiller 12.3% 5.11 0.63 83.0 Cooling RTU 37.5% 3.27 1.22 161.1 Cooling Room AC 4.6% 2.93 0.13 17.5 Cooling Air-Source Heat Pump 5.6% 3.01 0.17 22.1 Cooling Geothermal Heat Pump 1.8% 1.85 0.03 4.4 Heating Electric Furnace 12.7% 6.72 0.86 112.5 Heating Electric Room Heat 7.6% 7.69 0.58 76.9 Heating Air-Source Heat Pump 5.6% 5.87 0.33 43.1 Heating Geothermal Heat Pump 1.8% 4.30 0.08 10.1 Ventilation Ventilation 100.0% 1.59 1.59 209.2 Water Heating Water Heater 53.1% 1.69 0.90 118.2 Interior Lighting Screw-in/Hard-wire 100.0% 0.92 0.92 121.3 Interior Lighting High-Bay Fixtures 100.0% 0.51 0.51 67.3 Interior Lighting Linear Fluorescent 100.0% 2.17 2.17 285.8 Exterior Lighting Screw-in/Hard-wire 100.0% 0.23 0.23 30.0 Exterior Lighting HID 100.0% 0.64 0.64 83.8 Exterior Lighting Linear Fluorescent 100.0% 0.35 0.35 46.4 Refrigeration Walk-in Refrigerator/Freezer 8.8% 1.81 0.16 21.1 Refrigeration Reach-in Refrigerator/Freezer 12.1% 0.29 0.04 4.6 Refrigeration Glass Door Display 15.6% 0.98 0.15 20.1 Refrigeration Open Display Case 7.7% 9.75 0.76 99.3 Refrigeration Icemaker 29.6% 0.54 0.16 21.2 Refrigeration Vending Machine 20.2% 0.33 0.07 8.9 Food Preparation Oven 15.5% 0.92 0.14 18.8 Food Preparation Fryer 3.3% 2.63 0.09 11.4 Food Preparation Dishwasher 16.8% 1.68 0.28 37.2 Food Preparation Steamer 3.3% 2.23 0.07 9.6 Food Preparation Hot Food Container 6.4% 0.32 0.02 2.7 Office Equipment Desktop Computer 100.0% 0.62 0.62 82.2 Office Equipment Laptop 98.8% 0.08 0.08 10.9 Office Equipment Server 86.8% 0.20 0.17 22.9 Office Equipment Monitor 100.0% 0.11 0.11 14.5 Office Equipment Printer/Copier/Fax 100.0% 0.08 0.08 9.9 Office Equipment POS Terminal 57.7% 0.05 0.03 4.0 Miscellaneous Non-HVAC Motors 53.0% 0.19 0.10 13.2 Miscellaneous Pool Pump 5.8% 0.02 0.00 0.2 Miscellaneous Pool Heater 1.8% 0.03 0.00 0.1 Miscellaneous Other Miscellaneous 100.0% 1.03 1.03 135.1 Total 15.86 2,086.3 Market profiles characterize how customers use electricity in the base year (2013) Basic Equation: where Energy = annual energy use e = equipment technology N = total floor space in sq. ft. Sate = saturation of sq. ft. with the equipment UECe = unit energy consumption for square footage with the equipment 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 448 40 ID Commercial Market Profile, 2013 The technology detail behind the end-use profiles  e eeUECSatNEnergy )( Market profiles characterize how customers use electricity in the base year (2013) Basic Equation: where Energy = annual energy use e = equipment technology N = total floor space in sq. ft. Sate = saturation of sq. ft. with the equipment UECe = unit energy consumption for square footage with the equipment Electric Market Profiles End Use Technology Saturation EUI Intensity Usage (kWh) (kWh/Sqft) (GWh) Cooling Air-Cooled Chiller 12.4% 3.24 0.40 26.4 Cooling Water-Cooled Chiller 10.2% 5.15 0.53 34.6 Cooling RTU 35.6% 3.17 1.13 74.0 Cooling Room AC 4.6% 2.77 0.13 8.4 Cooling Air-Source Heat Pump 5.6% 2.81 0.16 10.2 Cooling Geothermal Heat Pump 1.8% 1.68 0.03 2.0 Heating Electric Furnace 11.5% 6.74 0.77 50.7 Heating Electric Room Heat 7.6% 7.76 0.59 38.9 Heating Air-Source Heat Pump 5.6% 5.91 0.33 21.5 Heating Geothermal Heat Pump 1.8% 4.41 0.08 5.2 Ventilation Ventilation 100.0% 1.46 1.46 95.5 Water Heating Water Heater 51.4% 1.58 0.81 53.2 Interior Lighting Screw-in/Hard-wire 100.0% 0.88 0.88 57.5 Interior Lighting High-Bay Fixtures 100.0% 0.51 0.51 33.3 Interior Lighting Linear Fluorescent 100.0% 2.11 2.11 138.8 Exterior Lighting Screw-in/Hard-wire 100.0% 0.20 0.20 13.1 Exterior Lighting HID 100.0% 0.60 0.60 39.1 Exterior Lighting Linear Fluorescent 100.0% 0.47 0.47 30.7 Refrigeration Walk-in Refrigerator/Freezer 8.8% 1.30 0.11 7.5 Refrigeration Reach-in Refrigerator/Freezer 13.4% 0.26 0.04 2.3 Refrigeration Glass Door Display 15.4% 0.85 0.13 8.6 Refrigeration Open Display Case 8.4% 7.98 0.67 44.1 Refrigeration Icemaker 31.6% 0.48 0.15 10.0 Refrigeration Vending Machine 20.0% 0.32 0.06 4.1 Food Preparation Oven 16.2% 0.86 0.14 9.1 Food Preparation Fryer 3.1% 2.15 0.07 4.3 Food Preparation Dishwasher 16.1% 1.49 0.24 15.7 Food Preparation Steamer 3.1% 1.99 0.06 4.0 Food Preparation Hot Food Container 7.4% 0.25 0.02 1.2 Office Equipment Desktop Computer 100.0% 0.58 0.58 37.7 Office Equipment Laptop 98.9% 0.07 0.07 4.7 Office Equipment Server 89.1% 0.18 0.16 10.7 Office Equipment Monitor 100.0% 0.10 0.10 6.7 Office Equipment Printer/Copier/Fax 100.0% 0.07 0.07 4.7 Office Equipment POS Terminal 57.6% 0.05 0.03 1.8 Miscellaneous Non-HVAC Motors 51.6% 0.17 0.09 5.8 Miscellaneous Pool Pump 5.7% 0.02 0.00 0.1 Miscellaneous Pool Heater 1.7% 0.03 0.00 0.0 Miscellaneous Other Miscellaneous 100.0% 0.91 0.91 59.5 Total 14.87 975.5 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 449 41 WA Commercial Market Profile, 2013 Annual Intensity by Building Type and End Use Base Year Sales by End Use 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 450 42 ID Commercial Market Profile, 2013 Annual Intensity by Building Type and End Use Base Year Sales by End Use 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 451 43 WA Industrial Market Profile, 2013 The technology detail behind the end-use profiles Average Market Profiles End Use Technology Usage Intensity (GWh) (kWh/Employee) Cooling Air-Cooled Chiller 17.4 1,072 Cooling Water-Cooled Chiller 2.2 137 Cooling RTU 22.4 1,383 Cooling Room AC 1.5 94 Cooling Air-Source Heat Pump 2.1 130 Cooling Geothermal Heat Pump 0.0 0 Heating Electric Furnace 12.5 769 Heating Electric Room Heat 4.2 258 Heating Air-Source Heat Pump 3.1 189 Heating Geothermal Heat Pump 0.0 0 Ventilation Ventilation 19.3 1,190 Interior Lighting Screw-in/Hard-wire 4.9 302 Interior Lighting High-Bay Fixtures 20.4 1,256 Interior Lighting Linear Fluorescent 23.8 1,466 Exterior Lighting Screw-in/Hard-wire 3.9 238 Exterior Lighting HID 3.2 196 Exterior Lighting Linear Fluorescent 3.2 198 Motors Pumps 86.8 5,352 Motors Fans & Blowers 68.0 4,189 Motors Compressed Air 54.3 3,345 Motors Conveyors 245.0 15,101 Motors Other Motors 38.0 2,341 Process Process Heating 99.2 6,115 Process Process Cooling 32.5 2,005 Process Process Refrigeration 32.5 2,005 Process Process Electro-Chemical 64.5 3,972 Process Process Other 21.8 1,345 Miscellaneous Miscellaneous 35.6 2,197 Total 922.3 56,846 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 452 44 ID Industrial Market Profile, 2013 The technology detail behind the end-use profiles Average Market Profiles End Use Technology Usage Intensity (GWh) (kWh/Employee) Cooling Air-Cooled Chiller 6.5 734 Cooling Water-Cooled Chiller 0.8 94 Cooling RTU 8.4 947 Cooling Room AC 0.6 64 Cooling Air-Source Heat Pump 0.8 89 Cooling Geothermal Heat Pump 0.0 0 Heating Electric Furnace 4.6 516 Heating Electric Room Heat 1.5 173 Heating Air-Source Heat Pump 1.1 127 Heating Geothermal Heat Pump 0.0 0 Ventilation Ventilation 7.2 807 Interior Lighting Screw-in/Hard-wire 1.8 205 Interior Lighting High-Bay Fixtures 7.6 854 Interior Lighting Linear Fluorescent 8.8 997 Exterior Lighting Screw-in/Hard-wire 1.4 162 Exterior Lighting HID 1.2 134 Exterior Lighting Linear Fluorescent 1.2 134 Motors Pumps 32.3 3,640 Motors Fans & Blowers 25.3 2,850 Motors Compressed Air 20.2 2,275 Motors Conveyors 91.1 10,272 Motors Other Motors 14.1 1,593 Process Process Heating 36.9 4,159 Process Process Cooling 12.1 1,364 Process Process Refrigeration 12.1 1,364 Process Process Electro-Chemical 24.0 2,702 Process Process Other 8.1 915 Miscellaneous Miscellaneous 13.3 1,494 Total 343.0 38,668 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 453 Sector-level Potential Savings - Washington 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 454 46 2016 2017 2020 2025 2035 Cumulative WA Savings (GWh) Achievable Potential 8.5 19.3 56.2 110.7 181.1 Economic Potential 18.9 38.7 88.4 144.7 221.1 Technical Potential 55.2 110.0 261.0 469.4 721.3 Cumulative Savings (aMW) Achievable Potential 1.0 2.2 6.4 12.6 20.7 Economic Potential 2.2 4.4 10.1 16.5 25.2 Technical Potential 6.3 12.6 29.8 53.6 82.3 Avista Conservation Potential – Residential From 2015 to 2025, cumulative achievable potential savings are 111 GWh, or 12.6 aMW. Achievable potential in 2025 is about 76% of economic potential. Washington 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 455 47 Energy savings by end use Avista Residential Savings Potential - Washington Cumulative achievable potential in 2017 Top measures by energy savings Measure / Technology 2017 Cumulative Energy Savings (MWh) % of Total Interior Lighting - Screw-in/Hard-wire LED and CFL 8,479 44.1% Ducting - Repair and Sealing 3,483 18.1% Exterior Lighting - Screw-in/Hard-wire CFL and LED 2,564 13.3% Water Heater - Pipe Insulation 1,535 8.0% Water Heater - Faucet Aerators 699 3.6% Behavioral Programs 464 2.4% Thermostat - Clock/Programmable 443 2.3% Insulation - Ducting 429 2.2% Water Heater - Low-Flow Showerheads 284 1.5% Appliances – Freezer ENERGY STAR 177 0.9% Total Top 10 Measures 18,578 96.4% 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 456 48 2016 2017 2020 2025 2035 Cumulative WA Savings (GWh) Achievable Potential 9.0 19.3 71.3 206.7 418.9 Economic Potential 19.9 40.6 116.4 268.4 493.8 Technical Potential 48.5 96.6 240.5 473.0 746.4 Cumulative Savings (aMW) Achievable Potential 1.0 2.2 8.1 23.6 47.8 Economic Potential 2.3 4.6 13.3 30.6 56.4 Technical Potential 5.5 11.0 27.5 54.0 85.2 Avista Conservation Potential – Commercial From 2015 to 2025, cumulative achievable potential savings are 207 GWh, or 23.6 aMW. Achievable potential in 2025 is about 77% of economic potential. Washington 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 457 49 Energy savings by end use Avista Commercial Savings Potential - Washington Cumulative achievable potential in 2017 Top measures by energy savings Measure / Technology 2017 Cumulativ e Savings (MWh) % of Total Interior Lighting - Linear LED 4,470 23.1% Interior Lighting - Screw-in/Hard-wire CFL and LED 2,652 13.7% Chiller - Chilled Water Reset 924 4.8% HVAC - Duct Repair and Sealing 793 4.1% Interior Lighting - High-Bay Fixtures T5 and LED 764 4.0% Exterior Lighting - Linear LED 688 3.6% Interior Lighting - Occupancy Sensors 678 3.5% Interior Lighting - Skylights 561 2.9% Exterior Lighting - Screw-in/Hard-wire CFL and LED 478 2.5% Grocery - Open Display Case - Night Covers 459 2.4% Total Top 10 Measures 12,467 64.5% 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 458 50 2016 2017 2020 2025 2035 Cumulative WA Savings (GWh) Achievable Potential 5.4 11.2 31.3 73.3 146.0 Economic Potential 6.3 13.1 36.8 85.5 169.3 Technical Potential 12.4 24.7 61.1 122.8 213.8 Cumulative Savings (aMW) Achievable Potential 0.6 1.3 3.6 8.4 16.7 Economic Potential 0.7 1.5 4.2 9.8 19.3 Technical Potential 1.4 2.8 7.0 14.0 24.4 Avista Conservation Potential – Industrial From 2016 to 2025, cumulative achievable potential savings are 73 GWh, or 8.4 aMW. Achievable potential in 2025 is about 86% of economic potential. Washington 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 459 51 Energy savings by end use Avista Industrial Savings Potential - Washington Cumulative achievable potential in 2017 Top measures by energy savings Measure / Technology 2017 Cumulative Savings (MWh) % of Total Fan System - Optimization and Improvements 3,298 29.5% Motors - Variable Frequency Drive (Pumps) 2,206 19.8% Motors - Variable Frequency Drive (Fans & Blowers) 1,098 9.8% Compressed Air - Air Usage Reduction 911 8.2% Pumping System - Optimization and Improvements 663 5.9% Interior Lighting - Occupancy Sensors 520 4.7% Motors - Variable Frequency Drive (Compressed Air) 377 3.4% Interior Lighting - High-Bay Fixtures LED 306 2.7% Interior Lighting - Screw-in/Hard-wire CFL and LED 294 2.6% HVAC - Duct Repair and Sealing 264 2.4% Total Top 10 Measures 9,938 89.0% 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 460 Sector-level Potential Savings - Idaho 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 461 53 2016 2017 2020 2025 2035 Cumulative ID Savings (GWh) Achievable Potential 4.6 10.6 30.9 58.0 93.0 Economic Potential 10.4 21.4 48.3 74.7 112.8 Technical Potential 29.2 58.7 139.0 249.5 395.3 Cumulative Savings (aMW) Achievable Potential 0.5 1.2 3.5 6.6 10.6 Economic Potential 1.2 2.4 5.5 8.5 12.9 Technical Potential 3.3 6.7 15.9 28.5 45.1 Avista Conservation Potential – Residential From 2016 to 2025, cumulative achievable potential savings are 58 GWh, or 6.6 aMW. Achievable potential in 2025 is about 76% of economic potential. Idaho 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 462 54 Energy savings by end use Avista Residential Savings Potential - Idaho Cumulative achievable potential in 2017 Top measures by energy savings Measure / Technology 2017 Cumulative Energy Savings (MWh) % of Total Interior Lighting - Screw-in/Hard-wire LED and CFL 5,137 48.5% Exterior Lighting - Screw-in/Hard-wire LED and CFL 1,588 15.0% Ducting - Repair and Sealing 1,574 14.9% Water Heater - Pipe Insulation 729 6.9% Water Heater - Faucet Aerators 337 3.2% Thermostat - Clock/Programmable 231 2.2% Behavioral Programs 225 2.1% Insulation - Ducting 193 1.8% Water Heater - Low-Flow Showerheads 135 1.3% Appliances – Freezer ENERGY STAR 95 0.9% Total Top 10 Measures 10,243 96.8% 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 463 55 2016 2017 2020 2025 2035 Cumulative ID Savings (GWh) Achievable Potential 4.2 9.0 33.4 97.7 198.4 Economic Potential 9.3 19.1 54.6 126.9 233.9 Technical Potential 22.7 45.1 112.3 221.2 349.5 Cumulative Savings (aMW) Achievable Potential 0.5 1.0 3.8 11.2 22.6 Economic Potential 1.1 2.2 6.2 14.5 26.7 Technical Potential 2.6 5.2 12.8 25.3 39.9 Avista Conservation Potential – Commercial From 2015 to 2025, cumulative achievable potential savings are 98 GWh, or 11.2 aMW. Achievable potential in 2025 is about 77% of economic potential. Idaho 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 464 56 Energy savings by end use Avista Commercial Savings Potential - Idaho Cumulative achievable potential in 2017 Top measures by energy savings Measure / Technology 2017 Cumulative Savings (MWh) % of Total Interior Lighting - Linear LED 2,134 23.9% Interior Lighting - Screw-in/Hard-wire LED and T5 1,237 13.8% Exterior Lighting - Linear LED 448 5.0% Chiller - Chilled Water Reset 437 4.9% Interior Lighting - High-Bay Fixtures LED 366 4.1% Interior Lighting - Occupancy Sensors 297 3.3% HVAC - Duct Repair and Sealing 275 3.1% Interior Lighting - Skylights 270 3.0% Exterior Lighting - Screw-in/Hard-wire CFL and LED 224 2.5% Exterior Lighting – HID T5 and LED 217 2.4% Total Top 10 Measures 5,905 65.4% 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 465 57 2016 2017 2020 2025 2035 Cumulative ID Savings (GWh) Achievable Potential 2.4 4.8 13.0 28.2 53.0 Economic Potential 2.8 5.7 15.3 32.9 61.5 Technical Potential 4.6 9.2 22.7 45.6 79.4 Cumulative Savings (aMW) Achievable Potential 0.3 0.6 1.5 3.2 6.0 Economic Potential 0.3 0.6 1.7 3.8 7.0 Technical Potential 0.5 1.0 2.6 5.2 9.1 Avista Conservation Potential – Industrial From 2015 to 2025, cumulative achievable potential savings are 28 GWh, or 3.2 aMW. Achievable potential in 2025 is about 85% of economic potential. Idaho 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 466 58 Energy savings by end use Avista Industrial Savings Potential - Idaho Cumulative achievable potential in 2017 Top measures by energy savings Measure / Technology 2017 Cumulative Savings (MWh) % of Total Fan System - Optimization and Improvements 1,226 25.4% Motors - Variable Frequency Drive (Pumps) 814 16.8% Fan System - Maintenance 414 8.6% Motors - Variable Frequency Drive (Fans & Blowers) 407 8.4% Compressed Air - Air Usage Reduction 336 7.0% Compressed Air - System Optimization and Improvements 271 5.6% Pumping System - Optimization and Improvements 230 4.8% Interior Lighting - Occupancy Sensors 183 3.8% Interior Lighting - High-Bay Fixtures LED 114 2.4% Motors - Variable Frequency Drive (Other) 110 2.3% Total Top 10 Measures 4,104 84.9% 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 467 Summary of Conservation Potential – Sensitivity Case 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 468 60 2016 2017 2020 2025 2035 Cumulative WA and ID Savings (GWh) Achievable Potential 13.6 31.0 97.5 201.5 368.8 Economic Potential 30.7 63.5 171.4 311.2 517.2 Technical Potential 84.5 168.7 400.1 718.9 1,116.7 Cumulative Savings (aMW) Achievable Potential 1.5 3.5 11.1 23.0 42.1 Economic Potential 3.5 7.2 19.6 35.5 59.0 Technical Potential 9.6 19.3 45.7 82.1 127.5 Avista Conservation Potential – Residential From 2016 to 2025, cumulative achievable potential savings are 201 GWh, or 23.0 aMW. An additional 3.7 aMW is possible by 2025, compared to the TRC=1.0 case. Washington and Idaho combined 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 469 61 2016 2017 2020 2025 2035 Cumulative WA and ID Savings (GWh) Achievable Potential 15.3 35.5 128.8 356.1 708.8 Economic Potential 32.7 72.0 208.5 470.5 839.8 Technical Potential 71.2 141.7 352.8 694.2 1,095.9 Cumulative Savings (aMW) Achievable Potential 1.7 4.1 14.7 40.7 80.9 Economic Potential 3.7 8.2 23.8 53.7 95.9 Technical Potential 8.1 16.2 40.3 79.2 125.1 Avista Conservation Potential – Commercial From 2016 to 2025, cumulative achievable potential savings are 356 GWh, or 40.7 aMW. An additional 6.0 aMW is possible by 2025, compared to the TRC=1.0 case. Washington and Idaho combined 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 470 62 2016 2017 2020 2025 2035 Cumulative WA and ID Savings (GWh) Achievable Potential 9.9 19.9 53.0 110.9 209.5 Economic Potential 11.6 23.4 62.3 129.4 242.9 Technical Potential 17.1 33.9 83.7 168.4 293.2 Cumulative Savings (aMW) Achievable Potential 1.1 2.3 6.0 12.7 23.9 Economic Potential 1.3 2.7 7.1 14.8 27.7 Technical Potential 1.9 3.9 9.6 19.2 33.5 Avista Conservation Potential – Industrial From 2016 to 2025, cumulative achievable potential savings are 111 GWh, or 12.7 aMW. An additional 1.1 aMW is possible by 2025, compared to the TRC=1.0 case. Washington and Idaho combined 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 471 63 Avista Residential Savings Potential – WA & ID Cumulative achievable potential in 2017 Top measures by energy savings Measure / Technology 2017 Cumulative Energy Savings (MWh) % of Total Interior Lighting - Screw-in/Hard-wire (LED) 13,616 43.9% Ducting - Repair and Sealing 5,057 16.3% Exterior Lighting - Screw-in/Hard-wire 4,152 13.4% Water Heater - Pipe Insulation 2,264 7.3% Water Heater - Faucet Aerators 1,037 3.3% Thermostat - Clock/Programmable 726 2.3% Behavioral Programs 689 2.2% Insulation - Ducting 630 2.0% ENERGY STAR Homes 606 2.0% Total 28,777 92.7% • Programmable thermostats passed in the multi-family segments, moving it up in the rankings • Insulation – ducting passed in the multi-family segment, increasing the savings • ENERGY STAR Homes did not pass the TRC at the 1.0 level in any segment 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 472 64 Avista Commercial Savings Potential – WA & ID Cumulative achievable potential in 2017 Top measures by energy savings Measure / Technology 2017 Cumulative Energy Savings (MWh) % of Total Interior Lighting - Linear LED 6,604 18.6% Interior Lighting - Screw-in/Hard-wire LED and CFL 3,923 11.0% Interior Lighting - Occupancy Sensors 3,211 9.0% Chiller - Chilled Water Reset 1,360 3.8% Interior Lighting - High-Bay Fixtures T5 and LED 1,205 3.4% Exterior Lighting - Linear LED 1,135 3.2% HVAC - Duct Repair and Sealing 1,068 3.0% Water Heater - Faucet Aerators/Low Flow Nozzles 917 2.6% Interior Lighting - Skylights 831 2.3% Exterior Lighting – HID T5 and LED 820 2.3% Total Top 10 Measures 21,075 59.3% • Interior lighting – screw-in includes more LED in more segments • Occupancy sensors pass in more segments • High Bay fixtures pass in more segments • Faucet aerators and Low flow nozzles did not pass when the TRC threshold was 1.0 • Exterior lighting includes more LED 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 473 65 Avista Industrial Savings Potential – WA & ID Cumulative achievable potential in 2017 Top measures by energy savings Measure / Technology 2017 Cumulative Energy Savings (MWh) % of Total Fan System - Optimization and Improvements 4,524 22.8% Motors - Variable Frequency Drive (Pumps) 3,020 15.2% Fan System - Maintenance 1,635 8.2% Motors - Variable Frequency Drive (Fans & Blowers) 1,505 7.6% Compressed Air - Air Usage Reduction 1,247 6.3% Compressed Air - Air Compressor Replacement 1,217 6.1% Motors - Variable Frequency Drive (Compressed Air) 936 4.7% Pumping System - Optimization and Improvements 891 4.5% Interior Lighting - Occupancy Sensors 713 3.6% Interior Lighting - High-Bay Fixtures 420 2.1% Total Top 10 Measures 16,108 81% • Fan system maintenance savings increased • Compressed air – compressor replacement did not pass when the TRC threshold was 1.0 • Motors – Variable Frequency Drives savings increased 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 474 Bridget Kester bkester@appliedenergygroup.com Fuong Nguyen fnguyen@appliedenergygroup.com Sharon Yoshida syoshida@appliedenergygroup.com Ingrid Rohmund irohmund@appliedenergygroup.com Thank You! 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 475 2015 Preferred Resource Strategy & Portfolio Analysis James Gall Fifth Technical Advisory Committee Meeting May 19, 2015 DRAFT 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 476 Introduction • Discuss how Avista plans to meet resource deficits (PRS) • Review methodology and decision making logic • Discuss alternative resource strategies • Discuss the impact to resource strategies with a different future than the Expected Case’s future 2 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 477 2013 IRP Preferred Resource Strategy Resource By the End of Year Nameplate (MW) Simple Cycle CT 2019 83 Simple Cycle CT 2023 83 Combined Cycle CT 2026 270 Simple Cycle CT 2027 83 Rathdrum CT Upgrade 2028 6 Simple Cycle CT 2032 50 Total 575 Energy Efficiency 2014-2033 164 aMW Demand Response 2022-2027 19 MW Distribution Efficiencies 2014-2017 <1 MW 3 Lancaster PPA Wells/WNP-3 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 478 Resource Requirements • Since the last TAC meeting, the peak capacity need has been pushed from 2020 to 2021. • Avista signed a five year contract for five percent share of the Chelan County PUD’s Rocky Reach and Rock Island projects 0 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 2,500 3,000 20 1 6 20 1 7 20 1 8 20 1 9 20 2 0 20 2 1 20 2 2 20 2 3 20 2 4 20 2 5 20 2 6 20 2 7 20 2 8 20 2 9 20 3 0 20 3 1 20 3 2 20 3 3 20 3 4 20 3 5 Me g a w a t t s Loads & Resources-Winter Peak Existing Resources Load w/ Conservation + Cont. 4 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 479 Developing Resource Portfolios • “1990 Methodology” Least Cost – “Experts” package plausible resource portfolios • Mixes of resource start dates, resource types – Lowest cost is the goal – No quantitative risk measurement – Likely misses best portfolio and its timing 5 Portfolio Gas Peaking Gas CCCT Wind Solar Coal Market 1 Market Reliance 0 0 0 0 0 100 2 All Gas Peaking 100 0 0 0 0 0 3 All Gas 50 50 0 0 0 0 4 Gas & Wind 50 0 50 0 0 0 5 Balanced 20 2 20 0 20 20 6 High Renewables 25 0 50 25 0 0 7 All Renewables 0 0 75 25 0 0 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 480 Developing Resource Portfolios, Cont. • Hybrid Approach – Continue arbitrary portfolio development – Add stochastic analysis to measure risk • Benefits – Allows risk measurement – Disqualifies portfolio outliers – May show benefits of additional spending for risk reduction • Costs – May not select lowest cost portfolio for the level of risk – Many best portfolios are missed 6 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 481 Avista’s Portfolio Approach • Best Practice- Efficient Frontier developed using a Mixed Integer Program (MIP) • Each portfolio is the least cost “best” portfolio for each level of risk • No need to build arbitrary portfolios • Ensures the best portfolios are developed • Allows for explicit and comprehensive measure of risk vs. cost • Still does not pick the “ideal” portfolio Efficient Frontier Video http://www.investopedia.com/terms/e/efficientfrontier.asp 7 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 482 Avista’s Portfolio Approach, Cont. • Mixed Integer Program (MIP) – Lindo System’s What’s Best software using Gurobi solver •Superior speed improvement allowing more complex modeling – Solves for least cost mix to meet Avista’s resource shortfall •NPV of power supply for next 25 years along with a small weighting of costs beyond 25 years – New generating resources, resource upgrades, conservation, demand response all compete to meet the resource shortfall •Options are treated as integers, therefore no partial units (including conservation) – Model can solve to reduce power supply risk by selecting different resource strategies, while adhering to resource sizes – Can still test “arbitrary” portfolios to illustrate concepts 8 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 483 2015 IRP Efficient Frontier 9 $0 $10 $20 $30 $40 $50 $60 $70 $80 $90 $350 $400 $450 $500 20 2 7 S t a n d a r d D e v i a t i o n ( m i l l i o n s ) Levelized Power Supply Costs (Millions) Efficient Frontier PRS 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 484 Efficient Frontier as Percent Change from Least Cost 10 -70% -60% -50% -40% -30% -20% -10% 0% 0%5%10%15%20%25%30% 20 2 7 S t a n d a r d D e v i a t i o n ( % C h a g n e ) Levelized Power Supply Costs (% Change) Efficient Frontier PRS 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 485 Selecting the “Best” Portfolio • Using Avista’s methodology, all portfolios are best for the assigned level of risk • Academic research uses indifference curves “risk tolerance” to help select the “best” portfolio • Other metrics to help select the portfolio – Risk adjusted PVRRs – Point to point derivatives 11 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 486 Risk Adjusted PVRR • This metric adds to each year’s revenue requirement, five percent of the added cost of the 95th percentile – If expected cost was $100, the 95th percentile is $200, the cost would be $105. – Method simulates the added cost of a 1 in 20 bad outcome • Methodology is useful in “hybrid” portfolio development as it can distinguish between un-optimized portfolios – A less useful measure in MIP-derived portfolios as model minimizes this cost for each level of risk 12 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 487 $0 $1,000 $2,000 $3,000 $4,000 $5,000 $6,000 Le a s t C o s t 2 3 PR S 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Le a s t R i s k 20 y e a r r i s k a d j u s t e d P V R R ( M i l l i o n s ) Efficient Frontier Porfolios Risk Adjusted PVRR Results Is the ~$40 million (0.9%) premium worth it? 13 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 488 Point to Point Derivatives • Distinguishes the relationship between added cost and risk reduction • Typically want good trade off, but each portfolio manager’s judgment of the trade off is different • Avista selects a portfolio where there is a good trade off between cost and risk • The measure used by Avista since 2005, when adopting present method, to select a preferred resource portfolio 14 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 489 - 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 6.00 Le a s t C o s t 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Le a s t R i s k Ef f i c i e n t F r o n t i e r S l o p e Efficient Frontier Portfolios Efficient Frontier Porfolio's Point to Point Slope PR S Point to Point Derivatives • Portfolio’s between #3 and #4 vary the size of the 2027 CCCT 15 An inflection point does not necessarily mean it is the best place to land, as the benefit could be greatly outweighed by the cost—this could be the case in the 2015 IRP - 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 Le a s t C o s t 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Le a s t R i s k Cu m u l a t i v e E f f i c i e n t F r o n t i e r S l o p e Efficient Frontier Portfolios Cumulative Efficient Frontier Porfolio's Point to Point Slope PR S 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 490 2015 IRP: Preferred Resource Strategy Resource By End of Year ISO Conditions (MW) Winter Capacity (MW) Energy (aMW) Natural Gas Peaker 2020 96 102 89 Thermal Upgrades 2021-2025 38 38 35 Combined Cycle CT 2026 286 306 265 Natural Gas Peaker 2027 96 102 89 Thermal Upgrades 2033 3 3 3 Natural Gas Peaker 2034 47 47 43 Total 565 597 524 Conservation (w/ T&D losses) 2016-2035 192 132 16 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 491 Loads & Resources- Winter Peak 17 0 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 2,500 3,000 20 1 6 20 1 7 20 1 8 20 1 9 20 2 0 20 2 1 20 2 2 20 2 3 20 2 4 20 2 5 20 2 6 20 2 7 20 2 8 20 2 9 20 3 0 20 3 1 20 3 2 20 3 3 20 3 4 20 3 5 Me g a w a t t s Existing Resources Conservation Combined Cycle Peaker Wind Solar Market Storage Plant Upgrade Demand Response Load w/o Conservation + Cont. 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 492 Conservation Modeling • Load forecast adjusted higher to evaluate portfolio without conservation, grossed up using AEG’s CPA conservation level • Conservation measures are considered as resource options – ~2,500 programs below 130% of the avoided cost are included in PRiSM – Additional programs above 130% threshold are excluded • PRiSM may chose conservation program or generation resource to fill resource deficits – PRiSM looks at the added energy, winter, and summer capacity for each program compared to its cost and energy savings – When valuing the energy savings, the Power Act 10% premium is included • Programs are either on/off. A program cannot start and end unless its life cycle is complete 18 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 493 Conservation Avoided Cost • Energy: $38.38/ MWh (flat delivery) PLUS • Capacity & Risk: $94.84/ kW-year (winter peak) PLUS • T&D Capacity: $12.30/ kW-year (winter peak) PLUS • T&D Losses: 6.1% PLUS • Power Act Adder: 10% added to energy & loss values 19 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 494 Conservation Selection vs. CPA with Losses aMW 2016-2017 2016-2035 CPA 8.99 132.06 PRiSM 8.96 132.48 20 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 20 1 6 20 1 7 20 1 8 20 1 9 20 2 0 20 2 1 20 2 2 20 2 3 20 2 4 20 2 5 20 2 6 20 2 7 20 2 8 20 2 9 20 3 0 20 3 1 20 3 2 20 3 3 20 3 4 20 3 5 Av e r a g e M e g a w a t t s AEG Annual (aMW) Annual Energy Savings (aMW) 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 495 Utility Cost of Conservation 21 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 19 9 9 20 0 1 20 0 3 20 0 5 20 0 7 20 0 9 20 1 1 20 1 3 20 1 5 20 1 7 20 1 9 20 2 1 20 2 3 20 2 5 20 2 7 20 2 9 20 3 1 20 3 3 20 3 5 Energy Savings (aMW) Spending (millions $) Levelized Cost ($/MWh) 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 496 Integer vs. Linear Programing • Linear programming allows all resource options to be chosen in any increment subject to min and max constraints – For example, a Combined Cycle CT can be selected with a capacity of 158.45 MW rather then the full 286 MW plant • Integer programing holds resource options to specific sizes. Integer programming models resources lumpy rather then precise additions. – Lumpy resource additions adds costs compared to perfect resource acquisition 22 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 497 $0 $10 $20 $30 $40 $50 $60 $70 $80 $90 $350 $370 $390 $410 $430 $450 $470 $490 $510 20 2 7 S t d e v ( M i l l i o n s ) Annual Levelized Portfolio Cost (Millions) Expected Case- Efficient Frontier Integer Expected Case- Efficient Frontier Linear PRS- Linear PRS- Integer Mix Integer vs. Linear Programing Acquiring “lumpy” resources increases costs 23 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 498 Other Resource Portfolios Along the Frontier (Nameplate MW) 24 Portfolio NG Peaker NG CCCT Wind Solar Demand Response Thermal Upgrade Hydro Upgrade Conservation Least Cost 527 - - - - 38 - 128 2 524 - - - - 41 - 135 3 239 286 - - - 38 - 128 PRS 239 286 - - - 41 - 132 4 143 341 - - - 38 - 138 5 189 341 50 10 - 41 - 139 6 140 341 100 20 - 41 - 143 7 189 341 200 - - 38 - 141 8 140 341 250 20 - 41 - 142 9 186 341 300 70 - 38 - 141 10 186 341 400 30 - 38 - 141 11 140 341 450 80 - 38 - 144 12 140 341 500 150 - 41 - 142 13 186 341 500 290 - 38 - 143 14 93 627 500 270 - 38 - 140 15 93 627 500 480 - 38 - 141 Least Risk 186 683 500 600 - 23 - 144 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 499 $0 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $600 $700 - 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 2,500 20 1 6 -40 L e v e l i z e d C o s t Me g a w a t t s Efficient Frontier Portfolios (Integer vs. Linear) 25 $0 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $600 $700 - 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 2,500 Le a s t C o s t 2 3 PR S 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Le a s t R i s k 20 1 6 -40 L e v e l i z e d C o s t Me g a w a t t s Portfolio Hydro Upgrade Thermal Upgrade Demand Response Solar Wind NG Peaker NG CCCT Conservation 2016-40 Levelized Cost Linear shows CCCT earlier and smoothed resource changes Integer has delayed CCCT and lumpy resource changes 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 500 Portfolio Scenarios • Load forecast – Low, high, increases DG solar penetration • Colstrip retires end of 2026 • High cost Colstrip Retention – Colstrip retires end of 2022 • Market & Conservation • 2013 PRS • Renewables Meet All Load Growth • Hydro Upgrades & Peakers • Peakers & Hydro Total Portfolio 26 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 501 Load Sensitivities •Purpose: Describe changes in PRS with alternative future load conditions • Low Load – Assumes lower GDP* growth (2.0%) • High Load – Assumes higher GDP* growth (3.2%) • DG Solar Penetration – Expected case forecast with DG solar penetration growing exponentially to 10% of residential customers with an 6 kW average system size by 2040 * Expected Case GDP forecast is ~2.6% 27 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 502 Load Sensitivities (continued) 28 950 1,000 1,050 1,100 1,150 1,200 1,250 1,300 20 1 6 20 1 7 20 1 8 20 1 9 20 2 0 20 2 1 20 2 2 20 2 3 20 2 4 20 2 5 20 2 6 20 2 7 20 2 8 20 2 9 20 3 0 20 3 1 20 3 2 20 3 3 20 3 4 20 3 5 Av e r a g e M e g a w a t t s Expected Case High Growth Low Growth Rapid Rooftop Solar 1,500 1,600 1,700 1,800 1,900 2,000 2,100 20 1 6 20 1 7 20 1 8 20 1 9 20 2 0 20 2 1 20 2 2 20 2 3 20 2 4 20 2 5 20 2 6 20 2 7 20 2 8 20 2 9 20 3 0 20 3 1 20 3 2 20 3 3 20 3 4 20 3 5 Wi n t e r P e a k M e g a w a t t s Expected Case High Growth Low Growth Rapid Rooftop Solar 1,500 1,600 1,700 1,800 1,900 2,000 2,100 20 1 6 20 1 7 20 1 8 20 1 9 20 2 0 20 2 1 20 2 2 20 2 3 20 2 4 20 2 5 20 2 6 20 2 7 20 2 8 20 2 9 20 3 0 20 3 1 20 3 2 20 3 3 20 3 4 20 3 5 Su m m e r P e a k M e g a w a t t s Expected Case High Growth Low Growth Rapid Rooftop Solar 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 503 Load Sensitivity Resource Strategies Resource Expected Case PRS Low Loads High Loads High DG Solar Penetration NG Peaker 239 192 335 239 NG Combined Cycle CT 286 286 286 286 Wind 0 0 0 0 Solar 0 0 0 0 Demand Response 0 0 0 0 Thermal Upgrades 41 41 41 41 Hydro Upgrades 0 0 0 0 Total 565 519 662 565 29 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 504 SCENARIO: Colstrip Analysis • Assumes Colstrip retires at the end of 2026 • No Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) investment • Plant is fully depreciated by end of 2031 • Pond closure costs begin in 2027 • Replacement resources similar to Expected Case PRS 30 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 505 $0 $20 $40 $60 $80 $100 $120 $350 $400 $450 $500 $550 20 2 7 S t d e v Annual Levelized Portfolio Cost Expected Case- Efficient Frontier Integer PRS- Integer Colstrip Retires 2026 Efficient Frontier PRS- No Colstrip SCENARIO: Colstrip Retires in 2026 31 25-year levelized cost increase of $13.4 million (+ 4%) per year, risk increase $12 million (+ 17%), the 2027 increase is $58 million Resource By End of Year ISO Conditions (MW) Natural Gas Peaker 2020 96 Thermal Upgrades 2021-2025 38 Combined Cycle CTs 2026 627 Total 761 Conservation (w/ T&D losses) 2016- 2035 130.7 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 506 Annual Power Supply Cost Impact After Colstrip Closure in 2026 32 -$50 -$25 $0 $25 $50 $75 $100 $0 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $600 20 1 6 20 1 7 20 1 8 20 1 9 20 2 0 20 2 1 20 2 2 20 2 3 20 2 4 20 2 5 20 2 6 20 2 7 20 2 8 20 2 9 20 3 0 20 3 1 20 3 2 20 3 3 20 3 4 20 3 5 An n u a l C o s t C h a n g e ( M i l l i o n s ) An n u a l P o w e r S u p p l y C o s t s ( M i l l i o n s ) Delta PRS PRS w/ Colstrip Retires 2026 Shorter Amortization CAPEX shifted to O&M SCR Savings Replacement Capacity/ Pond Closure 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 507 SCENARIO: High-Cost Colstrip Retention • Higher-cost Colstrip compliance assumptions provided by TAC members – Assumptions include: •SO2 Scrubbers: $700 million (2022) w/ $45 million annual O&M • Dry Ash Handling Conversion: $60 million (2022) w/ $3 million annual O&M • Replacement Landfill: $9 million (2022) w/ $0.33 million annual O&M • New SCR: $268 million (2022) w/ $35 million annual O&M • Colstrip 1 & 2 retire in 2017, w/ common costs shifted to 3 & 4 owners • Assumptions have not been vetted by Avista • Two scenarios studied – PRS with higher compliance costs – Colstrip retirement at the end of 2022 33 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 508 SCENARIO: Colstrip Retires 2022 Resource By End of Year ISO Conditions (MW) Natural Gas Peaker 2020 56 Thermal Upgrades 2021-2035 41 Combined Cycle CTs 2023-2026 627 Natural Gas Peaker 2035 47 Total 770 Conservation (w/ T&D losses) 2016- 2035 131.0 • Early Colstrip retirement scenario adds CCCT earlier in the plan • Peaker still required in 2020 – More detailed economics could support bigger CCCT in 2020 rather than splitting between CCCT and a peaker 34 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 509 $0 $20 $40 $60 $80 $100 $120 $350 $400 $450 $500 $550 20 2 7 S t d e v ( M i l l i o n s ) Annual Levelized Portfolio Cost (Millions) Colstrip Scenario Efficient Frontier Analysis 35 Expected Case/ PRS Higher Colstrip Costs- Colstrip Retires 2022 Higher Colstrip Cost/ PRS 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 510 Colstrip Scenarios (Continued) 36 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 PRS 252 276 288 298 313 331 341 348 366 382 399 454 484 487 488 504 523 523 545 564 PRS High Colstrip Costs 252 276 290 301 320 347 373 389 404 414 425 477 507 510 511 528 547 546 568 588 PRS Colstrip Retires 2022 260 284 299 325 333 336 351 408 425 432 444 490 498 500 501 514 534 536 551 572 $0 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $600 An n u a l P o w e r S u p p l y C o s t s ( M i l l i o n s ) 20-yr Levelized $374 $391 $395 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 511 Colstrip Scenarios’ Greenhouse Gas Emissions 37 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 20 1 6 20 1 7 20 1 8 20 1 9 20 2 0 20 2 1 20 2 2 20 2 3 20 2 4 20 2 5 20 2 6 20 2 7 20 2 8 20 2 9 20 3 0 20 3 1 20 3 2 20 3 3 20 3 4 20 3 5 Me t r i c T o n s ( M i l l i o n s ) PRS Scenario: Colstrip Retires 2026 Scenario: Colstrip Retires 2022 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 512 Other Resource Scenarios •Market & Conservation – All future needs are met by conservation and market purchases •2013 PRS – Build similar resources as the 2013 preferred resource strategy •Renewables Meet All Load Growth – All load growth is met by renewable energy (wind) •Hydro Upgrades & Peakers – Assumes Monroe Street & Long Lake upgrades in 2027 – Peaking resources meet remaining capacity needs •Peakers & Hydro Total Portfolio – By 2027 Avista retains only gas-fired peakers and hydro in its portfolio 38 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 513 Other Portfolio Scenarios Efficient Frontier Market & Conservation 2013 PRS Renewables Meet All Load Growth Peakers & Hydro Total Portfolio Colstrip Retires 2027 PRS Hydro Upgrades & Peakers $0 $20 $40 $60 $80 $100 $120 $350 $400 $450 $500 $550 20 2 7 S t d e v Annual Levelized Portfolio Cost 39 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 514 Other Portfolio Scenario Greenhouse Emissions 40 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 20 1 6 20 1 7 20 1 8 20 1 9 20 2 0 20 2 1 20 2 2 20 2 3 20 2 4 20 2 5 20 2 6 20 2 7 20 2 8 20 2 9 20 3 0 20 3 1 20 3 2 20 3 3 20 3 4 20 3 5 Me t r i c T o n s ( M i l l i o n s ) PRS Scenario: Colstrip Retires 2026 Scenario: Colstrip Retires 2022 Scenario: Market & Conservation Only Scenario: 2013 IRP Scenario: Peakers & Hydro Total Portfolio Scenario: Renewables Meet All Load Growth Scenario: Hydro Upgrades & Peakers 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 515 $0 $20 $40 $60 $80 $100 $120 $350 $400 $450 $500 $550 $600 20 2 7 S t d e v ( m i l l i o n s ) Annual Levelized Porfolio Cost (Millions) Expected Case- Efficient Frontier PRS (Expected Case) Social Cost of Carbon Case- Efficient Frontier PRS (Social Cost of Carbon) Efficient Frontier w/ Social Carbon Cost 17% higher cost ($67 million/yr) Risk up ~6% ($4 million) 41 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 516 $0 $20 $40 $60 $80 $100 $120 $350 $400 $450 $500 $550 $600 20 2 7 S t d e v ( m i l l i o n s ) Annual Levelized Porfolio Cost (Millions) Social Cost of Carbon Case- Efficient Frontier PRS (Social Cost of Carbon) Social Cost of Carbon Case- Efficient Frontier- Colstrip Retires 2026 Colstrip Retires PRS (Social Cost of Carbon) Efficient Frontier w/ Social Carbon Cost (Colstrip Retires 2026) $6 million added each year Risk up $12 million annually 42 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 517 Avista Emissions with Social Cost of Carbon Market Future 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 20 1 6 20 1 7 20 1 8 20 1 9 20 2 0 20 2 1 20 2 2 20 2 3 20 2 4 20 2 5 20 2 6 20 2 7 20 2 8 20 2 9 20 3 0 20 3 1 20 3 2 20 3 3 20 3 4 20 3 5 Me t r i c T o n s ( M i l l i o n s ) Expected Case (PRS) Social Cost of Carbon (PRS) Social Cost of Carbon (Colstrip Retires 2026) 43 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 518 Social Cost of Carbon Summary • Annual Power Supply Costs will increase approximately $67 million per year (17%) • Avista’s greenhouse gas emissions fall 17% • Colstrip still remains lower cost option • Retiring Colstrip in 2026 increases levelized costs by $6 million compared to $13 million per year in the Expected Case • Retiring Colstrip and a Social Cost of Carbon Market Future reduces Avista’s greenhouse gas emissions 48% 44 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 519 2015 Electric Integrated Resource Plan Technical Advisory Committee Meeting No. 6 Agenda Wednesday, June 24, 2015 Conference Room 130 Topic Time Staff 1. Introduction & TAC 5 Recap 8:30 Lyons 2. Avista Community Solar 8:35 Magalsky 3. 2015 Action Plan 9:15 Lyons 4. Final 2015 PRS 10:00 Gall 5. 2015 IRP Document Introduction 10:30 Staff 6. Lunch and Adjourn 11:30 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 520 2015 Electric IRP TAC Meeting Expectations and Schedule John Lyons, Ph.D. Sixth Technical Advisory Committee Meeting June 24, 2015 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 521 Technical Advisory Committee • The public process of the IRP – input on what to study, how to study, and review assumptions and results • Technical forum with a range of participants with different areas of input and expertise • Open forum, but we need to stay on topic to get through the agenda and allow all participants to ask questions and make comments • Welcome requests for studies or different assumptions. – Time or resources may limit the amount of studies – The earlier study requests are made, the more accommodating we can be – January 15, 2015 was the final date to receive study requests • Action Items – areas for more research in the next IRP 2 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 522 Technical Advisory Committee • Technical forum on inputs and assumptions, not an advocacy forum • Focus is on developing a resource strategy based on sound assumptions and inputs, instead of a forum on a particular resource or resource type • We request that everyone maintain a high level of respect and professional demeanor to encourage an ongoing conversation about the IRP process • Supports rate recovery, but not a preapproval process • Planning team is available by email or phone for questions or comments between the TAC meetings • Today is the final TAC meeting for the 2015 IRP. • The TAC meetings for the 2017 IRP will start in the second quarter of 2016. 3 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 523 TAC #5 Recap • Introduction & TAC 4 Recap – Lyons • Review of Market Futures – Gall • Ancillary Services Valuation – Shane • Conservation Potential Assessment – Kester (AEG) • Draft 2015 PRS & Portfolio Analysis – Planning Staff 4 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 524 Today’s Agenda • Introduction & TAC 5 Recap (8:30) – Lyons • Avista Community Solar (8:35) – Magalsky • 2015 Action Plan (9:15) – Lyons • Final 2015 PRS (10:00) – Gall • 2015 IRP Document Introduction – Planning Group • Lunch and Adjourn (11:30) 5 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 525 Solar Overview Kelly Magalsky Sixth Technical Advisory Committee Meeting June 24, 2015 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 526 Concierge Model Should I install solar? www.avistautilities.com/solarestimator 2 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 527 Solar Estimator 3 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 528 Avista Community Solar Project 4 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 529 Avista Community Solar Program • Utility Owned 423 kW array (1,512 panels) • Lottery to select customer/participants • Expect 500 - 800 participants • Site: Spokane Valley, WA • Customer Enrollment: Now – July 17th www.avistacommunitysolar.com or 1-800-923-9551 5 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 530 2015 Electric IRP Action Items John Lyons, Ph.D. Sixth Technical Advisory Committee Meeting June 24, 2015 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 531 Generation Resource Related Analysis • Analysis of the continued feasibility of the Northeast Combustion Turbine due to its age. • Continue to review existing facilities for opportunities to upgrade capacity and efficiency. • Increase the number of manufacturers and sizes of natural gas-fired turbines modeled for the PRS analysis. • Evaluate the need for, and perform if needed, updated wind and solar integration studies. • Participate and evaluate the potential to join a Northwest Energy Imbalance Market. • Monitor regional winter and summer resource adequacy. • Participate in state-level development of the Clean Power Plan. 2 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 532 Energy Efficiency • Continue to study and quantify transmission and distribution efficiency projects as they apply to EIA goals. • Complete the assessment of energy efficiency potential on Avista’s generation facilities. 3 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 533 Transmission and Distribution Planning • Work to maintain Avista’s existing transmission rights, under applicable FERC policies. • Continue to participate in BPA transmission processes and rate proceedings to minimize costs of integrating existing resources outside of Avista’s service area. • Continue to participate in regional and sub-regional efforts to facilitate long-term economic expansion of the regional transmission system. 4 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 534 Other 2015 Action Items • Any areas of concern or suggestions? • Please call or email the planning team with any suggestions or added Action Items. • Can also make edits to the draft IRP when it is released. 5 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 535 2015 Electric IRP Preferred Resource Strategy James Gall Sixth Technical Advisory Committee Meeting June 24, 2015 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 536 Introduction • Discuss how Avista plans to meet resource deficits (PRS) • No Changes to Preferred Resource Strategy since last TAC meeting • Review tipping point analysis for resource options not selected in IRP 2 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 537 Tipping Point Analysis • Lower resource costs to point PRiSM picks a different the resource in question, all capital costs are in 2014 dollars • Utility Scale Solar: –$1,300/kW would have to decline to $671/kW to be selected in 2022 (-48%) • Utility Scale Energy Storage: –$2,736/kW, would have to decline to $770/kW in 2021 (-72%) • Demand Response: –$217/kW-yr (levelized nominal) would have to decline to $117/kW-yr (-46%) 3 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 538 2015 IRP Load and Resource Additions 4 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 539 2015 IRP: Preferred Resource Strategy 5 Resource By the End of Year ISO Conditions (MW) Winter Peak (MW) Energy (aMW) Natural Gas Peaker 2020 96 102 89 Thermal Upgrades 2021-2025 38 38 35 Combined Cycle CT 2026 286 306 265 Natural Gas Peaker 2027 96 102 89 Thermal Upgrades 2033 3 3 3 Natural Gas Peaker 2034 47 47 43 Total 565 597 524 Efficiency Improvements Acquisition Range Winter Peak Reduction (MW) Energy (aMW) Energy Efficiency 2016-2035 193 132 Distribution Efficiencies <1 <1 Total 193 132 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 540 Conservation Forecast 6 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 541 Greenhouse Gas Emissions Forecast 7 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 542 2015 Electric IRP Document Introduction Planning Staff Sixth Technical Advisory Committee Meeting June 24, 2015 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 543 2015 Electric IRP Chapters 1.Executive Summary 2.Introduction and Stakeholder Involvement 3.Economic and Load Forecast 4.Existing Resources 5.Energy Efficiency and Demand Response 6. Long-Term Position 7.Policy Considerations 8.Transmission and Distribution Planning 9.Generation Resource Options 10.Market Analysis 11.Preferred Resource Strategy 12.Portfolio Scenarios 13.Action Plan 2 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 544 1. Executive Summary 2. Introduction and Stakeholder Involvement 3 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 545 3. Economic and Load Forecast • Population and employment growth is starting to recover from the end of the Great Recession in 2009. •The 2015 Expected Case’s energy forecast grows 0.6 percent per year, replacing the 1.0 percent annual growth rate in the 2013 IRP. • The retail sales forecast, residential use per customer continues to decline. • Peak load growth is higher than energy growth, at 0.72 percent in the winter and 0.85 percent in the summer. • Testing performed for this IRP shows that historical extreme weather events contain temperature extremes that are still valid for peak load modeling. 4 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 546 4. Existing Resources • Hydroelectric represents about half of Avista’s winter generating capability. • Natural gas-fired plants represent the largest portion of generation potential. • Seven percent of Avista’s generating capability is biomass and wind. • Nine Mile Falls rehabilitation and upgrade will be completed in 2016. • 280 of Avista’s customers net meter 1.8 megawatts of their own generation. 5 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 547 5. Energy Efficiency and Demand Response • Current Avista-sponsored conservation reduces retail loads by nearly 11 percent, or 127 aMW. • 2015 IRP evaluates over 3,000 equipment options, and over 2,300 measure options covering all major end use equipment, as well as devices and actions to reduce energy consumption. • This IRP co-optimizes conservation and demand response selection with generation resource options using our PRiSM model. 6 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 548 6. Long-Term Position • Avista’s first long-term capacity deficit net of energy efficiency is in 2021; the first energy deficit is in 2026. • Avista uses a 14 percent winter planning margin in addition to meeting operating reserves for a 22.6 percent planning margin. • The 2015 IRP meets all EIA mandates over the next 20 years with a combination of RECs, qualifying hydroelectric upgrades, Palouse Wind, and Kettle Falls. 7 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 549 7. Policy Considerations • The 2015 IRP uses – existing carbon costs; – the goals of the Clean Power Plan proposal; – and a 10 percent probability of a carbon price to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. • Scenario analyses address the impacts of the Clean Power Plan proposal by state and regionally, as well as various issues for Avista’s Colstrip ownership interest. • Avista’s Climate Policy Council monitors greenhouse gas legislation and environmental regulation issues. 8 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 550 8. Transmission and Distribution Planning • Avista actively participates in regional transmission planning forums. • Avista System Planning transitioned from a biannual to an annual study process. • Projects completed since the last IRP include new sections of transmission lines, and rebuilds and upgrades through the grid modernization project. • Planned projects include reconductoring, and station rebuilds and reinforcements. • Significant generation interconnection study work around Lind substation continues. 9 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 551 9. Generation Resource Options • Only resources with well-defined costs and operating histories are options to meet future resource needs. • Wind, solar and hydroelectric upgrades represent renewable options available to Avista. • Upgrades to Avista’s Spokane and Clark Fork River facilities are included as resource options. • Future requests for proposals might identify different technologies. • Renewable resource costs assume no extensions of current state and federal incentives. 10 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 552 10. Market Analysis • Natural gas, solar, and wind resources dominate new generation additions in the Western Interconnect. • Clean Power Plan regulation could cause large price and costs swings, but without a final rule, the impacts are unknown. • The Expected Case forecasts a continuing reduction of Western Interconnect greenhouse gas emissions due to coal plant shut downs brought on by federal and state regulations and low natural gas prices. 11 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 553 11. Preferred Resource Strategy • Avista’s first anticipated resource acquisition is a natural gas-fired peaker by the end of 2020 to replace expiring contracts and serve growing loads. • A combined cycle combustion turbine replaces the Lancaster Facility when its contract ends in 2026. • Upgrades to existing facilities help meet resource deficits. • Energy efficiency offsets 52 percent of projected load growth through the 20-year IRP timeframe. 12 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 554 12. Portfolio Scenarios • Lower or higher future loads do not materially change the resources strategy. • Colstrip remains a cost-effective and reliable source of power to meet future customer loads. • In the Without Colstrip in 2027 scenario, customer bills increase $68 million. • A $19 per metric ton social cost of carbon market scenario increases customer’s costs by $67 million per year levelized. • Tipping point analysis suggests utility scale solar costs would need to decline another 48 percent to be in the Preferred Resource Strategy. 13 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 555 13. Action Plan • Covered in earlier presentation • Generation resource related analysis • Energy efficiency • Transmission and distribution planning 14 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 556 Remaining 2015 IRP Schedule • July 10, 2015 – external draft released to TAC • July 31, 2015 – external draft comments due • August 28, 2015 – file final 2015 IRP with Commissions • August 31, 2015 – 2015 IRP available to the public on Avista’s web site • Public comments period will be determined by the Commissions 15 2015 Electric IRP Appendix A 557 2015 Electric Integrated Resource Plan Appendix B – 2015 Electric IRP Work Plan 2015 Electric IRP Appendix B 558 Avista Corporation’s 2015 Electric Integrated Resource Plan (IRP) Work Plan For the Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission August 29, 2014 2015 Electric IRP Appendix B 559 P a g e | 2 2015 Electric Integrated Resource Planning Work Plan This Work Plan is submitted in compliance with the Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission’s Integrated Resource Planning (IRP) rules (WAC 480-100-238). It outlines the process Avista will follow to develop its 2015 IRP for filing with Washington and Idaho Commissions by August 31, 2015. Avista uses a public process to solicit technical expertise and feedback throughout the development of the IRP through a series of public Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) meetings. Avista held the first TAC meeting for the 2015 IRP on May 29, 2014. The 2015 IRP process will be similar to those used to produce the previous IRP. Avista will use AURORAxmp for electric market price forecasting, resource valuation and for conducting Monte- Carlo style risk analyses. AURORAxmp modeling results will be used to select the Preferred Resource Strategy (PRS) using Avista’s proprietary PRiSM model. This tool fills future capacity and energy (physical/renewable) deficits using an efficient frontier approach to evaluate quantitative portfolio risk versus portfolio cost while accounting for environmental laws and regulations. Qualitative risk evaluations are in separate analyses. Exhibit 1 shows the process timeline and the process to identify the PRS is in Exhibit 2. Avista intends to use both detailed site-specific and generic resource assumptions in development of the 2015 IRP. The assumptions combine Avista’s research of similar generating technologies, engineering studies, and the development of the Northwest Power and Conservation Council’s Seventh Power Plan. This IRP will study renewable portfolio standards, environmental costs, sustained peaking requirements and resource adequacy, energy efficiency programs and demand response. The IRP will develop a strategy that meets or exceeds both the renewable portfolio standards and greenhouse gas emissions regulations. Avista intends to test the PRS against a range of scenarios and potential futures. The TAC meetings will help to determine the underlying assumptions used in the scenarios and futures. The IRP process is very technical and data intensive; public comments are welcome but timely 2015 Electric IRP Appendix B 560 P a g e | 3 input and participation will be necessary for inclusion into the process so the plan can be submitted according to the tentative schedule in this Work Plan. The following topics and meeting times may change depending on the availability of presenters and requests for additional topics from the TAC members. The tentative timeline and agenda items for TAC meetings follows:  TAC 1 – May 29, 2014: Setting Expectations, review of 2013 IRP acknowledgement letters and Action Plan, Energy Independence Act compliance, Pullman Energy Storage Project update, demand response study discussion and review the 2015 IRP draft Work Plan.  TAC 2 – September 23, 2014: Review conservation selection methodology, update on the Company’s demand response study, load and economic forecasts, generation options and Clean Power Plan proposal discussion.  TAC 3 – November 2014: Planning margin, Colstrip discussion, cost of carbon, modeling overview and conservation potential assessment methodology.  TAC 4 – February 2015: Electric and natural gas price forecasts, transmission planning, resource needs assessment, market and portfolio scenario development, energy storage and ancillary service evaluation  TAC 5 – March 2015: Completed conservation potential assessment, draft PRS, review of scenarios and futures and portfolio analysis  TAC 6 – June 2015: Review of final PRS and action items. 2015 Electric IRP Appendix B 561 P a g e | 4 2015 Electric IRP Draft Outline The following is a draft outline of the major sections envisioned for the 2015 Electric IRP. This outline may change with the input from the Company’s TAC, and as IRP studies are completed and have been received: 1. Executive Summary 2. Introduction and Stakeholder Involvement 3. Economic and Load Forecast a. Economic Conditions b. Avista Energy & Peak Load Forecast c. Load Forecast Scenarios 4. Existing Resources a. Avista Resources b. Contractual Resources and Obligations 5. Energy Efficiency and Demand Response a. Conservation Potential Assessment b. Demand Response Opportunities 6. Long-Term Position a. Reliability Planning and Reserve Margins b. Resource Requirements c. Reserves and Flexibility Assessment 7. Policy Considerations a. Environmental Concerns b. State and Federal Policies 8. Transmission & Distribution Planning a. Avista’s Transmission System b. Future Upgrades and Interconnections c. Transmission Construction Costs and Integration d. Efficiencies 9. Generation Resource Options a. New Resource Options b. Avista Plant Upgrades 10. Market Analysis a. Marketplace b. Fuel Price Forecasts c. Market Price Forecast d. Scenario Analysis 11. Preferred Resource Strategy a. Resource Selection Process b. Preferred Resource Strategy c. Efficient Frontier Analysis d. Avoided Cost 2015 Electric IRP Appendix B 562 P a g e | 5 12. Portfolio Scenarios a. Portfolio Scenarios b. Tipping Point Analysis 13. Action Plan a. 2013 Action Plan Summary b. 2015 Action Plan 2015 Electric IRP Appendix B 563 P a g e | 6 Avista Corporation’s 2015 Electric Integrated Resource Plan (IRP) Work Plan Exhibit 1 2015 Electric IRP Timeline 2015 Electric IRP Appendix B 564 P a g e | 7 Exhibit 1: 2015 Electric IRP Timeline Task Target Date Preferred Resource Strategy (PRS) Identify Avista’s supply & conservation xmp xmp Simulation of risk studies “futures” completexmp Writing Tasks 2015 Electric IRP Appendix B 565 P a g e | 8 Avista Corporation’s 2015 Electric Integrated Resource Plan (IRP) Work Plan Exhibit 2 2015 Electric IRP Modeling Process 2015 Electric IRP Appendix B 566 P a g e | 9 2015 Electric IRP Appendix B 567 2015 Electric Integrated Resource Plan Appendix C – AEG Studies  Demand Response Study  Conservation Potential Assessment 2015 Electric IRP Appendix C 568 Avista Corporation Commercial & Industrial Demand Response Potential Study Final Report 2015 Electric IRP Appendix C 569 This report was prepared by Applied Energy Group, Inc. 500 Ygnacio Valley Road, Suite 450 Walnut Creek, CA 94596 Project Director: I. Rohmund Project Manager: D. Costenaro D. Ghosh C. Carrera Subcontractor: The Brattle Group A. Faruqui 2015 Electric IRP Appendix C 570 Contents 1 Introduction .............................................................................................................. 7 2 Analysis Approach ..................................................................................................... 8 Market Characterization ..................................................................................................... 8 Segmentation Basis ............................................................................................... 8 Key Market Data ................................................................................................... 8 DR Program Descriptions ................................................................................................... 9 Key Program Parameters ....................................................................................... 9 Potential and Cost Estimates ............................................................................................ 10 3 Market Characterization .........................................................................................11 4 DR Program Descriptions ........................................................................................14 Relevant DR Programs .................................................................................................... 14 Direct Load Control Program ............................................................................................ 15 Direct Load Control Program Assumptions ............................................................ 16 Firm Curtailment Program................................................................................................ 19 Firm Curtailment Program Assumptions ................................................................ 20 Critical Peak Pricing ......................................................................................................... 23 Critical Peak Pricing Assumptions ......................................................................... 24 Other Cross-cutting Assumptions ..................................................................................... 28 5 DR Potential and Cost Estimates ............................................................................29 Potential Results ............................................................................................................. 29 Cost Results.................................................................................................................... 32 Integrated Results .......................................................................................................... 32 A Literature Review .........................................................................................................34 Introduction.................................................................................................................... 34 Research Approach ......................................................................................................... 35 Proposed List of DR Options by Customer Class .................................................... 35 Approach for Selecting Representative Programs for Further Research ................... 36 Direct Load Control Programs .......................................................................................... 41 General Program Characteristics .......................................................................... 41 Specific Pilot and Program Examples .................................................................... 42 Firm Curtailment Programs .............................................................................................. 52 General Program Characteristics .......................................................................... 52 Specific Program Examples .................................................................................. 54 Non-Firm Curtailment Programs ....................................................................................... 56 General Program Characteristics .......................................................................... 56 Specific Program Examples .................................................................................. 57 Critical Peak Pricing Programs .......................................................................................... 59 General Program Characteristics .......................................................................... 59 Specific Program Examples .................................................................................. 60 2015 Electric IRP Appendix C 571 Real Time Pricing Programs ............................................................................................. 63 General Program Characteristics .......................................................................... 63 Specific Program Examples .................................................................................. 63 Ancillary Services / Load Following Pilots .......................................................................... 65 General Program Characteristics .......................................................................... 65 Specific Examples ............................................................................................... 67 Cost Effectiveness Assessment for Demand Response ....................................................... 68 DR Program Costs ............................................................................................... 68 DR Program Benefits ........................................................................................... 69 Cost-effectiveness Assessment Framework ........................................................... 70 Impact Estimation Methods for Demand Response ............................................................ 71 Types of Impact Estimation ................................................................................. 71 Baseline Calculation Methods ............................................................................... 71 Impact Estimation Methods ................................................................................. 72 B Time-of-Use Rates ........................................................................................................ 74 Program Description ........................................................................................................ 74 TOU Assumptions ............................................................................................... 75 2015 Electric IRP Appendix C 572 List of Figures Figure 5-1 Summary Potential Analysis Results for Avista (MW @Generator) ............................. 30 List of Tables Table 3-1 Market Segmentation ............................................................................................. 11 Table 3-2 Baseline C&I Customer Forecast by State and Customer Class .................................. 12 Table 3-3 Baseline System Peak Forecast (MW @Generator) ................................................... 12 Table 3-4 Load Factors and Baseline Coincident Peak Forecast by Segment (MW @Meter) ........ 13 Table 3-5 Electric Space Heating and Water Heating Saturation by State and Customer Class ... 13 Table 4-1 Relevant DR Programs for Avista ............................................................................ 14 Table 4-2 Direct Load Control Program Features ..................................................................... 15 Table 4-3 DLC Participation Rates (% of eligible customers) .................................................... 16 Table 4-4 Basis for Direct Load Control Program Participation Assumptions .............................. 16 Table 4-5 Per Participant Impact Assumptions for Direct Load Control Program ........................ 16 Table 4-6 DLC Program Cost Assumptions .............................................................................. 18 Table 4-7 Direct Load Control Program Lifetime and Capacity Derating Factor .......................... 19 Table 4-8 Firm Curtailment Program Features ......................................................................... 20 Table 4-9 Firm Curtailment Program Participation Rates (% of eligible customers) .................... 21 Table 4-10 Basis for Firm Curtailment Program Participation Assumptions .................................. 21 Table 4-11 Per Participant Load Reduction Assumption for the Firm Curtailment Program ........... 21 Table 4-12 Firm Curtailment Program Cost Assumptions ........................................................... 22 Table 4-13 Firm Curtailment Program Lifetime and Capacity Derating Factor .............................. 22 Table 4-14 Critical Peak Pricing Program Features .................................................................... 24 Table 4-15 Opt-in CPP Participation Rates (% of eligible customers) .......................................... 25 Table 4-16 Percentage of CPP Participants with Enabling Technology (% of total participants) .... 25 Table 4-17 Per-Participant Load Reduction in CPP Rates by Customer Class ............................... 26 Table 4-18 CPP Program Cost Assumptions for Opt-in and Opt-out Offers .................................. 27 Table 4-19 Program Lifetime and Capacity Derating Factor for Pricing Options ........................... 27 Table 5-1 Achievable DR Potential by Option for Avista (MW @Generator) ............................... 30 Table 5-2 Achievable DR Potential by Option for Washington (MW @Generator) ....................... 31 Table 5-3 Achievable DR Potential by Option for Idaho (MW @Generator)................................ 31 Table 5-4 DR Program Costs and Potential ............................................................................. 32 Table 5-5 DR Program Costs and Potential - Interactive .......................................................... 33 2015 Electric IRP Appendix C 573 2015 Electric IRP Appendix C 574 Applied Energy Group, Inc. 7 SECTION 1 Introduction Avista Corporation commissioned Applied Energy Group (AEG), with subcontractor the Brattle Group, to provide an assessment of demand response potential within its commercial and industrial (C&I) sectors in Washington and Idaho. The purpose of this study was to help Avista gain a better understanding of implementing demand response programs in the commercial and industrial sectors, and the corresponding cost and benefits. This study provides demand response potential and cost estimates, including supply curves, for the 20-year planning horizon of 2016–2035 to inform the development of Avista’s 2015 Integrated Resource Plan (IRP). It primarily seeks to develop reliable estimates of the magnitude, timing, and costs of DR resources likely available to Avista over the 20-year planning horizon. The study focuses on resources assumed achievable during the planning horizon, recognizing known market dynamics that may hinder resource acquisition. Study results will be incorporated into Avista’s 2015 IRP and subsequent DR planning and program development efforts. This study focused on developing DR potential and cost estimates for C&I customers only. Avista had recently offered two residential demand response pilot programs that have helped gain a good understanding of residential demand response programs and their costs and benefits in Avista’s service territory. Additional assessment of demand response potential for residential customers was outside the scope of the current study. However, as part of this study, Avista was interested in obtaining information from a national review of DR programs offered to residential customers. This document is organized as follows:  Section 2 describes the analysis approach and the data sources used to develop potential and cost estimates.  Section 3 presents market characterization data used for our analysis.  Section 4 identifies and describes relevant DR programs and presents assumptions on key program parameters.  Section 5 presents potential and cost results from our analysis. 2015 Electric IRP Appendix C 575 Applied Energy Group, Inc. 8 SECTION 2 Analysis Approach This section describes our analysis approach and the data sources used to develop potential and cost estimates. The following three steps broadly outline our analysis approach: 1. Segment C&I customers for DR analysis and develop market characteristics (customer count and coincident peak demand values) by segment for the base year and planning period. 2. Identify and describe relevant DR programs and develop assumptions on key program parameters for potential and cost analysis. 3. Assess achievable potential by DR program for the 2016-2035 planning period and estimate program budgets and levelized costs. We describe these analysis steps throughout the remainder of this chapter. Market Characterization The first step in the DR analysis was to segment C&I customers and develop characteristics for each segment.1 The two relevant characteristics for DR potential analysis are the number of eligible customers in each market segment and their coincident peak demand values. Segmentation Basis We used Avista’s rate schedules as the basis for C&I customer segmentation. We segmented C&I customers into General Service, Large General Service, and Extra Large General Service classes.2 Customers in rate schedule no. 11 belong to the “General Service” class, customers in rate schedule no. 21 belong to the “Large General Service” class and customers in rate schedule no. 25 belong to the “Extra Large General Service” class. We selected 2013 to be the base year for the study since it the latest year for which complete customer count and electricity sales data are available. Key Market Data Once the customer segments were defined and the base year was selected, we developed customer count and coincident peak demand values for the three C&I segments. We developed these estimates separately for Washington and Idaho. We obtained the 2013 customer count and electricity sales data by rate schedule from Avista. We used the electricity sales data to derive coincident peak demand estimates by segment. We did this by calculating load factors for each segment. In order to calculate these load factors, we relied on electricity sales and coincident peak demand values provided in the 2010 load research study conducted by Avista. The study provided electricity sales and coincident peak demand values for General Service, Large General Service, and Extra Large General Service customers for Washington and Idaho, for the year 2010. We used this data to calculate load factors by segment and by state and applied this to the 2013 electricity sales to derive coincident peak demand estimates. 1 This study estimates DR potential for C&I customers only. Residential DR potential estimates are outside the scope of this study. 2 We excluded two largest industrial customers from our analysis. Avista may wish to engage with these two customers directly to gauge their interest in participating in a DR program. 2015 Electric IRP Appendix C 576 Demand Response Potential Study Baseline Projection Once the base year market characteristics were defined, we developed customer count and coincident peak demand projections by state and segment for the period 2014-2035. Avista provided customer count and electricity sales projections by rate schedules for Washington and Idaho over the 2014-2019 timeframe. We used this data to calculate the average annual growth in customer count and sales. We then applied these same average annual growth rates to develop customer count and sales projections over the 2020-2035 timeframe. For General Service customers, however, this method produced an inaccurate growth rate due to near-term changes in the customer mix. We therefore developed a more reasonable growth rate in collaboration with Avista to project the trends for 2020-2035. Once the electricity sales projections were developed, we applied the calculated load factors from the earlier step to develop coincident peak demand projections by segment and by state. We assumed that load factor for a particular customer segment in a state remains unchanged from the 2010 value for the 2016-2035 planning period. End Use Saturation Another key component of market characterization for DR analysis is electric space heating and water heating saturation data. This is required to further segment the market and identify eligible customers for direct control of electric space heating and water heating equipment. We obtained saturation data from the Conservation Potential Assessment study conducted by Avista in 2013. We assumed water heating and electric space heating saturation values remain constant over the analysis timeframe. Section 3 of the report presents customer count, coincident peak demand and saturation data by customer segment. DR Program Descriptions Once we completed the market characterization, we focused on identification of relevant DR programs for Avista’s commercial and industrial customers. In order to conduct this task, we initially prepared a universal list of DR programs that could be considered relevant for Avista. This initial list was based on a national review of different DR program types currently offered in the industry. We used the 2012 national DR program survey database, published by FERC, to conduct this task. We selected representative program examples within each type of program and further researched these programs. We presented the universal list of relevant DR programs in a memo to Avista and followed it up with a research report that summarized key findings from our research. Subsequently, our team (AEG and Brattle) participated in a workshop with Avista to discuss these options and obtain Avista’s feedback. Based on guidance received from Avista, we modified our programs list and proceeded to develop detailed descriptions of programs included in that list. Key Program Parameters We developed assumptions on key program parameters used to estimate DR programs savings and costs. These parameters include program participation rates, per participant load reductions, and program costs. We relied on secondary data sources and the AEG-Brattle team’s collective experience to develop these assumptions. The primary data source for DR programs was the 2012 FERC national DR program survey database. We combined the FERC survey data with other relevant data source from EIA Form 861 and FERC Form 1 to develop data on key program parameters. We also used individual program evaluation reports, wherever available. For pricing programs, we relied on Brattle’s extensive database that includes information compiled from a very large number of national and international pricing programs and pilots. 2015 Electric IRP Appendix C 577 Demand Response Potential Study We developed detailed itemized assumptions on various fixed and variable cost components including program development costs, annual program administration costs, marketing and recruitment costs, costs for purchase and installation of enabling technology, annual O&M costs, and participant incentives. These cost assumptions are informed by our team’s consultation with industry experts involved in actual program implementation. We also relied heavily on inputs provided by Avista to develop these assumptions. Appendix A summarizes the key findings from our review of DR programs. Section 4 provides detailed descriptions of key program features and presents assumptions on key program parameters that are used to develop potential and cost estimates. Participation Rates The steady-state participation assumptions are based on an extensive database of existing program information and insights from market research results, and represent “best-practices” estimates for participation in these programs. This approach is commonly followed in the industry for arriving at achievable potential estimates. However, practical implementation experience suggests that uncertainties in factors such as market conditions, regulatory climate, and economic environment are likely to influence customer participation in DR. Once initiated, DR options require a time period to ramp up and reach a steady state because customers need time for education, marketing, and recruitment, in addition to the physical implementation and installation of any hardware, software, telemetry, or other equipment. You cannot merely flip a switch on human behavior, so the customer engagement aspect of these options must be carefully considered. In this analysis, we model programs as ramping up generally in a three-year to five-year timeframe to their steady state, which is typical of industry experience. For direct load control and pricing options, participation is assumed to ramp up following an “S-shaped” diffusion curve over a five-year timeframe. The rate of participation growth accelerates over the first half of the five-year period, and then slows over the second half. For the Firm Curtailment option, which is typically third-party delivered over shorter contract periods of three to five years, participation is assumed to ramp up linearly within a three-year timeframe. An annual attrition rate of 1% is uniformly applied to participants across all options to account for customers dropping out of the programs. Potential and Cost Estimates The last step in our analysis was to calculate savings from DR programs and estimate costs for achieving these savings. We conducted our analysis in two stages. We developed savings and cost estimates for individual DR programs considered on a standalone basis. This does not take into consideration any participation overlap that may occur if Avista were to implement multiple programs simultaneously. Therefore, the potential and cost estimates for individual DR options are not additive as there would be some amount of overlap among the target market of participating customers. We expect this effect to be relatively small among customers. We then used itemized cost assumptions to estimate total and annual program budgets, calculate levelized costs for DR programs, and develop resource supply curves. Section 5 presents potential and cost analysis results. 2015 Electric IRP Appendix C 578 Applied Energy Group, Inc. 11 SECTION 3 Market Characterization The first step in the DR analysis was to segment C&I customers and develop customer count and peak demand values for the base year and the 2016-2035 planning period. This section presents the C&I segments selected for our analysis and shows the customer count and coincident peak demand values for these segments. We have also included electric space heating and water heating saturation values that are relevant for the DR analysis. Market Segmentation We segmented C&I customers into two dimensions: by state and customer class. Table 3-1 summarizes the market segmentation we developed for this study. Table 3-1 Market Segmentation Market Dimension Segmentation Variable Description 1 State Idaho, Washington 2 Customer Class By rate schedule: General Service: Rate Schedule 11 Large General Service: Rate Schedule 21 Extra Large General Service: Rate Schedule 25 3 We excluded Avista’s two largest industrial customers from our analysis. To accurately estimate demand reduction potential for these customers, we would need to develop a detailed understanding of their industrial processes and associated possibilities for load reduction and develop specific DR potential estimates for each customer. The common approach followed to estimate potential for other customers does not apply to these extremely large customers, and therefore we did not include them in the analysis. However, Avista may wish to engage with these two customers directly to gauge their interest in participating in a DR program. Customer Count by Segment Once we segmented the market, we developed customer counts for the base year and forecast years included in the analysis. We considered 2013 as the base year for the study, since this is the most recent year with 12 months of available customer data, and 2016 to 2035 as the forecast years. Avista provided us with actual customer counts by rate schedule for 2013 and forecasts for 2014 to 2019. We calculated the average annual growth rate for each customer class over that period and used the average to project the number of customers in 2020-2035. Table 3-2 below shows customer count data by state for the base year and selected future years. 3 Excluding the two largest Schedule 25 and Schedule 25P customers. 2015 Electric IRP Appendix C 579 Demand Response Potential Study Table 3-2 Baseline C&I Customer Forecast by State and Customer Class Customer Class 2013 2016 2020 2025 2030 2035 Washington General Service 20,983 22,309 23,517 25,515 27,683 30,035 Large General Service 1,983 1,954 1,949 1,925 1,901 1,877 Extra Large General Service 20 20 20 20 20 19 Total C&I 22,987 24,283 25,486 27,459 29,603 31,931 Idaho General Service 15,532 15,991 16,946 18,158 19,457 20,849 Large General Service 1,127 1,127 1,126 1,117 1,109 1,101 Extra Large General Service 9 9 9 9 9 9 Total C&I 16,531 16,893 18,081 19,285 20,575 21,959 System and Coincident Peak Demand by Segment The next step in market characterization was to define peak forecasts for each customer segment. Avista provided us with 2013 system peak demand value and peak forecasts for 2015 through 2035. Table 3-3 shows the system peak demand for the base year and selected future years. The overall system peak demand values in the table represent the total demand on Avista’s system. The “weather sensitive” peak represents the overall system peak demand minus the demand for Avista’s two largest industrial customers. Table 3-3 Baseline System Peak Forecast (MW @Generator) 4 Peak Demand 2013 2016 2020 2025 2030 2035 Overall System Peak 1,669 1,718 1,768 1,828 1,891 1,995 Weather-sensitive Peak 1,569 1,590 1,640 1,700 1,763 1,827 To develop the coincident peak forecast for each segment, we started with electricity sales by customer class. Avista provided electricity sales by rate schedule for the 2013 through 2019. For General Service customers, Avista provided projected average annual sales growth for Washington and Idaho.5 For Large General Service and Extra Large General Service customers, we projected electricity sales for 2019 through 2035 using the average annual growth rate over the 2014-2019 timeframe. Next, we applied load factors by customer class and state to the electricity sales forecast to calculate coincident peak demand. To estimate the load factors, we used data from Avista’s 2010 load research study which provided coincident peak demand and electricity sales by state and customer class. Table 3-4 below shows the load factors and coincident peak values for the base year and selected future years. 4 The system peak forecast shown here is the net native load forecast from data provided by Avista, excluding the two largest industrial loads. 5 Based on information from Avista, we directly used an average of 0.8% sales growth for GS customers in Washington and an average 1.4% sales growth for GS customers in Idaho for the 2019-2035 period 2015 Electric IRP Appendix C 580 Demand Response Potential Study Table 3-4 Load Factors and Baseline Coincident Peak Forecast by Segment (MW @Meter) Segment Level Coincident Peaks Load Factor 2013 2016 2020 2025 2030 2035 Washington General Service 0.64 75 76 78 81 85 88 Large General Service 0.75 193 193 193 188 184 179 Extra Large General Service 0.79 86 89 93 92 90 89 Total C&I n/a 354 359 364 361 358 356 Idaho General Service 0.80 60 60 64 69 74 79 Large General Service 0.82 105 103 103 102 101 100 Extra Large General Service 0.79 43 48 51 57 64 72 Total C&I n/a 207 211 218 227 238 251 Saturation Assumptions for Relevant End-Uses Another important factor in Avista market characterization is the saturation level of relevant end uses included in the DR analysis: electric space heating and water heating. The two relevant space heating equipment for DR analysis are central furnaces and heat pumps. The saturations are relevant for estimating savings from direct-load control programs which are applicable to General Service and Large General Service customers (see Section 4). Table 3-5 below shows saturation estimates by state and customer class. We obtained all saturation values from the Conservation Potential Assessment study conducted by Avista in 2013. Table 3-5 Electric Space Heating and Water Heating Saturation by State and Customer Class End-use Saturation by Equipment Type General Service Large General Service Space Heating Saturation for Washington Heat Pump 3.6% 9.1% Central Furnace 17.7% 12.7% Total (Applicable for DR Analysis) 21.3% 21.8% Space Heating Saturation for Idaho Heat Pump 3.6% 9.1% Central Furnace 17.7% 12.7% Total (Applicable for DR Analysis) 21.3% 21.8% Water Heating Saturation for Washington All equipment 63.0% 54.2% Water Heating Saturation for Idaho All equipment 54.2% 54.2% 2015 Electric IRP Appendix C 581 Applied Energy Group, Inc. 14 SECTION 4 DR Program Descriptions This section identifies and describes the relevant Demand Response programs for Avista. It highlights the key features for each program and presents assumptions on program parameters that are required for potential and cost calculations. Program features describe characteristics such as targeted customer segment, typical end-uses controlled, available hours, event notification and duration, type of response, incentive levels to participants, metering requirements and mechanisms for program delivery. These characteristics will help support future DR program design by Avista. In addition to these characteristics, this section presents participation, impact, and cost assumptions for individual DR programs and provides detailed documentation for these assumptions. These assumptions serve as a foundation for potential and cost analysis results presented in Section 5. Relevant DR Programs Table 4-1 presents the DR programs included in our analysis, which we developed in consultation with Avista staff. There were other options we considered but the final set is shown below. The different types of DR programs can be broadly classified into two types: non-pricing programs and pricing programs  Non-pricing programs represent firm, dispatchable resources that Avista could count on to fulfill system resource requirements when needed. The two types of non-pricing programs included in our analysis are Direct Load Control (DLC) and Firm Curtailment (FC) program. DLC programs target space heating and water heating, as described below.  Dynamic pricing options, on the other hand, represent non-firm resources that may not be available for dispatch when needed. The pricing option considered to be relevant for Avista is Critical Peak Pricing (CPP). Table 4-1 Relevant DR Programs for Avista Category Program Applicable Customer Class Non-pricing Direct Load Control General Service (GS) Large General Service (LGS) Firm Curtailment Large General Service (LGS) Extra Large General Service (XLGS) Pricing Critical Peak Pricing General Service (GS) Large General Service (LGS) Extra Large General Service (XLGS) In addition to the above options included in the study, we considered three additional options that were qualitatively screened out of the potentials analysis. A listing of these options and the rationale for ultimately not including each is below.  Thermal Energy Storage (TES). Thermal energy storage technologies are a relatively mature technology that is worthwhile in some niche applications and climates. Otter Tail Power has a successful TES program. However, this option is not well-suite to Avista’s relatively mild climate. 2015 Electric IRP Appendix C 582 Demand Response Potential Study  Conservation Voltage Reduction (CVR). We screened CVR out of the analysis here because Avista is already doing this.  DR providing ancillary services (Fast DR). DR resources for providing ancillary services such as frequency regulation or spinning reserves need to be Auto-DR enabled and possess very fast response times. They need to be available 24x7 with a high degree of reliability. Fast DR is well suited to a number of industries, such as mechanical digesters at paper-pulp mills and rock crushers. The potential for this program option would likely be captured by customers who would enroll in the Firm Curtailment program. Additional information about TES and Fast DR is provided in Appendix A. Direct Load Control Program A DLC program would target Avista’s General Service and Large General Service customers in Washington and Idaho. This program would directly control electric space heating load in winter and water heating load throughout the year for these customers through a load control switch or a programmable thermostat for space heating. The two types of space heating equipment that could be controlled are central electric furnaces and heat pumps, which would be cycled on and off during the events. Water heaters would be completely turned off during the DR event period. Water heaters of all sizes are eligible for control. Avista could offer this program beginning in 2016. Typically a DLC program takes five years to ramp up to maximum participation levels. Therefore, it is likely that by 2020 the full potential of this program would be realized. Table 4-2 below describes key DLC program attributes. Table 4-2 Direct Load Control Program Features Program Attributes Description Comments Targeted Segment General Service and Large General Service customers in WA and ID with eligible electric space heating and water heating equipment. Only heat pumps and central furnaces are eligible for DLC. The combined saturation is the same for Washington and Idaho at 21.3%. Electric water heating saturation is 63% in Washington and 54% in Idaho. Resource Availability Space heating is controlled during the winter months (October-April). Most events are likely to be called during the months of December-February when demand is high. Water heating is controlled throughout the year. October through April are the winter months for Avista. System peak usually occurs in December and demand is significantly high during January and February. Therefore most events are likely to be called during December to February. Event Notification Day ahead event notification via email, phone, or SMS. Avista peaks happen during the early morning hours so participants need to be provided with day-ahead notification. Maximum Annual Event Hours 60 hours Based on Duke Energy Carolinas DLC program. Event Duration Event duration can range from 4 to 6 hours. Based on Duke Energy Carolinas and Florida Power and Light's DLC program information. Type of Response Space heaters can be cycled or completed turned off during the event period or the temperature can be set using a Programmable Communicating Thermostat. Water heaters are completely shut off during the event period. 2015 Electric IRP Appendix C 583 Demand Response Potential Study Delivery Mechanism Avista is responsible for delivering the program. Most DLC programs in the industry are delivered directly by the utility. Participant Incentive $60 annual payment for space heating control during the winter; $50 annual payment for water heating control throughout the year. Incentive payments to DLC customers are typically in the $20-$100 range. Our assumption is at the midpoint of this range for space heating control. For water heating control, we assumed $4/month incentive for control all year round. Metering Requirements Customers can participate with existing meters. Interval meters are not required to participate. Direct Load Control Program Assumptions The key parameters required to estimate potential for a DLC program are participation rate, per participant load reduction and program costs. We have described below our assumptions of these parameters. Participation Rate Avista could offer this program from 2016 to General Service and Large General Service customers with eligible space heating and water heating equipment. We used information from the most successful programs identified in the FERC survey to develop these assumptions. Based on industry experience, we estimated that the program would follow an S-shaped ramp and reach steady-state participation level by 2020. Table 4-3 below shows participation rates assumptions. Table 4-3 DLC Participation Rates (% of eligible customers) Assumption Unit 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020-35 Participation Rates % of eligible customers 1.5% 4.5% 9.0% 13.5% 15.0% Table 4-4 below describes the basis for the steady-state participation rate and program ramp up period assumptions. Table 4-4 Basis for Direct Load Control Program Participation Assumptions Assumption Unit Value Basis for Assumptions Steady-state Participation Rate % of eligible customers 15% Assumed to be slightly larger than the weighted average participation rate of 23 C&I DLC programs reported in the FERC survey database.6 Ramp Rate No. of years required to attain steady-state participation level 5 Interviews with utility program managers; FERC National Assessment of DR Potential database. DLC Load Reduction Table 4-5 presents per-participant load reduction for space heating and water heating control and explains the basis for these assumptions. Table 4-5 Per Participant Impact Assumptions for Direct Load Control Program 6 http://www.ferc.gov/industries/electric/indus-act/demand-response/2012/survey.asp 2015 Electric IRP Appendix C 584 Demand Response Potential Study End use and Customer Class Value (kW) Basis for Assumptions Space Heating Control General Service 1.50 Values are assumed to be 25% higher than residential impacts from Puget Sound Energy (PSE) residential DLC pilot. Large General Service 15.0 Assumed to be 15% of the class average coincident demand of 100 kW. Water Heating Control General Service 0.47 Values are assumed to be 25% higher than residential impacts from Puget Sound Energy (PSE) residential DLC pilot. Large General Service 10.0 Assumed to be 10% of the class average coincident demand of 100 kW. Program Costs Table 4-6 presents itemized cost assumptions for the DLC program and the basis for the assumptions. 2015 Electric IRP Appendix C 585 Demand Response Potential Study Table 4-6 DLC Program Cost Assumptions Assumption Unit Value Basis for Assumption Program Development Cost $/program $150,000 We assumed that 1 FTE (@$150,000 annual cost) is required to develop the DLC program for both WA and ID and the cost is equally split between the two customer classes for each state. Program Administration Cost $/year $150,000 We assumed 1 FTE annual cost for DLC program administration for WA and ID, split equally between the two customer classes. Annual Marketing and Recruitment Costs (GS) $/new participant $100 Standard assumption for residential customers is $50. For small commercial customers, we assumed costs to be 25% higher than the costs for residential. Annual Marketing and Recruitment Costs (Large GS) $/new participant $133 We assumed 33% higher costs for Large General Service customers than comparable costs for General Service customers. Cost of Equip + Install for Space Heating Control (GS) $/new participant $375 Load control switch capital cost = $100. Average of 1.25 control units per customer. Implies capital cost per participant = $125. Switch installation cost = $125. License and permit-related costs = $125 per participant (25% higher than equivalent cost for residential customers at $100). Cost of Equip + Install for Space Heating Control (Large GS) $/new participant $550 Control switch capital and installation cost = $200. License and permit related costs = $150 per participant. Cost of Equip + Install for Water Heating Control (GS) $/new participant $350 Load control switch capital cost= $100. Switch installation cost = $125. One water heating control unit per participant. Implies cost per participant is $225. License and permit related costs = $125 per participant (25% higher than equivalent cost for residential customers at $100). Cost of Equip + Install for Water Heating Control (Large GS) $/new participant $450 Load control switch capital and installation cost = $150 each. License and permit related costs = $150 per participant (50% higher than equivalent cost for residential customers at $100). Annual O&M cost (GS) $/participant per year $15 Annual O&M cost = 10% of the control equipment cost. Annual O&M cost (Large GS) $/participant per year $20 Annual O&M cost = 10% of the control equipment cost. Per participant annual incentive for Space Heating (GS) $/participant per year $60 Incentive payments to DLC customers are typically in the $20- $100 range. Assumed values are at the midpoint of this range. Per participant annual incentive for Space Heating control (Large GS) $/participant per year $160 $1.5/kW monthly incentive payment. For an average 15 kW of reduction per participant, this translates into $160 total incentive payment over seven winter months. Per participant annual incentive for Water Heating control $/participant per year $50 $4/month incentive payment to participants. Water heaters are controlled throughout the year. Other Assumptions The other key parameters needed for potential and cost analysis are program life and capacity derating factor. Table 4-7 below describes these assumptions for DLC. 2015 Electric IRP Appendix C 586 Demand Response Potential Study Table 4-7 Direct Load Control Program Lifetime and Capacity Derating Factor Assumption Unit Value Basis for Assumption Program Life Years 8 The DLC program life is tied to the life of the switch. We assumed the control switch life to be 8 years. Capacity derating factor Factor 0.8 Capacity derating values generally range from 0.6 to 1.0. We assumed the de-rating factor to be at the midpoint of this range, with a value of 0.8. Firm Curtailment Program A Firm Curtailment program would target Large General Service and Extra Large General Service customers in Avista’s service territory. Under this program, participating customers agree to reduce demand by a specific amount or curtail their consumption to a pre-specified level. In return, they receive a fixed incentive payment in the form of capacity credits or reservation payments (typically expressed as $/kW-month or $/kW-year). Customers are paid to be on-call even though actual load curtailments may not occur. The amount of capacity payment typically varies with the firm reliability-commitment level. In addition to the fixed capacity payment, participants receive a payment for energy reduction. Because the program includes a contractual agreement for a specific level of load reduction, enrolled loads represent a firm resource and can be counted toward installed capacity (ICAP) requirements. Penalties may be are assessed for under-performance or non-performance. Industry experiences shows that typically customers with greater than 200 kW demand participate in this type of program. However, there are a few programs where customers with 100 kW maximum demand participate. In Avista’s case, we have lowered the demand threshold level to include Large General Service customers with an average demand of 100 kW. Avista could offer this program from 2016 to eligible customers in Washington and Idaho. Customers with flexibility in their operations are attractive candidates for participation. Examples of customer segments with high participation possibilities include large retail establishments, grocery chains, large offices, refrigerated warehouses, water- and wastewater-treatment plants, and industries with process storage (e.g. pulp and paper, cement manufacturing). Customers with 24x7 operations/continuous processes or with obligations to continue providing service (such as schools and hospitals) are not often good candidates for this option. Typically Firm Curtailment programs in the industry are delivered through third parties who are responsible for all aspects of program implementation including program marketing and outreach, customer recruitment, technology installation, and incentive payments to participants. Avista would enter into a contract with a third party to deliver a fixed amount of capacity reduction over a certain specified timeframe. The payment to the third party would be based on the contracted capacity reduction and the actual energy reduction during DR events. Table 4-8 below describes the key attributes for a Firm Curtailment program that could help guide future program design by Avista. 2015 Electric IRP Appendix C 587 Demand Response Potential Study Table 4-8 Firm Curtailment Program Features Program Attributes Description Comments Targeted Segment Large General Service and Extra Large General Service customers. C&I customers with a minimum load of 100 kW are suitable for participation. Resource Availability Program is available year round. Firm curtailment programs are available all year round. During the winter months of October to April, events can be called anytime between 6 AM to 10 AM and 4 PM to 8 PM on weekdays. Events can be called to address dual peak during the winter season. During the summer months of May to September, events can be called anytime between 12 noon to 7 PM on weekdays. Events can be called to address the late afternoon and early evening peak during summer. Event Notification Day ahead notification via email, phone or SMS. Typically, events are called either a day in advance or 30 minutes prior to the event. Participants prefer day-ahead notification. Maximum Annual Event Hours 60 hours Typical specification in the industry. Event Duration Events can range from 1-8 hours. Typical specification in the industry. Type of Response Non-essential load is curtailed; participants can also shift their usage to backup generators. Participants can either respond manually or have automated response strategies. Program implementation experience. Delivery Mechanism The program is delivered through a third party. Most utilities deliver Firm Curtailment programs through third parties. Delivery Cost Delivery cost consists of two components: 1) $/kW-year capacity payment to the third- party at $70/kW-year 2)Energy payment to the third-party at $110/MWh; Internal program administration cost for Avista is assumed to be approximately 10% of the capacity delivery cost. This increases the overall per-kW delivery cost to $77/kW-year. Based on third-party program implementation experience, capacity delivery cost is in the $60-80/kW range and energy delivery cost is in the $75-150/MWh range. We are using the midpoint of the ranges. We also assume additional utility administrative costs to account program management, regulatory filings, internal book keeping, etc. These costs are estimated to be 10% of the capacity delivery cost. Participant Incentive The third party is responsible for payment of incentives to participants, so incentive cost is part of the delivery cost. Metering and Communication Requirements Preferable to have 5-minute interval data but 15-minute or hourly data are sufficient. Participants should be able to receive and confirm curtailment requests in real time. Typical specification for this type of program. Firm Curtailment Program Assumptions The key parameters required to estimate potential for a Firm Curtailment program are participation rate, per participant load reduction and program costs. Program Participation Rate Table 4-9 below shows Form Curtailment program participation assumptions. Based on industry experience, we estimate the program will ramp up to a steady-state participation level over three years, which is the typical contract duration for third-party delivered programs. 2015 Electric IRP Appendix C 588 Demand Response Potential Study As noted in the table above, customers may use back-up generation to achieve load reduction under this program. We estimate that roughly one fourth of the load reduction achieved through this option would be provided by customers with backup generation. To gain a better understanding of customer generation capabilities, Avista is conducting a separate analysis to estimate the amount of back-up generation in the service area. The results of this analysis may be useful to better understanding the overlap between programs targeted at customers with backup-generation and response to a Firm Curtailment program, should Avista offer these in the future. Table 4-9 Firm Curtailment Program Participation Rates (% of eligible customers) Customer Segment 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020-35 Large General Service and Extra Large General Service 7.4% 14.9% 22.3% 22.3% 22.3% Table 4-10 below describes the basis for the steady-state participation rate and program ramp up assumptions. Table 4-10 Basis for Firm Curtailment Program Participation Assumptions Assumption Unit Value Basis for Assumptions Steady-state participation % of eligible customers 22.3% Steady-state participation is the average of 50th and 75th percentile values from a dataset of 7 programs listed in the FERC 2012 DR Program Survey database.7 We applied a 5% de-rating factor to the average participation level to account for the fact that some facilities with backup generators may not be eligible for participation due to RICE/NESHAP regulations. Program Ramp Rate No. of years required to attain steady-state participation level 3 Program implementation experience. This is based on the typical contract duration for a third-party delivered program. Per Participant Load Reduction Table 4-11 below presents the assumed per-participant load reduction for a Firm Curtailment program and explains the basis for this assumption. Customer respond by curtailing a variety of end uses customized for their circumstances. Some customers also use back-up generators to achieve the load shed. Therefore, the estimates we present here may overlap with peak-load reduction estimates Avista is developing in a separate study. Table 4-11 Per Participant Load Reduction Assumption for the Firm Curtailment Program Assumption Unit Value Basis for Assumption 7 http://www.ferc.gov/industries/electric/indus-act/demand-response/2012/survey.asp. Note that Firm Curtailment programs, primarily delivered by load aggregators, are relatively new and fewer in number than legacy DLC programs. Therefore, the dataset size for these programs is relatively small. Also, participation data is not available for all programs listed in the survey database, which further restricted our choice set for developing participation estimates. 2015 Electric IRP Appendix C 589 Demand Response Potential Study Per-participant load reduction for Large General Service & Extra Large General Service % of enrolled load 21% Weighted average impact estimates from aggregator DR programs administered by CA utilities (Ref: 2012 Statewide Load Impact Evaluation of California Aggregator Demand Response Programs Volume 1: Ex post and Ex ante Load Impacts; Christensen Associates Energy Consulting; April 1, 2013). We combined these estimates with data from the 2012 FERC National Survey database of DR programs. Program Costs Table 4-12 presents cost assumptions for the Firm Curtailment program. We developed these cost assumptions in consultation with industry experts. The delivery cost shown in the table represents Avista’s all-in payment to the contracted third party for delivering a fixed amount of load reduction. It consists of two components: a capacity component and an energy component. The third party is responsible for all program costs including incentive payments to participants. Typically, 50 percent of the delivery cost is passed through as incentive payment to participants. Other than the third-party delivery costs, we assumed that Avista would incur additional internal administration costs for deploying this program. Table 4-12 Firm Curtailment Program Cost Assumptions Assumption Unit Value Basis for Assumption Program Delivery Cost (administered by third party) $/kW- year $77 Based on third-party program implementation experience, delivery cost is expected to be in the range of $60-80/kW and we assumed the midpoint This is inclusive of all costs to run the program, including equipment purchase and installation costs, maintenance costs, network communications costs, sales and marketing costs, and payments to the customer. Avista would also incur administrative costs for program management, regulatory filings, internal book keeping, etc. These costs were estimated to be 10% of the capacity delivery costs. Payment for energy delivery $/kWh $0.11 Based on third-party program implementation experience, energy dispatch prices typically fall in the $75-150/MWh range. Our assumed price level is at the midpoint of this range. Other Assumptions The other key parameters needed for potential and cost analysis are program life and capacity derating factor. Table 4-13 below describes these assumptions for the Firm Curtailment program. Table 4-13 Firm Curtailment Program Lifetime and Capacity Derating Factor Assumption Unit Value Basis for Assumption Program Life Years 3 Typical contract duration for third-party delivered Firm Curtailment programs. Capacity derating factor Factor 0.8 Capacity derating values generally range from 0.6 to 1.0. We assumed the de-rating factor to be at the midpoint of this range, with a value of 0.8. 2015 Electric IRP Appendix C 590 Demand Response Potential Study Critical Peak Pricing We considered Critical Peal Pricing (CPP) in our analysis. The CPP option involves significantly higher prices during relatively short critical peak periods on event days only to encourage customers to reduce their usage. CPP is usually offered in conjunction with a time-of-use rate, which implies at least three time periods: critical peak, on peak and off peak. The customer incentive is a more heavily discounted rate during off-peak hours throughout the year (relative to a standard TOU rate). Event days are dispatched on relatively short notice (day ahead or day-of) typically for a limited number of days during the year. Over time, event-trigger criteria become well-established so that customers can expect events based on hot weather or other factors. Events can also be called during times of system contingencies or emergencies. The CPP rate included here is based on a 6:1 peak to off-peak price ratio assumption. We assumed that this rate is offered to all three C&I classes. We considered two types of offers for CPP. With an opt-in rate, participants voluntarily enroll in the rate. With an opt-out rate, all customers are placed on the time-varying rate but they may oft-out and select another rate if they so desire. Participation in CPP rates requires AMI. At this time, Avista’s Extra Large General Service customers have sophisticated telemetry and communications infrastructure in place and may be offered CPP rates beginning in 2016. For the other two customer classes, CPP is not available until the AMI rollout is completed in 2020. Therefore, we assumed that CPP rates can be offered to General Service and Large General Service customers starting in 2021. Studies have shown that impacts from dynamic pricing program vary according to whether customers have enabling technology to automate their response. For General Service and Large General Service customers, the enabling technology is a programmable communicating thermostat (PCT). For Extra Large General Service customers, the enabling technology is Automated Demand Response (Auto-DR), implemented through energy management and control systems. Table 4-14 describes the features of a CPP rate. If Avista were to offer these rates, it would need to undertake a formal rate design analysis using customer billing data to specify peak and off- peak price levels and define the periods during which these rate would be available. Design of these rates is outside the scope of the current study. 2015 Electric IRP Appendix C 591 Demand Response Potential Study Table 4-14 Critical Peak Pricing Program Features Program Attributes Description Comments Targeted Segment General Service, Large General Service and Extra Large General Service customers. Customers of all sizes are eligible to participate in a CPP program. Type of Offer Two types of offers are possible: 1. CPP is offered as a voluntary rate to all customer classes with opt-in provision. 2. CPP is offered as a default rate to all customer classes with opt-out provision. Resource Availability CPP events can be called any time during the year, based on system requirements. Event Notification Day ahead event notification via email, phone, or SMS. Participants can be notified on either a day-ahead or day-of basis, but day- ahead is preferred. Maximum Number of CPP Events in a Year 10 to 15 Avista can choose to call more events during winter and fewer or none during summer, as needed. Maximum Annual Event Hours 60 hours Industry experience. Event Duration Typical event duration is 4 hours. Type of Response Load curtailment and shifting to backup generators. Enabling technology can enhance response. For GS and LGS, enabling technology is assumed to PCT. For Extra Large General Service, enabling technology is assumed to be Auto-DR. Delivery Mechanism Avista is responsible for delivering the program. Participant Incentive The critical peak to off-peak price differential induces participant to reduce usage during critical peak periods. The off-peak rate is lower than the participant's standard rate. Metering Requirements AMI is required for metering and settlement. Critical Peak Pricing Assumptions The key parameters required to estimate potential for CPP are participation rate, per participant load reduction and costs for deploying these rates. We have described below our assumptions for these parameters. Program Participation Rate We have defined participation rates for two pricing options, assuming independent offers of CPP rates: voluntary, opt-in CPP rates to all customers and default CPP rates with opt-out. All participation assumptions are based on Brattle’s extensive database on pricing program and pilot experiences. 2015 Electric IRP Appendix C 592 Demand Response Potential Study Table 4-15 presents assumed participation rates for C&I customers in independent CPP rate offers. Table 4-15 presents assumed participation rates in independent default rate offers for these two options. We assumed that participation ramps up over a five-year timeframe to reach a steady-state level. For the opt-in offer, ramp up to steady-state participation follows an “S- shaped” diffusion curve, in which the participation growth rate accelerates over the first half of the five year period and then slows over the second half. A similar but inverse S-shaped diffusion curve is used to account for the rate at which customers opt-out of the default rate. CPP rates could be offered to Extra Large General service customers in 2016. For the other two classes, these rate are offered after AMI has been fully deployed by 2021. Table 4-15 Opt-in CPP Participation Rates (% of eligible customers) Option Start Yr. Yr. 1 Yr. 2 Yr. 3 Yr. 4 Yrs. 5-19 Comments Opt-in Standalone participation estimates represent average enrollment rates in independent rate offerings across full scale deployments and market research studies. (Source: Brattle's Pricing Program Database) General Service & Large General Service 2021 1.8% 5.4% 10.8% 16.2% 18.0% Extra Large General Service 2016 1.8% 5.4% 10.8% 16.2% 18.0% Opt-out General Service & Large General Service 2021 100% 96.0% 85.7% 65.8% 63.0% Extra Large General Service 2016 100% 96.0% 85.7% 65.8% 63.0% Percentage of Customers with Enabling Technology in CPP Rates8 Earlier we mentioned that the load reductions from CPP participants could be enhanced through the use of enabling technology. Table 4-16 shows the percentage of total CPP participants equipped with enabling technology for the opt-in and opt-out cases. Enabling technology is defined as Programmable Communicating Thermostat (PCT) for General Service and Large General Service customers, and Auto-DR for Extra Large General Service customers. Table 4-16 Percentage of CPP Participants with Enabling Technology (% of total participants) Option Yr. 1 Yr. 2 Yr. 3 Yr. 4 Yrs. 5-19 Opt-in CPP 25% 25% 25% 25% 25% Opt-out CPP 2% 4% 6% 8% 10% Per Participant Load Reduction Table 4-17 below presents assumed per participant load reduction in CPP rates by customer class. The assumed impact values are based on a 6:1 critical peak to off-peak price ratio. Estimated load reductions with enabling technology are significantly higher than those achieved without enabling technology use. 8 Enabling technology is not included with TOU because the peak period price signal is non-dispatchable. 2015 Electric IRP Appendix C 593 Demand Response Potential Study Table 4-17 Per-Participant Load Reduction in CPP Rates by Customer Class Customer Class Value Comments GS without enabling technology 0.6% These impacts assume 6:1 critical peak to off-peak price ratio. Source: Brattle's Database on Pricing Programs. GS with enabling technology 12.5% Large GS without enabling technology 7.3% Large GS with enabling technology 11.7% Extra Large GS without enabling technology 8.4% Extra Large GS with enabling technology 15.6% Program Costs The major cost components for implementation of time varying rates are the fixed annual costs for administering the rates and providing billing analysis. For an opt-out offer, additional call center staff may be required during the initial program years to handle the relatively large volume of calls from customers defaulted to these rates. Table 4-18 below shows cost assumptions for deployment of opt-in and opt-out CPP rates. The cost items for CPP are similar to those for TOU rates. A major portion of CPP program costs is enabling technology purchase and installation for a fraction of the total participants. 2015 Electric IRP Appendix C 594 Demand Response Potential Study Table 4-18 CPP Program Cost Assumptions for Opt-in and Opt-out Offers Item Unit Value Comments Costs Applicable to Opt-in and Opt-out: Program Development Cost $/program $170,000 One FTE at $170,000 annual cost for program development. Annual Program Administration Cost $/year $170,000 One FTE at $170,000 annual cost to administer the CPP rates Billing Analyst Cost $/year $105,000 One billing analyst at $105,000 in the call center to provide customer service. Enabling Technology Cost $/GS participant $375 We assumed per participant PCT capital and installation cost is the same as DLC. $/LGS participant $550 We assumed per participant PCT capital and installation cost is the same as DLC. $/kW load reduction for XLGS $200 Based on Auto-DR enablement costs from a CA utility. Billing system upgrade $ $7.5 million Avista provided this estimate Additional costs applicable to Opt-in: Per Customer Annual Marketing/Recruitment Cost $/new GS participant $100 Same as DLC Program marketing cost. $/new LGS participant $133 For LGS customers, costs are assumed to be a third higher than costs for GS customers. $/new XLGS participant $250 For XLGS customers, costs are assumed to be approximately double the costs for LGS customers. Additional costs applicable to Opt-out: Additional call center staff $/yr. for first two program years $255,000 We assumed that 3 additional call center staff at $85,000 each annual cost to handle customer calls for an opt-out rate. Per Customer Annual Marketing/Recruitment Cost $/new GS participant $10 For opt-out CPP rates, these costs are assumed to be one-tenth of the costs for opt-in CPP rates. $/new LGS participant $15 $/new XLGS participant $25 Other Assumptions The other key parameters needed for potential and cost analysis are program life and capacity derating factor. Table 4-19 below describes these assumptions for the pricing options. Table 4-19 Program Lifetime and Capacity Derating Factor for Pricing Options Item Unit Value Basis for Assumption Program Life Years 20 Program life is tied to the life of the interval meter. Capacity derating factor Factor 0.5 Load reductions from pricing options are less firm than load reductions from non-pricing options. Therefore we assumed capacity derating factor to be lower at 0.5. 2015 Electric IRP Appendix C 595 Demand Response Potential Study Other Cross-cutting Assumptions In addition to the above program-specific assumptions, there are three that affect all programs:  Discount rate. We used a nominal discount rate of 7% to calculate the net present value (NPV) of costs over the useful life of each DR program. All cost results are shown in nominal dollars. We assumed 1.86% inflation rate for escalating costs.  Line losses. Avista provided a line loss factor of 6.5% to convert estimated demand savings at the customer meter level to demand savings at the generator level. In the next section, we report our analysis results at the generator level.  Snapback. In this context, snapback refers to the amount of energy savings that result from DR programs. We have assumed in this analysis that the amount of kWh savings from DR programs is negligible since most of the reduction during events is typically shifted to other times of day, either before or after the event. 2015 Electric IRP Appendix C 596 Applied Energy Group, Inc. 29 SECTION 5 DR Potential and Cost Estimates This section presents analysis results on demand savings and cost estimates for DR programs. We conducted an independent assessment of DR options which considered each option as a standalone offering. As such, this approach does not account for participation overlaps among DR options targeted at the same customer segment and therefore savings and cost results for individual DR options are not additive. The standalone analysis results help provide a comparative assessment of individual DR options and costs and are useful for selection of DR options in a program portfolio. At the very end of this section, we present high-level results in 2035 after considering integrated effects that occur if more than on DR option is offered to Avista customers. All potential results presented in this section represent capacity savings in terms of equivalent generation capacity after derating factors have been applied. Potential Results Figure 5-1 and Table 5-1 show demand savings from individual DR options for selected years of the analysis. These savings represent combined savings from DR options in Avista’s Washington and Idaho service territories. Key findings include:  The firm curtailment option has highest savings potential at approximately 2.7-2.8% of estimated C&I peak demand from 2020 onward. We assumed that Avista offers this option to Large General Service and Extra Large General Service customers in 2016 and participation ramps up to a steady state by 2019. Therefore potential remains almost steady from that time onward.  An opt-out CPP offer has second highest savings potential at approximately 2% of C&I peak demand from 2025 onward. We assumed that Avista could offer this as a default rate to all customer classes after AMI deployment is completed in 2020. Participation ramps up over a five-year time frame and reaches a steady state by 2025. Only Extra Large General Service customers are assumed to have the necessary metering infrastructure in place and could be offered a CPP rate from 2016.  DLC for General Service and Large General Service customers provides third highest savings potential at approximately 1% of C&I peak demand from 2020 onward. This is offered in 2016 and ramps up to steady-state participation levels by 2020.  Savings potential from opt-in CPP are approximately 0.7% of the system peak from 2025. 2015 Electric IRP Appendix C 597 Demand Response Potential Study Applied Energy Group, Inc. 30 Figure 5-1 Summary Potential Analysis Results for Avista (MW @Generator) Table 5-1 Achievable DR Potential by Option for Avista (MW @Generator) 2016 2020 2025 2030 2035 Total System Peak (MW) 1,718 1,768 1,828 1,891 1,995 Weather Sensitive Peak (MW) 1,590 1,640 1,700 1,763 1,827 Estimated C&I Peak (MW) 610 622 630 638 649 Achievable Potential (MW) Direct Load Control 0.64 6.48 6.68 6.91 7.16 Firm Curtailment 5.80 17.46 17.42 17.42 17.46 Opt-in Critical Peak Pricing 0.13 1.40 4.30 4.33 4.38 Opt-out Critical Peak Pricing 6.27 4.38 12.93 13.01 13.12 Achievable Potential (% of C&I Peak) Direct Load Control 0.10% 1.04% 1.06% 1.08% 1.10% Firm Curtailment 0.95% 2.81% 2.77% 2.73% 2.69% Opt-in Critical Peak Pricing 0.02% 0.23% 0.68% 0.68% 0.68% Opt-out Critical Peak Pricing 1.03% 0.70% 2.05% 2.04% 2.02% 0 5 10 15 20 25 2016 2020 2025 2030 2035 Potential (MW) Direct Load Control Firm Curtailment Opt-in Critical Peak Pricing Opt-out Critical Peak Pricing 2015 Electric IRP Appendix C 598 Demand Response Potential Study Applied Energy Group, Inc. 31 Table 5-2 and Table 5-3 show demand savings by individual DR option for Washington and Idaho. Table 5-2 Achievable DR Potential by Option for Washington (MW @Generator) 2016 2020 2025 2030 2035 Total System Peak (MW) 1,718 1,768 1,828 1,891 1,995 Weather Sensitive Peak (MW) 1,590 1,640 1,700 1,763 1,827 Estimated C&I Peak (MW) 610 622 630 638 649 Achievable Potential (MW) Direct Load Control 0.39 4.00 4.12 4.26 4.42 Firm Curtailment 3.78 11.36 11.11 10.87 10.63 Opt-in Critical Peak Pricing 0.09 0.91 2.69 2.65 2.61 Opt-out Critical Peak Pricing 4.08 2.83 8.15 8.01 7.87 Achievable Potential (% of C&I Peak) Direct Load Control 0.06% 0.64% 0.65% 0.67% 0.68% Firm Curtailment 0.62% 1.83% 1.76% 1.70% 1.64% Opt-in Critical Peak Pricing 0.01% 0.15% 0.43% 0.41% 0.40% Opt-out Critical Peak Pricing 0.67% 0.46% 1.29% 1.26% 1.21% Table 5-3 Achievable DR Potential by Option for Idaho (MW @Generator) 2016 2020 2025 2030 2035 Total System Peak (MW) 1,718 1,768 1,828 1,891 1,995 Weather Sensitive Peak (MW) 1,590 1,640 1,700 1,763 1,827 Estimated C&I Peak (MW) 610 622 630 638 649 Achievable Potential (MW) Direct Load Control 0.24 2.48 2.56 2.64 2.74 Firm Curtailment 2.02 6.10 6.31 6.55 6.82 Opt-in Critical Peak Pricing 0.05 0.49 1.61 1.69 1.78 Opt-out Critical Peak Pricing 2.19 1.54 4.78 5.00 5.25 Achievable Potential (% of C&I Peak) Direct Load Control 0.04% 0.40% 0.41% 0.41% 0.42% Firm Curtailment 0.33% 0.98% 1.00% 1.03% 1.05% Opt-in Critical Peak Pricing 0.01% 0.08% 0.26% 0.26% 0.27% Opt-out Critical Peak Pricing 0.36% 0.25% 0.76% 0.78% 0.81% 2015 Electric IRP Appendix C 599 Demand Response Potential Study Applied Energy Group, Inc. 32 Cost Results Table 5-4 presents total utility costs for deployment of individual DR options over the 2016-2035 timeframe. It also shows the average annual cost and the levelized costs per kW of equivalent generation capacity over 2016-2035. We show 2035 savings potential from DR options for reference purposes. Table 5-4 DR Program Costs and Potential DR Option 2035 MW Potential 2016 – 2035 Cumulative Utility Spend (Million $) 2016 – 2035 2016 – 2035 Average Spend per Year Levelized Cost ($/kW-year) (Million $) Direct Load Control 7.16 $16.07 $0.80 $143.82 Firm Curtailment 17.46 $40.68 $2.03 $118.59 Opt-in Critical Peak Pricing 4.38 $25.61 $1.28 $432.65 Opt-out Critical Peak Pricing 13.12 $26.69 $1.33 $109.86 Key findings include:  The Firm Curtailment option could deliver highest savings at approximately $118/kW-year cost. The cumulative costs to Avista over a 20 year planning periods for realizing 17 MW of savings in 2035 is around $40 million. Capacity-based and energy-based payments to the third party constitutes the major cost component for this option. In addition, Avista would incur a relatively small amount of internal administrative costs for managing the third party.  Opt-out CPP has lowest levelized cost among all DR options. It could deliver 13 MW in 2035 at $109/kW-yr. We estimate that Avista would need to spend approximately $26 million over 2016-2035 to deploy a default CPP rate to all customer classes. Enabling technology purchase and installation costs for enhancing customer response is a large part of CPP deployment costs.  Opt-in CPP has a cost of $432/kW-year and is significantly higher than opt-out CPP. The major cost component for an opt-in CPP offer cost is the annual fixed program administration cost for administering the rate. This cost is spread over the smaller number of customers who choose to participate in this rate.  Direct load control provides the third highest savings, 7 MW in 2035, at a relatively high cost of $144/kW-year. The significant cost components for DLC program implementation are associated with purchase and installation of enabling technology and with program marketing and outreach activities. There are also additional permitting and licensing fees that Avista customers must incur. Integrated Results The above analysis assumes that the programs are offered on a stand-alone basis. That is, only one program, and not the others, is offered to Avista customers. If Avista offered more than one program, then the potential for double counting exists. To address this possibility, we created a participation hierarchy to define the order in which the programs are taken by customers. Then we computed the savings and costs under this scenario. We assumed the following hierarchy: 1. Direct load control 2. Firm curtailment 3. Opt-in CPP or Opt-out CPP Table 5-5 shows the potential estimates in 2035, as well as the costs, if more than one program is offered. The savings and costs for DLC remain unchanged, since it is first in the hierarchy. 2015 Electric IRP Appendix C 600 Demand Response Potential Study Applied Energy Group, Inc. 33 However, the savings for Firm Curtailment and CPP are slightly lower as are the cumulative and average program costs. Levelized costs for Firm Curtailment are slightly lower as well, but the levelized cost for CPP are higher because the program costs are spread across a smaller amount of savings. Table 5-5 DR Program Costs and Potential - Interactive DR Option 2035 MW Potential 2016 – 2035 Cumulative Utility Spend (Million $) 2016 – 2035 2016 – 2035 Average Spend per Year Levelized Cost ($/kW-year) (Million $) Direct Load Control 7.16 $16.07 $0.80 $143.82 Firm Curtailment 16.57 $38.65 $1.93 $118.52 Opt-in Critical Peak Pricing 3.35 $25.27 $1.26 $555.77 Opt-out Critical Peak Pricing 9.90 $26.32 $1.32 $141.03 2015 Electric IRP Appendix C 601 Applied Energy Group, Inc. 34 APPENDIX A Literature Review Before we performed the analysis of demand response (DR) for the Avista service territory, we conducted a literature review to provide Avista with an overview of what is already being done in the industry on DR. This review was originally provided to Avista under separate cover. Introduction Over the past decade, DR has evolved in many ways and a review and research of DR programs will provide Avista with a good overview and basis for the remainder of the study. We have reviewed information available from national surveys of DR programs, most notably the FERC DR program survey database9. This national survey database is the most comprehensive data source on DR programs available in the industry, with a list of more than 1,500 DR programs and rate options offered to residential, commercial and industrial (C&I) and irrigation customers. The database has information on type of DR program and rate option, the type of entities offering the program, end-use equipment being controlled, participation requirements, number of customers enrolled, and realized load reduction amounts. In our research, we have covered all types of DR programs offered to residential and C&I customers. We have combined the information from this data source with other relevant national data sources to arrive at key program characteristics, including performance metrics such as program participation rates and load reduction impacts. These data sources include: EIA Form 861 database10, FERC Form 1 filing data11, and the FERC National Assessment of Demand Response Potential Study12. We have also reviewed program reports, evaluation studies, and other types of industry publications to collect information about the different DR program types. We have subdivided the relevant program information into two broad categories of program types: non-pricing and pricing programs. Non-pricing programs include Direct Load Control (DLC), Firm Curtailment programs, and Non-Firm Curtailment programs. Pricing options include Critical Peak Pricing (CPP) and Real Time Pricing (RTP). We have identified a list of DR programs that we consider relevant for Avista and from that list we have selected a number of programs for in-depth research. For these programs, we describe the key characteristics including targeted customer segments and loads, event trigger, notification process, response requirements, timing and frequency of events, event duration, type of enabling technology for response, incentive structure, metering and other infrastructure requirements. In addition to specific program information, we discuss items constituting benefits and costs for DR programs and the overall approach used for assessing cost-effectiveness of programs. At the end, we also include descriptions on commonly used methods for estimating program impacts. This appendix consists of the following parts:  A description of the approach we followed to identify relevant DR programs and to select a list of programs for in-depth research. 9 2012 Survey on Demand Response and Advanced Metering, available at http://www.ferc.gov/industries/electric/indus-act/demand-response/2012/survey.asp 10 http://www.eia.gov/electricity/data/eia861/ 11 http://www.ferc.gov/docs-filing/forms/form-1/data.asp 12 http://www.ferc.gov/legal/staff-reports/06-09-demand-response.pdf 2015 Electric IRP Appendix C 602 Demand Response Potential Study Applied Energy Group, Inc. 35  Program descriptions for each selected program type  Cost-effectiveness approaches for DR  Impact estimation for DR Research Approach We first developed a list of proposed DR options by customer class. Then we identified and described representative programs for each type of program. Proposed List of DR Options by Customer Class We developed a comprehensive list of DR options for Avista’s consideratio n in Table A-1 below. The customer class definitions are based on Avista's rate schedule information taken from Avista's System Load Research project, dated March, 2010. We have included two broad categories of DR options: non-pricing options and pricing options. In addition, we have included DR options for providing ancillary/load following services. Table A-6 Proposed List of DR Options Category Option Applicable Customer Class Non-pricing Direct Load Control Residential General Service (GS) Large General Service (LGS) Curtailment- Firm Large General Service (LGS) Extra Large General Service (XLGS) Curtailment- Non-firm Large General Service (LGS) Extra Large General Service (XLGS) Pricing Time-of-Use Rates Residential General Service (GS) Large General Service (LGS) Extra Large General Service (XLGS) Critical Peak Pricing Residential General Service (GS) Large General Service (LGS) Extra Large General Service (XLGS) Real Time Pricing Extra Large General Service (XLGS) Ancillary Services / Load Following Ancillary Services / Load Following Residential General Service (GS) Large General Service (LGS) Extra Large General Service (XLGS) 2015 Electric IRP Appendix C 603 Demand Response Potential Study Applied Energy Group, Inc. 36 Approach for Selecting Representative Programs for Further Research To develop the list of programs, we followed the steps listed below: 1. Identify the universe of relevant DR programs, 2. Develop criteria for selecting representative programs to research in depth, and 3. Apply selection criteria to develop the list of recommended programs for further research. We describe each of these steps in detail below. Identify a List of Relevant DR Programs To identify relevant programs for Avista, we reviewed the DR program information available in the 2012 FERC National DR program survey database.13 This is the most comprehensive national database of DR programs in the industry. We prioritized our review to select winter-peaking utilities to align with Avista’s demand reduction objectives during the winter season. Because these are relatively few, we also included summer-peaking utilities with significant winter demand. To help identify these utilities, we calculated the winter peak as a percentage of the summer peak, and selected those utilities for whom their winter peak was at least 65 percent of the summer peak.14 We present the universe of relevant DR offerings in Table A-2 through Table A-7. 13 2012 Survey on Demand Response and Advanced Metering, available at http://www.ferc.gov/industries/electric/indus-act/demand-response/2012/survey.asp 14 We obtained summer and winter peak demand data, by utility, from EIA Form 861 for 2012. 2015 Electric IRP Appendix C 604 Demand Response Potential Study Applied Energy Group, Inc. 37 Table A-2 Relevant Direct Load Control Programs Offering Entity State Sector Winter Peak as % of Summer Peak Adams Electric Cooperative Inc. PA Residential 97.6% BPA- City of Port Angeles WA Residential 120% BPA- Emerald People's Utility District (EPUD) OR Residential 120% BPA- Orcas Power and Light Coop WA Residential 120.3% BPA-Central Electric Cooperative OR Residential 120.3% Central Alabama Electric Coop AL Residential 105.5% Connexus Energy MN Residential 65.3% Crow Wing Cooperative Power & Light Comp MN Residential 68.1% Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC NC Residential 90.4% Florida Power & Light Co FL Residential 83.6% Jackson Energy Coop Corp - (KY) KY Residential 120.6% Kentucky Utilities Co KY Residential 97.0% Lake Country Power MN Residential 185.8% Minnesota Power Inc. MN Residential 99.8% Northern Virginia Electric Coop VA Residential 70.6% Otter Tail Power Co ND Residential 121.8% Puget Sound Energy Inc. WA Residential 135.1% Santee Electric Coop, Inc. SC Residential 101.9% South Central Power Company OH Residential 89.3% Southeastern Electric Coop Inc. - (SD) SD Residential 79.3% United Electric Coop, Inc. - (PA) PA Residential 100.5% Otter Tail Power Co ND C&I 121.8% Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC NC C&I 90.4% Clay-Union Electric Corp SD C&I 77.3% Duke Energy Progress- SC SC C&I - Table A-3 Relevant Firm Curtailment Programs Offering Entity State Sector Winter Peak as % of Summer Peak City of Burlington Electric - (VT) VT C&I 91.3% Duke Energy-Carolinas NC C&I - Duke Energy-Kentucky KY C&I - Louisville Gas & Electric and Kentucky Utilities Company KY C&I 97.0% PJM Demand Response PA C&I - PJM Demand Response OH C&I - Tampa Electric Co FL C&I 90.2% Tennessee Valley Authority AL C&I - Tennessee Valley Authority TN C&I 90.1% 2015 Electric IRP Appendix C 605 Demand Response Potential Study Applied Energy Group, Inc. 38 Table A-4 Relevant Non-Firm Curtailment Programs Offering Entity State Sector Winter Peak as % of Summer Peak Duke Energy-Carolinas NC C&I Duke Energy-Kentucky KY C&I - New York State Electric and Gas NY C&I 87% PJM Demand Response PA C&I - PJM Demand Response OH C&I - Table A-5 Relevant Critical Peak Pricing Programs Offering Entity State Sector Winter Peak as % of Summer Peak Gulf Power Co15 FL Residential 91% Sioux Valley SW Electric Coop. ND Residential 94.5% Southern California Edison Co. CA C&I 65.9% Tampa Electric Co. FL R 90.2% Table A-6 Relevant Real Time Pricing Programs Offering Entity State Sector Winter Peak as % of Summer Peak Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC NC C&I 90.4% Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. OH C&I 78.7% Georgia Power Co GA C&I 85.8% Gulf Power Co FL C&I 91.0% Otter Tail Power Co ND C&I 121.8% West Penn Power Company PA C&I 91.7% Table A-7 Relevant Ancillary Services/Load Following Programs Offering Entity State Sector Winter Peak as % of Summer Peak BPA- Mason County PUD No. 3 WA Res 120% BPA- City of Port Angeles WA C&I 120% BPA-Eugene Water and Electric Board OR C&I 120% Table A-8 below shows the number of programs included by DR option type. 15 Gulf Power Company’s CPP program was not listed in the FERC survey database. Therefore we obtained program information from outside sources. 2015 Electric IRP Appendix C 606 Demand Response Potential Study Applied Energy Group, Inc. 39 Table A-8 Number of Relevant DR Programs by Option Category Option Number of Programs Non-pricing Direct Load Control 34 Curtailment- Firm 6 Curtailment- Non-firm 2 Pricing Time-of-Use Rates TOU rate offerings by various utilities16 Critical Peak Pricing 4 Real Time Pricing 6 Ancillary Services / Load Following Ancillary Services / Load Following 3 Develop Criteria for Selecting Representative Programs Once we identified the list of relevant programs, we developed criteria to select representative programs for detailed investigation. We considered the following criteria:  Program size and maturity: We identified the size of the program in terms of number of customers enrolled, based on FERC 2012 DR survey data. We present available enrollment data in the “All Programs” worksheet. We considered only mature programs with a sizeable number of customers enrolled.  Average retail rate of the utility relative to Avista's rate: We compared each utility's average retail rate with Avista's rate to screen out utilities with rates much higher than Avista's.  Pacific Northwest region experience: We included all DR initiatives from the Pacific Northwest region, even though these were mostly pilots. Apply Selection Criteria to Develop a List of Programs for Further Research As a last step in the process, we applied the selection criteria outlined above to the list of relevant programs presented above. Table A-9 shows the selected programs by DR option type. 16 We found that a very large number of utilities across the states included in our list offered TOU tariffs. We did not explicitly record the number of TOU rate offerings by these utilities. 2015 Electric IRP Appendix C 607 Demand Response Potential Study Applied Energy Group, Inc. 40 Table A-9 Selected Programs Offering Entity State Sector Scale Winter Peak as % of Summer Peak Retail Rate Difference with Avista (%) No. of Customers Enrolled Direct Load Control Programs BPA- City of Port Angeles WA Res Pilot 120% - 35 BPA- Emerald People's Utility District (EPUD) OR Res Pilot 120% - 200 Puget Sound Energy Inc WA Res Pilot 135% 19.3% 528 Otter Tail Power Co ND Res Program 122% 0.4% 6,479 Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC NC Res Program 90.4% 17.7% 3,963 South Central Power Company OH Res Program 89.3% 32.6% 20,000 Florida Power & Light Co FL Res Program 83.6% 19.8% 799,812 Minnesota Power Inc. MN Res Program 99.8% 5.7% 7,217 Crow Wing Cooperative Power & Light Company MN Res Program 68.1% 23% 8,625 Clay Union Electric SD C&I Program 77.3% - 591 Otter Tail Power Co ND C&I Program 121.8% -23.3% 1,579 Firm Curtailment Programs Tampa Electric Co FL C&I Program 90.2% 15.6% 94 Tennessee Valley Authority TN C&I Program 90.1% - 13917 Louisville Gas & Electric/ Kentucky Utilities Company KY C&I Program 97% -22.7% - Non-Firm Curtailment Programs New York State Electric and Gas NY C&I Program 87% 0.4% 106 Critical Peak Pricing Programs Gulf Power Co18 FL Res Program 91% 39% 10,000 Southern California Edison Co. CA C&I Program 65.9% 47.4% 3,255 Real Time Pricing Programs Georgia Power Company GA C&I Program 85.8% -9.1% 2,033 Ancillary Services/Load Following Pilots BPA-City of Port Angeles WA C&I Pilot 120% - - BPA-Mason County PUD No. 3 WA Res Pilot 120% - - Table A-10 shows the number of selected programs by DR option. 17 TVA offers this program to its member utilities. Enrollment data presented here is for Memphis Light, Gas, and Water Division (MLGW), which has the highest enrollment level among all TVA members. 18 Gulf Power Company’s CPP program was not listed in the FERC survey database. Therefore we obtained program information from outside sources. 2015 Electric IRP Appendix C 608 Demand Response Potential Study Applied Energy Group, Inc. 41 Table A-10 Number of Selected DR Programs by Option Category Option Number of Programs Non-pricing Direct Load Control 11 Firm Curtailment 3 Non-firm Curtailment 1 Pricing Critical Peak Pricing 2 Real Time Pricing 1 Ancillary Services / Load Following Ancillary Services/Load Following 3 Direct Load Control Programs With Direct Load Control (DLC) programs, the utility directly controls specific end-uses such as electric space heating, cooling, water heating, and pool pumps. In exchange, the customer receives an incentive payment or bill credit. Operation of DLC typically occurs during times of high peak demand or supply-side constraints. During an event, participants’ equipment is controlled either by a one-way remote load control switch or by a Programmable Communicating Thermostat (PCT). General Program Characteristics Most of the legacy DLC programs offered by utilities nationwide target summer cooling load. These programs target central air conditioning which has a fairly low saturation in the Avista service area. Programs that target space heating load during winter and water heating load throughout the year are much fewer in number than summer DLC programs. In our research, we have specifically included programs that target space heating and/or water heating loads, since Avista is primarily interested in DLC programs for addressing winter peak reduction. We found a variety of DLC programs that control electric space heating and water heating, such as:  Programs that cycle and shut off equipment during event hours.  Programs that target space heating and water heating equipment with thermal storage capabilities that enable load shifting to off-peak hours.  Programs that target specifically space heating and water heating systems with dual fuel backup that enable these systems to use alternate fuels for providing service during control periods. Table A-11 below summarizes some of the characteristics of Direct Load Control programs that are common across program offerings. 2015 Electric IRP Appendix C 609 Demand Response Potential Study Applied Energy Group, Inc. 42 Table A-11 Summary of Key Direct Load Control Program Characteristics Program Attributes Description Targeted segments  Residential  Small and medium sized C&I customers (typically customers with less than 100 kW maximum demand) DR Strategies  Cycling space heating equipment.  Turning off equipment (water heating and space heating) during control periods.  Shifting usage to off-peak hours using end-use devices with thermal storage features.  Shifting usage from electricity to natural gas using dual fuel backup for space heating and water heating Enabling Technology Load control switch or programmable thermostat Event Notification Event notification does not apply, since end-use equipment is directly controlled by the utility. Event Duration  Varies widely by program: from 4 to 14 hours.  Longer event duration found for programs that control equipment with thermal storage or dual fuel backup. Incentive structure  Participants are often offered a fixed annual bill credit for each type of equipment being controlled.  In cases where the equipment has dual fuel backup, participants are placed on a separate rider with discounted tariffs, as compared to their normal rates.  Participants sometimes receive a rebate for purchasing equipment with thermal storage features. Specific Pilot and Program Examples Below are summaries of the specific characteristics of the DLC pilots and programs we researched. We have included information from the Pacific Northwest pilot initiatives, since these are likely to be relevant for Avista. For all other areas, we have included only program experiences. Puget Sound Energy’s Direct Load Control Pilot Puget Sound Energy conducted a residential DLC pilot during 2010-2011. The pilot was conducted on Bainbridge Island, located in the western portion of the utility’s service area. Table A-12 below lists specific characteristics of the pilot program. 2015 Electric IRP Appendix C 610 Demand Response Potential Study Applied Energy Group, Inc. 43 Table A-12 Puget Sound Energy’s Residential DLC Pilot Attributes Description Targeted Segment Residential customers with electric space heating and cooling, and water heating. Controlled End-uses  Electric water heating and space heating equipment were controlled during winter. Space heating equipment included heat pumps, central electric furnaces, and baseboard wall heaters.  Electric water heating and heat pumps (in cooling mode) were controlled during summer. Enabling Technology for Control  Load control switches used for controlling water heaters.  Load control switches with adaptive algorithm used for controlling electric space heating.  Programmable communicating thermostat used for controlling space cooling. Communication Infrastructure Two way communication using broadband. Incentive Payment Participants received an annual $50 incentive, as long as they participated in more than 50% of curtailment events. Impact Findings Space heating  Among the three electric space heating technologies, controlling heat pumps provided the highest level of load reductions, especially during winter mornings.  Impacts per device for heat pumps ranged from 2.88 kW in the morning to 1.21 kW in the afternoon.  Impacts per device for electric furnaces ranged from 1.88 kW in the morning to 1.71 kW in the afternoon.  Impacts per device for baseboards ranged from 0.18 kW in the morning to 0 kW in the afternoon. Water heating  Water heater control was found to be the most effective means for achieving winter demand reduction, especially during winter mornings. During afternoon control, snapback impact was observed to be greater than DR impact.  Water heater winter impacts per device ranged from 0.77 kW in the morning to 0.49 kW in the afternoon. Key Findings from the Pilot  Overall Customer Satisfaction. Although overall customer satisfaction was reported to be high for the pilot, an evaluation study points to a number of factors that affected customer satisfaction. These factors include: o Highest level of customer dissatisfaction was related to equipment technical issues, such as:  Network connectivity problems  Difficulties in PCT operation and lack of “easy to use” features for the thermostat  Safety concerns related to the specific PCT brand used in the pilot, which faced a product recall  Equipment installation problems, especially with the digital gateway.  Technical difficulties related to operation of the load control device for space heaters. 2015 Electric IRP Appendix C 611 Demand Response Potential Study Applied Energy Group, Inc. 44 o Very few participants experienced discomfort when their devices were being controlled, except heat pump participants. More than half of the heat pump participants experienced discomfort and had to take alternative actions to stay warm during events. Snapback in demand, after the event, was observed for these participants. o Participants had low awareness of the opt-out feature and some expressed dissatisfaction with loss of control over heating. o Participants expressed dissatisfaction with aesthetic impacts resulting from the installation of control and communication hardware inside their homes. o Participants did not have sufficient instructions/guidance to operate the installed equipment. o Use of multiple control technologies complicated installation procedures and led to technical problems.  Program Marketing and Customer Communication. Pilot promotional letter and newspaper articles were effective communication channels for informing participants about the pilot. Strong support of the pilot by local community groups, extensive local media promotion, and individual social networking contributed to a higher enrollment rate than typically experienced with utility pilots.  Motivation for Participation. The strongest motivation for participation was environmental/altruistic reasons, rather than achieving monetary savings.  Level of Incentive Payment. Participants perceived the annual incentive payment to be sufficient. 2015 Electric IRP Appendix C 612 Demand Response Potential Study Applied Energy Group, Inc. 45 BPA- City of Port Angeles Voluntary Peak Power Project The City of Port Angeles Voluntary Peak Power project in northern Washington constitutes one of several pilots that BPA is currently implementing to test Direct Load Control with multiple end- uses. The pilot incorporates a number of unique and innovative features and therefore, learning from the pilot experience is likely to be of significance for Avista. The pilot involves control of multiple end-uses along with water heating and space heating equipment. The pilot is testing space heating equipment with thermal storage features. All pilot participants have AMI installed and therefore, control and communications techniques leverage the AMI backbone. Table A-13 below lists specific characteristics of the pilot. Additional information on pilot performance was not available. Table A-13 BPA-City of Port Angeles Voluntary Peak Power Project Attributes Description Targeted Segment Residential customers with electric space heating and water heating. Controlled End-uses  Electric water heating  Electric space heating along with multiple end-uses. Space heating equipment includes room heaters and central electric furnaces with thermal storage capability (ceramic bricks). Enabling Technology for Control  A load control device wired into the water heater's electrical control system is used for WH control.  A smart thermostat is used for controlling electric space heating. It is equipped with Home Area Network (HAN) connectivity and can be used to control multiple end-uses, such as appliances.  Control of electric space heating (room heaters or central electric furnaces) with thermal storage involves drawing electricity during low demand periods and storing it in ceramic bricks, which can heat over 1,500 degrees F and are sealed inside the unit. A variable speed fan automatically circulates heat throughout the room. Participants control the temperature using a programmable thermostat. Metering and Communication Infrastructure All pilot participants have AMI installed. Incentive payment Participants receive $120 for participation, along with free control devices. Impact findings NA 2015 Electric IRP Appendix C 613 Demand Response Potential Study Applied Energy Group, Inc. 46 BPA- Emerald People’s Utility District Direct Load Control Pilot BPA is undertaking a DLC pilot with Emerald People’s Utility District to test control of space heating and water heating technologies with thermal storage capabilities. The overall objective of the pilot is to develop load control strategies that can be used for integration with renewable resources. This is one of the few pilots that are being conducted to address renewable integration challenges. Learning from these pilot experiences is likely to be useful for Avista, since wind generation is a significant portion of its supply fleet. Table A-14 below lists specific characteristics of the pilot program. Additional information on pilot performance was not available. Table A-14 BPA-Emerald People’s Utility District Direct Load Control Pilot Attributes Description Targeted Segment Residential customers with electric space heating and water heating. Controlled End-uses  Electric water heating with thermal storage capabilities  Electric space heating with thermal storage capabilities. Enabling Technology  Thermal storage systems store electrical energy in well insulated ceramic brick cores.  Built-in microprocessor-based control systems regulate the charging level and rate.  Storage occurs as utilities signal the unit to charge with available renewable, off-peak energy, or in response to other needs of the grid. Storage equipment has the ability to take on "extra" storage during periods when excess energy is available (e.g., when the wind fleet ramps up rapidly) or to turn off when the power supply is limited (e.g., when the wind fleet ramps down). Metering and Communication Infrastructure NA Incentive Payment NA Impact Findings NA 2015 Electric IRP Appendix C 614 Demand Response Potential Study Applied Energy Group, Inc. 47 Otter Tail Power Company Direct Load Control Program Otter Tail Power Company offers a direct control program for space heating and water heating loads with dual fuel during the winter season. The program also offers an option to control cooling loads on air-source heat pumps during summer. In addition, the utility controls water heaters without dual fuel backup by turning off the water heater during event hours. Table A-15 below lists specific characteristics of the program. Table A-15 Otter Tail Power Company’s DLC Program Attributes Description Targeted Segment Residential and commercial customers with electric space heating and water heating. Controlled End-uses  Space heating and water heating with alternate fuel backup controlled during winter  Space cooling controlled during summer: air-source heat pumps in cooling mode. The units are cycled during summer with 50% control strategy (15 minutes on and 15 minutes off) Enabling Technology Load control switch Event Duration  Heating loads on dual fuel may be controlled up to 24 hours a day  Water-heating loads may be controlled up to 14 hours a day Metering and Communication Infrastructure NA Incentive Payment There is no separate incentive payment for participating in the program. Customers with dual fuel option are placed on a separate rider with the following components:  A fixed monthly charge of $7  Summer electricity rate: 3.659 cents/kWh  Winter electricity rate: 3.451 cents/kWh  Penalties apply for not being able to shift load during control periods to alternate fuels. These are: o 38.61 c/kWh during summer months o 12.92 c/kWh during winter months Customers with water heater control only are placed on a separate rider with the following components:  A fixed monthly charge of $2  Summer electricity rate: 5.773 cents/kWh  Winter electricity rate: 5.638 cents/kWh Impact Findings NA 2015 Electric IRP Appendix C 615 Demand Response Potential Study Applied Energy Group, Inc. 48 Minnesota Power Direct Load Control Program This program is similar to Otter Tail Power Company’s Direct Load Control program with the dual fuel component. In addition, the company also offers an option for controlling electric space heating units with thermal storage. Table A-16lists specific characteristics of the program. Table A-16 Minnesota Power’s DLC Program Attributes Description Targeted Segment Residential and commercial customers with electric space heating and water heating. Controlled End-uses  Space heating and water heating with alternate fuel backup controlled during winter.  Space heating with thermal storage capability controlled during winter. Space heating equipment includes heat pumps, central furnaces, and a variety of room heating devices. Enabling Technology Load control switch Event Duration Not defined Metering and Communication Infrastructure NA Incentive Payment There is no separate incentive payment for participating in the program. Participants are placed on separate riders with differential rates. Evaluation Findings NA Duke Energy Carolinas Direct Load Control Program This is a winter load control program targeting electric space heating and water heating end- uses. Table A-17 lists specific characteristics of the program. Table A-17 Duke Energy Carolinas’ DLC Program Attributes Description Targeted Segment Residential customers with electric space heating and water heating. Controlled End-uses  Space heating - central electric heat pump units with strip heat  Water heating – water heaters with at least 30 gallons capacity Enabling Technology Load control switch Event Duration  Both space heating and water heating can be controlled up to 4 hours during an event.  Space heating can be controlled up to a maximum of 60 hours annually Metering and Communication Infrastructure NA Incentive Payment Customers receive an annual bill credit of $25 each for space heating and WH control, in addition to $25 for signing up (applied to each equipment). Evaluation Findings NA 2015 Electric IRP Appendix C 616 Demand Response Potential Study Applied Energy Group, Inc. 49 Florida Power and Light’s Direct Load Control Program Florida Power and Light’s “On Call” program is one of the largest DLC programs in the nation. The program controls multiple end-uses and targets both summer and winter loads. Table A-18 lists specific characteristics of the program. Table A-18 Florida Power and Light’s DLC Program Attributes Description Targeted Segment Residential customers with electric space hating and water heating. Controlled End-uses  Central heating  Electric water heating  Central air conditioning  Pool pumps Enabling Technology Load control switch Event Duration There are two options under the program. One is the “Cycle Option”, and the other is the “Extended Option.” The event duration differs for these two options.  Under the Cycle Option, the central heater is turned off for 15 minutes, every half hour.  Under the Extended Option, all controlled equipment can be turned off for up to 4 hours. Metering and Communication Infrastructure Power line communication with two-way communications feature. Incentive Payment  Under the Cycle Option, participants receive a $10 annual bill credit for controlling central heat.  Under the Extended Option, participants receive a $20 annual bill credit for controlling central heat, and an $18 annual credit for water heater control. Evaluation Findings NA 19 The Business On Call program targeting commercial customers controls cooling load only during the summer. 2015 Electric IRP Appendix C 617 Demand Response Potential Study Applied Energy Group, Inc. 50 Crow Wing Cooperative’s Direct Load Control Program Crow Wing Electric Cooperative’s direct load control program utilizes dual fuel backup for controlling electric heat during winter. The utility also controls water heaters and space heating equipment with thermal storage capability. Table A-19 lists specific characteristics of the program. Table A-19 Crow Wing Power’s Direct Load Control Program Attributes Description Targeted Segment Residential customers with electric space heating and water heating Controlled End-uses  Electric space heating with dual fuel backup (alternate fuels include natural gas, propane, or fuel oil)  Water heating for water heaters with at least 100 gallons of storage.  Electric heating system with thermal storage Enabling technology for control Load control switch Event Duration For electric space heating control with dual fuel, there is no limit on duration of individual events. However, electric space heaters with dual fuel can be controlled up to a maximum of 600 hours, per heating season. Metering and Communication Infrastructure NA Incentive payment Participants with dual fuel heating systems are offered the following incentives:  A discounted electricity rate of 5.3 cents/kWh.  In addition, participants receive a rebate for the purchase of qualifying control equipment. These are as follows: $200 for plenum heaters and electric boilers. $100/ton for a Ground Source Heat Pump (GSHP). $330 - $630 for an Air Source Heat Pump (ASHP). $100 for a whole house baseboard heating system. Participants with space and water heating systems with thermal storage are offered the following incentives:  A discounted electricity rate of 4.3 cents/kWh.  In addition, participants receive a rebate for purchase of qualifying control equipment. These are as follows: $25/kW of installed capacity for heating systems with storage. $200-300 rebate for water heater with storage. Evaluation findings NA 2015 Electric IRP Appendix C 618 Demand Response Potential Study Applied Energy Group, Inc. 51 South Central Power Company Water Heater Switch Program The Water Heater Switch program offered by South Central Power Company is a legacy water heater control program with a sizeable number of customers enrolled. Table A-20 below lists specific characteristics of the program. Table A-20 South Central Power Company Water Heater Switch Program Attributes Description Targeted Segment Residential customers with electric water heating. Controlled End-uses Water Heaters with a capacity of 50 gallons or more. Enabling technology for control Radio controlled switch Event Duration NA Metering and Communication Infrastructure NA Incentive payment $15 annual payment, plus $1.25 off on monthly electricity bill. Evaluation findings NA Clay Union Electric’s Direct Load Control Program The utility offers a direct load control program targeting water heaters for business customers. Other than the program participation and impact data in the FERC survey, we did not find any additional information for the program. 2015 Electric IRP Appendix C 619 Demand Response Potential Study Applied Energy Group, Inc. 52 Firm Curtailment Programs Firm Curtailment programs that were selected for further investigation are listed in Table A-21 below. The table includes two additional program characteristics that relate to program performance: participation rates and impact estimates. We will use these two characteristics along with customer enrollment values when conducting the potential study in a subsequent task. The data on these characteristics are taken from the FERC survey database, wherever available. We indicate “NA” for cases where the data are not available. Table A-21 Selected Firm Curtailment Programs Offering entity State Scale Winter Peak as % of summer peak Retail Rate Difference with Avista (%) No. of customers enrolled Participation Rate (% of eligible customers) Unit Impact (% of enrolled load) Tampa Electric Co FL Program 90.2% 15.60% 94 44% 100%20 Tennessee Valley Authority TN Program 90.1% - 13921 NA NA Louisville Gas & Electric/Kentucky Utilities Company KY Program 97.0% -22.74% - NA NA Below, we discuss some of the general program characteristics that are common across all programs of this type followed by specific program examples and their characteristics. General Program Characteristics Under the Firm Curtailment type of program, participating customers agree to reduce demand by a specific amount or curtail their consumption to a pre-specified level. In return, they receive a fixed incentive payment in the form of capacity credits or reservation payments (typically expressed as $/kW-month or $/kW-year). Customers are paid to be on call even though actual load curtailments may not occur. The amount of capacity payment typically varies with the firm reliability-commitment level. In addition to the fixed capacity payment, participants receive a payment for energy reduction. Because the program includes a firm, contractual arrangement for a specific level of load reduction, enrolled loads represent a firm resource and can be counted toward installed capacity (ICAP) requirements. Penalties are assessed for under-performance or non-performance. Demand-reduction events may be called on a day-of or day-ahead basis as conditions warrant. This program is typically third-party administered by load aggregators. It is most common in areas with deregulated wholesale electricity markets such as in PJM, New York ISO, and ISO- New England jurisdictions. However, increasingly utilities are directly offering this type of program to their large commercial and industrial customers. The targeted segment typically includes customers with electricity demand greater than 200 kW, though individual program requirements may vary. Customers with flexibility in their operations are attractive candidates for participation. Examples of customer segments with high participation possibilities include large retail establishments, grocery chains, large offices, refrigerated warehouses, water- and wastewater-treatment plants, and industries with process 20 100% load reduction implies that the load is shifted entirely to back up generators. 21 TVA offers this program to its member utilities. Enrollment data presented here is for Memphis Light, Gas, and Water Division (MLGW), which has the highest enrollment level among all TVA members. 2015 Electric IRP Appendix C 620 Demand Response Potential Study Applied Energy Group, Inc. 53 storage (e.g. pulp and paper, cement manufacturing). Customers with 24x7 operations/continuous processes or with obligations to continue providing service (such as schools and hospitals) are not often good candidates for this option. Table A-22 below summarizes some of the characteristics of Firm Curtailment programs that are common across program offerings. Table A-22 Key Firm Curtailment Program Characteristics Program Attributes Description Type of Contract Participants have a firm capacity reduction commitment. Therefore participation is mandatory. Resource Reliability Capacity reductions can be counted toward Installed Capacity (ICAP), since participants have a firm commitment for capacity reduction. Targeted segment Commercial and industrial customers, with maximum demand values typically greater than 200 kW. In some cases a lower maximum demand threshold of 100 kW may be used. DR Strategies Load reduction and shifting to backup generators. Examples of Curtailable Processes Examples of commercial and light industrial curtailable processes include: air handlers, anti-sweat heaters, chiller control, chilled water systems, defrost elements, elevators, escalators, external lighting, external water features, HAVC systems, internal lighting, irrigation pumps, motors, outside signage, parking lot lighting, production equipment, processing lines, pool pumps/heaters, refrigeration systems, and water heating. Event Trigger Event trigger is typically emergency system conditions, such as actual or forecasted operating reserves shortage. Event Notification 30 minutes to day-ahead Event Duration Varying duration: typically ranges from 1 to 8 hours Program Hours Events are usually called during business hours on working days, therefore loads need to be available during that time. Incentive structure Participants are offered both capacity ($/kW-month) and energy ($/kWh) payments. Penalties for non- performance Participants are subjected to non-performance penalties for performance below pre-determined threshold levels. Metering and Communication Systems  These programs preferably require 5-minute interval data (although 15 minute or hourly interval data may be sufficient.)  Communication systems need to receive and confirm system operator requests, preferably in real-time. 2015 Electric IRP Appendix C 621 Demand Response Potential Study Applied Energy Group, Inc. 54 Specific Program Examples Below are summaries of the specific characteristics of the programs we researched. Tennessee Valley Authority’s Demand Response Program This is a third-party administered program offered by TVA to its member utilities. The program was launched in 2008 and is currently in operation. It is administered by EnerNOC. Table A-23 below lists specific characteristics of the program. Table A-23 TVA’s Demand Response Program Characteristics Program Attributes Description Targeted Segment C&I customers with a minimum load reduction amount of 100 kW. Resource Availability  Program is available year round.  During the summer months of April to October, program hours are from 12 noon to 8 PM on weekdays.  During the winter months of November to March, program hours are from 5 AM to 1 PM on weekdays. Event Notification 30 minutes. Notification is via email, phone, or SMS. Maximum Annual Event Hours 40 hours. Event Duration Events can range from 2-8 hours; average event duration is 3.5 hours. Maximum Number of Events No more than 6 events can be called in a month; events cannot be called on more than 2 consecutive days. Incentive Payment Capacity payment is $22/kW-year; energy payments are $40-50/MWh; Participants are offered $225/MWh or more for emergency energy payments. Type of Response Both manual and Auto-DR strategies Metering Requirements All participating customers receive free, near real-time 5 minute interval metering. 2015 Electric IRP Appendix C 622 Demand Response Potential Study Applied Energy Group, Inc. 55 Tampa Electric Company’s Networked Demand Response Program This is a third-party administered program offered by Tampa Electric Company in Florida. The program was launched in 2008, and the contract is active until 2016. It is administered by EnerNOC. Table A-24 below lists specific characteristics of the program. Table A-24 Tampa Electric Company’s Networked Demand Response Program Characteristics Program Attributes Description Targeted Segment Targeted customer segments include city and county agencies, telecommunication companies, big-box retailers, grocery stores, and others. No information available on minimum load reduction amount. Resource Availability  Program is available year round.  Program hours are from 7 AM to 7 PM on weekdays. Event Notification 30 minutes. Maximum Annual Event Hours NA Event Duration Events can range from 1-8 hours. Maximum number of events NA Incentive payment NA Type of Response Both manual and Auto-DR strategies Metering requirements All participating customers receive free, near real-time 5 minute interval metering. Louisville Gas and Electric and Kentucky Utilities Demand Response Program This is a third-party administered program offered by Louisville Gas and Electric and Kentucky Utilities Company (LG&E and KU). The program was launched in 2012 and is currently operational. It is administered by EnerNOC. The program has a bilateral contract for delivering 10 MW of load reduction. Information on specific program characteristics was not available. 2015 Electric IRP Appendix C 623 Demand Response Potential Study Applied Energy Group, Inc. 56 Non-Firm Curtailment Programs The Non-Firm Curtailment program selected for further investigation is listed in Table A-25 below. The table includes two additional program characteristics that relate to program performance: participation rates and impact estimates. The data on these characteristics are taken from the FERC survey database, wherever available. Table A-25 Selected Non-Firm Curtailment Programs Offering entity State Scale Winter Peak as % of summer peak Retail Rate Difference with Avista (%) No. of customers enrolled Participation Rate (% of eligible customers) Unit Impact (% of enrolled load) New York State Electric and Gas NY Program 87% 0.43% 106 9% 30% General Program Characteristics Under the Non-firm Curtailment type of program, participants voluntarily reduce load when an emergency event is called. In contrast to the “Firm Curtailment” option, customers are not under contract to deliver a specific quantity of load reduction. There is usually no penalty for not being able to reduce load when events are called. Events may be called on a day-of or day-ahead basis, as conditions warrant. Participants are paid a credit for each kWh they reduce during the event. The $/kWh payment is typically based on Locational Marginal Prices (LMPs). There is no capacity payment associated with this option since it does not represent a firm resource. This option complements the firm capacity commitment contracts and offers a flexible option for customers that may not be able to provide firm capacity reduction commitments. Table A-26 below summarizes characteristics of the Non-firm Curtailment program. 2015 Electric IRP Appendix C 624 Demand Response Potential Study Applied Energy Group, Inc. 57 Table A-26 Key Non-Firm Curtailment Program Characteristics Program Attributes Description Type of Contract Participants do not have a firm capacity reduction commitment. Therefore, participation is voluntary. Resource Reliability Load reductions cannot be counted toward Installed Capacity (ICAP) requirements, since participants do not have a firm capacity reduction commitment. Targeted segment Commercial and industrial customers, with maximum demand values typically greater than 200 kW. DR Strategies Load reduction and shifting to backup generators. Examples of Curtailable Processes Examples of commercial and light industrial curtailable processes are: air handlers, anti-sweat heaters, chiller control, chilled water systems, defrost elements, elevators, escalators, external lighting, external water features, HAVC systems, internal lighting, irrigation pumps, motors, outside signage, parking lot lighting, production equipment, processing lines, pool pumps/heaters, refrigeration systems, and water heating. Event Trigger Event trigger is high Locational Marginal Prices (LMPs), especially during times of high system demand. Event Notification Varies from 30 minutes to day-ahead Event Duration Varies Program Hours Events are usually called during business hours on working days, therefore loads need to be available during that time. Incentive structure Participants are offered energy ($/kWh) payments. Penalties for non- performance No penalties exist, since participation is voluntary. Metering and Communication Systems  These programs preferably require 5-minute interval data (although 15 minute or hourly interval data may be sufficient).  Communication systems need to receive and confirm system operator requests, preferably in real-time. Specific Program Examples Below are summaries of the specific characteristics of the programs we researched. New York ISO’s Emergency Demand Response Program New York ISO operates the Emergency Demand Response Program (EDRP), which is one of the largest and most successful non-firm curtailment type DR program. The program has been operational since 2001. New York State Electric and Gas is one among other New York state utilities that offer the ISO administered program to its retail customers. DR events are triggered whenever there is a need to address system reliability in the NYISO service area. Table A-27 below lists specific characteristics of the program. 2015 Electric IRP Appendix C 625 Demand Response Potential Study Applied Energy Group, Inc. 58 Table A-27 NYISO Emergency Demand Response Program Characteristics Program Attributes Description Targeted Segment C&I customers with a minimum load reduction amount of 100 kW. Resource Availability Program can be called at any time. Therefore, resources need to be available all year round. Event Notification 2 hours Event Duration 4 hours Incentive Payment Payment is based on real-time Locational Based Marginal Price (LBMP) and measured energy reduction during an event, with a minimum rate of $500/MWh. DR Strategy Load reduction and shifting to backup generators. Most of the load reduction achieved in the program has been through shifting to backup generators. Metering Requirements Hourly meter required for participation 2015 Electric IRP Appendix C 626 Demand Response Potential Study Applied Energy Group, Inc. 59 Critical Peak Pricing Programs Critical Peak Pricing programs that were selected for further are listed in Table A-28 below. The table includes two additional program characteristics that relate to program performance: participation rates and impact estimates. The data on these characteristics are taken from the FERC survey database, wherever available. We indicate “NA” for cases where the data are not available. Table A-28 Selected Critical Peak Pricing Programs Offering entity State Scale Winter Peak as % of summer peak Retail Rate Difference with Avista (%) No. of customers enrolled Participation Rate (% of eligible customers) Unit Impact (% of enrolled load) Gulf Power Company22 FL Program 91% 39% 10,000 2.6% NA Southern California Edison Co. CA Program 65.9% 47.4% 3,255 ~50% 6.3%23 General Program Characteristics A CPP rate includes an extremely high peak price during specific critical demand periods of the year. The rate specifies the number of times CPP events can be called and the maximum duration of a single event. Participants enrolled on CPP have a lower off-peak rate than the class average retail tariff. CPP events can be called on a day-ahead or day-of basis. They can be offered either as a voluntary rate with opt-in or as a default rate with opt-out provision. The type of offering varies by customer class and utility. Table A-29 below summarizes some of the characteristics of the CPP program that are common across program offerings. Table A-29 Key Critical Peak Pricing Program Characteristics Program Attributes Description Resource Reliability Non-firm Targeted segment All residential and C&I customers. DR Strategies Load reduction and shifting to backup generators. Event Trigger Events can be triggered under system emergency situations or under high price conditions. Event Notification 30 minutes to day-ahead Event Duration Varies by program Incentive structure No separate incentive payment. CPP participants are offered a discounted rate during off-peak periods. Penalties for non- performance Not applicable. Metering and Communication Systems AMI is preferred for metering and settlement purposes. 22 Gulf Power Company’s CPP program was not listed in the FERC survey database. Therefore we obtained program information from outside sources. 23 This is based on impact evaluation results from the “2012 California’s Statewide Non-residential Critical Peak Pricing Evaluation Report”. 2015 Electric IRP Appendix C 627 Demand Response Potential Study Applied Energy Group, Inc. 60 Specific Program Examples Below are summaries of the specific characteristics of the programs we researched. Gulf Power Company’s Residential CPP Program Energy Select, Gulf Power’s residential CPP program, is one of the oldest and most successful CPP programs offered to residential customers. The program was launched in 2000. Before launching the program, a two-year pilot was conducted to evaluate customer acceptance and equipment performance. The program attained an industry landmark in 2012 with 10,000 participants voluntarily enrolled in the program. There are plans to extend program participation to 16,000 participants by 2016. The program is administered by Comverge. Table A-30 below lists specific characteristics of the program. Table A-30 Gulf Power Company’s Residential CPP Program Characteristics Program Attributes Description Targeted Segment Residential customers. Enabling Technology for Load Control Programmable Communicating Thermostat (PCT) CPP Rate Structure The electricity price is four tiered:  Low- 7 cents/kWh  Medium- 8 cents/kWh  High- 15 cents/kWh  Critical- 58 cents/kWh Standard electricity price is around 10 cents/kWh. Number of times events can be called annually - Event Notification Day-ahead or day-of. Event Duration 1-2 hours. Metering Requirements The program uses Broadband for communicating between the utility and the home, and Zigbee RF communication for communicating to devices within the home. Since this is one of the leading examples of residential CPP programs in the country, learnings from program design and implementation experience are likely to be useful for Avista. Below, we summarize some of the key findings related to program deployment experience.  Program Planning o Before designing a program, a pilot is essential to evaluate customer acceptance of rates and test equipment performance. o Regulatory approval process takes a very long time and therefore, a utility needs to plan ahead.  Technology Deployment o A utility needs to focus on how the technology affects the customer. Technology changes rapidly and the utility needs to stay ahead of the game. This is one of the most important lessons learned from this program.  For example, switch to broadband communication from land line based communication can open up participation to many more customers. 2015 Electric IRP Appendix C 628 Demand Response Potential Study Applied Energy Group, Inc. 61  In Gulf Power’s example, initially communication was based on land-lines telephones. But participation was affected as customers started dropping their land line phones. Switching to broadband communication helped increase participation levels dramatically.  Program Design and Development o Education and training are key components of program development. o Offering the program to all residential customers, instead of restricting it to single family home customers, help increase enrollment levels. o Two key program design features that can help increase participation levels are shortening the event duration and avoiding monthly participation charges.  In Gulf Power’s case, shortening the high price period from nine to five hours in the summer and avoiding a monthly participation charge of $5 per month helped increase participation levels.  Marketing and Outreach o During early stages of the program, cost effective channels for program marketing are direct mail, internet, TV, and outdoor advertising. Channels such as newspaper and radio are less effective. o After the program matures, internet can serve as the primary channel for program promotion.  In Gulf Power’s case, program enrollment is completely done online.  Program Participation o Primary drivers for customer satisfaction are the following:  Simple rate design that participants can easily understand.  Perceived energy savings and control over energy use and savings opportunities.  Ability to program and control devices online. 2015 Electric IRP Appendix C 629 Demand Response Potential Study Applied Energy Group, Inc. 62 Southern California Edison Company’s C&I CPP Program Southern California Edison, along with other utilities in California, has implemented critical peak pricing rates for non-residential customers. Table A-31 below lists specific characteristics of the program. Table A-31 Southern California Edison’s C&I CPP Program Characteristics Program Attributes Description Targeted Segment  Large C&I customers with maximum demand greater than 200 kW are defaulted to CPP rate.  Small C&I (with less than 20 kW demand), and medium C&I customers (with 20-200 kW demand) are offered CPP rates on a voluntary basis. Enabling Technology for Load Control Manual and Auto-DR strategies. CPP Rate Structure24 1. TOU component during summer: Energy charges per kWh: On-peak: $0.124 Semi-peak: $0.091 Off-peak: $0.065 Demand charges per kW: On-peak: $12.96 Semi-peak: $3.08 Maximum: $13.3 2. CPP component during summer: CPP event adder (energy charges and credits per kWh): $1.362 Demand credit per kW: $11.62 Number of Times Events can be Called Annually 9 to 15 times. Maximum total CPP events per year is 60. Event Notification Day-ahead Event Duration 4 hours Metering Requirements AMI is required Key findings from impact evaluation studies of the 2012 SCE CPP program include:  Overall Demand Reductions. In aggregate, participants reduced demand by 6.9% across the 2 to 6 PM event window for the average event day, delivering 32.9 MW of demand reduction.  Demand reductions are highly concentrated in specific industry segments. Manufacturing and Wholesale, Transport and Other Utilities, and Agriculture accounted for the bulk of demand reductions. These customers made up 45% of program enrollment and 44% of program load at SCE, but accounted for 87% of overall demand reductions. Manufacturing and Wholesale, and Transport customers reduced a larger share of their demand than the average CPP customer, at 13.8% and 9.4% of enrolled load, respectively. 24 Based on 2012 Impact Evaluation Study 2015 Electric IRP Appendix C 630 Demand Response Potential Study Applied Energy Group, Inc. 63 Real Time Pricing Programs The Real Time Pricing programs that were selected for further investigation is listed in Table A- 32 below. The table includes two additional program characteristics that relate to program performance: participation rates and impact estimates. The data on these characteristics are taken from the FERC survey database, wherever available. We indicate “NA” for cases where the data are not available. Table A-32 Selected Real Time Pricing Programs Offering entity State Scale Winter Peak as % of summer peak Retail Rate Difference with Avista (%) No. of customers enrolled Participation Rate (% of eligible customers) Unit Impact (% of enrolled load) Georgia Power Company GA Program 85.8% -9.1% 2,033 ~40% NA General Program Characteristics A Real Time Pricing (RTP) rate, with prices varying by hour, is offered to large C&I customers. Hourly prices are often indexed to wholesale market prices. AMI is required for metering and settlement purposes. Table A-33 below summarizes some of the characteristics of a RTP rate. Table A-33 Summary of Program Characteristics Program Attributes Description Resource Reliability Non-firm. Targeted segment C&I customers. DR Strategies Load reduction and shifting to backup generators. Event Trigger No specific trigger, prices vary by the hour. Event Notification Day-ahead or hour-ahead. Event Duration Not applicable. Incentive structure Not applicable. Penalties for non- performance Not applicable. Metering and Communication Systems AMI for metering and settlement purposes. Specific Program Examples Below are summaries of the specific characteristics of the programs we researched. Georgia Power Company’s C&I RTP Program Georgia Power has one of the largest Real Time Pricing (RTP) programs in the nation. The program offers two provisions for RTP rates: a day-ahead provision and an hour-ahead provision. The utility engages in a high level of customer education and outreach regarding the rate. This has been one of the most successful RTP program. 2015 Electric IRP Appendix C 631 Demand Response Potential Study Applied Energy Group, Inc. 64 Table A-34 below lists specific characteristics of the program. Table A-34 Georgia Power Company’s C&I RTP Program Characteristics Program Attributes Description Targeted Segment Day-ahead provision: Large sized C&I customers with maximum demand greater than 250 kW. Hour-ahead provision: Large sized C&I customers with maximum demand greater than 5,000 kW. Enabling Technology for Load Control Manual and Auto-DR strategies. Tariff structure It has two parts:  Customer is billed for normal “baseline” usage at standard prices.  Any usage at the margin, above or below the baseline, is billed at the real time price. Basis for Hourly Rates Hourly prices are determined each day based on projections of the hourly running cost of incremental generation (including approved environmental costs), provisions for losses, projections of hourly transmission costs, reliability capacity costs for each day (when applicable), and a 3 mill/kWh recovery factor. Number of times events can be called annually Not applicable. Event Notification Day-ahead or hour ahead. Event Duration Not applicable. Metering Requirements AMI is required. 2015 Electric IRP Appendix C 632 Demand Response Potential Study Applied Energy Group, Inc. 65 Ancillary Services / Load Following Pilots Ancillary Services/Load Following pilots that were selected for further investigation are listed in Table A-35 below. Table A-35 Selected Ancillary Services/Load Following Pilots Offering entity State Scale Winter Peak as % of summer peak Retail Rate Difference with Avista (%) No. of customers enrolled Participation Rate (% of eligible customers) Unit Impact BPA-City of Port Angeles WA Pilot 120% - - - - BPA-Mason County PUD No. 3 WA Pilot 120% - - - - Below, we discuss some of the general characteristics that are common for ancillary/load following services and then we provide descriptions of the selected pilots. We conclude by summarizing some of the important design and deployment aspects that any utility needs to keep in mind when considering DR resources to provide ancillary/load following services. General Program Characteristics For DR providing ancillary (spinning, non-spinning, regulation) and load following services, loads need to respond within a very short notification period, typically less than 10 minutes. This is often referred to as “Fast DR”. DR providing load following services is relevant in the context of integrating intermittent renewable resources such a solar and wind. With increasing penetration of renewables, there is growing interest among utilities and system operators in this type of service. Well-established programs exist in ERCOT, PJM, NYISO and HECO jurisdictions. BPA has launched pilots to specifically test DR integration with renewables. Table A-36 below summarizes characteristics for DR providing ancillary/load following services. 2015 Electric IRP Appendix C 633 Demand Response Potential Study Applied Energy Group, Inc. 66 Table A-36 Key Characteristics of Ancillary Services/Load Following Services Programs Program Attributes Description Targeted Segments Residential and C&I customers. Event Notification Less than or equal to 10 minutes. Resource Availability Resources need to be available all year round. Annual Event Hours  Typically range from 50-100 hours for providing ancillary services.  Events may be called with high frequency. Typical Event Duration  10-60 minutes for providing ancillary services  Longer event hours, may be extending over a couple of hours or more, apply for providing load following services DR Strategies Load reduction and shifting to backup generators. Event Trigger  System contingency conditions requiring ancillary services.  Need for balancing intermittencies in renewable energy supply. Incentive structure Participants are offered both availability ($/kW-hr) and energy ($/kWh) payments. Penalties for non- performance Penalties apply for non-performance. Customer segments and loads that could serve as good candidates  Sites having flexibility in their operations, from having some sort of storage within the process (e.g. thermal energy) and production processes that are not adversely impacted by frequent starts and stops, are likely to be good candidates.  DR resources, without any energy storage component, have limited ability to provide regulation-down services, which is increasing load in response to sudden increase in supply.  Facilities with pumping loads often have storage capacity, which allows for load shifting without impacting production levels. Customer segments with pumping loads, such as water and wastewater treatment plants, municipal waterworks, and agricultural pumps, are likely to be good candidates.  Facilities with large thermal mass and refrigeration/compressor load are likely to be good candidates. These sites may be able to increase or decrease temperature set points, based on the facility load requirements. Examples of such facilities are food distribution warehouses and food processing plants, arenas/stadiums/convention centers, data centers, universities, hospitals.  Certain industrial processes with storage capacity can provide ancillary and flexible capacity products without disruptions in operations. Examples are pulp and paper, and cement.  Facilities with ventilating fan capacity can often reduce loads by cycling or turning off fans. Examples are manufacturing with volatile organic compounds or particulate processes, automobile painting. Metering and Communication Systems  Real time metering and communications required.  Meter data interval needs to be at 1 minute or less intervals. 2015 Electric IRP Appendix C 634 Demand Response Potential Study Applied Energy Group, Inc. 67 Specific Examples Below are brief descriptions of the pilots we researched. BPA-City of Port Angeles C&I DR Pilot This pilot was conducted during the period April to August 2012. The objective of this pilot was to test whether process storage could be used to support wind integration, with capabilities for both load curtailment and load increase. The technical infrastructure set up for monitoring load performance allowed visibility at one minute intervals. Nine C&I sites were recruited for participation in the pilot, which included diverse customer types such as City Hall, waste water utility, housing authority, courthouse, library, medical center, and pulp and paper mill. The pulp and paper mill exhibited greatest success in pilot performance. For the pulp and paper mill, DR signals were dispatched directly to the mill and all load response was directly controlled by mill personnel. The pulp and paper mill response was supported by inherent “process storage” capabilities in the production line. Overall, the pilot was successful in demonstrating the technical feasibility of load response for integration with wind. Both load increase and load decrease could be attained with 10 minute response time. The next phase of this pilot is currently testing commercial feasibility of load response during the 2013-2014 time period. BPA-Mason County PUD Pilot This pilot tested water heater controls activated by a renewable energy signal, using Auto-DR technologies, for residential customers of Mason County Public Utility District No. 3. The pilot used a special device and an algorithm to allow water heaters to “sync” with wind turbines. The algorithm helped predict ahead of time when the wind power would be generated. The device, which was attached to the heaters, gave the utility the capability to turn them on and off during wind production cycles. Customers also had override switches. Overall, the pilot reported a high level of customer satisfaction with no impact on participant homes. 2015 Electric IRP Appendix C 635 Demand Response Potential Study Applied Energy Group, Inc. 68 Cost Effectiveness Assessment for Demand Response Below we describe what constitutes DR program costs and benefits and the overall approach used for assessing cost-effectiveness of DR programs. DR Program Costs Based on our experience with DR potential studies, we have constructed Table A-37 below that lists the cost components typically considered for a DR program. We briefly discuss these cost items and how they apply to the different program types included in our analysis. An important aspect to consider in developing DR program costs is the underlying assumptions related to program delivery. A DR program can either be delivered by a utility or by a third-party. The allocation of costs across different types of programs in Table A-37 assumes in-house delivery across all program types, except for the Firm Curtailment program. For this particular program, based on commonly observed trends in the industry, we assume that it is delivered by a third party. Other types of programs, such as Non-Firm Curtailment programs and DLC programs can also be delivered by third parties. However, that is less commonly observed in the industry. Our delivery-mechanism assumptions for developing cost components are based on commonly observed industry trends. Table A-37 Cost Components by DR Program Type Cost Items Unit Type of Program Direct Load Control Firm Curtailment Non-Firm Curtailment Pricing Programs Ancillary/ Load Following Services Program Development Cost $/program x x x x Administration Cost $/MW-year x x x x x Annual Marketing and Recruitment Costs $/new participant x x x x Equipment capital and installation costs $/device installed x x x Annual O&M costs $/year x x x Participant incentives $/participant/ year x $/kW-year x $/kWh x x Third-party program delivery cost $/kW-year x A brief description of these cost items and how they are treated across programs follows.  Program Development Cost. This is a one-time cost that is incurred for setting up a brand new program. This cost is usually specified in the number of FTEs required for setting a program up. It usually applies uniformly across all program types. The only exception could 2015 Electric IRP Appendix C 636 Demand Response Potential Study Applied Energy Group, Inc. 69 be a third-party delivered firm curtailment program, in which the utility itself does not incur any cost for setting up the program.  Annual Program Administration Cost. This constitutes an annual recurring expense that is incurred for administering a DR program. It usually applies uniformly across all program types. It is common to specify this cost in terms of the unit load reduction amount ($/MW- year). There may be cases where the cost is specified as a fixed annual cost in terms of $/year.  Annual Marketing and Recruitment Costs. This typically applies to all program types, except third-party delivered curtailment programs, in which case customer marketing and outreach activities are primarily undertaken by the third party. For pricing programs in particular, marketing and recruitment costs depend on whether a particular rate is offered on a voluntary basis with opt-in provision or as a default rate from which customers can opt-out. For a voluntary rate offer, per participant marketing and recruitment costs may be much higher than those incurred by defaulting all customers to a rate. Therefore, one needs to take into account the type of offer in developing costs for pricing options.  Equipment Capital and Installation Costs. This usually refers to capital and installation costs for a load control switch or a thermostat in a DLC program. In pricing programs, this cost applies to the enabling technology used for achieving load reductions for residential and small commercial customers. For medium and large sized customers on DR programs, enabling technology costs commonly refer to costs for enabling Auto-DR on customer premises. Usually for third party delivered programs, the technology cost is rolled into a composite program delivery cost, especially where the third party is responsible for bearing technology costs.  Annual O&M Costs. This is usually estimated as a fraction of the equipment capital cost and applies wherever specific enabling technology is deployed for load control.  Participant Incentives. This applies to all DR programs that are non-price based. The structure of the incentive may differ, depending on the program type. For example, for DLC, incentives are usually structured as a fixed annual payment to the participant, irrespective of the load reduction amount. For other programs, incentive payments are based on actual performance. Although customer incentives do not apply to pricing options such as TOU, CPP and RTP rates, they apply to a Peak Time Rebate (PTR) type of offer.  Third-party Program Delivery Costs. This constitutes the main cost item for a Firm Curtailment type program, delivered by a third party. The cost is specified in terms of unit annual capacity reduction ($/kW-year). Items such as customer incentive costs, program marketing and outreach, and equipment capital and installation costs, are all rolled into the program delivery cost. There may be additional items that can be classified as DR program costs, but which may be difficult to estimate and quantify. Examples are increased costs of environmental compliance in cases where backup generators are operated for load shifting, costs arising out of “value of lost service”, and other transaction costs associated with program participation. Therefore, these items cannot be included in assessing overall program costs. DR Program Benefits We discuss below items considered in estimation of DR program benefits.  Avoided Capacity Cost. The primary component that is included in estimating benefits from DR programs is the avoided capacity cost. This is universally applied across all types of DR programs.  Avoided T&D Cost. This item specifically applies to DR programs that address network congestion and are deployed to address transmission and distribution capacity constraints. It does not apply to programs that address only peak load reductions, since T&D capacity constraints are not a consideration for these programs. 2015 Electric IRP Appendix C 637 Demand Response Potential Study Applied Energy Group, Inc. 70  Avoided Energy Benefits. Unlike energy efficiency programs, energy savings benefits are typically not included in estimating DR program benefits. This is due to the small number of hours that are impacted by DR programs. When programs are called over extended periods of time, energy savings benefits may need to be included. However, one needs to take into consideration possible “snapback” effects that could arise after completion of a DR event, which effectively increases energy usage after DR events. Similarly, if any pre-cooling strategies are used prior to an event, increase in energy use for such behavior needs to be considered.  Avoided Ancillary Services Cost. For DR programs providing ancillary/load following services, avoided ancillary services costs need to be estimated for calculating benefits. Ancillary services are valued differently than avoided capacity. Additional benefits arising from DR programs that are usually difficult to estimate and quantify include items such as enhanced wholesale market competitiveness, reduced price volatility, and insurance against extreme events. However, since these are difficult to quantify, they are usually not included in overall benefit calculations. Derating of Avoided Costs One important consideration in estimating DR program benefits is the derating of avoided capacity benefits. The full value of the avoided costs is based on the performance of a peaking generator, which is not exactly equivalent to a DR program. For estimating DR benefits, a derating factor is often applied to the avoided capacity costs to reflect that DR programs typically supply a lower resource value than equivalent supply-side options. The lower resource value can be attributed primarily to the following factors:  A DR program is not as dispatchable as a supply-side option, like a natural gas peaking generator. A peaking plant will run approximately 200 to 400 hours per year, while a DR program is typically constrained to run from 40 to 100 hours per year.  Many DR programs are vested with a seasonal limitation, for example, one cannot exercise direct load control for Central AC in the middle of the winter.  DR programs are also limited by constraints on human behavior and/or presence of automation systems. Derating factors are often applied by utilities and grid operators to account for the reduced value of the different availability and dispatchability profiles. There are many ways to calculate the de- rating factor, based on program characteristics, value of load at certain hours, but there does not appear to be an industry-standard. Adjustment factors are developed at various levels of granularity, depending on what the state protocol specifies. For example, California protocols account for program limitations by applying multiple adjustment factors to the avoided cost of a new combustion turbine. These factors are determined and applied separately by each load serving entity in California and vary by program type, depending on the dispatchability and reliability of the resource. In certain other jurisdictions, a simpler approach may be followed by applying a common derating factor across all program types. A review of available literature on the topic indicated capacity derating values generally range from 0.60 to 1.00 Cost-effectiveness Assessment Framework The Total Resource Cost (TRC) test is commonly followed for assessing cost-effectiveness of DR programs. Usually in DR programs, customers do not incur additional participation costs. Also , loss of revenue to the utility may be negligible. Under these conditions, the TRC formulation essentially becomes equivalent to the utility cost test (UCT) and the ratepayer impact measure (RIM) test. All of these tests use the same stream of benefits by default, and for DR, they reduce to the same stream of costs as well. However, there may be exceptions where program participation costs are significant and/or loss of revenue is substantial. Under such situations, one may need to consider additional tests other than TRC. 2015 Electric IRP Appendix C 638 Demand Response Potential Study Applied Energy Group, Inc. 71 Additional Items for Assessing Cost-Effectiveness Two additional items that are required for assessing cost-effectiveness of DR programs are program lifetime assumptions and discount rates. Lifetime assumptions vary by DR program. For example, DLC programs typically have a 10 to 15 year lifetime, depending on the life of the control technology (load control switch or thermostat). For pricing assumptions, program life is tied to the life of the meter, which is typically assumed to be 20 years. Curtailment Agreements, which are third-party-delivered capacity reductions, usually have a contract term of three to five years. Impact Estimation Methods for Demand Response This chapter discusses the commonly used approaches for estimating impacts from DR programs. It does not go into specifics of how impacts are estimated for a particular type of program. The discussion focuses on event-based DR programs. Therefore, the methods discussed in this chapter are likely to apply to all programs types included in this report, other than Real Time Pricing programs which are non-event based. Types of Impact Estimation Impact estimation can broadly be of two types: ex post or ex ante.  Ex post impact estimation is required for assessing program performance and is also sometimes used for settlement purposes. However, most programs base settlement on calculated reductions from a program, which are calculated simply as the sum of demand reductions determined for each participant, using the program’s settlement methods. Impact estimation for settlement purposes needs to be simple and produce rapid results. A more rigorous and accurate program level impact assessment is conducted in later stages to assess program performance, which may not be practical for settlement purposes.  Ex ante impact estimation is required for projecting demand savings from future programs and cost-effectiveness of programs. It can also be used retrospectively for settlement purposes. Baseline Calculation Methods25 The commonly followed approaches for calculating baseline load are briefly described below. Baseline Window The first step in calculating baseline load is to define the baseline window. This is the period of time preceding and optionally following a DR event over which electricity usage data is collected for establishing a baseline. Examples of baseline windows are:  Last 10 non-holiday weekdays.  10 most recent program-eligible non-event days.  10 most recent program-eligible days beginning 2 days before the event.  Last 45 calendar days.  Previous year. The common rules for excluding specific days from the baseline window are the following: exclude days with DR events, exclude days with outages, exclude days with extreme weather, and exclude days with highest or lowest loads. 25 “Measurement and Verification for Demand Response” prepared for the National Forum on the National Action Plan on Demand Response: Measurement and Verification Working Group”. February, 2013. 2015 Electric IRP Appendix C 639 Demand Response Potential Study Applied Energy Group, Inc. 72 Baseline Load Calculation There are a number of methods for developing the baseline load value using load data from the baseline window. These are briefly discussed below.  Average Value Method. This is the most commonly used method for baseline load calculation, where one simply calculates the average value of the load by hour, for the hours included in the baseline window.  Maximum Value Method. This method takes the maximum load over the window period to calculate baseline load.  Regression Method. This method calculates load by regressing the load from included days on weather and other variables, using separate regression coefficients for each hour of the day.  Rolling Average Method. This method calculates the unadjusted baseline for an operating day as equal to 90 percent of the prior unadjusted baseline load, plus 10% of the load on the most recent included day. Baseline Adjustments Once the baseline load is calculated by one of the above methods, an adjustment factor is applied to align the baseline load with observed conditions during the event day. The baseline load calculated in the earlier step is referred to as the “unadjusted baseline”. Adjustment factors may be based on variables such as temperature, humidity, and event day operating conditions. The North American Energy Standards Board (NAESB) has set some guidelines that define the adjustment window, which is the timeframe that needs to be considered for baseline load adjustment. It specifies that the adjustment window should begin no more than four hours prior to the DR event. Commonly followed examples of adjustment windows are an hour before the event, two hours before the event, and the two hours that end two hours before the event. Impact Estimation Methods26 Alternative methods used for estimating impacts from DR programs are briefly described below.  Individual regression analysis. This method fits a regression model to an individual customer’s load data over a year or a particular season. A common approach is to develop a model that describes a customer’s load as a function of weather variables such as temperature and humidity. The model is developed to fit loads on non-event days and is used to estimate a customer’s load that would have occurred absent a DR event. The impact is then calculated as the difference between the observed and modeled load over each event hour. The model can also be used to calculate post event rebound effects.  Pooled regression analysis. This method uses a similar approach as the individual regression analysis, but fits a single model across a large group of participants and hours. A single set of coefficients is used to describe an average load pattern for all customers in the pool. This is a better method for estimating coefficients that may not be determined for an individual customer using individual regression analysis.  Match days. This method first identifies one or more non-event days that are similar to each event day based on criteria such as similar temperature, temperature-humidity index, similar system load, or similar customer load during non-event hours. A particular customer’s load on the match day, or the average of the loads across multiple match days, serves as the baseline or reference load. Demand reductions are calculated as the difference between the match day and event day hourly loads. However, estimating the accuracy of this method is 26 “Measurement and Verification for Demand Response” prepared for the National Forum on the National Action Plan on Demand Response: Measurement and Verification Working Group”. February, 2013. 2015 Electric IRP Appendix C 640 Demand Response Potential Study Applied Energy Group, Inc. 73 more difficult than accessing the precision of a regression model, and therefore, this method is not commonly used.  Experimental design. This involves a random assignment of customers into two groups, one of which is the “treatment” group and the other is a “control” group. The treatment group is subjected to event dispatches while the control group is not. The average demand reduction per participant is calculated as the difference between the averages for the two groups. An alternative method for calculating impacts is to use the difference of differences method. In this method, baseline load is estimated separately for both treatment and control groups. The impact is then calculated as the difference between the treatment group’s modeled and observed load, minus the corresponding difference for the control group. This method has been used for estimating impacts for large scale residential and/or commercial direct load control programs deployed by utilities, especially in California. It applies to customers who have interval metering data. In addition to these approaches, end-use metering data can directly be used for estimating impacts, wherever interval meter data is available. 2015 Electric IRP Appendix C 641 Applied Energy Group, Inc. 74 APPENDIX B Time-of-Use Rates Although TOU rates are out of scope for an analysis of demand response, AEG offered to perform an analysis of TOU rates so that Avista would have the information for future reference. Program Description A TOU rate is a time-varying rate. Relative to a revenue-equivalent flat rate, the rate during on- peak hours is higher, while the rate during off-peak hours is lower. This provides customers with an incentive to shift consumption out of the higher-price on-peak hours to the lower cost off- peak hours. TOU is not a demand-response option, per se, but rather a permanent load shifting opportunity. Large price differentials are generally more effective than smaller differentials. The TOU rate included here is based on a 2:1 on-peak to off-peak price ratio. We assumed that this rate is offered to all three C&I classes. We considered two types of TOU pricing options. With an opt-in rate, participants voluntarily enroll in the rate. With an opt-out rate, all customers are placed on the time-varying rate but they may oft-out and select another rate if they so desire. Participation in TOU rates requires interval meters. At this time, Avista’s Extra Large General Service customers have sophisticated telemetry and communications infrastructure in place and may be offered TOU beginning in 2016. For the other two customer classes, pricing options are not available until the AMI rollout is completed in 2020. Therefore, we assumed that TOU rates can be offered to General Service and Large General Service customers starting in 2021. Table B-1 describes the features of a TOU rate. Table B-1 Time of Use Rate Features Program Attributes Description Comments Targeted Segment All C&I classes. All customers are eligible to participate in a TOU rate. Type of Offer Two types of offers are possible: 1) TOU is offered as a voluntary rate to all customer classes with opt-in provision. 2) TOU is offered as a default rate to all customer classes with opt-out provision. Based on program and pilot implementation experiences. Resource Availability TOU rates are available throughout the year. The peak period and off-peak period definitions can vary by season. The peak and off-peak periods need to be defined based on Avista's specific requirements. Delivery Mechanism Delivered by Avista Time varying rates are directly administered by the utility. Type of Response Load curtailment during peak period for a variety of end-uses and shifting of usage to off-peak periods. Participant Incentive Peak to off-peak price differential induces participant to shift usage from peak period to off-peak periods. The off-peak rate is lower than the participant's standard rate Metering Requirements Interval meter required for participation Based on industry experience. 2015 Electric IRP Appendix C 642 Demand Response Potential Study Applied Energy Group, Inc. 75 TOU Assumptions The key parameters required to estimate potential for the two pricing options are participation rate, per participant load reduction and costs for deploying these rates. We have described below our assumptions on these parameters. Program Participation Rate We have defined participation rates for pricing options assuming independent offers of TOU, which results in voluntary, opt-in TOU rates to all customers and default TOU rates to all customers with opt-out. All participation assumptions in pricing options are based on Brattle’s extensive database on pricing program and pilot experiences. Table B-2 presents assumed participation rates for C&I customers in independent TOU rate offers. We assumed that participation ramps up over a five-year timeframe to reach a steady- state level. For the opt-in offer, ramp up to steady-state participation follows an “S-shaped” diffusion curve, in which the participation growth rate accelerates over the first half of the five year period and then slows over the second half. A similar but inverse S-shaped diffusion curve is used to account for the rate at which customers opt-out of the default rate. TOU rates could be offered to Extra Large General service customers in 2016. For the other two classes, these rate are offered after AMI has been fully deployed by 2021. Table B-2 TOU Participation Rates (% of eligible customers) Option Start Yr. Yr. 1 Yr. 2 Yr. 3 Yr. 4 Yrs. 5-19 Comments Opt-in Standalone participation estimates represent average enrollment rates in independent rate offerings across full scale deployments and market research studies. (Source: Brattle's Pricing Program Database) General Service & Large General Service 2021 1.3% 3.9% 7.8% 11.7% 13.0% Extra Large General Service 2016 1.3% 3.9% 7.8% 11.7% 13.0% Opt-out General Service & Large General Service 2021 100% 85.4% 78.9% 75.6% 74.0% Extra Large General Service 2016 100% 85.4% 78.9% 75.6% 74.0% Per Participant Load Reduction Table B-3 below presents assumed per participant load reduction in TOU rates by customer class. The assumed impact values are based on a 2:1 peak to off-peak price ratio. Table B-3 Per-Participant Load Reduction in TOU Rates by Customer Class Customer Class Value Comments General Service 0.2% These impacts assume 2:1 peak to off-peak price ratio. Source: Brattle's Database on Pricing Programs. Large General Service 2.6% Extra Large General Service 3.1% 2015 Electric IRP Appendix C 643 Demand Response Potential Study Applied Energy Group, Inc. 76 Program Costs The major cost components for implementation of time varying rates are the fixed annual costs for administering the rates and providing billing analysis. For an opt-out offer, additional call center staff may be required during the initial program years to handle the relatively large volume of calls from customers defaulted to these rates. Table B-4 below shows itemized cost assumptions for opt-in and opt-out TOU offers. We developed these assumptions in consultation with the Avista team. Table B-4 TOU Program Cost Assumptions for Opt-in and Opt-out Offers Item Unit Value Comments Costs Applicable to Opt-in and Opt-out: Program Development Cost $/program $170,000 One FTE at $170,000 annual cost to design the TOU rates. Annual Program Administration Cost $/year $170,000 One FTE at $170,000 annual cost to administer the TOU rates Billing Analyst Cost $/year $105,000 One billing analyst at $105,000 in the call center to provide customer service. Billing system upgrade $ $7.5 million Avista provided this estimate; Avista has no time-varying prices at the present time Additional costs applicable to Opt-in: Per Customer Annual Marketing/Recruitment Cost $/new participant/year $10 Costs for TOU rates are assumed to be one fifth the costs for dynamic rates such as CPP. (Source: TVA Potential Study, 2011) Additional costs applicable to Opt-out: Additional call center staff $/year for first two program years $255,000 We assumed that 3 additional call center staff @$85,000 each annual cost to handle customer calls for an opt-out rate. Per Customer Annual Marketing/Recruitment Cost $/new participant/year $1 For opt-out TOU rates, these costs are assumed to be a tenth of the costs for opt-in TOU rates. 2015 Electric IRP Appendix C 644 2015 Electric IRP Appendix C 645 Applied Energy Group, Inc. 500 Ygnacio Valley Road, Suite 450 Walnut Creek, CA 94596 P: 510.982.3525 F: 925.284.3147 2015 Electric IRP Appendix C 646 Avista Electric Conservation Potential Assessment Study Final Report 2015 Electric IRP Appendix C 647 This report was prepared by Applied Energy Group, Inc. 500 Ygnacio Valley Blvd., Suite 250 Walnut Creek, CA 94596 Project Director: I. Rohmund Project Manager: B. Kester F. Nguyen S. Yoshida 2015 Electric IRP Appendix C 648 Contents 1 Introduction .............................................................................................................. 1 Abbreviations and Acronyms .............................................................................................. 2 2 Analysis Approach and Data Development ............................................................... 4 Overview of Analysis Approach .......................................................................................... 4 LoadMAP Model .................................................................................................... 4 Definitions of Potential .......................................................................................... 6 Market Characterization ......................................................................................... 6 Baseline Projection ................................................................................................ 8 Conservation Measure Analysis .............................................................................. 8 Conservation Potential ......................................................................................... 12 Data Development .......................................................................................................... 13 Data Sources ...................................................................................................... 13 Data Application .................................................................................................. 15 3 Market Characterization and Market Profiles .........................................................23 Energy Use Summary ...................................................................................................... 23 Residential Sector ........................................................................................................... 25 Commercial Sector .......................................................................................................... 32 Industrial Sector ............................................................................................................. 38 4 Baseline Projection .................................................................................................42 Residential Sector ........................................................................................................... 42 Annual Use ......................................................................................................... 42 Residential Summer Peak Projection ..................................................................... 45 Residential Winter Peak Projection ....................................................................... 47 Commercial Sector Baseline Projections ............................................................................ 48 Annual Use ......................................................................................................... 48 Commercial Summer Peak Demand Projection ...................................................... 51 Commercial Winter Peak Demand Projection ......................................................... 53 Industrial Sector Baseline Projections ............................................................................... 55 Annual Use ......................................................................................................... 55 Industrial Summer Peak Demand Projection ......................................................... 57 Industrial Winter Peak Demand Projection ............................................................ 59 Summary of Baseline Projections across Sectors and States ............................................... 61 Annual Use ......................................................................................................... 61 Summer Peak Demand Projection ........................................................................ 62 Winter Peak Demand Projection ........................................................................... 62 5 Conservation Potential ...........................................................................................64 Overall Summary of Energy Efficiency Potential ................................................................ 64 Summary of Annual Energy Savings ..................................................................... 64 Summary of Conservation Potential by Sector ................................................................... 68 Residential Conservation Potential .................................................................................... 69 Commercial Conservation Potential .................................................................................. 77 2015 Electric IRP Appendix C 649 Industrial Conservation Potential ...................................................................................... 83 A Market Profiles ............................................................................................................. 89 B Market Adoption (Ramp) Rates .................................................................................. 121 C Equipment Measure Data ........................................................................................... 122 D Non-Equipment Measure Data ............................................................................... D-123 2015 Electric IRP Appendix C 650 List of Figures Figure 2-1 LoadMAP Analysis Framework ................................................................................... 5 Figure 2-2 Approach for Conservation Measure Assessment........................................................ 9 Figure 3-1 Sector-Level Electricity Use in Base Year 2013, Washington...................................... 23 Figure 3-2 Sector-Level Electricity Use in Base Year 2013, Idaho .............................................. 25 Figure 3-3 Residential Electricity Use and Summer Peak Demand by End Use (2013), Washington27 Figure 3-4 Residential Electricity Use and Summer Peak Demand by End Use (2013), Idaho ....... 28 Figure 3-5 Residential Intensity by End Use and Segment (Annual kWh/HH, 2013), Washington . 29 Figure 3-6 Residential Intensity by End Use and Segment (Annual kWh/HH, 2013), Idaho ......... 29 Figure 3-7 Commercial Sector Electricity Consumption by End Use (2013), Washington.............. 33 Figure 3-8 Commercial Sector Electricity Consumption by End Use (2013), Idaho ...................... 34 Figure 3-9 Commercial Electricity Usage by End Use Segment (GWh, 2013), Washington ........... 35 Figure 3-10 Commercial Electricity Usage by End Use Segment (GWh, 2013), Idaho .................... 35 Figure 3-11 Industrial Electricity Use by End Use (2013), All Industries, WA and ID ..................... 39 Figure 4-1 Residential Baseline Sales Projection by End Use (GWh), Washington ....................... 43 Figure 4-2 Residential Baseline Sales Projection by End Use – Annual Use per Household, Washington ........................................................................................................... 44 Figure 4-3 Residential Baseline Projection by End Use (GWh), Idaho ......................................... 44 Figure 4-4 Residential Baseline Sales Projection by End Use – Annual Use per Household, Idaho 45 Figure 4-5 Residential Summer Peak Baseline Projection by End Use (MW), Washington ............ 46 Figure 4-6 Residential Summer Peak Baseline Projection by End Use (MW), Idaho ..................... 46 Figure 4-7 Residential Winter Peak Baseline Projection by End Use (MW), Washington ............... 48 Figure 4-8 Residential Winter Peak Baseline Projection by End Use (MW), Idaho ....................... 48 Figure 4-9 Commercial Baseline Projection by End Use, Washington ......................................... 50 Figure 4-10 Commercial Baseline Projection by End Use, Idaho .................................................. 50 Figure 4-11 Commercial Summer Peak Baseline Projection by End Use (MW), Washington ........... 52 Figure 4-12 Commercial Summer Peak Baseline Projection by End Use (MW), Idaho .................... 52 Figure 4-13 Commercial Winter Peak Baseline Projection by End Use (MW), Washington ............. 54 Figure 4-14 Commercial Winter Peak Baseline Projection by End Use (MW), Idaho ...................... 54 Figure 4-15 Industrial Baseline Projection by End Use (GWh), Washington .................................. 56 Figure 4-16 Industrial Baseline Projection by End Use (GWh), Idaho ........................................... 56 Figure 4-17 Industrial Summer Peak Baseline Projection by End Use (MW), Washington .............. 58 Figure 4-18 Industrial Summer Peak Baseline Projection by End Use (MW), Idaho ....................... 58 Figure 4-19 Industrial Winter Peak Baseline Projection by End Use (MW), Washington ................. 60 Figure 4-20 Industrial Winter Peak Baseline Projection by End Use (MW), Idaho ......................... 60 Figure 4-21 Baseline Projection Summary (GWh), WA and ID Combined ..................................... 61 Figure 4-22 Baseline Summer Peak Projection Summary (MW), WA and ID Combined ................. 62 Figure 4-23 Baseline Winter Peak Projection Summary (MW), WA and ID Combined .................... 63 Figure 5-1 Summary of EE Potential as % of Baseline Projection (Annual Energy), Washington .. 66 Figure 5-2 Summary of EE Potential as % of Baseline Projection (Annual Energy), Idaho ........... 66 Figure 5-3 Baseline Projection and EE Forecast Summary (Annual Energy, GWh), Washington ... 67 2015 Electric IRP Appendix C 651 Figure 5-4 Baseline Projection and EE Forecast Summary (Annual Energy, GWh), Idaho ............ 67 Figure 5-5 Achievable Conservation Potential by Sector (Annual Energy, GWh) .......................... 68 Figure 5-6 Residential Conservation Savings as a % of the Baseline Projection (Annual Energy), Washington ........................................................................................................... 70 Figure 5-7 Residential Conservation Savings as a % of the Baseline Projection (Annual Energy), Idaho .................................................................................................................... 71 Figure 5-8 Residential Achievable Savings Forecast (Cumulative GWh), Washington .................. 74 Figure 5-9 Residential Achievable Savings Forecast (Cumulative GWh), Idaho ........................... 76 Figure 5-10 Commercial Conservation Savings (Energy), Washington .......................................... 78 Figure 5-11 Commercial Conservation Savings (Energy), Idaho .................................................. 79 Figure 5-12 Commercial Achievable Savings Forecast (Cumulative GWh), Washington ................. 81 Figure 5-13 Commercial Achievable Savings Forecast (Cumulative GWh), Idaho .......................... 82 Figure 5-14 Industrial Conservation Potential as a % of the Baseline Projection (Annual Energy), Washington ........................................................................................................... 84 Figure 5-15 Industrial Conservation Potential as a % of the Baseline Projection (Annual Energy), Idaho .................................................................................................................... 85 Figure 5-16 Industrial Achievable Savings Forecast (Cumulative GWh), Washington..................... 87 Figure 5-17 Industrial Achievable Savings Forecast (Annual Energy, GWh), Idaho ....................... 88 2015 Electric IRP Appendix C 652 List of Tables Table 1-1 Explanation of Abbreviations and Acronyms ............................................................... 2 Table 2-1 Overview of Avista Analysis Segmentation Scheme .................................................... 7 Table 2-2 Example Equipment Measures for Central AC – Single-Family Home ......................... 10 Table 2-3 Example Non-Equipment Measures – Single Family Home, Existing ........................... 11 Table 2-4 Number of Measures Evaluated .............................................................................. 11 Table 2-5 Data Applied for the Market Profiles ........................................................................ 16 Table 2-6 Residential Electric Equipment Standards ................................................................ 18 Table 2-7 Commercial Electric Equipment Standards ............................................................... 19 Table 2-8 Industrial Electric Equipment Standards .................................................................. 20 Table 2-9 Data Needs for the Measure Characteristics in LoadMAP .......................................... 21 Table 3-1 Avista Sector Control Totals (2013), Washington ..................................................... 24 Table 3-2 Avista Sector Control Totals (2013), Idaho .............................................................. 25 Table 3-3 Residential Sector Control Totals (2013), Washington .............................................. 26 Table 3-4 Residential Sector Control Totals (2013), Idaho ....................................................... 26 Table 3-5 Average Market Profile for the Residential Sector, 2013, Washington ........................ 30 Table 3-6 Average Market Profile for the Residential Sector, 2013, Idaho ................................. 31 Table 3-7 Commercial Sector Control Totals (2013), Washington ............................................. 32 Table 3-8 Commercial Sector Control Totals (2013), Idaho ...................................................... 32 Table 3-9 Average Electric Market Profile for the Commercial Sector, 2013, Washington ........... 36 Table 3-10 Average Electric Market Profile for the Commercial Sector, 2013, Idaho .................... 37 Table 3-11 Industrial Sector Control Totals (2013) .................................................................... 38 Table 3-12 Average Electric Market Profile for the Industrial Sector, 2013, Washington ............... 40 Table 3-13 Average Electric Market Profile for the Industrial Sector, 2013, Idaho ....................... 41 Table 4-1 Residential Baseline Sales Projection by End Use (GWh), Washington ....................... 43 Table 4-2 Residential Baseline Sales Projection by End Use (GWh), Idaho ................................ 43 Table 4-3 Residential Summer Peak Baseline Projection by End Use (MW), Washington ............ 45 Table 4-4 Residential Summer Peak Baseline Projection by End Use (MW), Idaho ..................... 46 Table 4-5 Residential Winter Peak Baseline Projection by End Use (MW), Washington ............... 47 Table 4-6 Residential Winter Peak Baseline Projection by End Use (MW), Idaho ....................... 47 Table 4-7 Commercial Baseline Sales Projection by End Use (GWh), Washington ...................... 48 Table 4-8 Commercial Baseline Sales Projection by End Use (GWh), Idaho ............................... 49 Table 4-9 Commercial Summer Peak Baseline Projection by End Use (MW), Washington ........... 51 Table 4-10 Commercial Summer Peak Baseline Projection by End Use (MW), Idaho .................... 51 Table 4-11 Commercial Winter Peak Baseline Projection by End Use (MW), Washington ............. 53 Table 4-12 Commercial Winter Peak Baseline Projection by End Use (MW), Idaho ...................... 53 Table 4-13 Industrial Baseline Projection by End Use (GWh), Washington .................................. 55 Table 4-14 Industrial Baseline Projection by End Use (GWh), Idaho ........................................... 55 Table 4-15 Industrial Summer Peak Baseline Projection by End Use (MW), Washington .............. 57 Table 4-16 Industrial Summer Peak Baseline Projection by End Use (MW), Idaho ....................... 57 Table 4-17 Industrial Winter Peak Baseline Projection by End Use (MW), Washington ................. 59 2015 Electric IRP Appendix C 653 Table 4-18 Industrial Winter Peak Baseline Projection by End Use (MW), Idaho ......................... 59 Table 4-19 Baseline Projection Summary (GWh), WA and ID Combined ..................................... 61 Table 4-20 Baseline Summer Peak Projection Summary (MW), WA and ID Combined ................. 62 Table 4-21 Baseline Winter Peak Projection Summary (MW), WA and ID Combined .................... 62 Table 5-1 Summary of EE Potential (Annual Energy, GWh), Washington .................................. 65 Table 5-2 Summary of EE Potential (Annual Energy, GWh), Idaho ........................................... 65 Table 5-3 Achievable Conservation Potential by Sector (Annual Use), WA and ID ...................... 68 Table 5-4 Residential Conservation Potential (Annual Energy), Washington and Idaho .............. 69 Table 5-5 Residential Conservation Potential (Annual Energy), Washington .............................. 69 Table 5-6 Residential Conservation Potential (Annual Energy), Idaho ....................................... 70 Table 5-7 Residential Top Measures in 2017 (Annual Energy, MWh), Washington and Idaho ..... 72 Table 5-8 Residential Top Measures in 2017 (Annual Energy, MWh), Washington ..................... 73 Table 5-9 Residential Top Measures in 2017 (Annual Energy, MWh), Idaho .............................. 75 Table 5-10 Commercial Conservation Potential (Energy Savings), Washington and Idaho ............ 77 Table 5-11 Commercial Conservation Potential (Energy Savings), Washington ............................ 77 Table 5-12 Commercial Conservation Potential (Energy Savings), Idaho ..................................... 78 Table 5-13 Commercial Top Measures in 2017 (Annual Energy, MWh), Washington and Idaho .... 80 Table 5-14 Commercial Top Measures in 2017 (Annual Energy, MWh), Washington .................... 81 Table 5-15 Commercial Top Measures in 2017 (Annual Energy, MWh), Idaho ............................. 82 Table 5-16 Industrial Conservation Potential (Annual Energy, GWh), Washington and Idaho ....... 83 Table 5-17 Industrial Conservation Potential (Annual Energy, GWh), Washington ....................... 83 Table 5-18 Industrial Conservation Potential (Annual Energy, GWh), Idaho ................................ 84 Table 5-19 Industrial Top Measures in 2017 (Annual Energy, GWh), Washington and Idaho ....... 86 Table 5-20 Industrial Top Measures in 2017 (Annual Energy, GWh), Washington ....................... 87 Table 5-21 Industrial Top Measures in 2017 (Annual Energy, GWh), Idaho ................................ 88 2015 Electric IRP Appendix C 654 Applied Energy Group, Inc. 1 SECTION 1 Introduction Avista Corporation (Avista) engaged Applied Energy Group (AEG, formerly EnerNOC Utility Solutions) to conduct a Conservation Potential Assessment (CPA). The CPA is a 20-year study, performed in accordance with Washington Initiative 937 (I-937), that provides data on conservation resources to support development of Avista’s 2013 Integrated Resource Plan (IRP). The study updates Avista’s last CPA, which AEG performed in 2013. This study provided enhanced analysis compared to the previous studies.  The base-year for the analysis was brought forward from 2011 to 2013.  For the residential sector, the study incorporated Avista’s GenPOP residential saturation survey from 2012. This provided the foundation for the base-year market characterization and energy market profiles. The recently completed 2014 Residential Building Stock Assessment (RBSA) supplemented the GenPOP survey.  For the commercial sector, the analysis was performed for the major building types in the service territory. Preliminary results from the 2015 Commercial Building Stock Assessment (CBSA) provided useful information for this characterization.  This study also incorporated changes to the list of energy conservation measures, as a result of research by the Regional Technical Forum (RTF). In particular, LED lamps have dropped in price and now provide a significant opportunity for savings.  The study incorporates updated forecasting assumptions that line up with the most recent Avista load forecast.  Measure-adoption rates were developed using the Northwest Power and Conservation Council’s (Council) ramp rates as a starting point and adjusted to reflect Avista program results in recent years.  Finally, in addition to analyzing annual energy savings, the study also estimated the opportunity for reduction of summer peak demand. This involved a full characterization by sector, segment and end use of summer peak demand in the base year. Compared to the previous study, potential savings decreased. The 10-year potential for Washington and Idaho in this CPA is 65.6 aMW, compared to 72.4 aMW from the previous study. This is a result of lower avoided costs, the expected impact of the most recent wave of appliance standards, the lighting standards in Energy Independence and Security Act (EISA) legislation, and Avista’s recent capture of low-hanging fruit. 2015 Electric IRP Appendix C 655 Energy Efficiency Potential Study Applied Energy Group, Inc. 2 Abbreviations and Acronyms Throughout the report we use several abbreviations and acronyms. Table 1-1 shows the abbreviation or acronym, along with an explanation. Table 1-1 Explanation of Abbreviations and Acronyms Acronym Explanation aMW Average annual megawatt ACS American Community Survey AEO Annual Energy Outlook forecast developed by EIA AHAM Association of Home Appliance Manufacturers AMI Advanced Metering Infrastructure AMR Automated Meter Reading Auto-DR Automated Demand Response B/C Ratio Benefit to Cost Ratio BEST AEG’s Building Energy Simulation Tool C&I Commercial and Industrial CAC Central Air Conditioning CBSA Commercial Building Stock Assessment CFL Compact fluorescent lamp CBECS Commercial Buildings Energy Consumption Survey CHP Combined Heat and Power Council Northwest Power and Conservation Council CPA Conservation Potential Assessment CPP Critical Peak Pricing CPUC California Public Utilities Commission DEEM Database of Energy Efficiency Measures DEER Database for Energy Efficient Resources DHW Domestic Hot Water DLC Direct Load Control DOE Department of Energy DR Demand Response DSM Demand Side Management EE Energy Efficiency EIA Energy Information Administration EISA Energy Independence and Security Act EPA Environmental Protection Agency EPRI Electric Power Research Institute EUL Estimated Useful Life EUI Energy Use Intensity FERC Federal Energy Regulatory Commission GWh Gigawatt-hour HH Household HID High intensity discharge lamps HVAC Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning KWh Kilowatt-hour I-937 Washington Initiative 937 ICAP Installed Capacity 2015 Electric IRP Appendix C 656 Energy Efficiency Potential Study Applied Energy Group, Inc. 3 Acronym Explanation IOU Investor Owned Utility IRP Integrated Resource Plan LED Light emitting diode lamp LoadMAP AEG’s Load Management Analysis and PlanningTM tool MECS Manufacturing Energy Consumption Survey MW Megawatt NAPEE National Action Plan for Energy-Efficiency NEEA Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance NOAA National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration NPV Net Present Value NPCC Northwest Power and Conservation Council O&M Operations and Maintenance PCT Programmable Communicating Thermostat RBSA Residential Building Stock Assessment RECS Residential Energy Consumption Survey RTF Regional Technical Forum RTU Roof top unit SEER Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio SIC Standard Industrial Classification Sixth Plan Sixth Northwest Conservation and Electric Power Plan TRC Total Resource Cost test UEC Unit Energy Consumption WH Water heater 2015 Electric IRP Appendix C 657 Applied Energy Group, Inc. 4 SECTION 2 Analysis Approach and Data Development This section describes the analysis approach taken for the study and the data sources used to develop the potential estimates. Overview of Analysis Approach To perform the potential analysis, AEG used a bottom-up approach following the major steps listed below. We describe these analysis steps in more detail throughout the remainder of this chapter. 1. Perform a market characterization to describe sector-level electricity use for the residential, commercial, and industrial sectors for the base year, 2013. 2. Develop a baseline projection of energy consumption and peak demand by sector, segment, and end use for 2013 through 2035. 3. Define and characterize several hundred conservation measures to be applied to all sectors, segments, and end uses. 4. Estimate technical, economic, and achievable potential at the measure level in terms of energy and peak demand impacts from conservation measures for 2015-2035. LoadMAP Model AEG used its Load Management Analysis and Planning tool (LoadMAPTM) version 4.0 to develop both the baseline projection and the estimates of potential. AEG developed LoadMAP in 2007 and has enhanced it over time, using it for the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) National Potential Study and numerous utility-specific forecasting and potential studies since that time. Built in Excel, the LoadMAP framework (see Figure 2-1) is both accessible and transparent and has the following key features.  Embodies the basic principles of rigorous end-use models (such as EPRI’s REEPS and COMMEND) but in a more simplified, accessible form.  Includes stock-accounting algorithms that treat older, less efficient appliance/equipment stock separately from newer, more efficient equipment. Equipment is replaced according to the measure life and appliance vintage distributions defined by the user.  Balances the competing needs of simplicity and robustness by incorporating important modeling details related to equipment saturations, efficiencies, vintage, and the like, where market data are available, and treats end uses separately to account for varying importance and availability of data resources.  Isolates new construction from existing equipment and buildings and treats purchase decisions for new construction and existing buildings separately.  Uses a simple logic for appliance and equipment decisions. Other models available for this purpose embody complex decision choice algorithms or diffusion assumptions, and the model parameters tend to be difficult to estimate or observe and sometimes produce anomalous results that require calibration or even overriding. The LoadMAP approach allows the user to drive the appliance and equipment choices year by year directly in the model. This flexible approach allows users to import the results from diffusion models or to input individual assumptions. The framework also facilitates sensitivity analysis. 2015 Electric IRP Appendix C 658 Energy Efficiency Potential Study Applied Energy Group, Inc. 5  Includes appliance and equipment models customized by end use. For example, the logic for lighting is distinct from refrigerators and freezers.  Can accommodate various levels of segmentation. Analysis can be performed at the sector level (e.g., total residential) or for customized segments within sectors (e.g., housing type or income level).  Incorporates conservation measures, demand-response options, combined heat and power (CHP) and distributed generation options and fuel switching. Consistent with the segmentation scheme and the market profiles we describe below, the LoadMAP model provides projections of baseline energy use by sector, segment, end use, and technology for existing and new buildings. It also provides forecasts of total energy use and energy-efficiency savings associated with the various types of potential.1 Figure 2-1 LoadMAP Analysis Framework 1 The model computes energy and peak-demand forecasts for each type of potential for each end use as an intermediate calculation. Annual-energy and peak-demand savings are calculated as the difference between the value in the baseline projection and the value in the potential forecast (e.g., the technical potential forecast). 2015 Electric IRP Appendix C 659 Energy Efficiency Potential Study Applied Energy Group, Inc. 6 Definitions of Potential In this study, the conservation potential estimates represent gross savings developed for three levels of potential: technical potential, economic potential, and achievable potential. These levels are described below.  Technical Potential is defined as the theoretical upper limit of conservation potential. It assumes that customers adopt all feasible measures regardless of their cost. At the time of existing equipment failure, customers replace their equipment with the most efficient option available. In new construction, customers and developers also choose the most efficient equipment option. Technical potential also assumes the adoption of every other available measure, where applicable. For example, it includes installation of high-efficiency windows in all new construction opportunities and air conditioner maintenance in all existing buildings with central and room air conditioning. These retrofit measures are phased in over a number of years to align with the stock turnover of related equipment units, rather than modeled as immediately available all at once.  Economic Potential represents the adoption of all cost-effective conservation measures. In this analysis, the cost-effectiveness is measured by the total resource cost (TRC) test, which compares lifetime energy and capacity benefits to the costs of the delivering the measure through a utility program, with incentives not included since they are a transfer payment. If the benefits outweigh the costs (that is, if the TRC ratio is equal to or greater than 1.0), a given measure is included in the economic potential. Customers are then assumed to purchase the most cost-effective option applicable to them at any decision juncture.  Achievable Potential takes into account market maturity, customer preferences for energy- efficient technologies, and expected program participation. Achievable potential establishes a realistic target for the conservation savings that a utility can hope to achieve through its programs. It is determined by applying a series of annual market adoption factors to the economic potential for each conservation measure. These factors represent the ramp rates at which technologies will penetrate the market. To develop these factors, the project team reviewed Avista’s past conservation achievements and program history over the last five years, as well as the Northwest Power and Conservation Council’s (Council) ramp rates used in the Council’s Sixth Plan. Details regarding the market adoption factors appear in Appendix B. Market Characterization Now that we have described the modeling tool and provided the definitions of the potential cases, the first step in the analysis approach is market characterization. In order to estimate the savings potential from energy-efficient measures, it is necessary to understand how much energy is used today and what equipment is currently being used. This characterization begins with a segmentation of Avista’s electricity footprint to quantify energy use by sector, segment, end-use application, and the current set of technologies used. We rely primarily on information from Avista, Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance (NEEA) and secondary sources as necessary. Segmentation for Modeling Purposes The market assessment first defined the market segments (building types, end uses, and other dimensions) that are relevant in the Avista service territory. The segmentation scheme for this project is presented in Table 2-1. Note that the low income segment is defined as 200% of the poverty level. Assuming 2.5 people per household, this is approximately annual household income of $35,000. The distribution to residential segment is based on the results of the Avista GenPOP survey. 2015 Electric IRP Appendix C 660 Energy Efficiency Potential Study Applied Energy Group, Inc. 7 Table 2-1 Overview of Avista Analysis Segmentation Scheme Dimension Segmentation Variable Description 1 Sector Residential, commercial, industrial 2 Segment Residential: single family, multi family, manufactured home, low income Commercial: small office, large office, restaurant, retail, grocery, college, school, health, lodging, warehouse, and miscellaneous Industrial: total 3 Vintage Existing and new construction 4 End uses Cooling, lighting, water heat, motors, etc. (as appropriate by sector) 5 Appliances/end uses and technologies Technologies such as lamp type, air conditioning equipment, motors by application, etc. 6 Equipment efficiency levels for new purchases Baseline and higher-efficiency options as appropriate for each technology With the segmentation scheme defined, we then performed a high-level market characterization of electricity sales in the base year to allocate sales to each customer segment. We used Avista data and secondary sources to allocate energy use and customers to the various sectors and segments such that the total customer count, energy consumption, and peak demand matched the Avista system totals from 2013 billing data. This information provided control totals at a sector level for calibrating the LoadMAP model to known data for the base-year. Market Profiles The next step was to develop market profiles for each sector, customer segment, end use, and technology. A market profile includes the following elements:  Market size is a representation of the number of customers in the segment. For the residential sector, it is number of households. In the commercial sector, it is floor space measured in square feet. For the industrial sector, it is overall electricity use.  Saturations define the fraction of homes or square feet with the various technologies. (e.g., homes with electric space heating).  UEC (unit energy consumption) or EUI (energy-use intensity) describes the amount of energy consumed in 2013 by a specific technology in buildings that have the technology. For electricity, UECs are expressed in kWh/household for the residential sector, and EUIs are expressed in kWh/square foot for the commercial sector.  Annual Energy Intensity for the residential sector represents the average energy use for the technology across all homes in 2013. It is computed as the product of the saturation and the UEC and is defined as kWh/household for electricity. For the commercial sector, intensity, computed as the product of the saturation and the EUI, represents the average use for the technology across all floor space in 2013.  Annual Usage is the annual energy use by an end-use technology in the segment. It is the product of the market size and intensity and is quantified in gigawatt-hour (GWh).  Peak Demand for each technology, summer peak and winter peak are calculated using peak fractions of annual energy use from AEG’s EnergyShape library and Avista system peak data. The market characterization results and the market profiles are presented in Chapter 3. 2015 Electric IRP Appendix C 661 Energy Efficiency Potential Study Applied Energy Group, Inc. 8 Baseline Projection The next step was to develop the baseline projection of annual electricity use and summer peak demand for 2013 through 2034 by customer segment and end use without new utility programs. The end-use projection includes the relatively certain impacts of codes and standards that will unfold over the study timeframe. All such mandates that were defined as of December 2013 are included in the baseline. The baseline projection is the foundation for the analysis of savings from future conservation efforts as well as the metric against which potential savings are measured. Inputs to the baseline projection include:  Current economic growth forecasts (i.e., customer growth, income growth)  Electricity price forecasts  Trends in fuel shares and equipment saturations  Existing and approved changes to building codes and equipment standards  Avista’s internally developed sector-level projections for electricity sales We also developed a baseline projection for summer and winter peak by applying the peak fractions from the energy market profiles to the annual energy forecast in each year. We present the baseline-projection results for the system as a whole and for each sector in Chapter 4. Conservation Measure Analysis This section describes the framework used to assess the savings, costs, and other attributes of conservation measures. These characteristics form the basis for measure-level cost-effectiveness analyses as well as for determining measure-level savings. For all measures, AEG assembled information to reflect equipment performance, incremental costs, and equipment lifetimes. We used this information, along with Avista’s avoided costs data, in the economic screen to determine economically feasible measures. Conservation Measures Figure 2-2 outlines the framework for conservation measure analysis. The framework for assessing savings, costs, and other attributes of conservation measures involves identifying the list of measures to include in the analysis, determining their applicability to each market sector and segment, fully characterizing each measure, and performing cost-effectiveness screening. Potential measures include the replacement of a unit that has failed or is at the end of its useful life with an efficient unit, retrofit or early replacement of equipment, improvements to the building envelope, the application of controls to optimize energy use, and other actions resulting in improved energy efficiency. We compiled a robust list of conservation measures for each customer sector, drawing upon Avista’s measure database, and the Regional Technical Forum (RTF) deemed measures databases, as well as a variety of secondary sources. This universal list of conservation measures covers all major types of end-use equipment, as well as devices and actions to reduce energy consumption. If considered today, some of these measures would not pass the economic screens initially, but may pass in future years as a result of lower projected equipment costs or higher avoided costs. 2015 Electric IRP Appendix C 662 Energy Efficiency Potential Study Applied Energy Group, Inc. 9 Figure 2-2 Approach for Conservation Measure Assessment The selected measures are categorized into two types according to the LoadMAP taxonomy: equipment measures and non-equipment measures.  Equipment measures are efficient energy-consuming pieces of equipment that save energy by providing the same service with a lower energy requirement than a standard unit. An example is an ENERGY STAR refrigerator that replaces a standard efficiency refrigerator. For equipment measures, many efficiency levels may be available for a given technology, ranging from the baseline unit (often determined by code or standard) up to the most efficient product commercially available. For instance, in the case of central air conditioners, this list begins with the current federal standard SEER 13 unit and spans a broad spectrum up to a maximum efficiency of a SEER 24 unit.  Non-equipment measures save energy by reducing the need for delivered energy, but do not involve replacement or purchase of major end-use equipment (such as a refrigerator or air conditioner). An example would be a programmable thermostat that is pre-set to run heating and cooling systems only when people are home. Non-equipment measures can apply to more than one end use. For instance, addition of wall insulation will affect the energy use of both space heating and cooling. Non-equipment measures typically fall into one of the following categories: o Building shell (windows, insulation, roofing material) o Equipment controls (thermostat, energy management system) o Equipment maintenance (cleaning filters, changing setpoints) o Whole-building design (building orientation, passive solar lighting) o Lighting retrofits (included as a non-equipment measure because retrofits are performed prior to the equipment’s normal end of life) Economic screen Measure characterization Measure descriptions Energy savings Costs Lifetime Saturation and applicability AEG universal measure list Building simulations AEG measure data library Client measure data library (TRMs, evaluation reports, etc) Avoided costs, discount rate, delivery losses Client review / feedback Inputs Process 2015 Electric IRP Appendix C 663 Energy Efficiency Potential Study Applied Energy Group, Inc. 10 o Displacement measures (ceiling fan to reduce use of central air conditioners) o Commissioning and retro commissioning (initial or ongoing monitoring of building energy systems to optimize energy use) We developed a preliminary list of conservation measures, which was distributed to the Avista project team for review. The list was finalized after incorporating comments and is presented in the appendix to this volume. Once we assembled the list of conservation measures, the project team characterized measure savings, incremental cost, service life, and other performance factors, drawing upon data from the Avista measure database, the RTF deemed measure workbooks, and simulation modeling. Following the measure characterization, we performed an economic screening of each measure, which serves as the basis for developing the economic and achievable potential. Representative Conservation Measure Data Inputs To provide an example of the conservation measure data, Table 2-2 and Table 2-3 present examples of the detailed data inputs behind both equipment and non-equipment measures, respectively, for the case of residential central air conditioning (CAC) in single-family homes. Table 2-2 displays the various efficiency levels available as equipment measures, as well as the corresponding useful life, energy usage, and cost estimates. The columns labeled On Market and Off Market reflect equipment availability due to codes and standards or the entry of new products to the market. Table 2-2 Example Equipment Measures for Central AC – Single-Family Home Efficiency Level Useful Life (yrs) Equipment Cost Energy Usage (kWh/yr) On Market Off Market SEER 13 14 to 20 $2,549 1,466 2013 n/a SEER 14 (Energy Star) 14 to 20 $3,072 1,344 2013 n/a SEER 15 (CEE Tier 2) 14 to 20 $3,158 1,300 2013 n/a SEER 16 (CEE Tier 3) 14 to 20 $3,148 1,262 2013 n/a SEER 18 14 to 20 $3,708 1,203 2013 n/a SEER 21 14 to20 $4,090 1,139 2013 n/a SEER 24 (Ductless, Var. Ref. Flow) 14 to 20 $4,946 1,094 2013 n/a Table 2-3 lists some of the non-equipment measures applicable to CAC in an existing single- family home. All measures are evaluated for cost-effectiveness based on the lifetime benefits relative to the cost of the measure. The total savings and costs are calculated for each year of the study and depend on the base year saturation of the measure, the applicability2 of the measure, and the savings as a percentage of the relevant energy end uses. 2 The applicability factors take into account whether the measure is applicable to a particular building type and whether it is feasible to install the measure. For instance, attic fans are not applicable to homes where there is insufficient space in the attic or there is no attic at all. 2015 Electric IRP Appendix C 664 Energy Efficiency Potential Study Applied Energy Group, Inc. 11 Table 2-3 Example Non-Equipment Measures – Single Family Home, Existing End Use Measure Saturation in 20133 Applica- bility Lifetime (yrs) Measure Installed Cost Energy Savings (%) Cooling Insulation - Ceiling 35% 50.0% 45 $1,134 5% Cooling Insulation - Radiant Barrier 15% 75.0% 15 $1,245 13% Cooling Ducting - Repair and Sealing 15% 50.0% 20 $538 5% Cooling Windows - High Efficiency 20% 75.0% 45 $2,908 9% Cooling Thermostat - Clock/Programmable 30% 40.0% 15 $230 4% Screening Measures for Cost-Effectiveness Only measures that are cost-effective are included in economic and achievable potential. Therefore, for each individual measure, LoadMAP performs an economic screen. This study uses the TRC test that compares the lifetime energy and peak demand benefits of each applicable measure with its cost. The lifetime benefits are calculated by multiplying the annual energy and demand savings for each measure by all appropriate avoided costs for each year, and discounting the dollar savings to the present value equivalent. Lifetime costs represent incremental measure cost and annual operations and maintenance (O&M) costs. The analysis uses each measure’s values for savings, costs, and lifetimes that were developed as part of the measure characterization process described above. The LoadMAP model performs this screening dynamically, taking into account changing savings and cost data over time. Thus, some measures pass the economic screen for some — but not all — of the years in the projection. It is important to note the following about the economic screen:  The economic evaluation of every measure in the screen is conducted relative to a baseline condition. For instance, in order to determine the kilowatt-hour (kWh) savings potential of a measure, kWh consumption with the measure applied must be compared to the kWh consumption of a baseline condition.  The economic screening was conducted only for measures that are applicable to each building type and vintage; thus if a measure is deemed to be irrelevant to a particular building type and vintage, it is excluded from the respective economic screen.  If multiple equipment measures have benefit to cost ratios (B/C ratios) greater than or equal to 1.0, the most efficient technology is selected by the economic screen. Table 2-4 summarizes the number of measures evaluated for each segment within each sector. Table 2-4 Number of Measures Evaluated Sector Total Measures Measure Permutations w/ 2 Vintages Measure Permutations w/ Segments Residential 60 120 480 Commercial 82 164 1,804 Industrial 57 114 114 Total Measures Evaluated 199 398 2,398 3 Note that saturation levels reflected for the base year change over time as more measures are adopted. 2015 Electric IRP Appendix C 665 Energy Efficiency Potential Study Applied Energy Group, Inc. 12 The appendix to this volume presents results for the economic screening process by segment, vintage, end use and measure for all sectors. Conservation Potential The approach we used for this study to calculate the conservation potential adheres to the approaches and conventions outlined in the National Action Plan for Energy-Efficiency (NAPEE) Guide for Conducting Potential Studies (November 2007).4 The NAPEE Guide represents the most credible and comprehensive industry practice for specifying conservation potential. As described in Chapter 2, three types of potential were developed as part of this effort: technical potential, economic potential and achievable potential.  Technical potential is a theoretical construct that assumes the highest efficiency measures that are technically feasible to install are adopted by customers, regardless of cost or customer preferences. Thus, determining the technical potential is relatively straightforward. LoadMAP “chooses” the most efficient equipment options for each technology at the time of equipment replacement. In addition, it installs all relevant non-equipment measures for each technology to calculate savings. For example, for central air conditioning, as shown in Table 2-2, the most efficient option is a SEER 24. The multiple non-equipment measures shown in Table 2-3 are then applied to the energy used by the SEER 24 system to further reduce air conditioning energy use. LoadMAP applies the savings due to the non-equipment measures one-by-one to avoid double counting of savings. The measures are evaluated in order of their B/C ratio, with the measure with the highest B/C ratio applied first. Each time a measure is applied, the baseline energy use for the end use is reduced and the percentage savings for the next measure is applied to the revised (lower) usage.  Economic potential results from the purchase of the most efficient cost-effective option available for a given equipment or non-equipment measure as determined in the cost- effectiveness screening process described above. As with technical potential, economic potential is a phased-in approach. Economic potential is still a hypothetical upper-boundary of savings potential as it represents only measures that are economic, but does not yet consider customer acceptance and other factors.  Achievable potential defines the range of savings that is very likely to occur. It accounts for customers’ awareness of efficiency options, any barriers to customer adoption, limits to program design, and other factors that influence the rate at which conservation measures penetrate the market. The calculation of technical and economic potential is a straightforward algorithm. To develop estimates for achievable potential, we develop market adoption rates for each measure that specify the percentage of customers that will select the highest–efficiency economic option. For Avista, the project team began with the ramp rates specified in the Sixth Plan conservation workbooks, but modified these to match Avista program history and service territory specifics. For specific measures, we examined historic program results for the most recent program results. We then adjusted the 2014 achievable potential for these measures to approximately match the historical results. This provided a starting for 2014 potential that was aligned to historic results. For future years, we increased the potential factors to model increasing market acceptance and program improvements. For measures not currently included in Avista programs, we relied upon the Sixth Plan ramp rates and recent AEG potential studies to create market adoption rates for Avista. The market adoption rates for each measure appear in Appendix B. Results of all the potentials analysis are presented in Chapter 5. 4 National Action Plan for Energy Efficiency (2007). National Action Plan for Energy Efficiency Vision for 2025: Developing a Framework for Change. www.epa.gov/eeactionplan. 2015 Electric IRP Appendix C 666 Energy Efficiency Potential Study Applied Energy Group, Inc. 13 Data Development This section details the data sources used in this study, followed by a discussion of how these sources were applied. In general, data sources were applied in the following order: Avista data, Northwest data and, finally, other secondary sources. Data Sources The data sources are organized into the following categories:  Avista data  Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance data  Measure data  AEG’s databases and analysis tools  Other secondary data and reports Avista Data Our highest priority data sources for this study were those that were specific to Avista.  Avista customer data: Avista provided billing data for development of customer counts and energy use for each sector. We also used the results of the Avista GenPOP survey, a residential saturation survey.  Load forecasts: Avista provided an economic growth forecast by sector; electric load forecast; peak-demand forecasts at the sector level; and retail electricity price history and forecasts.  Economic information: Avista Power provided avoided cost forecasts, a discount rate, and line loss factor.  Avista program data: Avista provided information about past and current programs, including program descriptions, goals, and achievements to date. Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance Data The Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance conducts research on an ongoing basis for the Northwest region. The following studies were particularly useful for this study:  Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance, 2011 Residential Building Stock Assessment Single-Family, Market Research Report, http://neea.org/docs/reports/residential-building- stock-assessment-single-family-characteristics-and-energy-use.pdf?sfvrsn=8  Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance, 2011 Residential Building Stock Assessment: Manufactured Home, Market Research Report, #E13-249, January, 2013. http://neea.org/docs/default-source/reports/residential-building-stock-assessment-- manufactured-homes-characteristics-and-energy-use.pdf?sfvrsn=8  Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance, Long-Term Northwest Residential Lighting Tracking and Monitoring Study, Market Research Report, 11-228, August, 2011. http://neea.org/research/reports/E11-231_Combinedv2.pdf  Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance, 2011 Residential Building Stock Assessment: Multifamily, Market Research Report, #13-263, September, 2013. http://neea.org/docs/default-source/reports/residential-building-stock-assessment--multi- family-characteristics-and-energy-use.pdf?sfvrsn=4  Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance, 2014 Commercial Building Stock Assessment, December 16, 2014, http://neea.org/docs/default-source/reports/2014-cbsa- final-report_05-dec-2014.pdf?sfvrsn=12. 2015 Electric IRP Appendix C 667 Energy Efficiency Potential Study Applied Energy Group, Inc. 14 Conservation Measure Data Several sources of data were used to characterize the conservation measures. We used the following regional data sources and supplemented with AEG’s data sources to fill in any gaps.  Northwest Power and Conservation Council Sixth Plan Conservation Supply Curve Workbooks. To develop its Sixth Power Plan, the Council used workbooks with detailed information about measures, available at http://www.nwcouncil.org/energy/powerplan/6/supplycurves/default.htm .  Regional Technical Forum Deemed Measures. The NPCC Regional Technical Forum maintains databases of deemed measure savings data, available at http://www.nwcouncil.org/energy/rtf/measures/Default.asp . AEG Data AEG maintains several databases and modeling tools that we use for forecasting and potential studies. Relevant data from these tools has been incorporated into the analysis and deliverables for this study.  AEG Energy Market Profiles: For more than 10 years, AEG staff has maintained profiles of end-use consumption for the residential, commercial, and industrial sectors. These profiles include market size, fuel shares, unit consumption estimates, and annual energy use by fuel (electricity and natural gas), customer segment and end use for 10 regions in the U.S. The Energy Information Administration surveys (RECS, CBECS and MECS) as well as state-level statistics and local customer research provide the foundation for these regional profiles.  Building Energy Simulation Tool (BEST). AEG’s BEST is a derivative of the Department of Energy (DOE) 2.2 building simulation model, used to estimate base-year UECs and EUIs, as well as measure savings for heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC)-related measures.  AEG’s EnergyShape™: This database of load shapes includes the following: o Residential – electric load shapes for ten regions, three housing types, 13 end uses o Commercial – electric load shapes for nine regions, 54 building types, ten end uses o Industrial – electric load shapes, whole facility only, 19 2-digit SIC codes, as well as various 3-digit and 4-digit SIC codes  AEG’s Database of Energy Efficiency Measures (DEEM): AEG maintains an extensive database of measure data for our studies. Our database draws upon reliable sources including the California Database for Energy Efficient Resources (DEER), the Energy Information Administration (EIA) Technology Forecast Updates – Residential and Commercial Building Technologies – Reference Case, RS Means cost data, and Grainger Catalog Cost data.  Recent studies. AEG has conducted numerous studies of conservation potential in the last five years. We checked our input assumptions and analysis results against the results from these other studies, which include Tacoma Power, Idaho Power, PacifiCorp, Ameren Missouri, Vectren Energy, Indianapolis Power & Light, Tennessee Valley Authority, Ameren Missouri, Ameren Illinois, and Seattle City Light. In addition, we used the information about impacts of building codes and appliance standards from recent reports for the Edison Electric Institute5. 5 AEG staff has prepared three white papers on the topic of factors that affect U.S. electricity consumption, including appliance standards and building codes. Links to all three white papers are provided: http://www.edisonfoundation.net/IEE/Documents/IEE_RohmundApplianceStandardsEfficiencyCodes1209.pdf http://www.edisonfoundation.net/iee/Documents/IEE_CodesandStandardsAssessment_2010-2025_UPDATE.pdf. http://www.edisonfoundation.net/iee/Documents/IEE_FactorsAffectingUSElecConsumption_Final.pdf 2015 Electric IRP Appendix C 668 Energy Efficiency Potential Study Applied Energy Group, Inc. 15 Other Secondary Data and Reports Finally, a variety of secondary data sources and reports were used for this study. The main sources are identified below.  Annual Energy Outlook. The Annual Energy Outlook (AEO), conducted each year by the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA), presents yearly projections and analysis of energy topics. For this study, we used data from the 2013 AEO.  Local Weather Data: Weather from NOAA’s National Climatic Data Center for Spokane, WA was used as the basis for building simulations.  EPRI End-Use Models (REEPS and COMMEND). These models provide the elasticities we apply to electricity prices, household income, home size and heating and cooling.  Database for Energy Efficient Resources (DEER). The California Energy Commission and California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) sponsor this database, which is designed to provide well-documented estimates of energy and peak demand savings values, measure costs, and effective useful life (EUL) for the state of California. We used the DEER database to cross check the measure savings we developed using BEST and DEEM.  Other relevant regional sources: These include reports from the Consortium for Energy Efficiency, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and the American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy. Data Application We now discuss how the data sources described above were used for each step of the study. Data Application for Market Characterization To construct the high-level market characterization of electricity use and households/floor space for the residential, commercial and industrial sectors, we used Avista billing data and customer surveys to estimate energy use.  For the residential sector, Avista estimated the numbers of customers and the average energy use per customer for each of the three segments, based on its GenPOP survey, matched to billing data for surveyed customers. AEG compared the resulting segmentation with data from the American Community Survey (ACS) regarding housing types and income and found that the Avista segmentation corresponded well with the ACS data. (See Chapter 3 for additional details.)  To segment the commercial and industrial segments, we relied upon the allocation from the previous energy efficiency potential study. For the previous study, customers and sales were allocated to building type based on standard industrial classification (SIC) codes, with some adjustments between the commercial and industrial sectors to better group energy use by facility type and predominate end uses. (See Chapter 3 for additional details.) Data Application for Market Profiles The specific data elements for the market profiles, together with the key data sources, are shown in Table 2-5. To develop the market profiles for each segment, we did the following: 1. Developed control totals for each segment. These include market size, segment-level annual electricity use, and annual intensity. 2. Used the Avista GenPOP Survey, NEEA’s RBSA, NEEA’s CBSA and AEG’s Energy Market Profiles database to develop existing appliance saturations, appliance and equipment characteristics, and building characteristics. 2015 Electric IRP Appendix C 669 Energy Efficiency Potential Study Applied Energy Group, Inc. 16 3. Ensured calibration to control totals for annual electricity sales in each sector and segment. 4. Compared and cross-checked with other recent AEG studies. 5. Worked with Avista staff to vet the data against their knowledge and experience. Data Application for Baseline Projection Table 2-5 summarizes the LoadMAP model inputs required for the baseline projection. These inputs are required for each segment within each sector, as well as for new construction and existing dwellings/buildings. Table 2-5 Data Applied for the Market Profiles Model Inputs Description Key Sources Market size Base-year residential dwellings, commercial floor space, and industrial employment Avista billing data Avista GenPOP Survey NEEA RBSA and CBSA AEO 2013 Annual intensity Residential: Annual use per household Commercial: Annual use per square foot Industrial: Annual use per employee Avista billing data AEG’s Energy Market Profiles NEEA RBSA and CBSA AEO 2013 Other recent studies Appliance/equipment saturations Fraction of dwellings with an appliance/technology Percentage of C&I floor space/employment with equipment/technology Avista GenPOP Survey NEEA RBSA and CBSA AEG’s Energy Market Profiles Avista Load Forecasting UEC/EUI for each end- use technology UEC: Annual electricity use in homes and buildings that have the technology EUI: Annual electricity use per square foot/employee for a technology in floor space that has the technology NPCC Sixth Plan and RTF data HVAC uses: BEST simulations using prototypes developed for Idaho Engineering analysis DEEM Recent AEG studies Appliance/equipment age distribution Age distribution for each technology NPCC Sixth Plan and RTF data NEEA regional survey data Utility saturation surveys Recent AEG studies Efficiency options for each technology List of available efficiency options and annual energy use for each technology AEG DEEM AEO 2013 DEER NPCC workbooks, RTF Previous studies Peak factors Share of technology energy use that occurs during the peak hour EnergyShape database 2015 Electric IRP Appendix C 670 Energy Efficiency Potential Study Applied Energy Group, Inc. 17 Table 2-5 Data Needs for the Baseline Projection and Potentials Estimation in LoadMAP Model Inputs Description Key Sources Customer growth forecasts Forecasts of new construction in residential and C&I sectors Avista load forecast AEO 2013 economic growth forecast Equipment purchase shares for baseline projection For each equipment/technology, purchase shares for each efficiency level; specified separately for existing equipment replacement and new construction Shipments data from AEO AEO 2013 regional forecast assumptions6 Appliance/efficiency standards analysis Avista program results and evaluation reports Electricity prices Forecast of average energy and capacity avoided costs and retail prices Avista forecast Utilization model parameters Price elasticities, elasticities for other variables (income, weather) EPRI’s REEPS and COMMEND models AEO 2013 In addition, we implemented assumptions for known future equipment standards as of December 2013, as shown in Table 2-6, Table 2-7 and Table 2-8. The assumptions tables here extend through 2025, after which all standards are assumed to hold steady. 6 We developed baseline purchase decisions using the Energy Information Agency’s Annual Energy Outlook report (2013), which utilizes the National Energy Modeling System (NEMS) to produce a self-consistent supply and demand economic model. We calibrated equipment purchase options to match manufacturer shipment data for recent years and then held values constant for the study period. This removes any effects of naturally occurring conservation or effects of future EE programs that may be embedded in the AEO forecasts. 2015 Electric IRP Appendix C 671 Energy Efficiency Potential Study Applied Energy Group, Inc. 18 Table 2-6 Residential Electric Equipment Standards7 7 The assumptions tables here extend through 2025, after which all standards are assumed to hold steady. 2013's Efficiency or Standard Assumption 1st Standard (relative to 2013's standard) 2nd Standard (relative to 2013's standard) End Use Technology 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 Central AC Room AC Evaporative Central AC Evaporative Room AC Cooling/Heating Heat Pump Space Heating Electric Resistance Water Heater (<=55 gallons) Water Heater (>55 gallons) Screw-in/Pin Lamps Linear Fluorescent Refrigerator/2nd Refrigerator Freezer Dishwasher Clothes Washer Clothes Dryer Microwave Ovens Miscellaneous Furnace Fans Conventional 14% more efficient than 2010 standard (307 kWh/yr) MEF 1.72 for top loader MEF 2.0 for top loaderConventional (MEF 1.26 for top loader) 40% more efficient Lighting Advanced Incandescent - tier 1 (20 lumens/watt)Incandescent NAECA Standard NAECA Standard Appliances 1.0 Watts (maximum standby power) EF 3.73 25% more efficient 25% more efficient Conventional (EF 3.01) Conventional Advanced Incandescent - tier 2 (45 lumens/watt) T8 (89 lumens/watt)T8 (92.5 lumens/watt) Water Heating EF 0.95 Heat Pump Water Heater Cooling EER 11.0 SEER 13 EER 9.8 Conventional Conventional SEER 14.0/HSPF 8.2SEER 13.0/HSPF 7.7 Electric Resistance EF 0.90 EF 0.90 2015 Electric IRP Appendix C 672 Energy Efficiency Potential Study Applied Energy Group, Inc. 19 Table 2-7 Commercial Electric Equipment Standards8 8 The assumptions tables here extend through 2025, after which all standards are assumed to hold steady. 2013's Efficiency or Standard Assumption 1st Standard (relative to 2013's standard) 2nd Standard (relative to 2013's standard) End Use Technology 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 Chillers Roof Top Units Packaged Terminal AC/HP Cooling/Heating Heat Pump Ventilation Ventilation Screw-in/Pin Lamps Linear Fluorescent High Intensity Discharge Water Heating Water Heater Walk-in Refrigerator/Freezer Reach-in Refrigerator Glass Door Display Open Display Case Vending Machines Ice maker Miscellaneous Non-HVAC Motors Cooling Advanced Incandescent - tier 2 (45 lumens/watt) 2007 ASHRAE 90.1 EER 11.0/11.2 EER 11.0/11.2 EER 11.0/COP 3.3 Constant Air Volume/Variable Air Volume Incandescent Advanced Incandescent - tier 1 (20 lumens/watt) Refrigeration Lighting EF 0.97 EISA 2007 Standard EPACT 2005 Standard EPACT 2005 Standard EPACT 2005 Standard 33% more efficient than EPAC 2005 Standard 2010 Standard 15% more efficient 40% more efficient 12-28% more efficient T8 (89 lumens/watt)T8 (92.5 lumens/watt) 10-20% more efficient Expanded EISA 2007 StandardsEISA 2007 Standards 10-38% more efficient EPACT 2005 (Mercury Vapor Fixture Phase-out)Metal Halide Ballast Improvement 2015 Electric IRP Appendix C 673 Energy Efficiency Potential Study Applied Energy Group, Inc. 20 Table 2-8 Industrial Electric Equipment Standards9 9 The assumptions tables here extend through 2025, after which all standards are assumed to hold steady. 2013's Efficiency or Standard Assumption 1st Standard (relative to 2013's standard) 2nd Standard (relative to 2013's standard) End Use Technology 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 Chillers Roof Top Units Packaged Terminal AC/HP Cooling/Heating Heat Pump Ventilation Ventilation Screw-in/Pin Lamps Linear Fluorescent High Intensity Discharge Motors Pumps, Fans & Blowers, Compressed Air, Material Handling and Processing Constant Air Volume/Variable Air Volume Incandescent Lighting Advanced Incandescent - tier 1 (20 lumens/watt)Advanced Incandescent - tier 2 (45 lumens/watt) Cooling 2007 ASHRAE 90.1 EER 11.0/11.2 EER 11.0 EER 11.0/COP 3.3 Expanded EISA 2007 Standards EPACT 2005 (Mercury Vapor Fixture Phase-out)Metal Halide Ballast Improvement T8 (89 lumens/watt)T8 (92.5 lumens/watt) EISA 2007 Standards 2015 Electric IRP Appendix C 674 Energy Efficiency Potential Study Applied Energy Group, Inc. 21 Conservation Measure Data Application Table 2-9 details the energy-efficiency data inputs to the LoadMAP model. It describes each input and identifies the key sources used in the Avista analysis. Table 2-9 Data Needs for the Measure Characteristics in LoadMAP Model Inputs Description Key Sources Energy Impacts The annual reduction in consumption attributable to each specific measure. Savings were developed as a percentage of the energy end use that the measure affects. Avista measure data NPCC Sixth Plan conservation workbooks BEST AEG DEEM AEO 2013 DEER NPCC workbooks, RTF Other secondary sources Peak Demand Impacts Savings during the peak demand periods are specified for each electric measure. These impacts relate to the energy savings and depend on the extent to which each measure is coincident with the system peak. Avista measure data NPCC Sixth Plan conservation workbooks BEST AEG DEEM EnergyShape Costs Equipment Measures: Includes the full cost of purchasing and installing the equipment on a per- household, per-square-foot, per employee or per service point basis for the residential, commercial, and industrial sectors, respectively. Non-equipment measures: Existing buildings – full installed cost. New Construction - the costs may be either the full cost of the measure, or as appropriate, it may be the incremental cost of upgrading from a standard level to a higher efficiency level. Avista measure data NPCC Sixth Plan conservation workbooks RTF deemed measure database AEG DEEM AEO 2013 DEER RS Means Other secondary sources Measure Lifetimes Estimates derived from the technical data and secondary data sources that support the measure demand and energy savings analysis. Avista measure data NPCC Sixth Plan conservation workbooks RTF deemed measure database AEG DEEM AEO 2013 DEER Other secondary sources Applicability Estimate of the percentage of dwellings in the residential sector, square feet in the commercial sector, or employees in the industrial sector where the measure is applicable and where it is technically feasible to implement. Avista measure data NPCC Sixth Plan conservation workbooks RTF deemed measure database AEG DEEM DEER Other secondary sources On Market and Off Market Availability Expressed as years for equipment measures to reflect when the equipment technology is available or no longer available in the market. AEG appliance standards and building codes analysis 2015 Electric IRP Appendix C 675 Energy Efficiency Potential Study Applied Energy Group, Inc. 22 Data Application for Cost-effectiveness Screening To perform the cost-effectiveness screening, a number of economic assumptions were needed. All cost and benefit values were analyzed as real 2013 dollars. We applied a discount rate of 4% in in real dollars. All impacts in this report are presented at the customer meter, but electric energy delivery losses of 6.5% were provided by Avista in order to gross up impacts to the generator for economic analysis. The avoided costs provided by Avista were increased by 10% to account for the Power Act’s conservation preference. Achievable Potential Estimation To estimate achievable potential, two sets of parameters are needed to represent customer decision making behavior with respect to energy-efficiency choices.  Technical diffusion curves for non-equipment measures. Equipment measures are installed when existing units fail. Non-equipment measures do not have this natural periodicity, so rather than installing all available non-equipment measures in the first year of the projection (instantaneous potential), they are phased in according to adoption schedules that generally align with the diffusion of similar equipment measures. The adoption rates for the Avista study were based on ramp rate curves specified in the NPCC Sixth Power Plan, but modified to reflect Avista program history. These adoption rates are used within LoadMAP to generate the Technical and Economic potentials for non-equipment measures.  Adoption rates. Customer adoption rates or take rates are applied to Economic potential to estimate Achievable Potential. These rates were developed by mapping each measure to a ramp rate developed by the Northwest Power and Conservation Council for the Sixth Plan. These rates are then compared with the recent Avista program results and adjustments were made, if necessary. For example, if the program had been running for several years and had achieved higher results in the previous year, the ramp rate started further along in the curve. These rates represent customer adoption of economic measures when delivered through a best-practice portfolio of well-operated efficiency programs under a reasonable policy or regulatory framework. Information channels are assumed to be established and efficient for marketing, educating consumers, and coordinating with trade allies and delivery partners. The primary barrier to adoption reflected in this case is customer preferences. Adoption rates are presented in Appendix B. 2015 Electric IRP Appendix C 676 Applied Energy Group, Inc. 23 SECTION 3 Market Characterization and Market Profiles In this section, we describe how customers in the Avista service territory use electricity in the base year of the study, 2013. It begins with a high-level summary of energy use across all sectors and then delves into each sector in more detail. Energy Use Summary Total electricity use for the residential, commercial, and industrial sectors for Avista in 2013 was 8,081 GWh; 5,555 GWh (WA) and 2,526 GWh (ID). As shown in the tables below, in both states the residential sector accounts for over 45% of the annual energy use, followed by commercial with over 35% of the annual energy use. In terms of summer peak demand, the total system peak in 2013 was 1,459 MW; 1,017 MW (WA) and 442 MW (ID). The total system peak in the winter was 1,417 MW; 973 MW (WA) and 444 MW (ID). In both states, the residential sector contributes over 40% to peak. Figure 3-1 Sector-Level Electricity Use in Base Year 2013, Washington Residential 46% Commercial 37% Industrial 17% Annual Use (GWh) 2015 Electric IRP Appendix C 677 Energy Efficiency Potential Study Applied Energy Group, Inc. 24 Table 3-1 Avista Sector Control Totals (2013), Washington Sector Annual Electricity Use (GWh) % of Annual Use Summer Peak Demand (MW) % of Summer Peak Winter Peak Demand (MW) % of Winter Peak Residential 2,546 46% 404 40% 438 45% Commercial 2,086 38% 368 36% 333 34% Industrial 922 17% 245 24% 202 21% Total 5,555 100% 1,017 100% 973 100% Residential 40% Commercial 36% Industrial 24% Summer Peak (MW) Residential 45% Commercial 34% Industrial 21% Winter Peak (MW) 2015 Electric IRP Appendix C 678 Energy Efficiency Potential Study Applied Energy Group, Inc. 25 Figure 3-2 Sector-Level Electricity Use in Base Year 2013, Idaho Table 3-2 Avista Sector Control Totals (2013), Idaho Sector Annual Electricity Use (GWh) % of Annual Use Summer Peak Demand (MW) % of Summer Peak Winter Peak Demand (MW) % of Winter Peak Residential 1,207 48% 184 42% 217 49% Commercial 976 39% 167 38% 152 34% Industrial 343 14% 91 21% 75 17% Total 2,526 100% 442 100% 444 100% Residential Sector The total number of households and electricity sales for the service territory were obtained from Avista’s customer database. In 2013, there were 213,640 households in the state of Washington Residential 48% Commercial 39% Industrial 13% Annual Use (GWh) Residential 42% Commercial 38% Industrial 20% Summer Peak (MW) Residential 49% Commercial 34% Industrial 17% Winter Peak (MW) 2015 Electric IRP Appendix C 679 Energy Efficiency Potential Study Applied Energy Group, Inc. 26 that used a total of 2,546 GWh with a summer peak demand of 404 MW and a winter peak demand of 438 MW. Average use per customer (or household) at 11,919 kWh is about average compared to other regions of the country. We allocated these totals into four residential segments and the values are shown in Table 3-3. Table 3-4 shows the total number of households and electricity sales in the state of Idaho. . In 2013, there were 107,449 households that used a total of 1,207 GWh with summer peak demand of 184 MW and winter peak demand of 217 MW. Average use per customer (or household) was 11,233. Table 3-3 Residential Sector Control Totals (2013), Washington Segment Number of Customers Electricity Use (GWh) % of Annual Use Annual Use/Customer (kWh/HH) Summer Peak (MW) Winter Peak (MW) Single Family 129,893 1,783 70% 13,726 296 304 Multifamily 11,964 99 4% 8,236 13 22 Mobile Home 7,691 95 4% 12,354 13 16 Low Income 64,092 570 22% 8,892 82 96 Total 213,640 2,546 100% 11,919 404 438 Table 3-4 Residential Sector Control Totals (2013), Idaho Segment Number of Customers Electricity Use (GWh) % of Annual Use Annual Use/Customer (kWh/HH) Summer Peak (MW) Winter Peak (MW Single Family 65,329 843 70% 12,902 133 153 Multifamily 5,265 41 3% 7,733 6 9 Mobile Home 4,835 56 5% 11,599 8 10 Low Income 32,020 267 22% 8,349 38 46 Total 107,449 1,207 100% 11,233 184 217 As we describe in the previous chapter, the market profiles provide the foundation for development of the baseline projection and the potential estimates. The average market profile for the residential sector is presented in Table 3-5 (WA) and Table 3-6 (ID). Segment-specific market profiles are presented in Appendix A. Figure 3-3 (WA) and Figure 3-4 (ID) show the distribution of annual electricity use by end use for all customers. Two main electricity end uses —appliances and space heating— account for approximately 50% of total use. Appliances include refrigerators, freezers, stoves, clothes washers, clothes dryers, dishwashers, and microwaves. The remainder of the energy falls into the water heating, lighting, cooling, electronics, and the miscellaneous category – which is comprised of furnace fans, pool pumps, and other “plug” loads (all other usage not covered by those listed in Table 3-5 and Table 3-6 such as hair dryers, power tools, coffee makers, etc.). The charts also show estimates of peak demand by end use. Appliances are the largest contributor to summer peak demand, followed by water heating. During the winter, heating is the largest contributor to peak demand, followed by appliances. Figure 3-5 (WA) and Figure 3-6 (ID) present the electricity intensities by end use and housing type. Single family homes have the highest use per customer at 13,726 kWh/year (WA) and 12,902 kWh/year (ID). 2015 Electric IRP Appendix C 680 Energy Efficiency Potential Study Applied Energy Group, Inc. 27 Figure 3-3 Residential Electricity Use and Summer Peak Demand by End Use (2013), Washington Cooling 6% Heating 27% Water Heating 15% Interior Lighting 11%Exterior Lighting 2% Appliances 22% Electronics 8% Miscellaneous 9% Annual Use by End Use Cooling 11% Heating 0% Water Heating 17% Interior Lighting 12% Exterior Lighting 3% Appliances 35% Electronics 11% Miscellaneous 11% Summer Peak Demand Cooling 0% Heating 36% Water Heating 15% Interior Lighting 17% Exterior Lighting 4% Appliances 20% Electronics 4% Miscellaneous 4% Winter Peak Demand 2015 Electric IRP Appendix C 681 Energy Efficiency Potential Study Applied Energy Group, Inc. 28 Figure 3-4 Residential Electricity Use and Summer Peak Demand by End Use (2013), Idaho Cooling 5% Heating 29% Water Heating 14% Interior Lighting 13%Exterior Lighting 3% Appliances 23% Electronics 8% Miscellaneous 5% Annual Use by End Use Cooling 10% Heating 0% Water Heating 18% Interior Lighting 14% Exterior Lighting 3% Appliances 37% Electronics 10% Miscellaneous 8% Summer Peak Demand Cooling 0% Heating 37% Water Heating 14% Interior Lighting 19% Exterior Lighting 4% Appliances 20% Electronics 4% Miscellaneous 2% Winter Peak Demand 2015 Electric IRP Appendix C 682 Energy Efficiency Potential Study Applied Energy Group, Inc. 29 Figure 3-5 Residential Intensity by End Use and Segment (Annual kWh/HH, 2013), Washington Figure 3-6 Residential Intensity by End Use and Segment (Annual kWh/HH, 2013), Idaho - 5,000 10,000 15,000 Single Family Multi Family Mobile Home Low Income Total Intensity (kWh/HH) Cooling Heating Water Heating Interior Lighting Exterior Lighting Appliances Electronics Miscellaneous - 5,000 10,000 15,000 Single Family Multi Family Mobile Home Low Income Total Intensity (kWh/HH) Cooling Heating Water Heating Interior Lighting Exterior Lighting Appliances Electronics Miscellaneous 2015 Electric IRP Appendix C 683 Energy Efficiency Potential Study Applied Energy Group, Inc. 30 Table 3-5 Average Market Profile for the Residential Sector, 2013, Washington End Use Technology Saturation UEC Intensity Usage (kWh) (kWh/HH) (GWh) Cooling Central AC 36.9% 1,249 461 98 Cooling Room AC 26.4% 402 106 23 Cooling Air-Source Heat Pump 6.5% 1,268 82 17 Cooling Geothermal Heat Pump 0.2% 1,326 2 0 Cooling Evaporative AC 1.2% 809 10 2 Space Heating Electric Room Heat 24.3% 5,302 1,288 275 Space Heating Electric Furnace 13.4% 9,021 1,213 259 Space Heating Air-Source Heat Pump 6.5% 10,487 677 145 Space Heating Geothermal Heat Pump 0.2% 5,564 10 2 Water Heating Water Heater (<= 55 Gal) 50.9% 3,025 1,539 329 Water Heating Water Heater (55 to 75 Gal) 6.5% 3,145 203 43 Water Heating Water Heater (> 75 Gal) 0.3% 4,209 12 3 Interior Lighting Screw-in/Hard-wire 100.0% 955 955 204 Interior Lighting Linear Fluorescent 100.0% 114 114 24 Interior Lighting Specialty Lighting 100.0% 286 286 61 Exterior Lighting Screw-in/Hard-wire 100.0% 289 289 62 Appliances Clothes Washer 91.8% 104 95 20 Appliances Clothes Dryer 49.9% 738 368 79 Appliances Dishwasher 77.1% 447 345 74 Appliances Refrigerator 100.0% 829 829 177 Appliances Freezer 55.3% 669 370 79 Appliances Second Refrigerator 20.7% 1,010 209 45 Appliances Stove 70.3% 453 318 68 Appliances Microwave 94.8% 139 132 28 Electronics Personal Computers 64.3% 214 138 29 Electronics Monitor 78.6% 91 71 15 Electronics Laptops 76.3% 57 43 9 Electronics TVs 177.4% 255 452 97 Electronics Printer/Fax/Copier 72.6% 65 47 10 Electronics Set top Boxes/DVRs 143.9% 128 184 39 Electronics Devices and Gadgets 100.0% 54 54 11 Miscellaneous Pool Pump 1.9% 2,514 49 10 Miscellaneous Pool Heater 0.5% 4,025 19 4 Miscellaneous Furnace Fan 58.7% 249 146 31 Miscellaneous Well pump 9.3% 642 60 13 Miscellaneous Miscellaneous 100.0% 744 744 159 Total 11,919 2,546 2015 Electric IRP Appendix C 684 Energy Efficiency Potential Study Applied Energy Group, Inc. 31 Table 3-6 Average Market Profile for the Residential Sector, 2013, Idaho End Use Technology Saturation UEC Intensity Usage (kWh) (kWh/HH) (GWh) Cooling Central AC 33.4% 1,134 379 41 Cooling Room AC 18.6% 416 77 8 Cooling Air-Source Heat Pump 5.3% 1,282 68 7 Cooling Geothermal Heat Pump 0.0% 0 0 0 Cooling Evaporative AC 1.5% 777 12 1 Space Heating Electric Room Heat 24.2% 6,354 1,540 165 Space Heating Electric Furnace 13.1% 8,904 1,168 126 Space Heating Air-Source Heat Pump 5.3% 10,465 557 60 Space Heating Geothermal Heat Pump 0.0% 0 0 0 Water Heating Water Heater (<= 55 Gal) 49.2% 2,904 1,429 154 Water Heating Water Heater (55 to 75 Gal) 6.2% 3,025 189 20 Water Heating Water Heater (> 75 Gal) 0.3% 3,847 11 1 Interior Lighting Screw-in/Hard-wire 100.0% 1,041 1,041 112 Interior Lighting Linear Fluorescent 100.0% 129 129 14 Interior Lighting Specialty Lighting 100.0% 243 243 26 Exterior Lighting Screw-in/Hard-wire 100.0% 323 323 35 Appliances Clothes Washer 85.1% 99 84 9 Appliances Clothes Dryer 60.3% 754 454 49 Appliances Dishwasher 77.6% 424 329 35 Appliances Refrigerator 100.0% 789 789 85 Appliances Freezer 52.3% 643 337 36 Appliances Second Refrigerator 21.1% 945 199 21 Appliances Stove 63.6% 433 275 30 Appliances Microwave 91.2% 132 120 13 Electronics Personal Computers 56.9% 200 114 12 Electronics Monitor 69.6% 85 59 6 Electronics Laptops 79.3% 53 42 5 Electronics TVs 174.6% 248 434 47 Electronics Printer/Fax/Copier 66.7% 61 41 4 Electronics Set top Boxes/DVRs 92.5% 120 111 12 Electronics Devices and Gadgets 100.0% 51 51 5 Miscellaneous Pool Pump 1.6% 2,342 38 4 Miscellaneous Pool Heater 0.4% 3,750 15 2 Miscellaneous Furnace Fan 59.7% 239 142 15 Miscellaneous Well pump 12.5% 598 75 8 Miscellaneous Miscellaneous 100.0% 356 356 38 Total 11,233 1,207 2015 Electric IRP Appendix C 685 Energy Efficiency Potential Study Applied Energy Group, Inc. 32 Commercial Sector The total electric energy consumed by commercial customers in Avista’s service area in 2013 was 2,086 GWh (WA) and 976 GWh (ID). Summer peak demand was 368 MW (WA) and 167 MW (ID). Winter peak demand was 333 MW (WA) and 152 MW (ID). Avista billing data, CBSA and secondary data were used to allocate this energy usage to building type segments and to develop estimates of energy intensity (annual kWh/square foot). Using the electricity use and intensity estimates, we infer floor space which is the unit of analysis in LoadMAP for the commercial sector. The values are shown in Table 3-7 (WA) and Table 3-8 (ID). Table 3-7 Commercial Sector Control Totals (2013), Washington Segment Electricity Sales (GWh) % of Total Usage Intensity (Annual kWh/SqFt) Summer Peak (MW) Winter Peak (MW) Small Office 280 13% 15.4 71 48 Large Office 106 5% 17.5 16 19 Restaurant 70 3% 42.4 11 11 Retail 285 14% 13.8 59 43 Grocery 209 10% 47.3 33 28 College 78 4% 13.9 13 14 School 117 6% 9.9 5 13 Health 271 13% 29.1 41 39 Lodging 112 5% 16.1 14 23 Warehouse 103 5% 7.5 12 17 Miscellaneous 455 22% 13.8 93 78 Total 2,086 100% 15.9 368 333 Table 3-8 Commercial Sector Control Totals (2013), Idaho Segment Electricity Sales (GWh) % of Total Usage Intensity (Annual kWh/SqFt) Summer Peak (MW) Winter Peak (MW) Small Office 134 14% 15.4 35 23 Large Office 17 2% 17.5 3 3 Restaurant 12 1% 42.4 2 2 Retail 168 17% 13.8 35 25 Grocery 92 9% 47.3 14 12 College 73 7% 13.9 12 13 School 109 11% 9.9 4 12 Health 106 11% 29.1 16 15 Lodging 49 5% 16.1 6 10 Warehouse 47 5% 7.5 5 8 Miscellaneous 168 17% 13.8 34 29 Total 976 100% 14.9 167 152 2015 Electric IRP Appendix C 686 Energy Efficiency Potential Study Applied Energy Group, Inc. 33 Figure 3-7 (WA) and Figure 3-8 (ID) show the distribution of annual electricity consumption and peak demand by end use across all commercial buildings. Electric usage is dominated by cooling and lighting, which comprise almost 50% of annual electricity usage. Summer peak demand is dominated by cooling and winter peak demand is dominated by heating. Figure 3-9 (WA) and Figure 3-10 (ID) presents the electricity usage in GWh by end use and segment. Small offices, retail, and miscellaneous buildings use the most electricity in the service territory. As far as end uses, cooling and lighting are the major uses across all segments. Office equipment is concentrated more in the larger customers. Figure 3-7 Commercial Sector Electricity Consumption by End Use (2013), Washington Cooling 16% Heating 11% Ventilation 10% Water Heating 6% Interior Lighting 23% Exterior Lighting 8% Refrigeration 8% Food Preparation 4% Office Equipment 7% Miscellaneous 7% Annual Use by End Use Cooling 44% Heating 0% Ventilation 7% Water Heating 5% Interior Lighting 20% Exterior Lighting 3% Refrigeration 7% Food Preparation 3% Office Equipment 5% Miscellaneous 6% Summer Peak Demand Cooling 3% Heating 27% Ventilation 9% Water Heating 8% Interior Lighting 26% Exterior Lighting 3% Refrigeration 7% Food Preparation 4% Office Equipment 6% Miscellaneous 7% Winter Peak Demand 2015 Electric IRP Appendix C 687 Energy Efficiency Potential Study Applied Energy Group, Inc. 34 Figure 3-8 Commercial Sector Electricity Consumption by End Use (2013), Idaho Cooling 16% Heating 12% Ventilation 10% Water Heating 5% Interior Lighting 23% Exterior Lighting 8% Refrigeration 8% Food Preparation 4% Office Equipment 7% Miscellaneous 7% Annual Use by End Use Cooling 45% Heating 0%Ventilation 7% Water Heating 4% Interior Lighting 21% Exterior Lighting 3% Refrigeration 7% Food Preparation 3% Office Equipment 5% Miscellaneous 5% Summer Peak Demand Cooling 2% Heating 28% Ventilation 9% Water Heating 8% Interior Lighting 27% Exterior Lighting 4% Refrigeration 6% Food Preparation 3% Office Equipment 6% Miscellaneous 7% Winter Peak Demand 2015 Electric IRP Appendix C 688 Energy Efficiency Potential Study Applied Energy Group, Inc. 35 Figure 3-9 Commercial Electricity Usage by End Use Segment (GWh, 2013), Washington Figure 3-10 Commercial Electricity Usage by End Use Segment (GWh, 2013), Idaho Table 3-9 (WA) and Table 3-10 (ID) show the average market profile for electricity of the commercial sector as a whole, representing a composite of all segments and buildings. Market profiles for each segment are presented in the appendix to this volume. - 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 An n u a l E n e r g y U s e ( G W h ) Cooling Heating Ventilation Water Heating Interior Lighting Exterior Lighting Refrigeration Food Preparation Office Equipment Miscellaneous - 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 An n u a l E n e r g y U s e ( G W h ) Cooling Heating Ventilation Water Heating Interior Lighting Exterior Lighting Refrigeration Food Preparation Office Equipment Miscellaneous 2015 Electric IRP Appendix C 689 Energy Efficiency Potential Study Applied Energy Group, Inc. 36 Table 3-9 Average Electric Market Profile for the Commercial Sector, 2013, Washington EUI Intensity Usage (kWh)(kWh/Sqft)(GWh) Cooling Air-Cooled Chiller 10.3%3.38 0.35 46.0 Cooling Water-Cooled Chiller 12.3%5.11 0.63 83.0 Cooling RTU 37.5%3.27 1.22 161.1 Cooling Room AC 4.6%2.93 0.13 17.5 Cooling Air-Source Heat Pump 5.6%3.01 0.17 22.1 Cooling Geothermal Heat Pump 1.8%1.85 0.03 4.4 Heating Electric Furnace 12.7%6.72 0.86 112.5 Heating Electric Room Heat 7.6%7.69 0.58 76.9 Heating Air-Source Heat Pump 5.6%5.87 0.33 43.1 Heating Geothermal Heat Pump 1.8%4.30 0.08 10.1 Ventilation Ventilation 100.0%1.59 1.59 209.2 Water Heating Water Heater 53.1%1.69 0.90 118.2 Interior Lighting Screw-in/Hard-wire 100.0%0.92 0.92 121.3 Interior Lighting High-Bay Fixtures 100.0%0.51 0.51 67.3 Interior Lighting Linear Fluorescent 100.0%2.17 2.17 285.8 Exterior Lighting Screw-in/Hard-wire 100.0%0.23 0.23 30.0 Exterior Lighting HID 100.0%0.64 0.64 83.8 Exterior Lighting Linear Fluorescent 100.0%0.35 0.35 46.4 Refrigeration Walk-in Refrigerator/Freezer 8.8%1.81 0.16 21.1 Refrigeration Reach-in Refrigerator/Freezer 12.1%0.29 0.04 4.6 Refrigeration Glass Door Display 15.6%0.98 0.15 20.1 Refrigeration Open Display Case 7.7%9.75 0.76 99.3 Refrigeration Icemaker 29.6%0.54 0.16 21.2 Refrigeration Vending Machine 20.2%0.33 0.07 8.9 Food Preparation Oven 15.5%0.92 0.14 18.8 Food Preparation Fryer 3.3%2.63 0.09 11.4 Food Preparation Dishwasher 16.8%1.68 0.28 37.2 Food Preparation Steamer 3.3%2.23 0.07 9.6 Food Preparation Hot Food Container 6.4%0.32 0.02 2.7 Office Equipment Desktop Computer 100.0%0.62 0.62 82.2 Office Equipment Laptop 98.8%0.08 0.08 10.9 Office Equipment Server 86.8%0.20 0.17 22.9 Office Equipment Monitor 100.0%0.11 0.11 14.5 Office Equipment Printer/Copier/Fax 100.0%0.08 0.08 9.9 Office Equipment POS Terminal 57.7%0.05 0.03 4.0 Miscellaneous Non-HVAC Motors 53.0%0.19 0.10 13.2 Miscellaneous Pool Pump 5.8%0.02 0.00 0.2 Miscellaneous Pool Heater 1.8%0.03 0.00 0.1 Miscellaneous Other Miscellaneous 100.0%1.03 1.03 135.1 Total 15.86 2,086.3 Electric Market Profiles End Use Technology Saturation 2015 Electric IRP Appendix C 690 Energy Efficiency Potential Study Applied Energy Group, Inc. 37 Table 3-10 Average Electric Market Profile for the Commercial Sector, 2013, Idaho EUI Intensity Usage (kWh)(kWh/Sqft)(GWh) Cooling Air-Cooled Chiller 12.4%3.24 0.40 26.4 Cooling Water-Cooled Chiller 10.2%5.15 0.53 34.6 Cooling RTU 35.6%3.17 1.13 74.0 Cooling Room AC 4.6%2.77 0.13 8.4 Cooling Air-Source Heat Pump 5.6%2.81 0.16 10.2 Cooling Geothermal Heat Pump 1.8%1.68 0.03 2.0 Heating Electric Furnace 11.5%6.74 0.77 50.7 Heating Electric Room Heat 7.6%7.76 0.59 38.9 Heating Air-Source Heat Pump 5.6%5.91 0.33 21.5 Heating Geothermal Heat Pump 1.8%4.41 0.08 5.2 Ventilation Ventilation 100.0%1.46 1.46 95.5 Water Heating Water Heater 51.4%1.58 0.81 53.2 Interior Lighting Screw-in/Hard-wire 100.0%0.88 0.88 57.5 Interior Lighting High-Bay Fixtures 100.0%0.51 0.51 33.3 Interior Lighting Linear Fluorescent 100.0%2.11 2.11 138.8 Exterior Lighting Screw-in/Hard-wire 100.0%0.20 0.20 13.1 Exterior Lighting HID 100.0%0.60 0.60 39.1 Exterior Lighting Linear Fluorescent 100.0%0.47 0.47 30.7 Refrigeration Walk-in Refrigerator/Freezer 8.8%1.30 0.11 7.5 Refrigeration Reach-in Refrigerator/Freezer 13.4%0.26 0.04 2.3 Refrigeration Glass Door Display 15.4%0.85 0.13 8.6 Refrigeration Open Display Case 8.4%7.98 0.67 44.1 Refrigeration Icemaker 31.6%0.48 0.15 10.0 Refrigeration Vending Machine 20.0%0.32 0.06 4.1 Food Preparation Oven 16.2%0.86 0.14 9.1 Food Preparation Fryer 3.1%2.15 0.07 4.3 Food Preparation Dishwasher 16.1%1.49 0.24 15.7 Food Preparation Steamer 3.1%1.99 0.06 4.0 Food Preparation Hot Food Container 7.4%0.25 0.02 1.2 Office Equipment Desktop Computer 100.0%0.58 0.58 37.7 Office Equipment Laptop 98.9%0.07 0.07 4.7 Office Equipment Server 89.1%0.18 0.16 10.7 Office Equipment Monitor 100.0%0.10 0.10 6.7 Office Equipment Printer/Copier/Fax 100.0%0.07 0.07 4.7 Office Equipment POS Terminal 57.6%0.05 0.03 1.8 Miscellaneous Non-HVAC Motors 51.6%0.17 0.09 5.8 Miscellaneous Pool Pump 5.7%0.02 0.00 0.1 Miscellaneous Pool Heater 1.7%0.03 0.00 0.0 Miscellaneous Other Miscellaneous 100.0%0.91 0.91 59.5 Total 14.87 975.5 Electric Market Profiles End Use Technology Saturation 2015 Electric IRP Appendix C 691 Energy Efficiency Potential Study Applied Energy Group, Inc. 38 Industrial Sector The total electricity used in 2013 by Avista’s industrial customers was 1,265 GWh; 922 GWh (WA) and 343 GWh (ID). Summer peak demand was 336 MW; 245 MW (WA) and 91 MW (ID). Winter peak demand was 277 MW; 202 MW (WA) and 75 MW (ID). Avista billing data, load forecast and secondary sources were used to develop estimates of energy intensity (annual kWh/employee). Using the electricity use and intensity estimates, we infer the number of employees which is the unit of analysis in LoadMAP for the industrial sector. These are shown in Table 3-11. Table 3-11 Industrial Sector Control Totals (2013) State Electricity Sales (GWh) Intensity (Annual kWh/employee) Summer Peak (MW) Winter Peak (MW) Washington 922 56,846 245 202 Idaho 343 38,668 91 75 2015 Electric IRP Appendix C 692 Energy Efficiency Potential Study Applied Energy Group, Inc. 39 Figure 3-11 shows the distribution of annual electricity consumption and summer and winter peak demand by end use for all industrial customers. Motors are the largest overall end use for the industrial sector, accounting for 54% of energy use. Note that this end use includes a wide range of industrial equipment, such as air compressors and refrigeration compressors, pumps, conveyor motors, and fans. The process end use accounts for 27% of annual energy use, which includes heating, cooling, refrigeration, and electro-chemical processes. Lighting is the next highest, followed by cooling, miscellaneous, heating and ventilation. Figure 3-11 Industrial Electricity Use by End Use (2013), All Industries, WA and ID Cooling 5%Heating 2% Ventilation 2% Interior Lighting 5% Exterior Lighting 1% Motors 54% Process 27% Miscellaneous 4% Annual Use by End Use Cooling 0%Heating 0% Ventilation 2%Interior Lighting 5% Exterior Lighting 0% Motors 59% Process 30% Miscellaneous 4% Summer Peak Demand Cooling 0%Heating 4% Ventilation 2% Interior Lighting 5% Exterior Lighting 0% Motors 56% Process 29% Miscellaneous 4% Winter Peak Demand 2015 Electric IRP Appendix C 693 Energy Efficiency Potential Study Applied Energy Group, Inc. 40 Table 3-12 (WA) and Table 3-13 (ID) show the composite market profile for the industrial sector. Table 3-12 Average Electric Market Profile for the Industrial Sector, 2013, Washington Usage (GWh) Cooling Air-Cooled Chiller 13.0%17.4 Cooling Water-Cooled Chiller 1.4%2.2 Cooling RTU 17.0%22.4 Cooling Room AC 1.1%1.5 Cooling Air-Source Heat Pump 1.6%2.1 Cooling Geothermal Heat Pump 0.0%0.0 Heating Electric Furnace 4.9%12.5 Heating Electric Room Heat 1.7%4.2 Heating Air-Source Heat Pump 1.6%3.1 Heating Geothermal Heat Pump 0.0%0.0 Ventilation Ventilation 100.0%19.3 Interior Lighting Screw-in/Hard-wire 100.0%4.9 Interior Lighting High-Bay Fixtures 100.0%20.4 Interior Lighting Linear Fluorescent 100.0%23.8 Exterior Lighting Screw-in/Hard-wire 100.0%3.9 Exterior Lighting HID 100.0%3.2 Exterior Lighting Linear Fluorescent 100.0%3.2 Motors Pumps 100.0%86.8 Motors Fans & Blowers 100.0%68.0 Motors Compressed Air 100.0%54.3 Motors Conveyors 100.0%245.0 Motors Other Motors 100.0%38.0 Process Process Heating 100.0%99.2 Process Process Cooling 100.0%32.5 Process Process Refrigeration 100.0%32.5 Process Process Electro-Chemical 100.0%64.5 Process Process Other 100.0%21.8 Miscellaneous Miscellaneous 100.0%35.6 922.3 Average Market Profiles End Use Technology Saturation Total 2015 Electric IRP Appendix C 694 Energy Efficiency Potential Study Applied Energy Group, Inc. 41 Table 3-13 Average Electric Market Profile for the Industrial Sector, 2013, Idaho Usage (GWh) Cooling Air-Cooled Chiller 13.0%6.5 Cooling Water-Cooled Chiller 1.4%0.8 Cooling RTU 17.0%8.4 Cooling Room AC 1.1%0.6 Cooling Air-Source Heat Pump 1.6%0.8 Cooling Geothermal Heat Pump 0.0%0.0 Heating Electric Furnace 4.9%4.6 Heating Electric Room Heat 1.7%1.5 Heating Air-Source Heat Pump 1.6%1.1 Heating Geothermal Heat Pump 0.0%0.0 Ventilation Ventilation 100.0%7.2 Interior Lighting Screw-in/Hard-wire 100.0%1.8 Interior Lighting High-Bay Fixtures 100.0%7.6 Interior Lighting Linear Fluorescent 100.0%8.8 Exterior Lighting Screw-in/Hard-wire 100.0%1.4 Exterior Lighting HID 100.0%1.2 Exterior Lighting Linear Fluorescent 100.0%1.2 Motors Pumps 100.0%32.3 Motors Fans & Blowers 100.0%25.3 Motors Compressed Air 100.0%20.2 Motors Conveyors 100.0%91.1 Motors Other Motors 100.0%14.1 Process Process Heating 100.0%36.9 Process Process Cooling 100.0%12.1 Process Process Refrigeration 100.0%12.1 Process Process Electro-Chemical 100.0%24.0 Process Process Other 100.0%8.1 Miscellaneous Miscellaneous 100.0%13.3 343.0 Average Market Profiles End Use Technology Saturation Total 2015 Electric IRP Appendix C 695 Applied Energy Group, Inc. 42 SECTION 4 Baseline Projection Prior to developing estimates of energy-efficiency potential, we developed a baseline end-use projection to quantify what the consumption is likely to be in the future and in absence of any future conservation programs. The savings from past programs are embedded in the forecast, but the baseline projection assumes that those past programs cease to exist in the future. Possible savings from future programs are captured by the potential estimates. The baseline projection incorporates assumptions about:  Customer population and economic growth  Appliance/equipment standards and building codes already mandated (see Section 2)  Forecasts of future electricity prices and other drivers of consumption  Trends in fuel shares and appliance saturations and assumptions about miscellaneous electricity growth Although it aligns closely with it, the baseline projection is not Avista’s official load forecast. Rather it was developed to serve as the metric against which conservation potentials are measured. This chapter presents the baseline projections we developed for this study. Below, we present the baseline projections for each sector and state, which include projections of annual use in GWh and summer and winter peak demand in MW. We also present a summary across all sectors. Please note that the base-year for the study is 2013. Annual energy use and peak demand values reflect actual weather in that year. In future years, energy use and peak demand reflect normal weather, as defined by Avista. In the figures below, the shift from actual to normal weather is apparent in the decrease in energy use and peak demand in 2014 for the residential and commercial sectors. This results from the fact that 2013 was hotter during the summer months or cooler during the winter months than normal. Residential Sector Annual Use Table 4-1 (WA) and Table 4-2 (ID) present the baseline projection for electricity at the end-use level for the residential sector as a whole. Overall in Washington, residential use increases from 2,546 GWh in 2013 to 2,761 GWh in 2035, an increase of 8%. Residential use in Idaho increases from 1,207 GWh in 2013 to 1,375 GWh, an increase of 14%. This reflects a modest customer growth forecast in both states. Figure 4-1 (WA) and Figure 4-3 (ID) display the graphical representation of the baseline projection. Figure 4-2 (WA) and Figure 4-4 (ID) present the baseline projection of annual electricity use per household. Most noticeable is that lighting use decreases throughout the time period as the lighting standards from EISA come into effect. Usage in the cooling decreases over the forecast due to going from actual weather in 2014 to normal weather for the rest of the forecast. 2015 Electric IRP Appendix C 696 Energy Efficiency Potential Study Applied Energy Group, Inc. 43 Table 4-1 Residential Baseline Sales Projection by End Use (GWh), Washington End Use 2013 2016 2017 2020 2025 2035 % Change ('13-'35) Cooling 141 92 93 93 93 96 -32% Heating 681 702 706 713 722 743 9% Water Heating 375 379 380 381 388 416 11% Interior Lighting 289 244 230 196 151 140 -52% Exterior Lighting 62 51 48 40 30 27 -56% Appliances 569 572 571 568 567 585 3% Electronics 211 226 229 239 262 331 57% Miscellaneous 218 238 245 267 311 423 94% Total 2,546 2,503 2,500 2,498 2,523 2,761 8.4% Table 4-2 Residential Baseline Sales Projection by End Use (GWh), Idaho End Use 2013 2016 2017 2020 2025 2035 % Change ('13-'35) Cooling 58 38 38 39 40 42 -26% Heating 351 366 370 379 392 417 19% Water Heating 175 179 180 184 190 211 20% Interior Lighting 152 132 126 111 89 87 -43% Exterior Lighting 35 29 28 24 18 17 -50% Appliances 278 282 283 286 291 312 12% Electronics 91 99 102 108 122 160 75% Miscellaneous 67 73 76 82 96 129 92% Total 1,207 1,199 1,203 1,213 1,238 1,375 13.9% Figure 4-1 Residential Baseline Sales Projection by End Use (GWh), Washington - 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 2,500 3,000 An n u a l U s e ( G W h ) Cooling Heating Water Heating Interior Lighting Exterior Lighting Appliances Electronics Miscellaneous 2015 Electric IRP Appendix C 697 Energy Efficiency Potential Study Applied Energy Group, Inc. 44 Figure 4-2 Residential Baseline Sales Projection by End Use – Annual Use per Household, Washington Figure 4-3 Residential Baseline Projection by End Use (GWh), Idaho 0 2,000 4,000 6,000 8,000 10,000 12,000 14,000 2013 2016 2019 2022 2025 2028 2031 2034 Annual Use (kWh/HH) Cooling Heating Water Heating Interior Lighting Exterior Lighting Appliances Electronics Miscellaneous - 200 400 600 800 1,000 1,200 1,400 1,600 An n u a l U s e ( G W h ) Cooling Heating Water Heating Interior Lighting Exterior Lighting Appliances Electronics Miscellaneous 2015 Electric IRP Appendix C 698 Energy Efficiency Potential Study Applied Energy Group, Inc. 45 Figure 4-4 Residential Baseline Sales Projection by End Use – Annual Use per Household, Idaho Residential Summer Peak Projection Table 4-3 (WA) and Table 4-4 (ID) present the residential baseline projection for summer peak demand at the end-use level. Overall in Washington, residential summer peak increases from 404 MW in 2013 to 438 MW in 2035, an increase of 8%. In Idaho, the residential summer peak increases from 184 MW to 207 MW, an increase of 13%. All end uses except cooling and lighting show increases in the baseline peak projections. The summer peak associated with electronics and miscellaneous uses increases substantially, in correspondence with growth in annual energy use. Figure 4-5 (WA) and Figure 4-6 (ID) display the graphical representation of the baseline projection for summer peak. Usage in residential cooling decreases over the forecast due to going from actual weather in 2014 to weather-normal weather for the forecast. Table 4-3 Residential Summer Peak Baseline Projection by End Use (MW), Washington End Use 2013 2016 2017 2020 2025 2035 % Change ('13-'35) Cooling 46 30 30 30 31 32 -30% Heating - - - - - - 0% Water Heating 71 71 71 72 73 78 11% Interior Lighting 49 41 39 33 25 24 -52% Exterior Lighting 10 9 8 7 5 5 -56% Appliances 141 141 141 140 140 144 2% Electronics 44 47 48 50 54 69 57% Miscellaneous 44 49 50 55 64 87 95% Total 404 388 387 386 392 438 8.3% 0 2,000 4,000 6,000 8,000 10,000 12,000 2013 2016 2019 2022 2025 2028 2031 2034 Annual Use (kWh/HH) Cooling Heating Water Heating Interior Lighting Exterior Lighting Appliances Electronics Miscellaneous 2015 Electric IRP Appendix C 699 Energy Efficiency Potential Study Applied Energy Group, Inc. 46 Table 4-4 Residential Summer Peak Baseline Projection by End Use (MW), Idaho End Use 2013 2016 2017 2020 2025 2035 % Change ('13-'35) Cooling 19 13 13 13 13 14 -24% Heating - - - - - - 0% Water Heating 33 34 34 35 36 40 20% Interior Lighting 25 22 21 19 15 15 -43% Exterior Lighting 6 5 5 4 3 3 -50% Appliances 68 69 69 69 71 75 11% Electronics 19 21 21 23 26 34 75% Miscellaneous 14 15 16 17 20 27 93% Total 184 178 179 180 183 207 12.6% Figure 4-5 Residential Summer Peak Baseline Projection by End Use (MW), Washington Figure 4-6 Residential Summer Peak Baseline Projection by End Use (MW), Idaho - 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 An n u a l U s e S u m m e r ( M W ) Cooling Heating Water Heating Interior Lighting Exterior Lighting Appliances Electronics Miscellaneous - 50 100 150 200 250 An n u a l U s e S u m m e r ( M W ) Cooling Heating Water Heating Interior Lighting Exterior Lighting Appliances Electronics Miscellaneous 2015 Electric IRP Appendix C 700 Energy Efficiency Potential Study Applied Energy Group, Inc. 47 Residential Winter Peak Projection Table 4-5 (WA) and Table 4-6 (ID) present the residential baseline projection for winter peak demand at the end-use level. Overall in Washington, residential winter peak increases from 438 MW in 2013 to 440 MW in 2035, an increase of 0.4%. In Idaho, the residential winter peak increases from 217 MW to 233 MW, an increase of 8%. All end uses except lighting show increases in the baseline peak projections. The winter peak associated with electronics and miscellaneous uses increases substantially, in correspondence with growth in annual energy use. Figure 4-7Figure 4-5 (WA) and Figure 4-8Figure 4-6 (ID) display the graphical representation of the baseline projection for winter peak. Table 4-5 Residential Winter Peak Baseline Projection by End Use (MW), Washington End Use 2013 2016 2017 2020 2025 2035 % Change ('13-'35) Cooling - - - - - - 0% Heating 156 161 162 164 165 170 9% Water Heating 66 67 67 68 69 74 11% Interior Lighting 77 65 61 52 40 37 -52% Exterior Lighting 16 14 13 11 8 7 -56% Appliances 89 90 90 89 90 94 5% Electronics 17 18 18 19 21 26 56% Miscellaneous 16 18 18 20 23 32 96% Total 438 432 429 422 416 440 0.4% Table 4-6 Residential Winter Peak Baseline Projection by End Use (MW), Idaho End Use 2013 2016 2017 2020 2025 2035 % Change ('13-'35) Cooling - - - - - - 0% Heating 80 84 85 87 90 96 19% Water Heating 31 32 32 33 34 37 20% Interior Lighting 40 35 34 30 24 23 -43% Exterior Lighting 9 8 7 6 5 5 -50% Appliances 43 44 44 45 46 49 14% Electronics 8 8 8 9 10 13 75% Miscellaneous 5 6 6 6 8 10 97% Total 217 216 216 215 215 233 7.6% 2015 Electric IRP Appendix C 701 Energy Efficiency Potential Study Applied Energy Group, Inc. 48 Figure 4-7 Residential Winter Peak Baseline Projection by End Use (MW), Washington Figure 4-8 Residential Winter Peak Baseline Projection by End Use (MW), Idaho Commercial Sector Baseline Projections Annual Use In Washington, annual electricity use in the commercial sector grows during the overall forecast horizon, starting at 2,086 GWh in 2013, and increasing to 2,282 in 2035, an increase of 9%. In Idaho, annual electricity use grows from 976 GWh in 2013 to 1,063 GWh in 2035, an increase of 9%. The tables and graphs below present the baseline projection at the end-use level for the commercial sector as a whole. Usage in lighting is declining throughout the forecast, due largely to the phasing in of codes and standards such as the EISA 2007 lighting standards. Usage in commercial cooling decreases over the forecast due to going from actual weather in 2014 to weather-normal weather for the forecast. Table 4-7 Commercial Baseline Sales Projection by End Use (GWh), Washington End Use 2013 2016 2017 2020 2025 2035 % Change - 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 An n u a l U s e W i n t e r ( M W ) Cooling Heating Water Heating Interior Lighting Exterior Lighting Appliances Electronics Miscellaneous - 50 100 150 200 250 An n u a l U s e W i n t e r ( M W ) Cooling Heating Water Heating Interior Lighting Exterior Lighting Appliances Electronics Miscellaneous 2015 Electric IRP Appendix C 702 Energy Efficiency Potential Study Applied Energy Group, Inc. 49 ('13-'35) Cooling 334 282 282 285 287 293 -12.3% Heating 243 248 250 255 263 277 14.3% Ventilation 209 211 212 215 217 224 6.9% Water Heating 118 119 119 121 125 132 11.9% Interior Lighting 474 462 460 455 452 475 0.1% Exterior Lighting 160 146 143 133 122 121 -24.6% Refrigeration 175 186 191 204 227 276 57.6% Food Preparation 80 83 84 88 94 115 44.9% Office Equipment 144 136 134 132 134 145 0.4% Miscellaneous 149 153 155 166 184 224 51.0% Total 2,086 2,027 2,031 2,053 2,106 2,282 9.4% Table 4-8 Commercial Baseline Sales Projection by End Use (GWh), Idaho End Use 2013 2016 2017 2020 2025 2035 % Change ('13-'35) Cooling 156 131 131 132 133 135 -13.3% Heating 116 119 119 122 125 130 12.1% Ventilation 96 96 97 98 98 101 5.5% Water Heating 53 53 54 54 56 59 10.1% Interior Lighting 229 223 222 219 217 226 -1.4% Exterior Lighting 83 77 75 71 66 66 -20.7% Refrigeration 77 82 84 90 100 123 61.1% Food Preparation 34 36 37 39 42 52 50.8% Office Equipment 66 63 62 61 62 68 2.1% Miscellaneous 65 68 70 75 84 104 59.1% Total 976 949 950 960 983 1,063 9.0% 2015 Electric IRP Appendix C 703 Energy Efficiency Potential Study Applied Energy Group, Inc. 50 Figure 4-9 Commercial Baseline Projection by End Use, Washington Figure 4-10 Commercial Baseline Projection by End Use, Idaho - 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 2,500 An n u a l E n e r g y U s e ( G W h ) Cooling Heating Ventilation Water Heating Interior Lighting Exterior Lighting Refrigeration Food Preparation Office Equipment Miscellaneous - 200 400 600 800 1,000 1,200 An n u a l E n e r g y U s e ( G W h ) Cooling Heating Ventilation Water Heating Interior Lighting Exterior Lighting Refrigeration Food Preparation Office Equipment Miscellaneous 2015 Electric IRP Appendix C 704 Energy Efficiency Potential Study Applied Energy Group, Inc. 51 Commercial Summer Peak Demand Projection The tables and charts below present the summer peak baseline projection at the end-use level for the commercial sector as a whole. In Washington, summer peak demand increases during the overall forecast horizon, starting at 368 MW in 2013 and increasing by 4% to 383 MW in 2035. In Idaho, the summer peak demand is 167 MW in 2013 and 173 MW in 2035, an increase of 4%. Table 4-9 Commercial Summer Peak Baseline Projection by End Use (MW), Washington End Use 2013 2016 2017 2020 2025 2035 % Change ('13-'35) Cooling 162 137 137 138 139 143 -12.2% Heating 0 0 0 0 0 0 17.5% Ventilation 26 27 27 27 27 28 7.0% Water Heating 18 18 18 18 19 20 13.4% Interior Lighting 74 73 72 72 71 75 0.7% Ext. Lighting 9 8 8 7 7 7 -24.6% Refrigeration 27 28 29 31 35 42 57.7% Food Prep 11 11 11 12 13 16 49.6% Office Equip 19 18 17 17 17 19 1.4% Miscellaneous 22 22 23 24 27 33 51.6% Total 368 342 343 347 356 383 4.1% Table 4-10 Commercial Summer Peak Baseline Projection by End Use (MW), Idaho End Use 2013 2016 2017 2020 2025 2035 % Change ('13-'35) Cooling 75 63 63 64 64 65 -12.9% Heating 0 0 0 0 0 0 17.5% Ventilation 12 12 12 12 12 13 5.5% Water Heating 7 8 8 8 8 8 12.1% Interior Lighting 35 34 34 34 33 35 -0.3% Ext. Lighting 5 4 4 4 4 4 -20.7% Refrigeration 11 12 13 14 15 19 62.1% Food Prep 4 4 5 5 5 7 62.9% Office Equip 8 8 8 7 8 8 2.6% Miscellaneous 9 10 10 10 12 15 60.7% Total 167 155 156 157 161 173 3.8% 2015 Electric IRP Appendix C 705 Energy Efficiency Potential Study Applied Energy Group, Inc. 52 Figure 4-11 Commercial Summer Peak Baseline Projection by End Use (MW), Washington Figure 4-12 Commercial Summer Peak Baseline Projection by End Use (MW), Idaho - 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 An n u a l U s e S u m m e r ( M W ) Cooling Heating Ventilation Water Heating Interior Lighting Exterior Lighting Refrigeration Food Preparation Office Equipment Miscellaneous - 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 An n u a l U s e S u m m e r ( M W ) Cooling Heating Ventilation Water Heating Interior Lighting Exterior Lighting Refrigeration Food Preparation Office Equipment Miscellaneous 2015 Electric IRP Appendix C 706 Energy Efficiency Potential Study Applied Energy Group, Inc. 53 Commercial Winter Peak Demand Projection The tables and charts below present the winter peak baseline projection at the end-use level for the commercial sector as a whole. In Washington, winter peak demand increases during the overall forecast horizon, starting at 333 MW in 2013 and increasing by 14% to 380 MW in 2035. In Idaho, the winter peak demand is 152 MW in 2013 and 173 MW in 2035, an increase of 14%. Table 4-11 Commercial Winter Peak Baseline Projection by End Use (MW), Washington End Use 2013 2016 2017 2020 2025 2035 % Change ('13-'35) Cooling 10 8 8 8 8 9 -11.4% Heating 90 92 93 95 98 103 14.8% Ventilation 30 31 31 31 31 32 6.9% Water Heating 26 27 27 27 28 30 13.0% Interior Lighting 86 84 84 83 82 86 0.4% Ext. Lighting 10 9 9 8 8 7 -24.6% Refrigeration 22 23 24 26 28 35 57.2% Food Prep 12 13 13 14 15 18 49.2% Office Equip 21 20 20 20 20 22 1.3% Miscellaneous 25 26 26 28 31 38 51.5% Total 333 332 334 339 350 380 14.2% Table 4-12 Commercial Winter Peak Baseline Projection by End Use (MW), Idaho End Use 2013 2016 2017 2020 2025 2035 % Change ('13-'35) Cooling 4 3 3 3 3 3 -11.7% Heating 42 43 43 44 45 48 13.0% Ventilation 14 14 14 14 14 15 5.5% Water Heating 11 11 11 12 12 13 11.4% Interior Lighting 41 40 40 40 39 41 -0.9% Ext. Lighting 5 5 5 4 4 4 -20.7% Refrigeration 10 10 10 11 13 15 60.8% Food Prep 5 5 5 6 6 8 61.7% Office Equip 9 9 9 9 9 10 2.3% Miscellaneous 11 11 12 12 14 17 60.0% Total 152 152 153 155 160 173 13.9% 2015 Electric IRP Appendix C 707 Energy Efficiency Potential Study Applied Energy Group, Inc. 54 Figure 4-13 Commercial Winter Peak Baseline Projection by End Use (MW), Washington Figure 4-14 Commercial Winter Peak Baseline Projection by End Use (MW), Idaho - 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 An n u a l U s e W i n t e r ( M W ) Cooling Heating Ventilation Water Heating Interior Lighting Exterior Lighting Refrigeration Food Preparation Office Equipment Miscellaneous - 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 An n u a l U s e W i n t e r ( M W ) Cooling Heating Ventilation Water Heating Interior Lighting Exterior Lighting Refrigeration Food Preparation Office Equipment Miscellaneous 2015 Electric IRP Appendix C 708 Energy Efficiency Potential Study Applied Energy Group, Inc. 55 Industrial Sector Baseline Projections Annual Use Annual industrial use increases almost 25% through the forecast horizon, driven primarily by expected customer growth. The tables and graphs below present the projection at the end-use level. Overall in Washington, industrial annual electricity use increases from 922 GWh in 2013 to 1,149 GWh in 2035. In Idaho, annual electricity use increases from 343 GWh in 2013 to 426 GWh in 2035. This comprises an overall increase of 25% over the 23-year period in both states. Table 4-13 Industrial Baseline Projection by End Use (GWh), Washington End Use 2013 2016 2017 2020 2025 2035 % Change ('13-'35) Cooling 46 41 41 41 42 44 -4% Heating 20 21 22 22 23 24 23% Ventilation 19 20 20 19 18 16 -18% Interior Lighting 49 52 52 52 53 57 16% Exterior Lighting 10 10 10 10 10 10 -1% Process 492 534 540 555 578 626 27% Motors 251 272 275 282 294 319 27% Miscellaneous 36 40 40 42 46 53 48% Total 922 989 999 1,024 1,064 1,149 24.5% Table 4-14 Industrial Baseline Projection by End Use (GWh), Idaho End Use 2013 2016 2017 2020 2025 2035 % Change ('13-'35) Cooling 17 15 15 15 16 16 -5% Heating 7 8 8 8 8 9 23% Ventilation 7 7 7 7 7 6 -18% Interior Lighting 18 19 19 19 20 21 15% Exterior Lighting 4 4 4 4 4 4 -1% Process 183 198 200 206 215 232 27% Motors 93 101 102 105 109 118 27% Miscellaneous 13 15 15 16 17 20 48% Total 343 367 371 380 395 426 24.3% 2015 Electric IRP Appendix C 709 Energy Efficiency Potential Study Applied Energy Group, Inc. 56 Figure 4-15 Industrial Baseline Projection by End Use (GWh), Washington Figure 4-16 Industrial Baseline Projection by End Use (GWh), Idaho - 200 400 600 800 1,000 1,200 1,400 2013 2016 2019 2022 2025 2028 2031 2034 Annual Use (GWh) Cooling Heating Ventilation Interior Lighting Exterior Lighting Motors Process Miscellaneous - 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 2013 2016 2019 2022 2025 2028 2031 2034 Annual Use (GWh) Cooling Heating Ventilation Interior Lighting Exterior Lighting Motors Process Miscellaneous 2015 Electric IRP Appendix C 710 Energy Efficiency Potential Study Applied Energy Group, Inc. 57 Industrial Summer Peak Demand Projection The tables and graphs below present the projection of summer peak demand for the industrial sector. This projection looks similar to the energy forecast largely because the industrial sector has a high load factor. Table 4-15 Industrial Summer Peak Baseline Projection by End Use (MW), Washington End Use 2013 2016 2017 2020 2025 2035 % Change ('13-'35) Cooling - - - - - - 0% Heating - - - - - - 0% Ventilation 4 4 4 4 3 3 -18% Interior Lighting 13 14 14 14 14 15 16% Exterior Lighting 1 1 1 1 1 1 -1% Process 144 156 158 162 169 183 27% Motors 73 79 80 83 86 93 27% Miscellaneous 10 12 12 12 13 15 48% Total 245 265 268 275 287 311 26.8% Table 4-16 Industrial Summer Peak Baseline Projection by End Use (MW), Idaho End Use 2013 2016 2017 2020 2025 2035 % Change ('13-'35) Cooling - - - - - - 0% Heating - - - - - - 0% Ventilation 1 1 1 1 1 1 -18% Interior Lighting 5 5 5 5 5 6 15% Exterior Lighting 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1% Process 54 58 59 60 63 68 27% Motors 27 30 30 31 32 35 27% Miscellaneous 4 4 4 5 5 6 48% Total 91 99 100 102 106 115 26.6% 2015 Electric IRP Appendix C 711 Energy Efficiency Potential Study Applied Energy Group, Inc. 58 Figure 4-17 Industrial Summer Peak Baseline Projection by End Use (MW), Washington Figure 4-18 Industrial Summer Peak Baseline Projection by End Use (MW), Idaho - 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 2013 2016 2019 2022 2025 2028 2031 2034 Annual Use Summer (MW) Cooling Heating Ventilation Interior Lighting Exterior Lighting Motors Process Miscellaneous - 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 2013 2016 2019 2022 2025 2028 2031 2034 Annual Use Summer (MW) Cooling Heating Ventilation Interior Lighting Exterior Lighting Motors Process Miscellaneous 2015 Electric IRP Appendix C 712 Energy Efficiency Potential Study Applied Energy Group, Inc. 59 Industrial Winter Peak Demand Projection The tables and graphs below present the projection of winter peak demand for the industrial sector. This projection looks similar to the energy forecast largely because the industrial sector has a high load factor. Table 4-17 Industrial Winter Peak Baseline Projection by End Use (MW), Washington End Use 2013 2016 2017 2020 2025 2035 % Change ('13-'35) Cooling - - - - - - 0% Heating 8 9 9 9 9 10 23% Ventilation 3 3 3 3 3 2 -18% Interior Lighting 10 11 11 11 11 12 16% Exterior Lighting 1 1 1 1 1 1 -1% Process 114 124 125 128 134 145 27% Motors 58 63 64 65 68 74 27% Miscellaneous 8 9 9 10 11 12 48% Total 202 219 221 227 236 256 26.63% Table 4-18 Industrial Winter Peak Baseline Projection by End Use (MW), Idaho End Use 2013 2016 2017 2020 2025 2035 % Change ('13-'35) Cooling - - - - - - 0% Heating 3 3 3 3 3 4 23% Ventilation 1 1 1 1 1 1 -18% Interior Lighting 4 4 4 4 4 4 15% Exterior Lighting 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1% Process 42 46 46 48 50 54 27% Motors 22 23 24 24 25 27 27% Miscellaneous 3 3 3 4 4 5 48% Total 75 81 82 84 88 95 26.42% 2015 Electric IRP Appendix C 713 Energy Efficiency Potential Study Applied Energy Group, Inc. 60 Figure 4-19 Industrial Winter Peak Baseline Projection by End Use (MW), Washington Figure 4-20 Industrial Winter Peak Baseline Projection by End Use (MW), Idaho - 50 100 150 200 250 300 2013 2016 2019 2022 2025 2028 2031 2034 Annual Use Winter (MW) Cooling Heating Ventilation Interior Lighting Exterior Lighting Motors Process Miscellaneous - 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 2013 2016 2019 2022 2025 2028 2031 2034 Annual Use Winter (MW) Cooling Heating Ventilation Interior Lighting Exterior Lighting Motors Process Miscellaneous 2015 Electric IRP Appendix C 714 Energy Efficiency Potential Study Applied Energy Group, Inc. 61 Summary of Baseline Projections across Sectors and States Annual Use Table 4-19 and Figure 4-21 provide a summary of the baseline projection for annual use by sector for the entire Avista service territory. Overall, the projection shows strong growth in electricity use, driven primarily by customer growth forecasts. Table 4-19 Baseline Projection Summary (GWh), WA and ID Combined Sector 2013 2016 2017 2020 2025 2035 % Change ('13-'35) Residential 3,753 3,703 3,703 3,711 3,761 4,136 10.2% Commercial 3,062 2,976 2,981 3,013 3,089 3,346 9.3% Industrial 1,265 1,356 1,370 1,404 1,458 1,575 24.5% Total 8,081 8,035 8,054 8,128 8,308 9,057 12.1% Figure 4-21 Baseline Projection Summary (GWh), WA and ID Combined - 1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000 5,000 6,000 7,000 8,000 9,000 10,000 Annual Use (GWh)Industrial Commercial Residential 2015 Electric IRP Appendix C 715 Energy Efficiency Potential Study Applied Energy Group, Inc. 62 Summer Peak Demand Projection Table 4-20 and Figure 4-22 provide a summary of the baseline projection for summer peak demand. Overall, the projection shows steady growth. Table 4-20 Baseline Summer Peak Projection Summary (MW), WA and ID Combined Sector 2013 2016 2017 2020 2025 2035 % Change ('13-'35) Residential 588 566 566 566 575 645 9.6% Commercial 535 497 498 505 517 556 4.0% Industrial 336 364 368 378 393 426 26.7% Total 1,459 1,427 1,432 1,448 1,486 1,627 11.5% Figure 4-22 Baseline Summer Peak Projection Summary (MW), WA and ID Combined Winter Peak Demand Projection Table 4-21Table 4-20 and Figure 4-23 provide a summary of the baseline projection for winter peak demand. Overall, the projection shows steady growth. Table 4-21 Baseline Winter Peak Projection Summary (MW), WA and ID Combined Sector 2013 2016 2017 2020 2025 2035 % Change ('13-'35) Residential 655 648 645 637 631 673 2.8% Commercial 485 485 486 494 509 554 14.1% Industrial 277 300 303 311 324 351 26.6% Total 1,417 1,433 1,434 1,442 1,464 1,577 11.3% - 200 400 600 800 1,000 1,200 1,400 1,600 1,800 Summer Peak Demand (MW) Industrial Commercial Residential 2015 Electric IRP Appendix C 716 Energy Efficiency Potential Study Applied Energy Group, Inc. 63 Figure 4-23 Baseline Winter Peak Projection Summary (MW), WA and ID Combined - 200 400 600 800 1,000 1,200 1,400 1,600 1,800 Winter Peak Demand (MW) Industrial Commercial Residential 2015 Electric IRP Appendix C 717 Applied Energy Group, Inc. 64 SECTION 5 Conservation Potential This section presents the measure-level conservation potential for Avista. This includes every possible measure that is considered in the measure list, regardless of program implementation concerns. We present the annual energy savings in GWh and aMW for selected years from conservation measures. Year-by-year savings for annual energy and peak demand are available in the LoadMAP model, which was provided to Avista at the conclusion of the study. This section begins a summary of annual energy savings across all three sectors. Then we provide details for each sector. Please note that all savings are provided at the customer meter. Overall Summary of Energy Efficiency Potential Summary of Annual Energy Savings Table 5-1 (WA) and Table 5-2 (ID) summarize the EE savings in terms of annual energy use for all measures for three levels of potential relative to the baseline projection. Figure 5-1(WA) and Figure 5-2 (ID) displays the three levels of potential by year. Figure 5-3 (WA) and Figure 5-4 (ID) display the EE projections.  Technical potential reflects the adoption of all conservation measures regardless of cost- effectiveness. For Washington, first-year savings are 116 GWh, or 2.1% of the baseline projection. Cumulative savings in 2035 are 1,682 GWh, or 27.2% of the baseline. For Idaho, first-year savings are 57 GWh, or 2.2% of the baseline projection. Cumulative savings in 2035 are 824 GWh, or 28.8% of the baseline.  Economic potential reflects the savings when the most efficient cost-effective measures are taken by all customers. For Washington, the first-year savings in 2016 are 45 GWh, or 0.8% of the baseline projection. By 2035, cumulative savings reach 884 GWh, or 14.3% of the baseline projection. For Idaho, the first-year savings in 2016 are 23 GWh, or 0.9% of the baseline projection. By 2035, cumulative savings reach 408 GWh, or 14.2% of the baseline projection.  Achievable potential represents savings that are possible through utility programs. It shows for Washington, 23 GWh savings in the first year, or 0.4% of the baseline and by 2035 cumulative achievable savings reach 746 GWh, or 12% of the baseline projection. This results in average annual savings of 0.5% of the baseline each year. Achievable potential reflects 84% of economic potential throughout the forecast horizon. For Idaho, first year savings are 11 GWh or 0.4% of the baseline and by 2035 cumulative achievable savings reach 344 GWh, or 12% of the baseline. 2015 Electric IRP Appendix C 718 Energy Efficiency Potential Study Applied Energy Group, Inc. 65 Table 5-1 Summary of EE Potential (Annual Energy, GWh), Washington 2016 2017 2020 2025 2035 Baseline projection (GWh) 5,520 5,530 5,575 5,693 6,192 Cumulative Savings (GWh) Achievable Potential 23 50 159 391 746 Economic Potential 45 92 242 499 884 Technical Potential 116 231 563 1,065 1,682 Cumulative Savings (aMW) Achievable Potential 2.6 5.7 18.1 44.6 85.2 Economic Potential 5.1 10.6 27.6 56.9 100.9 Technical Potential 13.3 26.4 64.2 121.6 192.0 Cumulative Savings as a % of Baseline Achievable Potential 0.4% 0.9% 2.8% 6.9% 12.0% Economic Potential 0.8% 1.7% 4.3% 8.8% 14.3% Technical Potential 2.1% 4.2% 10.1% 18.7% 27.2% Table 5-2 Summary of EE Potential (Annual Energy, GWh), Idaho 2016 2017 2020 2025 2035 Baseline projection (GWh) 2,515 2,525 2,553 2,615 2,865 Cumulative Savings (GWh) Achievable Potential 11 24 77 184 344 Economic Potential 23 46 118 234 408 Technical Potential 57 113 274 516 824 Cumulative Savings (aMW) Achievable Potential 1.3 2.8 8.8 21.0 39.3 Economic Potential 2.6 5.3 13.5 26.8 46.6 Technical Potential 6.5 12.9 31.3 58.9 94.1 Cumulative Savings as a % of Baseline Achievable Potential 0.4% 1.0% 3.0% 7.0% 12.0% Economic Potential 0.9% 1.8% 4.6% 9.0% 14.2% Technical Potential 2.2% 4.5% 10.7% 19.7% 28.8% 2015 Electric IRP Appendix C 719 Energy Efficiency Potential Study Applied Energy Group, Inc. 66 Figure 5-1 Summary of EE Potential as % of Baseline Projection (Annual Energy), Washington Figure 5-2 Summary of EE Potential as % of Baseline Projection (Annual Energy), Idaho 0.0% 5.0% 10.0% 15.0% 20.0% 25.0% 30.0% 2016 2017 2020 2025 2035 En e r g y S a v i n g s ( % o f B a s e l i n e ) Achievable Potential Economic Potential Technical Potential 0.0% 5.0% 10.0% 15.0% 20.0% 25.0% 30.0% 35.0% 2016 2017 2020 2025 2035 En e r g y S a v i n g s ( % o f B a s e l i n e ) Achievable Potential Economic Potential Technical Potential 2015 Electric IRP Appendix C 720 Energy Efficiency Potential Study Applied Energy Group, Inc. 67 Figure 5-3 Baseline Projection and EE Forecast Summary (Annual Energy, GWh), Washington Figure 5-4 Baseline Projection and EE Forecast Summary (Annual Energy, GWh), Idaho - 1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000 5,000 6,000 7,000 En e r g y C o n s u m p t i o n ( G W h ) Baseline Forecast Achievable Potential Economic Potential Technical Potential - 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 2,500 3,000 3,500 En e r g y C o n s u m p t i o n ( G W h ) Baseline Forecast Achievable Potential Economic Potential Technical Potential 2015 Electric IRP Appendix C 721 Energy Efficiency Potential Study Applied Energy Group, Inc. 68 Summary of Conservation Potential by Sector Table 5-3 and Figure 5-5 summarize the range of electric achievable potential by sector, both states combined. The residential and commercial sectors contribute the most savings in the early years, but by 2020 the commercial sector provides the most savings. Table 5-3 Achievable Conservation Potential by Sector (Annual Use), WA and ID 2016 2017 2020 2025 2035 Cumulative Savings (GWh) Residential 13 30 87 169 274 Commercial 13 28 105 304 617 Industrial 8 16 44 101 199 Total 34 74 236 574 1,090 Cumulative Savings (aMW) Residential 1.5 3.4 9.9 19.3 31.3 Commercial 1.5 3.2 12.0 34.7 70.5 Industrial 0.9 1.8 5.1 11.6 22.7 Total 3.9 8.5 27.0 65.6 124.5 Figure 5-5 Achievable Conservation Potential by Sector (Annual Energy, GWh) 0 200 400 600 800 1,000 1,200 2016 2017 2020 2025 2035 Achievable Savings (GWh) Industrial Commercial Residential 2015 Electric IRP Appendix C 722 Energy Efficiency Potential Study Applied Energy Group, Inc. 69 Residential Conservation Potential Table 5-4 (Total), Table 5-5 (WA) and Table 5-6 (ID) present estimates for measure-level conservation potential for the residential sector in terms of annual energy savings. Figure 5-6 (WA) and Figure 5-7 (ID) display the three levels of potential by year. For Washington, achievable potential in the first year, 2016 is 9 GWh, or 0.3% of the baseline projection. By 2035, cumulative achievable savings are 181 GWh, or 6.6% of the baseline projection. At this level, it represents over 80% of economic potential. For Idaho, first year achievable savings are 5 GWh or 0.4% of the baseline and by 2035 cumulative achievable savings reach 93 GWh, or 6.8% of the baseline. Table 5-4 Residential Conservation Potential (Annual Energy), Washington and Idaho 2016 2017 2020 2025 2035 Baseline projection (GWh) 3,703 3,703 3,711 3,761 4,136 Cumulative Net Savings (GWh) Achievable Potential 13 30 87 169 274 Economic Potential 29 60 137 219 334 Technical Potential 84 169 400 719 1,117 Cumulative Net Savings (aMW) Achievable Potential 1.5 3.4 9.9 19.3 31.3 Economic Potential 3.3 6.9 15.6 25.0 38.1 Technical Potential 9.6 19.3 45.7 82.1 127.5 Cumulative Net Savings as a % of Baseline Achievable Potential 0.4% 0.8% 2.3% 4.5% 6.6% Economic Potential 0.8% 1.6% 3.7% 5.8% 8.1% Technical Potential 2.3% 4.6% 10.8% 19.1% 27.0% Table 5-5 Residential Conservation Potential (Annual Energy), Washington 2016 2017 2020 2025 2035 Baseline projection (GWh) 2,503 2,500 2,498 2,523 2,761 Cumulative Net Savings (GWh) Achievable Potential 9 19 56 111 181 Economic Potential 19 39 88 145 221 Technical Potential 55 110 261 469 721 Cumulative Net Savings (aMW) Achievable Potential 1.0 2.2 6.4 12.6 20.7 Economic Potential 2.2 4.4 10.1 16.5 25.2 Technical Potential 6.3 12.6 29.8 53.6 82.3 Cumulative Net Savings as a % of Baseline Achievable Potential 0.3% 0.8% 2.2% 4.4% 6.6% Economic Potential 0.8% 1.5% 3.5% 5.7% 8.0% Technical Potential 2.2% 4.4% 10.5% 18.6% 26.1% 2015 Electric IRP Appendix C 723 Energy Efficiency Potential Study Applied Energy Group, Inc. 70 Table 5-6 Residential Conservation Potential (Annual Energy), Idaho 2016 2017 2020 2025 2035 Baseline projection (GWh) 1,199 1,203 1,213 1,238 1,375 Cumulative Net Savings (GWh) Achievable Potential 5 11 31 58 93 Economic Potential 10 21 48 75 113 Technical Potential 29 59 139 250 395 Cumulative Net Savings (aMW) Achievable Potential 0.5 1.2 3.5 6.6 10.6 Economic Potential 1.2 2.4 5.5 8.5 12.9 Technical Potential 3.3 6.7 15.9 28.5 45.1 Cumulative Net Savings as a % of Baseline Achievable Potential 0.4% 0.9% 2.5% 4.7% 6.8% Economic Potential 0.9% 1.8% 4.0% 6.0% 8.2% Technical Potential 2.4% 4.9% 11.5% 20.2% 28.8% Figure 5-6 Residential Conservation Savings as a % of the Baseline Projection (Annual Energy), Washington 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 2016 2017 2020 2025 2035 Energy Savings (% of Baseline Forecast) Achievable Potential Economic Potential Technical Potential 2015 Electric IRP Appendix C 724 Energy Efficiency Potential Study Applied Energy Group, Inc. 71 Figure 5-7 Residential Conservation Savings as a % of the Baseline Projection (Annual Energy), Idaho Below, we present the top residential measures from the perspective of annual energy use. We first present information for both states, followed by Washington-only results and Idaho-only results. 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 2016 2017 2020 2025 2035 Energy Savings (% of Baseline Forecast) Achievable Potential Economic Potential Technical Potential 2015 Electric IRP Appendix C 725 Energy Efficiency Potential Study Applied Energy Group, Inc. 72 Table 5-7 identifies the top 20 residential measures from the perspective of annual energy savings in 2017 for Washington and Idaho combined. The top three measures include interior and exterior lighting measures and repair and sealing of ducting. The lighting measures are a result of purchases of LED lamps which are cost effective throughout the forecast horizon. Table 5-7 Residential Top Measures in 2017 (Annual Energy, MWh), Washington and Idaho Rank Residential Measure 2017 Cumulative Energy Savings (MWh) % of Total 1 Interior Lighting - Screw-in/Hard-wire 13,616 46% 2 Ducting - Repair and Sealing 5,057 17% 3 Exterior Lighting - Screw-in/Hard-wire 4,152 14% 4 Water Heater - Pipe Insulation 2,264 8% 5 Water Heater - Faucet Aerators 1,037 3% 6 Behavioral Programs 688 2% 7 Thermostat - Clock/Programmable 674 2% 8 Insulation - Ducting 621 2% 9 Water Heater - Low-Flow Showerheads 419 1% 10 Electronics - Personal Computers 285 1% 11 Appliances - Freezer 272 1% 12 Water Heater - Drainwater Heat Recovery 241 1% 13 Miscellaneous - Pool Pump 172 1% 14 Appliances - Second Refrigerator 169 1% 15 Electronics - Laptops 77 0% 16 Appliances - Refrigerator 56 0% 17 Water Heating - Water Heater (55 to 75 Gal) 36 0% 18 Water Heater - Desuperheater 17 0% 19 Electronics - Monitor 13 0% 20 Electronics - TVs 7 0% Total Total 29,875 100.0% 2015 Electric IRP Appendix C 726 Energy Efficiency Potential Study Applied Energy Group, Inc. 73 Table 5-8 identifies the top 20 residential measures from the perspective of annual energy savings in 2017 for Washington. The top three measures include interior and exterior lighting measures and repair and sealing of ducting. The lighting measures are a result of purchases of LED lamps which are cost effective throughout the forecast horizon. Table 5-8 Residential Top Measures in 2017 (Annual Energy, MWh), Washington Rank Residential Measure 2017 Cumulative Energy Savings (MWh) % of Total 1 Interior Lighting - Screw-in/Hard-wire 8,479 44.0% 2 Ducting - Repair and Sealing 3,483 18.1% 3 Exterior Lighting - Screw-in/Hard-wire 2,564 13.3% 4 Water Heater - Pipe Insulation 1,535 8.0% 5 Water Heater - Faucet Aerators 699 3.6% 6 Behavioral Programs 464 2.4% 7 Thermostat - Clock/Programmable 443 2.3% 8 Insulation - Ducting 429 2.2% 9 Water Heater - Low-Flow Showerheads 284 1.5% 10 Electronics - Personal Computers 199 1.0% 11 Appliances - Freezer 177 0.9% 12 Water Heater - Drainwater Heat Recovery 157 0.8% 13 Miscellaneous - Pool Pump 121 0.6% 14 Appliances - Second Refrigerator 110 0.6% 15 Electronics - Laptops 51 0.3% 16 Appliances - Refrigerator 36 0.2% 17 Water Heating - Water Heater (55 to 75 Gal) 24 0.1% 18 Water Heater - Desuperheater 12 0.1% 19 Electronics - Monitor 9 0.0% 20 Electronics - TVs 5 0.0% Total Total 19,280 100.0% Figure 5-8 presents forecasts of cumulative energy savings for Washington. Lighting savings account for a substantial portion of the savings throughout the forecast horizon. The same is true for exterior lighting. Savings from heating measures and appliances are steadily increasing throughout the forecast horizon. 2015 Electric IRP Appendix C 727 Energy Efficiency Potential Study Applied Energy Group, Inc. 74 Figure 5-8 Residential Achievable Savings Forecast (Cumulative GWh), Washington - 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 2015 2018 2021 2024 2027 2030 2033 Al l o c a t i o n o f A c h i e v a b l e P o t e n t i a l Cumulative Energy Savings (GWh) Cooling Heating Water Heating Interior Lighting Exterior Lighting Appliances Electronics Miscellaneous 2015 Electric IRP Appendix C 728 Energy Efficiency Potential Study Applied Energy Group, Inc. 75 Table 5-9 identifies the top 20 residential measures from the perspective of annual energy savings in 2017 for Idaho. The top three measures include interior and exterior lighting measures and repair and sealing of ducting. The lighting measures are a result of purchases of LED lamps which are cost effective throughout the forecast horizon. Table 5-9 Residential Top Measures in 2017 (Annual Energy, MWh), Idaho Rank Residential Measure 2017 Cumulative Energy Savings (MWh) % of Total 1 Interior Lighting - Screw-in/Hard-wire 5,137 48.5% 2 Exterior Lighting - Screw-in/Hard-wire 1,588 15.0% 3 Ducting - Repair and Sealing 1,574 14.9% 4 Water Heater - Pipe Insulation 729 6.9% 5 Water Heater - Faucet Aerators 337 3.2% 6 Thermostat - Clock/Programmable 231 2.2% 7 Behavioral Programs 225 2.1% 8 Insulation - Ducting 193 1.8% 9 Water Heater - Low-Flow Showerheads 135 1.3% 10 Appliances - Freezer 95 0.9% 11 Electronics - Personal Computers 86 0.8% 12 Water Heater - Drainwater Heat Recovery 85 0.8% 13 Appliances - Second Refrigerator 59 0.6% 14 Miscellaneous - Pool Pump 51 0.5% 15 Electronics - Laptops 26 0.2% 16 Appliances - Refrigerator 21 0.2% 17 Water Heating - Water Heater (55 to 75 Gal) 12 0.1% 18 Water Heater - Desuperheater 6 0.1% 19 Electronics - Monitor 4 0.0% 20 Electronics - TVs 2 0.0% Total Total 10,595 100.0% Figure 5-9 presents forecasts of cumulative energy savings for Idaho. Results are similar to Washington. 2015 Electric IRP Appendix C 729 Energy Efficiency Potential Study Applied Energy Group, Inc. 76 Figure 5-9 Residential Achievable Savings Forecast (Cumulative GWh), Idaho - 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 2015 2018 2021 2024 2027 2030 2033 Al l o c a t i o n o f A c h i e v a b l e P o t e n t i a l Cumulative Energy Savings (GWh) Cooling Heating Water Heating Interior Lighting Exterior Lighting Appliances Electronics Miscellaneous 2015 Electric IRP Appendix C 730 Energy Efficiency Potential Study Applied Energy Group, Inc. 77 Commercial Conservation Potential Table 5-10 (Total), Table 5-11 (WA) and Table 5-12 (ID) present estimates for the three levels of conservation potential for the commercial sector from the perspective of annual energy savings. Figure 5-10 (WA) and Figure 5-11(ID) display the three levels of potential by year. For Washington, the first year of the projection, achievable potential is 9 GWh, or 0.4% of the baseline projection. By 2035, savings are 419 GWh, or 18.4% of the baseline projection. Throughout the forecast horizon, achievable potential represents about 85% of economic potential. . For Idaho, first year achievable savings are 4 GWh or 0.4% of the baseline and by 2035 cumulative achievable savings reach 198 GWh, or 18.7% of the baseline. Table 5-10 Commercial Conservation Potential (Energy Savings), Washington and Idaho 2016 2017 2020 2025 2035 Baseline projection (GWh) 2,976 2,981 3,013 3,089 3,346 Cumulative Net Savings (GWh) Achievable Potential 13 28 105 304 617 Economic Potential 29 60 171 395 728 Technical Potential 71 142 353 694 1,096 Cumulative Net Savings (aMW) Achievable Potential 1.5 3.2 12.0 34.7 70.5 Economic Potential 3.3 6.8 19.5 45.1 83.1 Technical Potential 8.1 16.2 40.3 79.2 125.1 Cumulative Net Savings as a % of Baseline Achievable Potential 0.4% 1.0% 3.5% 9.9% 18.4% Economic Potential 1.0% 2.0% 5.7% 12.8% 21.7% Technical Potential 2.4% 4.8% 11.7% 22.5% 32.8% Table 5-11 Commercial Conservation Potential (Energy Savings), Washington 2016 2017 2020 2025 2035 Baseline projection (GWh) 2,027 2,031 2,053 2,106 2,282 Cumulative Net Savings (GWh) Achievable Potential 9 19 71 207 419 Economic Potential 20 41 116 268 494 Technical Potential 49 97 241 473 746 Cumulative Net Savings (aMW) Achievable Potential 1.0 2.2 8.1 23.6 47.8 Economic Potential 2.3 4.6 13.3 30.6 56.4 Technical Potential 5.5 11.0 27.5 54.0 85.2 Cumulative Net Savings as a % of Baseline Achievable Potential 0.4% 1.0% 3.5% 9.8% 18.4% Economic Potential 1.0% 2.0% 5.7% 12.7% 21.6% Technical Potential 2.4% 4.8% 11.7% 22.5% 32.7% 2015 Electric IRP Appendix C 731 Energy Efficiency Potential Study Applied Energy Group, Inc. 78 Table 5-12 Commercial Conservation Potential (Energy Savings), Idaho 2016 2017 2020 2025 2035 Baseline projection (GWh) 949 950 960 983 1,063 Cumulative Net Savings (GWh) Achievable Potential 4 9 33 98 198 Economic Potential 9 19 55 127 234 Technical Potential 23 45 112 221 349 Cumulative Net Savings (aMW) Achievable Potential 0.5 1.0 3.8 11.2 22.6 Economic Potential 1.1 2.2 6.2 14.5 26.7 Technical Potential 2.6 5.2 12.8 25.3 39.9 Cumulative Net Savings as a % of Baseline Achievable Potential 0.4% 1.0% 3.5% 9.9% 18.7% Economic Potential 1.0% 2.0% 5.7% 12.9% 22.0% Technical Potential 2.4% 4.7% 11.7% 22.5% 32.9% Figure 5-10 Commercial Conservation Savings (Energy), Washington 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 2016 2017 2020 2025 2035 Energy Savings (% of Baseline Forecast) Achievable Potential Economic Potential Technical Potential 2015 Electric IRP Appendix C 732 Energy Efficiency Potential Study Applied Energy Group, Inc. 79 Figure 5-11 Commercial Conservation Savings (Energy), Idaho 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 2016 2017 2020 2025 2035 Energy Savings (% of Baseline Forecast) Achievable Potential Economic Potential Technical Potential 2015 Electric IRP Appendix C 733 Energy Efficiency Potential Study Applied Energy Group, Inc. 80 Below, we present the top commercial measures from the perspective of annual energy use for Washington and Idaho combined, followed by each state on its own. Table 5-13 identifies the top 20 commercial-sector measures from the perspective of annual energy savings in 2017 for Washington and Idaho combined. The top measure is interior LED replacements for linear-fluorescent style lighting applications. Lighting dominates the top 10 measures. Other measures among the top 10 include chilled water reset, duct repair and sealing, and night covers for open display cases in grocery stores. Table 5-13 Commercial Top Measures in 2017 (Annual Energy, MWh), Washington and Idaho Rank Commercial Measure 2017 Cumulative Energy Savings (MWh) % of Total 1 Interior Lighting - Linear LED 6,604 23.3% 2 Interior Lighting - Screw-in/Hard-wire 3,889 13.7% 3 Chiller - Chilled Water Reset 1,362 4.8% 4 Exterior Lighting - Linear LED 1,135 4.0% 5 Interior Lighting - High-Bay Fixtures 1,130 4.0% 6 HVAC - Duct Repair and Sealing 1,068 3.8% 7 Interior Lighting - Occupancy Sensors 975 3.4% 8 Interior Lighting - Skylights 831 2.9% 9 Exterior Lighting - Screw-in/Hard-wire 702 2.5% 10 Exterior Lighting - HID 671 2.4% 11 Grocery - Open Display Case - Night Covers 661 2.3% 12 Insulation - Ducting 599 2.1% 13 Refrigerator - High Efficiency Compressor 575 2.0% 14 Cooling - Water-Cooled Chiller 540 1.9% 15 HVAC - Economizer 519 1.8% 16 Food Preparation - Dishwasher 506 1.8% 17 Insulation - Ceiling 475 1.7% 18 Space Heating - Heat Recovery Ventilator 468 1.7% 19 Exterior Lighting - Bi-Level Fixture 458 1.6% 20 Exterior Lighting - Photovoltaic Installation 453 1.6% Total Total Top 20 23,620 83.0% Table 5-14 identifies the top 20 commercial-sector measures from the perspective of annual energy savings in 2017 in Washington and Table 5-15 shows the top measures for Idaho. For both states, the top measure is interior LED replacements for linear-fluorescent style lighting applications. Lighting dominates the top 10 measures. Other measures among the top 10 include chilled water reset, duct repair and sealing, and night covers for open display cases in grocery stores. Figure 5-12 (WA) and Figure 5-13 (ID) present forecasts of cumulative energy savings by end use. Lighting savings from interior and exterior applications account for a substantial portion of the savings throughout the forecast horizon. Cooling savings are also substantial throughout the forecast. 2015 Electric IRP Appendix C 734 Energy Efficiency Potential Study Applied Energy Group, Inc. 81 Table 5-14 Commercial Top Measures in 2017 (Annual Energy, MWh), Washington Rank Commercial Measure 2017 Cumulative Energy Savings (MWh) % of Total 1 Interior Lighting - Linear LED 4,470 23.1% 2 Interior Lighting - Screw-in/Hard-wire 2,652 13.7% 3 Chiller - Chilled Water Reset 924 4.8% 4 HVAC - Duct Repair and Sealing 793 4.1% 5 Interior Lighting - High-Bay Fixtures 764 4.0% 6 Exterior Lighting - Linear LED 688 3.6% 7 Interior Lighting - Occupancy Sensors 678 3.5% 8 Interior Lighting - Skylights 561 2.9% 9 Exterior Lighting - Screw-in/Hard-wire 478 2.5% 10 Grocery - Open Display Case - Night Covers 459 2.4% 11 Exterior Lighting - HID 454 2.3% 12 Insulation - Ducting 408 2.1% 13 Refrigerator - High Efficiency Compressor 401 2.1% 14 Cooling - Water-Cooled Chiller 391 2.0% 15 Food Preparation - Dishwasher 347 1.8% 16 HVAC - Economizer 345 1.8% 17 Insulation - Ceiling 337 1.7% 18 Space Heating - Heat Recovery Ventilator 315 1.6% 19 Exterior Lighting - Bi-Level Fixture 299 1.5% 20 Exterior Lighting - Photovoltaic Installation 289 1.5% Total Total Top 20 16,053 83.0% Figure 5-12 Commercial Achievable Savings Forecast (Cumulative GWh), Washington - 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 2015 2018 2021 2024 2027 2030 2033 Al l o c a t i o n o f A c h i e v a b l e P o t e n t i a l Cumulative Energy Savings (GWh) Cooling Heating Ventilation Water Heating Interior Lighting Exterior Lighting Refrigeration Food Preparation Office Equipment Miscellaneous 2015 Electric IRP Appendix C 735 Energy Efficiency Potential Study Applied Energy Group, Inc. 82 Table 5-15 Commercial Top Measures in 2017 (Annual Energy, MWh), Idaho Rank Commercial Measure 2017 Cumulative Energy Savings (MWh) % of Total 1 Interior Lighting - Linear LED 2,134 23.6% 2 Interior Lighting - Screw-in/Hard-wire 1,237 13.7% 3 Exterior Lighting - Linear LED 448 5.0% 4 Chiller - Chilled Water Reset 437 4.8% 5 Interior Lighting - High-Bay Fixtures 366 4.1% 6 Interior Lighting - Occupancy Sensors 297 3.3% 7 HVAC - Duct Repair and Sealing 275 3.0% 8 Interior Lighting - Skylights 270 3.0% 9 Exterior Lighting - Screw-in/Hard-wire 224 2.5% 10 Exterior Lighting - HID 217 2.4% 11 Grocery - Open Display Case - Night Covers 202 2.2% 12 Insulation - Ducting 191 2.1% 13 Refrigerator - High Efficiency Compressor 174 1.9% 14 HVAC - Economizer 174 1.9% 15 Exterior Lighting - Photovoltaic Installation 164 1.8% 16 Food Preparation - Dishwasher 159 1.8% 17 Exterior Lighting - Bi-Level Fixture 158 1.8% 18 Space Heating - Heat Recovery Ventilator 153 1.7% 19 Cooling - Water-Cooled Chiller 149 1.6% 20 Refrigerator - Variable Speed Compressor 140 1.6% Total Total Top 20 7,569 83.8% Figure 5-13 Commercial Achievable Savings Forecast (Cumulative GWh), Idaho - 50 100 150 200 250 2015 2018 2021 2024 2027 2030 2033 Al l o c a t i o n o f A c h i e v a b l e P o t e n t i a l Cumulative Energy Savings (GWh) Cooling Heating Ventilation Water Heating Interior Lighting Exterior Lighting Refrigeration Food Preparation Office Equipment Miscellaneous 2015 Electric IRP Appendix C 736 Energy Efficiency Potential Study Applied Energy Group, Inc. 83 Industrial Conservation Potential Table 5-16 (Total), Table 5-17 (WA) and Table 5-18 (ID) present potential estimates at the measure level for the industrial sector, from the perspective of annual energy savings. Figure 5-14 (WA) and Figure 5-15 (ID) display the three levels of potential by year. For Washington, achievable savings in the first year, 2016, are 5 GWh, or 0.5% of the baseline projection. In 2035, savings reach 146 GWh, or 12.7% of the baseline projection. For Idaho, achievable savings in the first year, 2016, are 2 GWh, or 0.7% of the baseline projection. In 2035, savings reach 53 GWh, or 12.4% of the baseline projection. Table 5-16 Industrial Conservation Potential (Annual Energy, GWh), Washington and Idaho 2016 2017 2020 2025 2035 Baseline projection (GWh) 1,356 1,370 1,404 1,458 1,575 Cumulative Net Savings (GWh) Achievable Potential 8 16 44 101 199 Economic Potential 9 19 52 118 231 Technical Potential 17 34 84 168 293 Cumulative Net Savings (aMW) Achievable Potential 0.9 1.8 5.1 11.6 22.7 Economic Potential 1.0 2.1 5.9 13.5 26.3 Technical Potential 1.9 3.9 9.6 19.2 33.5 Cumulative Net Savings as a % of Baseline Achievable Potential 0.6% 1.2% 3.2% 7.0% 12.6% Economic Potential 0.7% 1.4% 3.7% 8.1% 14.7% Technical Potential 1.3% 2.5% 6.0% 11.5% 18.6% Table 5-17 Industrial Conservation Potential (Annual Energy, GWh), Washington 2016 2017 2020 2025 2035 Baseline projection (GWh) 989 999 1,024 1,064 1,149 Cumulative Net Savings (GWh) Achievable Potential 5 11 31 73 146 Economic Potential 6 13 37 86 169 Technical Potential 12 25 61 123 214 Cumulative Net Savings (aMW) Achievable Potential 0.6 1.3 3.6 8.4 16.7 Economic Potential 0.7 1.5 4.2 9.8 19.3 Technical Potential 1.4 2.8 7.0 14.0 24.4 Cumulative Net Savings as a % of Baseline Achievable Potential 0.5% 1.1% 3.1% 6.9% 12.7% Economic Potential 0.6% 1.3% 3.6% 8.0% 14.7% Technical Potential 1.3% 2.5% 6.0% 11.5% 18.6% 2015 Electric IRP Appendix C 737 Energy Efficiency Potential Study Applied Energy Group, Inc. 84 Table 5-18 Industrial Conservation Potential (Annual Energy, GWh), Idaho 2016 2017 2020 2025 2035 Baseline projection (GWh) 367 371 380 395 426 Cumulative Net Savings (GWh) Achievable Potential 2 5 13 28 53 Economic Potential 3 6 15 33 61 Technical Potential 5 9 23 46 79 Cumulative Net Savings (aMW) Achievable Potential 0.3 0.6 1.5 3.2 6.0 Economic Potential 0.3 0.6 1.7 3.8 7.0 Technical Potential 0.5 1.0 2.6 5.2 9.1 Cumulative Net Savings as a % of Baseline Achievable Potential 0.7% 1.3% 3.4% 7.1% 12.4% Economic Potential 0.8% 1.5% 4.0% 8.3% 14.4% Technical Potential 1.3% 2.5% 6.0% 11.5% 18.6% Figure 5-14 Industrial Conservation Potential as a % of the Baseline Projection (Annual Energy), Washington 0% 2% 4% 6% 8% 10% 12% 14% 16% 18% 20% 2016 2017 2020 2025 2035 Energy Savings (% of Baseline Forecast) Achievable Potential Economic Potential Technical Potential 2015 Electric IRP Appendix C 738 Energy Efficiency Potential Study Applied Energy Group, Inc. 85 Figure 5-15 Industrial Conservation Potential as a % of the Baseline Projection (Annual Energy), Idaho Below, we present the top industrial measures from the perspective of annual energy use for Washington and Idaho combined, followed by each state. 0% 2% 4% 6% 8% 10% 12% 14% 16% 18% 20% 2016 2017 2020 2025 2035 Energy Savings (% of Baseline Forecast) Achievable Potential Economic Potential Technical Potential 2015 Electric IRP Appendix C 739 Energy Efficiency Potential Study Applied Energy Group, Inc. 86 Table 5-19 identifies the top 20 industrial measures from the perspective of annual energy savings in 2017 for Washington and Idaho. Table 5-20 and Table 5-21 show the top measures for each state individually. For both states, the top measure is optimization and improvements on fan systems. The measure with the second highest savings is variable frequency drive for pumps. Figure 5-16 (WA) and Figure 5-17 (ID) present forecasts of energy savings by end use as a percent of total annual savings and cumulative savings. Motor-related measures account for a substantial portion of the savings throughout the forecast horizon. The share of savings by end use remains fairly similar throughout the forecast period. Table 5-19 Industrial Top Measures in 2017 (Annual Energy, GWh), Washington and Idaho Rank Industrial Measure 2017 Cumulative Energy Savings (MWh) % of Total 1 Fan System - Optimization and Improvements 4,524 28.3% 2 Motors - Variable Frequency Drive (Pumps) 3,020 18.9% 3 Motors - Variable Frequency Drive (Fans & Blowers) 1,505 9.4% 4 Compressed Air - Air Usage Reduction 1,247 7.8% 5 Pumping System - Optimization and Improvements 893 5.6% 6 Interior Lighting - Occupancy Sensors 703 4.4% 7 Interior Lighting - High-Bay Fixtures 420 2.6% 8 Fan System - Maintenance 414 2.6% 9 Interior Lighting - Screw-in/Hard-wire 403 2.5% 10 Motors - Variable Frequency Drive (Compressed Air) 399 2.5% 11 HVAC - Duct Repair and Sealing 362 2.3% 12 Transformer - High Efficiency 298 1.9% 13 Motors - Variable Frequency Drive (Other) 272 1.7% 14 Compressed Air - System Optimization and Improvements 271 1.7% 15 Exterior Lighting - Screw-in/Hard-wire 240 1.5% 16 Chiller - Chilled Water Reset 216 1.3% 17 Insulation - Wall Cavity 143 0.9% 18 Compressed Air - Compressor Replacement 142 0.9% 19 Interior Lighting - Skylights 118 0.7% 20 Destratification Fans (HVLS) 101 0.6% Total Total 15,692 98.1% 2015 Electric IRP Appendix C 740 Energy Efficiency Potential Study Applied Energy Group, Inc. 87 Table 5-20 Industrial Top Measures in 2017 (Annual Energy, GWh), Washington Rank Industrial Measure 2017 Cumulative Energy Savings (MWh) % of Total 1 Fan System - Optimization and Improvements 3,298 29.5% 2 Motors - Variable Frequency Drive (Pumps) 2,206 19.8% 3 Motors - Variable Frequency Drive (Fans & Blowers) 1,098 9.8% 4 Compressed Air - Air Usage Reduction 911 8.2% 5 Pumping System - Optimization and Improvements 663 5.9% 6 Interior Lighting - Occupancy Sensors 520 4.7% 7 Motors - Variable Frequency Drive (Compressed Air) 377 3.4% 8 Interior Lighting - High-Bay Fixtures 306 2.7% 9 Interior Lighting - Screw-in/Hard-wire 294 2.6% 10 HVAC - Duct Repair and Sealing 264 2.4% 11 Transformer - High Efficiency 217 1.9% 12 Exterior Lighting - Screw-in/Hard-wire 175 1.6% 13 Motors - Variable Frequency Drive (Other) 162 1.4% 14 Chiller - Chilled Water Reset 157 1.4% 15 Insulation - Wall Cavity 106 1.0% 16 Compressed Air - Compressor Replacement 104 0.9% 17 Interior Lighting - Skylights 86 0.8% 18 Chiller - Chilled Water Variable-Flow System 47 0.4% 19 Exterior Lighting - HID 44 0.4% 20 Chiller - VSD on Fans 43 0.4% Total Total 11,080 99.2% Figure 5-16 Industrial Achievable Savings Forecast (Cumulative GWh), Washington - 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 2015 2018 2021 2024 2027 2030 2033 Al l o c a t i o n o f A c h i e v a b l e P o t e n t i a l Cumulative Energy Savings (GWh) Cooling Heating Ventilation Interior Lighting Exterior Lighting Motors Process Miscellaneous 2015 Electric IRP Appendix C 741 Energy Efficiency Potential Study Applied Energy Group, Inc. 88 Table 5-21 Industrial Top Measures in 2017 (Annual Energy, GWh), Idaho Rank Industrial Measure 2017 Cumulative Energy Savings (MWh) % of Total 1 Fan System - Optimization and Improvements 1,226 25.4% 2 Motors - Variable Frequency Drive (Pumps) 814 16.8% 3 Fan System - Maintenance 414 8.6% 4 Motors - Variable Frequency Drive (Fans & Blowers) 407 8.4% 5 Compressed Air - Air Usage Reduction 336 7.0% 6 Compressed Air - System Optimization and Improvements 271 5.6% 7 Pumping System - Optimization and Improvements 230 4.8% 8 Interior Lighting - Occupancy Sensors 183 3.8% 9 Interior Lighting - High-Bay Fixtures 114 2.4% 10 Motors - Variable Frequency Drive (Other) 110 2.3% 11 Interior Lighting - Screw-in/Hard-wire 109 2.3% 12 Destratification Fans (HVLS) 101 2.1% 13 HVAC - Duct Repair and Sealing 98 2.0% 14 Transformer - High Efficiency 81 1.7% 15 Exterior Lighting - Screw-in/Hard-wire 65 1.3% 16 Chiller - Chilled Water Reset 59 1.2% 17 Compressed Air - Compressor Replacement 39 0.8% 18 Insulation - Wall Cavity 37 0.8% 19 Interior Lighting - Skylights 32 0.7% 20 Motors - Variable Frequency Drive (Compressed Air) 22 0.5% Total Total 4,747 98.2% Figure 5-17 Industrial Achievable Savings Forecast (Annual Energy, GWh), Idaho - 10 20 30 40 50 60 2015 2018 2021 2024 2027 2030 2033 Al l o c a t i o n o f A c h i e v a b l e P o t e n t i a l Cumulative Energy Savings (GWh) Cooling Heating Ventilation Interior Lighting Exterior Lighting Motors Process Miscellaneous 2015 Electric IRP Appendix C 742 Applied Energy Group, Inc. 89 APPENDIX A Market Profiles This appendix presents the market profiles for each sector and segment for Washington, followed by Idaho. Table A-1 Residential Single Family Electric Market Profile, Washington UEC Intensity Usage (kWh)(kWh/HH)(GWh) Cooling Central AC 47.8% 1,462 699 91 Cooling Room AC 15.3%532 81 11 Cooling Air-Source Heat Pump 8.0% 1,531 123 16 Cooling Geothermal Heat Pump 0.3% 1,352 4 0 Cooling Evaporative AC 1.3% 1,054 14 2 Space Heating Electric Room Heat 6.3% 15,052 951 124 Space Heating Electric Furnace 7.4% 17,137 1,271 165 Space Heating Air-Source Heat Pump 8.0% 12,902 1,034 134 Space Heating Geothermal Heat Pump 0.3% 5,686 16 2 Water Heating Water Heater (<= 55 Gal)42.1% 3,866 1,629 212 Water Heating Water Heater (55 to 75 Gal)5.1% 4,065 209 27 Water Heating Water Heater (> 75 Gal)0.4% 4,261 19 2 Interior Lighting Screw-in/Hard-wire 100.0% 1,135 1,135 147 Interior Lighting Linear Fluorescent 100.0%154 154 20 Interior Lighting Specialty Lighting 100.0%425 425 55 Exterior Lighting Screw-in/Hard-wire 100.0%445 445 58 Appliances Clothes Washer 96.4%111 107 14 Appliances Clothes Dryer 38.6%862 333 43 Appliances Dishwasher 80.9%476 385 50 Appliances Refrigerator 100.0%888 888 115 Appliances Freezer 59.1%710 419 54 Appliances Second Refrigerator 29.4% 1,034 304 40 Appliances Stove 66.9%509 341 44 Appliances Microwave 95.6%148 142 18 Electronics Personal Computers 80.5%223 180 23 Electronics Monitor 98.4%95 93 12 Electronics Laptops 94.4%59 56 7 Electronics TVs 205.8%253 521 68 Electronics Printer/Fax/Copier 85.5%68 58 8 Electronics Set top Boxes/DVRs 175.4%134 234 30 Electronics Devices and Gadgets 100.0%58 58 7 Miscellaneous Pool Pump 3.1% 2,526 78 10 Miscellaneous Pool Heater 0.8% 4,045 31 4 Miscellaneous Furnace Fan 75.8%279 212 28 Miscellaneous Well pump 14.9%645 96 12 Miscellaneous Miscellaneous 100.0%982 982 128 13,726 1,783 Average Market Profiles - Electricity Total End Use Technology Saturation 2015 Electric IRP Appendix C 743 Energy Efficiency Potential Study Applied Energy Group, Inc. 90 Table A-2 Residential Multifamily Electric Market Profile, Washington UEC Intensity Usage (kWh)(kWh/HH)(GWh) Cooling Central AC 16.2%355 57 1 Cooling Room AC 48.5%282 137 2 Cooling Air-Source Heat Pump 3.6%355 13 0 Cooling Geothermal Heat Pump 0.0%314 0 0 Cooling Evaporative AC 0.9%293 3 0 Space Heating Electric Room Heat 74.4% 2,814 2,095 25 Space Heating Electric Furnace 7.8% 3,204 249 3 Space Heating Air-Source Heat Pump 3.6% 1,754 63 1 Space Heating Geothermal Heat Pump 0.0%773 0 0 Water Heating Water Heater (<= 55 Gal)65.9% 2,205 1,453 17 Water Heating Water Heater (55 to 75 Gal)8.7% 2,319 202 2 Water Heating Water Heater (> 75 Gal)0.0% 2,430 0 0 Interior Lighting Screw-in/Hard-wire 100.0%639 639 8 Interior Lighting Linear Fluorescent 100.0%40 40 0 Interior Lighting Specialty Lighting 100.0%37 37 0 Exterior Lighting Screw-in/Hard-wire 100.0% 0 0 0 Appliances Clothes Washer 82.7%96 79 1 Appliances Clothes Dryer 69.1%593 410 5 Appliances Dishwasher 70.9%413 293 4 Appliances Refrigerator 100.0%771 771 9 Appliances Freezer 46.4%620 288 3 Appliances Second Refrigerator 3.0%898 27 0 Appliances Stove 74.5%357 266 3 Appliances Microwave 93.6%129 121 1 Electronics Personal Computers 35.5%194 69 1 Electronics Monitor 43.4%82 36 0 Electronics Laptops 41.9%52 22 0 Electronics TVs 124.7%269 335 4 Electronics Printer/Fax/Copier 49.5%59 29 0 Electronics Set top Boxes/DVRs 91.4%116 106 1 Electronics Devices and Gadgets 100.0%50 50 1 Miscellaneous Pool Pump 0.0% 2,197 0 0 Miscellaneous Pool Heater 0.0% 3,517 0 0 Miscellaneous Furnace Fan 18.9%98 19 0 Miscellaneous Well pump 0.0%556 0 0 Miscellaneous Miscellaneous 100.0%328 328 4 8,236 99 Average Market Profiles - Electricity Total End Use Technology Saturation 2015 Electric IRP Appendix C 744 Energy Efficiency Potential Study Applied Energy Group, Inc. 91 Table A-3 Residential Manufactured Home Electric Market Profile, Washington UEC Intensity Usage (kWh)(kWh/HH)(GWh) Cooling Central AC 30.8%556 171 1 Cooling Room AC 29.1%439 128 1 Cooling Air-Source Heat Pump 5.1%556 29 0 Cooling Geothermal Heat Pump 0.0%490 0 0 Cooling Evaporative AC 1.7%354 6 0 Space Heating Electric Room Heat 4.1% 7,208 294 2 Space Heating Electric Furnace 52.3% 8,207 4,295 33 Space Heating Air-Source Heat Pump 5.1% 6,752 346 3 Space Heating Geothermal Heat Pump 0.0% 3,094 0 0 Water Heating Water Heater (<= 55 Gal)63.3% 2,370 1,501 12 Water Heating Water Heater (55 to 75 Gal)8.4% 2,492 209 2 Water Heating Water Heater (> 75 Gal)0.0% 2,612 0 0 Interior Lighting Screw-in/Hard-wire 100.0%724 724 6 Interior Lighting Linear Fluorescent 100.0%87 87 1 Interior Lighting Specialty Lighting 100.0%134 134 1 Exterior Lighting Screw-in/Hard-wire 100.0%170 170 1 Appliances Clothes Washer 91.2%91 83 1 Appliances Clothes Dryer 66.7%888 592 5 Appliances Dishwasher 70.2%394 277 2 Appliances Refrigerator 100.0%732 732 6 Appliances Freezer 61.4%586 360 3 Appliances Second Refrigerator 21.0%852 179 1 Appliances Stove 82.5%510 421 3 Appliances Microwave 93.0%123 114 1 Electronics Personal Computers 45.8%184 85 1 Electronics Monitor 56.0%78 44 0 Electronics Laptops 66.7%49 33 0 Electronics TVs 156.3%273 426 3 Electronics Printer/Fax/Copier 58.3%56 33 0 Electronics Set top Boxes/DVRs 91.7%110 101 1 Electronics Devices and Gadgets 100.0%48 48 0 Miscellaneous Pool Pump 0.0% 2,087 0 0 Miscellaneous Pool Heater 0.0% 3,341 0 0 Miscellaneous Furnace Fan 84.6%205 173 1 Miscellaneous Well pump 0.0%428 0 0 Miscellaneous Miscellaneous 100.0%560 560 4 12,354 95 Average Market Profiles - Electricity Total End Use Technology Saturation 2015 Electric IRP Appendix C 745 Energy Efficiency Potential Study Applied Energy Group, Inc. 92 Table A-4 Residential Low Income Electric Market Profile, Washington UEC Intensity Usage (kWh)(kWh/HH)(GWh) Cooling Central AC 19.4%456 88 6 Cooling Room AC 44.7%333 149 10 Cooling Air-Source Heat Pump 4.0%460 18 1 Cooling Geothermal Heat Pump 0.0%406 0 0 Cooling Evaporative AC 1.0%350 3 0 Space Heating Electric Room Heat 53.8% 3,606 1,939 124 Space Heating Electric Furnace 22.1% 4,106 906 58 Space Heating Air-Source Heat Pump 4.0% 2,697 108 7 Space Heating Geothermal Heat Pump 0.0% 1,202 0 0 Water Heating Water Heater (<= 55 Gal)64.3% 2,142 1,378 88 Water Heating Water Heater (55 to 75 Gal)8.5% 2,253 191 12 Water Heating Water Heater (> 75 Gal)0.0% 2,361 1 0 Interior Lighting Screw-in/Hard-wire 100.0%676 676 43 Interior Lighting Linear Fluorescent 100.0%51 51 3 Interior Lighting Specialty Lighting 100.0%68 68 4 Exterior Lighting Screw-in/Hard-wire 100.0%42 42 3 Appliances Clothes Washer 84.3%91 77 5 Appliances Clothes Dryer 67.1%603 405 26 Appliances Dishwasher 71.4%393 280 18 Appliances Refrigerator 100.0%732 732 47 Appliances Freezer 48.5%589 286 18 Appliances Second Refrigerator 6.2%853 53 3 Appliances Stove 74.9%360 270 17 Appliances Microwave 93.7%123 115 7 Electronics Personal Computers 39.0%184 72 5 Electronics Monitor 47.7%78 37 2 Electronics Laptops 47.3%49 23 1 Electronics TVs 132.4%255 337 22 Electronics Printer/Fax/Copier 52.4%56 29 2 Electronics Set top Boxes/DVRs 96.2%110 106 7 Electronics Devices and Gadgets 100.0%48 48 3 Miscellaneous Pool Pump 0.2% 2,087 4 0 Miscellaneous Pool Heater 0.0% 3,341 1 0 Miscellaneous Furnace Fan 28.5%119 34 2 Miscellaneous Well pump 0.8%519 4 0 Miscellaneous Miscellaneous 100.0%361 361 23 8,892 570 Average Market Profiles - Electricity Total End Use Technology Saturation 2015 Electric IRP Appendix C 746 Energy Efficiency Potential Study Applied Energy Group, Inc. 93 Table A-5 Small Office Electric Market Profile, Washington EUI Intensity Usage (kWh)(kWh/Sqft)(GWh) Cooling Air-Cooled Chiller 0.5%4.59 0.02 0.4 Cooling Water-Cooled Chiller 0.0%5.20 0.00 0.0 Cooling RTU 77.9%3.79 2.96 53.5 Cooling Room AC 3.6%3.90 0.14 2.6 Cooling Air-Source Heat Pump 8.2%3.79 0.31 5.6 Cooling Geothermal Heat Pump 3.2%2.31 0.07 1.3 Heating Electric Furnace 16.0%6.82 1.09 19.7 Heating Electric Room Heat 14.5%6.50 0.94 17.1 Heating Air-Source Heat Pump 8.2%5.76 0.47 8.5 Heating Geothermal Heat Pump 3.2%4.38 0.14 2.5 Ventilation Ventilation 100.0%1.40 1.40 25.3 Water Heating Water Heater 69.8%1.05 0.73 13.2 Interior Lighting Screw-in/Hard-wire 100.0%0.62 0.62 11.3 Interior Lighting High-Bay Fixtures 100.0%0.34 0.34 6.2 Interior Lighting Linear Fluorescent 100.0%2.05 2.05 37.1 Exterior Lighting Screw-in/Hard-wire 100.0%0.14 0.14 2.5 Exterior Lighting HID 100.0%0.19 0.19 3.4 Exterior Lighting Linear Fluorescent 100.0%0.07 0.07 1.2 Refrigeration Walk-in Refrigerator/Freezer 0.2%2.34 0.01 0.1 Refrigeration Reach-in Refrigerator/Freezer 1.6%0.52 0.01 0.2 Refrigeration Glass Door Display 0.5%0.54 0.00 0.0 Refrigeration Open Display Case 0.5%3.19 0.01 0.3 Refrigeration Icemaker 0.5%0.88 0.00 0.1 Refrigeration Vending Machine 0.2%0.41 0.00 0.0 Food Preparation Oven 0.8%1.50 0.01 0.2 Food Preparation Fryer 0.1%2.17 0.00 0.0 Food Preparation Dishwasher 1.0%2.99 0.03 0.5 Food Preparation Steamer 0.1%2.19 0.00 0.0 Food Preparation Hot Food Container 0.1%0.41 0.00 0.0 Office Equipment Desktop Computer 100.0%1.55 1.55 28.1 Office Equipment Laptop 100.0%0.24 0.24 4.3 Office Equipment Server 100.0%0.46 0.46 8.3 Office Equipment Monitor 100.0%0.27 0.27 5.0 Office Equipment Printer/Copier/Fax 100.0%0.21 0.21 3.8 Office Equipment POS Terminal 40.0%0.12 0.05 0.9 Miscellaneous Non-HVAC Motors 22.0%0.20 0.04 0.8 Miscellaneous Pool Pump 0.0%0.00 0.00 0.0 Miscellaneous Pool Heater 0.0%0.00 0.00 0.0 Miscellaneous Other Miscellaneous 100.0%0.86 0.86 15.5 Total 15.44 279.6 Average Market Profiles - Electricity End Use Technology Saturation 2015 Electric IRP Appendix C 747 Energy Efficiency Potential Study Applied Energy Group, Inc. 94 Table A-6 Large Office Electric Market Profile, Washington EUI Intensity Usage (kWh)(kWh/Sqft)(GWh) Cooling Air-Cooled Chiller 23.5%2.69 0.63 3.8 Cooling Water-Cooled Chiller 23.5%2.97 0.70 4.2 Cooling RTU 33.4%3.28 1.10 6.6 Cooling Room AC 0.6%3.37 0.02 0.1 Cooling Air-Source Heat Pump 7.5%3.28 0.25 1.5 Cooling Geothermal Heat Pump 6.5%2.00 0.13 0.8 Heating Electric Furnace 15.7%5.04 0.79 4.8 Heating Electric Room Heat 14.3%4.80 0.68 4.1 Heating Air-Source Heat Pump 7.5%4.62 0.35 2.1 Heating Geothermal Heat Pump 6.5%3.66 0.24 1.4 Ventilation Ventilation 100.0%2.96 2.96 17.9 Water Heating Water Heater 68.0%0.99 0.67 4.1 Interior Lighting Screw-in/Hard-wire 100.0%0.62 0.62 3.8 Interior Lighting High-Bay Fixtures 100.0%0.37 0.37 2.3 Interior Lighting Linear Fluorescent 100.0%2.74 2.74 16.6 Exterior Lighting Screw-in/Hard-wire 100.0%0.14 0.14 0.8 Exterior Lighting HID 100.0%0.37 0.37 2.2 Exterior Lighting Linear Fluorescent 100.0%0.23 0.23 1.4 Refrigeration Walk-in Refrigerator/Freezer 2.0%1.62 0.03 0.2 Refrigeration Reach-in Refrigerator/Freezer 14.0%0.36 0.05 0.3 Refrigeration Glass Door Display 4.0%0.37 0.01 0.1 Refrigeration Open Display Case 4.0%2.22 0.09 0.5 Refrigeration Icemaker 4.0%0.61 0.02 0.1 Refrigeration Vending Machine 2.1%0.29 0.01 0.0 Food Preparation Oven 10.0%0.76 0.08 0.5 Food Preparation Fryer 1.0%1.10 0.01 0.1 Food Preparation Dishwasher 12.0%1.52 0.18 1.1 Food Preparation Steamer 1.0%1.11 0.01 0.1 Food Preparation Hot Food Container 1.0%0.21 0.00 0.0 Office Equipment Desktop Computer 100.0%1.96 1.96 11.8 Office Equipment Laptop 100.0%0.30 0.30 1.8 Office Equipment Server 100.0%0.19 0.19 1.2 Office Equipment Monitor 100.0%0.35 0.35 2.1 Office Equipment Printer/Copier/Fax 100.0%0.18 0.18 1.1 Office Equipment POS Terminal 40.0%0.03 0.01 0.1 Miscellaneous Non-HVAC Motors 89.6%0.22 0.20 1.2 Miscellaneous Pool Pump 0.0%0.00 0.00 0.0 Miscellaneous Pool Heater 0.0%0.00 0.00 0.0 Miscellaneous Other Miscellaneous 100.0%0.86 0.86 5.2 Total 17.54 105.9 Average Market Profiles - Electricity End Use Technology Saturation 2015 Electric IRP Appendix C 748 Energy Efficiency Potential Study Applied Energy Group, Inc. 95 Table A-7 Restaurant Electric Market Profile, Washington EUI Intensity Usage (kWh)(kWh/Sqft)(GWh) Cooling Air-Cooled Chiller 0.3%3.59 0.01 0.0 Cooling Water-Cooled Chiller 0.0%3.97 0.00 0.0 Cooling RTU 76.3%4.51 3.44 5.7 Cooling Room AC 6.6%4.63 0.31 0.5 Cooling Air-Source Heat Pump 6.6%4.51 0.30 0.5 Cooling Geothermal Heat Pump 3.3%2.75 0.09 0.1 Heating Electric Furnace 5.1%7.05 0.36 0.6 Heating Electric Room Heat 0.1%6.72 0.01 0.0 Heating Air-Source Heat Pump 6.6%4.98 0.33 0.5 Heating Geothermal Heat Pump 3.3%3.51 0.12 0.2 Ventilation Ventilation 100.0%2.48 2.48 4.1 Water Heating Water Heater 35.2%8.81 3.10 5.1 Interior Lighting Screw-in/Hard-wire 100.0%2.09 2.09 3.5 Interior Lighting High-Bay Fixtures 100.0%0.40 0.40 0.7 Interior Lighting Linear Fluorescent 100.0%3.62 3.62 6.0 Exterior Lighting Screw-in/Hard-wire 100.0%0.23 0.23 0.4 Exterior Lighting HID 100.0%1.61 1.61 2.7 Exterior Lighting Linear Fluorescent 100.0%0.47 0.47 0.8 Refrigeration Walk-in Refrigerator/Freezer 74.0%6.56 4.85 8.0 Refrigeration Reach-in Refrigerator/Freezer 7.0%2.94 0.21 0.3 Refrigeration Glass Door Display 77.6%1.51 1.17 1.9 Refrigeration Open Display Case 26.0%8.95 2.33 3.9 Refrigeration Icemaker 75.9%2.47 1.88 3.1 Refrigeration Vending Machine 0.0%1.16 0.00 0.0 Food Preparation Oven 16.0%9.79 1.57 2.6 Food Preparation Fryer 14.0%14.16 1.98 3.3 Food Preparation Dishwasher 48.0%9.75 4.68 7.8 Food Preparation Steamer 14.0%7.15 1.00 1.7 Food Preparation Hot Food Container 31.0%1.33 0.41 0.7 Office Equipment Desktop Computer 100.0%0.29 0.29 0.5 Office Equipment Laptop 100.0%0.04 0.04 0.1 Office Equipment Server 50.0%0.34 0.17 0.3 Office Equipment Monitor 100.0%0.05 0.05 0.1 Office Equipment Printer/Copier/Fax 100.0%0.06 0.06 0.1 Office Equipment POS Terminal 100.0%0.09 0.09 0.1 Miscellaneous Non-HVAC Motors 20.0%0.58 0.12 0.2 Miscellaneous Pool Pump 0.0%0.00 0.00 0.0 Miscellaneous Pool Heater 0.0%0.00 0.00 0.0 Miscellaneous Other Miscellaneous 100.0%2.57 2.57 4.3 Total 42.40 70.3 Average Market Profiles - Electricity End Use Technology Saturation 2015 Electric IRP Appendix C 749 Energy Efficiency Potential Study Applied Energy Group, Inc. 96 Table A-8 Retail Electric Market Profile, Washington EUI Intensity Usage (kWh)(kWh/Sqft)(GWh) Cooling Air-Cooled Chiller 9.5%2.74 0.26 5.4 Cooling Water-Cooled Chiller 2.4%3.10 0.07 1.5 Cooling RTU 54.2%2.26 1.23 25.4 Cooling Room AC 2.8%2.48 0.07 1.4 Cooling Air-Source Heat Pump 1.7%2.26 0.04 0.8 Cooling Geothermal Heat Pump 1.4%1.38 0.02 0.4 Heating Electric Furnace 5.8%4.86 0.28 5.8 Heating Electric Room Heat 2.1%4.63 0.10 2.0 Heating Air-Source Heat Pump 1.7%3.89 0.07 1.4 Heating Geothermal Heat Pump 1.4%2.65 0.04 0.7 Ventilation Ventilation 100.0%0.98 0.98 20.2 Water Heating Water Heater 63.0%0.79 0.50 10.3 Interior Lighting Screw-in/Hard-wire 100.0%0.85 0.85 17.5 Interior Lighting High-Bay Fixtures 100.0%1.02 1.02 21.1 Interior Lighting Linear Fluorescent 100.0%3.43 3.43 70.9 Exterior Lighting Screw-in/Hard-wire 100.0%0.36 0.36 7.4 Exterior Lighting HID 100.0%1.30 1.30 26.9 Exterior Lighting Linear Fluorescent 100.0%0.87 0.87 18.0 Refrigeration Walk-in Refrigerator/Freezer 2.0%2.04 0.04 0.8 Refrigeration Reach-in Refrigerator/Freezer 0.0%0.46 0.00 0.0 Refrigeration Glass Door Display 16.3%0.47 0.08 1.6 Refrigeration Open Display Case 14.0%2.79 0.39 8.1 Refrigeration Icemaker 7.1%0.77 0.05 1.1 Refrigeration Vending Machine 22.8%0.36 0.08 1.7 Food Preparation Oven 8.0%2.43 0.19 4.0 Food Preparation Fryer 1.6%3.51 0.06 1.2 Food Preparation Dishwasher 2.0%4.84 0.10 2.0 Food Preparation Steamer 1.6%3.55 0.06 1.2 Food Preparation Hot Food Container 1.0%0.66 0.01 0.1 Office Equipment Desktop Computer 100.0%0.34 0.34 7.0 Office Equipment Laptop 100.0%0.05 0.05 1.1 Office Equipment Server 82.0%0.06 0.05 1.0 Office Equipment Monitor 100.0%0.06 0.06 1.2 Office Equipment Printer/Copier/Fax 100.0%0.05 0.05 1.0 Office Equipment POS Terminal 100.0%0.01 0.01 0.3 Miscellaneous Non-HVAC Motors 40.2%0.17 0.07 1.4 Miscellaneous Pool Pump 0.0%0.00 0.00 0.0 Miscellaneous Pool Heater 0.0%0.00 0.00 0.0 Miscellaneous Other Miscellaneous 100.0%0.64 0.64 13.2 Total 13.80 285.2 Average Market Profiles - Electricity End Use Technology Saturation 2015 Electric IRP Appendix C 750 Energy Efficiency Potential Study Applied Energy Group, Inc. 97 Table A-9 Grocery Electric Market Profile, Washington EUI Intensity Usage (kWh)(kWh/Sqft)(GWh) Cooling Air-Cooled Chiller 5.3%5.10 0.27 1.2 Cooling Water-Cooled Chiller 0.0%5.77 0.00 0.0 Cooling RTU 69.6%4.21 2.93 13.0 Cooling Room AC 0.0%4.33 0.00 0.0 Cooling Air-Source Heat Pump 3.1%3.72 0.12 0.5 Cooling Geothermal Heat Pump 0.0%1.57 0.00 0.0 Heating Electric Furnace 15.4%5.68 0.87 3.9 Heating Electric Room Heat 1.5%5.41 0.08 0.4 Heating Air-Source Heat Pump 3.1%3.05 0.10 0.4 Heating Geothermal Heat Pump 0.0%1.95 0.00 0.0 Ventilation Ventilation 100.0%2.07 2.07 9.2 Water Heating Water Heater 38.2%2.18 0.83 3.7 Interior Lighting Screw-in/Hard-wire 100.0%1.93 1.93 8.5 Interior Lighting High-Bay Fixtures 100.0%1.70 1.70 7.5 Interior Lighting Linear Fluorescent 100.0%5.83 5.83 25.8 Exterior Lighting Screw-in/Hard-wire 100.0%0.19 0.19 0.8 Exterior Lighting HID 100.0%1.16 1.16 5.1 Exterior Lighting Linear Fluorescent 100.0%0.48 0.48 2.1 Refrigeration Walk-in Refrigerator/Freezer 16.0%5.13 0.82 3.6 Refrigeration Reach-in Refrigerator/Freezer 83.1%0.33 0.27 1.2 Refrigeration Glass Door Display 95.6%3.37 3.23 14.3 Refrigeration Open Display Case 95.6%19.99 19.12 84.6 Refrigeration Icemaker 66.6%0.28 0.18 0.8 Refrigeration Vending Machine 36.5%0.26 0.09 0.4 Food Preparation Oven 17.0%2.44 0.42 1.8 Food Preparation Fryer 13.0%3.53 0.46 2.0 Food Preparation Dishwasher 7.0%4.86 0.34 1.5 Food Preparation Steamer 13.0%3.57 0.46 2.1 Food Preparation Hot Food Container 16.0%0.67 0.11 0.5 Office Equipment Desktop Computer 100.0%0.25 0.25 1.1 Office Equipment Laptop 64.0%0.04 0.03 0.1 Office Equipment Server 100.0%0.15 0.15 0.7 Office Equipment Monitor 100.0%0.04 0.04 0.2 Office Equipment Printer/Copier/Fax 100.0%0.03 0.03 0.1 Office Equipment POS Terminal 100.0%0.10 0.10 0.4 Miscellaneous Non-HVAC Motors 34.6%0.57 0.20 0.9 Miscellaneous Pool Pump 0.0%0.00 0.00 0.0 Miscellaneous Pool Heater 0.0%0.00 0.00 0.0 Miscellaneous Other Miscellaneous 100.0%2.40 2.40 10.6 Total 47.25 209.1 Average Market Profiles - Electricity End Use Technology Saturation 2015 Electric IRP Appendix C 751 Energy Efficiency Potential Study Applied Energy Group, Inc. 98 Table A-10 College Electric Market Profile, Washington EUI Intensity Usage (kWh)(kWh/Sqft)(GWh) Cooling Air-Cooled Chiller 34.8%3.08 1.07 6.0 Cooling Water-Cooled Chiller 8.7%4.56 0.40 2.2 Cooling RTU 15.6%2.00 0.31 1.7 Cooling Room AC 5.0%2.05 0.10 0.6 Cooling Air-Source Heat Pump 3.6%1.99 0.07 0.4 Cooling Geothermal Heat Pump 0.0%1.21 0.00 0.0 Heating Electric Furnace 10.5%8.76 0.92 5.1 Heating Electric Room Heat 29.7%8.34 2.48 13.9 Heating Air-Source Heat Pump 3.6%6.22 0.23 1.3 Heating Geothermal Heat Pump 0.0%4.81 0.00 0.0 Ventilation Ventilation 100.0%1.48 1.48 8.3 Water Heating Water Heater 26.3%2.02 0.53 3.0 Interior Lighting Screw-in/Hard-wire 100.0%0.83 0.83 4.6 Interior Lighting High-Bay Fixtures 100.0%0.30 0.30 1.7 Interior Lighting Linear Fluorescent 100.0%2.04 2.04 11.5 Exterior Lighting Screw-in/Hard-wire 100.0%0.01 0.01 0.0 Exterior Lighting HID 100.0%0.27 0.27 1.5 Exterior Lighting Linear Fluorescent 100.0%0.97 0.97 5.4 Refrigeration Walk-in Refrigerator/Freezer 7.7%0.29 0.02 0.1 Refrigeration Reach-in Refrigerator/Freezer 13.4%0.13 0.02 0.1 Refrigeration Glass Door Display 8.0%0.07 0.01 0.0 Refrigeration Open Display Case 4.8%0.40 0.02 0.1 Refrigeration Icemaker 28.2%0.22 0.06 0.3 Refrigeration Vending Machine 8.8%0.10 0.01 0.1 Food Preparation Oven 13.7%0.68 0.09 0.5 Food Preparation Fryer 1.6%0.98 0.02 0.1 Food Preparation Dishwasher 11.7%1.35 0.16 0.9 Food Preparation Steamer 1.6%0.99 0.02 0.1 Food Preparation Hot Food Container 8.4%0.19 0.02 0.1 Office Equipment Desktop Computer 100.0%0.51 0.51 2.9 Office Equipment Laptop 100.0%0.02 0.02 0.1 Office Equipment Server 100.0%0.06 0.06 0.3 Office Equipment Monitor 100.0%0.09 0.09 0.5 Office Equipment Printer/Copier/Fax 100.0%0.07 0.07 0.4 Office Equipment POS Terminal 36.0%0.02 0.01 0.0 Miscellaneous Non-HVAC Motors 88.8%0.14 0.12 0.7 Miscellaneous Pool Pump 6.0%0.01 0.00 0.0 Miscellaneous Pool Heater 1.0%0.01 0.00 0.0 Miscellaneous Other Miscellaneous 100.0%0.61 0.61 3.4 Total 13.93 78.1 Average Market Profiles - Electricity End Use Technology Saturation 2015 Electric IRP Appendix C 752 Energy Efficiency Potential Study Applied Energy Group, Inc. 99 Table A-11 School Electric Market Profile, Washington EUI Intensity Usage (kWh)(kWh/Sqft)(GWh) Cooling Air-Cooled Chiller 24.5%2.56 0.63 7.5 Cooling Water-Cooled Chiller 6.1%3.79 0.23 2.8 Cooling RTU 11.9%1.66 0.20 2.4 Cooling Room AC 5.0%1.70 0.09 1.0 Cooling Air-Source Heat Pump 8.6%1.65 0.14 1.7 Cooling Geothermal Heat Pump 3.9%1.01 0.04 0.5 Heating Electric Furnace 3.7%9.39 0.35 4.2 Heating Electric Room Heat 1.8%8.94 0.16 1.9 Heating Air-Source Heat Pump 8.6%6.66 0.57 6.8 Heating Geothermal Heat Pump 3.9%5.16 0.20 2.4 Ventilation Ventilation 100.0%1.17 1.17 14.0 Water Heating Water Heater 38.1%1.63 0.62 7.4 Interior Lighting Screw-in/Hard-wire 100.0%0.55 0.55 6.6 Interior Lighting High-Bay Fixtures 100.0%0.13 0.13 1.5 Interior Lighting Linear Fluorescent 100.0%1.10 1.10 13.1 Exterior Lighting Screw-in/Hard-wire 100.0%0.00 0.00 0.1 Exterior Lighting HID 100.0%0.17 0.17 2.0 Exterior Lighting Linear Fluorescent 100.0%0.96 0.96 11.5 Refrigeration Walk-in Refrigerator/Freezer 19.0%0.51 0.10 1.2 Refrigeration Reach-in Refrigerator/Freezer 33.0%0.23 0.08 0.9 Refrigeration Glass Door Display 19.7%0.12 0.02 0.3 Refrigeration Open Display Case 11.9%0.69 0.08 1.0 Refrigeration Icemaker 69.7%0.38 0.27 3.2 Refrigeration Vending Machine 21.8%0.18 0.04 0.5 Food Preparation Oven 34.0%0.58 0.20 2.3 Food Preparation Fryer 4.0%0.84 0.03 0.4 Food Preparation Dishwasher 29.0%1.15 0.33 4.0 Food Preparation Steamer 4.0%0.84 0.03 0.4 Food Preparation Hot Food Container 21.0%0.16 0.03 0.4 Office Equipment Desktop Computer 100.0%0.45 0.45 5.4 Office Equipment Laptop 100.0%0.03 0.03 0.3 Office Equipment Server 100.0%0.11 0.11 1.3 Office Equipment Monitor 100.0%0.08 0.08 1.0 Office Equipment Printer/Copier/Fax 100.0%0.05 0.05 0.6 Office Equipment POS Terminal 36.0%0.01 0.01 0.1 Miscellaneous Non-HVAC Motors 43.7%0.11 0.05 0.6 Miscellaneous Pool Pump 6.0%0.01 0.00 0.0 Miscellaneous Pool Heater 1.0%0.01 0.00 0.0 Miscellaneous Other Miscellaneous 100.0%0.55 0.55 6.6 Total 9.85 117.5 Average Market Profiles - Electricity End Use Technology Saturation 2015 Electric IRP Appendix C 753 Energy Efficiency Potential Study Applied Energy Group, Inc. 100 Table A-12 Health Electric Market Profile, Washington EUI Intensity Usage (kWh)(kWh/Sqft)(GWh) Cooling Air-Cooled Chiller 16.5%5.62 0.93 8.7 Cooling Water-Cooled Chiller 65.9%7.38 4.86 45.4 Cooling RTU 10.8%5.40 0.58 5.5 Cooling Room AC 0.4%5.55 0.02 0.2 Cooling Air-Source Heat Pump 1.1%5.39 0.06 0.5 Cooling Geothermal Heat Pump 0.4%3.28 0.01 0.1 Heating Electric Furnace 0.3%13.34 0.04 0.3 Heating Electric Room Heat 9.3%12.71 1.18 11.1 Heating Air-Source Heat Pump 1.1%9.12 0.10 0.9 Heating Geothermal Heat Pump 0.4%6.69 0.02 0.2 Ventilation Ventilation 100.0%4.96 4.96 46.3 Water Heating Water Heater 22.3%4.64 1.03 9.7 Interior Lighting Screw-in/Hard-wire 100.0%1.54 1.54 14.3 Interior Lighting High-Bay Fixtures 100.0%0.35 0.35 3.3 Interior Lighting Linear Fluorescent 100.0%3.92 3.92 36.6 Exterior Lighting Screw-in/Hard-wire 100.0%0.04 0.04 0.4 Exterior Lighting HID 100.0%0.46 0.46 4.3 Exterior Lighting Linear Fluorescent 100.0%0.16 0.16 1.5 Refrigeration Walk-in Refrigerator/Freezer 33.0%1.05 0.35 3.2 Refrigeration Reach-in Refrigerator/Freezer 50.0%0.23 0.12 1.1 Refrigeration Glass Door Display 8.6%0.24 0.02 0.2 Refrigeration Open Display Case 6.7%1.43 0.10 0.9 Refrigeration Icemaker 21.1%0.79 0.17 1.6 Refrigeration Vending Machine 27.9%0.37 0.10 1.0 Food Preparation Oven 13.0%2.58 0.34 3.1 Food Preparation Fryer 10.0%3.73 0.37 3.5 Food Preparation Dishwasher 25.0%5.14 1.28 12.0 Food Preparation Steamer 10.0%3.77 0.38 3.5 Food Preparation Hot Food Container 10.0%0.70 0.07 0.7 Office Equipment Desktop Computer 100.0%0.91 0.91 8.5 Office Equipment Laptop 100.0%0.06 0.06 0.5 Office Equipment Server 100.0%0.11 0.11 1.0 Office Equipment Monitor 100.0%0.16 0.16 1.5 Office Equipment Printer/Copier/Fax 100.0%0.10 0.10 0.9 Office Equipment POS Terminal 100.0%0.07 0.07 0.7 Miscellaneous Non-HVAC Motors 74.1%0.37 0.27 2.6 Miscellaneous Pool Pump 0.0%0.00 0.00 0.0 Miscellaneous Pool Heater 0.0%0.00 0.00 0.0 Miscellaneous Other Miscellaneous 100.0%3.84 3.84 35.8 Total 29.06 271.4 Average Market Profiles - Electricity End Use Technology Saturation 2015 Electric IRP Appendix C 754 Energy Efficiency Potential Study Applied Energy Group, Inc. 101 Table A-13 Lodging Electric Market Profile, Washington EUI Intensity Usage (kWh)(kWh/Sqft)(GWh) Cooling Air-Cooled Chiller 4.4%1.18 0.05 0.4 Cooling Water-Cooled Chiller 17.8%1.54 0.27 1.9 Cooling RTU 8.1%2.62 0.21 1.5 Cooling Room AC 27.5%2.69 0.74 5.1 Cooling Air-Source Heat Pump 17.6%2.62 0.46 3.2 Cooling Geothermal Heat Pump 2.5%2.26 0.06 0.4 Heating Electric Furnace 60.2%4.21 2.54 17.6 Heating Electric Room Heat 3.6%4.01 0.15 1.0 Heating Air-Source Heat Pump 17.6%3.85 0.68 4.7 Heating Geothermal Heat Pump 2.5%2.50 0.06 0.4 Ventilation Ventilation 100.0%1.42 1.42 9.9 Water Heating Water Heater 31.5%4.81 1.51 10.5 Interior Lighting Screw-in/Hard-wire 100.0%3.31 3.31 23.0 Interior Lighting High-Bay Fixtures 100.0%0.27 0.27 1.8 Interior Lighting Linear Fluorescent 100.0%0.87 0.87 6.0 Exterior Lighting Screw-in/Hard-wire 100.0%0.13 0.13 0.9 Exterior Lighting HID 100.0%0.51 0.51 3.6 Exterior Lighting Linear Fluorescent 100.0%0.03 0.03 0.2 Refrigeration Walk-in Refrigerator/Freezer 3.0%0.82 0.02 0.2 Refrigeration Reach-in Refrigerator/Freezer 19.0%0.18 0.03 0.2 Refrigeration Glass Door Display 40.0%0.19 0.08 0.5 Refrigeration Open Display Case 0.0%1.12 0.00 0.0 Refrigeration Icemaker 88.9%0.62 0.55 3.8 Refrigeration Vending Machine 57.8%0.29 0.17 1.2 Food Preparation Oven 24.0%0.83 0.20 1.4 Food Preparation Fryer 4.0%1.20 0.05 0.3 Food Preparation Dishwasher 39.0%0.82 0.32 2.2 Food Preparation Steamer 4.0%0.60 0.02 0.2 Food Preparation Hot Food Container 10.0%0.11 0.01 0.1 Office Equipment Desktop Computer 100.0%0.20 0.20 1.4 Office Equipment Laptop 100.0%0.03 0.03 0.2 Office Equipment Server 100.0%0.12 0.12 0.8 Office Equipment Monitor 100.0%0.04 0.04 0.2 Office Equipment Printer/Copier/Fax 100.0%0.02 0.02 0.2 Office Equipment POS Terminal 58.0%0.03 0.02 0.1 Miscellaneous Non-HVAC Motors 91.3%0.15 0.14 1.0 Miscellaneous Pool Pump 76.0%0.02 0.02 0.1 Miscellaneous Pool Heater 27.0%0.03 0.01 0.1 Miscellaneous Other Miscellaneous 100.0%0.76 0.76 5.3 Total 16.08 111.7 Average Market Profiles - Electricity End Use Technology Saturation 2015 Electric IRP Appendix C 755 Energy Efficiency Potential Study Applied Energy Group, Inc. 102 Table A-14 Warehouse Electric Market Profile, Washington EUI Intensity Usage (kWh)(kWh/Sqft)(GWh) Cooling Air-Cooled Chiller 13.0%4.14 0.54 7.4 Cooling Water-Cooled Chiller 1.4%4.74 0.07 0.9 Cooling RTU 17.0%4.07 0.69 9.5 Cooling Room AC 1.1%4.18 0.05 0.6 Cooling Air-Source Heat Pump 1.6%4.07 0.07 0.9 Cooling Geothermal Heat Pump 0.0%2.48 0.00 0.0 Heating Electric Furnace 4.9%7.90 0.39 5.3 Heating Electric Room Heat 1.7%7.53 0.13 1.8 Heating Air-Source Heat Pump 1.6%5.91 0.09 1.3 Heating Geothermal Heat Pump 0.0%4.50 0.00 0.0 Ventilation Ventilation 100.0%0.60 0.60 8.2 Water Heating Water Heater 76.9%0.61 0.47 6.4 Interior Lighting Screw-in/Hard-wire 100.0%0.23 0.23 3.2 Interior Lighting High-Bay Fixtures 100.0%0.96 0.96 13.2 Interior Lighting Linear Fluorescent 100.0%1.12 1.12 15.4 Exterior Lighting Screw-in/Hard-wire 100.0%0.18 0.18 2.5 Exterior Lighting HID 100.0%0.15 0.15 2.1 Exterior Lighting Linear Fluorescent 100.0%0.15 0.15 2.1 Refrigeration Walk-in Refrigerator/Freezer 1.1%4.49 0.05 0.7 Refrigeration Reach-in Refrigerator/Freezer 2.0%1.01 0.02 0.3 Refrigeration Glass Door Display 0.0%1.03 0.00 0.0 Refrigeration Open Display Case 0.0%6.13 0.00 0.0 Refrigeration Icemaker 8.3%1.69 0.14 1.9 Refrigeration Vending Machine 6.9%0.80 0.05 0.7 Food Preparation Oven 0.0%0.28 0.00 0.0 Food Preparation Fryer 0.0%0.41 0.00 0.0 Food Preparation Dishwasher 2.0%0.56 0.01 0.2 Food Preparation Steamer 0.0%0.41 0.00 0.0 Food Preparation Hot Food Container 0.0%0.08 0.00 0.0 Office Equipment Desktop Computer 100.0%0.23 0.23 3.2 Office Equipment Laptop 100.0%0.03 0.03 0.4 Office Equipment Server 89.0%0.27 0.24 3.4 Office Equipment Monitor 100.0%0.04 0.04 0.6 Office Equipment Printer/Copier/Fax 100.0%0.03 0.03 0.4 Office Equipment POS Terminal 77.0%0.07 0.06 0.8 Miscellaneous Non-HVAC Motors 49.9%0.14 0.07 1.0 Miscellaneous Pool Pump 0.0%0.00 0.00 0.0 Miscellaneous Pool Heater 0.0%0.00 0.00 0.0 Miscellaneous Other Miscellaneous 100.0%0.65 0.65 8.9 Total 7.50 102.9 Average Market Profiles - Electricity End Use Technology Saturation 2015 Electric IRP Appendix C 756 Energy Efficiency Potential Study Applied Energy Group, Inc. 103 Table A-15 Miscellaneous Electric Market Profile, Washington EUI Intensity Usage (kWh)(kWh/Sqft)(GWh) Cooling Air-Cooled Chiller 4.2%3.85 0.16 5.3 Cooling Water-Cooled Chiller 16.7%4.36 0.73 24.0 Cooling RTU 34.5%3.18 1.10 36.3 Cooling Room AC 4.9%3.27 0.16 5.3 Cooling Air-Source Heat Pump 6.2%3.18 0.20 6.5 Cooling Geothermal Heat Pump 1.1%1.94 0.02 0.7 Heating Electric Furnace 15.2%8.97 1.36 45.0 Heating Electric Room Heat 8.4%8.54 0.72 23.7 Heating Air-Source Heat Pump 6.2%7.44 0.46 15.1 Heating Geothermal Heat Pump 1.1%5.77 0.07 2.2 Ventilation Ventilation 100.0%1.39 1.39 45.9 Water Heating Water Heater 51.3%2.64 1.35 44.8 Interior Lighting Screw-in/Hard-wire 100.0%0.75 0.75 24.9 Interior Lighting High-Bay Fixtures 100.0%0.25 0.25 8.1 Interior Lighting Linear Fluorescent 100.0%1.42 1.42 46.9 Exterior Lighting Screw-in/Hard-wire 100.0%0.43 0.43 14.2 Exterior Lighting HID 100.0%0.91 0.91 30.0 Exterior Lighting Linear Fluorescent 100.0%0.07 0.07 2.3 Refrigeration Walk-in Refrigerator/Freezer 9.0%0.98 0.09 2.9 Refrigeration Reach-in Refrigerator/Freezer 0.0%0.22 0.00 0.0 Refrigeration Glass Door Display 15.0%0.23 0.03 1.1 Refrigeration Open Display Case 0.0%1.34 0.00 0.0 Refrigeration Icemaker 41.6%0.37 0.15 5.1 Refrigeration Vending Machine 28.6%0.35 0.10 3.3 Food Preparation Oven 28.0%0.24 0.07 2.3 Food Preparation Fryer 4.0%0.35 0.01 0.5 Food Preparation Dishwasher 31.0%0.49 0.15 5.0 Food Preparation Steamer 4.0%0.36 0.01 0.5 Food Preparation Hot Food Container 7.0%0.07 0.00 0.2 Office Equipment Desktop Computer 100.0%0.37 0.37 12.4 Office Equipment Laptop 100.0%0.06 0.06 1.9 Office Equipment Server 66.0%0.22 0.15 4.8 Office Equipment Monitor 100.0%0.07 0.07 2.2 Office Equipment Printer/Copier/Fax 100.0%0.04 0.04 1.4 Office Equipment POS Terminal 28.0%0.06 0.02 0.5 Miscellaneous Non-HVAC Motors 59.9%0.15 0.09 3.0 Miscellaneous Pool Pump 4.0%0.02 0.00 0.0 Miscellaneous Pool Heater 1.0%0.03 0.00 0.0 Miscellaneous Other Miscellaneous 100.0%0.79 0.79 26.2 Total 13.75 454.6 Average Market Profiles - Electricity End Use Technology Saturation 2015 Electric IRP Appendix C 757 Energy Efficiency Potential Study Applied Energy Group, Inc. 104 Table A-16 Industrial Electric Market Profile, Washington EUI Intensity Usage (kWh)(kWh/Employee)(GWh) Cooling Air-Cooled Chiller 13.0% 8,256 1,072 17.40 Cooling Water-Cooled Chiller 1.4% 9,464 137 2.22 Cooling RTU 17.0% 8,121 1,383 22.44 Cooling Room AC 1.1% 8,347 94 1.53 Cooling Air-Source Heat Pump 1.6% 8,118 130 2.12 Cooling Geothermal Heat Pump 0.0% 5,414 0 0.00 Heating Electric Furnace 4.9% 15,767 769 12.47 Heating Electric Room Heat 1.7% 15,016 258 4.18 Heating Air-Source Heat Pump 1.6% 11,786 189 3.07 Heating Geothermal Heat Pump 0.0% 7,861 0 0.00 Ventilation Ventilation 100.0% 1,190 1,190 19.30 Interior Lighting Screw-in/Hard-wire 100.0%302 302 4.90 Interior Lighting High-Bay Fixtures 100.0% 1,256 1,256 20.38 Interior Lighting Linear Fluorescent 100.0% 1,466 1,466 23.78 Exterior Lighting Screw-in/Hard-wire 100.0%238 238 3.86 Exterior Lighting HID 100.0%196 196 3.19 Exterior Lighting Linear Fluorescent 100.0%198 198 3.21 Motors Pumps 100.0% 5,352 5,352 86.83 Motors Fans & Blowers 100.0% 4,189 4,189 67.97 Motors Compressed Air 100.0% 3,345 3,345 54.27 Motors Conveyors 100.0% 15,101 15,101 245.01 Motors Other Motors 100.0% 2,341 2,341 37.99 Process Process Heating 100.0% 6,115 6,115 99.21 Process Process Cooling 100.0% 2,005 2,005 32.53 Process Process Refrigeration 100.0% 2,005 2,005 32.53 Process Process Electro-Chemical 100.0% 3,972 3,972 64.45 Process Process Other 100.0% 1,345 1,345 21.83 Miscellaneous Miscellaneous 100.0% 2,197 2,197 35.64 56,846 922.32 Average Market Profiles - Electricity End Use Technology Saturation Total 2015 Electric IRP Appendix C 758 Energy Efficiency Potential Study Applied Energy Group, Inc. 105 Table A-17 Residential Single Family Electric Market Profile, Idaho UEC Intensity Usage (kWh)(kWh/HH)(GWh) Cooling Central AC 38.2% 1,424 544 36 Cooling Room AC 12.3%518 64 4 Cooling Air-Source Heat Pump 7.0% 1,491 104 7 Cooling Geothermal Heat Pump 0.0% 1,317 0 0 Cooling Evaporative AC 1.6% 1,027 16 1 Space Heating Electric Room Heat 9.8% 14,299 1,397 91 Space Heating Electric Furnace 7.4% 16,280 1,212 79 Space Heating Air-Source Heat Pump 7.0% 12,257 852 56 Space Heating Geothermal Heat Pump 0.0% 5,402 0 0 Water Heating Water Heater (<= 55 Gal)43.1% 3,530 1,523 100 Water Heating Water Heater (55 to 75 Gal)5.3% 3,712 195 13 Water Heating Water Heater (> 75 Gal)0.5% 3,890 18 1 Interior Lighting Screw-in/Hard-wire 100.0% 1,267 1,267 83 Interior Lighting Linear Fluorescent 100.0%179 179 12 Interior Lighting Specialty Lighting 100.0%350 350 23 Exterior Lighting Screw-in/Hard-wire 100.0%491 491 32 Appliances Clothes Washer 95.5%103 98 6 Appliances Clothes Dryer 65.6%802 527 34 Appliances Dishwasher 80.1%443 355 23 Appliances Refrigerator 100.0%826 826 54 Appliances Freezer 66.3%660 438 29 Appliances Second Refrigerator 29.4%962 283 18 Appliances Stove 58.4%474 277 18 Appliances Microwave 93.1%138 129 8 Electronics Personal Computers 63.3%208 131 9 Electronics Monitor 77.3%88 68 4 Electronics Laptops 85.7%55 47 3 Electronics TVs 199.0%245 487 32 Electronics Printer/Fax/Copier 76.9%63 49 3 Electronics Set top Boxes/DVRs 105.8%124 131 9 Electronics Devices and Gadgets 100.0%54 54 3 Miscellaneous Pool Pump 2.6% 2,350 61 4 Miscellaneous Pool Heater 0.6% 3,763 24 2 Miscellaneous Furnace Fan 70.2%279 196 13 Miscellaneous Well pump 20.0%600 120 8 Miscellaneous Miscellaneous 100.0%389 389 25 12,902 843 Average Market Profiles - Electricity Total End Use Technology Saturation 2015 Electric IRP Appendix C 759 Energy Efficiency Potential Study Applied Energy Group, Inc. 106 Table A-18 Residential Multifamily Electric Market Profile, Idaho UEC Intensity Usage (kWh)(kWh/HH)(GWh) Cooling Central AC 22.3%373 83 0 Cooling Room AC 31.6%296 94 0 Cooling Air-Source Heat Pump 1.9%373 7 0 Cooling Geothermal Heat Pump 0.0%329 0 0 Cooling Evaporative AC 1.9%307 6 0 Space Heating Electric Room Heat 59.5% 2,937 1,748 9 Space Heating Electric Furnace 16.7% 3,343 557 3 Space Heating Air-Source Heat Pump 1.9% 1,831 34 0 Space Heating Geothermal Heat Pump 0.0%807 0 0 Water Heating Water Heater (<= 55 Gal)57.4% 2,205 1,266 7 Water Heating Water Heater (55 to 75 Gal)7.6% 2,319 176 1 Water Heating Water Heater (> 75 Gal)0.0% 2,430 0 0 Interior Lighting Screw-in/Hard-wire 100.0%639 639 3 Interior Lighting Linear Fluorescent 100.0%40 40 0 Interior Lighting Specialty Lighting 100.0%37 37 0 Exterior Lighting Screw-in/Hard-wire 100.0% 0 0 0 Appliances Clothes Washer 59.6%96 57 0 Appliances Clothes Dryer 42.3%593 251 1 Appliances Dishwasher 73.1%413 302 2 Appliances Refrigerator 100.0%771 771 4 Appliances Freezer 23.1%620 143 1 Appliances Second Refrigerator 3.0%898 27 0 Appliances Stove 69.2%357 247 1 Appliances Microwave 86.5%129 112 1 Electronics Personal Computers 46.3%194 90 0 Electronics Monitor 56.6%82 47 0 Electronics Laptops 74.1%52 38 0 Electronics TVs 140.7%269 379 2 Electronics Printer/Fax/Copier 51.9%59 31 0 Electronics Set top Boxes/DVRs 64.8%116 75 0 Electronics Devices and Gadgets 100.0%50 50 0 Miscellaneous Pool Pump 0.0% 2,197 0 0 Miscellaneous Pool Heater 0.0% 3,517 0 0 Miscellaneous Furnace Fan 33.3%98 33 0 Miscellaneous Well pump 0.0%556 0 0 Miscellaneous Miscellaneous 100.0%395 395 2 7,733 41 Average Market Profiles - Electricity Total End Use Technology Saturation 2015 Electric IRP Appendix C 760 Energy Efficiency Potential Study Applied Energy Group, Inc. 107 Table A-19 Residential Manufactured Home Electric Market Profile, Idaho UEC Intensity Usage (kWh)(kWh/HH)(GWh) Cooling Central AC 35.9%500 180 1 Cooling Room AC 20.5%395 81 0 Cooling Air-Source Heat Pump 5.1%500 26 0 Cooling Geothermal Heat Pump 0.0%441 0 0 Cooling Evaporative AC 0.0%319 0 0 Space Heating Electric Room Heat 10.7% 6,758 724 4 Space Heating Electric Furnace 42.9% 7,694 3,297 16 Space Heating Air-Source Heat Pump 5.1% 6,330 325 2 Space Heating Geothermal Heat Pump 0.0% 2,900 0 0 Water Heating Water Heater (<= 55 Gal)66.2% 2,370 1,570 8 Water Heating Water Heater (55 to 75 Gal)8.8% 2,492 219 1 Water Heating Water Heater (> 75 Gal)0.0% 2,612 0 0 Interior Lighting Screw-in/Hard-wire 100.0%750 750 4 Interior Lighting Linear Fluorescent 100.0%61 61 0 Interior Lighting Specialty Lighting 100.0%158 158 1 Exterior Lighting Screw-in/Hard-wire 100.0%184 184 1 Appliances Clothes Washer 94.9%91 87 0 Appliances Clothes Dryer 82.1%888 729 4 Appliances Dishwasher 74.4%394 293 1 Appliances Refrigerator 100.0%732 732 4 Appliances Freezer 48.7%586 286 1 Appliances Second Refrigerator 21.0%852 179 1 Appliances Stove 82.1%510 419 2 Appliances Microwave 92.3%123 113 1 Electronics Personal Computers 46.4%184 86 0 Electronics Monitor 56.8%78 44 0 Electronics Laptops 50.0%49 25 0 Electronics TVs 110.7%273 302 1 Electronics Printer/Fax/Copier 42.9%56 24 0 Electronics Set top Boxes/DVRs 89.3%110 99 0 Electronics Devices and Gadgets 100.0%48 48 0 Miscellaneous Pool Pump 0.0% 2,087 0 0 Miscellaneous Pool Heater 0.0% 3,341 0 0 Miscellaneous Furnace Fan 71.4%205 146 1 Miscellaneous Well pump 0.0%428 0 0 Miscellaneous Miscellaneous 100.0%415 415 2 11,599 56 Average Market Profiles - Electricity Total End Use Technology Saturation 2015 Electric IRP Appendix C 761 Energy Efficiency Potential Study Applied Energy Group, Inc. 108 Table A-20 Residential Low Income Electric Market Profile, Idaho UEC Intensity Usage (kWh)(kWh/HH)(GWh) Cooling Central AC 25.1%481 121 4 Cooling Room AC 29.0%351 102 3 Cooling Air-Source Heat Pump 2.6%485 13 0 Cooling Geothermal Heat Pump 0.0%428 0 0 Cooling Evaporative AC 1.6%363 6 0 Space Heating Electric Room Heat 50.0% 3,842 1,920 61 Space Heating Electric Furnace 19.6% 4,374 859 28 Space Heating Air-Source Heat Pump 2.6% 2,951 77 2 Space Heating Geothermal Heat Pump 0.0% 1,319 0 0 Water Heating Water Heater (<= 55 Gal)57.7% 2,155 1,244 40 Water Heating Water Heater (55 to 75 Gal)7.6% 2,266 173 6 Water Heating Water Heater (> 75 Gal)0.0% 2,374 1 0 Interior Lighting Screw-in/Hard-wire 100.0%692 692 22 Interior Lighting Linear Fluorescent 100.0%51 51 2 Interior Lighting Specialty Lighting 100.0%72 72 2 Exterior Lighting Screw-in/Hard-wire 100.0%54 54 2 Appliances Clothes Washer 66.5%90 60 2 Appliances Clothes Dryer 49.1%610 299 10 Appliances Dishwasher 73.7%389 286 9 Appliances Refrigerator 100.0%725 725 23 Appliances Freezer 29.1%583 170 5 Appliances Second Refrigerator 7.0%844 59 2 Appliances Stove 70.3%363 255 8 Appliances Microwave 87.7%121 106 3 Electronics Personal Computers 47.3%182 86 3 Electronics Monitor 57.9%77 45 1 Electronics Laptops 71.5%49 35 1 Electronics TVs 140.2%253 354 11 Electronics Printer/Fax/Copier 52.1%55 29 1 Electronics Set top Boxes/DVRs 70.6%109 77 2 Electronics Devices and Gadgets 100.0%47 47 2 Miscellaneous Pool Pump 0.2% 2,065 3 0 Miscellaneous Pool Heater 0.0% 3,306 1 0 Miscellaneous Furnace Fan 40.7%123 50 2 Miscellaneous Well pump 1.2%510 6 0 Miscellaneous Miscellaneous 100.0%272 272 9 8,349 267 Average Market Profiles - Electricity Total End Use Technology Saturation 2015 Electric IRP Appendix C 762 Energy Efficiency Potential Study Applied Energy Group, Inc. 109 Table A-21 Small Office Electric Market Profile, Idaho EUI Intensity Usage (kWh)(kWh/Sqft)(GWh) Cooling Air-Cooled Chiller 0.5%4.68 0.02 0.2 Cooling Water-Cooled Chiller 0.0%5.30 0.00 0.0 Cooling RTU 77.9%3.86 3.01 26.2 Cooling Room AC 3.6%3.97 0.14 1.3 Cooling Air-Source Heat Pump 8.2%3.86 0.32 2.7 Cooling Geothermal Heat Pump 3.2%2.36 0.08 0.7 Heating Electric Furnace 16.0%6.76 1.08 9.4 Heating Electric Room Heat 14.5%6.44 0.93 8.1 Heating Air-Source Heat Pump 8.2%5.71 0.47 4.1 Heating Geothermal Heat Pump 3.2%4.34 0.14 1.2 Ventilation Ventilation 100.0%1.40 1.40 12.1 Water Heating Water Heater 69.8%1.05 0.73 6.4 Interior Lighting Screw-in/Hard-wire 100.0%0.62 0.62 5.4 Interior Lighting High-Bay Fixtures 100.0%0.34 0.34 3.0 Interior Lighting Linear Fluorescent 100.0%2.05 2.05 17.8 Exterior Lighting Screw-in/Hard-wire 100.0%0.14 0.14 1.2 Exterior Lighting HID 100.0%0.19 0.19 1.7 Exterior Lighting Linear Fluorescent 100.0%0.07 0.07 0.6 Refrigeration Walk-in Refrigerator/Freezer 0.2%2.34 0.01 0.0 Refrigeration Reach-in Refrigerator/Freezer 1.6%0.52 0.01 0.1 Refrigeration Glass Door Display 0.5%0.54 0.00 0.0 Refrigeration Open Display Case 0.5%3.19 0.01 0.1 Refrigeration Icemaker 0.5%0.88 0.00 0.0 Refrigeration Vending Machine 0.2%0.41 0.00 0.0 Food Preparation Oven 0.8%1.50 0.01 0.1 Food Preparation Fryer 0.1%2.17 0.00 0.0 Food Preparation Dishwasher 1.0%2.99 0.03 0.3 Food Preparation Steamer 0.1%2.19 0.00 0.0 Food Preparation Hot Food Container 0.1%0.41 0.00 0.0 Office Equipment Desktop Computer 100.0%1.55 1.55 13.5 Office Equipment Laptop 100.0%0.24 0.24 2.1 Office Equipment Server 100.0%0.46 0.46 4.0 Office Equipment Monitor 100.0%0.27 0.27 2.4 Office Equipment Printer/Copier/Fax 100.0%0.21 0.21 1.8 Office Equipment POS Terminal 40.0%0.12 0.05 0.4 Miscellaneous Non-HVAC Motors 22.0%0.19 0.04 0.4 Miscellaneous Pool Pump 0.0%0.00 0.00 0.0 Miscellaneous Pool Heater 0.0%0.00 0.00 0.0 Miscellaneous Other Miscellaneous 100.0%0.82 0.82 7.1 Total 15.44 134.4 Average Market Profiles - Electricity End Use Technology Saturation 2015 Electric IRP Appendix C 763 Energy Efficiency Potential Study Applied Energy Group, Inc. 110 Table A-22 Large Office Electric Market Profile, Idaho EUI Intensity Usage (kWh)(kWh/Sqft)(GWh) Cooling Air-Cooled Chiller 23.5%2.74 0.64 0.6 Cooling Water-Cooled Chiller 23.5%3.03 0.71 0.7 Cooling RTU 33.4%3.35 1.12 1.1 Cooling Room AC 0.6%3.44 0.02 0.0 Cooling Air-Source Heat Pump 7.5%3.35 0.25 0.2 Cooling Geothermal Heat Pump 6.5%2.04 0.13 0.1 Heating Electric Furnace 15.7%4.99 0.78 0.8 Heating Electric Room Heat 14.3%4.75 0.68 0.7 Heating Air-Source Heat Pump 7.5%4.57 0.34 0.3 Heating Geothermal Heat Pump 6.5%3.62 0.24 0.2 Ventilation Ventilation 100.0%2.96 2.96 2.9 Water Heating Water Heater 68.0%0.99 0.67 0.6 Interior Lighting Screw-in/Hard-wire 100.0%0.62 0.62 0.6 Interior Lighting High-Bay Fixtures 100.0%0.37 0.37 0.4 Interior Lighting Linear Fluorescent 100.0%2.74 2.74 2.7 Exterior Lighting Screw-in/Hard-wire 100.0%0.14 0.14 0.1 Exterior Lighting HID 100.0%0.37 0.37 0.4 Exterior Lighting Linear Fluorescent 100.0%0.23 0.23 0.2 Refrigeration Walk-in Refrigerator/Freezer 2.0%1.62 0.03 0.0 Refrigeration Reach-in Refrigerator/Freezer 14.0%0.36 0.05 0.0 Refrigeration Glass Door Display 4.0%0.37 0.01 0.0 Refrigeration Open Display Case 4.0%2.22 0.09 0.1 Refrigeration Icemaker 4.0%0.61 0.02 0.0 Refrigeration Vending Machine 2.1%0.29 0.01 0.0 Food Preparation Oven 10.0%0.76 0.08 0.1 Food Preparation Fryer 1.0%1.10 0.01 0.0 Food Preparation Dishwasher 12.0%1.52 0.18 0.2 Food Preparation Steamer 1.0%1.11 0.01 0.0 Food Preparation Hot Food Container 1.0%0.21 0.00 0.0 Office Equipment Desktop Computer 100.0%1.96 1.96 1.9 Office Equipment Laptop 100.0%0.30 0.30 0.3 Office Equipment Server 100.0%0.19 0.19 0.2 Office Equipment Monitor 100.0%0.35 0.35 0.3 Office Equipment Printer/Copier/Fax 100.0%0.18 0.18 0.2 Office Equipment POS Terminal 40.0%0.03 0.01 0.0 Miscellaneous Non-HVAC Motors 89.6%0.21 0.19 0.2 Miscellaneous Pool Pump 0.0%0.00 0.00 0.0 Miscellaneous Pool Heater 0.0%0.00 0.00 0.0 Miscellaneous Other Miscellaneous 100.0%0.83 0.83 0.8 Total 17.54 17.0 Average Market Profiles - Electricity End Use Technology Saturation 2015 Electric IRP Appendix C 764 Energy Efficiency Potential Study Applied Energy Group, Inc. 111 Table A-23 Restaurant Electric Market Profile, Idaho EUI Intensity Usage (kWh)(kWh/Sqft)(GWh) Cooling Air-Cooled Chiller 0.3%3.65 0.01 0.0 Cooling Water-Cooled Chiller 0.0%4.03 0.00 0.0 Cooling RTU 76.3%4.58 3.49 1.0 Cooling Room AC 6.6%4.71 0.31 0.1 Cooling Air-Source Heat Pump 6.6%4.58 0.30 0.1 Cooling Geothermal Heat Pump 3.3%2.79 0.09 0.0 Heating Electric Furnace 5.1%6.99 0.36 0.1 Heating Electric Room Heat 0.1%6.66 0.01 0.0 Heating Air-Source Heat Pump 6.6%4.94 0.32 0.1 Heating Geothermal Heat Pump 3.3%3.48 0.11 0.0 Ventilation Ventilation 100.0%2.48 2.48 0.7 Water Heating Water Heater 35.2%8.81 3.10 0.9 Interior Lighting Screw-in/Hard-wire 100.0%2.09 2.09 0.6 Interior Lighting High-Bay Fixtures 100.0%0.40 0.40 0.1 Interior Lighting Linear Fluorescent 100.0%3.62 3.62 1.1 Exterior Lighting Screw-in/Hard-wire 100.0%0.23 0.23 0.1 Exterior Lighting HID 100.0%1.61 1.61 0.5 Exterior Lighting Linear Fluorescent 100.0%0.47 0.47 0.1 Refrigeration Walk-in Refrigerator/Freezer 74.0%6.56 4.85 1.4 Refrigeration Reach-in Refrigerator/Freezer 7.0%2.94 0.21 0.1 Refrigeration Glass Door Display 77.6%1.51 1.17 0.3 Refrigeration Open Display Case 26.0%8.95 2.33 0.7 Refrigeration Icemaker 75.9%2.47 1.88 0.5 Refrigeration Vending Machine 0.0%1.16 0.00 0.0 Food Preparation Oven 16.0%9.79 1.57 0.5 Food Preparation Fryer 14.0%14.16 1.98 0.6 Food Preparation Dishwasher 48.0%9.75 4.68 1.4 Food Preparation Steamer 14.0%7.15 1.00 0.3 Food Preparation Hot Food Container 31.0%1.33 0.41 0.1 Office Equipment Desktop Computer 100.0%0.29 0.29 0.1 Office Equipment Laptop 100.0%0.04 0.04 0.0 Office Equipment Server 50.0%0.34 0.17 0.0 Office Equipment Monitor 100.0%0.05 0.05 0.0 Office Equipment Printer/Copier/Fax 100.0%0.06 0.06 0.0 Office Equipment POS Terminal 100.0%0.09 0.09 0.0 Miscellaneous Non-HVAC Motors 20.0%0.56 0.11 0.0 Miscellaneous Pool Pump 0.0%0.00 0.00 0.0 Miscellaneous Pool Heater 0.0%0.00 0.00 0.0 Miscellaneous Other Miscellaneous 100.0%2.52 2.52 0.7 Total 42.40 12.4 Average Market Profiles - Electricity End Use Technology Saturation 2015 Electric IRP Appendix C 765 Energy Efficiency Potential Study Applied Energy Group, Inc. 112 Table A-24 Retail Electric Market Profile, Idaho EUI Intensity Usage (kWh)(kWh/Sqft)(GWh) Cooling Air-Cooled Chiller 9.5%2.80 0.27 3.2 Cooling Water-Cooled Chiller 2.4%3.17 0.08 0.9 Cooling RTU 54.2%2.31 1.25 15.2 Cooling Room AC 2.8%2.53 0.07 0.9 Cooling Air-Source Heat Pump 1.7%2.31 0.04 0.5 Cooling Geothermal Heat Pump 1.4%1.41 0.02 0.2 Heating Electric Furnace 5.8%4.81 0.28 3.4 Heating Electric Room Heat 2.1%4.58 0.10 1.2 Heating Air-Source Heat Pump 1.7%3.85 0.07 0.8 Heating Geothermal Heat Pump 1.4%2.62 0.04 0.4 Ventilation Ventilation 100.0%0.98 0.98 11.9 Water Heating Water Heater 63.0%0.79 0.50 6.1 Interior Lighting Screw-in/Hard-wire 100.0%0.85 0.85 10.3 Interior Lighting High-Bay Fixtures 100.0%1.02 1.02 12.4 Interior Lighting Linear Fluorescent 100.0%3.43 3.43 41.7 Exterior Lighting Screw-in/Hard-wire 100.0%0.36 0.36 4.3 Exterior Lighting HID 100.0%1.30 1.30 15.8 Exterior Lighting Linear Fluorescent 100.0%0.87 0.87 10.6 Refrigeration Walk-in Refrigerator/Freezer 2.0%2.04 0.04 0.5 Refrigeration Reach-in Refrigerator/Freezer 0.0%0.46 0.00 0.0 Refrigeration Glass Door Display 16.3%0.47 0.08 0.9 Refrigeration Open Display Case 14.0%2.79 0.39 4.7 Refrigeration Icemaker 7.1%0.77 0.05 0.7 Refrigeration Vending Machine 22.8%0.36 0.08 1.0 Food Preparation Oven 8.0%2.43 0.19 2.4 Food Preparation Fryer 1.6%3.51 0.06 0.7 Food Preparation Dishwasher 2.0%4.84 0.10 1.2 Food Preparation Steamer 1.6%3.55 0.06 0.7 Food Preparation Hot Food Container 1.0%0.66 0.01 0.1 Office Equipment Desktop Computer 100.0%0.34 0.34 4.1 Office Equipment Laptop 100.0%0.05 0.05 0.6 Office Equipment Server 82.0%0.06 0.05 0.6 Office Equipment Monitor 100.0%0.06 0.06 0.7 Office Equipment Printer/Copier/Fax 100.0%0.05 0.05 0.6 Office Equipment POS Terminal 100.0%0.01 0.01 0.2 Miscellaneous Non-HVAC Motors 40.2%0.16 0.07 0.8 Miscellaneous Pool Pump 0.0%0.00 0.00 0.0 Miscellaneous Pool Heater 0.0%0.00 0.00 0.0 Miscellaneous Other Miscellaneous 100.0%0.61 0.61 7.5 Total 13.80 167.6 Average Market Profiles - Electricity End Use Technology Saturation 2015 Electric IRP Appendix C 766 Energy Efficiency Potential Study Applied Energy Group, Inc. 113 Table A-25 Grocery Electric Market Profile, Idaho EUI Intensity Usage (kWh)(kWh/Sqft)(GWh) Cooling Air-Cooled Chiller 5.3%5.20 0.28 0.5 Cooling Water-Cooled Chiller 0.0%5.89 0.00 0.0 Cooling RTU 69.6%4.30 2.99 5.8 Cooling Room AC 0.0%4.42 0.00 0.0 Cooling Air-Source Heat Pump 3.1%3.80 0.12 0.2 Cooling Geothermal Heat Pump 0.0%1.60 0.00 0.0 Heating Electric Furnace 15.4%5.62 0.86 1.7 Heating Electric Room Heat 1.5%5.35 0.08 0.2 Heating Air-Source Heat Pump 3.1%3.01 0.09 0.2 Heating Geothermal Heat Pump 0.0%1.93 0.00 0.0 Ventilation Ventilation 100.0%2.07 2.07 4.0 Water Heating Water Heater 38.2%2.18 0.83 1.6 Interior Lighting Screw-in/Hard-wire 100.0%1.93 1.93 3.7 Interior Lighting High-Bay Fixtures 100.0%1.70 1.70 3.3 Interior Lighting Linear Fluorescent 100.0%5.83 5.83 11.3 Exterior Lighting Screw-in/Hard-wire 100.0%0.19 0.19 0.4 Exterior Lighting HID 100.0%1.16 1.16 2.2 Exterior Lighting Linear Fluorescent 100.0%0.48 0.48 0.9 Refrigeration Walk-in Refrigerator/Freezer 16.0%5.13 0.82 1.6 Refrigeration Reach-in Refrigerator/Freezer 83.1%0.33 0.27 0.5 Refrigeration Glass Door Display 95.6%3.37 3.23 6.3 Refrigeration Open Display Case 95.6%19.99 19.12 37.1 Refrigeration Icemaker 66.6%0.28 0.18 0.4 Refrigeration Vending Machine 36.5%0.26 0.09 0.2 Food Preparation Oven 17.0%2.44 0.42 0.8 Food Preparation Fryer 13.0%3.53 0.46 0.9 Food Preparation Dishwasher 7.0%4.86 0.34 0.7 Food Preparation Steamer 13.0%3.57 0.46 0.9 Food Preparation Hot Food Container 16.0%0.67 0.11 0.2 Office Equipment Desktop Computer 100.0%0.25 0.25 0.5 Office Equipment Laptop 64.0%0.04 0.03 0.0 Office Equipment Server 100.0%0.15 0.15 0.3 Office Equipment Monitor 100.0%0.04 0.04 0.1 Office Equipment Printer/Copier/Fax 100.0%0.03 0.03 0.1 Office Equipment POS Terminal 100.0%0.10 0.10 0.2 Miscellaneous Non-HVAC Motors 34.6%0.56 0.19 0.4 Miscellaneous Pool Pump 0.0%0.00 0.00 0.0 Miscellaneous Pool Heater 0.0%0.00 0.00 0.0 Miscellaneous Other Miscellaneous 100.0%2.35 2.35 4.6 Total 47.25 91.7 Average Market Profiles - Electricity End Use Technology Saturation 2015 Electric IRP Appendix C 767 Energy Efficiency Potential Study Applied Energy Group, Inc. 114 Table A-26 College Electric Market Profile, Idaho EUI Intensity Usage (kWh)(kWh/Sqft)(GWh) Cooling Air-Cooled Chiller 34.8%3.14 1.09 5.7 Cooling Water-Cooled Chiller 8.7%4.66 0.41 2.1 Cooling RTU 15.6%2.04 0.32 1.7 Cooling Room AC 5.0%2.09 0.10 0.5 Cooling Air-Source Heat Pump 3.6%2.03 0.07 0.4 Cooling Geothermal Heat Pump 0.0%1.24 0.00 0.0 Heating Electric Furnace 10.5%8.67 0.91 4.8 Heating Electric Room Heat 29.7%8.26 2.45 12.8 Heating Air-Source Heat Pump 3.6%6.15 0.22 1.2 Heating Geothermal Heat Pump 0.0%4.76 0.00 0.0 Ventilation Ventilation 100.0%1.48 1.48 7.7 Water Heating Water Heater 26.3%2.02 0.53 2.8 Interior Lighting Screw-in/Hard-wire 100.0%0.83 0.83 4.3 Interior Lighting High-Bay Fixtures 100.0%0.30 0.30 1.6 Interior Lighting Linear Fluorescent 100.0%2.04 2.04 10.7 Exterior Lighting Screw-in/Hard-wire 100.0%0.01 0.01 0.0 Exterior Lighting HID 100.0%0.27 0.27 1.4 Exterior Lighting Linear Fluorescent 100.0%0.97 0.97 5.1 Refrigeration Walk-in Refrigerator/Freezer 7.7%0.29 0.02 0.1 Refrigeration Reach-in Refrigerator/Freezer 13.4%0.13 0.02 0.1 Refrigeration Glass Door Display 8.0%0.07 0.01 0.0 Refrigeration Open Display Case 4.8%0.40 0.02 0.1 Refrigeration Icemaker 28.2%0.22 0.06 0.3 Refrigeration Vending Machine 8.8%0.10 0.01 0.0 Food Preparation Oven 13.7%0.68 0.09 0.5 Food Preparation Fryer 1.6%0.98 0.02 0.1 Food Preparation Dishwasher 11.7%1.35 0.16 0.8 Food Preparation Steamer 1.6%0.99 0.02 0.1 Food Preparation Hot Food Container 8.4%0.19 0.02 0.1 Office Equipment Desktop Computer 100.0%0.51 0.51 2.7 Office Equipment Laptop 100.0%0.02 0.02 0.1 Office Equipment Server 100.0%0.06 0.06 0.3 Office Equipment Monitor 100.0%0.09 0.09 0.5 Office Equipment Printer/Copier/Fax 100.0%0.07 0.07 0.4 Office Equipment POS Terminal 36.0%0.02 0.01 0.0 Miscellaneous Non-HVAC Motors 88.8%0.14 0.12 0.6 Miscellaneous Pool Pump 6.0%0.01 0.00 0.0 Miscellaneous Pool Heater 1.0%0.01 0.00 0.0 Miscellaneous Other Miscellaneous 100.0%0.61 0.61 3.2 Total 13.93 72.9 Average Market Profiles - Electricity End Use Technology Saturation 2015 Electric IRP Appendix C 768 Energy Efficiency Potential Study Applied Energy Group, Inc. 115 Table A-27 School Electric Market Profile, Idaho EUI Intensity Usage (kWh)(kWh/Sqft)(GWh) Cooling Air-Cooled Chiller 24.5%2.59 0.63 7.0 Cooling Water-Cooled Chiller 6.1%3.83 0.23 2.6 Cooling RTU 11.9%1.68 0.20 2.2 Cooling Room AC 5.0%1.72 0.09 1.0 Cooling Air-Source Heat Pump 8.6%1.67 0.14 1.6 Cooling Geothermal Heat Pump 3.9%1.02 0.04 0.4 Heating Electric Furnace 3.7%9.33 0.35 3.9 Heating Electric Room Heat 1.8%8.88 0.16 1.8 Heating Air-Source Heat Pump 8.6%6.62 0.57 6.3 Heating Geothermal Heat Pump 3.9%5.13 0.20 2.2 Ventilation Ventilation 100.0%1.17 1.17 13.0 Water Heating Water Heater 38.1%1.63 0.62 6.9 Interior Lighting Screw-in/Hard-wire 100.0%0.55 0.55 6.1 Interior Lighting High-Bay Fixtures 100.0%0.13 0.13 1.4 Interior Lighting Linear Fluorescent 100.0%1.10 1.10 12.2 Exterior Lighting Screw-in/Hard-wire 100.0%0.00 0.00 0.0 Exterior Lighting HID 100.0%0.17 0.17 1.9 Exterior Lighting Linear Fluorescent 100.0%0.96 0.96 10.7 Refrigeration Walk-in Refrigerator/Freezer 19.0%0.51 0.10 1.1 Refrigeration Reach-in Refrigerator/Freezer 33.0%0.23 0.08 0.8 Refrigeration Glass Door Display 19.7%0.12 0.02 0.3 Refrigeration Open Display Case 11.9%0.69 0.08 0.9 Refrigeration Icemaker 69.7%0.38 0.27 3.0 Refrigeration Vending Machine 21.8%0.18 0.04 0.4 Food Preparation Oven 34.0%0.58 0.20 2.2 Food Preparation Fryer 4.0%0.84 0.03 0.4 Food Preparation Dishwasher 29.0%1.15 0.33 3.7 Food Preparation Steamer 4.0%0.84 0.03 0.4 Food Preparation Hot Food Container 21.0%0.16 0.03 0.4 Office Equipment Desktop Computer 100.0%0.45 0.45 5.0 Office Equipment Laptop 100.0%0.03 0.03 0.3 Office Equipment Server 100.0%0.11 0.11 1.2 Office Equipment Monitor 100.0%0.08 0.08 0.9 Office Equipment Printer/Copier/Fax 100.0%0.05 0.05 0.6 Office Equipment POS Terminal 36.0%0.01 0.01 0.1 Miscellaneous Non-HVAC Motors 43.7%0.11 0.05 0.5 Miscellaneous Pool Pump 6.0%0.01 0.00 0.0 Miscellaneous Pool Heater 1.0%0.01 0.00 0.0 Miscellaneous Other Miscellaneous 100.0%0.54 0.54 6.0 Total 9.85 109.4 Average Market Profiles - Electricity End Use Technology Saturation 2015 Electric IRP Appendix C 769 Energy Efficiency Potential Study Applied Energy Group, Inc. 116 Table A-28 Health Electric Market Profile, Idaho EUI Intensity Usage (kWh)(kWh/Sqft)(GWh) Cooling Air-Cooled Chiller 16.5%5.72 0.94 3.4 Cooling Water-Cooled Chiller 65.9%7.50 4.94 18.0 Cooling RTU 10.8%5.49 0.59 2.2 Cooling Room AC 0.4%5.64 0.02 0.1 Cooling Air-Source Heat Pump 1.1%5.48 0.06 0.2 Cooling Geothermal Heat Pump 0.4%3.34 0.01 0.0 Heating Electric Furnace 0.3%13.21 0.04 0.1 Heating Electric Room Heat 9.3%12.58 1.17 4.3 Heating Air-Source Heat Pump 1.1%9.03 0.10 0.4 Heating Geothermal Heat Pump 0.4%6.62 0.02 0.1 Ventilation Ventilation 100.0%4.96 4.96 18.1 Water Heating Water Heater 22.3%4.64 1.03 3.8 Interior Lighting Screw-in/Hard-wire 100.0%1.54 1.54 5.6 Interior Lighting High-Bay Fixtures 100.0%0.35 0.35 1.3 Interior Lighting Linear Fluorescent 100.0%3.92 3.92 14.3 Exterior Lighting Screw-in/Hard-wire 100.0%0.04 0.04 0.1 Exterior Lighting HID 100.0%0.46 0.46 1.7 Exterior Lighting Linear Fluorescent 100.0%0.16 0.16 0.6 Refrigeration Walk-in Refrigerator/Freezer 33.0%1.05 0.35 1.3 Refrigeration Reach-in Refrigerator/Freezer 50.0%0.23 0.12 0.4 Refrigeration Glass Door Display 8.6%0.24 0.02 0.1 Refrigeration Open Display Case 6.7%1.43 0.10 0.3 Refrigeration Icemaker 21.1%0.79 0.17 0.6 Refrigeration Vending Machine 27.9%0.37 0.10 0.4 Food Preparation Oven 13.0%2.58 0.34 1.2 Food Preparation Fryer 10.0%3.73 0.37 1.4 Food Preparation Dishwasher 25.0%5.14 1.28 4.7 Food Preparation Steamer 10.0%3.77 0.38 1.4 Food Preparation Hot Food Container 10.0%0.70 0.07 0.3 Office Equipment Desktop Computer 100.0%0.91 0.91 3.3 Office Equipment Laptop 100.0%0.06 0.06 0.2 Office Equipment Server 100.0%0.11 0.11 0.4 Office Equipment Monitor 100.0%0.16 0.16 0.6 Office Equipment Printer/Copier/Fax 100.0%0.10 0.10 0.4 Office Equipment POS Terminal 100.0%0.07 0.07 0.3 Miscellaneous Non-HVAC Motors 74.1%0.36 0.27 1.0 Miscellaneous Pool Pump 0.0%0.00 0.00 0.0 Miscellaneous Pool Heater 0.0%0.00 0.00 0.0 Miscellaneous Other Miscellaneous 100.0%3.75 3.75 13.6 Total 29.06 105.8 Average Market Profiles - Electricity End Use Technology Saturation 2015 Electric IRP Appendix C 770 Energy Efficiency Potential Study Applied Energy Group, Inc. 117 Table A-29 Lodging Electric Market Profile, Idaho EUI Intensity Usage (kWh)(kWh/Sqft)(GWh) Cooling Air-Cooled Chiller 4.4%1.20 0.05 0.2 Cooling Water-Cooled Chiller 17.8%1.56 0.28 0.8 Cooling RTU 8.1%2.65 0.21 0.7 Cooling Room AC 27.5%2.72 0.75 2.3 Cooling Air-Source Heat Pump 17.6%2.65 0.47 1.4 Cooling Geothermal Heat Pump 2.5%2.29 0.06 0.2 Heating Electric Furnace 60.2%4.18 2.52 7.6 Heating Electric Room Heat 3.6%3.98 0.14 0.4 Heating Air-Source Heat Pump 17.6%3.83 0.67 2.0 Heating Geothermal Heat Pump 2.5%2.48 0.06 0.2 Ventilation Ventilation 100.0%1.42 1.42 4.3 Water Heating Water Heater 31.5%4.81 1.51 4.6 Interior Lighting Screw-in/Hard-wire 100.0%3.31 3.31 10.0 Interior Lighting High-Bay Fixtures 100.0%0.27 0.27 0.8 Interior Lighting Linear Fluorescent 100.0%0.87 0.87 2.6 Exterior Lighting Screw-in/Hard-wire 100.0%0.13 0.13 0.4 Exterior Lighting HID 100.0%0.51 0.51 1.6 Exterior Lighting Linear Fluorescent 100.0%0.03 0.03 0.1 Refrigeration Walk-in Refrigerator/Freezer 3.0%0.82 0.02 0.1 Refrigeration Reach-in Refrigerator/Freezer 19.0%0.18 0.03 0.1 Refrigeration Glass Door Display 40.0%0.19 0.08 0.2 Refrigeration Open Display Case 0.0%1.12 0.00 0.0 Refrigeration Icemaker 88.9%0.62 0.55 1.7 Refrigeration Vending Machine 57.8%0.29 0.17 0.5 Food Preparation Oven 24.0%0.83 0.20 0.6 Food Preparation Fryer 4.0%1.20 0.05 0.1 Food Preparation Dishwasher 39.0%0.82 0.32 1.0 Food Preparation Steamer 4.0%0.60 0.02 0.1 Food Preparation Hot Food Container 10.0%0.11 0.01 0.0 Office Equipment Desktop Computer 100.0%0.20 0.20 0.6 Office Equipment Laptop 100.0%0.03 0.03 0.1 Office Equipment Server 100.0%0.12 0.12 0.4 Office Equipment Monitor 100.0%0.04 0.04 0.1 Office Equipment Printer/Copier/Fax 100.0%0.02 0.02 0.1 Office Equipment POS Terminal 58.0%0.03 0.02 0.1 Miscellaneous Non-HVAC Motors 91.3%0.15 0.14 0.4 Miscellaneous Pool Pump 76.0%0.02 0.02 0.1 Miscellaneous Pool Heater 27.0%0.03 0.01 0.0 Miscellaneous Other Miscellaneous 100.0%0.76 0.76 2.3 Total 16.08 48.7 Average Market Profiles - Electricity End Use Technology Saturation 2015 Electric IRP Appendix C 771 Energy Efficiency Potential Study Applied Energy Group, Inc. 118 Table A-30 Warehouse Electric Market Profile, Idaho EUI Intensity Usage (kWh)(kWh/Sqft)(GWh) Cooling Air-Cooled Chiller 13.0%4.17 0.54 3.4 Cooling Water-Cooled Chiller 1.4%4.78 0.07 0.4 Cooling RTU 17.0%4.11 0.70 4.4 Cooling Room AC 1.1%4.22 0.05 0.3 Cooling Air-Source Heat Pump 1.6%4.10 0.07 0.4 Cooling Geothermal Heat Pump 0.0%2.50 0.00 0.0 Heating Electric Furnace 4.9%7.82 0.38 2.4 Heating Electric Room Heat 1.7%7.45 0.13 0.8 Heating Air-Source Heat Pump 1.6%5.85 0.09 0.6 Heating Geothermal Heat Pump 0.0%4.46 0.00 0.0 Ventilation Ventilation 100.0%0.60 0.60 3.8 Water Heating Water Heater 76.9%0.61 0.47 2.9 Interior Lighting Screw-in/Hard-wire 100.0%0.23 0.23 1.5 Interior Lighting High-Bay Fixtures 100.0%0.96 0.96 6.1 Interior Lighting Linear Fluorescent 100.0%1.12 1.12 7.1 Exterior Lighting Screw-in/Hard-wire 100.0%0.18 0.18 1.1 Exterior Lighting HID 100.0%0.15 0.15 0.9 Exterior Lighting Linear Fluorescent 100.0%0.15 0.15 1.0 Refrigeration Walk-in Refrigerator/Freezer 1.1%4.49 0.05 0.3 Refrigeration Reach-in Refrigerator/Freezer 2.0%1.01 0.02 0.1 Refrigeration Glass Door Display 0.0%1.03 0.00 0.0 Refrigeration Open Display Case 0.0%6.13 0.00 0.0 Refrigeration Icemaker 8.3%1.69 0.14 0.9 Refrigeration Vending Machine 6.9%0.80 0.05 0.3 Food Preparation Oven 0.0%0.28 0.00 0.0 Food Preparation Fryer 0.0%0.41 0.00 0.0 Food Preparation Dishwasher 2.0%0.56 0.01 0.1 Food Preparation Steamer 0.0%0.41 0.00 0.0 Food Preparation Hot Food Container 0.0%0.08 0.00 0.0 Office Equipment Desktop Computer 100.0%0.23 0.23 1.5 Office Equipment Laptop 100.0%0.03 0.03 0.2 Office Equipment Server 89.0%0.27 0.24 1.5 Office Equipment Monitor 100.0%0.04 0.04 0.3 Office Equipment Printer/Copier/Fax 100.0%0.03 0.03 0.2 Office Equipment POS Terminal 77.0%0.07 0.06 0.4 Miscellaneous Non-HVAC Motors 49.9%0.14 0.07 0.4 Miscellaneous Pool Pump 0.0%0.00 0.00 0.0 Miscellaneous Pool Heater 0.0%0.00 0.00 0.0 Miscellaneous Other Miscellaneous 100.0%0.65 0.65 4.1 Total 7.50 47.4 Average Market Profiles - Electricity End Use Technology Saturation 2015 Electric IRP Appendix C 772 Energy Efficiency Potential Study Applied Energy Group, Inc. 119 Table A-31 Miscellaneous Electric Market Profile, Idaho EUI Intensity Usage (kWh)(kWh/Sqft)(GWh) Cooling Air-Cooled Chiller 4.2%3.89 0.16 2.0 Cooling Water-Cooled Chiller 16.7%4.41 0.73 9.0 Cooling RTU 34.5%3.22 1.11 13.6 Cooling Room AC 4.9%3.30 0.16 2.0 Cooling Air-Source Heat Pump 6.2%3.22 0.20 2.4 Cooling Geothermal Heat Pump 1.1%1.96 0.02 0.3 Heating Electric Furnace 15.2%8.92 1.36 16.6 Heating Electric Room Heat 8.4%8.49 0.71 8.7 Heating Air-Source Heat Pump 6.2%7.40 0.46 5.6 Heating Geothermal Heat Pump 1.1%5.74 0.07 0.8 Ventilation Ventilation 100.0%1.39 1.39 17.0 Water Heating Water Heater 51.3%2.64 1.35 16.6 Interior Lighting Screw-in/Hard-wire 100.0%0.75 0.75 9.2 Interior Lighting High-Bay Fixtures 100.0%0.25 0.25 3.0 Interior Lighting Linear Fluorescent 100.0%1.42 1.42 17.3 Exterior Lighting Screw-in/Hard-wire 100.0%0.43 0.43 5.3 Exterior Lighting HID 100.0%0.91 0.91 11.1 Exterior Lighting Linear Fluorescent 100.0%0.07 0.07 0.8 Refrigeration Walk-in Refrigerator/Freezer 9.0%0.98 0.09 1.1 Refrigeration Reach-in Refrigerator/Freezer 0.0%0.22 0.00 0.0 Refrigeration Glass Door Display 15.0%0.23 0.03 0.4 Refrigeration Open Display Case 0.0%1.34 0.00 0.0 Refrigeration Icemaker 41.6%0.37 0.15 1.9 Refrigeration Vending Machine 28.6%0.35 0.10 1.2 Food Preparation Oven 28.0%0.24 0.07 0.8 Food Preparation Fryer 4.0%0.35 0.01 0.2 Food Preparation Dishwasher 31.0%0.49 0.15 1.8 Food Preparation Steamer 4.0%0.36 0.01 0.2 Food Preparation Hot Food Container 7.0%0.07 0.00 0.1 Office Equipment Desktop Computer 100.0%0.37 0.37 4.6 Office Equipment Laptop 100.0%0.06 0.06 0.7 Office Equipment Server 66.0%0.22 0.15 1.8 Office Equipment Monitor 100.0%0.07 0.07 0.8 Office Equipment Printer/Copier/Fax 100.0%0.04 0.04 0.5 Office Equipment POS Terminal 28.0%0.06 0.02 0.2 Miscellaneous Non-HVAC Motors 59.9%0.15 0.09 1.1 Miscellaneous Pool Pump 4.0%0.02 0.00 0.0 Miscellaneous Pool Heater 1.0%0.03 0.00 0.0 Miscellaneous Other Miscellaneous 100.0%0.78 0.78 9.6 Total 13.75 168.1 Average Market Profiles - Electricity End Use Technology Saturation 2015 Electric IRP Appendix C 773 Energy Efficiency Potential Study Applied Energy Group, Inc. 120 Table A-32 Industrial Electric Market Profile, Idaho EUI Intensity Usage (kWh)(kWh/Employee)(GWh) Cooling Air-Cooled Chiller 13.0% 5,652 734 6.51 Cooling Water-Cooled Chiller 1.4% 6,479 94 0.83 Cooling RTU 17.0% 5,559 947 8.40 Cooling Room AC 1.1% 5,714 64 0.57 Cooling Air-Source Heat Pump 1.6% 5,557 89 0.79 Cooling Geothermal Heat Pump 0.0% 3,706 0 0.00 Heating Electric Furnace 4.9% 10,593 516 4.58 Heating Electric Room Heat 1.7% 10,088 173 1.54 Heating Air-Source Heat Pump 1.6% 7,918 127 1.13 Heating Geothermal Heat Pump 0.0% 5,281 0 0.00 Ventilation Ventilation 100.0%807 807 7.16 Interior Lighting Screw-in/Hard-wire 100.0%205 205 1.82 Interior Lighting High-Bay Fixtures 100.0%854 854 7.58 Interior Lighting Linear Fluorescent 100.0%997 997 8.84 Exterior Lighting Screw-in/Hard-wire 100.0%162 162 1.44 Exterior Lighting HID 100.0%134 134 1.18 Exterior Lighting Linear Fluorescent 100.0%134 134 1.19 Motors Pumps 100.0% 3,640 3,640 32.29 Motors Fans & Blowers 100.0% 2,850 2,850 25.28 Motors Compressed Air 100.0% 2,275 2,275 20.18 Motors Conveyors 100.0% 10,272 10,272 91.13 Motors Other Motors 100.0% 1,593 1,593 14.13 Process Process Heating 100.0% 4,159 4,159 36.90 Process Process Cooling 100.0% 1,364 1,364 12.10 Process Process Refrigeration 100.0% 1,364 1,364 12.10 Process Process Electro-Chemical 100.0% 2,702 2,702 23.97 Process Process Other 100.0%915 915 8.12 Miscellaneous Miscellaneous 100.0% 1,494 1,494 13.26 38,668 343.03 Average Market Profiles - Electricity End Use Technology Saturation Total 2015 Electric IRP Appendix C 774 Applied Energy Group, Inc. 121 APPENDIX B Market Adoption (Ramp) Rates This appendix presents the market adoption rates we applied to economic potential to estimate achievable potential. Avista Appendix - Market Adoption Rates.xlsx 2015 Electric IRP Appendix C 775 Applied Energy Group, Inc. 122 APPENDIX C Equipment Measure Data Please see measure-level assumptions and details in the file “Avista Appendix- Equipment Measure Data.xlsx” Avista Appendix - Equipment Measure Data.xlsx 2015 Electric IRP Appendix C 776 Applied Energy Group, Inc. 123 APPENDIX D Non-Equipment Measure Data Please see measure-level assumptions and details in the file “Avista Appendix- Non-Equipment Measure Data.xlsx” Avista Appendix - Non-Equipment Measure Data.xlsx 2015 Electric IRP Appendix C 777 Applied Energy Group, Inc. 500 Ygnacio Valley Road, Suite 250 Walnut Creek, CA 94596 P: 510.982.3525 F: 925.284.3147 2015 Electric IRP Appendix C 778 2015 Electric Integrated Resource Plan Appendix D – Avista Generation Energy Efficiency Studies 2015 Electric IRP Appendix D 779 Energy Efficiency Improvements Audit Report Prepared for Boulder Park Generating Facility Prepared by Andy Paul, PE Bryce Eschenbacher, PE Levi Westra, PE Energy Solutions Engineers January 16, 2015 2015 Electric IRP Appendix D 780 Overview Facility: Boul Audited by:, Andy Paul PE Onsite Staff: Facility Audited on: January 8th, Figure 1 and Levi Westra PE Google Earth Images of the Boulder Park Generation Facility he Boulder Park Generation Facility Avista’s DSM Engineering staff visited the Boulder Park generating facility to review their current building systems and discuss several concerns that the user’s encountered during typical operation. Specifically, 2015 Electric IRP Appendix D 781 this audit was conducted to identify all possible energy efficiency improvements not related to the power generation process. After completing a tour of the facility, potential improvement measures were identified for consideration including capital projects as well as low-cost no-cost measures. This report is intended to provide a cursory review of possible energy savings. Each listed recommendation and costing is based upon historical experience and costing projections. Equipment life and performance will vary and a Statement of Work (SOW) for the capital project will determine the actual project costs and performance. The facility consists of an office, network room, and large high bay warehouse which houses (6) sound isolated natural gas burning compression-ignition 4-stroke engine generator sets; with a 7th unit available for parts. Shell There are several areas around the facility where additional weatherization work can be conducted. 1. The roll up doors could use new weather stripping along the outside edges of the doors and along the bottom. A noticeable draft can be felt when you stand next to the doors. 2. The man doors would also benefit from additional weather stripping. 3. There are several areas along where the foundation and exterior walls meet that daylight can be seen from the inside. These gaps in the wall construction should be sealed; a closed cell foam product would work well here. While these measures will conserve energy, those savings will be negligible in comparison to the measures listed further in this report. 2015 Electric IRP Appendix D 782 Lighting The site employs T12, T8 and T5 linear fluorescent lighting as well as 400 Watt Metal Halide (MH) high- bay and 250 Watt MH exterior lighting on dusk to dawn sensors. No parking lot lighting was observed. Table 1 Capital Project Lighting Opportunity Summary Brief EEM* Description EEM Cost Measure Life Electric kWh Savings 1 Control Room Lighting $13,850 20 yrs 3,931 2 Generating Floor High Bays $16,848 20 yrs 16,099 3 Replacing Engine Bay Lights $17,976 20 yrs 6,739 4 Replace Exterior Wall Packs $10,702 20 yrs 16,054 *EEM – Energy Efficiency Measure 1. Proposed Project #1: The facility currently has (x40) two lamp F32T8 fluorescent fixtures lighting the control room, break room, and restroom. The fixtures average 2,600 hrs of operation a year. The proposed project looks at replacing these fixtures with (x40) 40W linear LED fixtures. A simple lumen calculation shows that the overall lumens for the job were decreased by 7%. o The provided project is $13,850, this cost was calculated using fixture and install costs for these fixtures at Noxon Rapids HED. 2. Proposed Project #2: The facility currently has (x24) single lamp 400W Metal Halide fixtures lighting the main generation facility. The fixtures average 2,080 hrs of operation a year. The proposed project looks at replacing these fixtures with (x24) 200W linear LED high bay fixtures. A simple lumen calculation shows that the overall lumens for the job were decreased by 23%. o The provided project is $16,484, this cost was calculated using fixture and install costs for these fixtures at Noxon Rapids HED. 3. Proposed Project #3: The facility has six engine bays; each bay is lit by (x8) two lamp F96T12 fixtures. The fixtures average 2,080 hrs of operation a year. The proposed project looks at replacing all (x48) fixtures with 50W linear LED fixtures. A simple lumen calculation shows that the overall lumens for the job were decreased by 59%. o The provided project is $17,976, this cost was calculated using fixture and install costs for these fixtures at Noxon Rapids HED. 4. Proposed Project #4: The facility currently has (x16) single lamp 250W Metal Halide wall packs on the exterior of the plant. The fixtures average 4,288 hrs (dusk to dawn) of operation a year. The proposed project looks at replacing these fixtures with (x16) 52W LED wall packs. A simple lumen calculation shows that the overall lumens for the job were decreased by 66%. 2015 Electric IRP Appendix D 783 o The provided project is $10,702, this cost was calculated using fixture and install costs for these fixtures at Noxon Rapids HED. 5. It should be noted that while the total system lumens decrease for each of these projects, the actual lumens that reach the working space will more the likely increase. LED fixtures are very directional in the way they deliver lighting lumens. We recommend replacing a few light fixtures to make sure that they will meet your lighting needs. If you would like to see the fixtures in operation we recommend a trip to Noxon Rapids HED. Low Cost No Cost Opportunities In addition to the lighting replacement projects listed above we discussed a few re-circuiting projects that would help further reduce the electric load. 1. The three rows of lights on the generating floor are currently controlled by one switch. We recommend separating them out to one switch per row. This would allow the operators to leave the center row of lights off except during maintenance above the engine rooms. 2. The lights in the engine rooms are turned on when the engines are running and remain on for the duration. We recommend that these lights be put on bi-level switching. When the engines are running half the lights would come on, an occupancy sensor would turn the other half on when an operator entered a room. HVAC 1. The control room, restroom, break room, and the MCC room are conditioned by two heat pump roof top units mounted on grade outside the building. Each of these units appears to be original to the building, based on the age they are in the 13 SEER (seasonal energy efficiency rating) range. While there are newer units available that have efficiencies closer to SEER 19, the cost to purchase and install these units outweighs the potential energy savings. Our recommendation is to replace these units when they have reached their end of life. When you do replace these units purchase the most efficient units that can be afforded. You may also consider replacing these units with gas fired units. When these units were purchased and installed the price of gas was high enough that it made heat pumps the more economical choice for heating. Now the price of gas is low enough that gas furnaces and roof top units, down to 80% efficient, is the more economical option. Currently the most efficient roof top unit on the market is around 82%. A few companies are working on 90+% efficient models, but none have come to market. 2. The generation floor has two 80% efficient natural gas fired unit heaters to provide supplemental heat in the winter. Currently Reznor makes a 90% efficient unit heater. While replacing the existing heaters with a new higher efficiency unit would generate gas savings, the price of these units is high enough that the project would more than likely not make financial sense. In addition the staff stated that these units do not operate all that often. In the future when these units are at end of life we recommend purchasing and installing the most efficient units that can be afforded. 3. The low speed/high volume destratification fan on the east end of the generating floor was making a rattling noise during our site visit. We recommend having the fan and motor be serviced before more serious damage is incurred. 2015 Electric IRP Appendix D 784 Process • Compressed Air System Brief EEM Description EEM Cost Electric kWh Savings Residential energy retail value Simple Payback Instrument Air Cycling Air- Dryers $6,600 10,074 $891/yr 14.8 yr Scope of Work: • Proposed Project - Boulder Park Generating facility employs a single Kaeser SM 15 (15 hp, 53 scfm @ 100psi) rotary screw air-compressor supplying air to instruments and controls. The air is dried using two non-cycling Zeks NC 75 (75 cfm) refrigeration dryers. The EEM replaces those units with one appropriately sized Hankison HES90 (90 cfm) cycling refrigeration dryer. The analysis is based upon observed air-compressor operation (run time during audit) manufacturer’s specifications and assumed annual hours of operation (24/7/365). A copy of the analysis is appended to this document in a SMath Studio Worksheet. • Mitch Johnson, of Rogers Machinery, provided a cost estimate of $3,300 for a non-cycling unit. This does not include install costs; the facility’s excellent maintenance staff will have no problem installing this unit. • Oil reservoir heaters • Currently the facility uses 5 kW thermal elements for the engine oil heating system. There are two elements per tank and six engines for a total of 60 kW. This is a purely resistive load that operates continuously to maintain a tank oil temperature of 120 ºF. The estimated annual energy consumed by this system is approximately 525,600 kWh (this type of system is nearly 100% efficient). The cost associated with this type of heating is about $36,800 (using Avista WA rate schedule 21 and $0.07/kWh). The opportunity here is to investigate the possibility of replacing the electric resistive elements with an NG hydronic system that would circulate heated water 2015 Electric IRP Appendix D 785 through the tank via some type of finned tube arrangement. On a strictly “per BTU” basis, the cost savings would approximately be as follows: • 525,600 kWh*(3412 BTU/kWh) = 1,800 MMBTU*(therms/1E5BTU) = 17,933 therms • Assuming a heating (tube) efficiency effectiveness of about 75%, the final NG consumption is expected to be 23,911 therms per year. Using a per therm cost of $0.69 (WA natural gas schedule 111) this translates to an operating cost of approximately $16,500 per year, giving a reduction of 55% in operating costs. Depending on the final system, piping, materials, and circulation pump sizing, the final energy cost reduction could be expected to be 50%. The 5% “conservative” factor also includes the initial energy required to raise the water temp from 52oF to 120oF and standby losses. There may (and probably will) also be some additional maintenance costs associated with regular tube inspections and cleaning. Obviously, whether or not this is a prudent investment depends largely on the equipment, installation, and commissioning costs associated with the project. Once estimates are provided, project simple paybacks and return on investments can be calculated. We hope that this report helps to identify some areas that the generating facility can gain some operational efficiency and reduce the parasitic load that these systems represent. If you decide to pursue any of these potential energy savings projects please let the Energy Solutions team know ahead of the start of the project. Respectfully, Andy Paul, Bryce Eschenbacher, and Levi Westra - January 19, 2015 2015 Electric IRP Appendix D 786 Acct# Existing Annual Consumption: (kilowatt hours)7,706.40 Lighting Energy Savings:(kilowatt hours)3,650.40 Lighting Demand Savings: (kilowatt demand)1.15 Cooling System Savings: (kilowatt hours)281.08 Cooling System Demand Savings: (kW demand) 0.09 Lumen Comparison New/Existing 93.03% Total Energy Savings: (kilowatt hours)3,931.48 Total Demand Savings: (kilowatt demand)1.24 Estimated Project Cost: (Rough Estimate)See Report Heating System Penalty: (therms)(31.76) Maintenance Savings:($30.69) Name: Boulder Park Generating Facility - Control Room Lighting BoulderPark_ControlRoom_Lighting_011415 Report Pg 1 - 1 01-14-20152015 Electric IRP Appendix D 787 Acct# Existing Annual Consumption: (kilowatt hours) 28,392.00 Lighting Energy Savings:(kilowatt hours)16,099.20 Lighting Demand Savings: (kilowatt demand)4.95 Cooling System Savings: (kilowatt hours)0.00 Cooling System Demand Savings: (kW demand) 0.00 Lumen Comparison New/Existing 76.92% Total Energy Savings: (kilowatt hours)16,099.20 Total Demand Savings: (kilowatt demand)4.95 Estimated Project Cost: (Rough Estimate)See Report Heating System Penalty: (therms)0.00 Maintenance Savings:$238.60 Name: Boulder Park Generating Facility - Generating Floor BoulderPark_GeneratingFloor_Lighting_011415 Report Pg 1 - 1 01-16-20152015 Electric IRP Appendix D 788 Acct# Existing Annual Consumption: (kilowatt hours)9,859.20 Lighting Energy Savings:(kilowatt hours)6,739.20 Lighting Demand Savings: (kilowatt demand)4.15 Cooling System Savings: (kilowatt hours)0.00 Cooling System Demand Savings: (kW demand) 0.00 Lumen Comparison New/Existing 41.29% Total Energy Savings: (kilowatt hours)6,739.20 Total Demand Savings: (kilowatt demand)4.15 Estimated Project Cost: (Rough Estimate)See Report Heating System Penalty: (therms)0.00 Maintenance Savings:$117.10 Name: Boulder Park Generating Facility -Engine Room BoulderPark_EngineRoom_Lighting_011415 Report Pg 1 - 1 01-16-20152015 Electric IRP Appendix D 789 Acct# Existing Annual Consumption: (kilowatt hours) 19,621.89 Lighting Energy Savings:(kilowatt hours)16,054.27 Lighting Demand Savings: (kilowatt demand)3.00 Cooling System Savings: (kilowatt hours)0.00 Cooling System Demand Savings: (kW demand) 0.00 Lumen Comparison New/Existing 33.69% Total Energy Savings: (kilowatt hours)16,054.27 Total Demand Savings: (kilowatt demand)3.00 Estimated Project Cost: (Rough Estimate)See Report Heating System Penalty: (therms)0.00 Maintenance Savings:$306.46 Name: Boulder Park Generating Facility - Wall Packs BoulderPark_WallPacks_Lighting_011415 Report Pg 1 - 1 01-16-20152015 Electric IRP Appendix D 790 Customer: Avista Generation; Boulder Park Internal Combustion Topping Plant Project State: EEM Evaluation Date: 01/08/15 Analysis Description: The facility employs a single Kaeser SM 15 rotary screw compressor operating with on/off controls with (2) Zeks NC 75 non-cycling refrigeration air-dryers for the facility's controls. 100 1pct input: assign "percent" to SMath Studio Figure 1. Explanation of cycling air-dryer technology 19 Jan 2015 09:20:54 - SMath - Boulder Park Compressed Air EEM eval 010815.sm 1 / 3 2015 Electric IRP Appendix D 791 Table 1. Technical specifications for existing non-cycling refrigeration air-dryers Table 2. Technical specifications for proposed cycling refrigeration air-dryers Inputs: kW0.67Pbase_nom input: basline power consumption; manufacturer specified, see Table 1. input: number of baseline 75 scfm air dryers; assume two needed for n+1 redundancy2Qty kW0.95PEEM_nom input: EEM power consumption; manufacturer specified, see Table 2. pct10Uave input: assumed utilization rate; based on air-compressor operation observed during site audit; air compressor cycled on once for a few minutes during the hour long visit. yr hr8760top input: assumed annual hours of operation 19 Jan 2015 09:20:54 - SMath - Boulder Park Compressed Air EEM eval 010815.sm 2 / 3 2015 Electric IRP Appendix D 792 Calculations: topPbase_nomQtyEbase calc: energy consumed annually by the baseline non-cycling units yr hrkW11738.4Ebase UavetopPEEM_nomQtyEEEM calc: energy consumed annually by the EEM cycling units yr hrkW1664.4EEEM EEEMEbaseEsavings_annual calc: energy saved annually converting to the EEM units yr hrkW10074Esavings_annual Contacted Mitch at Rogers' Machinery and he gave me a rough estimate for a Hankinson HES90 cycling compressor of ~$3,300/unit. 1dollar input: assign "dollar" to SMath Studio dollar33002Cost input: cost estimate for one EEM hrkW dollar0.08848Rate input: assumed average energy sales rate based upon blended 3 tiers of residential RateEsavings_annualCsavings calc: annual revenue from EEM yr dollar891.3Csavings Csavings QtyCostSPB calc: average energy simple payback yr14.8SPB Non-Energy Benefits (NEBs): - Life (years of operation before failure) of the dryer(s) will be increased due to reduced hours of compressor operation. This is even more evident when the (2) units are operated in an N+1 redundancy configuration. 19 Jan 2015 09:20:54 - SMath - Boulder Park Compressed Air EEM eval 010815.sm 3 / 3 2015 Electric IRP Appendix D 793 Energy Efficiency Improvements Audit Report Prepared for Cabinet Gorge Hydro Electric Dam Prepared by Andy Paul, PE Bryce Eschenbacher, PE Levi Westra, PE Energy Solutions Engineers April 13, 2015 2015 Electric IRP Appendix D 794 Overview Facility: Cabinet Gorge Hydro Electric Dam Audited by: Andy Paul PE, Bryce Eschenbacher PE Onsite Staff: Alan Lackner Facility Audited on: March 30th, 2015 Figure 1 Google Images of the Cabinet Gorge Hydro Electric Dam 2015 Electric IRP Appendix D 795 Avista’s DSM Engineering staff visited the Cabinet Gorge Hydro Electric Dam to review their current building systems and discuss several concerns that the user’s encountered during typical operation. Specifically, this audit was conducted to identify all possible energy efficiency improvements not related to the power generation process. After completing a tour of the facility potential improvement measures were identified for consideration including capital projects as well as low-cost no-cost measures. This report is intended to provide a cursory review of possible energy savings. Each listed recommendation, and its estimated cost, is based upon historical experience and costing projections. Equipment life and performance will vary and a Statement of Work (SOW) for the capital project will determine the actual project costs and performance. The facility consists of a control room, office space, break area and generation specific process areas including but not limited to generation floor and breaker floor. Shell Due to the design of the facility there are no real shell measures that can be undertaken that would benefit the facility or save energy. Lighting The lighting system is the largest inefficiency in the facility. Cabinet Gorge is slated to have its lighting system completely replaced similarly to Noxon Rapids HED. The majority of the new system will be linear LED’s with some screw in LED lamps where necessary. Based on the number of fixtures present in the facility it will reduce that plant electric load by a similar amount to Noxon Rapids load decrease, ~300,000 kWh. HVAC The facility is currently conditioned by several 480v electric unit heaters. These unit heaters have to run 24/7 in the winter to keep the temperature in the facility above 50ºF. In addition to the heaters there is a fresh air intake system, this system brings in outside air (OSA) and ducts it all around the facility. The OSA system will do a nightly flush of the facility during the warmer months in an attempt to keep the internal temperature low during the day. Currently there are no active heating and cooling elements in the system. It is recommended that a water source heat pump system, similar to Noxon Rapids, be considered to condition the facility. The major costs of adding an HVAC system is the duct work and cooling/heating coils, the facility is already completely ducted and several cooling/heating coils are in place. We recommend that the most efficient equipment that can be afforded be installed. This will be an expensive project to take on, but it will reduce the extreme temperature swings that happen inside the facility throughout the year and would provide protection for some of the sensitive equipment. The relay tech room and the break room currently have window style AC units and small electric heaters to keep the space conditioned. It is recommended that stand alone ductless heat pump systems be installed to serve these spaces. Certain Mitsubishi and Daikin units can have multiple inside units, cassettes, paired with one condensing unit. Compressed air The facility’s pneumatic systems consisted of several small (~25HP) reciprocating compressors along with two large oil-free rotary screw units. No recommendations will be made at this time with regards to the reciprocating units as they are near-perfect part-load machines. However, the two 250HP Kobelco compressors may represent an energy saving opportunity. The specifications for the machines are as follows: 2015 Electric IRP Appendix D 796 TWO-STAGE, HEAVY-DUTY, OIL-FREE, WATER-COOLED, ROTARY SCREW AIR COMPRESSOR MOUNTED ON A FABRICATED STEEL BASE AND DRIVEN BY A 250 HP, 3/60/460 VOLT, PREMIUM EFFICIENCY, OPEN DRIPPROOF MOTOR. . SOLID-STATE (SOFT-START) MOTOR STARTER, 250 HP, 3/60/460 VOLT, IN NEMA 1 ENCLOSURE, MOUNTED, WIRED AND TESTED ON THE ASSEMBLY. . CUSTOM ENGINEERING AND FABRICATION. SPECIAL ENGINEERING AND FACTORY FABRICATION TO DESIGN COMPRESSORS SO THEY CAN BE BROKEN DOWN AT THE JOBSITE, TRANSPORTED, AND REASSEMBLED IN THE COMPRESSOR ROOM. The system is a serves a common header and the two units are controlled on a lead/lag fashion. Depending on the hours of operation and the actual cfm demand, a bolt-on variable frequency drive (VFD) on one of the units (the one providing the trim load) might be a good option. VFDs will modulate the compressor down so that the input power nearly matches the cfm demand with very little waste in the form of heat and blown off (unloaded) air. The system should be configured in such a way that the VFD- equipped machine responds to the base cfm demand below (100%) until it reaches near 100%. At that time the fixed-speed unit should cycle on to meet that full base load and the VFD unit trims. Again the cost-effectiveness depends on cfm demand and run-hours. We estimate the VFD cost for one compressor to be approximately $50,000 including installation and programming. We hope that this report helps to identify some areas that the generating facility can gain some operational efficiency and reduce the parasitic load that these systems represent. If you decide to pursue any of these potential energy savings projects please let the Energy Solutions team know ahead of the start of the project. Respectfully, Andy Paul, Bryce Eschenbacher, and Levi Westra – April 13th, 2015 2015 Electric IRP Appendix D 797 Energy Efficiency Improvements Audit Report Prepared for Coyote Springs Thermal Generating Facility Prepared by Andy Paul, PE Bryce Eschenbacher, PE Levi Westra, PE Energy Solutions Engineers June 22, 2015 2015 Electric IRP Appendix D 798 Overview Facility: Coyote Springs Audited by: Andy Paul PE Onsite Staff: Dan Turley, PGE Facility Audited on: June 18th, 2015 Figure 1 the power generation process. and Levi Westra PE Google Earth Images of the Coyote Springs Avista’s DSM Engineering staff visited the Coyote Springs Generation Facility generating facility to review their current ser’s encountered during typical operation. Specifically, this audit was conducted to identify all possible energy efficiency improvements not related to 2015 Electric IRP Appendix D 799 After completing a tour of the facility, potential improvement measures were identified for consideration including capital projects as well as low-cost no-cost measures. This report is intended to provide a cursory review of possible energy savings. Each listed recommendation and costing is based upon historical experience and costing projections. Equipment life and performance will vary and a Statement of Work (SOW) for the capital project will determine the actual project costs and performance. The facility consists of an office, network room, and large high bay warehouse which houses two combine cycle steam turbines. Unit #2 belongs to Avista Utilities. Shell The majority of the facility houses the generating equipment, and associated process loads. The waste heat coming off of the equipment is the main source of heat during the winter months and the plant is not conditioned during the summer months. This reduces the amount of shell measure projects; insulation, weather sealing, windows, etc, that can be undertaken in this part of the facility. There are several areas; control room, MCC enclosures, switch gear, office areas, that may benefit from upgraded insulation and at the very least routine inspection and maintenance. Below are some suggestions for areas that should be checked. 1. Any man door leading to an area that is mechanically conditioned should have its weather stripping checked a couple of times a year and replaced as necessary. 2. If the roof insulation area above the office area is less than R19 additional insulation should be added. The office space has a drop ceiling throughout; un-faced batt insulation could easily be added above the ceiling panels. 3. The remainder of the facility is well insulated and does not have any weatherization or shell improvements required at this time. It is recommended that the roll up and man doors be checked periodically and maintenance be done as necessary. While these measures will conserve energy, those savings will be negligible in comparison to the measures listed further in this report. Lighting The site employs T12 and T8 linear fluorescent lighting as well as 400 Watt high pressure sodium (HPS) high-bay and 250 Watt MH exterior lighting on dusk to dawn sensors. No parking lot lighting was observed. Table 1 Capital Project Lighting Opportunity Summary Brief EEM* Description EEM Cost Measure Life Electric kWh Savings 1 Control Room Lighting $5,194 20 yrs 6,368 2 Generating Floor High Bays $44,646 20 yrs 85,778 3 Roadway Lighting $225 20 yrs 1,085 *EEM – Energy Efficiency Measure 2015 Electric IRP Appendix D 800 1. Proposed Project #1: The facility currently has (x15) three lamp F32T8 fluorescent fixtures lighting the control room. The fixtures average 8,760 hrs of operation a year. The proposed project looks at replacing these fixtures with (x15) 40W linear LED fixtures. A simple lumen calculation shows that the overall lumens for the job were decreased by 34%. o The provided project is $5,194, this cost was calculated using fixture and install costs for these fixtures at Noxon Rapids HED. 2. Proposed Project #2: The facility currently has (x32) single lamp 400W High Pressure Sodium fixtures lighting the main generation facility. The fixtures average 8,760 hrs of operation a year. The proposed project looks at replacing these fixtures with (x32) 144W LED high bay fixtures (HEGRC4KN-SNG Dialight). A simple lumen calculation shows that the overall lumens for the job were increased by 50%. o The provided project is $44,646, this cost was calculated using fixture and install costs for a project at a local paper mill. During our conversation with facility staff it was mentioned that any fixture that would be installed on the generating floor would need to be able to operate in extreme temperatures. The ceiling on is upwards of 120 feet and the temperature can easily get over 120ºF. The proposed Dialight fixture has an operating temperature range of -40ºF to 149ºF. These fixtures should be able to handle the conditions at Coyote Springs. It is recommended that a couple of test fixtures be purchased and installed, this will allow the facility staff to see how the lights perform in the extreme temperatures present and evaluate how the like the quality of the light produced. 3. Proposed Project #3: The roadway is lit by single Lamp 250W metal halide cobra heads. This project would replace these with Cree 42W LED cobra heads. It is assumed that these fixtures have an average of 4,288 hrs/yr (dusk to dawn) annual operating hours. A simple lumen calculation shows that the overall lumens for the job were decreased by 71%. This analysis looks at the cost and energy savings for replacing one of these fixtures. o The provided project is $225, this cost was calculated using fixture and install costs for one of these fixtures at Noxon Rapids HED. 4. It should be noted that while the total system lumens decrease for projects 1 and 3, the actual lumens that reach the working space will more the likely increase. LED fixtures are very directional in the way they deliver lighting lumens. We recommend replacing a few light fixtures to make sure that they will meet your lighting needs. If you would like to see the fixtures in operation we recommend a trip to Noxon Rapids HED. HVAC 1. The control room, office, restroom, break room, and the switch gear rooms are conditioned by two gas fired roof top units mounted on grade outside the building. One unit belongs to Avista and only serves Avista’s switch gear; the other unit handles the control room, office, and PGE’s switch gear. These units appear to have been recently replaced. The units have a cooling efficiency of 11.6 EER; energy code minimum efficiency is 11 EER. It is recommended that when these units come up for replacement in the future they are replaced with the most efficient piece of equipment that can be afforded. The supply and return ductwork for these units is un-insulated, it is recommended that insulation be added. There is a significant length of ductwork, 10 to 20 feet, exposed to the elements before turning into the building. 2. The generation floor has several 80% efficient natural gas fired unit heaters to provide supplemental heat in the winter. Currently Reznor makes a 90% efficient unit heater. While 2015 Electric IRP Appendix D 801 replacing the existing heaters with a new higher efficiency unit would generate gas savings, the price of these units is high enough that the project would more than likely not make financial sense. In addition the staff stated that these units do not operate all that often. In the future when these units are at end of life we recommend purchasing and installing the most efficient units that can be afforded. Process Compressed Air System The facility instrumentation and control air is provided by two Ingersol-Rand SSR-HP75 75kW rotary- screw load/unload compressors in an N+1 failsafe configuration. The compressors feed an Ingersoll- Rand TZ300 desiccant air-dryer and a large dry receiver. The air-dryer is a heatless unit and uses a timer to control regeneration cycles. There are several opportunities for reducing energy consumption of these devices, including adding VFDs to the compressors and upgrading the dryer to a heated/demand controlled unit. Figure 2 Comparison of rotary-screw air compressor controls (% load vs % flowrate) A comparison of the existing load/unload controls to a VFD controlled air-compressor operating at 60% load 8760 hr/yr results in a 20% energy savings or around 130,000 kWh/yr. The 60% load is an assumption; this value may be higher or lower and will affect the annual energy savings. The $15,000 EEM cost assumes only one of the compressors is converted or replaced. Table 2 Possible savings and roughly estimated costs for compressed air system EEMs. Brief EEM* Description EEM Cost Measure Life Electric kWh Savings 1 Air- Compressor VFD $15,000 12 yrs 130,000 2 Retrofit Air- Dryer with Dew-Point Controls $5,000 12 yrs 25,000 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% 110% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% % O F F U L L L O A D P O W E R % CAPACITY TYPICAL PERFORMANCE OF ROTARY SCREW COMPRESSORS Basic Inlet Modulation Load/Unload Variable Speed 2015 Electric IRP Appendix D 802 The existing timer controlled compressed air-dryer operates on a 10 minute regeneration cycle regardless of the dew point of the treated air. The EEM would retrofit this unit with dew-point controls which would initiate a regeneration cycle only as required. The number of cycles will be reduced; they will become dependent on the amount of moisture in the ambient air and the amount of air being consumed by the facility. On average dew-point controls will reduce energy consumption about 40%, however, in central Oregon, where the average humidity levels are quite low, the savings will likely be greater. If the decision is made to replace the entire dryer, please consider replacing the unit with a heated unit for even more energy savings. Boiler feed water pumps The facility is presently equipped with two 2500HP boiler feedwater pumps, one with variable speed control (estimated installation, 2008). It is assumed that the pump operation is alternated with only one running at any given time. It is unclear as to why both pumps were not originally equipped with VFDs (budgetary concerns, no available changeover downtime, etc.?) unless the fixed-speed pump serves only as an installed backup. If they do in fact alternate duty, installing a bolt-on VFD to the remaining fixed speed pump should be a good option in terms of economics. Tremendous energy savings can be achieved by controlling flow rates by pump speed control as opposed to modulating the flow rates with control valves. Another option would be to control both feedwater pumps with only one VFD. The technology exists such that multiple motors can be controlled with one drive provided that the motor sizes are the same and that the speed reductions are the same, i.e. if one motor runs are 45Hz the other running motors must also run at 45Hz. This option might be worth looking into if both pumps are running at 30Hz (I assume that this is the minimum motor speed even though the Toshiba performance reports go down to 25% or 15Hz) and can deliver enough pressure to inject water into the high-pressure drum. The above suggestion applies also to other process pumps such as the 700HP cooling tower pumps as well as other smaller process pumps. Pumps that; operate for a high percentage of time, have their flow rates varied via controls valves, and do not necessarily need to provide full flow/pressure to a process, are good candidates for variable frequency drives. Control valves (or any other fittings) represent an obstruction in the flow path. This obstruction creates a head loss and pressure drop that the pump/motor must overcome in order to meet pressure/flow requirements. As mentioned in the boiler feedwater paragraph above, removing (or adjusting control valve(s) to 100% open) these pipe components and controlling flow via motor speed, significant energy savings and process flexibility/longevity can be achieved. We hope that this report helps to identify some areas that the generating facility can gain some operational efficiency and reduce the parasitic load that these systems represent. If you decide to pursue any of these potential energy savings projects please let the Energy Solutions team know ahead of the start of the project. Respectfully, Andy Paul, Bryce Eschenbacher, and Levi Westra – June 22nd 2015 2015 Electric IRP Appendix D 803 Acct# Existing Annual Consumption: (kilowatt hours) 11,169.00 Lighting Energy Savings:(kilowatt hours)5,913.00 Lighting Demand Savings: (kilowatt demand)0.54 Cooling System Savings: (kilowatt hours)455.30 Cooling System Demand Savings: (kW demand) 0.04 Lumen Comparison New/Existing 66.15% Total Energy Savings: (kilowatt hours)6,368.30 Total Demand Savings: (kilowatt demand)0.58 Estimated Project Cost: (Rough Estimate)See Report Heating System Penalty: (therms)(51.44) Maintenance Savings:($373.22) Name: Coyote Springs Generating Facility - Control Room Lighting CoyoteSprings_ControlRoom_Lighting_061915 Report Pg 1 - 1 6/19/20152015 Electric IRP Appendix D 804 Acct# Existing Annual Consumption: (kilowatt hours) 126,144.00 Lighting Energy Savings:(kilowatt hours)85,777.92 Lighting Demand Savings: (kilowatt demand)7.83 Cooling System Savings: (kilowatt hours)0.00 Cooling System Demand Savings: (kW demand) 0.00 Lumen Comparison New/Existing 150.00% Total Energy Savings: (kilowatt hours)85,777.92 Total Demand Savings: (kilowatt demand)7.83 Estimated Project Cost: (Rough Estimate)See Report Heating System Penalty: (therms)0.00 Maintenance Savings:$518.36 Name: Coyote Springs Generating Facility - Generating Floor CoyoteSprings_GeneratingFloor_Lighting_061915Report Pg 1 - 1 6/19/20152015 Electric IRP Appendix D 805 Acct# Existing Annual Consumption: (kilowatt hours)1,264.96 Lighting Energy Savings:(kilowatt hours)1,084.86 Lighting Demand Savings: (kilowatt demand)0.20 Cooling System Savings: (kilowatt hours)0.00 Cooling System Demand Savings: (kW demand) 0.00 Lumen Comparison New/Existing 18.59% Total Energy Savings: (kilowatt hours)1,084.86 Total Demand Savings: (kilowatt demand)0.20 Estimated Project Cost: (Rough Estimate)See Report Heating System Penalty: (therms)0.00 Maintenance Savings:$8.30 Name: Coyote Springs - Pole Lights CoyoteSprings_Street_Lighting_061915 Report Pg 1 - 1 6/19/20152015 Electric IRP Appendix D 806 Vigilant® LED High Bay for Indoor and Outdoor Industrial Applications 2015 Electric IRP Appendix D 807 Complete your own Return on Investment calculation at:www.dialight.com/tcoCalculator/Vigilant_HighBay About Dialight Dialight (LSE: DIA.L) is leading the energy efficient LED lighting revolution around the world for industrial and hazardous areas as well as transportation and infrastructure applications. For 40 years it has been committed to the development of LED lighting solutions that enable organizations to vastly reduce energy use and maintenance needs, improve safety, ease disposal and reduce CO2 emissions. History at a Glance 1938 →Dialight founded in Brooklyn, NY 1971 →LED Circuit Board Indicator 1994 →LED Transit Vehicle Signals 1995 →LED Traffic Signals 2000 →FAA certified LED Obstruction Lights 2007 →LED Lighting for Hazardous Locations 2009 →LED High Bay Fixtures 2012 →Full performance 10-year warranty 2013 →Controls for LED Lighting 2014 →125lm/W High Bay Typical Applications • Oil, Gas & Petrochemical • Power Generation • Mining • Chemical • Pharmaceutical • Water & Sewage • Food & Beverage • Manufacturing • Warehousing • Cold Storage Dialight also offers their products for Hazardous Locations Vigilant® LED High Bay for Indoor and Outdoor Industrial Applications www.dialight.com View the full case studies at: G.S. Dunn Limited - www.dialight.com/news/details/gsdunn_case_study Rockline Industries - www.dialight.com/news/details/rockline_case_study MedSafe - www.dialight.com/news/details/medsafe_case_study Kuehne + Nagel - www.dialight.com/news/details/kuehne_nagel_case_study 2015 Electric IRP Appendix D 808 Mechanical Information Fixture weight:18 lbs Shipping weight:24 lbs Mounting:(1) 3/4” NPT - top (2) 5/16”-18 x .75” UNC - side Cabling:10' (3.5m) STOOW Power Cord Electrical Specifications Operating Voltage: 24,250-26,500lm: 110 - 277V AC 16,500-18,000lm: 100 – 277V AC (For 347 - 480V AC application, consult factory) Total system power consumption:See Table Operating Temp:-40°F to +149°F (-40°C to +65°C) Harmonics:IEC 61000-3-2 Noise requirement / EMC:FCC Title 47, Subpart B, Section 15, class A device. RF Immunity; 10V/m, 80MHz-1GHz Transient protection:Protection devices capable of handling up to 6kV. Tested at independent laboratory for 6kV/2 ohm combination wave, as per IEEE C62.41, line-line and line-ground Power Factor:> 0.9 Construction: Housing: Copper free aluminum Finish: Polyester powder coated gray RAL 7040 Lens: Tempered glass Photometric Information CRI:75 CCT:5,000K (cool white) 4,000K (neutral white) All values typical unless otherwise stated Lumen values are typical (tolerance +/- 10%) Certifications & Ratings •UL 1598/A •CSA 22 #250 •CE •NEMA 4X •IP 66 •Dark Sky Compliant Features & Benefits •L70 rated for >100,000 hours @ 25°C •10 year full performance warranty •Up to 125 LPW •Dual Mounting option available •For 347-480V AC applications, consult factory •Significantly reduced glare •Instant on/off •Maintenance free •Mercury free •No UV or IR •Resistant to shock and vibration Application: At 125 lumens per Watt, Dialight’s new ultra-efficient industrial LED High Bay revolutionizes the world of LED lighting and is by far the most innovative LED fixture available today. With a market-leading 10 year full performance warranty, the new 26,500 lumen high bay utilizes cutting-edge optical and electrical design to provide for significantly reduced glare and superior light distribution. In its compact and lightweight structure, Dialight’s new 125 lumen per Watt LED High Bay is designed to meet the most demanding specifications and is perfect for any industrial application where improved light levels are needed at minimum energy consumption for more than a decade. Vigilant® LED High Bay 125 LPW Dual Bracket Dimensions in inches [mm] 1.88 [47.75] 6.88 [174.75] 16.00 [406.40] 1.95 [49.53] 3.00 [76.20] 16.00 [406.40]5/16’’-18x.75’’ THREADED (2) Dimensions in inches [mm] 10’ [3.05m] cord www.dialight.com 2015 Electric IRP Appendix D 809 Part Number Initial Fixture Lumens Watt Lumens Per Watt CCT UL-1598, IP-66, NEMA 4X CSA 22.2 #250, Marine Wet Locations Safety Bracket External Fuse Lens Optical Pattern Circular Wide 110 - 277V AC Models HEGMC4PN-SNG 26,500 212W 125 5,000K •Tempered Glass • HEGRC4PN-SNG 26,500 212W 125 5,000K •Tempered Glass • HEGMN4PN-SNG 24,250 212W 114 4,000K •Tempered Glass • HEGRN4PN-SNG 24,250 212W 114 4,000K •Tempered Glass • HEGMC4PN-SSG 26,500 212W 125 5,000K ••Tempered Glass • HEGRC4PN-SSG 26,500 212W 125 5,000K ••Tempered Glass • HEGMN4PN-SSG 24,250 212W 114 4,000K ••Tempered Glass • HEGRN4PN-SSG 24,250 212W 114 4,000K ••Tempered Glass • HEGMC4PN-SFG 26,500 212W 125 5,000K •Tempered Glass • HEGRC4PN-SFG 26,500 212W 125 5,000K •Tempered Glass • HEGMN4PN-SFG 24,250 212W 114 4,000K •Tempered Glass • HEGRN4PN-SFG 24,250 212W 114 4,000K •Tempered Glass • HEGMC4PN-SGG 26,500 212W 125 5,000K ••Tempered Glass • HEGRC4PN-SGG 26,500 212W 125 5,000K ••Tempered Glass • HEGMN4PN-SGG 24,250 212W 114 4,000K ••Tempered Glass • HEGRN4PN-SGG 24,250 212W 114 4,000K ••Tempered Glass • 100 - 277V AC Models HEGMC4KN-SNG 18,000 144W 125 5,000K •Tempered Glass • HEGRC4KN-SNG 18,000 144W 125 5,000K •Tempered Glass • HEGMN4KN-SNG 16,500 144W 114 4,000K •Tempered Glass • HEGRN4KN-SNG 16,500 144W 114 4,000K •Tempered Glass • HEGMC4KN-SSG 18,000 144W 125 5,000K ••Tempered Glass • HEGRC4KN-SSG 18,000 144W 125 5,000K ••Tempered Glass • HEGMN4KN-SSG 16,500 144W 114 4,000K ••Tempered Glass • HEGRN4KN-SSG 16,500 144W 114 4,000K ••Tempered Glass • HEGMC4KN-SFG 18,000 144W 125 5,000K •Tempered Glass • HEGRC4KN-SFG 18,000 144W 125 5,000K •Tempered Glass • HEGMN4KN-SFG 16,500 144W 114 4,000K •Tempered Glass • HEGRN4KN-SFG 16,500 144W 114 4,000K •Tempered Glass • HEGMC4KN-SGG 18,000 144W 125 5,000K ••Tempered Glass • HEGRC4KN-SGG 18,000 144W 125 5,000K ••Tempered Glass • HEGMN4KN-SGG 16,500 144W 114 4,000K ••Tempered Glass • HEGRN4KN-SGG 16,500 144W 114 4,000K ••Tempered Glass • For 347 - 480V AC applications, consult factory Vigilant® LED High Bay - Ordering Information Circular Pattern Wide Pattern www.dialight.com Optical Patterns 2015 Electric IRP Appendix D 810 Part Number Description Kit Includes HBXDUALBRCKT Dual Bracket Junction Box No Part Number Pendant Mount (conduit supplied by installer)Conduit supplied by installer HBXW2 Swivel Bracket and Cable Gland Swivel Bracket Bracket to fixture hardware Cable Gland (1/2”), Reducer (3/4” to 1/2”) HBXW3 Swivel Bracket Swivel Bracket Bracket to Fixture Hardware HBXCU Ceiling Mount Swivel Hanger Cover 3" Conduit Nipple HBXCG Cable Gland Cable Gland (1/2”) Reducer (3/4” to 1/2”) HBXL Loop (consult factory when using with occupancy sensor models) Hanger Loop (GE LOOPM353) HBXH Hook (consult factory when using with occupancy sensor models) Hanger Hook (GE HOOKM353) HBXCAB48 48” Long Stainless Steel Safety Rope 5/32” Diameter Stainless rope with locking spring clip HBXTH3474801 Top hat with 347-480V isolated step down transformer (consult factory when using with hook or loop) Top and bottom clam shell Conduit nipple 6’ STOOW cable 347-480V step down transformer Fuse holder, 2 Fuses HBXLENGC Tempered Glass Lens, replacement clips, screws, gasket HBXREF22 22” Acrylic Reflector (must be ordered with High Bay, not a retrofit option)Reflector, brackets, screws HBXDC Dust Cover Dust cover, clamp, spacer www.dialight.com Vigilant® LED High Bay Options and Accessories 1Top hat cannot be used with a mounting bracket 2015 Electric IRP Appendix D 811 www.dialight.com Vigilant® LED High Bay Options and Accessories Dimensions in Inches [mm] CUSTOMER SUPPLIED 4" SQUARE BOX AND CONDUIT SWIVEL MOUNT 3/4"X3" RIGID CONDUIT 16.00 [406.40] 8.50 [215.90] 16.00 [406.40] 2.00 [50.80] 10’ [3.05m] cord CABLE GLAND 5.00 [127.00] Dimensions in Inches [mm] Dimensions in Inches [mm] HBXCU - Ceiling Mount HBXCG - Cable Gland HBXTH347480 - Top Hat (fixture sold separately) HBXDUALBRCKT - Dual BracketHBXW2 - Swivel Bracket and Cable Gland HEGMxxxx-SGG - Safety Bracket and Fuse Options Dimensions in Inches [mm] Dimensions in Inches [mm] 2015 Electric IRP Appendix D 812 Dialight reserves the right to make changes at any time in order to supply the best product possible. The most current version of this document will always be available at: www.dialight.com/Assets/Brochures_And_Catalogs/Illumination/MDEXHB125X001.pdf Warranty Statement: EXCEPT FOR THE WARRANTY EXPRESSLY PROVIDED FOR [HEREIN/ABOVE/BELOW], DIALIGHT DISCLAIMS ANY AND ALL OTHER WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, TITLE, AND NONINFRINGEMENT. MDEXHB125X001_Cwww.dialight.com Dimensions in Inches [mm] HBXREF22 - 22” Acrylic ReflectorHBXDC - Dust Cover Dimensions in Inches [mm] Vigilant® LED High Bay Options and Accessories 2015 Electric IRP Appendix D 813 Energy Efficiency Improvements Audit Report Prepared for Kettle Falls Generating Facility Prepared by Andy Paul, PE Bryce Eschenbacher, PE Levi Westra, PE Energy Solutions Engineers March 24, 2015 2015 Electric IRP Appendix D 814 Overview Facility: Kettle Falls Audited by: Andy Paul PE Onsite Staff: Mike Floener and Facility Audited on: March 5th, 2015 Figure 1 this audit wa generation process. including capital projects as well a and Levi Westra PE Google Earth Images of the Kettle Falls Generation Facility Avista’s DSM Engineering staff visited the Kettle Falls -cost no- generating facility to review their current building systems and discuss several concerns that the user’s encountered during typical operation. Specifically, s conducted to identify all possible energy efficiency improvements not related to the power After completing a tour of the facility potential improvement measures were identified for consideration cost measures. This report is intended to provide a cursory review of possible energy savings. Each listed recommendation and costing is based upon 2015 Electric IRP Appendix D 815 historical experience and costing projections. Equipment life and performance will vary and a Statement of Work (SOW) for the capital project will determine the actual project costs and performance. The facility consists of office space, network room, shop areas, and 7 story high bay warehouse which contains the hog fuel boiler and steam turbine. In addition there are several outbuildings that house the water treatment facility, and other generating equipment. Shell There are several areas around the facility where additional weatherization work can be conducted. 1. The roll up doors could use new weather stripping along the outside edges of the doors and along the bottom. A noticeable draft can be felt when you stand next to the doors. 2. The man doors would also benefit from additional weather stripping. These measures are applicable to the main plant area; this area is conditioned by waste heat off the boiler. The measures would apply to the support buildings, machine shop, and office space. While these measures will conserve energy, those savings will be negligible in comparison to the measure listed further in this report. Lighting The site employs T12 and T8 linear fluorescent lighting as well as 250 Watt High Pressure Sodium (HPS) high-bay, 70 Watt mercury vapor (MV) yard light and 1000W MV yard lights. The lights in the plant operate 24/7, yard lights operate dusk to dawn (4,288 hrs/yr), and it is assumed that the office lights operate 2,080 hrs/yr. Table 1 Capital Project Lighting Opportunity Summary Brief EEM* Description EEM Cost Measure Life Electric kWh Savings 1 Plant Lighting $56,515 20 yrs 150,190 2 Plant Lighting Controls $66,515 20 yrs 183,058 3 Yard Lighting $19,099 20 yrs 48,180 *EEM – Energy Efficiency Measure 1. Proposed Project #1: The facility currently has (x127) single lamp 250W high pressure sodium fixtures in the main plant area. The main plant is seven floors; the lighting count includes each floor and the stairwell lighting. The fixtures operate 24/7, 8,760 hrs/yr. The proposed project looks at replacing these fixtures with (x127) single lamp 160W LED low bay fixtures, CREE CXB. A simple lumen calculation shows that the overall lumens for the job were decreased by 18.5%. o The provided project is $56,515, this cost was calculated using fixture costs, $370 per fixture, off the internet and estimated labor costs, $75 per fixture. 2015 Electric IRP Appendix D 816 o It should be noted that the fixture count used for this analysis is as close as could be done while on site. If more fixtures are found the kWh savings and project cost will go up. 2. Proposed Project #2: This project looks at the additional savings that could be seen by installing occupancy sensors to the main generating facility. The controls proposed would leave 67 of the fixtures on 24/7 and the remaining 60 would only come on when someone is present in the space. This would reduce the operating hours for the 60 fixture by an estimated 35%. o The provided project is an additional $10,000 over the straight replacement project. This cost is purely an estimate and should be verified by a lighting professional. A high cost was estimated due to the complexity of the controls required for the space. Since the flooring in the plant is all metal grate there is a potential the lights on floor 6, for example, may come on when someone walks by on floor 5. To operate properly the sensors would need to be calibrated to only pick up on motion on the floor that they are located on. 3. Proposed Project #3: The facility currently has (x27) single lamp 70W mercury vapor fixtures and (x13) 1000W mercury vapor fixtures lighting up the yard. The fixtures operate dusk to dawn, 4,288 hrs/yr. The proposed project looks at replacing these fixtures with (x27) single lamp 52W RAB LED pole fixtures and (x13) single lamp 300W LED street lights, MaxLite Merek Series. A simple lumen calculation shows that the overall lumens for the job were decreased by 30%. o The provided project is $19,099, this cost was calculated using fixture costs, $499 per 300W fixture and $356 per 52W fixture, off the internet and estimated labor costs, $75 per fixture. o It should be noted that the fixture count used for this analysis is as close as could be done while on site. If more fixtures are found the kWh savings and project cost will go up. 4. It should be noted that while the total system lumens decrease for each of these projects, the actual lumens that reach the working space will more the likely increase. LED fixtures are very directional in the way they deliver lighting lumens. We recommend replacing a few light fixtures to make sure that they will meet your lighting needs. If you would like to see the fixtures in operation we recommend a trip to Noxon Rapids HED. HVAC 1. The control room, restrooms, break room, and office space are conditioned by several gas fired roof top units. Some of these units have been replaced recently and the remaining units have been in service for a while. We were unable to determine the efficiency of the existing units. While there are newer units available that have efficiencies closer to SEER 19, the cost to purchase and install these units outweighs the potential energy savings. Our recommendation is to replace these units when they have reached their end of life. When you do replace these units purchase the most efficient units that can be afforded. It should also be noted the units use R-22 refrigerant, this refrigerant is no longer being manufactured. Should a unit need to be recharged you should consider replacing it with a high efficient unit at that point. 2. The generation floor has several natural gas unit heaters on each floor to provide supplemental heat. These units are only used during shutdowns. Due to the low annual usage it would not be a cost effective project to replace them. In the future when these units are at end of life we recommend purchasing and installing the most efficient units that can be afforded. 3. The machine shop has several natural gas radiant tubes to provide space heat. This type of heating in a shop area is an efficient option since it focuses on heating the occupants and not the surrounding area. It is important to have the thermostats set appropriately for this type of heat though. You want to set the temperature around 55º and have the thermostat closer to the ground than a typical installation. This will insure that the units are not heating the airspace to 55º and are instead only providing occupant comfort. 2015 Electric IRP Appendix D 817 Boiler Forced Draft Blower System The site employs a wood fired boiler to generate steam to drive a turbine. The boiler relies on a Forced Draft (FD) and Induced Draft (ID) fans driven by single-speed motors to provide combustion air. Currently combustion air flow-rates through the FD are regulated using inlet dampers which are open/closed depending on desired plant output and combustion performance. There is an opportunity to reduce average blower power draw and energy consumption using a Variable Frequency Drive (VFD). Brief EEM* Description Roughly Estimated EEM Cost Measure Life Electric kWh Savings 1 FD Fan VSD $510,000 15 yrs 700,000 1. Adjusting blower speed is the most efficient way to vary airflow rates. Based on SCADA, from a 2012 analysis, which documents plant gross output, FD fan current draw, and FD damper position, an estimated 700,000 kW*hr of energy could be “saved” using a VFD. A summary of the analysis, assumptions and results is appended to this document. Please note that during the 2015 site audit, the operations staff indicated that some processes and equipment had been changed since 2012 that reduced the average damper position from ~65% to ~50%. This has a noticeable impact on estimated energy savings. The value presented above is the average of the two configurations. We hope that this report helps to identify some areas that the generating facility can gain some operational efficiency and reduce the parasitic load that these systems represent. If you decide to pursue any of these potential energy savings projects please let the Energy Solutions team know ahead of the start of the project. Respectfully, Andy Paul, Bryce Eschenbacher, and Levi Westra – March 24th, 2015 2015 Electric IRP Appendix D 818 Acct# Existing Annual Consumption: (kilowatt hours) 328,193.40 Lighting Energy Savings:(kilowatt hours)150,190.20 Lighting Demand Savings: (kilowatt demand)13.72 Cooling System Savings: (kilowatt hours)0.00 Cooling System Demand Savings: (kW demand) 0.00 Lumen Comparison New/Existing 81.45% Total Energy Savings: (kilowatt hours)150,190.20 Total Demand Savings: (kilowatt demand)13.72 Estimated Project Cost: (Rough Estimate)$73,152.00 Customer Supplied Cost $0.00 Heating System Penalty: (therms)0.00 Maintenance Savings:$549.75 Costs updated on 1/0/1900 Use Short Form Report AE Name: Kettle Falls Generating Facility - Main Plant Lighting Jayson Hunnel Main_Plant_Lighting_032315 Report Pg 1 - 1 6/9/20152015 Electric IRP Appendix D 819 Acct# Existing Annual Consumption: (kilowatt hours) 328,193.40 Lighting Energy Savings:(kilowatt hours)183,057.72 Lighting Demand Savings: (kilowatt demand)13.72 Cooling System Savings: (kilowatt hours)0.00 Cooling System Demand Savings: (kW demand) 0.00 Lumen Comparison New/Existing 81.45% Total Energy Savings: (kilowatt hours)183,057.72 Total Demand Savings: (kilowatt demand)13.72 Estimated Project Cost: (Rough Estimate)$83,152.00 Customer Supplied Cost $83,152.00 Heating System Penalty: (therms)0.00 Maintenance Savings:#DIV/0! Costs updated on 01-00-1900 Use Short Form Report AE Name: Kettle Falls Generating Facility - Main Plant Lightign w/ controls Jayson Hunnel Main_Plant_LightingControls_032315 Report Pg 1 - 1 03-23-20152015 Electric IRP Appendix D 820 Acct# Existing Annual Consumption: (kilowatt hours) 70,923.52 Lighting Energy Savings:(kilowatt hours)48,179.97 Lighting Demand Savings: (kilowatt demand)8.99 Cooling System Savings: (kilowatt hours)0.00 Cooling System Demand Savings: (kW demand) 0.00 Lumen Comparison New/Existing 69.68% Total Energy Savings: (kilowatt hours)48,179.97 Total Demand Savings: (kilowatt demand)8.99 Estimated Project Cost: (Rough Estimate)$19,099.00 Customer Supplied Cost $0.00 Heating System Penalty: (therms)0.00 Maintenance Savings:$453.66 Costs updated on 1/0/1900 Use Short Form Report AE Name: Kettle Falls Generating Facility - Yard Lights Jayson Hunnel Yard_Lighting_032315 Report Pg 1 - 1 6/9/20152015 Electric IRP Appendix D 821 Customer: Avista Generation; Kettle Falls Generation station ID/FD Fan VSD evaluation Project State: EEM Evaluation Date: 05/14/15 Analysis Description: -Estimate the possible energy savings of converting the facility's ID/FD combustion blower to variable speed control. -Assume that air-flow rates are proportional to generation rate. -Assume the EEM will open the damper to 100%, combustion air flow-rate controlled via blower speed. -Assume 4180 VAC nominal voltage and 0.7 power factor. Inputs: Table 1. Binned operational data from 2012 SCADA data. See excel worksheet "KF GS FD ID Fan VSD eval 101712.xlsm" Figure A. Image of the FD damper actuator during 2015 audit. Note the position ~50%. 15 May 2015 09:21:19 - KF Blower Analysis 0581415.sm 1 / 4 2015 Electric IRP Appendix D 822 Figure 1. Graph of FD damper position versus averaged fan current draw. Sourced from SCADA data. Note the R2 value which indicates fan current is directly effected by damper position. Note the blower motor is 4180 volt. Figure 3. Typical damper performance from HVAC handbook. Assumes closed damper is ~25% of duct system total pressure drop Figure 2. Graph of Station's power output vs damper positon. Note that the R2 value is somewhat low, this indicates that there are other variable effecting the output; likely fuel type, humidity, moisture content, air temperature. 15 May 2015 09:21:19 - KF Blower Analysis 0581415.sm 2 / 4 2015 Electric IRP Appendix D 823 Table 2. Example of baseline and EEM FD fan analysis, based upon 2012 SCADA data and typical performance of dampered and VSD controlled blowers. See Excel worksheet "KF GS FD ID Fan VSD eval 101712.xlsm" for actual calculations. Table 3. Summary of FD EEM performance based upon 2012 SCADA data.Table 4. Summary of FD EEM performance based on operator input that due to recent facility equipment changes that the FD blower has been operating with damper ~50% open. 15 May 2015 09:21:19 - KF Blower Analysis 0581415.sm 3 / 4 2015 Electric IRP Appendix D 824 Simple Payback Analysis 1dollar hrkW dollar0.07rateele input: assumed average value of the energy commodity. 2 yr hrkW850000 yr hrkW600000 Esavings calc: estimated annual energy savings of the VFD. yr hrkW725000Esavings rateeleEsavingsSales calc: estimated increase in energy sales. yr 150750Sales hp dollar1000rateVFD_MV input: estimate of typical medium voltage VFD installation cost. hp300PVFD input: estimated VFD size. PVFDrateVFD_MVCostproject calc: rough estimate project cost.dollar300000Costproject Sales CostprojectSPB calc: energy simple payback of the EEM. yr5.9SPB 15 May 2015 09:21:19 - KF Blower Analysis 0581415.sm 4 / 4 2015 Electric IRP Appendix D 825 Energy Efficiency Improvements Audit Report Prepared for Little Falls Generating Facility Prepared by Andy Paul, PE Bryce Eschenbacher, PE Levi Westra, PE Energy Solutions Engineers February 13, 2015 2015 Electric IRP Appendix D 826 Overview Facility: Little Falls Hydro Electric Dam Audited by: Andy Paul PE Onsite Staff: Facility Audited on: February 10th Figure 1 PE, and Levi Westra PE th, 2015 Google Images of Little Falls Hydro Electric Dam Avista’s DSM Engineering staff visited the Little Falls Hydro Electric Dam to review their current building systems and discuss several concerns that the user’s encountered during typical operation. 2015 Electric IRP Appendix D 827 Specifically, this audit was conducted to identify all possible energy efficiency improvements not related to the power generation process. After completing a tour of the facility potential improvement measures were identified for consideration including capital projects as well as low-cost no-cost measures. This report is intended to provide a cursory review of possible energy savings. Each listed recommendation and costing is based upon historical experience and costing projections. Equipment life and performance will vary and a Statement of Work (SOW) for the capital project will determine the actual project costs and performance. It should be noted that this facility is currently undergoing a complete overhaul. Due to this there are very few projects that can be suggested that are not already going to be implemented. The facility consists of a control room and generation specific process areas including but not limited to generation floor and breaker floor. Shell There are several areas around the facility where additional weatherization work can be conducted: All exterior entry doors should have their weather stripping checked and replaced if necessary. All windows that are not required to remain historically accurate should be replaced with energy efficient double pane windows. Any portion of the plant that is going to have cooling installed; control room, battery room etc, should have the walls and ceiling insulated. The insulation will help thermally isolate it from the rest of the plant and reduce the amount of cooling required in the summer time. There is currently little to no insulation above or below the roof deck in the plant. It is recommended that insulation, R-19 at the very least, be added below the deck. This insulation will aid in reducing the amount of time a unit has to be motored during the winter months to maintain space temperature. Lighting The facility currently employs T12 fluorescent lighting in the control room and surrounding areas and 400 Watt Metal Halide (MH) high-bay fixtures on the generating floor. The facility will have a brand new all LED lighting system installed during the overhaul. The DSM group at Avista made suggestions on what LED fixtures would be appropriate. Nathan Fletcher in the Generation Dept was in charge of the lighting design. While there will be energy savings for this project, specifically with the generating floor lighting as well as the control room lighting, there will also be an additional lighting load installed. There are portions of the plant that were under lit and needed additional lighting fixtures installed. Regardless of the additional lighting fixtures, the new system will be as efficient as possible due to the installation of the LED fixtures in lieu of more traditional linear fluorescent and HID fixtures. HVAC The control room and few other areas in the plant will be getting new HVAC units installed to heat and cool the spaces. When selecting equipment considered installing the most efficient units that can be afforded. It is also recommended that heat pump units be installed instead of standard condensing units with electric resistive heat. New heat pumps are capable of working efficiently down to temperatures below zero. Since no natural gas is available at the Dam a heat pump is by far the most efficient way to provide space heat. The main generating floor has no dedicated HVAC units. The heat from the generators keeps the space conditioned during the winter months. A generator will be motored to maintain heat if no generation is going on. It is recommended that dedicated HVAC units be installed to maintain the space temperature 2015 Electric IRP Appendix D 828 when the units are not running. This would reduce unnecessary wear and tear on the generating equipment as well as provide a known dedicated source of heat. Installing two (possibly three) low speed/high volume destratification fans to help de-stratify the air within in the facility is recommended. With 40’ ceilings the majority of buildings heated air will stack at the top, the fans would push that heated air back towards the floor and create a homogenous air temperature. This would reduce the amount of time that the space heat would need to run. In addition these fans could be run in reverse during the summer months to help pull warm air off the floor and exhaust it out of the exhaust louvers located in the roof. Process Brief EEM* Description Rough EEM Cost Est. Measure Life Electric kWh Savings 1 Speed Controls Cooling/Exhaust Fans $10,000 16 yr 247,909 The facility employs (4) exhaust fans, for ventilating the generator room, and (4) cooling fans for cooling the generation equipment. Currently the fans are controlled manually, turning fans on and off as needed; fans are operated independently, with units powered on as ventilation/cooling is required. There are some energy savings if the fans were each controlled automatically using Variable Frequency Drives (VFDs). The estimated savings is based upon switching from a manual control system to one that relies on indoor air temperature and equipment temperatures to power on and vary fan speeds to maintain temperatures. Reducing fan speeds reduces power requirements exponentially, resulting in the energy savings. A copy of the SMath Studio model and analysis is appended to the end of this document. We hope that this report helps to identify some areas that the generating facility can gain some operational efficiency and reduce the parasitic load that these systems represent. If you decide to pursue any of these potential energy savings projects please let the Energy Solutions team know ahead of the start of the project. Respectfully, Andy Paul, Bryce Eschenbacher, Levi Westra, February 13th, 2015 2015 Electric IRP Appendix D 829 Customer: Avista Generation; Little Falls Hydro Generation Station Project State: Scoping Audit Date: 03/04/15 Analysis Description: Evaluate the possible energy savings of retrofitting generation floor cooling and exhaust fans with variable speed drives. Assumptions: 1. System is 3 ph 480VAC (nominal) 2. Units sized for 60% of their service 3. Baseline fan units operate 24/7/365 4. EEM operation is dependent on outside air temperature 5. Power factor nominal 0.80 Inputs: 100 1pct input- assign percentage V480Vnom input- assign nominal supplied voltage input - assign assumed operational power factor0.80PF input - number of exhaust fans4Qtyexhaustinput - number of cooling fans4Qtycooling input - exhaust fan breaker/circuit sizeA15Abreaker_exh input - cooling fan breaker/circuit sizeA50Abreaker_cooling input - assumed sizing factor; percent power draw based on circuit sizepct60Fservice input - assumed generator annual duty cycle; based on long lake VFD project notes.pct69Dutycycle 2.5n input - exponent for affinity law power calculations 9 Jun 2015 14:09:37 - Little Falls Dam_EEM Eval_Exhaust Cooling Fan_030415.sm 1 / 3 2015 Electric IRP Appendix D 830 Calculations: 3PFFserviceVnomAbreaker_exhPexhaust kW6Pexhaust 3PFFserviceVnomAbreaker_coolingPcooling kW20Pcooling Savings based on Spokane bin data Table 1. Results from Excel Worksheet Bin analysis. 9 Jun 2015 14:09:37 - Little Falls Dam_EEM Eval_Exhaust Cooling Fan_030415.sm 2 / 3 2015 Electric IRP Appendix D 831 calc - total annual baseline nergy consumption of the exhaust and cooling fans; assumes 69% duty cycle, 60% sizing factor and linear reduction in # of fans operated based on binned outside temperature data for Spokane area. Reference Excel worsheet "Little Falls DAm_EEM Eval_Exhaust Cooling Fan_030415.xls" for details. A copy of the worksheets results is above in table 1. hrkW345345hrkW103604Ebaseline calc - total annual EEM energy consumption of the exhaust and cooling fans; assumes 69% duty cycle, 60% sizing factor and linear reduction in fan speeds based on binned outside temperature data for Spokane area. see excel worksheet "Little Falls DAm_EEM Eval_Exhaust Cooling Fan_030415.xls" for details. hrkW154646hrkW46394EEEM EEEMEbaselineEsavings hrkW247909Esavings Double check of above model 9 Jun 2015 14:09:37 - Little Falls Dam_EEM Eval_Exhaust Cooling Fan_030415.sm 3 / 3 2015 Electric IRP Appendix D 832 Energy Efficiency Improvements Audit Report Prepared for Long Lake Hydro Electric Dam Prepared by Andy Paul, PE Bryce Eschenbacher, PE Levi Westra, PE Energy Solutions Engineers February 13, 2015 2015 Electric IRP Appendix D 833 Overview Facility: Long Lake Hydro Electric Dam Audited by: Andy Paul PE, Bryce Eschenbacher PE, and Levi Westra PE Onsite Staff: Facility Audited on: February 10th, 2015 Figure 1 Google Images of the Long Lake Hydro Electric Dam Avista’s DSM Engineering staff visited the Long Lake Hydro Electric Dam to review their current building systems and discuss several concerns that the user’s encountered during typical operation. Specifically, this audit was conducted to identify all possible energy efficiency improvements not related to the power generation process. 2015 Electric IRP Appendix D 834 After completing a tour of the facility potential improvement measures were identified for consideration including capital projects as well as low-cost no-cost measures. This report is intended to provide a cursory review of possible energy savings. Each listed recommendation and costing is based upon historical experience and costing projections. Equipment life and performance will vary and a Statement of Work (SOW) for the capital project will determine the actual project costs and performance. The facility consists of a control room, office space, break area and generation specific process areas including but not limited to generation floor and breaker floor. Shell There are several areas around the facility where additional weatherization work can be conducted. 1. All exterior entry doors should have their weather stripping checked and replaced if necessary. 2. All windows that are not required to remain historically accurate should be replaced with energy efficient double pane windows. 3. Any portion of the plant that currently has heating or cooling installed should have the walls and ceiling insulated. The insulation will help thermally isolate it from the rest of the plant and reduce the amount of cooling required in the summer time. 4. There is currently little to no insulation above or below the roof deck in the plant. It is recommended that insulation, R-19 at the very least, be added below the deck. This insulation will aid in reducing the amount of time a unit has to be motored during the winter months to maintain space temperature. Lighting The site employs T12, T8 and T5 linear fluorescent lighting as well as 400 Watt Metal Halide (MH) high- bay and 250 Watt MH exterior lighting on dusk to dawn sensors. No parking lot lighting was observed. Table 1 Capital Project Lighting Opportunity Summary Brief EEM* Description EEM Cost Measure Life Electric kWh Savings 1 Generating Floor High Bays $18,252 20 yr 17,441 2 Exterior Wall Packs $1,339 20 yr 2,084 *EEM – Energy Efficiency Measure 1. Proposed Project #1: The facility currently has (x11) single lamp 400W Metal Halide fixtures and (x8) single lamp 1000W incandescent fixtures lighting the main generation facility. It is assumed that the lights are on for an average 3,600 hrs a year. The proposed project looks at replacing these fixtures with (x30) 200W linear LED high bay fixtures. A simple lumen calculation shows that the overall lumens for the job were decreased by 43%. o The provided project is $18,252, this cost was calculated using fixture and install costs for these fixtures at Noxon Rapids HED. 2. Proposed Project #2: The facility currently has (x2) single lamp 250W high pressure sodium cobra head fixtures outside the main entry door. The fixtures average 4,288 hrs (dusk to dawn) of 2015 Electric IRP Appendix D 835 operation a year. The proposed project looks at replacing these fixtures with (x2) 52W LED wall packs. A simple lumen calculation shows that the overall lumens for the job were decreased by 73%. o The provided project cost is $1,336, this cost was calculated using fixture and install costs for these fixtures at Noxon Rapids HED. 3. It should be noted that while the total system lumens decrease for each of these projects, the actual lumens that reach the working space will more the likely increase. LED fixtures are very directional in the way they deliver lighting lumens. We recommend replacing a few light fixtures to make sure that they will meet your lighting needs. If you would like to see the fixtures in operation we recommend a trip to Noxon Rapids HED. 4. In addition to the projects listed above there are several other areas that would benefit from installing new lighting fixtures. • The control room and machine shop both have 2L T12 fluorescent fixtures that should be replaced with the new LED fixtures or at the very least 2L T8 fluorescent fixtures. • The breaker floor is severely under lit and would greatly benefit from additional lighting fixtures being installed. There is no chance of energy savings in this case since there are only 5 light fixtures in the entire area. The greater benefit would be the increased worker safety and having more light to perform work. • The generator floor entry hallway is lit by 100W incandescent fixtures. It is recommended that these be replace with a comparable 20W LED screw in lamp or at the very least a 23W compact fluorescent lamp. HVAC 1. During the walk through it was mentioned that the control room has a dedicated cooling system but no heating, the generators provide heat for the facility. It is recommended that some type of supplemental electric heat be installed to heat the control room. 2. The main generating floor has no dedicated HVAC units. The heat from the generators keeps the space conditioned during the winter months. A generator will be motored to maintain heat if no generating is going on. It is recommended that dedicated HVAC units be installed to maintain the space temperature when the units are not running. This would reduce unnecessary wear and tear on the generating equipment as well as provide a known dedicated source of heat. 3. Installing two (possibly three) low speed/high volume destratification fans to help de-stratify the air within in the facility is recommended. With 40’ ceilings the majority of buildings heated air will stack at the top, the fans would push that heated air back towards the floor and create a homogenous air temperature. This would reduce the amount of time that the space heat would need to run. In addition these fans could be run in reverse during the summer months to help pull warm air off the floor and exhaust it out of the exhaust louvers located in the roof. 2015 Electric IRP Appendix D 836 Process Brief EEM Description Annual Electric kWh Savings Variable Speed Stator Cooling Blowers 135,000  Generator cooling fan controls- The (4) hydro-turbine power generators require cooling to operate reliably. Currently the operators operate (4) 100 hp blowers to circulate air from a plenum located below the generators. The blowers operate at a fixed speed forcing outside air to maintain stator temperatures. In the winter the outside air temperature is too low, louvers/baffles are manually opened to re-circulate pre-heated air from within the generator room to keep stator temps from dropping. The EEM would automatically adjust blower speed to reduce flow of the colder outside air across the stators instead of re-circulating pre-heated air eliminating the baffle/louver operation. Because blowers are variable torque devices power consumption is exponentially related to blower speed. The above estimated savings is the annual estimated energy savings based on average yearly temperatures, one time measured power draw, stator temperature goals, and affinity laws for four stators. A copy of the analysis is appended to this document. Figure 2 Long Lake generator. 2015 Electric IRP Appendix D 837 Figure 3 Figure 4 We hope that this report helps to identify some areas that the generating facility can gain some operational efficiency and reduce the parasitic load that these systems represent. If you decide to pursue any of these potential energy savings projects please let the Energy Solutions team know ahead of the start of the project. Respectfully, Long Lake dam generator passage for cooling air. Long Lake stator cooling blower (left) and motor (right). We hope that this report helps to identify some areas that the generating facility can gain some operational efficiency and reduce the parasitic load that these systems represent. If you decide to pursue any of these potential energy savings projects please let the Energy Solutions team know ahead of the Andy Paul, Bryce Eschenbacher, and Levi Westra – February 13th, 2015 We hope that this report helps to identify some areas that the generating facility can gain some operational efficiency and reduce the parasitic load that these systems represent. If you decide to pursue any of these potential energy savings projects please let the Energy Solutions team know ahead of the 2015 Electric IRP Appendix D 838 Created by: Levi Westra, DSM Engineer last saved: 02-03-2010 C:\Documents and Settings\lww6153\Desktop\temp \Long Lake Power Generation VFD\Avista Long Lake Power Gen VFD Fans rev 02 123009.xmcd 1 of 26 Customer: Long Lake Dam; Project: Cooling Fan VFD Drive Evaluation Date: 01/07/10 Define the Situation: Randy Gnaedinger contacted Tom about having the team evaluate the possible benefits of installing VFD drives on the (4) ~100hp generator cooling fans at the Long Lake Dam. Tom, Andy and I visited the site on 12/30/09. We met with Bill Maltby, the facility's chief operator. He gave us a tour. We took air temperature, air speed, air flow rate, plenum, and power measurements of the (4) operating fan units. Goals: 1. Determine fan speeds required maintain stator temperature at 60°C (ideal operational temp) 2. Evaluate power draw of fans at required fan speeds 3. Compare power draw with EEM to power draw without EEM Assumptions: -system is steady state, no accounting for stator/generator mass -air temperature measured supplying fan #5 was 74°F, while air temp supplying fan #1 was 53°F. It is assumed that this is attributed to the team leaving the access door open to the plenum during the tour. For this analysis I will use 53°F as the baseline for all of the fans. -this analysis does not account for the effect VFDs will have on the air temperature within the generator room. -assume that the louvers in the room will no longer be used to control fan supply air temp. fans will draw only outside air, temperature will be purely ambient. -assume the dry bulb temperaure equals the wet bulb temperature of air coming out of air washers which will assume is equal to the dew point temp pluse 2°F (conservative); unless the water temperature exceeds the dew point, at which point employ the water temperature. -assume the dry bulb temp is equal to the ambient temperature when the air washer is not being used (winter months). -apply infinity fan laws to estimate fan speed and power based on air flow needs -assumed that the air washers would be employed shortly after the last freezing potential in the spring, and discontinued once freezing temperatures were encountered in the fall. Reviewed 1987 data, and it appears assuming air washers come on line begining in May and taken offline begining in October is appropriate. Currently there is no schedule for air washers. The 2015 Electric IRP Appendix D 839 Avista Long Lake Power Gen VFD Fans rev 02 123009.xmcd 2 of 26 electrician enables the system sometime in the spring when it seems like it won't freeze, and disables the system in the fall when it starts to get cold. The operators start washing the air once they are unable to maintain stator temps at or below the 60°C optimal temperature. -applied a website generated excel equation to calculate wet bulb temp based on dry bulb and releative humidity: http://www.the-snowman.com/wetbulb2.html I verified the relative accuracy of the calculation using the pychrometric chart located in the MERM appendix 38.C -assumed that a VFD turndown ratio at a minimum of 20% did not hinder or cause problems for fan operation -assumed all four fans are delivering the same air flow to each generator Inputs:Supporting Results/Comments: measured 74°F air coming through the access door to the plenum, for a conservative estimate I added a fudge factor. tempair_exit_stator 76°F 297.6 K=:= tempstator 60°C 333.1 K=:=this is the target stator temperature. facilities team adjusts internal louvers and air washer operation in order to maintain this temperature at 60°C tempfan1_air 60°F 288.7 K=:=measured temperature of air supplied to fan #1 during visit on 12/30/09 air_speedfan1 1900 ft min:=measured average air speed using the kestrel air_speedfan5 2500 ft min:=measured average air speed using the kestrel Xareaplenum_fan5 39in 81⋅in 21.9 ft2⋅=:=measured plenum cross-secitonal area, note plenum 5 does not share the same dimensions with 1-4. Xareaplenum_fan1to4 48in 96⋅in 32 ft2⋅=:=measured plenum cross-sectional area, note fans 1-4 all share the same plenum size air_flowfan5 44000 ft3 min:=measured air flow rate using kestrel hand held meter using plenum dimensions inputted into unit. 2015 Electric IRP Appendix D 840 Avista Long Lake Power Gen VFD Fans rev 02 123009.xmcd 3 of 26 powerfan1 75kW:=measured power draw by fan #1 during tour powerfan2 7kW:= powerfan4 19kW:= powerfan5 36kW:= average_duty 69%:=typical duty cycle of each of the (4) generators per year. sanity check on kestrel air flow measurementηsat_air_washer 90%:=air_flow_calcfan5 air_speedfan5 Xareaplenum_fan5⋅54843.7 ft3 min⋅=:= ηVFD 98%:= Cpair_290K 1.0048 103⋅J kg K⋅:=specific heat of air at a mixing cup temperature of 290K ref. MERM ap.35.D density of air at a mixing cup temp of 290K ref MERM ap.35.Dρair_290K 1.246 kg m3 0.1 lbm ft3⋅=:= Calculations: Goal #1 Estimating Power rejected by Gen 1 as heat 2015 Electric IRP Appendix D 841 Avista Long Lake Power Gen VFD Fans rev 02 123009.xmcd 4 of 26 tempair_mixing_cup tempair_exit_stator tempfan1_air+ 2 293.1 K=:=1000kW 20 106W⋅ 5 %= air_flow_calcfan1 air_speedfan1 Xareaplenum_fan1to4⋅60800 ft3 min⋅=:= mdot_fan1 air_flow_calcfan1 ρair_290K⋅4729.3 lbm min⋅=:= heat_transferstator mdot_fan1 Cpair_290K⋅tempair_exit_stator tempfan1_air−( )⋅319.3 kW⋅=:=estimated amount of heat being rejected to air by generator #1 after a discussion with Randy, to be better represent actual generator efficiency (~95%) I assigned 1 MW to be rejected via forced convection. Overroad my heat calculation and forced 1MW rejection into model heat_transferstator 1MW:= Estimating Power rejected by Gen 1 as heat Generator 1 - Final Analysis with weather and gen schedule data Data Imports from GEG Bin data 1987 Tempdrybulb_hourly C:\Documents and Settings\lww6153\Desktop\temp\Long Lake Power Generation VFD\typical year hourly weather GEG.xls:= Tempest_wetbulb_hourly C:\Documents and Settings\lww6153\Desktop\temp\Long Lake Power Generation VFD\typical year hourly weather GEG.xls:= schedulegenerator_1 C:\Documents and Settings\lww6153\Desktop\temp\Long Lake Power Generation VFD\long lake generator schedule reduced data.xls:= factor of safety to approximate some building air recirculation back into the plenum to maintain building air temp above 50F tempFS 0:=tempdrybulb_out_airwasher Tempdrybulb_hourly tempFS+( )ηsat_air_washer Tempdrybulb_hourly Tempest_wetbulb_hourly−( )⋅−°F:= calculation of predicted dry bulb air temp leaving the air washers, calculation referenced from MERM eq 38.34 assumed air washer saturation efficiency of 90% (conservative value) 2015 Electric IRP Appendix D 842 Avista Long Lake Power Gen VFD Fans rev 02 123009.xmcd 5 of 26 Tempest_wetbulb_hourly 0 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 30 28.9 28.9 28.9 28 28.9 ... =schedulegenerator_1 0 0 1 2 3 4 0 0 0 0 ... = tempdrybulb_out_airwasher 0 0 1 2 3 4 30 30 30 30 ... °F⋅=results of calculating dry bulb temperature; includes air washer scheduled operation assigned a value to the exit air temperature from the stator; based on best estimate of ideal exit temperature to maintain stator temperature tempair__EEM_exit_stator 92°F:= heat_transferstator 1000kW= mdot_generator_1 heat_transferstator Cpair_290K tempair__EEM_exit_stator tempdrybulb_out_airwasher−( )⋅:= 0 2015 Electric IRP Appendix D 843 Avista Long Lake Power Gen VFD Fans rev 02 123009.xmcd 6 of 26 n 8759:= i 0 n..:=mdot_generator_1 0 0 1 2 3 28.9 28.9 28.9 ... kg s= mdot_schedule_generator1i mdot_generator_1i schedulegenerator_1i⋅:= mdot_schedule_generator1 0 0 1 2 0 0 ... kg s=adjusting air requirements for when generator is operating. Based on data obtained from Rodney Picket for hourly generator operation for 2009 air_flowgenerator_1 mdot_schedule_generator1 ρair_290K :=air_flowgenerator_1 0 5 6 7 8 9 49150.7 49150.7 49874.9 50772.7 ... ft3 min⋅= air_flow_calcfan1 60800 ft3 min⋅=max air_flowgenerator_1( )189450.2 ft3 min⋅= fan_speed_percentageEEM_generator_1 air_flowgenerator_1 air_flow_calcfan1 :=fan_speed_percentageEEM_generator_1 0 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 122.4 122.4 119.3 119.3 ... %⋅= 2015 Electric IRP Appendix D 844 Avista Long Lake Power Gen VFD Fans rev 02 123009.xmcd 7 of 26 need an adjusted fan speed. when fan speed requirements exceed 100% the fan can only deliver that 100% adjusted_fan_speed fan_speed( ) if fan_speed 1>1, fan_speed, ( ):= adjusted_fan_speedgen1i adjusted_fan_speed fan_speed_percentageEEM_generator_1i⎛⎝⎞⎠:= adjusted_fan_speedgen1 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 0 0 0 0 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 ... = max adjusted_fan_speedgen1( )100 %⋅= note from Randy: every year, for approximately 1 week, the sytem's needs exceed flow rate needs 2015 Electric IRP Appendix D 845 Avista Long Lake Power Gen VFD Fans rev 02 123009.xmcd 8 of 26 powerEEM_generator_1 powerfan1 ηVFD adjusted_fan_speedgen1( )3⋅:=powerEEM_generator_1 0 0 1 2 3 0 0 0 ... kW⋅= powergenerator_1 schedulegenerator_1 powerfan1⋅:= powergenerator_1 0 0 1 2 0 0 ... kW⋅= annual_fan_energyEEM_generator_1 powerEEM_generator_1∑hr⋅380508.9 kW hr⋅⋅=:=estimated power used by generator 1's cooling fan if a VFD were installed during 2009 operating year annual_fan_energygenerator_1 powergenerator_1∑hr⋅452925 kW hr⋅⋅=:=estimated power used by generator 1's cooling fan during 2009 operating year Generator 1 - Final Analysis with weather and gen schedule data 2015 Electric IRP Appendix D 846 Avista Long Lake Power Gen VFD Fans rev 02 123009.xmcd 9 of 26 Generator 2 - Final Analysis with weather and gen schedule data schedulegenerator_2 C:\Documents and Settings\lww6153\Desktop\temp\Long Lake Power Generation VFD\long lake generator schedule reduced data.xls:= mdot_generator_2 heat_transferstator Cpair_290K tempair__EEM_exit_stator tempdrybulb_out_airwasher−( )⋅:= mdot_generator_2 0 0 1 2 3 28.9 28.9 28.9 ... kg s= mdot_schedule_generator2i mdot_generator_2i schedulegenerator_2i⋅:= mdot_schedule_generator2 0 0 1 2 3 0 0 0 ... kg s= adjusting air requirements for when generator is operating. Based on data obtained from Rodney Picket for hourly generator operation for 2009 air_flow_calcfan2 air_flow_calcfan1:= air_flowgenerator_2 mdot_schedule_generator2 ρair_290K :=air_flowgenerator_2 0 0 1 2 0 0 ... ft3 min⋅= air_flowgenerator_2 0 0 1 2 3 0 0 0 ... ft3 min⋅= max air_flowgenerator_2( )189450.2 ft3 min⋅= 2015 Electric IRP Appendix D 847 Avista Long Lake Power Gen VFD Fans rev 02 123009.xmcd 10 of 26 fan_speed_percentageEEM_generator_2 air_flowgenerator_2 air_flow_calcfan2 :=fan_speed_percentageEEM_generator_2 0 0 1 2 3 0 0 0 ... %⋅= adjusted_fan_speedgen2i adjusted_fan_speed fan_speed_percentageEEM_generator_2i⎛⎝⎞⎠:= adjusted_fan_speedgen2 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 0 0 0 80.8 80.8 80.8 ... %= max adjusted_fan_speedgen2( )100 %⋅= powerEEM_generator_2 powerfan2 ηVFD adjusted_fan_speedgen2( )3⋅:=powerEEM_generator_2 0 4 5 6 3.8 3.8 ... kW⋅= powergenerator_2 schedulegenerator_2 powerfan2⋅:= powergenerator_2 0 0 1 0 0 kW⋅= 2015 Electric IRP Appendix D 848 Avista Long Lake Power Gen VFD Fans rev 02 123009.xmcd 11 of 26 2 ... annual_fan_energyEEM_generator_2 powerEEM_generator_2∑hr⋅35196 kW hr⋅⋅=:=estimated power used by generator 1's cooling fan if a VFD were installed during 2009 operating year annual_fan_energygenerator_2 powergenerator_2∑hr⋅42490 kW hr⋅⋅=:=estimated power used by generator 1's cooling fan during 2009 operating year Generator 2 - Final Analysis with weather and gen schedule data Generator 3 - Final Analysis with weather and gen schedule data schedulegenerator_3 C:\Documents and Settings\lww6153\Desktop\temp\Long Lake Power Generation VFD\long lake generator schedule reduced data.xls:= schedulegenerator_3 0 0 1 2 3 1 1 1 ... = mdot_generator_3 heat_transferstator Cpair_290K tempair__EEM_exit_stator tempdrybulb_out_airwasher−( )⋅:= mdot_generator_3 0 0 1 2 28.9 28.9 ... kg s= 2015 Electric IRP Appendix D 849 Avista Long Lake Power Gen VFD Fans rev 02 123009.xmcd 12 of 26 mdot_schedule_generator3i mdot_generator_3i schedulegenerator_3i⋅:= mdot_schedule_generator3 0 0 1 2 3 28.9 28.9 28.9 ... kg s= adjusting air requirements for when generator is operating. Based on data obtained from Rodney Picket for hourly generator operation for 2009 air_flow_calcfan3 air_flow_calcfan1:= air_flowgenerator_3 mdot_schedule_generator3 ρair_290K :=air_flowgenerator_3 0 0 1 2 49150.7 49150.7 ... ft3 min⋅= air_flowgenerator_3 0 0 1 2 49150.7 49150.7 ... ft3 min⋅= max air_flowgenerator_2( )189450.2 ft3 min⋅= fan_speed_percentageEEM_generator_3 air_flowgenerator_3 air_flow_calcfan3 :=fan_speed_percentageEEM_generator_3 0 0 1 2 3 80.8 80.8 80.8 ... %⋅= adjusted_fan_speedgen3i adjusted_fan_speed fan_speed_percentageEEM_generator_3i⎛⎝⎞⎠:= 2015 Electric IRP Appendix D 850 Avista Long Lake Power Gen VFD Fans rev 02 123009.xmcd 13 of 26 adjusted_fan_speedgen3 0 0 1 2 3 4 80.8 80.8 80.8 80.8 ... %= max adjusted_fan_speedgen3( )100 %⋅= *Note: Fan #3 is used as a backup; I assumed fan #4 is supplying ~100% of the flow to gen 3 powerEEM_generator_3 powerfan4 ηVFD adjusted_fan_speedgen3( )3⋅:= powerEEM_generator_3 0 0 1 2 10.2 10.2 ... kW⋅= powergenerator_3 schedulegenerator_3 powerfan4⋅:= powergenerator_3 0 0 1 2 19 19 ... kW⋅= 2015 Electric IRP Appendix D 851 Avista Long Lake Power Gen VFD Fans rev 02 123009.xmcd 14 of 26 annual_fan_energyEEM_generator_3 powerEEM_generator_3∑hr⋅95546.3 kW hr⋅⋅=:=estimated power used by generator 1's cooling fan if a VFD were installed during 2009 operating year annual_fan_energygenerator_3 powergenerator_3∑hr⋅114019 kW hr⋅⋅=:=estimated power used by generator 1's cooling fan during 2009 operating year Generator 3 - Final Analysis with weather and gen schedule data Generator 4 - Final Analysis with weather and gen schedule data schedulegenerator_4 C:\Documents and Settings\lww6153\Desktop\temp\Long Lake Power Generation VFD\long lake generator schedule reduced data.xls:= schedulegenerator_4 0 0 1 1 ... = mdot_generator_4 heat_transferstator Cpair_290K tempair__EEM_exit_stator tempdrybulb_out_airwasher−( )⋅:= mdot_generator_4 0 0 1 2 28.9 28.9 ... kg s= 2015 Electric IRP Appendix D 852 Avista Long Lake Power Gen VFD Fans rev 02 123009.xmcd 15 of 26 mdot_schedule_generator4i mdot_generator_4i schedulegenerator_4i⋅:= mdot_schedule_generator4 0 0 1 2 28.9 28.9 ... kg s= adjusting air requirements for when generator is operating. Based on data obtained from Rodney Picket for hourly generator operation for 2009 air_flow_calcfan4 air_flow_calcfan1:= air_flowgenerator_4 mdot_schedule_generator4 ρair_290K :=air_flowgenerator_4 0 0 1 2 49150.7 49150.7 ... ft3 min⋅= air_flowgenerator_4 0 0 1 2 49150.7 49150.7 ... ft3 min⋅= max air_flowgenerator_2( )189450.2 ft3 min⋅= fan_speed_percentageEEM_generator_4 air_flowgenerator_4 air_flow_calcfan4 :=fan_speed_percentageEEM_generator_4 0 0 1 80.8 ... %⋅= adjusted_fan_speedgen4i adjusted_fan_speed fan_speed_percentageEEM_generator_4i⎛⎝⎞⎠:= 2015 Electric IRP Appendix D 853 Avista Long Lake Power Gen VFD Fans rev 02 123009.xmcd 16 of 26 adjusted_fan_speedgen4 0 0 1 2 3 80.8 80.8 80.8 ... %= max adjusted_fan_speedgen4( )100 %⋅= *Note: Fan #3 is used as a backup; I assumed fan #5 is supplying ~100% of the flow to gen 4 powerEEM_generator_4 powerfan5 ηVFD adjusted_fan_speedgen4( )3⋅:= powerEEM_generator_4 0 0 1 2 3 4 19.4 19.4 19.4 19.4 ... kW⋅= powergenerator_4 schedulegenerator_4 powerfan5⋅:= powergenerator_4 0 0 1 2 36 36 ... kW⋅= annual_fan_energyEEM_generator_4 powerEEM_generator_4∑hr⋅176804.6 kW hr⋅⋅=:=estimated power used by generator 1's cooling fan if a VFD were installed during 2009 operating year 2015 Electric IRP Appendix D 854 Avista Long Lake Power Gen VFD Fans rev 02 123009.xmcd 17 of 26 annual_fan_energygenerator_4 powergenerator_4∑hr⋅214380 kW hr⋅⋅=:=estimated power used by generator 1's cooling fan during 2009 operating year Generator 4 - Final Analysis with weather and gen schedule data Summary of Results: total_energy_annualno_VFD annual_fan_energygenerator_1 annual_fan_energygenerator_2+annual_fan_energygenerator_3+ annual_fan_energygenerator_4+ ...:= total_energy_annualno_VFD 823814 kW hr⋅⋅= typically the dam personel see ~4-6 aMW*hr/daytotal_energy_annualno_VFD 365day 2257kW hr day⋅= total_energy_annualVFD annual_fan_energyEEM_generator_1 annual_fan_energyEEM_generator_2+ annual_fan_energyEEM_generator_3 annual_fan_energyEEM_generator_4++ ...:= total_energy_annualVFD 688055.8 kW hr⋅⋅= energy_savings total_energy_annualno_VFD total_energy_annualVFD−135758.2 kW hr⋅⋅=:= energy_rate 100$ 1MW hr⋅:= savings energy_savings energy_rate⋅13575.8 $=:= savings 12%113131.9 $= 2015 Electric IRP Appendix D 855 Energy Efficiency Improvements Audit Report Prepared for Nine Mile Hydro Electric Dam Prepared by Andy Paul, PE Bryce Eschenbacher, PE Levi Westra, PE Energy Solutions Engineers February 13, 2015 2015 Electric IRP Appendix D 856 Overview Facility: Nine Mile Hydro Electric Dam Audited by: Andy Paul PE, Bryce Eschenbacher PE, and Levi Westra PE Onsite Staff: Facility Audited on: February 10th, 2015 Figure 1 Google Images of Nine Mile Hydro Electric Dam Avista’s DSM Engineering staff visited the Nine Mile Hydro Electric Dam to review their current building systems and discuss several concerns that the user’s encountered during typical operation. 2015 Electric IRP Appendix D 857 Specifically, this audit was conducted to identify all possible energy efficiency improvements not related to the power generation process. After completing a tour of the facility potential improvement measures were identified for consideration including capital projects as well as low-cost no-cost measures. This report is intended to provide a cursory review of possible energy savings. Each listed recommendation and costing is based upon historical experience and costing projections. Equipment life and performance will vary and a Statement of Work (SOW) for the capital project will determine the actual project costs and performance. It should be noted that this facility is currently undergoing a complete overhaul. Due to this there are very few projects that can be suggested that are not already going to be implemented. The facility consists of a control room and generation specific process areas including but not limited to generation floor and breaker floor. Shell There are several areas around the facility where additional weatherization work can be conducted. 1. All exterior entry doors should have their weather stripping checked and replaced if necessary. 2. All windows that are not required to remain historically accurate should be replaced with energy efficient double pane windows. 3. Any portion of the plant that is going to have cooling installed; control room, battery room etc, should have the walls and ceiling insulated. The insulation will help thermally isolate it from the rest of the plant and reduce the amount of cooling required in the summer time. 4. There is currently little to no insulation above or below the roof deck in the plant. It is recommended that insulation, R-19 at the very least, be added below the deck. This insulation will aid in reducing the amount of time a unit has to be motored during the winter months to maintain space temperature. Lighting The facility currently employs T12 fluorescent lighting in the control room and surrounding areas and 400 Watt Metal Halide (MH) high-bay fixtures on the generating floor. The facility will have a brand new all LED lighting system installed during the overhaul. The DSM group at Avista made suggestions on what LED fixtures would be appropriate. Quinton Snead in the Generation Dept was in charge of the lighting design. While there will be energy savings for this project, specifically with the generating floor lighting as well as the control room lighting, there will also be an additional lighting load installed. There are portions of the plant that were under lit and needed additional lighting fixtures installed. Regardless of the additional lighting fixtures, the new system will be as efficient as possible due to the installation of the LED fixtures in lieu of more traditional linear fluorescent and HID fixtures. HVAC 1. The control room and few other areas in the plant will be getting new HVAC units installed to heat and cool the spaces. When selecting equipment considered installing the most efficient units that can be afforded. It is also recommended that heat pump units be installed instead of standard condensing units with electric resistive heat. New heat pumps are capable of working efficient down to temperatures below zero. Since no natural gas is available at the Dam a heat pump is by far the most efficient way to provide space heat. 2015 Electric IRP Appendix D 858 2. The main generating floor has no dedicated HVAC units. The heat from the generators keeps the space conditioned during the winter months. A generator will be motored to maintain heat if no generating is going on. It is recommended that dedicated HVAC units be installed to maintain the space temperature when the units are not running. This would reduce unnecessary wear and tear on the generating equipment as well as provide a known dedicated source of heat. 3. Installing two (possibly three) low speed/high volume destratification fans to help de-stratify the air within in the facility is recommended. With 40’ ceilings the majority of buildings heated air will stack at the top, the fans would push that heated air back towards the floor and create a homogenous air temperature. This would reduce the amount of time that the space heat would need to run. In addition these fans could be run in reverse during the summer months to help pull warm air off the floor and exhaust it out of the exhaust louvers located in the roof. We hope that this report helps to identify some areas that the generating facility can gain some operational efficiency and reduce the parasitic load that these systems represent. If you decide to pursue any of these potential energy savings projects please let the Energy Solutions team know ahead of the start of the project. Respectfully, Andy Paul, Bryce Eschenbacher, and Levi Westra – February 13th, 2015 2015 Electric IRP Appendix D 859 Energy Efficiency Improvements Audit Report Prepared for North East Combustion Turbine Thermal Facility Prepared by Bryce Eschenbacher, PE Energy Solutions Engineer June 19, 2015 2015 Electric IRP Appendix D 860 Overview Facility: North East Combustion Turbine Audited by: Bryce Eschenbacher PE Onsite Staff: Dwayne Wright Facility Audited on: June 16th, 2015 Figure 1 Google Image of the North East Combustion Turbine Thermal Facility Avista’s DSM Engineering staff visited the North East CT to review their current building systems and discuss several concerns that the user’s encountered during typical operation. Specifically, this audit was conducted to identify all possible energy efficiency improvements not related to the power generation process. After completing a tour of the facility potential improvement measures were identified for consideration including capital projects as well as low-cost no-cost measures. This report is intended to provide a cursory review of possible energy savings. Each listed recommendation and costing is based upon historical experience and costing projections. Equipment life and performance will vary and a Statement of Work (SOW) for the capital project will determine the actual project costs and performance. Shell The main warehouse at the facility was completed recently and is well insulated with good exterior doors. No improvements need to be made at this point in time. Below are some recommendations of the few other buildings that may benefit from insulation or weatherization: 1. The MCC building has a through wall AC unit and small electric heater. The weather stripping for the exterior door should be checked and replaced if it’s found to be faulty. This will aid in reducing the AC load in the summer and the heating load in the winter. 2. The pump house and tool crib are similar to the MCC and should have their exterior door weather stripping checked. 2015 Electric IRP Appendix D 861 Lighting The new warehouse employs T8 linear fluorescent fixtures; the remainder of the facility is a mix of T12 linear fluorescents and screw in incandescent fixtures. The yard lights are quartz halogen fixtures. The majority of these fixtures only operate a couple of hours a day and would not generate enough energy savings to justify their replacement on those grounds. The increase in efficiency and longevity of the fixtures on the other hand should be consider and replacement based on this planned. Below is a list of potential lighting projects to consider. Table 1 Capital Project Lighting Opportunity Summary Brief EEM* Description EEM Cost Measure Life Electric kWh Savings 1 Halogen Pole Lights $1,350 20 yr 5,145.6 *EEM – Energy Efficiency Measure 1. Proposed Project #1: There are currently (x6) quartz halogen yard lights. For this analysis it is assumed that they are 250W lamps. These lights only operate when work is being down at the facility. It was stated that the lights should be on dusk to dawn to provide some security lighting as well. This analysis looks at the potential savings that would be seen if the existing lights were on dusk to dawn. The proposed project looks at replacing these fixtures with 50W LED spot lights. A simple lumen calculation shows that the overall lumens for the job were increased by 43%. o The provided project cost is $3,600; this cost was calculated using fixture cost found online and an estimated $75 per fixture for install. 2. The two lamp F48T12 linear fluorescent fixtures in the MCC room, tool crib, pump house, and generator room, should be replaced with new linear LED fixtures. The 50W linear fixtures that were used at Noxon Rapids are recommended for these areas. The cost to purchase and install these fixtures is $347.50 (based on invoiced costs from Noxon). HVAC 1. The main warehouse is conditioned by a gas fired unit hearer in the work area and a Mitsubishi ductless heat pump serves the office area. The unit heater should be replaced with a 90%+ unit when the current unit has reached its end of life. The ductless heat pump is a compact and efficient means of condition the office space. 2. There are several small through the wall air conditioning units at some of the smaller outbuildings. It is recommended that these be replaced with the most efficient units available when the existing units fail. 3. The engine compartments are conditioned by two 1.5 ton York roof top unit mounted on grade outside of the units. These units keep the engine compartment above freezing in the winter and cool it down when maintenance needs to be done in the summer. The existing units are aged and use R-22 refrigerant, which is no longer manufactured. At some point it will be necessary to replace these units as parts and refrigerant become scarce. It is recommended that they be replaced with the most efficient units that can be afforded. 2015 Electric IRP Appendix D 862 We hope that this report helps to identify some areas that the generating facility can gain some operational efficiency and reduce the parasitic load that these systems represent. If you decide to pursue any of these potential energy savings projects please let the Energy Solutions team know ahead of the start of the project. Respectfully, Bryce Eschenbacher – June 19, 2015 2015 Electric IRP Appendix D 863 Acct# Existing Annual Consumption: (kilowatt hours)6,432.00 Lighting Energy Savings:(kilowatt hours)5,145.60 Lighting Demand Savings: (kilowatt demand)0.96 Cooling System Savings: (kilowatt hours)0.00 Cooling System Demand Savings: (kW demand) 0.00 Lumen Comparison New/Existing 142.86% Total Energy Savings: (kilowatt hours)5,145.60 Total Demand Savings: (kilowatt demand)0.96 Estimated Project Cost: (Rough Estimate)See Report Heating System Penalty: (therms)0.00 Maintenance Savings:$50.76 Name: North East CT - Halogen to LED NECT_Halogen_Lighting_061915 Report Pg 1 - 1 6/19/20152015 Electric IRP Appendix D 864 Energy Efficiency Improvements Audit Report Prepared for Noxon Rapids Hydro Electric Dam Prepared by Andy Paul, PE Bryce Eschenbacher, PE Levi Westra, PE Energy Solutions Engineers February 10, 2015 2015 Electric IRP Appendix D 865 Overview Facility: Noxon Rapids Hydro Electric Dam Audited by: Andy Paul PE, Bryce Eschenbacher PE Onsite Staff: Facility Audited on: January 15th, 2015 Figure 1 Google Images of the Noxon Rapids Hydro Electric Dam 2015 Electric IRP Appendix D 866 Avista’s DSM Engineering staff visited the Noxon Rapids Hydro Electric Dam to review their current building systems and discuss several concerns that the user’s encountered during typical operation. Specifically, this audit was conducted to identify all possible energy efficiency improvements not related to the power generation process. After completing a tour of the facility potential improvement measures were identified for consideration including capital projects as well as low-cost no-cost measures. This report is intended to provide a cursory review of possible energy savings. Each listed recommendation and costing is based upon historical experience and costing projections. Equipment life and performance will vary and a Statement of Work (SOW) for the capital project will determine the actual project costs and performance. The facility consists of a control room, office space, break area and generation specific process areas including but not limited to generation floor and breaker floor. Shell Due to the design of the facility there are no real shell measures that can be undertaken that would benefit the facility or save energy. Lighting The site recently completed a full lighting system replacement. The old system was made up of old two lamp 48W T12 fluorescent fixtures, incandescent screw in lamps of varying wattages, and metal halide fixtures. The system is entirely made up of LED fixtures. The Majority being linear LED fixtures with some screw in lamps throughout. This lighting project reduced the annual lighting load by 382,115 kWh. The lighting system was the largest inefficiency in this facility. In addition to the new lighting fixtures the entire lighting system was re-wired. New lighting panels were installed as well. HVAC 1. The facility employs a water source heat pump, along with a couple of air handlers and several unit heaters, to condition the generating floor and all rooms on that same level. The access and observation galleries are unconditioned. During the audit we were not able to determine the size or efficiency of the unit because the name plate was in-accessible. Based on the equipments vintage, and a statement from facility staff that the equipment needs regular maintenance, we recommend that this equipment be replace with a modern efficient water source heat pump. It is recommended that the most efficient equipment that can be afforded be installed. We hope that this report helps to identify some areas that the generating facility can gain some operational efficiency and reduce the parasitic load that these systems represent. If you decide to pursue any of these potential energy savings projects please let the Energy Solutions team know ahead of the start of the project. Respectfully, Andy Paul, Bryce Eschenbacher – February 10th, 2015 2015 Electric IRP Appendix D 867 Energy Efficiency Improvements Audit Report Prepared for Post Falls Hydro Electric Dam Prepared by Andy Paul, PE Bryce Eschenbacher, PE Levi Westra, PE Energy Solutions Engineers May 28, 2015 2015 Electric IRP Appendix D 868 Overview Facility: Post Falls Audited by: Andy Paul PE Onsite Staff: Laroy Dowd Facility Audited on: May 20th, 2015 Figure 1 PE, and Levi Westra PE Google Images of the Post Falls Hydro Electric Dam Avista’s DSM Engineering staff visited the Post Falls Hydro Electric Dam to review their current building systems and discuss several concerns that the user’s encountered during typical operation. Specifically, 2015 Electric IRP Appendix D 869 this audit was conducted to identify all possible energy efficiency improvements not related to the power generation process. After completing a tour of the facility potential improvement measures were identified for consideration including capital projects as well as low-cost no-cost measures. This report is intended to provide a cursory review of possible energy savings. Each listed recommendation and costing is based upon historical experience and costing projections. Equipment life and performance will vary and a Statement of Work (SOW) for the capital project will determine the actual project costs and performance. The facility consists of a control room, office space, break area and generation specific process areas including but not limited to generation floor and breaker floor. Shell There are several areas around the facility where additional weatherization work can be conducted. It should be noted that this facility has no dedicated heating source due to an almost constant operation of at least one unit, which provides enough heat for generating floor and control room. The control room area has a couple of window style air conditioning units for the summer months. The recommendations made below should only be acted on if there are future plans to provide this facility with a dedicated heating and cooling source. As the facility operates now, these measures are not necessary and will not reduce the electric load. 1. All exterior entry doors should have their weather stripping checked and replaced if necessary. 2. All windows that are not required to remain historically accurate should be replaced with energy efficient double pane windows. 3. Any portion of the plant that currently has heating or cooling installed should have the walls and ceiling insulated. The insulation will help thermally isolate it from the rest of the plant and reduce the amount of cooling required in the summer time. 4. There is currently little to no insulation above or below the roof deck in the plant. It is recommended that insulation, R-19 at the very least, be added below the deck. Lighting The site employs T12 and T8 linear fluorescent lighting, linear LED fixtures, as well as 150 Watt High Pressure sodium high-bay fixtures. No parking lot lighting was observed. Table 1 Capital Project Lighting Opportunity Summary Brief EEM* Description EEM Cost Measure Life Electric kWh Savings 1 Control Room T12s $3,462.50 20 yr 1,776 2 Generating Floor HPS $2,423.75 20 yr 3,312 *EEM – Energy Efficiency Measure 1. Proposed Project #1: The control room currently has (x4) Two lamp F48T12 and (x3) Two lamp F96T12 fluorescent fixtures serving the break room and storage areas. The proposed project 2015 Electric IRP Appendix D 870 looks at replacing these fixtures with (x10) 40W linear LED fixtures. A simple lumen calculation shows that the overall lumens for the job were decreased by 11%. o The provided project is $3,462.50, this cost was calculated using fixture and install costs for these fixtures at Noxon Rapids HED. 2. Proposed Project #2: The facility currently has (x7) single lamp 150W high pressure sodium fixtures located above the units on the generating floor. It is assumed that the fixtures average 3,600 hrs of operation a year. The proposed project looks at replacing these fixtures with 40W linear LED fixtures. A simple lumen calculation shows that the overall lumens for the job were increased by 28%. o The provided project cost is $2,423.75; this cost was calculated using fixture and install costs for these fixtures at Noxon Rapids HED. 3. It should be noted that while the total system lumens decrease for project #1, the actual lumens that reach the working space will more the likely increase. LED fixtures are very directional in the way they deliver lighting lumens. We recommend replacing a few light fixtures to make sure that they will meet your lighting needs. If you would like to see the fixtures in operation we recommend a trip to Noxon Rapids HED. HVAC 1. The main generating floor has no dedicated HVAC units. The heat from the generators keeps the space conditioned during the winter months. A generator will be motored to maintain heat if no generating is going on, which is rare at this plant. During the summer months the heat from the generators is exhausted from the space via several exhausts fans mounted in the upper windows of the power house. These exhaust fans are controlled manually are on 24/7 during the warmer months. It is recommended that thermostats be installed to control these exhaust fans. The thermostats will reduce the run time of the fans during spring and fall when the fans are more than likely left on when they may not be necessary. 2. It is recommended that the control room have a dedicated HVAC unit installed. The space is currently heated by residual heat from the generators and controls cabinets, and is cooled by a couple of window style air conditioners. A dedicated system would provide a more comfortable environment for the operators as well as the controls equipment present in the space. If this is a project that is going to be implemented, moving forward with shell recommendation number 3 is advised. We hope that this report helps to identify some areas that the generating facility can gain some operational efficiency and reduce the parasitic load that these systems represent. If you decide to pursue any of these potential energy savings projects please let the Energy Solutions team know ahead of the start of the project. Respectfully, Andy Paul, Bryce Eschenbacher, and Levi Westra – May 28, 2015 2015 Electric IRP Appendix D 871 Acct# Existing Annual Consumption: (kilowatt hours)3,088.80 Lighting Energy Savings:(kilowatt hours)1,648.80 Lighting Demand Savings: (kilowatt demand)0.37 Cooling System Savings: (kilowatt hours)126.96 Cooling System Demand Savings: (kW demand) 0.03 Lumen Comparison New/Existing 88.53% Total Energy Savings: (kilowatt hours)1,775.76 Total Demand Savings: (kilowatt demand)0.39 Estimated Project Cost: (Rough Estimate)See Report Heating System Penalty: (therms)0.00 Maintenance Savings:($30.72) Name: Post Falls Hydro Electric Dam - T12 to LED PostFalls_T12_Lighting_052815 Report Pg 1 - 1 5/28/20152015 Electric IRP Appendix D 872 Acct# Existing Annual Consumption: (kilowatt hours)5,472.00 Lighting Energy Savings:(kilowatt hours)3,312.00 Lighting Demand Savings: (kilowatt demand)0.74 Cooling System Savings: (kilowatt hours)0.00 Cooling System Demand Savings: (kW demand) 0.00 Lumen Comparison New/Existing 128.04% Total Energy Savings: (kilowatt hours)3,312.00 Total Demand Savings: (kilowatt demand)0.74 Estimated Project Cost: (Rough Estimate)See Report Heating System Penalty: (therms)0.00 Maintenance Savings:($311.14) Name: Post Falls Hydro Electric Dam - Generating Floor PostFalls_GeneratingFloor_Lighting_052815 Report Pg 1 - 1 5/28/20152015 Electric IRP Appendix D 873 Energy Efficiency Improvements Audit Report Prepared for Post Street Hydro Electric Facility Upper Falls Hydro Electric Facility Prepared by Andy Paul, PE Bryce Eschenbacher, PE Levi Westra, PE Energy Solutions Engineers June 19th, 2015 2015 Electric IRP Appendix D 874 Overview Facility: Post Street Audited by: Andy Paul PE Onsite Staff: Josh Stringfellow Facility Audited on: June 10th, 2015 Figure 1 Facility/Upper Falls Hydro Electric Facility PE, and Levi Westra PE Google Images of the Post St/Monroe Hydro Electric Dam 2015 Electric IRP Appendix D 875 Figure 2 Google Images of the Upper Falls Hydro Electric Figure 2 Google Images of the Upper Falls Hydro Electric Project 2015 Electric IRP Appendix D 876 Avista’s DSM Engineering staff visited the Post St. / Monroe St. Hydro Electric facility to review their current building systems and discuss several concerns that the user’s encountered during typical operation. We were unable to visit the Upper falls facility due a time constraint and limited access due to their being no operator on site currently. We did discuss the systems at Upper Falls and have recommendations for improvements listed below. Specifically, this audit was conducted to identify all possible energy efficiency improvements not related to the power generation process. After completing a tour of the facility potential improvement measures were identified for consideration including capital projects as well as low-cost no-cost measures. This report is intended to provide a cursory review of possible energy savings. Each listed recommendation and costing is based upon historical experience and costing projections. Equipment life and performance will vary and a Statement of Work (SOW) for the capital project will determine the actual project costs and performance. The facility consists of a control room, office space, break area and generation specific process areas including but not limited to generation floor and breaker floor. Shell There are several areas around the facility where additional weatherization work can be conducted. 1. All exterior entry doors should have their weather stripping checked and replaced if necessary. 2. The control room should have insulation installed above the ceiling and in the walls if possible. The insulation will help thermally isolate it from the rest of the plant, which is only maintained at above freezing in the winter and is unconditioned otherwise. 3. There is currently little to no insulation above or below the roof deck above the substation. During the winter four Reznor natural gas unit heaters keep the space above freezing. It is recommended that insulation, R-19 at the very least, be added below the deck. This insulation will aid in reducing the amount of time the unit heaters have to run to maintain the space temperature. Lighting The site employs T12, induction fluorescent high bays as well as various wattages of incandescent and compact fluorescent screw in lamps. Table 1 Capital Project Lighting Opportunity Summary Brief EEM* Description EEM Cost Measure Life Electric kWh Savings 1 Utility men break room $1,498 20 yr 2,151 2 Control room $3,745 20 yr 4,340 3 Network Feeder tunnel $5,718 20 yr 8,344 *EEM – Energy Efficiency Measure 1. Proposed Project #1: The Utility Men break room currently has (x4) four lamp F48T12 fluorescent fixtures that operate 2,080 hrs a year (40hrs/wk). The proposed project looks at replacing these 2015 Electric IRP Appendix D 877 fixtures with (x4) 50W linear LED fixtures. A simple lumen calculation shows that the overall lumens for the job were decreased by 60%. o The provided project is $1,498, this cost was calculated using fixture and install costs for these fixtures at Noxon Rapids HED. 2. Proposed Project #2: The facility currently has (x10) two lamp fluorescent fixtures that operate 8,760 hrs a year (40hrs/wk). The proposed project looks at replacing these fixtures with (x10) 50W linear LED fixtures. A simple lumen calculation shows that the overall lumens for the job were decreased by 20%. o The provided project cost is $3,745, this cost was calculated using fixture and install costs for these fixtures at Noxon Rapids HED. 3. Proposed Project #3: The facility currently has (x15) two lamp fluorescent fixtures that operate 8,760 hrs a year (40hrs/wk). The proposed project looks at replacing these fixtures with (x15) 50W linear LED fixtures. A simple lumen calculation shows that the overall lumens for the job were decreased by 20%. In addition to switching out the lights it is proposed that an occupancy sensor be installed to control these lights. This is an area of the facility that is only checked once or twice a day, unless maintenance is being performed. A properly located occupancy sensor will be able to turn the lights on before an operator reaches the space and will keep the lights on during the time that they are present. Otherwise they will go off. o The provided project cost is $5,717.50; this cost was calculated using fixture and install costs for these fixtures at Noxon Rapids HED. An additional $100 was added for the occupancy sensor. 4. It should be noted that while the total system lumens decrease for each of these projects, the actual lumens that reach the working space will more the likely increase. LED fixtures are very directional in the way they deliver lighting lumens. We recommend replacing a few light fixtures to make sure that they will meet your lighting needs. If you would like to see the fixtures in operation we recommend a trip to Noxon Rapids HED. 5. In addition to the projects listed above there are several other areas that would benefit from installing new lighting fixtures. • Most of the lower levels are lit with incandescent screw in lamps which remain on 24/7. It is recommended that these lamps be switch out for comparable LED screw in lamps and that the fixtures are placed on occupancy sensors. The sensors for these lights would need to be placed in the stairwells coming down to the space. This would ensure that the lights are on when the operator enters the space. In addition a redundant sensor (or two) should be placed in the space to provide the control necessary to keep the lights on when they are working in the space. It is highly recommend that a lighting design professional be brought in to properly design this system. • There are (x22) screw in compact fluorescent lamps located along the crane rail. It is recommended that these are replaced with comparable LED screw in lamps. 6. The lighting in the Monroe St. Turbine pit is all T8 linear fluorescent fixtures. A simple upgrade would be to change out the existing 32W T8 lamps with 25W T8 lamps. This would also require the ballasts to be changed. These fixtures could also be converted to linear LED tubes. We recommend that the lighting in the Post St. Building be upgraded before replacing the lighting at Monroe St. 7. The lighting at the Upper Falls facility was stated to be high pressure sodium fixtures. It is assumed that these are 400W lamps. It is recommended that these fixtures be upgraded to high 2015 Electric IRP Appendix D 878 bay LED fixtures. Little Falls Dam is upgrading all of the high pressure sodium fixtures these to LED, Nathan Fletcher was in charge of that design. HVAC 1. The control room is conditioned by an electric forced air furnace paired with a condensing unit for cooling. The condensing unit was recently replaced and is fairly efficient. It is recommended that that the furnace be replaced with a 90%+ efficient gas unit. On average a gas furnace will use ½ of the energy that an electric furnace will to provide the amount of heat. Gas is located nearby for the Reznor unit heaters. 2. The substation floor is conditioned by (x4) Reznor unit heaters. These heaters are used to keep the space above freezing during the winter. The units are 80% efficient and appear to be in good working order. When the time comes to replace them it is recommended that 90%+ unit heaters be purchased. 3. Installing two (possibly three) low speed/high volume destratification fans to help de-stratify the air within in the facility is recommended. With 40’ ceilings the majority of buildings heated air will stack at the top, the fans would push that heated air back towards the floor and create a homogenous air temperature. This would reduce the amount of time that the space heat would need to run. We hope that this report helps to identify some areas that the generating facility can gain some operational efficiency and reduce the parasitic load that these systems represent. If you decide to pursue any of these potential energy savings projects please let the Energy Solutions team know ahead of the start of the project. Respectfully, Andy Paul, Bryce Eschenbacher, and Levi Westra – June 19th 2015 2015 Electric IRP Appendix D 879 Acct# Existing Annual Consumption: (kilowatt hours)2,412.80 Lighting Energy Savings:(kilowatt hours)1,996.80 Lighting Demand Savings: (kilowatt demand)0.77 Cooling System Savings: (kilowatt hours)153.75 Cooling System Demand Savings: (kW demand) 0.06 Lumen Comparison New/Existing 39.79% Total Energy Savings: (kilowatt hours)2,150.55 Total Demand Savings: (kilowatt demand)0.83 Estimated Project Cost: (Rough Estimate)See Report Heating System Penalty: (therms)(17.37) Maintenance Savings:$25.63 Name:Post St. Hydro Electric Dam - Utility Men Break Room PostSt_UtilityMenBreakRoom_Lighting_061915 Report Pg 1 - 1 6/19/20152015 Electric IRP Appendix D 880 Acct# Existing Annual Consumption: (kilowatt hours)8,409.60 Lighting Energy Savings:(kilowatt hours)4,029.60 Lighting Demand Savings: (kilowatt demand)0.37 Cooling System Savings: (kilowatt hours)310.28 Cooling System Demand Savings: (kW demand) 0.03 Lumen Comparison New/Existing 79.58% Total Energy Savings: (kilowatt hours)4,339.88 Total Demand Savings: (kilowatt demand)0.40 Estimated Project Cost: (Rough Estimate)See Report Heating System Penalty: (therms)(35.06) Maintenance Savings:($0.23) Name: Post St. Hydro Electric Dam - Control Room PostSt_Operator_Lighting_061915 Report Pg 1 - 1 6/19/20152015 Electric IRP Appendix D 881 Acct# Existing Annual Consumption: (kilowatt hours) 12,614.40 Lighting Energy Savings:(kilowatt hours)8,343.90 Lighting Demand Savings: (kilowatt demand)0.55 Cooling System Savings: (kilowatt hours)0.00 Cooling System Demand Savings: (kW demand) 0.00 Lumen Comparison New/Existing 79.58% Total Energy Savings: (kilowatt hours)8,343.90 Total Demand Savings: (kilowatt demand)0.55 Estimated Project Cost: (Rough Estimate)See Report Heating System Penalty: (therms)0.00 Maintenance Savings:$106.38 Name: Post St. Hydro Electric Dam - Network Feeder Lighting PostSt_NetWorkFeeder_Lighting_061915 Report Pg 1 - 1 6/19/20152015 Electric IRP Appendix D 882 Energy Efficiency Improvements Audit Report Prepared for Rathdrum Combustion Turbine Thermal Facility Prepared by Andy Paul, PE Bryce Eschenbacher, PE Levi Westra, PE Energy Solutions Engineers May 28, 2015 2015 Electric IRP Appendix D 883 Overview Facility: Rathdrum Combustion Turbine Audited by: Andy Paul PE, Bryce Eschenbacher PE, and Levi Westra PE Onsite Staff: N/A Facility Audited on: May 20th, 2015 Figure 1 Google Image of the Rathdrum Combustion Turbine Thermal Facility Avista’s DSM Engineering staff visited the Rathdrum CT to review their current building systems and discuss several concerns that the user’s encountered during typical operation. Specifically, this audit was conducted to identify all possible energy efficiency improvements not related to the power generation process. After completing a tour of the facility potential improvement measures were identified for consideration including capital projects as well as low-cost no-cost measures. This report is intended to provide a cursory review of possible energy savings. Each listed recommendation and costing is based upon historical experience and costing projections. Equipment life and performance will vary and a Statement of Work (SOW) for the capital project will determine the actual project costs and performance. Shell There are a couple of areas around the facility where additional weatherization work can be conducted. It should be noted that this facility is rarely staffed and is generally operated remotely when it is needed. That being said, it is assumed that shop building is maintained at 55º in the winter (freeze protection) and below 78º in the summer. We were unable to verify the actual HVAC set point. Even with minimal HVAC the weatherization recommendations below will save energy. 1. All exterior entry doors should have their weather stripping checked and replaced if necessary. This includes the 5 man door and 2 roll up doors. 2. There are a couple of exhaust louvers on the backside of the shop building. If these louvers are not equipped with motorized dampers with proper blade seals, it is recommended that they are installed. When the louvers are not needed a large amount of outside air may be making its way back into the building, which would increase the HVAC load. 2015 Electric IRP Appendix D 884 Lighting The site employs metal halide road way light and halogen pole lights around the equipment. We were not able to get inside of the shop building to inspect the lights present. Based on the age of the facility Table 1 Capital Project Lighting Opportunity Summary Brief EEM* Description EEM Cost Measure Life Electric kWh Savings 1 Roadway lighting $10,020 20 yr 16,273 2 Halogen Pole Lights $3,600 20 yr 3,200 *EEM – Energy Efficiency Measure 1. Proposed Project #1: The roadway is lit by (x15) Single Lamp 250W Metal halide cobra heads. This project would replace these with (x15) Cree 42W LED cobra heads. It is assumed that these fixtures have an average of 4,288 hrs/yr (dusk to dawn) annual operating hours. A simple lumen calculation shows that the overall lumens for the job were decreased by 81%. o The provided project is $10,020, this cost was calculated using fixture and install costs for these fixtures at Noxon Rapids HED. 2. Proposed Project #2: The facility currently has (x16) single lamp halogen pole mounted lights. Wattage could not be confirmed for these lamps. For this analysis it is assumed that they are 250W lamps. It is also assumed that the fixtures average 1,000 hrs of operation a year and are only used for spot lighting when work is being done. The proposed project looks at replacing these fixtures with 50W LED spot lights. A simple lumen calculation shows that the overall lumens for the job were increased by 43%. o The provided project cost is $3,600; this cost was calculated using fixture cost found online and an estimated $75 per fixture for install. 3. It should be noted that while the total system lumens decrease for project #1, the actual lumens that reach the working space will more the likely increase. LED fixtures are very directional in the way they deliver lighting lumens. In addition the existing high pressure sodium fixtures produce a yellow light which is not conducive to good visibility while working. We recommend replacing a few light fixtures to make sure that they will meet your lighting needs. If you would like to see the fixtures in operation we recommend a trip to Noxon Rapids HED. HVAC 1. The main facility shop building’s office area is conditioned by a 5 ton air conditioner paired with a natural gas furnace. Based on the age of the building is assumed that the furnace is around 80% efficient. Since this facility is rarely manned the payback for installing a new HVAC system is too long to consider on a financial basis. But when the existing equipment fails it is recommended that the most efficient equipment be purchased to replace it. 2. There are several small through the wall air conditioning units at some of the smaller outbuildings. It is recommended that these be replaced with the most efficient units available when the existing units fail. 2015 Electric IRP Appendix D 885 We hope that this report helps to identify some areas that the generating facility can gain some operational efficiency and reduce the parasitic load that these systems represent. If you decide to pursue any of these potential energy savings projects please let the Energy Solutions team know ahead of the start of the project. Respectfully, Andy Paul, Bryce Eschenbacher, and Levi Westra – May 28, 2015 2015 Electric IRP Appendix D 886 Acct# Existing Annual Consumption: (kilowatt hours) 18,974.40 Lighting Energy Savings:(kilowatt hours)16,272.96 Lighting Demand Savings: (kilowatt demand)3.04 Cooling System Savings: (kilowatt hours)0.00 Cooling System Demand Savings: (kW demand) 0.00 Lumen Comparison New/Existing 18.59% Total Energy Savings: (kilowatt hours)16,272.96 Total Demand Savings: (kilowatt demand)3.04 Estimated Project Cost: (Rough Estimate)See Report Heating System Penalty: (therms)0.00 Maintenance Savings:$124.47 Name: Rathdrum CT - Pole Lights Rathdrum_Street_Lighting_052815 Report Pg 1 - 1 5/29/20152015 Electric IRP Appendix D 887 Acct# Existing Annual Consumption: (kilowatt hours)4,000.00 Lighting Energy Savings:(kilowatt hours)3,200.00 Lighting Demand Savings: (kilowatt demand)2.56 Cooling System Savings: (kilowatt hours)0.00 Cooling System Demand Savings: (kW demand) 0.00 Lumen Comparison New/Existing 142.86% Total Energy Savings: (kilowatt hours)3,200.00 Total Demand Savings: (kilowatt demand)2.56 Estimated Project Cost: (Rough Estimate)See Report Heating System Penalty: (therms)0.00 Maintenance Savings:$63.43 Name: Rathdrum CT - Halogen to LED Rathdrum_Halogen_Lighting_052815 Report Pg 1 - 1 5/29/20152015 Electric IRP Appendix D 888 2015 Electric Integrated Resource Plan Appendix E – 2015 Electric IRP New Resource Table for Transmission 2015 Electric IRP Appendix E 889 Resource POR Capacity Year Resource Note Location or Local Area POD Start Stop MW Total Nine Mile Nine Mile Falls, WA Nine Mile AVA System 4/1/2016 Indefinite 7.6 7.6 SCCT 1 TBD Mid-C/AVA System AVA System 10/1/2020 Indefinite 102.0 102.0 Northeast Spokane, WA Northeast AVA System 10/1/2023 Indefinite 7.5 7.5 Kettle Falls Kettle Falls, WA Kettle Falls AVA System 10/1/2024 Indefinite 12.0 12.0 Rathdrum Rathdrum, WA Rathdrum AVA System 10/1/2025 Indefinite 18.5 18.5 CCCT 1 TBD Mid-C/AVA System AVA System 10/1/2026 Indefinite 306.0 306.0 SCCT 1 TBD Mid-C/AVA System AVA System 10/1/2027 Indefinite 102.0 102.0 Kettle Falls Kettle Falls, WA Kettle Falls AVA System 10/1/2033 Indefinite 3.0 3.0 SCCT 1 TBD Mid-C/AVA System AVA System 10/1/2034 Indefinite 46.5 46.5 Total 605.1 605.1 Mid-Columbia Anticipated Contract ExtensionsMid-C contract extensions may replace or modify resources named above Resource POR Capacity Year Resource Note Location or Local Area POD Start Stop MW TotalRocky Reach Mid-C Mid-C AVA System 1/1/2021 TBD 59.0 Rock Island Mid-C Mid-C AVA System 1/1/2021 TBD 21.0 80.0 Wells Mid-C Mid-C AVA System 8/1/2018 TBD 28.0 28.0 Total 108.0 108.0 1 Modified POR to "Mid-C/AVA System" to reflect possibility of off-system SCCT integrated at Mid-C 2015 Avista Electric IRP Appendix E New Resource Table For Transmission Updated August 25, 2015 2015 Electric IRP Appendix E 890 System Planning Feasibility Study November 25, 2014 Page 1of 41 Avista System Planning 2014 IRP Interconnection Study Richard Maguire Avista System Planning November 25, 2014 2015 Electric IRP Appendix E 891 System Planning Feasibility Study November 25, 2014 Page 2of 41 Contents INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................................................... 3 STUDY METHODOLOGY AND ASSUMPTIONS ....................................................................................................................... 4 ANALYSIS ............................................................................................................................................................................. 6 KOOTENAI COUNTY ...................................................................................................................................................................... 6 Kootenai 100 MW Request; $16 to $20.1 million ............................................................................................................... 7 Kootenai 350 MW request; $47.2 million ........................................................................................................................... 9 RATHDRUM STATION .................................................................................................................................................................. 11 Rathdrum 26 MW request; 115 kV option; $2.84 million to $10.9 million ....................................................................... 12 Rathdrum 50 MW request; 115 kV option; $10.7 to $18.7 million .................................................................................. 13 Rathdrum 200 MW request; 115 kV option; $10.3 to $48.5 million ................................................................................ 15 Rathdrum 50 MW Request; 230 kV Option; $7 to $16.8 million ...................................................................................... 17 Rathdrum 200 MW Request; 230 kV option; $15.5 to $21.5 million ................................................................................ 18 THORNTON STATION .................................................................................................................................................................. 20 Thornton 30 MW and 100 MW Request; $400,000 ......................................................................................................... 20 OTHELLO STATION ..................................................................................................................................................................... 22 Othello 25 MW Solar request; $2 million ......................................................................................................................... 22 NORTHEAST STATION .................................................................................................................................................................. 23 Northeast 10 MW; $0 ....................................................................................................................................................... 23 KETTLE FALLS STATION ................................................................................................................................................................ 24 Kettle Falls 10 MW; $0 ..................................................................................................................................................... 24 LONG LAKE DAM ....................................................................................................................................................................... 25 Long Lake 68 MW; $19.7 million ...................................................................................................................................... 25 MONROE STREET ....................................................................................................................................................................... 29 Monroe Street 80 MW; $7 million .................................................................................................................................... 29 POST FALLS ............................................................................................................................................................................... 31 Post Falls 10 to 22 MW; $2.1 to $5.2 million .................................................................................................................... 31 APPENDIX A .............................................................................................................................................................................. 32 APPENDIX B .............................................................................................................................................................................. 34 APPENDIX C .............................................................................................................................................................................. 37 2015 Electric IRP Appendix E 892 System Planning Feasibility Study November 25, 2014 Page 3of 41 Introduction Avista Utilities’ Integrated Resource Planning group requested preliminary estimates for the generation interconnections listed below. Avista’s System Planning Group conducted studies, and the results of those studies are summarized below and described in more detail throughout this report. TABLE 1: SUMMARY ESTIMATES FOR GENERATION INTERCONNECTION REQUESTS Station Request (MW) POI Voltage Cost Estimate ($ million)1 Kootenai County (New) 100 230 kV 12 - 16.1 Kootenai County (New) 350 230 kV 47.2 Rathdrum 26 115 kV 2.84 - 10.9 Rathdrum 50 115 kV 10.7 – 18.7 Rathdrum 200 115 kV 10.3 - 48.5 Rathdrum 50 230 kV 7 – 16.8 Rathdrum 200 230 kV 15.5 – 21.5 Thornton 30 230 kV .4 Thornton 100 230 kV .4 Othello 25 115 kV 2 Northeast 10 115 kV 0 Kettle Falls 10 115 kV 0 Long Lake 68 115 kV 19.7 Monroe Street 80 115 kV 7 Post Falls 10 115 kV 2.1 Post Falls 20 115 kV 5.2 1 Preliminary estimates are given as -25% to +75% 2015 Electric IRP Appendix E 893 System Planning Feasibility Study November 25, 2014 Page 4of 41 Study Methodology and Assumptions Steady-state power flow analysis was performed for each request under the following conditions:  Two Avista Planning Cases2 were used for each request: o 2024 Heavy Summer – based on WECC 2024 HS1-S Base Case o 2019 High Transfer – rated West of Hatwai flow based on WECC 2014 LS1 Operating Case  737 contingency events were analyzed using select P1 – P7 3 events o Important Note: cost estimates could be significantly increased by a more complete study that includes all P6 contingencies. A System Impact Study is necessary for more accurate cost estimates.  Study case topology includes the Avista projects documented in Appendix A  All existing generation local to each request was enabled at full output  New generation was modeled using +/- 0.95 power factor  PowerWorld’s Contingency Analysis tool was used to determine only those facility violations that are new and caused by the requested generation. This is different from standard assessment presentations of contingency results, and the reader should keep this in mind when looking at study results.  PowerWorld’s Available Transfer Capability (ATC) tool, not to be confused with the ‘ATC’ posted on Avista’s OASIS, was used to provide an indication of next-most-limiting facilities as the studied generator output was increased and the list of contingencies analyzed. This analysis was conducted for each request with the following settings: o Buyer modeled as all WECC generators except those within Avista’s Balancing Authority Area o Ramping of modeled generation occurred in the pre-contingency state o Assumed reactive power did not change o ATC results cross-checked with standard contingency analysis  Facility performance was measured against NERC Standards4 TPL-001-4 and FAC-010 o Voltage performance not assessed during this study 2 Avista Planning Cases are described in Avista Standards TP-SPP-04 Data Preparation and TP-SPP-06 Contingency Analysis 3 ‘P’ type Performance Planning Events described in NERC TPL-001-4 4 See http://www.nerc.net/standardsreports/standardssummary.aspx 2015 Electric IRP Appendix E 894 System Planning Feasibility Study November 25, 2014 Page 5of 41 2015 Electric IRP Appendix E 895 System Planning Feasibility Study November 25, 2014 Page 6of 41 Analysis Kootenai County 100 to 350 MW of generation was requested to be studied at a new station in Kootenai County near Post Falls, Idaho. This request was modeled as a new station approximately 2.5 electrical miles southwest of Rathdrum station on the Beacon – Rathdrum 230 kV Transmission Line (See Figure 1). FIGURE 1: KOOTENAI STATION; 2024 HEAVY SUMMER SCENARIO System performance in this area is dominated by several factors: 1. Inflow from the east on the Lancaster – Noxon and Cabinet – Rathdrum 230 kV transmission lines 2. Outflow to the west on the Bell – Lancaster, Boulder – Lancaster, and Beacon – Rathdrum 230 kV transmission lines 3. Load in the Coeur d’ Alene area served from Rathdrum Station 4. Generation (426 MW) locally from Lancaster, Rathdrum, Post Falls, and Boulder stations In general, given the prevailing east-to-west flow of energy in the area under study, mitigating projects tend toward adding transmission capacity to the west, or to the south, or to both. 2015 Electric IRP Appendix E 896 System Planning Feasibility Study November 25, 2014 Page 7of 41 Kootenai 100 MW Request; $16 to $20.1 million Analysis For P0 conditions, both study cases received generation up to 100 MW without issue. For performance during contingencies, Table 2 shows results from the ATC analysis, and Table 3 shows Contingency Analysis results for new facility violations created by requested generation at 100 MW. TABLE 2: ATC RESULTS; 100 MW OUTPUT TABLE 3: CONTINGENCY RESULTS; 100 MW OUTPUT Case Trans Lim Limiting Element Limiting CTG % OTDF hs 19.79 Line BOULDERW (48520) TO SPKINDPK (48405) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV] N-2 (STR and ADJ): Beacon - Boulder 230 kV & Beacon - Boulder # 2 115 kV 5.06 ht 25.46 Line MOAB (47511) TO PLEASANT (48319) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV]BF: R454 Boulder-Lancaster, Boulder # 2 230/115 Transformer -4.9 ht 30.09 Line BOULDERE (48522) TO IRVIN (48165) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV]N-2 (ADJ): Beacon - Boulder 230kV and Beacon - Boulder # 1 115kV 4.35 ht 35.85 Line BOULDERW (48520) TO SPKINDPK (48405) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV] N-1: Opportunity - Otis Orchards 115 kV Open @ OTI 3.55 ht 36.2 Line EASTFARM (48117) TO POST FLS (48329) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV] N-2 (STR): Beacon - Kootenai 230 kV & Boulder - Lancaster 230 kV -7.6 hs 45.15 Line BOULDERE (48522) TO MOAB (47511) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV] N-2 (STR): Beacon - Kootenai 230 kV & Boulder - Lancaster 230 kV -9.51 ht 54.6 Line BOULDERW (48520) TO SPKINDPK (48405) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV] N-1: Beacon - Boulder 230 kV 4.1 ht 63.74 Line BOULDERE (48522) TO MOAB (47511) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV] BF: R554 Boulder-Lancaster, Boulder # 1 230/115 Transformer -4.9 ht 64.84 Line BENEWAH (48037) TO PINE CRK (48317) CKT 1 [230.00 - 230.00 kV] BF: A290 Hot Springs 230 kV, Hot Springs-Rattlesnake -3.95 ht 65.04 Line BOULDERW (48520) TO SPKINDPK (48405) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV] BUS: Beacon North 230 kV 4.69 ht 69.54 Line BOULDERE (48522) TO MOAB (47511) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV] N-1: Boulder - Lancaster 230 kV -5.08 hs 76.6 Line IDAHO_RD (48161) TO RATHDRMW (48355) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV] N-2 (STR): Beacon - Kootenai 230 kV & Boulder - Lancaster 230 kV -9.51 ht 78.81 Line BOULDERE (48522) TO MOAB (47511) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV] BF: A1184 Lancaster-Noxon, Lancaster-Rathdrum -10.49 ht 80.77 Line IDAHO_RD (48161) TO RATHDRMW (48355) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV] N-2 (ADJ): Beacon - Kootenai 230kV and Bell - Lancaster 230kV -7.22 ht 88.71 Line EASTFARM (48117) TO OTIS (48311) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV]N-2 (STR): Beacon - Kootenai 230 kV & Boulder - Lancaster 230 kV 7.6 ht 89.08 Line BOULDERE (48522) TO MOAB (47511) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV] BF: R454 Boulder-Lancaster, Boulder # 2 230/115 Transformer -4.9 hs 105.53 Line IRVIN (48165) TO SPKINDPK (48405) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV]BF: R427 Beacon North & South 230 kV -7.56 Element Label Percent Case PLEASANT (48319) -> MOAB (47511) CKT 1 at PLEASANT N-2 (STR): Beacon - Kootenai 230 kV & Boulder - Lancaster 230 kV 110.24 hs BELLAN11 (90011) -> BELL S3 (40090) CKT 1 at BELLAN11 N-2 (STR): Beacon - Kootenai 230 kV & Boulder - Lancaster 230 kV 107.47 ht MOAB (47511) -> BOULDERE (48522) CKT 1 at MOAB N-2 (STR): Beacon - Kootenai 230 kV & Boulder - Lancaster 230 kV 106.63 hs PLEASANT (48319) -> MOAB (47511) CKT 1 at PLEASANT N-1: Boulder - Lancaster 230 kV 105.68 ht PLEASANT (48319) -> MOAB (47511) CKT 1 at PLEASANT BF: R554 Boulder-Lancaster, Boulder # 1 230/115 Transformer 105.42 ht POST FLS (48329) -> EASTFARM (48117) CKT 1 at POST FLS N-2 (STR): Beacon - Kootenai 230 kV & Boulder - Lancaster 230 kV 105.08 ht PLEASANT (48319) -> MOAB (47511) CKT 1 at PLEASANT BF: R454 Boulder-Lancaster, Boulder # 2 230/115 Transformer 104.69 ht BOULDERW (48520) -> SPKINDPK (48405) CKT 1 at SPKINDPK N-2 (STR and ADJ): Beacon - Boulder 230 kV & Beacon - Boulder # 2 115 kV 103.12 hs BOULDERW (48520) -> SPKINDPK (48405) CKT 1 at SPKINDPK N-2 (ADJ): Beacon - Boulder # 2 115 kV and Beacon - Ninth & Central # 2 115 kV 102.77 hs MOAB (47511) -> BOULDERE (48522) CKT 1 at MOAB N-1: Boulder - Lancaster 230 kV 102.64 ht BOULDERE (48522) -> IRVIN (48165) CKT 1 at BOULDERE N-2 (ADJ): Beacon - Boulder 230kV and Beacon - Boulder # 1 115kV 102.57 ht MOAB (47511) -> BOULDERE (48522) CKT 1 at MOAB BF: R554 Boulder-Lancaster, Boulder # 1 230/115 Transformer 102.41 ht BOULDERW (48520) -> SPKINDPK (48405) CKT 1 at BOULDERW N-1: Opportunity - Otis Orchards 115 kV Open @ OTI 102.17 ht RATHDRMW (48355) -> IDAHO_RD (48161) CKT 1 at RATHDRMW N-2 (STR): Beacon - Kootenai 230 kV & Boulder - Lancaster 230 kV 101.82 hs BOULDERW (48520) -> SPKINDPK (48405) CKT 1 at BOULDERW N-1: Beacon - Boulder 230 kV 101.75 ht MOAB (47511) -> BOULDERE (48522) CKT 1 at MOAB BF: R454 Boulder-Lancaster, Boulder # 2 230/115 Transformer 101.65 ht BOULDERW (48520) -> SPKINDPK (48405) CKT 1 at BOULDERW BUS: Beacon North 230 kV 101.53 ht SPKINDPK (48405) -> IRVIN (48165) CKT 1 at IRVIN BF: R427 Beacon North & South 230 kV 101.47 hs IDAHO_RD (48161) -> PLEASANT (48319) CKT 1 at IDAHO_RD BF: A1184 Lancaster-Noxon, Lancaster-Rathdrum 101.18 ht BOULDERW (48520) -> SPKINDPK (48405) CKT 1 at BOULDERW N-2 (ADJ): Beacon - Kootenai 230kV and Bell - Lancaster 230kV 100.87 ht EASTFARM (48117) -> OTIS (48311) CKT 1 at EASTFARM N-2 (STR): Beacon - Kootenai 230 kV & Boulder - Lancaster 230 kV 100.58 ht OPPORTUN (48299) -> CHESTER (48069) CKT 1 at CHESTER BF: A600 Beacon North & South 115 kV 100.2 hs 2015 Electric IRP Appendix E 897 System Planning Feasibility Study November 25, 2014 Page 8of 41 Figure 2 shows system performance during the highest overload contingency noted in Table 3. Figure 2 provides a fairly accurate depiction of issues in the area as power flows on the underlying 115 kV system for some single or double-circuit outage on the east-west 230 kV system. FIGURE 2: WORST INCREMENTAL PERFORMANCE DURING CONTINGENCIES; HEAVY SUMMER CASE; 100 MW REQUEST Project Alternatives 1. Point of Interconnection (POI) a. New 3 position Double Bus Double Breaker station (Kootenai); $4 million 2. Project options necessary to mitigate new facility violations a. Back-tripping with transmission line upgrades: i. Implement the back-tripping scheme currently described in Avista’s 2013 Local Planning Report5 for an estimated $400,000 ii. Upgrade 27.6 miles of 115 kV transmission lines to a minimum summer rating of 132 MVA for an estimated $11.6 million. b. Transmission line upgrades without back-tripping: i. Upgrading 38 miles of 115 kV transmission line to a minimum summer rating of 132 MVA for an estimated $16 million ii. Upgrade 0.1 miles of the BPA Bell – Lancaster 230 kV Transmission Line to a summer rating of 800 MVA for an estimated $100,000 5 http://www.oasis.oati.com/AVAT/AVATdocs/2013_Avista_System_Planning_Assessment_-_Rev_0.pdf; Page 108 2015 Electric IRP Appendix E 898 System Planning Feasibility Study November 25, 2014 Page 9of 41 Kootenai 350 MW request; $47.2 million Analysis For P0 conditions, both study cases received generation up to 350 MW without issue. Table 4 shows results from the ATC analysis, and Appendix B shows Contingency Analysis results for new facility violations created by the requested generation. TABLE 4: ATC RESULTS; 350 MW OUTPUT ID Case Trans Lim Limiting Element Limiting CTG % OTDF 197 hs 19.79 Line BOULDERW (48520) TO SPKINDPK (48405) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV] N-2 (STR and ADJ): Beacon - Boulder 230 kV & Beacon - Boulder # 2 115 kV 5.06 57 ht 25.46 Line MOAB (47511) TO PLEASANT (48319) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV]BF: R454 Boulder-Lancaster, Boulder # 2 230/115 Transformer -4.9 56 ht 30.09 Line BOULDERE (48522) TO IRVIN (48165) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV]N-2 (ADJ): Beacon - Boulder 230kV and Beacon - Boulder # 1 115kV 4.35 55 ht 35.85 Line BOULDERW (48520) TO SPKINDPK (48405) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV] N-1: Opportunity - Otis Orchards 115 kV Open @ OTI 3.55 54 ht 36.2 Line EASTFARM (48117) TO POST FLS (48329) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV] N-2 (STR): Beacon - Kootenai 230 kV & Boulder - Lancaster 230 kV -7.6 196 hs 45.15 Line BOULDERE (48522) TO MOAB (47511) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV]N-2 (STR): Beacon - Kootenai 230 kV & Boulder - Lancaster 230 kV -9.51 53 ht 54.6 Line BOULDERW (48520) TO SPKINDPK (48405) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV] N-1: Beacon - Boulder 230 kV 4.1 52 ht 63.74 Line BOULDERE (48522) TO MOAB (47511) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV]BF: R554 Boulder-Lancaster, Boulder # 1 230/115 Transformer -4.9 51 ht 64.84 Line BENEWAH (48037) TO PINE CRK (48317) CKT 1 [230.00 - 230.00 kV] BF: A290 Hot Springs 230 kV, Hot Springs-Rattlesnake -3.95 50 ht 65.04 Line BOULDERW (48520) TO SPKINDPK (48405) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV] BUS: Beacon North 230 kV 4.69 49 ht 69.54 Line BOULDERE (48522) TO MOAB (47511) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV]N-1: Boulder - Lancaster 230 kV -5.08 195 hs 76.6 Line IDAHO_RD (48161) TO RATHDRMW (48355) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV] N-2 (STR): Beacon - Kootenai 230 kV & Boulder - Lancaster 230 kV -9.51 48 ht 78.81 Line BOULDERE (48522) TO MOAB (47511) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV]BF: A1184 Lancaster-Noxon, Lancaster-Rathdrum -10.49 47 ht 80.77 Line IDAHO_RD (48161) TO RATHDRMW (48355) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV] N-2 (ADJ): Beacon - Kootenai 230kV and Bell - Lancaster 230kV -7.22 46 ht 88.71 Line EASTFARM (48117) TO OTIS (48311) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV]N-2 (STR): Beacon - Kootenai 230 kV & Boulder - Lancaster 230 kV 7.6 45 ht 89.08 Line BOULDERE (48522) TO MOAB (47511) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV]BF: R454 Boulder-Lancaster, Boulder # 2 230/115 Transformer -4.9 44 ht 90 Line BENEWAH (48037) TO PINE CRK (48317) CKT 1 [230.00 - 230.00 kV] BF: A286 Hot Springs 230 kV, Flathead-Hot Springs -3.82 194 hs 105.53 Line IRVIN (48165) TO SPKINDPK (48405) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV]BF: R427 Beacon North & South 230 kV -7.56 43 ht 113.23 Line POST FLS (48329) TO PRAIRIEB (40855) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV] BF: A1184 Lancaster-Noxon, Lancaster-Rathdrum -8.68 42 ht 118.15 Line IDAHO_RD (48161) TO PLEASANT (48319) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV] BF: A388 Bell S2 & S3 230 kV 3.9 193 hs 120.3 Line BOULDERW (48520) TO SPKINDPK (48405) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV] N-2: Beacon - Boulder 230 kV & Boulder - Irvin # 2 115 kV 5.95 41 ht 132.66 Line IDAHO_RD (48161) TO PLEASANT (48319) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV] BF: A1561 Boulder-Lancaster, Lancaster Generator # 1 & # 2 5.08 40 ht 134.68 Line IDAHO_RD (48161) TO PLEASANT (48319) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV] N-1: Lancaster - Rathdrum 230 kV 10.28 192 hs 135.44 Line CHESTER (48069) TO OPPORTUN (48299) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV] BF: A600 Beacon North & South 115 kV -4.01 39 ht 135.9 Line BOULDERE (48522) TO MOAB (47511) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV]N-2 (ADJ): Bell - Taft 500 kV and Bell - Lancaster 230 kV -3.94 38 ht 137.3 Line IDAHO_RD (48161) TO PLEASANT (48319) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV] BF: A1186 Lancaster-Noxon, Boulder-Lancaster 5.29 37 ht 145.41 Line IDAHO_RD (48161) TO PLEASANT (48319) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV] PSF: Ramsey 115 kV 3.98 36 ht 146.75 Line MOAB (47511) TO PLEASANT (48319) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV]BF: A1186 Lancaster-Noxon, Boulder-Lancaster -5.29 35 ht 148.64 Line MOAB (47511) TO PLEASANT (48319) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV]BF: A1184 Lancaster-Noxon, Lancaster-Rathdrum -10.5 191 hs 170.76 Line BOULDERW (48520) TO SPKINDPK (48405) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV] N-2 (STR): Beacon - Boulder 230 kV & Beacon - Kootenai 230 kV 8.62 34 ht 173.9 Line PRAIRIEB (40855) TO RAMSEY (48349) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV] N-2 (ADJ): Beacon - Kootenai 230kV and Bell - Lancaster 230kV -6.1 33 ht 180.38 Line BENEWAH (48037) TO PINE CRK (48317) CKT 1 [230.00 - 230.00 kV] BF: A288 Hot Springs 230 kV, Hot Springs-Noxon Rapids # 1 -3.82 32 ht 182.63 Line POST FLS (48329) TO PRAIRIEB (40855) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV] N-1: Boulder - Lancaster 230 kV -4.14 31 ht 185.51 Line BENEWAH (48037) TO PINE CRK (48317) CKT 1 [230.00 - 230.00 kV] BUS: Hot Springs 230 kV -3.82 30 ht 194.18 Line EASTFARM (48117) TO POST FLS (48329) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV] N-2 (STR): Boulder - Lancaster 230 kV & Boulder - Rathdrum 115 kV -5.42 29 ht 199.14 Line IDAHO_RD (48161) TO RATHDRMW (48355) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV] BF: A1184 Lancaster-Noxon, Lancaster-Rathdrum -10.49 28 ht 204.71 Line POST FLS (48329) TO PRAIRIEB (40855) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV] BF: R454 Boulder-Lancaster, Boulder # 2 230/115 Transformer -3.99 27 ht 207.05 Line POST FLS (48329) TO PRAIRIEB (40855) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV] BF: R554 Boulder-Lancaster, Boulder # 1 230/115 Transformer -3.99 190 hs 220.28 Line HUETTER (48159) TO RATHDRMW (48355) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV] BF: A506 Rathdrum 115 kV, Pine Street-Rathdrum -4.11 189 hs 221.52 Line IDAHO_RD (48161) TO PLEASANT (48319) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV] BF: R554 Boulder-Lancaster, Boulder # 1 230/115 Transformer 5.19 188 hs 221.85 Line IDAHO_RD (48161) TO PLEASANT (48319) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV] BF: R454 Boulder-Lancaster, Boulder # 2 230/115 Transformer 5.19 187 hs 224.66 Line HUETTER (48159) TO RATHDRMW (48355) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV] BUS: Rathdrum East 115 kV -4.11 186 hs 229.41 Line PRAIRIEB (40855) TO RAMSEY (48349) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV] N-2 (STR): Beacon - Kootenai 230 kV & Boulder - Lancaster 230 kV -8 185 hs 250.4 Line POST FLS (48329) TO PRAIRIEB (40855) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV] N-2 (STR): Beacon - Kootenai 230 kV & Boulder - Lancaster 230 kV -8 184 hs 251.35 Line IDAHO_RD (48161) TO PLEASANT (48319) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV] N-1: Boulder - Lancaster 230 kV 5.37 26 ht 254.81 Line PRAIRIEB (40855) TO RAMSEY (48349) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV] BF: A1184 Lancaster-Noxon, Lancaster-Rathdrum -8.68 25 ht 285.24 Line BELL S3 (40090) TO BELCOU31 (90012) CKT 3 [230.00 - 230.00 kV] N-2 (ADJ): Bell - Coulee # 6 500kV and Coulee - Westside 230kV 8.91 24 ht 285.53 Line POST FLS (48329) TO PRAIRIEB (40855) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV] BF: A1186 Lancaster-Noxon, Boulder-Lancaster -4.26 23 ht 295.13 Line IDAHO_RD (48161) TO RATHDRMW (48355) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV] N-1: Boulder - Lancaster 230 kV -5.08 22 ht 299.48 Line EASTFARM (48117) TO OTIS (48311) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV]N-2 (STR): Boulder - Lancaster 230 kV & Boulder - Rathdrum 115 kV 5.42 21 ht 320.34 Line IDAHO_RD (48161) TO RATHDRMW (48355) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV] BF: R454 Boulder-Lancaster, Boulder # 2 230/115 Transformer -4.9 20 ht 321.03 Line IDAHO_RD (48161) TO RATHDRMW (48355) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV] BF: R554 Boulder-Lancaster, Boulder # 1 230/115 Transformer -4.9 19 ht 343.98 Line HATWAI (40519) TO MOSCOW (48249) CKT 1 [230.00 - 230.00 kV] BF: 4652 Dworshak-Taft, Dworshak-Hatwai, Dworshak 500 kV Switched Shunt -7.55 18 ht 345.85 Line BELLAN11 (90011) TO LANCASTR (40624) CKT 1 [230.00 - 230.00 kV] BF: R427 Beacon North & South 230 kV -32.19 17 ht 346.31 Line BELLAN11 (90011) TO LANCASTR (40624) CKT 1 [230.00 - 230.00 kV] N-2 (STR): Beacon - Boulder 230 kV & Beacon - Kootenai 230 kV -31.02 183 hs 350.23 Line HUETTER (48159) TO RATHDRMW (48355) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV] BF: A638 Rathdrum 115 kV, Appleway-Rathdrum -4.11 2015 Electric IRP Appendix E 899 System Planning Feasibility Study November 25, 2014 Page 10of 41 Contingency analysis for the 350 MW request reveals 141 new facility violations between the two cases studied, with the highest instance of thermal overloading shown in Figure 3 for the loss of both the Beacon – Kootenai and Boulder – Lancaster 230 kV transmission lines. FIGURE 3: WORST PERFORMING CONTINGENCY EVENT; HEAVY SUMMER CASE; 350 MW REQUEST Project Alternatives Historic generation interconnection studies6 done for the same area of this request show that reconductoring alone is not sufficient for this level of incremental generation. In addition to the alternatives presented in the referenced study, a promising option includes: 1. Point of Interconnection (POI) a. New 3 position Double Bus Double Breaker station (Kootenai); $4 million 2. Upgrade 23.5 miles of 115 kV transmission line to a minimum summer rating of 166 MVA for $7.0 million 3. Construct a new, 5-position 230 kV station approximately 1 mile west of Indian Trails station for $11 million a. Terminate the Bell – Westside and Coulee – Westside 230 kV transmission lines at this station 4. Construct a new 35 mile 230 kV, 800 MVA summer rated transmission line from Rathdrum station to the newly construction station for $25.2 million 6 http://www.oasis.oati.com/AVAT/AVATdocs/Rathdrum500_Final.pdf 2015 Electric IRP Appendix E 900 System Planning Feasibility Study November 25, 2014 Page 11of 41 Rathdrum Station Three incremental outputs were requested for this station: 26, 50, and 200 MW. These requests were studied as follows:  26 MW supplied by upgrading the existing turbines  50 and 200 MW coming from symmetrical generators at each of the Rathdrum 115 kV buses  50 and 200 MW supplied by a single generator placed at the Rathdrum 230 kV bus (see Figure 4) FIGURE 4: 200 MW INCREMENTAL GENERATION AT RATHDRUM; 2019 HIGH TRANSFER CASE 2015 Electric IRP Appendix E 901 System Planning Feasibility Study November 25, 2014 Page 12of 41 Rathdrum 26 MW request; 115 kV interconnection; $2.84 million to $10.9 million Analysis For P0 conditions, both study cases received generation up to 26 MW without issue. For performance during contingencies, Table 2 shows results from the ATC analysis, and Table 3 shows Contingency Analysis results for new facility thermal violations created by requested generation at 26 MW. TABLE 5: ATC RESULTS FOR 26 MW REQUEST Case Generation Limiting Element Limiting CTG % OTDF ht 8.16 Line MOAB (47511) TO PLEASANT (48319) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV] BF: R554 Boulder-Lancaster, Boulder #1 230/115 Transformer -12.38 hs 12.85 Line BOULDERW (48520) TO SPKINDPK (48405) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV] N-2 (STR and ADJ): Beacon - Boulder 230 kV & Beacon - Boulder #2 115 kV 8.52 ht 13.16 Line MOAB (47511) TO PLEASANT (48319) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV] N-1: Boulder - Lancaster 230 kV -12.79 ht 13.75 Line EASTFARM (48117) TO OTIS (48311) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV] N-2 (STR): Kootenai - Rathdrum 230 kV & Lancaster - Rathdrum 230 kV 22.45 hs 18 Line BOULDERE (48522) TO MOAB (47511) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV] N-2 (STR): Beacon - Kootenai 230 kV & Boulder - Lancaster 230 kV -15.45 ht 18.81 Line MOAB (47511) TO PLEASANT (48319) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV] BF: R454 Boulder-Lancaster, Boulder #2 230/115 Transformer -12.37 ht 23.08 Line BOULDERE (48522) TO IRVIN (48165) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV] N-2 (ADJ): Beacon - Boulder 230kV and Beacon - Boulder #1 115kV 7.63 ht 27.97 Line BOULDERW (48520) TO SPKINDPK (48405) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV] N-1: Opportunity - Otis Orchards 115 kV Open @ OTI 6.88 TABLE 6: CONTINGENCY ANALYSIS RESULTS FOR 26 MW REQUEST; THERMAL VIOLATIONS ONLY Label Element Percent Case N-2 (STR): Beacon - Kootenai 230 kV & Boulder - Lancaster 230 kV PLEASANT (48319) -> MOAB (47511) CKT 1 at PLEASANT 103.58 hs N-2 (STR): Beacon - Kootenai 230 kV & Boulder - Lancaster 230 kV LANCASTR (40624) -> BELLAN11 (90011) CKT 1 at BELLAN11 101.84 ht N-1: Boulder - Lancaster 230 kV PLEASANT (48319) -> MOAB (47511) CKT 1 at PLEASANT 101.83 ht N-2 (STR): Kootenai - Rathdrum 230 kV & Lancaster - Rathdrum 230 kV EASTFARM (48117) -> OTIS (48311) CKT 1 at EASTFARM 101.82 ht BF: R554 Boulder-Lancaster, Boulder #1 230/115 Transformer PLEASANT (48319) -> MOAB (47511) CKT 1 at PLEASANT 101.74 ht BUS: Beacon South 230 kV BOULDERW (48520) -> SPKINDPK (48405) CKT 1 at BOULDERW 101.63 ht N-2 (ADJ): Bell - Taft 500 kV and Bell - Lancaster 230 kV BOULDERW (48520) -> SPKINDPK (48405) CKT 1 at BOULDERW 101.27 ht BF: R454 Boulder-Lancaster, Boulder #2 230/115 Transformer PLEASANT (48319) -> MOAB (47511) CKT 1 at PLEASANT 101.04 ht N-2 (ADJ): Beacon - Boulder #2 115 kV and Beacon - Ninth & Central #2 115 kV BOULDERW (48520) -> SPKINDPK (48405) CKT 1 at SPKINDPK 100.86 hs Project Alternatives 1. If back-tripping ($400,000) is used to mitigate some of the existing issues, all issues created by the additional 26 MW can be mitigated by upgrading 5.8 miles of 115 kV transmission line to a minimum summer rating of 124 MVA for a cost of approximately $2.44 million. 2. If back-tripping is not employed, all issues created by the additional 26 MW can be mitigated by upgrading: a. 13.8 miles of 115 kV transmission line to a minimum summer rating of 124 MVA for $5.8 million b. 7.1 miles of the BPA’s Bell – Lancaster 230 kV Transmission Line to a minimum summer rating of 675 MVA for $5.11 million 2015 Electric IRP Appendix E 902 System Planning Feasibility Study November 25, 2014 Page 13of 41 Rathdrum 50 MW request; 115 kV interconnection; $10.7 to $18.7 million Analysis For P0 conditions, both study cases received generation up to 50 MW without issue. For performance during contingencies, Table 2 shows results from the ATC analysis, and Table 3 shows Contingency Analysis results for new facility thermal violations created by requested generation at 50 MW. TABLE 7: ATC RESULTS FOR 50 MW REQUEST Case Generation Limiting Element Limiting CTG % OTDF ht 8.16 Line MOAB (47511) TO PLEASANT (48319) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV] BF: R554 Boulder-Lancaster, Boulder #1 230/115 Transformer -12.38 hs 12.85 Line BOULDERW (48520) TO SPKINDPK (48405) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV] N-2 (STR and ADJ): Beacon - Boulder 230 kV & Beacon - Boulder #2 115 kV 8.52 ht 13.16 Line MOAB (47511) TO PLEASANT (48319) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV] N-1: Boulder - Lancaster 230 kV -12.79 ht 13.75 Line EASTFARM (48117) TO OTIS (48311) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV] N-2 (STR): Kootenai - Rathdrum 230 kV & Lancaster - Rathdrum 230 kV 22.45 hs 18 Line BOULDERE (48522) TO MOAB (47511) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV] N-2 (STR): Beacon - Kootenai 230 kV & Boulder - Lancaster 230 kV -15.45 ht 18.81 Line MOAB (47511) TO PLEASANT (48319) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV] BF: R454 Boulder-Lancaster, Boulder #2 230/115 Transformer -12.37 ht 23.08 Line BOULDERE (48522) TO IRVIN (48165) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV] N-2 (ADJ): Beacon - Boulder 230kV and Beacon - Boulder #1 115kV 7.63 ht 27.97 Line BOULDERW (48520) TO SPKINDPK (48405) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV] N-1: Opportunity - Otis Orchards 115 kV Open @ OTI 6.88 ht 32.72 Line BOULDERW (48520) TO SPKINDPK (48405) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV] BF: A290 Hot Springs 230 kV, Hot Springs-Rattlesnake 5.72 ht 33.1 Line BOULDERE (48522) TO MOAB (47511) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV] BF: R554 Boulder-Lancaster, Boulder #1 230/115 Transformer -12.38 ht 33.9 Line BOULDERW (48520) TO SPKINDPK (48405) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV] BUS: Bell S3 230 kV 6.52 ht 36.77 Line MOAB (47511) TO PLEASANT (48319) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV] BF: A1184 Lancaster-Noxon, Lancaster-Rathdrum -17.63 ht 36.98 Line BOULDERE (48522) TO MOAB (47511) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV] N-1: Boulder - Lancaster 230 kV -12.79 hs 37.18 Line IDAHO_RD (48161) TO PLEASANT (48319) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV] N-2 (STR): Kootenai - Rathdrum 230 kV & Lancaster - Rathdrum 230 kV 26.84 ht 38.49 Line BOULDERW (48520) TO SPKINDPK (48405) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV] N-1: Beacon - Boulder 230 kV 7.19 ht 43.98 Line EASTFARM (48117) TO POST FLS (48329) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV] N-2 (STR): Beacon - Kootenai 230 kV & Boulder - Lancaster 230 kV -12.47 ht 44.01 Line BOULDERE (48522) TO MOAB (47511) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV] BF: R454 Boulder-Lancaster, Boulder #2 230/115 Transformer -12.37 ht 44.6 Line IDAHO_RD (48161) TO PLEASANT (48319) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV] BF: A388 Bell S2 & S3 230 kV 12.22 ht 46.05 Line IDAHO_RD (48161) TO PLEASANT (48319) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV] PSF: Ramsey 115 kV 14.06 hs 47.62 Line IDAHO_RD (48161) TO RATHDRMW (48355) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV] N-2 (STR): Beacon - Kootenai 230 kV & Boulder - Lancaster 230 kV -15.45 ht 47.7 Line IDAHO_RD (48161) TO RATHDRMW (48355) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV] N-2 (ADJ): Beacon - Kootenai 230kV and Bell - Lancaster 230kV -14.27 ht 51.76 Line BOULDERE (48522) TO MOAB (47511) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV] N-2 (ADJ): Bell - Taft 500 kV and Bell - Lancaster 230 kV -12.25 TABLE 8: CONTINGENCY RESULTS FOR THERMAL ISSUES; 50 MW REQUEST Label Element Percent Case N-2 (STR): Beacon - Kootenai 230 kV & Boulder - Lancaster 230 kV PLEASANT (48319) -> MOAB (47511) CKT 1 at PLEASANT 107.8 hs N-2 (STR): Kootenai - Rathdrum 230 kV & Lancaster - Rathdrum 230 kV EASTFARM (48117) -> OTIS (48311) CKT 1 at EASTFARM 106.31 ht N-1: Boulder - Lancaster 230 kV PLEASANT (48319) -> MOAB (47511) CKT 1 at PLEASANT 105.59 ht BF: R554 Boulder-Lancaster, Boulder #1 230/115 Transformer PLEASANT (48319) -> MOAB (47511) CKT 1 at PLEASANT 105.46 ht BF: R454 Boulder-Lancaster, Boulder #2 230/115 Transformer PLEASANT (48319) -> MOAB (47511) CKT 1 at PLEASANT 104.66 ht N-2 (STR): Beacon - Kootenai 230 kV & Boulder - Lancaster 230 kV MOAB (47511) -> BOULDERE (48522) CKT 1 at MOAB 104.2 hs N-2 (STR): Beacon - Kootenai 230 kV & Boulder - Lancaster 230 kV LANCASTR (40624) -> BELLAN11 (90011) CKT 1 at BELLAN11 103.53 ht BUS: Beacon South 230 kV BOULDERW (48520) -> SPKINDPK (48405) CKT 1 at BOULDERW 103.3 ht N-2 (STR): Kootenai - Rathdrum 230 kV & Lancaster - Rathdrum 230 kV IDAHO_RD (48161) -> PLEASANT (48319) CKT 1 at IDAHO_RD 103.26 hs N-1: Boulder - Lancaster 230 kV MOAB (47511) -> BOULDERE (48522) CKT 1 at MOAB 102.57 ht N-2 (ADJ): Bell - Taft 500 kV and Bell - Lancaster 230 kV BOULDERW (48520) -> SPKINDPK (48405) CKT 1 at BOULDERW 102.54 ht BF: R554 Boulder-Lancaster, Boulder #1 230/115 Transformer MOAB (47511) -> BOULDERE (48522) CKT 1 at MOAB 102.47 ht N-2 (ADJ): Beacon - Boulder #2 115 kV and Beacon - Ninth & Central #2 115 kV BOULDERW (48520) -> SPKINDPK (48405) CKT 1 at SPKINDPK 102.09 hs N-2 (STR and ADJ): Beacon - Boulder 230 kV & Beacon - Boulder #2 115 kV BOULDERW (48520) -> SPKINDPK (48405) CKT 1 at SPKINDPK 101.83 hs BF: R454 Boulder-Lancaster, Boulder #2 230/115 Transformer MOAB (47511) -> BOULDERE (48522) CKT 1 at MOAB 101.63 ht N-2 (STR): Beacon - Kootenai 230 kV & Boulder - Lancaster 230 kV POST FLS (48329) -> EASTFARM (48117) CKT 1 at POST FLS 101.27 ht N-2 (ADJ): Beacon - Boulder 230kV and Beacon - Boulder #1 115kV BOULDERE (48522) -> IRVIN (48165) CKT 1 at BOULDERE 101.26 ht N-1: Opportunity - Otis Orchards 115 kV Open @ OTI BOULDERW (48520) -> SPKINDPK (48405) CKT 1 at BOULDERW 101.21 ht N-2 (STR): Beacon - Kootenai 230 kV & Boulder - Lancaster 230 kV BELLAN11 (90011) -> BELL S3 (40090) CKT 1 at BELLAN11 101.17 ht PSF: Ramsey 115 kV IDAHO_RD (48161) -> PLEASANT (48319) CKT 1 at IDAHO_RD 100.87 ht N-1: Beacon - Boulder 230 kV BOULDERW (48520) -> SPKINDPK (48405) CKT 1 at BOULDERW 100.51 ht 2015 Electric IRP Appendix E 903 System Planning Feasibility Study November 25, 2014 Page 14of 41 Project Alternatives 1. POI at Rathdrum Station would cost an estimated $1 million 2. Project options necessary to mitigate new facility violations: a. If back-tripping ($400,000) is used to mitigate some of the existing issues, all issues created by the additional 50 MW can be mitigated by upgrading 22.2 miles of 115 kV transmission line to a minimum summer rating of 131 MVA for a cost of approximately $9.3 million. b. If back-tripping is not employed, all issues created by the additional 50 MW can be mitigated by upgrading: i. 29.8 miles of 115 kV transmission line to a minimum summer rating of 131 MVA for $12.5 million ii. 7.2 miles of the BPA’s Bell – Lancaster 230 kV Transmission Line to a summer rating of 675 MVA for $5.18 million 2015 Electric IRP Appendix E 904 System Planning Feasibility Study November 25, 2014 Page 15of 41 Rathdrum 200 MW request; 115 kV interconnection; $10.3 to $48.5 million Analysis For P0 conditions, both study cases show significant loading on the local 115 kV system as shown in Figure 5. FIGURE 5: P0 LOADING FOR 200 MW REQUEST DURING HIGH TRANSFER SCENARIO For performance during contingencies, an additional 200 MW at Rathdrum station 115 kV buses creates facility thermal violations for 137 unique contingency events (See Appendix C). Table 9 presents a list of all facilities overloaded for this generation level, and it shows the sum of percent thermal overload for each facility in each case. TABLE 9: SUM OF FACILITY THERMAL OVERLOADS; 200 MW REQUEST Facilities hs ht IDAHO_RD (48161) -> PLEASANT (48319) CKT 1 at IDAHO_RD 1211.48 11050.11 BOULDERW (48520) -> SPKINDPK (48405) CKT 1 at BOULDERW 1062.15 2939.24 PLEASANT (48319) -> MOAB (47511) CKT 1 at PLEASANT 574.11 4778.41 RAMSEY (48349) -> PRAIRIEB (40855) CKT 1 at RAMSEY 421.5 201.68 RATHDRMW (48355) -> HUETTER (48159) CKT 1 at HUETTER 325.84 PRAIRIEB (40855) -> POST FLS (48329) CKT 1 at PRAIRIEB 324.22 2633.82 MOAB (47511) -> BOULDERE (48522) CKT 1 at MOAB 260.06 4351.73 RATHDRMW (48355) -> IDAHO_RD (48161) CKT 1 at RATHDRMW 239.45 422.67 HUETTER (48159) -> HERN (48155) CKT 1 at HERN 200.73 SPKINDPK (48405) -> IRVIN (48165) CKT 1 at IRVIN 110.04 OPPORTUN (48299) -> CHESTER (48069) CKT 1 at CHESTER 107.21 ROSSPARK (48371) -> THIRHACH (48431) CKT 1 at ROSSPARK 100.55 POST FLS (48329) -> EASTFARM (48117) CKT 1 at POST FLS 231.07 LANCASTR (40624) -> BELLAN11 (90011) CKT 1 at BELLAN11 114.64 BOULDERE (48522) -> IRVIN (48165) CKT 1 at BOULDERE 112.19 WEST (48463) -> WESTBPA2 (41276) CKT 1 at WESTBPA2 102.26 BELLAN11 (90011) -> BELL S3 (40090) CKT 1 at BELLAN11 112.03 EASTFARM (48117) -> OTIS (48311) CKT 1 at EASTFARM 356.45 2015 Electric IRP Appendix E 905 System Planning Feasibility Study November 25, 2014 Page 16of 41 Figure 6 shows system thermal performance after the loss of both the Kootenai – Rathdrum and Lancaster – Rathdrum 230 kV transmission lines; this is the worst performing event. FIGURE 6: WORST PERFORMING CONTINGENCY EVENT; HIGH TRANSFER SCENARIO Project Alternatives 1. POI at Rathdrum Station would cost an estimated $1 million 2. Three alternatives for mitigating new facility violations: a. If back-tripping is used to mitigate some of the existing issues, all issues created by the additional 50 MW can be mitigated by upgrading 22.2 miles of 115 kV transmission line to a minimum summer rating of 131 MVA for a cost of approximately $9.3 million. b. If back-tripping is not employed, all issues created by the additional 200 MW can be mitigated by upgrading: i. 52.8 miles of 115 kV transmission line to a minimum summer rating of 174 MVA for $22.2 million ii. 7.2 miles of the BPA’s Bell – Lancaster 230 kV Transmission Line to a summer rating of 675 MVA for $5.18 million c. Construct a new 230 kV transmission line from Rathdrum Station to a new station north of Westside Station i. Construct a new, 5-position 230 kV station approximately 1 mile west of Indian Trails station alongside the 500 kV right-of-way for $11 million 1. Terminate the Bell – Westside and Coulee – Westside 230 kV transmission lines at this station ii. Construct a new, 35 mile 230 kV, 800 MVA summer rated transmission line from Rathdrum station to the newly construction station for $25.2 million iii. Upgrade 31.7 miles of 115 kV transmission lines to a summer rating greater than 156 MVA for $13.3 million 2015 Electric IRP Appendix E 906 System Planning Feasibility Study November 25, 2014 Page 17of 41 Rathdrum 50 MW Request; 230 kV interconnection; $7 to $16.8 million Analysis For P0 conditions, both study cases received generation up to 50 MW without issue. For performance during contingencies, Table 2 shows results from the ATC analysis, and Table 3 shows Contingency Analysis results for new facility violations created by requested generation at 50 MW. TABLE 10: ATC RESULTS FOR 50 MW REQUEST Case Trans Lim Limiting Element Limiting CTG % OTDF ht 3.85 Line MOAB (47511) TO PLEASANT (48319) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV] BF: R554 Boulder-Lancaster, Boulder #1 230/115 Transformer -5.65 ht 3.86 Line EASTFARM (48117) TO OTIS (48311) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV] N-2 (STR): Beacon - Rathdrum 230 kV & Lancaster - Rathdrum 230 kV 20.28 ht 25.55 Line MOAB (47511) TO PLEASANT (48319) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV] BF: R454 Boulder-Lancaster, Boulder #2 230/115 Transformer -5.65 ht 26.31 Line BOULDERE (48522) TO IRVIN (48165) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV] N-2 (ADJ): Beacon - Boulder 230kV and Beacon - Boulder #1 115kV 5.3 ht 33.11 Line BOULDERW (48520) TO SPKINDPK (48405) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV] N-1: Opportunity - Otis Orchards 115 kV Open @ OTI 4.15 hs 34.3 Line BOULDERE (48522) TO MOAB (47511) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV] N-2 (STR): Beacon - Rathdrum 230 kV & Boulder - Lancaster 230 kV -9.48 hs 38.3 Line IDAHO_RD (48161) TO PLEASANT (48319) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV] N-2 (STR): Beacon - Rathdrum 230 kV & Lancaster - Rathdrum 230 kV 24.1 ht 39.42 Line EASTFARM (48117) TO POST FLS (48329) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV] N-2 (STR): Beacon - Rathdrum 230 kV & Boulder - Lancaster 230 kV -7.6 ht 47.21 Line BOULDERW (48520) TO SPKINDPK (48405) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV] N-1: Beacon - Boulder 230 kV 5 ht 56.03 Line MOAB (47511) TO PLEASANT (48319) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV] N-2 (ADJ): Bell - Taft 500 kV and Bell - Lancaster 230 kV -4.55 TABLE 11: CONTINGENCY RESULTS FOR 50 MW REQUEST Label Element Percent Case N-2 (STR): Beacon - Rathdrum 230 kV & Lancaster - Rathdrum 230 kV EASTFARM (48117) -> OTIS (48311) CKT 1 at EASTFARM 107.55 ht N-2 (STR): Beacon - Rathdrum 230 kV & Boulder - Lancaster 230 kV PLEASANT (48319) -> MOAB (47511) CKT 1 at PLEASANT 105.51 hs N-2 (STR): Beacon - Rathdrum 230 kV & Lancaster - Rathdrum 230 kV IDAHO_RD (48161) -> PLEASANT (48319) CKT 1 at IDAHO_RD 103.02 hs N-2 (STR): Beacon - Rathdrum 230 kV & Boulder - Lancaster 230 kV BELLAN11 (90011) -> BELL S3 (40090) CKT 1 at BELLAN11 102.75 ht N-1: Boulder - Lancaster 230 kV PLEASANT (48319) -> MOAB (47511) CKT 1 at PLEASANT 102.67 ht BF: R554 Boulder-Lancaster, Boulder #1 230/115 Transformer PLEASANT (48319) -> MOAB (47511) CKT 1 at PLEASANT 102.5 ht N-2 (STR): Beacon - Rathdrum 230 kV & Boulder - Lancaster 230 kV MOAB (47511) -> BOULDERE (48522) CKT 1 at MOAB 102.06 hs BF: R454 Boulder-Lancaster, Boulder #2 230/115 Transformer PLEASANT (48319) -> MOAB (47511) CKT 1 at PLEASANT 101.79 ht N-2 (STR): Beacon - Rathdrum 230 kV & Boulder - Lancaster 230 kV POST FLS (48329) -> EASTFARM (48117) CKT 1 at POST FLS 101.18 ht N-2 (ADJ): Beacon - Boulder 230kV and Beacon - Boulder #1 115kV BOULDERE (48522) -> IRVIN (48165) CKT 1 at BOULDERE 100.51 ht N-1: Opportunity - Otis Orchards 115 kV Open @ OTI BOULDERW (48520) -> SPKINDPK (48405) CKT 1 at BOULDERW 100.49 ht Project Alternatives 1. POI at Rathdrum Station would cost an estimated $1.5 million 2. Project options necessary to mitigate new facility violations: a. If back-tripping is used to mitigate some of the existing issues, all issues created by the additional 50 MW can be mitigated by upgrading 13 miles of 115 kV transmission line to a minimum summer rating of 131 MVA for a cost of approximately $5.5 million. b. If back-tripping is not employed, all issues created by the additional 50 MW can be mitigated by upgrading: i. 36.3 miles of 115 kV transmission line to a summer rating of 131 MVA for $15.2 million ii. 0.1 miles of the BPA’s Bell – Bell AN11 230 kV Transmission Line to a summer rating of 800 MVA for $100,000 2015 Electric IRP Appendix E 907 System Planning Feasibility Study November 25, 2014 Page 18of 41 Rathdrum 200 MW Request; 230 kV interconnection; $15.5 to $21.5 million Analysis For P0 conditions, both study cases received generation up to 200 MW without issue. For performance during contingencies, Table 2 shows results from the ATC analysis, and Table 3 shows Contingency Analysis results for new facility violations created by requested generation at 200 MW. TABLE 12: ATC RESULTS FOR 200 MW REQUEST Case Trans Lim Limiting Element Limiting CTG % OTDF ht 2.69 Line IDAHO_RD (48161) TO PLEASANT (48319) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV] BUS: Ramsey 115 kV 4.57 ht 3.14 Line BOULDERW (48520) TO SPKINDPK (48405) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV] BUS: Otis Orchards 115 kV 3.69 ht 4.04 Line IDAHO_RD (48161) TO PLEASANT (48319) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV] N-2 (STR): Post Falls - Ramsey 115 kV & Ramsey - Rathdrum # 1 115 kV 4.51 ht 7.09 Line BENEWAH (48037) TO PINE CRK (48317) CKT 1 [230.00 - 230.00 kV] BF: A288 Hot Springs 230 kV, Hot Springs-Noxon Rapids # 1 -4.16ht10.83 Line BENEWAH (48037) TO PINE CRK (48317) CKT 1 [230.00 - 230.00 kV] BUS: Hot Springs 230 kV -4.16 ht 23.7 Line MOAB (47511) TO PLEASANT (48319) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV]BF: A1561 Boulder-Lancaster, Lancaster Generator # 1 & # 2 -6.86 ht 26.27 Line BOULDERE (48522) TO MOAB (47511) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV]N-1: Lancaster - Rathdrum 230 kV -11.43 hs 34.3 Line BOULDERE (48522) TO MOAB (47511) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV]N-2 (STR): Beacon - Rathdrum 230 kV & Boulder - Lancaster 230 kV -9.48 ht 36.76 Line MOAB (47511) TO PLEASANT (48319) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV]BF: R508 Lancaster-Rathdrum, Rathdrum # 1 230/115 Transformer -10.04hs38.3 Line IDAHO_RD (48161) TO PLEASANT (48319) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV] N-2 (STR): Beacon - Rathdrum 230 kV & Lancaster - Rathdrum 230 kV 24.1 ht 41.36 Line IDAHO_RD (48161) TO RATHDRMW (48355) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV] N-1: Boulder - Lancaster 230 kV -5.85 ht 45.32 Line BOULDERW (48520) TO SPKINDPK (48405) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV] PSF: Otis Orchards 115 kV 3.69 ht 47.76 Line MOAB (47511) TO PLEASANT (48319) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV]BF: A1558 Bell-Lancaster, Lancaster-Rathdrum -11.48 ht 49.09 Line EASTFARM (48117) TO OTIS (48311) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV]N-2 (STR): Boulder - Lancaster 230 kV & Boulder - Rathdrum 115 kV 6.29ht50.42 Line PRAIRIEB (40855) TO RAMSEY (48349) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV] BF: A1184 Lancaster-Noxon, Lancaster-Rathdrum -9.7 ht 57.6 Line MOAB (47511) TO PLEASANT (48319) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV]BF: A388 Bell S2 & S3 230 kV -4.5 ht 59.23 Line MOAB (47511) TO PLEASANT (48319) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV]BF: R408 Lancaster-Rathdrum, Rathdrum # 2 230/115 Transformer -9.33 ht 63.75 Line IDAHO_RD (48161) TO RATHDRMW (48355) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV] BF: R454 Boulder-Lancaster, Boulder # 2 230/115 Transformer -5.65 ht 64.36 Line IDAHO_RD (48161) TO RATHDRMW (48355) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV] BF: R554 Boulder-Lancaster, Boulder # 1 230/115 Transformer -5.65ht66.1 Line BOULDERE (48522) TO MOAB (47511) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV]BF: R508 Lancaster-Rathdrum, Rathdrum # 1 230/115 Transformer -10.04 ht 73.78 Line BOULDERW (48520) TO SPKINDPK (48405) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV] N-2 (ADJ): Beacon - Rathdrum 230kV and Lancaster - Noxon 230kV 4.87 ht 73.88 Line BOULDERE (48522) TO MOAB (47511) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV]BF: A1558 Bell-Lancaster, Lancaster-Rathdrum -11.48 ht 73.99 Line IRVIN (48165) TO SPKINDPK (48405) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV]N-2 (STR): Beacon - Rathdrum 230 kV & Lancaster - Rathdrum 230 kV -8.05 hs 77.96 Line IDAHO_RD (48161) TO RATHDRMW (48355) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV] N-2 (STR): Beacon - Rathdrum 230 kV & Boulder - Lancaster 230 kV -9.48ht79.55 Line BOULDERE (48522) TO MOAB (47511) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV]BF: A1561 Boulder-Lancaster, Lancaster Generator # 1 & # 2 -5.85 hs 88.83 Line MOAB (47511) TO PLEASANT (48319) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV]N-2 (STR): Beacon - Rathdrum 230 kV & Lancaster - Rathdrum 230 kV -24.1 ht 91.38 Line BOULDERE (48522) TO MOAB (47511) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV]BF: R408 Lancaster-Rathdrum, Rathdrum # 2 230/115 Transformer -9.33 ht 96.43 Line POST FLS (48329) TO PRAIRIEB (40855) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV] N-1: Lancaster - Rathdrum 230 kV -9.46 hs 102.87 Line BOULDERE (48522) TO MOAB (47511) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV]N-2 (STR): Beacon - Rathdrum 230 kV & Lancaster - Rathdrum 230 kV -24.1ht114.54 Line BELLAN11 (90011) TO LANCASTR (40624) CKT 1 [230.00 - 230.00 kV] BF: R427 Beacon North & South 230 kV -32.19 ht 115.07 Line BELLAN11 (90011) TO LANCASTR (40624) CKT 1 [230.00 - 230.00 kV] N-2 (STR): Beacon - Boulder 230 kV & Beacon - Rathdrum 230 kV -31.02 hs 119.79 Line IDAHO_RD (48161) TO RATHDRMW (48355) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV] N-2 (STR): Beacon - Rathdrum 230 kV & Lancaster - Rathdrum 230 kV -24.1 ht 119.94 Line HUETTER (48159) TO RATHDRMW (48355) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV] N-2 (STR): Beacon - Rathdrum 230 kV & Lancaster - Rathdrum 230 kV -13.17 ht 137.25 Line POST FLS (48329) TO PRAIRIEB (40855) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV] BF: A1558 Bell-Lancaster, Lancaster-Rathdrum -9.49ht137.57 Line IDAHO_RD (48161) TO RATHDRMW (48355) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV] N-1: Lancaster - Rathdrum 230 kV -11.43 hs 140.52 Line BOULDERW (48520) TO SPKINDPK (48405) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV] N-2 (STR and ADJ): Beacon - Boulder 230 kV & Beacon - Boulder # 2 115 kV 6.08 ht 145.93 Line POST FLS (48329) TO PRAIRIEB (40855) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV] BF: R508 Lancaster-Rathdrum, Rathdrum # 1 230/115 Transformer -8.32 hs 146.04 Line BOULDERW (48520) TO SPKINDPK (48405) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV] N-2 (ADJ): Beacon - Boulder # 2 115 kV and Beacon - Ninth & Central # 2 115 kV 3.84 ht 154.16 Line HERN (48155) TO HUETTER (48159) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV]N-2 (STR): Beacon - Rathdrum 230 kV & Lancaster - Rathdrum 230 kV -13.17ht154.96 Line BELL S3 (40090) TO BELLAN11 (90011) CKT 1 [230.00 - 230.00 kV] BF: R427 Beacon North & South 230 kV -32.19 ht 157.02 Line BELL S3 (40090) TO BELLAN11 (90011) CKT 1 [230.00 - 230.00 kV] N-2 (STR): Beacon - Boulder 230 kV & Beacon - Rathdrum 230 kV -31.02 ht 160.88 Line HERN (48155) TO RAMSEY (48349) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV]N-2 (STR): Beacon - Rathdrum 230 kV & Lancaster - Rathdrum 230 kV 13.17 ht 166 Line IDAHO_RD (48161) TO RATHDRMW (48355) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV] BF: A1186 Lancaster-Noxon, Boulder-Lancaster -6.08 hs 180.74 Line PRAIRIEB (40855) TO RAMSEY (48349) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV] N-2 (STR): Beacon - Rathdrum 230 kV & Lancaster - Rathdrum 230 kV -20.29ht185.55 Line IRVIN (48165) TO MILLWOOD (48237) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV]N-2 (STR): Beacon - Boulder 230 kV & Beacon - Rathdrum 230 kV 7.57 hs 198.16 Line IDAHO_RD (48161) TO PLEASANT (48319) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV] BF: R554 Boulder-Lancaster, Boulder # 1 230/115 Transformer 5.92 hs 198.55 Line IDAHO_RD (48161) TO PLEASANT (48319) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV] BF: R454 Boulder-Lancaster, Boulder # 2 230/115 Transformer 5.91 ht 201.01 Line POST FLS (48329) TO PRAIRIEB (40855) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV] BF: A1186 Lancaster-Noxon, Boulder-Lancaster -4.95 hs 215.17 Line BOULDERW (48520) TO SPKINDPK (48405) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV] N-2: Beacon - Boulder 230 kV & Boulder - Irvin # 2 115 kV 7.15hs216.58 Line IDAHO_RD (48161) TO PLEASANT (48319) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV] N-1: Boulder - Lancaster 230 kV 6.12 hs 231.38 Line IRVIN (48165) TO SPKINDPK (48405) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV]BF: R427 Beacon North & South 230 kV -7.57 hs 238.18 Line PRAIRIEB (40855) TO RAMSEY (48349) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV] N-2 (STR): Beacon - Rathdrum 230 kV & Boulder - Lancaster 230 kV -7.97 hs 243.76 Line POST FLS (48329) TO PRAIRIEB (40855) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV] N-2 (STR): Beacon - Rathdrum 230 kV & Boulder - Lancaster 230 kV -7.97 hs 293.13 Line HUETTER (48159) TO RATHDRMW (48355) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV] BUS: Rathdrum East 115 kV -4.51hs299.93 Line HUETTER (48159) TO RATHDRMW (48355) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV] BF: A506 Rathdrum 115 kV, Pine Street-Rathdrum -4.51 hs 301.74 Line PRAIRIEB (40855) TO RAMSEY (48349) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV] N-2 (STR): Boulder - Lancaster 230 kV & Boulder - Rathdrum 115 kV -6.59 hs 311.86 Line POST FLS (48329) TO PRAIRIEB (40855) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV] N-2 (STR): Boulder - Lancaster 230 kV & Boulder - Rathdrum 115 kV -6.59 ht 326.58 Line IDAHO_RD (48161) TO PLEASANT (48319) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV] BUS: Bell S3 230 kV 5.36 ht 326.58 Line IDAHO_RD (48161) TO PLEASANT (48319) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV] BF: A572 Bell S3 230 kV, Bell-Boundary # 3 5.36ht337.01 Line IDAHO_RD (48161) TO PLEASANT (48319) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV] BF: 4148 Garrison-Taft # 2, Hot Springs-Taft 3.92 hs 368.83 Line CHESTER (48069) TO OPPORTUN (48299) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV] BF: A600 Beacon North & South 115 kV -4.37 2015 Electric IRP Appendix E 908 System Planning Feasibility Study November 25, 2014 Page 19of 41 TABLE 13: NEW FACILITY THERMAL VIOLATIONS FOR 200 MW REQUEST Project Alternatives 1. POI at Rathdrum Station would cost an estimated $1.5 million 2. Project options necessary to mitigate new facility violations: a. If back-tripping is used to mitigate some of the existing issues, all issues created by the additional 200 MW can be mitigated by upgrading 33.4 miles of 115 kV transmission line to a minimum summer rating of 175 MVA for a cost of approximately $14.0 million. b. If back-tripping is not employed, all issues created by the additional 200 MW can be mitigated by upgrading: i. 47.3 miles of 115 kV transmission line to a minimum summer rating of 175 MVA for $19.9 million ii. 0.1 miles of the BPA’s Bell – Bell AN11 230 kV Transmission Line to a summer rating of 800 MVA for $100,000 Label Element Percent Case N-2 (STR): Beacon - Rathdrum 230 kV & Lancaster - Rathdrum 230 kV IDAHO_RD (48161) -> PLEASANT (48319) CKT 1 at IDAHO_RD 142.76 hsN-2 (STR): Beacon - Rathdrum 230 kV & Lancaster - Rathdrum 230 kV EASTFARM (48117) -> OTIS (48311) CKT 1 at EASTFARM 131.27 ht N-2 (STR): Beacon - Rathdrum 230 kV & Lancaster - Rathdrum 230 kV PLEASANT (48319) -> MOAB (47511) CKT 1 at PLEASANT 130.97 hsN-2 (STR): Beacon - Rathdrum 230 kV & Lancaster - Rathdrum 230 kV MOAB (47511) -> BOULDERE (48522) CKT 1 at MOAB 127.64 hs N-2 (STR): Beacon - Rathdrum 230 kV & Boulder - Lancaster 230 kV PLEASANT (48319) -> MOAB (47511) CKT 1 at PLEASANT 122.3 hs N-2 (STR): Beacon - Rathdrum 230 kV & Boulder - Lancaster 230 kV MOAB (47511) -> BOULDERE (48522) CKT 1 at MOAB 118.82 hs N-2 (STR): Beacon - Rathdrum 230 kV & Lancaster - Rathdrum 230 kV RATHDRMW (48355) -> IDAHO_RD (48161) CKT 1 at RATHDRMW 116.18 hs N-2 (STR): Beacon - Rathdrum 230 kV & Boulder - Lancaster 230 kV BELLAN11 (90011) -> BELL S3 (40090) CKT 1 at BELLAN11 115 ht BF: A1184 Lancaster-Noxon, Lancaster-Rathdrum IDAHO_RD (48161) -> PLEASANT (48319) CKT 1 at IDAHO_RD 113.44 ht N-1: Boulder - Lancaster 230 kV PLEASANT (48319) -> MOAB (47511) CKT 1 at PLEASANT 112.61 htBF: R554 Boulder-Lancaster, Boulder # 1 230/115 Transformer PLEASANT (48319) -> MOAB (47511) CKT 1 at PLEASANT 112.19 ht BF: R454 Boulder-Lancaster, Boulder # 2 230/115 Transformer PLEASANT (48319) -> MOAB (47511) CKT 1 at PLEASANT 111.32 htN-2 (STR): Beacon - Rathdrum 230 kV & Boulder - Lancaster 230 kV POST FLS (48329) -> EASTFARM (48117) CKT 1 at POST FLS 110.94 ht N-2 (STR): Beacon - Rathdrum 230 kV & Boulder - Lancaster 230 kV RATHDRMW (48355) -> IDAHO_RD (48161) CKT 1 at RATHDRMW 110.38 hs N-1: Boulder - Lancaster 230 kV MOAB (47511) -> BOULDERE (48522) CKT 1 at MOAB 109.6 ht BF: R554 Boulder-Lancaster, Boulder # 1 230/115 Transformer MOAB (47511) -> BOULDERE (48522) CKT 1 at MOAB 109.21 ht BF: R454 Boulder-Lancaster, Boulder # 2 230/115 Transformer MOAB (47511) -> BOULDERE (48522) CKT 1 at MOAB 108.3 htN-1: Lancaster - Rathdrum 230 kV IDAHO_RD (48161) -> PLEASANT (48319) CKT 1 at IDAHO_RD 107.27 ht N-2 (ADJ): Beacon - Boulder 230kV and Beacon - Boulder # 1 115kV BOULDERE (48522) -> IRVIN (48165) CKT 1 at BOULDERE 107.21 htN-2 (ADJ): Beacon - Rathdrum 230kV and Bell - Lancaster 230kV BOULDERW (48520) -> SPKINDPK (48405) CKT 1 at BOULDERW 106.79 ht N-2 (STR): Beacon - Rathdrum 230 kV & Boulder - Lancaster 230 kV EASTFARM (48117) -> OTIS (48311) CKT 1 at EASTFARM 106.51 ht N-1: Beacon - Boulder 230 kV BOULDERW (48520) -> SPKINDPK (48405) CKT 1 at BOULDERW 106.09 ht BF: A1184 Lancaster-Noxon, Lancaster-Rathdrum PLEASANT (48319) -> MOAB (47511) CKT 1 at PLEASANT 105.96 ht BF: A1561 Boulder-Lancaster, Lancaster Generator # 1 & # 2 IDAHO_RD (48161) -> PLEASANT (48319) CKT 1 at IDAHO_RD 105.65 htN-2 (STR): Beacon - Rathdrum 230 kV & Lancaster - Rathdrum 230 kV PRAIRIEB (40855) -> POST FLS (48329) CKT 1 at PRAIRIEB 105.63 hs N-1: Opportunity - Otis Orchards 115 kV Open @ OTI BOULDERW (48520) -> SPKINDPK (48405) CKT 1 at BOULDERW 105.41 htBF: A1186 Lancaster-Noxon, Boulder-Lancaster IDAHO_RD (48161) -> PLEASANT (48319) CKT 1 at IDAHO_RD 105.28 ht N-2 (ADJ): Beacon - Rathdrum 230kV and Bell - Lancaster 230kV IDAHO_RD (48161) -> PLEASANT (48319) CKT 1 at IDAHO_RD 105.18 ht BUS: Beacon North 230 kV BOULDERW (48520) -> SPKINDPK (48405) CKT 1 at BOULDERW 104.83 ht N-2 (STR and ADJ): Beacon - Boulder 230 kV & Beacon - Boulder # 2 115 kV BOULDERW (48520) -> SPKINDPK (48405) CKT 1 at BOULDERW 103.8 hs PSF: Ramsey 115 kV IDAHO_RD (48161) -> PLEASANT (48319) CKT 1 at IDAHO_RD 103.54 htBF: R508 Lancaster-Rathdrum, Rathdrum # 1 230/115 Transformer IDAHO_RD (48161) -> PLEASANT (48319) CKT 1 at IDAHO_RD 103.27 ht N-2 (STR): Beacon - Rathdrum 230 kV & Lancaster - Rathdrum 230 kV RAMSEY (48349) -> PRAIRIEB (40855) CKT 1 at RAMSEY 103.24 hsBF: A1184 Lancaster-Noxon, Lancaster-Rathdrum MOAB (47511) -> BOULDERE (48522) CKT 1 at MOAB 103.02 ht N-1: Opportunity - Otis Orchards 115 kV BOULDERW (48520) -> SPKINDPK (48405) CKT 1 at BOULDERW 102.9 ht N-2 (ADJ): Beacon - Boulder # 2 115 kV and Beacon - Ninth & Central # 2 115 kV BOULDERW (48520) -> SPKINDPK (48405) CKT 1 at BOULDERW 102.01 hs N-2: Beacon - Boulder 230 kV & Beacon - Irvin # 1 115 kV BOULDERW (48520) -> SPKINDPK (48405) CKT 1 at BOULDERW 101.87 ht BF: A645 Otis Orchards 115 kV, Boulder-Otis Orchards BOULDERW (48520) -> SPKINDPK (48405) CKT 1 at BOULDERW 101.36 htBUS: Beacon North 230 kV IDAHO_RD (48161) -> PLEASANT (48319) CKT 1 at IDAHO_RD 101.31 ht BF: R427 Beacon North & South 230 kV SPKINDPK (48405) -> IRVIN (48165) CKT 1 at IRVIN 101.28 hsBF: R408 Lancaster-Rathdrum, Rathdrum # 2 230/115 Transformer IDAHO_RD (48161) -> PLEASANT (48319) CKT 1 at IDAHO_RD 101.16 ht BF: R554 Boulder-Lancaster, Boulder # 1 230/115 Transformer IDAHO_RD (48161) -> PLEASANT (48319) CKT 1 at IDAHO_RD 101.15 hsN-1: Beacon - Rathdrum 230 kV IDAHO_RD (48161) -> PLEASANT (48319) CKT 1 at IDAHO_RD 101.15 ht BF: R454 Boulder-Lancaster, Boulder # 2 230/115 Transformer IDAHO_RD (48161) -> PLEASANT (48319) CKT 1 at IDAHO_RD 101.12 hs BF: A717 Boulder East & West 115 kV PRAIRIEB (40855) -> POST FLS (48329) CKT 1 at PRAIRIEB 100.94 ht BF: A1558 Bell-Lancaster, Lancaster-Rathdrum IDAHO_RD (48161) -> PLEASANT (48319) CKT 1 at IDAHO_RD 100.8 ht N-2: Beacon - Boulder 230 kV & Boulder - Irvin # 2 115 kV BOULDERW (48520) -> SPKINDPK (48405) CKT 1 at BOULDERW 100.68 hsN-1: Opportunity - Otis Orchards 115 kV Open @ OPT BOULDERW (48520) -> SPKINDPK (48405) CKT 1 at BOULDERW 100.67 ht N-1: Boulder - Lancaster 230 kV PRAIRIEB (40855) -> POST FLS (48329) CKT 1 at PRAIRIEB 100.59 htBF: A667 Ramsey 115 kV, Appleway-Ramsey IDAHO_RD (48161) -> PLEASANT (48319) CKT 1 at IDAHO_RD 100.53 ht BF: A668 Ramsey 115 kV, Ramsey-Rathdrum # 1 IDAHO_RD (48161) -> PLEASANT (48319) CKT 1 at IDAHO_RD 100.48 ht N-2 (STR): Boulder - Lancaster 230 kV & Boulder - Rathdrum 115 kV POST FLS (48329) -> EASTFARM (48117) CKT 1 at POST FLS 100.35 ht N-2 (ADJ): Beacon - Bell # 4 230kV and Beacon - Rathdrum 230kV BOULDERW (48520) -> SPKINDPK (48405) CKT 1 at BOULDERW 100.3 ht N-1: Beacon - Rathdrum 230 kV BOULDERW (48520) -> SPKINDPK (48405) CKT 1 at BOULDERW 100.28 htN-2 (ADJ): Beacon - Bell # 4 230kV and Beacon - Rathdrum 230kV IDAHO_RD (48161) -> PLEASANT (48319) CKT 1 at IDAHO_RD 100.27 ht BF: A642 Otis Orchards 115 kV, Otis Orchards-Post Falls BOULDERW (48520) -> SPKINDPK (48405) CKT 1 at BOULDERW 100.04 ht 2015 Electric IRP Appendix E 909 System Planning Feasibility Study November 25, 2014 Page 20of 41 Thornton Station Thornton 30 MW and 100 MW Request; $400,000 Two incremental wind energy outputs were requested for this station: 30 MW and 100 MW. These requests were studied as coming from a single wind plant as depicted in Figure 7: FIGURE 7: THORNTON WIND REQUEST; 2024 HEAVY SUMMER CASE Analysis For P0 conditions, both study cases received generation up to 100 MW without issue. For performance during contingencies, Table 2 shows results from the ATC analysis, and Table 3 shows Contingency Analysis results for existing facility violations exacerbated by requested generation at 100 MW. TABLE 14: ATC RESULTS FOR THORNTON WIND REQUEST Case Trans Lim Limiting Element Limiting CTG % OTDF 19ht 25.07 Line BOULDERE (48522) TO IRVIN (48165) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV]N-2 (ADJ): Beacon - Boulder 230kV and Beacon - Boulder # 1 115kV 5.32 24hs 36.5 Line IRVIN (48165) TO SPKINDPK (48405) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV]BF: R427 Beacon North & South 230 kV -5.2319ht45.81 Line BOULDERW (48520) TO SPKINDPK (48405) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV]N-1: Beacon - Boulder 230 kV 5.03 24hs 110.87 Line BOULDERW (48520) TO SPKINDPK (48405) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV]N-1: Boulder - Irvin # 2 115 kV 3.81 24hs 138.73 Line BOULDERW (48520) TO SPKINDPK (48405) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV]N-2 (STR): Beacon - Boulder 230 kV & Beacon - Rathdrum 230 kV 5.95 19ht 141.46 Line BOULDERW (48520) TO SPKINDPK (48405) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV]N-2: Beacon - Boulder 230 kV & Beacon - Irvin # 1 115 kV 4.62 2015 Electric IRP Appendix E 910 System Planning Feasibility Study November 25, 2014 Page 21of 41 TABLE 15: THERMAL FACILITY VIOLATIONS EXACERBATED BY NEW GENERATION Project Alternatives POI at Thornton Station would cost an estimated $400,000 Label Element Percent Case N-2: Beacon - Boulder 230 kV & Boulder - Irvin # 2 115 kV BOULDERW (48520) -> SPKINDPK (48405) CKT 1 at BOULDERW 106.63 24hs BF: R427 Beacon North & South 230 kV SPKINDPK (48405) -> IRVIN (48165) CKT 1 at IRVIN 104.47 24hs N-2 (ADJ): Beacon - Boulder 230kV and Beacon - Boulder # 1 115kV BOULDERE (48522) -> IRVIN (48165) CKT 1 at BOULDERE 103.7 19ht N-1: Beacon - Boulder 230 kV BOULDERW (48520) -> SPKINDPK (48405) CKT 1 at BOULDERW 102.83 19ht BF: A600 Beacon North & South 115 kV OPPORTUN (48299) -> CHESTER (48069) CKT 1 at CHESTER 102.27 24hs N-1: Opportunity - Otis Orchards 115 kV Open @ OTI BOULDERW (48520) -> SPKINDPK (48405) CKT 1 at BOULDERW 102.1 19ht BF: A645 Otis Orchards 115 kV, Boulder-Otis Orchards BOULDERW (48520) -> SPKINDPK (48405) CKT 1 at BOULDERW 101.83 24hs BUS: Beacon North 230 kV BOULDERW (48520) -> SPKINDPK (48405) CKT 1 at BOULDERW 100.07 19ht 2015 Electric IRP Appendix E 911 System Planning Feasibility Study November 25, 2014 Page 22of 41 Othello Station Othello 25 MW Solar request; $2 million This request involves interconnecting up to 25 MW of solar generation, which is modeled in this study as a simple generic source at the Othello Switching Station as show in Figure 8. FIGURE 8: OTHELLO GENERATION REQUEST; 2024 HEAVY SUMMER CASE Analysis For P0 conditions, both study cases received generation up to 25 MW without issue. For performance during contingencies, Table 16 shows results from the ATC analysis, and there are no new facility violations created by requested generation at 25 MW. TABLE 16: ATC RESULTS FOR OTHELLO GENERATION REQUEST Project Alternatives POI at Othello Station would cost an estimated $2 million Case Trans Lim Limiting Element Limiting CTG % OTDF ht 95.58 Line OTHELOSS (48309) TO WARDEN A (48455) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV]N-1: Othello SS - Warden # 2 115 kV Open @ OSS 60.49ht105.61 Line OTHELOSS (48309) TO WARDEN A (48455) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV]N-1: Othello SS - Warden # 2 115 kV (OSS-L&R)60.49 ht 107.02 Line OTHELLO (48307) TO OTHELOSS (48309) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV]N-1: Othello SS - Warden # 1 115 kV -54.95ht110.59 Line OTHELOSS (48309) TO WARDEN A (48455) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV]N-2 (ADJ): Benton - Midway # 2 230 kV and Benton - Othello SS 115 kV 62.79 ht 110.64 Line OTHELOSS (48309) TO WARDEN A (48455) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV]N-1: Benton - Othello SS 115 kV (OSS-SOT)62.79 ht 110.68 Line OTHELOSS (48309) TO WARDEN A (48455) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV]N-1: Benton - Othello SS 115 kV Open @ OSS 62.79 hs 115.23 Line OTHELLO (48307) TO OTHELOSS (48309) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV]N-1: Benton - Othello SS 115 kV Open @ OSS -37.21 hs 115.29 Line OTHELLO (48307) TO OTHELOSS (48309) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV]N-2 (ADJ): Benton - Midway # 2 230 kV and Benton - Othello SS 115 kV -37.21 hs 115.35 Line OTHELLO (48307) TO OTHELOSS (48309) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV]N-1: Benton - Othello SS 115 kV (OSS-SOT)-37.21 hs 115.43 Line OTHELLO (48307) TO OTHELOSS (48309) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV]N-2 (ROW): Benton - Midway # 2 230 kV and Benton - Midway # 1 115 kV and Benton - Othello SS 115 kV -37.21 hs 115.52 Line OTHELLO (48307) TO OTHELOSS (48309) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV]N-2 (ADJ): Benton - Midway # 1 115 kV and Benton - Othello SS 115 kV -37.21 hs 115.88 Line OTHELOSS (48309) TO WARDEN A (48455) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV]N-1: Othello SS - Warden # 2 115 kV Open @ OSS 60.65hs119.53 Line OTHELOSS (48309) TO WARDEN A (48455) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV]N-1: Benton - Othello SS 115 kV Open @ OSS 62.79 hs 119.59 Line OTHELOSS (48309) TO WARDEN A (48455) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV]N-2 (ADJ): Benton - Midway # 2 230 kV and Benton - Othello SS 115 kV 62.79hs119.65 Line OTHELOSS (48309) TO WARDEN A (48455) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV]N-1: Benton - Othello SS 115 kV (OSS-SOT)62.79 hs 119.74 Line OTHELOSS (48309) TO WARDEN A (48455) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV]N-2 (ROW): Benton - Midway # 2 230 kV and Benton - Midway # 1 115 kV and Benton - Othello SS 115 kV 62.79ht125.82 Line OTHELLO (48307) TO OTHELOSS (48309) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV]N-1: Benton - Othello SS 115 kV Open @ OSS -37.21 2015 Electric IRP Appendix E 912 System Planning Feasibility Study November 25, 2014 Page 23of 41 Northeast Station Northeast 10 MW; $0 This request involves interconnecting up to 10 MW of additional generation, which is modeled in this study as a simple generic source at the Northeast Station as show in Error! Reference source not found.. FIGURE 9: NORTHEST GENERATION REQUEST; 2024 HEAVY SUMMER CASE Analysis For P0 conditions, both study cases received generation up to 10 MW without issue. For performance during contingencies, Table 17 shows results from the ATC analysis, and there are no new facility violations created by requested generation at 10 MW. TABLE 17: ATC RESULTS FOR NORTHEAST GENERATION REQUEST Project Alternatives None required Case Trans Lim Limiting Element Limiting CTG % OTDFht76.49 Line BEACON N (48023) TO NORTHEAS (48277) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV]N-2 (ROW and ADJ): Beacon - Francis & Cedar 115 kV and Bell - Northeast 115 kV -100 ht 76.52 Line BEACON N (48023) TO NORTHEAS (48277) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV]N-1: Bell - Northeast 115 kV -100ht76.55 Line BEACON N (48023) TO NORTHEAS (48277) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV]N-1: Bell - Northeast 115 kV Open @ NE -100ht77.16 Line BEACON N (48023) TO NORTHEAS (48277) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV]BF: B356 Bell 115 kV, Bell-Northeast -100 ht 89.73 Line BEACON N (48023) TO NORTHEAS (48277) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV]BF: B346 Bell 115 kV, Addy-Bell -100ht93.44 Line BELL BPA (40087) TO WAIKIKIT (48449) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV]N-2 (ROW): Beacon - Bell # 5 230 kV and Beacon - Francis & Cedar 115 kV and Beacon - Northeast 115 kV -100 ht 94.58 Line BELL BPA (40087) TO WAIKIKIT (48449) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV]BF: A600 Beacon North & South 115 kV -100 ht 94.64 Line BELL BPA (40087) TO WAIKIKIT (48449) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV]N-2 (ROW): Beacon - Bell # 4 230 kV and Beacon - Bell # 1 115 kV and Beacon - Northeast 115 kV and Beacon - Francis & Cedar 115 kV -100ht95.3 Line NORTHEAS (48277) TO WAIKIKIT (48449) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV]BF: A572 Bell S3 230 kV, Bell-Boundary # 3 62.72 ht 95.42 Line NORTHEAS (48277) TO WAIKIKIT (48449) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV]BUS: Bell S3 230 kV 62.72ht97.6 Line NORTHEAS (48277) TO WAIKIKIT (48449) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV]N-2 (ROW): Bell - Taft 500 kV and Bell - Lancaster 230 kV and Beacon - Rathdrum 230 kV and Boulder - Lancaster 230 kV 62.09ht98.22 Line NORTHEAS (48277) TO WAIKIKIT (48449) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV]N-2 (ADJ): Bell - Taft 500 kV and Bell - Lancaster 230 kV 62.11 ht 101.71 Line BOULDER (48524) TO BENEWAH (48037) CKT 1 [230.00 - 230.00 kV]N-2 (ROW): Bell - Coulee # 6 500 kV and Bell - Coulee # 3 230 kV and Bell - Coulee # 5 230 kV and Coulee - Westside 230 kV and Bell - Creston 115 kV 12.81 2015 Electric IRP Appendix E 913 System Planning Feasibility Study November 25, 2014 Page 24of 41 Kettle Falls Station Kettle Falls 10 MW; $0 This request involves interconnecting up to 10 MW of additional generation, which is modeled in this study as a simple generic source at the Kettle Falls Station as shown in Figure 10. FIGURE 10: KETTLE FALLS GENERATION REQUEST; 2024 HEAVY SUMMER CASE Analysis For P0 conditions, both study cases received generation up to 10 MW without issue. For performance during contingencies, Table 18 shows results from the ATC analysis, and there are no new facility violations created by requested generation at 10 MW. TABLE 18: ATC RESULTS FOR KETTLE FALLS GENERATION REQUEST Project Alternatives No mitigating steps are necessary for this request Case Trans Lim Limiting Element Limiting CTG % OTDF ht 76.04 Line GREENWDA (48143) TO KETTLEAV (48175) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV] N-1: Addy - Colville BPA 115 kV -63.23ht76.3 Line GREENWDA (48143) TO KETTLEAV (48175) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV] N-1: Kettle Falls Tap 115 kV -100ht76.32 Line GREENWDA (48143) TO KETTLEAV (48175) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV] N-1: Kettle Falls Tap 115 kV Open @ KET -100 ht 76.74 Line KETTLE T (40607) TO KETTLEAV (48175) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV]BF: B1145 Addy 115 kV, Addy-Kettle Falls -100 ht 76.75 Line KETTLE T (40607) TO KETTLEAV (48175) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV]N-1: Addy - Kettle Falls 115 kV Open @ KET -100ht77.26 Line GREENWDA (48143) TO KETTLEAV (48175) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV] BF: B1768 Colville BPA 115 kV, Colville BPA-Kettle Falls -100ht77.98 Line KETTLE T (40607) TO KETTLEAV (48175) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV]N-1: Addy - Kettle Falls 115 kV -100 ht 79.91 Line COLV AVA (48083) TO GREENWDA (48143) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV] N-1: Kettle Falls Tap 115 kV Open @ KET -100 ht 79.92 Line COLV AVA (48083) TO GREENWDA (48143) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV] N-1: Kettle Falls Tap 115 kV -100 ht 80.93 Line COLV AVA (48083) TO GREENWDA (48143) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV] BF: B1768 Colville BPA 115 kV, Colville BPA-Kettle Falls -100ht81.78 Line COLV AVA (48083) TO GREENWDA (48143) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV] N-1: Addy - Colville BPA 115 kV -63.23ht83.12 Line GREENWDA (48143) TO KETTLEAV (48175) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV] BF: B1766 Colville BPA 115 kV, Boundary-Box Canyon-Colville BPA -100 ht 86.75 Line COLV AVA (48083) TO GREENWDA (48143) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV] BUS: Colville 115 kV -100 hs 89.01 Line GREENWDA (48143) TO KETTLEAV (48175) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV] N-1: Kettle Falls Tap 115 kV -100hs89.01 Line GREENWDA (48143) TO KETTLEAV (48175) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV] N-1: Kettle Falls Tap 115 kV Open @ KET -100hs89.15 Line KETTLE T (40607) TO KETTLEAV (48175) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV]BF: B1145 Addy 115 kV, Addy-Kettle Falls -100 hs 89.15 Line KETTLE T (40607) TO KETTLEAV (48175) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV]N-1: Addy - Kettle Falls 115 kV Open @ KET -100 2015 Electric IRP Appendix E 914 System Planning Feasibility Study November 25, 2014 Page 25of 41 Long Lake Dam Long Lake 68 MW; $19.7 million This request involves adding 68 MW at Long Lake station, which is modeled in this study as two generators, one at each 115 kV bus as shown in Figure 11. FIGURE 11: LONG LAKE GENERATION REQUEST; 2024 HEAVY SUMMER CASE Analysis For P0 conditions, both study cases received generation up to 68 MW without issue. For performance during contingencies, Table 19 shows results from the ATC analysis, and Table 20 shows Contingency Analysis results for new facility violations created by requested generation. 2015 Electric IRP Appendix E 915 System Planning Feasibility Study November 25, 2014 Page 26of 41 TABLE 19: ATC RESULTS FOR LONG LAKE GENERATION REQUEST Case Trans Lim Limiting Element Limiting CTG % OTDF ht 9.73 Line NINEMILE (48269) TO INDTRAIL (48164) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV] N-1: Airway Heights - Devils Gap 115 kV Open @ DGP 65.77 ht 11.39 Line NINEMILE (48269) TO INDTRAIL (48164) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV] N-1: Airway Heights - Devils Gap 115 kV 65.77 ht 12.27 Line NINEMILE (48269) TO INDTRAIL (48164) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV] BF: A180 Airway Heights 115 kV, Airway Heights-Devils Gap 65.77 ht 12.29 Line NINEMILE (48269) TO INDTRAIL (48164) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV] PSF: Airway Heights 115 kV 65.77 ht 16.64 Line INDTRAIL (48164) TO WEST (48461) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV]N-1: Airway Heights - Devils Gap 115 kV Open @ DGP 65.77 ht 18.37 Line INDTRAIL (48164) TO WEST (48461) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV]N-1: Airway Heights - Devils Gap 115 kV 65.77 ht 19.17 Line INDTRAIL (48164) TO WEST (48461) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV]BF: A180 Airway Heights 115 kV, Airway Heights-Devils Gap 65.77 ht 19.19 Line INDTRAIL (48164) TO WEST (48461) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV]PSF: Airway Heights 115 kV 65.77 ht 20.62 Line NINEMILE (48269) TO INDTRAIL (48164) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV] N-1: Airway Heights - Devils Gap 115 kV Open @ AIR 65.77 ht 26.21 Line DEVILGPE (48103) TO W.PLAINS (47513) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV] N-1: Nine Mile - Westside 115 kV Open @ NMS 62.44 ht 26.4 Line DEVILGPE (48103) TO W.PLAINS (47513) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV] N-1: Nine Mile - Westside 115 kV 62.44 ht 27.63 Line INDTRAIL (48164) TO WEST (48461) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV]N-1: Airway Heights - Devils Gap 115 kV Open @ AIR 65.77 ht 29.37 Line DEVILGPE (48103) TO W.PLAINS (47513) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV] PSF: Westside 115 kV 60.74 ht 31.29 Line DEVILGPE (48103) TO W.PLAINS (47513) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV] N-1: Nine Mile - Westside 115 kV Open @ WES 62.44 ht 31.45 Line DEVILGPE (48103) TO W.PLAINS (47513) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV] N-2 (ADJ): Coulee - Westside 230kV and Nine Mile - Westside 115kV 62.35 ht 33.76 Line AIRWAYHT (48009) TO GARDENSP (48131) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV] N-1: Nine Mile - Westside 115 kV Open @ NMS 62.44 ht 33.94 Line AIRWAYHT (48009) TO GARDENSP (48131) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV] N-1: Nine Mile - Westside 115 kV 62.44 hs 34.7 Line DEVILGPE (48103) TO LONGLAKE (48201) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV] N-1: Devils Gap - Long Lake # 2 115 kV -100 hs 34.88 Line DEVILGPE (48103) TO W.PLAINS (47513) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV] PSF: Westside 115 kV 60.14 hs 35.15 Line DEVILGPE (48103) TO LONGLAKW (48199) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV] N-1: Devils Gap - Long Lake # 1 115 kV -100 ht 35.38 Line DEVILGPE (48103) TO LONGLAKE (48201) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV] N-1: Devils Gap - Long Lake # 2 115 kV -100 ht 35.54 Line DEVILGPE (48103) TO LONGLAKW (48199) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV] N-1: Devils Gap - Long Lake # 1 115 kV -100 hs 37.06 Line DEVILGPE (48103) TO W.PLAINS (47513) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV] BF: A413 Westside 115 kV, Ninemile-Westside 60.75 ht 37.11 Line AIRWAYHT (48009) TO GARDENSP (48131) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV] PSF: Westside 115 kV 60.74 ht 38.74 Line AIRWAYHT (48009) TO GARDENSP (48131) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV] N-1: Nine Mile - Westside 115 kV Open @ WES 62.44 ht 38.98 Line AIRWAYHT (48009) TO GARDENSP (48131) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV] N-2 (ADJ): Coulee - Westside 230kV and Nine Mile - Westside 115kV 62.35 ht 41.13 Line AIRWAYHT (48009) TO W.PLAINS (47513) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV] N-1: Nine Mile - Westside 115 kV Open @ NMS -62.44 ht 41.3 Line AIRWAYHT (48009) TO W.PLAINS (47513) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV] N-1: Nine Mile - Westside 115 kV -62.44 hs 42.44 Line NINEMILE (48269) TO INDTRAIL (48164) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV] N-1: Airway Heights - Devils Gap 115 kV Open @ DGP 65.77 hs 44.63 Line NINEMILE (48269) TO INDTRAIL (48164) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV] N-1: Airway Heights - Devils Gap 115 kV 65.77 ht 44.68 Line AIRWAYHT (48009) TO W.PLAINS (47513) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV] PSF: Westside 115 kV -60.74 ht 46.1 Line AIRWAYHT (48009) TO W.PLAINS (47513) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV] N-1: Nine Mile - Westside 115 kV Open @ WES -62.44 hs 46.32 Line NINEMILE (48269) TO INDTRAIL (48164) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV] BF: A180 Airway Heights 115 kV, Airway Heights-Devils Gap 65.77 ht 46.35 Line AIRWAYHT (48009) TO W.PLAINS (47513) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV] N-2 (ADJ): Coulee - Westside 230kV and Nine Mile - Westside 115kV -62.35 hs 46.38 Line NINEMILE (48269) TO INDTRAIL (48164) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV] PSF: Airway Heights 115 kV 65.77 hs 46.64 Line DEVILGPE (48103) TO W.PLAINS (47513) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV] N-2 (ADJ): Coulee - Westside 230kV and Nine Mile - Westside 115kV 62.35 hs 46.67 Line DEVILGPE (48103) TO W.PLAINS (47513) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV] N-1: Nine Mile - Westside 115 kV Open @ NMS 62.45 hs 46.98 Line DEVILGPE (48103) TO W.PLAINS (47513) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV] N-1: Nine Mile - Westside 115 kV 62.45 hs 48.6 Line DEVILGPE (48103) TO W.PLAINS (47513) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV] BUS: Westside 115 kV 60.75 hs 56.53 Line AIRWAYHT (48009) TO W.PLAINS (47513) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV] PSF: Westside 115 kV -60.14 ht 56.57 Line DEVILGPE (48103) TO NINEMILE (48269) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV] N-1: Airway Heights - Devils Gap 115 kV Open @ DGP 65.77 hs 57.61 Line NINEMILE (48269) TO INDTRAIL (48164) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV] N-1: Airway Heights - Devils Gap 115 kV Open @ AIR 65.77 ht 58.07 Line DEVILGPE (48103) TO NINEMILE (48269) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV] N-1: Airway Heights - Devils Gap 115 kV 65.77 hs 58.28 Line AIRWAYHT (48009) TO W.PLAINS (47513) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV] BF: A413 Westside 115 kV, Ninemile-Westside -60.75 ht 58.92 Line DEVILGPE (48103) TO NINEMILE (48269) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV] BF: A180 Airway Heights 115 kV, Airway Heights-Devils Gap 65.77 ht 58.92 Line DEVILGPE (48103) TO NINEMILE (48269) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV] PSF: Airway Heights 115 kV 65.77 hs 59.85 Line INDTRAIL (48164) TO WEST (48461) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV]N-1: Airway Heights - Devils Gap 115 kV Open @ DGP 65.77 hs 62.25 Line INDTRAIL (48164) TO WEST (48461) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV]N-1: Airway Heights - Devils Gap 115 kV 65.77 hs 63.91 Line INDTRAIL (48164) TO WEST (48461) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV]BF: A180 Airway Heights 115 kV, Airway Heights-Devils Gap 65.77 hs 63.91 Line INDTRAIL (48164) TO WEST (48461) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV]PSF: Airway Heights 115 kV 65.77 hs 67.15 Line AIRWAYHT (48009) TO W.PLAINS (47513) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV] N-1: Nine Mile - Westside 115 kV Open @ NMS -62.45 ht 67.21 Line DEVILGPE (48103) TO NINEMILE (48269) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV] N-1: Airway Heights - Devils Gap 115 kV Open @ AIR 65.77 hs 67.62 Line AIRWAYHT (48009) TO W.PLAINS (47513) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV] N-2 (ADJ): Coulee - Westside 230kV and Nine Mile - Westside 115kV -62.35 hs 67.96 Line AIRWAYHT (48009) TO W.PLAINS (47513) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV] N-1: Nine Mile - Westside 115 kV -62.45 hs 74.67 Line INDTRAIL (48164) TO WEST (48461) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV]N-1: Airway Heights - Devils Gap 115 kV Open @ AIR 65.77 2015 Electric IRP Appendix E 916 System Planning Feasibility Study November 25, 2014 Page 27of 41 TABLE 20: NEW FACILIYT THERMAL VIOLATIONS FOR 68 MW REQUEST Label Element Percent Case N-1: Devils Gap - Long Lake # 2 115 kV LONGLAKE (48201) -> DEVILGPE (48103) CKT 1 at LONGLAKE 130.97 hs N-1: Devils Gap - Long Lake # 1 115 kV LONGLAKW (48199) -> DEVILGPE (48103) CKT 1 at LONGLAKW 130.95 hsN-1: Devils Gap - Long Lake # 2 115 kV LONGLAKE (48201) -> DEVILGPE (48103) CKT 1 at LONGLAKE 125.79 ht N-1: Devils Gap - Long Lake # 1 115 kV LONGLAKW (48199) -> DEVILGPE (48103) CKT 1 at LONGLAKW 125.78 ht N-1: Airway Heights - Devils Gap 115 kV Open @ DGP NINEMILE (48269) -> INDTRAIL (48164) CKT 1 at NINEMILE 124.01 ht N-1: Airway Heights - Devils Gap 115 kV NINEMILE (48269) -> INDTRAIL (48164) CKT 1 at NINEMILE 123.88 ht BF: A180 Airway Heights 115 kV, Airway Heights-Devils Gap NINEMILE (48269) -> INDTRAIL (48164) CKT 1 at NINEMILE 123.51 ht PSF: Airway Heights 115 kV NINEMILE (48269) -> INDTRAIL (48164) CKT 1 at NINEMILE 123.51 ht N-1: Airway Heights - Devils Gap 115 kV Open @ DGP INDTRAIL (48164) -> WEST (48461) CKT 1 at INDTRAIL 121.13 ht N-1: Airway Heights - Devils Gap 115 kV INDTRAIL (48164) -> WEST (48461) CKT 1 at INDTRAIL 121 ht PSF: Airway Heights 115 kV INDTRAIL (48164) -> WEST (48461) CKT 1 at INDTRAIL 120.6 ht BF: A180 Airway Heights 115 kV, Airway Heights-Devils Gap INDTRAIL (48164) -> WEST (48461) CKT 1 at INDTRAIL 120.6 ht N-1: Airway Heights - Devils Gap 115 kV Open @ AIR NINEMILE (48269) -> INDTRAIL (48164) CKT 1 at NINEMILE 119.94 ht BUS: Airway Heights 115 kV NINEMILE (48269) -> INDTRAIL (48164) CKT 1 at NINEMILE 119.54 ht N-1: Airway Heights - Devils Gap 115 kV Open @ AIR INDTRAIL (48164) -> WEST (48461) CKT 1 at INDTRAIL 117.06 ht N-1: Nine Mile - Westside 115 kV Open @ NMS DEVILGPE (48103) -> W.PLAINS (47513) CKT 1 at DEVILGPE 116.91 htN-1: Nine Mile - Westside 115 kV DEVILGPE (48103) -> W.PLAINS (47513) CKT 1 at DEVILGPE 116.85 htBUS: Airway Heights 115 kV INDTRAIL (48164) -> WEST (48461) CKT 1 at INDTRAIL 116.64 ht PSF: Westside 115 kV DEVILGPE (48103) -> W.PLAINS (47513) CKT 1 at DEVILGPE 115.4 ht N-1: Nine Mile - Westside 115 kV Open @ WES DEVILGPE (48103) -> W.PLAINS (47513) CKT 1 at DEVILGPE 114.99 ht N-2 (ADJ): Coulee - Westside 230kV and Nine Mile - Westside 115kV DEVILGPE (48103) -> W.PLAINS (47513) CKT 1 at DEVILGPE 114.79 ht BF: A413 Westside 115 kV, Ninemile-Westside DEVILGPE (48103) -> W.PLAINS (47513) CKT 1 at DEVILGPE 114.76 ht N-1: Nine Mile - Westside 115 kV Open @ NMS AIRWAYHT (48009) -> GARDENSP (48131) CKT 1 at AIRWAYHT 114.64 ht N-1: Nine Mile - Westside 115 kV AIRWAYHT (48009) -> GARDENSP (48131) CKT 1 at AIRWAYHT 114.57 ht PSF: Westside 115 kV DEVILGPE (48103) -> W.PLAINS (47513) CKT 1 at DEVILGPE 113.35 hs BUS: Westside 115 kV DEVILGPE (48103) -> W.PLAINS (47513) CKT 1 at DEVILGPE 112.95 ht BF: A413 Westside 115 kV, Ninemile-Westside DEVILGPE (48103) -> W.PLAINS (47513) CKT 1 at DEVILGPE 112.87 hs PSF: Westside 115 kV AIRWAYHT (48009) -> GARDENSP (48131) CKT 1 at AIRWAYHT 112.67 ht BF: A470 Westside 115 kV, College & Walnut-Westside DEVILGPE (48103) -> W.PLAINS (47513) CKT 1 at DEVILGPE 112.67 ht N-1: Nine Mile - Westside 115 kV Open @ WES AIRWAYHT (48009) -> GARDENSP (48131) CKT 1 at AIRWAYHT 112.28 htN-2 (ADJ): Coulee - Westside 230kV and Nine Mile - Westside 115kV AIRWAYHT (48009) -> GARDENSP (48131) CKT 1 at AIRWAYHT 112.07 htBF: A413 Westside 115 kV, Ninemile-Westside AIRWAYHT (48009) -> GARDENSP (48131) CKT 1 at AIRWAYHT 111.91 ht N-1: Nine Mile - Westside 115 kV Open @ NMS W.PLAINS (47513) -> AIRWAYHT (48009) CKT 1 at W.PLAINS 111.27 ht N-1: Nine Mile - Westside 115 kV W.PLAINS (47513) -> AIRWAYHT (48009) CKT 1 at W.PLAINS 111.21 ht N-1: Airway Heights - Devils Gap 115 kV Open @ DGP NINEMILE (48269) -> INDTRAIL (48164) CKT 1 at NINEMILE 110.56 hs N-1: Airway Heights - Devils Gap 115 kV NINEMILE (48269) -> INDTRAIL (48164) CKT 1 at NINEMILE 110.37 hs PSF: Westside 115 kV W.PLAINS (47513) -> AIRWAYHT (48009) CKT 1 at W.PLAINS 109.78 ht BF: A180 Airway Heights 115 kV, Airway Heights-Devils Gap NINEMILE (48269) -> INDTRAIL (48164) CKT 1 at NINEMILE 109.7 hs PSF: Airway Heights 115 kV NINEMILE (48269) -> INDTRAIL (48164) CKT 1 at NINEMILE 109.7 hs BUS: Westside 115 kV AIRWAYHT (48009) -> GARDENSP (48131) CKT 1 at AIRWAYHT 109.69 ht N-1: Airway Heights - Garden Springs 115 kV NINEMILE (48269) -> INDTRAIL (48164) CKT 1 at NINEMILE 109.64 ht N-2: Airway Heights - Garden Springs 115 kV and Garden Springs - Westside 115 kV NINEMILE (48269) -> INDTRAIL (48164) CKT 1 at NINEMILE 109.48 ht N-1: Nine Mile - Westside 115 kV Open @ WES W.PLAINS (47513) -> AIRWAYHT (48009) CKT 1 at W.PLAINS 109.35 ht N-1: Nine Mile - Westside 115 kV Open @ NMS DEVILGPE (48103) -> W.PLAINS (47513) CKT 1 at DEVILGPE 109.33 hsBF: A470 Westside 115 kV, College & Walnut-Westside AIRWAYHT (48009) -> GARDENSP (48131) CKT 1 at AIRWAYHT 109.32 htN-2 (ADJ): Coulee - Westside 230kV and Nine Mile - Westside 115kV DEVILGPE (48103) -> W.PLAINS (47513) CKT 1 at DEVILGPE 109.26 hs N-1: Nine Mile - Westside 115 kV DEVILGPE (48103) -> W.PLAINS (47513) CKT 1 at DEVILGPE 109.19 hs N-2 (ADJ): Coulee - Westside 230kV and Nine Mile - Westside 115kV W.PLAINS (47513) -> AIRWAYHT (48009) CKT 1 at W.PLAINS 109.14 ht BF: A413 Westside 115 kV, Ninemile-Westside W.PLAINS (47513) -> AIRWAYHT (48009) CKT 1 at W.PLAINS 109.14 ht BUS: Westside 115 kV DEVILGPE (48103) -> W.PLAINS (47513) CKT 1 at DEVILGPE 108.26 hs BF: A470 Westside 115 kV, College & Walnut-Westside DEVILGPE (48103) -> W.PLAINS (47513) CKT 1 at DEVILGPE 107.77 hs BUS: Westside 115 kV W.PLAINS (47513) -> AIRWAYHT (48009) CKT 1 at W.PLAINS 107.33 ht BF: A470 Westside 115 kV, College & Walnut-Westside W.PLAINS (47513) -> AIRWAYHT (48009) CKT 1 at W.PLAINS 107.06 ht N-1: Airway Heights - Garden Springs 115 kV INDTRAIL (48164) -> WEST (48461) CKT 1 at INDTRAIL 106.74 ht N-2: Airway Heights - Garden Springs 115 kV and Garden Springs - Westside 115 kV INDTRAIL (48164) -> WEST (48461) CKT 1 at INDTRAIL 106.57 ht PSF: Westside 115 kV W.PLAINS (47513) -> AIRWAYHT (48009) CKT 1 at W.PLAINS 105.42 hs BF: A413 Westside 115 kV, Ninemile-Westside W.PLAINS (47513) -> AIRWAYHT (48009) CKT 1 at W.PLAINS 105.03 hs N-1: Airway Heights - Devils Gap 115 kV Open @ DGP DEVILGPE (48103) -> NINEMILE (48269) CKT 1 at DEVILGPE 104.82 htN-1: Airway Heights - Devils Gap 115 kV Open @ AIR NINEMILE (48269) -> INDTRAIL (48164) CKT 1 at NINEMILE 104.77 hsN-1: Airway Heights - Devils Gap 115 kV DEVILGPE (48103) -> NINEMILE (48269) CKT 1 at DEVILGPE 104.69 ht BUS: Nine Mile 115 kV DEVILGPE (48103) -> W.PLAINS (47513) CKT 1 at DEVILGPE 104.5 ht N-1: Nine Mile - Westside 115 kV Open @ WES DEVILGPE (48103) -> W.PLAINS (47513) CKT 1 at DEVILGPE 104.46 hs PSF: Nine Mile 115 kV DEVILGPE (48103) -> W.PLAINS (47513) CKT 1 at DEVILGPE 104.44 ht BF: A655 Ninemile 115 kV, Ninemile-Westside DEVILGPE (48103) -> W.PLAINS (47513) CKT 1 at DEVILGPE 104.44 ht PSF: Airway Heights 115 kV DEVILGPE (48103) -> NINEMILE (48269) CKT 1 at DEVILGPE 104.29 ht BF: A180 Airway Heights 115 kV, Airway Heights-Devils Gap DEVILGPE (48103) -> NINEMILE (48269) CKT 1 at DEVILGPE 104.29 ht BUS: Airway Heights 115 kV NINEMILE (48269) -> INDTRAIL (48164) CKT 1 at NINEMILE 104.1 hs N-1: Devils Gap - Nine Mile 115 kV DEVILGPE (48103) -> W.PLAINS (47513) CKT 1 at DEVILGPE 104.04 ht N-1: Airway Heights - Devils Gap 115 kV Open @ DGP INDTRAIL (48164) -> WEST (48461) CKT 1 at INDTRAIL 103.57 hs N-1: Airway Heights - Devils Gap 115 kV INDTRAIL (48164) -> WEST (48461) CKT 1 at INDTRAIL 103.4 hs PSF: Airway Heights 115 kV INDTRAIL (48164) -> WEST (48461) CKT 1 at INDTRAIL 102.69 hs BF: A180 Airway Heights 115 kV, Airway Heights-Devils Gap INDTRAIL (48164) -> WEST (48461) CKT 1 at INDTRAIL 102.69 hs N-1: Nine Mile - Westside 115 kV Open @ NMS W.PLAINS (47513) -> AIRWAYHT (48009) CKT 1 at W.PLAINS 101.58 hsN-2 (ADJ): Coulee - Westside 230kV and Nine Mile - Westside 115kV W.PLAINS (47513) -> AIRWAYHT (48009) CKT 1 at W.PLAINS 101.48 hsN-1: Nine Mile - Westside 115 kV W.PLAINS (47513) -> AIRWAYHT (48009) CKT 1 at W.PLAINS 101.45 hs N-1: Airway Heights - Devils Gap 115 kV Open @ AIR DEVILGPE (48103) -> NINEMILE (48269) CKT 1 at DEVILGPE 100.72 ht BUS: Westside 115 kV W.PLAINS (47513) -> AIRWAYHT (48009) CKT 1 at W.PLAINS 100.42 hs BUS: Airway Heights 115 kV DEVILGPE (48103) -> NINEMILE (48269) CKT 1 at DEVILGPE 100.32 ht 2015 Electric IRP Appendix E 917 System Planning Feasibility Study November 25, 2014 Page 28of 41 Project Alternatives; $19.7 million The level of generation requested at Long Lake can be integrated with the following projects: 1. Construct a new 115 kV transmission line between Reardan and Silver Lake a. Build a new 3 position 115 kV station at Reardan; $4 million b. Build a new 4 position 115 kV station at Silver Lake; $5 million c. Construct 18 miles of 115 kV transmission line with a minimum summer rating of 138 MVA between the new stations; $7.56 million 2. Rebuild 15.7 miles of existing 115 kV transmission line to minimum summer rating of 205 MVA; $3.14 million 2015 Electric IRP Appendix E 918 System Planning Feasibility Study November 25, 2014 Page 29of 41 Monroe Street Monroe Street 80 MW; $7 million This request involves adding 80 MW at Monroe Street, which is modeled in this study as a single generator at Post Street station as shown in Figure 12. FIGURE 12: MONROE STREET GENERATION REQUEST; 2024 HEAVY SUMMER CASE Analysis For P0 conditions, both study cases received generation up to 80 MW without issue. For performance during contingencies, Table 21 shows results from the ATC analysis. No new facility violations were discovered for the requested generation. 2015 Electric IRP Appendix E 919 System Planning Feasibility Study November 25, 2014 Page 30of 41 TABLE 21: ATC RESULTS FOR MONROE STREET GENERATION REQUEST Project Alternatives While the study connected the new generation at Post Street station, this is not a feasible POI. The POI for this request would be chosen as College and Walnut Station, and this would cost an estimated $7 million Case Trans Lim Limiting Element Limiting CTG % OTDF hs 146.85 Line POSTSTRT (48339) TO THIRHACH (48431) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV] PSF: Sunset 115 kV 72.49 hs 148.05 Line POSTSTRT (48339) TO THIRHACH (48431) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV] BUS: Metro 115 kV 72.82 hs 148.65 Line POSTSTRT (48339) TO THIRHACH (48431) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV] N-1: Metro - Post Street 115 kV 72.82 hs 151.06 Line POSTSTRT (48339) TO THIRHACH (48431) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV] N-1: Metro - Sunset 115 kV 72.82 hs 157.62 Line POSTSTRT (48339) TO THIRHACH (48431) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV] BUS: Sunset 115 kV 72.49 hs 194.06 Line METRO (48225) TO SUNSET (48421) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV]N-1: Post Street - Third & Hatch 115 kV 60.99 hs 208.98 Line METRO (48225) TO SUNSET (48421) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV]BUS: Third & Hatch 115 kV 60.85 hs 243.87 Line METRO (48225) TO POSTSTRT (48339) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV]N-1: Post Street - Third & Hatch 115 kV -60.99 hs 246.2 Line METRO (48225) TO POSTSTRT (48339) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV]BUS: Third & Hatch 115 kV -60.85 ht 281.68 Line SPKWASTE (48409) TO WEST (48461) CKT 1 [115.00 - 115.00 kV]BUS: Post Street 115 kV -41.32 2015 Electric IRP Appendix E 920 System Planning Feasibility Study November 25, 2014 Page 31of 41 Post Falls Post Falls 10 to 22 MW; $2.1 to $5.2 million This request involves adding from 10 to 22 MW at Post Falls, which is modeled in this study as a single generator at Post Falls 115 kV bus as shown in. FIGURE 13: POST FALLS GENERATION REQUEST; 2024 HEAVY SUMMER CASE Analysis For P0 conditions, both study cases received generation up to 22 MW without issue. For performance during contingencies, two 115 kV transmission line segments present issues:  10 MW request; East Farms – Post Falls 115 kV segment overloads  22 MW request; Otis Orchards – Post Falls 115 kV Transmission Line overloads Project Alternatives  10 MW Request - rebuild East Farms – Post Falls line to minimum summer rating of 160 MVA for $2.01 million  22 MW Request – above project in addition to rebuilding the Otis Orchard – Post Falls 115 kV Transmission Line to minimum summer rating of 170 MVA for $3.2 million 2015 Electric IRP Appendix E 921 System Planning Feasibility Study November 25, 2014 Page 32of 41 Appendix A Future projects included in this analysis Project Name Project Scope Targeted Date of Operation Chelan - Stratford River Crossing Rebuild Project Rebuild the Columbia River crossing to 795ACSS to correct Chelan – Stratford line overload 2015 Odessa Capacitor Installation Install two steps of 13.4 MVAR shunt capacitors for reactive support at Odessa Substation for added restoration capability 2015 Stratford Strain Bus Rebuild Project Stratford strain bus replacement to relieve existing bottle neck on Stratford - Larson line within the Stratford Substation 2015 Ninth and Central – Sunset 115 kV Line Reconductoring Reconductor 1.97 miles of limiting 250 CU conductor with 795AAC conductor with minimum thermal capacity rating of 150 MVA at 40C. 2016 Benton – Othello SS 115 kV Transmission Line Rebuild Reconductor Avista’s 26 mile section of the Benton – Othello Switching Station 115 kV Transmission Line with 795 ACSS with a minimum thermal capacity of 205MVA at 40C. 2016 Spokane Valley Transmission Reinforcement A comprehensive project that includes: 1) Replace 4.37 miles of 556 AAC conductor with 150 MVA capacity or better conductor. 2) Rebuild Millwood, 20 MVA Transformers & 4 Feeders. Normally Open (SCADA controlled switch) provides Back-Up service for IEP Load. 3) New Irvin Switching Station, breaker & a half, 6 line termination with 2 future line terminations, distribution facilities per Distribution Engineering Group, one 33.5 MVAr capacitor bank with space for one future capacitor bank, 4) Replace 1.74 miles of 4/0 ACSR conductor with 150 MVA capacity or better conductor. 5) Convert Opportunity to a Switching Station (single bus, single breaker). 6) New 2.19 miles Single Circuit 150 MVA (IEP Tap). Possible double circuit with Irvin- Opportunity 115 kV Line. 2016 Addy – Devil’s Gap 115 kV Transmission Line Reconductor 5.19 miles (rebuild between Ford and Long Lake Tap) of limiting conductor which consist of 266.8 ACSR and 397.5 ACSR conductor resulting in a capacity limitation of 71.5 MVA at 40C, to be rebuilt to a capacity of 150 MVA at 40C 2017 2015 Electric IRP Appendix E 922 System Planning Feasibility Study November 25, 2014 Page 33of 41 Project Name Project Scope Targeted Date of Operation Noxon Reactors Installation Install two steps of 50 MVAR shunt reactors for reactive support at Odessa Substation for high voltages 2017 Sandcreek-Bronx-Cabinet Rebuild Bronx - Cabinet Rebuild from Cabinet to Clark Fork with 795 ACSS 2017 Coeur d'Alene - Pine Creek 115 Rebuild Coeur d'Alene - Pine Creek 115 Rebuild replace with 795 conductor and operate closed 2018 Hallett & White – Silver Lake 115 kV Transmission Line Rebuild The transmission line will be rebuilt with 795 ACSR conductor with minimum thermal capacity of 150 MVA at 40C 2018 Westside Transformer phase 1 Westside Transformer Replacement Project includes a new 250 MVA Westside No.1 230/115 kV Transformer installation which was identified in the 2013 Planning Assessment to be implemented by 2018 for an N-1 contingency (Westside No.2 230/115 kV outage) 2018 Garden Springs 115 Station Garden Springs 115 kV station -Loops the existing Airway Height - Sunset line into Garden Springs -Includes rebuild of Sunset - Westside from GDN to SUN with 795 2019 Roxboro-Warden Rebuild The Lind – Warden 115 kV Transmission Line is 21 miles long, and is constructed primarily with 7#8 CU conductor resulting in a capacity limit of 57 MVA at 40C. Rebuild to 795 ACSS with aminimum of 150 MVA thermal capacity at 40C. 2020 Westside Transformer phase 2 Remove Westside Transformers 1 and 2 and replace with a new 250 MVA Transformer. 2020 2015 Electric IRP Appendix E 923 System Planning Feasibility Study November 25, 2014 Page 34of 41 Appendix B New facility violations for Kootenai 350 MW request Label Element Percent Case N-2 (STR): Beacon - Kootenai 230 kV & Boulder - Lancaster 230 kV PLEASANT (48319) -> MOAB (47511) CKT 1 at PLEASANT 138.25 hs N-2 (STR): Beacon - Kootenai 230 kV & Boulder - Lancaster 230 kV MOAB (47511) -> BOULDERE (48522) CKT 1 at MOAB 134.6 hs N-2 (STR): Beacon - Kootenai 230 kV & Boulder - Lancaster 230 kV BELLAN11 (90011) -> BELL S3 (40090) CKT 1 at BELLAN11 130.67 ht BF: A1184 Lancaster-Noxon, Lancaster-Rathdrum IDAHO_RD (48161) -> PLEASANT (48319) CKT 1 at IDAHO_RD 127.9 ht N-2 (STR): Beacon - Kootenai 230 kV & Boulder - Lancaster 230 kV POST FLS (48329) -> EASTFARM (48117) CKT 1 at POST FLS 124.08 ht N-2 (STR): Beacon - Kootenai 230 kV & Boulder - Lancaster 230 kV RATHDRMW (48355) -> IDAHO_RD (48161) CKT 1 at RATHDRMW 123.57 hs N-1: Boulder - Lancaster 230 kV PLEASANT (48319) -> MOAB (47511) CKT 1 at PLEASANT 121.95 ht N-1: Lancaster - Rathdrum 230 kV IDAHO_RD (48161) -> PLEASANT (48319) CKT 1 at IDAHO_RD 121.42 ht BF: R554 Boulder-Lancaster, Boulder #1 230/115 Transformer PLEASANT (48319) -> MOAB (47511) CKT 1 at PLEASANT 121.16 ht BF: R454 Boulder-Lancaster, Boulder #2 230/115 Transformer PLEASANT (48319) -> MOAB (47511) CKT 1 at PLEASANT 120.41 ht BF: A1184 Lancaster-Noxon, Lancaster-Rathdrum PLEASANT (48319) -> MOAB (47511) CKT 1 at PLEASANT 120.19 ht N-2 (ADJ): Beacon - Kootenai 230kV and Bell - Lancaster 230kV BOULDERW (48520) -> SPKINDPK (48405) CKT 1 at BOULDERW 119.82 ht N-2 (ADJ): Beacon - Kootenai 230kV and Bell - Lancaster 230kV IDAHO_RD (48161) -> PLEASANT (48319) CKT 1 at IDAHO_RD 119.73 ht N-2 (STR): Beacon - Kootenai 230 kV & Boulder - Lancaster 230 kV EASTFARM (48117) -> OTIS (48311) CKT 1 at EASTFARM 119.58 ht N-1: Boulder - Lancaster 230 kV MOAB (47511) -> BOULDERE (48522) CKT 1 at MOAB 118.9 ht BF: R427 Beacon North & South 230 kV SPKINDPK (48405) -> IRVIN (48165) CKT 1 at IRVIN 118.86 hs BF: R554 Boulder-Lancaster, Boulder #1 230/115 Transformer MOAB (47511) -> BOULDERE (48522) CKT 1 at MOAB 118.14 ht BF: R454 Boulder-Lancaster, Boulder #2 230/115 Transformer MOAB (47511) -> BOULDERE (48522) CKT 1 at MOAB 117.36 ht BF: A1184 Lancaster-Noxon, Lancaster-Rathdrum MOAB (47511) -> BOULDERE (48522) CKT 1 at MOAB 117.2 ht BF: R508 Lancaster-Rathdrum, Rathdrum #1 230/115 Transformer IDAHO_RD (48161) -> PLEASANT (48319) CKT 1 at IDAHO_RD 115.91 ht N-2 (STR and ADJ): Beacon - Boulder 230 kV & Beacon - Boulder #2 115 kV BOULDERW (48520) -> SPKINDPK (48405) CKT 1 at BOULDERW 115.77 hs N-2 (STR): Beacon - Boulder 230 kV & Beacon - Kootenai 230 kV BOULDERW (48520) -> SPKINDPK (48405) CKT 1 at BOULDERW 115.38 hs N-2 (ADJ): Beacon - Boulder 230kV and Beacon - Boulder #1 115kV BOULDERE (48522) -> IRVIN (48165) CKT 1 at BOULDERE 114.84 ht BF: A1561 Boulder-Lancaster, Lancaster Generator #1 & #2 IDAHO_RD (48161) -> PLEASANT (48319) CKT 1 at IDAHO_RD 114.8 ht BF: A1186 Lancaster-Noxon, Boulder-Lancaster IDAHO_RD (48161) -> PLEASANT (48319) CKT 1 at IDAHO_RD 114.62 ht BF: A1558 Bell-Lancaster, Lancaster-Rathdrum IDAHO_RD (48161) -> PLEASANT (48319) CKT 1 at IDAHO_RD 114.55 ht N-2: Beacon - Boulder 230 kV & Boulder - Irvin #2 115 kV BOULDERW (48520) -> SPKINDPK (48405) CKT 1 at BOULDERW 114.15 hs N-1: Lancaster - Rathdrum 230 kV PLEASANT (48319) -> MOAB (47511) CKT 1 at PLEASANT 113.6 ht BUS: Beacon North 230 kV BOULDERW (48520) -> SPKINDPK (48405) CKT 1 at BOULDERW 113.53 ht N-1: Beacon - Boulder 230 kV BOULDERW (48520) -> SPKINDPK (48405) CKT 1 at BOULDERW 113.26 ht BF: R408 Lancaster-Rathdrum, Rathdrum #2 230/115 Transformer IDAHO_RD (48161) -> PLEASANT (48319) CKT 1 at IDAHO_RD 113.03 ht N-2 (STR): Beacon - Kootenai 230 kV & Boulder - Lancaster 230 kV PRAIRIEB (40855) -> POST FLS (48329) CKT 1 at PRAIRIEB 112.69 hs N-2 (ADJ): Beacon - Kootenai 230kV and Bell - Lancaster 230kV PLEASANT (48319) -> MOAB (47511) CKT 1 at PLEASANT 111.93 ht N-1: Beacon - Kootenai 230 kV IDAHO_RD (48161) -> PLEASANT (48319) CKT 1 at IDAHO_RD 111.76 ht BUS: Beacon North 230 kV IDAHO_RD (48161) -> PLEASANT (48319) CKT 1 at IDAHO_RD 111.71 ht N-1: Opportunity - Otis Orchards 115 kV Open @ OTI BOULDERW (48520) -> SPKINDPK (48405) CKT 1 at BOULDERW 111.67 ht N-2 (STR): Beacon - Kootenai 230 kV & Boulder - Lancaster 230 kV RAMSEY (48349) -> PRAIRIEB (40855) CKT 1 at RAMSEY 110.91 hs N-2 (ADJ): Beacon - Boulder #2 115 kV and Beacon - Ninth & Central #2 115 kV BOULDERW (48520) -> SPKINDPK (48405) CKT 1 at BOULDERW 110.78 hs N-2 (ADJ): Beacon - Bell #4 230kV and Beacon - Kootenai 230kV IDAHO_RD (48161) -> PLEASANT (48319) CKT 1 at IDAHO_RD 110.66 ht PSF: Ramsey 115 kV IDAHO_RD (48161) -> PLEASANT (48319) CKT 1 at IDAHO_RD 110.59 ht N-1: Lancaster - Rathdrum 230 kV MOAB (47511) -> BOULDERE (48522) CKT 1 at MOAB 110.58 ht BF: A600 Beacon North & South 115 kV OPPORTUN (48299) -> CHESTER (48069) CKT 1 at CHESTER 109.39 hs BF: R554 Boulder-Lancaster, Boulder #1 230/115 Transformer IDAHO_RD (48161) -> PLEASANT (48319) CKT 1 at IDAHO_RD 109.18 hs BF: R454 Boulder-Lancaster, Boulder #2 230/115 Transformer IDAHO_RD (48161) -> PLEASANT (48319) CKT 1 at IDAHO_RD 109.16 hs N-1: Opportunity - Otis Orchards 115 kV BOULDERW (48520) -> SPKINDPK (48405) CKT 1 at BOULDERW 109.13 ht N-1: Boulder - Lancaster 230 kV PRAIRIEB (40855) -> POST FLS (48329) CKT 1 at PRAIRIEB 109.13 ht N-2 (ADJ): Beacon - Bell #4 230kV and Beacon - Kootenai 230kV BOULDERW (48520) -> SPKINDPK (48405) CKT 1 at BOULDERW 108.94 ht N-1: Beacon - Kootenai 230 kV BOULDERW (48520) -> SPKINDPK (48405) CKT 1 at BOULDERW 108.92 ht N-2 (ADJ): Beacon - Kootenai 230kV and Bell - Lancaster 230kV MOAB (47511) -> BOULDERE (48522) CKT 1 at MOAB 108.9 ht N-2 (STR): Boulder - Lancaster 230 kV & Boulder - Rathdrum 115 kV POST FLS (48329) -> EASTFARM (48117) CKT 1 at POST FLS 108.68 ht N-2: Beacon - Boulder 230 kV & Beacon - Irvin #1 115 kV BOULDERW (48520) -> SPKINDPK (48405) CKT 1 at BOULDERW 108.48 ht BF: R554 Boulder-Lancaster, Boulder #1 230/115 Transformer PRAIRIEB (40855) -> POST FLS (48329) CKT 1 at PRAIRIEB 108.16 ht BF: R508 Lancaster-Rathdrum, Rathdrum #1 230/115 Transformer PLEASANT (48319) -> MOAB (47511) CKT 1 at PLEASANT 108.06 ht BF: R454 Boulder-Lancaster, Boulder #2 230/115 Transformer PRAIRIEB (40855) -> POST FLS (48329) CKT 1 at PRAIRIEB 107.89 ht N-2 (ADJ): Bell - Coulee #6 500 kV and Bell - Creston 115 kV WEST (48463) -> WESTBPA2 (41276) CKT 1 at WESTBPA2 107.8 ht N-1: Boulder - Lancaster 230 kV IDAHO_RD (48161) -> PLEASANT (48319) CKT 1 at IDAHO_RD 107.74 hs BF: A1184 Lancaster-Noxon, Lancaster-Rathdrum PRAIRIEB (40855) -> POST FLS (48329) CKT 1 at PRAIRIEB 107.69 ht BF: A667 Ramsey 115 kV, Appleway-Ramsey IDAHO_RD (48161) -> PLEASANT (48319) CKT 1 at IDAHO_RD 107.57 ht BF: A668 Ramsey 115 kV, Ramsey-Rathdrum #1 IDAHO_RD (48161) -> PLEASANT (48319) CKT 1 at IDAHO_RD 107.51 ht BF: A717 Boulder East & West 115 kV PRAIRIEB (40855) -> POST FLS (48329) CKT 1 at PRAIRIEB 107.31 ht N-2 (STR): Beacon - Boulder 230 kV & Beacon - Kootenai 230 kV IDAHO_RD (48161) -> PLEASANT (48319) CKT 1 at IDAHO_RD 107.07 ht BF: A1561 Boulder-Lancaster, Lancaster Generator #1 & #2 PLEASANT (48319) -> MOAB (47511) CKT 1 at PLEASANT 107.05 ht 2015 Electric IRP Appendix E 924 System Planning Feasibility Study November 25, 2014 Page 35of 41 BF: R427 Beacon North & South 230 kV IDAHO_RD (48161) -> PLEASANT (48319) CKT 1 at IDAHO_RD 106.95 ht N-1: Opportunity - Otis Orchards 115 kV Open @ OPT BOULDERW (48520) -> SPKINDPK (48405) CKT 1 at BOULDERW 106.89 ht BF: A645 Otis Orchards 115 kV, Boulder-Otis Orchards BOULDERW (48520) -> SPKINDPK (48405) CKT 1 at BOULDERW 106.89 ht BF: A645 Otis Orchards 115 kV, Boulder-Otis Orchards BOULDERW (48520) -> SPKINDPK (48405) CKT 1 at BOULDERW 106.88 hs BF: A1186 Lancaster-Noxon, Boulder-Lancaster PLEASANT (48319) -> MOAB (47511) CKT 1 at PLEASANT 106.85 ht BF: A1558 Bell-Lancaster, Lancaster-Rathdrum PLEASANT (48319) -> MOAB (47511) CKT 1 at PLEASANT 106.78 ht N-1: Post Falls - Ramsey 115 kV Open @ RAM IDAHO_RD (48161) -> PLEASANT (48319) CKT 1 at IDAHO_RD 106.72 ht BUS: Ramsey 115 kV IDAHO_RD (48161) -> PLEASANT (48319) CKT 1 at IDAHO_RD 106.67 ht BUS: Beacon North 230 kV BOULDERW (48520) -> SPKINDPK (48405) CKT 1 at BOULDERW 106.61 hs N-2 (STR): Post Falls - Ramsey 115 kV & Ramsey - Rathdrum #1 115 kV IDAHO_RD (48161) -> PLEASANT (48319) CKT 1 at IDAHO_RD 106.31 ht BF: 4122 Bell-Taft, Hot Springs-Taft BOULDERW (48520) -> SPKINDPK (48405) CKT 1 at BOULDERW 106.28 ht BF: R452 Beacon-Boulder, Boulder #2 230/115 Transformer BOULDERW (48520) -> SPKINDPK (48405) CKT 1 at BOULDERW 105.77 ht N-1: Boulder - Irvin #2 115 kV BOULDERW (48520) -> SPKINDPK (48405) CKT 1 at BOULDERW 105.72 hs BF: A642 Otis Orchards 115 kV, Otis Orchards-Post Falls BOULDERW (48520) -> SPKINDPK (48405) CKT 1 at BOULDERW 105.57 ht N-1: Opportunity - Otis Orchards 115 kV Open @ OTI BOULDERW (48520) -> SPKINDPK (48405) CKT 1 at BOULDERW 105.54 hs BF: A211 Post Falls 115 kV, Post Falls-Ramsey IDAHO_RD (48161) -> PLEASANT (48319) CKT 1 at IDAHO_RD 105.37 ht N-1: Post Falls - Ramsey 115 kV IDAHO_RD (48161) -> PLEASANT (48319) CKT 1 at IDAHO_RD 105.37 ht BF: A669 Ramsey 115 kV, Post Falls-Ramsey IDAHO_RD (48161) -> PLEASANT (48319) CKT 1 at IDAHO_RD 105.34 ht BUS: Otis Orchards 115 kV BOULDERW (48520) -> SPKINDPK (48405) CKT 1 at BOULDERW 105.29 ht BF: R408 Lancaster-Rathdrum, Rathdrum #2 230/115 Transformer PLEASANT (48319) -> MOAB (47511) CKT 1 at PLEASANT 105.16 ht BF: R552 Beacon-Boulder, Boulder #1 230/115 Transformer BOULDERW (48520) -> SPKINDPK (48405) CKT 1 at BOULDERW 105.04 ht BF: R508 Lancaster-Rathdrum, Rathdrum #1 230/115 Transformer MOAB (47511) -> BOULDERE (48522) CKT 1 at MOAB 105.02 ht BF: A506 Rathdrum 115 kV, Pine Street-Rathdrum RATHDRMW (48355) -> HUETTER (48159) CKT 1 at HUETTER 104.87 hs PSF: Post Falls 115 kV IDAHO_RD (48161) -> PLEASANT (48319) CKT 1 at IDAHO_RD 104.86 ht PSF: Otis Orchards 115 kV BOULDERW (48520) -> SPKINDPK (48405) CKT 1 at BOULDERW 104.75 ht BUS: Rathdrum East 115 kV RATHDRMW (48355) -> HUETTER (48159) CKT 1 at HUETTER 104.72 hs BF: A642 Otis Orchards 115 kV, Otis Orchards-Post Falls BOULDERW (48520) -> SPKINDPK (48405) CKT 1 at BOULDERW 104.5 hs N-2 (STR): Boulder - Lancaster 230 kV & Boulder - Rathdrum 115 kV EASTFARM (48117) -> OTIS (48311) CKT 1 at EASTFARM 104.3 ht BF: A1561 Boulder-Lancaster, Lancaster Generator #1 & #2 MOAB (47511) -> BOULDERE (48522) CKT 1 at MOAB 104.04 ht BUS: Otis Orchards 115 kV BOULDERW (48520) -> SPKINDPK (48405) CKT 1 at BOULDERW 104.02 hs N-1: Beacon - Kootenai 230 kV PLEASANT (48319) -> MOAB (47511) CKT 1 at PLEASANT 103.89 ht BF: A1186 Lancaster-Noxon, Boulder-Lancaster MOAB (47511) -> BOULDERE (48522) CKT 1 at MOAB 103.84 ht BUS: Beacon North 230 kV PLEASANT (48319) -> MOAB (47511) CKT 1 at PLEASANT 103.84 ht BF: R427 Beacon North & South 230 kV LANCASTR (40624) -> BELLAN11 (90011) CKT 1 at BELLAN11 103.83 ht N-1: Bell - Coulee #6 500 kV WEST (48463) -> WESTBPA2 (41276) CKT 1 at WESTBPA2 103.79 ht BF: A1558 Bell-Lancaster, Lancaster-Rathdrum MOAB (47511) -> BOULDERE (48522) CKT 1 at MOAB 103.76 ht N-2 (STR): Beacon - Boulder 230 kV & Beacon - Kootenai 230 kV LANCASTR (40624) -> BELLAN11 (90011) CKT 1 at BELLAN11 103.71 ht N-2 (ADJ): Beacon - Francis & Cedar 115kV and Bell - Coulee #6 500kV WEST (48463) -> WESTBPA2 (41276) CKT 1 at WESTBPA2 103.68 ht N-1: Boulder - Lancaster 230 kV RATHDRMW (48355) -> IDAHO_RD (48161) CKT 1 at RATHDRMW 103.58 ht BUS: Post Falls 115 kV IDAHO_RD (48161) -> PLEASANT (48319) CKT 1 at IDAHO_RD 103.25 ht N-1: Otis Orchards - Post Falls 115 kV Open @ PF IDAHO_RD (48161) -> PLEASANT (48319) CKT 1 at IDAHO_RD 103.24 ht N-1: Post Falls - Ramsey 115 kV Open @ PF IDAHO_RD (48161) -> PLEASANT (48319) CKT 1 at IDAHO_RD 103.24 ht PSF: Ramsey 115 kV PLEASANT (48319) -> MOAB (47511) CKT 1 at PLEASANT 102.97 ht BF: A641 Otis Orchards 115 kV, Opportunity-Otis Orchards BOULDERW (48520) -> SPKINDPK (48405) CKT 1 at BOULDERW 102.88 ht BF: R554 Boulder-Lancaster, Boulder #1 230/115 Transformer RATHDRMW (48355) -> IDAHO_RD (48161) CKT 1 at RATHDRMW 102.85 ht N-2 (ADJ): Beacon - Bell #4 230kV and Beacon - Kootenai 230kV PLEASANT (48319) -> MOAB (47511) CKT 1 at PLEASANT 102.8 ht BF: A688 Ninth & Central North & South 115 kV ROSSPARK (48371) -> THIRHACH (48431) CKT 1 at ROSSPARK 102.78 hs N-1: Otis Orchards - Post Falls 115 kV IDAHO_RD (48161) -> PLEASANT (48319) CKT 1 at IDAHO_RD 102.75 ht BF: A324 Post Falls 115 kV, Otis Orchards-Post Falls IDAHO_RD (48161) -> PLEASANT (48319) CKT 1 at IDAHO_RD 102.73 ht BF: 4119 Bell-Taft, Garrison-Taft #1 BOULDERW (48520) -> SPKINDPK (48405) CKT 1 at BOULDERW 102.67 ht BF: AXXX Bell S0 & S1 230 kV BOULDERW (48520) -> SPKINDPK (48405) CKT 1 at BOULDERW 102.6 ht BF: R454 Boulder-Lancaster, Boulder #2 230/115 Transformer RATHDRMW (48355) -> IDAHO_RD (48161) CKT 1 at RATHDRMW 102.43 ht N-1: Bell - Taft 500 kV BOULDERW (48520) -> SPKINDPK (48405) CKT 1 at BOULDERW 102.35 ht N-2 (STR): Bell - Coulee #3 230 kV & Bell - Westside 230 kV BOULDERW (48520) -> SPKINDPK (48405) CKT 1 at BOULDERW 102.21 ht BF: R408 Lancaster-Rathdrum, Rathdrum #2 230/115 Transformer MOAB (47511) -> BOULDERE (48522) CKT 1 at MOAB 102.12 ht BF: A1184 Lancaster-Noxon, Lancaster-Rathdrum RATHDRMW (48355) -> IDAHO_RD (48161) CKT 1 at RATHDRMW 102.05 ht N-1: Otis Orchards - Post Falls 115 kV Open @ OTI IDAHO_RD (48161) -> PLEASANT (48319) CKT 1 at IDAHO_RD 101.94 ht BF: AXXX Irvin - IEP 115 kV, Boulder - Irvin #2 115 kV BOULDERW (48520) -> SPKINDPK (48405) CKT 1 at BOULDERW 101.84 ht N-1: Lancaster - Rathdrum 230 kV PRAIRIEB (40855) -> POST FLS (48329) CKT 1 at PRAIRIEB 101.55 ht N-1: Bell - Westside 230 kV BOULDERW (48520) -> SPKINDPK (48405) CKT 1 at BOULDERW 101.48 ht BF: R427 Beacon North & South 230 kV BELLAN11 (90011) -> BELL S3 (40090) CKT 1 at BELLAN11 101.46 ht PSF: Otis Orchards 115 kV BOULDERW (48520) -> SPKINDPK (48405) CKT 1 at BOULDERW 101.46 hs N-2 (STR): Beacon - Boulder 230 kV & Beacon - Kootenai 230 kV BELLAN11 (90011) -> BELL S3 (40090) CKT 1 at BELLAN11 101.35 ht BF: R476 Benewah-Moscow 230, Benewah 230/115 Transformer BOULDERW (48520) -> SPKINDPK (48405) CKT 1 at BOULDERW 101.1 ht N-2: Ninth & Central - Opportunity 115 kV & Opportunity - Otis Orchards 115 kV BOULDERW (48520) -> SPKINDPK (48405) CKT 1 at BOULDERW 101.09 ht BF: A388 Bell S2 & S3 230 kV BOULDERW (48520) -> SPKINDPK (48405) CKT 1 at BOULDERW 100.95 ht BUS: Boulder West 115 kV BOULDERE (48522) -> IRVIN (48165) CKT 1 at BOULDERE 100.85 hs N-1: Beacon - Kootenai 230 kV MOAB (47511) -> BOULDERE (48522) CKT 1 at MOAB 100.84 ht 2015 Electric IRP Appendix E 925 System Planning Feasibility Study November 25, 2014 Page 36of 41 N-2 (ADJ): Bell - Coulee #6 500kV and Bell - Westside 230kV FRANCEDR (48127) -> NORTHWES (48279) CKT 1 at FRANCEDR 100.81 ht BUS: Beacon North 230 kV MOAB (47511) -> BOULDERE (48522) CKT 1 at MOAB 100.8 ht N-2 (ADJ): Beacon - Kootenai 230kV and Bell - Lancaster 230kV PRAIRIEB (40855) -> POST FLS (48329) CKT 1 at PRAIRIEB 100.74 ht N-2 (STR): Boulder - Lancaster 230 kV & Boulder - Rathdrum 115 kV RAMSEY (48349) -> PRAIRIEB (40855) CKT 1 at RAMSEY 100.74 hs BF: A638 Rathdrum 115 kV, Appleway-Rathdrum RATHDRMW (48355) -> HUETTER (48159) CKT 1 at HUETTER 100.6 hs N-2 (STR): Boulder - Lancaster 230 kV & Boulder - Rathdrum 115 kV PRAIRIEB (40855) -> POST FLS (48329) CKT 1 at PRAIRIEB 100.41 hs N-2 (STR): Beacon - Boulder 230 kV & Beacon - Kootenai 230 kV IRVIN (48165) -> MILLWOOD (48237) CKT 1 at IRVIN 100.4 ht BF: A642 Otis Orchards 115 kV, Otis Orchards-Post Falls IDAHO_RD (48161) -> PLEASANT (48319) CKT 1 at IDAHO_RD 100.37 ht N-2 (ADJ): Bell - Taft 500 kV and Lancaster - Noxon 230 kV BOULDERW (48520) -> SPKINDPK (48405) CKT 1 at BOULDERW 100.31 ht BF: A370 Bell S1 & S2 230 kV BOULDERW (48520) -> SPKINDPK (48405) CKT 1 at BOULDERW 100.16 ht BF: R427 Beacon North & South 230 kV IRVIN (48165) -> MILLWOOD (48237) CKT 1 at IRVIN 100.1 ht 2015 Electric IRP Appendix E 926 System Planning Feasibility Study November 25, 2014 Page 37of 41 Appendix C New facility thermal violations for Rathdrum 200 MW request; 115 kV option Label Element Percent Case N-2 (STR): Kootenai - Rathdrum 230 kV & Lancaster - Rathdrum 230 kV IDAHO_RD (48161) -> PLEASANT (48319) CKT 1 at IDAHO_RD 146.18 hs N-2 (STR): Beacon - Kootenai 230 kV & Boulder - Lancaster 230 kV PLEASANT (48319) -> MOAB (47511) CKT 1 at PLEASANT 134.09 hs N-2 (STR): Kootenai - Rathdrum 230 kV & Lancaster - Rathdrum 230 kV PLEASANT (48319) -> MOAB (47511) CKT 1 at PLEASANT 133.17 hs N-2 (STR): Kootenai - Rathdrum 230 kV & Lancaster - Rathdrum 230 kV EASTFARM (48117) -> OTIS (48311) CKT 1 at EASTFARM 131.81 ht N-2 (STR): Beacon - Kootenai 230 kV & Boulder - Lancaster 230 kV MOAB (47511) -> BOULDERE (48522) CKT 1 at MOAB 130.46 hs N-2 (STR): Kootenai - Rathdrum 230 kV & Lancaster - Rathdrum 230 kV MOAB (47511) -> BOULDERE (48522) CKT 1 at MOAB 129.6 hs N-1: Boulder - Lancaster 230 kV PLEASANT (48319) -> MOAB (47511) CKT 1 at PLEASANT 126.81 ht BF: R554 Boulder-Lancaster, Boulder #1 230/115 Transformer PLEASANT (48319) -> MOAB (47511) CKT 1 at PLEASANT 126 ht BF: R454 Boulder-Lancaster, Boulder #2 230/115 Transformer PLEASANT (48319) -> MOAB (47511) CKT 1 at PLEASANT 125.09 ht N-1: Boulder - Lancaster 230 kV MOAB (47511) -> BOULDERE (48522) CKT 1 at MOAB 123.81 ht BF: A1184 Lancaster-Noxon, Lancaster-Rathdrum IDAHO_RD (48161) -> PLEASANT (48319) CKT 1 at IDAHO_RD 123.54 ht BF: R408 Lancaster-Rathdrum, Rathdrum #2 230/115 Transformer IDAHO_RD (48161) -> PLEASANT (48319) CKT 1 at IDAHO_RD 123.32 ht PSF: Ramsey 115 kV IDAHO_RD (48161) -> PLEASANT (48319) CKT 1 at IDAHO_RD 123.28 ht BF: R400 Kootenai-Rathdrum, Rathdrum #2 230/115 Transformer IDAHO_RD (48161) -> PLEASANT (48319) CKT 1 at IDAHO_RD 123.14 ht BF: R554 Boulder-Lancaster, Boulder #1 230/115 Transformer MOAB (47511) -> BOULDERE (48522) CKT 1 at MOAB 123.03 ht BF: R454 Boulder-Lancaster, Boulder #2 230/115 Transformer MOAB (47511) -> BOULDERE (48522) CKT 1 at MOAB 122.08 ht BF: R508 Lancaster-Rathdrum, Rathdrum #1 230/115 Transformer IDAHO_RD (48161) -> PLEASANT (48319) CKT 1 at IDAHO_RD 121.53 ht BF: R500 Kootenai-Rathdrum, Rathdrum #1 230/115 Transformer IDAHO_RD (48161) -> PLEASANT (48319) CKT 1 at IDAHO_RD 120.97 ht N-2 (STR): Beacon - Kootenai 230 kV & Boulder - Lancaster 230 kV RATHDRMW (48355) -> IDAHO_RD (48161) CKT 1 at RATHDRMW 120.23 hs BF: A667 Ramsey 115 kV, Appleway-Ramsey IDAHO_RD (48161) -> PLEASANT (48319) CKT 1 at IDAHO_RD 120.22 ht BF: A668 Ramsey 115 kV, Ramsey-Rathdrum #1 IDAHO_RD (48161) -> PLEASANT (48319) CKT 1 at IDAHO_RD 120.16 ht BF: A1186 Lancaster-Noxon, Boulder-Lancaster IDAHO_RD (48161) -> PLEASANT (48319) CKT 1 at IDAHO_RD 119.38 ht BUS: Ramsey 115 kV IDAHO_RD (48161) -> PLEASANT (48319) CKT 1 at IDAHO_RD 119.31 ht N-1: Post Falls - Ramsey 115 kV Open @ RAM IDAHO_RD (48161) -> PLEASANT (48319) CKT 1 at IDAHO_RD 119.29 ht N-2 (STR): Kootenai - Rathdrum 230 kV & Lancaster - Rathdrum 230 kV RATHDRMW (48355) -> IDAHO_RD (48161) CKT 1 at RATHDRMW 119.22 hs N-2 (STR): Post Falls - Ramsey 115 kV & Ramsey - Rathdrum #1 115 kV IDAHO_RD (48161) -> PLEASANT (48319) CKT 1 at IDAHO_RD 119 ht BF: A1561 Boulder-Lancaster, Lancaster Generator #1 & #2 IDAHO_RD (48161) -> PLEASANT (48319) CKT 1 at IDAHO_RD 118.79 ht N-2 (ADJ): Beacon - Kootenai 230kV and Bell - Lancaster 230kV IDAHO_RD (48161) -> PLEASANT (48319) CKT 1 at IDAHO_RD 118.16 ht BF: A669 Ramsey 115 kV, Post Falls-Ramsey IDAHO_RD (48161) -> PLEASANT (48319) CKT 1 at IDAHO_RD 118 ht N-1: Lancaster - Rathdrum 230 kV IDAHO_RD (48161) -> PLEASANT (48319) CKT 1 at IDAHO_RD 117.96 ht N-1: Post Falls - Ramsey 115 kV IDAHO_RD (48161) -> PLEASANT (48319) CKT 1 at IDAHO_RD 117.96 ht BF: A211 Post Falls 115 kV, Post Falls-Ramsey IDAHO_RD (48161) -> PLEASANT (48319) CKT 1 at IDAHO_RD 117.78 ht PSF: Post Falls 115 kV IDAHO_RD (48161) -> PLEASANT (48319) CKT 1 at IDAHO_RD 117.28 ht N-2 (STR): Beacon - Kootenai 230 kV & Boulder - Lancaster 230 kV POST FLS (48329) -> EASTFARM (48117) CKT 1 at POST FLS 117 ht BUS: Beacon North 230 kV IDAHO_RD (48161) -> PLEASANT (48319) CKT 1 at IDAHO_RD 116.72 ht N-1: Beacon - Kootenai 230 kV IDAHO_RD (48161) -> PLEASANT (48319) CKT 1 at IDAHO_RD 116.6 ht N-1: Kootenai - Rathdrum 230 kV IDAHO_RD (48161) -> PLEASANT (48319) CKT 1 at IDAHO_RD 116.58 ht N-1: Post Falls - Ramsey 115 kV Open @ PF IDAHO_RD (48161) -> PLEASANT (48319) CKT 1 at IDAHO_RD 115.87 ht BF: A1184 Lancaster-Noxon, Lancaster-Rathdrum PLEASANT (48319) -> MOAB (47511) CKT 1 at PLEASANT 115.86 ht PSF: Ramsey 115 kV PLEASANT (48319) -> MOAB (47511) CKT 1 at PLEASANT 115.76 ht BF: R554 Boulder-Lancaster, Boulder #1 230/115 Transformer IDAHO_RD (48161) -> PLEASANT (48319) CKT 1 at IDAHO_RD 115.76 hs BF: R454 Boulder-Lancaster, Boulder #2 230/115 Transformer IDAHO_RD (48161) -> PLEASANT (48319) CKT 1 at IDAHO_RD 115.73 hs N-2 (ADJ): Beacon - Bell #4 230kV and Beacon - Kootenai 230kV IDAHO_RD (48161) -> PLEASANT (48319) CKT 1 at IDAHO_RD 115.72 ht BUS: Post Falls 115 kV IDAHO_RD (48161) -> PLEASANT (48319) CKT 1 at IDAHO_RD 115.69 ht BF: R408 Lancaster-Rathdrum, Rathdrum #2 230/115 Transformer PLEASANT (48319) -> MOAB (47511) CKT 1 at PLEASANT 115.45 ht N-1: Otis Orchards - Post Falls 115 kV Open @ PF IDAHO_RD (48161) -> PLEASANT (48319) CKT 1 at IDAHO_RD 115.43 ht BF: R400 Kootenai-Rathdrum, Rathdrum #2 230/115 Transformer PLEASANT (48319) -> MOAB (47511) CKT 1 at PLEASANT 115.29 ht BF: A324 Post Falls 115 kV, Otis Orchards-Post Falls IDAHO_RD (48161) -> PLEASANT (48319) CKT 1 at IDAHO_RD 115.2 ht N-1: Otis Orchards - Post Falls 115 kV IDAHO_RD (48161) -> PLEASANT (48319) CKT 1 at IDAHO_RD 114.95 ht N-1: Boulder - Lancaster 230 kV IDAHO_RD (48161) -> PLEASANT (48319) CKT 1 at IDAHO_RD 114.52 hs BF: A717 Boulder East & West 115 kV PRAIRIEB (40855) -> POST FLS (48329) CKT 1 at PRAIRIEB 114.42 ht N-1: Otis Orchards - Post Falls 115 kV Open @ OTI IDAHO_RD (48161) -> PLEASANT (48319) CKT 1 at IDAHO_RD 114.15 ht BF: R508 Lancaster-Rathdrum, Rathdrum #1 230/115 Transformer PLEASANT (48319) -> MOAB (47511) CKT 1 at PLEASANT 113.66 ht N-2 (STR and ADJ): Beacon - Boulder 230 kV & Beacon - Boulder #2 115 kV BOULDERW (48520) -> SPKINDPK (48405) CKT 1 at BOULDERW 113.38 hs BF: R500 Kootenai-Rathdrum, Rathdrum #1 230/115 Transformer PLEASANT (48319) -> MOAB (47511) CKT 1 at PLEASANT 113.13 ht N-1: Boulder - Lancaster 230 kV PRAIRIEB (40855) -> POST FLS (48329) CKT 1 at PRAIRIEB 113.12 ht BF: R427 Beacon North & South 230 kV IDAHO_RD (48161) -> PLEASANT (48319) CKT 1 at IDAHO_RD 112.91 ht BF: A1184 Lancaster-Noxon, Lancaster-Rathdrum MOAB (47511) -> BOULDERE (48522) CKT 1 at MOAB 112.87 ht PSF: Ramsey 115 kV MOAB (47511) -> BOULDERE (48522) CKT 1 at MOAB 112.81 ht N-2 (STR): Beacon - Kootenai 230 kV & Boulder - Lancaster 230 kV LANCASTR (40624) -> BELLAN11 (90011) CKT 1 at BELLAN11 112.74 ht BF: A667 Ramsey 115 kV, Appleway-Ramsey PLEASANT (48319) -> MOAB (47511) CKT 1 at PLEASANT 112.71 ht BF: A668 Ramsey 115 kV, Ramsey-Rathdrum #1 PLEASANT (48319) -> MOAB (47511) CKT 1 at PLEASANT 112.64 ht 2015 Electric IRP Appendix E 927 System Planning Feasibility Study November 25, 2014 Page 38of 41 N-2 (STR): Beacon - Boulder 230 kV & Beacon - Kootenai 230 kV IDAHO_RD (48161) -> PLEASANT (48319) CKT 1 at IDAHO_RD 112.58 ht N-2 (STR): Beacon - Kootenai 230 kV & Boulder - Lancaster 230 kV EASTFARM (48117) -> OTIS (48311) CKT 1 at EASTFARM 112.57 ht BF: R408 Lancaster-Rathdrum, Rathdrum #2 230/115 Transformer MOAB (47511) -> BOULDERE (48522) CKT 1 at MOAB 112.41 ht BF: A642 Otis Orchards 115 kV, Otis Orchards-Post Falls IDAHO_RD (48161) -> PLEASANT (48319) CKT 1 at IDAHO_RD 112.4 ht BF: R400 Kootenai-Rathdrum, Rathdrum #2 230/115 Transformer MOAB (47511) -> BOULDERE (48522) CKT 1 at MOAB 112.26 ht BF: R554 Boulder-Lancaster, Boulder #1 230/115 Transformer PRAIRIEB (40855) -> POST FLS (48329) CKT 1 at PRAIRIEB 112.15 ht BUS: Ramsey 115 kV PLEASANT (48319) -> MOAB (47511) CKT 1 at PLEASANT 111.8 ht BF: A1186 Lancaster-Noxon, Boulder-Lancaster PLEASANT (48319) -> MOAB (47511) CKT 1 at PLEASANT 111.8 ht N-1: Post Falls - Ramsey 115 kV Open @ RAM PLEASANT (48319) -> MOAB (47511) CKT 1 at PLEASANT 111.72 ht BF: R454 Boulder-Lancaster, Boulder #2 230/115 Transformer PRAIRIEB (40855) -> POST FLS (48329) CKT 1 at PRAIRIEB 111.72 ht BUS: Otis Orchards 115 kV IDAHO_RD (48161) -> PLEASANT (48319) CKT 1 at IDAHO_RD 111.59 ht N-2: Beacon - Boulder 230 kV & Boulder - Irvin #2 115 kV BOULDERW (48520) -> SPKINDPK (48405) CKT 1 at BOULDERW 111.53 hs N-2 (STR): Post Falls - Ramsey 115 kV & Ramsey - Rathdrum #1 115 kV PLEASANT (48319) -> MOAB (47511) CKT 1 at PLEASANT 111.45 ht BF: A1558 Bell-Lancaster, Lancaster-Rathdrum IDAHO_RD (48161) -> PLEASANT (48319) CKT 1 at IDAHO_RD 111.34 ht BUS: Beacon South 230 kV BOULDERW (48520) -> SPKINDPK (48405) CKT 1 at BOULDERW 111.31 ht BF: A1561 Boulder-Lancaster, Lancaster Generator #1 & #2 PLEASANT (48319) -> MOAB (47511) CKT 1 at PLEASANT 111.2 ht N-2 (STR): Boulder - Lancaster 230 kV & Boulder - Rathdrum 115 kV POST FLS (48329) -> EASTFARM (48117) CKT 1 at POST FLS 110.91 ht BF: A641 Otis Orchards 115 kV, Opportunity-Otis Orchards IDAHO_RD (48161) -> PLEASANT (48319) CKT 1 at IDAHO_RD 110.82 ht BF: A645 Otis Orchards 115 kV, Boulder-Otis Orchards IDAHO_RD (48161) -> PLEASANT (48319) CKT 1 at IDAHO_RD 110.72 ht PSF: Otis Orchards 115 kV IDAHO_RD (48161) -> PLEASANT (48319) CKT 1 at IDAHO_RD 110.71 ht BF: R508 Lancaster-Rathdrum, Rathdrum #1 230/115 Transformer MOAB (47511) -> BOULDERE (48522) CKT 1 at MOAB 110.63 ht N-2 (ADJ): Beacon - Kootenai 230kV and Bell - Lancaster 230kV PLEASANT (48319) -> MOAB (47511) CKT 1 at PLEASANT 110.55 ht BF: A669 Ramsey 115 kV, Post Falls-Ramsey PLEASANT (48319) -> MOAB (47511) CKT 1 at PLEASANT 110.51 ht N-1: Post Falls - Ramsey 115 kV PLEASANT (48319) -> MOAB (47511) CKT 1 at PLEASANT 110.4 ht N-2 (ADJ): Beacon - Boulder 230kV and Beacon - Boulder #1 115kV BOULDERE (48522) -> IRVIN (48165) CKT 1 at BOULDERE 110.25 ht BF: A211 Post Falls 115 kV, Post Falls-Ramsey PLEASANT (48319) -> MOAB (47511) CKT 1 at PLEASANT 110.24 ht N-1: Lancaster - Rathdrum 230 kV PLEASANT (48319) -> MOAB (47511) CKT 1 at PLEASANT 110.18 ht N-2 (STR): Beacon - Kootenai 230 kV & Boulder - Lancaster 230 kV BELLAN11 (90011) -> BELL S3 (40090) CKT 1 at BELLAN11 110.16 ht BF: R500 Kootenai-Rathdrum, Rathdrum #1 230/115 Transformer MOAB (47511) -> BOULDERE (48522) CKT 1 at MOAB 110.1 ht BF: A506 Rathdrum 115 kV, Pine Street-Rathdrum RATHDRMW (48355) -> HUETTER (48159) CKT 1 at HUETTER 110.08 hs BF: R427 Beacon North & South 230 kV SPKINDPK (48405) -> IRVIN (48165) CKT 1 at IRVIN 110.04 hs BUS: Rathdrum East 115 kV RATHDRMW (48355) -> HUETTER (48159) CKT 1 at HUETTER 109.93 hs N-2 (ADJ): Beacon - Boulder #2 115 kV and Beacon - Ninth & Central #2 115 kV BOULDERW (48520) -> SPKINDPK (48405) CKT 1 at BOULDERW 109.81 hs PSF: Post Falls 115 kV PLEASANT (48319) -> MOAB (47511) CKT 1 at PLEASANT 109.75 ht BF: A667 Ramsey 115 kV, Appleway-Ramsey MOAB (47511) -> BOULDERE (48522) CKT 1 at MOAB 109.75 ht BF: A668 Ramsey 115 kV, Ramsey-Rathdrum #1 MOAB (47511) -> BOULDERE (48522) CKT 1 at MOAB 109.69 ht N-1: Opportunity - Otis Orchards 115 kV Open @ OTI BOULDERW (48520) -> SPKINDPK (48405) CKT 1 at BOULDERW 109.12 ht BUS: Beacon North 230 kV PLEASANT (48319) -> MOAB (47511) CKT 1 at PLEASANT 109.03 ht N-1: Beacon - Boulder 230 kV BOULDERW (48520) -> SPKINDPK (48405) CKT 1 at BOULDERW 108.94 ht N-1: Beacon - Kootenai 230 kV PLEASANT (48319) -> MOAB (47511) CKT 1 at PLEASANT 108.9 ht N-1: Kootenai - Rathdrum 230 kV PLEASANT (48319) -> MOAB (47511) CKT 1 at PLEASANT 108.89 ht N-1: Rathdrum #2 230/115 kV IDAHO_RD (48161) -> PLEASANT (48319) CKT 1 at IDAHO_RD 108.88 ht BUS: Ramsey 115 kV MOAB (47511) -> BOULDERE (48522) CKT 1 at MOAB 108.85 ht N-1: Benewah - Pine Creek 230 kV IDAHO_RD (48161) -> PLEASANT (48319) CKT 1 at IDAHO_RD 108.83 ht N-2 (STR): Beacon - Kootenai 230 kV & Boulder - Lancaster 230 kV PRAIRIEB (40855) -> POST FLS (48329) CKT 1 at PRAIRIEB 108.83 hs BF: A1186 Lancaster-Noxon, Boulder-Lancaster MOAB (47511) -> BOULDERE (48522) CKT 1 at MOAB 108.83 ht N-1: Post Falls - Ramsey 115 kV Open @ RAM MOAB (47511) -> BOULDERE (48522) CKT 1 at MOAB 108.75 ht N-2 (STR): Post Falls - Ramsey 115 kV & Ramsey - Rathdrum #1 115 kV MOAB (47511) -> BOULDERE (48522) CKT 1 at MOAB 108.49 ht BF: R474 Benewah-Pine Creek, Benewah 230/115 Transformer IDAHO_RD (48161) -> PLEASANT (48319) CKT 1 at IDAHO_RD 108.43 ht N-1: Post Falls - Ramsey 115 kV Open @ PF PLEASANT (48319) -> MOAB (47511) CKT 1 at PLEASANT 108.33 ht BF: A1561 Boulder-Lancaster, Lancaster Generator #1 & #2 MOAB (47511) -> BOULDERE (48522) CKT 1 at MOAB 108.23 ht PSF: Ramsey 115 kV IDAHO_RD (48161) -> PLEASANT (48319) CKT 1 at IDAHO_RD 108.2 hs BUS: Post Falls 115 kV PLEASANT (48319) -> MOAB (47511) CKT 1 at PLEASANT 108.17 ht N-2 (ADJ): Beacon - Bell #4 230kV and Beacon - Kootenai 230kV PLEASANT (48319) -> MOAB (47511) CKT 1 at PLEASANT 108.03 ht N-1: Otis Orchards - Post Falls 115 kV Open @ PF PLEASANT (48319) -> MOAB (47511) CKT 1 at PLEASANT 107.93 ht N-2 (ADJ): Bell - Taft 500 kV and Bell - Lancaster 230 kV BOULDERW (48520) -> SPKINDPK (48405) CKT 1 at BOULDERW 107.77 ht N-2 (STR): Beacon - Kootenai 230 kV & Boulder - Lancaster 230 kV RAMSEY (48349) -> PRAIRIEB (40855) CKT 1 at RAMSEY 107.77 hs N-2 (STR): Boulder - Lancaster 230 kV & Boulder - Rathdrum 115 kV PRAIRIEB (40855) -> POST FLS (48329) CKT 1 at PRAIRIEB 107.76 hs BF: A324 Post Falls 115 kV, Otis Orchards-Post Falls PLEASANT (48319) -> MOAB (47511) CKT 1 at PLEASANT 107.68 ht N-2 (STR): Kootenai - Rathdrum 230 kV & Lancaster - Rathdrum 230 kV PRAIRIEB (40855) -> POST FLS (48329) CKT 1 at PRAIRIEB 107.63 hs N-2 (ADJ): Beacon - Kootenai 230kV and Bell - Lancaster 230kV MOAB (47511) -> BOULDERE (48522) CKT 1 at MOAB 107.58 ht BF: A669 Ramsey 115 kV, Post Falls-Ramsey MOAB (47511) -> BOULDERE (48522) CKT 1 at MOAB 107.57 ht BF: A720 Boulder East 115 kV, Boulder-Rathdrum PRAIRIEB (40855) -> POST FLS (48329) CKT 1 at PRAIRIEB 107.54 ht PSF: Boulder East 115 kV PRAIRIEB (40855) -> POST FLS (48329) CKT 1 at PRAIRIEB 107.54 ht N-1: Otis Orchards - Post Falls 115 kV PLEASANT (48319) -> MOAB (47511) CKT 1 at PLEASANT 107.45 ht N-1: Post Falls - Ramsey 115 kV MOAB (47511) -> BOULDERE (48522) CKT 1 at MOAB 107.44 ht BF: A211 Post Falls 115 kV, Post Falls-Ramsey MOAB (47511) -> BOULDERE (48522) CKT 1 at MOAB 107.28 ht BF: A600 Beacon North & South 115 kV OPPORTUN (48299) -> CHESTER (48069) CKT 1 at CHESTER 107.21 hs 2015 Electric IRP Appendix E 928 System Planning Feasibility Study November 25, 2014 Page 39of 41 N-1: Lancaster - Rathdrum 230 kV MOAB (47511) -> BOULDERE (48522) CKT 1 at MOAB 107.17 ht N-1: Boulder - Lancaster 230 kV RATHDRMW (48355) -> IDAHO_RD (48161) CKT 1 at RATHDRMW 107.16 ht PSF: Post Falls 115 kV MOAB (47511) -> BOULDERE (48522) CKT 1 at MOAB 106.79 ht N-1: Otis Orchards - Post Falls 115 kV Open @ OTI PLEASANT (48319) -> MOAB (47511) CKT 1 at PLEASANT 106.67 ht N-2 (STR): Boulder - Lancaster 230 kV & Boulder - Rathdrum 115 kV EASTFARM (48117) -> OTIS (48311) CKT 1 at EASTFARM 106.64 ht N-1: Opportunity - Otis Orchards 115 kV BOULDERW (48520) -> SPKINDPK (48405) CKT 1 at BOULDERW 106.61 ht BUS: Beacon North 230 kV BOULDERW (48520) -> SPKINDPK (48405) CKT 1 at BOULDERW 106.6 ht N-2 (ADJ): Beacon - Kootenai 230kV and Bell - Lancaster 230kV BOULDERW (48520) -> SPKINDPK (48405) CKT 1 at BOULDERW 106.54 ht N-1: 3TM Bell - Boundary #1 230 kV Open @ BELL IDAHO_RD (48161) -> PLEASANT (48319) CKT 1 at IDAHO_RD 106.48 ht N-2 (STR): Kootenai - Rathdrum 230 kV & Lancaster - Rathdrum 230 kV RAMSEY (48349) -> PRAIRIEB (40855) CKT 1 at RAMSEY 106.46 hs BF: R554 Boulder-Lancaster, Boulder #1 230/115 Transformer RATHDRMW (48355) -> IDAHO_RD (48161) CKT 1 at RATHDRMW 106.43 ht N-2 (STR): Hot Springs - Noxon #1 230 kV & Hot Springs - Noxon #2 230 kV IDAHO_RD (48161) -> PLEASANT (48319) CKT 1 at IDAHO_RD 106.29 ht N-2 (STR): Boulder - Lancaster 230 kV & Boulder - Rathdrum 115 kV RAMSEY (48349) -> PRAIRIEB (40855) CKT 1 at RAMSEY 106.26 hs BUS: Beacon North 230 kV MOAB (47511) -> BOULDERE (48522) CKT 1 at MOAB 106.03 ht N-1: Beacon - Kootenai 230 kV MOAB (47511) -> BOULDERE (48522) CKT 1 at MOAB 105.9 ht N-1: Kootenai - Rathdrum 230 kV MOAB (47511) -> BOULDERE (48522) CKT 1 at MOAB 105.89 ht BF: R454 Boulder-Lancaster, Boulder #2 230/115 Transformer RATHDRMW (48355) -> IDAHO_RD (48161) CKT 1 at RATHDRMW 105.88 ht BF: A638 Rathdrum 115 kV, Appleway-Rathdrum RATHDRMW (48355) -> HUETTER (48159) CKT 1 at HUETTER 105.83 hs N-2 (ADJ): Kootenai - Rathdrum 230kV and Lancaster - Noxon 230kV IDAHO_RD (48161) -> PLEASANT (48319) CKT 1 at IDAHO_RD 105.66 ht BUS: Boulder East 115 kV PRAIRIEB (40855) -> POST FLS (48329) CKT 1 at PRAIRIEB 105.59 ht BF: AXXX Bell S0 & S1 230 kV IDAHO_RD (48161) -> PLEASANT (48319) CKT 1 at IDAHO_RD 105.46 ht N-1: Post Falls - Ramsey 115 kV Open @ PF MOAB (47511) -> BOULDERE (48522) CKT 1 at MOAB 105.37 ht BUS: Pine Creek 230 kV IDAHO_RD (48161) -> PLEASANT (48319) CKT 1 at IDAHO_RD 105.34 ht BF: A645 Otis Orchards 115 kV, Boulder-Otis Orchards BOULDERW (48520) -> SPKINDPK (48405) CKT 1 at BOULDERW 105.27 hs N-1: Rathdrum #1 230/115 kV IDAHO_RD (48161) -> PLEASANT (48319) CKT 1 at IDAHO_RD 105.26 ht BF: R427 Beacon North & South 230 kV PLEASANT (48319) -> MOAB (47511) CKT 1 at PLEASANT 105.26 ht BUS: Post Falls 115 kV MOAB (47511) -> BOULDERE (48522) CKT 1 at MOAB 105.22 ht N-2 (STR): Beacon - Boulder 230 kV & Beacon - Kootenai 230 kV BOULDERW (48520) -> SPKINDPK (48405) CKT 1 at BOULDERW 105.12 hs N-1: Opportunity - Otis Orchards 115 kV Open @ OTI BOULDERW (48520) -> SPKINDPK (48405) CKT 1 at BOULDERW 105.08 hs N-2 (ADJ): Beacon - Bell #4 230kV and Beacon - Kootenai 230kV MOAB (47511) -> BOULDERE (48522) CKT 1 at MOAB 105.03 ht N-1: Otis Orchards - Post Falls 115 kV Open @ PF MOAB (47511) -> BOULDERE (48522) CKT 1 at MOAB 104.99 ht N-2 (STR): Beacon - Boulder 230 kV & Beacon - Kootenai 230 kV PLEASANT (48319) -> MOAB (47511) CKT 1 at PLEASANT 104.94 ht N-1: Boulder - Irvin #2 115 kV BOULDERW (48520) -> SPKINDPK (48405) CKT 1 at BOULDERW 104.82 hs BF: A324 Post Falls 115 kV, Otis Orchards-Post Falls MOAB (47511) -> BOULDERE (48522) CKT 1 at MOAB 104.74 ht BF: A642 Otis Orchards 115 kV, Otis Orchards-Post Falls PLEASANT (48319) -> MOAB (47511) CKT 1 at PLEASANT 104.71 ht BF: A370 Bell S1 & S2 230 kV IDAHO_RD (48161) -> PLEASANT (48319) CKT 1 at IDAHO_RD 104.58 ht N-1: Otis Orchards - Post Falls 115 kV MOAB (47511) -> BOULDERE (48522) CKT 1 at MOAB 104.51 ht N-2: Beacon - Boulder 230 kV & Beacon - Irvin #1 115 kV BOULDERW (48520) -> SPKINDPK (48405) CKT 1 at BOULDERW 104.44 ht BF: R400 Kootenai-Rathdrum, Rathdrum #2 230/115 Transformer PRAIRIEB (40855) -> POST FLS (48329) CKT 1 at PRAIRIEB 104.43 ht N-1: Opportunity - Otis Orchards 115 kV Open @ OPT BOULDERW (48520) -> SPKINDPK (48405) CKT 1 at BOULDERW 104.38 ht BF: A1184 Lancaster-Noxon, Lancaster-Rathdrum PRAIRIEB (40855) -> POST FLS (48329) CKT 1 at PRAIRIEB 104.27 ht N-2 (ADJ): Bell - Taft 500 kV and Bell - Lancaster 230 kV IDAHO_RD (48161) -> PLEASANT (48319) CKT 1 at IDAHO_RD 104.17 ht BUS: Otis Orchards 115 kV PLEASANT (48319) -> MOAB (47511) CKT 1 at PLEASANT 103.91 ht BF: R408 Lancaster-Rathdrum, Rathdrum #2 230/115 Transformer PRAIRIEB (40855) -> POST FLS (48329) CKT 1 at PRAIRIEB 103.84 ht N-1: Otis Orchards - Post Falls 115 kV Open @ OTI MOAB (47511) -> BOULDERE (48522) CKT 1 at MOAB 103.73 ht BF: A1558 Bell-Lancaster, Lancaster-Rathdrum PLEASANT (48319) -> MOAB (47511) CKT 1 at PLEASANT 103.71 ht BF: A645 Otis Orchards 115 kV, Boulder-Otis Orchards BOULDERW (48520) -> SPKINDPK (48405) CKT 1 at BOULDERW 103.67 ht BUS: Bell S2 230 kV IDAHO_RD (48161) -> PLEASANT (48319) CKT 1 at IDAHO_RD 103.53 ht N-2 (STR): Boulder - Boulder Park 115 kV & Boulder - Rathdrum 115 kV (8) PRAIRIEB (40855) -> POST FLS (48329) CKT 1 at PRAIRIEB 103.48 ht BF: R400 Kootenai-Rathdrum, Rathdrum #2 230/115 Transformer BOULDERW (48520) -> SPKINDPK (48405) CKT 1 at BOULDERW 103.45 ht BF: A668 Ramsey 115 kV, Ramsey-Rathdrum #1 IDAHO_RD (48161) -> PLEASANT (48319) CKT 1 at IDAHO_RD 103.14 hs BF: A641 Otis Orchards 115 kV, Opportunity-Otis Orchards PLEASANT (48319) -> MOAB (47511) CKT 1 at PLEASANT 103.14 ht BF: R500 Kootenai-Rathdrum, Rathdrum #1 230/115 Transformer BOULDERW (48520) -> SPKINDPK (48405) CKT 1 at BOULDERW 103.09 ht BF: A645 Otis Orchards 115 kV, Boulder-Otis Orchards PLEASANT (48319) -> MOAB (47511) CKT 1 at PLEASANT 103.04 ht PSF: Otis Orchards 115 kV PLEASANT (48319) -> MOAB (47511) CKT 1 at PLEASANT 103.04 ht BF: 4122 Bell-Taft, Hot Springs-Taft IDAHO_RD (48161) -> PLEASANT (48319) CKT 1 at IDAHO_RD 102.97 ht BF: A642 Otis Orchards 115 kV, Otis Orchards-Post Falls BOULDERW (48520) -> SPKINDPK (48405) CKT 1 at BOULDERW 102.88 hs BF: R452 Beacon-Boulder, Boulder #2 230/115 Transformer BOULDERW (48520) -> SPKINDPK (48405) CKT 1 at BOULDERW 102.76 ht N-1: Boulder - Rathdrum 115 kV Open @ RAT PRAIRIEB (40855) -> POST FLS (48329) CKT 1 at PRAIRIEB 102.7 ht N-1: Bell - Usk 230 kV IDAHO_RD (48161) -> PLEASANT (48319) CKT 1 at IDAHO_RD 102.69 ht BF: R554 Boulder-Lancaster, Boulder #1 230/115 Transformer PLEASANT (48319) -> MOAB (47511) CKT 1 at PLEASANT 102.68 hs BF: R454 Boulder-Lancaster, Boulder #2 230/115 Transformer PLEASANT (48319) -> MOAB (47511) CKT 1 at PLEASANT 102.65 hs BF: R500 Kootenai-Rathdrum, Rathdrum #1 230/115 Transformer PRAIRIEB (40855) -> POST FLS (48329) CKT 1 at PRAIRIEB 102.49 ht BF: A374 Bell S1 230 kV, Bell-Boundary #1 IDAHO_RD (48161) -> PLEASANT (48319) CKT 1 at IDAHO_RD 102.44 ht BF: R427 Beacon North & South 230 kV IDAHO_RD (48161) -> PLEASANT (48319) CKT 1 at IDAHO_RD 102.41 hs BUS: Bell S1 230 kV IDAHO_RD (48161) -> PLEASANT (48319) CKT 1 at IDAHO_RD 102.41 ht N-1: 3TM Bell - Boundary #1 230 kV IDAHO_RD (48161) -> PLEASANT (48319) CKT 1 at IDAHO_RD 102.41 ht BUS: Otis Orchards 115 kV BOULDERW (48520) -> SPKINDPK (48405) CKT 1 at BOULDERW 102.4 hs 2015 Electric IRP Appendix E 929 System Planning Feasibility Study November 25, 2014 Page 40of 41 BF: A642 Otis Orchards 115 kV, Otis Orchards-Post Falls BOULDERW (48520) -> SPKINDPK (48405) CKT 1 at BOULDERW 102.35 ht BF: R427 Beacon North & South 230 kV MOAB (47511) -> BOULDERE (48522) CKT 1 at MOAB 102.28 ht BF: R508 Lancaster-Rathdrum, Rathdrum #1 230/115 Transformer PRAIRIEB (40855) -> POST FLS (48329) CKT 1 at PRAIRIEB 102.24 ht N-2 (ADJ): Beacon - Bell #4 230kV and Beacon - Kootenai 230kV BOULDERW (48520) -> SPKINDPK (48405) CKT 1 at BOULDERW 102.23 ht N-1: Beacon - Kootenai 230 kV BOULDERW (48520) -> SPKINDPK (48405) CKT 1 at BOULDERW 102.22 ht BF: 4148 Garrison-Taft #2, Hot Springs-Taft IDAHO_RD (48161) -> PLEASANT (48319) CKT 1 at IDAHO_RD 102.19 ht N-1: Kootenai - Rathdrum 230 kV BOULDERW (48520) -> SPKINDPK (48405) CKT 1 at BOULDERW 102.19 ht BF: 4122 Bell-Taft, Hot Springs-Taft BOULDERW (48520) -> SPKINDPK (48405) CKT 1 at BOULDERW 102.19 ht BF: A1186 Lancaster-Noxon, Boulder-Lancaster IDAHO_RD (48161) -> PLEASANT (48319) CKT 1 at IDAHO_RD 102.14 hs BF: A667 Ramsey 115 kV, Appleway-Ramsey IDAHO_RD (48161) -> PLEASANT (48319) CKT 1 at IDAHO_RD 102.07 hs BUS: Otis Orchards 115 kV BOULDERW (48520) -> SPKINDPK (48405) CKT 1 at BOULDERW 102.07 ht N-2 (STR): Bell - Coulee #3 230 kV & Bell - Westside 230 kV IDAHO_RD (48161) -> PLEASANT (48319) CKT 1 at IDAHO_RD 101.97 ht N-2 (STR): Beacon - Boulder 230 kV & Beacon - Kootenai 230 kV MOAB (47511) -> BOULDERE (48522) CKT 1 at MOAB 101.95 ht BF: R552 Beacon-Boulder, Boulder #1 230/115 Transformer BOULDERW (48520) -> SPKINDPK (48405) CKT 1 at BOULDERW 101.9 ht N-1: Ramsey - Rathdrum #1 115 kV IDAHO_RD (48161) -> PLEASANT (48319) CKT 1 at IDAHO_RD 101.9 ht BF: A958 Bell-Usk, Usk 230/115 kV Transformer IDAHO_RD (48161) -> PLEASANT (48319) CKT 1 at IDAHO_RD 101.89 ht BUS: Beacon North 230 kV BOULDERW (48520) -> SPKINDPK (48405) CKT 1 at BOULDERW 101.86 hs BF: A953 Boundery-Usk, Usk 230/115 kV Transformer IDAHO_RD (48161) -> PLEASANT (48319) CKT 1 at IDAHO_RD 101.84 ht N-1: Boulder #1 230/115 kV IDAHO_RD (48161) -> PLEASANT (48319) CKT 1 at IDAHO_RD 101.83 ht BF: A642 Otis Orchards 115 kV, Otis Orchards-Post Falls MOAB (47511) -> BOULDERE (48522) CKT 1 at MOAB 101.7 ht N-1: Bell - Westside 230 kV IDAHO_RD (48161) -> PLEASANT (48319) CKT 1 at IDAHO_RD 101.62 ht N-1: Ramsey - Rathdrum #1 115 kV Open @ RAT IDAHO_RD (48161) -> PLEASANT (48319) CKT 1 at IDAHO_RD 101.55 ht PSF: Otis Orchards 115 kV BOULDERW (48520) -> SPKINDPK (48405) CKT 1 at BOULDERW 101.54 ht N-1: Boulder - Lancaster 230 kV PLEASANT (48319) -> MOAB (47511) CKT 1 at PLEASANT 101.52 hs N-1: Boulder - Rathdrum 115 kV PRAIRIEB (40855) -> POST FLS (48329) CKT 1 at PRAIRIEB 101.41 ht N-2 (ADJ): Bell - Boundary #1 230 kV and Bell - Boundary #3 230 kV IDAHO_RD (48161) -> PLEASANT (48319) CKT 1 at IDAHO_RD 101.34 ht N-1: Benewah - Pine Creek 230 kV PLEASANT (48319) -> MOAB (47511) CKT 1 at PLEASANT 101.32 ht BUS: Ramsey 115 kV IDAHO_RD (48161) -> PLEASANT (48319) CKT 1 at IDAHO_RD 101.28 hs N-1: Coeur d'Alene 15th St - Rathdrum 115 kV IDAHO_RD (48161) -> PLEASANT (48319) CKT 1 at IDAHO_RD 101.22 ht N-1: Ramsey - Rathdrum #1 115 kV Open @ RAM IDAHO_RD (48161) -> PLEASANT (48319) CKT 1 at IDAHO_RD 101.17 ht N-1: Rathdrum #2 230/115 kV PLEASANT (48319) -> MOAB (47511) CKT 1 at PLEASANT 101.1 ht BF: A717 Boulder East & West 115 kV RAMSEY (48349) -> PRAIRIEB (40855) CKT 1 at RAMSEY 101.01 hs N-1: Boulder #2 230/115 kV IDAHO_RD (48161) -> PLEASANT (48319) CKT 1 at IDAHO_RD 100.94 ht BF: R474 Benewah-Pine Creek, Benewah 230/115 Transformer PLEASANT (48319) -> MOAB (47511) CKT 1 at PLEASANT 100.92 ht BUS: Otis Orchards 115 kV MOAB (47511) -> BOULDERE (48522) CKT 1 at MOAB 100.9 ht N-1: Hot Springs - Noxon #1 230 kV IDAHO_RD (48161) -> PLEASANT (48319) CKT 1 at IDAHO_RD 100.87 ht BF: B1145 Addy 115 kV, Addy-Kettle Falls IDAHO_RD (48161) -> PLEASANT (48319) CKT 1 at IDAHO_RD 100.86 ht N-1: Hot Springs - Noxon #2 230 kV IDAHO_RD (48161) -> PLEASANT (48319) CKT 1 at IDAHO_RD 100.84 ht N-1: Hot Springs - Noxon #1 230 kV Open @ HOTS IDAHO_RD (48161) -> PLEASANT (48319) CKT 1 at IDAHO_RD 100.82 ht N-1: Appleway - Rathdrum 115 kV IDAHO_RD (48161) -> PLEASANT (48319) CKT 1 at IDAHO_RD 100.79 ht N-2 (STR): Appleway - Ramsey 115kV and Coeur d'Alene - Ramsey 115kV IDAHO_RD (48161) -> PLEASANT (48319) CKT 1 at IDAHO_RD 100.79 ht N-1: Hot Springs - Noxon #1 230 kV Open @ NOX IDAHO_RD (48161) -> PLEASANT (48319) CKT 1 at IDAHO_RD 100.78 ht N-2 (STR): Bell - Boundary #3 230 kV & Addy - Bell 115 kV IDAHO_RD (48161) -> PLEASANT (48319) CKT 1 at IDAHO_RD 100.77 ht BF: A1558 Bell-Lancaster, Lancaster-Rathdrum MOAB (47511) -> BOULDERE (48522) CKT 1 at MOAB 100.74 ht N-1: 3TM Bell - Boundary #3 230 kV IDAHO_RD (48161) -> PLEASANT (48319) CKT 1 at IDAHO_RD 100.59 ht BUS: Addy 115 kV IDAHO_RD (48161) -> PLEASANT (48319) CKT 1 at IDAHO_RD 100.58 ht N-1: Benewah - Pine Creek 230 kV PRAIRIEB (40855) -> POST FLS (48329) CKT 1 at PRAIRIEB 100.55 ht BF: A688 Ninth & Central North & South 115 kV ROSSPARK (48371) -> THIRHACH (48431) CKT 1 at ROSSPARK 100.55 hs N-1: Albeni Falls - Sacheen 115 kV IDAHO_RD (48161) -> PLEASANT (48319) CKT 1 at IDAHO_RD 100.5 ht N-1: 3TM Bell - Boundary #3 230 kV Open @ BOUN IDAHO_RD (48161) -> PLEASANT (48319) CKT 1 at IDAHO_RD 100.5 ht BF: B323 Sacheen 115 kV, Albeni Falls-Sacheen IDAHO_RD (48161) -> PLEASANT (48319) CKT 1 at IDAHO_RD 100.49 ht N-1: Albeni Falls - Sacheen 115 kV Open @ ALB IDAHO_RD (48161) -> PLEASANT (48319) CKT 1 at IDAHO_RD 100.49 ht BF: A521 Devils Gap East 115 kV, Addy-Devils Gap IDAHO_RD (48161) -> PLEASANT (48319) CKT 1 at IDAHO_RD 100.46 ht BF: A540 Devil's Gap East & West 115 kV IDAHO_RD (48161) -> PLEASANT (48319) CKT 1 at IDAHO_RD 100.46 ht BUS: Devils Gap East 115 kV IDAHO_RD (48161) -> PLEASANT (48319) CKT 1 at IDAHO_RD 100.46 ht BF: A506 Rathdrum 115 kV, Pine Street-Rathdrum HUETTER (48159) -> HERN (48155) CKT 1 at HERN 100.44 hs N-1: Appleway - Rathdrum 115 kV Open @ RAT IDAHO_RD (48161) -> PLEASANT (48319) CKT 1 at IDAHO_RD 100.42 ht BF: B1137 Addy 115 kV, Addy-Devils Gap IDAHO_RD (48161) -> PLEASANT (48319) CKT 1 at IDAHO_RD 100.34 ht BUS: Rathdrum East 115 kV HUETTER (48159) -> HERN (48155) CKT 1 at HERN 100.29 hs BF: A526 Devils Gap East 115 kV, Airway Heights-Devils Gap IDAHO_RD (48161) -> PLEASANT (48319) CKT 1 at IDAHO_RD 100.26 ht PSF: Devils Gap East 115 kV IDAHO_RD (48161) -> PLEASANT (48319) CKT 1 at IDAHO_RD 100.26 ht BF: A1186 Lancaster-Noxon, Boulder-Lancaster PRAIRIEB (40855) -> POST FLS (48329) CKT 1 at PRAIRIEB 100.25 ht N-1: Sacheen 230/115 kV IDAHO_RD (48161) -> PLEASANT (48319) CKT 1 at IDAHO_RD 100.22 ht BF: R474 Benewah-Pine Creek, Benewah 230/115 Transformer PRAIRIEB (40855) -> POST FLS (48329) CKT 1 at PRAIRIEB 100.17 ht N-1: Albeni Falls - Sacheen 115 kV Open @ SACH IDAHO_RD (48161) -> PLEASANT (48319) CKT 1 at IDAHO_RD 100.17 ht N-1: Appleway - Rathdrum 115 kV Open @ APW IDAHO_RD (48161) -> PLEASANT (48319) CKT 1 at IDAHO_RD 100.14 ht BF: A641 Otis Orchards 115 kV, Opportunity-Otis Orchards MOAB (47511) -> BOULDERE (48522) CKT 1 at MOAB 100.14 ht BF: B1135 Addy 115 kV, Addy-Bell IDAHO_RD (48161) -> PLEASANT (48319) CKT 1 at IDAHO_RD 100.07 ht 2015 Electric IRP Appendix E 930 System Planning Feasibility Study November 25, 2014 Page 41of 41 N-1: Post Falls - Ramsey 115 kV Open @ RAM IDAHO_RD (48161) -> PLEASANT (48319) CKT 1 at IDAHO_RD 100.05 hs BF: A645 Otis Orchards 115 kV, Boulder-Otis Orchards MOAB (47511) -> BOULDERE (48522) CKT 1 at MOAB 100.04 ht PSF: Otis Orchards 115 kV MOAB (47511) -> BOULDERE (48522) CKT 1 at MOAB 100.04 ht 2015 Electric IRP Appendix E 931