HomeMy WebLinkAbout20150731Johnson Direct.pdfDAV]D .J. MEYER VICE PRESIDENT AND CHIEF COUNSEL EOR REGULATORY AND GOVERNMENTAL AFFAIRS AV]STA CORPORATION 1411 E. MISSION AVENUE P.O. BOX 3727 SPoKANE, WASHTNGTON 99220 PHONE: (509) 495-431-6, FAX: (509) 495-8851 -''' i'' ll i l- I i"r"-' ill; I'11 ') I f:4 q: 53,1 i,i,.l J'-.1- rJ I irrl -' BEFORE trHE IDAIIO PT'BI.IC U':TILIIIIES CO'DTISSION rN THE MATTER OF THE POWER COST ) CASE NO. AVU-E-L5-fiI ADJUSTMENT (PCA) ANNUAL RATE ) ADJUSTMENT FTL]NG OF AVISTA ) DIRECT TESTIMONY OF CORPORATION ) WILLIAM G. JOHNSON FOR AVISTA CORPORATION 3 present position with Avista Corporation. A. My name is V{illiam G. Johnson. My business 5 address is L47L East Mission Avenue, Spokane, Washington, 6 and I am employed by Avista Utilities ("Avista" or 7 "Company" ) as a V{hol-esale Marketing Manager in the Energy 8 Resources Department. I 2 9 l0 ll with I. INTRODUCEION a. Please state your nane, business ad&ess, and A. What is your educational background? A. I graduated from the University of Montana in 1981 Bachefor of Arts Degree in Political 12 Science/Economics. I obtained a Master of Arts Degree in 13 Economics from the University of Montana in 1985. 14 A. How long have you been eqrloyed by the Company and 15 what are your duties as a lfltrolesale Marketing Manager? 16 A. I started working for Avista in April 1990 as a 17 Demand Side Resource Analyst. I joined the Energy Resources l8 Department as a Power Contracts Analyst in June 1996. My 19 primary responsibilities involve power contract origination 20 and management and power supply regulatory issues. 2l A. Iftrat is ttre scope of your testimony in ttris 22 proceeding? 23 A. My testimony will provj-de a brief summary of the 24 factors driving power supply expenses during the review Johnson, Di Avista P. 1 1 2 aJ 4 5 6 period July 201,4 through June 201,5. I also describe new long-term contracts the Company entered into during the deferral perlod and the supporting documentation that is provj-ded in electronic format. II. ST'}!!NRY OF DEFERRAI,S A. Would you pJ.ease sumarize power supply e:.trenses 7 during the JuIy 20L4 through June 2OLS review period? A. Yes During the review period, Idaho's share of 9 power supply expenses was lower than the authorized level by l0 $3,62'7 ,213, not including the net changes in costs ll associated with the Clearwater Paper electric service 12 agreement. Of the $3,627,213 in decreased power supply 13 expenses, the Company retained $362,121,, leaving a balance 14 of $3,264,492 in the customer-rebate direction. l5 Certain changes 1n revenues and expenses are tracked at 16 1003 in the PCA, per prior Commission orders. The Clearwater 17 Paper power purchase expense and the Clearwater Paper retail 18 revenue related to the level- of Cl-earwater generationl is 19 one such item. The difference between actual- costs/revenues 20 and authorized costs/revenues related to Clearwater Paper 2l power purchase expense and retail revenue was $2,442,91,3 in 22 the surcharge direction 1 The Cfearwater Paper power purchase and revenue associated with thepurchase i-s tracked at 100% 1n the PCA per Idaho Public Utllities Commlssion Order No. 3284L dated ,June 28, 2073. Johnson, Di Avista P. 2 I The net impact of these two items is a net deferral for 2 the July 201,4 through June 2015 time period of $821,579 in 3 the rebate direction. Interest and the transfer of funds 4 rel-ated to a BPA Settlementr ds described by Company witness 5 ur. Ehrbar, brings the total deferral balance to $1,202,604. 6 A. Wtrat factors contributed to ttre J.orea porer supply 7 e:<pense during ttre revier period? 8 A. Overa11, lower power supply costs were due 9 primarily to higher hydro generation, favorable natural gas 10 and wholesale power prices, and lower net expense for 11 Colstrip and Kettle Fal1s generation. Offsetting a portion 12 of the lower net expense was Palouse Wind and Clearwater l3 Paper. Palouse lriind is currently not included in the 14 authorized level of power supply expense (i.e., is not 15 included in base rates). The actual Pal-ouse Wind expense is 16 included in the computation of the PCA deferral, therefore, 17 90 percent of the net expense of Palouse Wind (actual 18 Palouse lrlind expense less the value of the power generated) 19 flows through the PCA as a surcharge deferral. 20 The higher expense related to Clearwater Paper is a 2l result of the change j-n the contract between Avista and 22 Clearwater Paper, whereby Clearwater now generates into its 23 own load as opposed to selling their fu1l generation output 24 to Avista, and receiving retail service from Avista for Johnson, Di Avista P. 3 I 2 J 4 5 6 7 8 9 t0 ll t2 l3 t4 l5 l6 t7 l8 t9 20 2t 22 23 24 their fulI load. The PCA authorized base incl-udes a purchase by Avista of Clearwater generation and Clearwater purchasing an equivalent amount of power at retail rates. Given that the power purchase rate was lower than retail rates, when the Clearwater purchase contract ended on June 30, 20L3 Clearwater chose to use its generation to reduce purchases from Avista. The result was a net increase in PCA surcharge deferrafs. The table below shows a summary of the ma;or factors driving the deferrals during the review period. 1) lncludes the change in hydro generation plus changes in Mid Columbia contract expenses. 2) lncludes the efiect of gas-fired turbine optimization, power and gas price changes and other contract expense and rercnue changes, including renewable energy credit sales. 3) This is the Palouse power purchase net expense considering the short-term wlue of the power generated, which is less than the gross expense. 4) lncludes the expense of serving higher loads less the Load Growth Adjustment Rate credit. 5) This is a result of Ar,ista's purchase of Cleanrvater generation ending June 30, 20'13 and Clearwater paper using its generation to reduce power purchases from Arista. Johnson, Di Avista P. 4 Factorc Contributing to lncreascd (D,ecreased) Power Supply Erpense July 2014 - June 2015 - ldaho Allocation Change due to Hydro Generation (1) Change due to Power and Natural Gas Prices and Contract Changes, (2) Change due to Colstrip Generation and Fuel Expense Change due to Kettle Falls Generation and Fuel Expense Change in Net Transmission Expense (Expense - Rewnue) Palouse Wind Purchase (3) -$1,991,77 $2,468,14',1 otal Expenses Abow (Below) the Authorized Lewl 10% Retained by the Company Clearwater Paper Generation and Rer,enue Variance (100% ldaho Allocation) (5) Total Power Cost Defenals, I 2 J 4 5 6 7 8 9 l0 ll t2 l3 t4 l5 l6 t7 l8 t9 20 2t 22 23 24 Over the review period, hydro generation was 46 aMil0 above the authorized level. Gas-fired generation was 5 aMW l-ower the authorized level. Colstrip generation was Ll aMW above the authorized level and Kettle FaIIs generation was 5 aMW below the authori-zed fevels. Idaho retail- sales were L2 aMW above the authorized level. The tabl-e below shows the change in generation and retail Ioads from the authorized levels. III. NEW LONG.EERM CO}{ITRACTS ENTERED IIIIO DURING THE RIVIET{ PERIOD A. PJ.ease provide a brief description of new long- ter:m power contracts that the Corpany entered into during ttre review period. A. The Company entered into three new J-ong-term power purchase contracts duri-ng the review period. In November, 2014, the Company entered j-nto a new/renewed 3B month Johnson, Di Avista P. 5 July 14 - June 15 Generation and Load Differences from the AuthorLed Level in F{ydro Generation in Gas-Fired Generation in Colstrip Generation in Kettle Falls Generation in ldaho RetailSales 45.6 -5.1 17.2 -4.5 1 1.6 8.7Yo -1.4o/o 9.9% -11.8o/o 3.5o/o I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 l8 t9 20 2t 22 23 11 documentation provided by the Coryany in ttris fiJ.ing. 12 A. The Company maintains a number of documents that 13 record relevant factors considered at the time of a 14 transaction. The following is a list of documents that are 15 maintained. Unless noted, these documents have been 16 provided on a compact disc as part of this filing. Other 17 documents will be provided on request: contract with the City of Spokane's Waste-to-Energy p1ant. In October 201"4 the Company entered into a one-year (2015) power purchase agreement with Chelan PUD for a slice of the Rocky Reach and Rock Island dams. In March 20L5 the Company entered into a new/renewed five-year (201,6-2020) power purchase agreement with Chelan PUD for a slice of the Rocky Reach and Rock Island dams. Copies of these contracts are included with supporting documentation. IV. SUPPOREING DOCI'MENEATTON A. P1ease provide a brief overview of the Electric/Gas Transaction Record: These documents record the key details of the price, terms and conditions of a transaction, the reason for the transaction, and pertinent transmj-ssion or other delivery issues. The Company has provided worksheets showing the important details of each electric and .Iohnson, DiAvista P. 6 I 2 natural gas term transaction during the review period. Additional documentation will be provided on request. Position Reports: These daily reports show the Company's forward Ioad/resource position, daily and term purchases each business day and forward market power and natural gas prices. Forward Market Electric and Natural Gas Price Curves: This daily data shows forward market prices for electricity and natural- gas and is maintained in NucIeus, the Company's electronic energy transaction database record system. Forward market prices are included in the daily Position Reports. 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 l0 ll t2 l3 t4 l5 A. Does testimony? A. Yes. ttrat conc].ude rri rect pre-filed .Tohnson, DiAvista P. 7