HomeMy WebLinkAbout20150803Comments (2 Total).pdfJean Jewell From:silverlakepub @ road runner.com Sent:Friday,July 31,2015 1:36 PM To:Beverly Barker;Jean Jewell;Gene Fadness Cc:silverlakepub ©roadrunner.com Subject:Case Comment Form:Gary Conway Name:Gary Conway Case Number:AVU-E-15-05,AVU-G-15-01 Email:silvetlakepubroadrunner.com Telephone:208 772-5078 Address:6575 N.16th Street Dalton Gardens ID,83815 Name of Utility Company:Avista Acknowledge public record:True Comment:I’ll be blunt.This request for an increase in rates is not called for and unjustified.In these tough uncertain economic times,we all need to tighten our belts not put further hardship on people just trying to stay afloat. Seniors such as us living on a fixed income have not seen a meaningful increase in our income for the past decade.We are daily getting by on less and less,and with interest rates at near zero,we have no way to improve our position.Furthermore,the economy is terrible with the Work-Force Participation Rate at its lowest level since 1979. Additionally,energy costs in both oil and natural gas have been going down not up. Therefore,the costs to Avista should have been steadly going down for months,and there is no end in sight to the lowering of commodity prices as the world sinks into deflation. We in Idaho have done our part by individually making every effort to conserve our usage of power in our homes and businesses.It is time for Avista acknowledge reality by putting some of these grandiose plans on hold,tighten their belts like the rest of us,and give us a reduction in rates,instead of trying to squeeze us for something we just don’t have. Sincerely, Gary Conway Unique Identifier: 1 Jean Jewell From:parodyf@yahoo.com Sent:Saturday,August 01,2015 8:40 AM To:Beverly Barker;Jean Jewell;Gene Fadness Cc:parodyf@yahoo.com Subject:Case Comment Form:Fran Parody Name:Fran Parody Case Number:AVU-G-15-01 Email:patodyfyahoo.corn Telephone:208-773-5445 Address:4970 E Shoreline Dr Post Falls ID,83854 Name of Utility Company:Avista Acknowledge public record:True Comment:I own two properties in Idaho that are serviced by Avista.The rate increase they are applying for is pretty steep!1m not at all sure how utility companies,and others, expect people to pay for and/or budget for all these increases.We,as consumers,have budgets that we live within as do companies.Avistas net income to applicable common stock shares is up considerably both in quarterly and annual periods.Perhaps,instead of promoting your stock prices,you should think of promoting the well-being of your customers. One argument Avista uses for their electric rate increase is that because of more economical electrical fixtures and appliances,their customers are paying them less money monthly.Did you ever consider that because people cant afford all these increases,they are cutting down on usage --not because of more efficient light bulbs.That goes for both gas and electric usage.We CANT afford this!! Unique Identifier: 1