HomeMy WebLinkAbout20150601Application.pdfAvista Corp. 14ll East Mission P.O. Box3727 Spokane. Washington 99220-0500 Telephone 509489-0500 ToflFree 800-727-9170 frwstr tury, - I i.il l[i: l'8 rlMay29,2015 if l; i Jean D. Jewell Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472W. Washington St. Boise,lD 83702 \rr -, i RE: Tariff I.P.U.C. No. 28 (Electric) and Tariff I.P.U.C. No. 27 (Natural Gas) Docket Nos. AVU-E-I 5-05 and AVU-G-I 5-01 Enclosed for filing with the Commission are an original and nine copies of an Application by Avista Corporation, dba Avista Utilities (Avista), dated May 29,2015 for approval of revised electric and natural gas rates. The Company, in its Application, has requested the Commission to suspend this filing for 30 days and 7 months, to ensure that rates will not be effective until January 1,2016. This ensures compliance with Commission OrderNo. 33130. Avista has also included for filing nine copies of its prepared direct testimony, and exhibits in support of its revised rates, as well as three copies of workpapers showing how test period data were adjusted. Please note that the workpapers of Clint G. Kalich are being provided in electronic format only due to the voluminous nattre of these files. Computer-readable copies of the testimony, exhibits, and workpapers, required under Rule 231.05, are included on the attached compact disc. Attached to the Application is the form of Customer Notice and form of Press Release to be issued by the Company. Additionally, Avista has included the Attorney's Certificate and Claim of Confidentiality Relating to Portions of Avista's Exhibits and Workpapers. Please direct any questions related to the transmittal of this filing toLiz Andrews at 509-495- 8601 Sincerely,D//- DavidJ. Meyer Vice President and Chief Counsel for Regulatory & Govemmental Affairs Enclosures CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that I have this 29th application, and Avista's Direct Testimony and AVU-G-15-01, upon the following parties, addressed with postage prepaid to: of May, 2015, served the foregoing Exhibits in Docket No. AVU-E-15-05 by mailing a copy thereof, properly day and Jean D Jewell, Secretary ldaho Public Utilities Commission Statehouse Boise, lD 83720-5983 Jean. iewell@puc. idaho. gov Donald Howell Deputy Attorneys General ldaho Public Utilities Commission 472W. Washington Boise, lD 83702-0659 donald. howell@puc. idaho.gov Marv Lewallen Clearwater Paper 601 W. Riverside Avenue Suite 1 100 Spokane, WA 99201 ma rv. lewa I len @cleanruaterpa pe r. com Scott Atkison ldaho Forest Products 171 Highway 95 N. Grangeville, lD 83530 scotta@idah oforestq ro up. com Ken Miller Clean Energy Program Director Snake River Alliance 223 N 6th Street, Suite 317 Boise, lD 83702 ki m i i Ier@sn akerivera I I ia n ce. o rg Brad M. Purdy Attorney at Law 2019 N 17th Street Boise, lD 83720 bmpurdy@hotmail.com Peter J. Richardson Greg M. Adams Richardson & O'Leary PLLC 515 N. 27th Street PO Box7218 Boise, lD 83702 peter@richardsonandolearv. com q req@richardsondolearv. com Dean J. Miller McDevitt & Miller, LLP 420W. Bannock St. PO Box 2564-83701 Boise, lD 83701-2564 ioe@mcdevitt-m iller. com Benjamin J. Otto ldaho Conservation League 710 N. 6th St. Boise, lD 83702 botto@idahoconservation. org Paul Kimball Sr. Regulatory Analyst DAVrD J. MEYER ii;j -tlr;i - I fiff lo: r*9VICE PRESIDENT AND CHIEF COUNSEL EOR REGULAToRY & GoVERNMENTAL AFFATRS ,,,,,i,,.i,..., , i .AVISTA CORPORATION ' Ii r i 1*.' i-'i'r ',i lt,i,P.O. BOX 3727 1.4LT EAST MISSION AVENUE SPoKANE, WASHTNGTON 99220-3727 TELEPHONE: (509) 495-43L6 FACSIMILE: (509) 495-8851 DAVI D . MEYERGAVI STACORP . COM FcFbry GA$E BEFORE TIIE IDAHO PI'BIJIC I''ITILIEIES COI!fiSSION IN THE MATTER OE THE APPLICATTON OF AVISTA CORPORATION FOR THE AUTHORITY TO INCREASE ITS RATES AND CHARGES EOR ELECTRIC AND NATURAL GAS SERVICE TO ELECTRIC AND NATURAL GAS CUSTOMERS IN THE STATE OF IDAHO CASE NO. AVU-E-15-05 CASE NO. AVU-G_15_01 APPLICATION OE AVTSTA CORPORATION (ELECTR]C AND NATURAL GAS) 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 10 11 L2 13 L4 15 L6 17 1B L9 20 2L 22 23 24 25 Application is hereby made to the Idaho Pub1ic Utilities Commission for an Order granting Avista Corporation (Applicant, Company, or Avista) the authority to increase its rates and charges for electric and natural gas service to electric and natural gas customers in the State of ldaho, to be effective on and after .Ianuary 1-, 2016 and January 1, 20L7. In this filing Avista is proposing a two-year rate plan with an increase in electric billed revenues of $13.2 million or 5. 2* for 20L6 and $L3.7 million or 5.1? for 20L7. Vfith regard to natural gas, the Company J-s requesting an increase j-n bil1ed revenues of $3.2 million or 4.5% for 20L6, and $1.7 million or 2.22 for 20L7. In support of this Application, Applicant states as follows: I. The name of the Applicant is Avista Corporatj-on, dba Avista Utilities, a Washington corporation whose prj-ncipal business office j-s t{1-L East Mission Avenue, Spokane, Vfashington, which is qualified to do business in the State of Idaho. Avista maintains district offices in Moscow, Lewiston, Sandpoint and Coeur d'A1ene, Idaho. Communications in reference to this Application should be addressed to the following: Application of Avista Corporation Case Nos. AVU-E-15-05 & AVU-G-I-5-01 Page 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 B 9 10 11 L2 13 L4 15 1,6 t7 18 L9 20 2t 22 23 24 25 26 David 'J. Meyer, Esq. Vice President and Chief Counsel for Regulatory & Governmental Affairs Avista Corporation P.O. Box 3727 1,4LL E. Mission Ave Spokane, WA 99220-3727Phone: (509) 495-4316Fax: (509) 495-8851 Davj-d. MeyerG avi stacorp . com Kel1y Norwood Vice President State and Federal RegulationAvista Utilities P.O. Box 3727 1411- E. Missi-on Ave Spokane, WA 99220-3727Phone: (509) 495-4267 Fax: (509) 495-8851 Ke11y. NorwoodGavistacorp . com El-ectronically Avi s taDockets GAvis tacorp . com II. 27 Avista is a public utility primarily engaged in the 28 generatJ-on, transmission and distribution of electric power 29 and the distribution of natural gas in certai-n portions of 30 eastern and central Washington, northern ldaho, as well as 3l- distribution of natural gas in northeast and southwest Oregon. 32 The Company is subject to the jurisdiction of this Commission, 33 the Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission, the 34 Public Utility Commission of Oregon, the Montana Public Servj-ce 35 Commission, and the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission. 36 Application of Avista Corporation Page 2case Nos. AVU-E-15-05 & AVU-G-15-01 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 B 9 10 11 T2 13 1,4 15 1,6 L7 1B L9 20 2L 22 23 24 25 III. Applicant's existing base rates and charges for el-ectric service were approved as a result of the Commission's Order No. 32769, dated March 27, 20L3, in Case No. AVU-E-12-08. The existing rates and charges for electric service on file with the Commission (designated as Applicant's Tariff No. 28) are incorporated herein as though fu11y attached hereto. rv. Applicant's existi-ng base rates and charges for natural gas service were approved as a result of the Commission's Order No. 32769, dated Nlaxch 27, 2013, in Case No. AVU-3-1,2-07. The existing rates and charges for natural gas servi-ce on file with the Commission (designated as Applicant's Tariff No. 27) are incorporated herein as though ful1y attached hereto. v. The electric and natural gas rates and charges which Applicant deslres to have the Commission approve are filed herewith as Exhibit A. Also included in Exhibit A are copies of the tariff schedules showing the proposed changes by striking over the existing rates and underlining the proposed rates. Company witness Mr. Ehrbar fu1Iy descri-bes in his testi-mony and exhibits the proposed changes. Application of Avista Corporation Case Nos. AVU-E-15-05 & AVU-G-15-01 Page 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 B 9 10 11 L2 1_3 L4 15 16 t7 1B 19 20 21" 22 23 24 Z3 vr. The circumstances and conditions relied upon, and lustification for, the approval of the proposed increase in rates for efectric and natural gas service are as follows: Applicant's present electric and natural qas rates will not produce sufficient revenue to provide operating income required to allow the Applicant the opportunity to earn the 7.622 rate of return being requested and supported in this Application. The Applicant's last electric and natural gas qeneral rate case change (Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07) in Idaho was effective in March 201-3, with a second-step increase effecti-ve in October 2013. The proposed revenue increases are driven primarily by an j-ncrease in Net Plant fnvestment (including return on i-nvestment, depreciation and taxes, and offset by the tax benefit of interest). In 20!6 these increased costs for electric operations are offset, in part, by a reduction in net power supply and transmission expenditures. For 201,7, net power supply expenses contribute significantly to the j-ncremental revenue requirement requested above that proposed for 2016, the majority of which relates to the expiration of a capacity sales agreement with Portl-and General Electric on December 3L , 201-6. Unless the increased rates as requested in this fi-Iing are approved, Applicant's rates will not be fair, just and Application of Avista Corporation Case Nos. AVU-E-15-05 6, AVU-G-I5-01 Page 4 1_ 2 3 4 5 6 7 B 9 10 1l_ L2 l-3 L4 15 L6 ]--t 1B L9 20 2L 22 23 24 25 reasonable and it will not have the opportuni-ty to realize a fair rate of return on its investment. Applicant's evidence in support of its need for increased electric and natural gas rates j-s based on a 12-month ended December 31-, 20L4 test year. Applicant's rate base evidence is presented on an average basis. Documentation showing how the test year data was adjusted is provided in the testimony and exhibits of Company witness Ms. Andrews. Applicant provides utility servi-ce in states other than Idaho. A jurisdictional separation of all investments, revenues and expenses allocated or assj-gned in whol-e or in part to the Idaho utility business regulated by this Commission j-s described in the testimony and exhibits of Ms. Andrews. YII. Applicant's evidence will show that an overall rate of return of 7.622 is fair, just and reasonable. The Company's exhibits and testimony support an increase in retail electric and natural gas revenue of $13.2 million and $3.2 miI1ion, respectively, for 20L6 and $13.7 million and $1.7 milIion, respectively, for 20L7. Simultaneous with the filing of this Application, Applicant has filed its prepared direct testimony and exhibits in support of its revj-sed ratesr €rs well as workpapers showing how test year data were adjusted. VIIX. Application of Avista Corporation Case Nos. AVU-E-15-05 & AVU-G-15-01 Page 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 B 9 10 11 1,2 13 L4 1_5 t6 1,1 1B t9 20 2L 22 23 24 25 26 27 2B A compl-ete justification of the proposed increases in electric and natural gas rates is provided in the testimony and exhibits of Company witnesses. These witnesses and a brief sunmary of their testimony are as fol1ows. Mr. Scott L. Morris, Chairman, President, and Chief Executive Offj-cer of Avista, presents the Company/ s pollcy testimony and provides an overview of Avista Corporation. He will summarize the Company's rate request in this filing, and provide some context for why there is a continuing need for retail rate increases, not just for Avista, but for the electrlc and natural gas utility industry in general. Mr. Morris will- provlde an overview of our cost management initiatives, our communications initiatives to help customers better understand the changes in costs that are causinq rates to increase, and briefly explain the Company's customer support programs in place to assist our customers. Mr. Mark Thies, Senior Vice President and Chief Einancial Officer, wil-l provide a financial overview of the Company and will explain the proposed capital structure, overall rate of return, and Avista's credit ratinqs. He will also discuss, among other things, the Company's capital expenditures program. In brief , he wil-l provj-de informatj-on that shows: o Avista's plans cal-l for making significant utilitycapital investments in our el-ectric and natural gas systems to preserve and enhance servi-ce reliabil-ity for our customers, j-ncluding the continued replacement ofaging infrastructure. Capital expenditures of $1.08billion are planned for 2015-201,1. Avista needs Application of Avista Corporation Case Nos. AVU-E-15-05 & AVU-G-15-01 Page 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 B 9 10 11 12 13 1"4 15 t6 1,7 1B 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 26 21 2B 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 3B 39 adequate cash flow from operations to fund these requirements, together with access to capital fromexternal sources under reasonable terms, oD a sustainabl-e basis. We are proposing an overal-l- rate of return of 1.62percent, whj-ch includes a 50.0 percent common equityratio, a 9.9 percent return on equity, and a cost of debt of 5.34 percent. We believe our proposed overallrate of return of 7.62 percent and proposed capitalstructure provide a reasonable balance between safety and economy. Avista's corporate credit rating from Standard & Poor'sis currently BBB and Baal from Moody's fnvestorsService. Avj-sta must operate at a level that willsupport a solid investment grade corporate creditrating in order to access capital markets at reasonabl-erates. A supportive regulatory environment is an important consideratj-on by the rating agencJ-es when reviewing Avista. Maintaining solid credit metrics andcredit ratings will also help support a stock price necessary to issue equity under reasonable terms tofund capital requirements. Avista completed two significant business unittransactions i-n 20L4: the sale of Ecova and theacquisition of Alaska Electric Light and Power utilityoperations. These transactions are supportive to ourbusiness profile and their financial impacts haveposj-tively complemented our ongoing financialstructure and operations. Mr. Adrien McKenzie,as Vice President of Financial Concepts and Applicatlons (EINCAP), Inc., has been retained to present testimony with respect to the Company's cost of common equity.He concl-udes that: fn order to reflect the risks and prospects associatedwith Avj-sta's jurisdictlonal utility operations, his analyses focused on a proxy group of 19 other utilitieswith comparable investment risks. Because investors' required return on equity is unobservabl-e and no single method should be vj-ewed in Application of Avista Corporation Case Nos. AVU-E-15-05 & AVU-G-15-01 Page 7 1 2 isolation, he applied the DCF, ECAPM, and risk premium methods to estimate a fair ROE for Avj-sta; Based on the results of these analyses, and giving less weight to extremes at the high and l-ow ends of the range, he concluded that the cost of equity for the proxy groupof utilities is in the 9.4 percent to 10.8 percentrange, or 9.5 percent to 10.9 percent afterincorporating an adjustment to account for the impactof common equity flotation costs; and, As reflected in the testimony of Mark T. Thies, Avistais requesting a fair ROE of 9.9 percent, which fall-sbelow the L0.2 percent midpoint of his recommendedrange. Considering capital market expectations, theexposures faced by Avista, and the economic requirements necessary to maintain financial integrity and support additional capital j-nvestment even underadverse circumstances, it j-s his opini-on that 9 .9percent represents a conservative ROE for Avista. Mr. Scott Kinngy, Director of Power Supply, will provide an overview of Avi-sta's resource planning and power supply operations This includes summarl-es of the Company's generation resources,the current and future load and resource position, and future resource plans. As part of an overview of the Company's risk management policy, he will provide an update on the Company's hedging practices. Mr. Kinney will address hydroelectric and thermal project upgrades, followed regardi-ng hydro licensing. Resource Planning & Power by an update on recent developments Mr. Clint Kali-ch,Manager of Supply Analyses, will descrj-be the Company's use of the AURORAX!{e dispatch model, or "Dispatch Model." He wi1l explain the key assumptions driving the Dispatch Model's market forecast of el-ectricity prices The discussion includes the variables of natural gds, Vrlestern Interconnect loads and Application of Avista Corporation Case Nos. AVU-E-15-05 & AVU-G-15-01 3 4 5 6 7 B 9 10 11 L2 13 1,4 l_5 16 L7 1B 19 20 21, 22 23 24 25 26 27 2B 29 30 3l- 3Z 33 Page B 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 L2 1_3 L4 15 1_6 1,7 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 resources, and hydroelectric conditions. Further, he will describe how the model dispatches its resources and contracts to maximize customer benefit and tracks their values for use j-n pro forma calculations. Finally, Mr. Kalich will present the modeling results provided to Company witness Mr. Johnson for his power supply pro forma adjustment calculatj-ons. Mr. William Johnson, Wholesale Marketing Manager, will: 1-) identify and explain the proposed normal-izing and pro forma adjustments (20L6 and 2017) to the January 20L4 through December 201,4 test period power supply revenues and expenses; and 2) describe the proposed leveI of expense and load change adjustment rate (LCAR) for Power Cost Adjustment (PCA) purposes, using the pro forma costs proposed by the Company in this filing. Ms. Jody Morehouse, Director of Gas Supply, will describe Avista's natural gas resource planning process, provide an overview of the Jackson Prairie storage facility, and provide an update on the Company's 20L4 Natural Gas Integrated Resource Plan. Mr. Don Kopczynski, Vice President of Energy Delivery, will provide an overview of the Company's electric and natural gas energy delivery facilities, a summary of Avista's customer support programs in Idaho and an update on our contj-nuing Natural- Gas Pipeline Replacement Program. Application of Avista Corporation case Nos. AVU-E-15-05 & AVU-G-15-01- Page 9 1_ 2 3 4 5 6 7 B 9 10 l_1 L2 13 L4 15 L6 L7 18 1_9 20 2L 22 23 24 25 Mr. Bryan Cox, Director, Transmission Operations, describes AvistaT s transmlssion revenues and expenses for the 2016 and 2017 two-year rate p1an. Mr. Cox will- also discuss Avista's transmission and Distribution capital expenditures, for the period January 20L5 through the 2017 rate year. Mr. Jim Kensok, Vice President and Chief fnformation and Security Officer, will describe the costs associated with Avista's Information Service/fnformatj-on Technology (15/IT) programs and projects. These costs include the capital investments for a range of systems used by the Company, including the replacement of the Company's legacy Customer fnformation and Work and Asset Management System ("Project Compass"), Avistautil-ities.com WEB replacement, and several more important applications. He will also describe the additj-onal 1S/IT expenses requj-red to support a range of new and updated appllcations and systems for cyber security, the operatJ-on of the new Customer fnformatj-on and Work and Asset Management Systems, the Asset Facil-ities Management application, etc. Ms. Karen Schuh, Senior Regulatory Analyst, will cover Avista's planned capital investments in utility plant through December 31, 20L7. Company witness Ms. Andrews, has included adjustments to reflect these investments j-n her electric and natural gas revenue reguirements for the 201,6 and 2017 two-year rate p1an. Application of Avista Corporation case Nos. AVU-E-15-05 & AVU-G-1-5-01 Page 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 10 11 1"2 13 1,4 15 16 17 1B 19 20 27 22 23 24 25 Ms. Elizabeth Andrews, Manager of Revenue Requirements, will cover accounti-ng and financial data in support of the Company's two-year rate plan and the need for the proposed increase in rates for both 20L6 and 2017. She will- explaj-n pro formed operating results, including expense and rate base adjustments made to actual operatj-ng results and rate base. In addition, Ms. Andrews incorporates the fdaho share of the proposed adjustments of other witnesses in this case. Ms. Tara Knox, Senior Regulatory Analyst, will cover the Company's electric revenue normalization adjustment to the test year results of operations, the proposed Load Change Adjustment Rate to be used in the Power Cost Adjustment mechanism, and the electric cost of service study performed for this proceeding. Mr. Joseph Miller, Senior Regulatory Analyst, will cover Company's natural gas revenue normal-ization adjustments cost of service study performed for this proceedi-ng. Mr. Patrick Ehrbar, Manager of Rates and Tariffs, discusses the spread of the proposed 20L6 and 2017 e1ectri-c and natural gas revenue increases among the Company's electric and natural gas general service schedules. In addition, he will- provide information related to the proposed increases to the residential basic charges, and provide an overview of the Company's proposed electric and natural gas Eixed Cost Adjustment mechanisms. Application of Avista Corporation Case Nos. AVU-E-15-05 & AVU-G-15-01 the and Page 11 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 t_1 1,2 13 t4 15 \6 t7 1B L9 20 2L 22 rx. Avista has provided under separate cover an Attorney's Certificate And Claim Of Confidentiality Relating To Portions Of Avista's Exhibits and Workpapers pursuant to Idaho Code Section 9-340D and IDAPA and 31. 01.01 .233. x. Noti-ce to the public of the proposed rates and charges, pursuant to IDA?A 31.01-.01.125, will be given to customers by distri-buting a customer notice, as a bill stuffer, to each customer over a billing cycle (June 5t20L5 through .Tuly 3, 2075), and by a news release, both of which are attached as Exhibit B. xr. Portions of the Company's Application and accompanying testimony and exhibits are based on computer models. Documentation and explanation on some of the models. have already been provided to Commissj-on Staff. Additional documentation and explanation are provided with testimony, exhibits and workpapers in this filing. Further information can be provided upon request. Application of Avista Corporation Case Nos. AVU-E-15-05 & AVU-G-15-01 Page 1,2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 L0 l_1 L2 1_3 L4 l_5 l_5 L7 L8 t9 20 2L 22 23 24 "rq: Application of Avista Case Nos. A\ r-E-l-s-05 XII. The Applicant stands ready for immediate consideration of this Application. WHEREFORE Applicant reguests the Commission issue its Order finding the proposed rates and charges to be fair, just, reasonable and nondiscrimi-natory. The Applicant is also reguesting that the Commission suspend the Applicant's filing for 30 days plus 5 months from the proposed effective date of ,Ju1y 3, 201,5. Doing so recoginizes the fact that new rates for 201,6 cannot go into ef fect prior to ,January l, 201-6 pursuant to Order 33130. Under the Company's two-year rate plan proposal, the suspended tariffs for 201-'1 would go j-nto effect on ,January 1, 20:-.7, Ers stated on those tariff sheets. DATED at Spokane, Washington, this 29th day of May 20L5 AVISTA CORPORATION David ,J. Meyer Vi-ce President and Chief Counsel forRegulatory & Governmental AffairsAvista Corporation Corporation & AVU-G-15-01 25 Page 13 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 10 1l_ L2 13 l4 15 1,6 l7 l_8 L9 20 2L 22 23 24 STATE OF WASHINGTON ) :ss County of Spokane ) David,J. Meyer, being duly sworn, on oath deposes and says: That he is the Vice President and Chief Counsel of Regulatory and Governmental Affairs of Avista Corporation,' That he has read the foregoing Application, knows the contents thereof, and believes the same to be true. David J. Meyer Subscribed and sworn to before me this 29th d.ay of May 2015. Notary Pub1ic j-n and Washington, residing for the Stsate in Spokane Applicatj-on of Avista Case Nos. AVt]-E-15-05 Corporation & AVU-G-L5-01 EXHIBIT A Tariff Pages 20L6 Tariffs AVISTA CORPORATION dba Avista Utilities lssued June 1,2015 Effective July 3, 2015 Fifth Revision Sheet B Canceling Fourth Revision Sheet B INDEX PAGE. IDAHO Sheet Title of Sheet No. Title Page.. .................... A lndex Page .................... B ResidentialService - ldaho....... 1 General Service - ldaho....... ............ 11 ResidentialAndFarmGeneralService-!daho....... ..............12 Large GeneralServic+.ldaho .............. ...............21 ResidentialAnd Farm Large General Service - ldaho ..........22 Extra Large GeneralService - ldaho....... ...........25 Extra Large General Service To Clearwater Paper Facility - ldaho ........25P Purnping Service - ldaho .................31 ResidentialAnd Farm Pumping Service - ldaho ................... 32 Company Owned Street Light SeMce - ldaho.... ..................41 Company Orned Street Light SeMce - ldaho....... ...............42 Customer Owned Street Light Energy & Maintenance Service - ldaho High-Pressure Sodium Vapor......... .................44 Cusiomer Owned Street Light Energy Service - ldaho .........45 Customer Owned Street Light Energy SeMce - ldaho ........ 46 AreaLighting-ldaho-MercuryVapor-Idaho....... ............-......47 ResidentialAnd Farm Area Lighting - ldaho ......48 Area Lighting - ldaho.... ...................49 Avista Utilities B Schedule No. 1 1'.| 12 21 22 25 25P 31 32 41 42 44 45 46 47 48 49 lssued by By Kelly Nonntood, Vice President, State & FederalRegulation Fourth Revision Sheet B Canceling Third Revision Sheet B ResidentialService - ldaho....... 1 General Service - ldaho....... ............ 11 ResidentialAndFarmGeneralService-Idaho....... ..............12 Large General Service.ldaho......... ....................21 ResidentialAnd Farm Large General Service - ldaho ..........22 Extra Large GeneralService - ldaho....... ...........25 Extra Large General Service To Clearwater Paper Facility - ldaho ........25P Pumping Service - ldaho .................31 ResidentialAnd Farm Pumping Service - ldaho ...........-.......32 Company Owned Street Light Service - ldaho.... ..................41 Company Onrned Street Light SeMce - ldaho @ .......42 B !.P.U.C. No.28 INDEX PAGE . IDAHO Schedule SheetNo. Title of Sheet No. Title Page.. .................... A lndex Page. B 1 11 '|.2 21 22 25 25P 31 32 41 42 44 45 46 47 48 49 Customer Owned Street Light Energy & Maintenance Service - ldaho High-Pressure Sodium Vapor......... .................44 Customer Owned Street Light Energy Service - ldaho ......... 45 Customer Owned Street Light Energy Service - ldaho @ .......46 AreaLighting-ldaho-MercuryVapor-1daho....... ...................47 Residential And Farm Area Lighting - ldaho ......48 Area Lighting - ldaho - High Pressure Sedium Va^er ..........49 AVISTA CORPORATION dba Avista Utilities Effective October 1,2011lssued September30,2011 Kelly Nonrood, Mce President, State & FederalRegulation AVISTA CORPORATION dba Avista utilities lssued June 1,2015 Effective July 3, 2015 Fifth Revision Sheet B Canceling Fourth Revision Sheet B INDEX PAGE.IDAHO Sheet Title of Sheet No. Title Page.. .................... A lndex Page .................... B Residential Service - |daho....... 1 General Service - ldaho....... ............ 11 ResidentialAndFarmGeneralServiec-1daho........ .............12 Large General Service-ldaho .............. ...............21 ResidentialAnd Farm Large GeneralService - ldaho ..........22 Extra Large General SeMce - ldaho....... ...........25 Extra Large General SeMce To Clearwater Paper Facility - ldaho...... ..25P Pumping Service - ldaho .................31 ResidentialAnd Farm Pumping Service - ldaho ...................32 Company Owned Street Light Service - ldaho....... ...............41 Company Oruned Street Light Service - |daho....... ...............42 Customer Owned Street Light Energy & Maintenance Service - ldaho High-Pressure Sodium Vapor......... .................44 Customer Orned Street Light Energy Service - ldaho .........45 Customer Orned Street Light Energy Service - ldaho ........46 AreaLighting-ldaho.MerorryVapor-1daho....... ......-............47 ResidentialAnd Farm Area Lighting - ldaho ......48 Area Lighting - ldaho.... ...................49 B l.P.U.C. No.28 Schedule No. 1 11 12 21 22 25 25P 31 32 41 42 44 45 46 47 48 49 lssued by By Avista LJtilities Kelly Norwood, Mce President, State & FederalRegulation Tenth Revision Sheet B-1 Canceling Ninth Revision Sheet B-1|.P.U.C. No.28 B-1 AVISTA CORPOMTION dba Avista Utilities Schedule No. INDEX PAGE - IDAHO - continued Sheet Title of Sheet No. Miscellaneous Sched ules Line Extension, Conversion, and Relocation Schedule - ldaho............... 51 Temporary SeMce .......53 Line Extension And Conversion Schedule for Local Improvement Districts - ldaho....... .........54 Tax Adjustment Schedule - ldaho ...................... 58 ResidentialAnd Farm Energy Rate Adjustment - ldaho ....... 59 Cogeneration And Small Power Production Schedule - ldaho ................ 62 Net Metering Option..... ....................63 Temporary Power CostAdjustment- ldaho .......66 ldaho Rules And Regulations........... ..................70 Fixed Cost Adjustment - ldaho -.......75 ElectricEnergyEfficiencyPrograms-ldaho....... ..................90 Energy Efficiency RiderAdjustment - ldaho. ...... 91 Optional Renewable Power Rate - ldaho......... .................... 95 EnergyLoadManagementProgram-Pi|ot......... ..................96 Rebate of Electric Eamings Test Deferral - ldaho...... ...........97 51 53 54 58 59 62 63 66 70 75 90 91 95 96 97 lssued June 1,2015 Effective July 3,2015 Avistalssued Kelly Norwood, Vice President, State & FederalRegulationr, *<t nd'd7+ J, |.P.U.C. No.28 Ninth Revision Sheet B-1 Canceling Revision Sheet B-1 Kelly Norwood, Vice President, State & FederalRegulation Tenth Revision Sheet B-1 Canceling Ninth Revision Sheet B-1 INDEX PAGE - IDAHO - continued Title of Sheet Miscellaneous Schedules B-1 |.P.U.C. No.28 Schedule No. Sheet No. 51 53 54 58 59 62 63 66 7A 75 Line Extension, Conversion, and Relocation Schedule - ldaho...............51 Temporary Service .......53 Line Extension And Conversion Schedule for Locallmprovement Districts - ldaho....... .........54 Tax Adjustment Schedule - ldaho ...................... 58 ResidentialAnd Farm Energy Rate Adjustment - ldaho ....... 59 Cogeneration And Small Power Production Schedule - |daho................62 Net Metering Option..... ....................63 Temporary Power Cost Adjustment - |daho......... ................. 66 ldaho Rules And Regulations........... .................. 70 trived Cnsf Adiusfment - ldaho 75 AVISTA CORPORATION dba Avista Utilities lssued June 1,2015 Effective July 3, 2015 90 91 95 96 97 ElectricEnergyEfficienryPrograms-|daho....... ..................90 Energy Efficiency Rider Adjustment - !daho.......... ................ 91 Optional Renewable Power Rate - |daho......... .................... 95 EnergyLoadManagementProgram-Pi|ot......... ..................96 Rebate of Electric Eamings Test Deferral - ldaho...... ...........97 lssued by Avista Utilities By Kelly Norwood, Mce President, State & FederalRegulation l.P.U.C. No.28 Tenth Revision Sheet 1 Canceling Ninth Revision Sheet 1 Kelly O. Nonarood, lssued by By Avista Utilities AVISTA CORPORATION d/bla Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 1 RESIDENTIAL SERVICE - IDAHO (Single phase & available voltage) AVAILABLE: To Customers in the State of ldaho where Company has electric service available. APPLICABLE: To service for domestic purposes in each individual residence, apartment, mobile home, or other living unit when all such service used on the premises is supplied through a single meter. Where a portion of a dwelling is used regularly for the conduct of business or where a portion of the electricity supplied is used for other than domestic purposes, the appropriate general service schedule is applicable. However, if the service for all domestic purposes is metered separately, this schedule will be applied to such service. When two or more living units are served through a single meter, the appropriate general service schedule is applicable. MONTHLY RATE: $8.50 Basic Charge, plusFirst 600 kwhAllover 600 kwh 8.422$ per kWh 9.404( per kWh Monthly Minimum Charge: $8.50 OPTIONAL SEASONAL MONTHLY CHARGE: A $8.50 monthly charge shall apply to Customers who close their account on a seasonal or intermittent basis, provided no energy usage occurs during an entire monthly billing cycle while the account is closed. Customers choosing this option are required to notify the Company in writing or by phone in advance and the account will be closed at the start of the next billing cycle following notification. lf energy is used during a monthly billing cycle, the above listed energy charges and basic charge of $8.50 shall apply. SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Service under this schedule is subject to the Rules and Regulations contained in this tariff. The above Monthly Rates are subject to increases or decreases as set forth in Tax Adjustment Schedule 58, Residentialand Farm Energy Rate Adjustment Schedule 59, Temporary Power CostAdjustment Schedule 66, Energy Efficiency RiderAdjustment Schedule 91 and Eamings Test Deferral Rebate Schedule 97. VP, State & FederalRegulation l.P.U.C. No.28 Ninth Revision Sheet 1 Canceling iiqhth Revision Sheet'l AVISTA CORPORATION dlb/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 1 RESIDENTIAL SERVICE - IDAHO (Single phase & available voltage) AVAILABLE: To Customers in the State of ldaho where Company has electric seruice available. APPLICABLE: To seryice for domestic purposes in each individual residence, apartment, mobile home, or other living unit when all such service used on the premises is supplied through a single meter. Where a portion of a dwelling is used regularly for the conduct of business or where a portion of the electricity supplied is used for other than domestic purposes, the appropriate general service schedule is applicable. However, if the service for all domestic purposes is metered separately, this schedule will be applied to such service. When two or more living units are served through a single meter, the appropriate general service schedule is applicable. MONTHLY RATE: $5*5 Basic Charge, PlusFirst 600 kwh 814€$, per kWhAllover 600 kwh 9€99# per kWh Monthly Minimum Charge: $+25 OPTIONAL SEASONAL MONTHLY CHARGE: A $5*5 monthly charge shall apply to Customers who close their account on a seasonal or intermittent basis, provided no energy usage occurs during an entire monthly billing cycle while the account is closed. Customers choosing this option are required to notify the Company in writing or by phone In advance and the account will be closed at the start of the next billing cycle following notification. lf energy is used during a monthly billing cycle, the above listed energy charges and basic charge of $€*5 shall apply. SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Service under this schedule is subject to the Rules and Regulations contained in this tariff. The above Monthly Rates are subject to increases or decreases as set forth in Tax Adjustment Schedule 58, Residential and Farm Energy Rate Adjustment Schedule 59, Temporary Power Cost Adjustment Schedule 66, Energy Efficiency Rider Adjustment Schedule 91 and oenneville Pswer Administratien Settlement Schedule 97. lssued August 29,2013 Effective October1,2013 ssued bv Avista Utilities By Kelly O. Norwood, VP, State & Federal Regulation Tenth Revision Sheet 1 Canceling Ninth Revision Sheet 1l.P.U.C. No.28 AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 1 RESIDENTIAL SERVICE - IDAHO (Single phase & available voltage) AVAILABLE: To Customers in the State of ldaho where Company has electric service available. APPLICABLE: To service for domestic purposes in each individual residence, apartment, mobile home, or other living unit when all such service used on the premises is supplied through a single meter. Where a portion of a dwelling is used regularly for the conduct of business or where a portion of the electricity supplied is used for other than domestic purposes, the appropriate general service schedule is applicable. However, if the service for all domestic purposes is metered separately, this schedule will be applied to such service. When two or more living units are served through a single meter, the appropriate general service schedule is applicable. MONTHLY MTE: $8.50 Basic Charge, plusFirst 600 kwhAllover 600 kwh 8.422d, per kWh 9.404d, per kWh Monthly Minimum Charge: $8.50 OPTIONAL SEASONAL MONTHLY CHARGE: A $8.50 monthly charge shall apply to Customers who close their account on a seasonal or intermittent basis, provided no energy usage occurs during an entire monthly billing cycle while the account is closed. Customers choosing this option are required to notify the Company in writing or by phone in advance and the account will be closed at the start of the next billing cycle following notification. lf energy is used during a monthly billing cycle, the above listed energy charges and basic charge of $8.50 shall apply. SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Seruice under this schedule is subject to the Rules and Regulations contained in this tariff. The above Monthly Rates are subject to increases or decreases as set forth in Tax Adjustment Schedule 58, Residential and Farm Energy Rate Adjustment Schedule 59, Temporary Power Cost Adjustment Schedule 66, Energy Efficiency Rider Adjustment Schedule 91 and Earninos Test Deferral Rebate Schedule 97. lssued June 1,2015 Effective July 3, 2015 eerrar{ hrr Arricla I VP, State & FederalRegulation l.P.U.C. No.28 Tenth Revision Sheet 11 Canceling Ninth Revision Sheet 11 Kelly O. Nonpood, lssued by By Avista Utilities AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 11 GENERAL SERVICE - IDAHO (Available phase and voltage) AVAIIABLE: To Customers in the State of ldaho where Company has electric service available. APPLICABLE: To general service supplied for all power requirements when all such service taken on the premises is supplied through one meter installation. MONTHLY RATE: The sum of the following charges: $13.00 Basic Charge, plus Energy Charge:First 3650 kwh 9.837$ per kWh All Over 3650 kwh 7.178i per kWh Demand Gharge: No charge for the first 20 kW of demand. $5.50 per kWforeach additional kW of demand. Minimum: $13.00 for single phase service and $20.10 for three phase service; unless a higher minimum is required under contract to cover special conditions. DEMAND: The average kW supplied during the 1$minute period of maximum use during the month as determined by a demand meter. SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Service under this schedule is subject to the Rules and Regulations contained in this tariff. The above Monthly Rates are subject to increases or decreases as set forth in Tax Adjustment Schedule 58, Temporary Power Cost Adjustment Schedule 66, Energy Efficiency Rider Adjustment Schedule 91 and Earnings Test Deferral Rebate Schedule 97. ru J^,^@J VP, State & FederalRegulation l.P.U.C. No.28 Ninth Revision Sheet 11 Canceling :iohth Revision Sheet 11 CORPORATION Avista utilities AVISTA dlbla SCHEDULE 1 1 GENEML SERVICE - IDAHO (Available phase and voltage) AVAILABLE: To Customers in the State of ldaho where Company has electric service available. APPLICABLE: To general service supplied for all power requirements when all such service taken on the premises is supplied through one meter installation. MONTHLY RATE: The sum of the following charges: $1499 Basic Charge, plus Energy Charge:First 3650 kwh 9€34* per kWh All Over 3650 kwh 7.178i, per kWh Demand Charge: No charge forthe first 20 kW of demand. $€Jg per kW for each additional kW of demand. Minimum: ${€$g for single phase service and $17.10 for three phase service; unless a higher minimum is required under contract to cover special conditions. DEMAND: The average kW supplied during the 1$minute period of maximum use during the month as determined by a demand meter. SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Service under this schedule is subject to the Rules and Regulations contained in this tariff. The above Monthly Rates are subject to increases or decreases as set forth in Tax Adjustment Schedule 58, Temporary Power Cost Adjustment Schedule 66, Energy Efficiency Rider Adjustment Schedule 91 and Se€lament Schedule 97. lssued August 29,2013 Effective Octoher1,2013 lssued Kelly O. Norwood,VP, State & FederalRegulation LP.U.C. No.28 Tenth Revision Sheet 11 Canceling Ninth Revision Sheet 11 AVISTA CORPOMTION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 11 GENERAL SERVICE - IDAHO (Available phase and vohage) AVAIISBLE: To Customers in the State of ldaho where Company has electric service available- APPLICABLE: To general service supplied for all power requirements when all such service taken on the premises is supplied through one meter installation. MONTHLY RATE: The sum of the following charges: $13.00 Basic Charge, plus Energy Charge:First 3650 kwh 9.837d per kWh All Over 3650 kwh 7.178i per kWh Demand Charge: No charge for the first 20 kW of demand. $5.50 per kW for each addltional kW of demand. Minimum: $13.00 for single phase service and $20.10 for three phase service; unless a higher minimum is required under contract to cover special conditions. DEMAND: The average kW supplied during the lSminute period of maximum use during the month as determined by a demand meter. SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Service under this schedule is subject to the Rules and Regulations contained in this tariff. The above Monthly Rates are subject to increases or decreases as set forth in Tax Adjustment Schedule 58, Temporary Power Cost Adjustment Schedule 66, Energy Efficiency Rider Adjustment Schedule g1 and Earninqs Test Defenal Rebate Schedule 97. lssued June 1,2015 Effective July 3, 2015 eGttq Utilities By Kelly O. Norv'rood, VP, State & Federal Regulation LP.U.C. No.28 Third Revision Sheet 12 Canceling Second Revision Sheet 12 AVISTA CORPORATION dlb/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 12 RESIDENTIAL AND FARM GENERAL SERVICE - IDAHO (Alternating 60 cycle current, available phase and voltage) AVAILABLE: To Customers in the State of ldaho who meet the requirements for service under Schedule 11 and whose electric use qualifies as a "residential load" as defined in the Pacific Northwest Electric Power Planning and Conservation Act, P.L. 96-501, and the Residential Purchase and Sale Agreement contract in effect between the Company and the Bonneville Power Administration. "Residential Load" means all usual residential, apartment, seasonaldwellings and farm electric loads or uses. Any electric use by such customers, which does not so qualify, shall be served under Schedule 11 or other appropriate rate schedule. MONTHLY RATE: The Monthly Rate shall be the same as that contained in the currently effective Schedule 11 of this tariff. SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Service under this schedule is subject to the Rules and Regulations contained in this tariff. The above Monthly Rate is subject to the provisions of Tax Adjustment Schedule 58, Residential and Farm Energy Rate Adjustment Schedule 59, Temporary Power Cost Adjustment Schedule 66, Energy Efficiency Rider Adjustment Schedule 91 and Earnings Test Deferral Rebate Schedule 97. lssued June 1,2015 Effective July 3, 2015 ccr rar{ hrr Arricla I llilil Kelly Norwood, Vice President, State & Federal RegulationBy ry J^-,'J l.P.U.C. No.28 Second Revision Sheet 12 Canceling First Revision Sheet 12 AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista utilities SCHEDULE 12 RESIDENTIAL AND FARM GENERAL SERVICE - IDAHO (Altemating 60 cycle curent, available phase and voltage) AVAILABLE: To Customers in the State of ldaho who meet the requirements for service under Schedule 11 and whose electric use qualifies as a "residential load" as defined in the Pacific Northwest Electric Power Planning and Conservation Act, P.L. 96-501, and the Residential Purchase and Sale Agreement contract in effect between the Company and the Bonneville Power Administration. "Residential Load" means all usual residential, apartment, seasonaldwellings and farm electric loads or uses. Any electric use by such customers, which does not so qualify, shall be served under Schedule 11 or other appropriate rate schedule. MONTHLY RATE: The Monthly Rate shall be the same as that contained in the currently effective Schedule 11 of this tariff. SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Service under this schedule is subject to the Rules and Regulations contained in this tariff. The above Monthly Rate is subject to the provisions of Tax Adjustment Schedule 58, Residential and Farm Energy Rate Adjustrnent Schedule 59, Temporary Power Cost Adjustment Schedule 66, Energy Efficiency Rider Adjustment Schedule 91 and Benneville Pewer Administratien Settlement Schedule 97. lssued August 29,2013 Effective October 1, 2013 by By Kelly Norwood, Mce President, State & FederalRegulation l.P.U.C. No.28 Third Revision Sheet 12 Canceling Second Revision Sheet 12 AVISTA CORPOMTION dlb/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 12 RESIDENTIAL AND FARM GENERAL SERVICE . IDAHO (Alternating 60 cycle current, available phase and voltage) AVAII.ABLE: To Customers in the State of ldaho who meet the requirements for service under Schedule 11 and whose electric use qualifies as a "residential load" as defined in the Pacific Northwest Electric Power Planning and Conservation Act, P.L. 96-501, and the Residential Purchase and Sale Agreement contract in effect between the Company and the Bonneville Power Administration. "Residential Load" means all usual residential, apartment, seasonaldwellings and farm electric loads or uses. Any electric use by such customers, which does not so qualify, shall be served under Schedule 1'l or other appropriate rate schedule. MONTHLY MTE: The Monthly Rate shall be the same as that contained in the currently effective Schedule 11 of this tariff. SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Service under this schedule is subject to the Rules and Regulations contained in this tariff. The above Monthly Rate is subject to the provisions of Tax Adjustment Schedule 58, Residential and Farm Energy Rate Adjustment Schedule 59, Temporary Power Cost Adjustment Schedule 66, Energy Efficiency Rider Adjustment Schedule 91 and Earninqs Test Deferral Rebate Schedule 97. lssued June'1, 2015 Effective July 3, 2015 lssued by By Kelly Nonrood,Mce President, State & FederalRegulation l.P.U.C. No.28 Tenth Revision Sheet 21 Canceling Ninth Revision Sheet 21 Kelly O. Nonrood, lssued by By Avista Util AVISTA GORPORATION dftla Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 21 LARGE GENERAL SERVICE . IDAHO (Available phase and voltage) AVAILABLE: To Customers in the State of ldaho where Company has electric service available. APPLICABLE: To generalservice supplied for all power requirements when allsuch service taken on the premises is supplied through one meter installation. Customer shall provide and maintain all transformers and other necessary equipment on his side of the point of delivery and may be required to enter into a written contract for five (5) years or longer. MONTHLY MTE: The sum of the following demand and energy charges: Energy Charge:First 250,000 kwh 6.473i per kWh All Over 250,000 kwh 5.524i, per kWh Demand Charge: $375.00 for the first 50 kW of demand or less. $5.50 per kW for each additional kW of demand. Primary Vottage Discou nt: lf Customer takes service at 11 kv (wye grounded) or higher, he will be allowed a primary voltage discount of 2O$ per kW of demand per month. Power Factor Adjustment Charge: lf Customer has a reactive kilovolt-ampere (kVAr) meter, he will be subject to a Power Factor Adjustment charge, as set forth in the Rules & Regulations. Minimum: $375.00, unless a higher minimum is required under contract to cover special conditions. ANNUAL MINIMUM: The cunent 12-month billing including any charges for power factor correction shall be not less than $10.00 per kW of the highest demand established during the current 12- month period provided that such highest demand shall be adjusted by the elimination of any demand occasioned by an operation totally abandoned during such 12-month period. DEMAND: The average kW supplied during the lS-minute period of maximum use during the month as determined by a demand meter. SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Customers served at 11 kv or higher shall provide and maintain all transformers and other necessary equipment on their side of the point of delivery. Service under this schedule is subject to the Rules and Regulations contained in this tariff. The aboye Monthly Rates are subject to increases or decreases as set forth in Tax Adjustment Schedule 58, Temporary Power CostAdjustment Schedule 66, Energy Efiicienry Rider Adjustment Schedule 91 and Earnings Test Defenal Rebate Schedule 97. VP, State & FederalRegulation l.P.U.C. No.28 AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 21 LARGE GENERAL SERVICE - IDAHO (Available phase and voltage) AVAILABLE: To Customers in the State of ldaho where Company has electric service available. APPLICABLE: To general service supplied for all power requirements when all such service taken on the premises is supplied through one meter installation. Customer shall provide and maintain all transformers and other necessary equipment on his side of the point of delivery and may be required to enter into a written contract for five (5) years or longer. MONTHLY MTE: The sum of the following demand and energy charges: Energy Gharge:First 250,000 kwh W7$, per kWhAllOver 250,000 kwh *7e$, per kWh Demand Charge: $36egg for the first 50 kW of demand or less. $4Jg per kW for each additional kW of demand. Primary Voltage Discount: lf Customer takes service at 11 kv (wye grounded) or higher, he will be allowed a primary voltage discount of 2OO per kW of demand per month. Power Factor Adjustment Charge: lf Gustomer has a reactive kilovolt-ampere (kVAr) meter, he will be subject to a Power Factor Adjustment charge, as set forth in the Rules & Regulations. Minimum: $35+gg, unless a higher minimum is required under contract to cover special conditions. ANNUAL MINIMUM: The current 12-month billing including any charges for power factor correction shall be not less than $10.00 per kW of the highest demand established during the cunent 12- month period provided that such highest demand shall be adjusted by the elimination of any demand occasioned by an operation totally abandoned during such 12-month period. DEMAND: The average kW supplied during the l Sminute period of maximum use during the month as determined by a demand meter. SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Customers served at 11 kv or higher shall provide and maintain all transformers and other necessary equipment on their side of the point of delivery. Service under this schedule is subject to the Rules and Regulations contained in this tarffi. The above Monthly Rates are subject to increases or decreases as set forth in Tax Adjustment Schedule 58, Temporary Power Cost Adjustment Schedule 66, Energy Efficiency Rider Adjustment Schedule 91 and Schedule 97. Avista Utilities Kelly O. Nonrrood,VP, State & FederalRegulation l.P.U.C. No.2B Tenth Revision Sheet 21 Canceling Ninth Revision Sheet 21 lssued by By AV]STA CORPORATION d/bla Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 21 LARGE GENERAL SERVIGE - IDAHO (Available phase and voltage) AVAILABLE: To Customers in the State of ldaho where Company has electric service available. APPLICABLE: To general service supplied for all power requirements when all such service taken on the premises is supplied through one meter installation. Customer shall provide and maintain all transformers and other necessary equipment on his side of the point of delivery and may be required to enter into a written contract for five (5) years or longer. MONTHLY RATE: The sum of the following demand and energy charges: Energy Charge:First 250,000 kwh 6.4736, per kWh All Over 250,000 kwh 5.524t, per kWh Demand Charge: $375.00 for the first 50 kW of demand or less. $5.50 per kW for each additional kW of demand. Primary Voltage Discount: lf Customer takes service at 11 kv (wye grounded) or higher, he will be allowed a primary voltage discount of 2Q$ per kW of demand per month. Power Factor Adjustment Gharge: lf Customer has a reactive kilovolt-ampere (kVAr) meter, he will be subject to a Power Factor Adjustment charge, as set forth in the Rules & Regulations. Minimum: $3ru, unless a higher minimum is required under contract to cover special conditions. ANNUAL MINIMUM: The cunent 12-month billing including any charges for power factor correction shall be not less than $10.00 per kW of the highest demand established during the current 12- month period provided that such highest demand shall be adjusted by the elimination of any demand occasioned by an operation totally abandoned during such 12-month period. DEMAND: The average kW supplied during the 1S-minute period of maximum use during the month as determined by a demand meter. SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Customers served at 11 kv or higher shall provide and maintain all transformers and other necessary equipment on their side of the point of delivery. Service under this schedule is subject to the Rules and Regulations contained in this tariff. The above Monthly Rates are subject to increases or decreases as set forth in Tax Adjustment Schedule 58, Temporary Power Cost Adjustment Schedule 66, Energy Efftcienry Rider Adjustment Schedule 91 and Earninos Test Deferral Rebate Schedule 97. Avista Utilities Kelly O. Norwood,VP, State & FederalRegulation l.P.U.C. No.28 lssued by Avista Utilities By Third Revision Sheet 22 Canceling Seond Revision Sheet 22 Kelly Nonarood, Mce President, State & Federal Regulation AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 22 RESIDENTIAL AND FARM LARGE GENERAL SERVICE - IDAHO (Alternating 60 cycle current, available phase and voltage) AVAII-ABLE: To Customers in the State of ldaho who meet the requirements for service under Schedule 21 and whose electric use qualifies as a "residential load" as defined in the Pacific Northwest Electric Power Planning and Conservation Act, P.L. 96-501, and the Residential Purchase and Sale Agreement contract in effect between the Company and the Bonneville Power Administration. "Residential Load" means all usual residential, apartment, seasonaldwellings and farm electric loads or uses. Any electric use by such customers, which does not so qualify, shall be served under Schedule 21 or other appropriate rate schedule. MONTHLY RATE: The Monthly Rate shall be the same as that contained in the currently effective Schedule 21 of this tariff. SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Service under this schedule is subject to the Rules and Regulations contained in this tariff. The above Monthly Rate is subject to the provisions of Tax Adjustment Schedule 58, Residentialand Farm Energy Rate Adjustment Schedule 59, Temporary Power Cost Adjustment Schedule 66, Energy Efficiency Rider Adjustment Schedule 91 and Earnings Test Deferral Rebate Schedule 97. lssued June 1,2015 Effective July 3, 2015 ry A,-*,4 l.P.U.C. No.28 AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 22 RESIDENTIAL AND FARM LARGE GENERAL SERVICE - IDAHO (Alternating 60 cycle current, available phase and voltage) AVAIISBLE: To Customers in the State of ldaho who meet the requirements for service under Schedule 21 and whose electric use qualifies as a "residential load" as defined in the Pacific Northwest Electric Power Planning and Conservation Act, P.L. 96-501, and the Residential Purchase and Sale Agreement contract in effect between the Company and the Bonneville Power Administration. "Residential Load" means all usual residential, apartment, seasonaldwellings and farm electric toads or uses. Any electric use by such customers, which does not so qualify, shall be served under Schedule 21 or other appropriate rate schedule. MONTHLY MTE: The Monthly Rate shall be the same as that contained in the currently effective Schedule 21 of this tariff. SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Service under this schedule is subject to the Rules and Regulations contained in this tariff. The above Monthly Rate is subject to the provisions of Tax Adjustment Schedule 58, Residentialand Farm Energy Rate Adjustment Schedule 59, Temporary Power Cost Adjustment Schedule 66, Energy Efficiency Rider Adjustment Schedule 91 and Benneville Pewer Administratien Settlement Schedule 97. Effective October 1, 2013 Kelly Norwood,Mce President, State & FederalRegulation l.P.U.C. No.28 lssued by Avista Utilities By Third Revision Sheet 22 Canceling Second Revision Sheet 22 AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 22 RESIDENTIAL AND FARM LARGE GENEML SERVICE - IDAHO (Alternating 60 cycle current, available phase and voltage) AVAILABLE: To Customers in the State of ldaho who meet the requirements for service under Schedule 21 and whose electric use qualifies as a "residential load" as defined in the Pacific Northwest Electric Power Planning and Conservataon Act, P.L. 96-501, and the Residential Purchase and Sale Agreement contract in effect between the Company and the Bonneville Power Administration. "Residential Load" means allusual residential, apartment, seasonaldwellings and farm electric loads or uses. Any electric use by such customers, which does not so qualify, shall be served under Schedule 21 or other appropriate rate schedule. MONTHLY RATE: The Monthly Rate shall be the same as that contained in the currently effective Schedule 21 ol this tariff. SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Service under this schedule is subject to the Rules and Regulations contained in this tariff. The above Monthly Rate is subject to the provisions of Tax Adjustment Schedule 58, Residentialand Farm Energy Rate Adjustment Schedule 59, Temporary Power Cost Adjustment Schedule 66, Energy Efficiency Rider Adjustment Schedule 91 and Earninos Test Deferral Rebate Schedule 97. lssued June 1,2015 Effective July 3, 2015 Kelly Norwood, Mce President, State & FederalRegulation l.P.U.C. No.28 Tenth Revision Sheet 25 Canceling Ninth Revision Sheet 25 AVISTA CORPORATION d1bla Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 25 EXTM LARGE GENERAL SERVICE - IDAHO (Three phase, available voltage) AVAILABLE: To Customers in the State of ldaho where Company has electric service available. APPLICABLE: To general service supplied for all power requirements when all such service taken on the premises is supplied through one meter installation for a demand of not less than 2,500 kVA but not greater than 25,000 kVA. The average of the Custome/s demand for the most recent twelve-month period must fall within these demand limits for service under this schedule. lf the Customer has less than twelve months of billing history, the Customer must have a minimum of six consecutive billing months of demand of at least 2,50A kVA in order to receive service under this schedule. New Customers must meet the above criteria or otherwise provide the Company with reasonable assurance that their peak demand will average at least 2,500 kVA. Customer shall provide and maintain all transformers and other necessary equipment on his side of the point of delivery and enter into a written contract for five (5) years or longer. MONTHLY RATE: The sum of the following demand and energy charges: Energy Charge:First 500,000 kwh 5.3360 per kWh All Over 500,000 kwh 4.5190, per kWh Demand Charge: $13,750.00 for the first 3,000 kVA of demand or less. $5.50 per kVA for each additional kVA of demand. Primary Voltage Discount: lf Customer takes service at 11 kV (wye grounded) or higher, he will be allowed a primary voltage discount of 2A$ per kVA of demand per rnonth. Minimum. The demand charge unless a higher minimum is required under contract to cover special conditions. ANNUAL MINIMUM: $71 1,1 10 Any annual minimum deficiency will be determined during the April billing cycle for the previous 12-month period. For a customer who has taken service on this schedule for less than 12 months, the annual minimum will be prorated based on the actual months of service. The annual minimum will also be prorated if base rates change during the 12-month period. The annual minimum is based on 916,667 kWh's per month (11,000,000 kWh's annually), plus twelve months multiplied by the monthly minimum demand charge for the first 3,000 kVa of demand. The annual minimum reflected above is based on base lssued June 1,2015 Effective July 3, 2015 sta Utilities Kelly O. Norwood, ry J^,,r'd VP, State & FederalRegulation l.P.U.C. No.28 Ninth Revision Sheet 25 Canceling Eiqhth Revision Sheet 25 lssued by By AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 25 EXTRA LARGE GENERAL SERVICE - IDAHO (Three phase, available voltage) AVAIIABLE: To Customers in the State of ldaho where Company has electric service available. APPLICABLE: To general service supplied for all power requirements when all such service taken on the premises is supplied through one meter installation for a demand of not less than 2,500 kVA but not greater than 25,000 kVA. The average of the Customer's demand for the most recent twelve-month period must fall within these demand limits for service under this schedule. lf the Customer has less than twelve months of billing history, the Customer must have a minimum of six consecutive billing months of demand of at least 2,500 kVA in order to receive service under this schedule. New Customers must meet the above criteria or otherwise provide the Company with reasonable assurance that their peak demand willaverage at least 2,500 kVA. Customer shall provide and maintain all transformers and other necessary equipment on his side of the point of delivery and enter into a written contract for five (5) years or longer. MONTHLY RATE: The sum of the following demand and energy charges: Energy Charge:First 500,000 kwh 5212$, per kWh All Over 500,000 kwh W$, per kWh Demand Charge: ${+$g€Sg for the first 3,000 kVA of demand or less. $4-€g per kVA for each additional kVA of demand. Primary Voltage Discount: lf Customer takes service at 11 kV (wye grounded) or higher, he will be allowed a primary voltage discount of 2A$ per kVA of demand per month. Minimum: The demand charge unless a higher minimum is required under contract to cover special conditions. ANNUAL MINIMUM: $6€+429 Any annual minimum deficiency will be determined during the April billing cycle for the previous 12-month period. For a customer who has taken service on this schedule for less than 12 months, the annual minimum will be prorated based on the actual months of service. The annual minimum will also be prorated if base rates change during the 12-month period. The annualminimum is based on 916,667 kWh's permonth (11,000,000 kWh's annually), plus twelve months multiplied by the monthly minimum demand charge for the first 3,000 kVa of demand. The annual minimum reflected above is based on base lssued August29,2013 Effective October 1, 2013 Avista Utilities Kelly O. Norwood,VP, State & FederalRegulation l.P.U.C. No.28 Tenth Revision Sheet 25 Canceling Ninth Revision Sheet 25 AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 25 EXTM LARGE GENERAL SERVICE - IDAHO ([hree phase, available voltage) AVAILABLE: To Customers in the State of ldaho where Company has electric service available. APPLICABLE: To generalservice supplied for all power requirements when all such service taken on the premises is supplied through one meter installation for a demand of not less than 2,500 kVA but not greater than 25,000 kVA. The average of the Customer's demand for the most recent twelve-month period must fall within these demand limits for service under this schedule. lf the Customer has less than twelve months of billing history, the Customer must have a minimum of six consecutive billing months of demand of at least 2,500 kVA in order to receive service under this schedule. New Customers must meet the above criteria or othenrise provide the Company with reasonable assurance that their peak demand will average at least 2,500 kVA. Customer shall provide and maintain all transformers and other necessary equipment on his side of the point of delivery and enter into a written contract for five (5) years or longer. MONTHLY RATE: The sum of the following demand and energy charges: Energy Charge:First 500,000 kwh 5.336d per kWh All Over 500,000 kwh 4,519d per kWh Demand Charge: $13.750.00 for the first 3,000 kVA of demand or less. S5.50 per kVA for each additional kVA of demand. Primary Voltage Discount: lf Customer takes service at 11 kV (wye grounded) or higher, he will be allowed a primary voltage discount at zAi per kVA of demand per month. Minimum: The demand charge unless a higher minimum is required under contract to cover special conditions. ANNUAL MINIMUM: $711.110 Any annual minimum deficiency will be determined during the April billing cycle for the previous 12-month period. For a customerwho has taken service on this schedule for less than 12 months, the annual minimum will be prorated based on the actual months of service. The annual minimum will also be prorated if base rates change during the 12-month period. The annual minimum is based on 916,667 kWh's per month (11,000,000 kWh's annually), plus twelve months multiplied by the monthly minimum demand charge for the first 3,000 kVa of demand. The annual minimum reflected above is based on base lssued June 1,2015 Effective July 3, 2015 lss Utililiesby By Kelly O. Non'vood,VP, State & FederalRegulation Sixth Revision Sheet 25A Canceling Fifth Revision Sheet 25ALP.U.C. No.28 lssued by Avista Utilities AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 25A revenues only. Any other revenues paid by customers in their billed rates (such as the DSM Tartff Rider Schedule 91) do not factor in to the annual minimum calculation. DEMAND: The average kVA supplied during the 3Gminute period of maximum use during the cunent month as measured by Company's metering equipment. SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: For Customers who have more than one metering point to serve contiguous facilities or properties, the coincident demand from all such meters must not exceed 25,000 kVA in order to receive service under this schedule. Customers whose demand from allsuch meters exceeds 25,000 kVA may be served under special contract wherein the rates, terms, and conditions of service are specified and approved by the l.P.U.C. lf the Company and the Customer cannot agree on the rates, terms, and conditions of service, the matter will be brought before the l.P.U.C. for resolution. lf the Customer requires service during either the contract negotiation or resolution period, service will be supplied under this rate schedule subject to refund or surcharge based on the tenns of the final contract. For Customers whose power factor is less than 80%, their kVA demand will be computed at an 80% power factor and the resulting kVA must be at least 2,500 in order to receive service under this schedule. Customers utilizing resistance load banks solely for the purpose of increasing their demand in order to qualify for service under this schedule will not be served under this schedule. Existing Customers who install demand-side management measures after May 1 , 1992, which cause their demand to fall below 2,500 kVA will continue to qualify for service under this schedule. The Company will estimate the Gustomer's demand reduction created by those demand-side management measures in order to determine qualification for service under this schedule. lf a Customer installs demand-side management measures without assistance from the Company, it is the Customefs responsibility to inform the Company regarding the installation of such measures. Service under this schedule is subject to the Rules and Regulations contained in this tariff. The above Monthly Rates are subject to increases or decreases as set forth in Tax Adjustment Schedule 58, Temporary Power Cost Adjustment Schedule 66, Energy Efficiency Rider Adjustment Schedule 91 and Earnings Test Deferral Rebate Schedule 97. lssued June 1,2015 Effective July 3, 2015 By , Kelly O. Norwood, VP, State & FederalRegulationry J^,eJ l.P.U.C. No.28 Fifth Revision Sheet 25A Canceling Fourth Revision Sheet 25A lssued by By AVISTA CORPORATION dlbla Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 25A revenues only. Any other revenues paid by customers in their billed rates (such as the DSM Tariff Rider Schedule 91) do not factor in to the annual minimum calculation. DEMANDI The average kVA supplied during the 3O-minute period of maximum use during the current month as measured by Company's metering equipment. SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: For Customers who have more than one metering point to serue contiguous facilities or properties, the coincident demand ftom al! such meters must not exceed 25,000 kVA in order to receive service under this schedule. Customers whose demand from all such meters exceeds 25,000 kVA may be served under special contract wherein the rates, terms, and conditions of service are specified and approved by the |.P.U.C. lf the Company and the Customer cannot agree on the rates, terms, and conditions of service, the matter will be brought before the I.P.U.C. for resolution. lf the Customer requires service during either the contract negotiation or resolution period, service will be supplied under this rate schedule subject to refund or surcharge based on the terms of the final contract. For Customers whose power factor is less than 80%, their kVA demand will be computed at an 80% power factor and the resulting kVA must be at least 2,500 in order to receive service under this schedule. Customers utilizing resistance load banks solely for the purpose of increasing their demand in order to qualtfy for service under this schedule will not be served under this schedule. Existing Customers who installdemand-side management measures afier May 1 , 1992, which cause their demand to fall below 2,500 kVA will continue to qualifu for service under this schedule. The Company will estimate the Gustomer's demand reduction created by those demand-side management measures in order to determine qualification for service under this schedule. lf a Customer installs demand-side management measures without assistance from the Company, it is the Customer's responsibility to inform the Company regarding the installation of such measures. Service under this schedule is subject to the Rules and Regulations contained in this tariff. The above Monthly Rates are subject to increases or decreases as set forth in Tax Adjustment Schedule 58, Temporary Power Cost Adjustment Schedule 66, Energy Efficiency Rider Adjustment Schedule 91 and Benneville*a*erffiSchedule97. lssued August 29,2013 Effective Octoberl,20'13 Avista utilities Kelly O. Norwood,VP, State & FederalRegulation l.P.U.C. No.28 Sixth Revision Sheet 25A Canceling Fifth Revision Sheet 25A CORPORATION Avista Utilities AVISTA dlbla SCHEDULE 25A revenues only. Any other revenues paid by customers in their billed rates (such as the DSM Tarffi Rider Schedule 91) do not factor in to the annual minimum calculation. DEMAND: The average kVA supplied during the 3O-minute period of maximum use during the cunent month as measured by Company's metering equipment. SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: For Customers who have more than one metering point to serve contiguous facilities or properties, the coincident demand from all such meters must not exceed 25,000 kVA in order to receive service under this schedule. Customers whose demand from allsuch meters exceeds 25,000 kVA may be served under special contract wherein the rates, terms, and conditions of service are specified and approved by the |.P.U.C. lf the Company and the Customer cannot agree on the rates, terms, and conditions of seryice, the matter will be brought before the l.P.U.C. for resolution. lf the Customer requires service during either the contract negotiation or resolution period, service will be supplied under this rate schedule subject to refund or surcharge based on the terms of the final contract. For Customers whose power factor is less than 80%, their kVA demand will be computed at an 80% power factor and the resutting kVA must be at least 2,500 in order to receive service under this schedule. Customers utilizing resistance load banks solely for the purpose of increasing their demand in order to qualify for service under this schedule will not be served under this schedule. Existing Customers who installdemand-side management measures after May 1 ,1992, which cause their demand to fall below 2,500 kVA will continue to qualify for service under this schedule. The Company will estimate the Customer's demand reduction created by those demand-side management measures in order to determine qualification for service under this schedule. lf a Customer installs demand-side management measures without assistance from the Company, it is the Customefs responsibility to inform the Company regarding the installation of such measures. Service under this schedule is subject to the Rules and Regulations contained in this tariff. The above Monthly Rates are subject to increases or decreases as set forth in Tax Adjustment Schedule 58, Temporary Power Cost Adjustment Schedule 66, Energy Efficiency Rider Adjustment Schedule gl and Earninqs Test Deferral Rebate Schedule 97. Issued June 1,2015 Effective July 3, 2015 ssued Avistaby By Kelly O. Nonsood, VP, State & FederalRegulation l.P.U.C. No.2B Ninth Revision Sheet 25P Canceling Substitute Eiohth Revision Sheet 25P AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 25P EXTRA LARGE GENERAL SERVICE TO CLEARWATER PAPER'S FACILITY- IDAHO (Three phase, available voltage) AVATLABLE: To Cleanilater Paper Corporation's Lewiston, ldaho Facility. APPLICABLE: To general service supplied for all power requirements with a demand of not less than 2,500 kVA but not greater than 110,000 kVA. The average of the Customefs demand for the most recent twelve-month period must fall within these demand limits for service under this schedule. Customer shall provide and maintain all transformers and other necessary equipment on its side of the point of delivery and enter into a written contract for five (5) years or longer. MONTHLY RATE: The sum of the following demand and energy charges: Energy Charge: 4.2570, per kwh Demand Charge: $13,750.00 for the first 3,000 kVA of demand or less. 1"t Demand Block: $5.50 per kVA for each additional kVA of demand up to 55,000 kvA. 2nd Demand Block: $2.00 per kVA for each additional kVA of demand above 55,000 kvA. Primary Voltage Discount: lf Customer takes service at 11 kV (wye grounded) or higher, it will be allowed a primary voltage discount at 2A( per kVA of demand per month. Minimum: The demand charge unless a higher minimum is required under contract to cover special conditions. ANNUAL MINIMUM: $633,270 Any annual minimum deficiency will be determined during the April billing cycle for the previous 12-month period. The annual minimum is based on 916,667 kWh's per month, plus twelve months multiplied by the monthly minimum demand charge for the first 3,000 kVa of demand. The annual minimum reflected above is based on base revenues only. Any other revenues paid in billed rates (such as the DSM Tariff Rider Schedule 91) do not factor into the annual minimum calculation. lssued June 1, 2015 Effective July 3, 2015 by By Kelly O. Norwood, VP, State & FederalRegulationry J^,*,J l.P.U.C. No.28 Substitute Eighth Revision Sheet 25P Canceling Seventh Revision Sheet 25P AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 25P EXTRA LARGE GENERAL SERVICE TO CLEARWATER PAPER'S FACILITY - IDAHO (Three phase, available voltage) AVAII-{BLE: To Glearwater Paper Corporation's Lewiston, ldaho Facility. APPLICABLE: To general service supplied for all power requirements with a demand of not less than 2,500 kVA but not greater than 110,000 kVA. The average of the Customer's demand for the most recent twelve-month period must fall within these demand limits for service under this schedule. Customer shall provide and maintain all transformers and other necessary equipment on its side of the point of delivery and enter into a written contract for five (5) years or longer. MONTHLY RATE: The sum of the following demand and energy charges: Energy Charge:M$, per kwh Demand Charge: ${+#90€g for the first 3,000 kVA of demand or less. 1't Demand Btock: $4.5g per kVA for each additional kVA of demand up to 55,000 kvA. 2nd Demand Block $2.00 per kVA for each additional kVA of demand above 55,000 kvA. Primary Voltage Discount: lf Customer takes service at 11 kV (wye grounded) or higher, it will be allowed a primary voltage discount of 2O$ per kVA of demand per month. Minimum: The demand charge unless a higher minimum is required under contract to cover special conditions. ANNUAL MINIMUM: $617'949 Any annual minimum deficiency will be determined during the April billing cycle for the previous 12-month period. The annual minimum is based on 916,667 kWh's per month, plus twelve months multiplied by the monthly minimum demand charge for the first 3,000 kVa of demand. The annual minimum reflected above is based on base revenues only. Any other revenues paid in billed rates (such as the DSM Tariff Rider Schedule 91) do not factor into the annual minimum calculation. Avista Utilities Kelly O. Nonrood,VP, State & FederalRegulation Ninth Revision Sheet 25P Canceling Substitute Eighth Revision Sheet 25Pl.P.U.C. No.28 by By AVISTA CORPORATION d/hla Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 25P EXTRA I.ARGE GENERAL SERVICE TO CLEARWATER PAPER'S FACILITY.IDAHO (Three phase, available voltage) AVAILABLE: To Clearwater Paper Corporation's Lewiston, ldaho Facility. APPLICABLE: To general service supplied for all power requirements with a demand of not less than 2,500 kVA but not greater than 110,000 kVA. The average of the Customer's demand for the most recent twelve-month period must fall within these demand limits for service under this schedule. Customer shall provide and maintain all transformers and other necessary equipment on its side of the point of delivery and enter into a written contract for five (5) years or longer. MONTHLY RATE: The sum of the following demand and energy charges: Energy Charge: 4.257C per kwh Demand Charge: $13.750.00 for the first 3,000 kVA of demand or less. 1$ Demand Block: $5.50 per kVA for each additional kVA of demand up to 55,000 kvA. 2nd Demand Block: $2.00 per kVA for each additional kVA of demand above 55,000 kvA. Primary Voltage Discount: lf Customer takes service at 11 kV (wye grounded) or higher, it will be allowed a primary voltage discount of 2AO, per kVA of demand per month. Minimum: The demand charge unless a higher minimum is required under contract to cover special conditions. ANNUAL MINIMUM: $633.270 Any annual minimum deficiency will be determined during the April billing cycle for the previous 12-month period. The annual minimum is based on 916,667 kWh's per month, plus twelve months multiplied by the monthly minimum demand charge for the first 3,000 kVa of demand. The annual minimum reflected above is based on base revenues only. Any other revenues paid in billed rates (such as the DSM Tariff Rider Schedule 91) do not factor into the annual minimum calculation. Effective July 3, 2015 Avista Utilities Kelly O. Norwood,VP, State & FederalRegulation |.P.U-C, No.28 Fifth Revision Sheet 25PA Canceling Fourth Revision Sheet 25PA CORPORATION Avista Utilities AVISTA dba SCHEDULE 25P (continued) DEMAND: The average kVA supplied during the 3Gminute period of maximum use during the current month as measured by Company's metering equipment. The Demand rate for all kVA above 55,000 is directly related to the terms and conditions of to the Service Agreement between Clearwater Paper and Avista, which is effective on July 1,2013, for a period of 5 years, with an evergreen provision. Avista and Clearwater agree that Clearwatefs load under Schedule 25P will increase during planned generation outages, intermittent Clearwater generation outages, and other variations in Clearwater Facility load. lf, however, Clearwater sells any of its generation output to any third party, thereby taking all or a larger portion of its retail load from Avista, the second demand block described above would no longer be applicable, and all demand would be billed at the first block rate, i.e., the rate per kVA charged for each kVA from 3001 kVA to 55,000 kVA. SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: All SpecialTerms and Conditions are addressed in the Service Agreement between Avista and Clearwater Paper Corporation as approved by the Commission effective July 1,2013. Service under this schedule is subject to the Rules and Regulations contained in this tariff. The above Monthly Rates are subject to increases or decreases as set forth in Tax Adjustment Schedule 58, Temporary Power Cost Adjustment Schedule 66, Energy Efficiency Rider Adjustment Schedule 91 and Earnings Test Deferral Rebate Schedule 97. lssued June 1,2015 Effective July 3, 2015 rricla I lfilil Kelly O. Norwood, ry J^,-,v-t VP, Stde & FederalRegulation I.P.U.C. No.28 lssued hy Avista By Fourth Revision Sheet 25PA Canceling Third Revision Sheet 25PA AVISTA CORPORATION dba Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 25P (continued) DEMAND: The average kVA supplied during the 3Gminute period of maximum use during the current month as measured by Company's metering equipment. The Demand rate for all kVA above 55,000 is directly related to the terms and conditions of to the Service Agreement between Clearwater Paper and Avista, which is effective on July 1,2013, for a period of 5 years, with an evergreen provision. Avista and Clearwater agree that Clearwatefs toad under Schedule 25P will increase during planned generation outages, intermittent Clearwater generation outages, and other variations in Clearwater Facility load. lf, however, Clearwater sells any of its generation output to any third party, thereby taking all or a larger portion of its retail load from Avista, the second demand block described above would no longer be applicable, and all demand would be billed at the first block rate, i.e., the rate per kVA charged for each kVA from 3001 kVA to 55,000 kVA. SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: All SpecialTerms and Conditions are addressed in the Service Agreement between Avista and Clearwater Paper Corporation as approved by the Commission effective July 1,2013. Service under this schedule is subject to the Rules and Regulations contained in this tariff. The above Monthly Rates are subject to increases or decreases as set forth in Tax Adjustment Schedule 58, Temporary Power Cost Adjustment Schedule 66, Energy Efficiency Rider Adjustment Schedule 91 and Benneville Pewer Administratien €e*lement Schedute 97. lssued August 29,2413 Effective October 1, 2A13 Kelly O. Norwood, VP, State & FederalRegulation LP.U.C. No.28 Fifth Revision Sheet 25PA Canceling Fourth Revision Sheet 25PA CORPORATION Avista tjtilities AVISTA dba SCHEDULE 25P (continued) DEMAND: The average kVA supplied during the 3Gminute period of maximum use during the current month as measured by Company's metering equipment. The Demand rate for all kVA above 55,000 is directty related to the terms and conditions of to the Service Agreement between Clearwater Paper and Avista, which is effective on July 1, 2A13, for a period of 5 years, with an evergreen provision. Avista and Clearwater agree that Clearwater's load under Schedule 25P will increase during planned generation outages, intermittent Clearwater generation outages, and other variations in Cleanarater Facility load. ll however, Clearwater sells any of its generation output to any third party, thereby taking all or a larger portion of its retail load from Avista, the second demand block described above would no longer be applicable, and all demand would be billed at the first block rate, i.e., the rate per kVA charged for each kVA from 3001 kVA to 55,000 kVA. SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: All SpecialTerms and Conditions are addressed in the Service Agreement between Avista and Clearwater Paper Corporation as approved by the Commission effective July 1,2413. Service under this schedule is subject to the Rules and Regulations contained in this tariff. The above Monthly Rates are subject to increases or decreases as set forth in Tax Adjustment Schedule 58, Temporary Power Cost Adjustment Schedule 66, Energy Efftciency Rider Adjustment Schedule 91 and Eaminqs Test Defenal Rebate Schedule 97. lssued June 1,2015 Effective July 3, 2015 Utilitiesby By Kelly O. Nonrvood, VP, State & FederalRegulation l.P.U.C. No.28 Tenth Revision Sheet 31 Canceling Ninth Revision Sheet 31 AVISTA CORPOMTION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 31 PUMPING SERVICE - IDAHO (Available phase and voltage) AVAILABLE: To Customers in the State of ldaho where Company has electric service available. APPLICABLE: To service through one meter for pumping water or water effluents, including incidental power used for other equipment and lighting essentialto the pumping operation. For such incidental service, Customer will furnish any transformers and other necessary equipment. Customer may be required to enter into a written contract for fle (5) years or longer and will have service available on a continuous basis unless there is a change in ownership or control of property served. MONTHLY RATE: The sum of the following charges: $10.00 Basic Charge, Plus Energy Charge: 9.759fi, per kWh for the first 85 l(Vh per kW of demand, and for the next 80 lOVh per kW of demand but not more than 3,000 l(I/h. 8.3196 per l(\lfh for all additional l(ldh. Annual Minimum: $12.00 per kW of the highest demand established in the cunent year ending with the November billing cycle. lf no demand occurred in the current year, the annual minimum will be based on the highest demand in the latest previous year having a demand. Demand: fhe average kW supplied during the 1S-minute period of maximum use during the month determined, at the option of Company, by a demand meter or nameplate input rating of pump motor. SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: lf Customer requests the account to be closed by reason of change in ownership or control of property, the unbilled seruice and any applicable annual minimum will be prorated to the date of closing. Service under this schedule is subject to the Rules and Regulations contained in this tariff. The above Monthly Rates are subject to increases or decreases as set forth in Tax Adjustment Schedule 58, Temporary Power Cost Adjustment Schedule 66, Energy Efiiciency Rider Adjustment Schedule 91 and Eamings Test Deferral Rebate Schedule 97. lssued June 1,2015 Effective July 3, 2015 lssued l+ilirby By Kelly O. Nonivood, VP, State & Federal Regulationry J^,*l l.P.U.C. No.28 Ninth Revision Sheet 31 Canceling Revision Sheet 31 lssued by By AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 31 PUMPING SERVICE - IDAHO (Available phase and voltage) AVAILABLE: To Customers in the State of ldaho where Company has electric service available. APPLICABLE: To service through one meter for pumping water or water effluents, including incidental power used for other equipment and lighting essentialto the pumping operation. For sueh incidental service, Customer will furnish any transformers and other necessary equipment. Customer may be reguired to enter into a written contract for fle (5) years or longer and will have service available on a continuous basis unless there is a change in ownership or control of property served. MONTHLY RATE: The sum of the following charges: $'g$g Basic Charge, Plus Energy Charge: 93ggf per k\A/h for the first 85 KWh per kW of demand, and for the next 80 l(VVh per kW of demand but not more than 3,000 KIfh.7W per lOVh for alladditional K//h. AnnualMinimum: $12.00 per kW of the highest demand established in the current year ending with the November billing cycle. lf no demand occurred in the current year, the annual minimum will be based on the highest demand in the latest previous year having a demand. Demand: The average kW supplied during the 1$minute period of maximum use during the month determined, at the option of Company, by a demand meter or nameplate input rating of pump motor. SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: lf Customer requests the account to be closed by reason of change in ownership or control of property, the unbilled service and any applicable annual minimum will be prorated to the date of closing. Service under this schedule is subject to the Rules and Regulations contained in this tariff. The above Monthly Rates are subject to increases or decreases as set forth in Tax Adjustment Schedule 58, Temporary Power CostAdjustment Schedule 66, Energy Efftciency Rider Adjustment Schedule 91 and E€'Hn€'vill€LP€$rer+ldmi#listr€tien Se*lemen+ Schedule 97. Avista Utilities Kelly O. Nonuood,VP, State & FederalRegulation l.P.U.C. No.28 Tenth Revision Sheet 31 Canceling Ninth Revision Sheet 31 CORPORATION Avista Utilities AVISTA dlbla SCHEDULE 31 PUMPING SERVICE - IDAHO (Available phase and voltage) AVAILABLE: To Customers in the State of ldaho where Company has electric service available. APPLICABLE: To service through one meter for pumping water or water effluents, including incidental power used for other equipment and lighting essential to the pumping operation. For such incidental service, Customer will furnish any transformers and other necessary equipment. Customer may be required to enter into a written contract for five (5) years or longer and will have service available on a continuous basis unless there is a change in ownership or control of property served. MONTHLY MTE: The sum of the following charges: $10.00 Basic Charge, plus Energy Charge: 9.759d per kWh for the first 85 }(VVh per kW of demand, and for the next 80 l(/Uh per kW of demand but not more than 3,000 t( /h. 8.319d per l(IUh for alladditional lCIVh. Annual Minimum: $12.00 per kW of the highest demand established in the current year ending with the November billing cycle. lf no demand occurred in the current year, the annual minimum will be based on the highest demand in the latest previous year having a demand. Demand: The average kW supplied during the 1$minute period of maximum use during the month determined, at the option of Cornpany, by a demand meter or nameplate input rating of pump motor. SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: lf Customer requests the account to be closed by reason of change in ownership or control of property, the unbilled service and any applicable annual minimum will be prorated to the date of closing. Service under this schedule is subject to the Rules and Regulations contained in this tariff. The above Monthly Rates are subject to increases or decreases as set forth in Tax Adjustment Schedule 58, Temporary Power Cost Adjustment Schedule 66, Energy Efficiency Rider Adjustment Schedule 91 and Eaminqs Test Defenal Rebate Schedule 97. lssued June 1,2015 Effective July 3, 2015 lssued Avista Kelly O. Norwood,State & Federal Regulation AV]STA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 32 RESIDENTIAL AND FARM PUMPING SERVICE . IDAHO (Alternating 60 cycle current, available phase and voltage) AVAILABLE: To Customers in the State of ldaho who meet the requirements for service under Schedule 31 and whose electric use qualifies as a "residential load" as defined in the Pacific Northwest Electric Power Planning and Conservation Act, P.L. 96-501, and the Residential Purchase and Sale Agreement contract in effect between the Company and the Bonneville Power Administration. "Residential Load" means all usual residential, apartment, seasonaldwellings and farm electric loads or uses. Any electric use by such customers, which does not so qualify, shall be served under Schedule 31 or other appropriate rate schedule. MONTHLY RATE: The Monthly Rate shall be the same as that contained in the currently effective Schedule 31 of this tariff. SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Service under this schedule is subject to the Rules and Regulations contained in this tariff. The above Monthly Rate is subject to the provisions of Tax Adjustment Schedule 58, Residentialand Farm Energy Rate Adjustment Schedule 59, Temporary Power Cost Adjustment Schedule 66, Energy Efficiency Rider Adjustment Schedule g1 and Earnings Test Deferral Rebate Schedule 97. Effective Juty 3, 2015 lssued by By Avista Utilities Third Revision Sheet 32 Canceling Second Revision Sheet 32 Kelly Norwood, ry J^,--rJ Vce President, State & FederalRegulation AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 32 RESIDENTIAL AND FARM PUMPING SERVICE - IDAHO (Alternating 60 cycle current, available phase and voltage) AVAILABLE: To Customers in the State of ldaho who meet the requirements for service under Schedule 31 and whose electric use qualifies as a "residential load" as defined in the Pacific Northwest Electric Power Planning and Conservation Act, P.L. 96-501, and the Residential Purchase and Sale Agreement contract in effect between the Company and the Bonneville Power Administration. "Residential Load" means all usual residential, apartment, seasonaldwellings and farm electric loads or uses. Any electric use by such customers, which does not so qualify, shall be served under Schedule 31 or other appropriate rate schedule. MONTHLY RATE: The Monthly Rate shall be the same as that contained in the currently effective Schedule 31 of this tariff. SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Service under this schedule is subject to the Rules and Regulations contained in this tariff. The above Monthly Rate is subject to the provisions of Tax Adjustment Schedule 58, Residential and Farm Energy Rate Adjustment Schedule 59, Temporary Power Cost Adjustment Schedule 66, Energy Efficiency Rider Adjustment Schedule 91 and Benneville Pewer Administratien $ettlement Schedule 97. lssued August 29,2013 Effective October 1, 2013 Kelly Norwood,Mce President, State & FederalRegulation |.P.U.C. No.28 Third Revision Sheet 32 Canceling Second Revision Sheet 32 AVISTA CORPORATION dlbla Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 32 RESIDENTIAL AND FARM PUMPING SERVICE. IDAHO (Alternating 60 cycle current, available phase and voltage) AVAILABLE: To Customers in the State of ldaho who meet the requirements for service under Schedule 31 and whose electric use qualifies as a "residential load" as defined in the Pacific Northwest Electric Power Planning and Conservation Act, P.L. 96-501, and the Residential Purchase and Sale Agreement contract in effect between the Company and the Bonneville Power Administration. "Residential Load" means all usual residential, apartment, seasonaldwellings and farm electric loads or uses. Any electric use by such customers, which does not so qualify, shall be served under Schedule 31 or other appropriate rate schedule. MONTHLY RATE: The Monthly Rate shall be the same as that contained in the currently effective Schedule 31 of this tariff. SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Service under this schedule is subject to the Rules and Regulations contained in this tariff. The above Monthly Rate is subject to the provisions of Tax Adjustment Schedule 58, Residential and Farm Energy Rate Adjustment Schedule 59, Temporary Power Cost Adjustment Schedule 66, Energy Efficiency Rider Adjustment Schedule 91 and Earninqs Test Deferral Rebate Schedule 97. lssued June 1.2015 Effective July 3, 2015 by By Kelly Norwood, Vice President, State & FederalRegulation AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 41 COMPANY OWNED STREET LIGHT SERVICE-IDAHO (Single phase and available voltage) AVAII.ABLE: To agencies of local, state, or federal governments in all ldaho territory served by Company. Closed to new installations as of November 24,1981, except where Company and customer agree, mercury vapor lamps may be installed to provide compatibility with existing light sources. APPLICABLE: To annual operation of dusk-todawn lighting for public streets and thoroughfares upon receipt of an authorized application. MONTHLY RATE: Pole Facilitv Fixture & Size Metal Standard (Lumens) No Pole Pole Base Burial Contributed Code Rate Code Rate Code Rate Code Rate Code Rate Wood Pedestal Direct Developer Sinole Mercury Vapor 7000 10000 20000 411 $ 15.48511 18.75511 26.45 416 $ 15.48 *Not available to new customers accounts, or locations. #Decorative Curb. by Avista By Ninth Revision Sheet 41 Canceling Revision Sheet 41 Kelly O. Nonrood, ru J^,*,J VP, State & Federal Regulation l.P.U.C. No.28 Eighth Revision Sheet 41 Canceling Seventh Revision Sheet 41 AVISTA CORPORATION d/b1a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 41 COMPANY OWNED STREET LIGHT SERVICE.IDAHO (Single phase and avaihbb voltage) AVAILABLE: To agencies of local, state, or federal governments in all ldaho territory served by Company. Closed to new installations as of November 24, 1981, except where Company and customer agree, mercury vapor lamps may be installed to provide compatibility with existing light sources. APPLICABLE: To annual operation of dusk-to{awn lighting for public streets and thoroughfares upon receipt of an authorized application. MONTHLY RATE: Pole Facilitu Fixture & Size Metal StandardWood Pedestal Direct Developer(Lumens) No Pole Pole Base Burial Contributed Code Rgte 9ode Rate Code Rate Code Rate Code Rate Sinole Mercury Vaoor 7000 10000 20000 411 re511 17.64611 W 416 $r4S *Not available to new customers accounts, or locations. #Decorative Curb. lssued August 29,2013 Effective October1,2013 ecr ror{ hrr Arricta I ltilil By Kelly O. Nonrvood, VP, State & FederalRegulation l.P.U.C. No.28 Ninth Revision $heet 41 Canceling Eighth Revision Sheet 41 AVISTA CORPORATION dlb/a Avista utilities SCHEDULE 41 COMPANY OWNED STREET LIGHT SERVICE.IDAHO (Single phase and available voltage) AVAILABLE: To agencies of local, state, or federal govemments an all ldaho tenitory served by Company. Closed to new installations as of November 24,1981, except where Company and customer agree, mercury vapor lamps may be installed to provide compatibility with existing light sources. APPLICABLE: To annual operation of dusk-todawn lighting for public streets and thoroughfares upon receipt of an authorized application. MONTHLY RATE: Pole Facilitu Fixture & Size MetalStandardWood Pedestal Direc,t Developer(Lumens) No Pole Pole Base Burial Contributed Code Rate Code Rate Code Rate Code Rate Code Rate Sinqle Mercurv Vapor 7000 10000 20000 411 $ 15.4851't 18.7561't 26.45 416 $ 15.48 *Not available to new customers accounts, or locations. #Decorative Curb. lssued June 1,2015 Effective July 3, 2015 ssued by Avista Utilities Kelly O. Norwood,VP, State & FederalRegulation l.P.U.C.No.28 lssued by Avista Utilities By Fifth Revision Sheet 41A Canceling Fourth Revision Sheet 41A Kelly O. Norwood, VP, State & FederalRegulation AVISTA CORPOMTION dba Avista LJtilities SCHEDULE 41A - continued SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Company will install, own, and maintain the facilities for supplying street lighting service using facilities utilizing Cornpany's design. Company will furnish the necessary energy, repairs and maintenance urork including lamp and glassware replacement. Repairs and maintenance work will be performed by Company during the regularly scheduled working hours. lndividual lamps will be replaced on burnout as soon as reasonably possible after notification by Customer and subject to Company's operating schedules and requirements. Company will make any change in location at the request and expense of Customer. Service may be terminated (abandoned) at any location on payment by Customer of Company's average present investment less net salvage in the facilities abandoned. Customer, at his option, may order a change of location of the facilities and pay Company the cost of relocation rather than the cost of termination. Service under this schedule is subject to the Rules and Regulations contained in this tariff. The above Monthly Rates are subject to increases as set forth in Tax Adjustment Schedule 58, Temporary Power Cost Adjustment Schedule 66, Energy Efficiency Rider Adjustment Schedule 91 and Earnings Test Defenal Rebate Schedule 97. lssued June 1,2015 Effective July 3, 2015 l.P.U.C.No.28 Fourth Revision Sheet 41A Canceling Third Revision Sheet 41A AVISTA CORPORATION dba Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 41A - continued SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Company will install, own, and maintain the facilities for supplying street lighting service using facilities utilizing Company's design. Company willfurnish the necessary energy, repairs and maintenance work including lamp and glassware replacement. Repairs and maintenance work will be performed by Company during the regularly scheduled working hours. lndividual larnps will be replaced on burnout as soon as reasonably possible after notification by Customer and subject to Company's operating schedules and requirements. Company will make any change in location at the request and expense of Customer. Service may be terminated (abandoned) at any location on payment by Customer of Company's average present investment less net salvage in the facilities abandoned. Customer, at his option, may order a change of location of the facilities and pay Company the cost of relocation rather than the cost of termination. Service under this schedule is subject to the Rules and Regulations contained in this tariff. The above Monthly Rates are subject to increases as set forth in Tax Adjustment Schedule 58, Temporary Power CostAdjustment Schedule 66, Energy Efficiency Rider Adjustment Schedule 91 and E€{meville'-P€rire+ffiSchedule97. August 29,2013 Avista Utilities Kelly O. Norwood, VP, State & FederalRegulation l.P.U.C.No.28 lssued by Avista utilities By Fifth Revision Sheet 41A Canceling Fourth Revision Sheet 41A AVISTA CORPOMTION dba Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 41A - continued SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Company will install, own, and maintiain the facilities for supplying street lighting service using facilities utilizing Company's design. Company willfurnish the necessary energy, repairs and maintenance work including lamp and glassware replacement. Repairs and maintenance work will be performed by Company during the regularly scheduled working hours. lndividual lamps will be replaced on bumout as soon as reasonably possible after notification by Customer and subject to Company's operating schedules and requirements. Company will make any change in location at the request and expense of Customer. Service may be terminated (abandoned) at any location on payment by Customer of Company's average present investment less net salvage in the facilities abandoned. Customer, at his option, may order a change of location of the facilities and pay Company the cost of relocation rather than the cost of temrination. Service under this schedule is subject to the Rules and Regulations contained in this tariff. The above Monthly Rates are subject to increases as set forth in Tax Adjustment Schedule 58, Temporary Power Cost Adjustrnent Schedule 66, Energy Efficiency Rider Adjustment Schedule 91 and Earninqs Test Defenal Rebate Schedule 97. lssued June 1, 2015 Effective July 3, 2015 Kelly O. Norwood, VP, State & FederalRegulation LP.U.C. No.28 Ninth Revision Sheet 42 Canceling liqhth Revision Sheet 42 CORPORATION Avista Utilities AVISTA d&,la SCHEDULE 42 COMPANY OWNED STREET LIGHT SERVICE - IDAHO (Single phase and available voltage) AVAILABLE: To agencies of lo€1, state, or federal governments in all ldaho territory served by Company. APPLICABLE: To annual operation of dusk-to-dawn lighting for public streets and thoroughfares upon receipt of an authorized application. MONTHLY MTE: Pole Facilitv Wood No Pole Pole Base Burial Contributed Code Rate Code Rate Code Rate Code Rate Code Rate Sinsle High-Pressure Sodium Vapor (Nominal Rating in Watts) Fixture & Size 50w 100w 100w 200w 250W 400w 150W 235 $10.91935 11.42435 13.25 431 $ 13.90535 22.00 s31 22.6s635 25.81 631 26.48835 38.73 831 39.38 234# $13.614W 14.30432 $25.04 433 25.04532 33.74 533 33.74632 37.58 633 37.58832 50.52 833 50.52 436 $13.90536 22.65636 26.48836 39.38936 20.70 446 $ 27.89ffi 44.63 Double High-Pressure Sodium Vapor (Nominal Rating in Watts) 100w 200w s45 $43.97 *Decorative Curb Decorative Sodium Vaoor 100W Granville 475 $19.91 100W Post Top 100W Kim Light M1 $ 27.89 442 $39.78542 57.15 474* 25.894U* 24.U 438*" ',14.31 *16'fiberglass pole*25'fiberglass pole lssued June 1,2015 Effective July 3, 2015 lssued Avistaby Avista UtilitiesBy Kelly O. Norwood, VP, State & FederalRegulation l.P.U.C. No.28 Eighth Revision Sheet 42 Canceling Seventh Revision Sheet 42 AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 42 COMPANY OWNED STREET LIGHT SERVICE. IDAHO HIGH PRES$URE SODIUM VAPER (Single phase and available voltage) AVAILABLE: To agencies of local, state, or federal governments in all ldaho territory served by company. APPLICABLE: To annua! operation of dusk-todawn lighting for public streets and thoroughfares upon receipt of an authorized application. MONTHLY RATE: Pole Facilitu Metal Standard Fixture & Size No Pole Code Rate Sinsle Hiqh-Pressure Sodium Vapor (Nominal Rating in Watts) Wood Pole Code Rate 431 $-+Ag8531 Ag631 W+831 3Zg5 Pedestal Base Code Rate 432 $23^56532 ?1J4632 35*5832 47"59 Direct Burial Code Rate 2WW 434# 1€J5433 2356533 A\74633 3535833 47,59 Developer Contributed Code Rate 436 rc536 21*4.636 W836 3735936 19,47 446 $&s+546 41=gg 50w 23s ${€*6100w 935 19,74100w 435 1?,'17200w 535 M250W 635 M400W 835 36i44 150W Double Hiqh-Pressure Sodium Vapor (Nominal Rating in Watts)100w 44't s*6*t200w ils $,t1,37 #Decorative Curb Decorative Sodium Vapor l00WGranville 475 $e73 100W Post Top 100W Kim Light 474* ?t#4U* *37438** 43146 *16'fiberglass pole*25'fiberglass pole 442 S 47"42ilz 53.77 lssued August 29,2013 Effective October 1, 2013 lssued Avista VP, State & FederalRegulationKelly O. Nonrood, l.P.U.C. No.28 lssued by Avista Utilities By Ninth Revision Sheet 42 Canceling Revision Sheet 42 AVISTA CORPORATION dlb/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 42 COMPANY OWNED STREET LIGHT SERVICE - IDAHO (Single phase and available voltage) AVAILABLE: To agencies of local, state, or federal governments in all ldaho territory served by Company. APPLICABLE: To annual operation of dusk-todawn lighting for public streets and thoroughfares upon receipt of an authorized application. MONTHLY RATE: Pole Facilitu MeJal Stanclard Fixture & Size 50w 100w 100w 200w 250W 400w Sinqle Hiqh-Pressure Sodium Vapor (Nominal Rating in Wafts) Wood No Pole Pole Code Rate Code Rate 235 $10.91935 1',\.42435 13.25 431 $ 13.90535 22.00 531 22.65635 25.81 631 26.48835 38.73 831 39.38 Pedestal Base Code Rate 432 $25.04532 33.74632 37.58832 50.52 Direct Burial Code Rate 2W $13.61 4?4# 14.30433 25.04533 33.74633 37.58833 50.52 Developer Contributed Code Rate 436 $13.90536 22.65636 26.48836 39.38936 24.70 446 $27.89546 M.63 150W Double Hiqh-Pressure Sodium Vapor (Nominal Rating in Watts)100w 41 s 27.89200w 545 S43.97 #Decorative Curb Decorative Sodium Vapor 100W Granville 475 $19.91 100W Post Top 100W Kim Light 442 $39.78ilz 57.15 474* 25.894U* 24.84438* '.14.31 *16'fiberglass pole.25'fiberglass pole lssued June 1,2015 Effective July 3, 2015 Kelly O. Norwood, VP, State & FederalRegulation AVISTA CORPORATION dba Avista utilities MONTHLY RATE: Fixture & $ize SCHEDULE 424 - Continued Pole Facility Wood PedestalPole Base Code Rate Code Rate 4/,2L$39.78il2L 57.15 MetalStandardDirect DeveloperBuria[ Contributed Code Rate Code Rate No Pole Code Rate Sinole Liqht Emittinq Diode (LED) (Nominal Rating in Watts) 70w 70w 107W Double Lioht Emittino Diode GED) (Nominal Rating in Watts)70w 41L$27.89'107W gsL $43.97 #Decorative Curb Decorative LED 70W Granville 475L $19.91 70'lI/ Post Top 935L 11.42 AUL# 14.34 4351 13.25 4311$ 13.90 4321 $25.04 4331 2s.A4 4361 $13.90 53sL 22.0A 5311 22.65 532L 33.74 5331 33.74 5361 22.65 4461$ 27.89 546L 44.63 474L* 25.89 484L* 24.84 *16'fiberglass pole Custom Street Liqht Galculation Customers who choose to add street light fixtures that are outside of the offerings listed above will be quoted a fixed monthly rate based on the following rate calculation. The three components detailed below will be added together to develop the new Schedule 42 rate. Step 1 - The capital component will be determined by multiplying an engineering estimate of the installed cost of the new light component, or fixture, by the Capital Recovery Factor of 13.622%. Step 2 - The maintenance component will either be the embedded maintenance cost of a similar existing fixture or an engineering estimate of the maintenance cost of a new fixture. The maintenance component for an existing light can be derived by subtracting the Schedule 46 (energy) lQht code monthly charge frorn the same Schedule 44 light code monthly charge (maintenance and energy). Step 3 - The energy component will either be the energy cost of the same wattage light under Schedule 46 or the calculation of a new custom fixture detailed on Schedule 46. une 1,2015 Effective July 3, 2015 Avista Utilities Sixth Revision Sheet 42A Canceling Fifth Revision Sheet 42A Kelly O. Norwood, ry,J^,ffid VP, State & FederalReguldion l.P.U.C. No.28 Fifth Revision Sheet 42A Canceling Fourth Revision Sheet 42A AVISTA CORPORATION dba Avista utilities SCHEDULE 42A - Continued SPECIAT TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Gempany will install; ewn; and maintai*the faeilities-fer supplyingis{reet lgn Gernpanfwillfumish the neeessary energ"; repairs and maintenanee werk we*ing+eurs" lndividual larnps will be replaeed enburneut as seen as reasenably pessible req{*ir€m€n+str Genrpany will make any ehange in leeatien at the requestand expense ef Custern'er ef Gempant's ayerage present investrnent less net salvage in the faeilities abandened, €ustemer; at hi+eptien; may erder a ehange ef leeatien sf the faeilities and pay Cempany the eest ef releeatien rather than the eestef teffiinati€,* Serviee underthis sehedule is subjeet te the Rule+and Regulatiensffi The a eve Menthly Rates are subieet te inereases as setferth in Tax Energy Effieieney Adisstme*t Rider Sehedule 91 and Benneville Pewer lssued August 29,2013 Effective October1,2013 lssued Avistaby By Kelly O. Norwood, VP, State & FederalRegulation |.P.U.C. No.28 AVISTA CORPORATION dba Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 424 - Continued MONTHLY RATE: Pole Facilitv MetalStandardFixture Wood Pedestal Direct Developer & Size No Pole Pole Base Burial Contributed Code Rate Code Rate Code Rate Code Rate Code Rate Sinqle Liqht Emittino Diode (LED) (Nominal Ratino in Watts)70w 935L 11.42 43/.L# 143470w 4351 13.25 4311$ 13.90 4321 $25.04 4331 25.04 4361 $13.90107W 5351 22.00 5311 22.65 5321 33.74 5331 33.74 5361 22.65 Double Liqht Ernittino Diode (LED) (Nominal Ratino in Watts)7OV't 441L$27.89 42L$39.78 46L$27.89107W 545L $43.97 542L 57.15 546L 44.63 #Decorative Curb Decorative LED 7OW Granville 475L S19 91 474L* 25 89TOWPostTop 484L' 24.84 n16'fiberglass pole Custom Street Lisht Calculation Customers who choose to add street liqht fixtures that are outside of the offerinqs listed above will be quoted a fxed monthlv rate based on the followinq rate calculation. The three comoonents detailed below will be added toqether to develop the new Schedule 42 rate. Steo 1 - The caoital component will be determined bv multinlving an enoineerinq estimate of the installed cost of the new lioht comoonent. or fixture. bv the Capital Recoverv Factor of 13.622%. Steo 2 - The maintenance comoonent will either be the embedded maintenance cost of a similar existinq fixture or an enoineerinq estimate of the maintenance cost of a new fixture. The maintenance component for an existino light can be derived bv subtractinq the Schedule 46 (enerov) liqht code monthlv charqe from the same Schedule 44 liqht code monthlv charse (maintenance and enerqv). Steo 3 - The enerov component will either be the energy cost of the same wattage liqht under Schedule 46 or the calculation of a new custom fixture detailed on Schedule 46. lssued by Avista By Kelly O. Norwood, VP, State & Federal Regulation l.P.U.C. No.28 AVISTA CORPORATION dba Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 428 - Continued SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Company will install, own, and maintain the facilities for supplying street lighting service using facilities utilizing Company's design. Company willfurnish the necessary energy, repairs and maintenance work including lamp and glassware cleaning and replacement. Repairs and maintenance work will be performed by Company during regularly scheduled working hours. lndividual lamps will be replaced on burnout as soon as reasonably possible after notification by Customer and subject to Company's operating schedules and requirements. Company will make any change in location at the request and expense of Customer. Service may be terminated (abandoned) at any location on payment by Customer of Company's average present investment less net salvage in the facilities abandoned. Customer, at his option, may order a change of location of the facilities and pay Company the cost of relocation rather than the cost of termination. Service under this schedule is subject to the Rules and Regulations contained in this tariff. The above Monthly Rates are subject to increases as set forth in Tax Adjustrnent Schedule 58, Temporary Power Cost Adjustment Schedule 66, Energy Efficiency Adjustment Rider Schedule g1 and Earnings Test Deferral Rebate Schedule 97. lssued June 1,2015 Effective July 3, 2015 lssued by Avista By Kelly O. Nonrood, VP, State & FederalRegulation ry J^,,ffi.| l.P.U.C. No.28 lssued by By AVISTA CORPORATION dba Avista utilities SGHEDULE 428 - Continued SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Companv will install. own, and maintain the facilities for supplvins street liohtino service usinq facilities utilizino Company's desion. Companv will furnish the necessarv enerqv. repairs and maintenance work includinq lamo and glassware cleaninq and replacement. Repairs and maintenance work will be performed bv Companv during reqularlv scheduled workinq hours. lndividual lamps will be replaced on burnout as soon as reasonablv possible after notification bv Customer and subiect to Companv's operatino schedules and requirements. Com.panv will make anv chanqe in location at the request and expense of Customer. Selvice mav be terminated (abandoned) at anv location on pavment by Customer of Companv's averaoe present investment less net salvaqe in the facilities abandoned. Customer, at his ootion. mav order a chanse of location of the facilities and pav Companv the cost of relocation rather than the cost of termination. Service under this schedule is subiect to the Rules and Requlations contained in this tariff. The above Monthly Rates are subiect to increases as set forth in Tax Adiustment Schedule 58. Temporarv Power Cost Adiustment Schedule 66, Enerov Efficiencv Adiustment Rider Schedule 91 and Earninqs Test Deferral Rebate Schedule 97. Avista Utilities Kelly O. Norwood, VP, State & FederalRegulation l.P.U.C. No.28 Ninth Revision Sheet 44 Canceling :iohth Revision Sheet z$4 AVISTA CORPOMTION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 44 CUSTOMER OWNED STREET LIGHT ENERGY AND MAINTENANCE SERVICE - IDAHO HIGH-PRESSURE SODIUM VAPOR (Single phase and available voltage) AVAIISBLE: To agencies of local, state, or federal governments in all ldaho territory served by Company. Closed to new installations effective January 1, 2016. APPLICABLE: To annual operation of dusk-to'dawn lighting for public streets and thoroughfares upon receipt of an authorized application. MONTHLY RATE: Pore FacirituFixture MetalStandard & Size Wood Pedestal Direct Developer(Lumens) No Pole Pole Base Burial Contributed Code Rate Code Rate Code Rate Code Rate Code Rate Sinole Hiqh-Pressure Sodium Vaoor100w 435 $10.12 431 $10.12 432 $10j2 433 $10.12200w 535 '.15.27 531 15.27 532 15.27 533 15.27 53415.272s0w 635 17.17 631 17.17 632 17.17 633 17.17310W 735 19.55 731 ',t9.55 732 19.s5 733 19.55400w 835 27.35 831 27.35 832 27.35 833 27.35150W 935 13.28 931 13.28 932 13.28 933 13.28 93613.28 Double Hiqh-Pressure Sodium Vapor (Nominal Rating in Watts)100w M1 19.38 442 19.38 443 19.38200w 542 29.90 543 29.90310W 742 38.45 SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Customer is responsible for financing, installing and owning standards, luminaries and necessary circuitry and related facilities to connect with Company designated points of delivery. Allsuch facilities willconform to Company's design, standards and specifications. Customer is also responsible for painting (if desired) and replacing damaged pole facilities. Company will fumish the necessary energy, repairs and maintenance work including lamp and glassware cleaning and replacement. Repairs and maintenance work will be performed by Company during regularly scheduled working hours. lssued June 1,2015 EffectMe July 3, 2015 Utilities By Kelly O. Norwood, VP, State & FederalRegulation ry,J^,-*rJ l.P.U.C. No.28 Eighth Revision Sheet 44 Canceling Seventh Revision Sheet 44 AVISTA CORPORATION d/bla Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 44 CUSTOMER OWNED STREET LIGHT ENERGY AND MAINTENANCE SERVICE - IDAHO HIGH-PRESSURE SODIUM VAPOR (Single phase and available voltage) AVAILABLE: To agencies of local, state, or federal governments in all ldaho territory served by Company. APPLICABLE: To annual operation of dusk-to-dawn lighting for public streets and thoroughfares upon receipt of an authorized application. MONTHLY MTE: Fixture Pole Facilitv & Size Wood(Lumens) No Pole Pole Base Burial Contributed Code Rate Code Rate Code Rate Code Rate Code Rate Sinqle Hiqh-Pressure Sodium Vapor100w 435 W2 431 W2 432 S2 433 $-€Sz200w 535 11,37 531 1437 532 11,37 533 74,37 5U y,A7 250w 635 {+tg 631 {$15 432 4€;t5 633 46;15310W 735 1€€g 731 4€€9 732 1€38 733 {€*g400w 835 *73 831 %J3 832 *J3 833 *150W 935 M 931 12Jg 932 *4 933 12As 936 {2+t9 Double Hioh-Pressure Sodium Vapor (Nominal Rating in Watts)1o0w 441 ffi 442 4&23 443 48*3200w u2 28J3 *3 2813310W 742 36;l+ SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Customer is responsible for financing, installing and owning standards, luminaries and necessary circuitry and related facilities to connect with Company designated points of delivery. All such facilities will conform to Company's design, standards and specifications. Customer is also responsible for painting (if desired) and replacing damaged pole facilities. Company willfumish the necessary energy, repairs and maintenance work including lamp and glassware cleaning and replacement. Repairs and maintenance work will be performed by Company during regularly scheduled working hours. lssued August 29,2013 Effective October 1,2013 lcr rer{ hrr Arr Kelly O. Norwood,VP, State & FederalRegulation l.P.U.C. No.28 Ninth Revision Sheet 44 Canceling Revision Sheet 214 AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utililies SCHEDULE 44 CUSTOMER OWNED STREET LIGHT ENERGY AND MAINTENANCE SERVICE - IDAHO HIGH.PRESSURE SODIUM VAPOR (Single phase and available voltage) AVAILABLE: To agencies of local, state, or federal governments in all ldaho territory served by Company. Closed to new installations effective Januarv 1. 2016. APPLICABLE: To annual operation of duskto-dawn lighting for public streets and thoroughfares upon receipt of an authorized application. MONTHLY RATE: Pole Facilitv Metal Standard & Size Wood Pedestal Direct Developer&umens) No Pole Pole Base Burial Contributed Code Rate Code Rate Code Rate Code Rate Code Rate Sinqle Hiqh-Pressure Sodium Vapor100w 435 $10.12 431 $10.12 432 $10j2 433 $10.12200w 535 ',15.27 531 15.27 532 15.27 533 1s.27 53415.27250W 635 17.17 631 17.',17 632 17.17 633 17.17310W 735 19.55 731 19,55 732 19.55 733 19.55400w 835 27.35 831 27.35 832 27.35 833 27.35150W 935 13.28 931 13.28 932 13.28 933 13.28 93613.28 Double Hioh-Pressure Sodium Vapor (Nominal Rating in Watts)100w 441 19.38 442 19.38 U3 19.38200w *2 29.90 543 29.90310W 742 38.45 SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Customer is responsible for financing, installing and owning standards, luminaries and necessary circuitry and related facilities to connect with Company designated points of delivery. All such facilities will conform to Company's design, standards and specifications. Gustomer is also responsible for painting (if desired) and replacing damaged pole facilities. Company willfumish the necessary energy, repairs and maintenance work including lamp and glaswvare cleaning and replacement. Repairs and maintenance work will be performed by Company during regularty scheduled working hours. June 1,2015 Avista Utiliiies Kelly O. Norwood,VP, State & FederalRegulation r.P.u.e. N0.28 Fifth Revision Sheet 4'lA Canceling Fourth Revision Sheet 44A AVISTA dba CORPORATION Avista tJtilities SCHEDULE 44A - continued lndividual lamps will be replaced on burnout as soon as reasonably possible after notification by Customer and subject to Company's operating schedules and requirements. Company will make any change in location at the request and expense of Customer. Service under this schedule is subject to the Rules and Regulations contained in this tariff. The above Monthly Rates are subject to increases as set forth in Tax Adjustment Schedule 58, Temporary Power Cost Adjustment Schedule 66, Energy Eficiency RiderAdjustment Schedule 91 and Earnings Test Deferral Rebate Schedule 97. lssued June 1,2015 Effective July 3, 2015 ecr ran{ hrr Arricta I ltilil By Kelly O. Nonrood, VP, State & FederalRegulation ry A*cJ t.P.u.c. N0.28 Fourth Revision Sheet 44A Canceling Third Revision Sheet't4A lssued by By AVISTA CORPORATION dba Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 44A. - continued lndividual lamps will be replaced on burnout as soon as reasonably possible after notification by Customer and subject to Company's operating schedules and requirements. Company will make any change in location at the request and expense of Customer. Seryice under this schedule is subject to the Rules and Regulations contained in this tariff. The above Monthly Rates are subject to increases as set forth in Tax Adjustment Schedule 58, Temporary Povver Cost Adjustment Schedule 66, Energy Efficiency Rider Adjustment Schedule 91 and Eenneville PewerffiSchedule97. lssued August 29,2013 Effective October1,2013 Avista Utilities Kelly O. Nonlrood, VP, State & FederalRegulation t.P.u.c. N0.28 Fifth Revision Sheet 4,{A Canceling Fourth Revision Sheet 44A AVISTA dba CORPORATION Avista utitities SCH EDULE 444 - continued lndividual lamps will be replaced on burnout as soon as reasonably possible after notification by Customer and subject to Company's operating schedules and requirements. Company will make any change in location at the request and expense of Customer. Service under this schedule is subjec,t to the Rules and Regulations contained in this tarifi. The above Monthly Rates are subject to increases as set forth in Tax Adjustment Schedule 58, Temporary Power Cost Adjustment Schedule 66, Energy Efficiency RiderAdjustment Schedule 91 and Eaminqs Test Defenal Rebate Schedule 97. lssued June 1,2015 Effective July 3, 2015 Avistaby By Kelly O. Norwood, VP, State & FederalRegulation l.P.U.C. No.28 Ninth Revision Sheet 45 Canceling Eighth Revision Sheet 45 CORPORATION Avista Utilities AVISTA dlbla SCHEDULE 45 CUSTOMER OWNED STREET LIGHT ENERGY SERVICE. IDAHO (Single phase and available voltage) AVAILABLE: To agencies of local, state, or federal governments in all ldaho tenitory served by Company. Closed to new installations as of November 24,1981, except where Company and customer agree, mercury vapor lamps may be installed to provide compatibility with existing light sources. APPLICABLE: To annual operation of lighting for public streets and thoroughfares upon receipt of an authorized application. MONTHLY MTE:ffi*Fixture Dawn & Size Service(Lumens) Code Rate Mercury Vaoor10000 51s $ 7.4320000# 615 13.50 #Also includes Metal Halide. SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Customer is responsible for financing, installing, owning, maintaining and replacing all standards, luminaires, and necessary circuitry and related facilities to connect with Company designated points of delivery. Customer will also provide a light sensitive relay and/or time switch in order to controlthe hours that energy will be provided. Company is responsible only for the furnishing of energy to the point of delivery and the billing and accounting related thereto. Service under this schedule is subject to the Rules and Regulations contained in this tarffi. The above Monthly Rates are subject to increases as set forth in Tax Adjustment Schedule 58, Temporary Power CostAdjustment Schedule 66, Energy Efficiency Rider Adjustment Schedule 91 and Earnings Test Deferral Rebate Schedule 97. lssued June 1,2015 Effective July 3, 2015 ccr rar{ hrr Ar, Kelly O. Nonirrood,ry 4,,,-t VP, State & FederalRegulation l.P.U.C. No.28 Eighth Revision Sheet 45 Canceling Seventh Revision Sheet 45 CORPORATION Avista Utilities AVISTA dbla SCHEDULE 45 CUSTOMER OWNED STREET LIGHT ENERGY SERVICE - IDAHO (Single phase and available voltage) AVAILABLE: To agencies of local, state, or federal governments in al! ldaho territory served by Company. Closed to new installations as of November 24,1981, except where Company and customer agree, mercury vapor lamps may be installed to provide compatibility with existing light sources. APPLICABLE: To annual operation of lighting for public streets and thoroughfares upon receipt of an authorized application. MONTHLY RATE: Fixture Dawn 1100 a,rn, & Size Service Sen*iee(Lumens) Code Rate €ede----€$e Mercurv Vaoor10000 515 $€s9 5{S------#120000# 615 12J4 619 A"77 #Also includes Metal Halide. SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Customer is responsible for financing, installing, owning, maintaining and replacing allstandards, luminaires, and necessary circuitry and related facilities to connect with Company designated points of delivery. Customer will also provide a light sensitive relay and/or time switch in order to control the hours that energy will be provided. Company is responsible only for the furnishing of energy to the point of delivery and the billing and accounting related thereto. Service under this schedule is subject to the Rules and Regulations contained in this tariff. The above Monthly Rates are subject to increases as set forth in Tax Adjustment Schedule 58, Temporary Power Cost Adjustment Schedule 66, Energy Efficiency Rider Adjustment Schedule 91 and Benneville PewerffiSchedule97. lssued August 29,2413 Effective October1,2A13 tliby By Kelly O. Nonrood, VP, State & Federal Regulation l.P.U.C. No.28 Ninth Revision Sheet 45 Canceling Eighth Revision Sheet 45 AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 45 CUSTOMER OWNED STREET LIGHT ENERGY SERVICE - IDAHO (Single phase and available voltage) AVAIISBLE: To agencies of loel, state, or federal govemments in all ldaho tenitory served by Company. Closed to new installations as of November 24,1981, except where Company and customer agree, mercury vapor lamps may be installed to provide compatibility with existing light sources. APPLICABLE: To annualoperation of lighting for public streets and thoroughfares upon receipt of an authorized application. MONTHLY RATE:ffiFixture Dawn & Size Service(Lumens) Code Rate Mercurv Vapor10000 s15 $ 7.4320000# 615 13.50 #Also includes Metal Halide. SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Customer is responsible for financing, installing, owning, maintaining and replacing allstandards, luminaires, and necessary circuitry and related facilities to connect with Company designated points of delivery. Customer will also provide a light sensitive relay and/or time switch in order to control the hours that energy will be provided. Company is responsible only for the furnishing of energy to the point of delivery and the billing and accounting related thereto. Service under this schedule is subject to the Rules and Regulations contained in this tariff. The above Monthly Rates are subject to increases as set forth in Tax Adjustment Schedule 58, Temporary Power Cost Adjustment Schedule 66, Energy Efficiency Rider Adjustment Schedule 91 and Earnings Test Deferral Rebate Schedule 97. lssued June 1,2015 Effective July 3, 2015 lssued By Kelly O. Norwood, VP, State & FederalRegulation l.P.U.C. No.28 Ninth Revision Sheet 216 Canceling Revision Sheet 46 Kelly O. Norwood, lssued by By Avista Utilities CORPORATION Avista Utilities AVISTA dlbla SCHEDULE 46 CUSTOMER OWNED STREET LIGHT ENERGY SERVICE - IDAHO (Single phase and available voltage) AVAILABLE: To agencies of local, state, or federal govemments in all ldaho territory served by Company. APPLICABLE: To annual operation of lighting for public streets and thoroughfares upon receipt of an authorized application. MONTHLY RATE: Per Luminaire Dusk toFixture Dawn & Size Service(Lumens) Code Rate Hiqh-Pressure Sodium Vaoor (Nominal Rating in Watts)100w 435 $ 4.62200w 535 8.62250W 635 10.61310W 735 12.61400w 835 16.08150W 935 6.66 Custom Lioht Calculation Customers who choose to add custom light fixtures outside of the offerings detailed above will be quoted a fixed monthly rate based on the following custom rate calculation. Custom Flate = Wattage of Gustomers Street Light * 365 Hours * Energy Rate The embedded energy rate under Schedule 46 is 10.481f per kWh. VP, State & FederalRegulation l.P.U.C. No.28 Eighth Revision Sheet 46 Canceling Seventh Revision Sheet 46 lssued by By AVISTA CORPORATION d/b1a Avista Lftilities SCHEDULE 46 CUSTOMER OWNED STREET LIGHT ENERGY SERVICE - IDAHO HIGH PRESSURE SODIUM VAPOR (Single phase and available voltage) AVAILABLE: To agencies of local, state, or federal govemments in all ldaho territory served by Company. APPLICABLE: To annualoperation of lighting for public streets and thoroughfares upon receipt of an authorized application. MONTHLY MTE: Per Luminaire Dusk to €r*d+teFixture Dawn 4+SOe*= & Size Service --Senrie+-(Lumens) Code Rate eege--ste Hioh-Pressure Sodium Vaoor (Nominal Rating in Watts)100w 435 W 439---$-3-92200w 535 8++ re250W 635 g$g 6€€r----+;14310W 735 1{-€6 739 8,13400w 835 4#+3 839 11,43150W 935 *7 SPEGI,AI TERMS AND OENDITIQNS; Gustemer i+ respensible ferfnaneing; installing; ewning, maintaining and replaeing all standards; luminaires; and reeessary eireuitry and related faeilties te previee+ eenypany is respensible enly fer the furnishing ef ene€y te the peint ef iensM The abeve Merthly Rates are ssbjeet tie inereases as set ferth in Tax Efieieney Rider Adiustrnent Sehedule 91 and Benneville Pewer Adm inistratienW ive October 1,2013 Kelly O. Nonrood, VP, State & FederalRegulation l.P.U.C. No.28 Ninth Revision Sheet 46 Canceling Revision Sheet 46 lssued by By AVISTA CORPOMTION d/bla Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 46 CUSTOMER OWNED STREET LIGHT ENERGY SERVICE . IDAHO HIGH.PRESSURE SODIUM VAPOR (Single phase and available voltage) AVAILABLE: To agencies of local, state, or federalgovernments in all ldaho territory served by Company. APPLICABLE: To annual operation of lighting for public streets and thoroughfares upon receipt of an authorized application. MONTHLY RATE: Per Luminaire Dusk to Dawn ServiceCode Rate Hiqh-Pressure Sodium Vaoor (Nominal Rating in Watts) 100w 200w 250W 310W 400w 150W Custom Light Calculation Customers who choose to add custom light fixtures outside of the offerinqs detailed above will be ouoted a fixed monthlv rate based on the followinq custom rate calculation. Custom Rate = Ytlattaqe of Customers Street Lioht * 365 Hours " Enerqv Rate The embedded enerov rate under Schedule 46 is 10.4816 oer kWh. Fixture & Size (Lumens) 435 $ 4.62535 8.62635 10.61735 12.61835 16.08935 6.66 Avista Utilities Kelly O. Norwood, VP, State & FederalRegulation l.P.U.C. No.28 Sheet 46A AVISTA CORPORATION dlbla Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 464 - Continued SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Customer is responsible for financing, installing, owning, maintaining and replacing allstandards, luminaires, and necessary circuitry and related facilities to connect with Company designated points of delivery. Customerwill also provide a light sensitive relay and/or time switch in order to control the hours that energy will be provided. Company is responsible only for the furnishing of energy to the point of delivery and the billing and accounting related thereto. Service under this schedule is subject to the Rules and Regulations contained in this tariff. The above Monthly Rates are subject to increases as set forth in Tax Adjustment Schedule 58, Temporary Power Cost Adjustment Schedule 66, Energy Efficiency RiderAdjustment Schedule 91 and Earnings Test Defenal Rebate Schedule 97. Effective July 3, 2015 By Kelly O. Nonrood,VP, State & FederalRegulation l.P.U.C. No.28 Original Sheet 46A AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 46A - Continued SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Customer is responsible for financino. installing. owninq. maintainino and replacing all standards. luminaires. and necessarv circuitrv and related facilities to connect with Companv desiqnated points of deliverv. Customer will also provide a liqht sensitive relav and/ortime swit provided. Companv is responsible onlv for the fumishinq of enerov to the ooint of deliverv and the billino and accounting related thereto. Service under this schedule is subiect to the Rules and Reoulations contained in this tariff. The above Monthlv Rates are subiect to increases as set forth in Tax Adiustment Schedule 58. Temporarv Power Cost Adiustment Schedule 66. Enerqv Efficiency Rider Adiustment Schedule 91 and Earninqs Test Defenal Rebate Schedule 97. lssued June'1, 2015 Effective July 3,20'15 lssued Avistaby By Kelly O. Nonrood, VP, State & FederalRegulation l.P.U.C. No.28 Ninth_Revision Sheet 47 Canceling Revision Sheet 47 Kelly O. Norwood, VP, State & Federal Regulation AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 47 AREA LIGHTING . MERCURY VAPOR - IDAHO (Single phase and available voltage) AVAIISBLE: ln all ldaho tenitory served by Company where existing secondary distribution facilities are of adequate capacity, phase, and voltage. APPLICABLE: To annual operation of dusk-to-dawn area lighting with mercury vapor lamps upon receipt of a Customer contract for five (5) years or more. Mercury vapor lamps will be available only to those customers receiving service on October 23, 1981. MONTHLY RATE: Charge per Unit Luminaire (on existing standard) $ 15.48 $ 18.75 $ 26.62 Luminaire and Standard: 30-foot wood pole 19.38 22.65 30.53 Gafuanized steel standards: 25 foot 30 foot Monthlv Rate per Pole Pole Facilitv 3O-foot wood pole $ 6.36 S5-foot wood pole 12.U 20-foot fiberglass{irect burial 6.36 36.61 37.64 Eighth_Revision Sheet 47 Canceling Seventh Revision Sheet 47l.P.U.C. No.28 AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 47 AREA LIGHTING - MERCURY VAPOR - IDAHO (Single phase and available voltage) AVAILABLE: ln all ldaho tenitory served by Company where existing secondary distribution facilities are of adequate capacity, phase, and voltage. APPLICABLE: To annual operation of dusk-to{awn area lighting with mercury vapor lamps upon receipt of a Customer contract for five (5) years or more. Mercury vapor lamps will be available only to those customers receiving service on October 23, 1981. MONTHLY RATE: Charge per Unit Luminaire (on existing standard) Luminaire and Standard: 3O-foot wood pole 18,23 21=31 28,72 Galvan ized steel standards: Pole Facility 25 foot 30 foot AruminumEtandalds: 25-fo€t Monthly Rate Per Pole 30-foot wood pole $€€8 S5-foot wood pole 11,61 2O-foot fiberglass-direct burial 5€g lssued August 29,2013 Effective October1,2013 lssued Utilities By Kelly O. Norwood, VP, State & FederalRegulation I.P.U.C. No.28 Ninth_Revision Sheet 47 Canceling Revision Sheet 47 lssued by By AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista l.Jtilities SCHEDULE 47 AREA LIGHTING - MERCURY VAPOR. IDAHO (Single phase and available voltage) AVAILABLE: ln all ldaho territory served by Company where existing secondary distribution facilities are of adequate capacity, phase, and voltage. APPLICABLE: To annual operation of dusk-todawn area lighting with mercury vapor lamps upon receipt of a Customer contract for five (5) years or more. Mercury vapor lamps will be available only to those customers receiving service on October 23, 1981. MONTHLY RATE: Charge per Unit Luminaire (on existing standard) $ 15.48 $ 18.75 $ 26.62 Luminaire and Standard: 3O-foot wood pole 19.38 22.65 30.53 Galvanized steel standa rds: 25 foot 30 foot Monthlv Rate Per Pole Pole Facilitv 30-foot wood pole $ 6.36 S5-foot wood pole 12.Y 20-foot fiberglass-direct burial 6.36 36.61 37.64 lssued June 1,2015 Avista Utilities Ketly O. Norwood, VP, State & Federal Regulation l.P.u.c. No.28 Fifth Revision Sheet 47A Canceling Fourth Revision Sheet 47A Kelly O. Norwood, VP, State & Federal Regulation lssued by By Avista Utilities AVISTA CORPOMTION dba Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 474 - continued SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: - Continued Company will install, own, and maintain the facilities for supplying dusk-to- dawn area lighting service using overhead circuits. At the request of Customer, Company will install underground cable for such seryice, provided Customer, in advance of construction, pays Company the excess cost of such installation. The Company willfurnish the necessary energy, repairs and maintenance work including lamp and glassware replacement. Repairs and maintenance work will be performed by Company during the regularly scheduled working hours. lndividual lamps will be replaced on burnout as soon as reasonably possible after notification by Customer and subject to Company's operating schedules and requirements. Service under this schedule is subject to the Rules and Regulations contained in this tariff. The above Monthly Rates are subject to increases as set forth in Tax Adjustment Schedule 58, Temporary Power Cost Adjustment Schedule 66, Energy Efficiency Rider Adjustment Schedule 91 and Earnings Test Defenal Rebate Schedule 97. by By LP.U.C. NO.28 Fourth Revision Sheet 47A Canceling Third Revision Sheet 47A AVISTA dba CORPORATION Avista Ljtilities SCHEDULE 47A - continued SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: - Continued Company will install, own, and maintain the facilities for supplying dusk-to- dawn area lighting service using overhead circuits. At the request of Customer, Company will install underground cable for such service, provided Customer, in advance of construction, pays Company the excess cost of such installation. The Company willfurnish the necessary energy, repairs and rnaintenance work including lamp and glassware replacement. Repairs and maintenance work will be performed by Company during the regularly scheduled working hours. lndividual lamps will be replaced on bumout as soon as reasonably possible after notification by Customer and subject to Company's operating schedules and requirements. Service under this schedule is subject to the Rules and Regulations contained in this tariff. The above Monthly Rates are subject to increases as set forth in Tax Adjustment Schedule 58, Temporary Power Cost Adjustment Schedule 66, Energy Efficiency Rider Adjustment Schedule g1 and E€nneyille+€Arre+ffischedule97. lssued August 29,2413 Effective October1,2013 sstld Utilities Kelly O. Norwood, VP, State & FederalRegulation l.P.u.c. No.28 Fifth Revision Sheet 47A Canceling Fourth Revision Sheet 47A lssued by By AVISTA CORPORATION dba Avista utilities SCHEDULE 47A - continued SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: - Continued Company will install, own, and maintain the facilities for supptying dusk-to- dawn area lighting service using overhead circuits. At the request of Customer, Company will install underground cable for such service, provided Customer, in advance of construction, pays Company the excess cost of such installation. The Company willfurnish the necessary energy, repairs and maintenance work including lamp and glassware replacement. Repairs and maintenance wo* will be performed by Company during the regularly scheduled working hours. lndividual lamps will be replaced on burnout as soon as reasonably possible after notification by Customer and subject to Company's operating schedules and requirements. Service under this schedule is subject to the Rules and Regulations contained in this tariff. The above Monthly Rates are subiect to increases as set forth in Tax Adjustment Schedule 58, Temporary Power Cost Adjustment Schedule 66, Energy Efiiciency Rider Adjustment Schedule 91 and Earninqs Test Deferral Rebate Schedule 97. Avista Utilities Kelly O. Norwood, VP, State & FederalRegulation l.P.U.C. No.28 Fourth Revision Sheet 48 Canceling Third Revision Sheet 48 AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilties SCHEDULE 48 RESIDENTIAL AND FARM AREA LIGHTING - IDAHO (Alternating 60 cycle current, single phase and available voltage) AVAILABLE' To Customers in the State of ldaho who meet the requirements for service under Schedule 47 and whose electric use qualifies as a "residential load" as defined in the Pacific Northwest Electric Power Planning and Conservation Act, P.L. 96-501, and the Residential Purchase and Sale Agreement contract in effect between the Company and the Bonneville Power Administration. "Residential Load" means all usual residential, apartment, seasonaldwellings and farm electric loads or uses. Any electric use by such customers, which does not so qualiff, shall be served under Schedule 47 or Schedule 49. MONTHLY RATE: The Monthty Rate shall be the same as that contained in the currently effective Schedule 47 or Schedule 49tanff. SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Service under this schedule is subject to the Rules and Regulations contained in this tariff. The above Monthly Rate is subject to the provisions of Tax Adjustment Schedule 58, Residentialand Farm Energy Rate Adjustment Schedule 59, Temporary Power Cost Adjustment Schedule 66, Energy Efficiency Rider Adjustment Schedule 91 and Earnings Test Deferral Rebate Schedule 97. lssued June 1,2015 Effective July 3, 2015 by By Kelly Nonarcod, Vice President, State & FederalRegulation ry,J^,_*r4 l.P.U.C. No.28 AVISTA CORPOMTION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 48 RESIDENTIAL AND FARM AREA LIGHTING . IDAHO (Alternating 60 cycle current, single phase and available voltage) AVAILABLE: To Customers in the State of ldaho who meet the requirements for service under Schedule 47 and whose electric use qualifies as a "residential load" as defined in the Pacific Northwest Electric Power Planning and Conservation Act, P.L. 96-501, and the Residential Purchase and Sale Agreement contract in effect between the Company and the Bonneville Power Administration. "Residential Load" means all usualresidential, apartment, seasonaldwellings and farm electric loads or uses. Any electric use by such customers, which does not so qualiff, shall be served under Schedule 47 or Schedule 49. MONTHLY RATE: The Monthly Rate shall be the same as that contained in the currently effective Schedule 47 or Schedule 49 tariff. SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Service under this schedule is subject to the Rules and Regulations contained in this tariff. The above Monthly Rate is subject to the provisions of Tax Adjustment Schedule 58, Residentialand Farm Energy Rate Adjustment Schedule 59, Temporary Power Cost Adjustment Schedule 66, Energy Efficiency Rider Adjustment Schedule 91 and Schedule 97. October 1,2013 by Avista By Kelly Norwood,Vice President, State & FederalRegulation l.P.U.C. No.28 lssued by By AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 48 RESIDENTIAL AND FARM AREA LIGHTING - IDAHO (Alternating 60 cycle current, single phase and available voltage) AVAIISBLE: To Customers in the State of ldaho who meet the requirements for service under Schedule 47 and whose electric use qualifies as a "residential load" as defined in the Pacific Northwest Electric Power Planning and Conservation Act, P.L. 96-501, and the Residential Purchase and Sale Agreernent contract in effect between the Company and the Bonneville Power Administration. "Residential Load" means all usual residential, apartment, seasonaldwellings and farm electric loads or uses. Any electric use by such customers, which does not so qualifu, shall be served under Schedule 47 or Schedule 49. MONTHLY RATE: The Monthly Rate shall be the same as that contained in the currently effective Schedule 47 or Schedule 49 tariff. SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Service under this schedule is subject to the Rules and Regulations contained in this tariff. The above Monthly Rate is subject to the provisions of Tax Adjustment Schedule 58, Residentialand Farm Energy Rate Adjustment Schedule 59, Temporary Power Cost Adjustment Schedule 66, Energy Efficiency Rider Adjustment Schedule 91 and Earnings Test Deferral Rebate Schedule 97. Kelly Norwood,Vice President, State & FederalRegulation l.P.U.C. No.28 Ninth Revision Sheet 49 Canceling :iohth Revision Sheet 49 AVISTA CORPORATION d&/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 49 AREA LIGHTING - IDAHO (Single phase and available voltage) AVAILABLE: ln all territory served by the Company where existing secondary distribution facilities are of adequate capacity, phase, and voltage. APPLICABLE: To annual operation of dusk-to-dawn area lighting with high-pressure sodium vapor lamps upon receipt of a Customer contract for five (5) years or more. MONTHLY RATE: HIGH PRESSURE SODIUM VAPOR Charge per Unit (Nominal Ratino in Watts) 100w 200w 250w 400w LuminaireCobrahead $ 12.35 $16.33 18.87 $24.22 Decorative Curb 12.35 100W Granville d16-foot decorative pole $ 31.08 100W Post Top w/16-foot decorative pole 29.81 100W Kim Light M21foot fiberglass pole 18.73 400W Flood (No pole) 29.60 LIGHT EMITTING DIODE (LED) Charge per Unit (Nominal Ratinq in Watts)70w 107w LuminaireCobrahead $ 12.35 $16.33 Decorative Curb 12.35 70W Granville w/l$foot decorative pole $ 31.08 107W Post Top d1&foot decorative pole 29.8'a Monthly Rate Pole Facilitv per Pole 3Gfoot wood pole $ 6.36 4O-foot wood pole 10.46 S5-foot wood pole '12.31 2&foot fiberglass 6.36 2S-foot galvanized steelstandard 9.96 30-foot galvanized steel standard* 11.00 2S-foot galvanized aluminum standard* 12.'15 3O-foot fiberglass-pedestal base 30.42 30-foot steel-pedestal base 28.07 3S-foot steel-direct buried 28.A7 lssued June 1,2015 Effective July 3, 2015 By Kelly O. Norwood, Vice-President, State & Federal Regulation LP.U.C. No.28 Eighth Revision Sheet 49 Canceling Seventh Revision Sheet 49 AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 49 AREA LIGHTING . IDAHO HIGH PRESSURE SOBIUM VAPoR (Single phase and available voltage) AVAILABLE: ln allterritory served by the Company where existing secondary distribution facilities are of adequate capacity, phase, and voltage. APPLICABLE: To annual operation of dusk-todawn area lighting with high-pressure sodium vapor lamps upon receipt of a Customer contract for five (5) years or more. MONTHLY MTE: Charge per Unit {Nominal Ratinq in Watts) 100w 200w 250w 400w ++s? Luminaire Cobrahead Decorative Curb 100W Granville M16-foot decorative pole $S3+ 100W Post Top M16-foot decorative pole 28S4 100W Kim Light d2S-foot fiberglass pole 17,A2 400W Flood (No pole) Pole Facilitv 3O-foot wood pole 40-foot wood pole 55-foot wood pole 2O-foot fiberglass 25-foot galvanized steel standard 3O-foot galvanized steel standard* 2S-foot galvanized aluminum standard* 3O-foot fiberg lass-pedestal base 30-foot steel-pedestal base 3S-foot steel-direct buried ?7# Monthly Rate per Pole $€s8 9€41## 9*7 +g*5 11,44e8gw+%# Avista Utilities Kelly O. Nonrvood, Vice.President, State & Federal Regulation l.P.U.C. No.28 Ninth Revision Sheet 49 Canceling Revision Sheet 49 AVISTA CORPORATION d/bla Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 49 AREA LIGHTING. IDAHO (Single phase and available vohage) AVAILABLE: ln all tenitory served by the Company where existing secondary distribution facilities are of adequate capacity, phase, and vottage. APPLICABLE: To annual operation of dusk-todau/n area lighting with high-pressure sodium vapor lamps upon receipt of a Customer contract for five (5) years or more. MONTHLY RATE: H]GH PRESSURE SODIUM VAPOR Luminaire Cobrahead Decorative Curb Charge per Unit (Nominal Ratino in Watts) 100w 200w 250w 400w $ 12.35 $16.33 18.87 $24.22 12.35 100W Granville w/16-foot decorative pole $ 31.08 100W Post Top w/16-foot decorative pole 29.81 100W Kim Lightd2$footfiberglass pole 18.73 400W Flood (No pole) 29.60 n''' Cobrahead S 12.35 $16.33 Decorative Curb 12.35 70W Granville w/lGfoot decorative oole $ 31.08 107W Post Top W1&foot decorative pole 29.81 Pole Facilitv 3O-foot wood pole 40-foot wood pole S5-foot wood pole 2O-foot fiberglass Z$-toot g alvanized steel standard 3O-foot galvanhed steel standard" 2S-foot gafuanized aluminum standard* 3O-foot fi berglass-pedestal base 3O-foot steel'pedestal base 3S-foot steel-direct buried Monthly Rate per Pole $ 6.36 10.46 12.31 6.36 9.96 11.00 12.15 30.42 28.07 28.07 lssued by Avista By Kelly O. Norwood, Vice-President, State & Federal Regulation l.P.U.C. No.28 lssued by By Avista Utilities Kelly O. Norwod, VP, State & Federal Regulation AVISTA CORPORATION dba Avista Utilties SCHEDULE 494 - Continued SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: The Company will install, own, and maintain the facilities for supptying dusk- to-dawn area lighting service using oveftead circuits. At the request of Customer, Company will install underground cable for such service provided Customer, in advance of construction, pays Company the excess cost of such installation. The Company willfurnish the necessary energy, repairs, and maintenance work including lamp and glassware replacement. Repairs and maintenance work will be performed by Company during regularly scheduled working hours. lndividual lamps will be replaced on bumout as soon as reasonably possible after notification by Customer and subject to Company's operating schedules and requirements. The Company will assess the Customer the following removal charges if the Customer requests to discontinue service under this schedule within the initialfive- year contract period: $25 per luminaire $75 per pole Service under this schedule is subject to the Rules and Regulations contained in this tariff. The above Monthly Rates are subject to increases as set forth in Tax Adjustment Schedule 58, Temporary Power Cost Adjustment Schedule 66, Energy Efficiency Rider Adjustment Schedule 91 and Earnings Test Deferral Rebate Schedule 97. lssued June 1,201 ry J^,*,1 l.P.U.C. No.28 Fourth Revision Sheet 49A Canceling Third Revision Sheet 49A AVISTA CORPORATION dba Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 49A - Continued SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: The Company will instal!, own, and maintain the facilities for supplying dusk- to-dawn area lighting service using overhead circuits. At the request of Customer, Company will install underground cable for such service provided Customer, in advance of construction, pays Company the excess cost of such installation. The Company will fumish the necessary energy, repairs, and maintenance work including lamp and glassware replacement. Repairs and maintenance work will be performed by Company during regularly scheduled working hours. lndividual lamps will be replaced on burnout as soon as reasonably possible after notification by Customer and subject to Company's operating schedules and requirements. The Company will assess the Customer the following removal charges if the Customer requests to discontinue service under this schedule within the initialfive- year contract period: $25 per luminaire $75 per pole Service under this schedule is subject to the Rules and Regulations contained in this tariff. The above Monthly Rates are subject to increases as set forth in Tax Adjustment Schedule 58, Temporary Power Cost Adjustment Schedule 66, Energy Efficiency Rider Adjustment Schedule 91 and E€,Hf;€ville-P€rrrerffiSchedule97. lssued August 29,2013 Effective Oclober1,2013 ssued by By Kelly O. Norwood, VP, State & FederalRegulation l^P.U.C. No.28 by By Fifth Revision Sheet 49A Canceling Fourth Revision Sheet 49A AVISTA CORPORATION dba Avista utilities SCHEDULE 49A - Continued SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: The Company will install, own, and maintain the facilities for supplying dusk- todawn area lighting service using overhead circuits. At the request of Customer, Company will install underground cable for such service provided Customer, in advance of construction, pays Company the excess cost of such installation. The Company willfurnish the necessary energy, repairs, and maintenance work including lamp and glassware replacement. Repairs and maintenance work will be performed by Company during regularly scheduled working hours. lndividual lamps will be replaced on burnout as soon as reasonably possible after notification by Customer and subject to Company's operating schedules and requirements. The Company will assess the Customer the following removal charges if the Customer requests to discontinue service under this schedule within the initialfive- year contract period: $25 per luminaire $75 per pole Service under this schedule is subject to the Rules and Regulations contained in this tariff. The above Monthly Rates are subject to increases as set forth in Tax Adjustment Schedule 58, Temporary Power Cost Adjustment Schedule 66, Energy Efficiency Rider Adjustment Schedule 91 and Earninqs Test Deferral Rebate Schedule 97. lssued June 1,2015 ive July 3, 2015 Avista Utilities Kelly O. Norwood, VP, State & Federal Regulation t.P.u.c.inal Sheet 75 AVISTA CORPORATION dba Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 75 FIXED COST ADJUSTMENT MECHANISM - ELECTRIC PURPOSE: This Schedule establishes balancing accounts and implements an annual Fixed Cost Adjustment ("FCA") rate mechanism that separates the recovery of the Company's Commission authorized revenues from kilowatt-hour sales to customers served under the applicable electric service schedules. APPLICABLE: To Customers in the State of ldaho where the Company has electdc service available. This schedule shal! be applicable to all retail customers taking service under Schedules 1, 11 , 12, 21, 22, 31, and 32. This Schedule does not apply to Extra Large General Service Schedule 25, Extra Large General Service to Clearwater Paper Schedule 25P, or to Street and Area Light Schedules 41 through 49. Applicable Customers will be segregated into two (2) distinct Rate Groups: Group 1-Schedule 1 Group 2 - Schedules 1 1, 12, 21, 22, 31, 32 MONTHLY RATE: Group 1 - $0.00000 per kWh Group 2 - $0.00000 per kWh July 3, 2015 lssued by Avista CorporationByryA,-,JKellyNorwood,VicePresident,State&FederalRegulation |.P.U.C. No.28 Sheet 75A by Avista AVISTA CORPORATION dba Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 75A FIXED COST ADJUSTMENT MECHANISM - ELECTRIC (continued) DESCRIPTION OF THE ELECTRIC FIXED COST ADJUSTMENT MECHANISM: Calculation of Monthly Allowed Deliverv Revenue Per Gustomer: Step 1 - Determine the Total Rate Revenue - The Total Rate Revenue is equal to the final approved base rate revenue approved in the Company's last general rate case, individually for each Rate Schedule. Step 2 - Determine Variable Power Supply Revenue - The Normalized kWhs by rate schedule from the last approved general rate case are multiplied by the approved Load Change Adjustment Rate to determine the totalVariable Power Supply Revenue. Step 3 - Determine Delivery and Power Plant Revenue - To determine the Delivery and Power Plant Revenue, the mechanism subtracts the Variable Power Supply Revenue from the Total Rate Revenue. Steo 4 - Remove Basic Charge Revenue - included in the Delivery and Power Plant Revenue is revenue recovered from customers in Basic and Fixed Demand charges ("Fixed Charges'). Because the FCA mechanism only tracks revenue that varies with customer energy usage, the revenue from Fixed Charges is removed. The number of Gustomer Bills in the test year, multiplied by the applicable Fixed Charges determines the tota! Fixed Charge revenue by rate schedule. Step 5 - Determine FCA Revenue - FCA Revenue is equalto the Delivery and Power Plant Revenue (Step 3) minus the Basic Charge Revenue (Step a). Step 6 - Determine the FCA Revenue per Customer - To determine the annual per customer FCA Revenue, divide the FCA Revenue (by Rate Group) by the approved Rate Year number of Customers (by Rate Group) to determine the annual Allowed FCA Revenue per Customer (by Rate Group). lssued June 1,2015 Effective July 3, 2015 By / Kelly Norwood, Vice President, State & Federal Regulation ru n/^,.rrJ Original Sheet 758 AVISTA CORPORATION dba Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 75B FIXED COST ADJUSTMENT MECHANISM - ELECTRIC (continued) Step 7 - Determine the Monthlv FCA Revenue per Customer - to determine the Monthly FCA Revenue per customer, the annual FCA Revenue per customer is shaped based on the monthly kWh usage from the rate year. The FCA mechanism uses the resulting monthly percentage of usage by month and multiplied that by the annual FCA Revenue per Customer to determine the 12 monthly values. Calculation of Monthlv FCA Deferral: Step 1 - Determine the actual number of customers each month. Steo 2 - Multiply the actual number of customers by the applicable monthly Allowed FCA Revenue per Customer. The result of this calculation is the totalAllowed FCA Revenue for the applicable month. Step 3 - Determine the actual revenue collected in the applicable month. Step 4 - Calculate the amount of fixed charge revenue included in total actual monthly revenue. Steo 5 - Multiply actual kWh sales by the approved Load Change Adjustment Rate. The result of this calculation is the total revenue collected related to variable power supply. Step 6 - Subtract the basic charge revenue and the variable power supply revenue from the total actual monthly revenue. The result is the Actual FGA Revenue. Step 7 - The difference between the Actual FCA Revenue (Step 6) and the Allowed FCA Revenue (Step 2) is calculated, and the resulting balance is defened by the Company. lnterest on the deferred balance will accrue at the quarterly rate published by the FERC. lssued by Avista Corporation8y / Kelly Norwood, Vice President, State & Federal Regulationry J,,*t I.P.U AVISTA CORPORATION dba Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 75C FIXED COST ADJUSTMENT MECHANISM - ELECTRIC (continued) ANNUAL ELECTRIC FCA RATE ADJUSTMENT: On or before September 1st each year, the Company will file a request with the Commission to surcharge or rebate, by Rate Group, the amount accumulated in the deferred revenue accounts for the prior January through December time period. The proposed tariff revisions included with that filing would include a rate adjustment that recovers/rebates the appropriate deferred revenue amount over a twelve-month period effective on November 1st. The deferred revenue amount approved for recovery or rebate would be transferred to a balancing account and the revenue surcharged or rebated during the period would reduce the deferred revenue in the balancing account. Any defened revenue remaining in the balancing account at the end of the calendat year would be added to the new revenue deferrals to determine the amount of the proposed surcharge/rebate for the following year. After determining the amount of deferred revenue that can be recovered through a surcharge (or refunded through a rebate) by Rate Group, the proposed rates under this Schedule will be determined by dividing the deferred revenue to be recovered by Rate Group by the estimated kWh sales for each Rate Group during the twelve month recovery period. The deferred revenue amount to be recovered will be transferred to a FCA Balancing Account and the actual revenue received under this Schedule will be applied to the Account to reduce (amortize) the balance. lnterest will be accrued on the unamortized balance in the FCA Balancing Account at the quarterly rate published by the FERC. lssued June 1 ,2415 Effective July 3, 2015 Avistaby Avista Corporation By 7+,J^,"d Kelly Nonrood, Vice President State & Federal Regulation |.P.U.C. No.28 Second Revision Sheet 97 canceling First Revision Sheet 97 97 AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 97 REBATE OF ELECTRIC EARNINGS TEST DEFERRAL - IDAHO AVAIIABLE: To Customers in the State of ldaho where Company has electric service available. PURPOSE: To adjust electric rates for revenues related to the electric earnings test defenal as set forth in Case No. AVU-E-15-05. MONTHLY RATE: The energy charges of electric Schedules 1, 11, 12, 21, 22, 25, 25P, 31 , 32 and 4149 are to be decreased by 0.091f per kilowatt-hour in all blocks of these rate schedules. TERM: The energy charges will be reduced for a twenty-four month period, from January 1,2A16 through December 31,2417. Any residual balance will be trued up in a future PCA filed by the Company. SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Service under this schedule is subject to the Rules and Regulations contained in this tariff. The above Rate is subject to increases as set forth in Tax Adjustment Schedule 58. lssued June 1,2015 Effective July 3, 2015 lssued Avistaby By Kelly Norwood, Vice President, State & Federal Regulation ry J^,^*rJ |.P.U.C. No.28 First Revision Sheet 97 canceling OriginalSheet 97 97 CORPORATION Avista Utilities AVISTA dlbla SCHEDULE 97 REBATE OF 2g{A ELECTRIC EARNINGS TEST DEFERRAL . IDAHO AVAILABLE: To Customers in the State of ldaho where Company has electric service available. PURPOSE: To adjust electric rates for revenues related to the M electric earnings test deferral as set forth in erder Ne= 33139 in Case No. AV{JLE-14-95. MONTHLY RATE: The energy charges of electric Schedules 1, 11, 12, 21 , 22, 25,25P, 3't, 32 and 4149 are to be decreased by 0.0910 per kilowaft-hour in all blocks of these rate schedules. TERM: The energy charges will be reduced for a t#elrre month period, from January 1, 2g{€ through December 31, 2SlS. Any residual balance will be trued up in a future PCA filed by the Company. SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Service under this schedule is subject to the Rules and Regulations contained in this tariff. The above Rate is subject to increases as set forth in Tax Adjustment Schedule 58. lssued October 21,2014 Effective January 1,2015 lssued by By Kelly Norwood, Vice President, State & FederatRegulation |.P-U.C. No.28 Second Revision Sheet 97 canceling First Revision Sheet 97 lssued by Avista By AVISTA CORPOMTION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 97 REBATE OF ELECTRIC EARNINGS TEST DEFERRAL. IDAHO AVAILABLE: To Customers in the State of ldaho where Company has electric service available. PURPOSE: To adjust electric rates for revenues related to the electric earnings test deferral as set forth in Case No. AVU-E-15-05. MONTHLY RATE: The energy charges of electric Schedules 1, 11 , 12, 21 , 22, 25, 25?, 31, 32 and 4149 are to be decreased by 0.0910 per kilowatt-hour in all blocks of these rate schedules. TERM: The energy charges will be reduced for a twentv-four month period, from January 1, Zrethrough December 31, M-. Any residual balance will be trued up in a future PCA filed by the Company. SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Service under this schedule is subject to the Rules and Regulations contained in this tariff. The above Rate is subject to increases as set forth in Tax Adjustment Schedule 58. Kelly Norwood, Vice President, State & FederalRegulation 20L7 Tariffs Eleventh Revision Sheet 1 Canceling Tenth Revision Sheet 1 AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista utilities SCHEDULE 1 RESIDENTIAL SERVICE - IDAHO (Single phase & available voltage) AVAILABLE: To Customers in the State of ldaho where Company has electric service available. APPLICABLE: To service for domestic purposes in each individual residence, apartment, mobile home, or other living unit when all such service used on the prernises is supplied through a single meter. Where a portion of a dwelling is used regularly for the conduct of business or vvhere a portion of the electricity supplied is used for other than domestic purposes, the appropriate general service schedule is applicable. However, if the service for all domestic purposes is metered separately, this schedule will be applied to such service. When two or more living units are served through a single meter, the appropriate general service schedule is applicable. MONTHLY RATE: $8.50 Basic Charge, plusFirst 600 kwh 9.A520, per kWhAllover 600 kwh 10.108S per kWh Monthly Minimum Charge: $e.50 OPTIONAL SEASONAL MONTHLY CHARGE: A $8.50 monthly charge shall apply to Customers who close their account on a seasonal or intermittent basis, provided no energy usage occurs during an entire monthly billing cycle while the account is closed. Customers choosing this option are required to notify the Company in writing or by phone in advance and the account will be closed at the start of the next billing cycle following notification. lf energy is used during a monthly billing cycle, the above listed energy charges and basic charge of $8.50 shall apply. SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Service under this schedule is subject to the Rules and Regulations contained in this tariff. The above Monthly Rates are subject to increases or decreases as set forth in Tax Adjustment Schedule 58, Residentialand Farm Energy Rate Adjustment Schedule 59, Temporary Power Cost Adjustment Schedule 66, Energy Efficiency Rider Adjustment Schedule 91 and Earnings Test Deferal Rebate Schedule 97. lssued by By Avista Utilities Kelly O. Norwood, / n/^r^*rJru VP, State & FederalRegulation l.P.U.C. No.28 Tenth Revision Sheet 1 Canceling Ninth Revision Sheet 1 lssued by By AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 1 RESIDENTIAL SERVICE - IDAHO (Single phase & available voltage) AVAIISBLE: To Customers in the State of ldaho where Company has electric service available. APPLICABLE: To service for domestic purposes in each individual residence, apartment, mobile home, or other living unit when all such service used on the premises is supplied through a single meter. Where a portion of a dwelling is used regularly for the conduct of business or where a portion of the electricity supplied is used for other than domestic purposes, the appropriate general service schedule is applicable. However, if the service for all domestic purposes is metered separately, this schedule will be applied to such service. When two or more living units are served through a single meter, the appropriate general service schedule is applicable. MONTHLY RATE: $8.50 Basic Charge, PlusFirst 600 kwhAllover 600 kwh g.eA$, per kWhW$, per kWh Monthly Minimum Charge: $8.50 OPTIONAL SEASONAL MONTHLY CHARGE: A $8.50 monthly charge shall apply to Customers who close their account on a seasonal or intermittent basis, provided no energy usage occurs during an entire monthly billing cycle while the account is closed. Customers choosing this option are required to notify the Company in writing or by phone in advance and the account will be closed at the start of the next billing cycle following notification. lf energy is used during a monthly billing cycle, the above listed energy charges and basic charge of $8.50 shall apply. SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Service under this schedule is subject to the Rules and Regulations contained in this tariff. The above Monthly Rates are subject to increases or decreases as set forth in Tax Adjustment Schedule 58, Residentialand Farm Energy Rate Adjustment Schedule 59, Temporary Power Cost Adjustment Schedule 66, Energy Efficiency Rider Adjustment Schedule 91 and Earnings Test Deferral Rebate Schedule 97. lssued June 1,201 Avista Utilities Kelly O. Norwood,VP, State & FederalRegulation l.P.U.C. No.28 lssued by Avista By Eleventh Revision Sheet't Canceling Tenth Revision Sheet 1 AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista utilities SCHEDULE 1 RESIDENTIAL SERVICE - IDAHO (Single phase & available voltage) AVAILABLE: To Customers in the State of ldaho where Company has electric service available. APPLICABLE: To service for domestic purposes in each individual residence, apartment, mobile home, or other living unit when all such service used on the premises is supplied through a single meter. Where a portion of a dwelling is used regularly for the conduct of business or where a portion of the electricity supplied is used for other than domestic purposes, the appropriate general service schedule is applicable. However, if the service for all domestic purposes is metered separately, this schedule will be applied to such service. When two or more living units are served through a single meter, the appropriate general service schedule is applicable. MONTHLY RATE: $8.50 Basic Charge, PlusFirst 600 kwh 9.052d per kWhAllover 600 kwh 10.108d per kWh Monthly Minimum Charge: $8.50 OPTIONAL SEASONAL MONTHLY CHARGE: A $8.50 monthly charge shall apply to Customers who close their account on a seasonal or intermittent basis, provided no energy usage occurs during an entire monthly billing cycle wtrile the account is closed. Customers choosing this option are required to notify the Company in writing or by phone in advanee and the account will be closed at the start of the next billing rycle following notification. lf energy is used during a monthly billing cycle, the above listed energy charges and basic charge of $8.50 shall apply. SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Seruice under this schedule is subject to the Rules and Regulations contained in this tariff. The above Monthly Rates are subject to increases or decreases as set forth in Tax Adjustment Schedule 58, Residential and Farm Energy Rate Adjustment Schedule 59, Temporary Power Cost Adjustment Schedule 66, Energy Efficiency Rider Adjustment Schedule 9't and Eamings Test DeferralRebate Schedule 97. lssued June 1,2015 Effective January 1,2A17 Kelly O. Norwood, VP, State & FederalRegulation AMSTA CORPOMTION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 1 1 GENERAL SERVICE. IDAHO (Available phase and voltage) AVAILABLE: To Customers in the State of ldaho where Company has electric service available. APPLICABLE: To generat service supplied for all power requirements when all such service taken on the premises is supplied through one meter installation. MONTHLY MTE: The sum of the following charges: $16.00 Basic Charge, Plus Energy Charge:First 3650 kwh 10.0360 per kWh All Over 3650 kwh 7.1780, per kWh Demand Gharge: No charge for the first 20 kW of demand. $6.00 per kW for each additional kW of demand. Minimum: $16.00 for single phase service and $23.10 for three phase service; unless a higher minimum is required under contract to cover special conditions. DEMAND: The average kW supplied during the 1$minute period of maximum use during the month as determined by a demand meter. SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Service under this schedule is subject to the Rules and Regulations contained in this tariff. The above Monthly Rates are subject to increases or decreases as set forth in Tax Adjustment Schedule 58, Temporary Power Cost Adjustment Schedule 66, Energy Efficiency Rider Adjustment Schedule 91 and Eamings Test Defenal Rebate Schedule 97. Eleventh Revision Sheet 11 Canceling Tenth Revision Sheet 11 Kelly O. Norwood, ru J^,-,4 VP, State & FederalRegulation l.P.U.C. No.28 Tenth Revision Sheet 11 Canceling Ninth Revision Sheet 11 AVISTA CORPORATION d/h/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 11 GENEML SERVICE. IDAHO (Available phase and voltage) AVAILABLE: To Customers in the State of ldaho where Company has electric service available. APPLICABLE: To general service supplied for all power reguirements when all such service taken on the premises is supplied through one meter installation. MONTHLY RATE: The sum of the following charges: $*ilSg Basic Charge, plus Energy Charge:First 3650 kwh Wg7S, per kWh All Over 3650 kwh 7.1780, per kWh Demand Charge: No charge for the first 20 kW of demand. $5,59 per kW for each additional kW of demand. Minimum: $4€Sg tor single phase service and $2€J€ for three phase service; unless a higher minimum is required under contract to cover special conditions. DEMAND: The average kW supplied during the 1S-minute period of maximum use during the month as determined by a demand meter. SPEGIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS:' Service under this schedule is subject to the Rules and Regulations contained in this tariff. The above Monthly Rates are subject to increases or decreases as set forth in Tax Adjustment Schedule 58, Temporary Power Cost Adjustment Schedule 66, Energy Efficiency Rider Adjustment Schedule 91 and Earnings Test Deferral Rebate Schedule 97. lssued June 1,2015 Effective Juty 3, 2015 ssued by By Kelly O. Norwood, VP, State & FederalRegulation l.P.U.C. No.28 Eleventh Revision Sheet 11 Canceling Tenth Revision Sheet 11 lssued by By AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 1 1 GENERAL SERVICE. IDAHO (Available phase and voltage) AVAILABLE: To Customers in the State of ldaho where Company has electric service available. APPLICABLE: To general service supplied for all power requirements when all such service taken on the premises is supplied through one meter installation. MONTHLY RATE: The sum of the following charges: $16.00 Basic Charge, plus Energy Charge:First 3650 kwh 10.036d per kWh All Over 3650 kwh 7.178Q, per kWh Demand Charge: No charge for the first 20 kW of demand. $6.00 per kW for each additional kW of demand. Minimum: $16.00 for single phase service and $23.10 for three phase service; unless a higher minimum is required under contract to cover special conditions. DEMAND: The average kW supplied during the 1S-minute period of maximum use during the month as determined by a demand meter. SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Service under this schedule is subject to the Rules and Regulations contained in this tarffi. The above Monthly Rates are subject to increases or decreases as set forth in Tax Adjustment Schedule 58, Temporary Power Cost Adjustment Schedule 66, Energy Efficiency Rider Adjustment Schedule 91 and Earnings Test Defenal Rebate Schedule 97. lssued June 1, 2015 Effective January 1, 2017 Avista Utilities Kelly O. Noruvood,VP, State & FederalRegulation l.P.U.C. No.28 Eleventh Revision Sheet 21 Canceling Tenth Revision Sheet 21 CORPORATION Avista Utilities AVISTA dlbla SCHEDULE 21 LARGE GENERAL SERVICE - IDAHO (Available phase and voltage) AVAILABLE: To Customers in the State of ldaho where Company has electric service available. APPLICABLE: To general service supplied for all power requirements when allsuch service taken on the premises is supplied through one meter installation. Customer shall provide and maintain alt transformers and other necessary equipment on his side of the point of delivery and may be required to enter into a written contract for five (5) years or longer. MONTHLY RATE: The sum of the following demand and energy charges: Energy Charge:First 250,000 kwh 6.7120, per kWh All Over 250,000 kwh 5.728$ per kWh Demand Charge: $400.00 for the first 50 kW of demand or less. $6.00 per kW for each additional kW of demand. Primary Voltage Discount: lf Customer takes service at 'tl kv (wye grounded) or higher, he will be allowed a primary voftage discount of 20$ per kW of demand per month. Power Factor Adjustment Charge: lf Customer has a reactive kilovolt-ampere (kVAr) meter, he will be subject to a Power Factor Adjustment charge, as set forth in the Rules & Regulations. Minimum: $400.00, unless a higher minimum is required under contract to cover special conditions. ANNUAL MINIMUM: The current 12-month billing including any charges for power factor correction shall be not less than $10.00 per kW of the highest demand established during the cunent 12- month period provided that such highest demand shall be adjusted by the elimination of any demand occasioned by an operation totally abandoned during such 12-month period. DEMAND: The average kW supplied during the 1S-minute period of maximum use during the month as determined by a demand meter. SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Customers served at 11 kv or higher shall provide and maintain all transformers and other necessary equipment on their side of the point of delivery. Service under this schedule is subject to the Rules and Regulations contained in this tariff. The above Monthly Rates are subject to increases or decreases as set forth in Tax Adjustment Schedule 58, Temporary Power Cost Adjustment Schedule 66, Energy Efficiency Rider Adjustment Schedule 91 and Eamings Test Deferral Rebate Schedule 97. lssued June 1,2015 Effective January 1,2017 Avista Utilitiesby By Kelly O. Norwood, VP, State & FederalRegulation ry J^,^@J AVISTA CORPORATION dlb/a Avista utilities SCHEDULE 21 LARGE GENERAL SERV]CE - IDAHO (Available phase and voltage) AVAILABLE: To Customers in the State of ldaho where Company has electric service available. APPLICABLE: To general service supplied for all power requirements when allsuch service taken on the premises is supplied through one meter installation. Customer shall provide and maintain all transformers and other necessary equipment on his side of the point of delivery and may be required to enter into a written contract for five (5) years or longer. MONTHLY MTE: The sum of the following demand and energy charges: Energy Charge:First 250,000 kwh *7e$ per kWh All Over 250,000 kwh W per kWh Demdnd Charge: $375S9 for the first 50 kW of demand or less. $5Sg per kW for each additional kW of demand. Primary Voftage Discount: lf Customer takes service at 11 kv (wye grounded) or higher, he will be allowed a primary voltage discount of 20$ per kW of demand per month. Power Factor Adjustment Charge: lf Customer has a reactive kilovolt-ampere (kVAr) meter, he will be subiect to a Power Factor Adjustment charge, as set forth in the Rules & Regulations. Minimum: $37&0e, unless a higher minimum is required under contract to cover special conditions. ANNUAL MINIMUM: The current 12-month billing including any charges for power factor correction shall be not less than $10.00 per kW of the highest demand established during the cunent 12- month period provided that such highest demand shall be adjusted by the elimination of any demand occasioned by an operation totally abandoned during such 12-month period. DEMAND: The average kW supplied during the lS-minute period of maximum use during the month as determined by a demand meter. SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Customers served at 11 kv or higher shall provide and maintain all transformers and other necessary equipment on their side of the point of delivery. Service under this schedule is subject to the Rules and Regulations contained in this tariff. The above Monthly Rates are subject to increases or decreases as set forth in Tax Adjustment Schedule 58, Temporary Power Cost Adjustment Schedule 66, Energy Effciency Rider Adjustment Schedule 91 and Eamings Test Defenal Rebate Schedule 97. lssued by By Avista Utilities Kelly O. Nonrvood,VP, State & FederalRegulation l.P.U.C. No.28 Eleventh Revision Sheet 21 Canceling Tenth Revision Sheet 21 AVISTA CORPORATION dlb/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 21 LARGE GENERAL SERVICE - IDAHO (Available phase and voltage) AVAII.ABLE: To Customers in the State of ldaho vvhere Company has electric service available. APPLICABLE: To general service supplied for all power requirements when all such service taken on the premises is supplied through one meter installation. Customer shall provide and maintain alltransformers and other necessary equipment on his side of the point of delivery and may be required to enter into a written contract for five (5) years or longer. MONTHLY RATE: The sum of the following demand and energy charges: Energy Charge:First 250,000 kwh 6.7126, per kWh All Over 250,000 kwh 5.7284 per kWh Demand Charge: M00.00 for the first 50 kW of demand or less. $6.00 per kW for each additional kW of demand. Primary Voltage Discount: lf Customer takes service at 11 kv (wye grounded) or higher, he will be allowed a primary voltage discount of 2O$ per kW of demand per month. Power Factor Adjustment Charge: lf Customer has a reactive kilovolt-ampere (kVAr) meter, he will be subject to a Power Factor Adjustment charge, as set forth in the Rules & Regulations. Minimum: $499;QQ, unless a higher minimum is required under contract to cover special conditions. ANNUAL MINIMUM: The current 12-month billing including any charges for power factor correction shall be not less than $10.00 per kW of the highest demand established during the cunent 12- month period provided that such highest demand shall be adjusted by the elimination of any demand occasioned by an operation totally abandoned during such 12-month period. DEMAND: The average kW supplied during the 15-minute period of maximum use during the month as determined by a demand meter. SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Customers served at 11 kv or higher shall provide and maintain alltransformers and other necessary equipment on their side of the point of delivery. Service under this schedule is subject to the Rules and Regulations contained in this tariff. The above Monthly Rates are subject to increases or decreases as set forth in Tax Adjustrnent Schedule 58, Temporary Power Cost Adjustment Schedule 66, Energy Efficiency Rider Adjustment Schedule 91 and Eamings Test Deferral Rebate Schedule 97. lssued June 1,2015 Effective January 1,2017 staby By Kelly O. Nonrood, VP, State & FederalRegulation l.P.U.C. No.28 Eleventh Revision Sheet 25 Canceling Tenth Revision Sheet 25 Kelly O. Norwood, lssued by By Avista Utilities CORPORATION Avista Utilities AVISTA dlbla SCHEDULE 25 EXTM LARGE GENERAL SERVICE. IDAHO (Three phase, available voltage) AVAILABLE: To Customers in the State of ldaho where Company has electric service available. APPLICABLE: To general service supplied for all power requirements when all such service taken on the premises is supplied through one meter installation for a demand of not less than 2,500 kVA but not greater than 25,000 kVA. The average of the Customer's demand for the most recent twefue-month period must fall within these demand limits for service under this schedule. lf the Customer has less than twelve months of billing history, the Customer must have a minimum of six consecutive billing months of demand of at least 2,500 kVA in order to receive service under this schedule. New Customers must meet the above criteria or otherwise provide the Company with reasonable assurance that their peak demand will average at least 2,500 kVA. Customer shall provide and maintain all transformers and other necessary equipment on his side of the point of delivery and enter into a written contract for five (5) years or longer. MONTHLY RATE: The sum of the following demand and energy charges: Energy Charge:First 500,000 kwh 5.5330 per kWh All Over 500,000 kwh 4.686d per kWh Demand Charge: $15,000.00 for the first 3,000 kVA of demand or less. $6.00 per kVA for each additional kVA of demand. Primary Voltage Discount: lf Customer takes service at 11 kV (wye grounded) or higher, he will be allowed a primary voltage discount o1206 per kVA of demand per month. Minimum: The demand charge unless a higher minimum is required under contract to cover special conditions. ANNUAL MINIMUM: $746,280 Any annual minimum deficiency will be determined during the Aprilbilling cycle for the previous 12-month period. For a customer who has taken service on this schedule for less than 12 months, the annual minimum will be prorated based on the actual months of service. The annualminimum will also be prorated if base rates change during the 12-month period. The annual minimum is based on 916,667 kWh's per month (11,000,000 kWh's annually), plus twelve months multiplied by the monthly minimum demand charge for the first 3,000 kVa of demand. The annual minimum reflected above is based on base lssued June 1,2015 Effective January 1, 2417 VP, State & FederalRegulation AVISTA CORPOMTION d/b1a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 25 EXTRA LARGE GENEML SERVICE - ]DAHO (Three phase, available voltage) AVAILABLE: To Customers in the State of ldaho where Company has electric service available. APPLICABLE: To general service supplied for all power requirements when all such service taken on the premises is supplied through one meter installation for a demand of not less than 2,500 kVA but not greater than 25,000 kVA. The average of the Customeds demand for the most recent twelve-month period must fall within these demand limits for service under this schedule. lf the Customer has less than twelve months of billing history, the Customer must have a minimum of six consecutive billing months of demand of at least 2,500 kVA in order to receive service under this schedule. New Gustomers must meet the above criteria or othenrise provide the Company with reasonable assurance that their peak demand willaverage at least 2,500 kVA. Customer shall provide and maintain all transformers and other necessary equipment on his side of the point of delivery and enter into a written contract for five (5) years or longer. MONTHLY MTE: The sum of the following demand and energy charges: Energy Charge:First 500,000 kwh €335+ per kWh All Over 500,000 kwh 4€1€S per kWh Demand Charge: $1#5e€g for the first 3,000 kVA of demand or less. $5€e per kVA for each additional kVA of demand. Primary Voltage Discount: lf Customer takes service at 11 kV (wye grounded) or higher, he will be allowed a primary voltage discount of 2A$ per kVA of demand per month. Minimum: The demand charge unless a higher minimum is required under contract to cover special conditions. ANNUAL MINIMUM: $711r1 10 Any annual minimum deficiency will be determined during the April billing cycle for the previous 12-month period. For a customer who has taken service on this schedule for less than 12 months, the annual minimum will be prorated based on the actual months of service. The annual minimum will also be prorated if base rates change during the 12-month period. The annual minimum is based on 916,667 kWh's per month (11,000,000 kWh's annually), plus twelve months multiplied by the monthly minimum demand charge for the first 3,000 kVa of demand. The annual minimum reflected above is based on base ssued June 1,2015 Effective July 3, 2015 Kelly O. Norurood, VP, State & Federal Regulation l.P.U.C. No.28 Eleventh Revision Sheet 25 Canceling Tenth Revision Sheet 25 AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 25 EXTRA LARGE GENERAL SERVICE - IDAHO (Three phase, available voltage) AVA!LABLE: To Customers in the State of ldaho where Company has electric service available. APPLICABLE: To general service supplied for all power requirements when all such service taken on the premises is supplied through one meter installation for a demand of not less than 2,500 kVA but not greater than 25,000 kVA. The average of the Customels demand for the most recent twelve-month period must fall within these demand limits for service under this schedule. lf the Customer has less than twelve months of billing history, the Customer must have a minimum of six consecutive billing months of demand of at least 2,500 kVA in order to receive service under this schedule. New Customers must meet the above criteria or otherwise provide the Company with reasonable assurance that their peak demand willaverage at least 2,500 kVA. Customer shall provide and maintain all transformers and other necessary equipment on his side of the point of delivery and enter into a written contract for five (5) years or longer. MONTHLY MTE: The sum of the following demand and energy charges: Energy Charge:First 500,000 kwh 5.533d per kWh AllOver 500,000 kwh 4.686d, per kWh Demand Charge: $15.000.00 for the first 3,000 kVA of demand or less. $6.00 per kVA for each additional kVA of demand. Primary Voltage Discount: lf Customer takes service at 11 kV (wye grounded) or higher, he will be allowed a primary vohage discount of 2A$ per kVA of demand per month. Minimum: The demand charge unless a higher minimum is required under contract to cover special conditions. ANNUAL MINIMUM: $746.280 Any annual minimum deficiency will be determined during the April billing cycle for the previous 12-month period. For a customer who has taken service on this schedule for less than 12 months, the annual minimum will be prorated based on the actual months of service. The annual minimum will also be prorated if base rates change during the 12-month period. The annual minimum is based on 916,667 kWh's per month (11,000,000 kWh's annually), plus twelve months multiplied by the monthly minimum demand charge for the first 3,000 kVa of demand. The annual minimum reflected above is based on base lssued June 1,2015 Effective January 1,2417 ssued Avistaby By Kelly O. Norwood,VP, State & FederalRegulation l.P.U.C. No.28 lssued by By Avista Utilities Tenth Revision Sheet 25P Canceling Ninth Revision Sheet 25P Kelly O. Norwood, CORPORATION Avista Utilities AVISTA dlbla SCHEDULE 25P EXTRA LARGE GENERAL SERVICE TO CLEARWATER PAPER'S FACILITY - IDAHO (Three phase, available voltage) AVAILABLE: To Clearwater Paper Corporation's Lewiston, ldaho Facility. APPLICABLE: To general service supplied for all power requirements with a demand of not less than 2,500 kVA but not greater than 110,000 kVA. The average of the Customer's demand for the most recent twelve-month period must fall within these demand limits for service under this schedule. Customer shall provide and maintain all transformers and other necessary equipment on its side of the point of delivery and enter into a written contracl for five (5) years or longer. MONTHLY RATE: The sum of the following demand and energy charges: Energy Charge: 4.3316, per kwh Demand Charge: $15,000.00 for the first 3,000 kVA of demand or less. 1"t Demand Block: $6.00 per kVA for each additional kVA of demand up to 55,000 kvA. 2nd Demand Block: $2.00 per kVA for each additional kVA of demand above 55,000 kvA. Primary Voltage Discount: lf Gustomer takes service at 11 kV (wye grounded) or higher, it will be allowed a primary voltage discount of 20$ per kVA of demand per month. Minimum: The demand charge unless a higher minimum is required under contract to cover special conditions. ANNUAL MINIMUM: $656,4.10 Any annual minimum deficiency will be determined during the April billing cycle for the previous 12-month period. The annual minimum is based on 916,667 kWh's per month, plus twelve months multiplied by the monthly minimum demand charge for the first 3,000 kVa of demand. The annual minimum reflected above is based on base revenues only. Any other revenues paid in billed rates (such as the DSM Tariff Rider Schedule 91) do not factor into the annual minimum calculation. lssued June 1,2015 Effective January'l,2017 VP, State & FederalRegulation l.P.U.C. No.28 Ninth Revision Sheet 25P Canceling Substitute Revision Sheet 25P AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SGHEDULE 25P EXTRA I.ARGE GENERAL SERVICE TO CLEARWATER PAPER'S FACILIry - IDAHO (Three phase, available voltage) AVAILABLE: To Clearwater Paper Corporation's Lewiston, ldaho Facility. APPLICABLE: To general service supplied for all power requirements with a demand of not less than 2,500 kVA but not greater than 110,000 kVA. The average of the Customer's demand for the most recent twelve.month period must fall within these demand limits for service under this schedule. Customer shall provide and maintain all transformers and other necessary equipment on its side of the point of delivery and enter into a written contract for five (5) years or longer. MONTHLY RATE: The sum of the following demand and energy charges: Energy Charge:+,W per kwh Demand Charge: $ru for the first 3,000 kVA of demand or less. 1"t Demand Block: $.5#g per kVA for each additional kVA of demand up to 55,000 kvA. 2d Demand Block: $2.00 per kVA for each additional kVA of demand above 55,000 kvA. Primary Voltage Discount: lf Customer takes service at 11 kV (wye grounded) or higher, it will be allowed a primary voltage discount of 2A$ per kVA of demand per month. Minimum: The demand charge unless a higher minimum is required under contract to cover special conditions. ANNUAL MINIMUM: $633*7€ Any annual minimum deficiency will be determined during the April billing cycle for the previous 12-month period. The annual minimum is based on 916,667 kWh's per month, plus twelve months multiplied by the monthly minimum demand charge for the first 3,000 kVa of demand. The annual minimum reflected above is based on base revenues only. Any other revenues paid in billed rates (such as the DSM Tariff Rider Schedule 91) do not factor into the annual minimum calculation. Effective July 3, 20'15 Kelly O. Norwood,VP, State & FederalRegulation l.P.U.C. No.28 Tenth Revision Sheet 25P Canceling Ninth Revision Sheet 25P lssued by Avista By AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 25P EXTRA LARGE GENERAL SERVICE TO CLEARWATER PAPER'S FACILITY - IDAHO (Three phase, available voltage) AVAILABLE: To Clearwater Paper Corporation's Lewiston, ldaho Facility. APPLICABLE: To general service supplied for all power requirements with a demand of not less than 2,500 kVA but not greater than 110,000 kVA. The average of the Customer's demand for the most recent twelve'month period must fall within these demand limits for service under this schedule. Customer shall provide and maintain all transformers and other necessary equipment on its side of the point of delivery and enter into a written contract for five (5) years or longer. MONTHLY RATE: The sum of the following demand and energy charges: Energy Charge: 4.331d per kwh Demand Charge: $15.000.00 for the first 3,000 kVA of demand or less. 1$ Demand Block: $6.00 per kVA for each additional kVA of demand up to 55,000 kvA. 2nd Demand Block: $2.00 per kVA for each additional kVA of demand above 55,000 kvA. Primary Voltage Discount: lf Customer takes service at 11 kV (wye grounded) or higher, it will be allowed a primary voltage discount at 2AO per kVA of demand per month. Minimum: The demand charge unless a higher minimum is required under contract to cover special conditions. ANNUAL MINIMUM: $656.410 Any annual minimum deficiency will be determined during the April billing cycle for the previous 12-month period. The annual minimum is based on 916,667 kWh's per month, plus twelve months multiplied by the monthly minimum demand charge for the first 3,000 kVa of demand. The annual minimum reflected above is based on base revenues only. Any other revenues paid in billed rates (such as the DSM Tariff Rider Schedule 91) do not factor into the annual minimum calculation. Kelly O. Norwood,VP, State & FederalRegulation l.P.U.C. No.28 Eleventh Revision Sheet 31 Canceling Tenth Revision Sheet 31 CORPORATION Avista Utilities AVISTA dlbla SCHEDULE 31 PUMPING SERVICE - IDAHO (Available phase and voltage) AVAILABLE: To Customers in the State of ldaho where Company has electric seruice available. APPLICABLE: To service through one meter for pumping water or water effluents, including incidental power used for other equipment and lighting essentialto the pumping operation. For such incidental service, Customer will furnish any transformers and other necessary eguipment. Customer may be required to enter into a written contract for five (5) years or longer and will have service available on a continuous basis unless there is a change in ownership or control of property served. MONTHLY RATE: The sum of the following charges: $12.00 Basic Charge, plus Energy Charge: 10.237fi, per kWh for the first 85 l(l/h per kW of demand, and for the next 80 l(/Uh per kW of demand but not more than 3,000 lOVh. 8.7270 per l(Wh for all additional l(A/h. Annual Minimum: $12.00 per kW of the highest demand established in the cunent year ending with the November billing cycle. lf no demand occurred in the current year, the annual minimum will be based on the highest demand in the latest previous year having a demand. Demand: The average kW supplied during the 1S-minute period of maximum use during the month determined, at the option of Company, by a demand meter or nameplate input rating of pump motor. SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: lf Customer requests the account to be closed by reason of change in ownership or control of property, the unbilled service and any applicable annual minimum will be prorated to the date of closing. Service under this schedule is subject to the Rules and Regulations contained in this tariff. The above Monthly Rates are subject to increases or decreases as set forth in Tax Adjustment Schedule 58, Temporary Power Cost Adjustment Schedule 66, Energy Efficiency Rider Adjustment Schedule 91 and Eamings Test Defenal Rebate Schedule 97. lssued June'1,2015 Effective January 1,2017 ser rarl hrr Arricla Iby By Kelly O. Norwood, VP, State & FederalRegulation l.P.U.C. No.28 Tenth Revision Sheet 3'1 Canceling Ninth Revision Sheet 31 AVISTA CORPORATION d/bia Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 31 PUMPING SERVICE. IDAHO (Available phase and voltage) AVAILABLE: To Customers in the State of ldaho where Company has electric service available. APPLICABLE: To service through one meter for pumping water or water effluents, including incidental power used for other equipment and lighting essentialto the pumping operation. For such incidental service, Customer will fumish any transformers and other necessary equipment. Customer may be required to enter into a written contract for five (5) years or longer and will have service available on a continuous basis unless there is a change in ownership or control of property served. MONTHLY RATE: The sum of the following charges: $1€Sg Basic Charge, plus Energy Charge: 9+€9d per kWh for the first 85 l(Wh per kW of demand, and for the next B0 l(trfh per kW of demand but not more than 3,000 KIr/h. 931€9 per l$Vh for all additional l(Wh. Annual Minimum: $12.00 per kW of the highest demand established in the cunent year ending with the November billing cycle. lf no demand occurred in the current year, the annual minimum will be based on the highest demand in the latest previous year having a demand. Demand: The average kW supplied during the lSminute period of maximum use during the month determined, at the option of Company, by a demand meter or nameplate input rating of pump motor. SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: lf Customer requests the account to be closed by reason of change in ownership or controlof property, the unbilled service and any applicable annual minimum will be prorated to the date of closing. Service under this schedule is subject to the Rules and Regulations contained in this tariff. The above Monthly Rates are subject to increases or decreases as set forth in Tax Adjustment Schedule 58, Temporary Power Cost Adjustment Schedule 66, Energy Efficiency Rider Adjustment Schedule 91 and Eamings Test Deferral Rebate Schedule 97. lssued June 1, 2015 Effective July 3,2015 ccr ror{ hlr Arr Utilitiesby By Kelly O. Norwood, VP, State & FederalRegulation l.P.U.C. No.28 Eleventh Revision Sheet 31 Canceling Tenth Revision Sheet 31 lssued by By AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Lftilities SCHEDULE 31 PUMPING SERVICE - IDAHO (Available phase and voltage) AVAILABLE: To Customers in the State of ldaho where Company has electric service available. APPLICABLE: To service through one meter for pumping water or water effluents, including incidental power used for other equipment and lighting essentialto the pumping operation. For such incidental service, Customer will furnish any transformers and other necessary equipment. Customer may be required to enter into a written contract for five (5) years or longer and will have service available on a continuous basis unless there is a change in ownership or control of property served. MONTHLY RATE: The sum of the following charges: $12.00 Basic Charge, plus Energy Charge: 10.237d per kWh for the first 85 lOVh per kW of demand, and for the next 80 l(llh per kW of demand but not more than 3,000 KWh. 8.727d per l(Wh for alladditional l$Vh. Annual Minimum: $12.00 per kW of the highest demand established in the cunent year ending with the November billing cycle. lf no demand occurred in the current year, the annual minimum will be based on the highest demand in the latest previous year having a demand. Demand: The average kW supplied during the 1S-minute period of maximum use during the month determined, at the option of Company, by a demand meter or nameplate input rating of pump motor. SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: lf Customer requests the account to be closed by reason of change in ownership or control of property, the unbilled service and any applicable annual minimum will be prorated to the date of closing. Service under this schedule is subject to the Rules and Regulations contained in this tariff. The above Monthly Rates are subject to increases or decreases as set forth in Tax Adjustment Schedule 58, Temporary Power Cost Adjustment Schedule 66, Energy Efftciency Rider Adjustment Schedule 91 and Eamings Test Deferral Rebate Schedule 97. June 1,2015 Avista Utilities Kelly O. Norwood,VP, State & FederalRegulation l.P.U.C. No.28 Tenth Revision Sheet 41 Canceling Ninth Revision Sheet 41 Kelly O. Norwood, lssued by By Avista Utilities AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 41 COMPANY OWNED STREET LIGHT SERVICE.IDAHO (Single phase and available voltage) AVAILABLE: To agencies of local, state, or federal governments in all ldaho territory served by Company. Closed to new installations as of November 24, 1981, except where Company and customer agree, mercury vapor lamps rnay be installed to provide compatibility with existing light sources. APPLICABLE: To annualoperation of dusk{o{awn lighting for public streets and thoroughfares upon receipt of an authorized application. MONTHLY RATE: Pole Facilitv Fixture & Size Metal StandardWood Pedestal Direct Developer(Lumens) No Pole Pole Base Burial Contributed Code Rate Code Rate Code Rate Code Rate Code Rate Sinqle Mercurv Vaoor 7000 10000 20000 411 $ 16.42511 19.89611 28.06 416 $ 16.42 *Not available to new customers accounts, or locations. #Decorative Curb. ry,J^,^*rJ VP, State & FedemlRegulation l.P.U.C. No.28 Ninth Revision Sheet 41 Canceling iiohth Revision Sheet 41 AVISTA CORPORATION drb/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 41 COMPANY OWNED STREET LIGHT SERVICE-IDAHO (Single phase and available voltage) AVAILABLE: To agencies of local, state, or federal governments in all ldaho territory served by Company. Closed to new installations as of November 24, 1981, except where Company and customer agree, mercury vapor lamps may be installed to provide compatibility with existing light sources. APPLICABLE: To annual operation of dusk-todawn lighting for public streets and thoroughfares upon receipt of an authorized application. MONTHLY RATE: Pole Facilitv Fixture & Size Metal StandardWood Pedestal Direct Developer(Lumens) No Pole Pole Base Burial Contributed Code Rate Code Rate Code Rate Code Rate Code Rate Sinqle Mercurv Vaoor 7000 10000 20000 411 ${€',48511 1&75611 M 416 ${€=48 *Not available to new customers accounts, or locations. #Decorative Curb. lssued June 1,2015 Effective July 3, 2015 lssued Avistaby By Ketly O. Norwood,VP, State & FederalRegulation l.P.U.C. No.28 Tenth Revision Sheet 41 Canceling Ninth Revision Sheet 41 lssued by Avista By AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 41 COMPANY OWNED STREET LIGHT SERVICE-IDAHO (Single phase and available voltage) AVAILABLE: To agencies of local, state, or federal govemments in all ldaho territory served by Company. Closed to new installations as of November 24,1981, except where Company and customer agree, mercury vapor lamps may be installed to provide compatibility with existing light sources. APPLICABLE: To annualoperation of duskto{awn lighting for public streets and thoroughfares upon receipt of an authorized application. MONTHLY RATE: Pole Facilitv Fixture & Size Metal StandardWood Pedestal Direct Developer(Lumens) No Pole Pole Base Burial Contributed Code Rate Code Rate Code Rate Code Rate Code Rate Sinqle Mercurv Vapor 7000 't0000 20000 411 $ 16.42511 19.89611 28.06 416 $ 16.42 *Not available to new customers accounts, or locations. #Decorative Curb. Kelly O. Norwood,VP, State & FederalRegulation l.P.U.C. No.28 Tenth Revision Sheet 42 Canceling Ninth Revision Sheet 42 Kelly O. Norwood, lssued by By AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 42 COMPANY OWNED STREET LIGHT SERVICE . IDAHO (Single phase and available voltage) AVAII-ABLE: To agencies of local, state, or federal governments in all ldaho territory served by Company. APPLICABLE: To annual operation of dusk-todawn lighting for public streets and thoroughfares upon receipt of an authorized application. MONTHLY MTE: Pole Facilitv Metal Standarcl No Pole Code Rate Sinqle Hiqh-Pressure Sodium Vapor (Nominal Rating in Watts) Fixture & Size 50w 100w 100w 235 $11.58935 12.12435 14.06 Wood Pole Code Rate Pedestal Base Code Rate Direct Burial Code Rate 2U* $14.444U# 15.17433 26.s7533 35.80633 39.87833 53.50 Developer Contributed Code Rate 436 $14.75536 24.03636 28.10836 41.78936 21.96 446 $ 29.59546 47.35 200w 535 23.34250W 635 27.39400w 835 41.09 150W Double Hioh-Pressure Sodium Vaoor (Nominal Rating in Watts)100w 441 $29.59200w 54s $46.65 #Decorative Curb Decorative Sodium Vaoor 100W Granville 475 $21.13 100W Post Top 100W Kim Light 43',t $ 14.75 432 $26.57531 24.03 532 35.80631 28.10 632 39.87831 41.78 832 53.60 42 $42.21il2 60.64 474* 4U* 438*', 27.47 26.36 15.18 '16'fiberglass pole*25'fiberglass pole June 1,2015 VP, State & FederalRegulation Ninth Revision Sheet 42 Canceling Eighth Revision Sheet 42 AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 42 COMPANY OWNED STREET LIGHT SERVICE . IDAHO (Single phase and available voltage) AVAILABLE. To agencies of local, state, or federal governments in all ldaho territory served by company. APPLICABLE: To annual operation of dusk-todawn lighting for public streets and thoroughfares upon receipt of an authorized application. MONTHLY RATE: Pole Facilitu Me-tal Standarcl Fixture & Size No Pole Code Rate Sinsle High-Pressure Sodium Vapor (Nominal Rating in Watts) Wood Pole Code Rate 431 +13S9531 *55631 M831 3g€g Pedestal Base Code Rate 432 $25445?2 33,74632 37Sg832 5052 Direct Burial Code Rate 234# $4€€ijt4W 4439433 %M533 W633 3758833 5&52 Developer Contributed Code Rate 436 ${€Ss536 W636 M836 3938936 *79 ,'146 $+7189546 M 50w 235 ${tsl100w 935 11,12100w 435 #200w 535 22SS250W 635 35€4400w 835 38# 150W Double Hiqh-Pressure Sodium Vapor (Nominal Rating in Watts)100w u1 $*a8s200w 545 $4337 #Decorative Gurb Decorative Sodium Vaoor 100W Granville 475 $19$t 100W Post Top 100W Kim Light 442 $99,78u2 57.15 474* 2+€94UW 438"* '! 1,31 *16'fiberglass pole*25'fiberglass pole Effective July 3,2015 lssued by By Kelly O. Norwood,VP, State & FederalRegulation l.P.U.G. No.28 lssued by Avista Utilities By Tenth Revision Sheet 42 Canceling Ninth Revision Sheet 42 CORPORATION Avista Utilities AVISTA dft,la SCHEDULE 42 COMPANY OWNED STREET LIGHT SERVICE. IDAHO (Single phase and available voltage) AVAILABLE: To agencies of local, state, or federal governments in all ldaho teritory served by Company. APPLICABLE: To annual operation of dusk-todawn lighting for public streets and thoroughfares upon receipt of an authorized application. MONTHLY RATE: Pole Facilitv Wood No Pole Pole Base Burial Contributed Code Rate Code Rate Code Rate Code Rate Code Rate Sinqle Hiqh-Pressure Sodium Vaoor (Nominal Rating in Watts) Fixture & Size 50w 100w 100w 200w 250W 400w 150W Double Hioh-Pressure Sodium Vapor (Nominal Rating in Wafts) 100w200w 545 $46.6s #Decorative Curb Decorative Sodium Vaoor 100W Granville 475 $21.13 100W Post Top 100W Kim Light 235 $11.58935 12.12435 14.06 431 S 14.75535 23.34 531 24.03635 27.39 631 28.1A835 41.09 831 41.78 2W $14.M4W 15.17432 $26.57 433 26.57532 35.80 533 35.80632 39.87 633 39.87832 53.60 833 53.60 441 $ 29.59 442 S 42.21il2 60.64 436 $14.75536 24.03636 28.10836 41.78936 21.96 446 $ 29.59546 47.35 474" 48p" 438* 27.47 26.36 15.18 '16'fiberglass pole*25'fiberglass pole lssued June 1,2015 Effective January 1, 2017 Kelly O. Norwood, VP, State & FederalRegulation I.P.U.C. No.28 lssued by Avista Utilities By Seventh Revision Sheet 42A Canceling Sixth Revision Sheet 42A Kelly O. Norwood, VP, State & Federal Regulation AVISTA dba CORPORATION Avista tjtilities MONTHLY RATE: Fixture & Size 70w 70w 107VV SCHEDULE 424 - Continued Pole Facility Wood No Pole Pole Code Rate Code Rate 935L 12.12 4351 14.06 4311$ 14.75 5351 23.U s31L 24.43 Pedestal Base Code Rate MetalStandardDirect DeveloperBurial Contributed Code Rate Code Rate Sinsle Lisht Emittino Diode [ED) (Nominal Rating in Watts) 43/.L#',15.17 432L $26.57 4331 2A.57 4361 $14.75 5321 3s.80 5331 35.80 5361 24.03 Double Lioht Emitting Diode (LED) (Nominal Rating in Watts)70w 4411$29.59107W 5451 $46.65 #Decorative Curb Decorative LED 701fl/ Granville 475L $21.13 70W Post Top 474L' 27.47 484L* 26.36 *16'fiberglass pole M2L842.21 542L 60.64 4461$ 29.59 546L 47.35 Custom Street Liqht Calculation Customers who choose to add street light fixtures that are outside of the offerings listed above will be quoted a fixed monthly rate based on the following rate calculation. The three components detailed below will be added together to develop the new Schedule 42 rale. Step 1 - The capital component will be determined by multiplying an engineering estimate of the installed cost of the new light component, or fixture, by the Capital Recovery Factor of 13.6220/0. Step 2 - The maintenance component will either be the embedded maintenance cost of a similar existing frxture or an engineering estimate of the maintenance cost of a nelv fixture. The maintenance component for an existing light can be derived by subtrac{ing the Schedule 46 (energy) light code monthly charge from the same Schedule 44light code monthly charge (maintenance and energy). Step 3 - The energy cornponent will either be the energy cost of the same wattage light under Schedule 46 or the calculation of a new custom fixture detailed on Schedule 46. lssued June 1,2015 Effective January 1, 2A17 |.P.U.C. No.28 Sixth Revision Sheet 42A Canceling Fifth Revision Sheet 42A by Avista By AVISTA CORPORATION dba Avista LJtilities MONTHLY RATE: Fixture & Size SCHEDULE 42A - Continued Pole Facility Wood No Pole Pole Code Rate Code Rate Sinole Liqht Emittinq Diode (LED) (Nominal Rating in Watts)70w 935L 17,4270w 4351 {€,25 431LW107W 5351 W 5311 22€5 Double Liqht Emitinq Diode (LED) (Nominal Rating in Watts)70w 4411$4739 4421$€gJ810n, 54sL $4497 542L 5#15 #Decorative Curb Decorative LED 70W Granville 475L $+9s+ 70W Post Top Pedesial Base Code Rate 432L Wg 532L 33,74 MetalStandardDirect DeveloperBurial Contributed Code Rate Code Rate 4UL# W 433L 3534 436L $43S9 533L gg,7't 536L 22S5 4461$47€g 546L 4&g 474L* 25€8 484L* 24a4,4 *16'fiberglass pole Custom Street Liqht Calculation Customers who choose to add street light fixtures that are outside of the offerings lisied above will be quoted a fixed monthly rate based on the following rate calculation. The three components detailed below will be added together to develop the new Schedule 42 rale. Step 1 - The capitalcomponent will be determined by multiplying an engineering estimate of the installed cost of the new light component, or fixture, by the Capital Recovery Factor of 13.622%. Step 2 - The maintenance component will either be the embedded maintenance cost of a similar existing fixture or an engineering estimate of the maintenance cost of a new fixture. The maintenance component for an existing light can be derived by subtracting the Schedule 46 (energy) light code monthly charge from the same Schedule 44 light code monthly charge (maintenance and energy). Step 3 - The energy component will either be the energy cost of the same wattage light under Schedule 46 or the calculation of a new custom fixture detailed on Schedule 46. lssued June 1,2015 Effective July 3, 2015 Kelly O. Norwood,VP, State & FederalRegulation Seventh Revision Sheet 42A Canceling Sixth Revision Sheet 42AI.P.U.C. No.28 AVISTA CORPORATION dba Avista Utilities MONTHLY RATE: Fixture & Size 70w 70w 107W SCHEDULE 42}. - Continued Pole Facility Wood No Pole Pole Code Rate Code Rate Pedestal Base Code Rate MetalStandardDirect DeveloperBurial Contributed Code Rate Code Rate Sinqle Lioht Emittins Diode (LED) (Nominal Rating in Watts) 93sL 12.12 435L 14.06 431L $ 14.75 432L 535L 23.34 531L 24.03 532L 4UL# 15.17 $26.57 433L 26.57 436L $14.7535.80 533L 35.80 5361 24.A3 Double Lioht Emiftino Diode (LED) (Nominal Rating in Watts)70w 4411$ 29.59107W 5451 $46.65 #Decorative Curb Decorative LED 70W Granville 475L $21.13 70W Post Top 474L" 27.47 484L* 26.36 *16'fiberglass pole 442L$ 42.21ilzL 60.64 4461$ 29.59#6L 47.35 Gustom Street Liqht Calculation Customers who choose to add sheet light fixtures that are outside of the offerings listed above will be quoted a fixed monthly rate based on the following rate calculation. The three components detailed below will be added together to develop the new Schedule 42 rate. Step 1 - The capital component will be determined by multiplying an engineering estimate of the installed cost of the new light component, or fixture, by the Capital Recovery Factor ol 73.6220/o. Step 2 - The maintenance component will either be the embedded maintenance cost of a similar existing fixture or an engineering estimate of the maintenance cost of a new fixture. The maintenance component for an existing light can be derived by subtracting the Schedule 46 (energy) light code monthly charge from the same Schedule 44light code monthly charge (maintenance and energy). Step 3 - The energy component will either be the energy cost of the same waftage light under Schedule 46 or the calculation of a new custom fixture detailed on Schedule 46. lssued June 1,2015 Effective January 1,2017 lssued Utilitiesby By Kelly O. Norwood,VP, State & FederalRegulation l.P.U-C. No.28 Tenth Revision Sheet 44 Canceling Ninth Revision Sheet 44 Kelly O. Norwood, Avista Utilities By CORPORATION Avista Utilities AVISTA dlbla SCHEDULE rt4 CUSTOMER OWNED STREET LIGHT ENERGY AND MAINTENANCE SERVICE - IDAHO HIGH-PRESSURE SODIUM VAPOR (Single phase and available voltage) AVAILABLE: To agencies of local, state, or federal governments in all ldaho territory served by Company. Closed to new installations effective January 1,2016. APPLICABLE: To annual operation of dusk-to'dawn lighting for public streets and thoroughfares upon receipt of an authorized application. MONTHLY MTE: Pole FacilituFixture MetalStandard & Size Wood Pedestal Direct Developer(Lumens) No Pole Pole Base Burial Gontributed Code Rate Code Rate Code Rate Code Rate Code Rate Single Hioh-Pressure Sodium Vaoor100w 435 $10.74 431 $10.74 432 $10.74 433 $10.74200w s3s 16.20 531 16.20 532 16.20 533 16.20 53416.20250W 635 18.22 631 18.22 632 18.22 633 18.22310W 735 20.74 731 24.74 732 20.74 733 2A.74400w 835 29.02 831 29.42 832 29.42 833 29.02150W 935 14.09 931 14.09 932 14.09 933 14.09 93614.09 Double Hioh-Pressure Sodium Vapor (Nominal Rating in Watts)100w 441 20.56 442 20.56 443 2CI.56200w il2 31.72 il3 31.72310W 742 40.80 SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Customer is responsible for financing, installing and owning standards, luminaries and necessary circuitry and related facilities to connect with Company designated points of delivery. All such facilities will conform to Company's design, standards and specifications. Customer is also responsible for painting (if desired) and replacing damaged pole facilities. Company willfurnish the necessary energy, repairs and maintenance work including lamp and glassware cleaning and replacement. Repairs and maintenance work will be performed by Company during regularly scheduled working hours. ry J^*4 VP, State & FederalRegulation l.P.U.C. No.28 Ninth Revision Sheet 44 Canceling iiohth Revision Sheet 44 CORPORATION Avista Utilities AVISTA dlbla SCHEDULE 44 CUSTOMER OWNED STREET LIGHT ENERGY AND MAINTENANCE SERVICE - IDAHO HIGH-PRESSURE SODIUM VAPOR (Single phase and available voltage) AVAILABLE: To agencies of local, state, or federal governments in all ldaho territory served by Company. Closed to new installations effective January 1,2A16. APPLICABLE: To annual operation of dusk-to-dawn lighting for public streets and thoroughfares upon receipt of an authorized application. MONTHLY RATE: Pole Facilitv Fixture Melal Slanclard & Size Wood Pedestal Direct DeveloperGumens) No Pole Pole Base Burial Contributed Code Rate Code Rate Code Rate Code Rate Code Rate Sinqle Hiqh-Pressure Sodium Vaoor100w 435 $-1912 431 He+z 432 W2 433 $-l€Je200w 535 1*7 531 4W 532 15,27 533 18,27 5341€*#250W 635 17,17 631 17"17 632 17.17 633 17,17310W 735 {&55 731 4955 732 +S55 733 {+55400w 835 W 831 % 832 W 833 m150W 935 {€38 931 13,a 932 1# 933 {€*8 93613*8 Double Hiqh-Pressure Sodiurn Vapor (Nominal Rating in Watts)100w M1 4W 442 {€€8 M3 4838200w ilz 29Sg 543 28€g310W 742 3845 SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Customer is responsible for financing, installing and owning standards, luminaries and necessary circuitry and related facilities to connect with Company designated points of delivery. Allsuch facilities willconform to Gompany's design, standards and specifications. Customer is also responsible for painting (if desired) and replacing damaged pole facilities. Company willfumish the necessary energy, repairs and maintenance work including lamp and glassware cleaning and replacement. Repairs and maintenance work will be performed by Company during regularly scheduled working hours. lssued June 1, 20'15 Effective July 3, 2015 Utilities By Kelly O. Norwood, VP, State & FederalRegulation l.P.U.C. No.28 lssued by By Tenth Revision Sheet zt4 Canceling Ninth Revision Sheet 44 AVISTA CORPORATION drb/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 44 CUSTOMER OWNED STREET LIGHT ENERGY AND MAINTENANCE SERVICE - IDAHO HIGH.PRESSURE SODIUM VAPOR (Single phase and available voltage) AVAII.ABLE: To agencies of tocal, state, orfederalgovemments in all ldaho territory served by Company. Closed to new installations effective January 1,2016. APPLICABLE: To annual operation of dusk-to-dawn lighting for public streets and thoroughfares upon receipt of an authorized application. MONTHLY RATE: Pole Facilitu MetalStandard & Size Wood Pedestal Direct Developer(Lumens) No Pole Pole Base Burial Contributed Code Rate Code Rate Code Rate Code Rate Code Rate Sinqle Hiqh-Pressure Sodium Vaoor100w 435 $ 10.74 431 S 10.74 432 $ 1A.74 433 $ 10.74200w 535 16.20 531 16.2A 532 16.20 533 16.20 53416.20250W 635 18.22 631 18.22 632 18.22 633 18.22310W 735 20.74 731 20.74 732 20.74 733 20.74400w 835 29.02 831 29.02 832 29.02 833 29.02150W 935 14.09 931 14.09 932 14.09 933 14.09 93614.09 Double Hiqh-Pressure Sodium Vapor (Nominal Rating in Watts)100w 441 20.56 42 20.56 M3 20.56200w 542 31.72 543 31.72310W 742 40.80 SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Customer is responsible for financing, installing and owning standards, luminaries and necessary circuitry and related facilities to connect with Company designated points of delivery. All such facilities willconform to Company's design, standards and specifications. Customer is also responsible for painting (if desired) and replacing damaged pole facilities. Company will fumish the necessary energy, repairs and maintenance work including lamp and glassware cleaning and replacement. Repairs and maintenance work will be performed by Company during regularly scheduled working hours. Avista Utilities Kelly O. Norwood,VP, State & FederalRegulation l.P.U.C. No.28 Tenth Revision Sheet 45 Canceling Ninth Revision Sheet 45 AVISTA CORPOMTION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 45 CUSTOMER OWNED STREET LIGHT ENERGY SERVICE - IDAHO (Single phase and available voltage) AVAILABLE: To agencies of local, state, or federal governments in all ldaho tenitory served by Company. Closed to new installations as of November 24,1981, except where Company and customer agree, mercury vapor lamps may be installed to provide compatibility with existing light sources. APPLICABLE: To annualoperation of lighting for public streets and thoroughfares upon receipt of an authorized application. MONTHLY RATE:ffiFixture Dawn & Size Service(Lumens) Code Rate Mercurv Vaoor10000 s1s $ 7.8820000# 615 14.32 #Also includes Metal Halide. SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Customer is responsible for financing, installing, owning, maintaining and replacing all standards, luminaires, and necessary circuitry and related facilities to connect with Company designated points of delivery. Customer will also provide a light sensitive relay and/or time switch in order to control the hours that energy will be provided. Company is responsible only for the furnishing of energy to the point of delivery and the billing and accounting related thereto. Service under this schedule is subject to the Rules and Regulations contained in this tariff. The above Monthly Rates are subject to increases as set forth in Tax Adjustment Schedule 58, Temporary Power Cost Adjustment Schedule 66, Energy Efficiency Rider Adjustment Schedule gl and Earnings Test Deferral Rebate Schedule 97. lssued June 1,20'tb Effective January 1, 2A17 Utilitiesby By Kelly O. Nonrrrood, VP, State & Federal Regulation ry4,-*J l.P.U.C. No.28 Ninth Revision Sheet 45 Canceling Revision Sheet 45 lssued by By AVISTA CORPORATION dtb/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 45 CUSTOMER OWNED STREET LIGHT ENERGY SERVICE - IDAHO (Single phase and available voltage) AVAILABLE: To agencies of local, state, or federal governments in all ldaho tenitory served by Company. Closed to new installations as of November 24,1981, except where Company and customer agree, mercury vapor lamps may be installed to provide compatibility with existing light sources. APPLICABLE: To annual operation of lighting for public streets and thoroughfares upon receipt of an authorized application. MONTHLY RATE:ffir*Fixture Dawn & Size Service{Lumens) Code Rate Mercurv Vaoor10000 515 WZ20000# 615 4e50 llAlso includes Metal Halide. SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Customer is responsible for financing, installing, owning, maintaining and replacing allstandards, luminaires, and necessary circuitry and related facilities to connect with Company designated points of delivery. Customer will also provide a light sensitive relay and/or time switch in order to control the hours that energy will be provided. Company is responsible only for the fumishing of energy to the point of delivery and the billing and accounting related thereto. Service under this schedule is subject to the Rules and Regulations contained in this tariff. The above Monthly Rates are subject to increases as set forth in Tax Adjustment Schedule 58, Temporary Power Cost Adjustment Schedule 66, Energy Efficiency Rider Adjustment Schedule 91 and Earnings Test Deferral Rebate Schedule 97. Avista Utilities Kelly O. Norwood, VP, State & FederalRegulation l.P.U.C. No.28 Tenth Revision Sheet 45 Ganceling Ninth Revision Sheet 45 AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 45 CUSTOMER OWNED STREET LIGHT ENERGY SERVICE - IDAHO (Single phase and available voltage) AVAILABLE. To agencies of local, state, or federal governments in all ldaho territory served by Company. Closed to new installations as of November 24,1981, except where Company and customer agree, mercury vapor lamps may be installed to provide compatibility with existing light sources. APPLICABLE: To annual operation of lighting for public streets and thoroughfares upon receipt of an authorized application. MONTHLY RATE:wFixture Dawn & She Service(Lumens) Code Rate Mercurv Vapor10000 515 $ 7.8820000# 615 14.32 #Also includes Metal Halide. SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Customer is responsible for financing, installing, owning, maintaining and replacing all standards, luminaires, and necessary circuitry and related facilities to connect with Company designated points of delivery. Customer will also provide a light sensitive relay and/or time switch in order to control the hours that energy will be provided. Company is responsible only for the furnishing of energy to the point of delivery and the billing and accounting related thereto. Service under this schedule is subject to the Rules and Regulations contained in this tariff. The above Monthly Rates are subject to increases as set forth in Tax Adjustment Schedule 58, Temporary Power Cost Adjustment Schedule 66, Energy Efficiency Rider Adjustment Schedule g1 and Earnings Test Deferral Rebate Schedule 97. lssued June 1,2015 Effective January 1, 2017 lssued Avistaby By Kelly O. Norwood, VP, State & FederalRegulation l.P.U.C. No.28 Tenth Revision Sheet 46 Canceling Ninth Revision Sheet 46 AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 46 CUSTOMER OWNED STREET LIGHT ENERGY SERVICE. IDAHO (Single phase and available voltage) AVA!IABLE: To agencies of local, state, or federal governments in all ldaho territory served by Company. APPLICABLE: To annualoperation of lighting for public streets and thoroughfares upon receipt of an authorized application. MONTHLY RATE: Per Luminaire Dusk toFixture Dawn & Size Service(Lumens) Code Rate Hiqh-Pressure Sodium Vapor (Nominal Rating in Watts)100w 435 $ 4.90200w 535 9.15250W 635 11.26310W 735 13.38400w 835 17.06150W 935 7.A7 Custom Lioht Calculation Customers who choose to add custom light fixtures outside of the offerings detailed above will be quoted a fixed monthly rate based on the following custom rate calculation. Custom Rate = Wattage of Customers Street Light * 365 Hours * Energy Rate The embedded energy rate under Schedule 46 is 1{.'t219 per kWh. lssued June 1,2015 Effective January 1, 2A17 <errar{ hrr Arricla I ru J^-,.J VP, State & FederalRegulationKelly O. Norwood, l.P.U.C. No.28 Ninth Revision Sheet 46 Canceling liqhth Revision Sheet 46 AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 46 CUSTOMER OWNED STREET LIGHT ENERGY SERVICE . IDAHO (Single phase and available voltage) AVAILABLE: To agencies of local, state, or federal governments in all ldaho territory served by company. APPLICABLE: To annual operation of lighting for public streets and thoroughfares upon receipt of an authorized application. MONTHLY RATE: Per Luminaire Dusk toFixture Dawn & Size Service(Lumens) Code Rate Hiqh-Pressure Sodium Vaoor (Nominal Rating in Watts)100W 435 $-4Sa200w 53s c€325oW 635 {€gr310W 735 e&400w 835 4908150W 935 ffi Custom Lioht Calculation Customers who choose to add custom light fixtures outside of the offerings detailed above will be quoted a fixed monthly rate based on the following custom rate calculation. Custom Rate = Wattage of Customers Street Light " 365 Hours " Energy Rate The embedded energy rate under Schedule 46 is IOJA# per kWh. lssued June'1,2015 Effective July 3, 2015 ssued bv Avista Utilitiesby By Kelly O. Norwood, VP, State & Federal Regulation l.P.U.C. No.28 lssued by Avista Utilities By Tenth Revision Sheet 45 Canceling Ninth Revision Sheet 46 AVISTA CORPORATION dlbla Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 46 CUSTOMER OWNED STREET LIGHT ENERGY SERVICE - IDAHO (Single phase and available voltage) AVAIISBLE: To agencies of local, stiate, or federal govemments in all ldaho territory served by company. APPLICABLE: To annual operation of lighting for public streets and thoroughfares upon receipt of an authorized application. MONTHLY RATE: Per Luminaire Dusk toFixture Dawn & Size Service(Lumens) Code Rate HisfFPressure Sodium Vapor (Nominal Rating in Watts)100w 435 $ 4.90200w 535 9.15250W 635 11.26310W 735 13.38400w 835 17.A6150W 935 7.O7 Custom Lioht Calculation Customers who choose to add custom light fixtures outside of the offerings detailed above will be quoted a fixed monthly rate based on the following custom rate calculation. Custom Rate = Wattage of Gustomers Street Light " 365 Hours * Energy Rate The embedded energy rate under Schedule 46 is !!!fij[per kWh. lssued June 1,2015 Effective January 1, 2017 Kelly O. Nonryood, VP, State & Federal Regulation LP.U.C. No.28 Tenth Revision Sheet 47 Canceling Ninth Revision Sheet 47 AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 47 AREA LIGHTING - MERCURY VAPOR. IDAHO (Single phase and available voltage) AVAILABLE: ln all ldaho territory served by Company vvhere existing secondary distribution facilities are of adequate capacity, phase, and voltage. APPLICABLE: To annual operation of dusk-todawn area lighting with mercury vapor lamps upon receipt of a Customer contract for five (5) years or more. Mercury vapor lamps will be available only to those customers receiving service on October 23, 1 981. MONTHLY RATE: Charge per Unit Luminaire (on existing standard) $ 16.42 $ 19.89 $ 28.24 Luminaire and Standard: 30-foot wood pole 20.56 24.03 32.39 Galvanized steel standards: 25 foot 30 foot Monthlv Rate per Pole Pole Facilitv 3O-foot wood pole $ 6.75 S5-foot wood pole 13.09 2O-foot fiberglassdirect burial 6.75 38.84 39.94 lssued June 1,2015 Effective January 1, 2017 lssued b Avistary By 7,+ ,J^,",; Kelly O. Norwood, VP, State & FederalRegulation Ninth_Revision Sheet 47 Canceling liohth Revision Sheet 47l.P.U.C. No.28 AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 47 AREA LIGHTING. MERCURY VAPOR. IDAHO (Single phase and available voltage) AVAILABLE: ln all ldaho territory served by Company where existing secondary distribution facilities are of adequate capacity, phase, and voltage. APPLICABLE: To annua! operation of dusk-todawn area lighting with mercury vapor lamps upon receipt of a Customer contract for five (5) years or more. Mercury vapor lamps will be available only to those customers receiving service on October 23, 1981. MONTHLY RATE: Charge per Unit Luminaire (on existing standard) $ 1S= tg $-{8#5 $*€s2 Luminaire and Standard: 30-foot wood pole 1938 2e€5 SOS3 Pole Facility Galvanized steel standards: 25 foot 30 foot #+ g7=64 20-foot fiberglassdirect burial C36 3O-foot wood pole S5-foot wood pole Monthlv Rate per Pole $# +244 lssued June 1,2015 Effective July 3, 2015 Avistaby By Kelly O. Norwood, VP, State & FederalRegulation l.P.U.C. No.28 Tenth Revision Sheet 47 Canceling Ninth Revision Sheet 47 AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 47 AREA LIGHTING - MERCURY VAPOR. IDAHO (Single phase and available voltage) AVAILABLE: ln all ldaho territory served by Company where existing secondary distribution facilities are of adequate capacity, phase, and voltage. APPLICABLE: To annual operation of dusk-todawn area lighting with mercury vapor lamps upon receipt of a Gustomer contract for five (5) years or more. Mercury vapor lamps will be available only to those customers receiving service on October 23, 1 981. MONTHLY RATE: Charge per Unit Luminaire (on existing standard) $ 16.42 $ 19.89 $28.24 Luminaire and Standard: 3O-foot wood pole 20.56 24.03 32.39 Galvan ized steel standards: 25 foot 38.84 30 foot 39.94 Monthlv Rate per Pole Pole Facilitv 3O-foot wood pole $ 6.75 S5-foot wood pole 13.09 2O-foot fiberglass-direct burial 6.75 lssued June 1.2015 Effecfive January 1, 2017 ccr rar{ hrr Ar, Kelly O. Norwood, VP, State & Federal Regulation LP.U.C. No.28 Tenth Revision Sheet 49 Canceling Ninth Revision Sheet 49 AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SGHEDULE 49 AREA LIGHTING - IDAHO (Single phase and available voltage) AVAILABLE: ln all territory served by the Company where existing secondary distribution facilities are of adequate capacity, phase, and voltage. APPLICABLE: To annual operation of dusk-todawn area lighting with high-pressure sodium vapor lamps upon receipt of a Customer contract for five (5) years or more. MONTHLY RATE: HIGH PRESSURE SODIUM VAPOR Charge per Unit (Nominal Ratinq in Watts) 100w 200w 250w 400w LuminaireCobrahead $ 13.10 $ 17.33 20.02 $ 25.70 Decorative Curb 13.10 100W Granville d16-foot decorative pole $ 32.98 100W Post Top w/lSfoot decorative pole 31.63 100W Kim Light d2S-foot fiberglass pole 19.87 400W Flood (No pole) 31.41 LIGHT EMITTING DIODE (LED) Charge per Unit (Nominal Ratinq in Watts)70w 107vv LuminaireCobrahead $13.10 $17.33 Decorative Curb 13.10 70W Granville d1&foot decorative pole $ 32.98 1Onru Post Top w/1&foot decorative pole 31.63 Monthly Rate Pole Facilitv per Pole 30-foot wood pole $ 6.75 4O-footwood pole 11.10 55-foot wood pole 13.06 2&foot fiberglass 6.75 2S-foot gafuanized steel standard 10.57 3&foot galvanized steel standard* 11.67 2$foot galvanized aluminum standard* 12.89 30-foot fiberglass-pedestal base 32.28 3$foot steel-pedestal base 29.78 3S-foot steel-direct buried 29.78 lssued June 1,2015 Effective January 1, 2017 ler rarl hrr Au By ru ,J^,t*l Kelly O. Norwood, Vice'President, State & Federal Regulation l.P.U.C. No.28 Ninth Revision Sheet 49 Canceling iiqhth Revision Sheet 49 AVISTA CORPOMTION d/bla Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 49 AREA LIGHTING. IDAHO (Single phase and available voltage) AVAII3BLE: ln all territory served by the Company vyhere existing $econdary distribution facilities are of adequate capacity, phase, and voltage. APPLICABLE: To annual operation of dusk-to-dawn area lighting with high-pressure sodium vapor lamps upon receipt of a Customer contract for five (5) years or more. MONTHLY RATE: HIGH PRESSURE SODIUM VAPOR Charge per Unit (Nominal Ratinq in Watts) 100w 200w 250w 400w Luminai!gCobrahead $ 12,35 $ 16,33 18,97 $ 24,22 Decorative Curb 18€5 100W Granville w/1&foot decorative pole ffi 100W Post Top w/1&foot decorative pole 3g'8+ 100W Kim Light wl2S-foot fiberglass pole {€#3 400W Flood (No pole) 4Sgg LIGHT EMITTING DIODE (LED) Charge per Unit (Nominal Ratinq in Watts)70w 107w LuminaireCobrahead $-.1*€54{&33 Decorative Curb €"35 70W Granville MlSfoot decorative pole $€1-38 107W Post Top w/16-foot decorative pole 294+ Monthly Rate Pole Facilitv per Pole 3O-foot wood pole $€36 4O-foot wood pole 1€=4€ S$foot wood pole % 2O-foot fiberglass €€6 2Sfoot galvanized steelstandard g€g 3O-foot galvanized steelstandard* 44=09 25-foot galvanized aluminum standard* lAAa 30-foot fiberglass-pedestal base Mz 3&foot steel-pedestal base W 35-foot steel-direct buried W7 lssued June 1,2015 Effective July 3, 2015 By Kelly O. Norwood, Vice'President, State & Feder:al Regulation l.P.U.C. No.28 Tenth Revision Sheet 49 Canceling Ninth Revision Sheet 49 by Avista By CORPORATION Avista Utilities AVISTA dlbla SCHEDULE 49 AREA LIGHTING - IDAHO (Single phase and available voltage) AVAILABLE: ln allterritory served by the Company where existing secondary distribution facilities are of adequate capacity, phase, and voltage. APPLICABLE: To annual operation of dusk-to'dawn area lighting with high-pressure sodium vapor lamps upon receipt of a Customer contractfor five (5) years or more. MONTHLY RATE: HIGH PRESSURE SODIUM VAPOR Charge per Unit (Nominal Ratinq in Watts) 100w 200w 250w 400w LuminaireCobrahead $ 13.10 $ 17.33 20.A2 $ 25.70 Decorative Curb 13.10 100W Granville d1&foot decorative pole $ 32.98 100W Post Top w/16-foot decorative pole 31.63 100W Kim Light w/2S-foot fiberglass pole 19.87 400W Flood (No pole) 31.41 LIGHT EMITTING DIODE (LED) Charge per Unit (Nominal Ratinq in Watts)70w 107w LuminaireCobrahead $ 13.10 $17.33 Decorative Curb 13.10 70W Granville w/lSfoot decorative pole $ 32.98 107W Post Top w/1&foot decorative pole 31.63 Pote Faciriw '3::?"f" 3O-foot wood pole $ 6.75 40-foot wood pole 11.10 S$foot wood pole 13.06 2O-foot fiberglass 6.75 2$foot galvanized steelstandard 10.57 30-foot galvanized steel standard* 11.67 2S-foot galvanized aluminum standard" 12.89 3Gfoot fiberglass-pedestal base 32.28 3Gfoot steel-pedestalbase 29.78 3$foot steel-direct buried 29.78 lssued June 1,2015 Effective January 1, 2A17 Kelly O. Norwood, Vice-President, State & Federal Regulation 2Ar6 Tariffs l.P.U.C. No,27 ssued by By Avista Utilities Kelly Norwood, ry J^,*,J Vice President, State & Federal Regulation l.P.U.C. No.27 lssued by By Kelly Norwood,Vice President, State & FederalRegulation AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities INDEX PAGE. IDAHO Schedule No.Title of Sheet Sheet No. ATille trane lnrlev B Definition of Rate Area........ ........ C101 General Service - Firm - ldaho. ... 101111 Large General Service - Firm - ldaho..... ......111112 Large General Service - Firm - ldaho..... ......112'131 lnterruptible Service - ldaho (Off Peak) ........ 131132 lnterruptible Service - ldaho (Off Peak) ........132146 Transportation Service for Customer-Owned Gas - |daho............. 146149 Special Purchase Gas Cost Adjustment - ldaho ........... 149150 Purchase Gas Cost Adjustment - ldaho. ...... 150151 Gas Extension Policy - Idaho (Residential Service) ..... 151152 Gas Extension Policy - ldaho (Commercial and lndustrial) ........... 152153 Temporary Service - ldaho ......... 153154 Rural Gas Service Connections - ldaho (From facilities operating at pressure of 75 pounds gage or more) .... 154155 Gas Rate Adjustment - ldaho ...... 155158 Tax Adjustment Schedule - ldaho17A ldaho Rules and Regulations...... 158 174175 Fixed Cost Adiustment - ldaho....................................................... 175182 ldaho Contingency Plan for Finn Service Gas Curtailment.190 Natural Gas Efficiency Programs - ldaho191 Energy Efficiency Rider Adjustment - ldaho197 Rebate of Natural Gas Earnings Test Deferrals 182 190 19't 197 lssued June 1,20'15 Effective July 3, 2015 I.P.U.C. No.27 lssued by Avista Utilities By Sixth Revision Sheet B Canceling Fifth Revision Sheet B B Kelly Nonlrood, Vice President, State & Federal Regulation l.P.U.C. No.27 Tenth Revision Sheet 101 Canceling Substitute Ninth Revision Sheet 101 AVISTA CORPOMTION d/b1a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 101 GENERAL SERVICE - FIRM . IDAHO AVAII.ABLE' To Customers in the State of ldaho where Company has natural gas service available. APPLICABLE: To firm gas service for any purpose when all such service used on the prernises is supplied at one point of delivery through a single meter. MONTHLY MTE: Per Meter Per Month Basic charge $8.00 Charge Per Therm: Base Rate 44.391{, OTHER CHARGES: Schedule 150 - Purchase Gas Cost Adjustment 49.?86( Schedule 155 - Gas Rate Adjustment (03.0566) Schedule 197 - Eamings Test Deferral Rebate (00.2686) Schedule 158 - Tax Adjustment Check Municipal Fee Total Billing Rate * 90.353S Minimum Charge: $8.00 * The rates shown above as "Other Charges' may not always reflect the actual rate as this base tariff sheet cannot be updated when suspended as part of a general rate filing. The Total Billing Rate shown above does not include municipal fees, and is therefore subject to the provisions of Tax Adjustment Schedule 158. See the corresponding rate schedules under Other Charges for the actual rates in effect. SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIOITIS: Service under this schedule is subject to the Rules and Regulations contained in this tariff. une 1,2015 lssued by By Avista Utilities Kelly O. Nonrood ruJ^# ,Mce-President, State & Federal Regulation AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 101 GENERAL SERVICE. FIRM - IDAHO AVAIISBLE: To Customers in the State of ldaho where Company has natural gas service available. APPLICABLE: To finn gas service for any purpose when all such service used on the premises is supplied at one point of delivery through a single meter. MONTHLY MTE: Per Meter Per Month Basic charge $4AE Charge Per Therm: Base Rate ffiA$, OTHER CHARGES: Schedule 150 - Purchase Gas Cost Adjustment &1&$, Schedule 155 - Gas Rate Adjustment gee4.5f Schedule 197 - Refund ef Beferred 6ae Gests (91,489$) Schedule 158 - Tax Adjustment Check Municipal Fee Total Billing Rate * 92S469 Minimum Charge: S4*5 " The rates shown above as 'Other Charges" may not always reflect the actual rate as this base tariff sheet cannot be updated when suspended as part of a general rate filing. The Total Bitling Rate shown above does not include municipal fees, and is therefore subject to the provisions of Tax Adjustment Schedule 158. See the corresponding rate schedules under Other Charges for the actual rates in effeet. SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Service under this schedule is subject to the Rules and Regulations contained in this tariff. l.P.U,C. No.27 Substitute Ninth Revision Sheet 101 Canceling Eighth Revision Sheet 101 Kelly O. Nonrood ,Mce-President, State & Federal Regulation l.P.U.C. No.27 Tenth Revision Sheet 101 Canceling Substitute Ninth Revision Sheet 101 101 AVISTA CORPORATION dlb/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 101 GENERAL SERVICE - FIRM . IDAHO AVAII-ABLE: To Customers in the State of ldaho where Company has natural gas service available. APPLICABLE: To firm gas seruice for any purpose when all such service used on the premises is supplied at one point of delivery through a single meter. MONTHLY RATE: Per Meter Per Month Basic charge 88.00 Charge Per Therm: Base Rate 44.3916 OTHER CFIARGES: Schedule 150 - Purchase Gas Cost Adjustment 49.286A Schedule 155 - Gas Rate Adjustment (03.056d) Schedule 197 - Earninqs Test Deferral Rebate (00.268d) Schedule 158 - Tax Adjustment Check Municipal Fee Total Billing Rate * 90.3536 Minimum Charge: $8.00 " The rates shown above as "Other Charges" may not always reflect the actual rate as this base tariff sheet cannot be updated vuhen suspended as part of a general rate filing. The Total Billing Rate shown above does not include municipal fees, and is therefore subject to the provisions of Tax Adjustment Schedule 158. See the corresponding rate schedules under Other Charges for the actual rates in effect. SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Service under this schedule is subject to the Rules and Regulations contained in this tarffi. lssued June 1,2015 Effective July 3,2015 lssued Utilities ,Mce.President, State & Federal RegulationKelly O. Norwood AVISTA CORPORATION drbla Avista utilities SCHEDULE 111 13RGE GENERAL SERVICE. FIRM - IDAHO AVAIISBLE: To Customers in the State of ldaho where Company has natural gas service available. APPLICABLE: To firm gas service for any purpose, subject to execution of a service agreement for a term of one year or longer. All such service used on the premises shall be supplied at one point of delivery through a single meter. DEFINITIONS: Schedule 150 - Purchased Gas Cost Adjustment Schedule 155 - Gas Rate Adjustment Schedule 197 - Eamings Test Defenal Rebate MONTHLY MTE: Base Schedule Schedule ScheduleRate 150 155 197 Billing Rate* First 200 48.3956 49.286i, (03.0566) (00.268$) 94.357$, Next 800 32.790$, 49.286{ (03.056$) (00.2680) 78.752$ Next 9,000 24/A5* 49.2866, (03.056f) (00.268$) 7O.367i,Allover 18.8620 49.286i, (03.0560) (00.2680) 64.824$ The rates shown above as "Other Charges" may not always reflect the actual rate as this base tariff sheet cannot be updated when suspended as part of a general rate filing. The Total Billing Rate shown above does not include municipal fees, and is therefore subject to the provisions of Tax Adjustment Schedule 158. See the corresponding rate schedules under Other Charges for the actual rates in effect. Minimum Charge: $96.79 The minimum charge calculation is based solely on the base rate per therm noted above and is not inclusive of the adder schedules. lssued June 1,2015 Effective July 3, 2015 Eleventh Revision Sheet 1 11 Canceling Substitute Tenth Revision Sheet 111 111l.P.U.C. No.27 lssued by By Avista Utilities Kelly Nonivood ru J^,*.J , Vice-President, State & Federal Regulation l.P.U.C. No.27 Substitute Tenth Revision Sheet 111 Canceling Ninth Revision Sheet't11 't11 AVISTA CORPORATION dibla Avista Utilities SCHEDULE .I11 LARGE GENERAL SERVICE. FIRM. IDAHO AVAII.ABLE: To Customers in the State of ldaho where Company has natural gas service available. APPLICABLE: To firm gas service for any purpose, subject to execution of a service agreement for a term of one year or longer. All such service used on the premises shall be supplied at one point of delivery through a single meter. DEFINITIONS: Schedule 150 - Purchased Gas Cost Adjustment Schedule 155 - Gas Rate Adjustment Schedule l9T - MONTHLY RATE: Base Schedule Schedule Schedule BillingRate 150 155 197 Rate" First 200 l7,50g$ lg,1{8F 0g,g15d (01,199S} I l,l74f Next 800 31,9306 18"1 186 0g,g15d (91, 1896) 77,794# Next 9,000 All over 17,859S 49,1{8$ 0g,g15F (01,489S} 6{,6el$ * The rates shown above as 'Other Charges" may not always reflect the actual rate as this base tariff sheet cannot be updated when suspended as part of a general rate filing. The Total Billing Rate shown above does not include municipal fees, and is therefore subject to the provisions of Tax Adjustment Schedule 158. See the corresponding rate schedules under Other Charges for the actual rates in effect. Minimum Charge: $45SO The minimum charge calculation is based solely on the base rate per therm noted above and is not inclusive of the adder schedules. lssued September26,2013 Effective October1,2Al3 Avista Ul , Vice-President, State & FederalRegulationKelly Nonilrood l.P.U.C. No.27 Eleventh Revision Sheet 111 Canceling $ubstitute Tenth Revision Sheet 111 111 AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 111 LARGE GENERAL SERVICE. TIRM . IDAHO AVAII.ABLE: To Customers in the State of ldaho where Company has natural gas service available. APPLICABLE: To finn gas service for any purpose, subject to execution of a service agreement for a term of one year or longer. All such servi@ used on the premises shall be supplied at one point of delivery through a single meter. DEFINITIONS: Schedule 150 - Purchased Gas Cost Adjustment Schedule 155 - Gas Rate Adjustment Schedule 197 - Eaminqs Test Defenal Bebate MONTHLY RATE: Base Schedule Schedule Schedule BillingRate 150 155 197 Rate* First 200 48.395d 49.286d (03.056d) (00.268d) 94.357d Next 800 32.790d 49.286d (03.056d) (00.268d) 78.752d Next 9,000 24.405d 49.286d (03.056d) (00.268d) 70.367dAllover 18.862d 49.286d (03.056d) (00.268d) 64.824C * The rates shown above as "Other Charges" may not always reflect the actual rate as this base tariff sheet cannot be updated when suspended as part of a general rate filing. The Total Billing Rate shown above does not include municipal fees, and is therefore subject to the provisions of Tax Adjustment Schedule 158. See the corresponding rate schedules under Other Charges for the actual rates in effect. llllinimum Charge: $ 96.79 The minimum charge calculation is based solely on the base rate per therm noted above and is not inclusive of the adder schedules. lssued June 1,2015 Effective July 3, 2015 lssued by By Kelly Norwood , Vice-President, State & Federal Regulation l.P.U.C.. No.27 Twelfth Revision Sheet 112 Canceling Substitute Eleventh Revision Sheet 112 112 AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 112 LARGE GENERAL SERVICE. FIRM . IDAHO AVAIIABLE: To Customers in the State of ldaho where Company has natural gas service available. Customers taking service under this Schedule beginning on or after March 1, 20A2 must have been previously served under Schedule 146 Transportation Service for Customer-Owned Gas. APPLICABLE: To firm gas service for any purpose, subject to execution of a service agreement for a term of one year or longer. All such service used on the premises shall be supplied at one point of delivery through a single meter. DEFINITIONS: Schedule 150 - Purchased Gas Cost Adjustment Schedule 197 * Earnings Test Deferral Rebate MONTHLY RATE: Base Schedule Schedule BillingRate 150 197 Rate* First 200 48.39s0 4e.286(, (00.268d) 97.4135, Next 800 32.79ai, 49.286Q, (00.2681) 81.808S Next 9,000 24.4050 49.2860, (00.2680) 73.423$,Allover 18.862f 49.2860, (00.2680) 67.880S The rates shown above as "Other Charges" may not always reflect the actual rate as this base tariff sheet cannot be updated when suspended as part of a general rate filing. The Total Billing Rate shown above does not include municipal fees, and is therefore subjec{ to the provisions of Tax Adjustment Schedule 158. See the corresponding rate schedules under CIher Charges for the actual rates in effect. Minimum Charge: $ 96.79 The minimum charge calculation is based solely on the base rate per therm noted above and is not inclusive of the adder schedules. lssued June 1,2015 Effective July 3, 2015 ABy Kelly O. Nonryood?+ ,J^,,,"*s , Vice President, State & Federal Regulation |.P.U-C.. No.27 Substitute Eleventh Revision Sheet 112 Canceling Tenth Revision Sheet 112 AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 112 I.ARGE GENERAL SERVICE - FIRM . IDAHO AVAILABLE: To Customers in the State of ldaho where Company has natural gas service ayailable. Customers taking service under this Schedule beginning on or after March 1, 2002 must have been previously served under Schedule 146 - Transportation Service for Customer-Owned Gas. APPLICABLE: To firm gas service for any purpose, subject to execution of a service agreement for a term of one year or longer. All such service used on the premises shall be supplied at one point of delivery through a single meter. DEFINITIONS: Schedule 150 - Purchased Gas Cost Adjustment Schedule l9T - MONTHLY RATE: Base Schedule ScheduleRate 150 197 Billing Rate* First 200 47,€00p 18,1 186 (01,189P) 94-1596 Next 800 31,030S 48,1 18$ (01,489S) 77,689S Next 9,000Allover 17,859P 48'1 lgtr P1'189S) 54,609# The rates shown above as "Other Charges" may not always reflect the actual rate as this base tarifl sheet cannot be updated when suspended as part of a general rate filing. The Total Billing Rate shown above does not include municipal fees, and is therefore subject to the provisions of Tax Adjustment Schedule 158. See the corresponding rate schedules under Other Charges for the actual rates in effect. Minimum Charge: $€egg The minimum charge calculation is based solely on the base rate per therm noted above and is not inclusive of the adder schedules. lssued September26,2013 Kelly O. Norwood , Mce President, State & Federal Regulation l.P.U.C.. No.27 Twelfih Revision Sheet 112 Canceling Substitute Eleventh Revision Sheet 112 112 AVISTA CORPORATION d&/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 112 LARGE GENERAL SERVICE. FIRM . IDAHO AVAILABLE: To Customers in the State of ldaho where Company has natural gas service available. Customers taking service under this Schedule beginning on or afier March 1, 2A02 must have been previously served under Schedule 146 - Transportation Service for Customer-Owned Gas. APPLICABLE: To firm gas service tor any purpose, subject to execution of a service agreement for a term of one year or longer. All such service used on the premises shall be supplied at one point of delivery through a single meter. DEFINITIONS: Schedule 150 * Purchased Gas Cost Adjustment Schedule 197 - Earninqs Test Defenal Rebate MONTHLY MTE: Base Schedule Schedule BillingRate 150 197 Rate* First 200 48.395d 49.286d (00.268d) 97.4{3d Next 800 32.790d 49.286d (00.268d) 81.808d Next 9,000 24.4456 49.284G $0.2686\ 73.423CAllover 18.862d 49.286d (00.268d1 67.880C The rates shown above as "Other Charges" may not always reflect the actual rate as this base tariff sheet cannot be updated when suspended as part of a general rate filing. The Total Billing Rate shown above does not include municipal fees, and is therefore subject to the provisions of Tax Adjustment Schedule 158. See the corresponding rate schedules under Other Charges for the actual rates in effec't. Minimum Gharge: $96.79 The minimum charge calculation is based solely on the base rate per therm noted above and is not inclusive of the adder schedules. lssued June 1.2015 Effective July 3, 2015 Avista Utilities Norwood , Vice President, State & Federal RegulationKelly O. LP.U.C. No.27 Eleventh Revision Sheet 131 Canceling Substitute Tenth Revision Sheet 131 131 AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 131 INTERRUPTIBLE SERVICE - IDAHO AVAIISBLE: To Customers in the State of ldaho whose requirements exceed 250,000 therms of gas per year and who comply with the Special Terms and Conditions set forth below, provided: (1) A volume of off-peak interruptible gas for the service requested is available to the Company and, (2) The Company's existing distribution system has capacity, in excess of its existing requirements for flrm gas service, adequate for the service requested by Customer. APPLICABLE: To interruptible gas service for any purpose subject to provisions of a service agreement for a term of one year or longer. All such service used on the premises shall be supplied at one point of delivery and metering. MONTHLY RATE: Charge Per Therm: Base Rate OTHER CHARGES: Schedule 150 - Purchase Gas Cost Adjustrnent Schedule 155 - Gas Rate Adjustment Schedule 197 - Earnings Test Deferral Rebate Schedule 158 - Tax Adjustment Total Billing Rate * Per Meter Per Month 22.415i, 38.510' (00.e23d) (00.2680) Check Municipal Fee 89.734$,* The rates shown above as "Other Charges' may not always reflect the actual rate as this base tariff sheet cannot be updated when suspended as part of a general rate filing. The Total Billing Rate shown above does not include municipal fees, and is therefore subject to the provisions of Tax Adjustment Schedule 158. See the corresponding rate schedules under Other Charges for the actual rates in effect. ANNUAL MINIMUM: Each Customer shall be subject to an Annual Minimum Deficiency Charge if their gas usage during the prior year did not equal or exceed 250,000 therms. Such annual Minimum Deficiency Charge shall be determined by subtracting the Customer's actual usage for the twelve-month period ending each August from 250,000 therms multiplied by 22.a15$ per therm. lssued June 1,2015 Effective July 3, 2015 lssued by By Avista Utilities Kelly O. Norwood, Vice President, State & Federal Regulationry J^,.-"d AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 131 INTERRUPTIBLE SERVICE . IDAHO AVAII-{BLE: To Customers in the State of ldaho whose requirements exceed 250,000 therms of gas per year and who comply with the Special Terms and Conditions set forth below, provided: (1) A volume of off-peak interruptible gas for the service requested is available to the Company and, (2) The Company's existing distribution system has capacity, in excess of its existing requirements for firm gas service, adequate for the service requested by Customer. APPLICABLE: To interruptible gas service for any purpose subject to provisions of a service agreement for a term of one year or longer. All such service used on the premises shall be supplied at one point of delivery and metering. MONTHLY RATE: Charge Per Therm: Base Rate OTHER CHARGES: Schedule 150 - Purchase Gas Cost Adjustment Schedule 155 - Gas Rate Adjustment Per Meter Per Month 3e4€ss w(€p#20)' Schedule l9T - Schedule 158 - Tax Adjustment Check Municipal Fee Total Billing Rate * 5&278S " The rates shown above as "Other Charges" may not always reflect the actual rate as this base tariff sheet cannot be updated when suspended as part of a general rate filing. The Total Billing Rate shown above does not include municipal fees, and is therefore subject to the provisions of Tax Adjustment Schedule 158. See the corresponding rate schedules under Other Charges for the actual rates in effect. ANNUAL MINIMUM: Each Customer shall be subject to an Annual Minimum Deficiency Charge if their gas usage during the prior year did not equal or exceed 250,000 therms. Such annual Minimum Deficiency Charge shall be determined by subtracting the Customer's actual usage for the twelve-month period ending each August from 250,000 therms multiplied by 3e.a69$ per therm. lssued September26,2013 Effective October 1, 2013 Substitute Tenth Revision Sheet 131 Canceling Ninth Revision Sheet 131 131l.P.U.C. No.27 lssued by Avista Utilities By Kelly O. Noruvood, Vice President, State & Federal Regulation AVISTA CORPORATION d/b1a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 131 INTERRUPTIBLE SERVICE . IDAHO AVAIISBLE: To Customers in the State of Idaho whose requirements exceed 250,000 therms of gas per year and who comply with the Special Terms and Conditions set forth below, provided: (1) A volume of off-peak intenuptible gas for the service requested is available to the Company and, (2) The Company's existing distribution system has capacity, in excess of its existing requirements for firm gas service, adequate for the service requested by Customer. APPLICABLE: To interruptible gas service for any purpose subject to provisions of a service agreement for a term of one year or longer. All such service used on the premises shall be supplied at one point of delivery and rnetering. MONTHLY RATE: Gharge PerTherrn: Base Rate OTHER CHARGES: Schedule 150 - Purchase Gas Cost Adjustment Schedule 155 - Gas Rate Adjustment Schedule 197 - Earninqs Test Deferral Rebate Schedule 158 - Tax Adjustment Per Meter Per Month 22.4156, 38.510d {00.923d) (00.268d) Check Municipal Fee Total Billing Rate * E9J3!e* The rates shown above as "Other Charges" may not always reflect the actual rate as this base tariff sheet cannot be updated when suspended as part of a general rate filing. The Total Billing Rate shown above does not include municipal fees, and is therefore subject to the provisions of Tax Adjustment $chedule 158. See the corresponding rate schedules under Other Charges for the actual rates in effect. ANNUAL MINIMUM: Each Customer shall be subject to an Annual Minimum Deficiency Charge if their gas usage during the prior year did not equal or exceed 250,000 therms. Such annual Minimum Deficiency Charge shall be determined by subtracting the Customer's actual usage for the twelve-month period ending each August from 250,000 therms multiplied by 22.4156 per therm. lssued June 1,2015 Effective July 3, 2015 Eleventh Revision Sheet 131 Canceling Substitute Tenth Revision Sheet 131 131l.P.U.C. No.27 lssued by Avista Utilities By Kelly O. Norwood, Vice President, State & FederalRegulation Thirteenth Revision Sheet 132 Canceling Substitute Twelfth Revision Sheet 132 132 AVISTA CORPORATION dlb/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 132 INTERRUPTIBLE SERVICE - IDAHO AVAILABLE: To Customers in the State of ldaho whose requirements exceed 250,000 therms of gas per year and who comply with the Special Terms and Conditions set forth below, provided: (1) A volume of off-peak interruptible gas for the service requested is available to the Company and, (2) The Company's existing distribution system has capacity, in excess of its existing requirements for firm gas service, adequate for the service requested by Customer. Customers taking service under this Schedule beginning on or after March 1, 2002 must have been previously served under Schedule 146 - Transportation Service for Customer-Owned Gas. APPLICABLE: To interruptible gas service for any purpose subject to provisions of a service agreement for a term of one year or longer. All such service used on the premises shall be supplied at one point of delivery and metering. MONTHLY RATE: Charge Per Therm: Base Rate OTHER CHARGES: Schedule 150 - Purchase Gas CostAdjustment Schedule 197 - Earnings Test Deferral Rebate Schedule 158 - Tax Adjustment Total Billing Rate * Per Meter Per Month 22.415$ 38.5100 (00.2681) Check Municipal Fee 60.657f* The rates shown above as'Other Charges" may not always reflect the actual rate as this base tariff sheet cannot be updated when suspended as part of a general rate filing. The Total Billing Rate shown above does not include municipalfees, and is therefore subject to the provisions of Tax Adjustment Schedule 158. See the corresponding rate schedules under Other Charges for the actual rates in effect ANNUAL MINIMUM: Each Customer shall be subject to an Annual Minimum Deficiency Charge if their gas usage during the prior year did not equal or exceed 250,000 therms. Such annual Minimum Deficiency Charge shall be determined by subtracting the Customer's actual usage for the twelve-month period ending each August from 250,000 therms multiplied by 22.415$ per therm. lssued June't,2015 lssued by By Avista Utilities Kelly O. Norwood ru J**=,oJ , Mce President, State & FederalRegulation l"P.U.C. No.27 Substitute Twetfth Revision Sheet 132 Canceling Eleventh Revision Sheet 132 AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 132 INTERRUPTIBLE SERVICE . IDAHO AVAII.ABLE: To Customers in the State of ldaho whose requirements exceed 250,000 therms of gas per year and who comply with the Special Terms and Conditions set forth below, provided: (1) A volume of off-peak intenuptible gas for the service requested is available to the Company and, (2) The Company's existing distribution system has capacity, in excess of its existing requirements for firm gas service, adequate for the service requested by Customer. Customers taking service under this Schedule beginning on or after March 1,2002 must have been previously served under Schedule 146 - Transportation Service for Customer-Owned Gas. APPLICABLE: To interruptible gas service for any purpose subject to provisions of a service agreernent for a term of one year or longer. All such service used on the premises shall be supplied at one point of delivery and metering. MONTHLY RATE: Charge Per Therm: Base Rate OTHER CHARGES: Schedule 150 - Purchase Gas Cost Adjustment Schedule 158 - Tax Adjustrnent Total Billing Rate * Schedule 197 - Refund ef Defened Gas Geets (91,489F) Per Meter Per Month w$, 37^359p Check Municipal Fee 55S3e,6* The rates shown above as "Other Charges' may not always reflect the actual rate as this base tariff sheet cannot be updated when suspended as part of a general rate filing. The Total Billing Rate shown above does not include municipalfees, and is therefore subject to the provisions of Tax Adjustment Schedule 158. See the corresponding rate schedules under Other Charges for the actual rates in effect ANNUAL MINIMUM: Each Customer shall be subject to an Annual Minimum Deficiency Charge if their gas usage during the prior year did not equal or exceed 250,000 therms. Such annual Minimum Deficiency Charge shall be detennined by subtracting the Customer's actual usage for the twelve-month period ending each August from 250,000 therms multiplied by 2O"aS9$ per therm. Kelly O. Norwood , Vice President, State & Federal Regulation l.P.U.C. No.27 Thirteenth Revision Sheet 132 Canceling Substitute Twelfth Revision Sheet 132 132 AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 132 INTERRUPTIBLE SERVICE - IDAHO AVAII.ABLE: To Customers in the State of ldaho whose requirements exceed 250,000 therms of gas per year and who comply with the Special Tenns and Conditions set forth below, provided: (1) A volume of off-peak interruptible gas for the service requested is available to the Company and, (2) The Company's existing distribution system has capacity, in excess of its existing requirements for firm gas service, adequate for the service requested by Customer. Customers taking service under this Schedule beginning on or after March 1,2QAZ must have been previously served under Schedule 146 - Transportation Service for Customer-Owned Gas. APPLICABLE: To interruptible gas service for any purpose subject to provisions of a service agreement for a term of one year or longer. All such service used on the prernises shall be supplied at one point of delivery and metering. MONTHLY RATE: Charge Per Therm: Base Rate OTHER CHARGES: Schedule 150 - Purchase Gas Cost Adjustment Schedule 197 - Earninqs Test Deferral Rebate Schedule 158 - Tax Adjustment Per Meter Per Month 22.415d, 38.510d (00.268d) Check Municipal Fee Total Billing Rate * Wg* The rates shown above as "Other Charges" may not always reflect the actual rate as this base tariff sheet cannot be updated when suspended as part of a general rate filing. The Total Billing Rate shown above does not include municipalfees, and is therefore subject to the provisions of Tax Adjustment Schedule 158. See the corresponding rate schedules under Other Charges for the actual rates in effect ANNUAL MINIMUM: Each Customer shall be subject to an Annual Minimum Deficiency Charge if their gas usage during the prior year did not equal or exceed 250,000 therms. Such annual Minimum Deficiency Charge shall be determined by subtracting the Customeds actual usage for the twelve-month period ending each August from 250,000 therms multiplied by 22.415G per therm. lssued June 1,2015 Effective July 3, 2015 by By Kelly O. Norwood , Vice President, State & Federal Regulation I.P.U.C. No.27 Tenth Revision Sheet 146 Canceling Ninth Revision Sheet 146 146 AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities Base Rate OTHER CHARGES: Schedule 197 - Earnings Test Deferral Rebate Schedule 158 - Tax Adjustment Total Billing Rate * SCHEDULE 146 TRANSPORTATION SERVICE FOR CUSTOMER-OWNED GAS - IDAHO AVAILABLE: To Commercial and lndustrial Customers in the State of ldaho whose requirements exceed 250,000 therms of gas per year provided that the Company's existing distribution system has capacity adequate for the service requested by Customer. APPLICABLE: To transportation service for a Customer-owned supply of natural gas from the Company's point of interconnection with its Pipeline Transporter to the Company's point of interconnection with the Customer. Service shall be supplied at one point of delivery and metering for use by a single customer. MONTHLY RATE: $400.00 Customer Charge, plus Charge Per Therm: 12.523( (00.2680) Check Municipal Fee '12,255$ ANNUAL MINIMUM: $36,108 unless a higher minimum is required under contract to cover special conditions. " The rates shown above as "Other Charges' may not always reflect the actual rate as this base tariff sheet cannot be updated when suspended as part of a general rate filing. The Total Billing Rate shown above does not include municipal fees, and is therefore subject to the provisions of Tax Adjustment Schedule 158. See the corresponding rate schedules under Other Charges for the actual rates in effect. lssued June 1,2015 Effective July 3, 2015 Kelly O. Norwood ,Mce President, State & Federal RegulationBy AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 146 TRANSPORTATION SERVICE FOR CUSTOMER-OWNED GAS. IDAHO AVAILABLE: To Commercial and lndustrial Customers in the State of ldaho whose requirements exceed 250,000 therms of gas per year provided that the Company's existing distribution system has capacity adequate for the service requested by Customer. APPLICABLE: To transportation service for a Customer-owned supply of natural gas from the Company's point of interconnection with its Pipeline Transporter to the Company's point of interconnection with the Customer. Service shall be supplied at one point of delivery and metering for use by a single customer. MONTHLY RATE: $2i!e8e Customer Gharge, plus Charge PerTherm: Base Rate OTHER CHARGES: Schedule 158 - Tax Adjustment Total Billing Rate * 1W7q Check MunicipalFee w7s$, ANNUAL MINIMUM: $€2rggg unless a higher minimum is required under contract to cover special conditions. * The rates shown above as "Other Charges" may not always reflect the actual rate as this base tariff sheet cannot be updated when suspended as part of a general rate filing. The Total Billing Rate shown above does not include municipal fees, and is therefore subject to the provisions of Tax Adjustment Schedule 158. See the corresponding rate schedules under Other Charges for the actual rates in effect. Ninth Revision Sheet 146 Canceling Eighth Revision Sheet 146 146 lssued by Avista By Kelly O, Norwood ,Mce President, State & Federal Regulation Tenth Revision Sheet 146 Canceling Ninth Revision Sheet 146LP.U.C. No.27 146 AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 146 TRANSPORTATION SERVICE FOR CUSTOMER.OWNED GAS - IDAHO AVAILABLE: To Commercial and lndustrial Custorners in the State of ldaho whose requirements exceed 250,000 therms of gas per year provided that the Company's existing distribution system has capacity adequate for the service requested by Customer. APPLICABLE: To transportation service for a Customer-owned supply of natural gas from the Company's point of interconnection with its Pipeline Transporter to the Company's point of interconnection with the Customer. Service shall be supplied at one point of delivery and metering for use by a single customer. MONTHLY RATE: $400.00 Customer Gharge, plus Charge PerTherm: Base Rate OTHER CHARGES: Schedule 197 - Earninqs Test Deferral Rebate Schedule 158 - Tax Adjustment Total Billing Rate * ANNUAL MINIMUM: $36.108 unless a higher minimum is required under contract to cover special conditions. * The rates shown above as "Other Charges" may not always reflect the actual rate as this base tarffi sheet cannot be updated when suspended as part of a general rate filing. The Total Billing Rate shown above does not include municipal fees, and is therefore subject to the provisions of Tax Adjustment Schedule 158. See the corresponding rate schedules under Other Charges for the actual rates in effect. 12.5236 (00.268d) Check Municipal Fee 12.258t lssued June 1,2015 Effective July 3, 2015 Utilities Kelly 0. Nonrvood ,Vice President, State & Federal Regulation l.P.U.C. No.27 Original Sheet 175 AVISTA CORPOMTION dba Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 175 FIXED COST ADJUSTMENT MECHANISM _ NATURAL GAS PURPOSE: This Schedule establishes balancing accounts and implements an annual Fixed Cost Adjustment ('FCA') rate mechanism that separates the recovery of the Company's Commission authorized revenues from therm sales to customers served under the applicable natural gas service schedules. APPLICABLE: To Customers in the State of ldaho where the Company has natural gas service available. This schedule shall be applicable to all retail customers taking service under Schedules 101,111,112,131, and 132. This Schedule does not apply to Schedule 146 customers (Transportation Service For Customer-Owned Gas) or Schedule 148 customers (Special Contractsi. Applicable Customers will be segregated into two (2) distinct Rate Groups: Group 1-Schedule 101 Group 2 - Schedules 1 11, 112, 131, and 132 MONTHLY RATE: Group 1 - $0.00000 per therm Group 2 - $0.00000 per therm lssued: June 1,2015 Effective: July 3, 2015 ry,J^**J Kelly Norwood, Vice President, State & Federal Regulation l.P.U.C. No.27 Original Sheet 1754 AVISTA CORPORATION dba Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 175A FIXED COST ADJUSTMENT MECHANISM - NATUML GAS (continued) DESCRIPTION OF THE NATURAL GAS FCA MECHANISM: Calculation of Monthly Allowed Delivery Revenue Per Customer: Step 1 - Determine the Total Delivery Revenue - The Total Delivery Revenue is equal to the final approved base rate revenue (excluding natural gas costs) approved in the Company's last general rate case, individually for each Rate Schedule. Step 2 - Remove Basic Charge Revenue - included in the Delivery Revenue is revenue recovered from customers in Basic and Minimum charges ("Fixed Charges'). Because the FCA mechanism only tracks revenue that varies with customer energy usage, the revenue from Fixed Charges is removed. The number of Customer Bills in the test period, multiplied by the applicable Fixed Charges determines the total Fixed Charge revenue by rate schedule. Step 3 - Determine Allowed FCA Revenue - Allowed FCA Revenue is equal to the Delivery Revenue (Step 1) minus the Basic Charge Revenue (Step 2). Step 4 - Determine the Allowed FCA Revenue per Customer - To determine the annual per customer Allowed FCA Revenue, divide the Allowed FCA Revenue (by Rate Group) by the Rate Year number of Customers (by Rate Group) to determine the annual Allowed FCA Revenue per Customer (by Rate Group). Step 5 - Determine the Monthly Allowed FCA Revenue per Customer - to detennine the rnonthly Allowed FCA Revenue per customer, the annual Allowed FCA Revenue per customer is shaped based on the monthly therm usage from the rate year. The mechanism uses the resulting monthly percentage of usage by month and multiplied that by the annual Allowed FCA Revenue per Customer to determine the 12 monthly values. : July 3, 2015 Kelly Nonrvood, Vice President, State & Federal Regulationry *{^,^*,; By LP.U.C. No.27 Sheet 1758 AVISTA CORPORATION dba Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 1758 FIXED COST ADJUSTMENT MECHANISM - NATURAL GAS (continued) Calculation of Monthly FCA Defenal: Step 1 - Determine the actual number of customers each month. Step 2 - Multiply the actual number of custorners by the applicable monthly Allowed FCA Revenue per Customer. The result of this calculation is the totalAllowed FCA Revenue for the applicable month. Step 3 - Determine the actual revenue collected in the applicable month. Step 4 - Calculate the amount of fixed charge revenues included in total actual monthly revenues. Step 5 - Subtract the basic charge revenue (Step 4) from the total actual monthly revenue (Step 3). The result is the Actual FCA Revenue. Step 6 - The difference between the Actual FCA Revenue (Step 5) and the Allowed FCA Revenue (Step 2) is calculated, and the resulting balance is deferred by the Company. lnterest on the deferred balance will accrue at the quarterly rate published by the FERC. lssued: June 1,2015 Effective: July 3, 2015 lssued by Avista Corporation By ru J,,*,e Kelly Nonvood, Vice President, State & Federal Regulation ssued by Avista Corporation inal Sheet 17 AVISTA CORPORATION dba Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 175C FIXED COST ADJUSTMENT MECHANISM - NATURAL GAS {continued} ANNUAL NATURAL GAS FCA RATE ADJUSTMENT: On or before September 1st each year, the Company will file a request with the Commission to surcharge or rebate, by Rate Group, the amount accumulated in the deferred revenue accounts for the prior January through December time period. The proposed tariff revisions included with that filing would include a rate adjustment that recovers/rebates the appropriate deferred revenue amount over a twelve-month period effective on November 1st. The deferred revenue amount approved for recovery or rebate would be transferred to a balancing account and the revenue surcharged or rebated during the period would reduce the deferred revenue in the balancing account. Any deferred revenue remaining in the balancing account at the end of the calendar year would be added to the new revenue deferrals to determine the amount of the proposed surchargelrebate for the following year. After determining the amount of deferred revenue that can be recovered through a surcharge (or refunded through a rebate) by Rate Group, the proposed rates under this Schedule will be determined by dividing the deferred revenue to be recovered by Rate Group by the estimated therm sales for each Rate Group during the twelve month recovery period. The deferred revenue amount to be recovered will be transferred to a FCA Balancing Account and the actual revenue received under this Schedule will be applied to the Account to reduce (amortize) the balance. lnterest will be accrued on the unamortized balance in the FCA Balancing Account at the quarterly rate published by the FERC- lssued: June 1,2415 Effective: July 3, 2015 By Kelly Nonrood, Vice President, State & Federal Regulation I.P.U.C. No.27 Second Revision Sheet 197 canceling First Revision Sheet 197 197 AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 197 REBATE OF NATUML GAS EARNINGS TEST DEFERRALS - IDAHO AVAILABLE: To Customers in the State of ldaho where Company has natural gas service available. PURPOSE: To adjust natural gas rates for the refund of natural gas earnings test defenals as setforth in Case No. AVU-G-15-01. MONTHLY RATE: The energy charges of natural gas Schedules 101 ,111,112, 131,132, and 146 are to be decreased by 0.268d per therm in all blocks of these rate schedules. TERM: The energy charges will be reduced for a twelve month period, from January 1,2016 through December 31,2016. Any residual balance will be trued up in a future PGA filed by the Company. SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Service under this schedule is subject to the Rules and Regulations contained in this tariff. The above Rate is subject to increases as set forth in Tax Adjustment Schedule 1 58. lssued June 1,2015 Effective July 3,2015 ecr rar{ hrr Arricla Iby By Kelly Nonrood, Vice President, State & FederalRegulation ?+ ,J^**; LP.U.C" No.27 First Revision Sheet 197 canceling inalSheet 197 lssued by By AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 197 REBATE OF 2g€ NATURAL GAS EARNINGS TEST SSSM DEFERRALS - IDAHO AVAILABLE: To Customers in the State of ldaho where Company has natural gas service available. PURPOSE: To adjust natural gas rates for the refund of 2043 natural gas earnings testdeferrals@ing as setforth ffi in Case No. A#UL€ '14-0t1. MONTHLY MTE: The energy charges of natural gas Schedules 101, 11 1, 112,131, and 132 are to be decreased by W per therm in all blocks of these rate schedules. TERM: The energy charges will be reduced for a twelve month period, from January 1, 3915 through December 31, 2g{€. Any residual balance will be trued up in a future PGA filed by the Company. SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Service under this schedule is subject to the Rules and Regulations contained in this tariff. The above Rate is subject to increases as set forth in Tax Adjustment Schedule 1 58. Avista Utilities Kelly Norwood, Vice President, State & Federal Regulation |.P.U.C. No.27 Second Revision Sheet 197 canceling First Revision Sheet 197 197 AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 197 REBATE OF NATURAL GAS EARNINGS TEST DEFERRALS - IDAHO AVAILABLE: To Customers in the State of ldaho where Company has natural gas $ervice available. PURPOSE: To adjust natural gas rates for the refund of natural gas earnings test deferrals as set forth in Case No. AVU-G-I5-01. MONTHLY RATE: The energy charges of natural gas Schedules 101 ,11'1,112, 131,132, and 146 are to be decreased by 0.268d per therm in all blocks of these rate schedules. TERM: The energy charges will be reduced for a twelve month period, from January 1, 2016 through December 31, 2016. Any residual balance will be trued up in a future PGA filed by the Company. SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Service under this schedule is subject to the Rules and Regulations contained in this tariff. The above Rate is subject to increases as set forth in Tax Adjustment Schedule 1 58. lssued June 1,2015 Effective July 3, 2015 lssued Avista Kelly Norwood, Vice President, State & Federal Regulation 20L7 Tariffs AVISTA CORPORATION cUbla Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 101 GENERAL SERVICE . FIRM . IDAHO AVAILABLE: To Customers in the State of ldaho where Company has natural gas service available. APPLICABLE: To firm gas service for any purpose when all such service used on the premises is supplied at one point of delivery through a single meter. MONTHLY MTE: Per Meter Per Month Basic charge $8.00 Charge Per Therm: Base Rate 47.458$ OTHER CHARGES: Schedule 150 - Purchase Gas Cost Adjustment 49.286/ Schedule 155 - Gas Rate Adjustment (03.056f) Schedule 197 - Earnings Test Deferral Rebate (00.000f) Schedule 158 - Tax Adjustment Check Municipal Fee Total Billing Rate * 93.288i Minimum Charge: $8.00 * The rates shown above as "Other Charges' may not always reflect the actual rate as this base tariff sheet cannot be updated when suspended as part of a general rate filing. The Total Billing Rate shown above does not include municipal fees, and is therefore subject to the provisions of Tax Adjustment Schedule 158. See the corresponding rate schedules under fther Charges for the actual rates in effect. SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Service under this schedule is subject to the Rules and Regulations contained in this tariff. Effective January 1,2017 l.P.U.C. No.27 by By Avista Utilities Eleventh Revision Sheet 101 Canceling Tenth Revision Sheet 101 Kelly O. Norwood ,Mce-President, State & Federal Regulation AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 101 GENERAL SERVICE. FIRM . IDAHO AVA!I3BLE: To Customers in the State of ldaho where Company has natural gas service available. APPLICABLE: To firm gas service for any purpose when all such service used on the premises is supplied at one point of delivery through a single meter. MONTHLY RATE: Per Meter Per Month Basic charge $8.00 Charge Per Therm: Base Rate M#44 OTHER CHARGES: Schedule 150 - Purchase Gas CostAdjustment 49.286(, Schedule 155 - Gas Rate Adjustment (03.056f) Schedule 197 - Earnings Test Deferral Rebate (09*686i Schedule 158 - Tax Adjustment Check Municipal Fee Total Billing Rate * 9O363t Minimum Charge: $8.00 * The rates shown above as "Other Charges' may not always reflect the actual rate as this base tariff sheet cannot be updated when suspended as part of a general rate filing. The Total Billing Rate shown above does not include municipal fees, and is therefore subject to the provisions of Tax Adjustment Schedule 158. See the corresponding rate schedules under Other Charges for the actual rates in effect. SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Service under this schedule is subject to the Rules and Regulations contained in this tariff. by By Tenth Revision Sheet 101 Canceling Substitute Ninth Revision Sheet 101 Avista Util Kelly O. Nonvood ,Mce-President, State & Federal Regulation l.P.U.C. No.27 Eleventh Revision Sheet 101 Canceling Tenth Revision Sheet 101 101 AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 101 GENERAL SERVICE - FIRM . IDAHO AVAIISBLE: To Customers in the State of ldaho where Company has natural gas service available. APPLICABLE: To firm gas service for any purpose when all such service used on the premises is supplied at one point of delivery through a single meter. MONTHLY MTE: Per Meter Per Month Basic charge $8.00 Charge Per Therm: Base Rate 47.058d OTHER CHARGES: Schedule 150 - Purchase Gas CostAdjustrnent 49.286$ Schedule 155 - Gas Rate Adjustment (03.0560) Schedule 197 - Earnings Test Deferral Rebate (00.000d) Schedule 158 - Tax Adjustment Check Municipal Fee Total Billing Rate * ggjgg$ Minimum Charge: $8.00 * The rates shown above as "Other Charges" may not always reflect the actual rate as this base tariff sheet cannot be updated when suspended as part of a general rate filing. The Total Billing Rate shown above does not include municipal fees, and is therefore subject to the provisions of Tax Adjustment Schedule 158. See the corresponding rate schedules under Other Charges for the actual rates in effect. SPECIAL TERM$ AND CONDITIONS: Service under this schedule is subject to the Rules and Regulations contained in this tariff. lssued June 1,2015 Effective January'1,2017 By Kelly O. Nonrtrood ,Vice-President, State & Federal Regulation AVISTA CORPORATION d/bla Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 11'I LARGE GENERAL SERVICE - FIRM - IDAHO AVAILABLE: To Customers in the State of ldaho where Company has natural gas service available. APPLICABLE: To firm gas service for any purpose, subject to execution of a service agreement for a term of one year or longer. All such service used on the premises shall be supplied at one point of delivery through a single meter. DEFINITIONS: Schedule 150 - Purchased Gas Cost Adjustment Schedule 155 - Gas Rate Adjustment Schedule 197 * Earnings Test Deferral Rebate MONTHLY MTE: Base Schedule Schedule Schedule BillingRate 150 155 197 Rate* First 200 51.060S 49.286P (03.056f) (00.000S) 97.2e0i, Next 800 33.254i, 49.286i, (03.056S) (00.0006) 79.484i, Next 9,000 24.750# 49.286(, (03.056C) (00.0006) 70.980S All over 19.129i, 49.286i, (03.056d) (00.0000) 65.359C * The rates shown above as'Other Charges' may not always reflect the actual rate as this base tariff sheet cannot be updated when suspended as part of a general rate filing. The Total Billing Rate shown above does not include municipal fees, and is therefore subject to the provisions of Tax Adjustment Schedule 158. See the corresponding rate schedules under Other Charges for the actual rates in effect. Minimum Charge: $102.12 The minimum charge calculation is based solely on the base rate per therm noted above and is not inclusive of the adder schedules. l.P,U.C. No.27 Twelfth Revision Sheet 1'11 Canceling Eleventh Revision Sheet 111 Kelly Nonrvood lssued by By Avista Utilities , Vice-President, State & Federal Regulation Eleventh Revision Sheet 111 Canceling Substitute Tenth Revision Sheet 111 111 AVISTA CORPORATION dlb/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 1 1 1 I.ARGE GENERAL SERVICE - FIRM - IDAHO AVAILABLE: To Customers in the State of ldaho where Company has natural gas service available. APPLICABLE: To firm gas service for any purpose, subject to execution of a service agreement for a term of one year or longer. All such service used on the premises shall be supplied at one point of delivery through a single meter. DEFINITIONS: Schedule 't50 - Purchased Gas Cost Adjustment Schedule 155 - Gas Rate Adjustment Schedule 197 - Earnings Test Defenal Rebate MONTHLY RATE: Base Schedule Schedule Schedule BillingRate 150 155 197 Rate" First 200 4&3ss6 49.286* (03.0566) {00*68d} w7$ Next 800 *3W 49.286$ {03.056S) €s,3€8# 78.1#$ Next 9,000 W 49.286i, (03.056S) $s*6s# 7€,,3s#$Allover 1€=8626 49.2e6$ (03.0560) t0g+68$ 64.$;24$ * The rates shown above as "Other Charges" may not always reflect the actual rate as this base tariff sheet cannot be updated when suspended as part of a general rate filing. The Total Billing Rate shown above does not include municipal fees, and is therefore subject to the provisions of Tax Adjustment Schedule 158. See the corresponding rate schedules under Other Charges for the actual rates in effect. Minimum Charge: $96J9 The minimum charge calculation is based solely on the base rate per therm noted above and is not inclusive of the adder schedules. lssued June 1,2015 Effective July 3, 2015 by By lssued Avista Utilities Kelly Norwood , Mce-President, State & Federal Regulation l.P.U.C. No.27 Twelfth Revision Sheet 11't Canceling Eleventh Revision Sheet 111 111 AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 111 ISRGE GENERAL SERVICE. FIRM . IDAHO AVAIIABLE: To Customers in the State of ldaho where Company has natural gas service available. APPLICABLE: To firm gas service for any purpose, subject to execution of a service agreement for a term of one year or longer. All such service used on the premises shall be supplied at one point of delivery through a single meter. DEFINITIONS: Schedule 150 - Purchased Gas Cost Adjustment Schedule 155 - Gas Rate Adjustment Schedule 197 - Earnings Test Defenal Rebate MONTHLY MTE: Base Schedule Schedule ScheduleRate 150 155 197 Billing Rate* First 200 51.060d 49.286$ (03.056f) (00.000d) 97.290C Next 800 33.2546, 49.286$ (03.056$) (00.000d) 79.484A Next 9,000 24.750d, 49.286*, (03.0566) (00.000d) 70.980dAllover 19.129d 49.286$ (03.0560) (00.000d) 65.359d The rates shown above as 'Other Charges' may not always reflect the actual rate as this base tariff sheet cannot be updated when suspended as part of a general rate filing. The Total Billing Rate shown above does not include municipal fees, and is therefore subject to the provisions of Tax Adjustment Schedule 158. See the conesponding rate schedules under Other Charges for the actual rates in effect. Minimum Charge: 5102.12 The minimum charge calculation is based solely on the base rate per therm noted above and is not inclusive of the adder schedules. lssued June 1,2015 Effective January 1,2417 Avistaby By Kelly Noruvood , Vice-President, State & Federal Regulation AVISTA CORPORATION dlbla Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 112 LARGE GENERAL SERVICE - FIRM . IDAHO AVAILABLE: To Customers in the State of ldaho where Company has natural gas service available. Customers taking service under this Schedule beginning on or after March 1, 2002 must have been previously served under Schedule 146 Transportation Service for Customer-Owned Gas. APPLICABLE: To firm gas service for any purpose, subject to execution of a service agreement for a term of one year or longer. All such service used on the premises shall be supplied at one point of delivery through a single rneter. DEFINITIONS: Schedule 150 - Purchased Gas Cost Adjustment Schedule 197 - Earnings Test Deferral Rebate MONTHLY RATE: First 200 Next 800 Next 9,000 Allover Base Rate 51.0601 33.2540 24.750d 19.129d Schedule 150 49.2860, 4e.2860, 49.286i, 49.2860, Schedule 197 (00.0000) (00.0001) (00.0000) (00.000d) Billing Rate* 100.346f 82.s40$ 74.436*, 68.4{5S * The rates shown above as 'Other Charges' may not always reflect the actual rate as this base tariff sheet cannot be updated when suspended as part of a general rate filing. The Total Billing Rate shown above does not include municipal fees, and is therefore subject to the provisions of Tax Adjustment Schedule 158. See the corresponding rate schedules under Other Charges for the actual rates in effect. Minimum Charge: $102.12 The minimum charge calculation is based solely on the base rate per thenn noted above and is not inclusive of the adder schedules. ive January 1,2417 Thirteenth Revision Sheet 112 Canceling Twelfth Revision Sheet 112l.P.U.C.. No.27 lssued byBy / Kelly O. Norwood ry,J^,r*i , Vice President, State & Federal Regulation t.P.u"c..No.27 Twelfth Revision Sheet 112 Canceling Substitute Eleventh Revision Sheet 112 112 AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 112 LARGE GENERAL SERVICE. FIRM - IDAHO AVAILABLE. To Customers in the State of ldaho u/here Company has natural gas service available. Customers taking service under this Schedule beginning on or after March 1,2OAZ must have been previously served under Schedule 146 - Transportation Service for Customer-Owned Gas. APPLICABLE: To firm gas service for any purpose, subject to execution of a service agreement for a term of one year or longer. All such service used on the premises shall be supplied at one point of delivery through a single meter. DEFINITIONS: Schedule 150 - Purchased Gas Cost Adjustment Schedule 197 - Earnings Test Deferral Rebate MONTHLY RATE: Base Schedule Schedule BillingRate 150 197 Rate" First 200 4ffi6 49.286i, {srcS} *7#$ Next 800 *rW 49.286* Pe;468d) 8{=8ggf Next 9,000 U#4, 49.286(, (9g*689) 7W$ All over 1&862S 49.2860, tgg*68#) 67,880f The rates shown above as "Other Charges' may not always reflec{ the actual rate as this base tariff sheet cannot be updated when suspended as part of a general rate filing. The Total Billing Rate shown above does not include municipal fees, and is therefore subject to the provisions of Tax Adjustment Schedule 158. See the corresponding rate schedules under CIher Charges for the actual rates in effect. Minimum Gharge: $-95JeS The minimum charge calculation is based solely on the base rate per therm noted above and is not inclusive of the adder schedules. lssued June 1,2015 Effective July 3, 2015 lssued by By Avista Utilities Kelly O. Norwood , Vice President, State & Federal Regulation LP.U.C.. No.27 Thirteenth Revision Sheet 112 Canceling Twelfth Revision Sheet 112 112 AVISTA CORPORATION dlb/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 112 ISRGE GENERAL SERVICE. FIRM - IDAHO AVAII.ABLE: To Customers in the State of ldaho where Company has natural gas service available. Customers taking service under this Schedule beginning on or afier March 1, 2AAZ must have been previously served under Schedule 146 - Transportation Service for Customer-Owned Gas. APPLICABLE: To firm gas service for any purpose, subject to execution of a service agreement for a term of one year or longer. All such service used on the premises shall be supplied at one point of delivery through a single meter. DEFINITIONS: Schedule 150 - Purchased Gas Cost Adjustment Schedule 197 - Eamings Test Deferral Rebate MONTHLY RATE: Base Schedule Schedule BillingRate 150 197 Rate* First 200 51.060d 49.2860, (00.000d) 100.346C Next 800 33.254d, 49.286$ (00.000d) 82.540G Next 9,000 24.750d, 49.2860 (00.000d) 74.A36CAllover 19.129d, 49.286i, (00.000d) 68.415C The rates shown above as "Other Charges' may not always reflect the actual rate as this base tariff sheet cannot be updated when suspended as part of a general rate filing. The Total Billing Rate shown above does not include municipal fees, and is therefore subject to the provisions of Tax Adjustment Schedule 158. See the corresponding rate schedules under Other Charges for the actual rates in effect. itlinirnum Charge: $102.12 The minimum charge calculation is based solely on the base rate per therm noted above and is not inclusive of the adder schedules. lssued June 1,2015 Effec-tive January 1,2017 I Utilities By Kelly O. Norwood , Mce President, State & Federal Regulation LP.U.C. No.27 Twelfih Revision Sheet 131 Canceling Eleventh Revision Sheet 131 131 AVISTA CORPORATION d/bla Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 131 INTERRUPTIBLE SERVICE - IDAHO AVAILABLE: To Customers in the State of ldaho whose requirements exceed 250,000 therms of gas per year and t rho comply with the Special Terms and Conditions set forth below, provided: (1) A volume of off-peak intenuptible gas for the service requested is available to the Company and, (2) The Company's existing distribution system has capacity, in excess of its existing requirements for firm gas service, adequate for the service requested by Customer. APPLICABLE: To interruptible gas service for any purpose subject to provisions of a service agreement for a term of one year or longer. All such service used on the premises shall be supplied at one point of delivery and metering. MONTHLY RATE: Charge Per Therm: Base Rate OTHER CHARGES: Schedule 150 - Purchase Gas Cost Adjustment Schedule 155 - Gas Rate Adjustment Schedule 197 - Eamings Test Deferral Rebate Schedule 158 - Tax Adjustment Total Billing Rate * Per Meter Per Month 23.324* 38.510d (00.e23s) (00.000d) Check Municipal Fee 60.9{1S* The rates shown above as "Other Charges" may not always reflect the actual rate as this base tariff sheet cannot be updated when suspended as part of a general rate filing. The Total Billing Rate shown above does not include municipal fees, and is therefore subject to the provisions of Tax Adjustment Schedule 158. See the corresponding rate schedules under Other Charges for the actual rates in effect. ANNUAL MINIMUM: Each Customer shall be subject to an Annual Minimum Deficiency Charge if their gas usage during the prior year did not equal or exceed 250,000 therms. Such annual Minimum Deficiency Charge shall be determined by subtracting the Customefs actual usage for the twelve-month period ending each August from 250,000 therms multiplied by 23.324$ per therm. lssued June 1,2015 Effective January 1,2017 lssued by Avista UtilitiesBy / Kelly O. Norwood, Mce President, State & Federal Regulation ru A/r^tnrm.: AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 131 INTERRUPTIBLE SERVICE - IDAHO AVAIT-ABLE: To Customers in the State of ldaho whose requirements exceed 250,000 therms of gas per year and who comply with the Special Terms and Conditions set forth below, provided: (1)A volume of off-peak interruptible gas for the service requested is available to the Company and, (2) The Company's existing distribution system has capacity, in excess of its existing requirements for firm gas service, adequate for the service requested by Customer. APPLICABLE: To interruptible gas service for any purpose subject to provisions of a service agreement for a term of one year or longer. All such service used on the premises shall be supplied at one point of delivery and metering. MONTHLY RATE: Charge PerTherm: Base Rate OTHER CHARGES: Schedule 150 - Purchase Gas CostAdjustment Schedule 155 - Gas Rate Adjustment Schedule 197 - Eamings Test Deferral Rebate Schedule 158 - Tax Adjustment Per Meter Per Month w$ 38.510/ (00.s23s) {ee*€8s) Check Municipal Fee Total Billing Rate " 59,7e4$* The rates shown above as 'Other Charges" may not always reflect the actual rate as this base tariff sheet cannot be updated when suspended as part of a general rate filing. The Total Billing Rate shown above does not include municipal fees, and is therefore subject to the provisions of Tax Adjustment Schedule 158. See the corresponding rate schedules under Other Charges for the actual rates in effect. ANNUAL MINIMUM: Each Customer shall be subject to an Annual Minimum Deficiency Charge if their gas usage during the prior year did not equal or exceed 250,000 therms. Such annual Minimum Deficiency Charge shall be determined by subtracting the Customels actual usage for the twelve-month period ending each August from 250,000 therms multiplied by *t#$ pertherm- lssued June 1, 2015 Effective July 3,2015 Eleventh Revision Sheet 131 Canceling Substitute Tenth Revision Sheet 131 131LP.U.C. No.27 lssued by By Avista Utilities Kelly O. Nonrood,Mce President, State & Federal Regulation l.P.U,C. No"27 lssued by By Twelfth Revision Sheet 131 Canceling Eleventh Revision Sheet 131 131 AVISTA CORPORATION dlbla Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 131 INTERRUPTIBLE SERVICE - IDAHO AVAIISBLE: To Customers in the State of ldaho whose requirements exceed 250,000 therms of gas per year and vvho comply with the Special Terms and Conditions set forth below, provided: (1) A volume of off-peak interruptible gas for the service requested is available to the Company and, (2) The Company's existing distribution system has capacity, in excess of its existing requirements for firm gas service, adequate for the service requested by Customer. APPLICABLE: To intem"rptible gas service for any purpose subject to provisions of a service agreement for a term of one year or longer. All such service used on the premises shall be supplied at one point of delivery and metering. MONTHLY RATE: Charge Per Therm: Base Rate OTHER CHARGES: Schedule 150 - Purchase Gas Cost Adjustment Schedule 155 - Gas Rate Adjustment Schedule 197 - Earnings Test Deferral Rebate Schedule 158 - Tax Adjustment Per Meter Per Month 23.324d 38.510d (00.e230) (00.000d) Check Municipal Fee Total Billing Rate " 60.911C* The rates shown above as "Other Charges" may not always reflect the actual rate as this base tariff sheet cannot be updated when suspended as part of a general rate filing. The Total Billing Rate shown above does not include municipal fees, and is therefore subject to the provisions of Tax Adjustment Schedule 158. See the corresponding rate schedules under Other Charges for the actual rates in effect. ANNUAL MINIMUM: Each Customer shall be subject to an Annual Minimum Deficiency Charge if their gas usage during the prior year did not equal or exceed 250,000 therms. Such annual Minimum Deficiency Charge shall be determined by subtracting the Customefs actual usage for the twelve-month period ending each August from 250,000 therms multiplied by 23.324d, per therm. lssued June '1, 2015 Effective January 1,2017 Avista Utilities Kelly O. Norwood,Vice President, State & Federal Regulation AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 132 INTERRUPTIBLE SERVICE - IDAHO AVAILABLE: To Customers in the State of ldaho whose requirements exceed 250,000 therms of gas per year and who comply with the Special Terms and Conditions set forth below, provided: (1) A volume of off-peak intenuptible gas for the service requested is available to the Company and, (2) The Company's existing distribution system has capacity, in excess of its existing requirements for firm gas seryice, adequate for the service requested by Customer. Customers taking service under this Schedule beginning on or after March 1, 2402 must have been previously served under Schedule 146 - Transportation $ervice for Customer-Owned Gas. APPLICABLE: To intenuptible gas service for any purpose subject to provisions of a service agreement for a term of one year or longer. All such service used on the premises shall be supplied at one point of delivery and metering. MONTHLY RATE: Charge Per Therm: Base Rate OTHER CHARGES: Schedule 150 - Purchase Gas Cost Adjustment Schedule 197 - Earnings Test Deferral Rebate Schedule 158 - Tax Adjustment Total Billing Rate * Per Meter Per Month 23.3240, 38.5101 (00.000$) Check Municipal Fee 61.834$ " The rates shown above as'Other Charges' may not always reflect the actual rate as this base tariff sheet cannot be updated when suspended as part of a general rate filing. The Total Billing Rate shown above does not include municipalfees, and is therefore subject to the provisions of Tax Adjustment Schedule 158. See the corresponding rate schedules under Other Charges for the actual rates in effect ANNUAL MINIMUM: Each Customer shall be subject to an Annual Minimum Deficiency Charge if their gas usage during the prior year did not equal or exceed 250,000 therms. Such annual Minimum Deficiency Charge shall be determined by subtracting the Customer's actual usage for the twelve-month period ending each August from 250,000 therms multiplied by 23.324$ per therm. lssued June 1,2015 Effective January 1,2017 |.P.U.C. No.27 Fourteenth Revision Sheet 132 Canceling Thirteenth Revision Sheet 132 Kelly O. Norwood by Avista By , Vice President, State & Federal Regulation Thirteenth Revision Sheet 132 Canceling Substitute Twelfth Revision Sheet 132 132l.P.U.C. No.27 lssued by By AVISTA CORPORATION dlb/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE,I32 INTERRUPTIBLE SERVICE - IDAHO AVAILABLE: To Customers in the State of ldaho whose requirements exceed ?50,000 therms of gas per year and who comply with the Special Terms and Conditions set forth below, provided: (1) A volume of off-peak interruptible gas for the service requested is available to the Company and, (2) The Company's existing distribution system has capacity, in excess of its existing requirements for firm gas service, adequate for the seryice requested by Customer. Customers taklng service under this Schedule beginning on or after March 1, 2002 must have been previously served under Schedule 146 - Transportation Service for Customer-Owned Gas. APPLICABLE: To intenuptible gas service for any purpose subject to provisions of a service agreement for a term of one year or longer. All such service used on the premises shall be supplied at one point of delivery and metering. MONTHLY MTE: Charge Per Therm: Base Rate OTHER CHARGES: Schedule 150 - Purchase Gas Cost Adjustment Schedule 197 - Earnings Test Deferral Rebate Schedule 158 - Tax Adjustment Per Meter Per Month w$, 38.510d {00,a68s} Check Municipal Fee Total Billing Rate " The rates shown above as "Other Charges" may not always reflect the actual rate as this base tariff sheet cannot be updated when suspended as part of a general rate filing. The Total Billing Rate shown above does not include municipalfees, and is therefore subject to the provisions of Tax Adjustment Schedule 158. See the corresponding rate schedules under Other Charges for the actual rates in effect ANNUAL MINIMUM: Each Customer shall be subject to an Annual Minimum Deficiency Charge if their gas usage during the prior year did not equal or exceed 250,000 therms. Such annual Minimum Deficiency Charge shall be determined by subtracting the Customer's actual usage for the twelve-month period ending each August from 250,000 therms multiplied by Z?4+5$ per therm. lssued June 1,2015 Effective July 3, 2015 Avista Utilities Kelly O. Norwood , Vice President, State & Federal Regulation AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 132 INTERRUPTIBLE SERVICE - IDAHO AVAIISBLE: To Customers in the State of ldaho whose requirements exceed 250,000 therms of gas per year and who comply with the Special Terms and Conditions set forth below, provided: (1) A volume of off-peak interruptible gas for the service requested is available to the Company and, (2) The Company's existing distribution system has capacity, in excess of its existing requirements for firm gas seryice, adequate for the service requested by Customer. Customers taking service under this Schedule beginning on or after March 1,2002 must have been previously served under Schedule 146 - Transportation Service for C ustomer-Owned G as. APPLICABLE: To interruptible gas service for any purpose subject to provisions of a service agreement for a term of one year or longer. All such service used on the premises shall be supplied at one point of delivery and metering. MONTHLY RATE: Charge Per Therm: Base Rate OTHER CHARGES: Schedule 150 - Purchase Gas Cost Adjustment Schedule 197 - Earnings Test Deferral Rebate Schedule 158 - Tax Adjustrnent Per Meter Per Month 23.3246, 38.510* (00.000d) Check Municipal Fee Total Billing Rate * 61.834d* The rates shown above as'Other Charges" may not always reflect the actual rate as this base tariff sheet cannot be updated when suspended as part of a general rate filing. The Total Billing Rate shown above does not include rnunicipalfees, and is therefore subject to the provisions of Tax Adjustment Schedule 158. See the corresponding rate schedules under Other Charges for the actual rates in effect ANNUAL MINIMUM: Each Customer shall be subjecl to an Annual Minimum Deficiency Charge if their gas usage during the prior year did not equal or exceed 250,000 therms. Such annual Minimum Deficiency Charge shall be determined by subtracting the Customer's actual usage for the twelve-month period ending each August from 250,000 therms multiplied by 23.324d, per therm. lssued June 1,2015 Effective January1,2017 Fourteenth Revision Sheet 132 Canceling Thirteenth Revision Sheet 132I.P,U.C. No.27 lssued by Avista Utilities By 132 Kelly O. Norurood - Vice President, State & FederalRegulation AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 146 TRANSPORTATION SERVICE FOR CUSTOMER.OWNED GAS - IDAHO AVAILABLE: To Commercial and lndustrial Customers in the State of ldaho whose requirements exceed 250,000 therms of gas per year provided that the Company's existing distribution system has capacity adequate for the service requested by Customer. APPLICABLE: To transportation service for a Customer-owned supply of natural gas from the Company's point of interconneclion with its Pipeline Transporter to the Company's point of interconnection with the Customer. Service shall be supplied at one point of delivery and metering for use by a single customer. MONTHLY RATE: $400.00 Customer Charge, plus Charge Per Therm: Base Rate OTHER CHARGES: Schedule '197 - Earnings Test Deferral Rebate Schedule 158 - Tax Adjustment Total Billing Rate n 12.968' ANNUAL MINIMUM: $37,220 unless a higher minimum is required under contract to cover special conditions. * The rates shown above as "Other Charges' may not always reflect the actual rate as this base tariff sheet cannot be updated when suspended as part of a general rate filing. The Total Billing Rate shown above does not include municipal fees, and is therefore subject to the provisions of Tax Adjustment Schedule 158. See the corresponding rate schedules under Other Charges for the actual rates in effecl. 12.968* (00.0006) Check Municipal Fee January 1,2017 l.P.U.C. No.27 Eleventh Revision Sheet 146 Canceling Tenth Revision Sheet 146 Kelly O. Nonvood lssued by By Avista Utilities ,Vice President, State & Federal Regulation AVISTA CORPORATION dlb/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 146 TRANSPORTATION SERVICE FOR CUSTOMER.OWNED GAS - IDAHO AVAIISBLE: To Commercial and lndustrial Customers in the State of ldaho whose requirements exceed 250,000 therms of gas per year provided that the Gompany's existing distribution system has capacity adequate for the service requested by Customer. APPLICABLE: To transportation service for a Customer-owned supply of natural gas from the Company's point of interconnection with its Pipeline Transporter to the Company's point of interconnection with the Customer. Service shall be supplied at one point of delivery and metering for use by a single customer. MONTHLY RATE: $400.00 Customer Charge, plus Charge Per Therm: Base Rate OTHER CHARGES: Schedule 197 - Earnings Test Deferral Rebate Schedule 158 - Tax Adjustment Total Billing Rate * +952€S {so*68f} Check Municipal Fee 1r*55F ANNUAL MI},IIMUM: $36#gg unless a higher minimum is required under contract to cover special conditions. " The rates shown above as "Other Charges' may not always reflect the actual rate as this base tariff sheet cannot be updated when suspended as part of a general rate filing. The Total Billing Rate shown above does not include municipal fees, and is therefore subject to the provisions of Tax Adjustrnent Schedule 158. See the corresponding rate schedules under Other Charges for the actual rates in effect. Tenth Revision Sheet 146 Canceling Ninth Revision Sheet 146 146 l.P.U.C. No.27 lssued by By Avista Utilities Kelly O. Norwood ,Vrce President, State & FederalRegulation AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 146 TRANSPORTATION SERVICE FOR CUSTOMER.OWNED GAS. IDAHO AVAII.ABLE: To Commercial and lndustrial Customers in the State of ldaho whose requirements exceed 250,000 therms of gas per year provided that the Company's existing distribution system has capacity adequate for the service requested by Customer. APPLICABLE: To transportation service for a Customer-owned supply of natural gas from the Company's point of interconnection with its Pipeline Transporter to the Company's point of interconnection with the Customer. Service shall be supplied at one point of delivery and metering for use by a single customer. MONTHLY MTE: $400.00 Customer Charge, plus Charge Per Therm: Base Rate OTHER CHARGES: Schedule 197 - Earnings Test Deferral Rebate Schedule 158 - TaxAdjustment Total Billing Rate * 12.968d, (00.000d) Gheck Municipal Fee 12.968d ANNUAL MINIMUM: $37.22O unless a higher minimum is required under contract to cover special conditions. " The rates shown above as 'Other Charges' may not always reflect the actual rate as this base tartff sheet cannot be updated vuhen suspended as part of a general rate filing. The Total Billing Rate shown above does not include municipal fees, and is therefore subject to the provisions of Tax Adjustment Schedule 158. See the corresponding rate schedules under Other Charges for the actual rates in effect. lssued June 1,2015 lssued by By Eleventh Revision Sheet 146 Canceling Tenth Revision Sheet 146 Avista Utilities Kelly O. Nonruood ,Vice President, State & Federal Regulation