HomeMy WebLinkAbout20150309Application.pdfJ. A. WRrcnr, Ese.ATToRNEY AT Lew P.O. Box 25 3OO W. MAIN, SUITE 2Og GR,ArucEvrr-r-E, lD 83530 PHoNE: 208.983.2706 FACsr M r LE: 208.983.27 Oo IDAHo STATE BAR No.4403 JAWRIG HT@QWESTo FFIc E. N ET Nvz March 6,2015 Idaho Public Utilities Commission P.O. Box 83720 Boise, ID 83720-0074 kvu-u"l{'0> Re: Application of Idaho Countv Light & Power Cooperative Association. [nc. Dear Clerk: Enclosed please find ldaho County Light & Power Cooperative Association, Inc.'s (ICLP) Application seeking the Commission's approval of an IESS territory agreement between ICLP and Avista for the River View Estates Subdivision in ldaho County. The original application and seven (7) copies are included. ICLP is requesting that the application be processed under the Commission's Modified Procedure rules. If you require any funher information, please let me know. Thank you, cc:Jake Eimers - ICLP - via email I 2 J 4 5 6 7 8 9 t0 ll t2 l3 t4 l5 t6 t7 18 t9 20 2l 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 J. A. WRICHT ATTORNEY AT LAW P.O. Box 25 3OO W. MAIN STREET, SUITE 2O9 GReNcEvtt-r-E, lD 83530 PHoNE: (2OA) 9a3-27oo Frx: (2Oa)983-27oo rsB 4403 Attorneyfor Idaho County Light & Power Cooperative Association, Inc. BEFORE THE IDAHO IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF IDAHO COI.INTY LIGHT & POWER COOPERATIVE ASSOCIATION, INC. TO APPROVE AGREEMENT ALLOCATING TERRITORY WITH AVISTA CORPORATION, dba AVISTA UTILITIES. PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Case No. /*V L( - E - l5'D>- APPLICATION OF IDAHO COUNTY LIGHT & POWER COOPERATIVE ASSOCIATION, INC. itir l1fln *$ l i.";" t.,'l iLi ;,i-., .-' Pr'i l?: Nrr ;rr,;,i.-',,,ii,, COMES NOW the Applicant, [DAHO COLINTY LIGHT & POWER COOPERATIVE ASSOCIATION, INC., ("ICLP") and requests that the Commission approved the attached Agreement to Assign Electrical Customers (hereafter the "Agreement") with AVISTA CORPORATION, a Washington corporation, doing business as AVISTA UTILITIES (hereafter "Avista"). I. BACKGROUND 1. ICLP and Avista entered into the Agreement pursuant to the Idaho Electric Supplier Stabilization Act) "IESS", Idaho Code Section 6l-332 et seq. in order to allocate territory, to avoid disputes between utilities and to provide consumers with the best possible service. A copy of the Agreement is attached hereto as Attachment "A". 2. The Agreement concerns the provision of electrical service to River View Estates Subdivision, a platted subdivision of Idaho County, State of Idaho, situate in Section 6, Township 33 North, Range 4 East, Boise Meridian (hereafter the "Development"). The Development consists of a total of 23 platted subdivision lots as generally depicted in Exhibit "A" to the Agreement. APPLICATION OF ICLP... - 1 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 t2 l3 t4 l5 t6 t7 l8 l9 20 2t 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 3. Elbert Hendren and Janet Hendren, husband and wife, (hereafter the "Developers") are developing building sites on properties located in the Development. Developers have requested that ICLP install facilities to provide electric service to the Development, excluding Lots 2 and23, in the Development. 4. Lots 2 and23 were excluded from the Developers' request because both lots were already developed and were being provided electric service by Avista at the time of the Agreement. II. PROPOSED ALLOCATION 5. Under the Agreement, Avista has agreed to release its electrical service rights to the Development excepting Lots 2 and23. 6. ICLP and Avista further agreed that ICLP shall extend electric service to the entire Development, excepting Lots 2 and 23, consisting of a total of 21 lots that will be provided electric service by ICLP. 7. ICLP reasonably believes that the Agreement will avoid unnecessary disputes conceming territory, will avoid needless duplication of facilities, and will provided the affected customers with the best possible service. III. REQUEST FOR APPROVAL 8. ICLP requests that this application be processed under the Commission's Modified Procedure rules. 9. ICLP further requests approval of the Agreement so that ICLP and Avista shall be entitled to extend their facilities within the tenitory allocated to them under the Agreement. 10. Communications in reference to this Application should be addressed to ICLP'S attorney at the following address: J. A. Wright Attorney at Law P.O. Box 25 Grangeville,ID 83530. APPLICATION OF ICLP... - 2 .. /-4'I duy ,2015.DATED thiS ounty Light & Power APPLICATION OF ICLP... .3 ATTACHMENT IIAII 10 AGREEMENT TO ASSIGN ETECTRIC CUSTOMERS THIS AGREEMENT, dAtcd AS Of T,he day of November, 2013, is entered into by and bet\^,een AVISTA CORPORATION, d/b/a AVISTA UTILITES (hereinafter referred to as "AVISTA"), and IDAHO COTNTY LIGHT & POWER COOPERATIVE (hereinafter referred to as *ICLP"), somet,imes hereinafter referred tso individually, as a "Party", and coLlectively, as Ehe "Parties" . RECITAI.S WHEREAS, Elbert Hendren and Janet S. Hendren (the "Developer") are developing residential building sices in the River View EstaEes Subdivision, as shown in the p1ats attached hereto as Exhibit "A", which is located in Section 5', Township 33 North, Range 4 East., Boise Meridian, Idaho CounEy, Idaho (the "Development"); WHEREAS, AVISTA and ICLP each have eLectric service rights under the Idaho Electric Supplier Stabilization Act ('IESS") to provide electric service to certain portions of Ehe Development as depicted in Exhibit "B; WHEREAS, Ehe Developer requested Ehat ICLP pr:ovide electric service to the Development; WHEREAS, duplication of services and facilities will be avoided if ICLP is aLlowed Eo serve the entire Development; and WHEREAS, Ehe Parties desire Eo enter into an agreement pursuant to the provisions of IC 561-332 et seq. to allow ICLP Eo serve the entire Development; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the covenants and agreements herein contained, IT IS AGREED: 1. AVISTA shall release the electric service righEs of the L5 19 22 23 25 Development, excluding L,ots 2 and 23, therefore consisting (2:r) lots, and auEhorizes such DeveLopment to be served by 2. ICLP, by and through it.s usua] procedures, shal-l service by constructing Ehe exEension of ICLP's facilities the Development (the "ExEension"), in accordance wiLh the to Ehe schedules, rules and regulations of ICIJP. of twenty-one ICLP. exEend electric to and within IESS and subject 27 3. ICLP shall prepare and submit the application for approwal before Ehe Commission and AVISTA shall join in or otherwise cooperate in the application, provided, however, that both Partles sha11 support this asslgnment of elecEric service rights with the Parties' existing customers. 28 AGREEMENT TO ASSIGN ELECTRIC CUSTOMERS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 t"L L2 L3 t4 15 1"5 L7 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 4. In the event the Commission does not approve t.he assignment of electric service rights described herein, then tshis Agreement shall be void ab initio, and the right, to serve Ehe building sites shal1 be determined in accordance with the IESS. 5. If approved by the Commission, thj-s Agreement shalL be binding upon the Parties, their successors and assigns. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Part.ies hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed in duplicate by the respective offj.cers hereEo, duly authorized as of the date first above wriEten. AVTSTA CORPORATION d/b/a AVISTA UTIITTES gnature) f l^,t /,tl Jnd{ SrH 7-Sr-aor/(Date) (Print.ed Name) Ar,tlo 6ro^rort //e,/vlor4ior (rrEre" - tlle/o7 10(3 (Date) AgreemenE of Elbert Hendren and .7anet S. Hendren: The undersigned ("Developer") acknowledge and represent have reviewbd the foregoing Agreement between AvfsTA and ICLP customers, approve of its conEent, and sign it voluntarily asfree acc and deed, fu11y intending to be bound by same. gnaEure) irted Name) that they tso assigntheir own IDAI{O COUNTY LIGHT & (Signature) (Printed Name) AGREEMENT TO ASSIGN ELECTRIC CUSTOMERS fi I - I rl I I 5'I s Tts a ;il !e E i q! t ili E* El= EE $ota HT u MVEN VIET ESTATES SUBDTVTSION SECTI0fl- 6, T,33 N., R.4 E.B.M. lnstrument# 431970 IDaHa cot*fy. rDAHotoAHo cot xrY, ro Ho,l&1.2013 11:23:21 Io.of P{t 3:/t ircadod for : ELIERT HEXOiIX Hl[[,ffif#**".r-,J:ire--, sn@ s BAn r syaDrvrsr* I I t lilrj'-E_ Il.i r-zoa I ,-nn ,..,..,,. I *-\ ,:::. E I torz i\- -S -.$\\o tt. \\10\. t\ Hitj E B! \! rfrc \ '\r rrry' )^\ \ t!\ eae l[ \ !iilI sig Hi EIf, $ ffif;II IsXiE rtiii III1gtE: :ii! G Ili Eii-rll EiS-3. .B tq!r Hg E Eq $t ffi na E .ilq * H !,lllu- lf,Ll LEGEND ao.lrnie[|t!tt EO.UI.O'I,A ,I'0 U tyN,*llil,n r,0 ls c nO,tt .,t d P,,Fs N.*lta-n *o H' Jt,. aa ,* ,',,u,FE ln cD *'D Ra ,t3 -7 ao.r lr.t ytLr.u &,o ',tr rtaet ol., a.D alt)rIt at;,o *, ,lad,rl@F&oEErrr=s- -a-a -,0trtlitrJa,r!,,Il {Eilli* I t^) s .a a\c a r, a a a \3 \,0 5il$ ' IiE sr l$r'l EXHIBIT ''A" S 1AF T SUAAIVIS'TON :- -i r- Li*- l:f ,tte.alt rtg h $3 {.:* naoi I Hr\t-*-tc r{(\:--l'\ ^ug{ 1i,,,-0 60 r !e..,G',:iii;i-- - "/'41 '" . rtlan uirf DRfv€ €'o ti' t-{f\ :rt\ g:+ I*lt -\ ./ .i,_:*,)\i" , SSrst- >!,* itI_!to :l- rN l\s I I H 4E = il+ ,ffrr\i+\, FIr\f--f\ -}{& -r t-l l-> -*, eEt l; Hh .l\tut *E LInF '{r: -\;9i* I i :. !l"i 3i.. t' I I I 'r d& l.rni5 rto -/, f,t g' --n-/-.,'rr' tS _----fi;g:.-")P/',.. R.-"")-o', \" t*=A_. F *e ii*:T5\ + i. \rsl. \ \;;\.-bf-*r- \,94@i,W'* i"E ln \t\ t i: '[* *'ft Hl.if--l\Ii-ti',1,, ', a0on tlh :o a f-.ax .j ?o"il C,)s rrt.< ti da :r; 9;I !-td ka j. E $I F T T fi! bSt/a *;.f vti,t{tfY UEPLEGEND FNO.BU4 8frr'55 Cr? ilC4i,ilaEtl rva.e"olt,etiv.prp€.AND €*P w'c Ls eE' a{r:5/o'oil,$ Nt'D Ls a$sd f{A:s/e'oil.18 W'D Ls a35 FNAIT"DIA,IEAT PI?E FUD;s/p',OiA.le tN'0 pLS 5t65 a'rfns ,! tsj Gx, hi C'\ frC'J 5 rn Ia BIh ts$ tiil El I*t:, ittltt tr a I e o s€T 2,x.ao.rLtn,pipE nNa cap Mk'g PLs 5t6i. 5El:s/a'l'3o"ia y/kU4,cAP ffi'D Pl9 5J65 . slf 5/0")l 3o'Ie VPUSI ru CrP w',' PLs 5!Osa C*PUT9D rui(. cF.rjr€f,Lr,r€ Hw,rz AfiD sua,JvIjIA{ AUDS - siotvtsta, ,,o'i,^av J ."a.-/bi . &zb' c)rnts1H'IiL{ ! tri a-n V) Sfi Cb E'al ii EI:iri ttYt sl Ill EiPI-l*lr!"ttst EI 2l:l tzl ZB:--- .d cE; o"S xt:*= }LilE BQ a ;^tEI EXHIBIT ''B'' rei