HomeMy WebLinkAbout20150313Comments (3 Total).pdf1 C) CD Re:Idaho Power Co.’s petition to modify the terms and conditions offuttite PURPA energy agreements IPUC Case No.IPC-.E..15-0I Dear Commissioners: As the Mayor of Caldwell,I’m writing to you on behalf of our city to support Idaho Power’s request to shorten the contract requirement with solar developers.The requirement of 20 year contract that guarantees prices over such a long period is simply unreasonable given the frequent changes in our energy market ptices,emerging technologies,and economic gmw’th or recession. Regardless of ‘whether we all agree tvith all federal mandates,we are all affected.The requirement of unreasonably long contract lengths would force utility companies to absorb rising costs over the length of the entire contract without consiciciation of these fluctuations.Thus,the most unfairly affected group would be utility users,to whom the fees would be chat’ged to compensate for excess cost of buying solar energy at rates that do not equitably reflect the market.We appreciate that the Idaho Ptiblic Utilities Commission seeks to l)rotect our mesiclents from undue burdens.1-lowever,in this case,an undue burden to Idaho utility users w’ill result from the requirement of utility companies to sign such lengthy contracts with solar developers.The reqttirement is dually burdensome:to the utility company and to the user. Idaho Power’s request to shorten conttacts from 20 to two yeats is a reasonable balance between comnpliamice with federal mandates,plotectimig utility users,and tnaititaining stistainability for one of our most valued Idaho businesses.Please grant their request to sltorten the contract requirement to a two-year term. hhá (7_I /P’f(V7() Ph:208.155.3011 (Mii.ir (fl1i-) Fax:208.455.3003 vww.cityofcatdwcl1.com i/Ic ‘fl.I.tltui(?J//i;:,//ct/ C,cmvru.MAYoR c;tii-i1 I”.’iUltOitS Cirv CI.LRK Deijt;ic GL’)er tot l Iit (t th dl> (,,j,cII t.ft ais !ddl To: Idaho Ptibl ic Utilities Cot’nmission P.O.Box $3720 Boise,ID 83720-0074 March 12,2015 _rr C est, Garret Nancolas Mayor AMERICA,1RIL till I City [liii 111 Bhune Strect •It).Btx 1179 •Cidt%cii,Id,iiio 83606 •208-155.1656 Wtty (1.dJ City of Wilder 219 Third Street,P.O.Box 687 Wilder,Idaho $3676 2 MR 12 PH :22 (208)482-6204 Fax:(20$)4$2r’$êiL -—.www.cityofwilder.org March 9,2015 Commissioners Idaho Public Utilities P.O.Box $3702 Boise Idaho Dear Commissioners: As an Idaho employer and Idaho Power user,the City of Wilder supports Idaho Powers request to shorten the length of these contracts for solar and wind generation projects.We believe Idaho Powers request is in the best interests of all concerned and that of Wilder and its residents. Having access to reliable electricity at a fair price is essential.It’s also to the fmancial health of our residents. We do not just work here,but live here.Our residents love and respect the clean environment that’s essential to our way of life in Idaho.All of us want clean energy,and we are glad to know that a majority of our electricity comes from the regions clean,renewable hydo resources.However moving toward a clean energy future cannot come at the expense of reliability and affordability.The City of Wilder believes Idaho Power recognizes and understands this,and works hard to strike a good balance.The City of Wilder recognizes the company’s efforts to keep power costs in line with current market rates,which will benefit our city and our residents. We do not believe Idaho Power should be required to buy electricity it does not need,these sources decrease the reliability of its service while pushing costs up.If Idaho Power continues to be required to make such purchases,we agree that the contract should be limited to two years,as the company has requested,or less, rather than locking in prices for 20 years. The city of Wilder supports Idaho Powers responsible and balance service and its tradition of providing quality service at a low cost.It’s good for Wilder,it’s good for Idaho and for all Idahoans.We ask that you grant Idaho Powers petition to modify the terms and conditions of future PURPA energy sales agreements (TPC E-15-Ol). Respectfully Q r,Lc>— ‘John Bechtel,Mayor Wilder,Idaho Jean Jewell From:ted22m@hotmail.com Sent:Thursday,March 12,2015 6:55 PM To:Beverly Barker;Jean Jewell;Gene Fadness Cc:ted22m@hotmailcom Subject:Case Comment Form:Ted Miller Name:Ted Miller Case Number:IPC-E-15-O1 Email:teU22mhotmail.corn Telephone: Address:P0 Box 14 Fairfield ID,83327 Name of Utility Company:Idaho Power Acknowledge public record:True Comment:I believe solar power is the best option for a energy efficient future.It is safer and lower maintenance than wind.Non polluting and abundant. Also provides power even in partial cloud cover. It should be a primary part of our energy supply. We should always keep out options open for the future. Unique Identifier: