HomeMy WebLinkAbout20140821Amended Petition.pdfr Ms. Jean Jewell Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472W. Washington Boise, ID 83702 Dear Ms. Jewell: fqf;fiilvi: [j 20ltAUS2l PH h: l0 IUAF{il i:Ll-.'..i'., UT I LITI [S t0fl 1,,1 iii$ I {iitlt!ll.r.{' Gregory M. Adams Tel: 2O8-938-22.36 Fex: 2O8-938-79O4 greg@richardsonadams.com P.O. Box 7218 Boise, lD 83707 - 515 N.27th St. Boise, lD 83702 August 21,2014 ATTORNEYS AT LAW Avu- E-/4-n Please find enclosed for filing an original and seven copies of the Amended Joint Petition of Avista Corporation ("Avista") and Kootenai Electric Cooperative, Inc. ("KEC") requesting approval of (i) the Power Purchase Agreement between KEC and Avista (o'Agreement") with a requested effective date of August 15, 2014, and (ii) the First Amendment to the Agreement with a requested effective date of August 21, 2014. Please let me know if you have any questions regarding this filing. Sincerely, k0L-trGregory M. Adams Attomey for Kootenai Electric Cooperative, Inc. enclosure For Avista Corporation Michael G. Andrea (ISB No. 8308) Senior Counsel Avista Corporation 1411 East Mission Ave., MSC-23 Spokane, WA99202 Phone: (509)495-2564 Facsimile: (509) 495-5690 For Kootenai Electric Cooperative, Inc. Gregory M. Adams (ISB No. 7454) Richardson Adams, PLLC 515 N. 27s St. Boise, ID 83702 Phone: (208)938-2236 Fa,x: (208) 938-7904 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION RECf,l1,/i; ii ?0lrr AUE 2l PH h: l0 IDAI"iU i::tJi.l ';uT I LIT I E S C 0i,1 hi i :i s li,} l,l IN THE MATTER OF THE JOINT PETITION ) oF AVISTA CORPORATION AND ) KOOTENAI ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE, ) rNC. FOR APPROVAL OF POWER ) PURCHASE AND SALE AGREEMENT ) ) ) cAsE NO. AVU-E-14-09 AMENDED JOINT PETITION OF AVISTA CORPORATION AND KOOTENAI ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE, INC. Avista Corporation ("Avista") and Kootenai Electric Cooperative, Inc. ("KEC") (collectively, the "Parties") hereby file this Amended Joint Petition' *ith the Idaho Public Utilities Commission ("Commission") for an order (i) approving the Power Purchase Agreement between KEC and Avista ("Agreement") with a requested effective date of August 15, 2014, and (ii) approving the First Amendment to the Agreement with a requested effective date of August2l,2014. The Parties filed their initial Joint Petition for approval of the Agreement on August 15,2014, but this Amended Joint Petition is necessary to include a request for approval of the First Amendment to the t See IDAPA 3 I .01 .01 .066. Page - I AMENDED JOINT PETITION OF AVISTA CORPORATION AND KOOTENAI ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE, INC. Agreement executed on August 21,2014. The Agreement and the First Amendment to the Agreement are attached hereto as Attachment A. l. Names and Addresses of Petitioners Avista Corporation l4l I East Mission Avenue Spokane, WA99202 Kootenai Electric Cooperative, Inc. 2451 W. Dakota Avenue Hayden, Idaho 83835 -0278 Nature of Businesses Avista is a corporation created and organized under the laws of the State of Washington with its principal office in Spokane, Washington. Avista is an investor- owned utility engaged in, among other things, the business of generating, transmitting, and distributing electric power to wholesale and retail customers in Idaho and Washington. Avista also provides natural gas service to custorners in Idaho, Washington, and Oregon. As such, Avista's rates, charges, services and practices are regulated, in part, by this Commission. KEC is electric cooperative with its headquarters in Hayden, Idaho, that will own and operate a landfill gas electric power generating facility located at the Kootenai County Solid Waste Facility near Bellgrove, Idaho ("Facility"). The Facility is capable of generating up to approximately 3.2 megawatts of energy. The Facility is a Qualifying Facility pursuant to the Public Utility Regulatory Policies of Act of 1978 ("PURPA"). 3. Names of Representatives All communications, pleadings, and orders with respect to this proceeding should be directed to: Page - 2 AMENDED JOINT PETITION OF AVISTA CORPORATION AND KOOTENAI ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE, INC. For Avista Corporation: Steve Silkworth Manager, Wholesale Marketing and Contracts Avista Corporation 1411 E. Mission Ave., MSC-7 Spokane, WA99202 Phone: 509-495-8093 Fax: (509) 495-4272 E-mail: steve.silkworth@avistacorp.com For Kootenai Electric Cooperative, Inc.: Doug Elliott General Manager 2451 W. Dakota Avenue Hayden, Id 83835-0278 Phone: 208-292-3227 Fax: (208) 209-0427 delliott@kec.com Michael G. Andrea Senior Counsel Avista Corporation 1411 E. Mission Ave., MSC-23 Spokane, WA99202 Phone: 509-495-2564 Fax: (509) 777-5468 E-mail: michael.andrea@avistacorp.com Greg Adams Richardson Adams, PLLC 515 N. 27ft St. Boise, lD 83702 Phone: (208) 938-2236 Fax: (208) 938-7904 E-mail: greg@richardsonadams.com 4. Description of Agreement KEC currently sells the output of the Facility to Idaho Power Company ("IPC") pursuant to IPC's Oregon PURPA Standard Energy Sales Agreement ("Oregon PPA"). KEC has claimed a force majeure event due to its inability to deliver the output of the facility to IPC due to a transmission line outage caused by a wildfire. IPC has accepted KEC's claim of force majeure and, on August 14,2014, consented to KEC selling the output to Avista for the period August l5 through August 24,2014 (see Exhibit H to the attached Agreement). The Agreement is a power purchase agreement under which KEC will generate and deliver the Net Output of its Facility to Avista's electric system on an as-available basis, and contained an initial Term from August 15,2014 through August 24,2014. For the Term of the Agreement, Avista will purchase the Net Output of the Facility that is Page - 3 AMENDED JOINT PETITION OF AVISTA CORPORATION AND KOOTENAI ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE, INC. delivered to the Point of Delivery. Avista will purchase such Net Output (up to a maximum of 10 aMW) pursuant to Schedule 62 of its Idaho tariff at the lesser of (i) 85 percent (85%) of the Powerdex hourly Mid-Columbia index, or (ii) the applicable rate based upon the On-Peak or Off-Peak Avoided Cost Rates For Non-Fueled Projects Smaller Than Ten Average Megawatts - Non-Levelized in effect on the Effective Date ("Avoided Cost Rates"). 5.The First Amendment to the Agreement After execution of the Agreement on August 15,2014, KEC became aware of an updated transmission line outage notice that will result in extended curtailment of KEC's ability to deliver and sell to tPC beyond August 24,2014. IPC consented to KEC selling the output to Avista for the period of August l5 through August 31,2014 (see Exhibit A to the First Amendment). Avista and KEC therefore executed the First Amendment to the Agreement on August 21,2014, which amends the Recitals and Section 4.1 to extend the term of the Agreement through August 31,2014. The First Amendment to the Agreement does not change any other terms of the Agreement. 6. Joint Request for Approval Avista and KEC jointly request that the Commission issue an order (i) accepting the Agreement, without change or condition, with an effective date of August 15, 2014, (ii) accepting the First Amendment to the Agreement, without change or condition, with an effective date of August 2l ,2014, and (iii) declaring that all payments made by Avista for purchases of energy under the Agreement be allowed as prudently incurred expenses for ratemaking purposes. Page - 4 AMENDED JOINT PETITION OF AVISTA CORPORATION AND KOOTENAI ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE, INC. Respecttully submitted this {O^rof August, 2014. AVISTA CORPORATION %rubPwwt Michael G. Andrea Senior Counsel Kootenai Electric Cooperative, Inc. Page - 5 AMENDED JOINT PETITION OF AVISTA CORPORATION AND KOOTENAI ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE, INC. ATTACHMENT A TO AMENDED JOINT PETITION Power Purchase Agreement Between KEC and Avista FOWER. PURCHASE AGREEIIENT BETWEEN KOOTENAI ELECTRIC OOOTEBATIIIE, NC. AIIID AVISTA CORBORATION 1. DEFINITIONS 2. WARRANTIES 3. CONDITIONS PRIORTO COMMERCIALOPEMTION 4. TERM OF AGREEMEI{T AND COMMERCI,AL OPBRATION DATE 5. NETOUTPUTAMOUNT$ 6. SCEBDUUNG 7, PURCHASE PRICBSAND PAYMENT 8. INSUMNCE 9. CURTAITMENT,INTERRUPTION OR REDUCTION OF DBIIVBRY 10. OPERA-TIoN I I. INIERCONNECTION AT.ID TRA}.ISMTSSION 12. FORGEMAJEURE 13. INDBMNITY T4. ASSIGNMENT 15. NO UNSPECIFIED THIRD PARTY EBNEFICIARIES 16. DEFAULTANDTERMINATION 17. DISPT'TE REIOLUTION 18. RBLEASEBYSBLLER 19. GOVBRNMENTALAUTHORITY 20. SEVERAL OBTIGATIONS -4. -7" -8- -9- -9- -10- -10 - - 11- -L2- - 13. -t4 - -14- -15- -16- - t6- - 16. -17 - -L7 - - 18- -18- -2- 21. IMPLBMBNTATION 22. NON-WAIVER 23. AMENDMENT 2{. CHOICB OF IAWSANDVBNUE 25. HBADINGS 26. SEVERABILNY 27. COI'NTERPARTS 28. TAXES 29. NOnCES 30. SURVIVAL 31. EhITIREAOREEMEI{T EXHIBIT A BXHIBIT B HffiIBITC EXHIBTTD EXHTBIT B EXHIBITF E'ffiIBIT C EXHIBIT H -18. - 18. -18- - 18. -19- - t9- -t9- - t9. -t9- -19- -20- -3- NOWER PURCSASE AGREEITEI{T Thts Agreemcnt is modc by and betrryeen Avista Cgrpomtion, a Vi/ashingtorl co.r-por-ation (,{vista'), and Keotonai Ehctrio Cooponilve, Inc. an ldatro corpordion ("Sellcrb). Avi*a and Sollcr are mmelimoc refcnd to irdividudly as a'Pa*f' and cojlcctlvcly as the 'iPartias." NEflTAI.s \trr.IEREA.S, Sellcr oums, operatw and msbtdns a 3.2 MtV armephtc capaoity fExpeated Crpcgity') eloptic powcr Ban€rating fhcility ("FacilE) d fire lftotensfi Couqty Solid Wasrc facility ncar Bcflgoro, Iddho, as norc futiy Aoccrtboa in Exhibit C; and WHEREAS, Sell* will opcratc the Facility as a Quilifying Faoilittt qs dcfinGd by tttc Public Utiltay REgulatory Policies Act of l97S flPURPA'); ard IVI{FIEAS, Scller sollr tho output of thc Fadlity b ldatro Pourcr Conrpony pururaut to a powerpurchasa at&omont ('IFC PPA') filad wllh trc OfegonP$ligUtllities Comnirsion, b{t drp m o<tonuting oinumgarrces ir oureirtty unable to dcl'iw:r tlrc output ofthe facillty to ldaho Poupr Conpsny undarthat IPC PfA and WIIEREAS, SEllor and IPC have q$E€d to suspend the IPC PPA, ard IFC has consented to Seller scllirg thS Net OWur of ilre Facillty to Avista, thoWh AugWt 24, 2014, and Avish has agrcod to purchase thc Nct O$prd gonerated by the Facillty on a noh-firm as awilable bosis during through Au8u$t 24, 2014 (such suryenpion and co.nscnt is memodalized in Exblbil H); and WHEREAS, Sellsr will dellvor and sell, and Avista will pu.rphqse. Net OuSS gpnqated by the Fadlit-y m an non-firm as avrilablc basis subject tO the tcrms of tris Agreemenfi ad WHEREAS, Seller and Avista aru parties to the lntortonndion and Operatlng Agrcerncnt dated Novcmber 15,201I (Avista ConE.acr No, AV-TRI l-0205-l) ('lntenconnoction and Operatiag Agreemcnt'); srd WHEREAS, Sollo and Avisa arc parti* to the Fasilitics for Integnjion md Oporatipn of Fighting Croek Fapiliry l*tter.A,gr-eernent datcd Deoembor 5, 201I (incorpordd as Exhlbit G) wtrioh ee$ for{r the segpe of wp*, and re$ondbilitiss of thc Psrties rcgqdiry ttp conghrction ard irutallatlon of thc Partier' rsrpoctirac &citities fbr the intcgration arii opcfution of Sdler's Facility. NOW, TIIEREFORB in oqsldoratiur ofthe mrrtual agrcements st forth trercirL the Parties agrac as follows. l. IlErrrYfTIorIE Exeept as otherwise dofired in ttris Agreement, whmermused in this Agreenrent and cxhibls horcto, thc following ternrs shali havs the following mornings: -4- l.l t'AgH$f,'tnpsnp this Porrcr P$dusc AgrccmeRt, includingall exhihts, and rny writtcn arnendments. l2 "@ &allhavplhe mornfugprovided in$ection lI.2 of this Agrcernent ud ia furthcr clilificd h Bdribit C of&ia fuieement. 13 "Agg[hf$gp|St" means Sooe sGrviss th* aro nGccssary to sqryoil the transmission ofcopnolty ad emryy ftom cerourpc.s to loada whib maintrinftry rcliable oporadon ofthc eloctrical sy$qns in accmdsiloe wilhP'rudent Utilrty P.ndrces and $ry oristir-rg 6i fu1qre wEcc l.{ ',Ayglhd.Qg$81&[" duill have tho meaning providod in Section 7,3 of this Agroement. 1.5 trrlsfltt mcans arqlago mqgnwat(s). An arrerage megpwatt is ealculatod by div!{fuB lh€ tdal gegxqtiorr ln }{Wh ovor a gi'rod p$iod of timc (0,g,, a ealenrdr monthJ by the nunbea of horrc in fiat pcriod of tirne. 1.6 @ mcaos an clcouical slrutem or syste -nrs boundd by imcrconrrcction mderitg and tclomctry, capablc of controlling gencration to mairtain its intoclrangc schodule tryiilr dher Bdancing Authcity Arcas end omtibuting to fr.equarcy rcgulation of the intmnectbn A Balancing Authuity Arca mrst bc certified by the ap,plicabtc reliabiliry oouncil ($ch $ WECC or othcr reliebtlity courrcil). l.T "Egg-Eggry,! mcans all monfiy N4 Oilput e!rcept Na Output tftat is Brc€ss Enorgy. 1.8 *DldBLDry" meqns ovory day qflpr fhm a $atuday or Srrnday or a natiolral holiday. National holidays shnll bo those holidays obscrvcd NBRC. 1.9 "Gggg$lqg" melns ttrc ldaho hrblic Uti[ries Cornmission, or its succe6ryr. I.10 "&ffi&-Dtb" shall ha.vs the rueantng providcd in Soe,tion 4.1 of tlus Agecment. 1.ll *E$cri.Epgry" shall have the rneaoiqg providod in Section ?.4 of this Agrconrent. l.U "!Elpg]g|-Spgg|[" chall havc the meaniag providod in 0re rcciuls of this Agrcemcnt. 1.13 "gng$!S" meansthe electrio €ncryy gonsrrting facilitid, inoludingall oquipnrcnt ard structurEs necessry to gfncrato and supply dectrlc encrgy, trore prtioularly dewribed * ExhibitC. -5- l.l4 "[gi![S.Qg[Uf'mcrns ttre copability andelecftic osergy gmr*edbythe Faclltty exprressod in kllou,att{ours. 1,15 "W moans tlrcolechic oneqy gpnerffed and uscd by the Fapility durtrU its o,ptmtip.n to opcqte equipmcnt lhal ls audliaryto primarygeireration equipment inctding but not limitod to, purqpirp, gpntrator Gxchtetioru oooling or other o,pentionr rclatad o ttc prodrrction of otcorric encrgy hy thc Faollity. l.16 "[gry.!&[Sf{ Satt baw the rneoning psovidod in Soction 12 ofthis AgrocmcnL l.l7 '3gIBg,' meqne the Fedcral Enorgy Roguldory Cqmmission, or its suoces$or. l.l8 "Irffiel ftqaelo Dcttrmipftrqnl shall have thc meming provided tn Section 3.4 ofthisAgreeurent 1,19 qSrcornontbotu,Bcrt and Avishor rBeatlq, as EppllcablQ, &s [Bhtlty tlrat is providing intproormscrion rervicc ufijefi govemg how the N.d qrtput ip delivcred to Avigta's or tts Tranrmitting Entity's clectrical system at the polnt of intetcorurostion durilg tho Torm of thig Agrccorent Bnd ttrgt is rttaplrsd lrercto as Exhibit F. Ln '14gE" tncilrs the loss of electical emgy expressed in kilounts hours (kwh), inoludfug ffrc M@r loprtion Adjusnnent Faotor ("MLAF') as @cribgd in ecotion 7,2, occrrning as a rcsuh of dre tansforsradon and hansmltsion of cnergy botween the point of intcrconnection on Scltar'o ay$ern and the Point of Dcli.vcry. 1,21 *tr[$" mca.ns rrogawatt. One thousaod kilonatts quals one mogawatt. l,t r'![XUE'r meaul megawatt-hour. One thouand kilowatt-hours eqrnls one rrcgawatt-hour. 1.2.3 "MrlkL&fru-Ede" ment thc Marta Rate as dofinod in Sohedule 62. 1,24 "W means the maximutn genetating copacity of the Facility, as detqnrlnd by the mirnufactwgr, and bxprerspd in kilowatts (kW). 1,25 :NEBC" meam theNorth Americarr Eletric Rsliability Corporation or its $EOCXNOr. 116 "!!glpU@ft moans tho capability and eleclric cnorgy genaatcd by ffre FaoiUty, less Facility Ssvice Powor and [o$es, that is dolivcred to ths Point of Delivery, or d the Aftornstc Point of Delivory if qpplieable under Scation I1.2, exprc.ssed in kilowut.hous. Net Output is ftrrthsdesctibed in Sootion 7.2. 1.27 "9${g!B'mqns allhours other than On-Feak hours. -6- tJ8 t9&B!lkD means 0re hours snding 0700 throtrgh 2200 Paoific Prerailirrg timo, Monday ihruugh Sumihy, inoludiry ndionll holidays. |,il, ".8gEt tf" naans Ib lopdiott as spooificd io E ddbit C of 0ris AgrEcEeot, whcre th6 decfiic €nergy po&rc{ by tho Fadlity rs deliverd to Avjrtr's eloctrical E6lcm. nerns thc practices, meffodr, and aats e.I"rtnody cneiqoqlng sqd opcr.'doq! ty a rtErif,cmt porthp of the oleotio poryer gwrgion and tranrmis$ion induscJ, ln dD oxehise of rydsopp$o judguent in tlp light of tlro faets tnovtrr dr th'd slrpuld hrve hoea knovnr fr the timc a dccision was mcdo, ttt e U*[of tho iaets tnovtrr dr th'd slrpuld hrve hperr krovnr m the timp .a deoision was mcdo, that wouldhavcboonexpeocd to aocomplislrttrc derird |.osultinIn|rtricroortcls&ntwilh law regulrtiog rglhbillty, safoty, environmentrl prcbaimrh economy, od ex,podition. l.s0 ardordnrily l3l '9nd$&g.EtC&l or'p$ mEam a Eqlontiry frcittty urhich rucets thc roqwrerrrerts far rcF- Satus under PUBPA ind pryt 29l of FBRC'c Rogulations, 18 C.F.R. Parl 29, and which lus obtdned certification ofiB QF ihtus. l,r2 iqschcduls 62'msory $chsdule 62 of Avista's ldaho trriff, as may be amended fiom time to timo. l.$ "Ttrrl" shall harrc the meaning provided in Section 4,! ofthis AgcemGnt. 13t,'Igq4gs@.E[SE' msans any ortity or entiries includifig $pllcr ttrat provide trmsmission and/or itrcraorurssisn pervice to dolivcrelpotric cnersr from the Fapility to Avisti:s slGctri"al cygtcm at ths Pojnt of Detirryry or at the Ntemgtc Polnt of Dslivery if ryticable under Scction I1.2. For prrypose of thls egecnle$ So[cr is fie Tnnsmttting htity. f .35 *!f,Elgg" meanE thc West€m Electricity Coordinatirg Council or itg suqceqsqr. WARRANTIES 2,1 I*o Mlrtr+* F,v.Avbr* AvigE filakes rc r,v.urantioq cxp,rpsscd or inplie( regqrding any aspsct of $olter'a dcslgu rpecifioations, equipuront ot faOilltlos, imMin& but not llmitod to, sa&ty, drr{hility, relirbility, sburggll, capqaity, adequacy ercconomh feadbiHtn and ary rwiow, aoccp&rnce or fallut to rwierr Soller's &sjgn, snecifiGstionS, equiprnont or Facility shlll npt bs nn onilqqF$neil s6 6 po.nfim1ation by Aviua. Avtista assunles no rrrporulbility or obligation with rogrud to any NERC and/or WECC rglisbility etandard aryociated witb ttre pqcflity or ths delivery of ohcrrio cnclBy fmm the Faoillty to trc Point of Ddtrrcry or at tho Akenratc Point of Dclivery if applicable under Secrion t 1.2. Ll $dlctr lYarrrnty. Soller warrants and roprescnts hat (a) Sellcr has invesdgatod and tldormlncd thrt it ir cepablo of performin$ and will pqrform thc obligations hercunder ad has rrot rcli€d upon the advior, expaience or orpertiseof A,vista in conrrection with the Eansaotions contemplatod by this Agreomen$ 0) all ptofessionals ard experts -7- including; but not limited to, aoginssr attorngrs oraocountm\ tha Sellcr m4y harrp oonsulted or ralied on in unilertaking tte transaptlons mntcmpletd by tlris fuiperupnt hrve b.oclt sols.ty thosc of Seller; (c) Scllcr will comfly with all qpplicahle hurs and rogularions ard glull obtrin ard.eot-Tp-ly wlth flplhable,liopnsos, pgnits rnd ryprowb ln ttre rtssigo, gg|ntnrction, opergion and maint&nncc ofthe Faoitity; end (d) ttrc Focilig l* ad dt[ilg tre Tffrn ofthtq Agrpeqrent witl rcmai$ aQuoli&mg Frciiityql that terrur ic uscd in tt Cf.n part Zl2. Sdterts fdlure to ryinfisis ausli$ing f€0"ilily{$atrF wltt be a rn*etial ht-moh sf thir A$cBscpt Ayisf rrcstws ffrc riglil b revtew the Bdlc's QuaHflng Fmility shtus and associ*od support and ooopliance docun€nio at lnftmc 4rIU {E Torm of thif Agrcwnent. Sels fnfu wqffia[h foi Sollcr's lioauoq pernrie md mmvnls u rd Mr in Soction 3.l a&orrc arc lealtv trnil valtdtv lssled, pc hcld in ftc lagrg of tfr &llo$ ryrd Sqller ic in subdatrtial oomplianco wifi rrid pomrits" Selter furdrq wanars and rcpfoscnts thd Seller and ldaho Powcr Cornpony have agreod to ruopond ttra IPC PPA an{ thd lddto Fowu Cqm.paCIy has qonqtod to $ollcr rcUing tho Nct Output to Avlsta as set forth inthls Agrcemont. 3. CoNprTrptrsPRI,()RTOjP$IrIVEBYo,r,NEJ.gtryu,T 3.1 Liqronro!.PGrmlbrnd Anq|trnk. PriortottredelivcryofanyNotOryilb Avisra, Scller ohi[ $$mfit o Avista writtcn poof0rat atl limes,.ps-nritg or apprornls nccossry for $cllor'g- operEtioru hrye bcon obtainod fiom rylicable fbderal ddc, fibal ot lqcd Erdrqddes, ircluding,btfinotlimit€dto,ovidcnoeofcorrylianoewithSubparta,lSC-F,R i}g}2fil,vtbll, satc urd local h$ing$ liccnses, pcnnif, casqns, lzues md 0ll r--oquired ryprovals by tho Commissitn; Avi*a and Sellet shdl co-ap€r$o in paltioning the Commission for any rcgdrcd gpprovals. t.Z Iidcnqdeut,FnCncflflrg,Cqft[icalbns; Priq to tho delivery of eny Net Output to Avistra Seller shall srbmtt to Avisa Oent Engirr€cirg Certincadons for (a) and &) Opersio.ne and Maintcrranpe Polic!, fuConshrcfion Adequney br a Quqllfiing Faoiltty, and (b) Op$Sq,ngad Maintcnanoe Polfory for a QrBli&fuBfacility as dosptiH tn corrmission ffier No. 2l6q0 EEoh lrdEpondcnt Engitrocdr.E Cdficatlqp $all be sknd bv a ftceorod sofossirnal oncinpq in mod Etadinc qrbmited in aCor,tificatlon Sall be nignd W a liccnssO pofcssicral ongincor in gopd *ading submiucd in a fom scqrytablEto Avista aod witl acknmrtledgothat &c liccnscd pofessiaal egircerrGod€rjry the ofldon rniter$autc hfrt Aviito is rclying on said opinton. AvhH's acccptanoc of such'fonns stun rpt be tllreaqqmUy wi$ilrol{" $eller shall degign and opcrEG 0rc Facility in a the Nct Ortput doee nst excopd 10 rMW in 3,3 manncr suoh t'h8t under normal any oalcndar mo.nth. Prior to dolirrcry of any Net Outpug Sellor shall submit to Avish the marfium horuty gonGrstionoapf,b.ility ofthe Facilily flntliol Cspooity Deter_mingfion), Such lnithlCryaoity lleterminatloo shall bodotcrnrined by uspof thpNerngplate Cppgchy!"a1ing and drall be doqmented fld submitled to Avista by Sells. $uolr docurrrentation shall inolude ttre infotmation list€d in Exhiblt E" Upon rocolpt of Seller's Initial Capaalty Detorminatior\ Avista -8- will Eview suph dstqmination wlthin a rcasonoblo time eq4 if rccaptfrble lq Avislo, Avieta ahall issuc to Sc[or its writh apprcval of the Initid Clpaeity Detd]minrtion. If tho Inidal qnpqclty &tqr.in*ipo iltbtrtuod by Sellet ig trot oecoptrble t0 A.vlsh, Avista will ptamsty mtify Seller that Avirta wlll not Ecccp its Ldtial ity &lsrminilta& [ ruch gysi, eyi$a Srn[ qrgrgo, at $oller's sole.opglre, an irdcpoqftentqusliffcd oosulhnt o daprmlnc thc Inttial Cnpqcity Octqnrtrqion Dudng thc !E.rr of this Agrgtment, Sollgr slra[ not cqrsp thc pap{plty of i}rc Facllily to bo qr;rtrr ttun thg Inidal &pacity Detcmrinatiotr W any mern$, inohdigrg by addition, rygrde er rcphcfmcotof mI twbincs. 3.4 Isthooveffthd rtoFrcility is locatcd ouBidc of Aviets's Balanciry Authorlry A$p, S ttcoO-sSAry Arcillary Stt ioes. lcrthdl be rcryondbleaiB sole prpem$forobmining qnyd aU $ctlcrslull dmoumte tts compliancc wifi thb Swtion pdor o the dcliwry of any Nct o$hut to Avista 35 @gg. hiortothoddiveryofarryNctorQuttoAvish, Sellerehall suhhitto Aviste svidenco oicoif,iarre with Soaion S,.Insurenpa 3.6 N4orkXosourco DGtlgnrffon. At Avista'c rcqucst, Scllcr shall prcvlde to Avista all daa rcquircd by Avlda to en&le ths Faciltqy b bc dosignatsd by AVista as a notumrk rEsout'Go. X Wrtf.tcn Acccforne. Prio: to tlrc dolircry ofany Nd0rtpil to Avi.it& Sdter shall rqu€st md obtrin lhqr Avisa unifr$ mnfimslion tE all cqrditons to accepaw of clectic otrerg;/ hrvs b€cn fulfflhd. Avisla shall usc rcasonabb oommercial cfforh to promptly provtdc Selhr writt*r cmfinnatiorr thtt all oorditionq to qgoeptarre of elcCIig enerry havc bcen firlfilhd or povidc noticc ilrst 6rdl mdtionshave notboen fi,lfttlud. 4. TEqMOTAGREEMENTANDCOMMBRCTALOFEMTTONpATE {.1 This Agrosnent shsll be c,{festive orr thc drto last sig$ld below or srch othcr dab set by Conmission order (thc "Eftcive Date") and shall continn until August 24, 2014 ("Torrn'). 42 The Parties a$!o that thb Agrocment wlll be oonstrued in accordrueo -wi&SooJion 210 of PLJRP.A and other applicable laws rnd rcgulaions, Thir Agreemcnt sMl bccome fmally offective upon thc Cornmissionls approval of all tsrms md provisions herein without change or con{i6on nrd dochffion that all paymcnb to h madc to Scller hsrcundor shsll be allorryod as pnrdartly incuned Exponscs for rarcmalcing purpo*rs. 5. (Rmorred) -9- , II I 6. SCHEIpUIING 6,1 Sellor will m*e rpespn&le pff,orts to aostapt Arim Real-Time Scbdder to updtte Aviitt Real-fime Sohdula regffding arry rc,tredule ectiru-tps for gonention, ot@e tirnoframcs/&r-dioq $d rctu$ b servioe ogimotes. 62 Emdl soaEptlnformaflop with rqgffd tosehedulirganiltolqhone oontaot informatlon ufrh E$rd to golrordion chang"s, intenuptione orgutages are ryagiffcd in Erhiblt A, Communietiorr ed Rqs-tirg. 7. PURcHA$EqBrcffiflAIrpPAyrrEr{,r 1,1 Bxocpt when .slihcr Psr-ty'e pgf-ormarra, is eficrrsd 0s providcd hor€in, for he Tsnr of this Agroomonti So[ar qhall 0otiver all tlet Output ftom tlp Fanllity to Avis-tr at tbo Point of Dolivqy, m at ihe Altemtc Point sfDslivtry ifapplicable rurder Section I1.2. For all Nct Output doli /€r€d to AviSe at the Point of Deliwry, or gt tho f\lErnatc Point pf Ddlwry i.f appticablc undsr Ssotion I t.2, Avista shall pay the applicablc rab specifiod in Sostiom 7.3 and 7.4 ofthisAgtwrent. 72 Nft Oirhqt Net Qutptrt shsl! be det€rildwd by measuring tho Facility Output and ioducing thal mrounl by Facitity Sqvttc Poq,pr and the Mb-tcr Locaion A{iurt ,ment Factor (*MLAF) which is tb prodrst of all applioable loss fac*ors for the disribution systrrn, hansfomBtion and tnnrmision systeur betweon tlrc melg[ing point md the Point of Delivery. Net Output shall be elculated ln occordoncc wtth the followirg formula: Not Output = (Faoility Outptrt) - (Fncilitr $ervice PoryFl l MLAfMLAF= I -(DistritutionLinelomFaaorof0.0203) + (Da$Gr Transfbmer No Lold Loss of Q,0030) + (Dourer Transformer Lmd Loss of 0.001 0) + (tprnsmision UneLoesof 0,0005)JMLAF= I -0.0248 [{IAF = 0.9752 73 B,rrp Emrcv. Forall Bare Enorgy &liverodto Avisuat thc Point of Dolivory, or at the Alternate Poirrt of Dslirery if npplicablo ruider Sgqiqn l 1.2, Avi$h Sall pay Sollm the lcssr of (i) ttrc suntnt monlh's Martet Ener'gy Rlte or (ii) tr gpplicable rfie bqsd rpqrt thc On-PaEt or Off.Fedk Avoitled Cost katcg For Non-Fueld Projects Srnallu Than Ten Awrage Megawatts . Non"l*vellzcd in eftct on the Effcctioc Date ("Avoided Cost Rates*) rs speoified in Exhibit D. 1.1 E+oerl Epc|lv. Excese Ensgy is Not Output, oxpcsgd in MWh, whldr Seller dclivers to Avi*r * tlre Polnt of Dalivoty andor et the Alte*nate Point olDclivery if applicable under Scction I 1.2 that excccds l0 aMW in a calcndar Month. Avista, at its sofc disorcnion, may acolpt Excess EtFlBy, hrt Avistt will not pey for Eny E:rcers Enorgy. Wtmre Avlsta does not elect to accerpt Exooss Energy, and Scller deliver.c suclr enugy afternotificatio-n by AvisU in accodancs with Brhitit A, $sller oMl pay Avi$a liquld*od damagBs equat to $100 per MWh of Excsss Energy delirrered to Avista. The Partics agree that the darnages that Avlsta would -10- incur due to Seller'c dolivery of Excecs Eruggt whcp Avisff docs not elest to acpap Excess E rcrgy Vrould be.diffforlt or lrnpossiblc to Egdict wilh certairily ud the ftqutd4tod daqtrups contonplateil by ffris ppovision are a frir ard rcqson&lo calculdiou qfs$h darnages and arc not a penalty. 7.6 Povnftti b $Btler. Avi$a shall prlparp rnd subndt to Sqllcr monthly stat€mo$ durine the TsmoftcegrE€mcrfr bared uponNotOrtputddivered b Avista dtring tho proviolo month. Pqymoqts ourcd,by Ati$h Fha[ bo pdd oo later hsnthe lSrt dry ofth tnonth ftUowing tho end of tho tnonthlll billfo6 pcrtod or firr dep ofror tlre,podpt of e unrrthly shtomqf ulhickw ls lah(. If flre fiE drte ftlls on r aon$Einsgs Day, thcn thp payrn€ff shall bo duo on the rpxt BuSiuosi Dly. 7S Prvmonb io AvLtr rnd Rid of $et Off. lf $ellor is obligatod to rnakc any pa),mcm or refuid to A!/isE, Soller agrpes lfint Aviqa may sst offs:rroh paynrent or pfind anotrtagainstaqycNrc[qrfrrurcpgruelt*dues,eltqtndnrErhAgrcorrcnt tfAvlstadoes not dcct to Ect otr, or if no ourrcn! c .ure pr. . rfr is gwd by Avigtl, AvisF ghall snrbmft ao inrroloe to Scllen for strch prymcnb. Scllor rhall pay Avish no htcr thm thc l5& dry of thc morrth followirrgthc ond of themonfrlybillin8period or fve ftys aftortlre rcceipt of amonthly statarrre$, w]rishovor is lrter, Ifths duc date falls on a rron-Bushqs Dan then tb poympn! shall be du€ on thg rrext Brryinesi Day. 7,7 Intoryrt !nadditimtother-cmcdies sot forth in Section 16 ofdrisAgrccment, any amounts owing after thc due ddo qpecifid in Soctions 7.5 rild 7.6 will be eubjqd to interest inthe anount of one eod ole [alfperfcot (1.5%) pqr month" not to oxocpd the maximun rate allowed by the krr, mulliplied byfte $!pid bahrce. 7t lYip,TrtErfq. Al! pryncnts Sa[ bc made by ACII or wire transer h accordanse with fiutlrcr ggrsoment ofthe Partlm. 8. IN0UMNCE 8.1 lryqrnp Prior lo opgraring thc Facility, Soltq, at its onm cos! shall obtain and malntain the followlng insurance in fgroc orti the tom of this Agreomont EIrd shall provide certi&alos of all iruur-arrae polioios. All ,in+nance polioioe rcgrircd to fulfiU the Equircmcnts of this Soction E shall tncldc langucgc Jcquirrng &ar any notiao of ctucsllqtion or notice of ctrange in pohcy tcnrrs bc sml to Avish bV thp insurance crrior(s) rr l€ast sixty days prtor to any drstrge or tcrmirntion of tho policies. 8.1.1 Gpor'rl lldtttv. Ssller shall crry o(mmcrcialgeneral liability lnsuranco for bodily injury and property damme with fr mininruln limit eqrral to $2,@,009 for crch opo![rc$oc. Tho deductlblo shall not exooed the Scller's financial abtlity tro @rrer Olaims and {hll not bc gt€ctei thnn prewilug praslces for rimilar opcrations in the sCIts of lddro, t l,2 Pqperfv. Sellcr shall oarry rll-risk prop$ty insur"anoe for;ppair or roplocement of thc Facility. The limit of property insumrcc shall be sufficicnt to rpstorc -n- opffations in ttrc went of reacombly forcgeasble lp$pe from ruluml, opcral[onal" msclranical and hurnan'caned poils. The dcductiHc shall not rxceod ths Sellcr's financhl ebility to ft$C thp coet of losqcs ud pbll not be $ater than prwailitrg practiocs for simiiar operrtiona tn thc Stltc of ldaho. t,!.3 ogt!ffv# lnsnlrnto. T .he futstlraopq Qovemgo ryqui&d by this Sectio.n 8 shall beobhined from m fuimrfirco oomfny roacdrably ecoptable to Avr'en ahd rhs[ irelde an grdorclrn€m naml$ Avi$r w .,irnOiitorrtinnreO ua hor pt}rcc u applicrblo. 8.1.4 Notlco of L4lr or Lqrg-e oflnnrIlrrs bv Sollcr. Ifthe insururce covoragotequhod by lhis Section 8 b lost or hpsfor any rcasorL Sellerwitl iqrrsdiately noil& Avigta in uniling of stlch loq m lryqe. Sucfi noHce shcll edvl$e Avlola of (i) thc reasqr for such losc or lqpse anil (ii) the qcpg $ollcr is hking to replace or reilstatc gvqugp. Notioe pr-ovidod b.y rlre insrcr roquirpd lov Setio+ 8.t shell not sdisfy the norice rcquitwicd ofthis $cotion rnd Selhr's frfiuro o provlde the Do{pc rcqulrcd by this Sect.lon and/gr to ptrompdy replacc or rcinstate covcragc will mnSihrtc a matcriil he0& of this Agr"cqrnont, E2 For the Term ofthis egrocmonq $cller will povide Avtsta wifh flro bliowtng: 8r.l lHurrnca. Upqn Aviste's rcquost, Sollgr stn[ pnovide Avtsta evidsnoo of compliaoce with the povisions of Section 8.I . If Sdler faile to comply, zuch failure will be a material breach and may only bc curod by So.ller pnnptly supplyirrg evifuc& that ttrc rcquircd insurore oorrcrage has beem rophced or ruinsarcd, 83 l"*?nfq md Fsr,n&. Durirry the Tcrur of &iS Agraeqpnt, Scllcr slxll mqintain cornpliancc wtth atl pqnis md licons!6 dosoribed in Seotitm 3.1 of thh furoctnont. In addition, Seller will obtnin, ad mpply Avista wilh copiee oS my new or addilionil permits or liws that rmy be reguired Or Selhr'r opcmtions. If at my tlme Sdlor frib to mhintain complimo tilith th$ pcrrrits and limqos d€sqiibed in Seo$on 3.1 o.r *ris Soqtian, or to p,ovide documentallon rcqutrcd by 0ris Sec'tion, sugh falluro will be a mdprial breaeh of this Agocurent that rnay only bs ourcd by Seller $&trritting to Ayiffi ovldenco of qom.ptianoG. 9. CIIRTAILMEil\IT. IIffENRITETTON OR REDIreflON OF DELIYENY Avista may rcquire Sollpr to curtall, interrupt or raduce delivo;y of Not Output if; in accqdance wlth Sec$m I0.E, Avish deternrineq tht curtailmsnt, intomrption or rqdrrctiom is ncccssary becrusc of r Force Mqieurc Gvgrit or to ptot$t pd.ffi fi troperly hm inirrry or daruqgs, or hega$sg'of qnprBensios, rccossary sysHn'malteuanco, sysbtn rnorfffio*bn or spccial qpodlng circumslaqtrs. Avista shall rrsc commoclelly reasomnble eflorts to ke4p any period of curtailmont, intcrruptioni or reduction to a minimum. In order ngt to interfcre unrpasonqbly with Sellcr opq.rdions, Avig.raSqll, to the et(@tpmodgal, give $ellcrreasonable prior notie of any curtailmeu! interruption, or redugtion, the rearon for its occunencc Erd its probable duntion. Sellor undcr*arde and agrees tftat Avlsh may not bc able to provlde noticr to -l2- Seller prior to intcrnrplion, cufiailmont, or rudustim of cloctioal onergy rhlivcrice to Avista in cmerggncy circumfrnBeg, rcaLtimc operations of &s eleotic sy.rten, and/or turplanned cveNtts, r0. otqBAr,IpN, l0.l CQnmunlerthng rnd R.ooIdru. Avista ad the Sollor strell maintain appopniate op$ling m$mrmioltiqm th(qEb tlre Cornrrsnioatingad Reportlng Guidclincs opecifiod in Bxhibft.A,. 10, Eallrye xlqq 4cmhnGg of pilVW of Flor+v. r0J.t Avhtemay flEtdl' igterqp$, rcducoq urryeddelivwy, rcceiptot aoccptsnce ofNst Ouqut if AvluE" in its inle dircp[ioni rcgsonally detcnnines,tlUt puch curbtlmcnt, in&nrptio, redution or ruspardon ir recssary, consigtsnt wtthPrudent Utility Practice, and tlut tho frihf,o to ilo sa g-tay: (r) qt&nger ey pe,rtoo or prgportyr or Avistr's electric systcm, or rny clochic qrstmwith which Ariibls syS€n is itncrconnocH; (b) cauce, or conttlbutc to, an irnminent eignificant dt$uptrpq of eloctrlc eervice to Avista'e or arrotha rnilitytg suetmas; (c) imorforr wihanymristnrction"installdion, inopoction, tostiqg, ropair, rcplaeomsnt, lmnrcrrynent, altcration, modifrgetiort opcratioo, upo or maintenmce of, or addition io, Avista's dcctric ey$em or odro prgporty of Avisa; or (d) cause, contrihrtE to, or necosdtatr operation of uy of Avista's hydro elcwic pt$c$$ in violition of my ltcqsor,oth"crrW{atory requirmcntr, 10.2.2 Avista shall pronrptly noti$ Sellsr of the nuor.rs for any euoh curtailment, inmtrptiqrL rcduction or ryspcnsion prcvidcd for tn Seatiur t0.2. Avlsta slall uso reuonrblc efforts to limit tlp durfion of any sudl cu&ilmmt intsrrrrption, rcdrrglion or suspcnrion. 103 Sollprtr Rt{c Scller&all dceigt\ oonsfiust, orut,op€rato ad matntain thc Faoility at its oq{! ri* and orpcnse in cqrytarros with all appliclble laws, ordipgnocs, ruloq reguldion, ordsrs and othcrmquitffit€nts, now orhercaftEr ln ofreeq of rny govemmental authority. lOJ Avfuh'r BfufrI to Inroec{. Seller shall pcsnit Avista to inspcst srd eudit th€ Facility, rny rol*od productilm, &livory and rchcdulirg docwn€ntatioo or &e oporuion use or maintonmoc ofthc Faoillty d any reasonaHo tiruo ud upon rcapnable notice. -13- lO.J $nllq Q Ht+rllonr h ltaqr{fncp f$t tndent UtSFv Prmdoe* Scllcr shall orryn, operfiQ pndmainhintho Facility aqd any Solleromed hofiitics haccordspc wilhPrudent [ninty Practiocs. il.o ilITEecQ,NNEcrrpN aryp rR^r{sws$o,N lt:t Sellu Satl mclrc illuecoq'ssryaqr..+g-wmE dpry all poqtstotdcraoqltqq iu Facllity wi& the r,legriool ry$co oflh Tronrmittng Enfity. Aua&cd as Exhibit F la thc lnteocorureclioo and OperdirU agr.cammt. ll.2 h ths svont that Sdlor or Avtsh is raquirod to enilril, lnterrypt or ruduco deliwry ofNA Output to the Point of &!ivory, $eller m+y usg rea$ondblc aqpmsgif,l ctror-t$ to arrargcr at Ssllcr-r solo exlreo$e; for dclivery of Nc* Outprrt ot r ccondry polnt of dclivcry (%lErnste Point of Delilryry'). Avilh will use reasor$lc.cornqFrsiA offorts o aoaeptNcf Ottput at eryh Ahcmats Point of Dolivery; FwtM lrowever,that thc Prtios hrve enablcd ard calablbhGd thc use of cuch Attcrnate Point of Dcliycty psrsumt to Scdloo I I .3. lt3 gsllgr shell bE rcspoffiibh for ury and all coste ad erpcnrs rctrtcd to ilrs transenission ofNet Outf,ut to thc Pqifi of Detfuery or any Alte{niF Poiril of [bliver-,y rmder thls Agrtqrent" tnctuding btrt not llmibd to Ancilluy Servicos and ary coce or orynnsos hrcuned by Avl$a rcflttdogfrom gnnbling ad establi$isgAvistatrabllityto aooeilNA OuOtilatths Polnt of Dolivory *d any Alunqto Point of Delivcry. Sudr oosts ard ogenso shall ircl@o $ose for metcrhg and olhm paralld operation hoiliiics specifiod in Exhibit O. IL FORCE MI..IEURE lal Neilb Party drall bc Hable to the othErParty, or bc coneiderd to bc in trcacU of ordcftultundor0ris Agrrcrrrcu, fordclay inporfornanoe duetoacilse orconditionbeyond such P€rty'! rpaprisble c@tlal wlrhb @ite the p,xenise of rown$le &p dili*qpc, such Party is unrblc to parent or ovsruomc (*Forcc Mqieute"), includirU but noi lfunitcd to: (a) fircr flood, sarthuakc, voloanic activity; eoun oidor and rct.of oivil, military or gwernmcnfirl mthoritv; rtriks, lockout end dher !$qrdiryute; dot, insuXiction, sabotagcorrrrar; $ailicipalod eleuriu! disurbaoce origlnattng in ortarprnitud $rough suoh Purty's elcolrb rystem orany elehh $y$t€rn wiih u,hidl nrch Parttr/r syrtcm is inrcrconnectod; or (b) an actiotr takcn hy suoh Porty which ig, in the sole judgmsnt of s1rolr Party, nccctsa(y or pnr&nt to protect ttre oBetation, perfonnancc, tntogflty, geliatflity or subility of such Pgty's electric Eyctem or eny elcctric qfiqn $,hh whidr ruclr.Parly's elocric sy$cm is imorcomcctod, whGthas such actions ocour altomaticalty or maorully. lle In the qren! of a Forcq Majsure ovent, tre $rng for pcrfurmance sqll be ext$ndd by a perlod of tirnp rcasonably ncce$fry to ovoroome ruch dclay, Avisu shalt not bo roquired to pay for Net Outeu which, m a result of any Foroe MaJeure e\renl, is not delivercd. -14- 123 No{rir8 cst{tnd in this Sectioo s[ul.l;uqrdre aoy Party to sdtle any stsike, loclcout orolhcr labor dirputc. It 4 In thc cvetrt of a Forcc lvldcue evont, tre &l.yud !ar,t-y ghdl provide the othr Partynotiae by hlqil.rulc oremil a$soon esrcamnably practicaUe and writnn noticpwithin fuurQo'ir drys aft6f thc Oa4$rqpe ofthe Foroc Mqlcwe et e[t, Stpb noticc stpH inslude thc nuthulqrs oJl[qosertr]cncc. Thc su{ponsion of pafornrance $r0ll be of n0,giqqtor roope ard tro logorduntiontl4rl isroquiredry the Forrc Mqiarc m.dthcdctaycdParty dtrll usc its bcst cffurts to rwcdy itr irqbility to porfom. 12,5 Forcc t@arrc r$dl ihclu& ruv uqfqr$oen F.t9qldcsl digturbancc that prp-r'ents ury clocsis cnerry dcliveries fr,om oocuning at tho Polnt of lhlirryy md at any AltrrirEte Point ofDdiraery. 13. INIIEMMTY l3.l E00h Pertv rhdl dc&nd, hdcmni& ild IroH hfinless, tte othcr hrty, is directors, offiacrq am.doJrcCg.apd lgent (qs the "lds.mnibp? fnm and rgnirut all chimE dffiards caussE ofr.tiotr"Ju4gmrn*s, liabilitlo md assoqid ruts md expgtqqs (inclding rcasoh$h ottgmqy's feoi) tg th pxten! ui$.bg tgm.or attributablo to thc performQncc or lmn. performance of ttrat pe$y's (is thc i'In&ruritodi) obligctioffi rurdor this AerggmBnt, irrcMing h[ nqt limiH to. &rnige to tgqiblc pmpdy and bodily iqiury or de*h suftrcd b]l ury puron (inchding employees of &Ucr.or AvisJr or the publD, providsd that: (a) No Indcmnitpo s-hlil be indffiurified fotary losq liEtxlity, injrny, ordrmage redting from ite soler&giligcnce gross- nogligence,Ihud orwillfirl misponft+r; md (b) fre Indemnitor shall be cnrtith4 d itc ofliorr, to isswre md controf thc defense and alry sctlement of such suit. Eaoh indemnity rot fodr in this Soction is e codhui.lU obligaliorr, srporate md indcpendcnt of the other obligetlms of each Party and shll smvivc tho cxplntior or tormlnatiorr ofthie Agtcment I3,2 SELLER ANII AVISTA qPECIFICALLY WARNANT TIIAT TtrE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OT TIIE TORE€OING IND.T.ryINITY P|ROVISIONS ANE flIE SUD.IECT OT MUTUAT TMOOTTTTION BY TITE PABTIE$ AND ANE SPECTRICALLI AND E}TFRDSSLY AGREED T-O IN CONSIDENATION OF TIIE MUTUAL BENEFITS IIERIVED UITIDER TTIE TERMS OT TIIE AGBEEMENT. I3.3 EXGETT AS EXPRESSLYPROYID}D HERETN! NETTEER PARTY sUArP EE LI,AEIJE ITNDER ANY PRoVISI0N or "HIS AGREEMENT BoR ANY SPECXAL, INEIREET, INCIDET{TAI+ qONSEQUENTTAI4 OR PUMTIVE DAMAGES, INCLUDING BUTNOT LIMITED TO I.oSS OT PRONT, SAVINGS ON REVDNUE, H)SS Or rHE USE Or EQUIPMENT, CpST OF CAPITAT4 OR COST Or TEMBORARY EQUTPMENT OR SERVTCES, WHEf,REB BA$ED rN WIIOLE OR IN MT)TIIALBENEFITS UNDER IIIE TERMS OT TIIE AGBEEMENT. - t5 - PART IN CONTRACT' IN T9BT' INCLITITING NEGHGENCE STRICT IJTABILITY' OR ANY OTHER TIIEORY OF LIABILITY. 14. Aqsr-G,NMElrrI 1{.1 Soller shall not amign its rigftt* or delegale ftq dufics uder this Agrpamsrt Subjost to thp fueeoing rstristtq\i om asigrynerltr, fris A8trsnrels elrall bc. ftrlly bindtnrg Won,Inurt to ihc bcneftt of and be cnforeeable by the Parties ard thoir rcepootive flr0octso.tsr hoin an{ Kignb. l{.? $pller *all havo tlre ridnt, subjet to lhe obllggtlone ln Sixfion 8, without Avlsts's cohsent, but @h a thlrty days pior wi{tten noUee to Avigr, e rnakp collaleral qssjgl-unents of ito rights rurdcr thic Agrocmont to SsS ttro raquiremenB of any devdoprmcng construction, or olhe rc*fqlablo long tetrr financi.nB. A ollatenl qssigtrmsnt shal!nd constitute a &lcgation of $allcr's obligaHoue under this Agreenrent, and thls Agrmrent ghg[ not bind tlp oollatetgl asiignoc. Any oqllsf-al agsignee sumecdfug to anJ portion of tre orvuenhip intq€st of Scllcr slull bc coqs&hod Sollcr's slcc.csqor in inrest and &!l trcroafrer bs boud W this Agruorrut. 15. IIO UNSPECIFIED IHIRD PARTY BENErIC|ARIES There are no thitd party tnxreficiariee of this Agrccmort, Nothing oqntained in this Agrwnent ie intoqded to confer any right or intercst on Enymr othcr than the Parties, and thcir rcspoctirrc suooesfl)rs, hcirs and assigns pffmittd rnds Sodion 14. 15. I}EFAU,IjT#XDT,ERMINAII9I\ 16.t In eddition to rny other hcael or failrre to perform under this Ageement thu is not othsnrisc orcUsed rm&this Agrccrnent, oaolr ofthe followiry events shall constltute a De$ult: (a) Seller abandorrs ttre Facility; (b) fte Facility ceasas to be a Qualifying Facility; (c) A Farty trecoines insolrtrrt (ag, is rxrabls to rnd its o,blig*ions as thcy. bocome due or its liatilities oxceed iu a$ets); (d) Scllcr makss a goncnal asignmemt of sub*arrtially all of its as-sets hr &e hncfit of its oreditors, frles a petition for bankruptoy or rcorganizdion or seeks otrcr relief undsr any applicablc insolrrency lawo; (e) Sellu hie filcd,qgainst it a petition frr barknrptcy, reorgmization or otrcr relief uodor any applicable insolvcncy laws and tuch potilion is not dismissd or atayed within sixty days aftcr il ls filo4 -t6- (0 $e-llcr is in deflult undor any Agrecment relatd to this Agrcemenq (g) Tcrmtnuion, ooucellation or urpirqtion of any rgrecmcnt Equircd for Ssllcr to dcliver N* QuFttt b Avi$l udsr 6is Agrtcmant inoludfuU but nol ltnited to &e Inerconnecttom and Qeratirg Agrcomos 160. Nodernd Oppo$rd$ tp Cltrl ln ltc gyg$ofs &Sult, tre non:Defadliq Psrt/ ihall giw wrifu notice io ee DefnrEfurg. F-arty of a [hfault h mco.r&nce with Spotion 2J. E (ccpt whrc tlre anplica.ble peion prcrddeo.f e{p rriod for tro pplicablo de&rulq if ec Dcftulting Party lus not crrrcd firG brloch $itldn ttlriy days Efter Ng_slpt of such wrt$e.n nodcp, ttn frol-r.-DofrulirrU ffiy may, d its Wtio& tcr-mirme tHi Agrcamcot afd/or prnuc ury rcmcdy availablctohinlmorequiry;provtde,dtrit,ifa:Dqfrqltasc,rtr-$rtdor'sootiotr$ l6,l(q), t6.1(d) ard/or l6.l(e), A-vhln E !y iuunedi&ly Ermirule &ls Agosnrcnt withottt oppoftunity to cure, urd sucb rcmltfiion $all bo-cgrne offcctive upcn wdtten mtioe of Def-urlJ. f63 4ldllhurl nfttur $d Rpmdfe. Any rpilt or rcrncdy atrorded to either Prrty unfu this egrec.ncff m hccoirnt of a llehult by ttp other Prty is in aildition !o, qpc not in lieu ot, all otbcr ilghb m rcryrcdiet rvrihDle to Buah Party rder any oth€r Fovisions of this Agt€emffit, by law or othcgwioo on ai*ount offio Dsfiult, 17. prsP-gIsFEsoliuuoN Bqeir Psfty shqll $.itvo to $solve *, 4( al! ditrererccs during the tenn of thc furoenrcnt ihrotrgh nectihgp and discussions. lf a disnute eannot be .r-csotved wirhin a reasonable time, roi lo expogd thlrty days, eaotr Puty dmll escalate the tmresotved dispute to a sonior oficer dosigly.rtd by qoh ffiy. tf ihe scrri0r offiaere slE not able to rr.ro-tw eG disptse within ten Busitpss Drys of Gsoatation ttrcrr dthu Futy may eidrer agt6 to mdlte or arbltrate thc dispfre or rcquast a hsariqg bcforc thc Commiasio. 18. RELEASE pY SELIFTF. Se[er rcleasos Avista from any md all cleims, losge$ harm, liabtlitios, domagps, coslr and oxpgore F tlrc lxtent rcsulting fipm any: f&f Ehc.fio disturtsnoe or fluguation that migrates, directly or irdircctly, front Avisla's electric systcill o thoFacillty; f 82 htemrption, grspcndon or crntatlment of electris scrvico to the Facitity or any othcr pr,CInises owno4 poosessod, Gonbolld ot rcnrcd by Scllcr, which intcrruption suspendon or curtrilnent is oausod oi codributcd to by UF Fasinty o,r tho intqconneotion of the Frcility; Im DissoryFcthn, intcmrption, urspension or curtailmeirt by Avisa pursuam to t8rms of this Aglcement or the Intetconircction and Operating AgrWmesrt. -17- le. GoVERNMEMA,LAUTHOREy This Apcrtent is $rblect o flr rulCs, rcguhtion+ oriks and gttrar reguirelrlgrts, of all gorremmpphl arfudtlcs havingiu-nsdiption or,qr ttp f*iktv, tUs ASGGqcd, thq Fodes or cither oftlnm, lncluding Sceion 210 of PUilPA" AI hvs, ordiilfn$, nrleq rgg&t-im, ordors and o,f,rcrrequir€meoe of gororomertal authorities thd arc reErirod to bo lnoorptmt$ in agrccmcnF ofthis chsaoteiareby &r* re&rcr-rca hmfporqtqd in this Agrpeiropt. m. srwR4l,p.BptcA,TiQ,N,s Th dqtlo$ obligErions ard lid*litics of tae hrtics rrndcrthig Agrcenront ars intonded to bc setmt not jofud or collactivc. This fucEt SBll not t*, iffipretedorgqr$.brryd toqpalp betwocn ths Prudas. Eadr Paity stsll b0 individuallyar associ*ion, jolnt veniurc or 21. IMP,I,EIIIENTATTON Eaoh hrtX chall pomptly takc suoh actim (inoludirry; but not limited to- the cxecWiorr, aclcrypwledgatrsnt end delivgry ofdoqEcr-rts) es rny be r-crsm$ly rcqrrcsted by the other Party for thc implenrontation or continuing pcrfbnnmc:c of this Agqrgnt. 22. NON-IIATVER ThG hilure of cithor Par.ty tg insist rrpgn or epforye striot perforqmqe by tlro qthpr Party ofanyprwiilonofthlsAcrGGmAd ortocn(crclserry rigttrmdorthis Agreement shcll not be oonsEmd rs a weivcr or rclingui$pqt of such Party's riglt tro assert or rely upm any strch grovieion or dBht in thai or any ilbse$Enl inslanco; 56thir, the smnc dull bc srd reqratn in ftrll furceand effoct. ?3. AMENIIMENT No chnngo, amendmont or modificsdon of any prcvidon of lhis Agrprrlet$ slull be valid urlcsg sct fo(h in a writ$ amndmmt to this fuiecmeCI signd by both Partie and zubsequatly apprcved by ths Cat1etsslon. u, c4olcE o['k[ws.{NP vENvry This Ag1pe696 shall be constrqed md intcrprsed in apoordmpo with the laws of the SHe of ldrho wi0rout roforcnea to its choice of lav pmrisions. VcmF for any titigttion arisjng out of or rptded to thls Agrecrrent glnll lie in thc Didrict Court ofthe Fourth Jndlcial District of ldoho ln aud for thc County of Ada ad sevcrally tlabte for its own gtll8Btions $rderthis Agrceqrcnt Fur|htr, netthr P$ty shall have trr;t right* powcr or au&ority to entcr hto any agr6curcnt or undertaktng hr c on belrslf o[, to rct ae to be En agant or rEprcqenutive of, or to otton visc bind thc othcr Po*y. - 18. 25, IIEAI'INGq Tte Secfiofr headings in thir Agreement are for convcoiCIoe orly md shall npt be considercd pqt of or u*d in tnc interpretrtion of {ds fuioemont 2G $EITRABrLITY Tto inrnrltdity or unerrfmabilrty of any pr.ovisitnr of this Agrepmomt rMl not affbd lhe vdtdrty or c&rcCIblllty ofmy otherp,rpvisian of 0riqAgmsm€nt, rldrhls Agffiont Sallbe coffitrued in all rcspcctsas if the lnva[d or unqrfo[ocabfc prOvisiq urprp goi$cd, ?rt. couNrtsBPAFTs Ifds Agrwrslt may be e.(ocuhd in tuo tr mut eoqotprpsrts, each of u&iclr BhaU bc dccmcd as an originrl and together s}all mmtitutc ono nrd ttro saflF doonment. U. TAXES Fxoh Farty *nll pqy bcforc dcliquoncy all toxcs md pfircr govemm.rttsl slurgps fqr ufiich srrch Pffty is reqponsible and uihich, if frilod o bcpaia whenduq could rwult in a lien upon thcFecility. 29, NOTIC,PP Unless otherwise specifie4 all writtcn noticss trothpr cnuurunicrtions r-equired by or providg6 ur4O this Agresment slratl be mailed or dclivcr,e4 to tlra followiqg !d&osm, arrtl shqll be oonsiderod dolivercd wtrcndeposircd in the US tr,lall, pootago prcpaid, by certified or registcred mail sr dclivcrd in pGffion: to Avista: Dircctor, Power Supply Arisra(hrpgradon' ' P.O. Box 3?27 Spokane, WA 99220 to Sdlor: OencrrlMloqgcr Koptoqt Elq#c Coop_erative, Inc. 2451 W. Dahota Avenrrc Hayden, ldahp t3835-0278 Erth€r Puly rnay ohange its dosignErcd rcprcgetilatiw to rseeive rrctice and/or addrcss spocifled abovc by giving the ottrcr Pmy wdttcn noticc of such chartgc. il. $uRvrvAr Righls aod obligntiot-ts whloh, by ttrcir naftue, drodd suwivc tcrmination or cxpiration of this Agrecrnait, will rcrnain in sffeot untll satisfiod, irrcluding wilhont lindUtion, all outstanding - t9- financial obligatioms, and the povipions of $eotion 13 (tndemnffi Ffld $oction 17 (Disputc Resolutiorr). 31. prwrFE Ass4wrII nris fureorent, tnoludlngthofullowirgexlrltritr whldrfre Utaohed md irpqfponted by ryference.hr-Ein' oon*itrln thecoti$ agrucmem of{re Partim mdsupgrcedesall piorand contompomneous oral q u/ri0ln si$wr .mt$ bstwqoq thp Prrties witlr fqpqptto the sr-bjoct rrut6hcroof. BftibtA Communhati.wurdRoporting E &ibit B Independcnr Engineorir.4 Certlfeatiom for Construslion,AdqquaDJ for a audiffltg Facility and Qprationsond lvlaintsnanoe Pohoy Projec'tlhscription md Point of [lolivery Aroidotl Cost Rates Initial Capecity Determin*ion Doqrnirentation Intorponnection ird Opuating Agoclrtcot Facllitics for lntcgntion amd Oporation of Fictrting Creck Faclllty lctter from ldaho Powar Company ExhibitC Bxhibit D ExhibttE Exhibit F Exhibir G Exhibit H -2o- IN WIT!{ESS WHEREOI, thc Parties have caused this Agrc,ment to be executed by theirduly authorizcd representatives as of the date set forth below. KOOTENAI ELECTRIC Cq)PDRATM,INC AVISTA CORPORATTON fillg; O<,.e'Lr i(a-!p- /CDs, p11g3 Frgr./rr IL..,3ct4 Printed Narne: :S*,t Y(:'.'r.- - Date: ,A,--s,*r{ rS, z.c,t{ -21 - EIIHIA Gonnmfo rrion end Bmorthl ($ Emafll uourrnuntinsom b*wcou $tiltuorlt Avl$slult be qthlfioil to: (2) All qr-il esmtitlmisetiom.rclsli+g to cledrls prssgy,nphdulln$ gcncrahm lsvol eh$pst iolerrqptlorB or ouhgi,s t*ttrresn $eltor mli A@ \rvlli be co-nnflttrEte$ q a twCQd ltqe as (e) D,rgFdfiiliilp 630 uto D:O noon ori Business Eayr): Avlgb,Prb"iich$rderr (5(D) +95 +l t i Altlmdp Pha$r (5iD) 49i:{073 Spllsn (2P8) 292'3276 ($ham Dolsr.l Agniti- thqqTt (affi) 2$?r3*l Oqne H[ptt) (ul- Blsfl,rmg solstutc (nttildhte 04' hsufs a dav) or* grelrfime lrchifulc$ (S09) 4p5.E514 Sollo* O0Bl Z92-1276 ($hatvnDolu) Alteneii P'hqn6r @A$ |nanl (Diiris FJliou) (S) Eithu krty may ctrogs its contd* infaffiatiQfl upori writtori notico m tho othcr P,*.ty. Sdltq dd Alt{iifie,r -1" 'lto urd{dEql lrngtbeartrg FcluElqrr, Ir. APPm[,l]l[,$ mmnuBfs(mflrrriAlraN @ DEffiN * @lErqmrmNlDfi(rulcY Bony tiolon.r f.E,..;. - -a .i o[ bcfdf of hltttolf ad hqpttFfrtr settqthttr rrftrild lo i rltshcf, hrruby dotr adoltlrb b ifho Poryor r Uhus ft* rqffroolr I lJccrrod hE[oml ltrdrr$ h g!0{ nl.-4q8 h lto frts of IU &{lrm hr rq,h,ltd dro &m![ 8e Allucrl, hffi0c rlltorrc[ll footraat ttroota{o botuctr Ufio fbmr s Dulcr, ld Fgnrr*trrp. rno, ,* s gglk, d&l -, rtrd,51 .1u11 - -.-, 5. thd ilB ootHunlim o! rq I pmm poeUifl ttttdtt, rfihh h ilro r&fr* of {E Agmilf d 0d0 Sfrmsrt, ir idatillod r lllCo holly 6 21-855113 ad b halhrlps ttfrrndbxllanl4ffir. Ftghrlog qr6at r{mdtrU 4. rrl &o tn&d, wilch b oo'urry horr .n rt" T: to-"o*1.i1lt&.n,,, hc.hdh&orh r tqm*hj3-,8$EE s .,.rTl*(h(r, FEToi s. ItC tsrdllr eoqfd.o.lhal tF Afcrfo$ pwtuhe fa fro hqcd !) fttndJr dcollidt qrmry b lfito&ltB fu r st-- c!. ) rll porbd. 6. 'Itrlt En8|0!0r lrr qililhdH qnlr,tiqnc h lto.ddrrr 0ot;Ttfoilor snd oefitrlon of olouio pr pldr dOn nap UDe r bfo Eqrcd 7, Thd e$ls{ hrn rp qegoooh ry to e, th{Ar Htglrerof tlilr llqFr mC Xar or& 6n urlyrh dEcilmu d foel0u&w lo&e@0y. t 'ttr* h3P hr uiarcd tlro ogirrqfu ddgn mf urfrudhn of 0r nrrdcd, induhU ltp olvlt q,odt &olrh.l rot, |mtiq rgimsnt pftna rma mr4ryrmo rlnhF, tdhr Smrbhcrl kmrqmoodorFnollhbr md elhor W.d toffilc rrdcqdporcnt" t. (hoJn, 2. -1$ z!an0ra 9. Ttril &Cuqor rolqnhc llrt l&lqr ?ruror, h mmrdnooo wlh putr{ph !, of mo Asutamtr ir drlago &&oofu Glilrilrftol Ed {?trhs 6odid h tb Ssncn. I 0. Tt* Eryhrr ot$frr dnt tho {bovo lrlnner{r lt oo4laq fiuo md roqn$ to ho bcrl of hir fwffis U itmtino rr Ur ml uO rcU tdor. OJlffrD) -lt5- vutnt ,}Pt{stpD(c mrc|$wsctl*flmJLTptl ul OTET,ATrcDE & MAIM'IO.IA}EE FOIICY Tto r[@nsd Bt*',r *T:_:'t' ,, , _, u bltdt of iLll.tf ild Jtryl3lgJr=':,1=:-, hu&ner cotCIiv* rthmd ro u thdrarl lrr*y otor m0 oorlfiorp 61 0dlm u h1lqru I. Ifruednocbrl.iqlCStro$rdomletthilrh gpdrndfrUhlto8HcofOqor. 2, Nhrt hdryrrr fta. rsrdd eo lhory Srlar Apou, lodmic iAjrumgtr ffi t60 Biror u ltqrf, .d Yry"o'r*htor, dd ti.mh B, 8or!_._. 3. Itlrl &r ooluE|Ql.h r rotll povnr pp&uhn p!q@ ryllob b $r lr{f,pa 0{ ltc ACE ncrl odlU. qrpril F ttrfrerlr [glhofllyl{o 1136Eu3 trd hbr-chrftgrtnldba fio"hd$nd.x rt$ttnr cr.ck bo{fiu 4, mr &s hilct $il,! Ir qrynury ioorn cr [" !]" Dt*ry =tTofr hdcbd tn SoClu l-.--.,Tomfiip 4.tr ..Rmo 9, ,-..trtm r:or4y, {"q!.!t,uf 5. tldft$mrtw8rfrnchtSoAgooncd pnx,lfu tbrttofxdocrrM{daatlorl qotg, toldctolnrnrftrporlodof-$ ywr. 6. Ittl l3odnror hs r$mftl inppeiloo ln lt drdp coortsrlllhi nd opcrriloa of oholrlo poncflnlr of 0rr urtri gpu u [rh lhd!o{. ?, 'Ihd h3lrnr bu no cpuomlo l*timdfip to llu llariXn lhginlor of thb Frqioct t. ltdlh3lnmrtrmilcurcdulrornrpcvhodthonvhurofthoPolhyfo Onmilarud U*Uglrco CO&UT frlDb PqFc rd ft I tir pofortonal ophim ri* pmuldod ldd ftoJod hl hoat dirdgrodand bul[ to eppmghh rnrdrdr, odlnrcnc b $H O&ll ltlloy wllt rurul h tho -lr- 7lulil.t Itojotl prcdr&g r or rru &o doligm rilodrlcd oumf oi[ollmy id plrt fsllof &ru pwio0 of -^if .----rm'l 9. It*Itqherrrqnb&il ld*o Brmr, lnroc$frroiu,l.tLtry[rehtlof0p Auwn@ L ruly!* on lthtd| ttproffihr urd oplnhqrtltff h rtfi fitsmrl" t0. Itd &douudfifr thdrho.torcddsrslr orDcerymh, h[g ffd rqffi*olo dtohsorhh horffto rot &sohrt rotr t& hnd rrd md tdw. Ary 1/.*.*--,. z./..,. k O.B saw) ,.lil- ?/yvl'lil &HSDilTC Etr6lhfl$eEaBmtrrcArrcN OF oN-@nF oitnAno,B rrNu mrnrisil/mcr mt*9ra TY"Ettlre, D.E.lt If[RgiIDccrdtlg m ho[rlftf lhrdf ud b u &br*" h$b,Solutlonc. [no.lri*ric qolhollucly r6md rEhoild $ldfrEc lo &o Edhra &Iawr: Ttl'&glis b a tr lemd ftuffbrdoml hglrerhioo{ frdht h EF tldo of0(p. 2, It* Blthsr ]r rwio$C Oc thloy Elo igr!Fr.* trodndr t'Allnoilll'' hfrqo Eootilrrt fLeotrio UdoForrirhrltr, rd@r!dhr.&ld. .*.:ot t','0"-, 3. Itrl l[l oogslotrfti! u grirll poru ptftphn Fqlqd *-U$ ft thl r$ou ottln r$gamnt rrd rhh Stiromoil h i{h{|fi!d m Floo Feoility }Io. nbfEtll,. . dl hfah00s |t&n!d to m fu "Pnd!cP.H.gbtl[g L?G.k l{ndt(ll L Ttil rho Plldfcr, I,thn h 0gnrrfit bropr r tu T t" .=3 =gl, I hrrd rt trptl Eantfr lf,Y 95, S.ur OCAlcno. lD 5. T.hdedpnnoqr4*Of fioArlwoltprotd&tAr&sltqfadbftHtlrtdcotrtcdry lol*]efox,rfsrpuiodof -- *- , .. yurr. 6. Tt"at eghoor lnr rrhrfiCld o4chnoo ln ths dorlgn ocrrtndlon md rqmri[o of cloctdc porm ptdr dltro tmo q,po $llfi InFd. T, llrtlh$nttrhtlooocmlo$drthtfibftlefp&duocd*bPr$. & 'ttrt llttBlua.r hrn mda a flyrrfonl inEoctior of ralt IhFd, fu qralior rnd rnrinhmc rEGo& rlnoo 0ro hrl provion oelll(hd fuporrhc, n b Bndm$b lm$rchut qrhlarr, buod on th ffiot'r qpararo, tt0 ilo oqdng (}&lrl hm bur qrH4t[ry h rounhp r&!r mld Oil{ l-tloy; Oa I lr lu rumhly rqd spgills| onrdlildti ud firt lfdtfflnec lo rrfl OtI{ hlloy eont@1 irs Prd€C wlll coffimonro&*h3ucoorltr@n cloolrtcrlin$ot,cffidcrirnilphEtfslo, frrllr rrndntq -l!- 1,atr of tlrc A3rEmml .* Thrt l[o lrqhot Inr bmr oorulnrlod lr rmlfrtrc fd0r rdd dan rnd qrooltlcallooq alt AilorUlG q&r url Goldffit wlfi !!u&d Efugtlpal ltrrdocr u tht toril'b dccffi ln $r Ag[Hloot. r0. fint tho (.*;rr ?rd ?gr{tuoltr 66 p6oC I nrolr llnl rJfb rytrttu and Fildcil, Wnfiou od gdqetlileopn4ier hy fiCh, Uro hfp! nrofrth o[f$n*U in roporimo r$h &c trrmofthrilgmpilmdeb?!dpdm{E qdr|Qk t fr,rr lltlJ\,( u }txrpdoe ll. ttrt ttsc:or eeq$hf ed l{dro Rru6, h.opogdtg tutlh pryn$St of fio A#qru[, ln lUmOcfug {E mcd w& ltr rtilFq. tu ntdrC c &f&rndb nprumtuficp rnd dlHstr ffihln!{ ln h fldrnmr. t2. lld E$oor qtifu fit &o eqo &0wnl, rrt quduq tnn nd mcm ro &e bo{ of hh }nmlofte rrd lhmfoc rcr [h hod md.qil b&ry. rlet"dl/-/-? Ar"-.a -lwt -1?- ,ltmal DtlcfisflQp of thB ff+iilltY Selkr's fadlty ii dosod.bcd as tlrc Pightins Clook tedn[ fu b Bngp Faaility ard corei*s of; Turo 1.6 MIV gpltcrators edr pourcrod by a Cumryillar Mqdc! 3520, pqk ignlb4 reciprocating lnrcnral combrustion englnes dcofiicrlly intemcmnected b Sellcr's 24.9 kV dissibutifi froilfties tsrm&ratod on lhc prqieel burbm. The Prroicct will usc rncthrne gas produoed bydocomposltionofwasls int€nrcd withln laudfill,fire Mts localoil atKootenai County Solid lVortc Facititv (Wt 16.93 , N47.532), near Be[gpvc, Iilfu. EilDIG Prolcct Dol${nffon, rnd Polnt qf DqlUprv Lmtloq: Sellor's Facility is located d: Kootenai County Solid Waste Facility (Wl16.93 , N47.53?), noat Bellgrove, ldafto. Polntgf Delivert: Point sf Do-ffvqr-y Locdion: Th potrt wlrere Avistr'q tlowcr - Post Falls I I 5kv Tap Transrrissim Line and KEC's tlo1upr - Posl Falls I l5kV Try Trmsmission LinG Erc cmrcctrd. A[Frnem Pdnt pf Ddiverv: Alhrnate Pojnt of Delivery l,ocrtion: ft, porlt wherc Avi*a's Dower -Post Falls t tStV Tnp Trumisdon LinB sorvcd via Avista's Fost F'dl.s - Rrmsev I lslv Ttamsrnipsi0n Line and KEC's Dorrer- Popt Frllq I lSkV Tap llaEarnimion Une arr oonnoctcd. PohlofUetcdnm Mdcring Locatiqr: In Scltcr's Facillty, ur thc 24.9 kV side of lhc generator step-up tnnsformet orrer wtrich elecric power and encrgy 0owr. ryxhffiJ D Avoldril CoctRrtcr LEhr lred Hcsvy l-ad Period Jun 201tf - Dec 2014 I{ows }lourssnirrvh snirl,rr Erhtbif E I+ffiql Crtlq#v,D4dphqttop lhcqFcqbthn Wifth fifr$co (lsFays ator a Comnision ordq spGeifiGd ln Sedbrr 4.2 approving this Agrccrnent,tho Sellr Cull provlds tq Avist$ t.the tnauftcfincrls sedal nunber and spccificottons for cadr enging - g+rqlor installd attlrcFrtlily. ilre Initial CryEolty lhtcmrination of ttre Facility, qprcerod ln kiloutrtts at tho Point of Dclivq, ufrich is egwl to tlrc sum of the Frcllityls grow output values i&ntified ard providod in Brhiblt C, less facility Servico Powdr and Lossc6. Frci4ths for lrtcsretlon end OpcFFtloF ef Filhffrir Crcok Faclllts -l- frulmbrbn9.nla AvhtaCorponilon 141'1 E MbslonAwnr Spdrane,WA 00202 frwsr:r Deccmber 5,2011 Mr. Doug Elliott Clmeral Manager Ko otenai Elechic Cooperative P.O. Box 278 Hayde'n, Idaho 83E3 5 -A27 8 SUEIECT: Facllldes for Integrrdon rnd Operrtlon of [tghtlng Cree,k Frctltty DerMr. Etliotfi This l*tter Agrccrnent ("Agroemcnt') ssts forth the soope of wort ad responsibilities of Avista Corporation ('Avista') and Kootenai Electic Cooperative, Inc. (I(EC'), hereinafter sometimes referred to oollectivd as '?arties" and individually as '?arty," rcgarding tlre construotion and installation of the Parties' raqrcctive facilities for tho integration aad operation ofI(EC's new 3.2 MW Fightiry CtEak Landfill Gas to Bnorgr Facility (Tacilitt') at the Kooteirai County Solid IVaste Facility near Bellgrovg fdaho. L PROJECT COORIIINATION AIYID SCEEDT'LE KEC and Avista shall coonlinatc all requirrcrnents for this project and oonsult with one anothq regarding *re duties listed rurder this Agr€efir€f,it. The Partiss iotend to complete oonstuotion and enable opcration of the Faoility by Decembu 30, 2011. While nsith€r Party makes atry sf,prsr com:nitrnent to meet strch date to enetgize tho faoilities outlined within, the Parties shall mako good faith efforts to cornptoto this poject withh fte time franre identified. II. EX'XtsCIIVE DATE This Agreecnent shall be effeotive upon the date this fureemeut is executed by both Parties. This Agreornont shall tenninate upon reoeipt by Avista of all invoioed amounts pursuart to Section V. m. lrtcr Agrccrmnt - Ffldltics Sr lntogration urd Opontloo of FlebtingGeok Foollly Dcccnrba 5, 201I Prge 2 of3 AVISTA'S RESFONSIBILMES AT I(EC'S EXPENSE Avista *rall provide, Et KEC's €xpcmse, a rcley to provide synch check functionality and add equipmcnt to provide dial-up access to the n6w relay ou Avista's Post Falls A-320 ciroilt breaker. Avista shall provide, at I(EC's orpensc, material and labor to program, oheck-out, and test the raetuing and data aoquisition equiprnent providad by KEC at tho Facility. Avish strall, at KEC's oqpcnso, providematedals and labor to progfam the Clbeoteo SMP- 4, test and sheel(-out all mehring and SCADA equipmontprodded byKEC, and torminate the &wire oonmrmicatiou circuit provided by I(BC at Avista's Coeur d'Alme Semdce Center. Avista shall, at KEC's expsnse, provide labor to revise relay settiugs on Avista's Post Falls A-2ll sircuit breaker on fte Post Falls - Ramsey l15 kV line to provide an altemate point of recaipt. KEC'S RESFONSIBILITIES AI KEC'S EI(PENSE KEC shall, at I(EC's oxpeure, acquire rigfots of way and pcrmitting for, constuct and own ths uew Facility, This constuction shall inolude metuing CIs, metoring PTs, space in Scller's Facility conhol house for Avista motoring equipmemt, voltage and currmt indications from KEC's CTs and PTs to the Avista mcfeting equipment, 4-wire communioation cirouit, 2-wire communicatiou cirouit, appropriate isolation protection for commuuication cfuurits, and a 48 VDC circuit for power supply. KEC shall, at I(EC's experure, provide md install a Jernstar rerronue grade meter, test snitdr, Cyboctec SMP-4, and other data acquisition cquiprnent as approved by Avista which shall be owned, operated, and sraintaincd by Avista. KEC shall, at KEC's oxpersq provide labor for the conrmissioning of this equipmont and the termination of the4-wirc citcuit. FINAI.ICIAL TERMS AIYD CONDHONS The estimated cost of the work to be porformed by Avista at KEC's fipeose, as identified in Sestion ttr, is $65,000, including applicable overhoads and taxss. Upon completion of all work perforrred by Avista, Avista shall invoice KEC for the achal costs Avista inqured to complete such wot*, including applioable ovedreads and taxes, lnvoices from Avista shall refercnce this Agreemeot and shall be scnt to the following address: Kootenai Electric Cooperative Attention: ShawnDolan Kootenai Electrio Cooperutive P.O. Box 278 Hayde,n, Idaho 83835-0278 Iv. v. Ldlc Agconont - Fu,cilitics for Intsgntion ond Oporation ofFiglrting Cre€h Fadlity Dccsnbcr 5, 201 I Pago 3 of3 Rsmittanoes from I(EC shall bo within the timcframe sp€oified in tho invoice and shall bo sent to the address nmed in the invoioe. Please indicato KEC's concuntncc by cxcorting the two otiginals of this Agreemont where indicated below, Pleaso totain ooe origitral for your files and rotuif, on6 origiul to Avista at the address listed above. Should )rou have any Erestions rogarding this Agreement, please do not hesitate to contactms at (509) 495.4851. Rospooffirlly, )k5*Lo"{ JeffSchlect Senior Manager, Transrnission S€rt/ices KOOTTENAI ELECTRIC COOPER/$IVE N.IC. conour: [\ d-oo a.Wr^- Namer DougElliot Title: Gleneral ldanager Date: O*r.^U.- 8,.,aor\ ffiffiffi** An to^cofiP compenY EOMn|AN E. WALIGR LedGourLcl dwalltqt4Udahogower.com August 14.2tr14 VIAELECTROI{IC 0,lAlL Shawn Dolan, P.E. Manager of Englneertng Kootenal Elsctrb Gooperafl rc 2451W. DaltotaAvB. Hayden, ldaho 83835 Re: Flghtlng Graek LardflllGas Plant Force Mafeure Euert - As Avallable EneEy SalE to Avlsta DearMr. Dolan: ln responso to your inquirles, ard to pur letbr of August 14,2014, please let this letter serve ae ldaho PourreCs acceptance of and acknowledgrnent of the exletenoe of an eront of furce maJeure, suspendlrg each partt's perfurmance puteuant to our Oregon PURPA Standard Eneryy Sales Agrcement ('Agreemenf), such force mdeure event belng a forest flrc that has damaged and/or bumed down poillons of transmlsdon llne(e) ournod and malntalned by Avlete, praventlng the dellvery of Kootenal's generatlon b ldaho Pouuer purauant to the Agresment. You have lndicated thit duilng thls anent of brce maJanrc that KootenalwlsheE to sell the output of lts generatbn facllity, that ls under contract wlth ldaho Fower, to Avlsta on a temporary and as"arrallable baeis. You further lndlcab and propose the duratlon of thls force maJeure event to oontlnue thrcugh August 24, and requeat to sell your faclllty'e output to Avlsta lrcm August 15 throtgh Augtugt 24. As prevlously dls@aoed betrueen ldaho Porrrcr and Koobnal, ldaho PouBr agrseg wlth trls proposal, and conaequently wfll undesfinate the network raq)urce dee[nafron of the gpneutlon prcvlded by l(ootenafs faclllty punsuant to fie Agreement m ldaho Pounfe eyttem startng on Augr.ret 16, 2014, hrough Aqgust 24,2014, ]fuotenal will be unable b sell Its output to ldaho Power pursuant to the Agreement durlng thls perlod of un- deslgnaflon. You further mentioned future transmlselon curtallments and other oontracttal provlstons rslated b the same. ldaho Power ls respordlng wlth thls letterlo the cunent Shavun Dolan AWUst 14,2014 Page 2 of2 event of force maJeurc only, and any statement$, agrcements, and tfie lke ogressed hersln ars meant for appllcatlon to this speclffc event of force rnaJeure only. ldaho Power notee that the prcsent sftuatlon and ewnt of fure maJeure ls not an ldaho Pofler-lnltlated curtallnent as thafi term ls uBEd in Arflde 11.2 of the Agreement, ldalp Poluer wlll remorc tlre netulork resource deslgnatlon fiom ffte generatlon provlded by your facllity puruant to the Agreement starfrrg August 15, 2014, and endlng August 24,2014, Unlees o,henMca set forth ln rm*lng, th6 notuorfi resource deelgnadon wlll be Elnstated on August 26, 2014, and energy dellveriee and performance purcuant to our Agreemant wlll resume. Should the line(a) not be rupalrcd, rcstorcd, or othenrr{Ee operatlonal by that flme, please nofffy ldaho Porar lmmedhtely so that the pmperanangements can be made. Donovan E. Walker cc: Greg Adams (by +mat) Slnceyely, First Amendment to Power Purchase Agreement Between KEC and Avista Atrgust 21,2014 Kootenai Electric Cooperative Attn: Doug Elliot 2451W. Dakota Ave P.O. Box 276 Hayden, ID 83835-0278 Re:First Anrendment to the Porver I'urchase Agteement Betrveen I(ootenai Electric Cooperativc and Avista Corporation Dear Mr. Elliot: I(ootenai Electric Cooperative, lnc. ("Seller") and Avista Corporation ("Avista"), referred to herein individually as a'?arty" and collectively as the "Palties," entercd into that ceftain Power Purchase Agreement dated August 15, 2014, ("Power Purchase Agreement") under which Avista purchases enelgy fiorn a 3.2 MW nameplate capacity electric power generating facility ("Facility") at the Kootenai County Solid Waste Facility near Bellgrove, Idaho on an as-available basis. The Power Purchase Agrcemenl was filed at the the ldaho Public Utilities Cornmission ('Commission") on August 15,2014 in Docket No. AVU-E-I4-09, and is pending approval. The original ternr of the Power Purchase Agreenrent ran fiom August 15,2014 to August 24,2014, which coresponds with the tiure during which Seller is unable to sell output of the Facility to Idaho Power Company (*lPC") turder a power purchase agrcement ("IPC PPA') due to extenuating circumstances. Avista undemtands that Seller would like to amend the Power Purrhase Agrcement to extend the term through August 3l,20l4,which colresponds with an updated schedule to recommence sales under the IPC PPA. Idaho Power Cornparry and Seller have agreed to suspend the IPC PPA, and IPC has consented to Seller selling the Net Output of the Facility to Avista ttu'ough August 31,2014. Such suspension and consent is memorialized in Exhibit A. The Parlies hereby agree to amend the Power Puchase Agreement to extend the term through August 31,2014. Accordingly, the Recitals and Section 4.1 of the Power Purchase Agreenrent arc amended to change the expiration date of'the Ternr fiorn August?4,2Al4 to August 31, 2014. Except as exprcssly provided herein, all other terms and conditions of the Power Purchase Agrcement remain in full fotce and effect. I(ootenai blleclric Cooperative August 21,2014 Page2 of? The Parties Bgree thal this Amendrnent will be construed in accordance with Section 210 of PURPA and other applicable laws and regulations. This Arnendment shall beconre finally effective upon the Comrnission's apprcval of all terms and provisions herein without change or condition and declaration that all payments to be made to Seller under the Power Purchase Agreenrent, as amended, shall be allowed as pnrdently inounpd expenses for mtemaking puryoses. This Arnendmenl to the Power Puchase Ageement shall, subject to such Cornrnission approval, become effective on Augnst 24,2014, or such other date set by Conrnrission order. Upou the effective date of tlris Amendment, this Anrendrnent shall be incorporated in the Power Puclmse Agreement and all references to the Powq Puchase Agreement shall be deemed to bc rcfercnces lo the Power Purchase Agreernent as amended by this Amendment. lf the terrns set forth herein for the extension of the term of the Power Putchase Agreenrent are acceptable, please execute below and retum an original executed copy ofthis letter to me. Sincercly, ,-.Sra" 4!*.,^*"*-l Scott Kinney I Directot', Power Supply ACCEPTED AND AGREED'I'O: rca ($1:'s CfD ral-lLlDate: Kootenai Electric Cooperative SIffiffi*. An IDACoRP Comoanv DONOVAN E. WALKER Load Coun$l dwal ker@ldahopower.com August 21,2014 VIA ELECTRONIC MAIL Shawn Dolan, P.E. Manager of Engineering Kootenai Electric Cooperative 2451W. Dakota Ave. Hayden, ldaho 83835 Re: Fighting Creek Landfill Gas Plant Force Majeure Event - As Available Energy Sale to Avista Dear Mr. Dolan: To confirm my e-mail from yesterday, August 20, 2014,ldaho Power is willing to extend the removal of the network resource designation for a period from Augusl24, 2014, through August 31, 2014, based upon the continuing existence of the force majeure event previously referenced in my August 14,2014, letter. ldaho Power will remove the network resource designation from the generation provided by your facility pursuant to the Oregon PURPA Standard Energy Sales Agreement ("Agreement") starting August 24, 2014, and ending August 31, 2014. Unless othenruise set forth in writing, the network resource designation will be reinstated on September 1, 2014, and energy deliveries and performance pursuant to our Agreement will resume. Should the line(s) not be repaired, restored, or otherwise operational by that time, please notify ldaho Power immediately so that the proper arrangements can be made. 1221 W. ldaho St (83702) P.O. Box 70 Boise, lD 83707 i r_l'c.'z-{c lL Sonovan E. Walker cc:Greg Adams (by e-mail) CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that on the 21s day of August, 2014, a true and correct copy of the within and foregoing AMENDED JOINT PETITION OF AVISTA CORPORATION AND KOOTENAI ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE, NC. was served as shown to: Jean Jewell Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472W Washington Boise ID 83702 Michael G. Andrea Steve Silkworth Avista Corporation l4l I East Mission Ave., MSC-23 Spokane, WA99202 X Hand Delivery _ U.S. Mail, postage pre-paid _ Facsimile Electronic Mail _ Hand Delivery X U.S. Mail, postage pre-paid _ Facsimile X Electronic Mail By: