HomeMy WebLinkAbout20140815Petition.pdfRHCEfl .ARED S @N .A.NDA,N6 g, frf;Cfi!\rr: ii ?0lrr fiu$ 15 PH trr t+0 IDAI]S iu*r-, -IJT I LITI HS C'3MFii ]S$l0l"j P,O -&r.-E-qli-E-c-aL_HE3-, B{r1\ -&.E-r6,1\/!-Be PLLC ATTORNEYS AT LAV Gregory M. Adams Tel: 208-938-2236 Fax: 208-938-7904 greg@richardso nadams.com Box 7218 Boise, ID 83707 - 515 N.27th St. Boise, lD 83702 August 15,2014 Ms. Jean Jewell Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472W. Washington Boise,lD 83702 Dear Ms. Jewell: Avt^-E ),voq Please find enclosed for filing an original and seven copies of the Joint Petition of Avista Corporation ("Avista") and Kootenai Electric Cooperative, Inc. ("KEC") for approval of the as available power purchase agreement ("PPA") between Avista and KEC for the term of August 15,2014 through August 24,2014. The PPA is attached to the Joint Petition. Please let me know if you have any questions regarding this filing. M. Adams for Kootenai Electric Cooperative, Inc. enclosure For Avista Corporation Michael G. Andrea (ISB No. 8308) Senior Counsel Avista Corporation 1411 East Mission Ave., MSC-23 Spokane, WA99202 Phone: (509) 495-2564 Facsimile: (509) 495-5690 For Kootenai Electric Cooperative, Inc. Gregory M. Adams (ISB No. 7454) Richardson Adams, PLLC 515 N.27ft St. Boise, lD 83702 Phone: (208) 938-2236 Fax: (208) 938-7904 IN THE MATTER OF THE JOINT PETITION ) oF AVTSTA CORPORATTON AND ) KOOTENAI ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE, ) INC. FOR APPROVAL OF POWER ) PURCHASE AND SALE AGREEMENT ) ) ) Rf c il\,ji: -] ?lt! &UG l5 PH lr: lr I lfi "1 t.l;'-l i-' : l,l . i 't t;; t i't/i :tii ;i;,1',r : r, :, i rl ; : BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION cASE No. Avu-r,- l4 - O q JOTNT PETITION OF AVISTA CORPORATION AND KOOTENAI ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE, INC. Avista Corporation ("Avista") and Kootenai Electric Cooperative, Inc. ("KEC") (collectively, the "Parties") hereby jointly petition the Idaho Public Utilities Commission ("Commission") for an order approving the Power Purchase Agreement between KEC and Avista ("Agreement") with a requested effective date of August 15, 2014. The Agreement is attached hereto as Attachment A. l. Names and Addresses of Petitioners Avista Corporation 1411 East Mission Avenue Spokane, W499202 Kootenai Electric Cooperative, Inc. 2451 W. Dakota Avenue Hayden, Idaho 83835-0278 Page - I JOINT PETITION OF AVISTA CORPORATION AND KOOTENAI ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE, INC. 2. Nature of Businesses Avista is a corporation created and organized under the laws of the State of Washington with its principal office in Spokane, Washington. Avista is an investor- owned utility engaged in, among other things, the business of generating, transmitting, and distributing electric power to wholesale and retail customers in Idaho and Washington. Avista also provides natural gas service to customers in Idaho, Washington, and Oregon. As such, Avista's rates, charges, services and practices are regulated, in part, by this Commission. KEC is electric cooperative with its headquarters in Hayden, ldaho, that will own and operate a landfill gas electric power generating facility located at the Kootenai County Solid Waste Facility near Bellgrove, Idaho ("Facility"). The Facility is capable of generating up to approximately 3.2 megawatts of energy. The Facility is a Qualiffing Facility pursuant to the Public Utility Regulatory Policies of Act of 1978 ("PURPA"). 3. Names of Representatives All communications, pleadings, and orders with respect to this proceeding should be directed to: For Avista Corporation: Steve Silkworth Manager, Wholesale Marketing and Contracts Avista Corporation l4l I E. Mission Ave., MSC-7 Spokane, WA99202 Phone: 509-495-8093 Fax: (509) 495-4272 E-mail: steve.silkworth@avistacorp.com ilt Michael G. Andrea Senior Counsel Avista Corporation l4l I E. Mission Ave., MSC-23 Spokane, WA99202 Phone: 509-495-2564 Fax: (509) 777-5468 E-mail: michael.andrea@avistasorp.com Page - 2 JOINT PETITION OF AVISTA CORPORATION AND KOOTENAI ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE, INC. For Kootenai Electric Cooperative, Inc.: Doug Elliott General Manager 2451 W. Dakota Avenue Hayden, Id 83835-0278 Phone: 208-292-3227 Fax: (208) 209-0427 delliott@kec.som Greg Adams Richardson Adams, PLLC 515 N. 27ft St. Boise, ID 83702 Phone: (208) 938-2236 Fax: (208) 938-7904 E-mail : greg@richardsonadams.com 4. Description of Agreement KEC currently sells the output of the Facility to Idaho Power Company ("IPC") pursuant to IPC's Oregon PURPA Standard Energy Sales Agreement ("Oregon PPA"). KEC has claimed a force majeure event due to its inability to deliver the output of the facility to IPC due to a transmission line outage caused by a wildfire. IPC has accepted KEC's claim of force majeure and has consented to KEC selling the output to Avista for the period August 15 through August 24,2014 (see Exhibit H to the attached Agreement). The Agreement is a power purchase agreement under which KEC will generate and deliver the Net Output of its Facility to Avista's electric system on an as-available basis from August 15,2014 through August 24,2014 ("Term"). For the Term of the Agreement, Avista will purchase the Net Output of the Facility that is delivered to the Point of Delivery. Avista will purchase such Net Output (up to a maximum of l0 aMW) pursuant to Schedule 62 of its ldaho tariff at the lesser of (i) 85 percent (85%) of the Powerdex hourly Mid-Columbia index, or (ii) the applicable rate based upon the On-Peak or Off-Peak Avoided Cost Rates For Non-Fueled Projects Smaller Than Ten Average Megawatts - Non-Levelized in effect on the Effective Date ("Avoided Cost Rates"). Page - 3 JOINT PETITION OF AVISTA CORPORATION AND KOOTENAI ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE, INC. 5. Joint Request for Approval Avista and KEC jointly request that the Commission issue an order (i) accepting the Agreement, without change or condition, with an effective date of August 15,2014, and (ii) declaring that all payments made by Avista for purchases of energy under the Agreement be allowed as prudently incurred expenses for ratemaking purposes. Respectfully submitted this l5th day of August, 2014. AVISTA CORPORATION ,24bctYGrl4 Michael G. Andrea Senior Counsel Kootenai Electric Cooperative, Inc. Attorney for Kootenai Electric Cooperative, lnc. Page - 4 JOINT PETITION OF AVISTA CORPORATION AND KOOTENAI ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE, INC. POWER PURCIIASE AGR"EEMENT BETWEEN KOOTENAI ELECTRTC COOPEI|ATM, rNC. AND AVISTA CORPORATION 1. DEFINITIONS 2. WARRANTIES 3. CONDITIONS PRIOR TO COMMERCIAL OPEMTION 4. TERM OFAGREEMENTAND COMMERCIATOPERATION DATE 5. NETOUTPUTAMOUNTS 6. SCHEDULING 7, PURCHASE PRICES AND PAYMENT 8. INSUMNCE 9. CURTAILMENT,INTERRUPTION OR REDUCTION OF DELIVERY 10. OPERATION I I. INTERCONNECTION AND TRANSMISSION 12. FORCE MATEURE 13. INDEMNITY 14. ASSIGNMENT 15. NO UNSPECIFIEDTHIRD PARTY BENEFICIARIES 16. DEFAULT AND TERMINATION 17. DISPUTE RESOLUTION 18. RBLEASEBYSELLER 19. GOVERNMENTALAUTHORITY 20. SEVERAL OBLIGATIONS -4- -7- -8- -9- -9- -10- -10 - - 11- -!2- -13- -t4 - -14- -15- -L6- - 16- -L6- -t7 - -L7- - t8- -18- -2- 21. IMPLEMENTATION 22. NON.WAIVER 23. AMENDMENT 24. CHOICE OF LAWSAND VENUE 25. HEADINGS 26. SEVBRABILITY 27. COI'NTERPARTS 28. TAXES 29. NOTICES 30. SURVIVAL 3I. ENTIRE AGRBEMENT EXHIBIT A EXHIBIT B EXHIBIT C EXHIBIT D EXHIBIT E EXHIBIT F EXHTBIT G EXHIBIT H -18- - 18. -18- -18- -19- - 19- -19- - 19- -19- -19- -20 - -J- POWER PURCHASE AGREEMENT This Agreement is made by and between Avista Corporation, a Washingon corporation ('Avista"), and Kootenai Electric Cooperative, Inc. an ldaho corporation ("Seller"). Avista and Seller are sometimos referred to individually as a "Party" and collectively as the'lParties." RECITALS WHEI(EAS, Seller own$, operates and maintains a 3.2 MW nameplate capacity ('Expected Capacity') elechic power generating facility ('Facility") at the Kootenai County Solid Waste Facility near Bellgrovg ldaho, as more fully described in Exhibit C; and WHEREAS, Seller will operate the Facility as a Quali$ing Facility, as defined by the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 C'PURPA'); and WHEREAS, Seller sells the output of the Facility to ldaho Power Company pursuant to a powerpurchsse agreement ('PC PPA") frled with the Oregon Public Utilities Commission, but due to extenuating circumstances is currently unable to deliver the output of the facility to ldaho Power Company underthat IPC PPA; and WHEREAS, Seller and IPC have agreed to suspend the IPC PPA, and IPC has consented to Seller selling the Net Output of the Facility to Avista, through August 24,2[l4,and Avista has agreed to purciase the Net Output generated by the Facility on a non-firm as available basis during through August 24,20L4 (such suspension and consent is memorialized in Exhibit H); and WHEREAS, Seller nill deliver and sell, and Avista will purchase, Net Output generated by the Facility on an non-firm as available basis subject to the terms of this Agreement; and WHEREAS, Seller and Avista are parties to the Interconnection and Operating Agreernent dated Novenrber 15, 201I (Avista Contract No. AV-TRI l-0205-l) ('lnterconnoction and Operating Agreement"); and WHEREAS, Seller and Avista are parties to the Facilities for Intggration and Operation of Fighting Creek Facility LetterAgreement dated December 5, 201I (incotpomted as Exhibit G) which sets forth the scope of work and responsibilities of the Parties regarding the conslruction and installation of the Parties' respective facilities for the integration and operation of Seller's Facility. NOW, THDREFORE, in consideration of the mutual agreements set forth herein, the Parties agree as follows. I. DETINITIONS Except as otherwise defined in this Agreement, whenever used in this Agreement and exhibits hereto, the following terms shall have the following meanings: -4- 1.1 "Agrcgg!" means this Power Purchase Agreement, including all exhibits, and any written amendments. 1.2 "^ltcr,pate Ppint of DelW shall have the meaning provided in Section I 1.2 of this Agreernent and is further clarificd in Exhibit C of this Agreement. 1.3 "AEg[lerySgIy&E' means those services that are necessary to strpport the transmission of cepacity and energy from resouroes to loads while maintaining reliable operation of ttre electrical systems in accordance with Prudent Utility Practices and any existing or future WECC requirements. 1.4 "Ay0lCgC-CgS!}gs" shall have the meaning provided in Section 7.3 of this Agreement, 1.5 *t!{!f' means average megawatt(s). An average megawatl is calculated by dividing the total generation in MWh over a given period of time (e.9., a calendar month) by the number of hours in that period of time. 1.6 "@'means an electrical system or systems bounded by intcrconnection metering and telemetry, capable of conholling generation to maintain its interchange schodule with other Balancing Authority Areas and contributing to frequency regulation of the interconnection. A Balancing Authority fuea must be certified by the applicable reliability souncil (such as WECC or other reliability council). 1.7 "EE!988ry," tneans all monthly Net Output excepl Net Output that is Excess Energy. 1.8 "ggglggg-DlX" means every day other than a Saturday or Sunday or a national holiday. National holidays shall be those holidays observedNER,C. 1.9 "Q@igglgg'means the ldaho Public Utilities Commission, or its successor. 1.10 "Etfbgliyg.-@[g'shall have the meaning provided in Section 4.1 of this Agreernent. f .11 "EIgSE-EEgfgU" shallhave the meaning provided in Section 7.4 of this Agreement. 1,12 "EIDggSld.1QtpIg!&" shall have the meaning provided in the recitals of this Agreement. 1.13 "Egg!!i$-' means the elec&ic energy generating fhcilities, including all equipment and structures necessary to generate and supply electric energy, more particularly described at Exhibit C. -5- l.l4 "&li!iELQg!Dg!" means the capability and electric energy generated by the Facility expressed in kilowatt-hours. 1,15 "T"4litv $ervice Power" m€ans thp electric energy generated and used by the Facility during its operation to operate equipment that is auxiliary to primary generation equipment including, but not limited to, pum.pingr genorator excitation, cooling or other operations related to the production of elechic encryy by the Facility. l.16 "Eqp@ieg!9" shall have the meaning provided in Section 12 ofthis Agreement. l.l7 "FERC" means the Fedcral Energy Regulatory Commission, or its successor. 1.18 " ' shall have the rneaning provided in Section 3.4 ofthis Agreement. 1.I9 " t means, as applicable, the agr@ment betwoen Seller and Avista or Seller and a Transmitting Entity that is providing interconnection service which governs how the Net Output is delivered to Avista's or the Transrnitting Entity's electrical system at the point of interconnection during the Term of this Agreement and that is attached hereto as Exhibit F. 1,20 '6f4&" nrears the loss of electrical energy expressed in kilowatt hours (kWh), including the Meter Location Adjustment Factor ("MLAF') as described in seotion 7.2, occurring as a result of the transformation and hansmission of energy botween the point of interconnection on Seller's system and the Point of Delivery. l.2l '(MlV" means megawatt. One thousand kilowatts equals one megawatt. 1,22 *Wf[" means megawatt-hour. One thousand kilowatt-hours equals one megawatt-hour. 1.23 "@' means the Market Rate as defined in Schedule 62. 1,24 "NameplatqCanacitv Rating'means the rnaximurn generating capacity of the Facility, as determined by the manufacturer, and expressed in kilowatts (kW). 1.25 ."!lEBg' means the North American Eleotric Reliability Corporation or its successor. 1.26 "Ng!-QJEU!" means the capability and electric energy generated by the Facility, less Facility Service Power and Losses, that is delivered to the Point of Delivery, or at the Alternate Point of Delivery if applicable under Section I 1.2, expressed in kilowatt-hours. Net Output is frrrther described in Section 7.2. 1.27 "Q!LEg*" means all hours other than On-Peak hours. -6- 1.28 "Qgsg!''means the hours ending 0700 throughzz00 Paciftc Prevailing time, Monday through Sunday, including national holidays. 1,29 "fg!ELg[DC[99ry" means the location, as specified in Exhibit C of this Agreernen! where the electric energy produced by the Facility is delivored to Avista's electrical system. 1.30 "@" means the practices, methods, and acts commonly and ordinarily used.in electrical epgineoring and operations by a significant portion of the eleohic power goneration and transmissio:r industry, in the exercise of reasonable judgment in the light of the faets known or thal should have been known at the time a decision was made, that would have been expected to accomplish the desired result in a manner conslstent with law, regulation, rcliability, safety, environmental protection, economy, and ex,pedition. l.3l t'@3[&!B&&9i!i! ' or "QE ' means a generating facility which meets the reguirements for'iQF'slatus under PURPA and part 292 of FERC's Regulations, l8 C.F.R. Part 2V2,and which has obtained certification of its QF status. 1,32 "Schedule 62" means Schedule 62 of Avista's ldaho tariff, as may be amended from time to time. 1.33 "&@" shall have the meaning provided in Section 4.1 of this Agreement. l.34..@meansanyentityorentitiesincludingSeIlerthatprovide transmission and/or interconnection service to deliver efectric energy from the Facility to Avista's electrical system at the Point of Delivery or at the Alternate Point of Delivery if applicable under Seotion I1.2. For purposes of this Agreement, Seller is the Transmitting Entity. 1.35 "Wg" means the Western Electricity Coordinating Council or its successor. WARRANTIES 2.1 No Warrqntv bv Avista. Avista makes no warranties, expressed or implied, regarding any aspect of Scller's design, specifications, equipment or faoilities, including, but not Iirnited to, safety, durability, reliability, strength, capacity, adcquacy or economic feasibility, and any review, acceptance or failure to review Seller's design, specifications, equipment or Facility shall not be an endorsement or a confirmation by Avista. Avistra assumes no rcsponsibility or obligation with regatd to any NERC and/or WECC reliability standard associated with the Facility or the delivery of electric energy from the Facility to tlre Point of Delivery or at the Alternate Point of Delivery if applicable under Section I1.2. 2.2 Spller's lYarTantv. Seller warants and represents that (a) Seller has investigated and determined that it is capable of performing and will perform the obligations hereunder and has not relied upon the advice, experience or expertise of Avista in connection with the transactions contemplated by this Agreement; (b) all professionals and experts -7- including, but not limited to, engineers, attomeys or accountants, that Seller may have consulted or relied on in undertaking the transaclions contemplated by this Agreement have been solely those of Seller; (c) Seller will comply with all applicable laws and rcgulations and shall obtain and comply with applicable licenses, permits and qpprovals in the design, construction, operation and maintenance of the Facility; and (d) the Facility is, and during the Term ofthis Agreement will rema-uu a Qualifring Facility as that term is uscd in l8 C.F.R Part292. Seller's failure to maintain Quati&ing Facility status wilt be a material bleach of this Agreement. Avista reserves the right to review the Seller's Qualifying Facility status and associated support and compliance documents at anytime during the Tertn of this Agreement. Seller further warrants that Seller's licenses, pgmits and approvals as set forth in Section 3.1 above are legally and validly issued, are held in the name of the Seller, and Scller is in substantial compliance with said permits. Seller further warrants and represents that Seller and Idaho Power Company have agreed to suspend the IPC PPA and that ldalro Power Company has consented to Soller selling the Net Output to Avista as set forth in this Agreement. 3. CONDITIONS PRIORTO DELIVERY OF NET OUTPUT 3.1 Lipon$s. Pormih and Apnfovals. Prior to the delivery of any Net Output to Avista, Seller shall submit to Avista written proof that all licenses, permits or approvals nec€ssary for Seller's operations have been obtained from applicable {bderal, state, tribal or local authorities, including, but not limited to, evidence of compliance with subpart B, 18 C.F.R. g 292.207 , fiibal, state and local business licenses, environmental permits, easefierts, leases and all required approvals by the Commission. Avista and Seller shall cooperato in petitioning the Commission for any required approvals. 3,2 IndepenSent Ensinepring,Cgrtilications. Prior to the delivery of any Net Output to Avista, Seller shall zubmit to Avista applicable Independent Engineering Certifications for (a) Construction Adoquaoy for a Qurilifying Facility, and (b) Oper*ions and Maintenance Policy for a QuaH&rng Facility as described in Commission Order No. 21690. Each Independent Engineering Certification shall be signed by a licensed professional engineer in good standing submitted in a fonn accepable to Avista and will acknowldge that tlre licensed professional engineer rendering the opinion understands that Avista is relying on said opinion. Avista's acceptance of such forms shall not be unreasonably withheld. 3.3 Initia! Canacitv Dolermination. Seller shall design and operate the Facility in a manner such that under normal desrgn conditions the Net Output does not exceed l0 aMW in any calendar month. Prior to delivery of any Net Output" Seller shall submit to Avista the maximum hourly generation capability of the Facility ('lnitial Capacity Determination"). Such Initial Capacity Determination shall be determined by use of the Nameplate Capacity Rating and shall be documented and submitted to Avista by Seller. Such documentation shall include the information listed in Exhibit E. Upon receipt of Seller's Initial Capacity Determination, Avista -8- will review such determination within a reasonable time and, if aceeptable to Avistq Avista shall issue to Seller its written approval of the Initial Capacity Determination. If the Initial Capacity Determination submitted by Seller is not acceptable to Avista, Avista will promptly noti$ Seller that Avista will not accept its Initial Capacity Determinatior. ln suoh event, Avista shall ongage, at Seller's sole expense, an independent qualified consultant to determine the Initial Capacity Determination. During the Term of this Agrcement, Soller shall not cause the eapacity of the Faoility to be greater than the Initial Capacity Determination by &ny means, including by addition, upgrade, or replacement of any turbines. 3.4 Aneilhrv SerTices. In the event that the Facility is located outside of Avista's Balancing Authority Area, Seller shall be responsible at its sole expense for obtaining any and all nec€ssa{y Ancillary Services. Seller shall demonstrate its compliance with this Section prior to the delivery of any Net Outputto Avisla. 3.5 Insurtncg. Prior to tlre delivery of any Net Output to Avista, Seller shall submit to Avista ovidence of compliance with Section 8, Insurance. 3.6 Netryork Resolrfce Dpsigpation. At Avista's request Seller shall provide to Avista all data required by Avista to enable the Facility to be designated by Avista as a network resource. 3.1 Wriften Accentance Prior to the delivery of any Net Output to Avista, Seller shall request and obtain from Avista witten confirmationthat all conditions to acceptance of electric energy have been fulfilled. Avista shall use rcasonable commercial efforts to promptly provide Seller written confirmation that all conditions to acceptance ofelectdc eneryy have been fulfilled or provide notice that suoh conditions have not been fulfilled. 4, TERM OF AGREEMENT AND COMMERCIAL OPEMTIOI\ DATE 4,1 This Agreement shall be effective on the date last signed below or such other date set by Commission order (the "Effective Date") and shall continueuntil August 24,2014 ("Term'). 4,2 The Parties agroe that this Agreement will be construed in aecordance with Section 210 of PURPA and other applicable laws and regulations. This Agreement shall become frnally effective upon the Commission's approval of all terms and provisions herein without change or condition and declaration that all payments to be made to Seller hereunder shall be allowed as prudently incurred expenses for ratemaking purposes (Reserved) -9. 6. SCHEDULING 6,1 Seller will make reasonable efforts to sontact Avista Real-Time Scheduler to update Avista Real-Time Scteduler regarding any schedule estimates for generation, outage timeframes/duration, and return to service estimates- 6.2 Email contact information with reiard to schedulingand telephone contaot information with regard to generation changes, intemrptions or outages 4re specified in Exhibit A, Communication and Reporting. 7. PURCHASE PRTCES ANp PAYMET{T 7.1 Except when either Party's performance is excused as provided hereiq for the Term of this Agreement, Seller shall deliver all Net Output fronr the Facility to Avista at the Point of Delivery, or at the Altemate Point of Delivery if applicable under Section I 1.2. For all Net Output delivered to Avista at the Point of Delivery, or at the Alternate Point of Delivery if applicable under Seotion I1.2, Avista shall pay the applicable rate specified in Sections 7.3 and 7.4 of this Agroement. 72 Net Outout. Net Output shall be determined by measuring the Facility Output and reducing that amount by Facility Service Power and the MeterLocation Adjustment Factor C'MLAF") which is the product of all applicable loss factors for ttre distribution system, hansformation and transmission system between the motering point and the Point of Delivery. Net Output shall be calculated ln accordance with the following formula: Net Output = (Facility Output) - (Facility Service Power) x MLAF MLAF = I - (Distribution Line Loss Factorof 0.0203) + (Dower Transformer No toad Loss of 0.0030) * (Dower Transformer Load Loss of 0.0010) + (Transmission Line Loss of 0.0005)lMLAF: I - 0.0248 MLAF = 0.9752 7.3 Base Enorry. For all Base Energy delivered to Avista at the Point of Delivery, or at the Alternate Point of Delivery if applicable under Section ll.2,Aviste shall pay Scller the lesser of (i) the current month's Market Energy Rate or (ii) the applicable rate based upon the On-Peak or OflPeak Avoided Cost Rates ForNon-Fueled Prdects Smaller Than Ten Average Megawatts - Non-Levelized in effect on the Effective Date (*Avoided Cost Rates') as specified in Exhibit D. 7.4 Excess Enerw. Excess Energy is Net Output, expressed in MWh, which Seller delivers to Avista at the Polnt of Delivery and/or at the Alternate Point of Delivery if applicable under Seetion I1.2 that exceeds l0 aMW in a calendar Month. Avista, at its sole discretioq may accept Excess Energy, but Avista will not pay fot any Excess Energy. Where Avista does not elect to accept Exccss Energy, and Seller delivers such enorgy afternotification by Avista in accordance with Exhibit A, Seller shall pay Avista liquidated damages equal to $100 per MWh of Excess Energy delivered to Avista. The Parties agree that the damages that Avista would -10- incur due to Seller's delivery of Excess Energy when Avista does not elect to accept Excess Energy would be difficult or impossible to predict with certainty and the liquidated damages contemplated by this provision are a fair and reasonable calculation of such damages and are not a penalty. Pavmpnts to $gllen Avista shall prepare and submit to Seller monthly statements during the Term of the Agreement based upon Net Ouput delivered to Avista during the previous month. Payrnents owed by Avista shall be paid no later than the l5th day of the month following the end of the monthly billing period or five days after the receip of a monthly statoment, whichever is later. Ifthe due date falls on a non-Business Day, then the payment shall be due on the next Business Day. 7.6 Paymeptq to Avistr rnd Risht pf Set 9ff. If Seller is obligated to make any payment or refund to Avista, Seller agrees that A\rista may set offsuch payment or rcfund amount against any curent or future payments due Seller under this Agreement. If Avista does not elect to set off, or if no current or future payment is owed by Avista, Avista shall submit an invoice to Seller for suot payments. Seller shail pay Avista noiater than the l5o day of the month following the end of the monthly billing period or five days after the receipt of a monthly statement whichever is later. If the due date falls on a non-Business Day, then the payment shall be due on the next Business Day. 7,7 lnterest. In addition to thr renedies sot forth in Section 16 of this Agreement, any amounts owing after the due date specified in Sections 7.5 and 7.6 will be subject to interest inthe amount of one and one half percent (1.57o) per month, not to exceed the maximum rate allowed by the law, multiplied by the unpaid balance. 7,8 Wire Transfer. All payments shall be made by ACH or wire traqsfer in accordance with further agreement of the Parties. 8. INSURANCE 8.1 hsuranpo. Prior to operating the Facility, Seller, at its ovyn cost, shall obtain and maintain the following insurance in force over the term of this Agreement and shall provide certificates of all insurance policies. All insurance polioies required to fulfill the requirements of this Section 8 shall include language requiring that any notice of cancellation or notice of change in policy terms be sent to Avista by the insurance canie(s) at least sixty days prior to any change ortermination of the policies. 8.1.1 GCneral Liabillty. Seller shall carry commercial general liability insurance for bodily injury and property damage with a minimum limit equal to $2,000,000 for each occurence. Thc deductible shall not exceed the Seller's financial ability to cover claims and shall not be greater than prevailing practices for similar operations in the State of ldaho. 8.1.2 Proncrtv. Seller shall carry all-risk property insurance for repair or replacement of the Facility. The limit of property insurance shall be sufficient to restore 7.5 -u- opgrations in the event of reasonably foresecable losses from natural, operational, mechanical and humanncaused perils, The deductible shall not exceed the Seller's financial ability to fund the cost oflosses and shall not be greater than prevailing practices for similar operations in the State of ldaho. 8.1.3 Oqalifvine Insunnce. The insurance coverage required by this Section 8 shall be obtained from an insurance company reasonably acceptable to Avista and shall include an endorsement naming Avista as an additionat insured and loss Fayee as applicablc. 8.1.4 Nqtice of Lpss or Lrpse of l4surflpce by SellG,r. If the insurance coverag€ required by this Section 8 is lost or lapses for any reason, Seller will immediately no.tify Avista in writing of such loss or lapse. Such notice shall advise Avista of (i) the reason for such loss or lapse and (ii) the steps Sel[er is taking to replace or reinstate soverage. Notice provided by the insurer required by Section 8.1 shall not satis$ the notice requirement ofthis Section and Seller's faiture to provide the notice required by this Section and/or to promptly replace or reinstate coverage will constitute a material breach of this Agreement. 8.2 OpFoins Securitv for Pgffprnance, For the Term ofthis Agreement, Seller will provide Avista with the following: E.2.1 Ineurance. Uporr Avista's reguest, Sellor shall provide Avista evidence of compliance with the provisions of Section 8.1 . If Seller fails to comply, such failure will be a material breach and may only be cured by Seller promptly supplying evidence that the required insurance coverage has been replaced or rcinstated. 8.3 Liccnses and PerBits. During the Terrr of this Agrcement, Seller shall maintain compliance with all permits and licenses described in Seotion 3.1 ofthis Agreement. In addition, Seller will obtain, and supply Avista with copies of, any new or addirional permits or licenses that may be required for Seller's operations. If at any time Seller fails to maintain compliance with the permits and licenses described in Section 3.1 or this Section, or to provide documentation required by this Section, such failure will be a material breach of this Agroement that rnay only be cured by Seller submitting to Avista evidence of compliance. 9. CURTAILMENT. INTERRUPTION OR REDUCTION OF DELIVERY Avista may require Seller to curtail, internrpt or reduce delivery of Net Output if, in accordanqe with Section 10.2, Avista determines that curtailment, intemrption or reduction is n@essary because of a Force Majeure event or to protect persons or property from injury or damage, orbecause of emergencies, necessary system maintenance, systcm modification or special operating circumstances. Avista shall use commercially reasonable efforts to keep any period of curtailment, interruption, or reduction to a minimum. In order not to interfere unreasonably with Seller operations, Avista shall, to the extent practical, give Seller reasonable prior notiee of any curtrailment, intemrption, or reduction, the reason for its occunence and its probable duration. Seller understands and agrees that Avista may not be able to provide notice to - l2- Seller prior to interuption, curtailment, or reduction of electrical cnergy deliveries to Avista in emergency circumstances, real-time operations of the electric system, and/or unplanned events. r0. oPERA,TTON l0.l Communicatiops Fnd Repprfins. Avista and the Seller shall maintain appropriate operaling communications throlgh the Communioating and Reporting Guidelines specified in ExhibitA. 10,2 Excuse From Acconlrncg of Deliverv of EnerFy. 10,2,1 Avista may ourtail, interrupt, reduce or suspend delivery, receipt or acceptanoe of Net Ouput if Avista, in its sole discretion, reasonably determines that such curtailment, interruption, rcductisn or suspension is necessary, consistent with Prudent Utility Practice, and that the &ilurc to do so may; (a) endarger any person or property, or Avista's electric system, or any electric system wlth which Avista's system is interconnected; (b) cause, or conhibute to, an itnminent significaat disruption of electric service to Avista's or another utility's customers; (c) interfere with any construstion, installation, inspection, testing, repair, replacement improvement, alteration, modification, operation, use or maintenance of or addition to, Avista's electric system or other property of Avista; or (d) cause, conhibute to, or ne@ssitate operation of any of Avista's hydro elechic projects in violation of any liceuse or other regulatory requirements. 10.2.2 Avista shall promptly notiff Seller of the reasons for at y such curtailment, intemrption, reduction or suspension provided for in Seotion 10.2. Avista shall use reasonable efforts to limit the duration of any such curtailment, interruption, reduction or suspension. 10.3 Seller's Risk. Seller shall design, constrult, own, operate and maintain the Facility at its own risk and expense in compliance with all applicable laws, ordinances, rules, regulations, orders and other requirements, now or hereafter in effect, of any governmental authority. 10.4 Avista's Nqht to Insnect Seller shall permit Avista to inspect and audit the Facility, any related production, delivery and scheduling documentation or the operation, use or maintenance of the Facility at any reasonable time and upon roasonable notice. -13- 10.5 Sellqr O, blisations in Accqrdasps with trudcnt Utility Pmctices. Seller shall own, operate and maintain ihe Facility and any Seller-owned faoilities in accordance withPrudent Utility Practices. r 1.0 INTEBCONNECTTpN aNp TRAI{SMTSSION 1l.l Seller shall make all nesessary arrangements and pay all costs to interconnect its Facility with the electrical system ofthe Transmitting Entity. Attached as Exhibit F is the lnterconnegtion and Opemting Agreemert. ll.2 In the evont that Seller or Avista is required to curtail, intemrpt or reduce delivery ofNet Output to the Point of Delivery, Sellermay use reasonable oornmercial efforts to anangg at Seller's sole expense, for delivery of Net Output at a secondary point of dolivery ("Altemate Point of D-elivery). Avista will use reasonable commercial efforts to accept Net Outp.ut at such Altemate Point of Delivery; provlded, however,that the Parties have enabled and established the use of such Alternate Point of Delivery pursuant to Section I I .3. 113 Seller shall be responsible for any and all costs and expenses related to the transmission of Net Output to the Point of Delivery or any Altemate Point of Delivery under this Agrcemenf including but not limited to Ancillary Services and any costs or expenses inourred by Avista resulting from enabling and establishing Avista's ability to accept Net Output at thc Point of Delivery and any Alternate Point of Delivery. Such costs and expenses shall include those for metering and olher parallel operation facilities specified in Exhibit G. 12. FORCE MAJEURE l2.l Neither Party shall be liable to the other Party, or be considered to be in breach of or default under this Agreement, for delay in performance due to a cause or condition beyond such Party's reasonable control whioh despite the exercise otreasonable due diligence, such Party is unable to prevent or overcome ("Force Majeure"), including but not limited to: (a) fire, flood, earthquake, volcanic activity; court order and aot of civil, military or govemmental authority; strike, lockout and other labordispute; riot, insunection, sabotage or war; unanticipated olectrical disturbance originating in or tmnsrnitted through suoh Party's electric system orany electric system with which such Party's system is interconnected; or (b) an action taken by such Party which is, in the sole judgment of such Party, nec€ssary or prudent to protect the operation, performance, integrity, reliability or strbility of such Party's electric system or any electric system with which such Patty's electric system is interconnected, whe,ther such actions occur automatically or manually. 12.2 In the event of a Force Majeure event, the time for performance shall be extended by a period of time reasonably necessary to overcome such delay. Avista shall not be required to pay for Net Output which, as a result of any Force Majeure event, is not delivered. -t4- 12.3 Nothing contained in this Section shall require any Party to settle any sbike, lockout or other labor dispute. lZ.4 In the event of a Force Majeure ovent, the delayed Party shall provide the other Part-y nolice by telephone or email as soon as reasonably practicable and written notice within fourteen days after the occulrqoce of the Force Majeure event, Such notice shall include the parliculars of the occunence. The suspension of performance shall be of no greater scope and no longer duration Oren is required by the Force Majeure and the delayed Party shall use its best efforts to remedy its inability to perform. 12.5 Force Majeure shall include any unforeseen electrical disturbance that prevents any electric energy deliveries ftom oceurring at the Poinl of Delivery and at any Altemate Point of Detivery. 13. rNpEMr{ITy l3.l Each Party shall defend, indemniff and hold harmless, the other Party, its directors, ofEc€rs, employees, and agents (as the "lndemnitee") from and against all claims, demands, cautes of actioqJudgments, liabilities and associated costs and expenses (including reasonable attorney's fees) to the extent arising from or attributable to the performance or non- performance of that Party's (as the "Indemnitor") obligations under this Agreement, including but not limited to, damage to tangible property and bodily injury or death suffered by any person (including employees of Seller or Avista or the public), provided that: (a) No Indemnitee shall be indemnified for any loss, liability, injury, or damage resulting from its sole negligence, gross negligence, fi'aud or willful misconduct; and (b) The Indemnitor shall be entitled, at its option, to assume and control the defense and any scttlement of such suit. Each indcmnity set forth in this Section is a continuing obligation, selmrate and independent of the other obligations of each Party and shall survive the expiration or termination of this Agreement. 13.2 SELLDR AND AVISTA SPECIflCALLY WARRANT THAT THE TERMS AND CONDITTONS OF THE FOREGOING INDEMNITY PROVISIONS ARE THE SUBJECT OF MUTUAL NEGOTIATION BY THE PARTIES, AND ARE SPECIFICALLY AND EXPRDSSLY AGREEI' TO IN C{NSIDERATION OF THE MUTUAL BENEFITS DERIVED UNDER THE TERMS OFTHD AGREEMENT. I3.3 EXcETT AS EXPRESSLY PROVIDEI} HEREIN, NEITHER PARTY SHALL BE LIABLE UNI'ER ANY PROVTSION OT THIS AGREEMENT F1OR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, OR PUNITM DAMACES, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO LOSS OF PROFIT, SAVINGS OR REVENUE, LOSS OF THE USE OF EQUIPMENT, COST OF CAPITAL, OR COST Or' TEMPORARY EQUTPMENT OR SERVTCES, WHETIIER BA$ED IN WIIOLE OR IN - t5 - PART IN CONTRACT,IN TORT,INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE, STRICT LIABILITY, OR ANY OTHER THEORY OF LIABILITY. 14. ASSIGNIT{ENT 14.1 Seller shall not assign its rights or delegate its duties under this Agreemcnt without the prior written consent of Avista, which eonsont shall not be unreasonably withheld. Subject to the foregoing restrictions on assignments, this Agreement shall be fully binding upon, inure to the benefit of and be enforceable by the Parties and their respective successors, heirs and assigns. 14.2 Seller shall havethe right, subject to lh€ obligations in Section 8, without Avista's ernsent, but with a thirty days prior written notice to Avista, to make collateral assignments of its rights under this Agreement to satisf, the requirements of any development, construction, or other reasonable long term financing. A collateral assignment shall not constitute a delegation of Seller's obligations under this Agreement, and this Agreement shall nol bind the collateral assignee. Any collateral assignee succeeding to any portion of the ownership interest of Seller shall be considered Seller's successor in interest and shall thereafter be bound by this Agreement. 15. NO UNSPECIFIED THIRD PARTY BENEFICIA.RIES There are no third party beneficiaries of this Agreement. Nothing contained in this Agreement is intended to confer any right or interest on anyone other than the Parties, and their respective successors, heirs and assigns permitted under Section 14. T6. DEtr'AULT AI\ID TERMINA,TION 16.l In addition to any other breach or failure to perform under this Agreement that is not otherwise excused under this Agreement, each of the following events shall constitute a Default: (a) Seller abando.ns the Facility; (b) The Facility ceases to be a Qualifying Facility; (c) A Party becomes insolvent (e.g., is unable to meet its obligations as they. become due or its liabilities exceed its assets); (d) Seller makes a general assignment of substantially all of its assets for the benefit of its creditors, files a petition for bankruptcy or reorganization or seeks other relief under any applicable insolvency laws; (e) Seller has fited against it a petition for banlauptcy, reorganization or other relief under any applicable insolvency laws and such petition is not dismissed or stayed within sixty days after it is filed; -16- (f) Seller is in default under any Agreement related to this Agreement; G) Termination, oancellation or e-xpiration of any agreement required for Seller to deliver Ner Output to Avista undor this Agreement, including but not limited to the Interconnection and Operating Agreement; 16,2 Notice and Opportunl(y to Cure. In the event of a Default, the non-Defaulting Party shall give writtan notice to the Defaulting Party of a Default in accordance with Section 29. Except where the applicable section provides a cure periodfor the applicable default, if the Defaulting Party has not ctrgd the breaclr within thirty days after receip of such written notice, the non-Defaulting Party may, at its orption, terminate this Agreement and/orpursue any remedy available to it in law or e4uity;provided that, ifa Dofault occurs under Se,stions l6.l(a), l6.l(d) and/or 16.1(e), Avista may immdiately terminate this Agreement without opportunity to cure, and such termination shall become effeotive upon writterr notice of Default. 16.3 Additiond Rishts qnd Reme$ics. Any right or remedy afforded to either Party under this Agreement on account of a Default by the other Party is in addition to, and not in lieu of, all other rights or remedies available to such Party under any other provisions of this Agreement, by law or otherwise on account of the Default. 17, DISPUTE RESOLUTION Each Party shall strive to rcsolve anJ and all differences during the term of the Agreement through meetings and discussions. lf a dispute cannot be resolved within a reasonable time, not to oxceed thi*y days, each Party shall escalate the unresolved dispute to a seniorofficer designated by each Party. If the senior offrcers are not able to resolve the dispute within ten Business Days sf escalation then either Party may either agree to mediate or arbitrate the dispute or requost a hearing before the Commission. 18. RELEASE BY SELLER Seller releases Avista from any and all claims, losses, harm, liabilities, damages, costs and expenses to the extent resulting from any: f8,f Elecnic disturbance or fluctuation that migrates, directly or indirectly, from Avista's electric system to the Facility; 18.2 Intemrption, suspension or curtailment of electric service to the Facility or any other premises owne{ possessed, controlled or served by Seller, which intemrption, suspension or curtailment is caused or contributed to by the Facility or the interconnection of the Facility; I8.3 Disconnection, intemrption, suspension or curtailment by Avista pursuant to terms ofthis Agreement orthe Interconnection and Operating Agreement. -17- 19. GOVERNMENTAL AUTTIORITY This Agreement is subjcct to the rulesn regulations, orders and other re4uirements, of all govemmental authorities having jurisdiction overthe Facility, this Agreement, the Parties or either ofthem, including Section 210 of PI-LRPA. All laws, ordinances, rules, regulations, orders and other rcquirements of govcrnmental authorities that are required to be incorporated in agreements of this eharaoter are by this reference incor-porated in this Agreement. 2O. SEVERAL OBLIGATIONS The duties, obligations and liabilities of the Parties underthis Agreement are intended to be several not joint or collective. This Agreement shall not be interpreled or construed to create an association,joint venture or partnership benveen the Parties. Eaoh Party shall be individually and severally liable for its own obligations unde-rthis Agreement. Further, neither Party shall have any rights, power or authority to enter into any agreement or rmdertaking for or on behalf of, to act as to be an agent or representrative of, or to otherwise bind the other Party. 21. TMPLEMENTATTON Eaoh Party shall promptly take such action (including, but not limited to, the execution, acknowledgernert and delivery of documents) as may be r-easonably requested by the other Party for the implementation or continuing performance of this Agreement. 22. NON-\ryAIVER The failure of eithor Party to insist upon or enforcc strict perforrrance by the other Party of any provision of this Agreement orto exercise any right underthis Agreement shall nol be construed as a waiver or relinquishment of such Party's right to assert or rely upon any such provision or right in that or any subsequent instance; rather, the same shall be and remain in ftrll force and effect. 23. AMENDMENT No change, amendrnent or modification of any provision of this Agreement shall be valid unless set forth in a rrwittcn amendment to this Agreemenl srgned by both Parties and subsequently approved by the Commission. 24, CHOICE OF LAWS AND VENUE This Agreement shall be construcd and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of ldaho without reference to its choice of law provisions. Venue for any litigation arising out of or related to this Agreement shall lie in the District Court of the Fourth Judicial District of Idaho in and for the County of Ada. - l8- 25. HEApINGS The Sectionheadings in this are forconvenienceonly and shall not be considered part of or used in the interpretation of this Agreement. 26. SEVERABILITY The invalidity or unenforceability of any provision of this Agreement shall not affect the validity or enforccabilrty of any other provision of this Agreement, and this Agreement shall be construed in all respects as if the invalid or unenforceable provision were omitted. 27. COUNTERPABTS This Agcement may be executed in two or more counterparts, each of which shall be deemed as an original, and together shall constitute one and the same document. 28. TAXES Each Parfy shall pay before delinquency all taxes and other governmental charges for which such Party is responsible and whic[ if failed to be paid when due, could result in a lien upon the Facility. 29, NOTICES Unless otherwise specified, all written notices or other communications required by or provided under this Agreement shall be maile.d or delivered to the following addresses, and shall be considered delivered when deposited in the US Mail, postage prepaid, by certified or registered mail or delivered in person: to Avista:Director, Power Supply Avista Corporation P.O. Box 3727 Spokane, WA 99220 General Managerto Seller: Kootenai Electric Cooperative, Inc. 2451 W. Dakota Avenue Hayden, Idaho 83 835-0278 Either Party may change is designated representative to receive notice and/or address specified above by giving the other Party written noticc of such change. 30. suRYMr Rights and obligations which, by their nature, should survive termination or expiration of this Agrcement, will remain in effect until satisfied, including without limitatiorU all outstanding - 19- financial obligations, and the provisions of Section 13 (Indemnity) and Section t7 (Disptte Resolution). 3I. ENTIRE AGREEMENT This Agreement, including the following exfiibits which are attached and incorporated by reference horcin, constitutes the entire agreemeut oJthe Parties and supersedes all prior and contemporaneous oral or unitten agreements between the Parties with respect to the subject matter hereof; Exhibit A Communications and Reporting Exhibit B Independent Engineering Certifications for Construction Adequacy for a Qualifying Facility and Operations and Maintenance Policy Project Descrffion and Point of Delivery Avoided Cost Rates Initial Capacity Determination Documentation Interconnection and Operating Agreement Facilities for Integration and Operation of Fighting Creek Facility Letter from ldaho Power Company Exhibit C Exhibit D Exhibit E Exhibit F Exhibit G Exhibit H -20 - IN WITNESS WI{EREOF, the Parties have caused this Agreenrent to be executed by their duly authorized representatives as of the date set forth below. KOOTENAI ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE,INC AVISTA CORPORATION fiflg; G<^rr*r l4c-.*rr /CSc: p4g. 6\s:.2>s 15, 2_or4 -21 - EihibitA Cg++Hnicsgop f +d tseppf, Fus '(D Email communioations between Sell€r and Avista shall bc submltted to: Avi sta: robert.follini@avistacorp,coii; or rohert.fol lini @)a.vistacorp,com Seller: dellio.tt@keo;com Alteriritb: sdoliti@kid.com (2) Nl qral comrir.ttnipa.tio. ns rclatt{rg to elecitriq -o4elgy.scheduljng; Epneratior level changesl in[emuptlons or outages between Seller and Avish will be commruricated on a pcorded line as follows: G) irerSc,hpd$lg (5:30 am to 12:00 noon on Business Days): Avista Pre;Scheduler: (509) 495-491 I Alternate Phone; (509) 495-:4073 Seller: 898). 292-32?6 (Shawn Dolan) Altemate Phbne; Q08)292:3227 (Doie Elliott) O) Real{ime Sohed[te (ayailable 24 hours a {ay) Avista Real.Time Scleduler; (509) 495.8534 Seller: Q0D2%-W6 (Stawn Dolan) Altemate Phonq: (208) ?92.322? (Doug Elliott) (3) Either Party may change its contaol information upon written notice to thg other Pqrty, -l- ATPEI'IPU(J: I$(TTNBBRS CERI'II(:A'flON OF DESKIN & (X}NSIItIETK'N ADEOUACY 'llrc undenfunql EtlBESlnccring E:ol$tlen3, Inc. horoby Cdoc aadcortitioc to I&h Powur m follows: t. Orcgon. 2. botwcn Idaho Powcr ar Buycr, i&irch 5, 201{ urd gEroporativq, rno.os $ollor, dotorl 3. Tlut thc cogenoraliuo or rmsll powce podudionr Agnrumoil snd this Shlemonl, ie idatillod ae IIlCo Frcllf,y l,lo rcftnrd 0o asthc t'Iholoct't. 4. That thc Pn{oof whloh is Gomriorly known a* thc Econy Bencon, P.E,- - ., ffi boholf of hhnrolf and lproirnftor cdloclivcly rcfrncd lo rs rfirryincart, pujel, wftioh is thc rmbJor* of lltc 21865X13 an4lrlrcrcinrficr FighttnE Craek l,andf,ill GaE to f,nergy sEatlon Pmioct, il Tft* llnginccr io a Liconmd Prckionrl Rnglmg ln good $sndlqg in lhs Stats of ntal Bnghcor hrc rwiswcd thc [nolgy Satec Agrco[cnl, haoindlcr "Aglceprrrl!,Iiootcnal Elssrrlo hcatcdlnsostion r 'l'uwnrhlp 'N ,Rrrnp 5 .,-wf*corntn t(oot:nai 5. Tlut llnginoer roogniuos lhit thc Agrocnal providc* for tlto hoicd m ftrrnidr dcctricrl crwrxy to ldoho Pows for a 5-t*- C9. ) your pcdod, 6. 'Ihat Frgincr lur ubdrnthl orpori,orrcc lu lho dceisn, ooostuctiot ond opontlon of olcclric powcr planlr of tha remc tlryo B thfu PmJcd. 1, Thrt &ginu hoe no cconorlc rcldiorsb$ to tho Dcelgn lhginerof this lho.lool end har madcthc rndyds of lhc plonr roil ryedftsalion$ iadopondontly. 8. Itd Gogilccr hac pvicwcd tho orrghrcdiog doeigr utd oonslruolloR of lhc PmJcct, inchdiry ltp olvil worl, ctclrisol wort, guroratirrg equfumonl, prirnc movor convoyuoc epbm, Scllar $lrnbhod lrrlor<rmnection Fmilitlos and ofia Pnrjcd fidlhlcr aml oqulpmcmt. -4(t- 2n1{itota 9. Thd lhryircor rr*ogrtizc tlrrn! lrhln Powor, in accrrdnnoo wlth ponagraplr 5.2 of drc Agrounonl, ir rc$ng olr lhghe.or'n rupr[Efitatloos rnd rf,nlox oortalnod ln thb Strtcrncrt. 10. ThS tsq8lnfir csdific* thrt lho above slrtcmcntr au conplctg lruc erd rootrnlo to thc bcrt of his turyledgo strd thsdilro u{r hb hrd urd rerl bdow. / (PIt $tamp) Pal6 -*;): /,: .../.t s ,/5.,i L/ - 4J- Ttutut4 Al,I'llNDD'(C I*{OINEB,RTS CRITTIFICATION 0r O}BNAT(}NS & MAINI'INAM}B ruTICY _, on bobrlf of hlttuctf and .jTBRcu".".rtsgjr=". rn.:_, hsrEhrllar collocliwly rctfurpd !o ar "lhrgiuoer,r' homUy ehlctnnil ccdif,Goto fto.$llor ar folloryer l. Ilutl}rglnomira Uosrnd hofcrdonrl lhgincrin gooddrrdirg in tho Stetcoforcgon. 2, lhrt &rginer ftr roviwed thu Bntrgly $alcs Agreluenl, hcltim0cr "AgroonGot, ltctwcm Kootenai Electric Cbopcratl.v. tttarch 5, 2O1{ 6* l"R,*hr, dotod 3. IIut dro oogpmra*oo or omtll powa pmdnctlon profut wllch tr thc ruhjoct of lhc Agrcmcnt md iUo $tuoom h idontlliod m lllCo Fecillty No. 2rB6ta-.0 b herclnattcr refcnpd to ts thc?n{cct'n FiEhttng ecck Lanrtfill 4, Thd thc rreicct, n&fr:h is cunmorty laown ar u* *"-t-1jt*' "tttl?I haatod in tJcciion j .Towns[ipj1:1-,Rangc s ,-..s"t" -Csur*y, tootGn€r 5. 'ltat Erginerr ruoogplzce that lho Agrcornoat pruvide forthe lojcct to furnirh dcctrlcal rxrotgy toldaho Powor forporlodof -1s ]rcam. 6. Itat lhginmr h$ rubcrntid oxpuicnoo ll tho docign, cosslrudlm md operatlon of ulodrlo powor flenle of tho camo typu as lhLt l'tofirct. 7. That Eoginer har no ccosomio relntionrhip to lho Dcrign Bnginoor of lhis Pmjoct. 8. 'l'hat lhginccrhm rsvhwcd andlor nrporvirod thcraviowof tlroPolioy for Opcratior and Mahtcrnncc fO&Mr) ftr Ob Pmjcd uxl it ir his profersiounl opirrhn thq pmvldcd Brld PtoJct lut hrcn r6eignod and built to rJrproprirto candurdq adlrc$nm to slid ()&M l'olioy will rerull ln the -42- 2A|/.,,AI4 Projctb prtrluciug nt or ncar the denign doctrical oufinf oflloienoy orrd plnnt hOor fo't pcriod o] . ]t --*_trcffs, 0. 'Illrl Iloginec rccogoiar &rt ldalo Power, irr nocordrrco wlth prngreph 5.2 of 0re Agruqncrrf ir dyiqg on tlqlircrt rqrcoUtiorc and opinirme coarrirrerl in thls Sal€omt. 10. Ttnt Brginer oortlficr that lho abovc statcmurtr uo oonplclq lruo and eopwdolo lhc bc$ of hig knowtod&$ld tlrcmforc idr hh huxlerd scal blor. (P.ts.Sanp) .43- AP}-B-NP.-!JLS B}tGlNUln'$ CBMI$ ICA:t'pN OF OMnINO OPBNA'IIONS AI{D MAINTtsNAT{CE unMsrod 86nny BGnsoD, P.E.'l1o trtrERGfneGring or hohdf of himndf end Solutiono. Inc.hcrcinrftcr oollocllwly ruforcd to et "Bngiuocrr" harcby ehlccandocrtificc !o thc Sclhra follorm: l. Thil qginocrir r tiorilscd Pmftlelonrl Bqgiooqringood rtanfitr8 h tlra $tataof Ors$n. 2, fiot Enginecr brg rwiowod Oe lhergy Srlos Agtuirtronl, hcrcinaftcr "Agruooont," botwos Kootenai Bleotrio lddroPoryara Bu1u, ard gggpqagive- rno -n$ollor,darod liareb 5' 2ol'd 3. Ttat thc eogemrdion or smoll pnwtr pmdrrtion pqrocl whlolr is tho or{ioc* of thc Agmmcnt antl this $lctonront ir idontiliod as lP(b Faoilily No. 3186s11t . and homlnrftsr rolsrrrd lo es thc 'ProJaot'.Figbtlng Clcck landttll 1, 'lhat ho pnoJect, whicb is oonrmonly hum ar lhc Gas to ryln, h locrtcd ut 22O89 Bouth tlUY 95, Oocur drAlenc. ID Tld BagbEGr rcor-.lgnizos ftn tho ABrqmcot proddor ftrr tho hdot to firmlah o&drlurl ororgr 6. 'ilhet BoBlnoor lnre arhdrntid oxporlcnoo ln tho doelgrr, comtruollon rnd opcrallom of chckic powff phnh oftho 'lmo t11nar lhir Pnf,oct. ?i 'Itrt Rnginocr lusnocconomlu rcl*hrbip lo tfte hdgr lhslnoerofthlrPmJcr( 8. ltrt Bryincor hlt made a physilral furyoclion of ru&l Prqiocl, ilr oprrliorrc ond mrintonanc rcconlu almos tho hel prwioru oorrlfH inepordkm. It le lluglnoor'e profooelonol rryinloq baecd on tho Pmjot'e rypurrance, that its onping O&M has bccn euhlonlirlty ht uoqrrdaro with nrld 0&M lblioy; lhal il ie lu rcaconably good oportiq ccrdltlon; utd dr* if rdhortncc lo said 0&M Polloy eontlnucr, thc PmJoct wlll cqrtinnc prcduclng il or sff lls dedgn slcoldcd oulptrl, clfr*cacy nrd plant faslor for tha runrainlng ls yeanoftlrcAguccmont. 44- 5. 9. Thrt lhc Pn{ct haf beou conntnrohd lE accordate wift slld plau and qrccificatiorE, alt appllcrblc sodes uxl cnnriilcnt with ttudcu Elcotrlcill Practkrs 0s tht tcnt['lg doscribod in tho Agucmonl. lO. 'lfut lhs do*n gad cqrdndiorr of tto Plojet io auoh llnl wilh maeoublo and pnrdor*, opntior ord noinloanoa pracliooc by &rlter, tho ltlojool is ogreHc of porbmring in rcoodrlrcc rilh ho tGnEofthoAgr€onmtardwi0rFmdonBhcritnlhaodcosfura Ji!-tcen ( ls )!rcrpcdod. ll. 'lhal llngrnu rtcqgnizor thal ldrlp Prrwer, in spcoldarco wlth narrgrspbSl of tho Agrcaruil,ln ha,roo!illedfrE tln hojocl wllh ils sllsEnr it rclying on Bnglnoo/u ropfirr€ltoliqrc rud ophhru oontaincd in 0rfu Stetsmoeit" 12. 'l'hd Fagircor oadifics tlEt lhc rbow nlatompnls aru oonplutq trrro ord aoouralo lo tho bcrt of hi* tmwlodgF ard lh*sforc rotr hls hmd ard eqil bolow. ( )*'-** (P.B,tlomp) Dabd-f //?,/\c.v.*/- -47- ,lt*lfii1 ExhibitC Proiect Descriotion and Point of Deliven Descrintion of the Facilitv: Seller's Facility is described as the Fighting Creek Landfill Gas to Energy Facility and consists of: Turc I.6 MW generators each powered by a Caterpillar Model 3520, spark ignited, reeip:ocating intemal comtustion engines electrically interconnected to Seller's 24.9 kV dishibution facilities terminated on the projed busbar. The Project will use melhane gas produced by decomposition of waste intemed within landfill. The Project is located at Kootenai County Solid Waste Facility (Wl16.93 , N47.532), near Bellgrove, Idaho. Location: Seller's Facility is located at: Kootenai County Solid Waste Facility (Wl16.93 , N47.532), near Bellgrove, Idaho. Polnt of Deliverv: Point of Delivgry Location: The point where Avistars Dower - Post Falls I l5kV Tap Transmission Line and KEC's Dower - Post Falts I l5kV Tap Transmission Line are connected. Alternate Point of Delivem: Alternate Point of Delivery Location: The point where Avista's Dower - Post Falls I lskv Tap Transmission Line served via Avista's Post Falls - Ranrsey l lskv Transmission Line and KEC's Dower - Post Falls I lskv Tap Transrnission Line are oonnected. Point of Mcterinei Metering Location: In Seller's Facility, on the 24.9 kV side of the generator step-up transformeroverwhich elechic power and energy flows. E;hi[!l D Avoided CostRatef Period Jun 2014 - Dec 2014 S39.71 HeaW LlghtLoad LoadHours Hourstaiwh $niuvh ExhtbitE Inltial Caneci,tv Determlnation Documentation Within fiftse,n (15) days aftcr a Commission order specificd in Section 4.2 approving this Agreement, the Seller shall provide to Avista; l. the manufacturer's serial number and specifications for each engine - gen€rator installed at the Facility. 2. the lnitial Capacity Determination of the Facility, expressod in kilowatts at the Point of Delivery, wtrich is equal to the sum of the Facility's gross output values identified and provided in Exhibit C, less Facility Service Power and [osses. ExhibitG FaciHtics for Intesration and Ooeration of Fishtine Crcek Facilitv -l- fransmlsslon Sewlces Avlsta Corporatlon '1411 E Mlsslon Avsnue Spol€ne, WA 99202 'lFrvtsIfl Decernber 5, 2011 Mr. Doug Elliott General Manager Kootenai Electic Cooperative P.O. Box 278 Hayden, Idaho 83 835 -U7 8 SUBJECT: Facllities for Integration and Operation of Fighting Creek f,'acility Dear Mr. Elliott: This Letter Agreernent ("Agreemenf') sets forth the scope of work and responsibilities of Avista Corporation ("Avista') aud Kootenai Electric Cooperative, Lrc. ('I(EC'), hereinafter sometirnes referred to collectively as '?arties" and individually as "Party," regarding the construction and installation of the Parties' respective facilities for the integration and operation ofKEC's new 3.2 MW Fighting Creek Landfill Gas to Energy Facility ('Facility') at the Kootenai County Solid Waste Facility near Bellgrove, Idaho. PROJECT COORDINATION AIYD SCEEDIJLE I(EC and Avista shall coordinate all requirements for this project and consult with one another regarding the duties listed under this Agreeme,nt. The Parties intend to complete construction and enable operation of the Facility by Dece,mber 30, 2011. While neither Party makes any express commitment to meet such date to energize the facilities outlined within, the Parties shall make good faith efforts to complete this project within the time frame identified. IL EFFECTTVE DATE This Agreement shall be effective upon the date this Agreement is executed by both Parties. This Agreernent shall terminate upon receipt by Avista of all invoiced amounts pursuaut to Section V, Lctter Agreernent - Facilities for lntegration and Operation of Fighting Creek Facility Decernber 5, 2011 Page 2 of3 III. AVISTA'S RESPONSIBILITIES AT KEC'S EXPENSE Avista shall provide, at KEC's expense, a relay to provide synsh check functionality and add equipment to provide dial-up access to the new relay on Avista's Post Falls A-320 circuit breaker. Avista shall provide, at KEC's expense, material and labor to proglam, check-out, and test 0re metering and data acquisition equipment provided by IGC at the Facility, Avista shall, at KEC's expense, provide materials and labor to program the Cybectec SMP- 4, test and check-out all metering and SCADA equipment provided by KEC, and terminate the 4-wire communication circuit provided by I(EC at Avista's Coeur d'Alene Service Center. Avista shall, at KEC's expense, provide labor to revise relay settings on Avista's Post Falls A-2ll circuit breaker on the Post Falls - Ramsey I 15 kV line to provide an alternate point of receipt. Iv. KEC'S RESPONSIBILITTES AT KEC'S EXPENSE KEC shall, at KEC's expsnse, acquire rights of way and permitting for, construct and own the new Facility. This construction shall include metering CTs, metering PTs, space in Seller's Facility conhol house for Avista metering equipment, voltage and current indications from KEC's CTs and PTs to the Avista metering equipment, 4-wire communication circuit, Z-wfte communication circuit, appropriate isolation protection for communication circuits, and a 48 VDC circuit for power supply. KEC shall, at KEC's experse, provide and install a Jemstar revenue grade meter, test switch, Cybectec SMP-4, and other data acquisition equiprnent as approved by Avista which shall be owned, operated, and rnaintained by Avista. I(EC shall, at I(EC's expense, provide labor for the commissioning of this equipment and the tennination of the 4-wire circuit. V. T'INANCIAL TERMS AI\D CONDITIONS The estimated cost of the work to be performed by Avista at I(EC's expense, as identified in Section III, is $65,000, including applicable overheads and taxes. Upon completion of all work performed by Avista, Avista shall invoice KEC for the actual costs Avista incured to complete such work, including applicable overheads and taxes. Invoices from Avista shall reference this Agreement and shall be sent to the following address: I(ootenai Electric Cooperative Attention: Shawn Dolan I(ootenai Electric Cooperative P.O. Box 278 Hayden, Idaho 83835-0278 Lrcttcr Agrccrnent - Facilities for Integation end Operation of Fighting Creck Facility Dccember 5, 201 I Page 3 of3 Remittances from I(EC shall be within the timeframe specified in ttre invoice and shall be sent to the address named in the invoice. Please indicate KEC's concurrence by executing the two originals of this Agreement where indicated below, Please retain one original for your files and return one original to Avista at the address listed above. Should you have any questions regarding this Agreement, please do not hesitate to contact me at (509) 495-4851. Respectfully, )kSo-un{ JeffSchlect Senior Manager, Transmission Seryices KOOTENAI ELECTRIC COOPERATryE, INC. concur: D d.f a. CA--' Name: DougElliot Title: General Manager Date: G<-c-L"r 8. ?e,rL ffiffi*. An toACORp Companr DONOVAN E. WALKER Loed Counsel August 14,2014 VIA ELECTRONIC MAIL Shawn Dolan, P.E. Manager of Engineering Kootenal Electric Cooperative 2451 W. Dakota Ave. Hayden, ldaho 83835 Re: Flghting Creek LandfillGas Plant Force MaJeure Event - As Avallabte Energy Sale to Avista Dear Mr. Dolan: ln response to your inquiries, and to your letter of August 14,2014, please let this letter serve as ldaho Power's acceptance of, and acknowledgment of the existence of an event of force mafeure, suspending each party's performanco pursuant to our Oregon PURPA Standard Energy Sales Agreement ('Agreement"), such force majeure event belng a forest fire that has damaged and/or burned down portlons of transmlsslon line(s) owned and malntained by Avista, preventing the delivery of Kootenai's generation to ldaho Power pursuant to the Agreement. You have indicated that durlng this event of force maJeure that Kootenaiwishes to sell the output of its generation facility, that is under contract with ldaho Power, to Avlsta on a temporary and as-avallable basls. You further lndicate and propose the duratlon of this force maJeure event to contlnue through August 24, and request to sell your facility's output to Avlsta from August 15 through August 24. As prevlously discussed between ldaho Power and Kootenal, ldaho Power agrees wlth thls proposal, and consequently will undesignate the network resource designation of the generatlon provided by Kootenal's facllity pursuant to the Agreement on ldaho Powels system starting on August 15, 2014, through August 24.2014. Kootenal will be unable to sell Its output to ldaho Power pursuant to the Agreement during this perlod of un- designation. You further rnentioned future transrnission curtailments and other contractual provisions related to the same. ldaho Power is responding with thls letter to the cunent Shawn Dolan August 14,2014 Page? of 2 event of force majeure only, and any statements, agreements, and the like expressed herein are meant for appllcation to this specific event of force majeure only. ldaho Power notes that the prsent situation and event of force majeure is not an ldaho Power-initiated curtallment as that term ls used in Article 11.2 of the Agreement. Idaho Power will remove the network resource designatlon from the generation provided by your facility pursuant to the Agreement starting August 15, 2014, and ending August 24,2014, Unless otherwlse set forth ln writing, the network resource designatlon wlll be reinstated on August 25, 2A14, and energy deliveries and performance pursuant to our Agreement will resume. Should the line(s) not be repaired, restored, or otherwise operational by that tlme, please notify ldaho Power irnmedlately so that the proper arrangements can be made. Slnceptl, t'*1 "'--Donovan E. Walker cc: Greg Adams (by e-mail) CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that on the 15ft day of August,2}l4,a true and correct copy of the within and foregoing JOINT PETITION OF AVISTA CORPORATION AND KOOTENAI ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE, INC. was served as shown to: Jean Jewell Commission Secretary Idatro Public Utilities Commission 472W Washington Boise lD 83702 Michael G. Andrea Steve Silkworth Avista Corporation l41l East Mission Ave., MSC-23 Spokane, WA99202 X Hand Delivery _ U.S. Mail, postage pre-paid _ Facsimile _ Electronic Mail _ Hand Delivery X U.S. Mail, postage pre-paid _ Facsimile X Electronic Mail By: