HomeMy WebLinkAbout20140912Comment.pdf02:16:58p.m.09—12—2014 1 1—208—930—4032 09/13/14 01:I3PM Hill River Seniors 1—208—930—4038 p.01 -. 4vq-E-N-o& ç RECFJV±D TO:Idaho Public Utility Commisjon FROM; Boise,ID 2O1 SEP 12 PM 3:zr rweIevIdl IP 3496 N Sunape 1n4q FAX 205—334—3762 HJAHD UT!LIIIES CC;MISSiOr Total pages including cover: Date:September 12 2014 Raseti for objection:Tel.:208-966-4336 208-699-6507 (cell) Sample survey shows unanimous unpopular Avista Rate FAX:208-930-4038 increase. Message: The undersigned is a 92-year old WWII veteran,a licensed and registered protesSAQS&engineer retired (Metallurgical/Environmental Engineer). The State of Idaho being such as it is I refer to recently enacted legislation critised by the Sierra Club.However,I shall submit my suggestion and opinion knowing full well that it will fall on deaf ears,particularly in Governor Otter’s office, Bear in mind that Avista owns and operates two (2)or three(S)coal mining operation for its power plants.The emissions often excede set standards.What baffles most engineers is why the company often goes unpunished,often with only a warning. I draw attention to Canada.There are reasons why there are no private utilities such as Avista.The utility in every Province and Teritory from the Atlantic Coast to the Pacific Coast is state owned and operated without a cent of subsidy at cost plus 10%. FDR ran flIt upon that basis. The enclosures are self-explanatory.Every one knows Enron’s reputation.I aroused the interest of the Oregon Attorney General with a mailing of the Manitoba letter.upon hostile takeover of POE by Enron,the rates immediately increased conjiderably.The Oregon legislature actually passed a unanimous bill placing PGE under State ownership and control.The bill was only to be vetoed by “Democratic” Governor Kulangoski N I need not comment further, I trust that the Commison will find the enclosures and comments interesting.To emulate Canada’s thinking would be too much to ask I! /f sincerely %(t. ..A.Wolovich,P.Eng.(B.C.)PIeviously Manitoba and Ontario. End:(2) 02:16:58p.m.09—12—2014 2 ¶—202—930—403S 09113/14 01:I3PM Mill River Seniors 1—208—930—4038 p.02 Manitoba _______________ . .:......p Industry,Trade and Mines Winnipeg Manituba,CANADA Enemy Development Inithabve R30SH8 1200-155 Canton Sliest Phone:204-945-5601 Fax:204-943-0031 email:&oney@oov.mb.ea June 18,2002 Mr.Ed Wolovich,PEng, MetaflurgisVEnv.Engineer 2725 NE Crestvlew Drive Unit 204 Newport,OR 7355 U.SA Dear Mr-Wolovich: Sorry for the delay in responding to you with the information that you had requested. I am enclosing a copy of some information that we regularly hand out to prospective businesses explaining our electricity rates.We have the lowest published rates for both industrial and residential in all of North America.I have also enclosed information to support this statoment.Should there be full- scale deregulation In Manitoba and If Manitoba Hydro were a private company,there would be massive increases In prices. Manitoba Hydro contributes in many ways to the Manitoba treasury and the Manitoba economy. Government does not subsidize them in any way. I hope this Information helps.I would encourage you to go onto the Internet to Manftoha Hydro’s website www.hydro.mh.ca.There you will find more information. Yours truly, Shaun Loney Director of Energy Policy Energy Development Initiative 3LSyn,I Wat1cfr1dIW,*iyev a;unooz,doc Enclosures c.The Honourable Gary Doer .- Honourable Greg Selinger 02:10:53p.m.0!—12—2014 I I 1—203—930—4033 Continuedfrom Page Cl the Pro(eedings and picked apartorauctionedtothehighestbidder. PGE,as a subsidiary,is not in-chided in the bankmptcy filing,and Enron has said It remainscommittedtotheutilitv4spro poised sale to Northwest Nawni Gas for $2.98 billion.Still,Enron’sll,the largest corporate collapse in (iS.history,has resulted in somanyuglysurprises,no one Is certainwhatwillhappen. State regulators said a dlsrnan thug of PE Is unlikely,and thattheproposaltosellPGEintacttoPortland-based NW Natural remainsontrackMembersoftheOregonPublicUtilityCommissionwillbebriefedtodaybyattorneyswhohavebeensortingthroughporenthilbankruptcyrepercussions. Meek valued POE’s hydropowerp1mmandtransmissionlinesatabout$2 billion.Be said the statecouldbuytheassetsfor“a fewhundredmllhlon*by exercising ftspowersofeminentdomainandbydepreciatingtheassetsoverthe50-odd years the dams and powerlineshavebeeninuse, Meek said state legislatorsshouldtakethefbistepstoward acquiring PGE during a special sessioninFebrway.The Oregon Conshrutfonallowsthestatetosetnoa state power authority to buy,developandcontrolhydropowerplantsandtodistributeelectricity,lie said. Coy.John Kitthaber and legislatorsplantocallaspecialsessionsometimenextmonthtoaddressthestate’s budget shortibli.NeitherKltrhahernorkeylawmakershave expressed an interest in buying audlir. POE officials were not immediatelyavailablethrcomment,buttheyhavesaidtheyareconfidentatakeoverbyNWNaturalwillcontinueasplannect “Management cannot predictwithcertaintywhatimpactthe hankmpzcyot Enron may h n POE,”the utility stared in documentsfliedDec.4 with the SecuritiesandExchangeCommissiorL “However,It does believe that theassetsandliabilitiesofPOEwillnotbecomepartoftheEnronestateInbankruptcyandthereforedoesnotexpecttheEatonbankruptcyptoceedingstohaveamaterialeffectenPOE’s operations.” Paul Graham,an assistant attorneygeneralfortheOregonDepart-ImeatofjusticeandtheleadcounselforthePublicUtilityCornmjsisbn,said he will meet today withregulatorstogivethemanUpdateottwherethebankruptcyproceedingsmiahtlead. 09/13/14 01:139)1 Mill River Seniors 1—208—930—4038 p.03 - Nader:Emon collapse c)O1A could cause sell-off of PGE,double rates V NADER By GAIL KINSEY HILL t&9’°’o ,jtfr çy”visitaPoniana ma 1/nt .Consumer advocate flaiph Nader on Tuesday warned Ore. /3...ELSEWHERE gonians that the Baron bankruptcy could force the piece-by l i!’.A&P piece sell-off of.Portland General Electric hydropower plants Si U-”,-•Top officials of.and transmission lines,with dire consequences for the utility’s fi ytt /,..—Arthur Andersen 730,000 ratepayets. .iLks “%\.will receive sub-“Monthlybiils could easilydouble or triple,TM Nader saidof the “‘v.i Li-k peenas from Con-bankruptcy’s potential effect on PCE,an Eaton subsidiary, I w’-,,-X )W-gress to testify ‘9rlus is not theoreticaL”‘ \‘)‘iY7,4fl about destruction Nader,joined by local consumer advocates Daniel Meek and ‘:4\/’‘of Enron docu-floyd Marbet at a downtown Portland news conference,main Q--\1)$,1 ments/Paqe One rained that more bad news awaits POE customers,recently hit U •‘Vd 4’Members of an with SO pei’cent to 50 percentincreases in their utility rates.The‘1”0,,t’\‘QlN accountino ethics activists called on the stare to buy POE assets,thus “peservlng AU i,,}J 1board reslon in their value tbr Oregon ratepayers”and preventing further rare Y ‘r 4t4 liqht of a proposal jumps to alter oversight Since Enron filed for Chapter ii resirncturthg Dec.2,ques 1.1’x n of corporate (ti0115 have persisted over whether 2GB would be dragged Into .qu I accountIng/CS j)Please see NAOEH4 Page 03 W (ikL4g %nt -Sc a Oc&dt i ,Nader:State says PGE sale toNW Natural is on track in theory”the bankruptcycourt ,I-le said the interests pf POE cut .could call for a sell-off of POE as-tomers,as wells as Enron credItor sets,Graham said.‘But this is not need to.be talen into considert yourtypical bankruptcycase,”don. a o -r .i—•,a,t3’t-e ‘c ,,n,y_ “Who Rules AmerjcaT’ POwER IN THE NEW MILLENNIUM 1 .-——-L,__ Newt Gingrich Fence’SptskAr ofthe 1JS,Pfouse ofPeprex uatlver,CEO ancf,iuthor Ralph Nader C’orsrnoz—prvzeaion Mena Jatiyrr,emSsethoL February 21,2002 8pm $18 Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall,Portland TICKETS ‘PACIFIC UNIVERSITY BOX OFFICE /503.352-2918 SAFEWAY FASTIXX/503-%24-8499 .‘MLLLAt&ELT1.-WEEK aci:nc ltn÷ -.I *1W