HomeMy WebLinkAboutAvista Corp Advice No 14-02-E Sch51_AVU-E-14-02.pdfAvista Corp.
1411 East Mission P.O. Box 3727
Spokane. Washington 99220-0500
Telephone 509-489-0500
Toll Free 800-727-9170
March 14, 2014
Jean D. Jewell, Secretary
Idaho Public Utilities Commission
P O Box 83720
Boise, ID 83720-0074
Dear Ms. Jewell:
Advice No. ADV 14-02-E
Attached for filing with the Commission is an electronic copy of the Company’s proposed revisions
to the following tariff sheets, I.P.U.C. No. 28:
Second Revision Sheet 51B Canceling First Revision Sheet 51B
Sixteenth Revision Sheet 51D Canceling Fifteenth Revision Sheet 51D
Seventeenth Revision Sheet 51E Canceling Sixteenth Revision Sheet 51E
Fifteenth Revision Sheet 51F Canceling Fourteenth Revision Sheet 51F
Sixteenth Revision Sheet 51G Canceling Fifteenth Revision Sheet 51G
Fourteenth Revision Sheet 51H Canceling Thirteenth Revision Sheet 51H
Second Revision Sheet 51J Canceling First Revision Sheet 51J
Fifteenth Revision Sheet 51N Canceling Fourteenth Revision Sheet 51N
Fifteenth Revision Sheet 51O Canceling Fourteenth Revision Sheet 51O
The revisions to the tariff sheets listed above update the Company’s Electric Line Extension
Schedule 51 and are proposed to become effective May 1, 2014. The Company has updated line
extension costs based on updates to the Company’s Construction & Material Standards as well as an
updated actual average costs of all material and labor used in line extensions during 2013. Further, as
explained below, the Company has updated its line extension allowances.
Construction & Material Standards – The Distribution Engineering department at Avista is
primarily tasked with the development and maintenance of the Company’s Construction & Material
Standards. On occasion, Distribution Engineering will update the Construction & Material
Standards in order to comply with the National Electric Safety Code (“NESC”). These Construction
& Material Standards were recently updated to reflect the NESC’s 2012 code revision which
included 377 individual changes, with the vast majority of these changes impacting the overhead
distribution system. Significant changes include higher strength requirements for guy supported
wood poles, and guy wire insulation upgrades to prevent transmission of voltage from the utility
supply space to the communication worker space. Changes to the codes require that the Company
review our standard designs and adapt them as necessary. Those standard design changes provide
2014 March 14 PM 3:09
Avista Advice No. ADV 14-02-E
Schedule 51 Revisions
March 14, 2014
Page 2 of 3
Service Schedule
Schedule 1 Individual Customer (per unit)$1,000 $1,600
Schedule 1 Duplex (per unit)$800 $1,275
Schedule 1 Multiplex (per unit)$600 $975
Schedule 11/12 (per kWh)$0.10703 $0.13766
Schedule 21/22 (per kWh)$0.06000 $0.11657
Schedule 31/32 (per kWh)$0.06000 $0.19689
for an accurate and fair representation of the distribution facilities installed by the Company and
therefore are reflected in the proposed Schedule 51 costs in this filing.
Transformer Cost Trends – One of the more significant cost increases included in this filing are
related to the cost of distribution transformers. The primary reasons for the increase in transformer
costs are twofold. The first relates to the increased cost of the transformer itself. The U.S.
Department of Energy publishes standards related to the overall power transfer efficiency of
transformers. Over the last several decades, transformer manufacturers have steadily progressed
towards lower electrical loss units in order to meet conservation energy targets. In turn, the magnetic
core grade steel of transformers has improved, albeit at an increased cost. Secondly, when the
Company updated its Construction & Material Standards some of the materials that were previously
included with “Primary” and/or “Service” related costs were shifted to transformer costs. In the
Company’s current Schedule 51 rates, the cost for the transformer is only the cost of the transformer
itself. It does not include other materials that are required for installing the transformer, as those
costs were included in the Primary or Service components. The updated Construction and Materials
Standards now shift transformer related costs to the transformer, resulting in increased transformer
costs and an offsetting reduction to Primary and Service costs.
Allowances – In this filing, the Company has updated the allowances applicable to new residential,
commercial and industrial customer’s services. The current level of allowances were last updated in
February 2001 in case No. AVU-E-00-01 (Order No. 28562). For purposes of calculating the revised
allowances, the Company utilized an embedded cost methodology approach that is designed to
ensure that investment in distribution/terminal facilities for each new customer will be equal to the
embedded costs of the same facilities used to calculate base rates. Any costs in excess of the
allowance would be paid by the new customer as a Contribution in Aid of Construction. The
Company utilized the Cost of Service study from its most recent general rate case filing (AVU-E-12-
01), updated for the approved Settlement Agreement as the basis of the embedded cost calculation.
Below is a summary of the proposed allowance changes:
The Company has provided workpapers that provide the inputs and calculation of the allowances.
Avista is supportive of this methodology, and we believe it is consistent with Commission Staff’s
preferred allowance calculation methodology.
Avista Advice No. ADV 14-02-E
Schedule 51 Revisions
March 14, 2014
Page 3 of 3
Residential Developments
Filing - Development Summary 2013 2014
Total Cost per Lot 1,716$ 1,598$
Less: Service Cost 469$ 485$
Developer Responsibility 1,247$ 1,113$
Developer Non-Refundable Payment 247$ -$
Developer Refundable Payment 1,000$ 1,113$
Builder Payment 469$ 0$
Impact to Residential Developments – For residential developments, the impact of revised
Construction & Material Standards, updated construction costs based on 2013 average costs, and the
increased allowance from $1,000 to $1,600 per residential unit results in a lower developer and
builder required payment.
Enclosed as Attachment 1 is a copy of the workpapers supporting the line extension cost revisions
contained in the proposed tariff sheets. In addition, during the week of March 17, 2014, the Company
will send a letter to those developers and builders that may be affected by the proposed changes.
Should you have any questions regarding this filing, please contact Joe Miller at 509.495.4546 or me
at 509.495.8620.
Patrick Ehrbar
Manager, Rates & Tariffs
Advice 14-02-E
Avista 2014 Schedule 51
Tariff Sheets - Clean
Advice 14-02-E
Avista 2014 Schedule 51
Tariff Sheets – Strikethrough
First Revision Sheet 51B
I.P.U.C. No.28 Original Sheet 51B
dba Avista Utilities
Issued January 29, 2001 Effective February 15, 2001
Issued by Avista Utilities
By Thomas D. Dukich, Manager, Rates & Tariff Administration
SCHEDULE 51 - continued
When two or more Customers apply concurrently for service
from the same Line Extension, each will receive an Allowance
up to their proportion of the Basic Cost and any Exceptional
Costs of the line extension. Allowances shall be granted only
against the Basic Cost and Exceptional Costs of the current
project and not against any part of an earlier or future
The Allowance will be the sum of the Basic Cost and any
Exceptional Costs, or the applicable amount listed below,
whichever is less:
Schedule 1 individual Customer $1000 per unit
Schedule 1 duplex $ 800 per unit
Schedule 1 multiplex $ 600 per unit
EXCEPTION: The Company will not grant an immediate
Allowance if the Company, in its sole judgement, determines
that the load:
a) is less than 2500 kWh per year, or
b) will be in service less than five years.
A mobile home will not qualify for an Allowance until it has
permanent connections to both water service and either a
sewer or septic system. If such connections are made within
five years after the completion of the line extension, the
Company will, at that time, refund the Basic Cost plus any
Exceptional Costs, or the amount of the Allowance in effect at
the time of the line construction, whichever is less. The
Customer must apply for the refund before the line extension
becomes six years old.
Fifteenth Revision Sheet 51D
I.P.U.C. No.28 Fourteenth Revision Sheet 51D
dba Avista Utilities
Issued March 25, 2013 Effective May 1, 2013
Issued by Avista Utilities
By Kelly Norwood, Vice President – State & Federal Regulation
SCHEDULE 51 - continued
For a single-phase primary overhead extension of 2310
1. The Basic Cost is calculated from the charges in
section 7.
a. $4,814 + ($5.61 per ft x 2310 ft.) = $17,773.
b. The average Basic Cost is $17,773/2310 ft =
$7.69 per ft.
2. Exceptional Cost:
a. If the cost estimate from the extension drawing is
$18,000, the average estimated primary cost is
$18,000/2310 ft = $7.79 per ft.
b. The Exceptional Cost for a long extension is the
difference between the estimated cost and the
tariffed cost for the length greater than 1500 ft:
EC = ($7.79 - $7.69) x (2310 ft - 1500 ft) = $81.
3. Total Primary Cost
a. The Customer’s primary extension cost is
$17,773+ $81 = $17,845.
b. The total extension cost is calculated by
combining all Basic Costs, Exceptional Costs,
Allowance, Cost Reductions and Share of
Previous Extension for the extension.
5) “Customer-Requested Cost” is the cost of unusual labor and/or
materials which is requested by the Customer but which is not
necessary to construct the Line Extension based on the
Company’s minimum design, construction, and operating
practices. All Customer-Requested Costs must be paid in full
by the Customer. Customer-Requested Costs may include,
but are not limited to, the following:
a) facilities to provide three-phase service where single-
phase service is adequate
b) construction which is not for electric service
c) facilities longer, deeper, or larger than deemed
appropriate by the Company
d) underground facilities in overhead areas
e) soil compaction on private property
Sixteenth Revision Sheet 51E
I.P.U.C. No.28 Fifteenth Revision Sheet 51E
dba Avista Utilities
Issued March 25, 2013 Effective May 1, 2013
Issued by Avista Utilities
By Kelly Norwood, Vice President – State & Federal Regulation
SCHEDULE 51 - continued
6) "Share of Previous Extension" applies only to Primary Circuits
less than five years old. If part of a previous line extension is
used to serve a new Customer, the new Customer must pay a
share of the previous Primary Circuit cost and Transformer
cost, if shared, to the Company before the start of
construction. The amount paid by the new Customer will be
refunded to existing Customers in relation to their share of the
Primary Circuit and Transformer, if shared. The Company will
refund appropriate shares to the bearers of Extension
Certificates when the Certificates are presented for payment
and the connection of the subsequent Customer has been
verified. The Company will make a reasonable attempt to
inform the bearer of the Certificate when a refund is due.
Bearers of Extension Certificates must apply for refunds
before the original line extension becomes six years old.
Unclaimed refunds will be returned to the contributor.
1. First Customer pays $9,020 for 1,000 feet of
primary underground circuit ($9.02 per foot).
2. Second Customer takes service within five years
using 600 feet of the original extension.
3. Both Customers share the first 600 feet equally:
600 ft x $9.02/ft x ½ = $2,706.
4. The Second Customer's payment of $2,706 will be
refunded to the First Customer to reduce his
investment in the 600 feet to $2,706. The First
Customer's investment in the remaining 400 feet
remains at $3,608. ($9,020-$2,706-$2,706=$3,608)
EXCEPTION: If the refund to an existing Customer is
less than $50 each, the new Customer will not be
required to pay that share and the existing Customer
will not receive a refund.
Fourteenth Revision Sheet 51F
I.P.U.C. No.28 Revised Thirteenth Revision Sheet 51F
dba Avista Utilities
Issued March 25, 2013 Effective May 1, 2013
Issued by Avista Utilities
By Kelly Norwood, Vice President – State & Federal Regulation
SCHEDULE 51 - continued
a. A development is a group of neighboring undeveloped lots separated
by no more than streets and under the ownership or legal control of a
single party as determined by the Company. Both the General Rules
and the following rules apply to line extensions within
residential developments.
b. Before Company facilities will be installed, the developer must submit
a written application for service, a copy of the plat as approved by the
governing agency depicting dedicated utility easements approved by
the serving utilities and must pay an extension cost to the Company
which is computed as follows:
Basic Cost
+ Exceptional Costs
+ Customer-Requested Costs
- Cost Reductions
- (one) Design Fee of $185
= extension cost within development
+ cost of extension to development
+ Share of Previous Extension
= extension cost
1) "Basic Cost" will be computed from the following rate per lot
when the Development serves single phase loads, has at least
six lots and the average frontage is no more than 175 feet per
lot. The Basic Cost includes the cost of the Primary Circuit, the
Transformer and the Secondary Circuit in the utility easement
or public right-of-way, but does not include the Service Circuit
from the point of connection with the Secondary Circuit to the
Point of Delivery. Any Exceptional Costs involved with
installation of the service must be paid by the party requesting
the service.
Developments: $1,793 per Lot
Fifteenth Revision Sheet 51G
I.P.U.C. No.28 Revised Fourteenth Revision Sheet 51G
dba Avista Utilities
Issued March 25, 2013 Effective May 1, 2013
Issued by Avista Utilities
By Kelly Norwood, Vice President – State & Federal Regulation
SCHEDULE 51 - continued
The Basic Cost for all other Developments will be computed
from the rates listed in this Schedule for Service Circuits,
Secondary Circuits, Transformers and Primary Circuits.
2) "Cost Reductions," "Exceptional Costs" and "Share of Previous
Extension" are described under Rules for Individual Customers.
3) "Extension to development" is the line extension between the
Company's existing energized electric facilities and the
boundary of the development. The Rules for Individual
Customers apply to the extension to the development.
c. In lieu of a cash payment of the Basic Cost in a Development, the
Company will accept a cash payment of $793 per lot and a letter of
credit, a contractor’s performance bond, promissory note, or another
credit instrument for $1,000 ($1,793 less $793) per lot upon execution of
a written agreement with the Developer. The agreement shall prescribe
the requirements for such a credit instrument and shall permit the face
amount of the instrument to be reduced annually as new customers are
connected within the Development. The Developer may provide
ditching within the Development, for which they will receive a $546 per
lot Cost Reduction. If the Developer provides the ditching, they must
make a cash payment of $247 per lot and may make a cash payment or
provide an appropriate credit instrument for $1,000 per lot.
d. Prior to installation of the Service Circuit to each single-family residence
in a development, the home builder will be required to make a non-
refundable cash payment to the Company of $469 per residence. There
will be no charge to the builder for the installation of the Service Circuit to
serve a duplex or multiplex dwelling.
e. A Developer who pays the extension cost described in 4.b.1) may apply
for a refund annually for each permanent Customer connected within the
Development during the first five years after the extension is completed.
The Company will make a reasonable attempt to inform the bearer of the
certificate when a refund is due. The Company will pay the refund to the
bearer of the Extension Certificate when it is presented to the Company
for payment and the connection of the permanent Customer has been
Thirteenth Revision Sheet 51H
I.P.U.C. No.28 Twelfth Revision Sheet 51H
dba Avista Utilities
Issued May 3, 2010 Effective June 7, 2010
Issued by Avista Utilities
By Kelly Norwood, Vice President – State & Federal Regulation
SCHEDULE 51 - continued
For Developers who have made a cash payment to the Company for
the Basic Cost in the development, the sum of all refunds shall not
exceed the total Basic Cost paid by the Developer or $1,000 per lot
multiplied by the number lots, whichever is less. The developer must
apply for the refunds before the line extension becomes six years old.
f. In a Development where primary taps may be required into some lots to
provide adequate service or where the loads are not clearly defined, the
Company may elect to install only an initial Primary Circuit through the
Development (no Transformers or Secondary Circuits). The Rules for
Individual Customers will be used to establish the extension cost of
the Primary Circuit and that cost must be paid in advance by the
The permanent Customer on each lot must meet the Rules for
Individual Customers for the extension into the lot, except they will not
pay a share of the cost of the Primary Circuit through the Development
or a share of previous extensions outside the Development. The
applicable Allowance will be credited first to the Basic Cost to serve the
permanent Customer. The Developer will be refunded only the portion
of the Allowance not granted or applied to the permanent Customer.
First Revision Sheet 51J
I.P.U.C. No.28 Original Sheet 51J
dba Avista Utilities
Issued January 29, 2001 Effective February 15, 2001
Issued by Avista Utilities
By Thomas D. Dukich ,Manager Rates & Tariff Administration
SCHEDULE 51 – continued
1) The Total Estimated Extension Cost shall include all costs
which are necessary to provide service to the Customer, as
determined by the Company. The amount of the Allowance will
be determined individually for each Customer based on the
Company’s estimate of the Customer’s annual energy usage
and an allowance per kwh based on the applicable service
d. When two or more Customers apply concurrently for service from
the same Line Extension, each will receive an Allowance up to their
proportion of the Total Estimated Extension Cost. Allowances shall
be granted only against the costs of the current project and not
against any part of an earlier or future extension.
The Allowance will be the Total Estimated Extension Cost, or the
applicable Allowance by Schedule multiplied by the Customer’s
estimated energy usage, whichever is less:
Schedule 11 or 12: $0.10703 per kwh
Schedule 21 or 22: $0.06000 per kwh
Schedule 31 or 32: $0.06000 per kwh
Exception: The Company will not grant an immediate Allowance if
the Company, in its sole judgement, determines that the load will be
in service less than five years.
Undeveloped Commercial and Industrial Lots: A development is a
group of neighboring undeveloped lots separated by no more than
streets and under the ownership or legal control of a single party as
determined by the Company. The General Rules, the Rules for
Commercial and Industrial Customers and the following apply to line
extensions within commercial or industrial developments. Before
Company facilities will be installed, the developer must submit a written
application for service and a copy of the plat as approved by the
Fourteenth Revision Sheet 51N
I.P.U.C. No.28 Thirteenth Revision Sheet 51N
dba Avista Utilities
Issued March 25, 2013 Effective May 1, 2013
Issued by Avista Utilities
By Kelly Norwood, Vice President – State & Federal Regulation
SCHEDULE 51 - continued
Overhead Primary Circuit:
Fixed Costs: $4,814 per Customer
Variable Costs: $5.61 per foot
Underground Primary Circuit:
Fixed Costs: $1,840 per Customer
Variable Costs: $9.02 per foot
Overhead Primary Circuit:
Fixed Costs: $7,648 per Customer
Variable Costs: $7.88 per foot
Underground Primary Circuit:
Fixed Costs: $2,884 per Customer
Variable Costs: $17.66 per foot
*Note: Secondary Circuit, Service Circuit, and Transformer costs
for three phase installations will vary based on the installed
capacity of the Line Extension and are not shown in this
g. "Secondary Circuit" is the electrical facility from the Company's
Transformer to a handhole or connectors from which one or more
Service Circuits originate. The Secondary Circuit is single phase, is
operated at less than 600 volts to ground and may include conductors,
connectors, supporting structures, conduit, handholes, junction box
and trench. The Basic Cost of the Secondary Circuit shall be
computed using the following rates.
Single Phase Overhead Secondary Circuit:
Fixed Costs: $235 per customer
Variable Costs: $4.56 per foot
Fourteenth Revision Sheet 51O
I.P.U.C. No.28 Thirteenth Revision Sheet 51O
dba Avista Utilities
Issued March 25, 2013 Effective May 1, 2013
Issued by Avista Utilities
By Kelly Norwood, Vice President – State & Federal Regulation
SCHEDULE 51 - continued
Single Phase Underground Secondary Circuit:
Fixed Costs: $240 per customer
Variable Costs: $7.05 per foot
h. "Service Circuit" is the electrical facility between the Company's
Transformer, connectors, or handhole and the Point of Delivery for a
single Customer or building. The Service Circuit is single phase*, is
operated at less than 600 volts to ground and may include
conductors, connectors, junction box, supporting structures, conduit,
handholes and trench. The Basic Cost of the Service Circuit shall be
computed using the following rates. These rates do not include meters
and metering facilities which are used by the Company for billing
Single Phase Overhead Service Circuit:
Fixed Costs: $235 per customer
Variable Costs: $4.56 per foot
Single Phase Underground Service Circuit:
Fixed Costs: $240 per customer
Variable Costs: $7.05 per foot
i. "Transformer" Basic Cost shall be computed using the following
rates for single phase transformers.
Single Phase Overhead Transformer Costs: $1,544 per Customer
Single Phase Padmount Transformer Costs: $1,704 per Customer
j. "Underground Facilities" may include primary cable, secondary and
service cable, secondary and service connections, surface-type (pad-
mount) Transformers, concrete pads, enclosures, switch gear,
terminations, equipment protective barriers and conduit or duct where
necessary. These facilities will be owned, operated and maintained
by the Company unless otherwise provided for by agreement.
Advice 14-02-E
Avista 2014 Schedule 51
Tariff Sheets - Underline
Second Revision Sheet 51B
I.P.U.C. No.28 First Revision Sheet 51B
dba Avista Utilities
Issued March 14, 2014 Effective May 1, 2014
Issued by Avista Utilities
By Kelly Norwood, Vice President – State & Federal Regulation
SCHEDULE 51 - continued
When two or more Customers apply concurrently for service
from the same Line Extension, each will receive an Allowance
up to their proportion of the Basic Cost and any Exceptional
Costs of the line extension. Allowances shall be granted only
against the Basic Cost and Exceptional Costs of the current
project and not against any part of an earlier or future
The Allowance will be the sum of the Basic Cost and any
Exceptional Costs, or the applicable amount listed below,
whichever is less:
Schedule 1 individual Customer $1,600 per unit
Schedule 1 duplex $1,275 per unit
Schedule 1 multiplex $975 per unit
EXCEPTION: The Company will not grant an immediate
Allowance if the Company, in its sole judgement, determines
that the load:
a) is less than 2500 kWh per year, or
b) will be in service less than five years.
A mobile home will not qualify for an Allowance until it has
permanent connections to both water service and either a
sewer or septic system. If such connections are made within
five years after the completion of the line extension, the
Company will, at that time, refund the Basic Cost plus any
Exceptional Costs, or the amount of the Allowance in effect at
the time of the line construction, whichever is less. The
Customer must apply for the refund before the line extension
becomes six years old.
Sixteenth Revision Sheet 51D
I.P.U.C. No.28 Fifteenth Revision Sheet 51D
dba Avista Utilities
Issued March 14, 2014 Effective May 1, 2014
Issued by Avista Utilities
By Kelly Norwood, Vice President – State & Federal Regulation
SCHEDULE 51 - continued
For a single-phase primary overhead extension of 2310
1. The Basic Cost is calculated from the charges in
section 7.
a. $4,216 + ($7.92 per ft x 2310 ft.) = $22,511.
b. The average Basic Cost is $22,511/2310 ft =
$9.75 per ft.
2. Exceptional Cost:
a. If the cost estimate from the extension drawing is
$23,000, the average estimated primary cost is
$23,000/2310 ft = $9.96 per ft.
b. The Exceptional Cost for a long extension is the
difference between the estimated cost and the
tariffed cost for the length greater than 1500 ft:
EC = ($9.96 - $9.75) x (2310 ft - 1500 ft) = $170.
3. Total Primary Cost
a. The Customer’s primary extension cost is
$22,511+ $170 = $22,681.
b. The total extension cost is calculated by
combining all Basic Costs, Exceptional Costs,
Allowance, Cost Reductions and Share of
Previous Extension for the extension.
5) “Customer-Requested Cost” is the cost of unusual labor and/or
materials which is requested by the Customer but which is not
necessary to construct the Line Extension based on the
Company’s minimum design, construction, and operating
practices. All Customer-Requested Costs must be paid in full
by the Customer. Customer-Requested Costs may include,
but are not limited to, the following:
a) facilities to provide three-phase service where single-
phase service is adequate
b) construction which is not for electric service
c) facilities longer, deeper, or larger than deemed
appropriate by the Company
d) underground facilities in overhead areas
e) soil compaction on private property
Seventeenth Revision Sheet 51E
I.P.U.C. No.28 Sixteenth Revision Sheet 51E
dba Avista Utilities
Issued March 14, 2014 Effective May 1, 2014
Issued by Avista Utilities
By Kelly Norwood, Vice President – State & Federal Regulation
SCHEDULE 51 - continued
6) "Share of Previous Extension" applies only to Primary Circuits
less than five years old. If part of a previous line extension is
used to serve a new Customer, the new Customer must pay a
share of the previous Primary Circuit cost and Transformer
cost, if shared, to the Company before the start of
construction. The amount paid by the new Customer will be
refunded to existing Customers in relation to their share of the
Primary Circuit and Transformer, if shared. The Company will
refund appropriate shares to the bearers of Extension
Certificates when the Certificates are presented for payment
and the connection of the subsequent Customer has been
verified. The Company will make a reasonable attempt to
inform the bearer of the Certificate when a refund is due.
Bearers of Extension Certificates must apply for refunds
before the original line extension becomes six years old.
Unclaimed refunds will be returned to the contributor.
1. First Customer pays $9,580 for 1,000 feet of
primary underground circuit ($9.58 per foot).
2. Second Customer takes service within five years
using 600 feet of the original extension.
3. Both Customers share the first 600 feet equally:
600 ft x $9.58/ft x ½ = $2,874.
4. The Second Customer's payment of $2,874 will be
refunded to the First Customer to reduce his
investment in the 600 feet to $2,874. The First
Customer's investment in the remaining 400 feet
remains at $3,832. ($9,580-$2,874-$2,874=$3,832)
EXCEPTION: If the refund to an existing Customer is
less than $50 each, the new Customer will not be
required to pay that share and the existing Customer
will not receive a refund.
Fifteenth Revision Sheet 51F
I.P.U.C. No.28 Fourteenth Revision Sheet 51F
dba Avista Utilities
Issued March 14, 2014 Effective May 1, 2014
Issued by Avista Utilities
By Kelly Norwood, Vice President – State & Federal Regulation
SCHEDULE 51 - continued
a. A development is a group of neighboring undeveloped lots separated
by no more than streets and under the ownership or legal control of a
single party as determined by the Company. Both the General Rules
and the following rules apply to line extensions within
residential developments.
b. Before Company facilities will be installed, the developer must submit
a written application for service, a copy of the plat as approved by the
governing agency depicting dedicated utility easements approved by
the serving utilities and must pay an extension cost to the Company
which is computed as follows:
Basic Cost
+ Exceptional Costs
+ Customer-Requested Costs
- Cost Reductions
- (one) Design Fee of $185
= extension cost within development
+ cost of extension to development
+ Share of Previous Extension
= extension cost
1) "Basic Cost" will be computed from the following rate per lot
when the Development serves single phase loads, has at least
six lots and the average frontage is no more than 175 feet per
lot. The Basic Cost includes the cost of the Primary Circuit, the
Transformer and the Secondary Circuit in the utility easement
or public right-of-way, but does not include the Service Circuit
from the point of connection with the Secondary Circuit to the
Point of Delivery. Any Exceptional Costs involved with
installation of the service must be paid by the party requesting
the service.
Developments: $1,113 per Lot
Sixteenth Revision Sheet 51G
I.P.U.C. No.28 Fifteenth Revision Sheet 51G
dba Avista Utilities
Issued March 14, 2014 Effective May 1, 2014
Issued by Avista Utilities
By Kelly Norwood, Vice President – State & Federal Regulation
SCHEDULE 51 - continued
The Basic Cost for all other Developments will be computed
from the rates listed in this Schedule for Service Circuits,
Secondary Circuits, Transformers and Primary Circuits.
2) "Cost Reductions," "Exceptional Costs" and "Share of Previous
Extension" are described under Rules for Individual Customers.
3) "Extension to development" is the line extension between the
Company's existing energized electric facilities and the
boundary of the development. The Rules for Individual
Customers apply to the extension to the development.
c. In lieu of a cash payment of the Basic Cost in a Development, the
Company will accept a letter of credit, a contractor’s performance bond,
or another credit instrument agreeable to the Company for $1,113 per
lot upon execution of a written agreement with the Developer. The
agreement shall prescribe the requirements for such a credit instrument
and shall permit the face amount of the instrument to be reduced
annually as new customers are connected within the Development. The
Developer will provide ditching within the Development.
d. There will be no charge to the builder for the installation of the Service
Circuit to serve a duplex or multiplex dwelling.
e. A Developer who pays the extension cost described in 4.b.1) may apply
for a refund annually for each permanent Customer connected within the
Development during the first five years after the extension is completed.
The Company will make a reasonable attempt to inform the bearer of the
certificate when a refund is due. The Company will pay the refund to the
bearer of the Extension Certificate when it is presented to the Company
for payment and the connection of the permanent Customer has been
Fourteenth Revision Sheet 51H
I.P.U.C. No.28 Thirteenth Revision Sheet 51H
dba Avista Utilities
Issued March 14, 2014 Effective May 1, 2014
Issued by Avista Utilities
By Kelly Norwood, Vice President – State & Federal Regulation
SCHEDULE 51 - continued
For Developers who have made a cash payment to the Company for
the Basic Cost in the development, the sum of all refunds shall not
exceed the total Basic Cost paid by the Developer or $1,113 per lot
multiplied by the number lots, whichever is less. The developer must
apply for the refunds before the line extension becomes six years old.
f. In a Development where primary taps may be required into some lots to
provide adequate service or where the loads are not clearly defined, the
Company may elect to install only an initial Primary Circuit through the
Development (no Transformers or Secondary Circuits). The Rules for
Individual Customers will be used to establish the extension cost of
the Primary Circuit and that cost must be paid in advance by the
The permanent Customer on each lot must meet the Rules for
Individual Customers for the extension into the lot, except they will not
pay a share of the cost of the Primary Circuit through the Development
or a share of previous extensions outside the Development. The
applicable Allowance will be credited first to the Basic Cost to serve the
permanent Customer. The Developer will be refunded only the portion
of the Allowance not granted or applied to the permanent Customer.
Second Revision Sheet 51J
I.P.U.C. No.28 First Revision Sheet 51J
dba Avista Utilities
Issued March 14, 2014 Effective May 1, 2014
Issued by Avista Utilities
By Kelly Norwood, Vice President – State & Federal Regulation
SCHEDULE 51 – continued
1) The Total Estimated Extension Cost shall include all costs
which are necessary to provide service to the Customer, as
determined by the Company. The amount of the Allowance will
be determined individually for each Customer based on the
Company’s estimate of the Customer’s annual energy usage
and an allowance per kwh based on the applicable service
d. When two or more Customers apply concurrently for service from
the same Line Extension, each will receive an Allowance up to their
proportion of the Total Estimated Extension Cost. Allowances shall
be granted only against the costs of the current project and not
against any part of an earlier or future extension.
The Allowance will be the Total Estimated Extension Cost, or the
applicable Allowance by Schedule multiplied by the Customer’s
estimated energy usage, whichever is less:
Schedule 11 or 12: $0.13766 per kwh
Schedule 21 or 22: $0.11657 per kwh
Schedule 31 or 32: $0.19689 per kwh
Exception: The Company will not grant an immediate Allowance if
the Company, in its sole judgement, determines that the load will be
in service less than five years.
Undeveloped Commercial and Industrial Lots: A development is a
group of neighboring undeveloped lots separated by no more than
streets and under the ownership or legal control of a single party as
determined by the Company. The General Rules, the Rules for
Commercial and Industrial Customers and the following apply to line
extensions within commercial or industrial developments. Before
Company facilities will be installed, the developer must submit a written
application for service and a copy of the plat as approved by the
Fifteenth Revision Sheet 51N
I.P.U.C. No.28 Fourteenth Revision Sheet 51N
dba Avista Utilities
Issued March 14, 2014 Effective May 1, 2014
Issued by Avista Utilities
By Kelly Norwood, Vice President – State & Federal Regulation
SCHEDULE 51 - continued
Overhead Primary Circuit:
Fixed Costs: $4,216 per Customer
Variable Costs: $7.92 per foot
Underground Primary Circuit:
Fixed Costs: $1,657 per Customer
Variable Costs: $9.58 per foot
Overhead Primary Circuit:
Fixed Costs: $7,468 per Customer
Variable Costs: $10.91 per foot
Underground Primary Circuit:
Fixed Costs: $3,509 per Customer
Variable Costs: $18.76 per foot
*Note: Secondary Circuit, Service Circuit, and Transformer costs
for three phase installations will vary based on the installed
capacity of the Line Extension and are not shown in this
g. "Secondary Circuit" is the electrical facility from the Company's
Transformer to a handhole or connectors from which one or more
Service Circuits originate. The Secondary Circuit is single phase, is
operated at less than 600 volts to ground and may include conductors,
connectors, supporting structures, conduit, handholes, junction box
and trench. The Basic Cost of the Secondary Circuit shall be
computed using the following rates.
Fifteenth Revision Sheet 51O
I.P.U.C. No.28 Fourteenth Revision Sheet 51O
dba Avista Utilities
Issued March 14, 2014 Effective May 1, 2014
Issued by Avista Utilities
By Kelly Norwood, Vice President – State & Federal Regulation
SCHEDULE 51 - continued
Single Phase Underground Secondary Circuit:
Fixed Costs: $291 per customer
Variable Costs: $8.71 per foot
h. "Service Circuit" is the electrical facility between the Company's
Transformer, connectors, or handhole and the Point of Delivery for a
single Customer or building. The Service Circuit is single phase*, is
operated at less than 600 volts to ground and may include
conductors, connectors, junction box, supporting structures, conduit,
handholes and trench. The Basic Cost of the Service Circuit shall be
computed using the following rates. These rates do not include meters
and metering facilities which are used by the Company for billing
Single Phase Overhead Service Circuit:
Variable Costs: $2.94 per foot
Single Phase Underground Service Circuit:
Variable Costs: $6.93 per foot
i. "Transformer" Basic Cost shall be computed using the following
rates for single phase transformers.
Single Phase Overhead Transformer Costs: $2,487 per Customer
Single Phase Padmount Transformer Costs: $2,985 per Customer
j. "Underground Facilities" may include primary cable, secondary and
service cable, secondary and service connections, surface-type (pad-
mount) Transformers, concrete pads, enclosures, switch gear,
terminations, equipment protective barriers and conduit or duct where
necessary. These facilities will be owned, operated and maintained
by the Company unless otherwise provided for by agreement.