HomeMy WebLinkAbout20140122Application.pdfAvista Corp. 1411 East Mission P.O. Box3727 Spokane. Washingrton 9922G,0500 Telephone 509-489-0500 TollFree 800-727-9170 January 21,2014 Jean D. Jewell, Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission P O Box 83720 Boise, ID 83720-0074 Dear Ms. Jewell: Re: Avista Application No. AW-E-14-$l Dear Ms. Jewell: Enclosed for filing with the Commission is an original and seven (7) copies of Avista Corporation, doing business as Avista Utilities application, proposing revisions to tariff Schedule 62'oCogeneration and Small Power Production Schedule." Please direct any questions on this matter to Clint Kalich, Manager of Resource Planning at (509) 495-4532 or Michael Andrea, Senior Counsel at (509) 495-2564. Sincerely, Manager, Regulatory Policy AvistaUtilities linda. servais@avistacom. com 509-495-4975 Enclosures !.-.., ,. t- *.-1 .ll . i"J r.l :h ,] ,.,? i.. )(,J 1 MICHAEL G. ANDREA2 SENIOR COUNSEL FOR3 AVISTA CORPORATION4 P.O.BOX37275 I4II EAST MISSION AVENUE6 SPOKANE, WASHINGTON 99220-3727 7 TELEPHONE: (509) 495-2s64 8 michael.andrea@avistacorp.com 9 11 IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION )12 oF AVTSTA CORPORATION FOR THE )13 PROPOSED REVTSIONS TO TARIFF )t4 SCHEDULE 62 COGENERATION AND SMALL )15 POWER PRODUCTION SCHEDULE ) t6 l0 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CASE NO. AVU-E-|4-DI t7 I. INTRODUCTION l8 Avista Corporation, doing business as Avista Utilities (hereinafter Avista or Company), 19 at l4l1 East Mission Avenue, Spokane, Washington, respectfully proposes revisions to tariff 20 Schedule 62 "Cogeneration and Small Power Production Schedule." Provided as Attachment A 2l are the proposed revisions to the following tariff sheets, I.P.U.C. No. 28: 22 Fourth Revision Sheet 62 Canceling Third Revision Sheet 6223 Fourth Revision Sheet 62,4. Canceling Third Revision Sheet 62,4.24 Fifth Revision Sheet 628 Canceling Fourth Revision Sheet 62825 Original Sheet 62C New26 Original Sheet 62D New27 Original Sheet 62E New28 Original Sheet 62F New29 Original Sheet 62G New 30 3l The Company requests that this filing be processed under the Commission's Modified 32 Procedure rules. JJ AVISTA SCI{E,DULE 62 FILING PAGE I Communications in reference to this Application should be addressed to: 2 J 4 5 6 7 8 9 l0il Michael G. Andrea Senior Counsel Avista Corporation P.O.Box3727 l4l I E. Mission Avenue, MSC- Spokane, WA 99220-3727 Phone: (509) 495-2564 michael. andrea@ avistacorp. com Linda M. Gervais Manager, Regulatory Policy Avista Corporation P.O.Box3727 14ll E. Mission Avenue, MSC-27 Spokane, WA 99220-3727 Phone: (509)495-4975 linda. eervais@avistacorp. com 12 t3 t4 l5 t6 t7 l8 t9 20 2l 22 23 24 25 26 II. BACKGROUND In Case No. GNR-E-11-03, several parties expressed an interest in the investor-owned utilities, including Avista, developing and adopting certain procedures to be used by QF developers and such utilities to negotiate and enter into power purchase agreements under PURPA. In Order No. 32697, the Commission directed the parties to participate in workshops "to begin to form a structure for fair and reasonable contracting procedures and rulesl." Avista participated in the workshops on contracting procedures for QFs held on September 17,2013 and November 14,2013. Draft proposed contracting procedures prepared by the utilities (including Avista) and certain QF developers were discussed at those workshops; however, a consensus on a complete set of contracting procedures to be used by all utilities was not reached. In a letter dated December 12, 2013 filed in the Case, Avista stated that it intended to develop a complete set of procedures to be used when it is negotiating and entering into contracts with QF developers. Avista further proposed that, to the extent that such procedures are to be filed with the Commission, such procedures would be filed in a new utility-specific case. I OrderNo.32697 at48. AVISTA SCHEDULE 62 FILING PAGE 2 1 2 III. PROPOSED TARIFF REVISIONS Avista's proposed tariff revisions provide procedures to be used by Avista and QF developers in negotiating and entering into power purchase agreements for the sale of the electrical output of QFs to Avista under PURPA at avoided cost rates. As discussed in more detail below, the procedures to be included in Avista's Schedule 62 generally (i) detail the information QF developers are to provide to the Company; (ii) provide timelines for both QF developers and Avista to follow in the process of negotiating and entering into a power purchase agreement; and (iii) provide a dispute resolution process in the event the parties are unable to agree on one or more terms of a power purchase agreement. A. Appticability As a threshold matter, Avista's proposed contracting procedures will apply to all QF developers that desire to make sales to Avista under PURPA and that will deliver electrical output at a point of delivery on Avista's electrical system that is located in the State of Idaho. Accordingly, if Avista's proposed contracting procedures are approved, Schedule 62 will provide the procedures to be used in negotiating and entering into power purchase agreements with QF developers that are eligible for published avoided cost rates and QF developers that receive a negotiated (IRP) avoided cost rate. B. Information QF Developers are to Provide Avista and Indicative Pricing Section (1)A, of Avista's proposed contracting procedures sets forth the general information a proposed QF developer is to provide to Avista to obtain an indicative pricing proposal for a proposed QF. After satisfactory receipt of such information, Avista will provide an indicative pricing proposal to the QF developer. Such indicative pricing proposal is to be provided within ten (10) business days for QFs eligible for published avoided cost rates, and within twenty-five (25) business days for all other QFs. The indicative pricing proposal is not final or binding on either party, but is intended to provide indicative pricing early in the process so that the QF developer can make 10 11 t2 13 t4 l5 t6 t7 18 I9 20 2t 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 AVISTA SCI{EDULE 62 FILING PAGE 3 I 2 J 4 5 6 7 8 9 l0 11 T2 13 t4 l5 t6 l7 18 t9 20 2t 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 preliminary determinations regarding its proposed project and its desire to sell output to Avista under PURPA. C. Draft Power Purchase Agreement Under Section (l)E of the contracting procedures, if after receiving an indicative pricing proposal from Avista, a QF developer determines that it wants to negotiate a power purchase agreement with Avista under PURPA, the QF developer may request that Avista prepare a draft power purchase agreement. In connection with such request, the QF developer is to provide Avista with any additional information that Avista reasonably determines is necessary for the preparation of the power purchase agreement. Upon satisfactory receipt of all such information, Avista shall, within fifteen (15) business days, provide the QF developer with a draft power purchase agreement containing a comprehensive set of proposed terms and conditions for the sale by the QF developer and purchase by Avista of the QF's output. Upon its receipt of a draft power purchase agreement, the QF developer is to have ninety (90) calendar days to review the draft power purchase agreement and to either (a) notify Avista that it accepts the terms and conditions of the draft power purchase agreement without any material change and is ready to execute a power purchase agreement that is the same or substantially similar to the draft power purchase agreement, or (b) provide Avista an initial set of comments and proposed changes to the draft power purchase agreement. If the QF developer provides any comments or proposed changes to the draft power purchase agreement, the QF developer shall contact Avista to commence negotiations. Section (1)J of the contracting procedures sets forth general guidelines to be used during such negotiation of any draft power purchase agreement, including requirements that Avista not unreasonably delay such negotiations and that Avista respond in good faith to any additions, deletions or modifications to the draft power purchase agreement that are proposed by the QF developer. When the parties are in full agreement with the terms and conditions of the draft power AVISTA SCHEDULE 62 FILING PAGE 4 1 2 J 4 5 6 7 8 9 l0 11 t2 13 t4 l5 t6 t7 18 t9 20 2t 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 3l purchase agreement, including the price for delivered power, Avista shall, within ten (10) business days, prepare and forward to the QF developer a final, executable version of the power purchase agreement. Upon its receipt of the final, executable version of the power purchase agreement, the QF developer shall have five (5) business days to execute and return the final power purchase agreement to Avista. If the QF developer timely executes and returns the power purchase agreement to Avista, Avista will, within ten (10) business days of its receipt of the executed power purchase agreement, execute the power purchase agreement and submit the fully executed power purchase agreement to the Commission for approval. If the QF developer fails to comply with the timelines in the contracting procedures set forth in Schedule 62, Avista shall have no obligation to the QF developer unless or until its project is resubmitted to Avista in accordance with the contracting procedures. Thus, if the QF developer does not execute the final power purchase agreement tendered to the QF developer within five (5) business days as required by Section (1)L of the contracting procedures, the final power purchase agreement tendered to the QF developer by Avista will be deemed withdrawn and Avista shall have no further obligation to the QF developer unless or until the QF developer resubmits its project in accordance with the contracting procedures. D. Dispute Resolution If, in the course of negotiating the draft power purchase agreement, the parties are unable to agree on any term or terms of the draft power purchase agreement, such disputes will be resolved in accordance with Section (3) of the contracting procedures. Specifically, if the QF developer believes that an agreement cannot be reached on one or more terms of a power purchase agreement, the QF developer must notiff Avista in writing that it believes an agreement cannot be reached on a specific term or terms. The QF developer and Avista shall affempt in good faith for a period not less than sixty (60) days (or such other time as may be mutually agreed) to resolve such concems. AVISTA SCHEDULE 62 FILING PAGE 5 3 Order approving its proposed contracting procedures set forth in tariff Schedule 62 with an 4 effective date rendered on and after February 14, 2014, with this application being processed 5 under Modified Procedure. 1 2 6 7 8 9 10 IV. CONCLUSION WHEREFORE, Applicant respectfully request that the Commission issue an DATED at Spokane, Washington, this 2lst day of January, 2014. Michael G. Andrea, Senior Counsel AVISTA CORPORA AVISTA SCI{EDULE 62 FILING PAGE 6 1) J 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 t2 13 t4 15 l6 t7 l8 t9 20 2t 22 23 24 25 26 VERIFICATION STATE OF WASHINGTON County ofSpokane Michael G. Andrea, being first duly sworn, on oath deposes and says: that he is the Senior Counsel for Avista Utilities; that he has read the above and foregoing Application, knows the contents thereof, and believes the same to be true. SIGNED AND SWORN to before me this 2l't day of January 2014, by Michael G. Andrea. ) ) ) J.sffi 4*''iffi in and for AVISTA SCHEDULE 62 FILING PAGE 7 Tariff Sheets Clean l.P.U.C. No. 28 Fourth Revision Sheet 62 Replacing Third Revision Sheet 62 AVISTA CORPORATION dba Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 62 COGENERATION AND SMALL POWER PRODUCTION SCHEDULE - IDAHO AVAILABLE: In all electric tenitory served by the Company in the State of Idaho. APPLICABLE: To Qualifying Facilities that intend to interconnect to the Company's electrical system at an interconnection point within the State of Idaho or that intend to deliver the output to the Company at a point of delivery on the Company's electrical system within the State of Idaho. To be eligible for the rates provided under this tariff, the Facility must be a Qualiffing Facility with a maximum generating capability equal to or less than the Eligibility Cap. A Customer selling the output of any Qualifying Facility (including both Qualifying facilities with a maximum generating capability equal to or less than the Eligibility Cap and Qualifying Facilities with a maximum generating capability greater than the Eligibility Cap) will be required to enter into a written agreement with the Company in accordance with the contracting procedures set forth in this tariff. Any such agreement is subject to the approval of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission. DEFINITIONS: "Customer" as used herein means any individual, partnership, corporation, association, governmental agency, political subdivision, municipality or other entity. "Cogeneration Facility" means equipment used to produce electric energy and forms of useful thermal energy (such as heat or steam), used for industrial, commercial, heating, or cooling pu{poses, through the sequential use ofenergy. "Daily Shape Adjustment" means an adjustment to rates based on a difference between on-peak (6 am to l0pm) rates and off-peak (10 pm to 6 am) rates of $5 per MWh. The Daily Shape Adjustment increases the on-peak rate and decreases the off-peak rate such that the difference between the on-peak and off-peak rate is $5/MWh and the average rate weighted by the number of on-peak and off-peak hours is equal to the unadjusted avoided cost. "Eligibility Cap" means for all Qualifying Facilities except wind and solar Qualifying Facilities, ten (10) average megawatts in any given month. For wind and solar Qualifying Facilities, "Eligibility Cap" means one-hundred (100) kilowatts nameplate capacity. "Facility" means the source of electricity owned by the Customer that is located on the Customer's side of the PCC, and all facilities ancillary and appurtenant thereto, including interconnection equipment, which the Customer requests to interconnect to the Company's distribution system. "In-Seryice Date" means the date on which the Facility and System Modifications (if applicable) are complete and ready for service, even if the Facility is not placed in service on or by that date. lssued January 21,2014 Effective February24,2014 lssued by Avista Utilities 4,J^,,,,J Kelly O. Norwood VP, State & Federal Regulation l.P.U.C. No. 28 Fourth Revision Sheet 62A Replacing Third Revision Sheet 62A AVISTA CORPORATION dba Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 62 - continued "Integration Charges" means the integration charge applicable to wind generation approved by the Idaho Public Utilities Commission in Order No. 30500, or as superseded "Interconnection Service Agreement" is an agreement for interconnection service, between the Customer and the Company, or the Customer and a 3'd party transmission provider. The agreement also includes any amendments or supplements thereto entered into by the Customer and the Company. "Market Rate" shall be 85 percent (85%) of the weighted average of the Intercontinental Exchange ("ICE") daily On- and OflPeak Non-Firm energy Index prices for electricity at the Mid-Columbia hub ("Mid-C"). "Point Of Common Coupling" (or PCC) means the point where the Customer's local electric power system connects to the Company's distribution system, such as the electric power revenue meter or at the location of the equipment designated to intemrpt, separate or disconnect the connection between the Customer and the Company. "Qualifying Facility" shall mean a cogeneration Facility or a Small Power Production Facility that is a "Qualifying Facility" as that term is defined in the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission's regulations, 18 C.F.R. $ 292.101(bxl) (2010), as may be amended or superseded. "Seasonal Factors" means a seasonal weighting of 0.84 for the period March through June, and 1.08 for the period July through February. "Small Power Production Facility" means the equipment used to produce output including electric energy solely by the use of biomass, waste, solar power, wind, water or any other renewable resource. RATES: The Company agrees to pay the following rates for the purchase of output from Facilities for which this tariff applies and that is delivered to the Company's system. These rates are adjusted periodically and are on file with the Idaho Public Utilities Commission. (l) Levelized Fueled Rates - These rates shall apply when the Customer chooses to supply output including energy and capacity under Levelized Avoided Cost Rates for Fueled Facilities. The rates shall apply to natural gas fueled Facilities and shall depend upon the on-line operation date and term of the agreement and shall be fixed for the term. The adjustable component rate shall be changed periodically subject to Idaho Public Utilities Commission orders. Both the fixed and adjustable rate components are subject to Seasonal Factors, a Daily Shape Adjustment, and Integration Charges. The resultant rate shall be applied to the Facility output for all kilowatt-hours up to the Eligibility Cap in any given month. lssued January 21, 2014 Effective February24,2014 eer rar{ hrr Arr UtilitiesBy / Kelly O. Norwoodru ,J^,-*rJ VP, State & Federal Regulation Fifth Revision Sheet 62B Replacing Fourth Revision Sheets 62B AVISTA CORPORATION dba Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 62 - continued (2) Non-Levelized Fueled Rates - These rates shall apply when the Customer chooses to supply output including energy and capacity under Non-Levelized Avoided Cost Rates for Fueled Facilities. The fixed component rate shall be fixed for the term of the agreement. The adjustable component rate shall be changed periodically subject to Idaho Public Utilities Commission orders. Both the fixed and adjustable rate components are subject to Seasonal Factors, a Daily Shape Adjustment, and Integration Charges. The resultant rate shall be applied to the Facility output for all kilowatt-hours up to the Eligibility Cap in any given month. (3) Short-Term Rate - The Short-Term Rate shall be applicable when the Customer chooses to supply output including energy and capacity at market-based rates under contract. The Short-Term Rate shall be the lower of the applicable Non-Levelized Non-Fueled Rate or the Market Rate. The rate is subject to a Seasonal Factor, a Daily Shape Adjustment, and Integration Charges. The resultant rate shall be applied to the Facility output for all kilowatt-hours up to the Eligibility Cap in any given month. (4) Levelized Non-Fueled Rates - These rates shall apply when the Customer chooses to supply output including energy and capacity under Levelized Avoided Cost Rates for Non-Fueled Facilities. These rates shall apply to Facilities that do not use natural gas as their primary fuel. The rates shall depend upon the on-line operation date and term of the agreement and shall be fixed for the term. The rate components are subject to Seasonal Factors, a Daily Shape Adjustment, and Integration Charges. The resultant rate shall be applied to the Facility output for all kilowatt-hours up to the Eligibility Cap in any given month. (5) Non-Levelized Non-Fueled Rates - These rates shall apply when the Customer chooses to supply output including energy and capacity under a contract based on Non-Levelized Avoided Cost Rates for Non-Fueled Facilities. These rates shall apply to Facilities that do not use natural gas as their primary fuel, and shall be fixed for the term. The rates are subject to a Seasonal Factor, a Daily Shape Adjustment, and Integration Charges. The resultant rate shall be applied to the Facility output, for all kilowatt-hours up to the Eligibility Cap in any given month. CONTRACTTNG PROCEDURES : The Company agrees to adhere to the following contract procedures for the purchase of output from Customers who own Qualifying Facilities for which this tariff applies and that is delivered to the Company's system. These contracting procedures are adjusted periodically and are on file with the Idaho Public Utilities Commission. lssued January 21,2014 Effective February24,2014 lssued by Avista UtilitiesBy f Kelly O. Norwoodru,J^,*.4 VP, State & Federal Regulation Sheet 62C lssued by AVISTA CORPORATION dba Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 62 - continued (l) Procedures A. To obtain an indicative pricing proposal for a proposed Qualifying Facility, the Customer shall provide the Company information that is reasonably required to develop such a proposal. General information regarding a Qualiffing Facility shall include, but not be limited to: i) Qualifying Facility owner name, organizational structure and chart, and contact information;ii) generation and other related technology applicable to the Qualifying Facility;iii) design capacity, station service requirements, and the net amount of power, all in kilowatts (kW), to be delivered to the Company's electric system by the Qualifying Facility; iv) schedule of estimated Qualiffing Facility electric output, in an 8,760- hour electronic spreadsheet format;v) ability, if any, of Qualiffing Facility to respond to dispatch orders from the Company;vi) map of Qualifuing Facility location, electrical interconnection point, and point of delivery; vii) anticipated commencement date for delivery of electric output; viii) list of acquired and outstanding Qualifying Facility permits, including a description of the status and timeline for acquisition of any outstanding permits;ix) demonstration of ability to obtain Qualiffing Facility status;x) fuel type(s) and source(s);xi) plans to obtain, or actual, fuel and transportation agreements, if applicable;xii) where Qualifying Facility is or will be interconnected to an electrical system besides the Company's, plans to obtain, or actual, electricity transmission agreements with the interconnected system; xiii) interconnection agreement status; and xiv) proposed contracting term and pricing provisions for the sale of electric output to the Company (i.e., fixed, escalating, indexed). B. Where the Company determines that the Customer has not provided sufficient information as required by Section (1).A, the Company shall, within ten (10) business days, notify the Customer in writing of any deficiencies. lssued January 21,2014 Effective February24,2014 By / Kelly O. NorwoodV4h ,J^,'rrJI VP, State & Federal Regulation l.P.U.C. No. 28 nal Sheet 62D AVISTA CORPORATION dba Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 62 - continued Following satisfactory receipt of all information required in Section (l).A, the Company shall, within twenty five (25) business days, provide the Customer with an indicative pricing proposal containing terms and conditions tailored to the individual characteristics of the proposed Qualifying Facility; provided, however, that for Qualifying Facilities eligible for Published Rates pursuant to the Idaho Public Utilities Commission's eligibility requirements, the Company will provide such indicative pricing proposal within ten (10) business days. The indicative pricing proposal provided to the Customer pursuant to Section (l).C will not be final or binding on either party. Prices and other terms and conditions will become final and binding on the parties under only two conditions: i)full execution of a power purchase agreement by both parties that is approved by the Idaho Public Utilities Commission, or determination by the Idaho Public Utilities that: a. the Qualiffing Facility has filed a meritorious complaint, following the guidelines outlined in Section (3). below, alleging a "legally enforceable obligation" has arisen and, but for the conduct of the Company, there would be a contract, and b. the Qualifying Facility can deliver its electrical output within 180 days of such determination. E. If the Customer desires to proceed with contracting its Qualifying Facility with the Company after reviewing the indicative pricing proposal, it shall request in writing that the Company prepare a draft power purchase agreement to serve as the basis for negotiations between the parties. In connection with such request, the Customer shall provide the Company with any additional Qualiffing Facility information that the Company reasonably determines necessary for the preparation of a draft power purchase agreement, which may include, but shall not be limited to: i) updated information of the categories described in Section (l).A; ii) evidence of site control for the entire contracting term;iii) anticipated timelines for completion of key Qualifying Facility milestones, to include: a. licenses, permits, and other necessary approvals; b. funding; C. D. ii) lssued January 21,2014 Effective February24,2014 lssued by Avista UtilitiesBy / Kelly O. Norwood.ru ,J^,*rd VP, State & Federal Regulation Sheet 62E AVISTA CORPORATION dba Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 62- continued c. Qualifuing Facility engineering and drawings; d. significant equipment purchases; e. construction agreement(s);f. interconnection agreement(s); andg. signing of 3'd-party transmission agreements, where applicableiv) evidence that interconnection studies have been completed, and a demonstration that Qualiffing Facility interconnection is to occur on or prior to the requested first delivery date; and,v) additional information as explained in the Company's indicative pricing proposal. If the Company determines that the Customer has not provided suffrcient information as required by Section (l).E, the Company shall, within ten (10) business days, notify the Customer in writing of any deficiency. Following satisfactory receipt of all information required in Section (l).E, the Company shall, within fifteen (15) business days, provide the Customer with a draft power purchase agreement containing a comprehensive set of proposed terms and conditions. The draft shall serve as the basis for subsequent negotiations between the parties and, unless clearly indicated, shall not be construed as a binding proposal by the Company. Within ninety (90) calendar days after its receipt of the draft power purchase agreement from the Company pursuant to Section (1).G, the Customer shall review the draft power purchase agreement and shall: a) notify the Company in writing that it accepts the terms and conditions of the draft power purchase agreement and is ready to execute a contract with same or similar terms and conditions as the draft contract; or b) prepare an initial set of written comments and proposals based on the draft, and provide them to the Company. The Company shall not be obligated to commence negotiations with a Customer or draft a final contract unless or until the Company has timely received an initial set of written comments and proposals from the Customer, or notice from the Customer that it has no such comments or proposals, in accordance with this Section (l).H. After Customer has met the provisions of Section (1).H above, Customer shall contact the Company to schedule contract negotiations at such times and places as are mutually agreeable to the parties. F. G. H. I. lssued January 21,2014 Effective February24,2014 Avista Utilitieslssued by%/ , Ketty o. Norwood tU *<usaorl VP, State & Federal Regulation l.P.U.C. No.28 Original Sheet 62F AVISTA CORPORATION dba Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 62 - continued J. In connection with any contract negotiations between the Company and the Customer, the Company: i) shall not unreasonably delay negotiations and shall respond in good faith to any additions, deletions or modifications to the draft power purchase agreement that are proposed by the Customer;ii) may request to visit the site of the proposed Qualifying Facility if such a visit has not previously occurred;iii) shall update its pricing proposals at appropriate intervals to accommodate any changes to the Company's avoided-cost calculations, the proposed Qualifying Facility or proposed terms of the draft power purchase agreement;iv) may request any additional information from the Customer necessary to frnalize the terms of the power purchase agreement and to satisfu the Company's due diligence with respect to the Qualifuing Facility; and,v) shall resolve disputes related to power purchase agreement terms consistent with Section (3) of this tariff. K. When both parties are in full agreement as to all terms and conditions of the draft power purchase agreement, including the price paid for delivered power, the Company shall prepare and forward to the Customer, within ten (10) business days, a final, executable version of the power purchase agreement. L. The Customer shall, within five (5) business days, execute and return the final power purchase agreement to the Company. M. Where the Customer timely executes and returns the final power purchase agreement to the Company in accordance with Section (1).L, the Company will, within ten (10) business days of its receipt of the power purchase agreement executed by the Customer, execute such power purchase agreement and submit it to the Idaho Public Utilities Commission for approval. lssued January 21,2014 Effective February24,2014 lssued by Avista UtilitiesBy / Kelly O. Norwood VP, State & Federal Regulationru ,J^,"""4 Sheet 62G lssued by& AVISTA CORPORATION dba Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 62 - continued N. Failure of the Customer to meet any timelines set forth in this Section relieves the Company of any obligation under this tariff until such time as the Customer resubmits its Qualifuing Facility and the procedures begin anew. If the Customer does not execute the final power purchase agreement per Section (l).L, such final power purchase agreement shall be deemed withdrawn and the Company shall have no further obligation to the Customer under this tariff unless or until such time the Customer resubmits the Qualiffing Facility to the Company in accordance with this Schedule. (2) Interconnection and Transmission Agreements The Company's obligation to purchase Qualifying Facility electrical output from the Customer will be conditioned on the consummation of an interconnection agreement. Where the Qualifying Facility will not be physically located within the Company's electrical system, the Customer will need to consummate an interconnection agreement with the 3td-party electrical system. Where the Qualiffing Facility will be interconnected to a 3'd-party electrical system and is requesting either Published Rates, or rates based on firm delivery of its electrical output, the Company's obligation to purchase such electrical output will be conditioned on the Customer obtaining a firm transmission agreement or agreements to deliver all electrical output to the Company's system. Such agreement(s) shall have minimum terms equal to the lesser of: a) the term of the agreement being requested by the Qualiffing Facility in Section (l).A.xiv, or b) the minimum term required by the 3'o-party transmission entity to ensure firm roll over transmission rights. (3) Dispute Resolution If, in the process of negotiating a power purchase agreement in accordance with this Tariff, the Customer believes that the Company has failed to comply with this Tariff, or that an agreement cannot be reached on one or more terms of such power purchase agreement, the Customer must notify the Company in writing of such belief, and the specific concern or concerns it has. The Customer and the Company shall attempt in good faith for a period not less than sixty (60) days (or such other time as may be mutually agreed) to resolve such concems. A. B. lssued January 21,2014 Avista Utilities | ; Kelly O. Norwood*/ rutam VP, State & Federal Regulation Tariff Sheets Un derlin e/Striketh ro u gh l.P.U.C. No. 28 +hir+Fogth Revision Sheet SeeendThird Revision Sheet 62 lssued by By AVISTA CORPORATION dba Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 62 COGENERATION AND SMALL POWER PRODUCTION SCHEDULE - IDAHO AVATLABLE: ln all electric territory served by the Company in the State of Idaho. APPLICABLE: To Oualifvine Facilities that intend to interconnect to the Company's electrical svstem at an interconnection point within the State of Idaho or that intend to deliver the output to the Companv at a point of delivery on the Company's electrical system within the State of Idaho To be eligible for the rates provided under this tariff, the Facility must be a Qualifying Facility with a maximum generating capability equal to or less than the Eligibility Cap. A @selling the output of any_QualrfyrUg Facility (includine both Oualifvins Facilities with a maximum seneratins caoabilitv eoual to or less than the Elisibilitv Cao and Oualifvine Facilities with a maximum seneratins capabilitv sreater than the Eligibility Cap) under+hi++erif*will be required to enter into a written agreement with the Company in accordance with agreement{hat is subject to the approval of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission DEFINITIONS: "Customer" as used herein means any individual, partnership, corporation, association, governmental agency, political subdivision, municipality or other entity. "Cogeneration Facility" means equipment used to produce electric energy and forms of useful thermal energy (such as heat or steam), used for industrial, commercial, heating, or cooling purposes, through the sequential use ofenergy. "Daily Shape Adjustment" means an adjustment to rates based on a difference between on-peak (6 am to 10pm) rates and off-peak (10 pm to 6 am) rates of $5 per MWh. The Daily Shape Adjustment increases the on-peak rate and decreases the off-peak rate such that the difference between the on-peak and off-peak rate is $S/IvIWh and the average rate weighted by the number of on-peak and off-peak hours is equal to the unadjusted avoided cost. "Eligibility Cap" means for all Qualifying Facilities except wind and solar Qualifying Facilities, ten (10) average megawatts in any given month. For wind and solar Qualifying Facilities, "Eligibility Cap" means one-hundred (100) kilowatts nameplate capacity. "Facility" means the source of electricity owned by the Customer that is located on the Customer's side of the PCC, and all facilities ancillary and appurtenant thereto, including interconnection equipment, which the Customer requests to interconnect to the Company's distribution system. "In-Service Date" means the date on which the Facility and System Modifications (if applicable) are complete and ready for service, even if the Facility is not placed in service on or by that date. lssued l/e+*a.U+ZJetyey2LZOt4 Effective W Avista Utilities Kelly O. Norwood VP, State & Federal Regulation +hi{+Fogrth_Revision Sheet 62A Replacing |.P.U.C. No. 28 SeeendThird Revision Sheet 624 AVISTA CORPOMTION dba Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 62 - continued "Integration Charges" means the integration charge applicable to wind generation approved by the Idaho Public Utilities Commission in Order No. 30500, or as superseded "Interconnection Service Agreement" is an agreement for interconnection service, between the Customer and the Company, or the Customer and a 3'd party transmission provider. The agreement also includes any amendments or supplements thereto entered into by the Customer and the Company. "Market Rate" shall be 85 percent (85%) of the weighted average of the Intercontinental Exchange ("ICE") daily On- and Off-Peak Non-Firm energy lndex prices for electricity at the Mid-Columbia hub ("Mid-C"). "Point Of Common Coupling" (or PCC) means the point where the Customer's local electric power system connects to the Company's distribution system, such as the electric power revenue meter or at the location of the equipment designated to intemrpt, separate or disconnect the connection between the Customer and the Company. "Qualifying Facility" shall mean a cogeneration Facility or a Small Power Production Facility that is a "Qualiffing Facility" as that term is defined in the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission's regulations, l8 C.F.R. $ 292.101(bXl) (2010), as may be amended or superseded. "Seasonal Factors" means a seasonal weighting of 0.84 for the period March through June, and 1.08 for the period July through February. "Small Power Production Facility" means the equipment used to produce output including electric energy solely by the use of biomass, waste, solar power, wind, water or any other renewable resource. RATES: The Company agrees to pay the following rates for the purchase of output from Facilities for which this tariff applies and that is delivered to the Company's system. These rates are adjusted periodically and are on file with the Idaho Public Utilities Commission. (l) Levelized Fueled Rates - These rates shall apply when the Customer chooses to supply output including energy and capacity under Levelized Avoided Cost Rates for Fueled Facilities. The rates shall apply to natural gas fueled Facilities and shall depend upon the on-line operation date and term of the agreement and shall be fixed for the term. The adjustable component rate shall be changed periodically subject to Idaho Public Utilities Commission orders. Both the fixed and adjustable rate components are subject to Seasonal Factors, a Daily Shape Adjustment, and lntegration Charges. The resultant rate shall be applied to the Facility output for all kilowatt-hours up to the Eligibility Cap in any given month. lssued @ Effective W eer rar{ hrr Arriela I By Kelly O. Nonlrood VP, State & FederalRegulation l.P.U.C. No.28 eeu*+E[n Revision Sheet 628 Replacing hir4Fourth Revision Sheets 628 AVISTA CORPORATION dba Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 62 - continued (2) Non-Levelized Fueled Rates - These rates shall apply when the Customer chooses to supply output including energy and capacity under Non-Levelized Avoided Cost Rates for Fueled Facilities. The fixed component rate shall be fixed for the term of the agreement. The adjustable component rate shall be changed periodically subject to Idaho Public Utilities Commission orders. Both the fixed and adjustable rate components are subject to Seasonal Factors, a Daily Shape Adjustment, and Integration Charges. The resultant rate shall be applied to the Facility output for all kilowatt-hours up to the Eligibility Cap in any given month. (3) Short-Term Rate - The Short-Term Rate shall be applicable when the Customer chooses to supply output including energy and capacity at market-based rates under contract. The Short-Term Rate shall be the lower of the applicable Non-Levelized Non-Fueled Rate or the Market Rate. The rate is subject to a Seasonal Factor, a Daily Shape Adjustment, and Integration Charges. The resultant rate shall be applied to the Facility output for all kilowatt-hours up to the Eligibility Cap in any given month. (4) Levelized Non-Fueled Rates - These rates shall apply when the Customer chooses to supply output including energy and capacity under Levelized Avoided Cost Rates for Non-Fueled Facilities. These rates shall apply to Facilities that do not use natural gas as their primary fuel. The rates shall depend upon the on-line operation date and term of the agreement and shall be fixed for the term. The rate components are subject to Seasonal Factors, a Daily Shape Adjustment, and Integration Charges. The resultant rate shall be applied to the Facility output for all kilowatt-hours up to the Eligibility Cap in any given month. (5) Non-Levelized Non-Fueled Rates - These rates shall apply when the Customer chooses to supply output including energy and capacity under a contract based on Non-Levelized Avoided Cost Rates for Non-Fueled Facilities. These rates shall apply to Facilities that do not use natural gas as their primary fuel, and shall be fixed for the term. The rates are subject to a Seasonal Factor, a Daily Shape Adjustment, and lntegration Charges. The resultant rate shall be applied to the Facility output, for all kilowatt-hours up to the Eligibility Cap in any given month. CONTRACTING PROCEDURES : The Company aqrees to adhere to the followine contract procedures for the purchase of output from Customers who own Oualifyine Facilities for which this tariff applies and that is delivered to the Compan{s system. These csnt&stine procedures are adiusted periodically and are on file with the Idaho Public Utilities Commission. lssued @ Effective W by By Kelly O. Nonrood VP, State & Federal Regulation AVISTA CORPORATION dba Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 62 - continued (l) Procedures A. To obtain an indicative pricing proposal for a proposed Oualifying Facilitv. the Customer shall provide the Company information that is reasonably required to develop such a proposal. General information regarding a Oualifyine Facility shall include. but not be limited to: i) Qualif.ving Facility owner name. oreanizational structure and chart. and contact information: ii) generation and other related technology applicable to the Oualif.ving Facility:iii) design capacity. station service requirements. and the net amount of power. all in kilowatts (kW). to be delivered to the Company's electric svstem by the Oualifying Facilitv:iv) schedule of estimated Oualifying Facility electric output. in an 8.760- hour electronic spreadsheet format: v) ability. if any. of Oualif.vine Facility to respond to dispatch orders from the Company:vi) map of Oualifying Facility location. electrical interconnection point. and ooint of delivery: vii) anticipated commencement date for delivery of electric output: viii) list of acquired and outstanding Oualifying Facilitv permits. including a description of the status and timeline for acquisition of any outstandine Permits:ix) demonstration of ability to obtain Oualifying Facilit), status:x) fuel type(s) and source(s):xi) plans to obtain. or actual. fuel and transportation agreements. if applicable:xii) where Oualifying Facilitv is or will be interconnected to an electrical system besides the Company's. plans to obtain. or actual. electricity transmission agreements with the interconnected system: xiii) interconnection aereement status: and xiv) proposed contractins term and oricing provisions for the sale of electric output to the Companv (i.e.. fixed. escalatine. indexed). B. Where the Company determines that the Customer has not provided sufficient information as required by Section (l).A. the Company shall. within ten (10) business days. notify the Customer in writing of any deficiencies. lssued Januarv 21. 2014 Effective Februarv 24. 2014 ssued bv Avista LBv Kellv O. Nonarood VP State & Federal Reoulation Bv Kellv O. Norwood VP. State & Federal Requlation P AVISTA CORPOMTION dba Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 62 - continued c. Oualilving Facility engineering and drawings: d. siemificant equipment purchases: e. construction agreement(.s): f. interconnection agreement(s): and g. ffiion ug.""-.nt.. *h.." uppli.ubl. iv) evidence that interconnection studies have been completed. and a demonstration that Oualifying Facility interconnection is to occur on or prior to the requested first delivery date: and.v) additional information as explained in the Company's indicative pricing proposal. F. If the Company determines that the Customer has not provided sufficient information as required by Section (l).E. the Company shall. within ten (10) business days. notify the Customer in writing of any deficiency. G. Followine satisfactory receipt of all information required in Section (l).E. the Company shall. within fifteen (15) business days. provide the Customer with a draft power purchase agreement containing a comorehensive set of proposed terms and conditions. The draft shall serve as the basis for subsequent negotiations between the parties and. unless clearly indicated. shall not be construed as a bindine proposal by the Company. H. Within ninety (90) calendar days after its receipt of the draft power purchase agreement from the Company pursuant to Section (l).G. the Customer shall review the draft power ourchase agreement and shall: a) notify the Company in writine that it accepts the terms and conditions of the draft power purchase asreement and is ready to execute a contract with same or similar terms and conditions as the draft contract: or b) grepare an initial set of written comments and proposals based on the draft. and provide them to the Company. The Companv shall not be oblisated to commence negotiations with a Customer or draft a final contract unless or until the Company has timely received an initial set of written comments and proposals from the Customer. or notice from the Customer that it has no such comments or proposals. in accordance with this Section (l).H. I. After Customer has met the provisions of Section (l).H above. Customer shall contact the Companv to schedule contract nesotiations at such times and places as are mutually agreeable to the parties. lssued Januarv 21 . 2014 Effective Februarv 24. 2014 Bv Kellv O. Nonarood VP State & Federal Reoulaiion I AVISTA CORPORATION dba Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 62 - continued J. In connection with any contract negotiations between the Company and the Customer. the Company: i) shall not unreasonably delay negotiations and shall resoond in good faith to any additions. deletions or modifications to the draft power purchase agreement that are proposed by the Customer: ii) may request to visit the site of the proposed Oualilving Facility if such a visit has not previously occurred:iii) shall update its pricing proposals at appropriate intervals to accommodate any changes to the Company's avoided-cost calculations. the proposed Qualifyine Facilitv or proposed terms of the draft power purchase aereement: iv) may request any additional information from the Customer necessary to finalize the terms of the power purchase asreement and to satisf.v the Company's due diligence with respect to the Oualifyins Facility: and.v) shall resolve disputes related to power purchase asreement terms consistent with Section (3) of this tariff. K. When both parties are in full agreement as to all terms and conditions of the draft power purchase aereement. including the price paid for delivered power. the Companv shall prepare and forward to the Customer. within ten (10) business days. a final. executable version of the power purchase agreement. L. The Customer shall. within five (5) business days. execute and return the final power purchase agreement to the Company. M. Where the Customer timely executes and returns the final power purchase agreement to the Company in accordance with Section (l).L. the Company will. within ten (10) business days of its receipt of the power purchase agreement executed by the Customer. execute such power purchase agreement and submit it to the Idaho Public Utilities Commission for approval. lssued Januarv 21, 2014 Effective Februarv 24. 2014 ssued bv Avista tBv Kellv O VP State & Fecleral Reorrlaiion AVISTA CORPORATION dba Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 62 - continued N. Failure of the Customer to meet any timelines set forth in this Section relieves the Company of any obligation under this tariff until such time as the Customer resubmits its Oualifying Facilitv and the procedures begin anew. If the Customer does not execute the final power purchase aereement per Section (l).L. such final power purchase agreement shall be deemed withdrawn and the Company shall have no further obligation to the Customer under this tariff unless or until such time the Customer resubmits the Qualif.ving Facility to the Company in accordance with this Schedule. (2) Interconnection and Transmission Agreements A. The Company's obligation to purchase Oualifying Facility electrical output from the Customer will be conditioned on the consummation of an interconnection aereement. Where the Oualifying Facility will not be physically located within the Company's electrical system. thg Customer will need to consummate an interconnection aereement with the 3'o-party electrical sYstem. B. Where the Oualif.ving Facility will be interconnected to a 3'd-party electrical system and is requesting either Published Rates. or rates based on firm delivery of its electrical output. the Company's obligation to purchase such electrical output will be conditioned on the Customer obtaining a firm transmission aereement or agreements to deliver all electrical output to the Company's system. Such aereement(s) shall have minimum terms equal to Facility in Section (l).A.xiv. or b) the minimum term required by the 3'o-party transmission entity to ensure firm roll over transmission rights. (3) Dispute Resolution If. in the process of negotiating a power purchase a8reement in accordance with this Tariff. the Customer believes that the Company has failed to comply with this Tariff. or that an agreement cannot be reached on one or more terms of such power purchase agreement. The Customer must notif.v the Company in writing of such belief. and the specific concern or concerns it has. The Customer and the Company shall attemot in good faith for a period not less than sixty (60) days (or such other time as may be mutually agreed) to resolve such concerns. By Kelly O. Norwood VP. State & Federal Reoulation