HomeMy WebLinkAbout20140228Comments.pdfKRISTINE A. SASSERDEPUTYATTORNEYGENERAL l,:"'i,'Ii, Iil:i,Z IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION PO BOX 83720 BOISE, IDAHO 83720-0074 (208) 334-03s7 BAR NO. 6618 Street Address for Express Mail: 472 W, WASHINGTON BOISE, IDAHO 83702-5918 Attorney for the Commission Staff BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF AVISTA CORPORATION'S ) APPLICATTON FOR APPROVAL OF ITS ) CASE NO. AVU-E-13-10 CAPACITY DEFICIENCY PERIOD TO BE ) UTILIZED IN THE COMPANY'S SAR )METHODOLOGY. ) COvTMENTS OF THE) corvrMrssroN srAFF COMES NOW the Staff of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission, by and through its Attorney of record, Kristine A. Sasser, Deputy Attorney General, and in response to the Notice of Modified Procedure issued in Order No. 32971 on January 28,2014, in Case No. AVU-E-l3- 10, submits the following comments. BACKGROUND In Order No. 32697, the Commission directed that a case be initiated outside of each utility's Integrated Resource Plan (IRP) filing to establish a capacity deficiency period to be utilized in the utility's Surrogate Avoided Resource (SAR) methodology for computing avoided cost rates to be included in PURPA power purchase agreements. On October 16, 2013, Avista Corporation filed an Application requesting that the Commission approve its updated capacity deficiency periods to be utilized in its SAR avoided cost methodology. STAFF COMMENTS FEBRUARY 28,2014 STAFF ANALYSIS Avista's 2013IRP On August 29,2013, Avista filed its 2013 IRP with the Commission. In its 2013 IRP, Avista identified winter capacity deficits in 2015 and2016. Those deficits disappear beginning in2017 due to the addition of long-term contracts. Winter deficits reappear in2020 and persist throughout the remainder of the 2}-year planning period. A very small, temporary, summer capacity deficit is identified in 2016. Many near-term deficits are from decreased hydroelectricity capacity during periods of planned maintenance and upgrades. An annual energy deficit is not expected to begin until2026. See Attachment A showing pages 8-38 through 8-40 of Avista's 2013 IRP. Because the capacity deficits identified in 2015 and 2016 are only temporary, Avista plans to meet them with short-term market purchases. Market purchases of 75 and 100 MW are planned in 2015 and20l6, respectively. Avista relied on work by the Northwest Power and Conservation Council in its Resource Adequacy Forum to determine a reasonable level of reliance on the market for surplus summer energy and capacity. Reliance is limited to Avista's prorated share of the regional load. Avista believes that the present market can meet these minor summer and winter capacity shortfalls; therefore, the Company plans optimize its portfolio to postpone new resource investments for winter capacity until 2020. See 2013IRP p. 2-37. Updates to the 2013 IRP In its Application, Avista has updated its capacity and energy load forecasts from its 2013 IRP. The updated load and resource balances also take into account new long-term contracts. Attachment B is a copy of Avista's current capacity and energy positions. Compared to the 2013 IRP, the updated capacity load forecasts are generally higher in winter and lower in summer. This results in larger winter capacity deficits than were identified in the 2013 IRP. The current forecasts show capacity deficits of 123 and I 39 MW in the winters of 2015 and 2016, and continue to show a summer deficit of 36 MW in the summer of 2016. Looking at annual energy, Avista's updated forecast is lower than its 2013 IRP. This results in larger average energy surpluses through 2026 and smaller deficits throughout the remainder of the planning period. STAFF COMMENTS FEBRUARY 28,2014 Capacity and Energy Deficits for Avoided Cost Computations Based on its updated capacity and energy balance, Avista appears to continue to plan to meet summer and winter capacity deficits in 2015 and2016 with short-term market purchases. No short-term contracts have yet been signed to satis$ these deficits. However, Staff does not believe Avista's strategy to rely on short-term purchases is imprudent, especially considering that these deficits only persist for two years, after which the Company is again in a surplus position. Avista presents a unique set of circumstances. Avista must procure something to satisfu its short-term deficits. However, if Avista acquired a long-term resource to satisfy deficits in 2015 and 2016, that resource would not be needed again until2020. It would not be prudent to acquire a long-term resource to satisfy a short-term deficit. The Commission determined in Order No. 32802, and clarified in Order No. 32871, that for existing PURPA projects with expiring contracts, once a PURPA project begins receiving capacity payments, it should continue to receive them in any replacement contract it may seek. That situation differs somewhat from the situation presented here, however. Existing PURPA projects seeking replacement contracts already occupy a place in the utility's portfolio, so removal of them would theoretically create an immediate deficiency, thus ongoing capacity payments make sense. New PURPA contracts, on the other hand, arguably should only be paid for capacity that has value to the utility. Capacity provided during a utility's surplus period, regardless of when the surplus period occurs, has no value. Consequently, Staff computed Avista's avoided cost rates so that capacity value is paid only in those years in which it has value to the utility. Results of Avoided Cost Computations Using the capacity and energy deficits presented in Avista's Application, Staff computed the SAR methodology avoided cost rates.l The rates are shown on Attachment C for wind, solar, non-seasonal hydro, seasonal hydro, and other project types. Note that rates in 2017-2019 decrease due to capacity value not being paid, consistent with the rationale presented above. I In computing avoided cost rates, Staff used Avista's 2014 capacity and energy positions from its 2013 IRP. For the period 2015 through 2034, Staff used the capacity and energy positions from Avista's Application in this case. This was necessary because Avista's Application did not include capacity and energy positions for 2014. STAFF COMMENTS FEBRUARY 28,2014 STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS Staff recommends approval of the capacity and energy positions as proposed by Avista in its Application. Staff further recommends approval of the SAR methodology avoided cost rates as contained in Attachment C to Staff s comments. Finally, Staff recommends that the rates be effective as of the date of Commission approval. Respecttully submitted this L# day of Febru ary 2014. Technical Staff: Rick Sterling i:umisc:comments/avuel3. l0ksrps comments.doc Kristine A. Sasser Deputy Attomey General STAFF COMMENTS FEBRUARY 28,2014 8-38 hment A Comments No. AVU-E-13-10 14 Page 1 of3 Chapter I - Preferred Resource Stralegy Table 8.16: Winter 1 Hour Capacity Position (MW) wlth New Resources olol HNldlt6t ul*l -l:lNI NII6t -l-lNINItDt .l.l H-lsl *l=l -l;l i|ll "l:l "l"l *t lrl EI HIol 9ldat Htitel!l6t-t El .ol EIPI {)EEI3oU5oi,t6 E s o€ooNco@NN oocrdv@NN ooost{(oc{ a{ ooo(\rn(DNN ()(f()rrlt(oC.l al oaf(f43t(,r.'l (rt oaqe(o|,F a,t oo(3s(o ooootO ooooro oooo.o oooo@ oooo@ oooo@ oooo oooo (,oC]ea-.t9lIt lItft o(,oo st *I saP *6 "{Y *v :te ..oT tY n,I oC,T .oa? 6dt? g)o(oFtNr FO(otsvryr o()(o(D{q'i (Do(o(I)!tNr .co(46t.!t No){o@(?)fl.'i oor@(oaoNF (o.',(o 'r) !,N? (DN(o 'Otryt <eg)6<Nr No)(o60c\,t r o(o(orr) (?)qT EOF(D{oNF ('(o(o dF !-(O!l(,a.{ r NOl (o<N+a oao|o!'Nry5 caN(l}(', c)6lF (o(o(o6do,l e oooc, cr) rN- /il, dE*$ ilEfi€=ff= Attac Staff Case 2/28t 2013 N g OOEONIFONr sl-o@ Nlo ooNoNleONr tlF6, @ Nl.qI* (aaaNoiaNrOS drclNo{., e{ Fo)(, (.)€N(f C)NF6r(o ooNocr t,l ro(i $(ftsoOdegr(, (o(Bfroc)$lc)OrS (totr)0(oNf}oo f)onooNoc, ao oao00oc{oor(o crolf)ooNo)o)00 qo1.)0or(Ioloo qq@ooc{groro (o(Iltr)orr&-('1 {O 8660rtfJo,r$l 6 h^'nulct-Eol-OB tsoll.)oNl.,rmO dlttFtOo NIF NO60raOGtF€(D N@60F66-o}o So6G6*E- ftEgEg *$EE$ 8E3fi5 lol oFo ol*l lfl r; i ,lil l:l ;: : ,l3l lHl :e3 llllol NoN (olollot o co ct ICIlol oro lol lll r: i :lrlIGTI (')@F IFIlRl R-= l:'ll-l roo olollal or6 l@lIRI R'- 3 l3l lfl :: I :lrl lillii:lil l:l :: i ,l3llNl ts o 6 laallol 6 ts lNll:l ;=; .l;l l:l :: : ,l:l lil ffi:l[llHl :'$ lilr:i;|fl l:I ::: r:l :: 3 :lil Avista Corp 0 8-39 Attachment A Staff Comments Case No. AVU-E-I3-10 2128/14 Page 2 of 3 o6n Fb!t Fn!t Fnrt ett 0{ arrhat !i!t { + Hts o 6fl o ooe o oEio2 EoF oo000(osNN oN600 NN otsooo NN otsonoFONN OFNGOrONN otsso(,rONN ()!fralO(:, rfl oq()o() osooo osoo(l oNoooN oNooN oNoots oNooN oaoo ooooo ooooo ft"""U #sge Eo i-qccco c. Chapter 8 - Preferred Resource Stralegy Table 8.{7: Summer 18-Hour Capaclty Posltlon (MW} wlth New Resources oootsts oo)o)(o(o ooo(o(o oacD(o@ OFF(D(o OFF.{!(D o(o(o@o ofit{@@ 9FFaoo oo(3o6 oooNts C'F-NrN o(o(DF,- ts oshNts oooNE ONNts 1..- oooNts ONFF l'-' o(oroNts ONFtsts eo f B oEaIc=ooEog6o>s fii = HFa=fiF $ Er€ BsEH|ll.a3utIF(I oFo oh6- crt oFo- otsa- &6" 6t.o- tt!It6- tq. o,(t(t- ooo- 6 a6_rr- ooI,. ts6 €tto- No- os6 66q Q€ ooq !,o od, oF aN@o@QN6 ts(oa 6N(OOrtNNO tsro lo @r((ro{.oN'{G Foo 6N(OO6NNO F(o6 0al(oo{oSINlr) Fos mn@oBC{NE F@e 6NOO6NN6 ![o$ NNr)(>(,atN6 tsiots m+@ot,NN@ F(oF (]Nf)0(,NN'O F(oN oNoo6c.lN6 F(ots (onEo€NN6 N(oF (oNrJ)O(,NNO F@F (oooo€c{oo tsOF @s60€N@@ NOF g)Q6()r,a.lO(F F(tts OF@O(,do€ N{rts (')mno$N(o6 F(DF- ON$O(sNOO tsFts o-6O{,N('O FEts 9,"OGtoqE^ nEYEEsHEfixHs BiFEi$ 2013 Electric IRPAvista Corp N9Adr.N\ (r60 6r.N\ NOOr€Oo'-N\ o(ooocroo-*o_ or)io@tsrD. r (r- !ttomNo6.-c. 6rGoo{OFi, -dOoF6{ON-o-t'o6afrOrN--q (oatNNO\*6- ocroO-OtF.-q oo€tsoFo--o- ()Na,toor('(o, €- rNCtOGO(o. o- FqOeNai(o-q F€Oa|oN6, rt ooo {o" ro- NO@NCrG(r. {. o6d()-oo*;d {d)atsoE{- ;foo -i;0o 6lto u- EEX.erJ1grEc*i'iliEEzz<) o)sos(o6f-r.1 Nmo(\ r, rErq- r 61 ES8ar-* ry mqot!mat(o-- q r(oe4NN.aFN...; rcoFlo-- q rOF F()('0"- (il F-c,ood!ry-E NNO\c)o.!_ q Oatlsl, co (oN, I ..I N E'c) E ra,({- - l)o() F\*e.l- q LNI'o (o.n f !t ratcof)ca lJF!'(O(:F {o)l,?(,)ct oornlNNOI oo('tONh. O)NF\FOoct oto!to66a;?' taEEHO6-"8I O 6lL 8 E gE 6,YfJ<t: E o i iEEoft6zl-ZO Avista Corp 2013 Electric IRP Or6ON60q$l, O)F$ON60*3n O)r(OC,NcOOr{t Cbrst(>N@()ttio OrOOC{(DOrftf) o)-TON6G?t4, Or@ONCOOq{{, OrF(?)()NO\rtC (o O!ro)OC.,l@Fs3\ O)rqOr!c0f+ or\oe{@Ft OF(t(>O@Frt' OF@Oo6c)trf\ rert()ocoN$ OFFO!aor+ @oNotsor(?!tt\ 66OCrtsO)rS*S cou)(ooNOrf 6D@OoI g) e.l $ coN(ra{NNN9eEN fiooqtglE-nnggg $;$EE Esg$E Chapter I - Preferred Resource Strategy Table 8.18: Average Annual Energy Posltlon (aMW) With New Resources ot =E{J[.> -'llE fr$U,Fu6to ooo6$*NN o*o66$NC{ (3$e6ortrNN ovoool.e.l C.l oe66o<fC\| N (fvrooc)sNN o1l)60ri r+rC{ o|{)cre)(5 orr()or) otroo e+) o€oo(o oco(fo cr600(o ooo() oooo o(f(fo ooo(f oo(l<3 crc)c)c, oooo {r4ooG 'IJcF6 "F uie HE*tI6 EIiEg E;;fE 840 Attachment A Staff Comments Case No. AVU-E-I3-10 2l28l14 Page 3 of 3 liot *o? :!ot }aot :rof :{o{ a6.r a(}? $(,g,nl *oll)il soN tgar- *! tt rt t,I TY ae 6 ta ro e? AE*Er!6 EtGit*TOEg oic3!, o.oto6og, ilol- (OF(OOeNlt ery5 I {<>(ooott\ !t (tT'; .f AIF{OOh|rtt O$5 .t o(r(roetFtt (,ryr 'i aoo(ooet(O!t Eryq 't ao(,r166(oory5 &(o(oot.r} !t $,(D(o()66c"l t; tocY(oo!t (, !tF(OC>r**fl 5 Attachment B StaffComments Case No. AVU-E-13-10 2l28ll4 Page I of 2 F(r(ol)(osflt r; r,,c,(oo(o*ryT F!t(o(,(o!t o)r?(I,oif) {Nr rD$a€)oto !t ttr(oOrO*(Yr F(r(gOtoaqryY (',aq(oo!t a.)ffT i-$l(o(3$(q6lT *g-ona ,E9o.=65=Eroo>oa<80g E E,*E.sEE E 3 E'ES fr0-=8.6(f E gE iE frEE fi Eilio-F0,otr F(OF mOtsON?ts I h ONF !Fo, 6 0r(o (Yo FF l\(Oc, a.TOFONF6 t 6 ONF {?o) gr (D(o (\t€ F? !l(rO (.)@t\ONOrrt I rO C)Ne tF(r, o (D aa) 6r G0?G o(oio a.rotsoN?d) | dl |q)NF $r(,, o| o!(o N6 ar(Oaa fi'Ol\ONrr r6. (Yra\aF tt?(D Ot O)(l} NO?r t(o€r ot(lFoNoO i F mNF CF(r) 6, or(o Ng, ff -rON a4tOFO(\tFO tO oNF q?(o 6 o,(o $1(o F ao(Crit atoNo(\rtsr€eG,rrtF@, cq o)(D c,ro-$ tar@F m660Noro I F aaNo) tao € 06 No?N r!(ocr (')oroo6to6 | 6 oNO tAao E or(o {\ac,?G. o@(o croraro6tot t t (")NO) ltan(o o (Dao NCtN F(Ot F)00(,0moct r (.) (ot\lo) to)€ (D (DCO NC'*-iGI lO(OF (t(rll)ON?r 16. (,No) tlo(o o olco NcFN o(oo 90rroN?o i c, c'!(\acD tg,6 ao o)6 NC'r!^l O(Ort {trDON.l,o, I t, (r$ro) totF. F CD(O NOR o(o!t .oot60NGlN I O F-(r, sFF t\ F(t @ N??c{ (o (v, (rl N rl) ro o ${ €,(o-,* rino) (t!r. I F ?OrO ${61?N (vrt}\ FTOIOOslOrrFtO rtO(D tlFt\ . t\ eOr.D NA.rsa ar't/, Forrr(:6lr)tt(D(, F€Ol ntr--Cr -6(D Gl??61 (rto NoDoNoN(ItO, FCOO) $rlts?tO r6.D N? 6a EgE ufuf;;gI iEP EEF$EEP( s) f)t f{t, a,ro NlO (.)n aatO f{)tt Nl') (ttlt ({o (v)ta (\ro r') t-v (nrJ) c,rtt c,$ trr) g)o oe-t 5q" o =UIo =:ro(.| !'rtOl oF*Ot6 | o At66ttoc{ nl tro {,? (Ornr o)F(o(:)tOd: | €t N6()tulR t6 0? Or')ait Ct FttO!t6 | Or NO6+la+16 C, f Ora)Lt or(llO(O@ | o N60!t1l'ru) G' FI O{r,)F Or?!tOtF r r\ N@<)+lott Lt C,F? !llOtl OraOOlO(d r 6 N6o*la,{g: €t 5E? (OtrrF clPrtOtro I to N(oo{ra 'tqtroqF? 6tOf) Cret6Or!{ | h N6(){lor ? {(, Ct F OrOnt O-(.rO6.* t t N(of\{t{*. F_ t {g {.1?? NrOF o)FOTOol(+) | (q N(o?rt(aF tF N Ff l{,lrrCt OFtOa"N I O N6ettoF F ?N N?f F-lr)N drFI\Ot\FTNNOF!ttOF ttt\ 6. f o)rOt OFc:OT6 i F o@Ft(AIN N ? Nta)F OF(lIOFo I o o@(tto ?? trOtl 'FtOlOO, I a oENrf I\o 6 *ts l\. rF ,\ta)ca @rr<rQ(O I Ol (ro-tBo- E_ reF 6t?rr ooo (.,o$rot+l\Falr Ndldr!!a?(, t (t rl.F A., f NGt!t (llro.',oFFFO NCDrtlna<>. . c)- tt F- (t- fF !t(.rO O6OO(\.(6@N NO)r*OO-'-- ?rCF a4- F lroo onrn(r(>l,)(oN Noctrf a(>_t-- -*F O. F? ,o s53aoo3t0(? EE3 2BES6E E EtE mi;TE E8 ^ =EP HSr( og aooot 6' ,EDq, Ec)c !,l!oo1l|It& {,o ryg.zo oz IUo o oirJoc:)oa,tu&,c!oFo aul&olro oJ;uJz, :Et- 3ozo a-6oa- oE, UJzuJ.t Eo G oalgF EIL =Fc, Attachment B Staff Comments Case No. AVU-E-13-10 2128114 Page 2 of 2 n., *(,c,T )ioa ;to? reoo )loq soa? )lo\ *<)t )roa :qo6. Es :{o6 .{ (:) 6 Ito{t EEgE EeE*t*"goEE o(3o('ots t* (SClClOatr\ i* crog)crttrO iO oo)ao0(o((, aaoolt(o(o eFrF()rt(g(o (5 tr lt () (l1lI tn s.rr(ocrct(o(D o$r(\{oos€ ooooc,6€ ocooo@o o.o{ooFF 6rr6660 (,r?OAao ao I Oa-t\OOtsF o(go{r('Nts o*rto(,a\ f\ oc,r"(>tF-F od)ol(5oFf\ o€cooo Eg'=Egg .rd.< so:5 Eo!a Ea .Sb 5 i aBu HB fiFE;E* fiEEBHEli&Fo.oE ll)Ff, rnt'(oo(0?flt . t AtNrr) Fol-- \ (oro -frFf cll'-O ra)N@O(OOGI I (,t NN]O t\a\\ \ (oto -(r,f? ?NO lflN(!)O(OOF I? NN|r) Fl\F-- \ (olr) ?.4F? GONrO OA@O(lrFo) | O NNIr) Iso@. \ (O{O Ff) F (.rNri rrN(l,o(oo)(o I6 NNO ISF(o aO (Or) rlt;t'd t?t\Ga 6NIOO(O.Dl\ IG NNIf) '\F(D- (D- (oro Faa TTT (\|I\C' lf|t{DO(O?(l, I F Naur,' Fo(o 14 (lirl! r/,e? ?NG 6N(OOtO(D(r) 'ID NNU) FI\(o rO 'artlrl rf);;j o)N6 6N60Gtcl(, ' * N6l(o t*(,(o 16 @N er'JJJ NF.rO rr,{lr)o(oest I ct NN@ Fr@. @- (oF 116_ F? (oNa.t 6Nl.rO(OOtr rN NN.O 1\O(o (o (OF rtt tFN rr,NrnO(OOl6'r NN(t, FG,(o to (ot\ ero -?_.j (ir,\ O (O { rO €) (O ?o, . o (\t6lo Fctf,r- to- (o F- e aDr? ?NO llr(\.r',Cr{gO)6 r6 6tN6 FOtO- tA- tO N r lOfFr o@o 60rrrorcrLN I E N6(O F'Ph ra t.}N Fl,, f o)aoh (')(,)rnor0?IN I tll N6O FFl,li) |l' tr'r- 1U}s-.j @u).t o)@()0(o6IFID N(')6 T\Rr.) I l.i -(or\ r(o ?r @6F 6F5O(O?OFb NoO NG.r')-'lo- (Ol* Fq F ttro(D g)(r}rrto(oitN(oo N(E}aO l\L,rrr;ra (6N r(o f Nu)t6 0Fr/)O(OO-@E NOO FOlOrG FN -t0? t?2.86ii8SE 6*Eq E EtE ni Et HEEier Ef*se.9s !SP frEF$E$Ec AVISTA AVOIDED COST RATES FOR WIND PROJECTS March XX, 2014 $/MWh New Contracts and Replacement Contracts without Full Capacity Payments Eligibility for these rates is limited to projects 100 kW or smaller. LEVELIZED NON,LEVELIZED CONTRACT LENGTH /YFARS} ON.LINE YEAR CONTMCT YEAR NON-LEVELIZED RATES2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 1 2 3 4 5 6 7I I 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 29.08 31.03 33.21 34.24 35.44 36.56 37.91 39.20 40.48 41.69 42.76 43.72 44.59 45.36 46.09 46.78 47.44 48.09 48.73 49.36 33.1 5 35.52 36.24 37.36 38.43 39.81 41.13 42.45 43.71 44.80 45.76 46.64 47.41 48.14 48.84 49.51 50.1 6 50.81 5 t.45 52.11 38.09 37.98 38.99 40.02 41.48 42.86 44.23 45.54 46.65 47.64 48.52 49.29 50.03 50.73 51.41 52.07 52.73 53.40 54.08 54.79 37.86 39.49 40.77 42.50 44.05 45.56 46.96 48.14 49.16 50.06 50.86 51.61 52.32 53.01 53.70 54.38 55.06 55.77 56.51 57.29 41.25 43.6442.40 46.0044.29 47.7245.91 49.35 47.48 50.85 48.93 52.02 50. t ,l 53.01 51.12 53.88 52.01 54.6352.79 55.3453.52 56.0454.23 56.7354.92 57.4155.61 58.11 56.30 58.83 57.00 59.57 57.72 60.3758.49 61.2159.30 62.0860.13 62.99 2014 201 5 201 6 2017 201E 201 I 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 29.08 33.1 5 38.09 37.86 41.25 43.64 48.54 51.58 55.1 1 58.06 59.41 60.84 62.22 63.20 64.97 66.93 68.93 71 .41 74.29 77.30 81.30 86.32 9'1.58 97.02 103.23 106.92 Note: These rates will be further adjusted with the applicable integration charge. Note: The rates shown in this table have been computed using the U.S. Energy lnformalion Administration (ElA)'s Annual Energy Outlook 2013 released May 2, 2013. See'Annual Energy Outlook 20'13, All Tables, Energy Prices by Sector and Source, Mountain, Reference case" at http://www.eia. gov/oiaf/aeo/tablebrowser/. AVISTA Page 1 Attachment C Staff Comments Case No. AVU-E-13-10 2/28114 Page 1 of 5 AVISTA AVOIDED COST RATES FOR SOLAR PROJECTS March XX,2014 $/MWh New Contracts and Replacement Contracts without Full Capacity Payments Eligibility for these rates is limited to projects 100 kW or smaller. LEVELIZED NON.LEVELIZED CONTMCT LENGTH /YtrARS\ ON.LINE YEAR CONTRACT YEAR NON.LEVELIZED RATES2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 1 2 3 4 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 '15 16 17 18 't9 20 29.08 31.65 34.03 34.88 3s.97 37.O2 38.47 39.84 41.18 42.45 43.56 44.55 45.45 46.25 47.00 47.72 48.40 49.06 49.72 s0.36 34.42 36.81 37.13 38.05 39.00 40.49 41.90 43.28 44.58 45.71 46.71 47.61 48.41 49.17 49.88 50.57 51.24 51.90 52.56 53.23 39.38 38.65 39.45 40.38 42.01 43.51 44.97 46.34 47.51 48.54 49.45 50.26 5'1.o2 51.75 52.44 53.1 3 53.81 54.49 55.1 8 55.91 37.86 39.49 40.77 42.80 44.54 46.1 8 47.67 48.92 49.99 50.95 51.78 52.56 53.30 54.02 54.72 55.43 56.1 3 56.86 57.61 58.40 41.25 43.6442.40 46.6644.72 48.61 46.55 50.3748.25 5',1.9249.79 53. t551.03 54.1852.',10 55.08s3.03 55.8553.84 56.59 54.61 s7.3155.34 58.0156.05 58.7156.76 59.43 57 .47 60.1 5 58.18 60.91 58.92 61.72 59.71 62.57 60.s3 63.4561.37 64.37 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 29.08 34.42 39.38 37.86 41.25 43.64 49.91 52.98 56.52 59.49 60.86 62.32 63.72 64.72 66.51 68.50 70.52 73.03 75.92 78.96 82.98 88.03 93.31 98.78 1 05.02 108.73 Note: These rates will be further adjusted with the applicable integration charge. Note: The rates shown in this table have been computed using the U.S. Energy lnformation Administration (ElA)'s Annual Energy Outfook 20 1 3 released May 2, 2013. See "Annual Energy Outlook 2013, All Tables, Energy Prices by Sector and Source, Mountain, Reference case" at http:/ ,vww.eia.gov/oiaf/aeo/tablebrowser/. AVISTA page 2 Attachment C Staff Comments Case No. AVU-E-I3-10 2l28ll4 Page 2 of 5 AVISTA AVOIDED COST RATES FOR NON.SEASONAL HYDRO PROJECTS March )(X, 2014 $/MWh New Gontracts and Reolacement Contracts without Full Capacitv Pavments Eligibility for these rates is limited to projects smatler than 10 aMW. LEVELIZED NON.LEVELIZED CONTRAC'I LENGTH /VtrAEIS\ ON-LINE YEAR CONTRACT YEAR NON.LEVELIZED RATES2014 201s 2016 2017 2018 2019 1 2 3 4 4 6 7I 9 't0 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 29.08 34.49 37.84 37.85 38.43 39.1 4 41.O7 42.80 44.43 45.93 47.24 48.40 49.44 50.37 51.23 52.04 52.82 53.56 54.29 s5.00 40.33 42.7s 41.25 41.25 41.66 43.65 45.42 47.O9 48.62 49.93 51.09 52.13 53.05 53.90 54.71 55.48 56.23 56.96 57.69 58.42 45.37 41.76 41.60 42.06 44.48 46.52 48.38 50.05 51.46 52.69 53.77 54.73 55.61 56.45 57.24 58.01 58.78 59.53 60.29 6'1.07 37.86 39.49 40.77 44.21 46.81 49.03 50,95 52.52 53.86 5s.02 56.03 56.96 57.84 58.67 59.48 60.28 61.07 61.87 62.70 63.55 41.25 43.64 42.40 49.7146.67 52.7049.51 55.01 51.82 56.9053.77 58.36 55.33 59.58 56.63 60.62 57 .76 61.5258.73 62.3659.63 63.1660.48 63.94 6 t.29 64.7262.09 65.50 62.89 66.28 63.67 67.09 64.48 67.9565.33 68.8566.21 69.7867.11 70.74 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 29.08 40.33 45.37 37.86 41.25 43.64 56.26 59.42 63.06 66.12 57.59 69.14 70.55 71.75 73.64 75.73 77.87 80.48 83.48 86.63 90.77 95.93 101.32 106.91 113.27 117.11 Note: The rates shown in this table have been computed using the U.S. Energy lnformation Administration (ElA)'s Annual Energy Outlook 2013 released May 2,2013. See'Annual Energy Outlook 2013, All Tables, Energy Prices by Sector and Source, Mountain, Reference case" at http://www.eia.gov/oiaf/aeo/tablebrowser/. AVISTA page 3 Attachment C Staff Comments Case No. AVU-E-I3-10 2l28l14 Page 3 of 5 AVISTA AVOIDED COST RATES FOR SEASONAL HYDRO PROJECTS March XX,20l4 $/MWh New ContracG and Replacement Contracts without Full Capacity Pavments Eligibility for these rates is limited to projects smaller than 10 aMW. LEVELIZED NON.LEVELIZED ]ONTRAC] LENGTH /YFARS\ ON.LINE YEAR CONTRACT YEAR NON.LEVELIZED RATES2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 1 2 3 4 5 6 7II '10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 29.08 29.70 31.42 32.85 34.28 35.56 36.69 37.80 38.95 40.06 41.03 41.91 42.71 43.43 44.10 44.75 45.37 45.97 46.58 47.17 30.37 32.73 34.31 35.85 37.1 I 38.33 39.48 40.66 41.81 42.81 43.70 44.51 45.23 45.91 46.57 47.19 47.81 48.43 49.05 49.68 35.27 36.52 37.98 39.24 40.31 41.44 42.63 43.79 44.79 45.68 46.48 47.',19 47.87 48.52 49.1 5 49.77 50.40 51.03 51.67 52.36 37.86 39.49 40.77 41.83 42.98 44.22 45.42 46.44 47.34 48.1 5 48.86 49.53 50.19 50.82 51.46 52.10 52.74 53.41 54.12 54.87 41.25 43.6442.40 44.5643.37 45.7944.52 47.1845.81 48.5147.05 49.5648.09 50.4748.99 51.2749.79 51.96 50.49 52.6351.16 53.2951.82 53.9452.46 54.5953.10 55.26 53.75 55.9454.41 56.57 55.1 1 57.44s5.85 58.26s6.63 59.1 |57.43 60.00 2014 2015 201 6 2017 201 8 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 29.08 30.37 35.27 37.86 41.25 43.64 45.55 48.56 52.O4 54.94 56.24 57.63 58.96 59.90 61.61 63.53 65.48 67.91 70.73 73.69 77.64 82.60 87.81 93.20 99.35 1 02.98 Note: A "seasonal hydro project" is defined as a generation facility which produces at least 55% of its annual generation during the months of June, July, and August. Order 32802. Note: The rates shown in this table have been computed using the U.S. Energy lnformation Administration (ElA)'s Annual Energy Outlook 2013 released May 2, 2013. See "Annual Energy Outlook 2013, All Tables, Energy Prices by Sector and Source, Mountain, Reference case" at http://www.eia.gov/oiaf/aeo/tablebrowser/. AVISTA page 4 Attachment C Staff Comments Case No. AVU-E-13-10 2128114 Page 4 of 5 AVISTA AVOIDED COST RATES FOR OTHER PROJECTS March XX,2014 $/MWh New Contracts and Reolacement Contracts without Full Gapacitv Pavments Eligibility for these rates is limited to projects smaller than 10 aMW. LEVELIZED NON.LEVELIZED CONTRAC] LENGTH /VFAPq\ ON-LINE YEAR CONTRACT YEAR NON.LEVELIZED RATES2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 I 2 3 4 5 6 7II 10 11 12 13 14t< 16 17 18 19 20 29.08 38.91 43.77 42.46 42.25 42.44 45.'l 1 47.40 49.48 51.35 s2,96 54.38 55.65 56.77 57.8'l 58.78 59.69 60.56 61.41 62.23 49.52 52.O1 47.65 46.22 45.78 48.57 50.91 53.02 54.90 56.51 57.9'l 59.1 6 60.26 61.27 62.23 63.13 63.99 64.83 65.66 66.48 54.70 46.60 44.95 44.66 48.33 51.21 53.69 55.83 57.62 59.16 60.50 61.58 62.76 63.76 64.71 65.62 66.50 67.37 68.23 69.11 37.86 39.49 40.77 46.41 50.34 53.47 56.05 58.13 59.87 6'1.36 62.65 63.82 64.90 65.92 66.89 67.83 68.75 69.67 70.61 71.56 41.25 43.64 42.40 54.46 49.72 59.0854.10 62.2357.37 64.6559.98 66.49 62.01 67.9863.68 69,25 65.'l 1 70.33 66.33 71.3367.44 72.2768.48 73.1769.45 74.0670.39 74.9471.3',t 75.8272.22 76.72 73.1 3 77 .66 74.08 78.63 75.05 79.6376.03 80.65 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 29.08 49.52 54.70 37.86 41.25 43.64 66.14 69.44 73.23 76.44 78.06 79.77 81.43 82.69 84.74 87.00 89.29 92.07 95.25 98.57 102.88 108.22 1 13.80 1 19.57 126.11 1 30.1 4 Note: "Other projects" refers to projects other than wind, solar, non-seasonal hydro, and seasonal hydro projects. These "Other poects" may include (but are not limited to): cogeneration, biomass, biogas, landfill gas, or geothermal projects. Note: The rates shown in this table have been computed using the U.S, Energy Information Administration (ElA)'s Annual Energy Outlook2013releasedMay2,2013. See"Annual EnergyOutlook20l3,All Tables,EnergyPricesbySectorandSourc6,Mountain, Reference case" at http://www.eia.gov/oiaf/aeo/tablebrowser/, AVISTA Page 5 Attachment CStaff Conrnents Case No. AW-E-13-102/28/L4 Page 5 of 5 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE THIS 28TH DAY OF FEBRUARY 2014, SERVED THE FOREGOING COMMENTS OF THE COMMISSION STAFF, IN CASE NO. AVU.E-I3-10, BY E.MAILING AND MAILING A COPY THEREOF, POSTAGE PREPAID, TO THE FOLLOWING: LINDA GERVAIS MGR REGULATORY POLICY AVISTA CORPORATION PO BO){ 3727 SPoKANE W A 99220-3727 MICHAEL G ANDREA AVISTA CORPORATION PO BOX3727 SP0KANE WA99220-3727 SECRETARY CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE