HomeMy WebLinkAbout20140627Status Report.pdfAvlsta Corp. 1411 East Mission P.O. Box3727 Spokane. Washington 9922G0500 Telephone 50$.489{500 TollFree 8ur-727-9170 Via: Electronic Mail Jrulrrc26,2014 Jean D. Jewell, Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission P O Box 83720 Boise, ID 83720-0074 Dear Ms. Jewell: Re: Avista Application No. AVU-E-13-09 and AVU-G-13-02, Status Report Dear Ms. Jewell: Enclosed for filing with the Commission is a copy of Avista Corporation's, doing business as Avista Utilities, Status Report in response to the Idaho Public Utilities Commission Order 3309 dated April 3, 2014, on the Company's request for a finding of prudence for its 2010-2012 electic and natural gasi energy effrciency expenditures. A hard copy is being provided via overnight mail. Avista Status Report On September 30, 2013 Avista filed with the Idaho Commission an application, supporting testimony and exhibits requesting that the Commission find that the Company's electric and natural gas energy efficiency expenditures from January l, 2010 through December 31,2012 were prudently incurred. F' =a =mtv c)-l rn >= -, ,r. r"-,(O * -l -{ 3s =)>lll+ 26 -*11''aFl 67',n#>(} On March 5,2014 the Commission Staff filed comments including recommending the following: 1. Approve $25,172.700 as prudently incurred expenses for the years 2010-2012. This amount consists of $19,827,396 in Idaho electric tariff rider expenses and $5,345,304 in Idaho gas tariffrider expenses. 2. Directs Avista to identiff - or if missing, establish - its central decision maker for DSM policy and procedures. 3. Defers recovery of Lewis and Clark State College and OER project incentives until Avista's next prudency filing to provide the Company an opportunity to obtain purchase and labor invoices and verifr installation of all incented projects. Avista filed reply comments on March 19,2014 supporting Commission Staff s recommendation and committed to filing a status report describing how the Company has addressed concems raised in their comments. On April 3, 2014 the Commission issued its Order No. 33009 supporting Staffs recommendations stating "The Company also says it will fumish a report to the Commission Staff and others before July l, 2014, describing how the Company has addressed Staffs concerns." In April 2014, Kevin Christie was named Senior Director of Customer Solutions. In his new role Kevin will have responsibilrty for, among other things, Demand Side Management and Energy Efficiency Policy Planning and Analysis. Kevin graduated from Washington State University with a Bachelors Degree in Business Administration with an accounting emphasis. He also attended the University of Idaho Utility Executive Course. Kevin joined the Company in 2005 as the Manager of Natural Gas Planning. In 2007, he was appointed the Director of Gas Supply. Prior to joining Avista, he was employed by Gas Transmission Northwest (GTN). From 2000 to 2001, Kevin was employed by PG&E Corporation (PG&E) as the Manager of Finance and Assistant to the SVP, Treasurer and CFO. Before joining PG&E, he was employed by Pacific Gas Transmission Company (PGT) from 1994 to 2000. While at PGT, he held several positions including Manager, Pricing and Business Analysis, Senior Business Analyst, Senior Pricing Planner, and Director of Regulatory Affairs. 2lPage On June 17, Avista announced that Dan Johnson was named Sr. Manager of Energy Efficiency. Dan has been with Avista since October 2010 when he was hired as the Smart Grid Project Manager for the Pullman demonstration project. Most recently, he has been in the role of Manager of Project Management and Construction Contracts in Generation Production and Substation Support. He received his Bachelor's Degree in Civil Engineering from the University of Washington and his Master's in Engineering Management from Portland State University. He came to Avista from the Spokane Intemational Airport where he was the Director of Engineering and Planning. Under Dan's leadership, the DSM organization will be fully integrated. Dan reports directly to Kevin Christie and will assume his role on July 1,2014. The Company plans to meet with Commission Staffs in Idaho, Washington and Oregon to introduce both Kevin and Dan and looks forward to sharing information regarding these new roles and responsibilities as well as the renewed focus on employing utility best practices related to DSM program implementation and oversight. A meeting will be scheduled with Avista's Advisory Group as well. In response to the deferred recovery of costs related to Lewis and Clark State College and the Office of Energy Resources (OER) project incentives, the Company has completed its verification of installations and will provide the details in its upcoming July 3l't request for prudence of its 2013 DSM expenditures. Attached to this update is Avista's organization chart as it relates to Energy Efficiency and a copy of the Company's 2014Idaho Demand Side Management Standard Operating Procedures (SOP). The SOP document provides a detailed explanation of how the DSM programs in Idaho are to be implemented. The document provides information about the process in order to enable a consistent understanding of DSM operations. The SOP serves as an instructional resource for all DSM employees. Avista believes that communicating procedures with consistent results will ensure that the Company continues to deliver high quality programs and excellent customer service while achieving energy savings. 3lPage Again, the Company appreciates the thorough review by the Commission Staff and the constructive critiques and suggested improvements to Avista's Demand Side Management programs. The Company looks forward to working with the Commission Staff and other interested parties as we implement the specific recommendations resulting from our own review of intemal confrols and best practices. The Company appreciates the long-standing collaborative working relationship with the Commission, its Staff and other stakeholders. We believe these relationships have benefited our customers and all of our stakeholders and have been constructive in refining Avista's DSM programs. If you have any questions regarding this update report, please feel free to contact me at (509) 49 5 -497 5 or linda. gervais@.avistacorp.com. Sincerely, /t{ LtudarGenta,Lv Manager, Regulatory Policy Avista Utilities linda. gervais@avistacom. com 509-49s-497s Enclosures 4lPage El _ g -g:gf;9itrr EI !ES .= El EEEreEgs ggEssEfrEi s cl =E.! gEEEE Ei nr*EEEeg ao+,(E -oL .= a(E oL IJ+,o IJt-*.,o I (Etro$E='(Eo .N C\ (E= P5Ol?ar -AL'E .!P=o6iEO IJJb= -lJtLLXoV -+rLO IJJ6s .g+E;ffie t€a;iE5 .Eoo.=ETE 5EE -LG,.=orEEE U ffiffi fu,@ * IDAHO - DSM PROGMMS STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES PG.2 IDAHO - DSM PROGRAMS STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES Background Beginning in 1978 Avista has historically had a significant and consistent commitment to energy efficiency and spurring many innovations. For example, Avista initiated a large electric{o-natural-gas conversion program in the early 1990s. ln the mid-1990s, while the electric industry was pulling back from offering energy efficiency services in expectation of retail electric competition, Avista pioneered the Energy Efficiency Tariff Rider. The tariff rider was the country's first distribution charge to fund Demand Side Management (DSM). The tariff rider is an "expensed" ratemaking pass-through mechanism (providing no additional earnings either through capitalization, shared-benefit incentives or fixed cost recovery) dedicated to funding customer facility and process energy efficiency improvements. The Company's approach to energy efficiency is based on two key principles. The first is to pursue all cost-effective kilowatt hours by offering financial incentives for most energy saving measures with a simple financial payback of over one year. The second key principle is to use the most effective "mechanism" to deliver energy efficiency services to customers. These mechanisms are varied and include 1) prescriptive programs (or "standard offers" such as high efficiency appliance rebates), 2) site-specific or "customized" analyses at customer premises, 3) "market transformational," or regional, efforts with other utilities, 4) low income weatherization services through local Community Action Agencies, 5) low-cosVno-cost advice through a multi-channel communication effort, and 6) support for cost-effective appliance standards and building codes. The Company's programs are delivered across a full customer spectrum. Customers have had the opportunity to participate and a great many have directly benefited from the program offerings. All customers have indirectly benefited through enhanced cost-efficiencies as a result of this portfolio approach. pe.3 IDAHO - DSM PROGRAMS STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES Overview of DSM Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) This SOP document provides a detailed explanation of how the DSM programs in ldaho are to be implemented. The document provides information about the process in order to enable a consistent understanding of DSM operations. The SOP serves as an instructional resource for all DSM employees. Communicating procedures with consistent results will ensure that the Company continues to deliver high quality programs and excellent customer service while achieving energy savings. DSM Personnel Descriptions DSM Management: Manager or Director level position, decision maker that directs the overall operation and policies of the DSM portfolio of programs. Account Executives (AEs): Actively manage the top 500 customers for various utility needs with -25% of their time allocated to DSM. This includes customer relationship and project tracking as it relates to DSM for those large managed accounts along with other commercial customers as applicable. AEs will primarily work through site-specific projects but may also assist customers with prescriptive projects. Some commercial customers may go completely through a prescriptive path without AE assistance. Program Managers: The central point of development, coordination and implementation of DSM related programs. Responsible for program delivery from business planning to customer engagement to customer care and fulfillment as well as reporting. Program Coordinators: The central point of day to day DSM program operations. Responsibilities may include customer calls, contractor communications, database entry, contract administration, rebate processing and reporting. DSM Engineers: The central point of technical evaluation of measures and projects that may be eligible for a DSM incentive. Responsibilities may include site visits, building audits, analysis of energy savings, rebates/incentives calculations, technology research, inspections and verifications and other program support. DSM Analysts: The central point of financial and economic evaluation of the DSM portfolio of programs. Responsibilities may include DSM integrated resource planning, business planning, year-end reporting, cost-effectiveness evaluations and regulatory reporting requirements. pe.4 IDAHO _ DSM PROGRAMS STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES Avista External Communications: The central point of coordination for creative design and strategy, collateral development and support, program promotion and communication/outreach including earned and paid media. 3'd Party lmplementers: An organization outside of Avista that is contracted to deliver a DSM program to meet a specific need or target audience that is othenrise difficult to reach. The 3'd Party lmplementer may design, implement, track and report the activities related to the program they provide with an Avista Program Manager or Program Coordinator overseeing the effort depending on maturity and complexity of the contract. 3'd Parqr Evaluators: An organization outside of Avista that is contracted to review DSM programs and provide recommendations and results related to the program's achievement and challenges. An evaluator's work may include reports that offer the verification of a program's installations and energy savings (lmpact) as well as review of program implementation plans (Process). Program Descriptions Commercial Programs: The Company serves the commercial customer through two main delivery methods. For customers with unique processes to their building's operation, the "Site Specific" Program is available. For customers who have typical replacements of traditional equipment (e.9., lighting, insulation, and food service equipment) the "Prescriptive Program" is utilized. Residential Programs: The Company's Residential portfolio includes two primary methods of program delivery to encourage customers to make energy efficiency choices for their home. The traditional rebate application approach is the main method of program implementation. The Company also utilizes third-party contractors for other programs that may require additional technical assistance or have available the appropriate resources for implementation. Residential Low lncome Program: The Company leverages the infrastructure of Community Action Program (CAP) agencies to deliver energy efficiency programs to the Company's low income customer group. CAP agencies have resources to income qualify, prioritize and treat clients homes based upon a number of characteristics. ln addition to the Company's annual funding, the Agencies have other monetary resources that they can usually leverage when treating a home with weatherization and other energy efficiency measures. The Agencies either have in-house or contractor crews to install many of the efficiency measures of the program. pc.5 IDAHO - DSM PROGRAMS STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES Demand Side Management (DSM) Tariff Overview Program Availability: The programs described herein are available to specified residential, commercial and industrial retail electric customers of Avista for the purpose of promoting the efficient use of electricity. Customers receiving electric services not specified under Tariff Schedule 91 are not eligible for services contained in this document. Program availability is limited to end uses where electricity is or would be the primary energy source. Program assistance may take the form of either monetary incentives/rebates or other non-monetary support. The acquisition of these resources should be cost-effective on an aggregate basis under the guidelines of the Total Resource Cost test. Program Year Effective Dates: The program year is defined as a calendar year; i.e. January 1 2014 through December31,2014.Programs are annual and on-going until the subsequent year's business planning process. The programs are subject to change without notice. Program changes for the following year are communicated to customers and vendors by the 4th quarter of the current program year. Gustomer Eligibility: The customer must utilize Avista electric as a primary heating source or as the main fuel associated with other equipment improvements. Other qualifications may be required depending on the program. Funding Guidelines: Cash incentives/rebates are available for hard-wired improvements which result in verifiable energy savings. The incentive/rebate is based on the first-year energy savings in kilowatt-hours. Projects with a measure life of less than 13 years for non-lighting measures (8 years for lighting) based upon the simple payback of the individual project are eligible. Simple payback is defined as the incremental capital cost associated with the energy efficiency component of the project, divided by the energy savings per year. Energy savings are calculated using the current retail energy rate. Fuel-conversion incentives are available only for conversion to natural gas with an end-use efficiency of 44o/o or greater. Table No. 1 below outlines the category of efficiency, the simple payback tier, and the related incentive amount: pc.6 IDAHO - DSM PROGRAMS STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES Table No. 1 *Applicable to non-lighting measures and lighting measures with independently verified lives of 40,000 hours or grcater. **Applicable to all lighting measules not otherwise included in the category detined above. lncentives in which the tier structure applies will be capped at the following levels: . 7oo/o of the incremental project cost for lighting projects with simple payback of less than three years; . 7oo/o of the incremental cost for lighting projects with a verified life of 40,000 hours or more with a simple payback of less than five years; . TOyo for non-lighting projects with simple payback of less than five years; . 50o/o of the incremental project cost for all other types of projects 1 to under 2 years 2 to under 4 years 4 to under 6 years 8 cents 12 cents 16 cents 20 cents6 to under 8 years 6 to under 13 years. sldrs andovef* 13 years and over 1 to under 2 years @ 1 cent 3 cents 5 cents4 to under 6 years ffi@ars 13 years and over pe.7 IDAHO _ DSM PROGRAMS STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES lncentives for efficiency measures within the following categories shall not exceed 100% of the incremental measure cost: Efficiency programs delivered by community action agencies contracted by the Company to serve Low lncome or vulnerable customer segments including agency administrative fees and health and safety improvements. Low cost electric efficiency measures with demonstrable energy savings (e.9. compact fluorescent lamps). Programs or services supporting or enhancing local, regional or national electric efficiency market transformation efforts. . Prescriptive programs are based on a typical application of that measure, market conditions at the time of program design and are based on the previously mentioned funding structure. These programs are not dependent on actual project cost relative to incentive/rebate caps. lncentives shall not exceed project costs. ln addition, the Company may pursue electric efficiency opportunities that may not fit within the prescribed services, and/or simple pay-back periods described in the tariff however, may demonstrate a cost-effective acquisition. A special agreement would be issued as necessary. Non-financial (monetary) Guidelines: Assistance without granting financial incentives/rebates to the customer is available across all referenced customer segments and may be provided in various ways that include but are not limited to the following: Educational: training or informational activities that enhance resource efficiency. This may include introductions to technology or customer segment specific workshops, seminars, literature, trade-show or community events; advertising or other approaches to increase the awareness and adoption of resource efficient measures and behaviors. Financial: activities intended to reduce or eliminate the financial barriers to the adoption of resource efficiency measures. This may include programs intended to reduce the payment rate for resource efficiency measures, or of leased or loaned funds or other approaches to financial issues with better than existing market terms and conditions. Product Samples: may be provided directly to the customer when resource efficient products may be available to the utility at a significantly reduced cost as a result of cooperative buying or similar opportunity. Technical assistance: may consist of engineering, financial or other analysis provided to the customer by or under the direction of Company staff. This may take the form of design reviews, product demonstrations, third-party bid evaluations, facility audits, measurement and evaluation analysis or other forms of technical assistance that address the cost-effectiveness and technical applicability or end-use characteristics of customer alternatives. pc.8 IDAHO _ DSM PROGRAMS STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES Gommercial Programs Site Specific Program Overview: Commercial customers have the opportunity to propose any energy efficiency project with documentable energy savings and a minimum ten-year measure life, for a technical review and potential incentive through the site-specific program. Multi-family residential developments may also be treated through the site-specific program when the majority of the units and common areas are receiving the efficiency improvement. The determination of incentive eligibility is based upon the project's individual characteristics as they apply to the Company's electric Schedule 90 tariffs. Customers can find information on commercial (non-residential) energy efficiency programs here. The site specific program has historically been one of the more cost-effective portions of the greater DSM portfolio which generates a substantial share of the annual energy savings. The year-to-year program performance can be somewhat variable due to the timing of the completion of large-scale efficiency projects. The site specific program is also utilized to gather data for measures that might be better delivered as a "prescriptive" rebate. A single customer project can contain both a site specific and a prescriptive component. While site specific is a custom evaluation that may be unique to that building's energy use or process; the prescriptive project has been evaluated over time to show that in a typical retrofit situation of a particular measure, an average amount of energy savings may be consistently realized. lt is not uncommon to find a single customer installing multiple measures at once, with some of them evaluated as a site specific while the others have been evaluated through Find Encrgy Elfcicncy R.batc! What typ. ot r.bat.3 are you looklng tor? SaLct }our atata beloiv b vLw arraflablc rraldcnual incanltrraa, Sdccf yol.rltab b.lorf,lo \rLwavaLbb hJaLt .r &rcantvtc. pc. 10 IDAHO - DSM PROGRAMS STANDARD OPEMTING PROCEDURES the prescriptive program if one is available. More information about Avista's Prescriptive Programs will be addressed later in this document. Program Design: The site specific program allows the Company to have a flexible response to any energy efficiency project that has demonstrable kilowatt hour (kWh) savings. The majority of site specific kilowatt-hour savings are comprised of appliances, compressed air, industrial process, motors, shell measures and custom lighting projects. Customers or their representative are required to contact Avista for a site-specific analysis prior to any equipment being purchased or installed. Based on the post-verification process, incentives may not be offered after the installation of energy efficiency equipment or process under this program design. Program lmplementation: Commercial retail electric customers are eligible. Special contract customers are not eligible unless they contribute to tariff Schedule 91. There are a number of phases a site specific project follows from the initial evaluation to the final payment. Below is a chart of each stage as it relates to the process of implementing the site specific program. The explanations that follow may consolidate some of these stages for ease of clarifying program implementationl . 1 On occasion, the order of the steps may fluctuate due to timing or other circumsfancos that are a result of the reality of project management and day to day business requirements with that particular customer. pc.11 IDAHO _ DSM PROGRAMS STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES lllustration No. 1- Sife Specific Project Flow Chart Notify Avista Account Executive of potential energy efficiency opportunity: Avista must be aware of a project in the planning stages in order for the commercial customer to be eligible for the site specific program. Opportunities may be identified by the AE, engineers, customer or a customer representative and should be then directed to the AE who is the one point of contact. The AE will submit a Tracker to notify engineering of the potential project and evaluation needs. The Tracker system is addressed later in this section under Program Reporting. lf needed, Avista may inspect the facility prior to evaluation to determine potential energy savings and incentive opportunities. The Company offers available web tools for on- line energy audits using Avista's Business Energy Advisor, as well as access to the automated benchmarking of their energy through the ENERGY STAR@ Portfolio Manager. Example of Energy Advisor screen shot and liAk pe.12 IDAHO _ DSM PROGRAMS STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES Try the Avista Online Energy Advisor Want lo know whaf s really going 0n with your usage? . Online Energy Advisor Our Online Energy Advisor can perform a free energy analysis and show how your home 0r business compares to others of similar size lor energy use. ofer you fips on how to improve your energy eftciency. ouUine the top ways you can save energy - cuslomized to you - and more. TousetheOnlineEnergyAdrisor.pleaseregisteral,l --::,-jr-ri. lfyoualreaclyhaveaMyAccount,simply.:.r: ri. Once you sion in. vou can make use ofother oreattools and resources. N.rtomated Benchmarking Service What is automated benchmarking? Automated Benchmarl.ing SeMc€ (ABS) works with Energy Staf s Poruolio ltlanager and enables buildang owners to identity poorly performing buildings and provides baseline data and the means for comparing performance of similar buildings. Building owners can building data for bencfimarking building energy pertormance. Once this is established. Avista can then upload the last 12 monlhs of data and continue monthly uploads without any exfa effort by buildinq owners through the AES. Does your building qualify? The ABS supports most building tlpes. induding colleges. K-12 scfiool buildings. residence halls. dormitories, multifamily housing, ofworship.courlhouses,supermarkets.medical andheafiicarefacilities.hotelsandmotels.warehousesandmore. i=,,,:itr:r lr l;iri.M -- :i :rltr:-i I :i,.il. ai.:i).1t - : How to get startecl PG.13 IDAHO _ DSM PROGRAMS STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES Energy Efficiency lmprovement Analysis and Evaluation Report: Avista is dedicated to making accurate predictions associated with energy efficiency savings. The energy savings, as well as the incentives offered by Avista are only estimates based on the information provided for this analysis at the time of the report's creation. An internal process to assist in achieving the goal of accurate energy savings predictions requires a Technical "Top Sheet" to allow for a peer review of the engineering report. Example of Technical Top Sheet Top Sheet Technical Review Avista Demand-Side Management Site-Specific Proiect Cusbmer Name: Click here to enter text. Tracker #: Click here to entertext Tedtnlcal Worken Click here to enter ter(- Tedrnical Revlewer: click here to enter text. The purpose ofthts cheddlst ls to lnsure thatallappropdate DSM prccesses andpolldes havebeen addressed, wlththeneessar'5r doorrentatlon completed andrevlewed,toprovldeAvlsta customers wlth the mostaccuratelnforuatlon relativetothe euerglemdencfrslte-spedicprolecL Oncethls cheddlst ts complete, theprorect's reportandsupportlnglnfonnatlon can be provldedtothe c:rrstomer. Chedr one boxforeach ltem and addremarksto provlde anyrele\rant ctnter.t orerplenadon Yes NrrAt]tr 1. Is the englneertng analysis belng performed prlorto t}le EEM prolect compledon and equlpmentarrlval? IfnoqprovldeJustlflcatlonforthepost-proJectanalysis. The results of the "Energy Efficiency Evaluation Report" include a summary explanation of the scope of work and estimated energy savings and incentives the customer would be eligible for should they choose to make the improvements listed. PG.14 IDAHO - DSM PROGRAMS STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES Site Specific Program lmplementation continued: Example of an Energy Efficiency Evaluation Report Summary of Proposed Energy Efficiency Measures Scope of Work: Proposed Project: The following fixtures fell under Avista's site specific lighting program Replace (9) Single lamp 400W metal halide fixtures with (3) 43W LED fixtures (4,288hrs/yr). AE Delivers Report to Customer: The Account Executive will deliver and explain the report's findings and continue to interact with the customer to determine if and/or when the project may begin construction. Commercial project implementation is typically a long sales cycle and often is a year or more before construction may commence. This can be due to a number of issues that include, but are not limited to: financing, prioritization with other organization projects, or a change in the scope of work. Significant changes to the scope of work can result in a revised evaluation report. Energy Efficiency Agreement (Gontract): lf the customer decides to install the project as proposed, the Account Executive will then request a contract or as it is titled an "Energy Efficiency Agreement". All customers who receive an energy efflciency incentive from Avista must sign a contract that indicates they will keep the equipment in place or replace it with like or more efficient equipment should it fail. The agreement indicates Avista's commitment to have efficiency funding for the project and outlines the terms and conditions associated with project completion and the receipt of eligible incentives. pa.15 IDAHO _ DSM PROGRAMS STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES Example of Site Specific Energy Efficiency Agreement Commercial Energr Elllciency Agreement IssueDate:Applcadon No. AccomrtNo.ConhactNo.D Custoner'sLegal Name:TaryayerlD No. Mai[41 Ad&'ess: Facllty Adrt'ess: ContactName: EnergrEftrciency Commercial Enerp Efrciency Agreemeot ( Agreemenf) is eatered hto between Avista Corporatiotr (Avista') and identified above (collectively, the '?arties'). Avista has ideatified opporudties for energr efficiency i at Cust@€f,'s'Tacili$'ideotifed in the'Euergy Effciency Improvements Rqrort" iacorporated iato tt ^ri-}^n- :,td,l. t^ : lf the Company has not been able to confirm potential energy savings for a project, the Customer and the Company may agree to a "Performance Agreement" that will measure any potential energy savings between 3lo 12 months post installation and pay an incentive after the fact if savings are realized. Example of Site Specific Pertormance Agreement Agreement Issuc Data:App[c.don No, Cottr.ct No. Il Accolrl.No. ClrdoDar's LgdNrmc:Tepayu ID No. IVIefrut Adtrss: FeclftyAtl&css: ContrctNrmc: horftt: Thb P6foMc M6lreat a[d v6i66tim Agrffimt fAgrmall b 6ta.d itrto bctwa Avista Corpomtio! (Avisl.") ud thc CstoEr idatifcd above (@[ctivcly, th. ?ani6'). Avilta hs idstifcd oppottutritig bt ffiry e6ciacy imprcvoor MlG("tvlffi') at Curtoma's "facility" idadfcd b th. "tslary E6ciacy lmprovaat! Evalutios Reporl" ilsrpontcd itrto thigAgmat I 'Exhrlbil A." Cutoms iltadr to iopl@at all or a portiotr of thc M@w6 idatiid i! Exhibit A h u efon to qualify for asrycffciacy palmolsuldEAvisia'rcomissimqpmvcd EmS. Efrciacy PrograD (lhc'?rogro1. Thqcbrc th. Pani6 agre a follows: E16g/ This Agrmat wiU bmoe e&ctive who qmtcd by both Pani6 aad min il cfEct: G) util CBtom6's mat (?ayBat') hs b€ disbmd ll CutoBct't Pr]Eot b 16 llu 550,flt0i OR G) 61 6vc (5) yaB , imDtddiatioa of lh! MawB b$ bG @Eolctcd It C[.toDd'r PrmEt b rEa.r llr S5{t.00O .rd arre, PG.16 IDAHO - DSM PROGRAMS STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES The Energy Efficiency or Performance Agreement is designed to be in place before the project begins construction. However, there are circumstances when the project may begin before the agreement has been drafted due to a number of issues that may include, but are not limited to: the availability of financing, the availability of contractors, or the availability of crews to begin the work. Similar to the Technical Top Sheet mentioned earlier, the "Agreement Top Sheet" is completed during the contracting of the site specific project. This Top Sheet contains a list of activities or documents that are necessary to demonstrate program eligibility that may include, as an example, prior contact with the customer or the program year it was evaluated. The Program Coordinator is responsible for reviewing the Agreement Top Sheet to ensure that all documentation has been attached to the Project Opportunity in SalesLogix as the Energy Efficiency Agreement comes together. Example of Agreement Top Sheet op Sheet Energy Efficiency Agreement Avista Demand-Side Management Site-Specific Proiect Cusbmer l{ame: Click h.r. to .nt.r t.xt. Tmcker f: Click here to enter text. Salestogt ApP *: click here to enter text. Tbe puraose ofthlsdcddlst lstolnsuro thatallappmpdateDsM prccessesandpolldEhavebeeo addressed,wtthtbeneessarydoanEmatlon completed andrcvlewed, to prcvtdeAvtstadstom€rswlththe mostacdrrate ltrbmatloDrelatlvoto theererE, efficlencyslte-spedncprorece Chedr one boxforea& ltem and addroEallsto pmvldo anyrelmnt contcxt orerqrlaDaUoE Requiroment3 prior to iming an Energ!, Emcioncy Agr@mont Y tf It HastheengtneerlngreportbeenprcvldedtothecustomerbyAccountkeotive? Project Contracted: The Account Executive then delivers the contract to the customer through a variety of channels (in-person, email, mail, etc...) and explains the terms and conditions. The contract is usually left with the customer for signature; the customer then returns the signed contract to Avista's Energy Solutions Department or via their Account Executive and the contract is signed by Avista. Project Gonstruction and/or Equipment Installation: When Avista and the Customer agree on the incentive proposed the customer is then free to begin the installation of their project. Customers select and work with the contractor of their choice. Avista does not recommend speciflc contractors or supervise the installation of the evaluated projects. The installation of a project is expected to complete within 12-18 months of the Energy Efficiency Agreement being issued. This is usually determined based on an estimated timeline of how the project will proceed. ln the event the project will not complete by the date issued in the Agreement, an addendum is offered to complete by the end of the following calendar pe.17 IDAHO _ DSM PROGRAMS STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES year. Normally the project completes on or before the addendum date or may not be finished at all. Project Completion and Cost Verification: After construction has been completed and the equipment has been installed, the customer provides invoices or documentation acceptable to Avista detailing the actual costs involved with the project. Avista will verify and/or recalculate the estimated energy savings. lf changes are substantial from the original analysis, then the incentive amount will be re-calculated and presented to the customer. During this process, Avista will also inspect the project to ensure the appropriate measures have been installed and the scope of work remained the same. The final incentive is formalized when actual costs for labor and materials have been submitted for the project and an inspection of the improvements has occurred. Payment Process: A final internal review process involves a "Payment Top Sheet." As mentioned above, this is a list of activities or documents that are necessary to demonstrate the work was completed; invoices were provided, etc. The Program Coordinator is responsible for reviewing the Payment Top Sheet as part of the process and to ensure all documentation has been attached to the Project Opportunity in Saleslogix as the project moves to the completed phase of the process. Example of Payment Top Sheet Top Sheet Incentive Payment Avista Demand-Side Management Site-Specific Proiect l,laru: CIick herc to enter te\t. * Clickheretoentertext SaleloghApp #: Oick here to enter text. havebeen wltt the necessary doormntatlon completcd and rcvtewed, to provlde the most acctrate lnfrraadon rclatlve to the cnergr effidencyslte-spedc prcrect boxforea&ltemandaddrcmarlstopmvl& anyrcleva[tcontqtoreplaradou Requhemetrts prlorto paylryar lncsndve for an energ eftcleacy pmlect Ier NIA IE] El ll tfmprolectlscomplet!andisnowbelngpreparedforpaymenLlsdredateofinsallaflonofI he spedied equlpmentbepndthe dab requlred wlthh tle contract? pc. 18 IDAHO - DSM PROGRAMS STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES Program Tracking: Site-specific projects are tracked in the SalesLogix database. This customer relationship management system has been configured to include the commercial site specific projects that are evaluated and receive an incentive from Avista. The system also houses the commercial prescriptive programs that are reviewed later in this document. When a project commences, the Account Executives set up an Account for the customer and includes project information in the database. Below are various screen shots of SalesLogix and a description of the information presented that demonstrate the different types of data that is stored in this system. Saleslogix screen shof - Main Account Level The Account level of Saleslogix captures basic customer information including but not limited to: company name, address, mailing address, phone number, email, website and contact name. ln addition, at this level there are a variety of tabs where additional information can be tracked as it relates to sites, contacts, notes, project info and other details. Highlighted below are the primary tabs utilized during the implementation and tracking of the Site Specific program. pc. 19 IDAHO _ DSM PROGRAMS STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES Saleslogix screen shof - Project lnfo tab at the project Opportunity level The "Project lnfo" tab contains all "Opportunities" that the customer has started, completed or terminated that were associated with Avista's energy efficiency programs. Each energy efficiency opportunity that is a candidate for an Avista incentive is individually tracked. The Project lnfo tab shows a variety of information including but not limited to: type of measure being installed, the phase it is in, savings in kWh and therms, costs, and incentive. The main phases of a project are Study, Contracted, and Completed. The Account Executive establishes the initial project inquiry at the Study phase. The Program Coordinator moves the project through the remaining phases (Contracted and Completed) after ensuring that the appropriate documentation has been provided, utilizing the Agreement and Payment Top Sheets that have been previously mentioned above. pe.20 IDAHO _ DSM PROGMMS STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES ryEcalr- rV?IEEIF r6m rw- D r{.El!tEs, Filr Edit Yrev Ins.rt Schcdulc Loohrp Write Took Ulindow Hdp. Q,F"BB"r tr eiid Ic,E dsi&E4#r9, ffi Affitt)-IE Csfds te,Ec ppo.trili ffi Aclivlicc B Cdada E Libry r# H.port! Dcsdirirr Tcrt Accsrt Tro - SS Lirilitc tr*ctix Cormcnls: i*airhilngrdrofli;#brffirc- - : D lmatna.. €Efl... Saleslogrx screen shof - Attachment tab at the Opportunities level The 'Attachment tab" is the electronic repository for all the documentation associated with that particular project. This includes, but is not limited to: preliminary project information (e.9. plans, proposals, and bids), the Energy Efficiency Evaluation, the Energy Efficiency Agreement, invoices, post inspection and/or verification notes, and a copy of the incentive check. The information is included at the project level; and will also appear on the main account level for that customer (see below). PG.21 IDAHO _ DSM PROGRAMS STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES Saleslogix screen shot - Attachment tab information at the Account level Saleslogix screen shot - Notes/History tab at the Opportunities level Fih Edit YH tEst Sdrcduh tmhrp ftit Teb Wmdo lldpci* e di t e, @ d alseeas 4lia. €lHS@4 ffiAer*r-,-w Cq{* A1w pport ai E Aclillirg E Libay ffi Bcpoils fcdAant fm - SS Lhlrlhs lilair orc ffi*.k==.-lItr Emgl Swicr. AcaMc io*pfru 0A itqir ld{hoGffi lq mn hrf&g 5..l A*r{ Irc - ,-- ? F.urqmr>> &Edt/rbYME @ ncnc*r Rr&inn: l DlEllG rtEnm CmEdt{e Ralt DBaP!6 PG.22 IDAHO _ DSM PROGRAMS STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES The "Notes/History tab" may be utilized at the project opportunity level to track correspondence or other information as it relates to that specific project. The information is also pulled over to the main account level and can be viewed in that manner as well. Selecting the Notes/History tab at the main Account level is best for documenting other items that may not be related to a specific energy efficiency project (see below). Saleslogrx screen shof - Notes/History tab at the Account level ln addition to the Saleslogix database, documentation related to each project opportunity can also be found on the Energy Solutions Common Drive in a folder called DSM Project Files. The folders are set up by customer name. Details about each project are saved in the file as a master copy. Any customer that may have received some form of technical assistance and/or an incentive from the Company will have a folder in this location. Program Reporting: Site-specific projects are managed and reported utilizing several paperless tools that are described in more detail below. pe.23 IDAHO _ DSM PROGRAMS STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES Tracker Database: Workflow is assigned through Tracker when commercial projects are in need of an audit and subsequent analysis. The Account Executive makes the initial request and the DSM Engineers are the recipient of those requests. Updates are provided via Tracker during the analysis phase. After the analysis has been completed it undergoes a "peer review" by another member of the DSM Engineer team, again, utilizing Tracker to document the project's status. When a final approval is issued, the report is provided to the Account Executive in an electronic and/or paper format for presentation to the customer. ll Trckt ll charye cwTGk ty Tlsks ly wort V Apprw.b V T..m Uror* V subcriHT.sks ly Subccriptime od.yt Adhrity '""t l-----l@ brrd, l---_l@ dvanad Scardr imckccping tlours imckecgiq RaLr TrrktgooBSlffir,flJo,t2r2or't*o5il1 HVAC En@y sbn 0.6, tbtwl At w.ts Hats S.rd Upd.b nroegrett trs.*oit-, f]w'r*z n suu-it . Elw'r- @ Subfritt d By Renee COelhO co6p.'ry Avista t lilities Rwryp. Energysolutions : R@rn HVAC c-mpli.naTyp. nSOx luenC [renC trweCC XSoC R@todult AuditReport pri-ity . - r.,tror - Hrgh 9, raoo . Lr cra Projecl Adoitlonrl Rxipirnt I @@@@ Ei/ - En Isr.rco*i.irn SalesLogix Snapshot Report: A report of completed projects is generated each week to identify potential fields that may be inadvertently left blank during the data entry process. This report is reviewed weekly by the Program Coordinator and the fields are filled in as needed. The report was developed as part of an internal review process to regularly scan the database for any empty data fields instead of reviewing annually during end of year reporting. Example of Saleslogx Snaps hot report lort FdTtDG RlrldfrDr lhrrcTtDc fE Tcdrlrd l(t*l lfe,l Giltct(tqficel+srlcd LEttEB lttc E(Hc Fo..tt Prodrtt PSC G.6 f,bbt Rllird Ecbt itruh<t hq PSC tilhtiE &tbtio. E cbic tqryractrirg Psc tirhliE Irkb Fo.dMs PSCG.Bt,btoGReird R.d PSC urlrlg Inbor 2,64,52 181 Co.rd.tsd tD 2,:I)8.02 181 Cood.t d lD 1,754..3 t75.13 Cqd.Ed tD 7,I0 Z$0 Cdpkd ID 1,223 1,22s cnd.Ed lD ffJrd W€ba l{nrl W6ba HrrtC u(r${d Sdritt wddr Sdritt wddr .{) .i, 4n 2,t75 47t E11 E04 q,4 4,8n 15, 125 4,53 PG.24 IDAHO _ DSM PROGMMS STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES Contracts Sent Report: A quarterly report generated from SalesLogix and distributed to the Account Executives by the Program Coordinator which provides a list of projects that have been issued an Energy Efficiency Agreement but do not show as Completed or Paid. This provides the Account Executive with an additional prompt to check on the customer's project status to determine the status towards completion. Example of Contracfs Sent report Monthly Payment Report: A report is generated monthly from Saleslogix designed to identify energy efflciency projects which have been paid in the prior month. This process allows a review of the activity of the month to ensure the projects have been moved to the "Completed" phase and have been charged to the appropriate projecUtask account numbers. Example of Monthly Payment report Amhold, Ed lndustrial PffiJ Amhold,Ed SSUghtinsExterior Amhold, Ed SS UghiinS lnterior Amhold, Ed SS UShtlnS lnterior Amhold, Ed SS HVAC Combinedgaldwin,Sue HVACCombined Baldwin, sue Presiptiv€ Llghtlng carey, Ann brcller, aieay hts Carey, Ann brciler, division . llunnel, Jayson SS lndustrtal Pl@s Hunnel, Jsyson SS Ughtlng lntedor tlydzik, Ni@le SS HVAC Heating . Hydzik, Ni@le SS Ughthg lntedor 'Kelley,Doug SSAppllanes (elley, Doug SS HVAC HeatinS Schmitt, Shamon SS UghtinS lnterior 43,607 ContE€ied 0+13.2013 1&.08.41$ D42. /15,687 Contruted 11-U-m13 11-1+2013 1242. 32750 Contr*ted Lz-,2-mll 72-2tmt2 U-02. 45,014 Contraded @2013 m7-2013 1242. 41,319 Contrrted ,;0-22-ml2 l2-Zl-ml2 1242-3o621contGted 0&!l-20x1 ll-,9-m72 1242- 23,!r:i5 Conttrted 03-{,1-m1:l Or42-m72 (It-O4-2012 1242- /o,05 contracted o7-18-ml2 o&il1-2012 0:'-07-2014 1242. /o,0:t9 contffired 07-l&2012 0&l:l-2012 0:H)7-2014 1242- t5,765 ContEted 11-2t2013 12-30.m13 1242- /l5,0U ContEcted ll-Il-2oI, U.O}2O13 1242- /l5,-,fl2 contEted 12-30.2013 02-11-201.4 12-02- 41502 Contnded l2-,'.ml2 I2-L7-zJt2 1242- /rc,n2 Contracted 1G162012 l7-26-z(J12 1242- /$,I5 Cont6cted 07-*2012 0&22-21112 L242- /5,692 ContEcted 11-2Gz)13 01-02-2014 7242- PscurrlirgaEior B.ctic PscLifittrgElEa. Eh<tic PsctirrliRlntlrior Erctic PSClirtrEInEb Ecctic PsctirrtitCtntnb Erdic Psctdrlhclstlrb Ecctic .15154 ComC.tsd 2-t+11 TOOOS30O 1c2639 fl,sm.Oo 468r CoildcH 2-7-11 t38O$OO 24639 .6(B conCcEd 2-u,-t1 teao$oo 21289 .|6r$ crmdcEd 2-t+t1 tssosoo 2rx:s l,{83. 46tq, conccEd 2-2t-1, traOem 2rzsrg 11, {685 CondcH 2-7-ti. tZA03{O iaX39 pc.25 IDAHO _ DSM PROGRAMS STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES DSM Management: ManageriDirector Customer Relationship/Project Management: Account Executives (Avista) Program Tracking: Program Coordinator and/or Program Manager (Avista) Contract and database administration : Program Coordinator Technical support: DSM Engineers (Avista) or Contract Engineering Firm (as necessary) Outreach support: External Comm un ications (Avista) Analytical support: DSM Analysts (Avista) ee.26 IDAHO - DSM PROGRAMS STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES Commercial Prescriptive Program Overview Prescriptive programs for commercial customers are designed and managed by the DSM Program Managers and DSM Engineers with analytical support from the DSM Analyst group. Local vendors and contractors along with the Company's Account Executives are key promoters of the programs to commercial customers. Unlike the site specific program, prescriptive programs do not always require prior contact with Avista. Customers install the eligible equipment and submit to Avista an application form along with invoices and other documentation within 90 days from project completion. Below is a description of the prescriptive programs available for the 2014 program year. A single customer can be installing both a site specific and a prescriptive measure during the same project construction timeline. While site specific is a custom evaluation that may be unique to that building's energy use or process; the prescriptive project has been previously evaluated over time to show that in a typical retrofit situation of a particular measure, with all things being equal, a set amount of energy savings may be realized with this type of installation. The Saleslogix database is also the tracking and main reporting tool for prescriptive programs as it is for Site Specific. Rebate forms are available in hard copy format or editable versions on the Company's website. Example of Avista Commercial Program landing page ldaho Commercial Energy Efficiency Programs Avista ofiers a variety of energy management tools and seMces for commercial and industrial customers in ldaho who receive retail elec{ric and natural gas distributlon from Avista. Efriciency is one of the easiest ways for a business to reduce operating expenses. [.lany prolects not only save electrici$. but other resources as well. For your convenience, below are three basic paths t0 start saving energy. Commercial rebate program updates L;!rr-r 'r'rr: aboul program updates Standard commercial rebates and incentives Click on the links below to be taken to the rebate page containing program eligibility and guidelines pe.28 IDAHO _ DSM PROGRAMS STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES Gommercial Prescriptive Program Descriptions Program Name: Commercial Clothes Washers Program Design: Clothes washers that have earned the ENERGY STAR label are 37%o more efficient than non-qualified models and are more efficient than models that simply meet the federal minimum standard for energy efficiency. The Commercial Clothes Washer Rebate was designed to incentivize electric customers to purchase and install energy efficient commercial clothes washers. The following 2 measures are available for incentives with associated savings per unit. Program lmplementation: The Commercial Clothes Washer Program is available to provide an incentive to electric (Schedule 11, 12, 21,25) customers for the purchase and installation of an energy efficient commercial clothes washers. Clothes washers must be commercial grade units and must meet ENERGY STAR commercial clothes washer specifications. Lists of these units can be found on energystar.oov. The hot water that serves the clothes washer must be heated with Avista electricity. Rebates must be submitted to Avista within 90 days of installation of equipment. Documentation required for this rebate is a completed rebate form along with an invoice showing manufacturer, model and cost of the equipment purchased. After equipment verification, rebates will be processed and checks issued to customer. Rebate forms are available in hard copy format or editable versions online. ES Washer electric hot water and dryer ES Washer electric hot water and natural gas dryer 368 $75 pe.29 IDAHO _ DSM PROGMMS STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES Example of Commercial Clothes Washer form Terms & Conditions Additional Terms & Condltlons llsted on last page. Rebate Offer: Rebates are available for the installation of qualifying commercial clothes washers. Rebates are available for commercial facilities with electric service provided by Avista Utilities on a nonresidential rate schedule. Hot water that serves the clothes washer must be heated wrth Avista electric. Details of this program, including rebate levels, are subject to change without prior notice. Proof ol Purchase: Copies of invoice(s) itemizing the new equipment purchased and labor charges, if applicable, must accompany this Agreement. Manufacturer and model number of purchased clothes washe(s) must be included on the inloice or a separate manufacturer specification sheet can be included. Rebate Agreement must be returned within 90 dap of installation. Payment Equipment must be purchased and installed before payrnent can be issued. Rebate payments will not exceed invoiced cost. Rebates are not valid in combination with any other Avista incentiveyrebates. Allow 4-5 weeks for processing and payment of rebate. Equlpment Eliglbility: Eligible clothes washers must meet ENERGY STARO specifications for a commercial clothes washer. A list of qualifying equipment can be found at www.energystar.gov. Eligibility for equipment not listed on the ENERGY STAR must be handled on a sit+specific basis. Contact your Avista representative before purchasing the equipment. Verlfication: Avista reserves the right to verify installations anytime before or after payment is issued. Program Tracking: The Commercial Clothes Washer rebates are captured in the Saleslogix database. The account, customer contact, measure information, voucher request and all documentation is scanned and entered into this database as referenced in the Site Specific section of the document. PG.30 IDAHO _ DSM PROGRAMS STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES Example of Saleslogix screen shot - Main Account level Program Reporting: Monthly reports are pulled automatically using the Cognos reporting tool. Cognos pulls current data from the Saleslogix database and emails an excel spreadsheet to the DSM Analysts. This report identifies the number of rebates that were processed during the previous month with the estimated kilowatt hour and therms savings achieved. These reports are consolidated by the analyst team and sent electronically to the Managers, Account Executives, Program Managers, Program Coordinators and DSM Engineers to review (excel spreadsheet: Year Month YTD Savings Non-res.xls). The totals are used to report preliminary savings goals to internal and external stakeholders including the monthly emailtable (YTD Energy Savings - Month Year). pc.31 IDAHO - DSM PROGMMS STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES Example of IBM Cognos Report location Example of monthly information from Saleslogrx Example of Year Month YTD Savings lVon-res $ Prrblt foUar.nU CognorComrlion ! fi uatUel.oorsrno*'otcm*Unar: | fi Msae*odsEodrtc!fldeEdiraH ttUdr l,Il1Srfir15lll lrl l, x)1{5:{:{Ll,l lFll[ ^ort FdTfc FrqFdTF t*rrllrpa lE Trdltld Xlltl IAr4 an|lrE*clqlhrcialnod lEtlGd llc Slb irrqfxt,rrg SS Ld6bii PrG l.krrf.d,hg SS UCilttg Extab ecy PScBEO/&irt-CeLjCrtEgr.y Psc&E!|l6.n-t-cctiCttc es Psc&Egy&Et-lrdrtidPrs Grq PSC EE$Anrt- IndE iC RE il{rf*t irg PsC li,rl'ig ftfltir FdrrtProdx! PscesltulRsid Fo.Bi MJc! PSC es iioto., R6,hd RrtJ PsclCilitglnbtar tl{!f..t lrg PscLahtirClnbtb ilrlh<lriE PscIi$lhorntlrir B*i,h Pa.a 8Cdift PaJ ESih E dsb.ds Hrrd liE ,frrd Lim lt nd li6 lfrnC Lim hrnd Lirlrrd ll.rttd wEba frrtd WBta ilrrd [frfird Sdritt WCdi Sdnitt Wddr 83,751 83,ril CoiW lD 25,*7 25,57 C4nd.H WA 9,358 9.356 Co.rd.tld ID 3,154.56 3,154.55 cdrd.tld lD.61.56 {5L55 Cdrlcbd ID 6,710 5,7U, Cond.t d ID 9,985.55 9,S6.55 CoilpLt d lD 4D.ra 479.54 Cdd.t d !D 2,60.52 la1 Cdd.Ed ID 2,XE.02 al cdlLhd ID 1,7t1.3 1,79.3 Cln a.t!d tD ZI0 Z30O Cord.t d lD t,DS L225 Codd.d lD T7,7& ta,a22 23,927 a,$6 2,016 27,@3 38,835 811 804 $4 4,830 ri,rzi +53 11,033 rz6t2 ,t,679 4976 378 3,355 a,m 175 .o ,o 4m zt7s 171 tlon-res Sel,ltgs tftrough 3/3uf,f L€asur€ Type HVAC Combined HVAC Heaung Indusial Process PSC Com Water Heater PSC Commercial HVAC Psc commercial windov,rs and hsj PSC Energysmart- Case Lighung PSC Energysmart- Industrial Proc PSC F{od SeMce Equipment PsC Green Motors Rewind PSC Ughflng E)Cerior PSC tighting Intenor PSC Motor @ntrols HVAC PSC Standby Generdtor Blo* SS Appllances SS HVAC Combined SS HVAC Heafng SS Industrial Process SS ughung Ederior SS Lightng Interior kwt 361,7n ot 62+ffi a7 o 183"378 ,85,033 52+l.52 7+,621 t{36 53L617 L33n 168 r6L9A7+,ffi 14,,.21lj6lt Ut3 o 74,422 v94,15t1,u.6fr ttf,t 2 o o o o o o o o o o o -aL7Ot o o o o o o o 0 fi7, s24,, 7+,571 L247, pe.32 IDAHO _ DSM PROGRAMS STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES Encrgy savings are YID gross, urcvehrated savings. IRP ooal (reqi WAID Elcctdc $ltftf Res u Nonres lYAlDGo(Oterm, Res u Nonrgs Total ytd act ytdtargel 2,438,418 3,682,055 41,451 309,989 6.156.680 1.782.789 8.636,559 I.24,{r'3 ytd act ytd target 36,173 121,473 91 9,527 93.132 163.333 129,3!'6 294.333 % ofytd targot achieved 6696 13% 129* 98% * ytd larget adrieved 309. 1?6 tt* 11* ann target 2.,092,333 1,8!i9,933 28.696.ru 52.649,000 am target 724,U0 57,160 980.000 1,766,000 % ann targot achieved 1195 2* 21% 16% % alln tdgot Achieved 5* 0r 1096 7% Example of YTD Energy Savrngs Report Customer Relationship/Project Management: Account Executives and/or Program Manager (Avista) Program Tracking: Program Manager Contract and database administration: Program Manager and/or Program Coordinator Technical support: DSM Engineers (Avista) or Contract Engineering Firm (as necessary) Outreach support External Com m u n ications (Avista) Analytical support: DSM Analysts (Avista) IDAHO - DSM PROGRAMS STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES Program Name: Energy Smart Grocer Program Design: Energy Smart Grocer offers a range of proven energy-saving solutions for grocery stores and other customers with commercial refrigeration. Energy Smart Grocer was designed to offer personalized facility assessments to identify efficiency opportunities and incentives to offset the upfront costs of efficiency projects, making it easy and affordable for participating businesses to achieve significant savings on their utility bills. The end result is a stronger bottom line for program participants, and an improved environmental impact that benefits the entire region. Energy Smart Grocer is administered by PECI with Avista oversight. Rebate forms are available in hard copy form or editable versions can be found online. Example of Energy Smart Grocer on Avista website The Energy Smart Grocer measure list is fluid and may change throughout the year. Current measures, savings and incentives include the following: ArLa Crar!ilSatl.r hD.b tltr'3 irifr Lfr tx! Or.n Cr E R.rd- Cu r aIa 3l hlloru m?,.o...rCsbFeCe tgr t,Eil httotor LflImgXHEHtr,EtlgrcYx{HW fi:hnot4 tfrAtti6ffiltt*i&r_0ta 3r1,tr h,lctc& u.arr! Imo Oro! Cs b Hg Elft#!, Og3t Cu ZD hnolQ sl Dddr Le,ISAstt tdL{Iffi RaH t.ro Jdm tg EffiE(,9CI RSHWLii( traErlwE9,yr lt or Gu REM GD !.,l[i I' E Lff ffi Eg, EMI(t{x TTZ,M RtaomqtaLg[] EffiwEEwgu u.w IclEu Ea,at t!as ot& lrtss-rt l.lol - t{tEst Erqy Lstmt syllfi - raad 32a t4ir.E nnolff Ai!€[rt Haar - ltror/t Enargy fanaeffit SytEi - Lff?.6 a3{J,{}.m Iolil EvryaId Fx - Wat-ln ECU Co.i[!tt - Lfr Tltlt,l&l/?l trl :07 t 3!,.il,rc&r6trr* :E'I 3,11.00 mIrsrlt* 6r3 t $1m Sltro g{fE td Srcirrtal Wtl- (;a*tot Elt slrc cdrB l' s.Enrrfl(rl w'l{ F@ qJ r 5.fi mfi Sbrcffitd@Y@!Ew84Fry B t5Q x Srf Cst a ld Rsryfi lYtt- FE lla 3 t.fi Etl Oam tCW*-g*-L.grp st tE.m I Ei6 tdwl(dFry-llFDOO.62 I C!.fi (br 3tt{/ll' rs RI€M Gratl E}ctt. Lao6 IE zta (s. tdl*&.t'!H ldlffi ato t5s AsoclJt tawr.- Fcott 2.8't trE *S t6cbi..r ,€ lvrtd CooSr zal 3 236 &n t{roclocd l6ct$ R0<,{r Dmo-Codm 373 3t.s cSaat 'al tat0 Ud..-9!* hToECU. W.l{t.Ea I l,lo E ffi c5 316& {d! Etf#lA&.C@sSrm t.sa s ztlt 6 6 E C..ia.rr 16 l}rl6hs t 5602At I IIO,E b rtrda - FblE }Ld PGU-tdrvFo 9t5 ra.m lro CdtEll - Fblul HaI A[m - lrlorrt WE)p7B t@.8 io ZlltZT t t5.E Iro M P6s6 SfiLr- LIconrrais Um 85at 5 16fi io lff Pils 6 SaL. UT Cdrahri.ft Uil I ts.fi ho ffiP 6 Saafa- LTRffiCoalir*ra5 Ira EP a6 Sa6I.- UT RffiCdaLns 473 t.s ho lcffi6-LilT6a 7g t {6.s E pc.34 IDAHO _ DSM PROGRAMS STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES Program lmplementation: The Energy Smart Grocer Program is available to electric (Schedule 11, 12,21, 25) customers who are reducing energy use by installing energy efficient commercial refrigeration. The Energy Smart Grocer program is funded by Avista and managed by PECI. PECI manages the program in a turnkey manner. Links to this program can be found on the Avista website: enerqysmartonline.orq Program Tracking: PECI provides detailed documentation on a monthly basis for all projects that have been completed. All measures are entered into the Saleslogix database on a monthly basis. lnformation comes from the PECI detailed report. After entry is complete reconciliation is done to make sure all data is correct. The account, contact, measure information and a copy of the detail report are attached for savings. PECI is reimbursed for incentives that are paid to customers and are also paid an admin fee for the savings they have obtained. Example of PECI Report documentation Saving Energy is Easy with Avista and EnergySmart Grocer a$s!r Wl8es cuslornerS ale ehgtDle l0 recerie reSStes and rncenbi?s on energi'efioenl uggredss trlrough fle Energ'Smerl Gtocer Progr3m The Droira:r rS funded 0t i'.l$ta l0 helg orocert stofe9 supermerrets coo,tntencs stor€s and 0lrlercuslSmeIs ,ilh comrneroal ,ehgetaton 9&? fitort€r Dr teifuong hett enet,ii. u5e ff?s13605tr13 @s013rc013osiou@{:&u 0:0:0uDiffiimo13 :GHO131ffi0131ffi013!ffio13 k \&lqla-ffi-A&jep-t-dcd.& 313 l+k ffitu(A$Offi-kTq S khtu x&T-UbrHatkM $ bEk Ml-UbLDhPtr-B.d 30 tRh aldPoLbnlbD{Lltu lt lht& ffidtu(Asffi-hTq 5 l:bRlte ektu(A${)@-1&Tq 37 I:eRffi UT-[brHtf kH A bRrLI& kT-UbLDhPdEBrd e tlHM ll'&:q6MFLb6lg D \hEi& SFdk$k{No$kkTry&n.& il kk kT-UbrHtlkH a bFffi MT.UbLEDhPffiM D bNlb*o tu-LdlqMbrnghtuqR& G hRlb..o kHbrltlPaGNa S bRlko B&nbEhParc\'6' $ bh &o i56s.o :t.@ 31.6s.6$-€os :1.@,to 15.@mo2:S 3!-er$6ufi :1.m t67S S 162D.& I,m t6 !7S.m S 2,519 6* Ul,ts.m s 3,8.s 5,fr 6m.6 s 1,G.6 r,00 5zos 3 2,7G.S 6rn 15:90 s s.0 :.25 uLSfi S 2rS.@ 5,45 D 1160.@ s 2,m.0 6J0 61,SS 3 1,m.6 925 5r,s-o 3 :210.6 1r,22 :5:{so 3 9,6.16 1s7,# 76!,9.o s 2,2E.15 5.gO 5 3t2S t S.59 1.S 69.S.0 3 3.5783 8,ffi t61,ts.0 3 2,s.11 t&5 6 1,0$.O 3 1.562.S 5,20 6 pc.35 IDAHO - DSM PROGRAMS STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES Program Reporting: Monthly reports are pulled automatically using the Cognos reporting tool. Cognos pulls current data from the Saleslogix database and emails an excel spreadsheet to the DSM Analysts. This report identifies the number of rebates that were processed during the previous month with the estimated kilowatt hour and therms savings achieved. These reports are consolidated by the analyst team and sent electronically to the Managers, Account Executives, Program Managers, Program Coordinators and DSM Engineers to review (excel spreadsheet: Year Month YTD Savings Non-res.xls). The totals are used to report preliminary savings goals to internal and external stakeholders including the monthly emailtable (YTD Energy Savings - Month Year). Example of IBM Cognos Report location Example of Energy Smart Grocer report from SalesLogix A@unt AddBl CW St te ADDilunMeNretiM6seflpe l(rrt MeuEcost lmntlwElE Phe Orcflno lD 25,Tt3 12 EnerBy Smart-lndustrial Press 33:iO6 /504 /lsm Completed St.Merles lD 5,795 4 Eneryysmsrt-Ca5eughting 5368 3056 3056 Completed Wallae lD 25,869 8 Eneryysmsrt-lndusrial Press 2/(16 UB UB Completed Hayden lD 25,871 12 EnerBy Smsrt-lndustrial ProGs 59847 6114 611i1 Completed Post Falls lO 25,84 l:i Ener8y Smart-lodustrtal Pl@ss L:i75r.7 9E9/l 1.:t75O Completed Rathdrum lD 25,873 il Enet8ysmart-Case Llghtlng f2074 96 96 Completed Coeurd'Alene lD 8,A74 4 EnerBysmart-lndustrlal Pl@ss 1627 383 383 Cmpleted Lewlston lD 25,902 5 Energysmsrt-lnduslrlal Process 12326 ,,OTl 324 Completed . Lewlrton lD 25,9:]4 1.:i Energy Smart-hdustrlal Proess 172761 918{rl 26230 Completed Lewlston lD 8,937 4 Energy Sm.rt-lndustrlal Press 297 m m Completed Mos6w lD 5,938 !5 Erergy Smart-hdustrlal Press 49220 zja32 il:I'O Completed Xellogg lO 8,fi2 3 Energy sm.rt-lndusmal Press 48:195 2388 238/8 Completed Ponderay lO 8,96t 4 Energ'y sm.rt-hdustrlal Press 164:i 420 lX) Completed GEngevllle lD ?5,9A 4 Energy Smsrt-lndustrl.l Press :1186 863.7 863.7 Completed Potlatdr lD 5,965 4 EnerEy Smert-hdustrlal Press LB,S 47 47 Completed St. Maries lD 25,9Ci7 8 Enerw Smart-lndustrlal Press 7276 7555 7555 Comple(ed Grngevllle lD 25,9@ 4 Energy Smart-lndustrial Press 941 fD D2 Completed Prtest Rlver lD 8,559 4 Eneny Smert-lndustrial Press ,.2m 3/l8 W p Pubtr FoHm-tsM CqnorConncction &' N '-l !E NE ilrd I AH5:6:15lr,l ApdLA$6:f:{$ pe.36 IDAHO - DSM PROGRAMS STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES $i,trgs thtoogh "l3U11Ieasur€Type HVAC Combined HVAC Heafng Industrlal Process PSC Com Water Heater PSC @mmercial IIVAC f|Sc @mmardal wndov,rs and Insrl PSC Energysmart- Case Ughung PSC En€rgysmart- IndusMal Proc PSC Food SeMce Equipment PsC Green Motors Re$rind PSC Ughtng Etenor PSC LiJhting Interlor PSC lr,lobr contsols lNAc PSC Sbndbf Generabr Elock ss Appli.nces 55 HVAC @mblned 55 HVAC Heatng SS hdustrial Process SS Ughtrq Frcerior SS Ughtng Irterbr tilrh fi7,78,' o r,62/l,ire a7 o 1&3"378 78sp33 521,162 7{.,62rs,1fi s3L617 L3Il,168 16L987 1,64 441,+24 1568,1s3 o ta,szz D1,+54 7l,4.-626 hrh 2 o o o o o o o o o o o -aL7Or o o o o o o o 0 at 78!t O33 ,21,t62 71,62l. 53L617 \217,57 16L9871,ffi 14,+21 1J68,r"!il' o 74,422ax,lt,u.6re Encrgy savings arc YID gross, unerraluated savings. ttAlD Elecric (lilth) Res U Nonres IYAID G.s (Oterml Res u Nonres Total ytd act ytd target 2,'48,'[18 3,682,055 11,461 309,989 6.156.680 4.782.789 8,636,559 8,n1,833 yrd acr ytd target 36,173 121,473 9'l 9,527 93.'t 32 163.333 129,396 294,333 % of ytd target adrieved 66% 13% 129% 98% % ytd targel achieved 30% 1% 57% u% ann target 22,092,333 1,859,933 28.696.7U 52,649,000 ann tilget 728,U4 57,160 980.000 1.766,000 % ann target achieved .t1% 2% 21% 16% % ann target Achieved 5% 0% 10% 7% PG.37 IDAHO - DSM PROGRAMS STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES Overall Program Ma nagement: Program Manager/Manager Customer Relationship/Project Management: Account Executives and/or Program Manager (Avista) Program Tracking: Program Manager (Avista) Technical support: DSM Engineers (Avista) and/or 3' Party lmplementer-PEc! Outreach support: External Com m u nications (Avista) Analytical support: DSM Analysts (Avista) IDAHO _ DSM PROGRAMS STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES Program Name: Food Service Equipment Program Design: The Commercial Food Service Equipment Program was designed to incentivize electric customers to purchase and install energy efficient commercial food service equipment. Commercial food service equipment (CFS) is found in restaurants, hotels, hospitals or any building with a cafeteria. These facilities consume significantly more energy than other types of commercial buildings - using approximately 350,000 Btu/sq. ft; roughly 5 - 7 times more energy per square foot than compared to office buildings and retail stores. High volume quick-service restaurants may even use up to 10 times more energy per square foot. Purchasing ENERGY STAR certified CFS equipment for new construction or to replace aging equipment can cut kitchen utility costs without sacrificing features, quality, or style - all while making significant contributions to a cleaner environment. Certified equipment is 10- TOYo more efficient than standard equipment, depending on product type. The following measures are available for incentives with associated savings per unit. Fryers Commercial Fryer, Electric 2449 Steam Cookers Commercial Steam Cooker, Electric $70/ 3 Pan Commercial Steam Cooker, Electric $100/ 4Pan 28564 Commercial Steam Cooker, Electric $135/ 5 Pan 35659 Commercial Steam Cooker, Electric $160/ 6 Pan 42754 Commercial Steam Cooker, Electric $180i 10 Pan or > 71333 Hot Food Holding Cabinets Hot Food Holding Cabinets, Electric $50 / < 15 CU Ft 253 Hot Food Holding Cabinets, Electric $150 / 15 CU Ft or > 820 pc.39 IDAHO _ DSM PROGRAMS STANDARD OPEMTING PROCEDURES Commercial Convection Ovens Commercial Convection Oven, Electric $225lEach 1683 Commercial Combination Oven, Electric $1,000/ Each 12990 Dish Washers Commercial Low Temp Electric Hot Water $600/ Each 3801 Commercial High Temp Electric Hot Water $650/ Each 4110 Commercial lce Machines Under 200 LBS/Day Capacity $4O/Each 173 200-399 LBS/Day Capacity $60/Each 421 400-599 LBS/Day Capacity $8O/Each 592 600-799 LBS/Day Capacity $100/Each 804 800-999 LBS/Day Capacity $120/Each 1000 1000-1 199 LBS/Day Capacity $140/Each 1182 1200-1399 LBS/Day Capacity $160/Each 1350 1400-1599 LBS/Day Capacity $180/Each 1502 1600-> LBS/Day Capacity $200/Each 1640 Pre Rinse Sprayers .61 to .80 GPM Electric $25 891 Program lmplementation: The Commercial Food Service Equipment Program is available to provide an incentive to electric (Schedule 11,12,21,25) customers forthe purchase and installation of energy efficient commercial food service equipment. Equipment must be commercial grade and must meet ENERGY STAR or Fishnick specifications. Lists of these units can be found at enerqvstar.qov or avistautilities.com. The hot water that serves the dishwasher must be heated with Avista electric. Rebates must be submitted to Avista within 90 days of installation of equipment. Documentation required for this rebate is a completed rebate form along with an invoice showing manufacturer, model and cost of the equipment purchased. After equipment verification, rebates will be processed and checks issued to customer. Rebates amounts per qualified unit are listed above. Rebate forms are available in hard copy format or an editable version is available here. pc.40 IDAHO - DSM PROGRAMS STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES Terms & Conditions Additional Terms & Condltions listed on last page. Rebate Offer: Rebates are available for the installation of new equipment listed on the Commercial Food Service Equipment Table. Rebates are available for commercial facilities with electric service provided by Avista Utilities on a non+esidential rate schedule. Details of this program, including rebate levels, are sublect to change without prior notice. Proof of Purchase: Copies of invoice(s) itemizing the new equipment purchased and labor charges, if applicable, must accompany this Agreement. lnvoices must correspond with the proJect being submitted with this Agreement and include the date of purchase. Manufacturer and model number of purchased equipment must be included on the invoice or a separate manufacturer specification sheet can be included. Rebate agreement must be returned within 90 dap of installation. Payment Equipment must be purchased and installed before payment can be issued. Rebate payments will not exceed invoiced cost. Rebates are not valid in combination with any other Avista incentiveVrebates. Allow 4-5 weeks for pro(essing and payment of rebate. Equipment Eligibility: 5ee Commercial Food Service Equipment Table for equipment eligibility specifications. Eligibility for equipment improvements not listed in the Food Service Equipment Table must be handled on a site-specific basis. Contact your Avista representative before purchasing the equipment. Verificatlon: Avista reserves the right to verify installations anytime before or after payment is issued. Example of Prescriptive Food Seryrce rebate form New Equipment Purchased and lnstalled f ,, ,f ,r'il,i!,itfil IIA*ttl : tlCH. ta a(,n ElE' a 0, t,gE EfArAiIt? Rtrll ,Oilr *lilcl Ct,tl Refer to Equlptnent Tabb for ellglbtltry. Program Tracking: The Commercial Food Service Equipment Rebates are captured in the Saleslogix database. The account, customer contact, measure information, voucher request and all documentation is scanned and entered into this database as explained in the site specific section of this document. PG.41 IDAHO _ DSM PROGRAMS STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES Example of Saleslogix screen shot - Main Account level Nun TrackerMeasre Tne Phase Aocourt l'{g lrrccrtirc Elec l1,w}r I nn eait Vis lrrcrt Schcduh Lootup Wdtc Took W'rndow l-Hp il',' €rH g 6 ")ltrlm A dl I c, @ d ales elq ffi coor{s --W )o.{dse\F Accilnt Tcrl Accqrnr Om Divisirrp* i[l -------*--qjAddess C faOfl,i otfie g PooF*'lDBfia Mrix itSqmfim $ ol Sitcs Bcr'((trs) Fcd Tur lD: Trpc ,S:.--=_t St*s: l.L___. Kcy Plcarncnt E 4e49@_ Far LEE!111.!p!___ __r Tol Frae , IflI}888€888 Mbc: C lrdrst$ a!*" -_-___lov*u {A"i*.uLEl AccrMs i!!U.j!19_:*.*B rdi\rtics B Program Reporting: Monthly reports are pulled automatically using the Cognos reporting tool. Cognos pulls current data from the Saleslogix database and emails an excel spreadsheet to the DSM Analysts. This report identifies the number of rebates that were processed during the previous month with the estimated kilowatt hour and therms savings achieved. These reports are consolidated by the analyst team and sent electronically to the Managers, Account Executives, Program Managers, Program Coordinators and DSM Engineers to review (excel spreadsheet: Year Month YTD Savings Non-res.xls). The totals are used to report preliminary savings goals to internal and external stakeholders including the monthly emailtable (YTD Energy Savings - Month Year). PG.42 IDAHO - DSM PROGRAMS STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES Example of Food Seruice Program Report from SalesLogix Example of IBM Cognos Report location Example of Year Month YTD Savings /Von-res rts,716 Completed tl5,9o8 Completed rt5,9o7 Completed 4Ii,922 Completed 45,947 Completed 45,976 Completed 46,029 Completed It6,003 Completed 46,116 Completed 7W 8(n 11863 L:!.E3 8oE m 92Xl iltoo 11863 1fit0 665 100 4t3 50 16153 l(m PS€ Food Servlce Equipment PSC Food Servac€ Equipment PSC Food Servace Equipment PSC Food Service Equipment PSC Food Service Equipment PSC Food Service Equipment PSC Food Service Equipment PSC Food Service Equipment PSC Food Service Equipment s9169.8 36138.96 3395.7 39Xt7 25558.37 8119 1751.46 22?5 3020 xl-L3-mr3 xb27-mlt t2-27-NL| 01-03-2014 01-1G2014 01-17-2014 oI-z+mt4 ot-2t mt4 01-31-2014 6t Puffi( toldt ! -tstll Cogm Conn*tbn 0' s ',r l_.1 tr EE [rdr l, Dl45:6:15Al,t lgl!Ar6:i:{rr,l llo.!-tE5 S.tftg6 thtutgh 3/3f/f.f lleaslr€Tyoe HVAC @mbin€d HVAC H€ating Industrial Process PSC Com wdter Heater PSC Commercial HVAC PSC commercial wlndoffs and Insd PSC Energvsmart- C.se Ughtng Psc Energysmart- Indusulal Proc Psc Food SeMce Equlpment PSC Green MotoE Rewind PSC l-ighting Ederlor PSC UghtirE Interbr PSC Motor Contsols HVAC PSc sbndby Gsnerabr Elock SS Appliances ss HVAC @mbined 5S HVAC Heating Ss Industrial Procass ss Lighting E@nor SS Lightng Interior lwh x7,78,' o t"62.,tre a7 o 183378 78:i,O33 52{,,162 7+621 5,1X s3L617 L3ill,168 t6L1n7+ffi 14/+21 rJ58,Ut3 o ,4,.22 ?/'r+,'.r17',il.6fi lwt 2 o o o o o o o o o o o -82,ru o o o o o o o a 11,217, PG.43 IDAHO _ DSM PROGRAMS STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES Encrgy savings are YrI) gross. unaraluated savings. WAD Elecflc (klltt| Res U Nonres IVA|DGas(dErml Res U Nonres Totd ytd acl yld target 2,438,418 3,682,055 l'.t,16,'.t 309,989 6.156.680 1.782.789 8,636,559 I,21,833 ytd acl ytd target 36.173 121,173 91 9,527 93.132 163.333 129,3!16 294,333 % of ytd target achieved 66% 13% 129% 9895 * ytd target achieved 309. 1t5 tt% 4% ann target n,N2,333 1,859,933 28.696.ru 52,61{',000 ann target 728,U0 57,160 980.000 1,766,000 % ann target achieved 1196 2* 21% 16r % ann target Achieved 59. 0% 1096 7% Example of YTD Energy Savings Report Overall Program Management: Program Manager/Manager Customer Relationship/Project Management:Account Executives and/or Program Manager (Avista) Program Tracking: Program Manager (Avista) Technical support: DSM Engineers (Avista) Outreach support: External Communications (Avista) Analytical support: DSM Analysts (Avista) PG.44 IDAHO _ DSM PROGRAMS STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES Program Name: Green Motor Rewind Program Design: The Green Motors Program Group launched the Green Motors lnitiative to work with Northwest regional utilities and other sponsoring organizations to provide incentives, through GMPG's member motor centers, for qualifying motors meeting the GMPG's standards. Avista joined this effort in 2008 offering the program to electric customers who participate in the green rewind program from 15 hp to 5,000 hp motors. The Green Motors Initiative is to organize, identify, educate, and promote member motor service centers to commit to energy saving shop rewind practices, continuous energy improvement and motor driven system efficiency. This program supports the regional effort by offering an incentive to Avista customers. Below are the horsepower, incentives and energy savings associated with each type of motor. 1,040 $100't,157 $125 1 ,376 $150 900 9,21110,192 $1,000 10,590 $1 ,25012,681 $1,500 14,732 $1,750 pc.45 IDAHO _ DSM PROGRAMS STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES Agriculture 3000 24,7U $3,000 Agriculture 3500 28,8il $3,500 Agriculture 4000 32,976 $4,000 Agriculture 4500 37,021 $4,500 Agriculture 5000 41,049 $5,000 lndustrial 15 601 $15 lndustrial 20 804 $20 lndustrial 25 1.052 $25 lndustrial 30 1,133 $30 lndustrial 40 1,319 $40 lndustrial 50 1,418 $50 lndustrial 60 1,476 $60 lndustrial 75 1,519 $75 lndustrial 100 2,005 $1 00 lndustrial 125 2,598 $125 lndustrial 150 3,089 $1 50 lndustrial 2O0 4,088 $200 lndustrial 250 4,972 $250 lndustrial 300 5,935 $300 lndustrial 350 6,919 $3s0 lndustrial 400 7.848 $400 lndustrial 450 8,8'11 $450 lndustrial 500 9,804 $soo lndustrial 600 14,689 $600 lndustrial 700 17,065 $700 lndustrial 800 19,461 $800 lndustrial 900 21,847 $900 lndustrial 1000 24,172 $1,000 lndustrial 1250 29,973 $1,250 lndustrial 1500 35,891 $1,500 lndustrial 1750 41,697 $1,750 lndustrial 2000 47,4il $2,000 lndustrial 2250 53,051 $2,2sO lndustrial 2500 58,823 $2,500 lndustrial 3000 70,147 $3,000 lndustrial 3500 81,667 $3,500 lndustrial 4000 93,334 $4,000 lndustrial 4500 104,783 $4,500 lndustrial 5000 116,183 $5,000 PG.46 IDAHO - DSM PROGMMS STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES Program lmplementation: The Green Motors Practice Group is a third-party that administers the program with Avista oversight. The Program is available to electric (Schedule 11, 12, 21, 25, 31) customers who receive a green motor rewind at a participating service center. To participate, customers must take an existing motor to a participating service center to have a green rewind done. The service centers meet specific criteria to be qualified for the program. For the customer payment process an automatic rebate is applied to the customers invoice at $1 per HP. There is an admin fee based on the kilowatt hour savings for Green Motors Practice Group. Here is the link for the Avista website related to this program initiative. Example of Green Motors information on Avista website the best new motors lose effciency. A bad repairlrewind can adversely afiect all motor stics, reducing effcienuy- and reliability. The green motors initiaWe ensures quality rewinding results in the motor maintaining its original efficiency. This is commonly called a'green rewind". s are now available for green rewinds. Green Motors Pradices Group (GMPG) is a non-profit organization that ictentifies, promotes and es only excellenl member motor seMce centers. These companies are committed to consistently ucing repair/rewinds that retain or improve reliabitity an efficiency and provide on-site motor driven assistance. s of $1 per horsepower are now available for Green Rewinds of NEMA rated motors from 15 hp 500 hp. lncentives are paid as an instanl rebate on your invoice from a participating seMce center. This link explains the electric motor repairing specifications. This link is a list of qualifying service centers in ldaho Program Tracking: Monthly invoices and measure details are provided by the Green Motors Practice Group. This information is captured in the SalesLogix database. The account, customer contact, measure information, copy of invoice, service center documentation and any other documentation is scanned and entered into this database as outlined in the site specific program earlier in this document. After monthly information is entered into Saleslogix reconciliation is done to make sure alldata is entered correctly. pe.47 IDAHO _ DSM PROGRAMS STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES Example of Saleslogix screen shof - Main Account level Program Reporting: Monthly reports are pulled automatically using the Cognos reporting tool. Cognos pulls current data from the Saleslogix database and emails an excel spreadsheet to the DSM Analysts. This report identifies the number of rebates that were processed during the previous month with the estimated kilowatt hour and therms savings achieved. These reports are consolidated by the Analyst team and sent electronically to the Managers, Account Executives, Program Managers, Program Coordinators and DSM Engineers to review (excel spreadsheet: Year Month YTD Savings Non-res.xls). The totals are used to report preliminary savings goals to internal and external stakeholders including the monthly emailtable (YTD Energy Savings - Month Year). Example of Green Motors Report from SalesLogix Otuiln la&atudw Ay S&4 :..EFIE'E 'P AdrhFr SCI{a &II ru N ruut ffiru.aT a U ru &ln a E Eru U E t gra6E;ru ftE U a f pc.48 IDAHO - DSM PROGRAMS STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES F P,*UcfoUo- W CoErolConnction &'N'f NE !E ilrdr ! 414516:1510{ ltrILA$6:t:dI,t ioo-r€s S.t hgp thtough 3/3Ula IeeitrGIYpe Hv C @mblned IlvAC tleadng Industrlal Process PSC crm wdter Heater PSC @mm€rdal INAC PSC CommerdalWindows and Insl PsC Energysmart- Case llghtog PSC En€rgusm.rt- Industrlal Proc PSC Food SeMte Equipment PSC Green Mobrs Rcvind PSC Lighung Ecerlor PSC LlghEng InErior t'sc Mobr conrob HvAc PSC Standbry Gen€rator Block SS Appllances SS HVAC @mbined SS HVAC Heatng ss Indusfial Process SS Ughung ExtErlor ss ughung Interlor lwtx7,78 o L62+n66 a7 o r83.378 7E,rlilt 52,1,162 7+,621 5,4X 53L6r7 L3:10,168 16L9871,ffi4,14 Ls6&1s3 o 74,427.zlnAtl ,(l,-62f, tut 2 o o o o o o o o o o o-a4tor o o o o o o o 0 x7, 52+ 53L61 L2+7, PG.49 IDAHO _ DSM PROGRAMS STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES Example of YTD Energy Savrngs Report Encrgy savings areYID gross. uneraluated savings. lRP t{AlD Electlc (ktlhf Res U Nonres WA|DGrs(drorml Res U Nonres Told ytd ad yid target 2,1t8,118 3,682,055 41,451 309,989 6.155.680 4.782.789 8,636,559 I,24,8:t3 ytd ad ytdtarget 36,1R 12'.1,173 91 9,527 93.132 163.333 129,396 294,333 % of ytd target achieved 66% t39a 129t6 9816 !6 ytd larget acfiieved 3096 't'6 tt% u% ann targBt 22,092.333 1,859,933 28.696.73'l 52,6/t!,,000 ann target xtg,u0 57,160 980.000 1.766.000 % ann target acfiieved 11% 2% 21% 15% % ann target Achieved 5% 0% 10% 7% Overall Program Management: Manager (Avista) Party lmplementer-Green Motors Practice Group and Program Customer Relationship/Prolect Management: Account Executives and/or Program Manager (Avista) Program Tracking: 3d Party lmplementer and Program Manager (Avista) Technical support: 3' Party lmplementer and/or DSM Engineers (Avista) Outreach support: 3'o Party lmplementer and/or External Communications (Avista) Analytical support: DSM Analysts (Avista) PG.50 IDAHO - DSM PROGRAMS STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES Program Name: Gommercial Prescriptive Lighting Program Design: The prescriptive lighting program makes it easier for customers, especially smaller customers and vendors to make lighting improvements to their businesses. ln an effort to streamline the process and encourage more participation, a prescriptive approach was developed in 2004. The program provides for many common retrofits to receive a pre- determined incentive amount. These amounts are calculated using a baseline average for existing wattages and replacement wattages. Energy savings claimed are calculated based on actual customer run times using the averages as calculated for incentive amounts. Program lmplementation: This program is applicable to existing commercial or industrial facilities with electric service provided by Avista with rate schedules 11 or above. Avista's regional based Account Executives (AEs) are a key part of delivering the Prescriptive Lighting Program along with area vendors and contractors. Approximalely 27 individual measures are currently included in the Prescriptive Lighting Program that is separated into lnterior and Exterior applications. There is also an on-going evaluation to include rebates for LED opportunities with gas station €nopy lighting and exterior signage with LEDs. These include HlDs and incandescent retrofits to more energy efficient light sources including, High Performance T8, T5 and approved LEDs. The program requires the use of nationally recognized specifications for LED lighting set forth by ENERGY STAR and Design Lights Consortium (DLC) and the Seattle Lighting Design Lab. 250 waft HID Fixture to 4-Lamp HP T8 Fixture HO or 2-Lamp T5HO S-foot Fixture 150 48,975 $ 7500 $50 250 watt HID Fixture to 4-Lamp HP T8 Fixture HO or 2-Lamp TSHO S-foot Fixture with occupancy sensor 100 52,056 $8000 $80 400 watt HID Fixture to 4-Lamp T5 High-Output Fixture 1 500 1,O11,852 $ 157,500 $ 105 400 watt HID Fixture to 4-Lamp T5 High-Output Fixture with oc sensor 150 139,349 $21,750 $145 400 watt HID Fixture to 8-Lamp HP T8 Fixture (4-Foot Lamps) 100 71,153 $ 11,500 $ 115 400 watt HID Fixture to 8-Lamp HP T8 Fixture (4-Foot Lamps) with oc sensor 25 23,826 $3625 $145 40 watt lncandescent to 6-10 watt LED*'t 000 92,407 $ 6,ooo $6 pe.51 IDAHO _ DSM PROGMMS STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES 60 watt lncandescent to 9-13 watt LED*1 000 92,407 $ 8000 $8 75-'100 watt lncandescent to 12-20 watt LED.1 000 129,369 $ 10,000 $10 Over 150 watt lncandescent to 2L HP F32TB Fixture 100 26,798 $ 4000 $40 20 watt MR16 (GU10 Base) to MR16 LED.24 waft 1 000 61,604 $ 5000 $s 35 watt MRl6 (GU10 Base)to MR16 LED" 4-6 watt 1 000 46,203 $ 6000 $6 50 watt MR16 (GU10 Base) to MR16 LED.6-9 waft 1 000 154,01',|$ 10,000 $10 lncandescent Exit Sign to New LED Exit Signs 200 52,833 $ 4000 $20 Fixture with no occupancy sensor to built in to with relays for room control (no switch sensors) 500 112,659 $10,000 $20 75-100 watt lncandescent can fixture to '12-20 watt LED* 1 000 129,369 $30,000 $30 Exterior40O watt HID to 250 watt DHD MH 500 641,168 $130,000 $260 Exterior4O0 watt HID to 125-175 watt LED*200 256,467 $51,000 $255 Exterior-320 watt to '125-160 watt LED*200 179,270 $36,000 $1 80 Exterior- 250 watt HID to 85-140 watt LED"200 142,387 $29,000 $1 45 Exterior-175 watt HID to 35-85 watt LED*200 132,951 $27,000 $1 35 Exterior-150 watt HID to 35-50 watt LED*200 128,663 $26,000 $1 30 Exterior-9O-100 watt HID to 25-50 watt LED*200 112,659 $15,000 $75 Exterior-7O-9O watt HID to 15-35 watt LED 200 54,038 $11,000 $55 *= Approved LED listed lamps and fixtures from liehtinsdesisnlab.com Rebate forms are available in hard copy format or in an editable version for both interior and exterior lighting appl ications. PG.52 IDAHO _ DSM PROGMMS STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES Example of Commercial Lighting rebate form Commercial Lighting lncentive Agreement lnterior Lighting Program For more information conta€t your Avista account exe(utive or Camille Martin at 509-495{276 or camilh.maninoavista(orp.com Program Tracking: Commercial lighting rebates are captured in the SalesLogix database. The account, customer contact, measure information, voucher request and all documentation is scanned and entered into this database as explained in the site specific section of this document. nterior Commercial Liqhtinq lncentlve Please s€€ Equiprnent Eligibility s€ctron on the previous pagE to ensure your Foiecl qualilies for this program. The incenwe and energy savings calculation will be applied to the new equipment (ount unhss the exsling equipment count is less- h !,vhich case, the count will b€ the basis for cakulatino the elioibh imentirie. 25o udt t0o Frrn firrnr6 ?;ilr Hqh Pg{arnatto rE' (r z-Lfip ftrtue 4-Ltmp Hagh Hnn re I8'c 2-Lmp pc.53 IDAHO _ DSM PROGRAMS STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES --,ryEh Edit yis lrrcrt Schcduh LoohP Witc Toob ttllidow Hdp i"=, €l m g us "llEl-r1 f, dl t e E d sl@E alq ffi ccoritl-W )mtd GA EC pqhri B di th B Pucrt i-^lf:-*_:___B Addcss C fggM-, Offics g PodFak'lD eBla Hcv [iltrs] Fcd Tar lD:rrpc Estg--*=-*_rstd'rs Lt9q__-: -l KayFlsnc* tr Example of Saleslogix screen shot Main Account level Program Reporting: Monthly reports are pulled automatically using the Cognos reporting tool. Cognos pulls current data from the SalesLogix database and emails an excel spreadsheet to the DSM Analysts. This report identifies the number of rebates that were processed during the previous month with the estimated kilowatt hour and therms savings achieved. These reports are consolidated by the Analyst team and sent electronically to the Managers, Account Executives, Program Managers, Program Coordinators and DSM Engineers to review (excel spreadsheet: Year Month YTD Savings Non-res.xls). The totals are used to report preliminary savings goals to internal and external stakeholders including the monthly emailtable (YTD Energy Savings - Month Year). PG.54 IDAHO _ DSM PROGRAMS STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES Example of Cognos/SalesLogix report Example of YTD IVon Res Savrngs Report- Monthly ,Ftlr fGrt htCTF ruldfrF ltrnTyE Tcdrlrd rUfi IA]l.l ailttrAdcrlEe}trncd ffiECd nE ffik ELctk to stkodfB PSCO6Moe.iRarrd hrnC WBta t{rrd Wstsa hfird Liqrhad S(ffit Wddstutt wddr Sdtitt rb 8fi 804 4,830 15,125 4,538 r1.x9 { {0 4n 2,175 171 821 2,6$,52 ar CsrdlEd tD 2,14,02 At CqrpbH ID L,7r1,3 1,754.3 CsnpLbd ID 7,m 2I(, CodcH ID L,DS 1,225 CdpLbd ID ffiProdrE PSC Oq Mob.r Rnhd Rctaa PSC tiJht,tg lnbrio. ililf.ct itg PSC Udtetg Intltior HrufEt ilg PSC Lilrte! hbb Rld 1.645 r.&{5 Cdr*H ID roo-r€s SavtEs ttrcogh 3/3flf.f Ieasule TylE HVAC Combined HVAC Heating Industrial Process PSC Com Water Heater PSC Commerdal HVAC PSC Commercl.l wndows and Insul PSC Energv5mart- Case Ughtng PSC Energysmart- Indusuial Proc PSC Food Servlce Equipment PsC Green Mobrs Re$rind PSC Lighting Eterior PSC Lighting Interior PSC Molor Confols HVAC Psc sbndby Generotor Block Ss Appllrnces 55 HVAC @mbined SS HVAC Heating ss Industsial Process SS Ughting EGrior SS Lighting Interlor hflh fil,78,' o \621,lffi 87 o 183J78 7a!t03 524,t62 74,52t3,lfi s3L617 1"3$,168 16L!t871,ffi14.14 1J6q153 o 74,82j2. V94,t151zgtifr hflh 2 o o o o o o o o o o o -82,70r o o o o o o o 0 T7,78,) o L621,W a7 o r83,378 7a:t o33 1",217, PG.55 IDAHO _ DSM PROGRAMS STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES Encrgy saviugs are YID gross, rmaraluated savings. IRP WAID Electdc (HYhl Res u Nonres WA|DGtt(iltetml Res U Nonres Total ytd act yrd target 2,438,118 3,682,0s5 't1,'161 309,989 6.155.680 1.782.789 8,636,559 8,Z4,rr'3 ytd act ytdtarget 36,1R 121,473 91 9,521 93.132 153.333 129.396 294.333 % of ytd targol achieved 6696 13% l2g% 98% tt ytd targot adileved 3096 't96 57% u% ann target 2.,W2,333 1,859,933 28.696.73.t 52,619,000 ann targot 728,840 57,160 980.000 1,766,000 % ann target acfiieved 1t% 2* 21% 1696 % ann targol Acfiieved 5* 0% 10% 7% Example of WD Savings Report Overall Program Management: Program Manager/Manager Customer Relationship/Project Management: Account Executives and/or Program Manager (Avista) Program Tracking: Program Manager and/or Program Coordinator (Avista) Technical support: DSM Engineers (Avista) Outreach support External Comm u n ications (Avista) Analytical support: DSM Analysts (Avista) PG.56 IDAHO _ DSM PROGRAMS STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES Program Name: Power Management for PC Networks Program Design: This program is designed to encourage implementation of power management software to obtain energy efficiency. Despite the fact that most personal computers (PCs) have the capability to shift to a low-power operating state after a specified period of inactivity, only a small fraction of those PCs actually do. For companies that have numerous PCs, the wasted energy from computers that remain in the full-power on state even when they are idle can be significant. Software products that can simplify the process of implementing power management in large numbers of networked PCs are now available. This prescriptive rebate approach issues payments to the customer after the measure has been installed. Eligibility guidelines for participation include, but may not be limited to: completed rebate form, confirmation of electric usage, invoices and pre and post install data. Post reporting may be required for a period of three years. The incentive available for this program is $5 per license. Program lmplementation: The Power Management for PC Networks Program is available to provide an incentive to electric (Schedule 11, 12,21,25) customers for the purchase and installation of power management software for PCs on networks. The equipment must meet the specifications listed below. Rebates must be submitted to Avista within 90 days of installation of software. Documentation required for this rebate is a completed rebate form along with an invoice showing manufacturer, number of licenses and cost. After verification and analysis of pre and post data reports, rebates will be processed and checks issued to customer. Rebate forms are available in hard copy format or in editable versions. Example of Power Management PC Network rebate form Netwr-rrk Power M*rr.rgenrertt Softlv.rre to be lrrstalle<l in order for a network-baied power rEnag€ment softwere solunon to qualify for Avisti rn(entrves. it must:. Be installed on €risting system. . Provide regular {at EEt quartarly) energy-use r€pons wlth overall averag€ PC energy savings as rr\e[ as arerage PC energy sevrng5 by smilar goupe of PCs. . Control every a\rJil$le l€t€l of po/rcr managerrcnl offered by your PC hardlrrare and rnonitor et the trrne of irHaltation (e.9.. Cru on. CPU ofl or hibernatJng. Cru susp€nded. rronitor on. rnonitor off or hib€marflg. monitor suspended). Available lerrels of control rnay ditfer based on operating system. . Re!€t ussr overrrd€ capibilitr€s to network specificatbns erery 2lt houn a! a minimum. r Achiee r rninimum average sJvrngs of '100 annual kWh per contr0lled PC. o Ptoryirje usage dau pnor to insullation of controE. The dat;t tfrould be for trts consecutive we€tr during a normBl operating p€nod and indicate us4e by smilar groupr of PCr Ihis dau wrll be used lor conparison of r Keq€ once controls are anstall€d- . Remain in operation for a rninirnum of lhr€e years rtirth th€ ebility for cofitrnued rcporting ercry sI rnonths with savugg u5€ data upon Auinas requ6t. l'.€F-_l F---lroIA nctrflm *)llc, cosr Pnm;ryheatingsystem? trAll Electnc trHeatfump oNatural Gas trOther pc.57 IDAHO _ DSM PROGRAMS STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES Terms & Conditions ld&indttE I Goailior hd o ltl.t IrEn$E e on! rrr* ifi rqrtF;rd rsdbd a drn€lEtd bEabtts xr& lUtla dsulc nne. e D rffi !q, he'lttc. ydl rnB s&rdt thEherm lbm &ng *rh #.f ileisd rdtrffi npos *dar $ q* d ilelaE'r' 3, tbos dffi h, b s* rs FoE5rgrg.l" alBr rw Er ddrt b E ty kreIilgE.t Ykr qfu Bnot dd rl curbftilon flth aqdrer{ffirranhE!- & ar!'lrm pnlrmfis 16 nd ereed [?,ed G. 1 fx$& of drr pogrrn, il&.*E lnerrtE ls,sh rr? rSFd e d,'gE wth$rt nolre. a. BEbSE agfdnrffit nun bs ltn lrrd frthln S0 dry6 of ra*xan. lAnnual Per PC Averaqe lAll 1,300 Pcs Basellne Energy Consumpuon r50 kwh 598,000 kwt Eneroy consumDtlon wlth SURYEYoRI 302 kwh 392,503 kwh Greenhouse Gas Emlsslon REDUCTIOI{ r 215 lbs 280,092 lbs Energy REDUCTIOX .tb 34.4 Vo Baseline Clients Program Tracking: The Power Management for PC Networks Rebates is captured in the Saleslogix database. The account, customer contact, measure information, voucher request and all documentation is scanned and entered into this database. pc.58 IDAHO - DSM PROGRAMS STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES Example of Saleslogix screen shof - Main Account level Program Reporting: Monthly reports are pulled automatically using the Cognos reporting tool. Cognos pulls current data from the Saleslogix database and emails an excel spreadsheet to the DSM Analysts. This report identifies the number of rebates that were processed during the previous month with the estimated kilowatt hour and therms savings achieved. These reports are consolidated by the Analyst team and sent electronically to the Managers, Account Executives, Program Managers, Program Coordinators and DSM Engineers to review (excel spreadsheet: Year Month YTD Savings Non-res.xls). The totals are used to report preliminary savings goals to internal and external stakeholders including the monthly emailtable (YTD Energy Savings - Month Year). Flc Edit Viil In6.rt Sdrcduh Loott p Writr Toob Windor Fldp e, rBl H g cB ")letl'nt e dl t s @ d alss alq ffi /I-IE GAw E livli B S of Slcs Hcv ((trOs! Fcd Tar lD: Stdrs [t"hr -- KctrPl*qncrt A g Poc*F*,lD&lfia Mrh Far Tol Frcc: Mirc @ppq---il@__,_r fr€m€ss€sss- -l C pe.59 IDAHO - DSM PROGRAMS STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES Example of the PC Network Controls Report from SalesLogix Example of WD Non Res Savrngs Report- Month l2-tt-2@9 t2-tt-2@9 til-11-20@ L2-tt-2@9 12-11-2009 x2-tt-2w9 12-11-2009 tz-tl-2m/9 1:l-11-2009 12-11-2m9 Prescriptive PC Network Controls Prescriptive PC Network Controls Prescriptave PC Network Controls Prescriptive PC Network Controls Prescriptive PC Network Controls Prescriptive PC Network Controls Prescriptive PC Network Controls Prescriptave PC Network Controls Prescriptive PC Network Controls Prescriptive PC Network Controls Prescriptive PC Network Controls Prescriptive PC Network Controls Prescriptive PC Network Controls Presriptave PC Network Controls Prescriptive PC Network Controls PSC PC Network Controls PSC PC Network Controls PSC PC Network Controls 8 Completed 66+ 8 Completed 1521 8 Completed 378 8 Completed 5()4 8 Completed tl50 8 Completed 855 8 Completed 720 8 Completed 760 8 Completed 4465 8 Completed 6an 8 Completed tTE27 8 Completed L87375 8 Completed X27L3.6 8 Terminated 3crc0 8 Completed 345fi) 8 Completed 21fiX) 8 Completed 750fi) 8 Completed 568fi) 80 130 m 90 @ 90 90 80 190 m 13000 14990 620 3@O 3450 2100 75@ 5680 24 390 2t0 2m 180 2m 2N 2N 570 210 22730.53 23910.05 12@.02 3833.76 3656.25 794:7 75@ 33550.39 S.tftg6 ttroogh 3l3vl1 l.ee$relype HVAC Combined HVAC Heating Industrial Process PSC Com Water Hedter PSC Commerdal HVAC I5C Commercial Wndov,rs and In*l PSC Energysm.rt- Clse Lightir€ PSC Energysmart- Industridl Pro€ PSC Food SeMce Equipmert PSC Green Mobrs Rsrlnd PSC Ughung &erlor PSC Ughung hterior t5C Motor Controb HVAC PSC Standby Gener.tor glock SS Appliances SS HVAC Combined SS IIVAC tleatng SS l,ldusui.l Process SS Ughung Aterlor SS Lighting Intenor l{rhx7,70 o,\621,ffi a7 o 143;78 78tt o33 52+,t62 7+621 t136 s3L617 t"330,168 16L!)874,& 14/+21 rJ68,Xtir o 78,a22xr1,+t ,l,,-6rc l,wfi 2 o o o o o o o o o o o -air.70t o o o o o o o 0 745,O$' s2+l.62 71,6?t 5,+316 5?t,6tt L217,tt6t 16L947+,ffi 11+,+A r.568,rsit a7 PG.60 IDAHO _ DSM PROGRAMS STANDARD OPEMTING PROCEDURES Example of WD Energy Savings Report Encrgy savings are YID gross, utrcvduated savings- WAID Electrlc $lfhl Res u Nonras IYAIDGar(0terml Ros U Nonras Total 2,'88,418 3,682,055 11.61 309,989 91 9,527 93.132 163.333 129,396 294,333 % ofytd target ann ytd act ytd target adrieved target 66|6 4..m,2,333 13X 1,859,933 'r% 57,160 tt% 980.000 119t 't,766,000 96 ann target adrieved 1194 2X 21% 't6% % ann target Achieved 5% 0'. 1096 71 6_156.680 1.182.189 12915 28.696.734 8,636,559 8,24,t:t3 989a 52,649,000 * ytd target ann yld acn ytd target aclSeved targot 36,173 121,473 30'6 728,W Overall Program Management: Program Manager/Manager Customer Relationship/Project Management: Account Executives and/or Program Manager (Avista) Program Tracking: Program Manager and/or Program Coordinator (Avista) Technical support: DSM Engineers (Avista) Outreach support: External Communications (Avista) Analytical support: DSM Analysts (Avista) PG.61 IDAHO - DSM PROGMMS STANDARD OPEMTING PROCEDURES Program Name: Retro-Commission i ng Program Design: This program was developed for commercial buildings that have never gone through any type of commissioning or quality assurance process and are performing below their potential. Retro-commissioning is a systematic process for investigating, analyzing and optimizing the performance of building systems that have never been commissioned. Building commissioning is increasingly recognized as a cost-effective process to improve building performance, reduce energy use, increase equipment life, improve indoor air quality and improve occupant comfort and productivity. Although the savings that are achievable through retro-commissioning can be significant, market penetration still seems to be relatively low. ln an attempt to overcome these barriers the program provides education, a streamlined implementation approach, and an opportunity for eligible customers to receive an incentive towards a qualified retro-commissioning study. Currently, the program parameters include a .10 per square foot incentive for retro-commissioning studies done by a qualified commissioning agent, an incentive for contractors to make eligible quick fixes, and the opportuni$ for customer to receive schedule 90/190 incentives for qualifying projects. Program lmplementation: lncentives for the Retro-Commissioning Program are available to electric (Schedule 11, 12,21, 25) customers for studies done by a qualified commissioning agent. Building requirements include the following: must have at least 50,000 square feet of conditioned space; must be controlled by an energy management system; building must be older than 5 years; the Energy Use lndex must be greater than '100% of normal; the minimum average occupancy must be at least 50% over the last 2 year period; and has not received retro-commission i ng services previously from Avista. lncentives are available to eligible customers toward the cost of a qualifying retro- commissioning study. Customer must complete and submit an application form to Avista for consideration. Upon approval, the qualified study must provide a systematic review of the current conditions and operations of the major power consuming components in the building and include, at a minimum: Baseline equipment information; A list of results from the qualified retro-commissioning agent's ("Qualified Agent") initial investigation of the building including trend logs, air balance and static pressure readings, set-points and pictures, as appropriate A list of applicable Measures together with energy savings calculations; and A list of additional potential Measures and recommendations, detailed descriptions, estimated savings calculations and implementation costs. a a a a pe.62 IDAHO - DSM PROGRAMS STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES at tn(entrves are avar for the Program? o Quallffing customers wlll be ellglHe for an lrrentrre of $0.10 per conditoned squae foot of floor space ln the bulldlng tovrrards a Quallfled Strldy, wtrkh wlfi be paH dlrecdy to the custorrer upon subnBslon and acceptance by Avlsta. Quallfled Agents wlll be reryonslHe for contactlng dlrecty wlth ostomers for tre actual co6t of the Quallfhd Strdy. . Quallfted Agents wlll be ellglbh foran lncentive of up to $0.50 per therm and 30.02 per kWh for lmplernenutlon of efiglble Measur6. The total lncenttve for ellghle Measum wlll be capped at 30. l0 per condtbned square foot of flor ryxe ln the bdHlng. E[glble Merum wlll be those Measures ldentlfled h the Qua[fled Sttdy wlth a pryback perhd of less than one (1) year. appwalfiorn Atfita on what Mesures are ellgibh rntst be rxetved prlor to lmphnnntatlon. Once Avlsta has appoved the ileasurcs, a contxt wl[ be executed between Avlsta and the Qualtfled Agent. . BlglHe hard*vlred lmpruementswlth a pryback pedod greate than one (l) yea and under 13 yeas fur rrcn$$tlng and under 8 par for llghtlng may qualtfy fo lnenfires under AdsbS other e#tng energy efflciency pro$arns, and cuornrs stror.dd contrad dlrcctlywlh Avlsb forthese types of hcen$res. Example of Retro-Commissioning application form rng ryp€ ti Office ; Gro(ery :r Retail il lndustrial rr Education ii Lodging lll Other: (lf the Euilding has mixed-use space, please indicate the petcentage in each category) Building lnfornration Application forms can be found online. pe.63 IDAHO _ DSM PROGRAMS STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES Program Tracking: Retro Commissioning is captured in the Saleslogix database. The account, customer contact, measure information, voucher request and all documentation is scanned and entered into this database. Example of Saleslogix screen shot- Main Account level Program Reporting: Monthly reports are pulled automatically using the Cognos reporting tool. Cognos pulls current data from the SalesLogix database and emails an excel spreadsheet to the DSM Analysts. This report identifies the number of rebates that were processed during the previous month with the estimated kilowatt hour and therms savings achieved. These reports are consolidated by the Analyst team and sent electronically to the Managers, Account Executives, Program Managers, Program Coordinators and DSM Engineers to review (excel spreadsheet: Year Month YTD Savings Non-res.xls). The totals are used to report preliminary savings goals to internal and external stakeholders including the monthly emailtable (YTD Energy Savings - Month Year). Fih Edit yrGf, Inr6t Sdrrduh Loohrp Writr Toob Windor Hdp ' €iH aE ")itrlate dj s e @ d aiveeiq ffi )--IE €:r\'Eg * d Sites: Bev [(ffis] Fed Tar lD: stah.ls ,[9ti]19:- --._-reyrycT* D Accor* Desqipti:n: i..re C tsoM* - g PdFars.lDS814 pc.64 IDAHO _ DSM PROGRAMS STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES Example of YTD Non Res Savrngs Report - Month Example of YTD Energy Savrngs Report Ioo-r€s savtEE tfimugh 3/31/f't Le8rleTypc HVAC Combined tlvAc Heafng Irdustrirl Process PSC Com Water lhater PSC Commercial HVAC Psc commercial Wndo{vs lnd hsJl PSC Energysmart- Case Ugh8ng PSC En€rgysmart- Industrial Proc PSC Food SeMce EquiPmert PSC Green Mobrs t{atvhd PSC ughttng Ecerior PSC Ughting lfiErlor PSC Mobr Controls IIVAC Psc Sbndby Generator Blo(t SS Applidnces 5s HVAC combhed SS HVAC Hedting sS Industrldl Process SS tightng E(terlor SS Ughting Interior lwtr %7,lfi o \62+,W a7 o 183"378 745,033 521,t62 ,+,62r 5,+?r5 s3L617 Llrl,168 16L987+,ffi14,+A Ls6q15:l o 7a,an xr+,+t z96gE. trt 2 o o o o o o o o o o o -aL7Or o o o o o o o 0 x7, 52'., 7+62t 53 L217, Encgy savings are YID gross, unaralueted savings. WAID Electic (tWh) Res U Nonres WAIDGas (therml Res U Nonres Total y,td act ytd target 2,438,118 3,582,055 11,1$1 309,989 6.156.680 4.782.789 8,636,559 8,24,833 ytd ad ytd target 36,173 12',1,473 91 9,527 93.132 163.333 129,396 294,333 % of ytd target achieved 66% 13% 1t9% 98% % ytd target achieved 30% 1% 5't% 4% ann target 22,092,333 1,859,933 28.696.734 52,649,000 ann targst 728,U0 57,160 980.000 1,766.000 % ann larget achieved 1.t% 2% 21% 16% % ann target Achieved 5% 0% 't0% 7% PG.65 IDAHO - DSM PROGRAMS STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES Overall Program Management: Program Manager/Manager Customer Relationship/Project Management: Account Executives and/or Program Manager (Avista) Program Tracking: Program Manager and/or Program Coordinator (Avista) Technical support: DSM Engineers (Avista) Outreach support External Communications (Avista) Analytical support: DSM Analysts (Avista) pc.66 IDAHO - DSM PROGRAMS STANDARD OPEMTING PROCEDURES Program Name: Standby Generator Block Heater Program Design: Most block heating technology employs natural convection within the engine block's system to drive circulation, more commonly known as thermosiphon. This program promotes the replacement of thermosiphon style engine block heaters with pump driven circulation units which reduce overall block temperature. Because it also decreases the heat transfer rate from the block to the environment, it can reduce overall block heater energy consumption. This prescriptive rebate approach issues payments to the customer after the measure has been installed. Eligibility guidelines for participation include, but may not be limited to: confirmation of electric usage, invoices and possible pre and post logging. Program Implementation: The Standby Generator Block Heater Program is available to provide an incentive to electric (Schedule 11, 12, 21, 25) customers for the purchase and installation of a pump driven circulation unit. This rebate is available for a retrofit only. This program requires pre-approval from Avista to do pre and post logging. Rebates must be submitted to Avista within 90 days of installation of equipment. Documentation required for this rebate is a completed rebate form along with an invoice showing manufacturer, model and cost of the equipment purchased. After equipment verification, rebates will be processed and checks issued to customer. Rebates are $400 per qualified unit. Rebate forms are available in hard copy format or editable versions online. Example of Standby Generator Block Heater rebate form 'erms &itions fdd&todtrnr & Gorffirr hd m b*L R-rD Ok R€ba6 re adlaue k e!'ofit lrom a:herrpsphm or(ulalrE Uod helE !o a tE FF ciflEn ClrsElng uod herEr dlrtllEEllE- .on'Jnlff$fu Bbd h€re, mut be hnalled Ey t tstsEfi crllt€d iedlntoil. tEhlte! are rY3lbble kx ccfimerB* fdttE6 vuth €lectrtc sErtre trovl*d by ArEra u$l$es on r ncn-r€6t&fllral ratre rhaduk. oetatE cf $6 poErara, trdudrq rebaE letris. are cJqeat to {tTit'EE ,,ltfput prE( nodce. Proot ol hrduo: copEs d fivo e($ r.enrrrng th€ nil eqJlpnEnr pudrxed rrld hbor chargEs,f apF{!(,B€, mlJsi lccdnpJry ti,s Agre€oent Manulxturer airC rnodel nirnber d FrEhased €qupri€flt m(.6 be rrrlutr on t !€ fiyotce or i sepat*e mrruhct rer spedlcrtl@ *l€et (an be lr€uded. Rebate Agreemsrt musl b€ returrEd rthl't 90 daF o, r'Elallrlron Fly|iltt qrf.srt m.rst be prrdued ard rsri,lsd bfue Frrsr sr be EBJ€d &bae pryrrEnts vrr[ rrdereed nrd€rdcc- ieb&areftotv3ld h co.rtrnaffi vyltl &yodrE atSE trEroEyr€bteE Abrv 46 steb fo. rcce5srE ,ld pqrrsrt ot rEbea liLfrclin: atta 1E3e(E ttl. .r{il1l b vEflly rlsEllalorEan trE bdoecr dur prynm! E 6sued. Generator lnforrn.rtion <(xfircm c Lx(rotfflr lHat , cm,trcraD. rml tf EGlanrl Ertgin* Heater lrrforrnation cEdcrr"t,3clrt r*r?ll tt (Itrlrarlr{ ,(rrcrarrll tIilqtfcr (6r rotEtxE qo }I rrlwtre Er}Ia'lr(m.uoc ItEaEE liroac$It pe.67 IDAHO _ DSM PROGRAMS STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES Program Tracking: Standby Generator Block Heater Program data is captured in the Saleslogix database. The account, customer contact, measure information, voucher request and all documentation is scanned and entered into this database as explained in the Site Specific section earlier in this document. Example of Saleslogix screen shot- Main account level Program Reporting: Monthly reports are pulled automatically using the Cognos reporting tool. Cognos pulls current data from the SalesLogix database and emails an excel spreadsheet to the DSM Analysts. This report identifies the number of rebates that were processed during the previous month with the estimated kilowatt hour and therms savings achieved. These reports are consolidated by the Analyst team and sent electronically to the Managers, Account Executives, Program Managers, Program Coordinators and DSM Engineers to review (excel spreadsheet: Year Month YTD Savings Non-res.xls). The totals are used to report preliminary savings goals to internal and external stakeholders including the monthly email table (YTD Energy Savings - Month Year). Frh Edit VEw lrErrt Schdulc Lootup ttYdtc Toob t{indow }ldp -. €i H S (B ")tErfil f, di I e @ d aivE esiq ffi rcdml --W lmtd G,,\Eg portrri ffi tdivti! B S o, Slc.r Hcvttffisl Fcd Tar lD:rrpc IE Stat,tc fufiv.[i - - ___: fcyPtaccnrcrt E Accqr* Darsiftrr pe.68 IDAHO _ DSM PROGRAMS STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES Example of Block Heater report from SalesLogix Example of YTD IVon Res Savings Report - Month llum Measure 38,945 PSC Standby Generator Elock :!8,946 PSC Standby Generator Block 39,U0 PSC Standby Gene6tor Block 39,198 PSC Standby Generator Elock 39,4X, PSC Standby Generator Block 40,647 PSC Standby Generator Block tO,843 PSC standby Generator Elock tr0,844 PSC Standbry Generator Elock 41,088 PSC Standby Generator Block 43,374 PSC Standby Gen€rator Block 43,375 Psc Standby Generator Elock t13,376 PSC standby Generator Bloc* 43,595 PSC Standb,y Generator Block i,lesure PSC Standby Generator Block Psc standby Generator Block PSC Standby Generator Block Psc Standby Generator Elock PSC Standby Generator Block Psc Standbry Generator Block PSC Standby Generator Block Psc standbry Generator Block Psc Standbry Generator Block PSC Standby Generator Blod( PSC Standbry Generator Block PSC Standbry Generator Block PSC Standbv Generator Bloct Stete A.count WA ID WA WA WA WA WA WA WA WA WA WA WA ltutr Measure co Phase 0/'.77-2Ol2L0{J6.22 Completed 04-27-2012 &56.5 Completed 0$11-20121125.7, Completed 05-11-20121131.37 Completed 05-11-mU1131.37 Completed 0a-31-2O122724.% Completed gl-l4.mu|3/.28.57 Completed O:l-1+201it2m8.98 Completed gl-28-m125L7.52 Completed 01-25-2013 1019.9 completed 01-25-2013 1(n8.7 Completed 01-25-2013 1019.9 Completed 02-L'.20131096.66 Completed 400 400 400 400 tl00 tl00 tloo trco lmo rl00 400 400 /rco 1884 1696 1931 1783 1884 2673 27t2 1962 745.8 1810 1810 1783 19:}5 Ioo-r€3 sat irgs ttrc0gh 3/3flfa IeasnlaTy?e HVAC Combined HVAC Heatng Industrlal Process PSC Com Water tl€ater PSC Commerdal t{vAc Psc @mm€rdll Wndorvs ond hstl PSC En€rgysmart- Clse Ughtng PSC Energysmart- Industrial Proc PSC Food S€Mce EquiPment PSC Green ttlobrs Ra.rind PSC Ugh0ng Ederbr PSC Llghong hterlor PSC Mobr Controls IIVAC Psc Sbndby Generlbr Blod SS Applbnces SS HVAC @mbined SS HVAC Hoatng sS Industslal Process SS Ughtng Exterior SS Ughtng Interior kwt 3,''t,70 o L62r,1166 a7 o 183J78 ,8:i,o3:l 521,t62 74,621 ,136 53L617 LI}D,168 16L!r87a,G 14,.21 L558,r:r3 o 78,022 v94/+51 M.OE kurh 2 o o o o o o o o o o o -82,7n1 o o o o o o o 0 Tt, s3L5r L2a7 PG.69 IDAHO - DSM PROGRAMS STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES Example of YTD Energy Savrngs Report Encgy savings are YID gross, unoraluated savings. WAID Electic (kllhl Res u Nonras IYAIDGT!(ltretml Res U Nonrss Toral ytd d ytd target 2,138,118 3,682,055 'll,'161 309,989 6.156.680 1.782.789 8,636.559 8,24,833 ytd act ytd target 36,1R 121,473 9't 9,521 93.1t2 153 333 't29,396 294,333 % ofyrd targot annachieved tafgel 66% 2.,092,333 13'6 1,859,933 129* 28.696.734 98r 52,649,000 L ytd target annadrieved terget 3095 728,U0 1% 57,160 57* 980_000 4% 1,766,000 % ann target achieved 11'6 2% 21* 16% 9l arn larget Achieved 5% 0% 1096 7% Overal I Program Management: Prog ram Manager/Manager Customer Relationship/Project Management:Account Executives and/or Program Manager (Avista) Program Tracking: Program Manager and/or Program Coordinator (Avista) Technical support: DSM Engineers (Avista) Outreach support External Comm unications (Avista ) Analytical support: DSM Analysts (Avista) PG.70 IDAHO - DSM PROGRAMS STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES Program Name: Gommercial HVAC Variable Frequency Drive (VFD) Program Program Design: This program is intended to prompt the customer to increase the energy efficiency of their fan or pump applications with variable frequency drives through direct financial incentives. This prescriptive rebate approach issues payments to the customer for a retrofit after the measure has been installed. Eligibility guidelines for participation include, but may not be limited to: confirmation of natural gas usage; and invoices and verification of horse power of motor. The measures, incentives and savings are listed below. VFD Fans $80 1,022 VFD Cooling Pump Only $85 1,091 VFD Heat Pump only or Combined Heating & Cooling Pump $140 1,756 Program lmplementation: The Commercial HVAC Variable Frequency Drive (VFD) Program is available to provide an incentive to electric (Schedule 11, 12,21,25) customers for the purchase and installation of VFDs on HVAG equipment. The equipment must meet the specifications listed above. Rebates must be submitted to Avista within 90 days of installation of equipment. Documentation required for this rebate is a completed rebate form along with an invoice showing manufacturer, model and cost of the equipment purchased as well as documentation to verify the horse power of the motor the VFD was installed on. After equipment verification, rebates will be processed and checks issued to customer. Rebate forms are available in hard copy format or editable versions online. pe.71 IDAHO _ DSM PROGRAMS STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES Example of HVAC rebate form Funding Calculation INSTRUCTIONS: lncenbves apply to retrofits of variable frequency drives (VFD) installed on commercial heatrng, venilation and air conditioning equipment served on an Avrsta electric non-residential rate sdedule. New constructron prolects are not eligible fo incenti\es. Use a separate line for exh VFD. lnclude pnmary pumps and fans only secondary or spare pumps or fans do not qualify. Attadt a separate sheet for additional VFDs if necessary Please allow 6-8 weeks for processing. lncentive payments will not exceed invoi(ed cost. Table A - Fan or Pump Application Codes 9A 9&Y aA d tmY Ai H^nti m uti tttD wafti rum $P 'UPAY IA OX VAV PACUGEO Ofi R@[OP WAC Ufltr M CUIrc TOtrR ruUP sa 8truRx ta sf,mu aa u&ti ffi cBu:DwareR ruM? I'P REruRI TSil VAVPMTD dimf,* WXBIT Ctr COXOEEK WA]E8 ruW E ru[qre IMT I8 OIHTR ETAT IEOryIf, IAU C Table B - VFD lncentive per HP of Designed Primary Motor Load W fN! wo csuxc M $LY wo Hanrc rur oLY s cmrlF HunM No c@urc ruu? le IB lt@ Program Tracking: The Commercial HVAC Variable Frequency Drive Program data is captured in the Saleslogix database. The account, customer contact, measure information, voucher request and all documentation is scanned and entered into this database. PG.72 IDAHO _ DSM PROGRAMS STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES Fih Edit Viil hr.rt Sdt{uh tootup ttldtc Toob Wndour FHp + €lH S qS rllElnl # dl s B @ d alws ,8lq ffi F,-W f,c9\ UE B :li\rti B 1$M.hPodF*.lD ggll Mair :ftilElffIlfim Fax |11p1l11._ry--:_fTotFrce il€oo€Bgffi **-l Misc [--_--fI _ ____ ___Fl Example of Saleslogix screen shot - Main Account level Program Reporting: Monthly reports are pulled automatically using the Cognos reporting tool. Cognos pulls current data from the SalesLogix database and emails an excel spreadsheet to the DSM Analysts. This report identifies the number of rebates that were processed during the previous month with the estimated kilowatt hour and therms savings achieved. These reports are consolidated by the Analyst team and sent electronically to the Managers, Account Executives, Program Managers, Program Coordinators and DSM Engineers to review (excel spreadsheet: Year Month YTD Savings Non-res.xls). The totals are used to report preliminary savings goals to internal and external stakeholders including the monthly email table (YTD Energy Savings - Month Year). pe.73 IDAHO _ DSM PROGRAMS STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES Example of Commercial HVAC Variable Frequency Drive report from SalesLogix Num Account State Measure WA PSCMotorControlsHVAC Completed 31fi) WA PSCMotorControlsHVAC Completed 12fi) WA PSCMotorControlsHVAC Completed lflX) WA PSCMotorControlsHVAC Completed 34{X) WA PSCMotorControlsHVAC Completed aa00 WA PSCMotorControlsHVAC Completed 21110 WA PSCMotorControlsHVAC Completed 80fi) lD PSCMotorControlsHVAC Completed 640 wA PSCMotorControlsHVAC Completed 4620 WA PSCMotorControlsHVAC Completed 279fl) lD PSCMotorControlsHVAC Completed Utl00 WA PSCMotorControlsHVAC Completed 18fi) WA PSCMotorControlsHVAC Completed 32fl) Phase lncentive Ek Kwh Measure Cost 41038 1tt550 19158 I:4303.24 175il 202t.39 436,0 9030.8 5672t 12554.85 D9y 4370.8? to22w 19769.27 8176 4313.2 624p.37 53205 392310 33023 169560 63361 2295 8814 40880 4000 39,049 39,287 39,535q,ilo 42,290 42,W 4,133 4,49 4,532 44,810 4,936 45,100 156 05-1& 08-31 t2-o7- L2-2L- 02-22- 03-1^}' 03-22-w 0' oG21- o& Example of YTD Non Res Savrngs Report - Month Pc.74 Ioo-r€s saviBE thtoogh 3/3flf+ Xees&EIE HVAC Combined HVAC Hedting Industrial Process PSC Om Water Heater PSC Commercial HVAC PSC Commercial Wndows and hsul PSC Energysmart- Case Ugtrting PSC Energysmart- Industrial Proc PSC Food SeMce Equlpment PSC Green Motors Rewind PSC Ughting Elterior t SC Ughung hterior PSC Motor Contsols HVAC PSC strndby Gener.br Elock SS Applidnces Ss tlvAc @mbined SS HVAC Heafng SS Industrial Process SS Ughting Ederior 5S Ughung Interior kwhx7,78 o L621,W a7 o ra3.37a 745,O33 s2+,162 7+,62t sr:16 5311,617 1J3{t,168 16L9474,ffi 114,+2+ L550,r53 o 74,422 XX1lt1 7J4.5fi Itt 2 o o o o o o o o o o o -a2,7o1 o o o o o o o a s3L61 t,2+7,$ IDAHO _ DSM PROGRAMS STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES Encrgy savings are YID gross, unorahrated savings. wAlD Elecrlc (ktlhl Res U Nonres WAID G.r (theml Res u Nonres Totd ytd act ytd target 2,'t38,418 3,682,055 41,451 309,989 6.156.680 1.782.789 8,636,559 8,Tt1,833 ytd act ytd target 36,173 121,473 91 9.527 93.132 163.333 129,396 294,333 % of yrd target achieved 65% 13% 129% 98% % ytd larget achioved 30% 1% 5't% 4% ann targot 2..492,333 1,859,933 28.696.73't 52,649,000 ann targ6t 728.U0 57,160 980.000 1,766,000 % ann target adrieved 11% 2% 21* 16% % ann tergoi Achieved 5% 096 10% 7% Example of YTD Energy Savtngs Report Overall Program Management: Program Manager/Manager Customer Relationship/Project Management: Account Executives and/or Program Manager (Avista) Program Tracking: Program Manager and/or Program Coordinator (Avista) Technical support: DSM Engineers (Avista) Outreach support: External Communications (Avista) Analytical support: DSM Analysts (Avista) PG.75 IDAHO _ DSM PROGRAMS STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES Program Name: Commercial Water Heaters Program Design: Commercial Water Heaters that are high efficient use 25 percent less energy than a conventional commercial unit by employing more efficient heat exchangers. The Commercial Water Heater Rebate was designed to incentivize electric customers to purchase and install energy efficient commercial water heaters. The following measures are available for incentives with associated savings per unit. Water Heater Specifications: Avista offers a $20 per unit incentive for water heaters that meet the following energy factors: Program lmplementation: The Commercial Clothes Washer Program is available to provide an incentive to electric (Schedule 11, 12, 21, 25) customers for the purchase and installation of an energy efficient commercial water heater. Water heaters must be commercial grade units and must meet water heater specifications listed above. The hot water that serves the water heater must be heated with Avista electricity. Rebates must be submitted to Avista within 90 days of installation of equipment. Documentation required for this rebate is a completed rebate form along with an invoice showing manufacturer, model and cost of the equipment purchased. After equipment verification, rebates will be processed and checks issued to customer. Rebates are $20 per qualified unit. Rebate forms are available in hard copy format or in editable versions. - >25 <35 .90 = >35 <45 .90 = >55 <75 .87 - >75 <100 .87 = >100 <120 .86 pc.76 I IDAHO _ DSM PROGRAMS STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES Example of Commercial Water Heater rebate form Rebate Amount: S20 New water heater(s) purdrased & installed tof r.'fi:t RIBAII AMI ! IOTAT RESAIE Program Tracking: The Commercial Water Heater Program data is captured in the SalesLogix database. The account, customer contact, measure information, voucher request and all documentation is scanned and entered into this database. Example of Saleslogix screen shot- Main Account level Terms & Conditions Adddard trtrl' e Coodom Ifilsd on hn pqe. nebatr Offcr: Rebates ate aail&le for tp lnst*aton $uafffne uni st)rte tvaEr heate6. R€bat6 a? aail$h for corungdd rxihieswifi el€ctrk seflice FoviJed by Avista udities on a rprxes&lential nte rdedul€. tlot water rr.6t be heated with Ayirt eleority. Deu*b ol this program, hddirg rcbate lel€b, are e-bi€d to dla lgewi$out plior notce. proof ol hldlae: copies of inoicec) itemizing lhe newequip.rlenl purdEsed and labordErgg, if applicabh, ml.Et accofipary this agree{nent Manufxturer and model nurnber of ptndused water heater rrxJst be irduded on th€ in oice or a separate rmufactur€r S€cificatbn shed on be irrhded. Rebate ageerrEnt mstb€ eturn€d wfiin 90 days of instdalion. Peymcnt Equipncnt must be purdEed ard irddled beloe paynnnt can be i$ued. Rebate payrFnts will not erceed imoi(ed cod. Rebates tre not vali, in cofibinatbn with {ly other Avista iDcentivesr$ates. Alb\,v 4-6 'rve€ts for processing and payrneot of rebaie. E$&.rpnt Elgb|tf ElEibh water heaters rrust meet or excd the energy effriency larcb listed abolE. Elilihlrty fo. equpflEnt not lin€d rnEt bet ndled m a Ete-$ecific b6is. contrcl your Avist: refes€nbtit/e beto.e Nrdla6irE th€ eqiprn€nt frcrlffc.$on: AvisE rEserrres tle d$t to trerify lnstallatkxE anytinE before or after payllpnt B issred. , Eh Efit Yrc Lrcrt Sdrcduh too*up Wdb Toob t{lndorr }ldp tl+ O H g @ "rlelnr* dl I H @ d alss Elq ffi ccarts).- lE) :il*d3 et^w Accu* Divisiilr P&rt Addat* 0fficr fadAccqr{ Om LE C re 1x)M.iig Po{Fab.D $Ell M*r Fqc Tol Ftcc: Mirc: irsoqqgssg---l I o, Slc( Fw(flIh} Frd Tar lD:rrpc lc.x*r--*-*l l Kot,Flcnat E Accar* Dccsifirr LCI lrdrrt,{ Fffic.---------l ow:r &-u-E ---A Acci.Mr fsffi:iq'q- trlB di!flica B PG.77 IDAHO - DSM PROGRAMS STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES Program Reporting: Monthly reports are pulled automatically using the Cognos reporting tool. Cognos pulls current data from the Saleslogix database and emails an excel spreadsheet to the DSM Analysts. This report identifies the number of rebates that were processed during the previous month with the estimated kilowatt hour and therms savings achieved. These reports are consolidated by the Analyst team and sent electronically to the Managers, Account Executives, Program Managers, Program Coordinators and DSM Engineers to review (excel spreadsheet: Year Month YTD Savings Non-res.xls). The totals are used to report preliminary savings goals to internal and external stakeholders including the monthly emailtable (YTD Energy Savings - Month Year). Example of WD IVon Res Savrngs Report - Month Sa*rgs throogh 3l3ul1 faeasurcIlrpe IIVAC Combined HVAC H€atng Industrhl Process PSC @m Water He.ter PSC Comm€rcial HVAC Psc commercid Wndours and Ingl PSC Energysmart- Case Ugh$ng PSC Energvsmart- Industslal Ptoc PSC Food Servlce Equipm€rt PSC Green l,lobrs Rewind PSC tlgtrting E brior PSC tighting InErlor PSC ibbr Contrds IMAC Psc Standbry Gener.br Blod( SS Appli.nces SS HVAC @mbin€d ss HvAc ll€dung SS Industsill Process 55 Ughtng ExErior SS ulrhtng l,lErior rrh fi7,7$ o L62rrP66al o 183378 78:ilt33 52+16.2 ,1,6.21 t435 s3L5r7 133r,168 16L987 1.6+tl+4,44 r.560,rnt o ta,azl. ?,r+,+g 7oil.626 lwh2 TotatLwh+Lwt2o x7,7u)ooo L621, o oo 183o 785o s24o 71,o5o s31-a\7ot ,.71t, o o o o o o o o pe.78 IDAHO - DSM PROGRAMS STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES Encrgy savings rre YID gross, rmclnhretcd sevings. RP t{AlD Elcctlc $tlhl Reg U Nonrss WA|DGa(dreml Rss u Nonos Totd ytd acl ytd faryet 2,{}8,418 3,642,055 11,#1 309,989 6.155 680 4.782.789 8,636,559 I,24,83:' ytd aci ytdtarget 35,1R 121,173 91 9,527 93.132 153.333 14,3!16 294,333 % ofytd target annachieved targot 66r'6 2,@2,333 13% 1,859,933 1299t 28.696.ru 98* 52,e+9,000 X gd rarget annadrieved targot 30* 728,W 'D6 57,160 tt* 980.000 41 1,766,000 95 ann target achieved 1196 2% 219r 16% % ann target Adrieved 596 09. 10% 7% Example of WD Energy Savrngs Report Overall Program Management: Program Manager/Manager Customer Relationship/Project Management: Account Executives and/or Program Manager (Avista) Program Tracking: Program Manager and/or Program Coordinator (Avista) Technical support: DSM Engineers (Avista) Outreach support External Comm unications (Avista) Analytical support: DSM Analysts (Avista) PG.79 IDAHO - DSM PROGRAMS STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES Program Name: Gommercial Windows and lnsulation Program Program Design: The Commercial Windows and lnsulation program en@urages non-residential customers to improve the envelope of their building by upgrading windows and adding insulation. This may make a business more energy efficient and comfortable. This prescriptive rebate approach issues payments to the customer after the measure has been installed. Eligibility guidelines for participation include, but may not be limited to: confirmation of electric heating usage, invoices and insulation and/or window data. Pre and/or post inspection for insulation and/or windows may occur as necessary throughout the year. Program lmplementation: The Commercial Windows and lnsulation Program are available to provide an incentive to electric (Schedule 11,12,21,25) customers forthe purchase and installation of energy efficient windows and insulation. Rebates must be submitted to Avista within 90 days of installation of equipment. Documentation required for this rebate is a completed rebate form along with an invoice showing material purchased and project cost, as well as, an insulation certificate for insulation install and specs for windows. After verification, rebates will be processed and checks issued to customer. Rebates amounts per qualifled unit are listed above. Rebate forms are available in hard copy format or in editable versions. Less than R4 Wall lnsulation to R-11-R18 Retrofit .30 per square foot 3 Less than R4 Wall lnsulation to R19 or above Retrofit .35 per square foot 4 Less than R11 Attic lnsulation to R30-R44 Retrofit .20 per square foot I Less than R11 Attic lnsulation to R45 or above Retrofit .25 per square foot 1 Less than R11 Roof lnsulation to R30 or above Retrofit .25 per square foot I Windows U-Factor of .35 or less and SHGC .35 .50 per square foot 3 or Less NC Windows U-Factor of .35 or less and SHGC .35 .50 per square foot 3 or Less Retro pe.80 IDAHO - DSM PROGRAMS STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES Copy of Commercial lnsulation and Windows rebate form h ldaho Commercial Windows ^ffivtstl and lnsulation Program lf the scope of your project does not fit into the parameters of this program, please contact your Avista Account Executive PRIOR to beginning your prolect. You may be eligible for a site specific or custom incentive. Visit avistautilities.com for more information. Additional Terms & Conditions listed on last page. Rebate Offer: Rebates are available for the installatior{ of qualifying insulation and windows. Rebates are available for commercial facilities whose primary heat source is Avista electric on a nonresidential retail rate schedule. Details of this program. including rebate levels, are subject to change without prior notice. Proof of Purchase: Copies of invoice(s) itemizing the materials purchased and labor charges, if applicable, with verification of U-Factor, solar heat gain coefficient and square feet for windows and R-Value and square feet for insulation must accompany this Agreement. Forms without verification cannot be processed. Rebate Agreement must be returned within 90 days of installation. Windows and insulation must be contractor installed. Contractor must certify cost, square footage, existing and new levels of insulation and/or cost, square footage, U-Factor and SHGC of windows. lnvoices must be itemized. Payment: Equipment must be purchased and installed before payment can be issued. Rebate payments will not exceed invoiced cost. Rebates are not valid in combination with any other Avista incentiveVrebates. Allow 4-6 weeks for processing and payment of rebate. Verification: Avista reserves the right to verify installations anytime before or after payment is issued. Terms & Conditions Program Tracking: The Commercial Windows and lnsulation Program data is captured in the SalesLogix database. The account, customer contact, measure information, voucher request and all documentation is scanned and entered into this database as explained in the site specific section earlier in this document. PG.81 IDAHO _ DSM PROGMMS STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES Example of Saleslogix screen shof - Main Account level Program Reporting: Monthly reports are pulled automatically using the Cognos reporting tool. Cognos pulls current data from the SalesLogix database and emails an excel spreadsheet to the DSM Analysts. This report identifies the number of rebates that were processed during the previous month with the estimated kilowatt hour and therms savings achieved. These reports are consolidated by the Analyst team and sent electronically to the Managers, Account Executives, Program Managers, Program Goordinators and DSM Engineers to review (excel spreadsheet: Year Month YTD Savings Non-res.xls). The totals are used to report preliminary savings goals to internal and external stakeholders including the monthly email table (YTD Energy Savings - Month Year). Fh Edit Viil lnscrt Sdtcduk toohlp Wfu Took t{indor }Hp "--, €l H g cs ")lElEl a dl t e @ d alss alq ffi ccor{ -,-IB )odda\w portrril B rdi\ilb B ;:re C rou.i,-g Po*Fak,lD $fi4 Fcv[ffis] Fcd Tar lD: T;pc: '!S9L*__ _ _strtu$ @--_-] Kay Ft*acrcnt E Mdr iEqlqggEl---]Far i!stll,.:--_JTotFrca ij1{ilti fMise l_ -_- _- i--____- -:_:*__ _,_ci pc.82 IDAHO - DSM PROGRAMS STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES Example of Commercial Windows and lnsulation report from SalesLogix Example of YTD A/on Res Savings Report- Month Meesure PSc commercaal windows and lnsul PSC Commercial Windows and lnsul PSC commercial Windows and lnsul PSC Commercaal Windows and lnsul PSC Commercial Wndows and lnsul PSC Commercial Windows and lnsul PSC Commercial Windows and lnsul Psc commercial windows and lnsul Psc commercia! Windows and hsul PSC Commercia! windows and lnsul PSC Commercial Windows and lnsul Pfias€ Completed completed Completed Completed Completed Completed Completed Completed Completed Completed Completed o2-tL-?,J,t4 o2-25-mt4 02-2&2014 36 o}-L4-mt4 217.49 03-!r-2014 469.65 0:l-1+2r14 75.1!' o3-2t-m46,[,,.72 0:l-21-2014 2i85L7L o}.2E-?Ot4 !1534,66 03-2&m14 311.58 04-04-2014 1169.68 2315 3ls 194 t3t7 75 xM 1el 4m 27 4oL4 ZI7 m!27 fi397 1!'28 l(D 72,f) rn8 Measure Co6t 51276.62 2764() 406.5 s168.69 15002.53 2610.4 368!t.73 2415,,J4 56:li(l ilxno 42i27t.78 tlate lncentlve Bec tncentive Gas l(wh Iherm ta73.05 2395.(B 3!t6.91 Tn.?3 1j16.59 1075.21 515.28 llr:t4.82 fo.rr€s set hgs thrutgh 3/3f/f{ Ieasur€IYDC tlvAc Combtned HVAC tleafng hdustrhl Process PSC Com W.Er Heater PSC Commerdd HVAC Psc Comm€rdal Wndows and In$,l tEC Eoergysmlrt- clse UghtrE PSC Energysmar} Industrlal Proc PSC Food S€Mce Equlpment PSC Green Motors Revvlnd PsC tirhting Ecerlor PSC tillhung lnterlor PSC ttlobr Confob HVAC PSC Standby Generlbr Blo* SS Appllances ss HVAC Comblned SS IMAC Heafng SS IndusHll Process SS Lightng Ecerior SS L{rhtng IntErlor hfllr x7,78,, o t\oil"1l,lreat o 183378 78!rp33 s2+t62 11,621 5,a5 s3L617 L3I,158r6L987+,ffi ryn,{2+ L56&r$r o 74,422ar1,+t7t+i:6 t{nr 2 o o o o o o o o o o o-aL7Ot o o o o o o o 0 7+52r t'.41. v94,tl,5t1 m1 PG.83 IDAHO _ DSM PROGRAMS STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES Energy savings are YII) gross. uaeraluated savings. WAIDElectlc$tltf Res U Nonrss Fd aci yld target 2,4,8,418 3,682,05s i[1,'151 309,989 6.156.680 1.782.789 8,636,559 8,24,8:'3 % ofytd targct acftieved 6696 13% 129% 98% ann target 2.,092,333 1,8tt9,933 28.696.734 52,619,000 ann targot 7a.,W 57,160 980.000 1,766,000 % ann target adrieved 11% 2% 21% 16j6 % ann targot Achieved 5% 0% 't0% 7* WAD G.r (Orerml * ytd rarget ytd ad ytdtarget acfiieved Res 36,'lZ1 121,1n 30% u 91 9.527 l% Nonres 93.132 163.333 gllf Totd 14,3!16 294,333 U% Example of WD Energy Savrngs Report Overall Program Management: Program Manager/Manager Customer Relationship/Project Management: Account Executives and/or Program Manager (Avista) Program Tracking: Program Manager andior Program Coordinator (Avista) Technical support: DSM Engineers (Avista) Outreach su pport: External Com m u nications (Avista ) Analytical support: DSM Analysts (Avista) PG.84 *r ( /rt4l I IDAHO - DSM PROGRAMS STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES Residential Programs Residential General Overview The Company's Residential portfolio includes two primary methods of program delivery to encourage customers to make energy efficiency choices for their home. The traditional rebate application approach is the main method of program implementation. The Company also utilizes third-party contractors for other programs that may require additional technical assistance or have available the appropriate resources for implementation. Both methods are described below starting with the rebate application approach. Residentia! Rebate Programs Residential rebate program eligibility typically covers single family homes up to a 4-plex. The rebate programs are the largest component of the residential portfolio. This approach uses financial incentives to encourage customers to adopt a qualifying energy efficiency measure. Customers must complete installation and apply for a rebate, submitting proper proof of purchase, and/or other documentation to the Company typically within 90 days from project completion. Customers can submit this form in hard copy or on-line through www.avistautilities.com. For multi-family residences (S-plex or larger), owners/developers may choose to treat the entire complex with an efficiency improvement. ln these unique cases, the projects are treated as a commercial project and are evaluated within the site-specific program or other commercial rebate programs as applicable that have been previously described in this document. Third-party implementers are also engaged to deliver programs to residential customers. Refrigerator and freezer recycling and a regional manufacturer buy-down for small devices such as compact fluorescent lamps and showerheads are currently available in the Company's service territory and are described in further detail later in this document. The residential program may also include coordination with regional efforts, such as those offered by the Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance (NEEA). Currently the active regional efforts include ENERGY STAR homes, consumer electroniqs, ductless heat pumps, and standard improvements for new heat pump water heating technologies. The Company may offer local rebates or additional promotion in support of NEEA market transformation projects as reflected in the ENERGY STAR Homes program that is also explained later in this document. Customers can find rebate forms along with program information and guidelines under the under the Energy Savings tab on avistautilities.com. pe.86 IDAHO - DSM PROGRAMS STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES Flnd Encrgy E ncilncy Rrbat . Wh.t typ. o, rebrta3 .n you looiln! tor? Sd.ctFrtfab bdowb vhxar!a.6L lr{.ranfl hcidvc" ln lieu of a hard-copy form, an on-line rebate application is also available. Example Online Rebate screen ldaho R!3idrntial Rcbatcr Ef,ergy is pail ol out mryda, llves+omeliing many ot us take ror gBded. Bul as lha dsmand to. ener0yonlinues l0 indsasa. along wih our populaton and numbcrot@mmunily bustness6s. Arlsta mnts lo ensure we'm meetngth. dlmandtor onoroy as eftdentt, and costetlodvety as Dossibte. Adsta ofeE rebates to sn@urag6 oslomeas to imprw t ro Bnergy efi ciencl orlheir homas. ldrho Reb.t Ptognm Upd.tar Lfiin -1ir: abourtthe 2014 rebats program. Curenl Residential Rabrtai and lncandvas pl!a* note TIB$ .Birtlr !9dy to o3ldot d oltomE h t rho wto ue Avlrb clcl,lc ar th€tqm's mdo hed&lo s@. Hm! tirt s{ Avl3tt mturd !E a $a m*! hatdio sE !Bqmtl, m( e6!&le b paricfatr. II8 home's billing iistory wilt be Bi€wed ed must demonstratra lhat progBm minimum lmls olelrdtcit, were us6d during l,le prealos hoating ssason tn o.der to b€ eligible tor the rebates relalsd to loa hqt mBloo3, hJdltbo .tti utrdm, Ptease @ntad Avista and asktorlhe,esadstal rebias depadnanito confim yourproJad3 atigibitit . All imprryemenls must De contracbr installedto be elitibte lota rsbate. A9plicalion toms along wit r suppoding doomenbton must b€ submited to luista lor relate onsideElionwihin 90 d3ys 0ttis @mplated installalion- Click on tie links belilto be takeo to fie r8bato page @ntainino prog.am etigibfity and guideilnes. pe.87 IDAHO - DSM PROGRAMS STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES Residential Programs Tracking and Reporting: Each residential program that is mentioned below has its own tracking and reporting component. There is additional monitoring that is done quarterly to review the volume of traditional and on-line rebates that are submitted. This reporting mechanism is a result of the implementation of the on-line rebate portal that went live in 2012. The on-line rebate capability attempts to streamline a variety of rebate processing activities that include but are not limited to: reduce the amount of errors or pending information from customers before rebate processing can begin, reduce potential data entry errors, encourage customers to receive a bill credit vs. a check to reduce the amount of accounts payable time and expense, not to mention providing a customer a technology choice by submitting the rebate on-line. The YTD 2014 Stats Report is a quarterly report that is an accumulation of the daily statistics related to the rebates received. The Rebates team tracks daily the number of rebates received, how many can be processed as is (without customer follow-up), how many will receive a check, how many will receive a bill credit, how many came in as hard copy form and how many came through the onJine rebate portal. This snapshot allows the team to track the volume of rebates throughout a year and to track the effect the on-line rebate portal has in relation to the traditional hard copy form submittal. Example YTD 2014 Stafs Report Process lmrovementActuals ql2(llrl Mailed Apdication with Rebate by Check 58% 1161s6 Application with Rebate by Credit 4L% yyES lpplication wilh Rebde by Check L% Web Apdication with Rebate by Credil O$ Q2mX2 Q32O1'lqpI,,:2 CU2O13 100x 9096 8096 70x 609{ 5096 4a% 3096 2A% !o% o% rWcbApplication wfi Rebatc by Credit . WebApplicaton with Rcbatc by Check I Mailed Application with RebaE by Crcdit r M.ilcd Applkaton with Rebatc by Chcck "r*t,'*,*t,,**" pc.88 IDAHO _ DSM PROGRAMS STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES otal Rebates 2{}/1i2 1,fl42 1,595 L,ffit0 935 2013 2t)13(w/o E+} XYL4 868 4$4 473 765 qE 307 January February March April May June July August September October November December 9(}3 915 952 89a 1,1@ 1,6?5 1,O35 T'A 477 207 zil 239 207 330 357 454 327 6397tl',247 S,il14 342 616 20,6 263 239 207 329 357 43r 327 639 74,276 L396 The following is program information as it applies to the typical residential rebate application process. Later in the document will be an explanation of the residential 3'd Party implemented programs. pc.89 IDAHO - DSM PROGRAMS STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES Program Name: ENERGY STAR@ Homes Program Design: Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance (NEEA) administers a regional program for the construction of ENERGY STAR certified homes. Avista supports this effort by providing a rebate for homes that are constructed (or sited) in the Company's service territory and successfully make it through the ENERGY STAR certification process. After the launch of NEEA's regional effort, the manufactured homes industry established manufacturing standards and a labeling program to obtain ENERGY STAR certified manufactured homes. While the two approaches are unique, they both offer 15-25% savings versus the baseline and offer comparable savings. The following measures are available for rebates with associated savings per unit. Program lmplementation: Available to residential electric customers (Schedule 1)with a certified ENERGY STAR Home or ENERGY STAR/ECO Rated Manufactured Home that is all electric or is Avista electric for lights and appliances and natural gas for space and water heating. A certified ENERGY STAR Home provides energy savings beyond code requirements for Iights, appliance, space and water heat. Space heating equipment can be either electric forced air or electric heat pump. This rebate may not be combined with other Avista individual measure rebate offers (e.9.: high efficiency water heaters). Rebate forms are available in hard copy format or editable versions online. Example of ENERGY SfAR Home rebate form Stick built - Electric 4734 kwh $1,000 Manufactured w/ furnace 6847 kwh $800 Manufactured w/ heat pump 4390 kwh $800 ENERGY STAR/ECO-Rated Homes Rebate Form Please fill out each section that applies. Be sure to attach the original ENERGY STAR/ECO.Rated Certification and involces or leglble coples. Must include certificate and proof of heating system and hot water installation. ENERGY STAR/EcoRated Home i E'{ERGY 'TAi MEAST'RE sfiE ro r or (ExnH(ATror{ I vEFrftEi DATE VERIFIEO Pf,NTANY HEAI SOURCI ENANO MO'XL I DAIE CO'*rulI r Electric Natural Gas I j: WAIln HSATCN MODEL 'OATE COMPtEIE pe.90 IDAHO - DSM PROGRAMS STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES Program Tracking: The ENERGY STAR Homes program is captured in the Company's CSSMorkplace under the Customer Program Container. The icon "Residential Energy Eff Rebate Program WA/ID" tracks the ENERGY STAR rebates along with the other residential prescriptive rebate programs in this category. Example of CSS&I/orkplace Residential Energy Eff Rebate Program WA Program Reporting: Monthly reports are pulled automatically using the Cognos reporting tool. Cognos pulls current data from the Company's CSSMorkplace and emails an excel spreadsheet to the DSM Analysts along with the Program Manager and Program Coordinator who review the data for accuracy. These reports identify the number of rebates that were processed during the previous month and the estimated kilowatt-hour or therms savings achieved. Two separate reports are available and are explained below. The totals from these reports are used to inform preliminary savings goals to internal and external stakeholders including the monthly email table (YTD Energy Savings - Month Year). RE Rcbatc Wndm: Produ<tion lfleb Flip Chatt App Rcvd Datc liffi1{ -Invoice Oatc Pryment Proccssrd Datc c Chcck ; Hot Watcr Tank-- i(. Elcctric ] C Nrtural Gas ] C CrcdittoAccount ; Primary Hcat Sourcc-1 lE ENERGY srAR HoME - sflcx BUI-T, rD :J PG.91 IDAHO - DSM PROGRAMS STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES Residential Rebate Program by State: is a summary report of the year to date totals of the number of rebates processed, the type of rebate, amount of energy savings claimed, amount of rebates paid and other related fields. Example of Residential Rebate Program by State report Residential Rebate Program by Customer: shows the Year to Date acquisition by individual customer name and site address, along with square footage and year of the home, application received date and application paid date along with many of the fields listed above. Example of Residential Rebate Program by Customer report 4,217 1,36 6,879 16,t2.. €,0€ 3,m7 26,356 14,0{8 6,45 9,67 I I 2I 4 I 11 4 32 2 3 I 4 2 5I I 1t 4 32 2 3 ID RE3 RE8 REC RE RE RE!,! Rn1 RR2 RR3 Rn7 RRA E ATnC I}ISLI.ATIOiI WTIH ETCIRIC }CAT E R@R DSI.ATION WIIH AECIRIC TEAT E WAI I}€IIA"TION WIIH BTCIRIC }CAT E E.ECIRICTO MTLRAI. GAS WA'IER }EATEN, E AECIRICTO |IA.IIN^L GAS RN'{ACE E AtR SOI.RCE}EAT R'/P E AECIRIC TO AIR Sq.RCE F€AT R,|f E VARIAA-E SPED I{OTOR E WITOOW REPTC FRcl,I DCI.BE P$€ W AEC E wllool,r, RERC FRo.,I S!!gE P,ll€ w AEC F 1,222.9 2.4.5{) 1,395.5{' Llm.m 3,IX).m LOo.m 3,000.m 3,200.m 1,554.m r,235.m RE3 EEICruCWATT,TEAIB 1 RE8 EAMCIqI.AIUIMI}IBTCIRI(IfAT I REE EAMCSETAIU{WIIHBECIRICItAT I REE EAITICDE,IrIO'IWTHAECTRICEAT ! RE8 EATTICDANTTrcflIUIHATIRTEAT I REC ERMDTCIAIU{WITXAECIf,trI€AT 1 REC ER(NINIAIOIWMIEEONICICAT 1 l)o.m 96 0521$ t659 0 2r5.m {l 0a5.o 1160 0x.$ 215 0 211(I) Lrr 0RE EW{tl!8.tArlCatt{IItEECntrEAT I 3U.m llr 0RE EWTIIINIIAIIO{WAEICIRtr}C^T ! TLM L$T O RE EWAUlSlArIOtWITriBrCnrrf^T ! {21$ L5{ 0 OABE OABE DTTEC rGlnE D IIEE IGIRD6 DAAE D AIBE 83501tlrtrr bur t:autartru barr tsrrttr I Flb 2J,z)t{ Urm$}$l F6A,z)ll Um.m t Flb O,z)r tlmrmr!,| Fd O, Ill llmrmI Jil6,Ar4U0!m!r,l Ja9, Dl{12fl}m I F$ 22, Lt{ lzmrmrfi Fd 2a 201112:0&m I J&8,!t{tz(I):mrr,l lr9, Aremrm I Flb 22, Dl. lzm:$ril F6 22, Atl Um:m I Frb2J, Dt{ l2jm:mfl FtbA,Ir l:l00:m I bI,Dl{Ufi:Orr,l lnI, a)t1 l:trm:mt ]il8,D$tlmfi ,0.1 ril9,z)t{ PG,92 IDAHO - DSM PROGRAMS STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES Example of WD Energy Savings Enagy raviags rrc YID grosr, uncna&retcd sevings. wAro Eh(ilk GrYh) Reg u i,lonrug WAlDGarfln rtnl R.t U Noffes Totd 2,88,418 3,682,055 /tl,'151 309,98I) 93.111 163.333 ur,1r6 294,34t 66tr z2,tt2,?B 1394 r,8tt9,933 fl% !n0.000 41 1,765,000 f amta'gct adricved 1r% 2% 21'A 16r f ann ta,got Achievcd 5% ota r!,l t* y{d target am ytd acl ytd t rgd adfwed tzg6t 6.156-680 1.782.799 12ftl[ 28.6!16-73'l 8,636,559 8,24,833 98* 52,48,000 tytdr.t$t ann ytd acl ytd tz$t edicvrd tagit fiJn Q1,173 3016 724,U0 91 9.527 1% ',.160 Overall Program Management: Program Manager/Manager Program Delivery: Program Coordinator and Program Manager (Avista) Program Tracking: Program Coordinator and Program Manager (Avista) Technical suppor[ DSM Engineers (Avista) Outreach support: External Com m unications (Avista) Analytical support: DSM Analysts (Avista) IDAHO _ DSM PROGRAMS STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES Program Name: Fuel Efficiency Program Design: To encourage the use of natural gas as the home's primary fuel; the Company's fuel efficiency program offers a rebate for the conversion of electric straight resistance heat to natural gas as well as the conversion of electric hot water heaters to natural gas models. Avista has offered a fuel conversion program since the 1990s. While the majority of the service territory may have benefitted from this type of program and variations of it in recent years, there may be customers who have just received natural gas to their neighborhood or who may be a new resident in a home that was never converted to gas. The direct use of natural gas continues to be the most efficient fuel choice when available, and over time offers the most economic value in the operating costs of the equipment. While natural gas prices may have fallen, the cost of infrastructure continues to rise, both for the utility as well as for the customer's installation cost. The following measures are available for rebates with associated savings per unit. Program lmplementation: Available to Avista residential electric (Schedule 1) customers to convert their existing straight resistance electric space heat to a natural gas furnace; and/or their existing electric water heater to a natural gas water heater. The home must have utilized 4,000 or more kilowatt hours of electric space heat during the previous winter season to be eligible. Customers with existing natural gas service may be eligible for the space heat conversion if billing records indicate that they did not have natural gas heat serving the majority of the residence prior to the date of installation. High-efficiency natural gas equipment is not required for installation. Customers may convert to any utility that provides naturalgas service. Rebate forms are available in hard copy format or editable versions online. Electric to natural gas conversion - space heat - waier heat 12,012 4,031 $eoo moElectric to natural gas conversion pe.94 IDAHO - DSM PROGRAMS STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES Example of Fuel Efficiency rebate form (Home lmprovement) onversions From Electric Replacenrent of Electric 5traight Resistance as Prinrary Heat Electric to Natural Gas Fumace - S900 ct Electri(baJeboard tr Forcedairfumare PREVIOUS HEAT SOURCE BRAND E Electric to Air Source Heat Pump - 5900 o Ele(tric ba*board El Forced air fumace Pf,EVIOU5 HEATSOURCE BRANO E Electric to Natural GasWater Heater - $300 Program Tracking: The Fuel Efficiency program participants are captured in the Company's CSSMorkplace under the Customer Program Container. The icon "Residential Energy Eff Rebate Program WA.ID" tracks the fuel conversion rebates along with the other residential prescriptive programs in this category. Example of CSS/Vlorkplace Residential Energy Eff Rebate Program WA Tmpld6 Windffi PDduction vie wlb flip €h.n R6id6ti.l Ens$/ Efi Rrbfr Pognm WA/ID lUitiddl RtRrb.t Uindff P.od*rir Wtb FfiPChxt App Rcvd D.t. lol-o:El- Irui(.D.t. Rlb't'opliom -FomR<rivsd--- 'l - AcGouRTyPc i ag6hnk.[y(W.b) aE.t&h.dRci.lftG : , Il:*1 _____--.,' t.dcoffi<tih_ __r H@.sqttg [6- v-rauift R.b.t.std!t f--- P+,mGnt Pd6rd Dt a Ch<k a CdittoA(cout p PrimryllatSoorc I.ltdw.t6T.nl i i cEtc(tk Ir^ Etr<tk i i . N.rrat GE iaN.tunlc& i i aoths I PG.95 IDAHO _ DSM PROGRAMS STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES Program Reporting: Monthly reports are pulled automatically using the Cognos reporting tool. Cognos pulls current data from the Company's CSSMorkplace and emails an excel spreadsheet to the DSM Analysts along with the Program Manager and Program Coordinator who review the data for accuracy. These reports identify the number of rebates that were processed during the previous month and the estimated kilowatt-hour or therms savings achieved. Two separate reports are available and are explained below. The totals from these reports are used to inform preliminary savings goals to internal and external stakeholders including the monthly email table (YTD Energy Savings - Month Year). Residential Rebate Program by State: is a summary report of the year to date totals of the number of rebates processed, the type of rebate, amount of energy savings claimed, amount of rebates paid and other related fields. Example of Residential Rebate Program by State report Residential Rebate Program by Customer: shows the Year to Date acquisition by individual customer name and site address, along with square footage and year of the home, application received date and application paid date along with many of the fields listed above. Example of Residential Rebate Program by Customer report €&r -1,5fr 0 0 0 0 0 110 1,217 1,386 5,879 t6,12+ €,0€ 3,m7 x,3% 1{,Ot8 6,46 9,M7 II 2 I I 4 11 I 32 2 II 2 5I 4 11 4 32 2 3 RE8 REC RE RE. RE},I RRl RR,2 RR3 RR,7 RRA E ATIIC I}EIATICI{ T{TIH E.ECIRIC TCAT E ROOR II{S.IAIC[{ WIIH EECIRIC FCAT E WAI DiSIANOil WITH EIECIRIC TCAT E EECIRIC TO NATtruL GAS WATER ICATB E E.ECIRICTO MTINA. GAS FINNACE E AIR SOTNCE TCAT PTNP E BECIRIC IO AIR SOTNCE |CAT PI.if E vALlAAf SPEED tt4olm E WII,DOVII REPIC FRcll,T DCT.EE PAI€ W EIfC E wtl,ooll, REPLC FRCl,l SII,EE PAIG W BEC I 30.m r,222,9 2€.50 1,395.50 1,100.m 3,m.00 1,lm.m 3,000.m 3,200.m 1,564.m 1,235.m I l0.m l$ 0t ttr.m 9,s 0I 52!.$ 169 0 1 2$.m 411 0l ar.m LB 0I 36.$ 215 0 r 2lzm tro 01 3r5.m l"3r 0r 36t.o 1,511 0| 47Zn L516 0 RE8 E ATIIC I}8.I.A'IIO{I{IfiAEORIC ICAT REE EATIICD€IAIIO{fiIHAECIRICIEII REt EAmCI[gr IOifiIHArCmCr€AT REE EAmcltdrtnc.tffnalonlcl€^T REC ER0fi.I}qIAIO{WIIHAECIRICiCAT REC ERoe'SGUrnOlmTHafmUClfAT RE EIYTUESI.AIIOIMIHAEORICICAT RE E "fAI E8.I.A'IO{ MTX EECIRICITAT RE Ei,IAIIISIAIOIWTHAfCIRICTEAT 8150r tlrctrr fuar.t trrs fuar fusrf,rr lrer tsg t Ja 6, I)t4 IZ(I):(D rr, lil 6, At{ I Flb 25, z)t{ IZm:00 {4 Fd A, Al4 I ru O, U4 ljlm:fi rr4 Fd O, Dl4l2:O:O I Jrl6, z)l{ 12fl,:ml,4 ld9, z)1{ l2:(x)rql r F.b 22, Dl4 em:m !l,l Fd Z, D14 lzmf,)! JaS,Dt4Llol[ar,l h9,Dl{lzmrm I Flb 22, z)t{ IZm:m rfi F6 22, Ar4 l1ft00 I Frb 25, l)l4 l}mfi rt,] Fd 8, l)K rzm:m I .h $, z)H l.lm:m r0{ ,, I, 2014 l2:Ofl I 1il8, l)l4 lZO:mrr4 ril9, Dl{12{D:fl) PG.96 IDAHO - DSM PROGRAMS STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES Encrgy savings are YfD gross, unernluated savings. IRP ood (reoi ttAlD Electlc (klltt| Res U Nonrcs WAIOGas(fiomt, Res U Nonres Totd targot achieved 6696 13'6 129% 98ra 95 ytd targsl acfileved 30ta 1% 5t% u% ann tar$t 2.,092,333 1,859,933 28.696-ru 52,61t,000 ann targst na.w 57,160 980_000 1,766.000 % ann target adrieved 1196 2% 21* 1699 % am targel Achieved 5r 09. 't0% 7* ytd act ytd tar$t 2,/88,418 3,682,055 11.161 309,989 6.155.680 1.782.789 8,636,559 I,24,8:'3 ytd acr ytd tar$r 36,17i' 121,173 9't 9.521 93.132 163.333 129,396 294,333 Example of YTD Energy Savings Overall Program Management: Program Manager/Manager Program Delivery: Program Coordinator and Program Manager (Avista) Program Tracking: Program Coordinator and Program Manager (Avista) Technical support: DSM Engineers (Avista) Outreach support External Comm u n ications (Avista ) Analytical support: DSM Analysts (Avista) PG.97 IDAHO - DSM PROGRAMS STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES Program Name: HVAC Program Design: The HVAC program encourages residential customers to select a high efficiency solution when making energy upgrades to their home. This prescriptive rebate approach issues payment to the customer after measure has been installed. Eligibility guidelines for participation include but may not be limited to: confirmation of electric or natural gas space heating usage, copies of project invoices and AHRI documentation (Air Conditioning, Heating and Refrigeration lnstitute). The following measures are available for rebates with associated savings per unit. Variable speed motor 439 kilowatt hours 4925 k'ilowatt hourls $100 $900-Electric to air source heat pump Program lmplementation: Available to residential electric (Schedule 1) who heat their homes with Avista electric are eligible to apply. Customers may be eligible for a rebate for the installation of a variable speed motor on forced air heating equipment or converting electric straight resistance space heat to an air source heat pump. The home must have utilized 4,000 or more kilowatt hours of electric space heat during the previous winter season to be eligible for the air source heat pump conversion. The variable speed motor may be installed in existing or new construction homes; electric straight resistance to air source heat pump conversion is for existing homes only. Rebate forms are available in hard copy format or in editable versions. pe.98 IDAHO _ DSM PROGMMS STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES Example of High Efficiency Equipment rebate form (Home lmprovement and New Construction) frvtsrt ldaho Residential Rebates Energy Efficiency Rebates for Existing and New Construction Residential Homes in ldaho High Efficiency Equipment Vari"rble 5;>eeci Motor Available for new construction and existing homes. A $100 rebate is available to Avista electric customers for installation of a primary heating forced air system that incorporates a variable speed motor. This rebate may be combined with a high efficiency rebate. Program Tracking: The Fuel Efficiency program participants are captured in the Company's CSSMorkplace under the Customer Program Container. The icon "Residential Energy Eff Rebate Program WA.ID" tracks the HVAC rebates along with the other residential prescriptive programs in this category pe.99 IDAHO _ DSM PROGRAMS STANDARD OPEMTING PROCEDURES Example of CSS/Workplace Residential Energy Eff Rebate Program WNID RERGblt Wirdnr Prcducfis Wlb Flipchrt appRcvdD.tr lEffiii- PrymatPucrcdDatc R.bltcoptioE CChxk acrcdittoA(GountInvoicc Dltc I r Fm Recivcd ------- -rrtI c Ekoniolt(wlb) |I r rapo lMril) irl Homcsqttg l0 YB.Euih lo RtbltlslrE l...............................................- Cmm6ts I Prim.y Het Sowcc IAccount Type --- - Hot Wds Trnk , i a BGct ic ICEstrblich.dREi.racc i; aEkbic f ; Cll*untGc i Sin c6t tffi-Fm-- Eff Raiing Rlbrt Ant Program Reporting: Monthly reports are pulled automatically using the Cognos reporting tool. Cognos pulls current data from the Company's CSSMorkplace and emails an excel spreadsheet to the DSM Analysts along with the Program Manager and Program Coordinator who review the data for accuracy. These reports identify the number of rebates that were processed during the previous month and the estimated kilowatt-hour or therms savings achieved. Two separate reports are available and are explained below. The totals from these reports are used to inform preliminary savings goals to internal and external stakeholders including the monthly email table (YTD Energy Savings - Month Year). Residential Rebate Program by State: is a summary report of the year to date totals of the number of rebates processed, the type of rebate, amount of energy savings claimed, amount of rebates paid and other related fields. PG.100 IDAHO - DSM PROGRAMS STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES RE8 REC RE RE. RE!,I RRI RR2 RR3 RR7 RRA E ATNC NSIIANON WIIH BECIRIC ICAT E H.@R U\EItrATION WIIH EIECIRIC rtAT E WAI INST.AIIOT.I WIIH AICIRIC FCAT E E.ECTRICTO NAIINAI GAS WAIER ICA'IER E ETECIRIC TO NATIXA GAS RN,{ACE E AN SOLRCE IEATPITf E EIECIRICTO AIR SclN,CE TCAT PtTf E VARIAA.E SPEED I,IOIOR E WITOOW Rt[C FRO|{ 00tEE PAr€ W EIfC E WII\DOtrrREPtC FRO,I SIIGE PATGwBTC t 1 4 2 5 4 4 11 4 32 2 3 4 4 t1 4 32 2 3 $.00 r,2u.9 2,S.50 1,395.50 1,lm.00 3,rn.m 1,lm.00 3,000.@ 3,200.00 t,564.m L236,00 110 4t2L7 1,386 6,8n L6,124 ia,oua 3,m7 26,355 14,0€ 6,436 9,067 Example of Residential Rebate Program by State report Residential Rebate Program by Customer: shows the Year to Date acquisition by individual customer name and site address, along with square footage and year of the home, application received date and application paid date along with many of the fields listed above. Example of Residential Rehate Program by Customer report RE3 EA.EORICT{AIBifAIB r X}.m tlo 0 1E8 EAIIIC0{CIATO|MTBBECTRICTIAT t I[.O 918 0RA EAmCtAr,qrOlWmAlCIlICtCAT l 52t$ 1659 0 REE EAmCINETffOImnAECmCiEAT t 26.m t1t 0 REl EAmCIIeIIIIC{m1HAECIuC}CAT t As.m Lt6, 0 nEc ER@RDErfiIO{WIIHBECIRT}EA1 t X,$ 215 0 REC ERMIIATAIIOTWIIHEECIRrcItAI I 2'ZM Ll'O O RE EWATIT9IAIIOT{ffiftATCIRrc|€A1 I 3E.M L3} l)RE EWruDAnAIIoail{IHATCruCEA? l SLm L$l 0 RE EWATTA.LAIIoilfiIHETCmCICAT I {2150 t,t15 0 I b 15, I) lzqlm,r4 b 15, Dt{trarr t ftb2i,rt{tzmmr{ ftba,rr{fuatr I F.b o. l)1,1l2:m:ma{ F.b lo. Dfltatr t Ja8,art2m:(Drr{ ro9,Dtttz(tr:fl)tlu r F.b2zaHtzm:mra F.bzLfrtqtzmlfrccnolae trr t J&8,ar4tzmimrrl brg,E(u:mrm otrTo.t c,anDa6 bs$ r rlb 22. Dr ftmfl rr,t Flb 22, 20ta tlmm mr o lgt fuatr t Ftb 25, ,r{ tzm:oo rri F.b a, rr{ Dmrmnov bsrt I t&r,Dl4om:mili J&r.t0t4&mrfl) tttr t rn8,2ol4tlm:mrfi Erg,Dtau$:0 PG.101 IDAHO - DSM PROGRAMS STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES Example of WD Savrngs Report Enagy savings rrc YII) gross, urcxr.luated savings. RP ooal (rcoi ttAD ElecElc (htYhl Res U Nonres WAIOG.!(thetm, Res U Nonras Totd ytd ac{ fld target 2,,lil8,,t18 3,582,055 11,151 309,989 6-156.680 1"782.789 8,635,559 I,24,833 ytd act ytd target 36,173 121,1T3 9'f 9,527 93.132 163.333 12S,396 294,333 % ofytd target adrieved 66% 13% 1n9r 9896 % ytd target adrieved 30i6 1% 5't* 4% ann targot 22,092,333 1,859,933 28.696.73't 52,649,000 ann targ€t 728,U0 57,160 980.000 't,766,000 % ann target adrieved t1% 2% 21% 16% % ann target Achieved 59. 0% 10% 7% Overall Program Management: Program Manager/Manager Program Delivery: Program Coordinator and Program Manager (Avista) Program Tracking: Program Coordinator and Program Manager (Avista) Technical support: DSM Engineers (Avista) Outreach support: External Communications (Avista) Analytical support: DSM Analysts (Avista) Pc.102 IDAHO _ DSM PROGRAMS STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES Program Name: Shell/Windows Program Design: The shell rebate encourages residential customers to improve their home's envelope with upgrades to insulation and windows. This prescriptive rebate approach issues payment to the customer after the measure has been installed. The following measures are available for rebates with associated savings per unit. Program lmplementation: Available to residential (Schedule 1) customers who heattheir homes with Avista electricity are eligible to apply. Eligibility guidelines for participation include but may not be limited to: confirmation of electric heating usage, itemized invoices including insulation levels or window values and square footage. Pre and/or post-inspection of insulation and windows may occur as necessary throughout the year. Customer must demonstrate a winter heating season electricity usage of 4,000 kilowatt hours to be eligible for insulation and window program participation. Addition of insulation that increases the R- value by R-10 or greater for both fitted/batt type and blow-in products are eligible. Windows with a U-factor of 0.30 or less that replace single or double pane winds are eligible. Rebate forms are available in hard copy format or in editable versions. Attic insulation R-19 or less 0.79 $0.1S/square foot Wall insulation R-5 or less 2.12 $0.25isquare foot Floor insulation R-5 or less 1.38 $0.2Qlsquare foot Window 0.30 u-factor or lower 212 $4.OO/square foot pe. 103 IDAHO - DSM PROGRAMS STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES Example of Shell and Windows rebate form h ldaho Residential Rebates Energy Efficiency Rebates for Existing and New Construction Residential Homes in ldaho Attach leglble coples of orlglnal itemlzed lnvolces (blds will not be accepted) along wlth other supporting documents as required and mall to: Avista - MSC-15 Resldentlal Rebates. P.O. Box 3727, Spokane, WA99220-3727. For more lnformatlon please call 8@-227 -9187 or emal I rebatesoavlttautlllties.com. Rebates will be automatl(ally be sent as a che<k to your malllng address. lf you would p.efer a credit to your Avlsta account, please mark thls box: .. Weatherization - E standard E Attac Insulation - $0.15 per sq ft. SQUARE FOOTAGE OLD R-VALUE trl Wall lnsulation - $0.25 per sq ft. tl SQUARE FOOTAGE OLD R-VALUE E Floor lnsulation - S0.20 per sq ft. SQUARE F'OOTAGE OI.D R.VALUE EI Windows - S4.00 per sg ft. Itr Single pane tr Double SQUARE FOOTAGE oLD CTASS PG.104 IDAHO _ DSM PROGRAMS STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES Program Tracking: For the insulation and window program participants - monthly reports are captured in the Company's CSSMorkplace under the Customer Program Container. The icon "Residential Energy Eff Rebate Program WA.lD" tracks the insulation and window rebates along with the other residential prescriptive programs in this category Example of CSSAAlorkplace Residential Energy Eff Rebate Program WA/ID I yKUUMM PAKI&PN L6m( rEgaam Lomms i{l,tomcrPqm Temphtg windowt Production Vis W.b FlipCh6d rir Rgidrdial En.rgy Eff R€batc Pognm WA/ID lE Rcbatr Wndru Prcduction Wcb Flip Ch.tt App Rryd D.t. I 0141.r0-i1 Palmot Prc<cscd Dat InvoicrDrt! Rcb.tcoptioG a Ch6k f CrcdittoAc(ount ; Primrry Het Sourcc : - FomR(.ivcd - - A<countTyp. -Hotw.tsT.nk - -, r. Elacki( C Elccmnicrlly (Wti) r ' .. Establish.d Reidocc i (- Bdtic (. l,latural Gu CPapa(Mail) (-NdCorutructio" I l^N.tunlGE , Cg1to ---- I l-'---,--- ) I "_.__ I ltomc sq ftg lT- vor guilt Rcb.t st tu5 l----------l Commcnti M6uE si. [-- rrn*ing Instlrr D.rr co5t I to'oo- R.batlarnt lElo Est t(t/H saingr 16- Est Thm swingt add I .*nn. I ,o*. I ,n-ro*. I .,-, I Program Reporting: Monthly repofis are pulled automatically using the Cognos reporting tool. Cognos pulls current data from the Company's CSSMorkplace and emails an excel spreadsheet to the DSM Analysts along with the Program Manager and Program Coordinator who review the data for accuracy. These reports identify the number of rebates that were processed during the previous month and the estimated kilowatt-hour or therms savings achieved. Two separate reports are available and are explained below. The totals from these reports are used to inform preliminary savings goals to internal and external stakeholders including the monthly email table (YTD Energy Savings - Month Year). Residential Rebate Program by State: is a summary repoft of the year to date totals of the number of rebates processed, the type of rebate, amount of energy savings claimed, amount of rebates paid and other related fields. PG.105 IDAHO - DSM PROGRAMS STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES RE8 REC REE REL RE!,| RRI RR2 RR3 RR7 RNA E ATTIC D6[tAno.I WIIH E1ECIRICTCAT E n-@RITS'.ATIC{ WTIH AECIRICTCAT E WAI I,{STI.ATION WIIH EECIRIC }CAT E AECIRIC TO I{AIINA GAS WA]R }CA'IER E EECIRICTO NATINA GAS RNNACE E AIR SCI,RCE }CAT PLlrP E AECIRICTOAlR Sq.RCE IEATnlD E VAR.IASI.ESPEDMOT*' E WIIOOTTJ REPLC FRO,I DC.AE PATG W EEC E W}OOW REPLC FRO',I $ltclE PAIIC W EIEC } I 4 2 5 4 4 lt 4 32 2 3 I{ 2 4 I I 1l 4 32 2 3 r,m L22250 2€.50 1,395.50 1,rm.m 3,AD.m Llm.00 3,(xro.00 3,200,00 1,564.00 1,236.00 11() 1,2t7 1,386 5,879 16,t21 €,0€ 3,m7 6,356 14.0.S 6,14 9,067 Example of Residential Rebate Program by State report Residential Rebate Program by Customer: shows the Year to Date acquisition by individual customer name and site address, along with square footage and year of the home, application received date and application paid date along with many of the fields listed above. Example of Residential Rebate Program by Customer report RE EATIEI}€I.AIIOILIIIHAECNICIf,AT 1 Xx),M 948 () RE EAINCDqIfiTflMTHBfCIRICIfAT 1 521$ T6S () |8! E AITIC rO[AlU{ WIIH afCIRr |EAT 1 2r6.m 4{t 0 RE EATMDATAMtfifiAICntrtf T I $5.m \1fi 0 nEc Ea.mRDqrmo{mrHBrcrrucEAr I I.$ 216 0 nEc EnmRranfircflwllHafoilcl€AT I 2rzm ,"D0 0 f,E En&.DAn rO{MlHArCnr}Ar I 3r5m $r 0RE EIYAIDATAIOIMilAEORI TC^T 1 TLM L5]1 () E EWAIDAI.AIOIIIWHAECIRIC}CAI L 1ZLyJ T5T O t Ja t6, Il{UOrmrfi Jrl 16,Dl4 bgt+ t tlb 25, a!1 u:m:m ll.t Fd E, 20rlbgtr I Flb o, r11t2:o:m rfi F$ o, totl&etr t Jil8,at{Dm:m& J49,DHtsu r F.b 22, rl1 u:m:o $r Flb 22, Dt+trg I bE,Dratzororr{ b9,rr tar t ftb a rt1 l20m rr{ Flb 22, rr{trr+ t F625, rrramrorrl FdB, rt{trl t JriI,l)t{tl(I}r(I)r!,r JoI),DI{fuet+ I laS,atll}mmar .h9,u{ PG.106 IDAHO _ DSM PROGRAMS STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES Encrgy savings rrc YfD gross. unerraluated savings- RP WAID Electlc ($Ultl Res U Nonres lYAlDGr!($etml Res U Nonrss Totd ytd act ytd ta€ot 2,438,418 3,682,055 l'.t,61 309,989 6.156.680 4.782.789 8,636,559 I,24,833 ytd act yid target 36,1R 121,473 9't 9,527 93.132 153.333 129,3!'6 294,33 % of ytd target adrieved 66t5 13% 129% 98% * ytd target ad{eved 30% 1t6 57* 4% ann target 2..092.333 1,859,933 28.696.734 52,649,000 ann targot tn,u0 57,160 980.000 1,766,000 % ann target achieved 11% 2% 21% 16% 96 ann targot Adrieved 5% 0% 1096 7* Example of WD Savrngs Report Overall Program Management: Program Manager (Avista) Program Delivery: Program Coordinator, Program Manager (Avista) Program Tracking: Program Coordinator, Program Manager (Avista) Technical support: DSM Engineers (Avista) Outreach support: External Communications (Avista) Analytical support: DSM Analysts (Avista) Pc.107 IDAHO _ DSM PROGRAMS STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES Program Name: Water heat Program Design: The water heat program encourages residential customers to efficiency solution when replacing an electric water heater. The following available for rebates with associated savings per unit. select a high measures are Under the water heat category, the Company also participates in a regional program called Simple Steps, Smart Savings that provides an opportunity for the residential customer to purchase low-flow showerheads, at a lower cost. Program lmplementation: The water heater rebates are available to residential electric (Schedule 1) customers who heat their hot water with Avista electric. This prescriptive rebate is issued to the customer after the measure has been installed. Eligibility guidelines for participation include but may not be limited to: confirmation of electric use, invoice documentation and an Air Conditioning, Heating and Refrigeration lnstitute (AHRI) certification. Rebate forms are available in hard copy format or editable versions online. Example of Water Heat rebate form (Home lmprovement and New Construction) frvtsta ldaho Residential Rebates Energy Ef{iciency Rebates for Existing and New Construction Residenti.rl Horrres in ld.:ho Anach legible (opies of orlginal itemized lnvolces (blds will not be ac(epted) along with other supportlng do(uments as required and mailto: Avista - MSC-I5 R$ldentlal Rebates, P.O. Box!727,spokane, WA 9922G3727. for more lnformatlon please (all 80G227-9187 o, emall rebates@avlrtautllitl6.(om. Rebates will be automati(ally be sent as a check to your malling address. lf you would preter a (redit to you. Avista a((ount, please mark this box: I"y',:t.-: r- He,,rte ; (T.;rrk Ty'p,:) Available for new construction end existing homes. A $20 rebate is available for installation of an electric, tank type water heater between 35-55 gallons with an EF (efficiency) rating of 0.94 or higher. EF verification requires an AHRI certificate.*i Heat pump water heaters do not qualify for this rebate. pc.108 IDAHO _ DSM PROGRAMS STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES The "Simple Steps, Smart Savings" program is implemented through a third-party vendor (Clear Result). Eligible products are highlighted with a sticker at the point of purchase. The program indirectly supports the infrastructure and inventory to ensure the availability of a varie$ of low-flow showerheads. The Company's funding assists with the buy-down of the product. Eligible products include either a 2.0, 1.60 or 1.5 gallon per minute showerhead on the shelves of selected retail locations. Energy-saving Showerhead Options Switch to a showerhead that uses two gallons of water per minute or less. You'll enjoy a great shower while you use less hot water - saving on energy and water. F ll Body BdntCltkNlrun Brodspray$tlbridqul ffifldmrnoo}t'ry. ml(ito. '@NtkW f K Gortinaton th[rnnEdtd ]fnGheldfisElrrit tbbUe$ray ilcaghg Han&hddlltrdBp, PuhaIm EneoysaYinoorrc€nfracd, acfrcuk capoDilfryhacuffi-saulnoL n6ilc0mrB. lurGlrddst$e. Program Tracking: For the water heater program monthly reports are captured in the Company's CSSMorkplace under the Customer Program Container. The icon "Residential Energy Eff Rebate Program WA.ID" tracks the water heater replacements along with the other residential prescriptive programs in this category. pe.109 IDAHO _ DSM PROGRAMS STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES Example of CSSA[/orkplace Residential Energy Eff Rebate Program WA/ID For Simple Steps, Smart Savings program a monthly log is provided by Clear Result that includes all sales data including the number of units sold, type of unit and kilowatt hour savings. Simple Sfeps - Monthly log sales data RE n b.te Windorvs Prcduction Wcb Flip Chail App R<vd D.tc [E{sfll lnvoicc Datc r Fom Rcccivtd - I I C etearonical!(wcb) I r Paper (Mail) Paymant Processcd Datc I f Chcck C CrcdittoAccount rHotWatcrTrnk-| .u*. I I c Naturalcas I lo YcarBuilt io Rcbatrstatus - C EstablishcdRcsidcncc C Ntw Con*uction Mcasurc @ sizc EffRating S@E Srlpr. Smn S."6F'srE o.r. - A!!r. utME ,-.-__-...._._,ilmx' ffiem ffiF- Td Mnvt.gtr-.!.&r on& 2.920.50 r r_so 25 3..340.79 7?9.297 4 #2 00 3Aa 50 5 050 50 31 040 2 022 00 l6a 50 2 ls 50 i4 isa ..- . 29rracqm RLLFl I$E RLIFlls6 110 IDAHO _ DSM PROGRAMS STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES The spreadsheet also provides information on the sales data per retail location. Simple Steps - Sales data by Retail location Program Reporting: Monthly reports are pulled automatically using the Cognos reporting tool. Cognos pulls current data from the Company's CSSMorkplace and emails an excel spreadsheet to the DSM Analysts along with the Program Manager and Program Coordinator who review the data for accuracy. These reports identify the number of rebates that were processed during the previous month and the estimated kilowatt-hour or therms savings achieved. Two separate reports are available and are explained below. The totals from these reports are used to inform preliminary savings goals to internal and external stakeholders including the monthly email table (YTD Energy Savings - Month Yea|. Residential Rebate Program by State: is a summary report of the year to date totals of the number of rebates processed, the type of rebate, amount of energy savings claimed, amount of rebates paid and other related fields. Example of Residential Rebate Program by State report Residential Rebate Program by Customer: shows the Year to Date acquisition by individual customer name and site address, along with square footage and year of the home, application received date and application paid date along with many of the fields listed above. CBls 103 Corl$ {03 Costs ,03 Corts n3 Coila n3 301 sli St Cbrt3hn. lVA. 99.03 301 3h Sl CbrElon, wA. 99103 301 S$ 5t Chtulon, wA. 99403 355 EBt [lirfi avr., Ccur dAbf,r. 0. E3El5 :55 Ertl tLiier Av!.. Csr dAlnr. 0. 8381 5 f.t Frt rd trt F!a 615592 800150 799262 6868!0 68533r l.!0 Bo] L"ED 8uD u0 8u! U0 8u! LEo 8ut RLLF1t959 RlrFfi965 Rufl 1!66 ntur1965 RLur 1966 82 23082 6263 r526372 81 2i6 0 0 117 0 o {3:l -\676 0 0 0 0 0-rr5! II I I 3 2 I E 3A 2 I 5t a f,E8 RE9 REC REE REL REq Rnl RR2 RR3 RRl RRB E ATfIC tNg,IATIOfi WInI EECTRIC }CAT G AITIC DEI.A'No.{ WIIH I{AllNA. GAS ICAT E ROq' EET.ANON WIIH EECIRIC }CAI E WAl T'{SI.ATION WII}I AEclRrc EAT E EECNrc TO tlu1lNA, GAS WAIER, }€A1B E EECnrc rO MIrnA GAS Rn,uCE E AR SqNCE }CAT R.rD E aECmC'tO AtrR Sd.RCE }CAT Rl? E YIRI^AE S'@ TOTOR E WDOOW RELC RO4 SIIG,E PA'C W AEC iCAT E 6TAR T€if . }UN.F, F,NNACE r 26.m {1I 52L$ 01 36.50 2r52 611.(x) 3,2582 6m.lx) E (b:.t 3,tx,.(x) €,oGI m.m 2,6S3 2.250.(x) 8,76'2{ 2,:0.O l0,Sr2 tt58.(I, 8,55E1 Ur.O 5,817sa u.f,,lr rqisa tE5'{ $2 t@r,n 2.3*2 L!)3.'14 15,979 5,05L32 rL26+a 37,35&19 9,S.29 3,U, ,srp2r3 pc. 11'l IDAHO _ DSM PROGRAMS STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES Example of Residential Rebate Program by Customer report For Simple Steps, Smart Savings the monthly reports mentioned in the Tracking category are reviewed and submitted to the DSM Analysts for year to date tracking of energy savings achieved. Example of YTD Savrngs Report Encrgy savings are YTD gross, uuaraluated savings. I{AID Etectrlc (kWh) Ras U Nonres WAID Gr! l0tem) Res u Nonres Total yrd ad ytdtarget 2,438,4t8 3,682,055 tll.461 309.989 6. t56.580 1.782.799 8,636,559 8,24,833 yld act yld targel 36,113 121,473 91 9,521 93.132 163.333 129,396 294,333 % of ytd target annachieved tiirgot 66% 22.092.333 13% 1,859,933 129% 28.696.73't 98% 52,649,000 % ytd target annachieved targol 30% 728,840 t% 57,160 57% 980.000 1/-0rc 1.766.000 % ann target achi6v6d 11% 2% 21% 16% % ann targot Achieved 5% 0% 10% 7% Overall Program Management: Program Manager/Manager Program Delivery: Program Coordinator and Program Manager (Avista) Program Tracking: Program Coordinator, Program Manager (Avista) Technical support: DSM Engineers (Avista) Outreach support: External Communications (Avista) Analytical support: DSM Analysts (Avista) PG.112 ffisil H W IDAHO _ DSM PROGRAMS STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES Residentia! 3'd Party lmplementer Programs The other primary residential program delivery mechanism is the utilization of third-party contractors. These organizations typically act as the program manager, implementer, and marketer of the programs with Company oversight. Currently the company has three programs that are implemented by outside organizations. Descriptions of each are provided below: Program Name: Appliance Recycling - JACO Program Design: This program is intended to prompt the customer to decrease their energy used on inefficient, pre-1995, second refrigerators or freezers. This third-party implemented program has the eligible customers contact the contractor requesting the pick-up of the old unit. As an added incentive the customer also receives a rebate for the removal of the old unit. Approximately 95 percent of each refrigerator or freezer is recycled. Appropriate disposal of the toxins and ozonedestroying chlorofluorocarbon gases from foam insulation is program protocol. Contractor also partners with local businesses to recycle glass, plastic and metal. Pre-l995 Freezer $30 Pre-1995 Refrigerator $30 Program lmplementation: This program is available to residential (Schedule 1) electric customers seeking to recycle energy inefficient refrigerators or freezers, in ldaho and Washington. Contractor may retrieve up to two Refrigerators and/or Freezers (units) from a customer's home when requested. The pick-up service is free to the customer and a $30 rebate is provided for each operational refrigerator and/or freezet, up to two per household. The program is administered by JACO Environmental lnc. with Company oversight. lnformation about the program is provided bi-annually in bill inserts, is available on the Company's website and through the customer Connections newsletter. Postcards are also provided to appliance retailers through-out the service territory to distribute to customers. pe.114 IDAHO _ DSM PROGRAMS STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES Program Tracking: The appliance recycling program is tracked by the 3'd party implementer in a monthly spreadsheet that reflects information from the prior month. Data includes date of the pick-up, customer name, address, city state, zip, type of unit collected and number of units collected. The spreadsheet also includes the amount of administration costs associated with these units. This report is provided to the Program Manager and Program Coordinator, who review it for accuracy. Appliance Recycling - Monthly Contractor Report Program Reporting: The 3d Party lmplementer's report is provided to the DSM Manager as wetl as the DSM Analysts. The analysts include the information in the monthly report of energy savings achieved in the residential portfolio. DSM Manager- Monthly Program Report ? : ge L*'* E c EE'^@CC ffi6r$ a c druff@EO [*a Res- ES Appliance Rebates- ldaho 100,000.00 79,374.00 100,000.00 79.37% kwh Res- ES Appliance lncentives-ldaho $10,000.00 $6,890.00 $10,000.00 68.90% Res- 2nd Fridge Recycling kWh 781,898.00 213,240.00 781,898.00 27.27o/o ldaho Res- 2nd Fridge Recycling $22,500.00 $13,020.00 $22,500.00 57.87o/o Res- 2nd Fridge Admin Fees ldaho $87,000.00 $38,688.00 $87,000.00 44.47% pe. 1 15 IDAHO _ DSM PROGRAMS STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES Eatrgy savingr uc YTD gosr. unevdu*ed reviags. IYAID ELrtrlc (lfiJhl Res u l,lonros wAlDca(lh nn, R69 U llonraB Totd 2,€8,'118 3,682,055 'tl,461 309,989 91 9,527 93 132 163.333 129,396 294,333 targ€t iln fd 8cf ytd targot addsved targot 661t 2.,0E2,333 1316 1,859,933 11 57,160 57r 980_000 4% 1,766,000 95 ann targri achievcd 1196 2r 21X 16i * ,rn targ.t Adf.v.d 5r3 0r 1$r 7% 6.156.680 L7A2.789 129,lf, 286!16.7:ll 8.636.5:t9 8.24.83:t 984 52.649.000 f ytd tatg.t annytdad ytdtegot adriaved teg.l 36,1lti l2t,/173 30f 728,8/() Example of WD Energy Savings Report Overall Program Management: 3'o Party lmplementer-JACO and Program Manager (Avista) Program Delivery: 3' Party lmplementer and Program Manager (Avista) Program Tracking: 3'd Party tmplementer; Program Coordinaior and/or Program Manager (Avista) Technical support: DSM Engineers (Avista) Outreach support: 3'o Party lmplementer and/or External Communications (Avista) Analytical support: DSM Analysts (Avista) PG. 1 16 IDAHO _ DSM PROGRAMS STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES Program Name: Residential Behavior Program Program Design: Avista is utilizing the Opower platform to implement a behavioral program built on mailing peer comparison reports, also known as Home Energy Reports (HER). These programs have proved successful in saving customers energy and money through customer behavior changes, and thus providing energy acquisition for Avista. There may be customer engagement value to this program as well. The HER Program is opt-out, which distinctly varies from Avista's normal opt-in programs historically offered. Participants can "opt-out" of reports at any time by contacting Avista by phone, email or mail. Customers that are receiving reports will stop receiving the reports if they move. This is considered normal attrition. To allow for normal aftrition, a 5% increase was made to the original program size of 70,000 (overall size for both Washington and ldaho), thus yielding 73,500 mailings in June 2013. lnitially, 48,300 HER were mailed to Washington customers and 25,200 HER were sent to ldaho customers. These customers had to have a load profile consistent with year round electric usage, not season. Other factors are listed below: High electricity consumption customers with 99 other homes with like usage in a 100 mile radius were targeted for HER. All participants are an Avista electric customer. Some customers, approximately 42o/o also have a gas meter. Reports have no gas or dualfuel focus. This is an electric only program. A control group of similar characteristics was randomly selected by a third part evaluator. 13,000 customers in each state (Washington and ldaho)were selected. Program lmplementation: The implementation of this program began in June of 2013. The program was designed to continue providing the same set of customers the Home Energy Reports for a three-year term. The cadence of reports began with a "burst" method of sending out a report every month for the first three months followed by a bi-monthly mailing of reports thereafter and continuing until June 2016. A sample of the front of a report is shown below: a a pe.117 IDAHO - DSM PROGRAMS STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES ,#vtsta 6.,:q- *a@9nt *r*alEg }.mEn.EyR+ql@ffia1@?:e-'f-f:99?:'1gryts.* nptg,-p*- -p..i-jI'--btiaPFdtfr -r-9rr-rE @ Eau rt dcgy EE|eFo6 !EffiEF, T@TG-lun FI rtrt]drt,*Gmrt.w f..j Ia.lrt r5€atta C.di--dt I Yil l- 4 E @!y !U P rffi d€,6 @ EErrffistE.!, wttoatrura.tEa? tffi|ffi E2.E{6dr-*!- -EEtu'!.6ffir#b-'xw_gq Pm.alc.ilC-bd l.6 H'DdE dNFT€ D EIF- ] se*p-pdB6 I d@bEF- r#r^.6'a4ry Example of the Home Energy Report (BACK) b.r i2 Isd. l{-grta co.er-on -;* ;r* - *"r-r r"r ;.n*t,",9r rl - 1 til Gyqr sar alcdr pryr -rrtslE.l.rqr---rtF-,----ilArdr-ry-Errfrfirmg!iliIrrtltirrE(rtdFrhdED,b.nyqr6allc6*rEE*irgcrnh. tFrJliltrg&! h.da ar - t !t 20 rodU.'Frqln*hrdLi*tffi"llrlrof,ls rillhrtamgu'fr2lErfmir!.h*nonErirrrrtrjliaeEtrrn Yoor&ifauaraE *htunrl5 ?dyilFr]n.!9!lud. trEt to€0'**- qratE sgrttlEFr6(brtilr EEbF-rrrr4r-LilhgFrch-.rruFrrrfE t l.(lf tolfF6!dr*,iliIcdBlpE l()r.nirEifrndrbh*Fmrrrcfig. ol.tlrrffi'rnnlb.&yhntdin*!nrLre Jt'dnF bya,Ehe'rsiE: A0rlrsEtuEr$ran6$rrarls.rartmdtfrb#(trEtFrnd*HE,mFrhd .^Et?toE4€i** Cr.thnGtrtA*tltt EFlrtrirrtgr [lEmvmFFItr u.S Oe.rns{d BqyBi,Itirydru-rd.FCrr td.adair Ih.bmirEIGRSr SmFE-n-plgmsAilirtEffirihrra(Erqrylr- IbE}GErStlRLdo. bhrdnclcbrnoadrmyr.ode.O.Jtld nEddroata M mqjdty,EbEr.rdEltmffii.lbDtnmrrirarrd. lilrrtlrI{Fh.(E llEtrrlo3110ffi,- PG. 1 18 IDAHO - DSM PROGRAMS STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES Program Tracking and Reporting: Quarterly energy savings results will be provided by Opower to Avista. On an annual basis, Avista employs an independent third-party evaluator to calculate energy savings. Example of OPower Quarterly Report- currently not available Overall Program Management: 3'" Party lmplementer-OPower and Program Manager (Avista) Program Delivery: 3'.Party !mplementer; Program Coordinator and/orProgram Manager (Avista) Program Tracking: 3d Party lmplementer; Program Coordinator and/or Program Manager (Avista) Technical support: 3d Party lmplementer and DSM Engineers (Avista) Outreach support: 3' Party lmplementer and/or External Communications (Avista) Analytical support DSM Analysts (Avista) pe. 1 19 IDAHO _ DSM PROGRAMS STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES Program Name: Residential Lighting - Simple Steps, Smart Savings Program Design: BPA launched the regional "Simple Steps, Smart Savings" program in 2010 as a continuation of the previous Change A Light promotion. The goal of Simple Steps is to prompt the residential customer to increase the energy-efficiency of their home lighting. lt indirectly supports the infrastructure and inventory by providing a retail markdown on select compact fluorescent (CFL) and light emitting diode (LED) lamps; thus making it a financially viable energy efficiency option for customers to consider Program Implementation: Avista sponsors the program for the ldaho and Washington service territory. Big box retailers in addition to select regional and national chains are the primary recipient of the product and typically offer a variety of the Simple Steps products at their locations. These products should be clearly identified with a sticker indicating they are part of the program. Below is a sample of the Simple Steps logo along with a list of the types of products one may find under this program: Selection Guide are a \€ry emciert long-lasting technology. Many can be used wih dirnmers ,W,; $n1,,rtlg,$u{''ururmffiH$tr"ffiffi FL Selection Guide CFLs are a good altemative to traditional incandescent light bulbs. . ,f'sg&E GlEt rdtm colt vcflmERTGMT js{84".rt TlImIIEEGIDf, fJt*r[m3f '.d.-U IIIST IDAHO - DSM PROGRAMS STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES Types of eligible Simple Steps lamps Twists:15W R30 Reflector 9W Spiral CFL 23W R38 Reflector 'l3W SpiralCFL 26W R38 Reflector 14W SpiralCFL 26W R40 Reflector 15W SpiralCFL 23W Outdoor Reflector 1BW Spiral CFL 26W Outdoor Reflector 20W Spiral CFL 23W R38 High Heat Reflector 23W Spiral CFL 7W Candelabra 30W Spiral CFL 9W Candelabra 40W Spiral CFL 13W Candelabra 13W Daylight 12W Globe 23W Daylight 15W Globe 9W A-lamp LEDs: 15 W A-lamp B W R20 Reflector 14W A19 12-15 W PAR30 Reflector Specialty CFLs:18-20 W PAR38 Reflector 14W Candle Base BW 13-15 W BR30 Reflector 16W R30 Flood 18-23 W BR38 Reflector 23W R40 Flood 14-17 W BR40 Reflector 12,20,26 watt 3-Way 19 W Omnidirectional 33W 3-Way 8-18 W A-19 or Globe 12,23,29 watt 3-Way 12,23,34 watt 3-Way 11W R20 Reflector 14W Reflector To support the promotion of utilizing CFL's, the Company also provides CFL recycling locations as a convenience, throughout Avista's service territory. A list of drop-off locations can be found here. IDAHO _ DSM PROGRAMS STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES Example of CFL Recycling Station list Program Tracking: A monthly spreadsheet and invoice is provided by the third-party implementer, Clear Result, with the data from the previous month's purchases. lnformation provided includes the name of the store, the type and number of units sold along with the other detail information. An invoice is also included that indicates the Company's monthly contribution for the administration and implementation expenses. Annually the Company agrees to an allocation costs based on store location that is part of that year's contract terms. Example of Clear Result monthly spreadsheet trllte 6 b.'lrha n- rcwtta, Ce. E r f Ei-rit 6t shE. CA-Gtt t iG r a, E ci:v ffi r G t Es ilrEit E 5riffi tr C- r?. Eitr t ht h * 6 CR- lB t{ iaia tro t GEfai crnt ffi a.ita ncl tlaGt iE SnpL Stcpt. Sflurt Slvir93L Stlct Drtr . Avatr Ut itrca l.rr$cl Ptodatsd!. hcarovaArrt 45.84t unit 22.920.50 12.3!9 untr 21.71E.00 768 unit 1.,109.25 16 unit '128.00 10.932 unils 32.796.00 1.-c5r unii 1.6€2.00 l02untl 306.00 1.9.7 uf,lt 9.841.00 671unlr 2.022..00 17 unit! 329.00 I unit :6.00 3 untr 21.00 2 untt '11.00 = LEO fixEr. :ilE0 Sulb t-B) &db LEO Edb UDArb Lm&rb RLI-FI I:22 Ru-Fr08n RtLFlOE77 Rl".x-r r 0E76 R!r,Fr't958 Rt!-Fl 1959 RI-LF I I 96! RILFt r965 RL!-Fr1966 Rl'{H'/W10990 Rf flilw10990 R'/'lH'/'iU1099,| I l.!€0.25 3.089.75 r92.00 r.00 2.733.00 368.50 25.50 1E5.75 't68.!0 r 1.75 2.00 0.7s _0i! it6tFJ6 31.380.75 n9,297 27,807.75 293."i60r,30r.25 r!.7.{ 132.00 384 35.929.00 218.6405.050.:0 3r.080 33r.:0 2.010 6.327.75 .6.675 2.190.50 11.r:. 3{0.75 1.t36 5E.00 701 21.75 339't1.30 2firru;,00 rJa4m r2,0 Shorrcrtcd-WA =2.0:,l,6 Slio,t.rtcld -WA Jl.6 fotl ?+253rdb t $gZr5 t Ir 5I Crr106 W^ tu! ril It :s i catuEi r1a. H: aa a.!aa2 [o ao U0 llb UO l.a Ug tG xr $ sr. ca@.. w^ 's!taa ld&f,.r cofu. re o Qlt!t:t !6r lldAv. cd.6^{fl. o alla ,*&2@30&r!r a2x6se6:r4 a! r!2 .$at ,2 216 PG,122 IDAHO - DSM PROGRAMS STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES Program Reporting: lnformation from the Clear Result report is rolled into a monthly savings report that is generated by the DSM Analysts that provides a snapshot of the amount of energy savings achieved to date under the Residential portfolio. Example of WD Energy Savings Report NP wADEkk0srtl Rcs U l,lorrtg IYADG..(lrF'ltt, Rec U NonraB Total 2,438.'118 3,582,055 '[1,t161 309,989 91 9,527 !t3.1? 153.333 't29,396 234,33 reviagr erc YID grosr, uevrJuered reviugs. tagd a'n ytd acf ytd t r!.1 rhicved tug.t 6-156.5m {782.789 129* 28_696.73ll 8.636,5S, 8,2'1.8:13 98* 5i1.519.000 ta ytd tsr96t ann yld acl ytd l-g.l adricvcd targ.t 16Jn p1,1t3 30* ln,W 66.1 22-0y2333 13r 1.859.933 1* 57,150 5t* 980 000 4* 1.766,000 It .nn targst edriovsd 11t6 x 219r 16r tg an target Achievod 596 0% 10* IZ Overall Program Management: Program Manager/Manager Program Delivery: 3' Party lmplementer - Clear Result; Program Coordinator and/or Program Manager (Avista) Progrim Tracking: 3d Party !mplementer; Program Coordinator and/or Program Manager (Avista); Outreach support: 3'o Party lmplementer and/or External Communications (Avista) Analytical support: DSM Analysts (Avista) pc.123 Filr.., i.r: l IDAHO - DSM PROGRAMS STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES Residential Low lncome Program Program Overview and Design: The Company leverages the infrastructure of Gommunity Action Program (CAP) agencies to deliver energy efficiency programs to the Company's low income customer group. CAP agencies have resources to income qualify, prioritize and treat clients homes based upon a number of characteristics. ln addition to the Company's annual funding, the Agencies have other monetary resources that they can usually leverage when treating a home with weatherization and other energy efficiency measures. The Agencies either have in-house or contractor crews to install many of the efficiency measures of the program. Program lmplementation: Currently, one CAP agency serves the Company's ldaho service territory and receives an annual funding amount of $700,000 for efficiency improvements with an additional $50,000 for conservation education outreach. lncluded within the efficiency improvements funding is a permissible 15% reimbursement for administrative costs. The agency may choose to allocate another 15% of the funds to be expended on non-energy health and safety measures that may support the efficiency measures installed within the same home or help improve the home's habitability. The Agencies have an 'Approved Measure List' of energy efficiency measures provided by the Company. Any measure installed on this list by the Agency in an income qualified home will receive 100o/o reimbursement for the cost for the work. The installation of these measures normally results in a cost-effective amount of energy savings achieved. Example of 2014 Avista - Low lncome Program Approved Measure List - ldaho Air infiltration Duct sealing lnsulation walls and floors ENERGY STAR doors Variable speed motor Conversion: Electric to natural gas furnace Electric to natural gas combination (furnace and water heater) pe.125 IDAHO - DSM PROGRAMS STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES New for 2014 the Company established a "Rebate List" of measures which replaces the "Pre- Approval" list concept. The Approved Measure List assists the agency with targeting the most cost effective measures. The Rebate List allows the agency to receive funding for other measures that may not be as cost effective as the Approved list but are still necessary for the home's overall functionality. The agency will receive a "prescriptive" amount for the Rebate List of measures that is equal to the energy value of the improvement itself. This approach is to assist the agency in targeting the measures that provide the greatest cost-effectiveness from a utility perspective. lt still allows the agency to have some funding for all measures, albeit minimal, while limiting the Company's exposure to reimbursing for measures whose energy value may not be as great as those that appear on the Approved measure list. To allow for additional flexibility, the agency may also choose to utilize the Health and Safety allocation to fully fund the cost of the measures on the Rebate list. Example 2014 Avista - Low lncome Program Rebate tist - ldaho Program Tracking: The Low lncome program participants are captured in the Company's CSSMorkplace under the Customer Program Container. The icon "Limited lncome Rebate Program" tracks the customers and the measures in their home. Attic insulation $0.55/sq ft Duct insulation $ 0.31/sq ft ENERGY STAR Windows 0.36/sq ft High efficiency water heaters (0.93 Energy Factor or greater)46 High efficiency air source heat pump (8.5 HSPF; 14 SEER)$224 ENERGY STAR Refrigerators (for replacement of refrigeratorthat is $ 540 currently operating) Electric to air source heat pump (when naturalgas is not a viable option) $3,124 Electric to natural gas water heater*$887 pe.126 IDAHO - DSM PROGMMS STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES il wvwuLE--- (ur uEsqv-4l. Workpla<e Options Wind@ Production Wcb FlipChld iil pROGRAM PArrICPN Crdoms Prcgrlm Cort iog Csrtom.rPgm Tcmplds Windryr Produchon Vis Wcb Flip Charl lr I Rcidcatial Enagy Eff Rcbrtr Pognm WA,/Ehl x13.6-6 RtRrb.tc Wmdff prcduction W.b Hbch.rt App Rcvd D.rc t0li5{14 Avisr Paid Ddc Irwoic. D.tG oaP a96cY lcorv[r-E RURAL RESOURCES Inrt llD.t |0141'f999 810 SQ FI; Xlm YR MO8[.E Example of CSSAA/orkplace Program Container and Limited lncome Rebate icon Program Reporting: Monthly reports are pulled automatically using the Cognos reporting tool. Cognos pulls current data from the Company's CSSMorkplace and emails an excel spreadsheet to the DSM Analysts along with the Program Manager and Program Coordinator who review the data for accuracy. These reports identify the number of rebates that were processed during the previous month and the estimated kilowatt-hour or therms savings achieved. Three separate reports are available and are explained below. The totals from these reports are used to inform preliminary savings goals to internal and external stakeholders including the monthly email table (YTD Energy Savings - Month Year). An explanation and a screen shot of each report is provided below: Low lncome By Agency: is a monthly summary report of the monthly list of measures installed by home and by agency for the previous month's activities. The report also includes a measure description, measure cost, kwh or therms saved, amount paid, account number of the home and other information. PG.127 IDAHO _ DSM PROGRAMS STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES Example of Low lncome by Agency - Monthly report Low lncome By Agency: is a monthly summary report of the year to date list of measures installed by home and by agency. The report also includes a measure description, measure cost, kWh or therms saved, amount paid, account number of the home and other information. Example of Low lncome by Agency report Low lncome By Customer: is a monthly report that shows the YTD customer participants by name and address. Other fields also include but are not limited to: measure description, cost, amount paid, kwh or therms saved, customer name, address, city, state, zip. Example of Low lncome by Customer report 102 102 102 102 102 LO4 L(H LO4 El!{s -cE!-/Amc ED{5.CE!-/AmC E116 -@-/ArnC ED{s -CEII-/AmC E INs - CE!.,/ATTIC E'!6 -FLO4. ED6 -ROd, El}.ls.ROG, 26E.8 r 1,0(x,.07 7n92 3&r.32 602. 14 2,fi{.32 3,341.01 1.695.93 37 22t 536 {55 317 371 t,98 L,673 L,)7 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2:'3,is rtort 609.63 rto4rs 6T2.Lo rtorr316.& rtoc13 s23.60 rto+r:r,lq2.sa rto+r:2,$s.23 rto+u r,q74.72 rto48 .s ,4 '* 16 7e to 1q '4zs l6so '1222 t16 !sz 'Lfi 't222hc ro U, 2014 1200:m A}{ tu lZ 2014 l2roo:m6 2.1, 2014 12!00:00 r{'r s u, 2014 1zm:006 2+ 20!4 12:00:00 ,rM FGb 12, 2014 12:00:00S 24, 2014 12:00:00 ,rI{ Feb 24, 201{ !2:OO:()Oru 24, a,l4 l:l|mrm rril ru 24, Dl4 l2roolm A^{6 2.1, 201.t 1.2:(x):00 Atl Fcb 12. 2014 12:00:m A,'l6 2t, 201,1 t2:00:m AH H u, 20( 12m:m ati6 2,1. 2014 D:mrms 6 12. 2014 lzmrmAr4 102 102 102 t02 102 102 E t}{s -CE[-/AT[C EI}G -CA-,/AmC Er}rs -CE[-/AmC Elr{s -cEuAmc EI!{s -CA./AmC Erl,ls-CA-/AmC .15,5:l 268.81 1,m0.07 7n.92 1,32 602,L4 37 22L 536 .155 317 37r 0 0 0 0 0 0 39.60 233.75 869.63 672.LO 316.8{' s23.50 rtorrr rtoqtrtots r to+r: rtoq: 4s's loeo4 't222'q \xa6 lsz PG,128 IDAHO _ DSM PROGRAMS STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES Example of YTD Energy Savrngs Report Eaag1r revings re YID grorr, uorlutcd nvings. WAID Elcctdc 0dih) tar$t fa iltr t{getm ytd er ytd t{gst achiovrd t{gst rchicvd Rre 2,,138.,118 3,582.055 66* U.192.333 1196 U il1.il61 309.989 13* ,.859.933 2X Norns 6 156 580 4782789 129!f, 28.596.73it 219A WAID G6 t Eml * yld tatg.t * m lag.tan ytd el yld tag.t Thirvid tagot Achi.vld R.s *,113 121,173 301( 728,W 5X u 91 9,527 1 57, t60 09( Norro3 93 132 163.333 57!r !180 000 lof Tord 129.396 29/1.333 U$ 1.766.000 lX A quarterly report is also assembled for the Low lncome program that tracks how the agencies are utilizing their funds during the year. Referencing the Low lncome by Agency report mentioned above, the rebate amounts are pulled over by the categories related to measures and health and safety. The report is then categorized into efficiency improvements along with Health and Safety. The amount spent through the end of that particular quarter is then deducted from the annual funding amount to show what is left for the agency to utilize during the year. This allows the Program Coordinator and Program Manager to monitor the agency spend as it relates to not only the total funding allowed, but also to the 15% that may be used towards Health and Safety improvements. Example of Low lncome By Agency Spend Review report Eudget i 595,000.00 i 105,000.00 f 700,000.00 % 11,35% I IDTOTAT 27.44% ID HHS 13.76% I TOTA!- pe.129 IDAHO _ DSM PROGRAMS STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES Overall Program Management: Program ManageriManager Program Delivery: 3'o Party lmplementer - CAPs; Program Coordinator and/or Program Manager (Avista) Program Tracking: 3'd Partyr lmplementer; Program Coordinator and/or Program Manager (Avista); Outreach support: 3'o Party lmplementer Analytical support: DSM Analysts (Avista) t rtIIII IDAHO _ DSM PROGRAMS STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES Gustomer Outreach Overview Developed in late 2007, Avista's every little bit campaign was built on a foundation of broad reach, multi-media outreach designed to inform customers about general energy efficiency program availability while providing educational energy efficiency messages with the intent of driving increased participation as well as build awareness of low-cost and no-cost energy saving tips. The intent is to educate and encourage customers to install energy efficient measures and practice energy-conserving behaviors with the "call to action" being a visit to the Company's website (avistautilities.com) to get more information or download a rebate form. Efficiency messages that are not associated with individual programs come out of an internal collaborative process incorporating input from DSM Engineers, program managers, analysts and program outreach specialists. The intent is to maintain a fresh and informative appeal to the overall outreach effort. The additional throughput that can be obtained from Avista's outreach investments also takes into consideration the opportunity to leverage the growing efficiency messaging in the general media and partnerships with utility and non-utility organizations. The every little bit tagline continues to be integrated into earned media opportunities through Avista's External Communications Department. Since the inception of this campaign, there has been regional research that suggests the same issues and perceptions are present and that customers need to have a reason to participate based on their personal values. While the general awareness of Avista programs is increasing, a continued effort is needed in helping the customer understand where waste may be occurring and motivating them towards action. The number of programs offered decreased significantly and differed by state in 2013 driving Avista to evolve the media approach from a broad reach to a more targeted approach using community partners for leveraging and endorsement. pe.132 IDAHO - DSM PROGRAMS STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES Residential Outreach Social Media Channels: Avista continues to use Facebook as both a viable and cost effective outreach channel. The latest awareness research conducted at the end of 2010 shows awareness of energy efficiency and Avista's programs high among audiences aged 45+, while the 18-44 aged audience remains difficult to reach, giving social media opportunities. With this in mind Avista continues to use Facebook to house energy efficiency promotions and activities, like the programmable thermostat, the energy use house and weekly messages on low-cost no-cost ways to be more efficient. ln 2014, Avista's every little bit Facebook content was migrated to Avista's Facebook site. This helps leverage and aligns the Avista brand and maximizes the long-standing positive message of energy efficiency. Example of Avista Facebook page Community/ Media Partnerships: Avista has two primary community/media partnerships that help educate customers on the benefits of energy efficiency. The first is Avista's Home Energy Advisor product that is promoted through a partnership with weekly paper The lnlander and includes a direct mail postcard to residential customers to drive traffic to the tool and provide information about the rebate programs contained within the 2014 portfolio. Energy EfficbncyT?i (17 photos) The higher a heating systeml efficiency is, the higher the purchase cost but the lower the operating costs. Space heating is the largest energy expense in the average U.S. home, accounting for about 45Yo of energy bills? pc.133 IDAHO _ DSM PROGRAMS STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES Example of Home Energy Advisor promotion The second media event is in its fourth year of partnership with KREM TV and Toyota to increase awareness of Avista's energy conservation measures and rebate programs. The "Efficiency Matters" promotion drove a 360/o increase in visits year over year to the company's website. Example of Efficiency Matters promotion Web: ln 2013 Avista began a targeted web-based search optimization campaign for residential program awareness. Whether consumers are searching via PC or laptop, smart phone or tablet, search shows our text ads to @nsumers located in the Spokane designated market area who are searching for keyruords related to Energy Rebates and Tips. Ev..Fil yvl6 hr,.rfig frrgy. Ad di. - gd Fb. b Ars wl rrddn y ldd. ffi tune.dr oadEfry6gysl9(.DggE(OxC}@. for5e. WetadllEE rrd tJ$ Sffi) b ffiJ dtr fofoilq . tSA(lH..6i-!rlr..d. tlilrArto llMw.fiint firtftt. A6F&ffi.rrpor.dodplEbar.dddngFr lh.rldgf Adrq*Eldlo rEFe$t lqr 6r9syn a llmAead,tubngltr--#rg cEgtd n*e lor a b€ ff P B t! O ord o* y*, "nergy 3avrng styr. .nd enter to wln at avkteutlll{6.(ofi/enorgyrdvlroi bt A lq * M e@ b@ 4 ^Ni tt. bla pc.134 IDAHO _ DSM PROGRAMS STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES Commercial and lndustrial Outreach: ln 2011, the Company developed a comprehensive print campaign designed to educate non-residential customers about the many prescriptive and site-specific programs available. The focus of the campaign profiles business customers within Avista's service territory and features the measures they have implemented and savings achieved. The campaign targets the business community and shares the value of energy efficiency and Avista's incentives from a customer perspective. ln 2013 the campaign evolved to include customer case studies that not only demonstrated the partnership with Avista but the other business benefits of participating in energy efficiency initiatives. This campaign was intended to drive customer awareness of programs and ways to help position facility improvements as an operational business strategy. ln 2014 the case studies will be turned into advertorials and will be featured in local, regional and trade publications throughout the year. Example of Commercial/l ndustrial Advertorial pc.135 lf !1.'J{: *r- "i.-ri. -.ir F':1 A ,S2-/ 'E > ^u \ M /r IDAHO _ DSM PROGRAMS STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES List of Referenced Materials presented in the ldaho - DSM Programs Standard Operating Procedures Manual Website Pages Energy Savings www.avistautilities.com/savinqs Residential Programs www.avistautilities.com/resrebates Residential Programs - ldaho http://www.avistautilities.com/savinosirebates/Pages/idahorebates.aspx Non-residential Programs www.avistautilities.com/bizrebates Non-residential Programs - ldaho http://www.avistautilities.com/business/rebates/Paqes/lDCommercialRebates.aspx Energy Smart Grocer Measure List htto://www.enerovsmartonline.orq/documents/EnerqvSmart-Avista-Worksheet.docx Green Motors Rewind http://www.avistautilities.com/business/rebates/washinqton/qreenmotors/Paqes/default.aspx Residential Online Rebate Portal https://www.avistautilities.com/savinos/rebates/ lavouts/Avistaffransactions/ProcessRebates.aspx Home Energy Advisor http://www.avistautilities.com/savinqs/suite/Paoes/default.aspx Business Energy Advisor https://www.avistautilities.com/business/ lavouts/Avista/Transactions/ReduceYourUse.asox pe.137 IDAHO - DSM PROGRAMS STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES Forms Top Sheet Technical Review Top Sheet Energy Efficiency Agreement Top Sheet lncentive Payment Energy Efficiency Agreement Energy Efficiency Performance Agreement Commercial Clothes Washer Rebate Food Service Equipment Rebate Commercial Prescriptive Lighting Rebate - lnterior Commercial Prescriptive Lighting Rebate - Exterior Power Management for PC Networks Rebate Pre-Reporting Survey (PC Networks) Retro-comm ission i n g Appl ication Standby Generator Block Heater Rebate Commercial HVAC VFD Rebate Commercial Water Heater Rebate Commercial Windows and lnsulation Rebates ENERGY STAR Homes Rebates . AllAvista Electric o Avista Electric and Natural Gas. Non-Avista Electric and Natural Gas Home !mprovement Rebates . HVAC . ShellAtVindows/lnsulation . Water Heat . Fuel Efficiency (Electric to Natural Gas Conversions) New Construction Rebates . HVAC . Water Heat Low lncome Program . Approved Measure List o Rebate Measure List pc.138 IDAHO _ DSM PROGRAMS STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES Databases Saleslogix . Main Account Level o Project lnformation Tab o Opportunities Level . Attachments . Notes/History . Reports . Residential Rebate Template . Low lncome Rebate Template Reports Energy Efficiency Evaluation Report IBM Cognos Reporting Tool Monthly DSM Non-residential Savings Report (e.9.2014 June YTD Savings Non-res.xlsx) Monthly DSM Non-residential Completed Projects Report (e.9. Saleslogix Snapshot Completed in 2014) Year to Date DSM Total Savings Report (Delivered as email table, YTD Energy Savings Report) PECI Monthly Report for Energy Smart Grocer Monthly Residential Rebate Activity (ResidentialYTD 2014 Stats Report) Residential Rebate Report by State Residential Rebate Report by Customer Simple Steps Smart Savings Monthly lnvoice Simple Steps Smart Savings Monthly Log Sales Data Simple Steps Smart Savings Monthly Data by Retail Location Appliance Recycling lnvoice (JACO) Appliance Recycling Contractor Report (JACO) Low lncome Monthly Report by Agency Low lncome Monthly Report by Customer Low lncome Agency Spend Review Report pc.139