HomeMy WebLinkAbout20110711_3392.pdfDea J. Miller (ISB No. 1968) Chas. F. McDevitt (1SB No. 835) McDEVITT & MILLER LLP 420 West Banock Street P.O. BOX 2564-83701 Boise, Idao 83702 Tel: 208-343-7500 Fax: 208-336-6912 joeCimcdevitt-mier .com RECEIVED 201 i JUl -, PH '2= 36 UTll.l,QA1EHO PUStJ:::.. ¡ _S COMMISSION ORIGINAL Brooks H. Harlow Todd B. Lator LUKS, NACE, GUTIERRZ & SACHS, LLP 8300 Grsboro Drve, Suite 1200 McLe, Virgia 22102 Tel: 703-584-8678 Fax: 703-584-8694 bharlow(ãfcclaw.com Attorneys for Alled Wireless Communications Corporation BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE Case No. TMW-T-IO-Ol APPLICATION OF T-MOBILE WEST CORPORATION FOR DESIGNATION MOTION TO DEFERAS AN ELIGIBLE DELmERATIONS TELECOMMUNCATIONS CARER PURSUANT TO 47 U.S.C. 214 e 2 COMES NOW, the Interenor, Allied Wireless Communcations Corporation ("Allied Wireless"), by and though its attorney of rerd, and pursuat to IPUCRP56 moves the Commssion to defer deliberons on the merts of ths matter. Allied Wireless was grted interenor status by the Commission approximately two weeks ago.l i See In the Matter of the Application ofT-Mobile West Corp. for Designtion as an Eligible Telecommunications Carrer, Case No. TMW-T-IO-Ol, Orer No. 32265 (June 16,2011). MOTION TO DEFER DELmERATIONS-l Ths Motion is made and based upon the grounds. and for the reans that Allied Wireless on ths date ha propounded wrtten discover requests to the Applicat T- Mobile. A copy of the wrtten discover requests is attched herto. As can be seen by review of the discover reuests, the information sought by the requests is relevant to the proceeding and the information requested is not yet within.the Commission recrd. Allied Wireless will promptly evaluate the information provided by T - Mobile in respnse to the discovery requests. WHREFORE, Allied Wireless respectfuly request that the Commssion defer deliberations on the merts of ths matter pending completon of discover by Allied Wirless. DATED ths \ day ofJuly, 2011. MCDEVl & MIER LLP BS\\\!.ilf~lfer Attorney for Alled Wireless Communications MOTION TO DEFER DELmERATIONS-2 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby cerify that on the ~ day of July, 2011, I caused to be sered via the method(s) indicated below, tre and correct copies of the foregoing docuent, upon: Jea Jewell, Seceta Idaho Public Utilities Commssion 472 West Washington Street P.O. Box 83720 Boise, ID 83 720~007 4 jiewell(iuc.state.id.us Hand Delivered U.S. Mail Fax Fed. Express Email /lùù.c.Ù David Daggett, Esq. DAVIS WRIGHT TRANE, LLP 1202 Thd Ave., Suite 2200 Seatte, WA 98101-3045 daviddaggetWJdwt.com Hand Delivered .c. U.S. Mail .c. Fax .c. Fed. Exprss .c. Email ~ Mark P. Trinchero, Esq. DAVIS WRIGHT TRMANE, LLP 1300 SW Fift Ave., Suite 2300 Portand, OR 97201 marktncherWJdwt.com Hand Delivered U.S. Mail Fax Fed. Expres Email Ter Ohta, Esq. Senor Corprate Counel T -Mobile USA, Inc. 12920 SE 38th Street Bellevue, WA 98006 terotatmobile.com Hand Delivered U.S. Mail Fax Fed. Express Email Cyntha A. Melillo, Esq. Givens Puley LLP 601 N. Banock Stree P.O. Box 2720 Boise, ID 83701 caWJgivenursley.com Hand Delivered U.S. Mail Fax Fed. Express Email ùùùù -4 ùùùù~ ùùùù~ BY~ c & MILLER LLP MOTION TO DEFER DELffERATIONS .3 Dean J. Miller (ISB No. 1968) Chas. F. McDevitt (1SB No. 835) McDEVITT & MILLER LLP 420 West Banock street P.O. BOX 2564-83701 Boise, Idaho 83702 . Tel: 208-343-7500 Fax: 208-336-6912 joe(ãmcdevitt-mier.com RECEIVED ZUllJUL -I PH '2: 43 _ IDAHO Pi)!';, v' U'11Li~" ,- r ....u. 'vI i c: \.;:; C 0 ~._:j j r S c~ ":~~ f r'" 1. i. . t j ~;; 1 ~...; ".- ~ ~..,j r~ Brooks H. Harlow Todd B. Lator LUKS, NACE, GUTIERRZ & SACHS, LLP 8300 Greensboro Drive~ Suite 1200 McLean Virgia 22102 Tel: 703-584-8678 Fax: 703-584-8694 bharlow(ãfcclaw.com Attorneys for Alled Wireless Communications Corporation BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMSSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF T-MOBILE WEST CORPORATION FOR DESIGNATION AS AN ELIGIBLE TELECO~CATIONS CARRER PURUAN T047 U.S.C. §214(e)(2) Case No.TM-T;'lO-Ol FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF ALLIED WILESS COMMUCATIONS CORPORATION TO T-MOBILE WEST CORPORATION Allied Wireless Communcations Corporation ("Alled Wirless"), by and though its attorney of record, Dean J. Miler of McDevitt & Miler, LLP, requests that T - Mobile West Corporation (T-Mobile) provide the followig docuents and inormtion. Ths Production Request is to be considered as contiuing and T-Mobile (also refered to herein as "you" or "your") is requested to provide, by way of supplementar FIT PRODUCTION REQUEST OF ALLIED WILESS COMMUNICATIONS CORPRATION TO T-MOBILE WEST CORPRATION-l responses, additional docuents that it or any peron actig on its behalf may later obta that wil augment the documents produce. For each item, please indicate the name of the pern( s) preparg the answer, along with the job title of such persons) and the witness who can sponsor the anwer. Please provide anwer to each question, supportg workpapers that provide detal or are the source.ofinformation used in caculations. T;.Mobile is remded that responses puruant to Commssion Rules of Procedure must include the name and phone number of the pern preparg the document, and the name, location and phone number of the record holder and if different the witness who ca sponsor the answer at heag, if necessar. REQUEST NO.1: Pleae provide copies of all docuents filed in ths case with the Commssion which included a request for confidential designation or treatment. REQUEST NO.2: Please provide copies of all documents provided or shown to the Commssion staf in relation to this cae. REQUEST NQ.- 3: To the extent not included in your responses to RequestNos. 1 or 2, for eRch of fist two year of ETC designtion, pleae provide a detaled form netork improvemert plan demonstratig how applicat will use support fuds (all federal support types except low-income support); together with all drft and workpaper leading to such plan. Any inormation in tale formt should also be provided in native electonic format, preferably ExceL. FIT PRODUCTION REQUEST OF ALLIED WIESS COMMICATIONS CORPRATION TO T-MOBILE WEST CORPRATION-2 REQUEST NO.4: By quaer, for the end of each quaer from the fit quaer of 2009 though the second quaer of 2011, pleae provide T -Mobile's counts of eligible lines/handsets in serice in each ILEC wie center included in your application in ths case, with disaggegated per-line support and in each ILEC study area wher suport is averged, by residence, single-line business, and multi-line business categories. If any. ILEChas dis aggregated its support below the wire ceter level, the counts should also be provided by zone. The respons should be provided in native electronic formts, preferably ExceL. REQUEST NO.5: Please provide T -Mobile's forect of support amount, by tye other than low-income, and by ILEC serce area that the applicant expec to recive in the fist two years of designation, as well as an explanation of how the forecat was derved; together with all workpapers and calculations showig how the estimates were prepared. The response should be provided in native electronic formats, preferably ExceL. REQUEST NO.6: Please provide detailed informtion for each T -Mobile project that wil use unversal serce support fuds, including: A. The descrption and purose of the project, its physica location, the ILEC serg that area, and whether the project is a collocation site. B.The star date and completion data (by quaer). C. The amount of suport money allocated to the project, In total and broken down by investment and expense tyes. FIT PRODUCTION REQUEST OF ALLIED WILESS COMMICATIONS CORPRATION TO T-MOBILE WEST CORPRATION-3 D. The amount of company's own fuds that will be us for each supported project E. A brief explanation of why the caer would not make these improvements without the avaiabilty of support fuding. F. Quantification of resultig serce improvements by tye (increased coverge, signal strengt capacity, etc.), population benefite, and geographic area benefited (shown on map(s))~ REQUEST NO.7: Pleae provide electronic copies in native formts maps of T-Mobile's cuent coverage in Idaho. Without limitation, each map should include separately al layer. If multiple formats are available, please provide in al available . formts. REQUEST NO.8: Please provide electrnic copies in native formats ofT- Mobile's coverage maps showig the projected coverage upon conclusion of the USF- fuded projects identified in your responses. Without limitation, each map should include separtely all layer. If multiple formats are avaiable pleae provide in all avaiable formts. REQUEST NO.9: Please provide a table of the latitudes and longitudes of each proposed new cell site identified in T -Mobile's Netork Improvement Plan. If available, in addition to a paper copy, please provide the table in Excel (or Word) format with the site name and degrees, minutes, and secnds for both latitude and longitude in separate colum. FIRT PRODUCTION REQUEST OF ALLIED WILESS COMMICATIONS CORPRATION TO T-MOBILE WEST CORPRATION-4 REQUEST NO. 10: Please provide a table of the latitudes and longitudes of each existig cell site ofT-Mobile or any cell site curently under constrction in Idaho. For cell sites added with the last five yea, pleae include the in-serce or acquisition date. For cell sites added since 2009, please include the sta of constrction date and the in-serce date. For cell sites under constrction, please provide the sta of constrcton date. If available, in addition to a paper copy, pleae provide the table in Excel (or Word) format with the site name and degrees, miutes, and seconds for both latitude and longitude in separte colum. REQUEST NO. 11: For all Idaho T-Mobile cell sites completed since July 1, 2010, or cuently under constrcton, or in any stages of plang (including any plang that may be contigent on any occuence, such as ETC designation), please state by site whether any site acquisition or preliar engieerg work has been planed, authoried, or done for the site. If so, please produce all documents reflecg such work, authorization, or planng. REQUEST NO. 12: Does T-Mobile have any maps or lists of cuent AT&T, CingUar, or Edge cell sites in Idaho? If so, please provide the most precise informtion available, such as a table of the latitudes and longitudes or maps in native electronic formt. If available, in addition to a paper copy, please provide the table in Excel (or Word) formt with the site name and degrees, miutes, and secnds for both latitude and longitude in separte colum. FIT PRODUCTION REQUEST OF ALLIED WILESS COMMICATIONS CORPORATION TO T-MOBILE WEST CORPRATION-S REQUEST NO. 13: Does T -Mobile have any maps detling the coverage of . AT&T, Cinguar, or Edge cell sites in Idao? If so, please provide the most preise coverage information available, such as maps in native electrnic formats. REQUEST NO. 14: Please produce copies of any report, memos, correspondence, or other docuents relatig to T-Mobile's ETC applications and provided to aT-Mobile Board or board commttee, T -Mobile offce, or T -Mobile's parent or affiate corprations; includig, without limiting the foregoing, any discussion of possible relinquishment of support in relation to the proposed merger with AT&T. REQUEST NO. 15: Please provide copies of all T -Mobile capital expenditue budgets for Idaho prepared since 2009. REQUEST NO. 16: Has T-Mobile prepared alterative capital expenditue budgets for Idaho that are contigent on receipt of Feder Univeral Serce fuding? If so please provide them. REQUEST NO. 17: With regard to states where T-Mobil~ has been designate an ETC: a. When was T-Mobile's ETC designation effective? b. How many Lifeline subscriber does T -Mobile have? FIRT PRODUCTIoN REQUEST OF ALLIED WILESS COMMICATIONS CORPORATION TO T-MOBllE WEST CORPRATION-6 REQUEST NO. 18: Why did T -Mobile relinquish its ETC designations in Tenessee and Virgia? REQUEST NO. 19: Please admit that Philipp Hum CEO T -Mobile USA~ Inc., gave the followig tetiony before a Subcommttee of the Senate Judiciar Commttee in May, 2011: "As data usage contiues to explode, spectr is becomig a constrt to our,business, with T -Mobile facing spectr exhaust over the next couple of yea in a number of signficat markets. Moreover, our spect holdings will not allow us to launch LTE. T-Mobile also lacks thelow band spectrm that would enble it to offer nationwide dee in-building coverage, parcuarly to reach homes in suburbs aidin. ru areas." REQUEST NO. 20: With regard to your "Response" filed with the Commssion on June 23, 2011, on page 2, that "T -Mobile will remai the designated ETC lega entity followig the merger, please descrbe in detal the post-merger corprate strctue, provide and organization cha, detal all changes in control (dict or indirect) of ''T- Mobile" that mayor will occur after the merger as a result of chaged ownerp or corporate stctue, and provide copies of relevant docuents, including merger agreements. REQUEST NO. 21: With regard to your "Resonse" filed with the Commssion on June 23, 201 1, at page 6, that Prtester are motivated by thei "fiancial interests" and "profits," please state whether or not T -Mobile is motivated by fiancial interests and FIT PRODUCTION REQUEST OF ALLIED WILESS COMMICATIONS CORPORATION TO T.MOBILE WEST CORPRATION-7 profits and explai your anwer. Additionally, please provide all documents relatig to fiancia1 analyses of the imact of grant or denial ofT-Mobile's ETC application in Idaho. REQUEST NO. 22: With regard to your "Response" fied with the Commssion on June 23,2011, begig at page 9, regarding Idaho's possible loss of relinquished support resultig from the AT&T merger and"T -Mobile's plan," pleae detal all facts or knowledge you possess regarding AT&T's plans for ETC statu and Feder USF support after or in relation to the proposed merger. Pleae provide all docuents that support or relate to your answer. REQUEST NO. 23: With regard to your "Response" filed with the Commssion on June 23, 2011, and the discussion of the Texas case begiing on page 1 1, please provide unredacte copies of al motions and briefs fied by any par in the Texas PUC cae. REQUEST NO. 24: With regard to your "Response" filed with the Commsion on June 23,2011, and the discussion of Mr. Stephenon's Congressional testimony begig at page 14, please explai in detail wheter and, if so, how AT&T could or would complete the LTE build out under discussion without concutly mag voice coverage available to same areas as the LTE coverage. Please provide al docuents supportg or relatig to your answer. FIST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF ALLIED WILESS COMMNICATIONS CORPORATION TO T-MOBD.E WEST CORPRATION-8 DATED thslst day of July, 2011. MCDEVI & MILER, LLP BYDlWL Dea J. Miller Attorney for Alled Wireless Communications FIT PRODUCTION REQUEST OF ALLIED WILESS COMMNICATIONS CORPRATION TO T-MOBILE WEST CORPRATION-9 CERTICATE OF SERVICE I hereby cerfy that on the ~ day of July, 2011, I caused to be sered, via the metod(s) indicated below, tre and correct copies of the foregoing docuent, upon: Jean Jewell, Secreta Hand Delivered ~ Idaho Public Utilties Commssion U.S. Mail .c. 472 West Washington Strt Fax .c. P.O. Box 83720 Fed. Express .c. Boise, iD 83720-0074 Email .c. jjeweU(iuc.state.id. us Hand Delivered .c. David Daggett, Esq.U.S. Mail .c. DAVIS WRIGHT TRMAE, LLP Fax .c. 1202 Thrd Ave., Suite 2200 Fed. Express Ù Seatte, WA 98101-3045 Emal d daviddaggetttßdwt.com Hand Delivered .c. Mark P. Trichero, Esq.U.S. Mail .c. DAVIS WRIGHT TRMAE, LLP Fax .c. 1300 SW Fift Ave., Suite 2300 Fed. Express .c. Portand, OR 97201 Emal ~ maktcherotßdwt.com Ter Ohta Esq.Hand Delivered .c. Senor Corporate Counsel U.S. Mail .c. T-Mobile USA, Inc.Fax .c. 12920 SE 38th Str . Fed. Express .c. Bellevue, WA 98006 Email ,; terotatßtmobile.com Cyntha A. Melilo, Esq.Hand Delivered .c. Given Purley LLP U.S. Mail .c. 601 N. Banock Street Fax .c. P.O. Box 2720 Fed. Express .c. Boise, ID 83701 Emal J4 caigivenspursley.com BY: . J~ McDEvm &ÌLLER LLP FIST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF ALLIED WILESS COMMUNICATIONS CORPORATION TO T.MOBILE WEST CORPRATION-tO