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March 31,2016
Jean D. Jewell, Secretary
Idaho Public Utilities Commission
Statehouse Mail
W. 472 Washington Street
Boise, Idaho 83720
RE: Avista Utilities Annual Report Regarding Selected Research and Development Effrciency
Dear Ms. Jewell:
Enclosed for filing with the Commission is an original and 7 copies of Avista Corporation's dba
Avista Utilities ("Avista or the Company") Report on the Company's selected electric energy
efficiency research and development (R&D) projects, implemented by the state of Idaho's four-
year Universities.
Please direct any questions regarding this report to Dan Johnson at (509) 495-2807 or myself at
s09-495-497s.tu""^?\a'y'\- tKt "lL {U''A^6r*^-;
Manager, Regulatory Policy
Avista Utilities
linda. gervais@avistacorp.com
lr. L..:-IUl{-r-Ac)(n
March 3L,20L6
Annual Report
cAsE NO. AVU-E-I3-08
oRDER NO. 32918
March 31,2016
l. SCOPE OF WORK ...................1
B. Background .........2il. KEY EVENTS.................. ..........2
A. Request for lnterest ................2
B. Selection of Projects.. .............3
C. Description of Selected Projects...... ..........3
D. Project Manager and Related Communications;........... ....................4
E. Agreements .........4F. Project Milestones.. .................5lll. ACcouNTrNG.............. ...-........7
A. Funds authorized for R&D projects; ..........7
B. Funds Expended and Remaining Balance ....................7
C. Cost-Recovery............... ..........7tv. pRoJEcT BENEFITS. .............8A. lncreasing Hydropower Generating Efficiency through Drag Reduction .................................8
B. Bidirectional Charger Effects on Local Electrical Grids with Limited Access..........................8
C. Simulation-Based Commissioning of Energy Management Control System..........................8
D. Residential Static VAR Compensator................. ...........9V. RESEARCH |N-PROGRESS............... .............................s
A. Summary of research in-progress and anticipated completion milestones pursuant to
contractual agreements and project manager's administration. .............. ............9
B. Other relevant activity.... .......10
lncreasing Hydropower Generating Efficiency through Drag Reduction
Bidirectional Charger Effects on Local Electrical Grids
Simulation-Based Commissioning of EMCS
Residential Static VAR Compensator Phase I
Residential Static VAR Gompensator Phase lll
Smart Wires
Micro Grid
Residential Static VAR Compensator Phase ll
Avista Research and Development Projects Annual Report
March 31 2O16
A. lntroduction
This report is prepared in conformance with ldaho Public Utilities Commission
(IPUC) order No 32918. This includes key events during the reporting period and
accounting for related expenditures.
Avista Corporation, doing business as Avista Utilities (hereinafter Avista or
Company), al 1411 East Mission Avenue, Spokane, Washington, is an energy
company involved in the production, transmission and distribution of energy as well
as other energy-related businesses. Avista Utilities is the operating division that
provides electric service to more than 600,000 electric and natural gas customers.
Their service territory covers 30,000 square miles in eastern Washington, northern
ldaho and parts of southern and eastern Oregon, with a population of 1.5 million.
Avista Service Tenitory
On August 30, 2013 Avista applied for an order authorizing it to accumulate and
account for customer revenues that will provide funding for selected electric energy
efficiency research and development (R&D) projects, proposed and implemented
by the state of Idaho's four-year Universities. On October 31 , 2013 Order No.
32918 was granted to Avista. Avista now recovers up to $300,000 per year of
Avista Research and Development Projects Annual Report
March 31.2016
revenue to research from the Company's Schedule 91 Energy Efficiency Rider
This program provides a stable base of research and development funding that
allows research institutions to sustain quality research programs that benefit
customers. lt is also consistent with ldaho Governor Butch Otter's ldaho Global
Entrepreneurial Mission "iGem" initiative in which industry would provide R&D
funding to supplement funding provided by the State of ldaho.
B. Background
ln the 1990s, with the prospect of electric deregulation, utilities reduced or
eliminated budgets that would increase costs not included by third-party marketers
for sales of power to end-users. Research and development was one of those
costs. This has led to the utility industry having the lowest R&D share of net sales
among all US industries.
Research and development is defined, for the purpose of this project, to be applied
R&D that could yield benefits to customers in the next one to four years.
ln 20'10, Governor Otter announced ldaho would support university research as a
policy initiative with some funding provided by the state and supplemental funding
expected from other sources. This project provides additional funding to selected
A. Request for lnterest
The request for interest for projects funded in 201412015 fiscal year was prepared
and distributed to all three ldaho Universities as shown below. A full copy of the
request for lnterest is included in Appendix B. The proposals and selections for
projects funded in 201512016 FY will be detailed in the 2017 Annual Report.
Universitv Deliverv Date
Universitv of ldaho December 13,2013
Boise State Universitv December 13,2013
ldaho State Universitv December 13.2013
On January 31 , 2014, Avista received 10 proposals from the University of ldaho
and 6 proposals from Boise State University. Following is a list of the proposals
Universitv of ldaho
1. Bidirectional Charger Effects on Local Electrical Grid with Limited Access
2. Building Energy Signature as a Non-lntrusive Load Monitoring Tool
3. Determination of Best Distribution Voltage Levels to Minimize Loads and
Power Losses
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Avista Research and Development Projects Annual Report
March 31 2O16
4. Energy Audits and Training for Wastewater Treatment Facilities
5. Enhanced Demand Response with Smart Building Energy Management
6. Experimental Study of Motor Starters in Periodic Usage Environments to
Quantify Energy Savings and lmpact on Motor Life
7. lncreasing Hydropower Generating Efficiency through Drag Reduction
8. Model Predictive Control for Radiant HVAC System
9. Simulation-Based Commissioning of Energy Management Control System
10. User Conservation
Boise State Universitv
1. Citizen Survey
2. Commercial Building Analytics
3. Data Visualization
4. lmproving Accountability
5. Residential Static Var Compensator
6. Smart Thermostats
B. Selection of Projects
Avista prepared an evaluation matrix for the 16 proposed projects. A team of
individuals representing Distribution, Transmission Planning, Generation and
Demand Side Management, co-filled out the matrix to rank each of the projects.
The following factors in no particular order were considered in the ranking process.
o Research Areas Already Being Done (EPRI, WSU, AVA)
ComplemenVRedundanUNewo Potential Value to Customers kwh/l(tVl$ (1-10)o CO2 Emission Reduction (Y/N). Market Potential (1-10). Are Results Measurable (Y/N). Aligned with Avista Business Functions (Y/N). New or Novel (Y/N)o Ranking (1 -10)
C. Description of Selected Projects
Following is a brief description of each of the four selected projects. Project teams
compiled "Two Page Reports" which summarize and highlight project details. These
Two Page Reports are included in Appendix A. Additional details are included in the
final project reports and included in Appendix E, Appendix F, Appendix G, and
Appendix H.
lncreasinq Hvdropower Generatino Efficiencv throuoh Draq Reduction: Energy loss
due to friction occurs at various phases of hydropower generation. This research
investigates the potential of reducing the energy loss in the penstock so that more
energy is available for power generation. The concrete/cement surface of penstock
inner walls is hydrophilic. Nanotechnology has made it possible to make these
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Avista Research and Development Projects Annual Report
March 31,2016
surfaces hydrophobic or even super-hydrophobic. Frictional drag reduction by
hydrophobicity over concrete surface treated with Zycosil has not been
demonstrated or quantified. This project evaluates the potential of frictional drag
reduction ovet Zycosil-treated su rfaces.
Bidirectional Charqer Effects on Local Electrical Grids with Limited Access: With
the increasing popularity of electrical vehicles and the anticipated decrease in their
purchase prices over the next several years, electrical vehicles are coming to every
commercial and academic campus. On-site charging is a benefit that many
employers may want to provide. This project proposes to build a bidirectional
charging system on a university campus, a system that operates within the voltages
and power levels typical of a home or small commercial building. We will use this
charger to investigate the effects of bidirectional charging on the electrical utility
system within the building and on nearby buildings.
Simulation-Based Commissioninq of Enerqv Manaoement Control Svstems: The
research aims to develop a method to use energy simulation and co-simulation
software to perform automated and semi-automated pre-commissioning or retro-
commissioning (Cx) of the programming that resides inside a constructed building's
energy management control system (EMS). This phase of the research is to
complete manual proof of concept work, benchmark baseline performance of
chosen test site, and estimate energy savings potential via simulation of alternate
bu ild ing control strategies.
Residential Static VAR Compensator: To develop a smart demand-side
management device based on the concept of a Residential Static VAR
Compensator (RSVC) for regulating residential voltages, especially during peak
demand hours. The proposed residential static VAR compensator reduces power
consumption during peak hours in order to save energy and costs of generation.
D. Project Manager and Related Gommunications;
Avista set out to find an independent third party project manager based in ldaho.
On September 26, 2014 Avista entered into an agreement with T-O Engineers as
this independent third party project manager. T-O Engineers is an ldaho company
based in Boise, ldaho with offices in Boise, Coeur d'Alene, Spokane, and Nampa.
T-O is tasked with providing project management, organizational structure,
milestone setup, milestone tracking, and incidental administrative services. The
project manager for T-O Engineers is JR Norvell, PE. The deputy project manager
is Natasha Jostad, El. JR and Natasha are both based out of the Spokane office.
E. Agreements
On June 6, 2014 Avista entered into a master agreement with the University of
ldaho. Key elements of this agreement include Confidential lnformation (section
5.8), Publication Rights (section 5.9), and lntellectual Property (section 5.16). The
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Avista Research and Development Projects Annual Report
March 3'1.2016
full agreement is included as Appendix G. lndividual task orders are assigned for
each of the research projects selected.
On Octobet 21,2014 Avista entered into an agreement with Boise State University.
Key elements of this agreement include Confidential lnformation (section 5.8),
Publication Rights (section 5.9), and lntellectual Property (section 5.16). The full
agreement is included as Appendix D.
F. Project Milestones
The following graphic identifies each projects specific tasks as well as the overall
research and development schedule and milestones. Final reports from each
Principle lnvestigator were submitted in the fall of 2015. ln addition to the written
report, each research team presented their findings to Avista on August 28,2015.
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Avista Research and Development Projects Annual Report
March 31. 2015
Fall Semester SDrlnr S€m6ter Summer Sem6ter
.0 Project Management t
1.0 D.Yelop Follow-on Proporal
-3.0 Prcprra Fin.l Roport t
l. D.Yclop TG.t Plrns .nd ln.t.ll
Eouioment r
2. Tcrt Bidir.stionrl Charging with PHEV
3. T.!t Low Powcr Eidirection.l
-f. Documcnt Rclult3 *
1. Prcplr. T.st lnrtrumontt r t -r)
2. CondustTc.t on Sand Papcr
3. ConductT.rt on Concr.tr
r *
-l. Efficicocy G.in Evllurtion.nd
Mditlonrl T.rtang +
1. Encrgy Modcllng I
2.8CVTB Mod.ling
l. Run, Anelfze end Reitcrete n I
l. Bcnchmerk Pcrformence E)
1. Prototyp. D..ign
Z. Prototyp. Simulrtion
L Prcparo lntorim RGport
l. Prototyp. Tcsting
Pr.prr. Final Ropod >n rex "+
l. Proi.ct Kickoff T
l. Monthly Proj.ct Updrt.t I I I !I I I I I I
l. Proi.ct Prar.ntrtion to Avbt!I
t. Prolcct Kicloff Mceting o
l. Follow-on Propolrl to Avitt
l. Finll R.port to Avi.t.a
1. lPuC tlclivcrrblcs a
Page | 6
Avista Research and Development Projects Annual Report
March 31. 2016
A. Funds authorized for R&D projects;
Effective November 1, 2013 Avista can fund up to $300,000 per year of R&D from
revenue collected through Avista's Schedule 91, Energy Efficiency Rider
Adjustment. Contracts for 201412015 FY are as follows:
B. Funds Expended and Remaining Balance
Following is the final budget summary for 201412015 FY R&D Projects.
C. Cost-Recovery
The costs associated with R&D are funded from revenue collected through Avista's
Schedule 91 - Energy Efficiency Rider Adjustment. The $56,532.68 will rollover to
next year's R&D budget. All R&D projects are invoiced on a time and materials
basis with an amount not to exceed. The costs would be included in the Company's
annual tariff filing in June if the rider balance requires a true-up.
Agency Description
Amount Point of Contact
University of ldaho
Simulation-Based Commissioning
of Energy Management Control
$ 46,705.00 Dr. Kevin Van Den
University of ldaho
Bidirectional Charger Effects on
Local Electrical Grid with Limited
$ 78,697.00 Dr. Herbert L. Hess
University of ldaho
lncreasing Hydropower
Generating Efficiency through
Drao Reduction
$ 72,539.00 Dr. Jim C. P. Liou
Boise State University Residential Static Var
Compensator $ 60,000.00 Dr. Said Ahmed-
T-O Engineers Project Manager $ 30,000.00 James R. Norvell
Total $ 287,941.00
Amount Total Expended
Simulation-Based Commissioning of
Energy Management Control System $ 46,705.00 $ 46,705.00 $ 0.00
Bidirectional Charger Effects on Local
Electrical Grid with Limited Access $ 78,697.00 $ 61,645.01 $ 17,051.99
lncreasing Hydropower Generating
Efficiency through Drag Reduction $ 72,539.00 $ 48,294.20 $ 24,244.80
Residential Static Var Comoensator $ 60,000.00 $ 56,823.11 $ 3,176.89
Proiect Manaoer $ 30,000.00 $ 30,000.00 $ 0.00
Totals $ 287,941.00 $243,467.32 $ 56,532.68
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Avista Research and Development Projects Annual Report
March 31 . 2016
A. lncreasing Hydropower Generating Efficiency through Drag Reduction
This research demonstrates that significant frictional drag reduction over smooth
surfaces beyond the smooth surface limit is possible by adding surface
superhydrophobicity. However, the drag reduction occurred in the measurement is
temporary. ln addition, the team was unable to demonstrate drag reduction over
roughened cement surfaces. This drag reduction technology holds promise but it is
only in the early stages of the path to market.
Because of the large but short penstocks, the possible efficiency improvement at
Avista's Cabinet Gorge Dam is small. However, the impact will be much more
significant for sites with smaller and longer power tunnels and penstocks. This
technology is applicable outside hydropower, such as water transmissions for water
utilities. The potential market is very large.
B. Bidirectional Charger Effects on Local Electrical Grids with Limited Access
Hybrid electric vehicle charging stations can provide exciting business and
technological avenues for utilities to explore. One such avenue is the ability to
possibly mitigate demand issues through stored energy at a charging location via a
point-of-use source. Although the concept of a point-of-use source needs more
research into controlling the energy used and dispersed onto the grid by the
system, the point-of-use source is nevertheless an innovative way of reacting to
Additionally, utilities may change their relationship with their customer through
charging stations and point-of-use technology. Utilities will be able gain revenue
from customers using these stations, while simultaneously being able to store and
disperse energy back onto the grid with the infrastructure present at the charging
facilities. Utilities may offer incentives for certain customers to participate in
providing energy for the charging facilities, which may actually be viewed as an
investment in a more stable system for both the participants in the program and the
utility. With more research in controlling the negative effects of the bidirectional
chargers on the grid, point-of-use sources will forge new alliances, ideas, and
partnerships between customer and utility.
G. Simulation-Based Commissioning of Energy Management Control System
During research for the proposal, the team found that performing pre-
commissioning of EMS could save substantial energy, increase occupant comfort,
and greatly reduce the time from building start up to proper operation. The building
commissioning process has been shown to be highly cost-effective while also
improving comfort and productivity (Mills, 2009). HVAC controls commissioning is
very important because commercial buildings operated in an unintended manner
have been shown to increase energy consumption by 20% compared to the
intended design (Westphalen & Koszalinski, 1999). A recent baseline study of
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Avista Research and Development Projects Annual Report
March 31.2016
buildings in the Pacific Northwest found average office building annual energy use
to be 112 kBtulsq. ft. with an average office building size of 20,000 sq. ft. (Baylon,
Robison, & Kennedy, 2008). Given these assumptions, controls pre-commissioning
could save 131,200 kWh/yr for an average office building.
During the course of this research, the team looked specifically at one measure:
outside air, damper control and found that it would make a difference of over 56,000
kWh per year. While this is less than the 131 ,200 kwh estimate, the savings in this
study were for one control point only. Significantly more savings could be found by
expanding the controls research beyond the economizer to other aspects of the
building control. lt is likely, that the team could find substantially more than 131,200
kWh of savings for the test building by implementing the developed simulation-
based pre-commissioning protocol on all of the highest priority control points within
the building.
D. Residential Static VAR Compensator
Results of phase-l research indicates that a (single-phase) RSVC offers a
significant potential for energy savings by voltage regulation and it can become a
valuable tool in a utility's demand-side management for energy efficiency,
especially during peak demand hours. The next phase will be to develop a software
centered approach that will use programmable hardware devices, i.e., a
microcontroller or a Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) in conjunction with
bidirectional switches to implement the control circuit embedded in the RSVC
A parallel study will focus on investigating the benefits of deploying several RSVCs
on a feede(s). Some studies that can be performed include conservation by
voltage reduction, power factor correction, VAR support and voltage swing
reduction by switching capacitor banks.
A. Summary of research in-progress and anticipated completion milestones
pursuant to contractual agreements and project manager's administration.
There are currently three projects in progress for the 201512016 fisca! year. lnterim
Reports are included in Appendices l, J, and K. Phase 2 of the Residential Static
VAR Compensator project was not selected for IPUC funding, however, BSU
arranged additional funding and this research has been complimentary to the
Phase 3 Avista did fund. The interim report is included in Appendix L. Completed
milestones for each IPUC funded project are listed in the table below.
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Avista Research and Development Projects Annual Report
March 31. 2016
Fall Semstet Sorlnr Sem6ter
1. Project Management +
2. Develop Follow-on Proposal
-l. Prepare Final R€port t
.IEEE Working Model in OpenDSS r T
L Test Modified IEEE Feeder I
l. Deploy RSVC on IEEE Feeder I
l. Stage Gate Meetings I I
1. Receive Data From Avista I
I. Preliminary Study of Existing System
n Powerworld I
,. Assess System Stability t
t. Model Distribution System !
Stage Gate Meetings t I
1. Tsst Device Models in Pow€rworld T
l. Available Commercial Devices T
I. Preliminary Application of Devices T
4. Stago Gate Meetings Il T
1. Projoct Kickoff I
2. Bi-Monthly Proi6ct Updates !I ,I II II II !t tT t t II II II
3. Project Presentation to Avista I
1. Proiect Kickoff Meeting o
2. Follow-on Proposal to Avista
3. Final Report to Avista a
l. IPUC Deliverables C
B. Other relevant activity.
Project kick-off meetings were held on-site at the University of ldaho and Boise
State University.
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Avista Research and Development Projects Annual Report
March 31. 2016
A progress meeting is held bi-monthly for each project. These meetings typically
take 0.5 hours and include a review of schedule, monthly progress reporting,
invoicing, owner comments, and action items for the next month. The meetings are
organized and led by the lndependent Program Manager, T-O Engineers.
Attendees for each meeting include the Principa! lnvestigator, Co-!nvestigators,
Student Researchers, Avista personnel, and the lndependent Program Manager.
There are currently three projects in progress for the 201512016 fiscal year.
Contracts for these projects total $252,493.00. Budget details and funds expended
will be summarized in the 2017 Annual Report.
Avista Research and Development Projects Annual Report
March 3'l 2016
College of Engineering
Increasing Hydropower Generating Efficiency through
Drag Reduction
Project Duration: 12 months Project Cost: Total Funding $ 72,539
2014 Funding $2,723
2015 Funding $69,816
Energy loss due to friction occurs in
hydropower generation. This research
investigates the potential of reducing this
energy loss in penstocks of hydropower plants
by superhydrophobicity. The objective is to
increase the efficiency of power generation.
Even a small reduction of frictional drag in the
penstocks can result in significant increase inthe energy generated over time. If drag
reduction by superhydrophobicity is proven
possible, then the frictional drag can be
brought down below the current theoreticallimit associated with a perfect smooth
surface. This technology will be applicable to
many water conveyance systems, including
hydropower and water utilities. Several
industries can benefit from the technology,
with a large amount of energy saved from
being dissipated by friction.
Many hydropower generating plants are 30 to
50 years old and have gone through cycles of
mechanical and electrical upgrades. However,
the system to convey water from forebay to
turbines remains what it was decades ago.
The efficiency for water conveyance through
penstocks to turbines may be improved bydrag reduction using superhydrophobic
coating, a new technology resulted from
nanotechnology and advances in surface
Fluid viscosity, however small, causes
shearing of the water at and near the wall of
penstocks. This shearing consumes energy
and reduces the energy available to the
turbines. The surface of penstocks are of
hydrophilic. Nanotechnology can change a
hydrophilic surface into a superhydrophobic
Recent elaborate measurements have
demonstrated frictional drag reduction by
superhydrophobicity in microfluidics where
surface force dominates and the flow is
laminar. However, drag reduction over
hydraulic structures, such as penstocks, hasnot been demonstrated. For the latter,
surface force may not be dominating and theflow is turbulent.Whether
superhydrophobicity reduces the frictional
drag in the penstocks is an open question.
This project (1) determines, by laboratory
measurements, if drag reduction over large
(as oppose to microfluidics) superhydrophobic
surfaces can occur, (2) quantifies drag
reduction should it occur, and (3) evaluatesthe potential efficiency gain in electrical
power generation at Avista's Cabinet Gorge
Task 1: Preparation
Organize the research team (five
undergraduate students, PI, Co-PI and a lab
technician). Mobilize the test facility,
equipment and instrumentation of the
Hydraulics Laboratory of the Civil Engineering
Depaftment at the University of ldaho.
Task 2: Creating and evaluating
superhydrophobic surfaces
Create various superhydrophobic surfaces
using sand papers, cement, super high
performance concrete, Zycosil@, and
NewerWet@. Characterize these surfaces with
contact angle and scanning electron
Task 3: Shear force measurement by force
Measure the shear force acting on a
submerged flat aluminum plate, with and
without superhydrophobic coatings, hanging
in the test section of a water flume. Analyzethe data to determine if drag reduction
occurs. Present the results in terms of
boundary layer theory
Task 4: Head loss measurements in pipe flow
Explore methods to coat the inner wall of a
small diameter pipe with NeverWet@ so the
coatings are even and uniform. Relate the
head loss as a function of flow in two test
pipes with different diameter, each before andafter being coated with NeverWet@.
Demonstrate drag reduction in terms of the
Moody diagram.
Task 5: Local shear stress inference from
velocity profiles
Measure point velocities at various distances
away from a cement surface with and without
the NeverWet@ coating. Infer the local shear
stress on the wall using the law of the wall.
Separately, measure the local shear stress bya Preston tube. Evaluate if the coating can
result in drag reduction.
Task 6: Estimate power generating efficiency
Based on the finding of this research and the
data at Avista's Cabinet Gorge Dam, estimatethe potential gain in power generating
efficiency as a result of drag reduction.
Task 7: Final Report
Document the methodologies and present the
A final repoft is the deliverable of this project.
The pafticipating period for all
from Sept 2074 to May 2015
students is
2 months Seot'14 Nov'14
2 2 months Nov'14 lan'15
3 2 months Dec'14 lune'15
4 2 months Dec'14 lulv'l5
5 2 months Mav'15 Julv'15
6 1 month Auo'15 Auq'15
7 1 month July'15 Auq'15
The explorative and iterative nature of this
research made it unavoidable to stretch many
of the tasks over several months.
Name Dr- lim C. P. Liou. Pl
Orqanization Universitv of Idaho
Contact #208-88S-5202
Email liou@uidaho.edu
Name Dr. Brian Johnson.Co-PI
Oroanization [Jniversitv of Idaho
Contact #208-885-6902
Email biohnson tOu idaho.edu
Name Don Parks, CE Lab Technician
Name William Kirbv
Name Tavlor Romenesko
Name Dmitriv Shimbero
Name Adam Storev
Name Terrence Stevenson
College of Engineering
Bidirectional Charger Effects on Local Electrical Grids
with Limited Access
Project Duration: 10 months
A,Vvts TE
Project Cost: Total Funding $78,697
FY 2014 Funding $6,568
FY 2015 Funding $72,L29
With the increasing popularity of electrical
vehicles and the anticipated decrease in their
purchase prices over the next several years,
electrical vehicles are coming to every
commercial and academic campus.
On-site charging is a benefit that many
employers may want to provide. We propose
to build a bidirectional charging system on a
university campus, a system that operates
within the voltages and power levels typical of
a home or small commercial building. We will
use this charger to investigate the effects of
bidirectional charging on the electrical utility
system within the building and on nearby
buildings. From the data collected, we will
identify the appropriate issues, from which we
will prepare a larger proposal near the end of
this project's term for a follow-on campus-
wide investigation.
Electric vehicles are becoming popular.
Charging stations on commercial campuses
are likely to become an employee benefit.
Being able to reliably predict the effects of
these charging stations on the local power
grid provides Avista with better means to
oversee construction. Contractors can then
more efficiently build these facilities and,
where appropriate, install mitigation methods.
Plenty of service infrastructures exist for gas-
exclusive vehicles, but hybrid or electric
vehicles don't have very many charging
stations outside of ceftain areas.
Providing these stations will not only providea convenience factor to customers, the
stations will also allow power to be purchased
from customer's vehicles through discharging.
This power can be used to helo correct
demand and oower oualitLissues.
This project proposes to develop a prototypein conjunction with experimentation to
determine the feasibility of such a station. If
successful, the project would allow areas that
typically have higher outage rates to receive
a more consistent delivery of power, provide
local energy storage station to expedite the
mitigation of power quality issues.
Charge and discharge of electrical vehicles
and hybrids may generate some electrical
disturbances. Those will be more noticeable in
small systems such as houses or small
neighborhoods. In order to evaluate those
effects we're going to simulate a small grid
using the Gauss Johnson building at the
University of Idaho.
The vehicle charging/discharging point should
mitigate the possible power quality problems
that it may generate in order to have a stable
system without significant power quality
problems, Corrective actions and hardware
may be necessary, as this project should
determine. Varying levels of load, and hence,power quality problems, should be
Task 1: Equipment Selection
A preliminary task in order to conduct all the
project is the selection and purchase of all the
necessary equipment needed for the correct
project development.
The main equipment needed:o 2 bi-directional chargerso 4 Power quality meters
Task 2: Equipment lnstallation
This task includes the installation of the
batteries, bi-directional chargers and power
quality meters. Meters are needed to measure
the effects of the bi-directional chargers on
the building power system.
The selection of the metering points has been
done in order to obtain as many different
conditions as possible inside the building.
Planned meter test points are as follows for
the Gauss Johnson building:
1. By the bidirectional chargers.2. By the computer lab in the GJ building.3. In the power laboratory (closest to the
point of common coupling).
4. The fufthest possible points away from
the both chargers.
Task 3: Metering and Tests
This task includes the automated collection of
data from the different power meters.
Standard scientific methods apply. Control
data will first be obtained for different
conditions around the building at different
Different operations of the chargers will be
performed in order to create as many
different situations as possible. During those
different conditions many power quality
issues may appear such as sags or
Task 4: Data Evaluation
The study of the data will show what types of
power quality problems we encounter in the
building grid and which of those are produced
or aggravated by the chargers.
Task 5: Solutions to the Power Quality Problems
With the data analysis we can then develop
and implement solutions to the power quality
problems on the grid and test them.
Possible solutions may include: Using
batteries, or the cars, or the chargers in
reverse, as an uninterruptible power supply.
Task 6: Fina! Report
This task includes the Final Report with all the
results from the experiment as well as the
models and proposed solutions.
The deliverables for this project will be:. Models to predict performance of
charging stations with similar
characteristics and similar locations.. Predictions for electrical system
behavior when a number of these
charging stations are operating.. Mitigation solutions to the power
quality problems generated by the
charging stations.
Name Dr. lohn Cannino
Oroanization Universitv of Idaho
Contact #
Emai ica n ninq@u idaho.edu
Name Dr. Dean Edwards
Oroanization [Jniversitv of Idaho
Contact #(208) 885-7229
Email dedwards@uidaho.edu
Name Dr. Herbert Hess
OrdeniTetinn Universitv of Idaho
Contact #1208) 885-4341
Email hhess@u idaho.edu
Name Alex Corredor Corredor
Orqanization University of Idaho
Email acorredor@u idhaho.edu
Name Saniar Rahimov
Oroanization Universitv of Idaho
Email rahi8711(Ovanda ls. u idaho.ed u
Name Tyler Simmons
Oroanization ljniversitv of Idaho
Email simm403 1 @vandals.uidaho.edu
EouiDment Selection 1 months lan'15 Feb'15
EouiDment Installation 4 months Feb'15 Iine'15
Meterino and Tests 1 month lul'15 Auo'15
Data Evaluation 2 weeks Early
Ar rn'1 E
Ar rn'1 q
Solutions to the Power
r)r relitv Dr^hlamc 2 months Jun'15 Aug'15
Final ReDort 1 month Jul'15 Auq'15
The information contained in this document is proprietary and confidential,
Simulation-Based Commissioning of Energy
Management Control Systems
Project Duration: 10 months Project Cost: Total Funding $46,705
2014 Funding$7,904
2015 Funding $38,801
An energy model can be used as a virtual
test-bed for building controls so that controls
commissioning or new control schemes can
be tested without compromising occupant
comfort or equipment limits. The research
team studied a building currently in operation
and physically connected one of its controllers
to an energy model. The team was able to
effectively substitute an energy model for the
actual building and set up full-loop
communication between the controller and
the model's simulation outputs. The energy
model was then used to optimize the
controller settings and estimate associated
energy savings for this building.
Pre-commissioning controllers is an attractive
service that utilities can use to ensure proper
operation of energy intensive building
systems. It allows for control testing and
optimization without putting either occupant
comfort or equipment in harm's way while
ensuring proper operation of energy intensive
HVAC systems.
As building energy modeling is becoming
more widespread, an oppoftunity exists tolink the energy model simulation to a
building's control system through a
communication protocol known as Building
Automation and Control Network (BACnet).
Building controllers are increasingly BACnet
compatible allowing for more universal
communication. New buildings rely on
automated controls for their Energy
Management Systems (EMS), however, thereare times when these controls either
malfunction or are out of tune from the
specific building or climate. It then falls tothe building operators to correct these
settings. These problems may go undetected
for long periods of time incurring exorbitant
and unnecessary energy costs. In order to
avoid this, the controls in a building will be
checked after one full year of operation. The
first year of operation can be a difficult and
unpredictable time for the building occupants
as well as the utility. Older buildings also
suffer from control settings that have fallen
out of tune. It is ideal to test diverse control
strategies and experiment with new setpoints.
Unfoftunately, the testing of controller
settings is often inhibited by fears of occupant
complaints or potential damage to equipment.
Simulation-based commissioning is one wayto avoid these hazards by providing a safe
test-bed on which to optimize control
strategies for a particular building,
The COBE building at the U of I campus was
selected for this project for a physical
demonstration of this technology's
capabilities. The team developed an energy
model calibrated to the building and acquireda duplicate of the building's air-handling
controller. These were used to explore the
EMS logic and test new settings. The process
offered insight into the barriers and potentialbenefits of using simulation-based
commissioning. Based on the findings, the
team developed a work flow around this
technology which will enable incentive
programs or other value-added energy
services to be developed which will improve
the effectiveness of new building
commissioning, existing building retro-
commissioning, and promote innovative
designs for high performance buildings.
Task 1: Project Planning
The first step of the project was to select a
building for the research project. This task
also includes ongoing project management
and providing updates to Avista staff.
Task 2: Develop Energy Model
Once the building was selected in Task 1, the
team used EnergyPlus to develop and
calibrate an energy model specific to thatbuilding. The exact HVAC system was
modeled and simulations run to establish a
baseline and determine end-use energy.
Task 3: BCVTB Development
Once the energy model was calibrated, the
same controller used in the building was
physically linked to the model so that they
can communicate. The goal of this task was
to set up that communication structure by
integrating the control system's BACnet
programming with the EnergyPlus model.
The communication framework was set up ina middle-ware from Lawrence Berkeley
National Lab known as the Building Controls
Virtual Test Bed (BCVTB). BCWB is the
platform that translates between the energy
model simulation outputs and the BACnet
programming of the controller.
Task 4: Run and Analyze
Once the framework for communication was
established in Task 3, the team ran the co-
simulation between EnergyPlus and the
controller using BACnet protocols in BCWB.
The objective of this task was to determine
end-use energy and analyze differences
between the controller settings and the
baseline energy model.
Task 5: Benchmark Building Performance
The team conducted benchmarking of the
calibrated building so that modeledpeformance can be compared with
peformance based on the actual controller.
Building plans, utility data, and trend log
information from the building's EMS was used
to aid in the development of the model and
establish baseline energy consumption and
The information contained in this document is proprietary and confidential
provide credence to predictions of energy
At the conclusion of the project, the research
team has been able to conclude the following:
Co-simulate using EnergyPlus, BCVTB,
and a BACnet based HVAC control
system from a physical building.
Detect control system issues in the
building's EMS that currently inhibit
optimal energy performance.
Demonstrate associated energy
savings through benchmarking.
Present a work flow which can be
implemented into a pilot project
incentive program or value-added
energy service.
Name Brad Acker
Oroanization lJniversitv of Idaho/Llniversitv of Oreoon
Contact #(20a\ 401-0642
Email backer@uidaho.edu
Name Brad Acker- P.E.
Ordanization Universitv of ldaho
Contact #t)nR\ a,n1-oF.a)
Email backer(Ou ida ho. edu
Name Damon Woods
Oroanization Universitv of Idaho
Email dwoods@u idha ho.ed u
Name Tvler Noble
Oroanization Universitv of Idaho
Email tsnohle(Ar ridaho Pdr r
Proiect Plannino I months Oct'14 Nov'14
Develoo Enerov Model 6 months Nov'14 Aor'15
BCVTB Develooment 5 month lan'15 Mav'15
Run anrl Analvze 4 months ADril'15 lulv'15
Benchmark Performance 6 months Mar'15 Auo'15
Residential Static VAR Compensator
Project Duration: 10 months Project Cost: Total Funding $60,000
2014 Funding $12,000
2015 Funding $48,000
To explore the potential application of a
residential static VAR compensator (RSVC) as
an energy-saving tool in the operation of
distribution networks. The main objective of
this research is to determine the reactive
power requirements for such a device when
used in a utility demand-side management
program such as conservation by voltage
reduction (CVR).
Distribution utilities pay a higher price per
kWh for managing load demand above base
load during peak hours. The proposed RSVC
reduces the consumer power consumption
and allows electric utilities to reduce their
generation cost during peak demand hours.
Distribution utilities must purchase enough
generation capacity to manage load during
peak hours. Amid rising energy costs and
increasing stress on the grid, utilities are
looking towards alternative methods to
regulate and reduce energy consumption. A
device is needed that dynamically optimizes
voltage levels via sophisticated smart grid
technologies to continuously reduce energy
consumption and demand during peaks hours
when electricity prices are inflated and
demand may exceed the available capacity.
Studiesr have shown that reducing
distribution service voltage by Lo/o lowers
energy consumption by about 0.Bolo. This
translates to significant kilowatt-hour (kwh)
savings at a price range from below 10 to 5(
per kWh--far lower than most new generation
sources cost. In order words, the cost of
implementing "conservation by voltage
reduction per kWh" would be lower than
buying that amount of kWh in the market.
Conservation by Voltage Reduction (CVR) is
the implementation of a distribution voltage
strategy whereby all voltages are lowered to
the minimum allowed by the utility standard
(ANSI c84.1). This is based on the
observation that many loads consume less
power when they are fed with a voltage lower
than nominal. To maintain a good quality of
service, loads should not be supplied with a
voltage higher or lower than 5olo of nominal.
One voltage range allowed in the US is
specified by the American National Standards
Institute (ANSI) as 120 V nominal, 114 V
minimum and 126 V maximum(12O V t 5olo).
SVCs are flexible AC transmission system
(FACTS) devices that regulate the voltage on
high voltage electrical transmission networks
by absorbing or supplying reactive power. An
SVC installation usually comprises a thyristor
controlled reactor (TCR) with a fixed or
switched capacitors (TSC). Reactive power
injected or absorbed in the power network is
continuously varied by controlling the current
through the reactor via a bidirectional switch.
Two methods of controlling the shunt reactor
were tested. The first method uses
conventional angle firing to control the closing
of a solid-state switch in series with the shunt
reactor. This method has the drawback of
generating current harmonics which require
filter circuits to mitigate their effects.
Another superior method uses pulse-width
modulation (PWM) control to turn on and off
two bidirectional switches, one in series and
the other in parallel with the shunt reactor, in
a complementary fashion. This method yields
The information contained in this document is proprietary and confidential
a quasi-sinusoidal RSVC voltage and an
almost sinusoidal inductor current.
The RSVC components were sized to meet the
reactive requirements for a minimal voltage of
228V (reference voltage). The proposed
RSVC uses a fixed capacitor and PWM
switched inductor topology due to its
advantage over a TCR. The fixed capacitor for
the RSVC was sized at 470 ;tF (10.2 kVAr)
and the inductor was sized at 13 mH (11.75
An automatic control system was designed
and tested to maintain the RSVC voltage at a
desired reference set point. The control
system uses a PID controller that calculates
an error value between the measured rms
output voltage and the reference voltage. The
controller tries to minimize the error by
adjusting the width for the gating signals. The
RSVC prototype was designed using
MATLAB/S|mulink and EPRI's OpenDSS
software tool.
The model developed in Simulink was
extensively tested and validated against the
results of EPRI's OpenDSS software. It was
shown that the results obtained using both
OpenDSS and Simulink are almost identical,
with OpenDSS being considerably faster than
Simulink. The difference between the two
measured values is between t-2o/o.
A reasonable cost for the RSVC will be around
$300 considering the cumulative price for
reactive components and sensors. If we
assume that the RSVC device is used for six
hours each day during peak demand hours
and that it results in a 1olo to 2.5o/o energy
savings, then the payback period will be
about 3 years to 6 years.
The RSVC developed in this applied research
is intended to function at the secondary low-
voltage side of a 25-kVA distribution
transformer typically serving three residential
houses. This device can be designed as one
single SVC across the nominal 240 V or two
120-V RSVCs, one for each phase.
Results of phase-I research indicates that a
(single-phase) RSVC offers a significant
potential for energy savings by voltage
regulation and it can become a valuable tool
in a utility's demand-side management for
energy efficiency, especially during peak
demand hours. The next phase will be to
develop a software centered approach that
will use programmable hardware devices, i.e.,
a microcontroller or a Field Programmable
Gate Array (FPGA) in conjunction with
bidirectional switches to implement the
control circuit embedded in the RSVC device.
A parallel study will focus on investigating the
benefits of deploying several RSVCs on a
feeder(s). Some studies that can be
performed include conservation by voltage
reduction, power factor correction, VAR
support and voltage swing reduction by
switching capacitor banks.
The deliverables for this project (Phase-I) will
be a prototype design with results of the
testing and a cost-benefit analysis of the
payback period based on the pilot study.
Name Dr. Said Ahmed-Zaid
Oroanization Boise State Universiw
Contact #208-3s0-3667
Email sa hmerlza irl(O hoisestate.€du
Name Muhammad Kamran L,atif
Orqanization Boise State LJniversitv
Contact #204-340-4007
Email mu hammadlatif@u. boisestate.edu
Name Andrds Valdeoefia
Oroanization Boise State Universitv
Contact #) rlR--, ) a-R.\do
Prototvoe Desion 2 months Nov 2014 Dec 2014
Prototvoe Simulation 4 months lan 2015 Aor 2015
Interim Reoort 1 month Feb 2015
PrototvDe Testino 2 months Mav 2015 Jun 2015
Final ReDort 2 months lul 2015 Auq 2015
The information contained in this document is proprietary and confidential
Avista Research and Development Projects Annual Report
March 3'1.2016
Avista Corporation
East l41l Mission Ave.
Spokane, WA99202 ^#vrsrt
Request for Proposal (RFP)
Contract No. R-39605
Avista Energy Research (AER) Initiative
Proposals are due by:
4:00 p.m. Pacific Prevailing Time (PPT), January 3lr20l4 (the "Due Date")
Avista Corporation is an energy company involved in the production, transmission and distribution of
energy as well as other energy-related businesses. Avista Utilities is the operating division that
provides electric service to approximately 362,000 customers and natural gas to approximately 323,000
customers. Avista's service territory covers 301000 square miles in eastern Washington, northern
Idaho and parts of southern and eastern Oregon, with a population of 1.5 million. Avista's primary,
non-regulated subsidiary is Ecova. Avista's stock is traded under the ticker symbol "AVA'. For more
information about Avista, visit @.
Avista Corporation
East 141I Mission Ave.
Spokane, WA99202 ^#rgrsrt
Avista Corporation ("Avista")
RFP Confidentiality Notice
This Request for Proposal ("RI'P") may contain information that is marked as confidential and proprietary to
Avista ("Confidential Information" or "Information"). Under no circumstances may the potential Bidder
receiving this RFP use the Confidential lnformation for any purpose other than to evaluate the requirements
of this RFP and prepare a responsive proposal ("Proposal"). Further, Bidder must limit distribution of the
Information to only those people involved in preparing Bidder's Proposal.
If Bidder determines that they do not wish to submit a Proposal, Bidder must provide a letter to Avista
certiffing that they have destroyed the Confidential lnformation, or return such Information to Avista and
certifu in writing that they have not retained any copies or made any unauthorized use or disclosure of such
If Bidder submits a Proposal, a copy of the RFP documents may be retained until Bidder has received notice
of Avista's decision regarding this RFP. If Bidder has not been selected by Avista, Bidder must either return
the Information or desfioy such Information and provide a letter to Avista certiffing such destruction.
Avista and Bidder will employ the same degree of care with each other's Confidential Information as they
use to protect their own Information and inform their employees of such confidentiality obligations.
RFP No. R-39605 Page 2 of 9
Avista Corporation
East l4l I Mission Ave.
Spokane, WA99202 ^#rvtsrt
Instructions and Requirements
in response to the Idaho Public Utilities Commission Order No. 32918, Avista Corporation will fund up to
S300,000 per year of applied research that will further promote broad conservation goals of energy efficiency
and curtailment. Specifically, Avista is seeking a qualified four year institution in the state of Idaho to
provide such applied research (the "Services"). In light of the rapidly changing utility landscape, Avista
would be interested in funding research projects which are forward thinking and would assist the utility in the
development of product and services which provide an energy efficient commodity to its customers. The
applied research and development projects can be one or multiple years and can be used to support university
research programs, facility and studies.
The following institutions are eligible to submit Avista Energy Research (AER) initiative proposals.
1. University of Idaho 2. Boise State University 3.Idaho State University
Persons or institutions submitting a Proposal will be referred to as "Bidder" in this RFP; after execution of a
contract, the Bidder to whom a contract is awarded, if any, will be the name of the university ("lnstitution").
The attached Statement of Work ("SOW") specifies the activities, deliverables and/or services sought by
Avista. This SOW will be the primary basis for the final SOW to be included under a formal contract, if a
contract is awarded.
Attached are the following RFP Documents:
o Statement of Work
o Appendix A - Proposal Cover Sheet
. Appendix B - Sponsored Research and Development Project Agreement
4.1 All communications with Avista, including questions (see Section 5.1), regarding this RFP must be
directed to Avista's Sole Point of Contact ("SPC"):
Russ Feist
Avista Corporation
1411 East Mission Avenue
PO Box 3727,M5C-33
Spokane, W499220-3727
Telephone: (509) 495-4567
Fax: (509) 495-8033
E-Mail: russ.feist@avistacom.com
4.2 Proposals must be received no later than 4:00 PM Pacific Prevailing Time ("PPT"), on January 31,
2014 ("Due Date"). Bidders should submit an electronic copy of their Proposal to
bids@avistacorp.com. In addition to an electronic copy, Bidders may also fax their Proposal to
509-495-8033, or submit a hard copy to the following address:
Avista Corporation
Attn: Greg Yedinak Supply Chain Management (MSC 33)
1411 E. Mission Ave
Spokane, WA 99220-3727
RIP No. R-39605 Page 3 of9
Avista Corporation
East 141I Mission Ave.
Spokane, WA99202 ^#vrsrt
No verbal or telephone Proposals will be considered and Proposals received after the Due Date
may not be evaluated.
4.3 RFP Proposed Project Schedule
December 13.2013
January 6.2014
January 13.2014
January 31.2014
February 14.2014
February 28. 2014
Avista issues RFP
Bidder' s QuestionslRequests for Clarification Due
Avista's Responses to Clarifications Due Date
Proposals Due
Successful Bidder selection and announcement
Contract Executed
5.1 Pre-proposal Questions Relating to this RFP
Questions about the RFP documents (including without limitation, specifications, contract terms or
the RFP process) must be submitted to the SPC (see Section 4.1), in writing (e-mailed, faxed, or
addressed in accordance with Section 4.2, by the Due Date. Notification of any substantive
clarifications provided in response to questions will be provided via email to all Bidders.
5.2 Requests for Exceptions
Bidder must comply with all of the requirements set forth in the documents provided by Avista as
part of this RIP (including all submittals, contract documents, exhibits or attachments). Any
exceptions to these requirements must be: (i) stated separately, (ii) clearly identifu the exceptions
(including the document name and section), and (iii) include any proposed alternate language, etc.
Failure by Bidder to provide any exceptions in its Proposal will constitute full acceptance of all
documents provided by Avista as part of this RFP. While Avista will not consider altemate
language, etc. that materially conflicts with the intent of this RFP, Avista may consider and
negotiate the inclusion of terms that would be supplemental to the specific document if such terms
reasonably relate to the scope of this RFP.
5.3 Modification and/or Withdrawal of Proposal
5.3.1 By Bidder: Bidder may withdraw its Proposal at any time. Bidder may modiff a
submitted Proposal by written request provided that such request is received by Avista
prior to the Due Date. Following withdrawal or modification of its Proposal, Bidder may
submit a new Proposal provided that such new Proposal is received by Avista prior to the
Due Date and includes a statement that Bidder's new Proposal amends and supersedes the
prior Proposal.
5.3.2 By Avista: Avista may modiff any of the RFP documents at any time prior to the Due
Date. Such modifications will be issued simultaneously to all participating Bidders.
5.4 ProposalProcessing
5.4.1 Confidentiality: It is Avista's policy to maintain the confidentiality of all Proposals
received in response to an RFP and the basis for the selection of a Bidder to negotiate a
definitive agreement.
5.4.2 Basis of Any Award: This RFP is not an offer to enter into an agreement with any party.
The contract, if awarded, will be awarded on the basis of Proposals received after
consideration of Bidder's ability to provide the services/work, quality of personnel, extent
and quality of relevant experience, price and/or any other factors deemed pertinent by
Avista, including Bidder's ability to meet any schedules specified in the Statement of
RFP No. R-39605 Page 4 of9
Avista Corporation
East 141I Mission Ave.
Spokane, WA99202 ^#rutsrr
5.4.3 Pre-award Expenses: All expenses incurred by Bidder to prepare its Proposal and
participate in any required pre-bid and/or pre-award meetings, visits and/or interviews will
be Bidder's responsibility.
5.4.4 Proposal Acceptance Term: Bidder acknowledges that its Proposal will remain valid for
a period of 60 days following the Due Date unless otherwise extended by Avista.
5.5 Contract Execution
The successful Bidder must enter into a contract that is substantially the same as the Sponsored
Research and Development Project Agreement governing the performance of the Services/lVork
applicable under this RFP included as Appendix B.
Bidder's Proposal must conform to the following outline and address all of the specified content to facilitate
Avista's evaluation of Bidder's qualifications; approach to performing the requested Services/Work; and
other requirements in the SOW. Proposals will be evaluated on overall quality of content and responsiveness
to the purpose and specifications of this RFP, including the information set forth in Section 6.5 below.
6.1 Proposal Process
Each eligible institution will be limited to TEN specific proposal submittals. One representative of the
eligible institutions will be responsible for submitting all of the proposals.
The proposal must not exceed 6 pages not including the appendices. The proposal shall be in 11 point
font, 1.5 spaced and one inch margins. The original and one electronic copy of the proposal (PDF -
Form) must be provided to Avista's point of contact listed herein.
6.2 Proposal Submittals The following items are required with Bidder's Proposal. Each proposal
shall contain the following project elements.
1. Name of Idaho public institution;
2. Name of principal investigator directing the project;
3. Project objective and total amount requested (A general narrative summarizing the approach
to be utilized to provide the required services);
4. Resource commitments, (number of individuals and possible hours for services);
5. Specific project plan (An outline of work procedures, technical comments, clarifications
and any additional information deemed necessary to perform the services);
Potential market path;
Criteria for measuring success;
Budget Price Sheet / Rate Schedule;
Proposal Exceptions to this RFP (if any);
Appendix A - Proposal Cover Sheet (last 2 pages of this document)
Appendix C: Facilities and Equipment
Appendix D: Biographical Sketches and Experience of the principle investigators and / or
primary research personnel for each project (ifdifferent individuals for each project
RFP No. R-39605 Page 5 of9
Avista Corporation
East 1411 Mission Ave.
Spokane, WA99202 ^#rtsrfr
Proposal Cover Sheet
Bidder must fill out, sign and date the attached Proposal Cover Sheet. The signatory must be a
person authorized to legally bind Bidder's company to a contractual relationship (e.g. an officer of
the company).
Institution Information
o Institution Oualifications
Bidder shall provide information on projects of similar size and scope that Bidder has
undertaken and completed within the last five years. Please include a list of references on
Appendix A that could be contacted to discuss Bidders involvement in these projects.
Institution Resources
Identifu any unique or special equipment, intellect, hardware, and software or personnel
resources relevant to the proposed Services that Bidder's firm possesses(list in Appendix D).
o Proiect Personnel Oualifications
Provide a proposed organization chart or staffing list for a project ofthis size and scope and
identifu the personnel who will fill these positions. If applicable, identiff project managers
who will be overseeing the Services and submit their resume identifuing their work history,
(please see Section 6.2, question #4).
o Approach to Subcontracting
If Bidder's approach to performing the Services will require the use of subcontractors, include
for each subcontractor: (a) a description of their areas of responsibility, (b) identification of
the assigned subcontractor personnel, (c) resumes of key subcontractor personnel, (d) a
summary of the experience and qualifications of the proposed subcontracting firms in work
similar to that proposed, and (e) a list of references for such work.
Evaluation Criteria
Avista will evaluate each proposal based upon the following critena:
Project Requirements
Strength ofProposal
Responsiveness to the RFP
Creativity in Leveraging Resources
Samples of Work Products
Overall Proposal (Complete, Clear, Professional)
Strength & Cohesiveness of the Project Team
Overall ability to manage the project
Technical ability to execute the Services
Research/analysis ability
Project milestones with clear stage and gates (annually)
Overall team cohesiveness
Qualifications and Experience
Experience working with electric utilities
Project management and multi-disciplined approaches
Experience working with organizations in a team atmosphere
RFP No. R-39605 Page 6 of9
Avista Corporation
East 1411 Mission Ave.
Spokane, WA99202 ^{,rutSTE
Avista may, in its sole discretion, exercise one or more of the following rights and options with respect
to this RFP:
. Modi&, extend, or cancel this RFP at any time to obtain additional proposals or for any other
reason Avista determines to be in its best interest;
o Issue a new RFP with terms and conditions that are the same, similar or substantially different as
those set forth in this or a previous RFP in order to obtain additional proposals or for any other
reason Avista determines to be in its best interest;
o Waive any defect or deficiency in any proposal, if in Avista's sole judgment, the defect or
deficiency is not material in response to this RFP;
o Evaluate and reject proposals at any time, for any reason including without limitation, whether or
not Bidder's proposal contains Requested Exceptions to Contract Terms;
o Negotiate with one or more Bidders regarding price, or any other term of Bidders' proposals, and
such other contractual terms as Avista may require, at any time prior to execution of a final
contract, whether or not a notice of intent to contract has been issued to any Bidder and without
reissuing this RFP;
o Discontinue negotiations with any Bidder at any time prior to execution of a final contract, whether
or not a notice of intent to contract has been issued to Bidder, and to enter into negotiations with
any other Bidder, if Avista, in its sole discretion, determines it is in Avista's best interest to do so;
o Rescind, at any time prior to the execution of a final contract, any notice of intent to contract issued
to Bidder.
RFP No. R-39605 Page 7 of9
Avista Corporation
East l41l Mission Ave.
Spokane, WA99202 ^#rgrsrt
APPENDIX A. P Cover Sheet
Bidder Information
Organization Name:
Organization Form:
(sole proprietorship, partnership, Limited Liability Company, Corporation, etc.)
Primary Contact Person:
City, State, Zip:
Telephone:Fax:Federal Tax ID#
E-mail Address:
Name and title of the person(s) authorized to represent Bidder in any negotiations and sign any contract that
may result ('Authorized Representative"):
If classified as a contractor, provide contractor registration/license number applicable to the state in which
Services are to be performed.
Provide at least three references with telephone numbers (please veriff numbers) that Avista may contact
to verif,i the quality of Bidder's previous work in the proposed area of Work.
Organization Name:
Contact Person: _
Proiect Title:
Organization Name:
Contact Person: _
Proiect Title:
Organization Name:
Contact Person: _
Proiect Title:
RFP No. R-39605 Page 8 of9
Avista Corporation
East 141l Mission Ave.
Spokane, WA99202 ^#grsrt
By signing this page and submitting a Proposal, the Authorized Representative certifies that the following
statements are true:
1. They are authorized to bind Bidder's organization.
2. No attempt has been made or will be made by Bidder to induce any other person or organization to
submit or not submit a Proposal.
3. Bidder does not discriminate in its employment practices with regard to race, creed, age, religious
affiliation, sex, disability, sexual orientation or national origin.
4. Bidder has not discriminated and will not discriminate against any minority, women or emerging small
business enterprise in obtaining any subcontracts, ifrequired.
5. Bidder will enter into a contract with Avista and understands that the final Agreement and General
Conditions applicable to the Scope of Work under this RFP will be sent for signature under separate
6. The statements contained in this Proposal are true and complete to the best of the Authorized
Representative's knowledge.
7. If awarded a contract under this RFP, Bidder:
(i) Accepts the obligation to comply with all applicable state and federal requirements, policies,
standards and regulations including appropriate invoicing of state and local sales/use taxes (if any) as
separate line items;
(ii) Acknowledges its responsibility for transmittal of such sales tax payments to the taxing authority;
(iii) Agrees to provide at least the minimum liability insurance coverage specified in Avista's attached
sample Agreement, if awarded a contract under this RFP.
8. If there are any exceptions to Avista's RFP requirements or the conditions set forth in any of the RFP
documents, such exceptions have been described in detail in Bidder's Proposal.
9. Bidder has read the "Confidentiality Notice" set forth on the second page of these "INSTRUCTIONS
AND REQUIREMENTS" and agrees to be bound by the terms of same.
RFP No. R-39605 Page 9 of9
Avista Research and Development Projects Annual Report
March 31.2016
l.l THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into by aod betweerr Thc Regents o[ the
LINfIVERSITY of ldaho (tNIVERSITY], a publlc corporotion, state educational
insiitution, and a body politic and corporate organized and existing under tlre Constitution
and laws of the state of ldaho, and Avista Corporation, a Washington corporation
(SPONSOR). In this Agreement, the above enlities are sometirnes rcferred to as a PARTY
and jointly referred to as PAR'I'1ES.
?.1 This agreernent provides the terms and conditions for an Avista-sponsored energy
efTicicncy applied research and development project which is of mutual interest and benefit
to UNIVERSITY and SPONSOR, and which hos been approved by the Idaho Public
Utilities Cornmission under Order 32918.
?.2 Tlre pe rforrnance of such sponsored research and developme nt project is consastent with
LfNNERSITY's status as a non-profil, tar-exemp(, educalional institution, and may derive
benefits for SPONSO& t NWERSITY, and society by the advancement of knowledge in
the field of srudy identitled. The performance of such sponsoned rosearch and devclopment
projects may also derive bencfis for SPONSOR through the development of energy
cflicienc,v producs and/or services that could be offered (o Avista custorners in ldaho and
other jurisdiciions and/or licensed or sold to other utilities or their customers by Avista.
2.3 I.NtVtiRStTY's capabilities reflccta substantial public investmen(, ivhich UNIVERSIry,
as a pan of its mission as a sute higher educalion institution, u.ishes to utilize in a
cooperative and collaborative effon rvith SPONSOR" inctuding substantial financial
investnent in sponsored research and development projecls, as described belou,.
3.1 "Budget" shall mean the Project Budget contained in Attachment A-Budgel, which is
hereby incorporated by reference.
3.2 "Project Directo(s)" shall be as described in each Scope of Work, who shall be the
principal investigator for the R&D Project.
'SPONSOR Liaison" shall be as described in each Scope of Work, a SPONSOR
repres€ntatiye designated by SPONSOR to be the primary contact rvith the Project
"Sponsored R&D Project" shall rnean the Avista-sponsored research and devclopment
project covered by this Agruement for the performance by UNIVERSITY of the SCOPE
OF WORK under thc dircctiorr of the Project Direclor.
"SCOPE OF WORK" shall mcan each scopc of work for the Sponsored R&D Project,
rrnder the direction of the Project Direclor, and any ollrcr attachments which may provide
additional information on the Sponsored project 1o be performed.
Avista R-398728
3.6 "Confidentisl Information" shall mean any information, cxperience or data regarding a
disclosing PARTY's plans, programs, plants, processes, products, costs, equipment
operalions or customers, including rvithout linritation algorithms, formulae, techniques,
lmprovemenls, technical drawings nnd data, and computer sofrrvarc, rvhcther in wriuen,
graphic, oral or other t.angible form, considered confidential by the disclosing PARTY and
protected by trade secret or other right of non-disclosure under the ldaho Public Records
Acl I.C. $$ 9-337 through 9-350.
3.7 "lntelleclual Property" shall mesn any lnvention, Copyright, Tradernark, Mask Work,
and/or Proprietary Information produced under the Scop" of Work,
3,8 "[nvcntion" shall rnean certain inventions and/or discoveries conceived and reduced to
practice during the period of pcrformance of tlre Sponsored R&D Project and through
performance of the Scope of Worh and resulting patents, divisionals, continualions, or
substitutions of such applications, all reissues and foreign counterpafls the reof. upon which
a UNIVERSITY or SPONSOR enrployee or agent is or may be a named inventor.
3.9 "Invention Disclosure(s)" shall mean a rvritlen disclosure ofl a potentially patcntable
lnvention(s) pmvided t,o SPONSOR and the UNWERSITY's Technology Transfer Office.
3.10 "Copyright" shall rnean any work developed under the Scope of Work that is subject to
copyright under copyright law whether or not registered under federal copyright law, and
including any and all moral rights thereto,
3.ll "Tradernark" shall mcan any tradc or service marks developed under tlre Scope of Worh
lvlrether or not rcgistcred undcr cither stats or fcdcral trademark larv, and including all
related goodwill.
3.12 "Mask Work" shall mean sny two or three dirnensional layout or topologr of an integrated
circuit developed in the Sponsored R&D hoject under the Scope of Work.
4.1 UNIVERSITY shall fi:rnish the labor, materials, and equipment necessary lo
provide the Services applicable under this Agreement in accordzurce with u,ritlen
Scope.s of Work, mutually agreerl to by the Paries. Such Scopcs of Work will be
incorporarcd into this Agreement by this reference when executed by both Panies,
a sample of whlch is included in this Agreement as lfiochment A-Budget.
Attachment B-Scope o! tfork.
4.2 Modifications to a Scope of Work requested by Avista rvill be performed in
accordance with a rvritten Change Order, mulually agreed to by the Parties.
Change Orders will be incorporatod into this Agtreement by this re ference upon
oxecution by both Parties.
4.3 LNIVERSITY agrces to usc ils reasonable efforts to perfonn the SCOPE OF WORK in
accordance widr the terms and conditions of this Agreement. UNIVERSITY does not
reprasent, warrani, or guarantee that the desired results will bc obtained undor this
4.3 KickOffMeeting/ReportingRequirements,
Avisu R-398728
4,3.1 Kick-offMeeting. Within thirty(30)daysof executingthisAgreemer:tand/oran
associatcd Scope of Work, the (h{IVERSITY will attend (either in person or
telephonically) a kick-offmeeting rvith the SPONSOR.
4,3,2 Propess Reports. UNIVERSITY shall providc a hyo pagc written repon on the
progress of the SCOPE OF WORK every six (6) rnonths following thc execution
of such SCOPE OF WORK.
4.3.3 Final Technical Reporl. LJNIVERSITY shall furnish a {'inal written reporr within
thirty (30) days of completion of the Period of Perforrnance as defined in Section
5.1. This report will include at a rninimum: a summarry of pdect
accomplishments, a sumrnary of budget expenditures, slage and gates status,
number of facutty utilized, student participation, and a slatus of the project and
completion timelines. SPONSOR and UNIVERSITY will identifo whether such
the report will be presented in person or electronically in each SCOPE OF
4.3.4 Final FinancialReport. A final financial rcport shall be fumished rvithin sixty
(60) days of completion of the Period of Performance as defined in Section 5.1-
4.4 Third Parry Project Muruger. SPONSOR will retain an independent third party to assist
SPONSOR with monitoring milestones and deliverables for each Scope of Work.
UNMRSITY agrees to cooperaie r,',ith such third parfy and provide any requested
information in a timely manncr.
ln consideratiorr of the mutual premises and covenants contained hercin, the PARTIES agree to the
following terms and conditions.
5.1 ?eriod of Performance. The specifrc period of perlorrnance for each projecl will be defined
in each SCOPE OF WORK. and any changes will be murually agreed upon in rvriting
betrveen the PARTTES in accordance with the Change Order process set forth in Section
Funding. SPONSOR agrees to reimburse TINIVERSITY for services performed under in
accordance rvitlr the payment schedule listcd in each SCOPE OF WORK.
tury unspent funding renraining upon SPONSOR's acceptance of UNIVERSITY's
Final Technical Report trnder Scctiorr 4.3.3, above, and its Finsl Financial Report
under Sectioo 4,3.4, above, the expiration or term of the Agreement shall be
returned to SPONSOR.
Ploiect Budeet. Each SCOPE OF WORK will set fortfi a Project Budget (see Attachrnent
A-Budge0. De viations from this Project Budget may be made to and from any expenditure
line irem wirlrin the LNIVERSI-I*Y system, as long as such deviation is reasonable a*d
nccessary in rhe puruuit of the SCOPE OF WORK and pre-approved by SPONSOR. The
lotal amount identified in eaoh SCOPE OF WORK may not be exceeded without prior
rvritten agreement through a Change Order.
lBvoices. Pcriodic invoiccs will bc provided, in accordancs with 5.2 using the standard
UNryERSITY invoice. Payments are due to UNIVERSITY within thirty (30) days frorn
the UNIVERSITY invoice dale.
Avisra R-398728
[nvoices shorrld be sent (o:
Name/Title: John Cibson Phone: 509495-4 I l5
Address: l4l I E. Mission Ave,E-ma i I l _iohn. ql bso.4fA.avistacoroJom
City/State/Zip: Spokanc. WA 99220
E.quipment. UNIVERSITY shall retain title to any equipment purchased with funds
provided by SPONSOR under this Agreement.
Kev Personnel. Tlte Projecl Director rnay select and supervise other Sponsored R&D
Project staff as needed to perform the SCOPE OF WORK. No other person will be
substituted forthe Project Director, exc€pt with SPONSOR's approval. SPONSOR nay
exercise Termination for Convenience provisions of this Agreement if a satislaclory
substitule is not identified.
5.7 Control ol Scope of Wg.rJ<. The control of the SCOPE OF WORK rests entirely with
SPONSOR bul control of the performance of the UNIVERSITY and the Sponsored R&D
Project slaffin e.recuting the SCOPE OF WORK rvithin the Sponsored R&D Project shall
rest entirely with TJNIVERSITY. The PARTIES agree that LINIVERSITY, through its
Project Director, shall maintain regular communication with the designated liaison for
SPONSOR and thc UNMRSITY)s Projcct Director and SPONSOR's Liaison shall
mutually define the frequency and nature of such communicalions.
5.8 Confidcntial lrtformation.
5.8. I To thc exlent allo\yed by larv, and subject to hc publicalion provisions sel forth in
Soction 5.9 belorv, UNTVERSITY and SPONSOR agree to use rcasonable care to avoid
unauthorized disclosure of Confidentisl Inforrnation, including rvithout Iimitation taking
measures to prevent creating a premature bar to a United States or foreigrr patcnt
application. Each parry rvill limit access to and any publication or disclosure of
Confidential lnformatiort received from another party hereto and/or created and reduced
to practice as a part of the Sponsored R&D Project, to those p€rsons having a need to
knorv. Each parry shall employ the same reasonable safeguards in receiving. storing,
rransmining, and using Confidential lnformation that prudent organizations normally
exereise with respect m their own polentially patentable inventions and other confidential
information of significant value,
5.8.2 Any Confidential [nformation shall be in wriuen, graphic, or other tangible lbrm
or reduced to sush lorm within thirty (30) days of disclosure and shall be clearly
idenrified in writing as corfidential at the time of or within thirry (30) days of
disclosure. Confidential Information shall not be disclosed by the receiving party
to a third pany l-or a period of three (3) years from receipt of such information or
until a patent is published or the Confidenlial Information of a Parry is published
by the disclosing party or unless the disclosing and reociving parties agtee in
*,riting prior to the time of disclosure to bc bound by confidentialiry provisions
substantially similar to those sa forth in this Agreement. Third parties shall
include all govemmcntal olTices. Nonrithscanding the above, any Intellectual
Properry arising out of, crcatcd or reduced to practice as a psrt of the Sponsored
R&D Project shall be subject to the requirements set forth be low in Seclion 5.9
5.8,3 The terms of confidentiality set forth in this Agreernent shall not be
constnred to Iimit the parties' right to independently develop products
rvithout the use ol'anolher par(y's Confidential Inforrnation.
Avista R-39872B
5.8,4 Confidentisl lnformation shall not include information which:
i. was in the receiving parry's possession prior to receipt of the disclosed information;li. is or becomes a mamor of public knorvledge througlt no fault of the rcceiving party;
iii. is received from a third party without a duty of confidentiality:
iv. is independently developed by the receiving party;v. is require d to be disclosed under opera(ion of law, including but not limited to thc ldaho
Public Records Act, t,C. $$ 9-337 through 9-350;
vi. is reasonably ascertained by LNwERSITY or SPONSOR to crcate a risk to a p€rson
involved in a clinical hial or to general public health and safery.
5.9 Publication. SPONSOR and UNIVERSITY acknowledge the need to balance
SPONSOR's need 1o protect commercially feasible technologies, products, and processes,
including tlre preseruation of the patentability of lnventions arising out of, created in or
reduced to practice as a part of the Sponsored R&D Project that fall within the SCOPE OF
WORK, with I-INIVERSITY's public responsibility to fuely disseminate scientific
findings for the advancement of knowledge. UNTVERSITY recognizes lhal the public
disscmination of information based upon the SCOPE OF WORK performed under this
Agrcement cannot contain Confidential Infonnation (unless authorized for disclosure pcr
subsection 5.8.2 above), nor should it jeopardize SPONSOR or UNIVERSITY's abiliry to
contmercialize Intellec(ual Property developed hereundcr. Similarly, SPONSOR
recogrrizes that the scientific results of the Sponsored R&D Project may be publishable
after SPONSOR's interests and patent rights are proiected and, subject to lhe confidenliality
provisions of this Agreernent, nray be presentable in forums such as symposia or
international, national or regional professional meetings, or published in vchioles such as
books, journals, websites, theset or dissertations.
UNIVERSITY agrees not to publish or otherwise. disclose SPONSOR Confidential
Information, unless authorized in writing by SPONSOR. SPONSOR agrees that
LTNIVERSITY, subject to review by SPONSOR, shall have the right to publish results of
the Sponsored R&D Project, excluding SPONSOR Conflrdential Information that is not
authorized in writing to be disclosed by SPONSOR. SPONSOR shall be furnished copies
of any proposed publication or presentation at least rbirty (30) days before strbmission of
such proposed publication or presentation. During that time, SPONSOR shall have the
right to review the rnaterial for SPONSOR Confidential Information and to assess the
patentabiliry of any lnvention described in tlrp malerial. If SPONSOR decides that a patent
application for an lnvcntion should be filed or other Intellectual Properry filing should be
pursued. lhe publicatiofl or presentatiorr shall be delayed an additional sixty (60) days or
unlil a patent application or otherapplication for protection ofllntellecrual Property is filed,
whichever is sooner. At SPONSOR's request, SPONSOR Confidential lnformation shall
be delercd to the extent permisible by and in compliance with UNIVERSITY's record
retenlion obligations, provided, however that during such retention periods, I-TNfVERSITY
shall nraintain tlre SPONSOR Confidential lnformation in accordance with Seclion 5.8.
5, 10 Eublicirv. Neither pany shall use the name of the other party, nor any member of the other
party's crnployees, nor either parry's Trudcmarks in any publiciry. advertising, ssles
prontotion, news release, nor other publiciry rnatter u,ithout the prior written approval of
an authorized representative ofthat parfy.
5.1 I Termir:ntion for ConvcniencS, This Agreement or any individual Scope of Work ntay bc
terminoted by either party hereto upon rwi{lcn nolice delivered to the ot}rer partv at least
sixry (60) days prior to the date of termination, By such lcrmination, neither pafly may
nulli[y obligations already incurred prior to thc date of termination. Upon receiptof any
Avisu R-398728
such notice of termination, UNIVERSITY shall, except as otherwise directed by
SPONSOR, immediately stop per{ormancc of the Services or Work lo rhe cxtent
specified in such notice. SPONSOR shall pay all rcasonable costs and non-cancelable
obligations incurred by UNIVERSITY as of the datc of terminarion. UNIVERSITY shall
use its reasonable efforts to mininrize the compensation payable under this Agrement in
the event of such termination.
5.12 Termination for Causq. Either Party may terminate this Agreemcnt or an individual
Scope of Work at any tirne upon 30 days' prior written no(ice in the event of a marerial
breach by the other Party, provided the breaching Party has not cured such breach during
such 30-day period. A material breach includes, without limitation, insolvency,
banknrptcy, general as.signmenl forthe benefit of crcditors, or becoming the subject of
anyproceedingcommenc€d undcrany stanrte or law flor the relief of debtors, or if a
receivsr, trustee or liquidator of any property or incorne of either Party is appointed, or if
LiNIVERSITY is nol performing the Services in accordance with this Agreement or an
irrdividual Scope of Work.
5.13 Termination Oblieations. [n addition to those obligations set out in 5.ll and 5.12, any
termination of this Agreement or an individual Scope of Work shall not relieve either party
of anyobligations incurred priur to tlre date of termination including. but not limited to,
SPONSOR's responsibility to pay UNTVERSITY for all work pcrl'ormed lhrough the date
of termination, calculated on a pro-rata basis given the percentage of completion of the
Sponsored R&D Project on the effcotive date of ths termination, and for reinrbursement (o
LINIVERSITY of all non-cancelable commitments already incurred for the terminated
Sponsored R&D Project. Upon termination, TINTVERSITY shall promptly deliver to
SPONSOR allSponsored R&D Projectdeliverables, whcilrcrcompleteorslillin progress,
and all SPONSOR Confidential Information disclosed to UNIVERSITY in connection
with the Sponsored R&D Project. Additionally, in the event lnte)lectual Propcrty was
creaied as a result of the Sponsored R&D Project, SPONSORS' rights to negotiato a license
to such lntellectualProperty shall apply pursuanl to Section 5.16 below, and the partics'
agrce to execute any documents evidencing joint orvnership, if applicable. The rights and
obligations of Adicle 5.8 of this Agreement shall survive termination.
5- l4 Dispute Re.solution, Any and all claims, disputes or concroversies arising under, out ol, or
in connection with lhis Agreemenl, which the parties hereto shall be unable to resolve
rvithin sixty (60) days, shall be mediated in good faith by the parties respeptive vice
Presidents for Research or equivatenl.
Nothing in this Agreement shall be constnred to lirnit the PARTTES' choice of a mutually
accepuble dispute resolution method in additioo to tlrc dispute resolution procedure
outlined above, or to limit the PARTTES rights rc any remedy at law or in equity for breach
of lhe tenns of this Agreement and the right to receive reasonable atlorney's fees and costs
incuned in enforcing lhe terms of this Agreement.
5.16 lntellectual Propert.
Avista R-398728
5. l6.l LNIVERSTTY Intellectual Property. LI-NWERSITY shall own all rights and title
to Intellectual Property created solely by LfNIVERSITY employees.
5.16.2 SPONSOR [ntellectual Property, SPONSOR shall own all rights and title
intellectual Property cre€led solely by SPONSOR and without use
UNIVERS,TY r€sources under lhis Agreement.
5.16.1 JOTNT Intellectual Pmperty. UNIVERSIry and SPONSOR willjointly own any
and all Intellectual hoperty developed jointly (e.g., to the ext€nt the parties would
be considered joint inventors and/or joint copyright holders, as applicable, under
relevant U.S. intellecrual properry larvs) rrnder this Agreement.
5.16.4 Either party may file for and maintain Intellecural Property protections forJoint
Intellecrual Property deve loped under this Agreement. In thc event that a party
wants lo obtain or maintain any lntellecural Pmperry protections concerning Joint
lntellectual Property, the o(her parry a$ees to execute any documentation
rcasonably reguested.
5.16.5 Joint Intellectual Property shall be owned cquatly by the psrties. Except as
provided beluw, the parties agree; (i) to share equally all expenses incurred in
obtaining and maintaining lntellectual Properly pro(ections on Joint lrrtellectual
Property, and (ii) t}at each parry shall have the right to license such Joint
lnvcnlions to third parties (with the right to sublicense) without accounting to the
other and without thc consent of the other. In tho event thal consen( by euch joint
owner is necessary for eithcrjoint owner to lieense tlrc Joint Intellectual Property,
the parties hereby consent to the othor paffy's grant of one or morr licenses under
the Joint Intellectual Property to tlrird parties and shall execute any document or
do any other act reasonably requested to evidence such consenl.
5.16.7 Norrvithstanding the foregoing a party may decide at any time that it does not wanl
to financially support Intcllectual Property protections for cerlain Joint Intellectual
Properry (a "Non-Suoportiug Parfv"), In that case- the other parry is free to seek
and ohtain suclr lntellecrual Propefly protectioBs at its orvn expense (a
".S.upoorting Prrty"), prouided that title to any such Intellecnral Property
protections shall still be held jointly by the parlies,
5.16.8 UNIVERSITY will promptly rtisclose to SPONSOR in writing any Intellectual
Property made during the Project performed hereunder. Such disclosure shall be
sufficiently detailed for SPONSOR to assess lhe c.ommercial viahility of the
teclrnolory and shall be provided and mainuined by SPONSOR in conftdence
pursuanl to the terms of Article 5.E. SPONSOR shall have up to ninety (90) days
from the receipt of the disclosure to inform LJNIVERSITY whether itelects to have
LNIVERSITY file a paterrt application or otherwise seek Intellecnral Properry
protection pursuaut to the pmcedures sel lorth bElow.
5.16.9 All rights ond titlc to UNIVERSITY Intellectual Property shall be sub.iect to
SPONSOR's licensing options below and belong to UNwERSITY.
UNIVERSITY hereby grants to SPONSOR an option to negotiate a license to any
lntellectual Property in rvhich SPONSOR rvishes to pursue, rvhich liccnse shall be
in e form substantially the same as set foflh in Attachmenl C. Such license shall
be exclusive within SPONSOR's field of commercial interest, unless otlrerwise
agrecd upon by the parties. fut addition, SPONSOR shall have, for any exclusive
Avista R-39E?28
licensc in lntelleclual Property executed by thc Partics, the right to sublicense the
Intcllectual Properly, unless otherwise igteed upon by the panies. The terms and
conditions of such Iicense including royalties, territory and field of use are to be
negotiated in good fai*r and agreed upon betweon UNIVERSITY and SPONSOR.
SPONSOR's option to license any Intolle*ual Property shall, for each lnvention
or other Intellecrual Property disclosed by UNIVERSITY to SPONSOR, uuder
Section 5. 16.8, extend for ninety (90) days after such disclosure. SPONSOR shalt
have upon exercise of its option 1o license, ninety (90) days to negotiate the torms
of the license, which period can be extended by mutual writlen agreement of the
Pa(ies. ln the event that SPONSOR does not exsrcise its option as to any disclosed
lnvention or Intellectual Property, consistent with specified time period set forth
above, orthc parties failto reach I mutually acceptable license ag^reerilent within
the above specified time period, UNIVERSiTY shall be entitled to negotiate in
good faith with one or rnore third pa*ies a license to the lntellectual Property.
5.16.10 LTNIVERSITY, after due consultation with SPONSOR, shall prnrnptly file and
prosecute patent applications, using counsel of LINIVERSITY's choice. Becsuse
LTNMRSITY and SPONSOR have a common legal interest in the prosecution of
such applications, UNIVERSITY shall keep SPONSOR advised as to all
developments rviih resp€cl to application(s) and shall promplly supply copies of
all papens received and filed in connection with the prosecution in sufficient time
for SPONSOR to comnrent. SPONSOR undestarrds and agrees lhilt such
exchange of information nray include privileged information and that by such an
exchange in fudherance of the common interesis of the parties, the UNIVERSITY
docs not intend to u'aive the attorney/client privilege, altomey rvork product
immunity, common intcrcst privilege, and/or any olher applicable privilege,
protection,orimmunity. SPONSOR'scommentsshallbetakenintoconsideration.
SPONSOR shall reirnburse UNTVERSITY for all reasonable out-of-pocket costs
incurred in conneclion with such preparation. filing, and prosecution of patent(s).
SPONSOR shall not be responsible for any fees under this Section if SPONSOR
elects not lo exercise its option under Section 5.16.9 otherthan fees incurred by
the UNIVERSITY acting in consultation wlth SPONSOR.
5,16.1I Within nine(9) rnonths of the Iiling date of a U.S. patent application, SPONSOR
shall provide to UNIVERSITY a writlen list of foreign counlries in which
applications should be iiled. lf SPONSOR elects to discontinue financial support
of any pate*t prosecution, in any country, UNIVERSITY shall be free to
continue prosecution at UNMERSITY's expense. ln such event" UNIVERSITY
shall have no funher obligation to SPON.SOR in regard to suclr patent
applications or patsnis.
5.16,12 LINIVERSITY, subject to its Copyright policy, lrereby g,rants to SPONSOR a
royalty-free license to use Copy-right material to which UNryERSITY holds the
copyright. with the exceplion of copyrighted softrvare. for its non-commercial
usc. UNIVERSITY hereby grants to SPONSOR the right to negotiate a license
for commercial use of Copyriglrted material to which UNIVERSITY holds the
copyright on reasonable terms and corrditions, includirrg a reasonable royalty, as
the PARTIES hereto agrec in a subsequent writing.
5.16, l3 SPONSOR understands that UNIVERSITY must comply with the provisions of
US Patent law, iacluding the Bayh-Dole Ac{.
Avisu R-398?28
5. 16. l4 No party shall invoke the CREATE ACT (Cooperative Rcsearch and Technolory
Enhancemenl Act of 2004 and subsequenl {,mendments and implementing
regolations) without written consent of the other psrty. In thc cvcnt that a party
invokes the Act without such prior consenl any patent issucd arising out of suclr
invocation rvill be ownd by the non-invoking part1,.
Indemnilv and Hold Harmless, SPONSOR shall fully indemnify and hold harmless the
slate of tdaho, UNIVERSITY and its governing board, oflicers, employees, and rgents
from and against any and all costs, losses, damages, liabilities. expenses, demands, and
judgments, including court costs and reasonable attorney's fees, which may arise out of
SPONSOR'S activitie.s under or related to lhis Agreement and SPONSOR's negligent
conduct, Additionally, SPONSOR shall fully indemniff and hold hannless the state of
Idaho, UNIVERSTTY and its governing board, officers, employees, and agents from and
against any and alt costs, losses, domages, liabilities, expenses, demands, and judgments,
including court costs and reasonable afiomey's fees, which may arise out of SPONSOR's
use, commercialization. or distribution of information, rnaterials or products which result
in rvhole or in part from the research performed pursuant to this Agreement, provided,
however, that SPONSOR shall not indemnifo TNIVERSITY for any claims resulting
directly from UNIVERSITY's lack ofownership or infringemcnt of a third-party's
intellectual property righls.
ln the evenl that any such Lnss is caused by the negligence of both Parties,
including the ir employees, agents, suppliers and subconlractors, dre Loss slrall be bome
by the Parties in the proportion that their respcclive negligence bears to the total
negligence causing tha Loss, providcd, however, that any Loss bome by the University
shall be subject m the limits of liabiliry specificd in ldaho Code 6-901 through 6-929,
knorvn as the ldaho Tort Claims Act.
5,18 Amendments. This Agreernent may be amended by mutual agreement of the PARTIES.
Such amendmentsshallnot be binding unless theyare in writingand signed by personncl
authorized to bind each of the PARTIES.
5.19 AEsigr0ent. The work to be provided under this Agreernent. and any claim arising
hereunder, is not assignable or delegable by either parry in whole or in part. without the
express prior wrinen consent ofthe other party.
5.20 Notices. Any notice or communication required or permifted under this Agreement shall
be delivered in person, hy overnight courier, or by registered or ce(ified mail, poslage
prepaid and addressed m the party to receive .such notice al lho address given below or such
other address as may hereafter be designated by notice in writing. Notice given hereunder
shall be effective as of the date of receipt of such notice:
Name/Title: Polly Knutson
Address: 875 Perirneter Dr, MS 3020
City I StatelZip: Moscow, I D 83843-3020
Phone: (208) 885-665 1
Fax: (208) EE5-5?52
E-mail: atp ,gluidaho.edu
Name/Title: John Gibson Mgr Dist Opm. Phone: 509495-41 l5
Address: 141I E. Mission Ave.
Citylstatelzip: Spokane, WA 99220
E-mail: john.gibson@avistacorp.com
Avista R-398?28
5,21 Goy-erning l.awr Jurisdiction and Venue: Attomevs' Fees. This Agreement shall be
construed and iotcrpretrd in accordance rvith the laws of the state of ldaho, without regard
to its choice of law provisions. Any legal procceding instituted between the parties slrall
be in thc coufis of the County of Latah, State of [daho, and each of the parties agrees to
suhmit to the jurisdiction of such courts. ln the event any legal action is commcnccd to
constnre, interpret or enforce this Agreement, the prevailing party shall bc cnlitled ro an
arvard agninst the non-prevailing party for all of the prevailing party's rersonable atlorneys'
fees, cosls and expenses incurred in such action, including any appeals.
5.22 Compliance with Ltws. SPONSOR understands that UNIVERSITY and SPONSOR are
subject to United Stzles laws and federal regulations, including the export oftechnical dat4
computer software, laboratory prototypes nnd other commodities (inctuding the Arms
Export Control Acq as amended, and the Export Administration Act of 1979), and that
SPONSOR's and UNIVERSITY's obligations hereunder are contingent upon compliance
with applicable United States laws and regulations, including those for expofi corrtrol. The
transfer of certain tochnical data and conrmodities may require a license from a cognizant
ageocy of the United States Covemment and/or a written assurance by SPONSOR that
SPONSOR shall not tra:rsfer data or commodi(ies to cerlairl foreign countries without prior
approval of an appropriaie agency of the United States Government. I-INIVERSITY nor
SPONSOR repr€sent tlrat r license shall not be required, nor that, if required, it will be
5.23 Scverabili.ty. If any provision of this Agreement or any provisiorr of any docurnenl
incorporatcd by reference shall bc held invalid, such invalidify shall not affect the other
provisions of this Agrcenrent which can be given effcct without the invalid provisiorr, il
such remoinder conforms to the requirements of applicabte law and the fundamental
pu+ose of this Agreement, and to this end the provisions of this Apnement are declared
to be severable.
5.24 No Joint Ven$re. Nothing cofllained in this agreernent shal,l be consrrued as crestirtg s
joint venrure, partnership, or ag€ncy relationship benreen the parties.
5.25 Fgrce_Majeure. Any prevention, delay or stoppage due to strikes, lockouts, labor dispuies,
acts of God, inability to obtain labor or materials or reasonable substitutes herefore,
govemmental rc.strictions, govemmental regulations, governmental controls, enemy or
lrostile govemmental action, civil commotion, fire or other casualty, and other csuses
beyond the reasonable controt of the party obligated to perform (except for financial
abiliry), shall excuse the performance, except for the payment of money, by such parry for
a psriod equal to any such prevention, delay or stoppage.
5.?? Delegation and Subcontractins. UNfVERSITY shall not (by confract" operation of law or
otheru,ise) delegate or subcontract perflormance of any Seruices to aily other person or
entity withoul the prior rwitsen soflserT of SPONSOR. Any such delegation or
subconiracting rvithoul SPONSOR's prior wrinen consenl rvill be voidable at
SPONSOR's optiolr. No delegation or subcontracting of performance of any of tlte
Services, wilh or rvithout SPONSOR's prior rvriuen consent, will reliEve LINIVERSTTY
of its responsibility to perforrn tJ:e Services in accordance with this Agreement.
5.28 Entire Agreement: Order of Precedence. This Agreement contains all the terms and
condilions agreed upon by the PARTIES. No other understandings, oral or otherwise,
regarding the subject matter of this Agreemcnt shall be deemed to exist or to bind any of
Avisa R-398??B
the PARTIES hereto, In the event of an inconsistcncy in this Agrcemcnt, the inconsisrency
shall be resolved by giving preedence in rhe fotlowiog order:
I. Applicable starures and regulations;2. Terms and Conditions contained in the Agrcement;3. Any anachments or addendums; and4. Any other provisions incorporated by reference or othenvise into this Agreement.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the PAR I'IES hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed as of the
date set forth herein by their duly authorized representatives.
40{ e/s/u1L
J( p-7 -t'(
Avista R-398728
Avista Research and Development Projects Annual Report
Itiarnh 31 2O16
l.l TI-llS ACREEMENT is madc and entered intu by and between Boise Statc University, an
Idalro state institution of, higher education (UNIVERSI'fY). and Avista Corporation. a
Washinglon corporalion (SPONSOR). ln this Agreement, llre abovc entities are
sorretirnes referred to as a Party artd jointly ret'erred to as Panies.
2.1 This Agreement provides the terms and conditions for an Avista-sponsored energy
el{iciency app}ied research and developrnenl project which is ot' mutual irrtr.'rcst and
henefit to IINIVERSI'I'Y and SPONSOR, and which has lreen approved by the ldaho
Public Ulilities Cornm ission under Order 329 18.
2.2 The performance of such sponsored research and deve lopment projecl is corrsiste nt rvith
UI{IVERSITY's status as a non-profit. lax-exempt. educational institulion, and nray
derive benefits for SPONSOR, LINIVERSITY, and society by tlre advarrcemenl o[
knowledge in the field of study identified. The perlormance of such sponsored research
and development projects may also derivc benefits for SPONSOR iltrough llre
development ol'energi elficiency products and/or services lhat could be offered to Avista
customers in ldaho and othe r jurisdictions and/or licensed or sold to other utilities or their
customers by Avista.
2.3 LINIVDRSITY's capabililies reflecl a substanlial public inyestnrenl, rvhich
LfNIVERSITY, irs a parl o[ its mission as a stale higher educarion instirution. wishes lo
trtilize in a cooperative and collaborativc effon ',vith SPONSOR. including strbstantial
finarcial investment in sponsored research and development projecs, as described trelow.
3.1 "Brrdger=' shall mean the Project Budget contained in Auochme* A-Budgel. which is
hereby irtcoqporated by relcrence.
3,2 "Project Dircctor(s)" shall be as described in each Scope of Work. rtho shall be the
principal investigator for the R&D Project.
3.3 "SPONSOR Liaison" shall be as described in each Scope of Work. a SPONSOR
rcpresentative designated by SPONSOR to be tlte primary contast rvith tlre Project
3.4 "sponsored R&D Project" shall mear the Avista-sponsored research and developntent
projecr covered by this Agreement for the performance by UNIVERSITY of the Scope o[
Work under the direction of the Project Director-
3.5 ''Scope ol-Work" slrall mean each scope olrvork for the Sponsored R&D Project, urtdcr
the direclion of the Project Director, and any other altachrnents that may provide
additional information on the Sponsored project io be Perl"ormed.
Avista Contract R-.10097
3.6 "Confidential lnfornration" slrall rnean any information, experience or data regarding a
disclosing Parry's pIans, progyarts, plalls, processes, products, costs. eqrripment
operatiorls or custorners, ineluding without Iinritation algorithrns, l'onnrrlae, lechniques,
improvcrnents. techrical drau,ings and data, and cornputer software, whelher in written,
graphic. oral or otlrer tarrgible form, designated in rr.riling as conl'idential by the
disclosing Pany at the tirne ot'disclostrre to the receiving Parfy.
"[ntellectrral Property" shall rrrean any lnvention, Copyrighl, Trndemark, Mask Work,
and/or Proprietary lntormation prorluced under the Scope of Work.
''Invenlion" shall mean cerlain invenlions and/or discoveries corrceived and rcduced to
practice during ihe period of perf,ormance of the Sponsored R&D Proje.ct and lhrough
performance of tlre Scope of Work, and resulling patents. divisionals, conlinuations, or
substitulions of'suclt applications. all rcissues and foreign counterparts thereof, upon
which a UNIVERSITY or SPONSOR employee or agent is or may be a narned irrventor.
"lnvention Disclosure(s)" shall rnean a rvritten rlisclosure of a potenlially patentable
Inventiorr(s) provided to SPONSOR and/or the UNIVERSITY's 'feclrnology Transfer
''Copyrighted Material" shall mean any rvork dcveloped ur:der the Scope of Work lhat is
sulrjcct ro copyright under copyrigltt law rvltellter or nol registered urrder flsderal
copyriglrt law, and including any and all moral right"s thereto.
"Trademark" shall nlean any trade orservice ntarks developed under tlte Scope o[Work
whether or not registered under either state or tbderal lrademark law, and including all
rclated goodwill.
"Mask Work" sliall niean any tlvo or three dinrertsional layout <;r topolo_ry of'an
integrated circult developed in the Sponscred R&D Project under lhe Scope of Work.
"Equipnrent" shall rnean tangible personal properry (includirrg irrformation technoloEl
syslerns) having a useful iife of more tharr one year arrd a per-unit acquisition cost
exceeding $5,000.00.
3.14 "Supplies" shall mean all tangible personal prop€rry other than Equipnrent.
LINIVERSITY shall furnish the labor, rnalerials, and equipment necessary ro provide tlre
services applicable under lhis Agreement in accordance with rvrillen Scopes of Work.
rnrrtrrally agreed to by the Parties. Such Scopes of Work will [re incorporated into this
Agreement by this refrrence when executcd by both Parties, a sarnple of which is
irrclrrded in this Agreenlenl as Aftachment A-Budge t, Altachment B-.Scope rl'lVork.
Modifications to a Scope of Work requesled by SPONSOR will be perfonned in
accordance rvith a written Change Order, rnutually agreed to by the Parties. Charrgs
Orders will be incorporated into this Agreement by this rcference upon execuliorr by lroth
Parties. For SPONSOR, a Change Order nray be signcd by either SPONSOR or by
SPONSOR'S Third Pan;' Project Manager.
UNIVERSITY agrees to use ils reasonableefforls to perfonn the servicesoutlined in any
Scope of Work in accordance ivith the terrns and conrlititlns of this A-Breentenl.
t. t0
3. r3
Avis(a Contract R-40097
4.3 Kick Off Meeling/Reporting Requirements.
4.3. I Kick+ff Meeting. Witlrin thirty (30) days of execuling this Agreenrenl and/or an
associated Scope of Work, the UNIVERSI'fY will attend (either in person or
telephonically) a kick-off meeting with the SPONSOR.
4.3-? Progress Repofls. LINIVERSITY shall provide a lwo page u,rillerr repofl orr the
progress of the Scope of Work every si.r (6) nronths following the execution of
sucli Scope ol'Work.
4.3.3 Final Technical Repofl. UNIVERSITY shall furnish a final wrilten report within
thiqv (30) days of completion of the Period of Perlbrmance as defined in Section
5. l. This repoft rvill include at a nrinimum: a summary of projecl
acconrplishmenls, a summary of budget expenditures. stage and gales slatu.s,
number of laculty utilized, studenl panicipation. and a statrs ol'the project and
cornplction tirnelines. SPONSOR and UNIVERSITY will iderrtify rvhetlrer suclr
the report will be presented in person or cleclronically in each Scope olWork.
4.3.4 Final Financial Report. A final financial report shall be furnished rvithin sixfy
(60) days of completion of the Period of Performance as defined in Seclion 5.1.
4.4 Third Party Project Marager. SPONSOR u,ill retain al independent third party to assist
SPONSOR wilh monitorirrg nrileslones and deliverables lbr each Scopc of Work.
UNIVERSITY agrees to cooperate wilh srrch third parry and provide ott,v rsqq'.rt.O
information in a timely rnanncr.
In consideration of the mutual premises and covenants contained herein, the Parlies agree to ll'le
followirrg tenns and cortditions.
5.1 Lerigd -of Perlormance The specilic period of perl'orrnance for each project rvill be
defined in eaclr Scope of Work, and any changes will be mutually agreed upon in writing
belrveen the Parties irr accordance with the Change Orde r process set forlh in Sectlon 4.2.
5.2 Eurtding. SPONSOR agrees to reimburse IINIVERSITY for services perlormed irr
accordance with the paymenl schedule listed in each Scope o[ Work. Any unspenl
funding remaining afler lJl.,llvERSITY completes each Scope of Work and associated
leporting requiremenls shall be returned to SPONSOR.
i.3 .P_1qje.ct_tlgdg!. Each Scope of Work will set forth a Project Budget (see A.ttoc-hnrent A-
iludgar). Deviations from this Project Budget rnay be rrade to and fronr any expenditrrre
line itern rvithin the UNIVERSITY systenr, as long as such deviation is reasortable and
necessary in the pursuit of tlie Scope olWork and pre-approved by SPONSOR, provided
however rhal LINI\/ERSITY shall rrot be required to receive prior writlert approval for
amounts less than $500. The lotal amount identified in each Scope of Work mty nol be
exceeded without prior rvritten agreement through a Change Order.
Avis(a Contract R-40097
5.4 lnvoice_q. Periodic invoices rvill be provided, in accordance with 5.2 using the standard
ITNIVERSITY invoice. Paymen{s aredue to UNIVERSITY witlrin thirry (.lQ) days lrom
the UNIVERSITY irtvoice date.
lnvoices should be senl to:
Name/Title: John Cibson Phone: 509-49541 l5
Address: l4l I E.Ivlission Ave.
Cirr,/State/Zio: Sookane. WA 99220
E-m a i I : .i o-ll-!,gibgorltCIavistacorp.com
Equiprr-rent aild $.Ulplie.S. UNIVERSITY shall retain title to any Equipment and Supplies
purchased with flunds provided b,v SPONSOR under this Agueement.
Kev Personnel. Tlre Project Director may selecl and supervise otlter Sponsorud R&D
Projecl slaff as needed to perfornt the Scope of Work. No olher person will be
substituted for the Project Director, excepl with SPONSOR's approval. SPONSOR may
exercise Termination for Convenience provisions of rhis Agteement if a salislactory
substitute is not idelrlit'ied.
Conttol .of Scqog_of-YV.grh. The control of the Scope of Work resls enlirely \,\'ith
SPONSOR. bul conkol of the performance of the UNTVERSITY and the Sponsored
R&D Projec: staJ'f in executing the Scope of Work wilhin tlre Sponsored R&D Projcct
shall rest entirely with UNIVERSI'| Y. The Panies agree that LJNIVERSITY. tltrough its
Project Director, shall rnaintain rcgular commrrrtication with lhe designated liaison for
SPONSOR and rhc UNIVERSITY's Project Director and SPONSOR's Liaison shall
mumally define the lrcquency artd nature of such comtntrnicaliotts.
Con fidential lnfbrr:rution.
5.8.1 'Io rhe exterrt allowed by law, and subjecl to the publication provisions sel lorth
in Secrion 5.9 belorv, UNIVERSITY and SPONSOR agree to use reasonable care
to avoid untluthorized disclosure oI Conildential lnformation. incltrdirtg 'uvithout
limitatiorr taking measures to prevent creating a premaltrre bar to a Uniterl States
or foreign patent application. Each Party will limit access fo, and any publication
or disclosure of. Confidential lnfonnation received fronr anollrer Pany herEIo
and/orcreated and reduced to practice as a pafl of the Sponsored R&D Project, to
those persons lraving a need lo know. Each Parly shall employ tlte samc
reasonable safeguards in receiving, storing. lratsmitting, ald using Confide ntial
lnformation that eaclr Pany normall-y exerciscs rvith respect to its own polenlially
patentable inventions and other confidential information of significant valrre.
5.8.2 Confidential Inforrnation slrall not be disclosed by the receiving Party to a llrird
parry: (i) for a period ol" three (3) yearc from receipl of such Cortfidential
lnfiormation; or (ii) until a palenl is published or the Confidential lnfornration o[
a Party is published by the disclosing Partyl or (iii) tNIVERSI'l'Y and
SPONSOR mutually agree to such release in a writirg signed by both Parties.
Nolwithstanding the above. any lntellectual Propertv arising out of, created or
reduced to praclice as a pafl of the Sponsored R&D Project shall bc subject to the
reqrriremenls set fonh helou, in Secliorr 5,9
Avista Contract R-40097
5.8.3 The terms of confidentiality set forth in this Agreernent shall not be conshued ro
lirnit the pafiies'right to independently develop products wilhout the use of
anotlrcr Party's Confrdential lnfonnarion.
5,E.4 Confiderrtial Information shall not irrclLrde infornration rvhiclr:
i, rvas in the recciving Parg's possession prior 1o receipt of the disclosed
is or becomes a nraner of public knorvledge through no flault of rhe receiving
is received l'rom a third parly rvilhout a duty of confidentialily;
is inde;:endently developed by the rcceiving Parry;
is required to be disclosed under operation of law, including but nol lirrrited to the
ldaho Public Records Act. l.C. $$ 9-33? through 9-350;
is reasonably ascsrtained b1, LINIVERSITY or SPONSOR lo create a risk lo a
persoil involved in a clinical rrial or to general public health and safety.
Publication. SPONSOR and LTNIVERSITY acknowledge rhe need to balancc
SPONSOR's need to protecl commercially lcasible tcchnologir-s, produc(s. and
processes, including the preservation of the patentabiliry of lnventions arising out of,
created in or reduced lo practice as a part olthe Sponsored R&D Project rhat fall u,itlrin
the Scope of Work rvith LINIVERSIf'Y's public resporrsibilitl, to lieely dissemirrate
scientific findirrgs fbrthe advancenrent of knowledge. UNIVERSITY recognizes lhat the
prrblic dissenrination of infonnation based upon tlre Scope of Work pe rlomred under this
Agrel'nrent canrrot contain Confide rrtial lnlbrnration (urrless aUthorized for disclosure per
subsection 5.8.2 above), nor should it jeopardize SPONSOR or UNIVEITSITY's ability to
commercialize lntcllectual Property developed lrereunder. Similarly. SPONSOR
recognizes rhar the scientific results of thc Sponsored R&D Project nrav be publislrable
after SPONSOR's inrcrests and patenr riglrrs are protected and, subject to lhe
confidentialiry provisions of tlris Agrcernenl. rnay be presentable in forurns such as
syrnposia or intemational. naiional or regional professional meetings, or published in
vehicles such as books, joumals. websites, theses, or dissenations.
LINIVERSITY and SPONSOR eaclt agree not to publislt or otherwise disulose
SPONSOR Conl'idential Information or LiN TVERSITY Con lldenlial lnformation, unlsss
authorized in rvriting by the disclosing Part-v. SPONSOR agrees that UNIVERSITY,
sulrject to revierv by SPONSOR, sliall havs tlte right to pubtish results of the Sponsored
R&D Projecq excluding SPONSOII Confidential lnformation lhat is not authorized in
writing to be disclosed by SPONSOR. SPONSOR shall be furnished copies o[ any
proposed publication or presentation al lcasl thirty (30) days before subrrrissiorr olsuch
proposed publication orpresentation. Duringthat lirne, SPONSOR shall have the right to
review the material for SPONSOR Confidential lnforn:alion and l0 asse$s Ihe
parentahility of any lnvention dEscribed in the rnaterial. li SPONSOR decides that a
paient applicaliorr for an lnvenlion slrould be fited or olher Inlellcctrral Propeny filirrg
should Lre pursued, tlre publication or prssenlalion shall be delayed an additiorral sixry
(60) davs or urrtil a palerlt applicat.ion or oiher application for protection of lntellectual
Properry is filed, whichever is sooner. At SPONSOR's request, SPONSOR Confidential
inforrnation shall be deleted to the exient psrmissiblc by and in cornpliance witlr
t-li\'iIVERSITY's record retenlion obligatlons, provided, howevor thal during suclr
retention periods, UNIVERSITY shall mainlain the SPONSOR Confidential lnl'ormation
in accordance witlr Section 5.8.
5.10 Publicitv. Neither Party shall use the name of the other Party, nor rrrry m';'rnber ofl the
other Party's employees, nor eilher Party's Trademarks in any publicity. advertising,
Avista Contract R-a000?
sales promotion, news release, nor other ptrblicity nlaner u,ithout tlre prior wrinen
approval of al arrtlrorized representative of that Parry.
5.1 I Ternrination for Convenience. This Agreenrerrt or any irrdiviclual Scope of Work may be
terminated by either Pafty hcreto upon rvrilten notice delivered lo the othe r Parly at lezul
sisty (60) days prior to lhe date of termination. By such termination. neither Purty rnay
nullil'y obligations already incurred prior to tlre date of terminatiorr. Upon receipr of any
such notice ol ternrination. UNIVERSITY shall, e.xeepl as otherwise directcd by
SPONSOR, immedialel-v stop performance of llre services or Work to the cxtentspecified
in such notice. SPONSOR shall pay all reasonablc costs and non-cancelalrlc obligariorrs
incurred by UNIVERSITY as of the date of termination. LINIVERSITY slrall use its
reasonable effons to minimize lhe compensaliorr payable under this Agreenrent in tl'rc
evcnt of such ternrinalion.
5.12 Termination for CauSg. Eitlrer Pafiy rnay terminate this Agpeetnenl or an individual
Scope oI Work at any tirne upon thirty (30) days' prior rvritten nolice in rhe evenl of a
nraterial breach by the other Parry. provided lhe breaching Party has not cured suclr
breach during such 30-day period. A malerial breaclr includes, wilhoul limitation,
insolvency, bankruptcy, general assignment for the benefit of creditors. or becomirtg thc
subject oIan5, proceedingcornrnenced under any slarute or larv lbr the relief of debrors,
or if a receiver, trustee or liquidator ol any property or incorne of either Party is
appointed. or if UNIVERSITY is not perfornring the services in accordance with this
Agreement or an individual Scope of Work.
5.13 'fermination Ol'rlisations. In addition lo those obligations sel otrt in 5.ll and 5.12, any
ternrinalion ol'this Agreemenl or an individual Scope of Work shall not relicve eilher
Parry of any obligations incuned prior to the dale of, ternrination including, bur noi
lirnited to, SPONSOR's rcsponsibility to pay UNIVERSITY for all work perforrned
througlr the date ol termirution, calculated on a pro-rata basis given the percentage o[
completion of the Sponsored R&D Project on the effective date of lhe lernrination, and
I'or reimbrrrsement to LNIVERSIl'Y of all non-cancelable commitments already incurred
for the terminated Sponsored tt&D Project. Upon termirrariorr, UNIVERSI'IY shall
pronrplly deliver to SPONSOR all Sponsored R&D Project deliverables. whellrer
complete or still in progress. ard all SPONSOR Confidential lnlomratiorr disclosed to
LfNtVERSITY in connection with the Sporrsored R&D Project. Additionally. in tlre
event lrrtellectual Properly was crealed as a resul( of the Sponsored tt&D Project,
SPONSORS'rights lo negotiate a license to such Intellectual Property shall apply
pursrlant to Seclion 5. 15 below. and the parlies'agree to execule any documenls
evidencing joint orvnership. il'applicable. The rights and obligatiorrs of Anicle 5.8 of this
Agreelnenl sltall survive term i nalion.
5.14 lliSpUlg39ssJ_UIA!. Arry and a[[ claims. disputes or conrroversies arising urrder. otrt ol.
or in connection with tlris Agreemcnt. which the Panies hereto shall be unablc to resolve
witlrin sixty (60) days, shall be rnediated in good ihitlr by the Panies' respeclive Vice
Presidents for Researclt or equivalent.
Nothirrg in this Agreenrent shall be construed to limit the Parties'choice ot'a mtrtuall,v
acceptable dispure resolutiort mcthod irr addition to lhe disprrte re.solutiorr procedure
outlined above, or to limit the Parties' rights to any remedy ilt law or in cquity lor lrreach
of tlre tenns of this Agreemenl and the right lo receive reasonable aftonrey's lees tind
costs incurred in errforcing the terms of this Agreernent.
Avista Contract R-40097
5. I 6 lnt-e-lle-ctual.P-rgpenv.
5.16.1 UNTVERSITY Intellectual Property. UNIVERSITY sl:all orvn all rights and iitle
to lntellectual Propeny created solely by UNIVERSITY employees.
5.16.2 SPONSOR Intellectual Property. SPONSOR shall own all righls and title
tntellectual Property created solely by SPONSOR and without use
LINIVERSITY resources under this Agreement.
5.16.3 JOINT lntellecrual Property. UNIVERSITY arrd SPONSOR rvill joinlly owrr any
and all lntellectual Property developed jointly (c.g., to tlre extent tlte parties
would be considered joinl inventors andlor joint copvright lrolders, as applicable,
runder relevant U.S. intellectual property larvs) under this Agreement.
5.16.4 Eirher Pany nray flle for zurd mainlain Intelleclual Property protections for Joint
lntellectrral Propeny developed under this Agreement. Ilt thc evertt lhat a Party
wants to obtain or maintain any lntellectual Properry prolections concernirtg Joint
lntellectual Prnperty. the nonfrling Parfy a-qrees to execute any associated
documenfatir:n reasonabll' req rrested.
5.16.5 Joirrl lnrellectual Property shall be owned equally by lhe parties. Excepl a-s
provided belorv, the parties acknorvledge: (i) to sharc equally all expenses
incurred in obtaining and mainlairring lntelleclrral Properly prorcctions on .loitrt
tntellectual Properry, and (ii) that each Parry shall have the riglrt to liccnse such
Joinl lnventions to thirtl parties (wirh the rlght to sublicense) without accounting
to the otlrer and without the consent of tlte o(her.
5.16.6 Reserved.
5.16.7 Norwithstanding the foregoing, a Party rnay declde at any time that it does not
want to financially supporl Intcllectual Prop€rry protcctions l"or cerlain Joirrt
lntellectual Propergr (a "Non-Sunnorting Parry"). lrr that case. the olller Par(y
is free to seek alriJ obtain such lntellectual Property protections al ils own
expensc (a ''suoportin,q P+f.tv"). pr<lvided lhat title to any such lrrtellcctual
Properry protections shall still be held joirttly by the parties.
5.16.8 UNIVERSITY ar.rd SPONSOR will prornptly disclose to the olher Parly in
rvrilirrg any lntelleclual Property made drrrirtg tlre services performed hereutrde'r.
Such disclosure by UNI\ERSITY shall be sufficiently detailed flor SPONSOR to
assess lhe cornmercial viability of the technolory and slrall bc provided arrd
:naillained by SPONSOR in confidence pursuant lo the terms of Anicle 5.8.
SPONSOR shall have up lo nincty (90) days fronr tlrc- receipt of the disclosrrre lo
irrlorm UNIVERSITY rvhether it elects to ltave UNIVERSITY file a patenl
application or otherwise seek lntellectual l)ropefly prorection pursuant to tlre
procedures set forth below.
Avista Contract R40097
5.16.9 UNIVERSITY hereby grar)ls to SPONSOR an option to rregotiate an sxclusive
liccnse under aDy UNIVERSI'fY Intellectual Propeny rights that SPONSOR
rvishes ro pursue (the "Negotiation Right"). UNIVERSITY agrees lo negotiare in
good faitlr to attelnpt io establish lhe terms o[ a license agreenrenl grarrting the
SPONSOR lhe exclusive riglrts to make. have nrade. use. sell. offer to sell, c.\porl
and import producls in the applicable field of usc under lhe applicable
lntellectual Property rights. Such license agreerner)t shall be in accordance rvith
policies, procedures and guidellnes set oul by the ldalro Statc Board ol
Education, and shall include al loast the lollowing provisions: a license t'ee.
annual rnaintenance paymentvminimum royalties, mileslone payments (wltere
applicable) and royalty payments, pa.vmerrl of all past and tuture costs incurrcd
by UNIVERSITY associated 'witlr the protection. prosecution and rnaintenance ofl
the tNIVERSITY Intellectual Properly rights. the limiled riglrt to grant
sublicenses, sublicense fecs, a comrnimrent by lhe SPONSOR arrd any approved
sub-licensees to exert best el'forts to inlroduce licensed producls into public rrse
as rapidly as practicable, llie right ol LTNIVERSITY to ternrinate the liccrrse
agreement should tlrc SPONSOR nol meet any negotialed due diligerrce
nrilestones. a commitrnenl 10 mainiain the confidentialiry of any LTNIVERSITY
Cor:fidential Infonnation under Intelleclual Properry Rights, and irrdcnrnil-\, arrd
insurance provisions satis,"actory to LINIVERSITY. Additionally. any license
will include a reservation of rights for UNIVERSITY to use tlrs lntellectual
Property Righls for research, teacliing and other lawful purposes of the
UNIVERSI'f Y. Notwitlrstanding anylhing in lhis Agreenrent to !he contrary, this
Agreernent shall onl,v require lhe Parlies lo negotiate in good taith to fltreml)r lo
enter intc a license, and shall nol require either Pany lo enter irrto such a license
unless the tenns and conditions for such licensc arc salisfactory to such Party in
ils sole discretion. SPQNSOR's Negotiation Right shall, lor lntelleclual Propeny
disclosed by UNIVERSITY to SPONSOR urrde.r Section 5,16.8, exterrd for
ninety (90) days afler such disclosure (the "Negotiation Period"). SPONSOIt
shall have upon exercise of its Negotiation Righl, ninery (90) days io negotiate
rhc lerms ofl the license, rvlrich period ciur be extended by rnulual rvrifien
agreemsnt of the Parlies. In the event that SPONSOR does nol exercise its
Negotiation Right as to arly disclosed lnventiorr or lntellectrral Propcrry witliin
tlre Negotiation Period or the parties tail to renclr a mutually acceptable license
agreement within the above specified rinre period: (i) SPONSOR'S Negotiatiorr
Right shall e nd; and (ii) UN IVERSITY shall be enlitled to ncgotiate in good faitlr
rvilh one or moro third parties an exclusive or nonexclusive license lo lhe
lrrtellectual Property in ils sole discretion.
5.16.10 UNIVERStTY, a{ler due consultation with SPONSOR. shall pronrptly file and
prosecule patent applications on LfNIVERSITY lntellectual Properry to which
SPONSOR e.xercised its Negotiatiorr Rig,ht during tlre Negotiation Period. trsing
counsel of UNIVERSITY's choicc. BecaLrse UNIVERSITY and SPONSOR lrave
a common legal interesl in tlre prosecrrlion of suclt applications, LJNIVERSITY
shall keep SPONSOR advised as lo all developments with respect to
application(s) and slrall promptly srrpply copies of alt papers rcccived arrd llled in
conneclion with the prosecution in sufficient lirne for SPONSOR to comrnent.
SPONSOR understands and agrees tltal suclt r:scltange ol information may
include privileged int'ornration arrd llrat by such iut exchange in lirrlherance of,the
common interests of the panies, lhe IJNIVERSITY does nol intend to u,aive tlre
attorney/client privilege, anorney work product intrtunity. cornmon interest
privilege, and/or any other applicable privilege, protection, or inrnrunitl,.
SPONSOR's conlments shall be laken into consideration. SPONSOR shall
Avista Contract R-40097
reimbllrse UNIVERSITY for all reasonable out-of-pocket costs incuned in
connection with such preparation. filing, and prosec.ulion of patent(s)-
SPONSOR shall be responsible flor all such cosls under t]ris Section until
SPONSOR rtolifies UNIVERSITY in writing lhat SPONSOR desires lo
discontinue its financial support; provirlcd, borvever, SPONSOR shall tlso be
rcsponsible forall costs incurred by UNIVERSITY after llre date olnoticc under
lhis Seclion and which are reasonably related to SPONSOR'S prior guidance to
5.16.1 I Wilhin nine (9) months of the filing date of a U.S. patent applicatiorr, SPONSOR
shall provide to UNIVERSITY a rvrilten list of foreigr countries in which
applic.rlions should be l'iled. SPONSOR shall provide UNIVERSI-l-Y advance
funding tbr all loreign applications/filings. lf SPONSOR elccls to discontinue
t'inancial suppoil o[any patent prosecrrtion, in any country,. UNIVERSITY shall
be free to continue prosecution at UNIVERS['I'Y's i3xpense. ln strclr evcnt.
IINIVERSITY shall have no fuilher obligarion to SPONSOR in regard lo such
palent applications or patents.
-5.16.12 UNIVERSITY, subject to its Copyright policy, hereby gralrrs to SPONSOR a
non-exclusive, royalry-free. non-sublicenseable license to use Copyriglrted
Materia[ to whiclt UNIVERSITY holds the Copyright. rvith the exception ol
copyrighted softrvare (rvltich shall be liccnsed ir: accordance rvith Seclion -i.16.9
above). lor its internal. non-conrmercial use.
5.16.13 SPONSOR understands that UNIVERSIT)'nrusl comply rvith lhc provisions ol'
US Patenr lnw, including rhe Baylr-Dole Act.
5.16.14 No Party slrall invoke the CREATE ACT (Cooperative Research irnd Technology
Enhancemenl Acl of 2004 and subsequent arnendrnents and irnplenrcrrtirrg
regLrlations) i,vilhout wriften conse rlt oltlre other Party.
5.17 lndemnitv 4nd Hold HaqLLe_sS. SPONSOR shall fr.rlly indcrnniff and hold harmless rhe
state of tdaho, UNIVERSITY and its governing board. officers, employees, and agents
fronr and agairrst any and all costs. losses, damages. liabilities, expenses, demands, and
judgmelrts. including court costs and reasonable attomey's lees, which rnay arise out of
SPONSOR'S aclivities under or relaled lo lhis Agreernent and SPONSOR's negligent
conducl. Additionally, SPONSOR shall fully indemnifr ald hold harnrless the state of
ldaho, UNIVERSITY and its goveming board, officers, employees. and agents lrom arrd
against a:ry arid all costs, losses, darnages, liabilities, expenses, denrunds, and judgmenls,
including court costs and reasonable anorney's tbes, rvhich may arise out of SPONSOR's
r.tss, comrnercializrtion, or dislri[:ution of informalion, malerials or products rvhich resrrlt
in whole or in part from tlre researclr perfornred pursuant to lhis Agreernclrt] provided,
horvevcr. that SPONSOR shall not indernniry UNIVERSITY for any claims rcsulting
directly from UNIVERSII'Y's lack of ownership or infringement of a third-parly's
intelleclual propert) riglrts.
ln the evenl thai any suclr loss is caused by the negligence of botir Parties. inclrrding the ir
employees, agcnls, suppliers arrd subconlraclors, the loss shall be bome by the Parties in
the proportion lhat their respectlve negligerice bears lo lhe lotal negligence causing the
loss; provided. hou,ever, tlrat any loss borne by the UNIVERSI'fY shall in anyevent orrly
he ro rheextent allorved by [daho law. inclLrdirrg, wilhorrt lirnitatiorr, the limits of liabiliry
spccilied in Idaho Code 6-901 through 6-929, known as the ldaho Tort Clairus Act.
Ar,lsta Contract R-.10097
5.lE Amendments. This Agreement may be anrended by murual agfee mcnt of the Parties,
Such amendments shall not be binding unless tltey are in rvritingand signed by personnel
ar.tthorlzed to bitrd eaclr of the Parlies.
5.19 Assignmcnt. The work to be provided under tlris Agleemerrl, and any clairn arisirrg
hereunder, is not assignable or delegable by eilher Pany in rvhole or in part, wirhout the
express prior rvrilten consent of tlre olher Party. except as required by ldalttr law, policy
or regularion.
5.20 Notices. Any notice or cornmunication required or permitled under this Agteenrent sltall
be delivered in penon, by overnigh( courier. or by registered or cefiified rnail, postage
prepaid and addressed to the Party lo receive such noticc at lhe address given below or
such other address as may hereafter be designated by notice in rvriring, Noticc given
hereunder shall be eff'ective as of the date of receipt of such nolice:
5.2 t
NamelTitle: Matt Smith, Contract Ofticer
Phone: (208) 426-1425
Address: l9l0 Universify Drive
E-ntai I : nrattsm i th2@boisestate.edu
Ciry l9ratelZip: Boise, fD 83725- I I 35
Name/Title: John Cibson, Mgr Dist Opm.
Phone: 509-495-41 l5
Address: l4l I E. Mission Ave.
E- mai I : john.gibson @avistacorp.conr
CityiState/Zip: Spokene, WA 99220
Covenrinu. Larr,: Jurisdiction und Venuel Altomsys' Fees. This Agreetnenl slrall be
conshued and interpreted in accordance rvith lhe larvs ot'the state ol ldaho. witlrout
regard lo its choice of larv provisions. Any legal proceeding instituted belween the
parties shall be in the courls of the Counry of Adq State oI ldaho, and each of the parlies
agrees to submit to the jurisdictiorr of suclr courts. ln the evenl any legal action is
comnrenced lo corlstrue, interpret or enforce this Agreernent. thc prevailing Parry shall be
entitled to an award agairrsl lhe non-prevailing Party for all of the prevailing Parl1,'5
reasonable allorneys' fees, costs and expenses incurred in such aclion. incltrding any
5.22 _C1t11gIqlqe_Ut$ fqlyg. SPONSOR uoder$nnds that UNIVERSITY and SPONSOR are
sr-rbjcct to Urritsd States larvs and lederal regulations. including the export of technology
(i.e.. tecfurical data and technical assistance), cornputer soliware, laboraloq, prototypes
and other conrmodities (including the Anns Export Cor)trol Act. as amcnded, thc Expofl
Adrnirristra(ion Ac( of 1979 and associated irnplernenting regulations and e.tecutive
orders), and that SPONSOR's and LNIVERSITY's obligations hereunder aru c()ntingenl
upon compliance witlr applicable United States laws and regulations. incltrding those for
export conrrol. The transfer ol cerlain technology and conrmodilies. even within the
borders of ilie United States, may require a license from a cogniz:nt agency of the United
Srattss Covernmenl and/or a wrinen assurance bv SPONSOR that SPONSOR shall not
transfer technology. softrvare or conrltrodities to certain foreign persons or counlries
u,itlroul prior approval ol an appropriate ageilcy of the United States Governrnent.
Neirher LfNIVERSI'fY nor SPONSOR represent (hat a license shall nct bli rc(lnired. rtor
tha(, ilrequired, it will be issued.
Avista Contract R-.10097
5.23 Scvcrahilitr,. lf any pror,ision ol'this Agrct'nrcnl or flny provisiorr of .rn-r docunrgrt
inLr)t'llorrt\'\l ltr rclcrt'rrcc slr:rll h,.. hclrl irrr:rlitl. rrrch irrr.tlidilr rltltil nrtt.r'lrit lltt trlltcr
provisions ol'lhis.r\greement rvhiclt can be givcrr el'lbcr rvithoul tlrc invalid provision, il'
-sirclr relrrnindcr crlnlbrtrrs to tlrc requircrnenls ol applirablc Iail nrrd (lrc lirrrdarrre'nl:rl
p..llpu5r' ol'tltrs ,\_grcct:ttrtt- ttrl,.l irr titis cr:ri tltu 1rru1 isiorrs al this Agrccrt:crrl .rru drul.rrud
ttr bc screrablc.
5.24 No Joint Venlurc, Nothing contaioed in this z\greenlcnt sll?rll bc corrslrued as crr-'ilting a
j<linl venturc. pannership. or agencJ, rclationslrip betrvcen the pu(ies.
5-25 ftrrce Maicurc. Any prcvcntiorr, dchy or slnppflge (iuc to slrlkrs, lockouts. lrlror
disprrtus. acts ol'God. inabilit)' to ohtair! labor or rnatcrials or rea.sonahlc suhstitutcs
therelbrc. govemnlentill resLrictions, govcnlrr)cnlal regulalions, govufluncn(al controls,
enerry or hostile govenlmcntal action, civil contnroliorr, ['irc or olhcr casualty. and othur
causr-s be.vond ll:e rcasorrablc control ol' lhe lrart)' obligutcd to pcrlonn (rrcept Ibr
firrirncial ahilill.). slrall excusc tlru pcrfonnancc, cxcepl for thc pirynrcnl ol'nroncv. b-\-
such Party lbr a ptriorl L'qusf to an1' such preverrtiorr, dclay or sloppflge.
5-27 Pcleg,ation a!]d Su_hcgrtractirrg. UNIVERSITY shall not (tr1, contrdcl. ope.rirlioir ul'larv or
otlrerrvisc) drlcgrte or subconlract pcrlbrmancc ot'arr-r' .services to nn,r' ollrr-r persorl or
enlity \vithoul lhe prior writtcn corsenl ol' SPONSOR, Any such delcgation or
srrbcontruclirrg rvithout SPONSOR's prior u'ritten cor)s('nt rvill bc voidrble ul
SPONSOR's oplion- No delegation or subcorrlrBcting oI pcrlorrnancc ol' arrl' of thc
scrviccs, rvith or u,ilhout SPONSOR's prior rvritleu consent, tvill rclier,e UNlVEttsl'fY
of its rcsponsibility to pcrlorm lhc scrviccs in accordurrcc rvilh tlris Agrccrncnt.
.i.28 Enti.rc Aarecnrertt: Ord.eloI Prcccdsltcq. ]'his Agrcemcrtt contrrins all the lcrrns trrd
conditiorrs agreed upon b5' tlrc Panies. No othcr understalrclirrgs. orul or othcrl\,ise,
rcgarding thc srrbjcct rllalter of this Agrccrneflt.glrcll bc dcemed to cxist or to hirrd arry ol'
thc Parlics lrr'rclo. In tlre er'r'rr( ol'an incoruislcnc.v irr tlris Agrccorent, llrc ir'rconsistency
slr;rll bc resolvcd by givirr prcccdtncc irr the follorting orr.lcr:
Applicablc st..llules and rcgulations:'fenns and Couditioru containcd in tlrc Agrcenrent;
Anv altachrncrtts or atldendunrs; and
An-r,other provisions incorporatcd b-r'rcfercnsr or olherrvise irrto this Agrccrrrcrrl.
lN \\,I'INESS Wl-{EREOI;. tlrc Prrlics hcrcro havc cilused this Agrccrnent to be e}ccutcd a-s ot'thc dntt-'
sr:t Fonh hcrcin h-r the ir duly author[zed represL'nliitives.
,\vislr ('ontract RJ0097
n vts-rA coRPoRA r'tol.(
Budqet Catcrgories Yesr I Tot:rl
PI Dr. Said Ahmed-Zaid Acadcmic Year
Pl Dr. Said A.hmed-Zaid Strntrner
Graduate Researclr Assistanl
Fringe Bencfits
PI Dr. Said Ahrned-Zaid Academic Year
PI Dr. Said Ahmed-Zairl Summer
Craduate Research Assisrant
Student Costs
Craduate Srudenl Fee Remission AY & 6
slrmmer thesis credits
Tota! Stutlent Costs
Tolal Direct Cosis
Base [or lntlirect Calculation
Indirect Costs (F&A) 39% On-Campus
Total Costs
Avista Contract R-40097
J I,282
3p60 3,26['
r r,987 i 1,987
I I,98?I I,987
t3.47 t
60.000 60.000
Avista Energy Research Proposal
Residential Static VAR Compensator
Boise State Universiry
Dr. Said Ahmed-Zaid
PRo.rEcr Os.rEctrvrs
Tltis proposal is broken down into the follorving tasks during the Jlrst phase (year l):
I . Pltase l-A: Design and sinrulate the RSVC prototype using an appropriate software package tlrat
reflects real-world componcnm as close as possible. Design and size the (variable) inductor,
(frxed; cerpacilor. solid-state srvitches. and filtering circuits iI needed.
2. Phase I-B: Test tlte simrtlated RSVC usin-e a distributiorr syslenr sinrulator such as EPRI's
OpenDSS and evaluale tlrc power and/or cnergy savings irr a small-scale dislributiort syslem.
3. Plrase l-C: Perfornr a cosl-benefit analysis bascd on the results of the pilot study and estimate the
payback period lor this apparatus
SESO t I RCE CO i\.t rlr rTti,r EN'r5 :
l. Project rnanoger and supervisor: Dr. Said Ahnred-Zaid (78 hours)
2. M.S. Cradua(e Research Assistanl: Mr. Mulrammad Latif (1300 hours)
Conservalion by Voltage Reduction (CVR) is the implernentalion of a dislribution voltage strates/
wlrereby all vollages are lowered to the minimunr allowed by the equipment rnanufaclurer. l'lris is a
consequence of the observation lhal nrany loads consume less porver when tl:ey are fed with a voltage
lower than nonrinal. In order lo guarantec a good qua.lity seruice, loads should not be supplied lvith a
volta*gc higiher or lower than 5oZ ol' nominal. A range of standard service voltages used in the Urtitcd
States is specified by the American Natiorial Standards lnstitute (ANSI) as 120 volts nominal, ll4 volts
minimunr (120 V minus 5%) and | 26 vohs maxinrunr ( 120 V plus 5%).
Despite rlre regulatory history, clectrical comparies are forced to beconre rnore efl-rcient and nrore
cornpetitive by rvorkirrg to reduce costs. One such big cosl is when a company brr-ys costly energy lroilr
another utility in llre market u,hen it carrnot satisly ils own dernand with its own installed capaciry.
ftrrthenrrors. disrributiorr companies, irs wc,ll as final cuslomers, rnusl pay a ltigher price per kWh during
Avi sta Corr( ract R-40097
peak dernand hours. The goal o[ our proposcd residential CVR implernentation ls lo reduce porvcr
consumption during peak hours in order to save enefgy and costs.
Before applying CVR, power system operalors arrd analysts must also undsrsland lhe characlerislics o[
lheir loads. Even if all loads cortsu:red less power with less voltage, which is generally not lr(re. rve
would not be saving energ),in all cases. Sotne devices can give good service hy working at a lorver
vollage. Forexample, decreasingthevollage of a lightbulb rvill definitely yicld energy savings. Ilorvever,
there are otlrer devices, such as air conditioners and ovens: which rvill haye to rvork longer to give the
same servicc. So in the end, lve may not bc saviltg energy ald, instead. it is possiblc to corrsunle even
more. Wherea-q lowering the voltage may increase line current losses. lhe decrease in power consumption
is expected lo be biggcr, so lhat lhe overall balance will be posilive [-5].
Project Objeclive
Since the implementatiorr of a conservalion by voltage reduction (CVR) syslern is beyond the sccpe of
tltis projecl, we are proposing instead to develop a solution based orr the concept of a Residential Static
VAR Conrpensntor (RSVC) for regulating residential voltages, especially during peali demand hours.
when thc benefits coincide best lvith tlre interests of ctstonrers and those of the electric cornpanies. These
RSVCs rvill be an additional tool for smafl demand-side managerrrcnt. B_y controlling remotely the
RSVC, a utiliry can apply CVR at specified individual locations during specified periods. Our goal is to
develop such arr RSVC prototlpe and we will leave it to the eleclric utility cornpaaics to deve.lop
str:ategies tbr conservation by vollage regulalion. Our solution involves installing an individual apparatus
rrylrich will decrease tlte vollage before each cuslomer's service. This nray not lre clreap bur many
independent studies (with diffcrent aulhors and procedures) have proved the great profit that can be
aclrieved by rv6rli6g with CVR and these additional costs caE be justitied over the long tcrm Il-5]. ln
olher words, the cost of implementing CVR per kWh saved would be snraller lhan buying rhar amount ol'
kWh in the market. A question renrains as to whetherthe payback for the inirialcosr investnrenr will be in
lhc range olthree to fir,e years.
Our previous experience with trvo senior design projecls on CVR and where rve lested tlte current and
power senritivitics of many conrmon household appliances to voltage regulation has provided us wilh
general conclusions and guidance regarding the feasibility of this method. Another potenlial benefit of
lhese individual residenlial devices is tltat lhey can also be used by utilities with high penelrations of
distributed energy sources lltat wou.ld nomrally cornplicate thc irnplelnentation of a global CVR system
for errergy reduction.
Project Tineline for Phasc I aod Project Deliverables
Work would cornrnence when the contracl is executed. Fronr that point, u,e anticipatc corrryllr.ting work in
l2 months with an interim repomat thesixtlt mortth poirrt. The timeline is illustrated below. assuminga
starl date of November I , 2014.
Avista Contract R-.t0097
Tnsk Slart
Duration Conrmcnls
Prototype Design tUt/2014 2 nronllrs Design a prototype based on end-rrsur needs rurd
specifications. nrarketiug requiremenls, crt-slorncr
conslraints- budget, and safety conslraints-
Protorype Sirnulation t/r/20 r 5 3 rnonths Sinrulation the prololype using a suitable software
packaqe B'ith realistic cornDonenls and corrtrols.
lnlerim Repon Ail12015 I month This is a progress rcport on the slatus of tlre projcct
includine sirnulation results.
Testi 5lt/70t5 4 months Test the RSVC usins EPRI's OpenDSS rvitlr a oilot
study of a tvpical small-scale distribution system.
Final Report iltn0t5 2 months Deliver a linal report with details of the prototypc
desigrr, resuhs of tlre testing. and a cost-benefit analysis
of nuyback period based orr the rrilot study.
Il" tfe results olthis researcl'r indicate that a residential (sirrgle-phase) slatic var conrpcnsator (RSVC)
offers a signiticant polenlial for encrgy savirtgs by voltage regulation, il can becoure a valuable tool in a
rrtility's demald-side management lor energy efficiency, especially during peok dcrnand lrours. The
protolype design and cost will be cvaluated tbr a l0-kVA. single-phase,2000 square feet. rrsiden(ial
honte with a rypical load betrveen 1.5 kVA to 20 kVA. 'flre design can easily be scaled trp for larger
residential lronres, buildings, and even neighborlroods with single-phase or tl]roe-plrase distribution
Cnrtcnra rort Mnnstrrunc Succnss
Srrccess will be rneasrrred by three criteria:
I . A successful design of a protorype that automatically regulates the service voltage of a re sident ial
honrs irr the rarrge of l14 V to 126 V (plus or nrinus 5% of nonrinal). The prototype will be
demorrstrated in sinrulation in Phase I and, if desired by Avista, in hardware durirrg Phase ll.
7. A successful simulation iest of the operation of these devices in a distribulion systeu simrrlator
(such as EPR['s OpenDSS) using realistic nrode ts of cornmon household appliance-s.
3. A cost-benefit nrralysis based on rlre re.srrlts of the above sirnulation that would yield the
allorvable cost lor such devices in order to aim for a payback period ol'three lo five years.
[1] Kennedy. W. and R.H. Fletcher, "Consen,ation Voltage Reduction at Snohomish Courrry PUD."
IEEE Transrctiorrs or1 Power Systems, vol. 6, no. 3. pp. 986-998, Augtmt 1991.
[2] Erickson, J.C, arrd S,R.Giltigan,'-The Effects of Voltage Reduction on Distribution Circuit Loads,"
IEEE Transaclions on Power Apparatus and Systems. vol. PAS- I 0 I , no. 7, pp. 2014-20 I 8, J uly 1982.
[3] Wamock, V.J. and T.L. Kirkpatricli "lmpact of Voltage llcduclion on Errerry and Detnand: Phase Il."
IEEE Trarsaclions on Porver Systems, r'ol. PWRS-1, no, ?, pp. 92-95, May 1986-
[4] Fletcher, R.l-l. and A. Saeed, "lntegrating Engineerirtg and Econornic Anal_vsis for Conservation
Voltage Reduction." tEEE 2002 Summer Meeting, 0-?803-7519-#02, pp. 725-730.
[5] Lefebvre, S., C. Gaba, A.-O. Ba, D, Asber. A. Ricard, C. Perreauli. arrd D. Cltartrand, "Mcastrring tlre
Efticiency ofl Volrage Reduction at Hydro-Quebec Distribution," PES Ceneral Meeting - Conversion and
Delivery of Electrical Energy in the 2lsl Century, pp. l-7.Pinsbr-rrgh, PA,20-24, July 2008, IEEE 3008.
Avista Contract R-r10097
Avista Research and Development Projects Annual Report
March 31. 2016
lncreasing Hydropower Generating Efficiency through Drag Reduction
August 2OL5
A study funded by the Avista Research and Development program of
Avista Corporation, Spoka ne, Washington
Jim C. P. Liou, Professor of Civil Engineering, University of ldaho
1. Two Pager _ _ _2
2. Executive Summary ___4
3. Research Motivation 5
4. Project Background _ _ _ 6
5. Special Technology Utilized
6. Results
1. Superhydrophobicity and Frictional Drag Reduction
7. Lessons Learned ___41
8. Path to Market 42
9. Budget Summary ___43
132.Drag Reduction Demonstrated by Force Balance
3. Drag Reduction Demonstrated by Pipe Flow ___ l9
4.Local Surface Shear Stress Estimations 26
5. Estimated Gain in Power Generation Efficiency at Cabinet Gorge Dam 35
6. References 40
College of Engineering
Increasing Hydropower Generating Efficiency through
Drag Reduction
Project Duration: 12 months Project Cost: Total Funding $ 72,539
2014 Funding $2,723
2015 Funding $69,816
Energy loss due to friction occurs in
hydropower generation. This research
investigates the potential of reducing this
energy loss in penstocks of hydropower plants
by superhydrophobicity. The objective is to
increase the efficiency of power generation.
Even a small reduction of frictional drag in the
penstocks can result in significant increase in
the energy generated over time. If drag
reduction by superhydrophobicity is proven
possible, then the frictional drag can be
brought down below the current theoreticallimit associated with a pefect smooth
surface. This technology will be applicable to
many water conveyance systems, including
hydropower and water utilities. Several
industries can benefit from the technology,
with a large amount of energy saved from
being dissipated by friction.
Many hydropower generating plants are 30 to
50 years old and have gone through cycles of
mechanical and electrical upgrades. However,
the system to convey water from forebay to
turbines remains what it was decades ago.
The efficiency for water conveyance through
penstocks to turbines may be improved bydrag reduction using superhydrophobic
coating, a new technology resulted from
nanotechnology and advances in surface
Fluid viscosity, however small, causes
shearing of the water at and near the wall of
penstocks. This shearing consumes energy
and reduces the energy available to the
turbines. The surface of penstocks are of
hydrophilic. Nanotechnology can change a
hydrophilic sufface into a superhydrophobic
Recent elaborate measurements have
demonstrated frictional drag reduction by
superhydrophobicity in microfluidics where
surface force dominates and the flow is
laminar. However, drag reduction over
hydraulic structures, such as penstocks, hasnot been demonstrated. For the latter,
surface force may not be dominating and theflow is turbulent.Whether
superhydrophobicity reduces the frictional
drag in the penstocks is an open question.
This project (1) determines, by laboratory
measurements, if drag reduction over large
(as oppose to microfluidics) superhydrophobic
surfaces can occur, (2) quantifies drag
reduction should it occur, and (3) evaluatesthe potential efficiency gain in electrical
power generation at Avista's Cabinet Gorge
Task 1: Preparation
Organize the research team (five
undergraduate students, PI, Co-PI and a lab
technician). Mobilize the test facility,
equipment and instrumentation of the
Hydraulics Laboratory of the Civil Engineering
Department at the University of Idaho.
Task 2: Greating and evaluating
superhydrophobic surfaces
Create various superhydrophobic surfaces
using sand papers, cement, super high
performance concrete, Zycosil@, and
NewerWet@. Characterize these surfaces withcontact angle and scanning electron
Task 3: Shear force measurement by force
Measure the shear force acting on a
submerged flat aluminum plate, with and
without superhydrophobic coatings, hanging
in the test section of a water flume. Analyzethe data to determine if drag reduction
occurs. Present the results in terms of
boundary layer theory
Task 4: Head loss measurements in pipe flow
Explore methods to coat the inner wall of a
small diameter pipe with NeverWet@ so the
coatings are even and uniform. Relate the
head loss as a function of flow in two test
pipes with different diameter, each before andafter being coated with NeverWet@.
Demonstrate drag reduction in terms of the
Moody diagram.
Task 5: Local shear stress inference from
velocity profiles
Measure point velocities at various distances
away from a cement surface with and without
the NeverWet@ coating. Infer the local shear
stress on the wall using the law of the wall.
Separately, measure the local shear stress by
a Preston tube. Evaluate if the coating can
result in drag reduction.
Task 6: Estimate power generating efficiency
Based on the finding of this research and the
data at Avista's Cabinet Gorge Dam, estimatethe potential gain in power generating
efficiency as a result of drag reduction.
Task 7: Final Report
Document the methodologies and present the
A final report is the deliverable of this project.
The participating period for all
from Sept 2074 to May 2015
students is
I 2 months SeDt'14 Nov'14
2 2 months Nov'14 llan'15
3 2 months Dec'14 lune'15
4 2 months Dec'74 I u lv'15
5 2 months Mav'15 lulv'15
6 1 month Auo'15 Auo'15
7 1 month lulv'15 Auo'15
The explorative and iterative nature of this
research made it unavoidable to stretch many
of the tasks over several months.
Name Dr. lim C. P. Liou, PI
Oroanization Universitv of Idaho
Contact #)nR-RflE-67n7
Email liou@uidaho.edu
Name Dr. Brian lohnson.Co-PI
Orqanization University of Idaho
Contact #208-88s-5902
Email biohnson (Ou ida ho.edu
Name Don Parks. CE Lab Technician
Name William Kirbv
Name Tavlor Romenesko
Name Dmitriv Shimbero
Name Adam Storev
Name Terrenae Stevenson
Executive Summary
As water flows through penstocks in hydropower plants, the viscosity of the water induces a drag force
that opposes the flow. This drag is unavoidable but can be reduced by making the penstock's surface
smooth. Once the surface is hydraulically smooth, no further drag reduction is possible by conventional
means. This study investigates the possibility of drag reduction beyond the smooth surface limit by
superhydrophobicity. We demonstrate that drag reduction by superhydrophobicity is possible by
laboratory measurements. Laboratory measurements show that significant, but temporary, drag
reduction (between 20 to 30 percent) can be realized.
Superhydrophobicity was characteized in terms of (l) the contact angle of a water droplet resting on a
level surface and (2) if it rolls freely or not when the surface is slightly uneven. The latter was used to
distinguish between the Wenzel and the Cassie-Baxter states of a superhydrophobic surface. We found
that the Cassie-Baxter state is necessary for drag reduction. We used electron microscopy to see the
micrometer to nanometer sized roughness elements on the superhydrophobic surfaces, and observed
extensive and possibly networked "deep" asperities in the roughened surface. We hypothesize, as some
other researches have, that the air trapped in these asperities is responsible for drag reduction.
Frictional drag forces and local boundary shear stress over smooth flat plates, with and without
superhydrophobic treatment, were measured using three schemes: hanging plate force balance, Preston
tube, and velocity profiles. The hanging plate force balance offers the best sensitivity and repeatability
of the measurements. The test data were analyzed in terms of boundary layers theory. Separately,
measurements of head loss for flows in clear PVC pipes, with and without superhydrophobic treatment,
were also made. Drag reduction was demonstrated using the Moody diagram.
For Avista's Cabinet Gorge Dam, a 20oh drag reduction can result in a 0. l8 to 0.1 oh gain in power
generation efficiency for high and low flows, respectively.
Research Motivation
Many hydropower plants have been in operation since 1950's or earlier, and have had cycles of
electrical and mechanical equipment upgrades. However, the infrastructure for water conveyance, such
as penstocks, has not had similar upgrades. New technology may change this.
In the last decade, great advances in surface science and nanotechnology took place. These advances are
now impacting some engineering practice. Water proofing of concrete is a good example. Nanoparticle-
based products are now in common use to repel water from glass, metal, and cement surfaces of
buildings and roads. Such surfaces are superhydrophobic in that water beads up and rolls off such
surfaces readily.
Will this water-repelling ability lead to reduced flow resistance when the surface is submerged? If so,
then the inner surface of penstocks of hydropower plants can be made superhydrophobic, resulting in an
increase of the efficiency of power generation. Outside hydropower, the same efficiency gain can be
realized for other utilities such as for water transmission and distribution. The energy savings can be
very significant.
Project Background
In hydropower generation, friction at water-solid interface induces undesirable energy loss. This occurs
in penstocks at turbine runner surfaces. For a fixed available head and flow at the forebay, a reduction of
this friction in the penstocks makes more energy available to the turbines, resulting in an increase in
power generating effi ciency.
With the recent advancement of nanotechnology, penstock surfaces can be treated to become highly
hydrophobic. Will such a treatment make the penstocks less frictional and more efficient is an open
question. Recent experiments and numerical simulations in microfluidics showed significant drag
reduction by superhydrophobicity. There is expectation that such drag reduction may occur in large
hydraulic structures as well. However, the circumstances are very different. Surface force dominates in
microfluidics and the flow is always laminar. In hydraulic structures, the surface force do not dominate
and flow is often turbulent. Nonetheless, frictional drag reduction on hydraulic structures by
superhydrophobicity is worth investigating.
About 47Yo of the electric power generated by Avista Corporation comes from24 hydropower
generating units along the Clark Fork and Spokane rivers. Concrete or concrete-lined penstocks are used
in these facilities. Concrete surfaces are hydrophilic and incur viscous energy dissipation. This
dissipation, taken for granted and accepted in the past, may now be reduced by superhydrophobicity. As
a result, more energy can be made available to the turbines for electric power generation.
Special Technology Utilized
No special technologies were used in carrying out this research. Somewhat unusual is the usage of
scanning electron microscopy to observe the hierarchical micro- and nano- sized roughness on
superhydrophobic surfaces.
Agents Zycosil@ and Neverwet@ were used in this research. These products are based on nanoparticle
technology and are new and special.
stage gates deliverables criteria outputs
Facility preparation none
functioning flume,
controls, and
Creating and evaluating
report achieving
superhydrophobicity PP.8-l I
Frictional Drag
measurement by force
report valid data and analysrs PP. t2-17
Head loss measurement
in pipes report valid data and analysis PP. l8-24
Local shear stress
inferred from velocity
report valid data and analysrs PP.25-33
report reasonableness ofthe
estimation PP.34-38
Final Report report completeness This reoort
1. Superhydrophobicity and Frictional Drag Reduction
The wettability of a surface is quantified by contact angle and contact angle hysteresis. Contact angle is
the angle at which the waterlair interface makes contact with the solid surface. The contact angle of
cement surfaces is nearly zero and a water drop spreads out over the surface. A surface is hydrophobic if
the contact angle exceeds 90 degrees. A water drop on a hydrophobic surface does not spread. A
hydrophobic surface can be made superhydrophobic by micro- to nano-sized surface roughness (more
below). Such a surface has a contact angle approaching 180 degrees.
The contact angle hysteresis is the difference between advancing and receding contact angles. On an
inclined hydrophobic surface, the shape of a stationary water drop is distorted by gravity. The contact
angle on the low side (the advancing contact angle) is greater than that on the high side (the receding
contact angle). We observed that a water drop can exhibit a large contact angle hysteresis and remains
stationary even when the surface is tilted to the vertical. In contrast, on a superhydrophobic surface, the
water drop readily rolls off even when the surface is almost horizontal. In fact, we found it difficult to
keep the drop stationary to observe its contact angle and contact angle hysteresis!
The transition from hydrophobic to superhydrophobic is not due to surface chemistry, but due to multi-
scale micro and nano surface roughness elements (Rothstein 2010). To be stably superhydrophobic, a
solid surface needs to have a 3-diemsional micron-sized texture imparted by nano-sized roughness
elements (Rothstein 2010, Nosonovsky and Bhushan2006, Tretheway and Meinhart 2004). The
working hypothesis for drag reduction is that air pockets exist in the fine texture of the surface. Only a
portion of the water surface is in contact with the solid while the remaining in contact with air. The
roughness elements function as bridges and enhance hydrophobicity. When water flows over a
superhydrophobic surface, significant shear drag occurs only at the water-solid contacts. Since the area
of water-solid contacts is reduced by the trapped air, drag reduction occurs.
In this research we first attempted to create superhydrophobic sandpaper and cement surfaces using
Zycosil@ (Zydex 2014), a nanoparticle based water proofing commercial product for concrete. However,
we could not make the surfaces superhydrophobic. Under a scanning electron microscope, we saw that
the nanoparticles are only sparsely distributed and the required surface texture was absent. Figure 1.1
shows SEM images of a concrete sample before and after coated with Zycosil@. The coating changes
the surface from hydrophilic to hydrophobic, but did not make it superhydrophobic.
We then tried NeverWet@ from Rust-Oleum@ and successfully and made smooth aluminum flat plates,
PVC pipes, and textured cement flat plates superhydrophobic. Figure 1.2 shows the shape of a water
drop on a concrete surface at different stages. NeverWet@ is applied in two layers. The first layer (the
base coat) creates some roughness on the surface and makes it gritty upon touching. We believe the top
coat provides the micro-sized surface roughness and binds the second layer (the top coat) on top of it.
By itself this cannot create superhydrophobicity. Nanoparticles are believed to be in the top coat only.
Applying the top coat directly on the surface makes the cement surface superhydrophobic. However, the
coating can be rubbed off. This figure is consistent with the hierarchical micro-nano scaled roughness
required for superhydrophobicity.
,Y ff;;iff' EHr- {tD,v ifi3:ft:- thrr,rra'o UninrsltvqlH:o'
Figure l.l SEM images of a concrete surface without (top) and with (bottom) Zycosil@
no coatin
top coat only base and top coats
Figure 1.2 Effect of NeverWet@ on concrete surfaces
EHTs 5.On,
H.' H:;iff' EHT=aow Hi:t* L*,tr?ori T#
Figure 1.3 A smooth aluminum surface without (top) and with the NeverWet@ treatment
2. Drag Reduction Demonstrated by Force Balance
The Frictional Drag and its Measurement
When water flows over a stationary flat plate at zero angle of incidence, the velocity in the vicinity of
the plate is reduced due to the viscosity of the fluid and the eddy viscosity of the flow if it is turbulent.
The region with a reduced velocity is called a boundary layer. Based on the fundamental principle of
momentum conservation, water must exert a shearing force on the plate in the flow direction.
Several methods exist in measuring local shear stress (Goldstein 1996).It is necessary to integrate the
locate shear stress over the entire plate to obtain the frictional drag. These methods are not feasible for
this research. We came up a new and simple way of measuring the frictional drag based on a force
balance. The idea is depicted in Figure 2.1.
ed su
water su rface
flow plate
d isplaceme nt
measu red
Figure 2.1 Frictional drag measurement by force balance
The submerged thin aluminum plate is hung at four points along its edges by thin Kevlar threads. The
length Z of the threads are carefully measured. Due to the nature of Kevlar, the threads do not stretch
under tension. Before flow initiation, the plate hangs vertically down from the hinged supports. After
subjected to a steady flow parallel to the plate, the plate shifts to a new horizontal position where the
submerged weight of the plate W, the tension in the Kevlar thread T, and the horizontal force acting on
the plate F are in equilibrium. Upon measuring the plate displacement X, F is calculated from
,F:cot(tantfW (2.r)
Several plate dimensions were tried. The final choice is a plate with a length of 40 inches, a width of
14.5 inches , and a thickness of 0.024 (bare) or 0.025 inches (with both sides coated with NeverWet@).
The submerged weight is 186 grams shared equally by the Kevlar threads. The length-wise edges of the
plate are bent to form a 0.25 inch-deep channel to make the plate more rigid structurally. The length of
the Kevlar threads are 7 .59 ft. their diameter is so small that any force on them is negligible.
There are several possible forces acting on the plate: the frictional drag, the form drags due to the plate
thickness, the effect of any misalignment of the plate with the flow, and the effect of any unevenness of
the plate. The plate was hung at quarter points along the longitudinal edges to eliminate sag due to the
submerged weight of the plate. With these precautions, we were able to align and hang the plate flat and
horizontal. Thus, the only unavoidable form drag is due to plate thickness. We made the plate large
enough and thin enough so that the form drag is small relative to the frictional drag. In any event, this
form drag was calculated and subtracted from the calculated F from Equation 2.1to obtain the frictional
Good sensitivity and repeatability in measuring Xare necessary to quantify drag reduction. To meet
these requirement, we hung the plate over the water flume in the Civil Engineering Department's
Hydraulics Laboratory on a tall frame so that I is large. This is shown in Figure 2.2.Becatse I is large,
Xis also large and easily measurable. ln the laboratory, we obtain F first for a bare plate. We then
coated the plate with NeverWet@ on both sides and measured X again under the same hydraulic
condition. The difference in ,F before and after the superhydrophobic treatment indicates drag reduction.
The translational displacementXwas measured by videotaping a scale affixed to one side of the plate
and reference it t a mark on the flume wall. The line of sight of the camera was aligned by markers on
both side-walls of the flume so optical distortion are avoided. Figure 2.3 shows the setup of the plate
displacement measurement. The videos were taken at 30 frames per second for 5 minutes or longer.
After test, the video frames were sampled to obtain the value ofXas a time series for further analysis.
Figure 2.4 shows two time records of displacement of the plate before and after coated with
NeverWet@. The displacement in the case with the coating is reduced with the superhydrophobic (SH)
Figure 2.2 The setup for the measurement of friction drag by a hanging plate
Figure 2.3 A typical hanging plate data session
Bare Aluminum V=2.14 ft/s
150 200
Tim. (i.(ond3)
SH Aluminum V=2.14 ft/s
Figure 2.4 A data set that contrasts the plate displacement before and after SH treatment
Data Analysis in terms of Boundary Layer Theory
As the water flows over the flat plate, the velocity in the vicinity of the plate is reduced due to the
viscosity of the fluid and the eddy viscosity of the flow if it is turbulent. The region with a reduced
velocity is called a boundary layer. At the leading edge of the plate, the flow in the boundary layer is
laminar, but transitions into turbulent flow at some distance further downstream. The frictional drag
depends on whether the flow in the boundary is laminar, in transition, or turbulent. The frictional drag is
customarily expressed in terms of the dynamic pressure of the free stream (flow outside the boundary
layer), the area of the contact surface, and a dimensionless coeffrcient called the average shear
coefficient. The word "average" is used here because the local shear stress varies along the plate.
F =cfBL+
Where B : plate width, L: plate length, p : mass density of water,
and, C, : average shear coefficient, which is a function of the plate
: 1a.5
! rr.r
t* 1a2
V: velocity of the oncoming flow,
Reynolds number defined as
Figure 2.5 shows the average shear coefficient as a function of the Re. Curvel
with a
laminar boundary layer, curves 2,3, and 4 are various expressions for turbulent boundary layer. Curve
3a is for boundary layers with the transition taking place at a plate Reynolds number of 500,000.
Figure 2.5 Average shear coefficient for a smooth flat plate at zero incidence (Schlichting 1968)
Depending on the turbulence level of the oncoming flow, the transition can occur over a range of plate
Reynolds numbers ranging approximately from 300,000 to 600,000 (Daily and Harleman 1966).
In our experiment, the range of the plate Reynolds number contains the laminar-to-turbulent transition.
We could have minimized the effect of this transition had we were able to use a longer plate. However,
practical considerations, such as preventing the plate from sailing upon small disturbance, have
prevented us from using plates much longer than 40 inches. Thus there is some uncertainty on when the
transition took place. We know the flow approaching the plate is highly turbulent because the head box
of the flume is only a short distance upstream of the plate. The laminar-to-turbulent transition most
likely took place around a plate Reynolds number of 300,000.
Figure 2.6 shows the C, versus Re relationship based on our measurements. The red, blue, and green
lines are from the theory of laminar, turbulent, and transitional (at Re : 300,000) boundary layers. The
blue squares are based on our measured data for a bare aluminum plate. The red circles are based on
measurement after the plate has been coated by NeverWet on both sides. The lowest blue square may be
discarded because the running average of the plate displacement shows a significant upward trend over
time. The left-most red circle corresponds to trial 1 on 05/1 11201,5. This trial was observed to be laminar,
as evidenced by the steady position and lack of fluctuation compared with other trials of that day. This
point lies to the left of the transition curve further indicate that the flow was laminar.
e lrl/isss$bsrger. 6ebers. froude. Kenpf
" Sdtoenhet
kld lxlo6
plateReynolds nurnber
Figure 2.6 Dragreduction demonstrated by measurements
Drag reduction clearly occurred since the red circles (the NeverWet@ coated plate) are consistently
below the blue sqrures (bare plate). The fact that all the red circles of May 13,2015lie below the
transition curve further suggest drag reduction.
Using the data represented by the two upper blue squares and the lower six red circles, the amount of
drag reduction is estimated to be 28Yo, arather significant amount of drag reduction.
Datz of 0511312015
3. Drag Reduction Demonstrated by Pipe FIow
The Moody diagram
Frictional resistance to flow in pipes originates from the fluid-pipe wall interface. This resistance
causes energy dissipation quantifiable as a head loss. For Newtonian fluids, the most rational and
generally adopted for head loss calculations is the Darcy-Weisbach equation
(3. 1)
in which h r : head loss, Z : pipe length, D : pipe inside diameter, Q:volumetric flow rate, A:
pipe cross-sectional area, g: gravitational acceleration, andf : friction factor, a dimensionless
number which reflects the extent of head loss for a specified flow in a given pipe.
Let v be he kinematic viscosity of the fluid and e the absolute roughness of the pipe inner wall
surface. The friction factor/is a function of the Reynolds number R = D? of the flow and thevA
relative roughness e I D of the pipe. This function is closely represented by the Colebrook-
White formula
h"=fL g'-
' D 2gA'
1T =-r"r(#.#)(3.2)
This function is implicit in/but can be presented graphically by the Moody diagram for an
explicit solution of/upon knowing the relative roughness and the Reynolds number. A Moody
diagram is shown in Figure 3.1.
rd rd ro'
Ramfaruotaf -f;'#.a!6iE
Figure 3.1 The Moody diagram (Streeter et. al., 1998)
79 2(1V)345679rd rd
Rlr@ldt Ndbd f - 3, #.a! 6iE
In the Moody diagram, , =%U: the discharge velocity. The values of e in the inset were
determined by experiments. For a given relative roughness, the friction factor follows the
corresponding curve for all pipe sizes at all flows of all fluids.
In this study, we demonstrate frictional drag reduction using the Moody diagram in three steps:
Step 1:
Measure the head loss for a set of flows in a l-in clear PVC pipe with bare inner wall surface
(i.e., without SH treatment). The data are plotted on the Moody diagram and determine the
absolute roughness for the pipe. This demonstrates our data follow the Moody diagram within
tolerance as it should.
Step 2:
Apply the Neverwet base coat to the inner wall of the test pipe and then obtain a 2nd set of head
loss versus flow data. Plot this data on the Moody diagram. This establishes the friction factor
versus Re5molds curve prior to SH treatment.
Step 3.
Apply the Neverwet top coat to the inner wall of the test pipe and verify that it is
superhydrophobic in the Cassie state. Obtain a 3'd third set of head loss versus flow data. Plot
this data on the Moody diagram again to establish the friction factor versus Re5molds curve after
SH treatment. The difference between the 2nd and the 3'd curves indicate the effect of SH
Step 4.
Repeat steps 1 through using a 1.5 inch clear PVC pipe. This change approximately doubles the
flow rates in the tests. The results are similar to those for the 1 inch test pipe, thus demonstrating
the validity of the test data and the effect of SH treatment is physically real.
Laboratory measurements
The setup and instrumentation of pipe flow tests
The hydraulics laboratory's potable water supply was used on a flow-through system. The water
was fed into an elevated over-flowing tank. Water from this tank was then fed by gravity to the
test pipe lying horizontally on the lab floor. Water exiting the test pipe was discharged into a
large sump underneath the lab floor by alarge hose with its outlet submerged. Using the lab
floor as a datum, the water levels in the tank and in the sump are 134 and -64 inches,
respectively. This gaye a usable head of 200 inches with the test pipe subjected to an average
pressure of about 4.8 psi. Two test pipes were used. They were schedule 40 clear PVC pipes with
a nominal diameter of 1 and 1.5 inches and a length of 8 ft. The maximum flow rates achievable
were approximately 2l and 53 gpm for a I inch and 1.5 inch test pipe, resp_ectively. The
maximum achievable Reynolds number for both pipes is slightly above 10). The flow through
the test pipe was adjustable by a valve at the downstream end of the test pipe.
The rate of flow in the test pipe was measured by a turbine flow meter (1.5 inch GPI TM series)
located at the inlet of the test pipe. This meter has a factory accuracy of +3o/o of reading for flows
between l0 and 100 gpm. We calibrated this meter up to 36 gpm with an accuracy of +0.5% of
reading. The head loss was measured by a Validyne DP15 differential pressure transducer. The
calibration of this transducer was done by applying different pressures to the two sides of the
transducer diaphragm. The differential pressures were measured by manometers with a accuracy
within l/32 of one inch. Due to turbulence and disturbances to the water level at the elevated
water supply tank, both the flow rate and the head loss fluctuated somewhat. For each data point,
we read the flow five times in one minute and used the average. The pressure transducer output
was polled by a data acquisition system at l0 Hz. We took the one-minute average as the value
for the head loss. Figures 3.2 and 3.3 show the test setup and a portion of the instrumentation.
Figure 3.2 The setup for the pipe flow tests
Figure 3.3 The manometer, the differential pressure transducer, and the flow meter used in the
pipe flow tests
Clear PVC pipes were used for the test. The inner walls of PVC pipes are nearly mirror-smooth
and there is no room for further roughness reduction. The PVC pipes ensure that any drag
reduction we observe is due to superhydrophobicity and not due to reduction in roughness. The
clear pipes allows us to observe the condition of SH treatment on the inner wall of the pipe.
Coatine the inner wall of the test pipes
Due to the small diameter and length of the test pipe, the liquid Neverwet agent could not be
sprayed onto the inner surface. Many coating methods were tried with the objective of coating
the inner surface uniformly and consistently. We found the roller covers commonly used in
household painting useful for our purpose. First, we saturated a one-inch long roller cover with
Neverwet. We then pulled the roller cover length-wise through the pipe slowly and evenly to
complete one layer of coating. The cover was re-saturated with Neverwet and pulled through
again, this time in the opposite direction to complete the 2od layer. We applied two layers of base
coat and four layers of top coat. This combination was found to give the best results based on
observations of the ease of rolling of water drops on a set of half PC pipes sprayed with Nevewet
coatings. Figure 3.4 contrasts the appearance of a 1.5 inch test pipe so coated with a bare pipe of
the same dimension. Overall, the coating was uniform although longitudinal streaks were
noticeable upon closer examination. The coatings are very thin and do not change the diameter of
the pipe significantly.
Figure 3.4 The different appearances of SH-treated (left) and bare (righ| clear PVC pipes.
Typical Results and analyses
Based on the measured head loss and flow for the one inch test pipe, the friction factor versus the
Reynolds number relationships for the bare pipe, the pipe coated with Neverwet base coat only,
and the SH pipe (i.e., the pipe coated with Neverwet base and top coats) are shown in Figure 3.5.
Also shown is the Moody curve with an absolute roughness of 5' l0-6 ft determined by the test
data of the bare pipe. It is seen that the friction factor versus the Reynolds relationship for the
bare pipe follows the Moody curve quite well, and that the base coat does not alter this
relationship. The SH treatment of the pipe inner wall, however, significantly altered this
relationship. Starting at about a Reynolds number of about 50,000, the data points start to track a
curve that lies below the Moody curve. The friction factor for the bare pipe at R : I.026'10s is
0.0l8.ThefrictionfactorfortheSH-treatedpipeat R:1.037'l0sis0.0l6.Thereductionis
The drag reduction shown in Figure 3.5 is temporary. This is explained by Figure 3.6. The
beginning time for data sets SHa, SlIb, SHc, and SHd are l:25 pm, l:58 pm, 2.27 pm, and 4:10
pm, where each set took about 30 minutes to complete. The first 3 sets were taken continuously
and without pause in between, while there was a 70-minute pause before the measurements of
the 4th set began. The test pipe was shut in and subjected to a pressure of 4.8 psi during the pause.
Reynolds number
Figure 3.5 The friction factors for the f -inch test pipe with and without SH treatment
Reynolds Number
Figure 3.6 Degradation of drag reduction over time
o Bare CPVCo Base coat onlyo SHaX SHbr SHcx SHd
Drag reduction is most significant for SHa (which is the SH CPVC in Figure 3.5) and least
significant for SHd. The data points for SHd almost approach the Moody curve of the bare pipe.
Whether the degradation was caused by the passage of time under submergence, the cumulative
shearing action by the flow, or some other reasons is unknown.
Figure 3.7 shows the results for measurements made on a brand new 1.5 inch schedule 40 clear
PVC pipe. Its absolute roughness is estimated to be 0.000015 ft. The solid red curve is the
corresponding Moody curve. The dashed red curve slightly below it is the Moody curve for a
perfectly smooth pipe. The first and the second sets of measurements set for the NeverWet@
coated pipe was taken at l0:00 am, 12:25 pm, and 2:40 pm on August 7,2015.
Data of August 5 - 7, 2015 on 1.5 inch CPVC pipe
! tE
a traO1oao
O1c tr,
o o bare cPVC
--- Moody Smooth
o o Base coat only.. SH CPVC set I.. SH CPVC set 2
^ ^ SH CPVC set 3
Alx1 0'lxlo5 lxlo6
Reynolds number
Figure 3.7 The friction factors for the 1.5-inch test pipe with and without SH treatment
We noticed that for Re < 60,000 the computed friction factors are greater than those of the
Moody curve but had no effect when Re exceed . The base coat has no effect for Re > 60,000
since the data points fall on the Moody curve. We suspect the roughness created by the base coat
of NeverWet@ma play a role but further tests are needed to find out why. The three sets of data
on NeverWet@ clearly demonstrate drag reduction for Re > 60,000. Degradation of the drag
reduction effect is still noticeable but not as fast as that shown for the l-inch pipe. The coatings
made the friction factor less than that of a perfectly smooth pipe is remarkable.
4. Local Suface Shear Stress Estimations
Log-Law of the wall
For turbulent flow near a smooth flat plate, the wall shear stress can be related to the time
averaged velocity profile by the log-law of the wall (Davidson 2004):
in which u: time-averaged velocity parallel to the boundary surface, y: vertical distance away
from the surface, y: kinematic viscosity of the fluid, and z*: shear velocity defined as
with ro = shear stress at the boundary and p : mass density of the fluid. The Karman's constant
r and constant A are dimensionless with values determined by experiments on turbulence flows
in channels and pipes. The range of r is between 0.38 and 0.43 (Davidson2004). The range ofl
is from 4.9 to 7 (Hinze 1959). Streeter and Wylie 1975 gives, rc: 0.417 and A: 5.84 for flow
over flat plates.
The log-law of the wall is universal in that, regardless fluid properties and velocity magnitudes,
all velocity versus distance profiles near a smooth surface, when plotted using Eq.4.l, fall on a
single curve ff yl smaller than approximately 500 to 2000 (Hinze 1959 and Daily andv
Harleman 1966). The effect of fluid properties and velocity magnitude only influence the shear
velocity. This equation with rc: 0.41 and A: 4.9 is shown in Fig. 4. I It is one of the most
famous results in turbulent flow research (Tritton 1977).It is also a very useful one in this study.
We assume that the log-law of the wall is applicable to smooth surfaces with SH and without SH
treatment. We then search for the shear velocity that makes the measured velocity profiles best
match the log-law of the wall. Drag reduction is indicated when the shear velocity so found for a
plate with SH treatment is less than that for the same plate without SH treatment.
Figure 4.1 The universal log-law of the wall (Hinze 1959)
+: +tn'/ + AuKn
U' u'u,::-2.44|n --:+4.9
Laboratory measurement
Aluminum Plate
A 14 by 48 inch rectangular aluminum flat plate was placed horizontally in the test section of an
18 inches -wide recirculating water flume. The plate was divided into two halves lengthwise.
One half is SH treated. The other is bare. The treated half has amatte appearance and feels
gritty. The bare side is glossy and feels smooth as a glass. Both halves were subjected to the
same flow condition at the same time. The purpose of the split-plate approach is to ensure that
any difference in the shear velocity (and hence the boundary shear stress) can be attributed to the
SH treatment alone. Prior to tests, the plate was leveled using a stagnant pool of water as a
reference. The uncertainty of the elevation difference between the four corners of the plate is less
than 0.5 mm. The flow is recirculated by a centrifugal pump. The control valve of the pump and
the tailgate of the flume set the velocity and flow depth over the plate. The velocity profiles were
measured using acoustic Doppler velocimetry. Figure 4.2 shows the setup and Figure 4.3 shows
the ADV measurement in progress.
Figure 4.2 Looking downstream, the right half of the aluminum plate was SH-treated while the
left half is bare. The ADV was positioned above the SH half. Also visible at the top of the
picfure are two Preston tubes.
Figure 4.3 Velocity profile and Preston tube measurements in progress
Cement Plate
Velocity profiles were also measured over a l4by 48 inch rectangular flat plate with a cement
surface. The cement surface was roughened by pressing ultra-fine sand papers (Grit 2000 with an
average particle diameter of 10.3 micro-meter) over the surface immediately after the cement
mix was poured into a mold. The result is smooth surface with a matte finish. Like the aluminum
plate, we split the plate into SH-treated and bare halves so the measurements with and without
SH treatment can be compared under very similar hydraulic conditions.
The velocity profiles 38 inches downstream of the leading edge were measured by traversing 5
mm diameter Pitot tube over the depth. Velocity profile over the plate before and after SH
treatment were obtained. The setup is shown in Fig. 4.4.The typical velocity measurement by
the Pitot tube and the Preston tube for surface shear stress measurement are shown in Fig. 4.5.
Typical Data and Analysis
Drag reduction and degradation of drag reduction over time
The time-averaged streamlines at the test section are essentially parallel and horizontal. The
velocity at short distances above each half of the plate were measured using a SonTek 16MHz
Micro ADV. The instrument projects sound waves to a small volume (called sampling volume)
about 5 cm ahead of the probe. The frequency of the waves reflected back from the sampling
volume is shifted by the water flowing through the sampling volume. The velocity of the water is
then determined by the frequency shift. The sampling volume is cylindrical with a diameter and
height of 6 and 9 mm, respectively. The shortest distance we can position the sampling volume
above the plate is 0.39 cm. Because the probe must be submerged and because the sampling
Figure 4.4 The fixed cement flat plate in the test section of the flume. Looking upstream, the left
side is SH-treated. The right side is bare
Figure 4.5 Point velocity measurement by the Pitot tube (upper) and surface shear stress
measurement by the Preston tube (lower)
volume is below the probe, velocities within approximately 6 cm below the water surface are not
measurable by ADV.
The measured velocities are shown in Figure 4.6. Some data points in this figure are numbered to
indicate timing, which are shown in Table 4.I.Datapoints I through 9 (red line) are above the
SH-treated surface. Data points 22 through2T (dash red line) are above the same surface but
were taken at alater time. Data points l0 through 2l (blue line) are taken over the bare surface.
The red and the blue lines indicate that the velocities are higher over the SH-treated surface.
Since the driving force for the velocities are the same for both sides, we conclude that the SH
treatment has reduced the frictional drag to flow. Comparing the red line with the dash red line,
we see that the velocities immediately above the SH-treated surface slowed down over time.
Thus, the extent of drag reduction degrades over time.
number time elapse time
(min)Surface type and timing
2:45 0 above SH surface
(early time)9 4:00 75
10 4:07 82 above bare surface
(time independent)2l 5:48 183
22 6:00 195 above SH surface
(late time)27 6:40 235
Table 4.1 Timing of point velocity measurements by AVD
Aluminum Plate
All the velocity data over the aluminum plate were taken using the ADV. Since the ADV gives
instantaneous velocity and since the flow is turbulent, it is necessary to sample the velocity with
a high frequency over a long time period. As a result, it took several hours to obtain one velocity
Due to the lengthy period required to obtain one velocity profile, the data over SH and bare
surfaces were obtain on different days. This required re-setting the flow condition at the test
section. This introduced some uncertainty but not significant enough to invalidate the results.
The velocity profiles over the SH (May 29,2015) and bare (May28, 2015) surfaces are shown in
Figure 4.7 . The small differences shown do follow the trend of drag reduction and is caused by
the re-setting the flow condition. To exam the velocity profiles in terms of the log-law of the wall,
we search the shear velocity required to "best match" the universal log-law of the wall for
smooth plates. The shear velocities so determined are 0.095 ff/s for both surfaces. Figure 4.8
shows the resulting scaled velocity profiles.
cb 0.6
ooEofr 0.4E
16 ,
'r " /lzr
^l ,^/
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4
velocity in fUs
Figure 4.6 ADV data indicating drag reduction and degradation of drag reduction over time
We suspected that drag reduction did occur in the beginning of the data session. However, due to
the lengthy data-taking period (about 7 hours) and the observed degradation of drag reduction
explained above, we were not able to demonstrate drag reduction using the log-law of the wall.
Cement Plate
In order to shorten the time period required to complete one velocity profile, and to obtain the
velocities closer to the water surface, we replaced the ADV with a Pitot for velocity
measurements over the cement plate. The measured profiles, completed on the same day (August
14,2015), are shown in Figure 4.9. The uncertainty due to re-setting the flow in the test section
was eliminated. It is seen that the profiles over the SH and bare surfaces are very close. The
velocityprofiles viewed in terms of the log-law of the wall are shown in Figure 4.10. The
required best fit shear velocities are 0.084 ff/s for both surfaces. No drag reduction was observed.
Aluminum: SH (red circle), bare (blue triangle)
0.5 0.75 I 1.25 1.5 t.75
velocity in ff/s
2-25 2.s
Figure 4.7 Measured velocity profiles at the trailing edge of the aluminum plate
Figure 4.8 Measured velocity profiles viewed i terms of the law of the wall using the 'best fit"
shear velocities
Aluminum: SH (red circle), bare (blue triangle)
Cement: SH (red circle), bare (blue triangle)
0.75 t t.2s 1.5 1.75
velocity in ff/s
Figure 4.9 Measured velocity profiles over SH-treated and bare cement surfaces.
Figure 4.10 Measured velocityprofiles viewed in terms of the law of the wall using the "best fit"
shear velocities
Cement: SH(red circle), bare (bhre triang$
The time it took to complete one velocity profile using the Pitot tube is about 2 hours. After
approximately 4 hours of testing (for SH and bare profiles), the test section was drained and the
cement plate exposed to air. We observed that water still beaded up on the SH side, and that the
beads could still be dragged around but not as readily as prior to the test, showing that the SH
effect had degraded somewhat.
To evaluate any possible time effect, we re-coated the SH side with Neverwet@ top coat and
measured the velocity head at the SH and bare surfaces under a constant flow condition over
time. A Preston tube with an outside diameter of 0.083 inches was used for these measurements.
Within the uncertainty of the measurement, the velocity head on the SH surface did not decrease
over time. In addition, no difference between the two sides were observed. Therefore, we suspect
that the roughness embossed on the cement surface by the sand paper may be the cause for lack
of drag reduction even through the surface is superhydrophobic in a Cassie state.
5. Estimated Gain in Power Generation Efficiency at Cabinet Gorge Dam
The Cabinet Gorge Dam, located in Bonner County in northern Idaho, is shown in Figure 5.1. It
has 4 turbines, each with its own penstock. The inlet gates and the top cover of the turbines are
visible. In the power house, unit I is located at the lower left (partially shaded) and unit 4 (under
maintenance) is located in the upper right. The penstocks are not visible but can be easily
visualized between the inlet gate and the turbine for each unit. These are cement lined steel
penstocks 27 fr.in diameter. Their length varies from approximately 413 ft for unit I to 532 ft for
unit 4. A lining thickness of 1 inch is assumed. A portion of Unit 4 penstock is shown in Figure
Figure 1 The Cabinet Gorge Dam (Arial photo from Google Earth)
Unit 4 penstock looking upstream from the turbine end
Figure 5.2
Estimated Plant Data and Relevant Hydraulics
Kinematic viscosity
The temperature of water affects its kinematic viscosity which is one of the key variables in
estimating frictional drag. The water temperature at Cabinet Gorge varies from 40 to 72 "F . The
kinematic viscosity changes significantly over this temperature range. Based on the monthly air
temperature pattern in Sandpoint, Idaho, the monthly kinematic viscosity of water are estimated
and are shown in Figure 5.3.
l.&10 '
l.6xl tr
Figure 5.3 Estimated monthly values of the kinematic viscosity of water
Flowrate and Velocity
The low and high flows for each unit are: 3000 to 8000 cfs for unit 1, 9500 to 10000 cfs for units
2 and 3, and 5000 to 9000 for unit 4. Based on this information, the monthly flow and discharge
velocity in the penstocks are shown in Figures 5.4 and 5.5.
Roushness of the surface of Penstocks
The absolute roughness of the penstock surface needs to be estimated. Contained in the USBR
1977 are data for two large cement-lined penstocks of interest. The first is the 18 ft diameter
Apalachia Tunnel of TVA built in the early 1940s. The second is the 31 ft diameter Bersimis No.
I of Hydro-Quebec built between 1953 and 1956. The size and construction date of Cabinet
Gorge are between these two. The estimated absolute roughness is about 1.7'10-4 ft for Bersimis
Figure 5.4 Estimated monthly flows in the penstocks
unit I (red), 2 (blue), 3 (green), 4 (magenta)
Figure 5.5 Plate Repolds numbers
No.1 and 1.4. l0-3 ft for Apalachia Tunnel. We assume a mid-range value of 8' lOa ft (0.2a mm)
for the Cabinet Gorge penstocks. This value is reasonable based on a field observation and
imprints of the surface of unit 4 penstock.
rit 3
-z 4
4:'7 \
Hydraulic Conditions
Boundary layers start to form at the inlet of a penstock and grow toward the center of the
penstock over distance. The flow becomes fully established once the boundary layers from
opposite sides reach the center. For turbulent flow, the length of flow establishment is about 50
to 100 diameters. (Daily and Harleman 1966).It takes even longer if the flow were laminar.
Since the largest length to diameter ratio is only 19.7 at Cabinet Gorge, we conclude that the
flow in the Cabinet Gorge penstocks are not fully established. Therefore, boundary layer theory
over a flat plate, but not the Moody diagram, is used to access the energy loss due to friction and
any reductions in the frictional energy loss.
Power Loss due to Friction in the Penstocks
Average Shear Stress Coefficients
The shear force,F'is computed from Equation 2.2 except Vhere is the discharge velocity (flow
rate divided by the cross sectional area of the penstock. Figure 5.6 shows C, as a function of
plate Reynolds numbe , (ry in the graph) and the inverse of relative roughness based on platev
length (; in the graph) (Schlichting l963). Based on the data presented above, the monthly C,ks
values (48 total) fall into the narrow red region shown in Figure 5.6. The representative value is
0.00225. This figure shows the penstocks are close to but not quite yet hydraulically smooth.
Figure 5.6 The average shear stress coefficients over penstock surfaces (Schlichting 1968)
Power Loss due to Penstock Friction
The power loss due to friction is the product of the shear foree found from Equatior,2.2 and the
discharge velocity in the penstocks. The values so established are shown in Figure 5.7.
Figure 5.7 Monthly power loss due to friction in penstocks
Increase in Power Generating Efficiency by Drag Reduction
Because of the large diameter and short length of the penstocks, the power loss due to penstock
friction is small but may not be negligible. With all units combined, the power loss is 2.1 MW
for high flows andl.2 MW for low flows. This corresponds to 0.9 and 0.5 percent of the
installed generating capacity of 230 MW. Assuming a 20Yoredtction in the average shear drag
coefficient, the power recovered through SH is 0.42 and 0.24 MW for high and low flows,
respectively. Assuming the recovered power is fully utilized, the estimated efficiency gain is
0.18% during high flow months and0.l% for low flow months.
6. References
Daily and Harleman 1966, Fluid Dynamics, Addison-Wesley Publishing Company,
Davidson, P. A., 2004, "Turbulence - An Introduction for Scientists and Engineers," Oxford
University Press
Hinze, J. O. 1959, "Turbulence - An Introduction to Its Mechanism and Theory," McGraw-Hill
Book Company, NY
Nosonovsky, M., and Bhushan, B.,2006, "Hierarchical roughness makes superhydrophobic
states stable," Mechanical Engineering, Science Direct, Vol. 84, pp 382-386.
Rothstein, J.P.,2010, Slip on superhydrophobic surfaces, Annual Review of Fluid mechanics, 42:89-
Rust-Oleum, http://www.rustoleum.com/product-cataloglconsumer-brands/neverwet/neverwet-
Schlichting,H.,lglS,Boundary Layer Theory, 6th Edition, McGraw-Hill Book Company, NY
Streeter V.L., and Wylie, E. 8., 1975, "Fluid Mechanics, 6th Edition, McGraw-Hill Book
Company, NY
Tretheway D.C., and Meinhart, C. D., 2004, A generating mechanism for apparent fluid slip in
hydrophobic microchannels, Physics of Fluids, Vol. 16, No. 5, pp. 1509-1515.
Tritton, D. D.,1977, Physical Fluid Dynamics, Van Nostrand Reinhold Compant, NY
USBR 1977,Friction Factors for Large Conduits Flowing Full, US Bureau of Reclamation,
Engineering Monograph No. 7
Zydex Industries, 20I 4, www.zydexindustries,com
Lessons Learned
We learned that
1. Friction drag reduction through superhydrophobicity for hydraulic structures beyond the
smooth surface limit is possible. A reduction of more than20o/o was measured in
laboratory tests. The hypothesis that air trapped by the hierarchical micro- and nano-
scaled roughness provides partial slip which allows drag reduction to occur.
2. The drag reduction is only temporary. Timed measurements show that the drag reduction
achieved initially degrades over time.
3. Assuming a20Yo lasting drag reduction for the penstock of all four units at Cabinet
Gorge Dam, the estimated powered saving resulted from drag reduction is about 0.1 to
0.18 % of the installed power of 230 MW.
Path to Market
This research demonstrates that significant frictional drag reduction over smooth surfaces
beyond the smooth surface limit is possible by adding surface superhydrophobicity. However,
the drag reduction occurred in our measurement is temporary. In addition, we were not able to
demonstrate drag reduction over roughened cement surfaces. This drag reduction technology
holds promise but it is only in the early stages of the path to market.
Because of the large but short penstocks, the possible efficiency improvement at Avista's
Cabinet Gorge Dam is small. However, the impact will be much more significant for sites with
smaller and longer power tunnels and penstocks. This technology is applicable outside
hydropower, such as water transmissions for water utilities. The potential market is very large.
Budget Summary
Item $ Amount Justification
Salaries and Frinse
Liou, PI 23.913 9.84 weeks of summer salarv
Johnson, Co-PI 1.960 0.5 week of summer salary
Five undersraduate students 3.740 From Sept. 2014to Mav 2015
Travel 400
Cabinet Gorge Dam, ID (l trip 7 person), Spokane,
WA (2 trips two person)
Research Supplies 3,567
DP15 replacement diaphragms, CPVC pipes, plumbing
needs, memory drives, video tapes, Zycosil@,
NeverWet@. etc
OSP Overhead 14,l0g
Total as of 08125/2015 47,689
Balance as of 0812512015 24,850
Avista Research and Development Projects Annual Report
March 31. 2016
Bidirectional Gharger Effects on Local Electrical Grids
College of Engineering
Bidirectional Charger Effects on Loca! Electrical Grids
with Limited Access
Project Duration: 10 months
Project Cost: Total Funding $78,697
FY 20L4 Funding $6,568
FY 2015 Funding $72,L29
With the increasing popularity of electrical
vehicles and the anticipated decrease in their
purchase prices over the next several years,
electrical vehicles are coming to every
commercial and academic campus.
On-site charging is a benefit that many
employers may want to provide. We propose
to build a bidirectional charging system on a
university campus, a system that operates
within the voltages and power levels typical of
a home or small commercial building. We will
use this charger to investigate the effects of
bidirectional charging on the electrical utility
system within the building and on nearby
buildings. From the data collected, we will
identify the appropriate issues, from which we
will prepare a larger proposal near the end of
this project's term for a follow-on campus-
wide investigation.
Electric vehicles are becoming popular.
Charging stations on commercial campuses
are likely to become an employee benefit.
Being able to reliably predict the effects of
these charging stations on the local power
grid provides Avista with better means to
oversee construction. Contractors can then
more efficiently build these facilities and,
where appropriate, install mitigation methods.
Plenty of service infrastructures exist for gas-
exclusive vehicles, but hybrid or electric
vehicles don't have very many charging
stations outside of ceftain areas.
Providing these stations will not only provide
a convenience factor to customers, the
stations will also allow power to be purchased
from customer's vehicles through discharging.
This power can be used to help correct
demand and power qualitv issues.
This project proposes to develop a prototypein conjunction with experimentation to
determine the feasibility of such a station. If
successful, the project would allow areas that
typically have higher outage rates to receive
a more consistent delivery of power, provide
local energy storage station to expedite the
mitigation of power quality issues.
Charge and discharge of electrical vehicles
and hybrids may generate some electrical
disturbances. Those will be more noticeable in
small systems such as houses or small
neighborhoods. In order to evaluate those
effects we're going to simulate a small grid
using the Gauss Johnson building at the
University of Idaho.
The vehicle charging/discharging point should
mitigate the possible power quality problems
that it may generate in order to have a stable
system without significant power quality
problems. Corrective actions and hardware
may be necessary, as this project should
determine. Varying levels of load, and hence,power quality problems, should be
Task 1: Equipment Selection
A preliminary task in order to conduct all the
project is the selection and purchase of all the
necessary equipment needed for the correct
project development.
The main equipment needed:o 2 bi-directional chargers. 4 Power quality meters
Task 2: Equipment lnstallation
This task includes the installation of the
batteries, bi-directional chargers and power
quality meters. Meters are needed to measure
the effects of the bi-directional chargers on
the building power system.
The selection of the metering points has been
done in order to obtain as many different
conditions as possible inside the building.
Planned meter test points are as follows for
the Gauss Johnson building:
1. By the bidirectional chargers.2. By the computer lab in the GJ building.3. In the power laboratory (closest to the
point of common coupling).4. The furthest possible points away from
the both chargers.
Task 3: Metering and Tests
This task includes the automated collection of
data from the different power meters.
Standard scientific methods apply. Control
data will first be obtained for different
conditions around the building at different
Different operations of the chargers will be
performed in order to create as many
different situations as possible. During those
different conditions many power quality
issues may appear such as sags or
Task 4: Data Evaluation
The study of the data will show what types of
power quality problems we encounter in the
building grid and which of those are produced
or aggravated by the chargers.
Task 5: Solutions to the Power Quality Problems
With the data analysis we can then develop
and implement solutions to the power quality
problems on the grid and test them.
Possible solutions may include: Using
batteries, or the cars, or the chargers in
reverse, as an uninterruptible power supply.
Task 6: Final Report
This task includes the Final Repoft with all the
results from the experiment as well as the
models and proposed solutions.
The deliverables for this project will be:. Models to predict performance of
charging stations with similar
characteristics and similar locations.o Predictions for electrical system
behavior when a number of these
charging stations are operating.o Mitigation solutions to the power
quality problems generated by the
charging stations.
Name Dr. lohn Cannino
OrdaniT:fion t lniversitv of l.laho
Contact #
Email icannino(Ouidaho.edu
Name Dr. Dean Edwards
Oroanization lJniversitv of Idaho
Contact #/rnRt RRq-7??a
Email dedwa rd s@ u id a ho. ed u
Name Dr. Herbert Hess
Oroanization University of Idaho
Contact #(208) 885-4341
Email h hess(Ou idaho -edu
Name Alex Corredor Corredor
Oroanization [Jniversitv of Idaho
Email acorredor@uidhaho.edu
Name San'iar Rahimov
Orqanization University of ldaho
Email rahi87 1 1 @vandals.uidaho.edu
Name Tvler Simmons
Oroanization Universitv of Idaho
Email simm403 1(ovandals.uidaho.edu
Eouioment Selection 1 months lan'15 Feb'15
Eouioment Installation 4 months Feb'15 lune'1S
Meterino and Tests 1 month Jul'15 Auo'1 S
Data Evaluation 2 weeks Early
Solutions to the Power
6r ralifw 9rnhlem<2 months lun'15 Aug'15
Final Report I month lul'15 Auo'15
The information contained in this document is proprietary and confidential.
With hybrid-electric vehicles becoming more
and more popular, many areas are increasing
the availability of charging stations for these
vehicles; but what if these stations could also
serye as a means of mitigating common
power quality issues associated not only with
the charging vehicles, but also with the local
grid in general? This project intends to
investigate using energy storage to not only
ease the demand of the vehicles charging at
the station, but to also provide an on-
command, or point-of-use, energy source
usable by utilities to provide their customers
with a higher quality of power.
The motivations of this project are to develop
an understanding for how charging affects the
grid, and to investigate the feasibility of using
a charging station as a point-of-use power
source. A point-of-use power source may be
defined as a source that provides energy
storage and on-command usage of the stored
energy. The point-of-use source is proposed
to be a means of assisting in the mitigation of
power quality issues, primarily events
associated with voltage sags. The presence of
introduced harmonic components are also
very much of interest for this project, as too
much THD while charging would not bode well
for an efficient charging station.
To model the charging station, two
bidirectional chargers will be used: one large,
20 kW charger (AC150), and a smaller 48 V,
4kW charger (GVFX3648). Using SEL 735
meters and the corresponding software,
power quality will be recorded under normal
conditions, when one charger is supplying
power, when one charger is supplying power
while the other is absorbing power, when
both are absorbing power, and when both are
supplying power which will be measured atkey locations in the building. More
information on the model will be presented in
the next section.
When providing electricity utility companies
often have trouble with what are known as
"power quality issues". As the name implies,
power quality issues are adverse effects to
the power on a grid, such as voltage sags,
voltage swells, harmonics, etc. For the
purpose of this project, the power quality
issues of importance are defined as voltage
sags and harmonics. For this document, a
voltage sag may be defined as an event in
which the voltage drops below 90o/o of its
rated value (El-Sharkawi, 2009). The
following figure illustrates a sag (El-Sharkawi,
flGunt 13.6 V()Urgc {tE (drP)
A harmonic in an AC waveform may be
described as smaller components at integer
multiples of the fundamental frequency,
which cause noise and distortion of the
fundamental waveform (El-Sharkawi, 2009).
The following figure illustrates the effects of a
harmonic on a sinusoidal waveform
(ElSharkawi, 2009):
IttS Curreot wrwform of *rc nonlift!, rtiirur.Ec in LxrrrgL l3.t0.
The reason behind prioritizing voltage sags
and harmonic issues is due to how of a
charging station works. The user/customer of
this station will plug their vehicle into a port
at the station, and the station will then
provide power to the customer's vehicle.
However, while the customer is charging they
introduce harmonic components into the
system as well as causing a decrease in
voltage (voltage sag), if the event is not
properly prepared for. To prepare for
customers using the charging station, a
source of energy must be present to add
energy back into the system and help
increase the quality of power while vehicles
are charging.
On a larger scale, utilities companies must
meet the demands of their customers' needs
for power. If a utility fails to meet this
demand, an undervoltage event, brownout, or
blackout may occur, which may be considered
extreme cases of voltage sags. Blackouts can
be especially dangerous as they can leave a
large number of people without power when
they need it the most, such as sweltering
days during summer, extremely cold portions
of winter, or even leave communities without
power for an extended period of time. Total
harmonic distortion (THD) is a means of
measuring the amount of harmonic content
compared to the fundamental frequency of a
waveform. If a system has high THD, then
the power transferred to users of the systemmay cause issues with machines'
peformances that are tied to the grid, cause
lights to flicker, and cause damage to
computers and appliances.
Two chargers (the GVFX3648 and the
AC150), six SEL 735 meters, 28 Concord 12
volt lead-acid batteries, and a Fluke digital
multimeter were used during the course of
this project.
a. Equipment Descriptions
The AC150 is the larger charger used for the
project; it is capable of 20kW charging and
discharging, but limitations of the line to the
Gauss-Johnson building limit the charger to
around 13.2kW. The charger appears to
operate on single or two phase, while
requiring a three phase outlet. The most
notable features about the AC150 are its
control panel, control unit, and array of lead-
acid batteries.
Figure 1. Contro! panel for AC15O
Figure 1 (above) shows the control panel for
the AC150. The panel detects the voltage
level of the collective array of batteries and
displays them by filling up a portion of the
eight vertical LEDs of the top subpanel's
right-hand side with the labels *FILL", "L/2",
and "EMPTY" placed appropriately around the
LEDs. The "Battery Optimizer" subpanel is
primarily what is used to control the AC150.
The vertical row of buttons labeled from topto bottom: "SELECT", *INCREMENT",
'DECREMENT", and "MENU" allows for the
user to control various parameters of the
AC150 such as mode, charging current levels,
and discharging current levels.
The information contained in this document is proprietary and confldential
Figure 2. ACISO'S array of batteries
Figure 2 (shown previously) shows a poftion
of the array of the 28 12-volt lead-acid
batteries needed to reach the AC150's
nominal input voltage of 335V.
Figure 3 (above) shows the control unit for
the AC150. The unit contains a PCB boardwith a transformer and accompanying
electronics to allow the AC150 to control
current, charge and discharge, communicate
with the control panel, and switch modes of
The GVFX364B is the smaller, 48V charger
used on the project. The GVFX charger
typically functions in a solar-based setup, but
was selected for its ability to sell power back
to the grid from a DC source such as lead acid
Figure 4. GVFX3648 invefter
Figure 4 shows the GVFX364B inverter. With
the help of the MATE controller, the GVFX is
able to sell back power at a maximum
discharge current of about 20A. The GVFX is a
sine wave inverter that boasts an efficiency of
91olo with a maximum inverting THD of 5olo.
The GVFX is rated for an instantaneous surge
of 6,000VA while being able to handle a 30
minute surge of 4,000VA, with the ability to
recharge the batteries at a maximum current
of 45A DC. Even though the infrastructure in
the Gauss-Johnson building is only able to
provide 20A AC, the GVFX is rated to handle a
maximum of 60A AC. Since the GVFX is a 4BV
inverter, it requires four Concord lead-acid
batteries to operate (which gives a voltage of
about 56 to 57V DC at full charge). The GVFX
has a flexible nominal DC input voltage of 42V
to 6BV DC.
MATE Controller:
Figure 3. Contro! unit for AC1SO
The information contained in this document is proprietary and confidential
Figure 5. MATE controller
Figure 5 shows the OutBack MATE controller.
The MATE controller is used to communicate
with any FX series charger/invetter, including
the GVFX364B. The MATE controller allows
the GVFX to act as an invefter and "sell"
power back to the grid, or act as a charger
and charge the batteries. The MATE can
control cut-out and cut-in voltage levels for
the batteries, meaning that the user can
determine what levels the MATE will stop and
start charging the batteries/stop or allow
inverting respectively. The MATE can also
control the current limit for charging and
invefting, as well as display how much power
the GVFX has sold back to the grid with a
dollar amount. The MATE also operates as an
emergency cutoff for the GVFX in case of
operator error or system issues; fuses and
breakers are still recommended however.
Concord 12V Hiqh Current Lead Acid
The batteries that we used for energy storage
are designed for very high current capability.By a more effective aspect ratio, an
exceptionally large surface area exposed to
electrolyte, enhanced porosity of the anode
material, and low resistance terminal
connections, these batteries provide 2500
Amperes peak current for charging and for
discharging. This is far more than any
existing battery. Such high currents can
create and aggravate power quality problems
in electric power distribution systems.
SEL 735 Power Oualitv Meter:
Figure 6. SEL 735 Power Quality Meter
Figure 6 shows an SEL 735 Power QualityMeter. The 735 meters are capable of
displaying current and voltage waveforms, as
well as power and harmonic content in a line.
These meters are capable of interfacing with
PCs via serial to USB and wireless networks
through Ethernet. While the SEL 735 meter
does not have as many features as the
competitor KoCoS power quality meter that
we considered, it has a more stable interface
and durability while depending less on a
software interface. The many status LEDs ofthe 735 potentially save time if software
issues are present.
Fluke 418 Diqital Multimeter:
The iniormation conlained in this document is proprietary and confidential,
Figure 7. Fluke 418 DMM
Figure 7 shows a Fluke 41B digital multimeter
(DMM). The Fluke 41B DMM is useful for
measuring the voltage, amperage, power,
power factor, or harmonic content of a line or
object. For the purposes of this project, the
Fluke 41B DMM was used to validate setups
and measurements from the 735s and KoCoS
WaveTek Diqital Multimeter:
Figure 8. WaveTek DMM
The WaveTek DMM (shown in Figure 8) serves
the same function as the Fluke 41B DMM; but
is limited to voltage, current, and resistance
Figure 9. Specialty single phase box
Figure 9 shows the specialty single phase box
developed at the University of Idaho to allow
the SEL 735 power quality meters to take
measurements from the single phase outletson the wall. The box contains current
transformers, so the meters must be
configured according to the turns-ratio of the
transformers to record accurate data.
KoCoS PO Meter and Soecialtv Three
Phase Box:
The information contained in this document is proprietary and confidential
Figure 10. KoCoS PQ Meter on Three
Phase Box
Figure 10 shows the KoCoS power quality
meter plugged into the specialty three phase
box. Much like the single phase box, the three
phase box was created for the meters to take
measurements on ceftain outlets. The three
phase box functions slightly different than the
single phase box, as it allows the charger to
plug into the box. The power cable for the
AC150 plugs into the right side of the box,
while the box contains a cable that plugs into
the outlet.
b. Experiment Procedure
The chargers were used in constant charge
and discharge cycles, with one charger onfirst, then the other, then investigating the
effects of both throughout the building.
The SEL 735 meters were placed at the test
points given in appendix A during these tests.Using Fluke 478 and Wavetek digital
multimeters, the normal conditions for the
Gauss-Johnson power system were observed
and noted. Ideally, the chargers discharging
power into the grid should help reduce total
harmonic distortion and maintain or improve
voltage levels on the grid. The digital
multimeters were also used to verify that the
other equipment was working properly.
For the ACl5O (larqe charoer):
Materials reouired: Specialty three phase box,
HEV with AC-150 bidirectional charger, SEL
735 and KoCoS power quality meters, and
digital multimeter(s).
The experiment procedure for the AC-150
Gen 2 (larger bidirectional charger) is as
1) Plug in the appropriate end of the
power cord into the port of the
apparatus on the hybrid-electric
vehicle's (HEV) upper frame. Plug the
other end power cord into the specialty
three-phase box. Plug the power cord
for the specialty three-phase box into
the desired outlet. The panel for the
AC-150 bidirectional charger should
turn on.
a. If re-conducting an experiment make
sure all appropriate hardware is de-
i. Look for a short blinking sequence
from the red light attached to the
apparatus on the upper frame of
the HEV this indicates that the AC-
150 is working properly.
2) Before setting the mode, make sure
that the leads of the power qualitymeter are connected to the
appropriate ports on the specialty
three phase box. Use the current
clamp attachment to measure the
current in each phase.
a. Make sure additional meters are in
position and measuring to observe
before and after effects of the
bidi rectional cha rger.
3) Set the mode for the AC-150 by
pressing the "Menu" button, then the,'Mode" button on the panel located on
the floor of the HEV,
a. Make sure to read all precautions
regarding what can and can't be
done with the vehicle in the mode,
what the mode does, and the
possible safety hazards associated
with the mode.
b. "I-line" mode will set the line current
limit for the AC-150. This is typically
set to 5A.
c. "I-system" mode will set the current
for the charge/discharge system on
the AC side. This is typically set to
d. "Charge" and "Discharge" modes
exist and allow for the current limitsto be set accordingly. Typically a
current of around 20A (max) is
desired as the batteries charge or
discharge at a reasonable speed
without putting too much stress on
the batteries.
e. Additional modes exist, but are not
necessary for the scope of this
4) Take the desired measurements with
the meters for the desired time period.
5) Turn off the AC-150, meters, and the
hybrid-electric vehicle.
a. It is important to note that charger
should not be turned off if the motor
has a temperature of 100oC (2t2oF)it is not recommended to turn the
charger off. Instead, let the faninside cool the motor to a
temperature under 100oC.
6) For emergencies, or problems with the
interface panel for the charger, the
poftion of the cord next to the upper
frame of the hybrid-electric vehicle
may be removed from the poft for
shut down.
For the GVFX3648 (smaller charqer):
Materials required: Specialty single phase
box, HEV with GVFX3648 48V bidirectional
charger, SEL 735 and KoCoS power quality
meters, and digital multimeter(s).
The experiment procedure GVFX364B
bidirectional charger (smaller charger) is as
1) Wire up the lead acid batteries as
shown in the following diagram, and
connect the hot terminal of the
The information contarned in this document is proprietary and confidentral.
batteries to the red poft of the
GFX3648, and the common terminal to
the black port.
1. Battery Wiring
Since there are only four batteries with
four terminals powering the charger,
each top to bottom battery pair can be
thought of as one side of a lead acid
2) Once the charger turns on, connect
the MATE controller and synchronize it
to the charger.
a. The MATE will now be able to control
the charger and show characteristics,
such as cut-out and cut-in voltage,
maximum discharge and charging
current, maximum sampling, current
mode, and power information about
the charger.
i. Read any precautions, warnings,
and advice about the desired mode
for the experiment.
3) Take desired measurements for the
desired period of time.
4) Turn off the charger, meters, and
hybrid-electric vehicle (if used).
a. The charger turns off automatically
by disconnecting the batteries from
the charger's terminal. Use electrical
tape to insulate leads from the
battery stack.
b. Metering
The metering test points used with reasoningfor picking them for the project are as
1. In the computer lab
a. Chosen because computers have
high THD, so additional harmonics
will likely cause issues.
2. In the power lab
a. Chosen because the power lab hashigh demand loads such as
3. Far point: control room
a. Chosen to see the range of the
chargers' power quality effects
4. Machine shops
a. Chosen for the
machines in the shop
5. By the chargers
a. Chosen to see the
chargers up close
[See Appendix A for one-line
test points.l
a. Data
high demand
effects of the
diagram with
ACl50 lnfluth.e Bt (I.,xe"
Figure 11. AC15O fnfluence on Closest
The information contained in this document is proprietary and confidential.
Figure 11 shows the influence of the AC150
(larger charger) on a point close to the two
bidirectional chargers during charge and
discharge cycles for a period of about four
hours. When the AC150 is on, there exists a
maximum THD in current of the "A" phase of
about 20o/o, and a maximum THD in voltage
of the "A" phase of about 3olo. Voltage in the
"A" phase can be as high as 124.3V RMS
(occurring at 1:03:00 to 1:04:06 PM on
Bl24l20t5) or as low as L22.3V RMS
(occurring at 9:21:36 AM on 8/24/20L5).
Closest Point
Figure 12 shows the influence of the
GVFX3648 (smaller charger) on phase "A" by
the chargers for charge and discharge cycles
for a period of approximately seven hours.
During discharge cycles, the voltage is raised
for a few minutes while the energy from the
batteries is drained onto the grid. During
charge cycles the voltage drops for a few
,nflo.nc! ol chars.6 on Pow.r t.b
Figure 13. Influence of Chargers on
Power Lab
minutes while the batteries are charged to a
cutoff voltage. The maximum voltage is
The information contained in this document is proprietary and confidential
slightly under 125V RMS (occurring at
8:07:15 AM on 8/24/2015), and the minimum
voltage is about 119.3V RMS (occurring at
9:19:45 AM on 8/24/2015).
Figure 13 shows the influence of both
chargers going through charge and discharge
cycles at the power lab in the Gauss Johnson
building for a period of approximately seven
hours. Voltage in the "A" phase reaches a
brief maximum of slightly over 124V RMS at
2:36:27 PM. The minimum voltage is
approximately t2O.7V RMS and occurs at
8:04:33 on 8/24/2015. Voltage THD ranges
from approximately 2.60/o to 3olo.
:iarr3:a:j i_ari31j.ri!:arj3'a jra:=::!1ar:airriii-:ii:a:i:aa. a r a-,a::1;:_ a j.- a i ] I !: J: i 1 a::: i: I !.., raa a i=; a:: J::: j a i r::
il iiii ai ai riiili1.1 ai:il a aa :iillal7 lia aaai ai::::::: i:i:::tr.!!!r!!!!l!t!!"""""',"'=';"
Figure 14. Influence of Chargers at
Farthest Point
Figure 14 shows the effects of the charge and
discharge cycles of the chargers at the
farthest chosen point on the first floor of the
Gauss Johnson building (the control room
near the entrance next to the double set of
stairs). The maximum voltage is
approximately L24.4Y RMS (occurring at
2:36:24 PM on 8/24/2OI5). The minimum
voltage is approximately L2L.4V RMS, which
occurs at B:04:30 AM on 8/24/2015. Voltage
THD generally stays between about 2.5 to
3olo, reaching a minimum of 2.3o/o at 6:42:57
PM on B/24/20t5.
b. Gonclusionso Bidirectional chargers can affect the
grid in charge and discharge modeo AC150 can cause 75o/o THD in a
phaseo The effects of both chargers can be
seen throughout the buildingo General voltage THD is about 2.5 to
3olo throughout the building with the
chargers active
6rr:str:i:::E:r:!:::;I::EiritiilS: j:!;::!tr:;:::!.'::!:::;:!e::<:.i j;:l:*arI 9:rl:a:3!::::;:r33:-i:ili;:11i?:;i:1i:a;3::9!9rta!!ila!s-rta::9!:::::::::=:::1:::13:::::::::::::::l
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, : e ; U i i ; ; ! ! d i t i ; ; ! I ; i ! ; i ; i ; ii i ; ! ; ;i : ; i ! i! : : ri ji t ; : a ! d i i'; : ;
. Harmonics are additive from both
c. Future Work
Examining the effects of larger chargers on a
local grid would provide more accurate
results, with a better understanding of how a
group of chargers could shape an area's
power quality for better or worse. However, itmay be possible to control the
chargers/stations en masse via a word or
hash (or something similar) sent to a master
controller. Decoding the word/hash would
limit or increase the boundaries by which the
area's chargers and charging stations could
operate. Another, or possibly even the same,
controller could be used for dynamic filtering
when trying to mitigate power quality or
demand issues with point-of-use source(s).
Looistical Lessons:o Start research projects in the summer
to help mitigate logistical issues with
equipment failure or malfunction,
budgeting, institution, education, or
additional needs. End the project the
following summer to ensure two
periods of fulltime student work.o Fast track negotiations and approvalsof research through the use of a
master research agreement, approved
well in advance. Use previous years'
agreements and addenda as a guide to
create new agreements and addenda
for the following year, both in proposal
preparation and in project
Technical Lessons:o Chargers can affect the local grid.
Their fundamental influence on current
and voltage is cumulative. Energy
from point-of-use storage mitigatesthe fundamental frequency
performance of the distribution
system.o All chargers, in charge or discharge
mode of operation, always introduce
THD.o Both current and voltage harmonics
from chargers add together tend to be
The information contained in this document is proprietary and confidential,
cumulative, even when their
respective fundamental components
may subtract.
Hybrid electric vehicle charging stations can
provide exciting business and technological
avenues for utilities to explore. One such
avenue is the ability to possibly mitigate
demand issues through stored energy at a
charging location via a point-of-use source.
Although the concept of a point-of-use source
needs more research into controlling the
energy used and dispersed onto the grid bythe system, the point-of-use source is
nevertheless an innovative way of reacting to
Additionally, utilities may change their
relationship with their customer throughcharging stations and point-of-use
technology. Utilities will be able gain revenue
from customers using these stations, while
simultaneously being able to store and
disperse energy back onto the grid with the
infrastructure present at the charging
facilities. Utilities may offer incentives for
certain customers to pafticipate in providing
energy for the charging facilities, which may
actually be viewed as an investment in a
more stable system for both the participants
in the program and the utility. With more
research in controlling the negative effects of
the bidirectional chargers on the grid, point-
of-use sources will forge new alliances, ideas,and partnerships between customer and
Avista Research and Development Projects Annual Report
March 31 2016
Simulation-Based Commissioning of EMCS
Srwruunoru-Bnseo Coru ru rssroNr NG oF Eru enev
Mnruee rMENT Corurnol Sysrervrs
PRorrcr RrpoRr PREpRReo ron AvrsrR Urlrres
August 04,2Ot5
Prepared for:
Avista Utilities
Damon Woods
Brad Acker
Tyler Noble
Kevin Van Den Wymelenberg
Report N umber: 7406_027 -07
Prepored by:
University of ldaho lntegrated Design Lab I Boise
306 S 5th St. Boise, ID 83702 USA
IDL Director:
Elizabeth Cooper
Damon Woods
Brad Acker
Tyler Noble
Kevin Van Den Wymelenberg
Prepored for:
Avista Utilities
Controct Number:
Please cite this report as follows: Authors (Year). Simulation-
Bosed Commissioning of Energy Manogement Control Systems
(7406_027-01). University of ldaho lntegrated Design Lab, Boise,
While the recommendations in this report have been reviewed for
technical accuracy and are believed to be reasonably accurate,
the findings are estimates and actual results may vary. All energy
savings and cost estimates included in the report are for
informational purposes only and are not to be construed as
design documents or as guarantees of energy or cost savings. The
user of this report, or any information contained in this report,
should independently evaluate any information, advice, or
direction provided in this report.
cosrs), ARtstNG our oF oR rN coNNEcTloN wlTH THE
L. Acknowledgements .........2
2. Executive Summary .........3
3. Research Motivation .......3
4. Project Background .........5
5. SpecialTechnology Utilized ..............7
5.L Connecting the energy modelto BCWB .......7
5.2 Connecting the Controller to BCWB ............. 8
5.3 System Selection ..... 11
6. Results.. .......L2
7. Lessons Learned ............ 13
8. Path to Market .............. 15
9. Budget Summary.. ......... 18
10. Appendices........... .......2L
L0.1 Appendix A: .. Error! Bookmark not defined.
Analog - Digital
Actual Meteorological Yea r
Air Handling Unit
A Data Communication Protocol for Building Automation and Control Networks
Building Controls VirtualTest Bed
Energy Management Control System
College of Business and Economics
ldaho Global Entrepreneurial Mission
lnternet Protocol
Local Area Network
Lawrence Berkeley Nationa I Laboratory
Multiple Spanning Tree Protocol
University of ldaho
Variable Air Volume
lntegrated Design Lab I Boise 2
Simulation-Based Commissioning of Energy Management Control Systems (Report 1406_027-01)
This research was made possible through funding support from Avista Utilities via ldaho PUC
Case Number AVU-E-13-08. The research team expresses gratitude to Avista staff and project
managers for their support of this project. Additionally, the research team would like to
acknowledge and thank Control Sentries, ATS lnland NW, and the facilities team at the
University of ldaho for their support. Sean Rocke or Control Sentries provided BACnet expertise
and advice to the research team in establishing hardware communication pathways. Terry
Jones, Jim Olsen, Jared Miller, and Jeff Giefer of ATS lnland NW provided their time and
expertise in duplicating the physically implemented Alerton controller. Eugene Gussenhoven,
and Chuck Schoeffler provided the research team full access to the COBE building and were
very responsive to our questions. Thank you all for your support of this highly collaborative
lntegrated Design Lab I Boise 3
Simulation-Based Commissioning of Energy Management Control Systems (Report 1406_027-07)
The University of ldaho - lntegrated Design Lab (Ul-lDL) modeled an existing building in
EnergyPlus and connected the computer model to a physical duplicate building controller -
measuring the controller's output responses to simulated input building conditions. The model
was based on the College of Business and Economics (COBE) building on the University of ldaho
campus in Moscow, lD; the controller and its logic were duplicates of what was installed at the
site. The energy model simulated the inputs normally provided to the controller by physical
sensors within the building. The controller response was then fed back into the model for a
ping-pong co-simulation. The Ul-lDL used this approach to identify and correct areas where the
economizer control settings were not optimal, potentially saving the building 56,000 kWh of
energy each year. This approach could be replicated on other buildings, and with a vast array of
additional building systems and control parameters, as a way of performing pre-commissioning
or advanced retro-commissioning of a building's energy management control system (EMS).
While new buildings increasingly rely on automated controls for their Energy
Management Systems (EMS), commissioning of these controls in new buildings and verification
of existing sequences in existing buildings is a time intensive process, runs the risk of
suboptimal occupant comfort, and exposes the building owners to unnecessary liability and
higher energy costs during the time period before commissioning is accomplished. New
building control commissioning typically takes one full year of building operation so all weather
conditions and all modes of operation are experienced, and often takes two full years before
lntegrated Design Lab I Boise 4
Simulation-Based Commissioning of Energy Management Control Systems (Report 7406_021-01,)
the system is operating nearest to its potential. ln addition, it is often difficult to setup or time
consuming to wait for specific space or outdoor conditions to occur, for all aspects of an EMS
control logic to be tested and addressed, leaving large gaps in the verification process for some
modes of operation. Older buildings can also suffer from poor controls that are out of tune
with the current building occupancy patterns or not up to date with current best practices
controltechniques. Problems with EMS control logic may go undetected for long periods of
time, incurring often exorbitant and unnecessary energy cost. Simulation-based commissioning
is one way to reduce or avoid these hazards by providing a safe test-bed on which to verify the
control strategies for an individual building using the actual control hardware and software that
is or will soon be installed in the building.
The simulation-based commissioning approach developed through this research uses an
energy model to replicate the signals typically given to a building controller by sensors within
the building. These signals would typically include outdoor temperature, fan status, and indoor
temperature, among others. lnstead of coming from actual hardware sensors, these signals
were sent from the energy model to the controller through a software platform originally
developed by Lawrence Berkeley National Lab called Building Controls VirtualTest Bed (BCVTB).
We used BCVTB to translate the outputs of the energy model and provides them to the
controller through a standard Building Automation Control Network Protocol known as BACnet.
A duplicate of the actual physical building controller was used in this process to determine
whether there are gaps between the specified sequence and the programed sequence, and if
present, these gaps were identified for correction. Performing commissioning in a virtual
lntegrated Design Lab I Boise 5
Simulation-Based Commissioning of Energy Management Control Systems (Report L406_027-07)
environment could be extremely advantageous to building owners, contractors and energy
utilities. The simulation-based commissioning approach we developed allows additionalvirtual
sensors to monitor aspects of system energy efficiency and performance, which would be cost
prohibitive to install in a physical environment. With this approach, innovative control
strategies can be proven and fine-tuned in advance and without the cost, time, and tenant
discomfort that would be associated with developing new operational strategies in occupied
buildings retroactively. Some simple examples of the application of this technology include:
o Optimization of heating and cooling set-back temperatures without the time
delay and possible discomfort of tenants.
o Verification of economizer operations through all possible outdoor and indoor
o Chilled water system setpoint optimization.
o Verification of controls on new or innovative designs that could pose a high risk
to building owner.
The Building Commissioning Process encompasses a wide scope, starting with design
development and ending at least one year after the building is occupied (ASHRAE, 2005). ln
current practice, suboptimum and incorrect control programming can take months or years to
detect, if they are ever detected (Nouidui, et al., z}Lfl. When controls issues arise, they can
lntegrated Design Lab I Boise 5
Simulation-Based Commissioning of Energy Management Control Systems (Report 1406_027-01)
also be difficult to reproduce and take weeks or months to rectify (Haves & Xu, 2007).
Operational issues can often go undetected, especially if they do not directly affect human
comfort. Co-simulation allows verification of control logics and has been shown to detect
design issues which were otherwise seen as impossible to predict in the design phase (Haves &
The software architecture enabling this co-simulation with BACnet (BCVTB) has been
under development since 2007 (Haves & Xu, 2OO7l, and while it has been promoted for
commercial adoption in real buildings, its application has been limited. Over the last several
years, BACnet programming and building energy modeling have both become more
widespread, even mandatory in some efficiency codes - e.g. California's Title 24. This project
sought to advance simulation-based commissioning from laboratory theory to marketplace
pilot. ln order to test the feasibility of simulation-based commissioning, the team decided to
focus the study on a physical building within the Avista territory.
The building selected for study was the College of Business and Economics (COBE)
building, on the University of ldaho (Ul) campus in Moscow, lD. The 50,000-square-foot facility
was constructed in 2001 and is a mix of classroom space and faculty offices. lt also has a
unique trading simulation room with over twenty stations and a terminal for real-time market
analysis and trading, thus dictating a high electric load. The building is equipped with a Variable
Air Volume (VAV) system and relies on district heating and cooling from campus water lines
that serve two air-handling units in the building. One of these air-handling units conditions the
lntegrated Design Lab I Boise 7
Simulation-Based Commissioning of Energy Management Control Systems (Report 7406_027-01,)
basement, while the larger AHU provides air to the top three floors. Non-fan powered VAV
boxes are located in each zone. Some of the building's geometry can be seen in Figure 1..
Figure 1. COBE Building photo (left) modelgeometry (right)
The model was calibrated to ASHRAE Guideline L4 using 20L4 Actual Meteorological
Year (AMY) weather data from the Moscow/Pullman airport and consumption data from
available utility billing and EMS trend log records. A demonstration of the model's performance
compared to the real building can be seen in the monthly electrical consumption contrast in
Figure 4. A tour was provided by Ul facilities (Figure L0). The visit included a walk-through with
the building operator, Chuck Schoeffler, and provided insight into the current building
management Figure 10.
5.1 Connecting the energy mode! to BCWB
The primary underutilized existing technology explored and enhanced through this
research was the software that enabled communication between the energy model and the
physical controller: BCWB. BCWB was the software platform or "middle-ware" that both the
energy model and controller could communicate across. The first step was to establish contact
lntegrated Design Lab I Boise 8
Simulation-Based Commissioning of Energy Management Control Systems (Report 1406_027-0L)
between BCVTB and the energy model. Once the building energy model was calibrated, the
research team connected the modelto BCWB.
Successfully establishing a connection between the energy model and BCVTB required
several attempts. The software is very sensitive to Java versions and path locations. Dr.
Nouidui provided some assistance through an online forum (NouiduiT., 2015). The connection
between the model and BCWB was enabled, in part, by exporting the model from OpenStudio
to an EnergyPlus text file. Variables were imported and exported from the EnergyPlus model to
BCWB by editing the energy model's text file and adding a short block of code for each variable.
The variables chosen for this study included the outdoor air temperature, the outdoor
air damper position, mixed air temperature, and return air temperature. The selection of these
variables depended on the inputs required of the controller. The Alerton VLCA 1688 required
more input variables than the KMC Flexstat controller showing Flexstat points vs VLCA points,
which can be seen in Table 1. As an initial compatibility check, the setpoints within the model
were controlled through rudimentary logic within BCWB. Once it could be verified that
programs within BCWB were indeed influencing the model in an expected manner, then the
research moved onto establishing the controller connection with BCWB.
5.2 Connecting the Controller to BCWB
Connection from the model to BCVTB was entirely virtual (occurring within the
computer). The controller on the other hand, was a separate piece of hardware that was joined
to the computer through an Ethernet cable. For this project, a stand-alone laptop was used
lntegrated Design Lab I Boise 9
Simulation-Based Commissioning of Energy Management Control Systems (Report 1,406_027-0L)
that could connect to the controller on a Local Area Network (LAN). After communication was
established between the energy model and BCWB, the next step was to connect the controller
to BCWB. The connection to the controller was performed using two "actors" (programs)
inside BCWB: the BACnetReader and the BACnetWriter. These actors rely on the open-source
BACnet Protocol Stack (Karg, 2OL3) that downloads with BCWB. Controllers communicate
using BACnet through one of three different protocols: Ethernet, lnternet Protocol (lP), or
Multiple Spanning Tree Protocol (MSTP). BACnet Ethernet and BACnet lP can both
communicate through an Ethernet cable from the controller to the computer, while MSTP
communication relies on a shielded22-gauge MSTP two-wire cable.
The first controller tested was the KMC Flexstat. The Flexstat communicates through
BACnet MSTP only. During testing of BCWB, we found it easiest to send signals through BACnet
lP as opposed to Ethernet or MSTP. ln order to communicate with BCWB, the Flexstat used an
MSTP connection to a MACH-ProWebcom router that translated MSTP to lP. The lP connection
was then set up on the laptop through a LAN so that signals could be sent back and forth to the
controller. Avisual representation of the communication set-up is shown in Figure 2. The
Alerton VLCA device proved much simpler to set up since it could communicate through
Ethernet, lP, or MSTP. lts connection was set to BACnet lP and it was able to communicate with
BCWB directly through an Ethernet cable without a router in between the laptop and the
lntegrated Design Lab I Boise 10
Simulation-Based Commissioning of Energy Management Control Systems (Report 7406_O27-0L)
BCVTB '----1Gi
L--- ------ -------t
ffilal r*
HJ:L,- -i-is ;;.
i a controls
Control Signa!r--
l------ rrrrrrrrJ
Figure 2. Visual representation of communication process from the model to the controller
BACnet signals comprise a series of digits that are difficult to understand without any
context. The BCWB actors BACnetReader and BACnetWriter, use associated XML files that
provide syntax for the user in order to send or request information from the controller. ln this
way, simulated variables such as temperature and fan status can be provided to the controller
in place of signals that would typically come from physical thermostats or other analog inputs.
Another piece of equipment used in this research was an analog-digital (A/D) converter
in combination with the controller. The specific piece of equipment used was a USB-L208 LS
Analog and Digital l/O from Measurement Computing. The research team investigated the A/D
converter as alternate pathway of model-controller communication. This research was based
on previous work by LBNL (Nouidui, et al., 2071). This converter linked to BCVTB and could take
digital values and convert them into voltages that could be sent to the controller the way that a
typical piece of hardware might. While this method is much closer to simulating actual
lntegrated Design Lab I Boise 11
Simulation-Based Commissioning of Energy Management Control Systems (Report 7406_O27-01)
hardware to controller interaction, care must be taken to scale the voltages according to the
inputs that the controller is expecting to receive. There were also a limited number of analog
outputs available from the particular piece of equipment being used.
5.3 System Selection
The team chose to monitor the control of the economizer for the main air-handling unit
in the building. This system manages the intake of ventilation air and the ratio of return air
supplied to the building. This system was selected since its settings have a significant impact on
the energy consumption of the building. ln particular, the team chose to focus on the setting of
the outdoor air intake. The team could have looked at optimizing discharge air temperature,
chilled water temperature, the supply rate, or any number of other systems controlled in the
building, but chose just one example for this study. A layout of the system and each of the
points that were monitored in this control is displayed in Figure 3.
Figure 3. COBE Air-handler layout. Control points used in the study are circled.
lntegrated Design Lab I Boise t2
Simulation-Based Commissioning of Energy Management Control Systems (Report 7406_027-0L)
The air-handler controls were studied from three different control perspectives:
EnergyPlus, an Alerton VLCA device, and a KMC Flexstat device. lmages of the controller
hardware can be found in the appendix in Figure 5.
By the end of the project, the research team accomplished the following mllestones:
select a building, construct an EnergyPlus model, calibrate the energy mode!, and establish a
co-simulation between BCWB and EnergyPlus that communicated with EMS hardware-in-the-
loop. For building selection and analysis, the team agreed upon the COBE building at the U of I
campus in Avista territory. An energy model was developed in OpenStudio/EnergyPlus that
approximated the building's same HVAC system. The building's load, occupancy profile, and
electrical consumption were all replicated in EnergyPlus. Finally, full-loop communication was
set up between this energy model and a duplicate of the physical controller at the building
facilitated via BCWB. This research provided a practical application of the methods outlined in
earlier research from LBNL (Pang, Wetter, Bhattacharya, & Haves ,20t2l1, replicated and
extended these methods, and proved savings potential from its practical application. The
project also served as an outreach to two different control companies, acquainting them with
simulation-based pre-commissioning (ATS lnland NW and Control Sentries).
The team learned that the test building is currently operating its main air-handler with a
lockout on the economizer of 60oF. Anytime the outside air climbs above 6OoF, the system uses
lntegrated Design Lab I Boise 13
Simulation-Based Commissioning of Energy Management Control Systems (Report L4O6_027-ltl
mostly return air from the building and only a minimal amount of outside air for ventilation.
The supply air to the building is set at 55oF. Between the return air and the outside air, the
building ideally uses the air that requires the least amount of conditioning to reach 55oF. Since
the outside air is locked out at 60oF, the building loses the opportunity to use any outside air
between 60oF and the return air temperature which is typically at 75oF or above. Through this
research, we found that increasing the economizer lockout during the summer could save up to
56,000 kWh of energy per year.
The research team encountered challenges acquiring the proper controller replete with
the duplicate logic of the building. Although a duplicate controller was easily procured from
surplus inventory at U! facilities, there were several roadblocks overcome to successfully load
the relevant duplicate controller logic onto the controller. This was likely due to a lack of
common vocabulary and understanding of research goals and data needs between the research
team and control companies. After these communication roadblocks were overcome, the
necessary elements of the control logic were easily obtained and loaded onto the duplicate
The Alerton controller did not allow analog inputs to be over-written. Therefore, all of
the analog inputs required for the damper control had to be changed over to analog values in
the controller's native program, Envision for Backtalk. While the process of replacing Analog
lnputs with Analog Values only required an hour of time for an experienced user, it was still an
lntegrated Design Lab I Boise 14
Simulation-Based Commissioning of Energy Management Control Systems (Report t4O6_027-01,1
inconvenience and presented a minor hurdle to simulation-based commissioning and testing
for the Alerton controller. The Flexstat and Reliable Controls software did not have this
particular hurdle expediting the testing procedure. These vendor specific issues are important
for evaluating market penetration potential and anticipating routines needed for successful
program or technology implementation at a large scale.
The pre-commissioning routines' abilities were tested by focusing on one aspect of the
building's operation: the control of the outdoor air into the building. The COBE building's main
air handler is equipped with a damper that can regulate how much outdoor air is being brought
into the building and the controller can open or close this damper to bring in more outside air if
it is economical to do so. The economizer will bring in more cool air from outside if the outdoor
temperature is lower than that of the indoor temperature so that free cooling is provided to the
spaces without relying heavily on the chilled water coils. This can save the building a significant
amount of energy if the control is employed correctly, but it can also cost the building more in
energy if the controller setpoints are not optimal. This made it a very good candidate for this
particular study.
Unfortunately, EnergyPlus was somewhat limited in its ability to minimize the damper
position. This was due to two causes: strict lndoor Air Quality (lAQ) controls, and the modelling
tool assuming ideal operation. EnergyPlus will maintain indoor air quality according to specific
building standards, ventilating the building optimally to meet these standards (ASHRAE, 2OO7).
Another example of idealized operation is that EnergyPlus defaults to using free cooling
lntegrated Design Lab I Boise 15
Simulation-Based Commissioning of Energy Management Control Systems (Report 1"406_027-01)
whenever possible. This causes the damper to operate in an ideal manner, which was not
matched by either the controllers or the manual operation of the building.
Another lesson learned in the process was that the energy simulation using the full loop
communication cycle took much longerthan an energy simulation on its own (without
hardware-in-the-loop). On a typical Windows 7 laptop with 4 gb of RAM, the model simulation
would require about five minutes to run the model through a full year of weather data. Adding
the controller hardware-in-the-loop increased the simulation time substantially. lt required
about 24 hours for the simulation to run through one full year of AMY weather data. This is
because of the way that BCWB handles time steps. A good summary of how time steps work in
BCWB is provided by Dr. Wen:
At the beginning of each time step, BCWB blocks all the co-simulated programs and
performs data exchange. Each program sends its outputs to BCVTB and gets its inputs
from BCWB through Simulotor socket writing and reading respectively. As soon as the
data exchange process is completed, BCWB unblocks the operation of the programs,
and each program calculates and generates new outputs during the remaining of the
time step based on the newly acquired inputs. The new outputs will then get exchanged
at the beginning of the next time step. The same process repeats until the specified
simulation time duration is achieved (Wen, 2OLl).
Therefore, the first connection to the controller significantly slowed the simulation.
Adding more connections to the controller, for example, testing multiple variables and
parameters, slowed the simulation down only incrementally more for each point. lncreasing
the time steps reduced the granularity of the simulation, but allowed it to run significantly
faster. However, even at the recommended settings of the model running at 4 time steps per
lntegrated Design Lab I Boise 16
Simulation-Based Commissioning of Energy Management Control Systems (Report L406_027-01)
hour, the simulation would complete a year's run within one day of realtime. This is a
significant improvement over waiting for an actual year to pass that is required for a best-case
scenario of physical commissioning.
During research for the proposal, the team found that performing pre-commissioning of
EMS could save substantial energy, increase occupant comfort, and greatly reduce the time
from building start up to proper operation. The building commissioning process has been
shown to be highly cost-effective while also improving comfort and productivity (Mllls, 2009).
HVAC controls commissioning is very important because commercial buildings operated in an
unintended manner have been shown to increase energy consumption by 20% compared to the
intended design (Westphalen & Koszalinski, 1999). A recent baseline study of buildings in the
Pacific Northwest found average office building annua! energy use to be LLZ kBtu/sq. ft. with an
average office building size of 20,000 sq.ft. (Baylon, Robison, & Kennedy, 2008). Given these
assumptions, controls pre-commissioning could save 131,200 kWh/yr for an average office
During the course of this research, the team looked specifically at one measure: outside
air, damper contro! and found that it would make a difference of over 55,000 kWh per year.
While this is less than the 131,200 kwh estimate, the savings in this study were for one control
point only. Significantly more savings could be found by expanding the controls research
lntegrated Design Lab I Boise 17
Simulation-Based Commissioning of Energy Management Control Systems (Report 1406_027-01,)
beyond the economizer to other aspects of the building control. lt is likely, that the team could
find substantially more than 737,200 kWh of savings for the test building by implementing the
developed simulation-based pre-commissioning protocol on all of the highest priority control
points within the building.
One of the valuable contributions of the project was to initiate contact with two
potential industrypartners:ATSlnlandNW,andControlSentries. Botharenowawareofthe
potential of simulation-based pre-commissioning. Control Sentries is particularly interested
and may partner with Ul-lDL to pursue an ldaho Global Entrepreneurial Mission (IGEM) grant
next year. This industry-university outreach was mutually beneficialto the research team and
industry participants. One anecdote shared by an industry participant was the story of a former
client with very high security standards. ln this case, the client's building contained a critically
important database that had to stay operational, placing a very high demand on the
environmental controls. ln order to test the robustness of the control system, the industry
participant performed a 3-day test in the facility, using potentiometers as fake temperature and
fan status inputs. This involved setting up a lot of equipment and required a lot of time to
switch the controllers from one type of hardware signal to another. The employees were very
intrigued by the idea of using an energy model in this capacity instead so that the whole system
can be tested virtually without putting the building physically at risk or waiting for an extreme
weather event. This type of risk abatement test could be done with the platform developed by
this research before the building is physically complete.
lntegrated Design Lab I Boise 18
Simulation-Based Commissioning of Energy Management Control Systems (Report 1,406_027-01)
These hours reflect only Avista's contribution to this project and are not reflective of
total project investment by the research team, industry sponsors, or other university staff.
Personnel (All Hourly Rates are avetages over FY14 and FY15)
Salary: Support Requested from Kevin Van Den Wymelenberg at 57 hours ($51.73ltr), Ery Djunaedy at
75 hours ($37.35/hr), Brad Acker at280 hours ($31.721hr) and one graduate student at 530 hours
($17.57lhr). Total Salary amount requested for project period is $24,061.
Fringe Benefits: Total Fringe requested for project period $5,240.
Other Direct Costs
Travel: Estimated research supply cost for project period $2,250
Operating Expenses: Estimated research supply cost for project period is $1,203
Capital Expenditures <$5,000: Estimated Capital Expenditures <$5,000 cost for project period is $1,203
IDL Lease: Estimated funds for IDL lease for project period $3,851
Tuition: Estimated tuition costs for one graduate student for Fall of 2014 and Spring of 2015 $4,21I
Indirect Costs
For this contract, UI-IDL was considered an off-campus unit of the University of Idaho with a federally
negotiated rate of 260/o.
Personnel Hours estimate Description
Dr. Kevin Van Den Wymelenberg 57 Provide overall management of the
TBD (hiring)75 Provide technical support in supervising
the student intern(s)
Brad Acker, P.E.280 Provide technical support and execute
dailv tasks of this proiect
Graduate student intern 530 Execute dailv tasks of this proiect
lntegrated Design Lab I Boise 19
Simulation-Based Commissioning of Energy Management Control Systems (Report 1406_O27-0t)
ASHRAE. (2005). ASHRAE Guideline 0-2005: "The Commissioning Process". Atlanta: American Society of
Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioni ng Engineers.
ASHRAE. (2OO7l. ANSI/ASHRAE Standord 62.1-2007 Ventilotion for Acceptable lndoor Air Quolity.
Atlanta: American Sociaety of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers, lnc.
Baylon, D., Robison, D., & Kennedy, M. (2008). Boseline Energy Use lndex of the 2002-2004
Nonresidentiol sector: lD, MT, OR, ond WA. Portland: Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance.
Haves, P., & Xu, P. (2OO7l. The Building Controls Virtual Test Bed - A Simulation Environment for
Developing and Testing Control Algorithms Strategies and Systems. lnternationol Building
Performonce Simulotion Associotion (pp. Laa$-LM5). Beijing: Lawrence Berkeley National
Karg, S. (2OL3, October L5l.SourceForge. Retrieved from BACnet Stack: http://bacnet.sourceforge.net/
Mills, E. (2009). Building Commissioning: A Golden Opportunity for Reducing Energy Costs and
Greenhouse Gos Emissions. Lawrence Berkeley National Lboratory.
Nouidui, T. (2015, May 29). bcvtb forum. Retrieved from Google Groups:
https ://grou ps.googte.co m /torum I *lforu m/bcvtb
Nouidui, T., Wetter, M., Li, Z.,Pang,X., Bhattacharya,P., & Haves, P. (2011). BacNet and Analog/Digital
lnterfaces of the Building Controls Virtual Testbed. Conference of lnternationol Building
P e rfo r m a n ce S i m u I oti o n Ass o ci at i o n, (pp. 29 4-30 1 ). Syd n ey.
Pang, X., Wetter, M., Bhattacharya, P., & Haves, P. (2OL2l. A Framework for Simulation-Based Real-Time
Whole Building Performance Assessment. Buildi n g o nd Envi ron ment, 100-108.
Roth, K., Wesphalen, D., Dieckmann, J., Hamilton, S., & Goetzler, W. (2002). Energy Consumption
Choracteristics of Commercial Building HVAC Systems Volume lll: Energy Savings Potential.
Cambridge: Department of EnergY.
Wen, Y.-J. (2011). Ropid-Prototyping Control lmplementotion using the Building Controls VirtuolTest
Bed. Briarcliff Manor: Philips.
Westphalen, D., & Koszalinski, S. (1999). Energy Consumption Chorocteristics of Commerciol Building
HVAC Systems Volume ll: Thermol Distribution, Auxiliory Equipment, ond Ventilotion. Cambridge:
U.S. Department of Energy.
lntegrated Design Lab I Boise 20
Simulation-Based Commissioning of Energy Management Control Systems (Report 1,406_027-OL)
Wetter, M. (2011). Co-simulation of building energy and control systems with the Building Controls
Virtual Test Bed. Journal of Building Performonce Simulation,185-203.
lntegrated Design Lab I Eoise 2l
Simulation-Based Commissioning of Energy Management Control Systems (Report 1406_027-01)
Electricity Consumptlon (kwh)
CY(RISEI ' z zs
llllBE - r.ss
Strt 12|3,
End l/3O
Achr.l l80.4aO
Mod.l t61,859
NMBE -13.21!6
1B',l 1t1
2t28 g1
166.G6!' r70.420
150.502 r@.908
-9.796 -5.58!6
41 *t 1r?1
1tg 5 t0 030
177.137 165.895 r52.03tt
155.2Q 156.810 159.702
-12.3496 -5.17* 5.08!6
7t1 8ll
7t31 8/3t
159.197 1C3.47
r58,338 155,291
{.3a* 4.0496
gt'l loir 11t1 12J1
9/:lO ,0/31 11,30 12ts1
187,172 r89.3C3 r70.000 10!r.9tt9
179.214 183.323 170.919 182,@7
1.gt* -3.04* o.6a* 7.4895
Figure 4. Comparison between the energy model and the actual building electrical consumption
lntegrated Design Lab I Boise 22
Simulation-Based Commissioning of Energy Management Control Systems (Report 1406_027-01,)
Table 1. KMC and Alerton lnputs and Outputs for Economizer Control
KMC -Flexstat Alerton VLCA-1588
lnptus Objects lnptus Objects
Remote Temp Sensor At-7 Freeze Stat Status Bt-8
Outside Air Temp At-4 Fan Status Bt-5
Mixed AirTemp At-3 VAV's in Warmup AV-40
Discharge AirTemp At-2 OSATemp AV-O
Econo lockout temp AV-56
Return Air Temp At-2
Min OSA %AV-55
Mixed AirTemo At-1
Mixed Air Max Stpt AV-50
Mixed Air Min Stpt AV-61
Cooline Sienal AV-10
Outputs Outputs
Outside Air Damper AO-9 Econo Command AV-26
Econo % Reversed for Display AV-29
Mixing Damper Command AO-4/AV-27
OSA Damper Command AO-3lAV-27
lntegrated Design Lab I Boise 23
Simulation-Based Commissioning of Energy Management Control Systems (Report 1406_021-01)
@ e
Figure 5. The controllers used in the study, The Alerton VLCA at left and the Flexstat and its
associated webcom (for lP communication) are shown at right
okr@(cIlwe rff r*
I[--ffiitt--ffi--I l=;*--1I I rmoLoc II t---*-.
ffiemlrau Isdtu |rtutu |
u-r Iu-2 I
ItG-Orffigerroa Inatacp-r IndtuF2 |s.dtuP-1 |wtp-z Inrc aoor e-r ItudtudP2 |
Figure 6. A visual representation of the air-handler at the COBE building and the control points and settings
in the Alerton controller
lntegrated Design Lab I Boise 24
Simulation-Based Commissioning of Energy Management Control Systems (Report 1,406_027-01-)
Figure 7. Connection of the model to the AJD converter (using voltages to affect the model parameters)
lntegrated Design Lab I Boise 25
Simulation-Based Commissioning of Energy Management Control Systems (Report 1,406_027-01)
Figure 8. lnitial contact was made to the VLCA using a power source and router to communicate through
Figure 9. Sean Rocke of Control Sentries and Damon Woods of IDL work together on controller
communication through BACnet
lntegrated Design Lab I Boise 26
Simulation-Based Commissioning of Energy Management Control Systems (Report L406_027-01)
Figure 10. Site visit at the COBE building with Brad Acker from lDL, and Chuck Schoeffler and Kristin from UI
Avista Research and Development Projects Annual Report
March 31 20'16
Residential Static VAR Compensator Phase I
Avista Contract R-40097
Prepared by
Boise State University
Boiser ldaho
September 2015
Avista Contract R-40097
Final Report, September 2015
Avista Project Managers: John Gibson
Reuben Arts
Contractor: Boise State University
Avista Contract R-40097
Final Report, September 2015
Prepared by
Boise State University,
1910 University Drive,
Boise, lD 83725-1135
Principal Investigator
Said Ahmed-Zaid
Said Ahmed-Zaid
Muhammad Kamran Latif
Andr6s Valdepefla Delgado
Prepared for
Avista Corporation,
141 I E. Mission Ave.,
Spokane, WA99220
Avista Project Managers
John Gibson
Reuben Arts
This report explores the potential application of a residential static VAR compensator (RSVC) as an
energy-saving tool in the operation of distribution networks. The main objective of this research is to
determine the reactive power requirements for such a device when used in a utility demand-side
management program such as conservation by voltage reduction (CVR). This type of device could be
remotely or locally controlled to maintain a customer load voltage with a positive CVR coefficient at the
minimum permissible voltage required by ANSI C84.1 during peak demand hours. Deploying these
devices on the customer side of a distribution system will help reduce energy consumption for the
customers and it will allow utilities to reduce their need for peaking units during periods of maximum
As part of Avista's energy research initiative, this project focused on the design and simulation of a
residential static VAR compensator (RSVC) that has potential application in a utility demand-side
management program for energy efficiency. An RSVC is a scalable power electronic converter for
voltage regulation in residential homes and commercial or industrial buildings. It is a smart controllable
device with the potential for lowering energy consumption, particularly during peak hours when the
interests of the electric utility best coincide with the interests of the consumers.
A prototype design was evaluated in a year-long feasibility study at Boise State University. Two methods
of controlling the device shunt reactor were tested. The first method uses conventional angle firing to
control the closing of a solid-state switch in series with the shunt reactor. This method has the drawback
of generating current harmonics which require filter circuits to mitigate their effects. The second and
superior method uses pulse-width modulation (PWM) control to turn on and off two bidirectional
switches, one in series and the other in parallel with the shunt reactor, in a complementary fashion. This
method yields a quasi-sinusoidal RSVC voltage and an almost sinusoidal inductor current. An automatic
control system was designed and tested to maintain the RSVC voltage at a desired reference set point. The
RSVC prototype was extensively tested using MATLAB/Simulink and EPRI's OpenDSS software tool. A
software interface was developed to allow the two software tools to share data and communicate
seamlessly. The device performance and its reactive power requirements were independently corroborated
using both software tools during the testing phase.
Early evaluations of this RSVC device show that it is cost affordable with a reasonable payback period
between two to five years. A hardware implementation and more power system studies are being planned
to investigate the costs and benefits of deploying distributed RSVCs in typical distribution feeders.
3.1 Prototype Design .........16
3.2 Distribution Network............ .........16
3.3 Modelling Residential Loads ........20
3.4 Modelling Distribution Transformer Reactance .........20
3.4.1 Case I: Using l0o/o of Xr,rated............ .................21
3.4.2 Case II: Using l5o/o of Xr,rated............ ...............21
3.4.3 Case III: Using 20oh of Xr.rated........... ...............22
3.4.4 Reactive Requirement with Different Transformer Reactance .............23
3.5 RSVC Component Sizing. ...........23
3.6 RSVC Design and Simulations ....24
3.7 Open-Loop Design ......24
3.7.1 LTspice RSVC Model with Thyristor Switchirg............ .....................24
3.7.2 Simulation Results ........25
3.7.3 LTspice RSVC Model with PWM Switching. ....................28
3.7.4 Simulation Results ........29
3.7.5 Open Loop Simulink RSVC Model....... ...........32
3.7.6 Simulation Results ........ 33
3.8 Closed-Loop Simulink RSVC Model ..........36
3.8.1 Simulation Results ........37
4 PownnWoRLDANDOprNDSSSruur,ATIoNs.........................45
4.1 Feeder with Uniform Conductor and Uniformly Distributed Load ............45
4.1.1 Simulation Setup........ .....................45
4.1.2 Results...... .....................45
4.2 MATLAB-Simulink-OpenDSS Interface ............. ......52
4.3 Simulink Verification with OpenDSS .........52
4.3.1 Simulink Setup......... .....52
4.3.2 OpenDSS Setup ............53
1 IxrnoDUCTroN
1.1 Project Background
Conservation by Voltage Reduction (CVR) is the implementation of a distribution voltage strategy
whereby all voltages are lowered to the minimum allowed by the equipment manufacturer. This is a
consequence of the observation that many loads consume less power when they are fed with a voltage
lower than nominal. In order to guarantee a good quality service, loads should not be supplied with a
voltage higher or lower than 5%o of nominal. A range of standard service voltages used in the United
States is specified by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) as 120 volts nominal, 1 14 volts
minimum (120 V minus 5%) and 126 volts maximum (120 V plus 5%).
Despite the regulatory history, electrical companies are forced to become more efficient and more
competitive by working to reduce costs. One such big cost is when a company buys costly energy from
another utility in the market when it cannot satisff its own demand with its own installed capacity.
Furthermore, distribution companies, as well as final customers, must pay a higher price per kilowatt-hour
(kwh) during peak demand hours. The goal of our proposed residential CVR implementation is to reduce
power consumption during peak hours in order to save energy and costs.
Before applying CVR, power system operators and analysts must also understand the characteristics of
their loads. Even if all loads consumed less power with less voltage, which is generally not true, we
would not be saving energy in all cases. Some devices can give good service by working at a lower
voltage. For example, decreasing the voltage of a lightbulb will definitely yield energy savings. However,
there are other devices, such as air conditioners and ovens, which will have to work longer to give the
same service. So in the end, we may not be saving energy and, instead, it is possible to consume even
more. Whereas lowering the voltage may increase line current losses, the decrease in power consumption
is expected to be bigger, so that the overall balance will be positive [-5].
Since the implementation of a conservation by voltage reduction (CVR) system is beyond the scope of
this project, we are proposing instead to develop a solution based on the concept of a Residential Static
VAR Compensator (RSVC) for regulating residential voltages, especially during peak demand hours,
when the benefits coincide best with the interests of customers and those of the electric companies. These
RSVCs will be an additional tool for smart demand-side management. By controlling remotely the
RSVC, a utility can apply CVR at specified individual locations during specified periods. Our goal is to
develop such an RSVC prototype and we will leave it to the electric utility companies to develop
strategies for conservation by voltage regulation. Our solution involves installing an individual apparatus
which will decrease the voltage before each customer's service. This may not be cheap but many
independent studies (with different authors and procedures) have proved the great profit that can be
achieved by working with CVR and these additional costs can be justified over the long term [1-5]. In
other words, the cost of implementing CVR per kWh saved would be smaller than buying that amount of
kWh in the market. A question remains as to whether the payback for the initial cost investment will be in
the range ofthree to five years.
Our previous experience with two senior design projects on CVR and where we tested the current and
power sensitivities of many common household appliances to voltage regulation has provided us with
general conclusions and guidance regarding the feasibility of this method. Another potential benefit of
these individual residential devices is that they can also be used by utilities with high penetrations of
distributed energy sources that would normally complicate the implementation of a global CVR system
for energy reduction.
1.2 References
[] Kennedy, W. and R.H. Fletcher, o'Conservation Voltage Reduction at Snohomish County PUD," IEEE
Transactions on Power Systems, vol. 6, no. 3, pp. 986-998, August 1991.
[2] Erickson, J.C. and S.R. Gilligan, "The Effects of Voltage Reduction on Distribution Circuit Loads,"
IEEE Transactions on Power Apparatus and Systems, vol. PAS-I01, no. 7, pp. 2014-2018, July 1982.
[3] Warnock, V.J. and T.L. Kirkpatrick, "Impact of Voltage Reduction on Energy and Demand: Phase II,"
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol. PWRS-I,no.2,pp.92-95, May 1986.
[4] Fletcher, R.H. and A. Saeed, "Integrating Engineering and Economic Analysis for Conservation
Voltage Reduction," IEEE2002 Summer Meeting, 0-7803-7519-x/02,pp.725-730.
[5] Lefebvre, S., G. Gaba, A.-O. Ba, D. Asber, A. Ricard, C. Perreault, and D. Chartrand, "Measuring the
Efficiency of Voltage Reduction at Hydro-Quebec Distribution," PES General Meeting - Conversion and
Delivery of Electrical Energy in the 21st Century, pp. l-7, Pittsburgh, PA,20-24, July 2008, IEEE 2008.
Special Technology Utilized
2.1 CVR Background
Conservation by Voltage Reduction (CVR) is a strategy used by electric utilities to reduce their energy
consumption. It is an implementation of a distribution voltage strategy whereby all voltages are lowered
to the minimum allowed by the regulatory agencies and standards setting organizations. CVR is achieved
by lowering a customer utilization voltage to the lowest level that is consistent with nameplate ratings and
proper operation of the equipment. American National Standards Institute (ANSD Standard C84.1 sets a
range for voltages at the distribution transformer secondary terminals at 120 volts +/- 5Yo or between 114
volts and 126 volts. Reducing feeder voltages, especially during peak demand hours, is beneficial to the
consumers as well as the eleckic utilities. Consumers benefit through lower energy bills whereas utilities
benefit through lower energy losses and lower generation capacity to manage loads during peak hours.
Dishibution utilities must purchase enough generation capacity to manage load during peak hours. Amid
rising energy costs and increasing stress on the grid, conversation by voltage reduction is considered as
one of the potential alternative methods to regulate and reduce energy consumption.
Studies have shown that reducing distribution service voltage by l% lowers energy consumption by about
0.8% [1]. This translates to significant kilowatt-hour (kWh) savings at a price range from below l(, to 5(
per kWh-far lower than most new generation sources cost. The Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
(PNNL) extrapolated the effects of CVR on a national level using studies from protoffiical distribution
feeders. Studies concluded that implementing CVR for peak load reduction resulted in approximately
0.5%-3% annual energy reduction depending on the specific feeder. When these results are extrapolated
to 100% of distribution feeders, deployment of CVR resulted in approximately 3.04Yo reduction in annual
energy consumption. Targeting only high value distribution feeders (40% of all the distribution feeders
across USA) resulted in lowering the energy consumptionby 2.4% l2l.
Even though CVR holds a great potential in saving revenues for utilities, it has been overlooked due to
problems associated with the voltage reduction itself. There are concerns about flickering becoming a
problem at reduced voltage levels. Moreover, damaging appliances and equipment due to low voltage
levels and implementing the cost of CVR are some other major concerns for the utilities. Therefore, there
is a need to develop a smart demand-side management device based on the concept of CVR that helps in
regulating residential voltages, especially during peak demand hours.
Special Technology Utilized
2.2 VAR Compensation
VAR compensation is the management of reactive power to enhance the quality of power systems. VAR
compensation encompasses a wide range of problems pertaining to customers and utilities regarding
power quality. By controlling the reactive power in a power system, problems concerning load
compensation and low voltage across the transmission and distribution networks can be solved. In load
compensation, the power factor of the system is increased by injecting vars into the power system to
counter the lagging power factor of the loads. On the other hand, voltage support is generally practiced to
reduce voltage fluctuation at a given terminal of the transmission line [3].
Based on the type of VAR compensation required, reactive component is categorized as series VAR
compensation or shunt VAR compensation. Shunt compensation changes the effective equivalent
impedance of the load whereas series compensation modifies the series transmission or distribution
parameters. In both compensation techniques, reactive power flows through the system thus improving
the performance of the overall AC power system.
Traditional techniques for VAR compensation includes synchronous condensers or mechanically
switched capacitors or inductors. Modern compensation techniques include high speed power electronics
devices combined with advanced control system techniques that are embedded with the fast processing
power of microprocessors. These devices, called Flexible AC Transmission Systems (FACTS) devices,
use VAR compensation techniques that have faster response and provide adequate reactive power
depending on the power system condition. For utilities, during the last three decades, FACTS technology
has become an essential tool to alleviate problems associated with reactive power to get the most service
from their transmission and distribution network and enhance grid reliability.
2.3 Reactive Power Principles
The reactive power is defined as the AC component of the instantaneous power. The reactive power
generated by the AC power source is stored in capacitors or reactors during a quarter of a cycle and in the
next quarter cycle it is sent back to the power source. Basically, reactive power oscillates between the
source and the reactive power device without flowing between the source and the load. Therefore,
reactive power along the system can be compensated thus improving the stability of the power system [3].
As stated above, reactive power compensation can be achieved by adding VAR generators/absorbers in
series or in parallel along the transmissionL/distribution feeders. Their working principal is briefly
explained below.
Special Technology Utilized
2.3.1 ShuntCompensation
In shunt compensation, the lagging current drawn due to inductive load is compensated by the leading
current generated by the compensator device. The leading current can be achieved in three different ways
using a current source, a voltage source and a large single capacitor or capacitor banks. In Figure Z-l(a), a
typical power system is shown that draws a lagging current due to an inductive load which results in
reduced voltage levels at the loads. In Figure 2-l(b), the power system is compensated by the current
source to nullifli the lagging power factor. A current source injects positive vars into the power system,
near the load terminal thus improving the voltage regulation at the load terminals. Moreover, it helps to
reduce the line current which minimizes the power losses along the transmission or distribution lines.
Shunt CompeNtion in aEdial ac sygm without r@(ive @mposdion
Shmt Compen*tion in a mdialac sy$m with r@tive @mpengtion
SsiesComposdion in a6dial e sysm wi6out rcdive composdion SfriesComposdion in a radial e sysm wilh radive composation
Figure 2-1: Reactive power compensation principles
2.3.2 Series Compensation
Series compensation involves decreasing the reactance of the power line which results in improved
voltage stability. Series compensation can be implemented with current or voltage devices but the most
common method is to use series capacitors. An overvoltage protection circuitry is required for the
capacitor or the capacitor bank to withstand fault currents. Figure 2-l(c) shows a similar power system
Special Technology Utilized
that draws alagging current due to inductive loads. Figure 2-1(d) shows the series compensation strategy
that involves a voltage source between the line and the load. By appropriately adjusting the magnitude of
the voltage source (Vcour), the reactance of the power line is adjusted to achieve a unity power factor. It
must be noted that Vcoup generates a voltage in a direction opposite to the voltage drop in the line
inductance. This is due to fact that Vcoup lags the current flowing in the transmission line.
2.4 Traditional VAR Generators
Traditionally VAR generators were implemented using mechanically switched capacitors and
synchronous condensers. Recent development in high performance power electronics devices have risen
interest in FACTS devices. Typical FACTS devices involve thyristor-switched static VAR compensators
(SVC) and static synchronous compensators (STATCOM). Integrating advanced control system
methodologies and high-speed microcomputer processing power, new self-commuted VAR compensator
technologies have been developed. These devices can be connected in series, in parallel or in a
combination of both and they have the ability to make quick adjustments to provide stability to the grid
by controlling the flow of active and reactive power on the grid. The following sections provide a brief
introduction to a couple of traditional techniques for VAR compensation.
2.4.1 MechanicallySwitchedcapacitors
Capacitors, connected in shunt, are widely used to compensate the lagging current drawn by inductive
loads. They provide a leading current that improves the power factor of the load. The size of shunt
capacitors depends upon many factors but the most important one is the amount of lagging reactive power
consumed by the load. In the case of varying load, a fixed capacitor may often lead to over-compensation
or under compensation. Instead of using single capacitor as a compensator, capacitor banks are employed
along transmission and distribution lines to cater reactive power requirements. According to VAR
requirement these capacitors are switched manually and thus provide more control over the range of VAR
requirements. However, the methods based on mechanical switching using relays or circuit breakers are
sluggish and unpredictable. Another problem with mechanical devices is that control cannot be initiated
frequently, because these mechanical devices tend to wear out very quickly compared to static devices.
2.4.2 Synchronous Condensers
Synchronous condensers are synchronous machines that either generate or absorb reactive power as
required by the ac system. With proper exciter circuit, synchronous condensers can provide continuous
reactive power by providing adequate vars to keep the transmission or distribution voltage within limits.
However, synchronous condensers are rarely used these days because of their cost compared with static
Special Technology Utilized
VAR compensators. Moreover, they occupy more space compared with other VAR compensators and
require starting and protective circuits for their operation.
2.5 SVC Background
A Static VAR Compensator (SVC) is a shunt-connected static VAR generator or absorber whose output is
adjusted to exchange capacitive or inductive current in order to maintain specific parameter of electrical
power system. Typically the parameter which is kept under control is the transmission/distribution
voltage. An SVC is part of the FACTS device family that consists of reactive power elements including
capacitors and inductors as well as power electronics elements. Based on their construction, SVC can be
classified into two major categories.
Thyristor Controlled Reactor (TCR)
Thyristor Switched Capacitor (TSC)
An SVC installation usually comprises a thyristor controlled reactor (TCR) with a fixed or switched
capacitors (TSC). Both TCR and TSC generate low-order harmonics and require additional filters. These
devices have an inherent delay in thyristor gating signal delay. However, recent advancements in power
electronics devices, such as (GTO, power MOSFET, IGBT etc.), have sparked the development of pulse
width modulated (PWM) static VAR compensators. The sections below briefly explains background for
traditional thyristor based VAR compensator techniques (TCR and TSC). A more sophisticated technique
for VAR compensator using PWM static VAR compensator is also explained as part of the technology
2.5.1 Thyristor Controller Reactor (TCR)
Figure 2-2 shows a TCR single phase equivalent circuit. In
TCR, an inductor is in series with trvo bidirectional thyristor
switches. The shunt reactor in TCR is dynamically controlled
from a minimum value (nominal inductance) to a maximum
value by using the bidirectional thyristors switches. In this way,
SVC employinga TCR, can be seen as a variable shunt reactor
(X1).connected in shunt with a capacitive reactive (X6). This
assembly is connected in shunt with the transmission and
distribution lines to supply variable VARs to the power system.
The output current is based on the firing angle (gating angle) of
the thyristors. The maximum current injected by TCR is
Thyristor controlled reactor
Special Technology Utilized
obtained by a firing delay of 90o. Partial current contribution is obtained when the firing angle is between
90o and 180'. By increasing the thyristor firing angle, the contribution ofcurrent injected by is reduced
which is equivalent to increasing the inductance of the TCR and at the same time making it possible to
reduce the reactive power level of the power system. The fundamental component of the instantaneous
current supplied by the TCR is given by
,, = T(2n -2a * sin(2a))
q = Firing angle of the thyristor
XL = naL = minimum TCR reactance for cr = 90o
Figure 2-3 shows three different cases for different firing angle for q. However, change in the reactor
current can only takes place at discrete points i.e. only once per one halfcycle. Thus, lack offrequently
adjusting the reactive power requirement of the power system is one of the major problem of this
configuration. Due to switching of the thyristors, a TCR generates low frequency harmonics that lead to
the distorting of the ouput voltage and extra power loss in the inductor.
Continuous Conduction
Partial Conduction
Minimum Conduction
Figure 2-3:Yoltage and current waveforms in a TCR for different thyristor gating angles
The distinguishing feature of a static VAR compensator is the amount of the reactive power generated or
absorbed is a function of the input voltage applied. Figure 2-4 shows the Q-V characteristics of a fixed
Special Technology Utilized
capacitor (FC) with a thyristor controlled reactor (TCR). The graph depicts the amount of VAR
exchanged with the power system depending upon the system input voltage. At rated voltage, an FC-TCR
configuration is represented by an affine characteristic. This region is limited by the rated reactive power
of the reactive components (capacitors and inductors). Beyond, these points the Q-V characteristics is not
linear as the reactive requirement exceeds the limit of the reactive components.
Figure 2-4: Q-V characteristics of FC-TCR
Instead of having a single large fixed capacitor
as mentioned in FC-TCR topology, many small
capacitors can be used. Figure 2-5 shows
several switched capacitor banks with a TCR.
The reactive power requirement of the system is
divided into suitable steps. Based on the VAR
needs, one or a combination of two or more
capacitors can be switched to compensate the
voltage levels. These capacitors banks are
connected in shunt with a thyristor controller sri
reactor which provides a continuous control
over the VAR requirements. By coordinating the
control between capacitor steps, a continuous
control can be obtained. Some distinctive
advantages of this assembly include low generation
of harmonics compared to single fixed capacitor
lcmx {F
and flexibility in control and operation. A big
Special Technology Utilized
disadvantage is the higher cost for the capacitor banks and a complex control system. Figure 2-6
represents the Q-V characteristics of capacitor banks with a TCR.
Load Line_\ I
urL(X5 - X)
Xt = aL: Minimum TCR reactance
X, = *: TSC reactance
7m = Maximum source voltage
a = Voltage phase shift angle
a4 = System resonant frequency (r, = h)
Vco = Capacitor voltage at t = 0
The disadvantages associated while using TSC is that VAR compensation is not continuous and each
capacitor bank requires separate capacitor switches which renders this assembly cost prohibitive.
i(t) = hr"s(art * A --b-.cos(a).or{r,t) +
Figure 2-6: Q-V characteristics of TSC-TCR compensator
A thyristor switched capacitor (TSC) consists of anti-parallel thyrisitor switches connected in series with
a capacitor. In order to limit the rate of rise of current through the thyrstor switches, an inductor is also
used in series with the switches. To minimize transients, a thyristor is switched on at the instant when the
capacitor voltage and the network voltage have the same value. The current that flows through the
capacitor at a given time t is defined by the following expression:
Special Technology Utilized
2.5.2 PWM Switched Reactor
The remarkable progress in power electronics devices have given rise to sophisticated VAR compensators
that are capable of generating and absorbing the reactive power without requiring large banks of capacitor
and reactors. The problems associated with TCR are
Control System for TCR require synchronization with the AC mains. Common methods used for
synchronizing the thyristor switching with the line frequency include phase locked loops and zero
voltage detector.
TCR VAR compensator produce low-order harmonics due to non-continuous current that requires
Huge device sizes in TCR leads to unrealistic payback period.
An alternative reactive power compensator based on the concept of PWM switching is used to develop
the RSVC device. The principal advantages of self-commutated PWM based VAR compensators are the
significant reduction of component size and potential decrease in cost and the ability to provide
continuous reactor current and simpler control system that does not require synchronization. The
operating principle for proposed compensator is discussed in the next section. A, design guideline of the
RSVC system is also proposed and the results of an experimental system are provided later in this chapter
to verifu the proposed concept. OperatingPrinciple
To overcome the problem associated with TCR-based
topologies, PWM static VAR compensators using self-
commutated switches have been used to develop
prototype of RSVC. The operating principle of the VAR
compensator is illustrated through a single-phase circuit
in the Figure 2-7. The single phase circuit requires two
bi-directional self-commutated switches or four
unidirectional switches. In Figure 2-7, switches SWl
and SW2, represents two bidirectional switches with
complementary gating signals. The switch SW2 is used
a conduct the inductor current when switch SWI is
closed and vice versa. By using high-frequency
switching, the fundamental component of the
Figure 2-7: Single-phase circuit of PWM based
switched reactor
Special Technology Utilized
inductor current can be conholled.
Ignoring the higher order harmonics, the inductor voltage and current can be expressed by the following
Inductor Voltage = u1 = 'uinD
F undamental Curr ent C omp onent
where D is the duty cycle for switch SWl.
The equivalent inductance seen from the input can be found by using following expression:
, lvi"l lvJDl lxr,lt^int- ;4,; - llrDl -F
The above expression shows that the equivalent reactance can be expressed as a function of the inductor
reactance and the switching duty cycle. In other words, the reactive power of the circuit can be controlled
through the duty cycle control, which proves that leading and lagging reactive power can be achieved
through simple cycle control. The current and voltage waveforms of the circuit are shown in Figure 2-8.
' Lin
=Lr =-
Special Technology Utilized
Figure 2-8: lnductor current and PWM signal applied to switch SWI
2.6 OpenDSS background
EPRI's Open-Source Distribution System Simulator (OpenDSS) is a comprehensive electrical system
simulation tool developed to perform most analyses required by utilities in distribution networks.
OpenDSS can be implemented as a stand-alone executable program, or can be driven by a variety of well-
known software tools through a Component Object Model (COM) interface. Two of the most popular
software tools used to drive OpenDSS are MS Office Tool through Visual Basic Applications (VBA) and
MATLAB from Mathworks. The ability to be driven by a third-party analysis program makes OpenDSS a
powerful software tool.
OpenDSS can compile user-written models by using Dynamic Link Libraries (DLL), allowing the user to
focus on the model of the device and let OpenDSS handle the distribution system modeling. The DLL can
be written in most common programming languages.
Figure 2-9 shows the basic architecture of OpenDSS. The software accepts entries from different sources
such as user-written DLLs, COM interface, and its own script language. OpenDSS is able to display
results and also export them in the form of csv files for post-processing the data using a third-parfy
software [4].
Special Technology Utilized
l{aln SinulatLon
Figure 2-9: OpenDSS architecture
The OpenDSS tool has been used for:
r Distribution planning and analysis.
o General multi-phase AC circuits analysis.
. Analysis of distributed generation interconnections.
o Annual load and generation simulations.
o Wind plant simulations.
. Analysis of unusual transformer configurations.
o Harmonics and inter-harmonics analysis.
o Neutral-to-earthvoltage simulations.
o Development of IEEE test feeder cases.
The program has several built-in solution modes, including:
. Snapshot power flow
. Daily power flow
o Yearly power flow
o Harmonics
o Dynamics
o Fault study
. and others
OpenDSS accepts data in different formats, minimizing the conversion effort by utilities and users. It
could be argued that OpenDSS is not as user friendly as others Windows-based distribution software
Special Technology Utilized
tools. However, being script-based gives OpenDSS the flexibility to model almost any configuration
instead of only using what is available in the Graphical User lnterface (GUD.
ln recent years, most of the Distribution Generation (DG) has been connected to the sub-transmission and
distribution networks. Traditionally, distribution networks have been radial, and simulation software was
only able to perform analysis in radial systems. With the increase of DG in distribution networks, a
software able to model distribution networks with multiple sources was needed [5].
OpenDSS was developed to meet the need of distribution networks with multiple sources and power
flowing in both directions. OpenDSS is also able to capture the time and location dependence of DG,
giving a more accurate model of a distribution network with DG. OpenDSS has a frequency-domain
simulation engine with features to create models of electric power distribution systems and to perform
many types of analysis related to distribution planning and power quality.
2.7 References
[1] J.G. De Steese, et al., "Estimating methodology for a large regional application of conservation
voltage reduction," IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol. 5, no. 3, September 1990.
[2] Schneider, Kevin P., Jason C. Fuller, Francis K. Tuffirer, and Ruchi Singh. "Evaluation of
Conservation Voltage Reduction (CVR) on a National Level," Pacific Northwest National Laboratory,
t3] Hammad, A., and B. Roesle. "New Roles for Static VAR Compensators in Transmission
System," Brown Boveri Review, vol. 73, pp.314-320, June 1986.
[4] Nie, Song, et al. "Analysis of the impact of DG on distribution network reconfiguration using
OpenDSS," Innovative Smart Grid Technologies-Asia, 20 1 2.
[5] Liu, Hao Jan, and Thomas J. Overbye. "Smart-grid-enabled distributed reactive power support with
Conservation Voltage Reduction," Power and Energy Conference at Illinois, 2014.
Results lncluding Summary of Milestones and Stage Gates
3.1 Prototype Design
Our prototype design of a Residential Static VAR Compensator (RSVC) is for a 25 kVA pole-mounted
transformer typically serving three residential homes. This design is based on the concept of a high-
voltage Static VAR Compensator already in service on the transmission side of the power system. The
concept of an RSVC is to regulate residential voltages, especially during peak demand hours, when the
benefits coincide best with the interests of customers and those of the electric companies. These RSVCs
provide an additional tool for smart demand-side management. By controlling remotely the RSVCs,
utilities can apply CVR at specified individual locations during specified periods. The device is developed
with a goal to maximize VAR compensation advantages and minimize the cost of components involved.
It is the role of electric utility companies to develop strategies for conservation by voltage regulation. The
solution involves installing an RSVC device which will decrease the voltage before each customer's
service main. Simulation results indicate that deploying RSVCs on distribution feeders offers a significant
potential for energy savings by voltage regulation and it can become a valuable tool in a utility demand-
side management for energy efficiency, especially during peak demand hours.
The design can easily be scaled up for larger residential homes, buildings, and even neighborhoods with
single-phase or three-phase distribution transformers. The discussion in the following sections on
designing an RSVC that will serve a typical 25-kVA residential load from a pole-mounted distribution
3.2 Distribution Network
A prototype of a Residential Static VAR compensator was designed to serve a residential load of 25 kVA
pole mounted transformer. [t was deemed necessary to analyze the primary side of the pole mounted so
that the strength of distribution network as seen from the RSVC is included in the simulations. Ideally the
distribution network should appear as an infinite bus with negligible reactance to an RSVC device.
To study the effect of the distribution network on the RSVC, a typical distribution feeder was modelled in
PowerWorld using a 397.5 MCM ACSR (Aluminum Conductor Steel Reinforced) conductor. The
distribution feeder seryes five loads operating at unity power factor, with each load absorbing I MW. The
Results lncluding Summary of Milestones and Stage Gates
secondary side of the distribution transformer is held at 0.95 pu using reactive generators. Figure 3-1
below shows a PowerWorld model with five loads and five reactive generators controlling the voltage at
the low side of the service transformer at 0.95 pu by varying the amount of reactive power injected into
the system.
4.69 HW
1.07 l,t€r
0.95 D
{.02 oeo
0.00 Hw 0.90 Mw
{.48 ttEr 0.00 llEr
0.00 Hw 0-90 I\l/
{.19 tilEr 0.00 it€r
0.00 |rw 0.90 ritw
0.14 t var 0.00 litEr
R=-Zbor"= Rxsff
where Sbor" = IIOMVA
2402rx i06
o o.rrr..T-,, o.nrr,]f-,,
{.ee Des I I a.+e oeo I +z\=} z\\L-@9
0.00 ifw 0.90 itw 0.00 itw 0.90 Mw
-0.01 itEr 0.00 tlE 0.09 ilEr 0.00 Hwr
Figure 3-l: PowerWorld model for distribution network
In order to calculate the strength of the distribution network, the Thevenin equivalent of the distribution
network is found at a suitable point from the substation. In this case, the Thevenin equivalent of the
distribution network is calculated at the third generation point as indicated in Figure 3-2 with the reactive
power injected or absorbed at each generator mentioned in Table 3-1. Using the reactive power Q at each
generation point, the resistance per unit (Rpg) and reactance per unit (Xt,pu) are calculated for the
Thevenin model. To model the 397.5 kcm ACSR conductor, its equivalent reactance and resistance are
input into the model, the values used for this simulation are equal to 0.8lpu and 0.33pu for the resistance
and reactance respectively.
The resistance per unit (Rpy) at each generation point can be calculated by
yz z4ozD_n----P 1x106
Rpu:: 100 pu
a.&l.wl-Ol *il
0.9! Ds
Calculating Thevenilf *
equivalent of the
distribution network
at this poant
Results Including Summary of Milestones and Stage Gates
0.0orn/? 0.90xyJ 0-00in/ o.sxia' o.ootr,r/ 0.90Fr/ 0-00rw 0-90$d
'O.al ras O-0O 'io {.t9 l.rr O-m raE a.O! t.., 0.o0 taE 0-0e l.fl 0.m ta,
The reactance
each point can be
using Table 3-2.
Figure 3-2: Thevenin equivalent calculation point in the Distribution Network
Table 3-1: Reactive power requirement for each generator in the distribution network
0.48 0.19 0.01
o.@l{Y, 0.90rG.,o-ta Ld 0.00tlfl
per unit (Xpu) at
calculated by
Table 3-2: Reactance at each point in the distribution network
,11i. .^1,1it
o o.*n-!- :: o."s,-!- u
".-o.l 1 e..oo.o{ |/\+ /\+(c+) (c+)
\_-,/ \_-/
Reactance at First Generation Point
Reactance at Second Generation Point
vO,trt,Pu - T -sb"*
= -208.33 pu
^z,PU - T -
: -526.32pu
Reactance at Third Generation Point
Reactance at Forth Generation Point
v%tr3,PU - -T -sb"*
= -10000 pu
v2 z+o2X+,pu:#:W= 1111.11pu
Sb*" 1ooxd6
Reactance at Fifth Generation Point (X5,py)
Results lncluding Summary of Milestones and Stage Gates
The complete equivalent model for the distribution network is shown in Figure 3-3.
Figure 3-3: Equivalent circuit for distribution network with real components
Using a MATLAB script, available in Appendix A, the value for Rru : 1.60 pu and X7s : j7.LL04 pu.
Using these values the inductor and resistance values are calculated as follows:
Calculating the value of I from X16, :
, _Vo'_ 2402zo: t: 1bo x 10? = 5.76 x 1o-4o
XrH = 7.L104 x 5.76 x L}-a = 4.10mO
X,u 40956 x 10-4,=fr= Znx60 =10.864pH
Calculating the value of R from R7s:
Rrn = L.6064 x 5.76 x Lo-4 = 9.253 x 10-40 : 0.925 mQ
These results show that the distribution network seen by the RSVC is fairly strong with a very small
Thevenin reactance (about 4.10 mO) and Thevenin resistance (about 0.925 mO). Thus, it is assumed that
the primary side of the pole-mounted transformer is an ideal infinite bus with a variable Thevenin voltage
^S,PU _ T _
o.tlx to6-r4
= TL4.29 pt
10.81/l(,80 0.331s2
.io.t1t{r60 0.331s2
i0.814080 033152 i0.t1ot0 0.33152
Thevenin EquiElent
lookirE hto ihis point
io.tr'oto 0.331s2
Results Including Summary of Milestones and Stage Gates
3.3 Modelling Residential Loads
The Residential Static VAR compensator is designed to serve loads at the secondary of the 25-kVA pole-
mounted distribution transformer. Residential loads typically varies between 0.95 (lagging) to I (unity)
power factor (pf1. Since the RSVC is designed to serve residential customers fed from a 25-kVA pole-
mounted transformer, the power factor for residential load was considered to be at 0.95 lagging. The
resistive and inductive component of the loads were calculated using a 0.95 power factor as follows:
Apparent Power = S = V x I = 25 kVA
Real Power : P = Vlcos(O) : S x pf : 25X x 0.95 = 23.75 kW
Apparent Power = Q = Vlsin(Q) - Ji2 - P2 :
Load. Resistance = Rload = f =
Load Reactance = Xload =
23.75 K
:2.4253 Q
= 2.4253 A
Load. rnductor size = LLoad: W: mx 79.6mH
3,4 Modelling Distribution Transformer Reactance
In an ideal transformer, all the flux will link with both primary and secondary windings of the
transformer. Practically it is impossible to link all the flux with both the primary and secondary windings
of the transformer. There will always be a small amount of flux which will leak out of either of the
windings. This flux is called leakage flux which will pass through the winding insulation thus
contributing to the leakage reactance of the transformer. When sizing the SVC components, the
transformer leakage reactance was assumed to vary between llYo and20% of the rated inductance. The
voltage on the primary side of the distribution transformer was assumed to vary between 0.95 pu and 1.0
pu. The following tables performs the reactive requirements calculations for the SVC components for
three reactance values (10yo, l5o/o, and 20o/o) of range between l0%o and 20Yo. These tables are compiled
using experimental results from a single phase SVC circuit where the output from the SVC voltage is
maintained at 0.95 pu using appropriate capacitor and inductor sizes.
The X7,ro1"4for the 25-kVA pole-mounted transformer at the distribution feeder is calculated as
yz 2402
25K2 - 23.75K2 = 7806.24 V Ar
^L,rated -Qr,rotrd 25 x 103 = 2.304 Q
Results Including Summary of Milestones and Stage Gates
3.4.1 Case I: Using 107o of Xq."1"6
Xrrans\ormer = 70o/o of 2'304 = 0'2304O
r _ Xrransformer _0.2304 _ 0.2304Lrranslorme,: ff: Zoxf = Zox60=6Lt'LSltH
Table 3-3: Capacitor size using 10% of transformer capacitor
^ vz z4ozQ, = i= ffi= 2402 xZtf C:2402 xzft x60x470 x 10-6 = 10.205kVAr
Iable 34: Inductor size using 10% of the transformer capacitor
o, =t-2+02 =9 ^=L1.TS2kyAraL X1 2nf L 2ttx6}xl3x1-D-3
3.4.2 Case II: Using 157o of Xq.,1u6
Xrranslormer = LSo/o of 2.304: 0.3456O
t _ Xrransyormer _0.3456 _ 0.3456Lrransyorme, =
: 2o x f = 2n x 60= 9t6.73ltH
Table 3-5: Capacitor size using l5% of transformer capacitor
Load Power
Voltage (SVC
228 0.95 Open Circuit 0 470 10.205 2.4253 L9.6 228
Voltage (SVC
240 0.95 13 Lt.752 470 10.205 2.4253 L9.6 228
Secondary Voltage
(SVC Voltage)
228 0.95 Open Circuit 0 525 \L.4 2.4253 L9.6 228
Results Including Summary of Milestones and Stage Gates
^ vz z4o2Q, = i:ffi=2402 xZttfC =2402 xZttx60 x 525 x 10-6 = Ll.AkVAr
Table 3-6: Inductor size using 15% of the transformer capacitor
o, = t - 24oz : 3 ^= 6.79kvArXy zrtf L 2nx60x22.5x70-5
3.4.3 Case III: Using 20o/o of Xt,,^t"d
Xrranslormer = 20o/o of 2.304 = 0'4608O
r _ Xrrans1ormer _0.4608 _ 0.4608Lrranslorme, = ff = Zo, J = Zo x 60= 1.222mH
Table 3-7: Capacitor size using 20%o of transformer capacitor
/1 _v2 _ z4o2Q, = i= ffi= 2402 xZnfC = 2402 xLn x60 x 580 x 10-6 = 12.594kVAr
Table 3-8: Inductor size using 20%o of the transformer capacitor
Secondary Voltage
(SVC Voltage)
240 0.95 22.5 6.79 470 10.205 2.4253 19.6 228
Secondary Voltage
(SVC Voltage)
228 0.95 Open Circuit 0 580 L2.594 2.4253 L9.6 228
Secondary Voltage
(SVC Voltage)
240 0.95 40 3.819 470 10.205 2.4253 19.6 228
o, = t - 2402 - 2402 -: 3.81g kvArX1 21rf L 2ttx60x40x70-5
Results Including Summary of Milestones and Stage Gates
3.4.4 Reactive Requirement with Different Transformer Reactance
Based on the above three, the reactive requirements of the SVC, cases can be summarized as in Table 3-9.
Table 3-9: Reactive requirements for RSVC
10 10.
15 11.
20 L2,
The table above indicates that the reactive requirements for the SVC components are reasonable for a
reactance of l5oh. This value of reactance is realistic for a l0%o transformer reactance plus an additional
5% of cable wiring.
3.5 RSVC Component Sizing
A primary goal of this project is to develop a Residential Static VAR compensator device that not only
regulates the voltage at reference voltage but also make the device cost effective. The RSVC components
were designed to serve the residential loads at the worst-case scenario. Therefore, the capacitor should be
sized in a way that it can help to boost the voltage profile at points where the substation voltages are low.
The worst-case scenario occurs when the transformer high-voltage side is 0.95 pu. Similarly, for the
inductor, worst-case scenario occurs when the transformer high-voltage is 1 pu.
The RSVC components were sized to meet the reactive requirements for a minimal voltage of 228 Y
(reference voltage). The proposed RSVC uses a fixed capacitor and PWM switched inductor topology due
to its advantage over a thyristor controlled reactor. The fixed capacitor for the RSVC was sized at 470pF
(10.205 kvfu) and inductor was sized at l3mH (11.752 kVAr). The proposed design has a simpler
structure and its gating signals for controlling inductor are implemented using PWM techniques. By
controlling the duty cycle of the gating signals, inductive and capacitive modes of operation are possible.
The prototype was tested and verified with different input voltages between 0.95 pu and 1 pu. The
Results lncluding Summary of Milestones and Stage Gates
measured experimental results verified that the SVC reactive power can be regulated through duty cycle
control to maintain a flat voltage profile.
3.6 RSVC Design and Simulations
A pilot model for a Residential Static VAR compensator was built using the component sizes found in the
previous section. Initial studies were focused on studying the adverse effects of thyristorized switching of
the inductor. An open loop modelling of the new switching techniques has already been discussed with its
advantages over the conventional thyristor switching. This Pulse Width Modulated (PWM) converter is
used to control the reactance of the switched inductor solving the problems of lower-order harmonics and
slow response associated with the conventional thyristor controlled reactor based compensators. A
feedback (self-adjusting) closed-loop was developed using a PID controller that makes the RSVC an
intelligent device tracking the output voltage and providing the correct amount of reactive power to
maintain the output voltage at the reference voltage.
3.7 Open-Loop Design
Two openJoop designs of RSVC were modelled in software. These models were categorized based on the
switching techniques used to control the inductor current. These models include
l) RSVC using Thyristor Controlled Reactor
2) RSVC using PWM convertor controller for Reactor
The software packages used during the modelling of the open-loop RSVC include
1) LTspice
2) MATLAB/Simulink
The open-loop design is developed to compare the harmonic effects of the two RSVC models. The results
of the new switching sfrategy also verifies that leading and lagging reactive power can be controlled by
changing the duty cycle of the gating signals.
3.7.1 LTspice RSVC Model with Thyristor Switching
Figure 3-4 shows the RSVC model using thyristor switching. The model uses actual parameter values
found in a previous section.
Results Including Summary of Milestones and Stage Gates
PULsE(0 10 {alpha/(360*60)} 1n 1n {2*(180-alpha}/(360*60)} {t lt2oll
.model SW SW(Ron = 0.0001 Rofts 1e6 \ft=1}
SINE(0 {240*sqrt(2)} 60)
.four 60Hz 20 l(12)
Figure 3-4: RSVC model with thyristor switching
3.7.2 Simulation Results Casr 1: Input feeder voltage equal to I pu
The thyristor gating signal was triggered at q = 104.5'to keep the output voltage at228 V (0.95 pu). The
simulation results are shown in Figure 3-5.The first plot shows the input feeder voltage of 240 V. The
second plot shows the output SVC voltage which is maintained at 228 V. Third plot in Figure 3-5
represents the reactor current resulting from the thyristor switching. The thyristor current is nonsinusoidal
and generates considerable low order odd harmonics. Table 3-10 provides the Fourier series co-efficients
and a total harmonic distortion (THD) for the inductor current of 11.49%. C.lsr 2: Input feeder voltage equal to 0.95 pu
The thyristor gating signal was triggered at q = 15Bo to keep the output voltage at 228 V (0.95 pu). The
simulation results are shown in Figure 3-6. The first plot shows the input feeder voltage of 228 V. The
second plot shows the output SVC voltage which is maintained at 228 V. The third plot in Figure 3-6
represents the reactor current resulting from the thyristor switching. As the thyristor firing angle is
delayed, less inductive current is injected into the power system. The thyristor current becomes
nonsinusoidal which generates higher magnitude of low order odd harmonics. Table 3-11 provides the
Fourier series coefficients and a total harmonic distortion (THD) for the inductor current of 116.40%o.
Results Including Summary of Milestones and Stage Gates
Figure :-S, f-fSpi.e simulation plots using thyristor switching mechanism for input feeder rot,ur" of 1pu
Table 3-10: Harmonic content of inductor current using thyristor switching mechanism for input feeder
voltage is lpu
L 5.000e*01 5.62Le*07 1.000e*00
2 1.200e*02 l.9B6e-02 3.534e-04
3 1.800e*02 3.990e*00 7.099e-02
4 2.400e*02 2.57Le-03 4.574e-05
5 3.000e*02 3.427e*00 6.096e-02
6 3.600e*02 4.583e-03 8.153e-05
7 4.200e*02 2.630e*00 4.678e-02
I 4.800e*02 6.BB9e-03 L.225e-04
9 5.400e+02 1.900e*00 3.380e-02
10 6.000e*02 4.059e-03 7.220e-05
LL 6.600e*02 1.283e*00 2.282e-02
L2 7.200e*02 3.377e-03 6.007e-05
L3 7.800e*02 8.110e-01 7.443e-02
L4 8.400e*02 5.334e-03 9.4BBe-05
15 9.000e*02 5.919e-01 1.053e-02
L6 9.600e*02 6.244e-04 1.111e-05
L7 1.020e*03 6.165e-0L 1..097e-02
Calculated Total Harmonic Distortion :1 1.482799%
Results Including Summary of Milestones and Stage Gates
Figure 3-6: LTSpice simulation plots using thyristor switching mechanism for input feeder voltage of
Table 3-11: Harmonic content of Inductor current using thyristor switching mechanism when input feeder
voltage is 0.95pu
L 6.000e*01 3.106e*00 1.000e*00
2 L.200e*02 1.306e-03 4.204e-04
3 1.800e*02 2.6BBe*00 8.654e-01
4 2.400e*02 1.066e-03 3.430e-04
5 3.000e*02 1.969e*00 6.338e-01
6 3.600e*02 7.463e-04 2.402e-O4
7 4.200e*02 1,.L44e*00 3.682e-0L
I 4.800e+02 4.528e-04 1.458e-04
9 5.400e*02 4.426e-01 1.425e-01
10 6.000e*02 3.051e-04 9.820e-05
LI 6.600e*02 2.7LSe-01 B.74Ie-02
L2 7.200e+02 2.990e-04 9.626e-05
13 7.B0Oe+02 4.158e-01 1.338e-01
L4 8.400e+02 2.856e-04 9.193e-05
15 9.000e+02 3.761,e-07 l.27le-O7
t6 9.600e+02 2.272e-04 7.313e-05
t7 1.020e*03 2.299e-07 7.400e-02
Calculated Total Harmonic Distortion: I 1 6.407 37 6%
Results Including Summary of Milestones and Stage Gates
As the inductor current become more and more nonsinusoidal, the low-order odd harmonics increase in
magnitude. Using a thyristor controlled reactor has an adverse effect on power system behavior and
requires additional filters tuned at specific frequencies to eliminate these harmonics. This in turn increases
the cost of the RSVC model.
3.7.3 LTspice RSVC Model with PWM Switching
Firing a thyristor at an angle between 90'and l80o causes the current through the inductor to be non-
sinusoidal. This nonsinusoidal current leads to low-order harmonics with high magnitudes that require
frltering. Instead of firing the thyristor at a specific angle to regulate the VAR requirement, a PWM based
switching of the inductor is used. The amount of reactive power absorbed by the Inductor is determined
by the duty cycle of the gating signal. The higher the duty cycle, the smaller the effective inductance, and
the more reactive power is absorbed by the inductor.
Figure 3-7 below shows the RSVC model that uses PWM switching to control the reactor current.
.model SW SW(Ron = 0.00O1 RofFle6 Vt=l)
PULSE(o 10 01n ln {D/fsw} {Ufsw})
PULSE(o 10 {D/fsw} ln 1n {(l-D}/fsw} tr/fsw}}
slNE(0 {vmax} {f})
.four 60Hz 20 l(tl)
Figure 3-7: RSVC model with PWM converter based switching mechanism
.param Vmax={240*sqrt(2)} f=60 fsw=Se3 D=0,86
Results lncluding Summary of Milestones and Stage Gates
3.7.4 Simulation Results Clsr 1: Input feeder voltage equal to I pu
The two complementary switches are switched at a 5 kHz switching frequency with a duty cycle (D) of
SWI = 0.86 and duty cycle for SW2: l-D: 1-0.86. Simulation results are shown in Figure 3-8. The first
plot shows the input feeder voltage of 240Vruus. The second plot shows the output SVC voltage which is
maintained at 228Vnrras. Third plot in Figure 3-8 represents the reactor current as a result of thyristor
switching. The duty cycle of 0.86 was manually adjusted to obtain an output voltage of 0.95 pu. As it can
be seen that reactor current is smooth sinusoidal wave. Table 3-12 provides Fourier series coefficients and
total harmonic distortion (THD) for the inductor which is 0.07%. Casr 2: Input feeder voltage equal to 0.95 pu
The two complementary switches are switched at 5 kHz switching frequency with a duty cycle (D) of
SWI very close to zero and a duty cycle for SW2 close to one. This means that the lagging current
injected in the power system is almost negligible as it can also be verified via the third plot in Figure 3-9.
The reactor current, though negligible is still sinusoidal with a THD equal to 0.08%. Table 3-13 provides
Fourier series coefficients for the inductor current.
Results Including Summary of Milestones and Stage Gates
Figure 3-8: LTSpice simulation plots using PWM convertor based switching mechanism for input feeder
voltage of lpu
Table 3- l 2: Harmonic content of inductor current plots using PWM convertor based switching
mechanism for input feeder voltage of lpu
L 6.000e*01 5.659e*01 1.000e*00
2 1.200e*02 2.822e-02 4.987e-04
3 1.800e*02 L.569e-02 2.773e-04
4 2.400e*02 L.269e-02 2.242e-04
5 3.000e*02 7.078e-02 1.905e-04
6 3.600e*02 1.038e-02 l.B34e-04
7 4.200e*02 7.B9le-03 1.394e-04
B 4.800e*02 7.663e-03 1.354e-04
I 5.400e*02 5.637e-03 9.960e-05
10 6.000e*02 5.360e-03 l.L24e-04
LL 6.600e*02 5.042e-03 B.90Be-05
L2 7.200e*02 5.532e-03 9.776e-05
L3 7.800e*02 4.832e-03 8.537e-05
t4 8.400e*02 3.223e-03 5.694e-05
15 9.000e*02 3.393e-03 5.995e-05
L6 9.600e*02 4.257e-03 7.512e-05
L7 1.020e*03 2.787e-03 4.913e-05
Calculated Total Harmonic Distortion : 0.07 4492%o.
Results Including Summary of Milestones and Stage Gates
Figure 3-9: LTSpice simulation plots using PWM convertor based switching mechanism for input feeder
voltage of 0.95pu
Table 3- I 3 : Harmonic content of inductor current plots using PWM convertor based switching
mechanism for input feeder voltage of 0.95pu
L 6,000e*01 6.507e-04 1.000e*00
2 t.200e*02 2.460e-07 3.7BLe-l4
3 1.800e*02 L.777e-07 2.730e-04
4 2.400e*02 2.304e-07 3.54Le-04
5 3.000e*02 L.429e-07 2.196e-04
6 3.600e*02 8.144e-08 1.252e-04
7 4.200e*02 9.772e-08 L.502e-04
8 4.800e+02 9.376e-08 1.441e-04
I 5.400e*02 3.711e-08 5.703e-05
10 6.000e+02 4.055e-08 6.231e-05
LI 6.600e+02 1.160e-07 1.783e-04
L2 7.200e*02 6.690e-08 1..028e-04
13 7.800e*02 7.6L3e-08 1..L70e-04
L4 8.400e+02 2.277e-07 3.499e-04
15 9.000e*02 L.40Le-07 2.I54e-04
L6 9.600e*02 L.lL4e-07 1.712e-04
L7 1,.020e*03 4.960e-08 7.623e-05
Calculated Total Harmonic Distortion : 0. 089 I 5 7%.
Results Including Summary of Milestones and Stage Gates
3.7.5 Open Loop Simulink RSVC Model
In order to completely automate the RSVC device, an advanced closed loop control system is required
that can sense the reference voltage and adjust the width of the gating signals to meet the VAR
requirements for voltage regulation. As a prerequisite of that closed loop control system, the RSVC
device was modelled in Simulink as an open loop device similar to the LTspice model. This exercise was
also helpful in veriffing the results obtained from LT Spice. The RSVC device, connected as a shunt,
consisted of a fixed capacitor and a controlled reactor. The switching of the reactor is achieved via two
bidirectional switches with complementary gating signals. The job of the pulse generators is to provide
gating signals to the bidirectional switches of the switched reactor. By manually adjusting the duty cycles
of the gating signals, the effective reactance of the controlled reactor can be controlled. Figure 3-10 shows
an abstract level schematics for an open loop RSVC model and Figure 3-11 shows the component level
design in Simulink.
t- **.- I| reasrur
Figure 3-10: Abstract level open loop RSVC Simulink design
Results Including Summary of Milestones and Stage Gates
3.7.6 Simulation Results Cnsr 1: Input Feeder Voltage of I pu
The switching frequency for the bidirectional complementary switches is set at 5 kLlz with the same duty
cycle for SWI as in LTspice i.e., 0.86. It can be seen in Figure 3-12 and in Figure 3-13 that the RSVC
output voltage is kept at228 V when the applied feeder voltage is constant at240Y. Case 2: Input Feeder Voltage at 0.95 pu
The switching frequency for the bidirectional complementary switches was set at 5 kHz with the same
duty cycle for SWI as of in LTspice i.e., 0. It can be seen in Figure 3-14 and in Figure 3-15 that the
RSVC output voltage is 228 V when the applied feeder voltage is constant at228Y.
Figure 3-l l: Component level open loop RSVC Simulink design
Results lncluding Summary of Milestones and Stage Gates
o Feeder Voltage
o RSVC Voltage
Figure 3-12: Open-loop RSVC Simulink simulation result for an input voltage at lpu
o Feeder Voltage RMS
o RSVC Voltage RMS
Results Including Summary of Milestones and Stage Gates
Figure 3-13: Open loop RSVC Simulink simulation result for an input voltage (rms) at lpu
Feeder Voltage
RSVC Voltage
Figure 3-14: Open loop RSVC Simulink simulation result for an input voltage at 0.95pu
Feeder Voltage RMS
RSVC Voltage RMS
Results Including Summary of Milestones and Stage Gates
-' 0.75 0.8 0.85 o.C
Figure 3-15: Open loop RSVC Simulink simulation result for an input voltage (rms) at 0.95pu
3.8 Closed-Loop Simulink RSVC Model
Following the results with openJoop model of RSVC, the next step was to design a fast acting automatic
closed loop control system. The main purpose of the closed loop control system is generate enough
reactive power to accurately track the reference voltage. The control system is designed for a reference
voltage of 228 V which is the lowest acceptable voltage as specified in ANSI c84.1. Utilities can choose
any reference voltage ranging from 0.95pu to lpu, depending upon their requirements.
Figure 3-16 below shows the block diagram of the automatic feedback loop developed as part of RSVC
control system.
Results Including Summary of Milestones and Stage Gates
Gaht Slnd G@nbr
Figure 3-16: RSVC Feedback control system
Feedback loop shown in Figure 3-16, uses a PID controller that calculates an error value between the
measured output voltage rms and the reference voltage. The controller tries to minimize the error by
adjusting the width for the gating signals. The PID parameters were determined using the Ziegler-Nichols
method. Figure 3-17 represents the RSVC closed-loop model developed in Simulink.
3.8.1 SimulationResults
Following are some test cases that were tested to veriff the proper functioning of the closed-loop design
of RSVC. These simulations show the feeder input voltage (rms), the RSVC output voltage (rms) and the
reference voltage (rms). The small noise in the RSVC output voltage is about 0.5 V(p-p).
Figure 3-17: RSVC closed-loop Simulink model
Results Including Summary of Milestones and Stage Gates C.lsr 1: Input Feeder Voltage of I pu
Figure 3-18: RSVC closed-loop output voltage when feeder voltage is I pu (240 V)
38 Clsr 2: Input Feeder Voltage of 0.99 pu
Results Including Summary of Milestones and Stage Gates
Figure 3-19: RSVC closed-loop output voltage when feeder voltage is 0.99 pu (237.6Y)
39 Casn 3: Input Feeder Voltage of 0.98 pu
Results lncluding Summary of Milestones and Stage Gates
Figure 3-20: RSVC closedJoop output voltage when feeder voltage is 0.98 pu (235.2 V) Clsr 4: Input Feeder Voltage of 0.97 pu
Results lncluding Summary of Milestones and Stage Gates
Figure 3-21: RSVC closedJoop output voltage when feeder voltage is 0.97 pu (232.8 V)
4t Clsr 5: Input Feeder Voltage of 0.96 pu
Results Including Summary of Milestones and Stage Gates
Figure 3-22: RSVC closed-loop output voltage when feeder voltage is 0.96 pu (230.a V)
Results lncluding Summary of Milestones and Stage Gates Ca,sn 6: Input Feeder Voltage of 1.02 pu
Figure 3-23: RSVC closedJoop output voltage when feeder voltage is 1.02 pu (244.8 V)
Results Including Summary of Milestones and Stage Gates Casr 7: Periodic Change in Input Feeder Voltage.
A step change in the distribution voltage from 1 p.u to 0.95 p.u is applied, using the programmable AC
source, to veriff that output voltage is maintain around 228 Y . The following table consists of pu input
voltage applied at the time ranges.
Time Range
L 0-20
0.99 20-40
0.98 40-50
0.97 60-80
0.96 80-100
L 100-onwards
Figure 3-24: Step change in feeder input voltage
Figure 3-25 below shows that as the input voltage change occurs, after every 20 seconds, the output
voltage is still maintained at around 228y.
IF.add vokdq
SSYC YortqgEl
R ts)
Figure 3-25: RSVC closed-loop output voltage when feeder voltage is changed periodically after every 20
PowerWorld and OpenDSS Simulations
4.1 Feeder with Uniform Conductor and Uniformly Distributed Load
This simulation was performed to obtain a first estimate of the amount of reactive power needed to
control the voltage at the low side of a service transformer. The simulation was performed in PowerWorld
for simplicity.
4.1.1 Simulation Setup
The circuit is built using five identical distribution lines, with 397.5 MCM conductors, typically used by
Avista in their distribution network. Every line is l-mile long, giving the feeder a total distance of 5
miles. The source of the feeder is modeled as a slack bus. The slack bus is able to provide the necessary
real and reactive power to the system while keeping the voltage at its terminals constant. The slack bus is
the representation of a substation transformer equipped with a Load Tap Changer (LTC) controlling the
voltage at the substation bus.
The circuit has five loads, with each load connected at the end of each line segment. The loads are
connected to the distribution network by service transformers. Each load consumes 2 MW of active
power. Two cases are run for this simulation. In the first case, all the loads are set at unity power factor
and, in the second case, all the loads are set at 0.90 lagging power factor. The total load of the feeder is set
to l0 MW, a typical planning value for a 15-kV class feeder.
4.1.2 Results
Figure 4-l shows the model setup in PowerWorld. The model shows the five line segments and the five
loads connected to the system via five step-up transformers. Table 4-1 and Table 4-2 show the results for
the unity power factor and the 0.90 lagging power factor cases respectively.
Each load consumes 2 MW. If a typical service transformer is rated for 25 kVA and three customers are
connected to each service transformer, each aggregate load modeled in PowerWorld has an equivalent
number of customers equal to
Totatnumber of custome = (3#) . Crl = 240
PowerWorld and OpenDSS Simulations
The reactive power required obtained in this simulation can be divided by the total number of customers
to obtain the reactive powff requirements for an individual customer. A better approach is to divide the
reactive power obtained from the simulations by the equivalent number of service transformers
represented in the load, which is 80 in this case.
9.74 MW
0.88 M,rar
0.95 AJ
9.99 DeS
0.00 Mw 1.81 MW
-0.lT lilvar 0.00 Mvar
0.00Mw 1.81MW
0.25Mw 0.00Mvd
0.00Mw 1.81MW 0.00MW 1.81MW 0.00MW
0.48 Mvar 0.00 Myar 0.61 Myar 0.00 Mw 0.66 Mvar
1.81 MW
0.00 Mvar
Figure 4-l: Futuristic feeder
Based on the design requirements of l0 kVAr per device, and assuming each load is equivalent to 80
service transformers in parallel, it is considered feasible to use the RSVC to control the voltage if the
reactive power required is between +0.80 MVAR. The results from Table 4-l show that it is feasible to
control the voltage for almost any given voltage at the substation. There were three cases where the
reactive requirement to control the voltage exceeded the design values for the RSVC.
The results from Table 4-1 show that it is feasible to control the voltage for some voltages at the
substation. The assumption of setting the loads at 0.90 PF is a conservative assumption since more
feeders operate at a higher power factor and closer to unity. This could be considered a worst case
scenario due to the low power factor assumed. Even though most of the cases are outside of what is
considered feasible in this extreme case, there are some cases where it is still possible to control the
voltage with the RSVC. Feeder with Non-Uniform Conductor and Uniformly Distributed Load
This simulation had the objective to model a more realistic feeder, using a bigger conductor closer to the
substation and a smaller conductor at the end of the feeder. The impedance seen by the load and by the
PowerWorld and OpenDSS Simulations
RSVC will be different at every point. The load was lumped into five different loads distributed along the
feeder at equal distances.
Table 4-1: Reactive power requirements for loads at unity power factor
Table 4-2: Reactive Power Requirements for loads at 0.90 power factor lagging SimulationSetup
The circuit was built using five line segments, the first segment is 1-mile long and was modeled with 795
ACSR conductors; the second line segment is also l-mile long and was modeled with 336 ACSR
conductors; and the last three segments are each l-mile long. All three, and the last three miles were
modeled with 2/0 ACSR conductors. The source of the feeder was modeled as slack bus. The slack bus is
the representation of a substation transformer equipped with a Load Tap Changer (LTC) controlling the
voltage at the substation bus.
Vsun Ql Q2 Q3 Q4 Qs Pr Qr
0.95 0.5 0.75 0.85 0.9 0.91 9.83 -0.9
0.96 0.4 0.65 0.78 0.84 0.86 9.8 -0.5
0.97 0.2 0.55 0.71 0.78 0.81 9.78 -0.2
0.98 0.1 0.45 0.63 0.72 0.76 9.77 0.15
0.99 -0.0 0.35 0.56 0.66 0.77 9.75 0.51
1.00 -0.2 0.25 0.48 0,61 0.66 9.74 O.BB
1.01 -0.3 0.15 0.47 0.55 0.61 9.72 L.26
L.02 -0.4 0.05 0.34 0.49 0.56 9.72 1.65
1.03 -0.6 -0.1 0.27 0.4 0.51 9.7L 2.04
L.04 -0.7 -0.1 0.19 0.38 0.46 9.7 2.45
1.05 -0.8 -0.2 0.72 0.32 0.4t 9.7 2.86
Vsun Ql Q2 Q3 Q4 Qs Pt Qt
0.95 L.42 1.7 L.76 1.8 1.81 9.83 -0.9
0.96 t.29 1.5 1.58 L.74 L.76 9.8 -0.6
0.97 1.15 L.4 L.67 t.68 L.71 9.78 -0.2
0.98 1.01 1.3 1.53 7.62 L.66 9.77 0.15
0.99 0.87 1.2 7.46 1.57 t.67 9.75 0.51
1.00 0.73 1.7 1.39 1.51 1.56 9.74 O.BB
1.01 0.6 1.0 1.31 t.45 1.51 9.72 1,.26
L.O2 0.46 0.9 L.24 1.39 L.46 9.72 1.65
1.03 0.32 0.8 7.L7 L.34 L.47 9.77 2.04
L.04 0.19 0.8 L.7 L,2B L.36 9.7 2.45
1.05 0.05 0.7 L.02 L.22 1.31 9.7 2.86
PowerWorld and OpenDSS Simulations
The circuit has five loads, with each load connected at the end of each line segment. The loads are
connected to the distribution network by service transformers. Each load consumes 2 MW of active
power. Two cases were run for this simulation. In the first case, all the loads were set at unity power
factor and, in the second case, all the loads were set at 0.90 lagging power factor. The total load of the
feeder was set to l0 MW, a typical planning value for a l5-kV class feeder. Results
Figure 4-2 shows the model setup used in PowerWorld. The model shows the five lines with the different
conductors used along the feeder, the five loads used to model the feeder load, and the step-up
transformers used to connect the loads to the distribution network.
6.95 l.lw1.97 Hv{
AA /v\ AM
o.gsp,, * o o.rrr,{-roo.rr*L,,
2o.62oegi a 18.70Deei I 17.3lDeei Iz\\t. z\.., z\+(CJ) (CJ) (CJ)\,/\,/\,/
0.0Oi{W 1.691,11,y 0.00MW l.BOHW 0.00llW 1.gOMW
0.95 pu
16.59 Deq
0.00 I'tw
{}.55 Mvd 1.81 HW0.m ilvar
0.00 titw 1.81 iltw
0.10 ilvar 0.m Mv.r
Figure 4-2: Realistic feeder
Table 4-3 and Table 4-4 show the results for the case with all the loads set at unity power factor and the
case with all the loads set at 0.90 lagging power factor, respectively. ln the previous section it was shown
that every aggregate load in the model is equivalent to 80 service transformers in parallel. The goal of
these simulations is to evaluate the reactive power requirement range of *0.80 MVAR for the aggregate
Table 4-3 shows that it is feasible to use an RSVC to control the voltage for a wide range of voltages at
the substation. Utilities can easily change the LTC settings at their substations to set a voltage reference in
the feeder. Traditionally, the LTC settings vary from 1.01 to 1.03 pu depending on the feeder
configuration, feeder load, feeder length, etc. The settings can be changed if the feeder is used for CVR
PowerWorld and OpenDSS Simulations
Table 4-4 shows that is feasible to use an RSVC to control the voltage at the load side of the service
transformer. These are only preliminary simulations and more detailed simulations need to be performed
in order to get a better approximation on the reactive power required to control the voltage.
The results observed in the four simulations show that it is feasible to control the voltage to the minimum
voltage allowed by using an RSVC. The RSVC is able to keep the voltage fixed for the majority of the
cases and especially in the realistic cases where the voltage at the substation is kept close to the desired
voltage at the load side of the service transformer.
Table 4-3: Reactive power requirements for loads with unity power factor
Table 4-4: Reactive power requirements for loads with 0.90 power factor lagging
VSUB Ql Q2 Q3 Q4 Qs Pr Qr
0.95 0.15 0.26 0.43 0.52 0.54 6.99 -1.01
0.96 -0.01 o.r2 0.32 0.42 0.45 6.96 -0.42
0.97 -0.L7 -0.02 0.2L 0.32 0.36 6.95 0.16
0.98 -0.34 -0.16 0.10 0.23 0.27 6.95 0.75
0.99 -0.50 -0.30 -0.02 0.13 0.19 6.95 1.35
1.00 -0.66 -0.44 -0.13 0.04 0.10 6.95 t.97
1.01 -0.82 -0,58 -0.24 -0.06 0.01 6.95 2.59
L.02 -0.99 -0.77 -0.35 -0.16 -0.08 6.96 3.23
1.03 -1.15 -0.85 -0.47 -0.25 -0.L7 6.96 3.89
1.04 -1.31 -0.99 -0.58 -0.35 -0.25 6.98 4.5
1.05 -1.47 -1.13 -0.69 -0.44 -0.34 6.99 5.23
VsUB Ql Q2 Q3 Q4 Qs Pt Qt
0.95 1.05 1.05 L.11 1.08 0.99 6.97 -0.99
0.96 0.89 0.91 1.00 0.99 0.90 6.96 -0.42
o.97 0.73 0.77 0.89 0.89 0.81 6.95 0.t6
0.98 0.57 0.63 0.77 0.79 0.72 6.95 0.75
0.99 0.40 0.49 0.66 0.70 0.64 6.95 1.35
1.00 0.24 0.35 0.55 0.60 0.55 6.95 t.97
1.01 0.08 0.27 0.43 0.50 0.46 6.95 2.59
L.02 -0.18 0.08 0.32 0.41 0.37 6.96 3.23
1.03 -0.25 -0.06 0.27 0.31 0.29 6.96 3.89
1.04 -0.41 -0.06 0.21 0.31 0.29 6.96 4.55
1.05 -0.57 -0.34 -0.01 0.L2 0.11 6.99 5.53
PowerWorld and OpenDSS Simulations 100 kVA Test Case
Avista provided a real case where the possibility of using a RSVC to reduce the voltage to 0.95 pu for
CVR purposes was studied. The case is a 100-kVA hansformer that feeds a local subdivision
approximately 2-miles away from the substation. The simulation was performed in PowerWorld to obtain
a high level approximation about the amount of reactive power required to keep the voltage fixed. SimulationSetup
The model was built using PowerWorld, the substation transformer was modeled as the slack bus in
PowerWorld, and the distribution network was modeled as a 2-mile transmission line using 397.5 ACSR
conductors. The reactance of the 100 kVAtransformerwas modifiedto account forthe change of base
since PowerWorld uses a 100 MVA base.
Figure 4-3 shows the model used for the simulation. The load was modeled using a Z0Yoload factor. The
substation voltage was swept from 0.95 pu to 1.05 pu. The reactive power required to maintain the
voltage frst at 0.95 pu and then at 1.0 pu was recorded.
0.02 Mw
0.05 lttvar
0.00 Mw 0.02 Mw
{.(X thar 0.01 Myar
Figure 4-3: Model used in PowerWorld for the 100-kVA case
Table 4-5 and Table 4-6 show the reactive power requirements to keep the voltage first at 0.95 pu and
1.00 pu, respectively. The voltage at the substation was varied from 0.95 to 1.05. The reactive power at
the load bus was recorded as well as the total real and reactive power out of the substation.
1.fi)00 pu
PowerWorld and OpenDSS Simulations
The simulations show that it is not feasible to use this device to control a voltage that is so close to the
substation. The size of the RSVC would be considerable given that the 100 kVA transformer is connected
to a very strong source. More detailed studies are needed to capture the real requirements of using an
RSVC to control the voltage. The source impedance of the circuit will be needed and the rest of feeder
load will be required in order to perform accurate simulations and determine the reactive power
requirements for controlling the terminal voltage on the secondary side of the 100-kVA transformer.
Table 4-5: Reactive power requirements to maintain a 1.0 pu voltage
Vsun Q1 Q2 Q3
0.95 -0.04 0.02 0.05
0.96 -0.03 0.02 0.04
0.97 -0.02 0.02 0.03
0.98 -0.01 0.02 0.02
0.99 0 0.02 0.01
1.00 0.01 0.02 0
1.01 0.02 0.02 -0.01
L.O2 0.03 0.02 -0.02
1.03 0.04 0.02 -0.03
L.O4 0.05 0.02 -0.04
1.05 0.06 0.02 -0.05
Table 4-6: Reactive power requirements to maintain a 0.95 pu voltage
Vsur Ql Q2 Q3
0.95 -0.08 0.02 0.1
0.96 -0.08 0.02 0.09
0.97 -0.07 0.02 0.08
0.98 -0.06 0.o2 o.o7
0.99 -0.05 0.02 0.05
1.00 -0.04 0.02 0.05
1.01 -0.03 0.02 0.04
L.02 -0.02 0.02 0.03
1.03 -0.01 0.02 0.02
L.O4 0 0.02 0.01
1.05 0.01 0.02 0
PowerWorld and OpenDSS Simulations
4.2 MATLAB-Simulink-OpenDSS Interface
The use of two different software tools is a challenge, especially if the exchange of information between
the two tools is required. Simulink was used to develop the RSVC model and it has the advantage that it
is able to use real components like resistors, capacitors, inductors, etc. It is also able to implement
complex control algorithms. The time step can be changed in Simulink but it usually varies from l0 ps to
10 ms. The small time step could be an advantage and a disadvantage at the same time. On one hand, it is
able to capture an accurate transient behavior of the system. On the other hand, when a big data set needs
to be simulated, Simulink will take a significant amount of time making it impractical for these kind of
OpenDSS has the advantage of being able to perform daily, monthly and even yearly simulations in a
short period of time. These kinds of studies will be beneficial when the voltage and load shape are known
and the impact of adding one or several RSVCs are being studied. The main disadvantage of using
OpenDSS resides in the lack of detailed models and the impossibility to perform transient studies.
To create the interface between MATLAB and OpenDSS, the use of the COM interface in OpenDSS was
required. The COM interface allows MATLAB to take over the engine of OpenDSS. A script was created
in MATLAB to run the Simulink model, extract the data needed and use that data to run OpenDSS. This
interface allows to speed up the process of verification, especially when large sets of data are analyzed.
This interface avoids the need to write the results on a CSV file before it is loaded into OpenDSS.
4.3 Simulink Verilication with OpenDSS
In order to verifu the proper performance of the RSVC model built in Simulink, Avista provided
measured dataat the load side of the substation transformer of one of their substations. The voltage was
used as an input to the Simulink model to veriff that the RSVC is able to maintain the voltage at the
reference value for different input voltages. The current flowing through the SVC was extracted in order
to be able to compute the reactive power absorbed/injected by the RSVC. The amount of reactive power
obtained from the Simulink will be compared to the OpenDSS reactive power computed by adding a
generator to control the voltage at the same value as Simulink.
4.3.1 Simulink Setup
An overview of the strategy for testing the Simulink prototype is shown in Figure 4-4. The feeder
voltages provided by Avista are fed into the Simulink prototype. The Simulink model is then run for
every point in the file provided by Avista. The feeder voltage is kept constant for two seconds to allow the
system to reach steady-state before moving to the next point. After all the values have been entered, the
PowerWorld and OpenDSS Simulations
RSVC reactive power is computed for each voltage value provided. A new file is created with all the
values for the reactive power calculated in Simulink.
To calculate the reactive power absorbed/injected by the RSVC, the current flowing through the top
switch of the RSVC was measured. The current is not sinusoidal since the switching speed is around 5
kHz. In order to get a better approximation, a Fourier approximation was used. Once the current was
broken down into the several components, only the fundamental component, the component at 60 Hz, was
used. After obtaining a sinusoidal current at 60 Hz, it was multiplied by the voltage at the RSVC
terminals to obtain the power. Since the RSVC is built with reactive elements, the device does not
consume any real power, so the power obtained has to be the reactive power of the RSVC. The sign of the
power will determine the direction of the reactive power.
Figure 4-4 shows the block diagram used to compute the reactive power in the Simulink model. Every
point provided by Avista was run for two seconds to make sure the system is able to reach steady-state
and the value computed for the reactive power is accurate.
Figure 4-4: Design verification block diagram
4.3.2 OpenDSS Setup
The set-up model for OpenDSS was built to recreate the setup created in Simulink as close as possible. To
model the substation, a source was created in OpenDSS with a high short circuit MVA value to make it
appear as close as possible to an ideal source. Then a line was modeled to represent the service
transformer used in Simulink. The line has the same reactance as the service transformer. The RSVC was
modeled as a generator connected in parallel with the load. OpenDSS has several mode options for a
generator. The model chosen was model three, which keeps a voltage constant at the bus that is
connected, and the real power injection is also constant. The real power was set to 0.01 kW instead of
0.00 MW to avoid numerical issues in the algorithm. Limits in the amount of reactive power that the
generator is able to absorb/inject were also used to more accurately model the RSVC.
PowerWorld and OpenDSS Simulations
The OpenDSS code in Appendix B shows the OpenDSS code used in the verification process. The model
has two extra lines, whose only function is to facilitate the capture of reactive power from the generator
and not mix it with the reactive power consumed by the load.
The voltage is at the bus where the load and the RSVC are connected and the reactive power output of the
generator were recorded. The voltage measurement will validate that the voltage actually goes to the set
point, in this case 0.95 pu or 228 volts.
4.3.3 Results
Due to the extensive computational time that would take to run the set of over 200,000 points of data that
were provided by Avista, smaller samples of the data set were taken and run in both Simulink and
OpenDSS. Figure 4-5 shows the results of the first data subset used. First the input and output voltage
were plotted to veriff that the RSVC is able to control the voltage at the predetermined set point. Then the
reactive power output of Simulink was plotted in the same plot as the reactive power output of OpenDSS.
The third plot is an analysis of the percentage of error between the two software tools.
PowerWorld and OpenDSS Simulations
i ; i I i i i ir---:---:::;:-i : : : : I i i I + ln9nF€edervolt.g.(Br)
I : : : : : : i I O OdBnSVCVolt.go(F,)
Tim6 (s)
Figure 4-5: Results from Simulink and OpenDSS
The input voltage was modified by an LTC factor to reduce the reactive requirements of the RSVC. It is a
common practice in utilities to change the LTC settings when CVR is applied. The LTC factor used for
this simulation is equal to 0.05 pu. The first plot in Figure 4-5 shows the input voltage after the LTC
factor was applied, and the output voltage which remains constant at 0.95 pu. The voltage set point was
0.95 pu at all times independently of the input voltage. The second plot shows that the reactive power
obtained from Simulink is almost identical to the reactive power obtained from OpenDSS, and finally, the
third plot shows that the difference between Simulink and OpenDSS is around l%.
Figure 4-6 shows a different subset of the data provided. It contains the same plots as Figure 4-5 and the
subplots are in the same order as the previous subplots described for Figure 4-5. The subset chosen for the
second simulation contains voltages closer to the set point, in this case 0.95 pu, causing the error to be
bigger in percentage. Although the error in Figure 4-6 is greater than the one seen in Figure 4-6 it is still
small enough to consider the model accurate.
PowerWorld and OpenDSS Simulations
200 250 300 350 400 450 500
Tim. (s)
200 250 300 350 ,100 450 500li@ (s)
Figure 4-6: Results from Simulink and OpenDSS with second subset
The validation of the Simulink model with OpenDSS will allow us to use the two software tools
independently from now on. In the case of the RSVC being implemented in hardware, the Simulink
model will be the one to use it since it contains all the components and the control system. However, if
the impact of deploying multiple devices on a certain feeder is to be studied, the OpenDSS model will be
the one to use, because it considerably reduces the simulation time and it keeps the accuracy of the
Simulink model.
4.4 Future Work
This study focused on the performance of a single RSVC. A traditional feeder will have several of these
devices. A study that captures the interaction of multiple RSVC as well as load and voltage variation is
needed to understand the benefits ofdeploying these devices.
Feeder topologies vary from feeder to feeder, increasing the complexity of developing a unique control
scheme. Future work shall focus on the development of a process that will provide a basis for the
planning engineer to study a specific feeder later on.
.----lr---'-r---------iil---' I-"'---"i -
- r""---'
Lessons Learned
5 Lpssor\s LpenxED
The Residential Static VAR Compensator (RSVC) developed in this applied research is intended to
function of the secondary low-voltage side of a 25-kVA distribution transformer typically serving three
residential houses. This device can be designed as one single SVC across the nominal 240 Y if the two
120-V secondary phases of the distribution transformer are equally loaded. If they are not balanced, the
device can be designed using two 120-V RSVCs, one for each phase. Alternatively, a 240-Y RSVC or
two 120-V RSVCs can be designed at the service main of each residence.
The main breakthrough of this research was the implementation of a pulse-width-modulation (PWM)
technique for the complementary switching of two solid-state switches, one in series with the RSVC
inductor and the other in shunt across the inductor. This technique is superior to the conventional angle
firing of a single switch in series with the inductor in the sense that the RSVC voltage remains sinusoidal
while the inductor current remains quasi-sinusoidal with low-magnitude current harmonics generated.
This quasi-sinusoidal current implies reduced losses in the inductor and a predictable efficiency of this
The RSVC can be remotely or locally controlled. Its control system can be designed for one of several
modes depending on the intended application. Under voltage control, the device can function as a voltage
regulator which will automatically adjust the RSVC reactive power to maintain the RSVC terminal
voltage at a set reference point. A possible application of this control mode is Conservation by Voltage
Reduction (CVR). Under reactive power control, the device can function as a power factor corrector or
controller. A possible application is a power factor correction of the loads in a strategy designed to make
distribution systems self-sufficient in their reactive power support instead of using transmission system
resources. Under real power control, the device can act as a power tracker to minimize the real power
consumed by loads, especially during peak demand hours. An additional control loop can be designed on
top of the voltage control loop to seek a reference voltage where the residential load consumes the least
amount of real power. Under ANSI Standard C84.1, the reference voltage could end up being the
minimum voltage allowable for loads with positive CVR coefficients or the maximum allowable voltage
for loads with negative CVR coefficients.
Based on approximate values of the power components, that is, the power capacitor and power inductor,
an initial analysis estimates that the payback period of this device could range from two to five years.
This analysis was performed by extrapolating the savings incurred by a customer if this device was used
for two hours each day during maximum peak demand and provided the energy saved ranges between a
Lessons Learned
conservative lo/o to a maximum of 2.5%o.It has been estimated that it is possible to develop such a device
at a competitive cost to that of other local devices currently in the market or in operation.
The model developed in Simulink was extensively tested and validated against the results of EPRI's
OpenDSS software. It was shown that the results obtained using both OpenDSS and Simulink are almost
identical, with OpenDSS being considerably faster than Simulink. In future work, specifically work
related to the deployment of several RSVCs, the model developed in Simulink will not be needed due to
the extensive computation requirements needed to run this model. If a hardware implementation is
required, then the Simulink model will be used since it contains all the components and logic blocks for
the controller. The verification shows that it is safe to use either software since the results are almost
identical. The choice of the software will depend on the application since both software tools used in this
project have their advantages and their limitations.
Path to Market
6 PerH To MenxET
The ultimate goal of this device is to provide peak load demand management solution for the utility with
minimum payback period. After the successful simulation of the RSVC model in MATLAB, our next
focus was to research the requirements of the components that will be utilized in building an RSVC
device. For this purpose, power capacitors and inductors are required that provide the necessary reactive
power. Based on the device requirements, we requested several quotes from different vendors from the
United States and China. The quotes received from vendors located in China are substantially lower than
those from the United States except for shipping and handling (S/H). Table 6-1 and Table 6-2 below gives
a price comparison of different sized capacitors and inductors by a vendor in the USA and a vendor in
Table 6-l: Capacitor price comparison
Capacitor Size
Vendor (Wasvar)
Unit Price
Total Price (Per
I $2e5.00 $2s.00
10 $355.00 $25.00 $97.00 $L22.00
15 $40.00 $105.00 $145.00
20 $53.00 115.00 $168.00
Table 6-2: lnductor price comparison
Inductor Size
Vendor (Zhiming Group Co.)
Unit Price
Total Price @er
24 (Series)$220.00
25 (Shunt)$355.00 $139.20 $149.80 $289.00
Path to Market
Figure 6-l shows the l0-kVAr single phase power capacitor rated at 50 Hz and 415 V. Figure 6-1 also
shows the 25-kVAr single phase shunt reactor rated at 50160 Hz and 250 V.
Figure 6-l: l0-kVAr capacitor and 25-kVAr reactor
6.1 Payback Analysis
Based on the component prices in Tables 6-l and 6-2, a reasonable cost for the RSVC will be around
$300 if additional microprocessor capabilities are added to the power components. If we assume that the
RSVC device is used for six hours each day during peak demand hours and that it results in a lYo energy
savings, then the dollar amount saved over a year will be:
S:20 kW xH , 6hours x 355 days xLo/o: $43.8kWhr
In this case, the payback period will be about 6 years.
If we assume that the RSVC device is used for six hours each day during peak demand hours and that it
results in a 2.5Yo energy savings, then the dollar amount saved over a year will be:
S=20 kW x#*"6hoursx365 days x2.50/o=$109.5
In this case, the payback period will be three years.
Budget Summary
7 BuocET SuvtvtARY
Buocrr ClrrcoRrBs RnsmBxrr,Ir, SurrC VAR CoMPENSAToR
PI Dr. Said Ahmed-Zaid (Summer)$4,282
MS Graduate Research Assistant $27,000
PI Dr. Said Ahmed-Zaid(Summer)$1,370
MS Graduate Research Assistant s1,890
o&E Materials and Supplies/flardware to build a prototype None
SruorNr Cosrs
MS Graduate Student Fee Remission 2014-2015 AY $l1,987
ToTAL $l1,987
TorAL Drnrcr Cosr $46,529
Blsr ron Irornrct Clr,cur,arrox $34,542
Irornncr Cosr (F&A) 39 % Ox-CAMPUS REsraRcu $13,471
Torr, Cosr $60,000
Appendix A
Thevenin Equivalent from PowerWorld Simulation
% Calculating the Thevenin Equival-ent from PowerWorld Simulation
% Boise State Universityclear; clc;
Conductor_Res = 0.33152;
Conductor_Ind = 0. 814080*i;
Transformer_Model = 5*i;
%Modeling 5th generatj-on point
R5 = 100,'
X5 = -774.29*i;
?Mode1ing 4th generation point
R4 = 100,'
X4 = -1111.11*i;
%Modeling 3th generati-on point
R3 = 100;
X3 = 10000*i;
%Modeling 2nd generation point
R2 = 100;
X2 = 526-32*i;
%Modeling 1st generation polnt
P-l = 1OO.
X1 = 208.33*i;
Z5_Eq = ((nS * X5)/(R5 + X5)) f Transformer_Model- * Conductor_Res
* Conductor_Indi %98.4092 - '7.9L67L
Z4_E'q_1 = ((nq * x4)/(R4 + x4)) * Transformer Model;
24 Eq-= (QA_Eq_L * zs_Eq) /lZ4_Eq_L + z5_Eq)) t Conductor_Res
* Conductor_Indi %49.'752'7 - 2.1538i
Z1_Eq_1 = ((nf * X1)/(R1 + X1))i Transformer Model;
ZL Eq-2 = (Conductor_Res t Conductor_Ind);
zL_Eq = (Zl_Eq_L t Zl_Eq_2\/(Zt_tq_1 f Z1_Eq_21; %0.3339 + 0.8061i
Z2_Eq_l = ((nZ * X2l/(R2 + X2l )* Transformer_Model;
Z2_Eq_2 = Zt_Eg * Conductor_Res f Conductor_fnd;
z2_Eq= (22_Eq-L * Z2_Eq_21 / lZ2_Eq_7 t Z2_Eq_2);%0.6872 + 1.5940i
Z_Eq_1, = 22_Eg * Conductor_Res * Conductor_Ind;e"\ .0727 + 2.408Li
z_E'q_Z = lZ_Eq_\ * Z4_Eql / (Z_Eq-l + ZA_Eql ;%1. 10 62 + 2. 3115i
Z_Eq_3 = Z_Eq_2 + Transformer_ModeL ;%L.L062 + 7. 3l-15i-
z_rJq_A = ((n: * x3)/(R3 + x3)l;%99.9900 + 0.9999i
z_Th = (z_E'q_A * Z_Eq_3) / (Z_nq_a + Z_Eq_3) %1. 6064 + 7. 1104i
Appendix B
OpenDSS code
I Boise State University
! Col-1ege of Engineering
New Circuit. avj-sta_proj ect
New loadshape.Voltage_source npts=100000 sinterval-=l
mult=[fi1e=C : \mode1. csv] action=normal-ize
Edit Vsource.Source phases=3 basekv=O.240 pu=1.0 MVASCl=3000 MVASC3=4000
New Line.Linel phases=3 busl=SourceBus bus2=busA r1=0.01 x1=0.4050
l-ength=1 units=kft
New Line.Line2 phases=3 busl=busA bus2=busb r1=0.001 x1=0.001
length=O.1 units=kft
New Line.Line3 phases=3 busl=busb bus2=busc r1=0.001 x1=0.001
length=O.1 units=kft
new load.loadl phases=3 busl=busb1 kv=O.228 kW=24 kVAR=7.04 model=2
New Generator.svcl phases=3 busl=busc kv=O.228 kw=O.001 kvar=l0 model=3
pvf actor=1-set vol-tagebases= l0 .24)
set maxi-terations=200set maxcontroliter=200
New monitor.vpoi element=l1ne.line1 terminaL=2 mode=O
New monitor.ql element=line.line3 terminal=2 mode=1 ppolar=no
solveset mode=daily
export monitor vpoi
export monitor q1
Avista Research and Development Projects Annual Report
lVl:rch 31 2O16
Residential Static VAR Gompensator Phase lll
CoupeNsAroRs (DSVCS)
Project Duration: September 2015 - August 2016 Project Cost: Total Funding $67,593
2015 Funding: $22,531
2016 Funding: $45,062
The objective of phase III of the DSVC project
is to study the potential benefits of deployingmultiple Distribution Static VAR
Compensators (DSVCS) developed during
Phase I of the project. This study consists of
comparing the existing year-long time series
measured load flow data to simulation data
generated with the DSVC deployed into thetest grid computer model. The DSVC
deployment will consist of various penetration
percentages and voltage control set-points.
The test grid computer model will allow
investigation of specific scenarios provided by
Avista to show the value of deploying DSVCS.
The deployment of DSVCs offer a significant
potential for energy savings as well as cost
effectiveness by voltage regulation. It can
become a valuable tool in a utility demand-
side management for energy efficiency.
Currently the primary method to improve the
power quality in distribution feeders is by
deploying large fixed and/or switched shunt
capacitors. The benefits of deploying
capacitors are well known and summarized
1. Regulation of voltage levels2. Released system capacity3. Reduction of system losses4. Power factor correction
DSVCs could provide not only the same
benefits as the capacitors, but these benefits
can be more substantial by making use of the
inductor integrated in a DSVC. The DSVCs can
act like "smalt" capacitors by changing the
reactive power continuously instead of using
discrete on/off steps like the traditional
capacitor banks.
Phase I of the project consisted of a study
model of a DSVC for regulating residential
voltages. The studies from phase I showed
that a single-phase DSVC offered a significant
potential for energy savings by voltage
regulation and it could be a valuable tool in a
utility demand-side management for energy
efficiency, especially during peak demand
hours. In distribution networks, when the
voltage at a bus falls below a reference value,
reactive power is injected into the system by
the DSVC to raise the voltage. When the bus
voltage becomes higher than the reference
value, reactive power is absorbed by the
DSVC to lower the bus voltage. DSVCs are
smaft devices that can be more flexible and
more poweful for load management thantraditional shunt inductor and shunt
The project scope is broken into four tasks
detailed below.
Task 1: Feeder Modeling Methodology
During this task a feeder modeling
methodology was prepared using OpenDSS
and MATI-AB. The methodology consists of
scripts, circuit summary repolts, and plot
macros capable of being executed on an
actual Avista distribution feeder.
Task 2: Avista Feeder Modeling
This task peformed the conversion of a
PowerWorld model developed by Avista of the
Spokane downtown network to an OpenDSS
model. Work involved mapping each of the
PowerWorld branches, transformers, load and
other system elements to an OpenDSS
Task 3: Model Verification
The translation from PowerWorld to OpenDSS
The translation from PowerWorld to OpenDSS
was completed using several spreadsheets in
Excel in an attempt to automate the
conversion process and reduce data entryerror. PowerWorld was designed to solve
balanced three phase transmission networks,
while OpenDSS was designed to solve
unbalanced one, two, and three phase
distribution networks. To ensure the model
created in OpenDSS is accurate, a comparison
was made between all bus feeder voltages
and branch power flows between the two
simulators. The accuracy of the comparison
was within an acceptable 2o/o.
Figure 1 shows the voltage at every bus
obtained in PowerWorld and in OpenDSS.
PowcrWorld w OpenDSSl.t
-PonrerWorld -
Figure l: Distribution Voltage Comparison from
PowerWorld and OpenDSS Load-Flow Results
Task 4: DSVC Simulator Deployment
The DSVC deployment was performed in two
stages. First a snapshot solution was taken ofthe distribution system using the data
provided from the PowerWorld model. A
comparison of the real and reactive powers
with and without the DSVCs was performed.The second stage performed a yearly
simulation using a data file of recorded
SCADA measurements from downtown
Spokane. Using the actual load-shape of the
network throughout the year, the simulated
reduction in losses from DSVC deployment
can be measured and compared against the
original losses.
Table 1 shows the base case with no deployed
DSVCs versus deployed DSVCs at two
different per unit voltage set-points.
Table l: Downtown Network Results
Baao Ga3o vDsvc'.1.o VDSVCT1.O5
kw kvan kw I kvaR ku, ' kvaR
Network 1 ?nl,laRl 301s ! 2162 3010 1057
Network 2 4790 )67n 4792.3168 47AA
Network 3 3992' 1848 4001 i 2a1a 3993 368Network 4 2At3 L2a4 2824 2742 2At2 138
The Avista model of the downtown Spokane
grid used a voltage set-point of 1.04 per unit
voltage on the secondary side of the feeder
transformers. Consequently, the best loss
scenario occurred at a DSVC voltage set-point
of 1.04 per unit voltage. Table 2 shows the
losses calculated at a DSVC voltage set-point
of 1.04 per unit.
le 2: Losses Study Results
Base Case Vret = l.O4
Downtown network 181 125.9 165.4 115.7
Task 5: Sensitivity Analysis
A sensitivity analysis will be performed onmultiple configurations of the DSVC
deployment to determine the best case
deployment scenarios. The deployment
scenarios will be measured with a time series
simulation to calculate the decreased system
losses in yearly kWh.
Task 6: Final Report
This task includes the Final Report with all the
results from the simulation analysis including
yearly kWh energy savings, and potential
deployment locations.
The deliverables for this project will be the
final repoft along with the simulation models
used for the analysis.
lame Dr. Said Ahmed-Zaid
rqanization Boise State Univereitv
Name Dr- Iohn Stubban
Oroanization Boise State Univerr
Email iohnstubban@boisestate,edu
Name Andres Valdepena
OrdaniTeti6n Boise State Unive6itv
Name Muhammad Kamran Latif
Oroanization Boise State univereitv
Feeder Modelinq 3 months Seot 15 Nov 15
Feeder Simulation 2 months Dec 15 Feb 15
Interim R.€Dort I month Feb 15 Feb 15
DeDlovment of DSVC 4 months Mar 15 Mav 15
Sensitivitv Analvsis 2 month Jun 15 lul 15
Final Report 1 month lul 15 Auo 15
The information contained in this document is proprietary and confidential
Avista Research and Development Projects Annual Report
March 31,2016
Smart Wires
College of Engineering
Smaft Wires
D.FACTS Devrce IupAcT oN THE CoTqprNsATIoN FoR
Conrrnc ENcY Annlvsrs (n- 1)
Project Duration: 11 months Project Cost: Total Funding$ 75,044
2015 Funding: $13,251
2016 Fundinq: $61.793
The Smart Wires project is aimed at
performing analysis of Avista Corporation's
transmission infrastructure to determine
potential benefits that could be realized by
applying Distributed Flexible AC Transmission
Systems devices (D-FACTS).
The approximate value of an averted outage
or a cascading outage due to storm damage
similar to what was experienced last
November by Avista is enormous. This is far
greater than the cost of applying D-FACTS
devices Avista's lines.
The DFACTs devices can move power flow
between transmission paths to get it to where
it's needed more efficiently, resulting in:
o Reduced planning costs. Improved line planningo Avoided system overload. Deferred cost of new equipment/lineso Enhanced system efficiency
The reliability of the power system is
enhanced by the versatility and utility of D-
FACTS devices. The ability to redirect current
flow in the event of a disruption is an addedlayer of protection in an unpredictable
environment. In addition the current on
heavily loaded lines can be rerouted
minimizing exponential (I2R) transmission
efficiency losses.
Distributed Flexible AC Transmission Systems
devices (D-FACTS) are clamp-on distributed
dynamic series compensators that were
developed at the Georgia Institute of
Technology. They fall into the general family
of reactive compensators commonly referredto as Flexible AC Transmission Systems
(FACTS) devices. Avista has studied applying
FACTS devices on their transmission system
in the past, especially the unified power flow
controller (UPFC).
However, the devices available from
manufacturers at that time were large devices
with high power ratings. The capital costs for
such devices were prohibitive, despite the
performance gains they afforded.
The distributed, modular smaft wires D-
FACTS devices do not require significant
space in a substation and have reduced costs.
The implemented devices can control the
effective impedance on the transmission line
and manipulate the system for unity power
factor operation at all times. This reduces thepower losses in the transmission system
caused by reactive power flow. A large
number of such devices would be needed tomatch the performance of a single
concentrated FACTS device, but the number
can be optimized per line.
This project investigates the performance of
D-FACTS devices on all of the available power
lines that Avista has within its grid. In
coordination with Avista engineers, the lines
are modeled appropriately using Powerworld
using appropriate system data. The D-FACTS
devices are then modeled and integrated with
the line models for appropriate simulation
Applying these models to system operations
planning conditions yields predictions of
device performance within Avista's grid and
identifies most effective lines and appropriate
degrees of compensation for those lines.
Finally, analysis of these results will be used
to develop a practical implementation plan for
general use of D-FACTS devices within
Avista's system. The results will include
predictions of cost advantages for ratepayers
through energy savings, improvements to
system reliability, and stability.
Task 1:
Develop sample transmission system models
that are representative of the Avista system
learning to apply D-FACTS devices. Move on
to apply to actual the Avista while sanitizing
the critical infrastructure data. This will bedone working with Avista engineers)
Task 2:
Develop and validate computer simulation
models of different smart wires devices in
several simulation tools for different classes
of studies) COMPLETE
Task 3:
Utilize existing operating conditions data to
develop and simulate a test scenario to
determine the candidate locations and the
required degrees of compensation to optimize
line usage for n-1, n-2 and n-1-1 contingency
conditions) IN PROGRESS
Analyze simulation results and develop a
practical application plan to implement the
solution. For example, the number of devices
required in the transmission network, needed
modifications to tower structures, and the
compensation control methods.
The deliverables on successful completion in
this project include: simulation models and
documentation of predictions for system
performance improvements within the Avista
grid:. Develop a practical implementation plan
for general use of the D-FACTS devices
within Avista's system.o Identify the cost advantages to
ratepayers of implementing this practical
compensation plan through energy
savings, improvements to system
reliability, and stability.. Predictions for electrical system
The information contained in this document is proprietary and confidential.
behavior when the D-FACTS devices are
applied.. Selection of the best lines to apply the
devices.o Identification of appropriate degrees of
compensation (number of devices)
necessary to obtain these improvements
based on currently available devices or
devices expected to available in the near
term.o Identification of challenges with applying
D-FACTS devices to these lines (e.g.
load bearing limits of the towers).. Identification of specific improvementsthat can be reasonably expected
through application of D-FACTS devices
Stage Gate 1 (Complete). Learn and test D-FACTS device models
in Powerworld. Explore commercially available deviceso Preliminary assessment of viability of
application of D-FACTS devices in
Avista's system based on n-1
contingency studies.. Stage gate 1 presentation. Deliver 2 Page Progress Repoft
Stage Gate 2o Further evaluate results of preliminary
study. Study application of devices in grid in
WECC recommended contingency cases.
Stage Gate 3o Evaluate results
Final Re
K ]nhnqon
Ord Universitv of Idaho
Contact #(208) 885-6902
Name Dr. Herbert Hess
Oroanization univereitv of Idaho
Conta.t #t70a) aa5-4
Name Alex Corredor Coredor
Oroanization Univereiw of Idaho
Name Matthew Klein
Oroanization fJniversitv of l.laho
a na
Staoe Gate 1 5 months SeD 2015 Feb 2015
Staqe Gate 2 4 months Feb 2016 Mav'16
Staoe Gate 3 2 months Jun 2016 Jul 2016
Avista Research and Development Projects Annual Report
Marnh 31 2O16
Micro Grid
Universityotldaho AFr-sts
College of Engineering
Cnrrrcm Lono SenvrNG Cnpnerlrry ev OprrMrzrNc
MrcnoGRrD OpennuoN
Project Duration: 12 months Project Cost: Total Funding $79,856
2015 Funding $11,640
2016 Funding $68,216
At present a significant part of the power
supply to Spokane comes from Montana
through a single 500kV line. If the line goes
down under certain conditions, Avista's
system could go down. The main objective ofthis project is to perform a study of
establishing a microgrid to supply high
priority loads in downtown Spokane using the
hydroelectric aenerators within the downtown
area on the Spokane River. Implementation
of the microgrid will require disconnection
from the main grid, reconfiguration to pick up
critical loads such as the hospitals,
courthouse, and other facilities, and shedding
less critical loads. These transitions need to
occur while maintaining stability of the
microgrid. The main substations involved in
this scenario are Post Street, Metro, College &
Walnut and Third & Hatch.
The costs associated with failure to supply
critical loads are significant, The ability to
create a microgrid largely using existing
generation assets with only the addition of
control devices can result in significant
savings during major events. The results of
the study and microgrid development for
downtown Spokane can potentially be appliedin other areas of the Avista system or to
other utilities in the region or nation. By
locally supplying the power demand to
customers, utilities can decrease system
generation and recovery costs during
outages, The application of microgrids can
foster the application of clean energy very
close the critical loads.
In order to achieve a more reliable power
supply in the face of severe contingencies
such as extreme weather and
disasters, major generation failure,
transmission lines, or cyber-attacks,are studying the possibilities of
loss of
A microgrid is a small scale power grid that
can serve local loads with or without
connection to the utility grid. When a major
disturbance occurs, the microgrid disconnects
from the main grid and supplies power to
local loads using local generation resources,
potentially including energy storage, The
objective in forming the microgrid is to
minimize these adverse impacts on critical
loads such as: hospitals, government offices,fire stations, and police stations. Other
advantages from forming microgrids include
reduction in power losses, increased
reliability, and enabling the integration of
green electricity sources.
At present the generation, transmission
and distribution systems in the microgrid
footprint are modeled in different simulation
packages. The generators and transmission
lines are modeled in Powerworld as part of
the larger WECC transmission model. Thedowntown distribution network is
implemented in a separate, disconnected
Powerworld model. The remainder of the
distribution network that supplies the
hospitals, court house and university districtare modeled in SynerGEE. The entire
microgrid will be modeled as a single system
in Powerworld. The model will staft from a
backbone of the 115 kV lines from the
generating stations to the buses that supply
critical loads. The distribution feeders will bebuilt out from the substations in steps,
incorporating data from the downtown
network model in Powerworld or the feeder
data in SynerGEE. Simplified models will be
used which aggregate details not needed in
the microgrid model.
Since the total load in the microgrid
footprint exceeds the capacity of the
generators, the Powerworld microgrid model
will represent points with non-critical loads
can be disconnected.
The available generation from the hydro
units varies seasonally. The study will create
critical load profiles and generation profiles
based on measured data from the past three
years. Eight different load values can be
taken within the four different seasons with
high and low values. The data analyzed from
the National Renewable Energy Laboratory
(NREL) shows that Spokane has potential for
solar generation which can complement the
hydro during lower water flow periods in late
summer afternoon peaks to an extent.
As first step, steady-state analysis was
performed to verify the bus voltages at the
substations are within limits. Next, power flow
analysis was performed to ensure steady-
state stability. After proving that the system
is stable in steady-state, transient stability
was tested by analyzing the impact of picking
up loads in different sized increments. The
preliminary results show the system is able to
supply critical loads in stable manner.
Task 1: Modeling the system in Powerworld
Unifying the system model into Powerworld
by modeling it completely. Acquire data from
SynerGEE and the Powerworld downtown
network model.
Task 2: Analysis on completed modela. Come up with different combinations of
loads according to their priority levels
b. Evaluate the different connections and
combinations for supplying critical loads to
reduce losses and improving reliabilityc. Consider eight different load levels
according to the seasonal variation and
observing the system behavior in different
cases. Consider generation capabilities
based on available water flows.d. Most of the critical loads are at the end of
their feeders. Each feeder supplies many
laterals with less critical loads prior to
reaching the critical load. Study schemes
to shed these non-critical loads.
e. Transient stability analysis based available
generator stability models. Evaluate
performance of the existing governors and
exciters. Evaluate need for updates.
The information contained in this document is proprietary and confidential
Task 3: Demonstration of microgrid operation
Develop finalized full microgrid system model
and conduct studies and evaluate. Perform
different analysis and study solutions that
might improve perforamance.
Task 4: Final Report
Compile final repoft with the results from the
studies as well as the models, proposed
solutions and any upcoming technologies.
The deliverables for this project will be:o Completed Powerworld model with
analysis of different cases. Proposed solutions for implementation
Name Dr. Herbert Hess
rdaniTation v of I.lahot I lzoal a8s-4341
Email o edu
Name Dr. Brian lohnson
Oroanization universitv of Idaho
Contact #
Fmail laho-edu
Name Pavan Kumar Penkey
Orcanization univeEitv of Idaho
Name Matt PhilliDs
Oroanization lJnivereitv of Idaho
Nathan Gar
rdaniTetinn Tdahd
Email Gar rl?RqRlAvan.ialq r ri.lah6 e.lI
TASK NAME Base line
Stage gste I
Receive data from Avista tt/05/2015 rt09t20ts
Set up Powemorld to work and preliminary
<trrlv nf avictino crrctam I I126/2015 nt22t20t5
Evaluate whether this system is stable t2/t0/2015 02t08t2016
Stage gate 2
UniS the software approach in Poweruorld,
Dreliminaru test and validation ofmodel.
03tr7 t2016
Visit the Avista facilities 03/08/2016
LOmplerc ransraf lon oI oEmDuIlon sysrcm rom
armafl EF irtn Dmvanwnrlrl 03/31/2016
Demonstration of initial microgdd opemtion
assuminq nomal conditions 0313v2016
Strge Gate 3
Analysis based on the seasonal variation of 04t28t2016
Prioritizing the loads 0s/l2t20 6
Simple models ofupcoming t€chnologies thal
can benefited 05/26120 6
Renewable senemtion-/batterv addition 06/23D0 6
ODtimal disDatch of the load 0712y20 6
Demonstration of Microgrid operation/any 08fi8D0 6
09/30DO 6
Avista Research and Development Projects Annual Report
March 31.2016
Residential Static VAR Compensator Phase ll
Henownnr IUpLEMENTATIoN oF A RrsroeNTIAL Srnrrc VAR
CoupeNsAroR (RSVC)
Project Duration: September 2015 - August 2016
The objective of this project is the hardware
realization of a residential static VAR
compensator (RSVC) device that has a
potential application as an energy-saving toolin the operation of distribution networks
demand-side management program such as
conservation by voltage reduction (CVR). This
type of device could be remotely or locally
controlled to maintain a customer load
voltage with a positive CVR coefficient at the
minimum permissible voltage required by
ANSI C84.1 during peak demand hours.
Deploying these devices on the customer sideof a distribution system will help reduce
energy consumption for the customers and
allow utilities to reduce their need for peaking
units during periods of maximum demand.
After the successful simulation of the RSVC
model in MATLAB during phase I, our next
focus was to research the requirements of the
components that will be utilized in building an
RSVC prototype, Based on the RSVC VAR
requirements, the estimated prices for the
power capacitor (10 kVAr), inductor (25 kVAr)and electronics components including
transistors, programmable hardware devices
and heat sinks is tabulated below:
Distribution utilities must purchase enough
generation capacity to manage load during
peak hours. There is a need to build a device
that dynamically optimizes voltage levels via
sophisticated smaft grid technologies to
continuously reduce energy consumption and
demand during peaks hours when electricity
prices are inflated and demand may exceed
the available energy.
Traditionally, a Static VAR Compensator is
implemented using a reactance connected in
series with a bidirectional thyristor valve
(TCR) along with a fixed capacitor bank as
shown in Figure 1. Partial reactor current
contribution is obtained when the firing angle
for thyristor valve is between 90o and 1800.
However, TCR has certain drawbacks that
include a complex control system that
requires synchronization with the AC mains
using phase-locked loops. Also, due to a non-
continuous current, TCR produces low-order
harmonics that require filtering. To overcome
the problem associated with TCR-based SVC
topologies, a Pulse Width Modulated (PWM)
based SVC is used for building the RSVC
prototype. Instead of using thyristor valvesfor controlling reactor current, two
bidirectional switches with high-frequency
(10-30Khz) complementary gating signals are
used. The fundamental component of the
reactor current can be controlled by varying
the duty cycle (D) of the gating signals, thus
eliminating the need for a synchronization
mechanism with the AC mains and filters to
remove low-order harmonics.
Figure l: TCR with Fixed Capacitor based SVC and
PWM reactor with Fixed Capacitor based SVC
Estimated Cost
and Savings
PowerInductor Electrontc
Estimated Cost:
$314.00 $25.00 $139.00 $1s0.00
(for 6 hours use
with 2.5olo energy
Sauings per year = 20 kW x ffi x 6 hrs x
365 days x 2.570 = $109.5
Task 1: Commutation Strategy for Bi-Directional
Switches (BDS)
High power bi-directional switches (BDS) arenot commercially available. Therefore, to
realize a BDS, discrete power electronics
devices are required. Figure 2 shows the
topology used for building a BDS, which
consist of two anti-parallel high-power
transistors (MOSFET/ IGBT) devices with
series diodes. This BDS topology has the least
conduction losses as compared to other BDS
Figure 2: BDS switching topology with antiparallel
For an RSVC device, two BDS (four transistor
devices) are required for safe commutation of
reactor current. Failure to implement a safe
commutation strategy will lead to destructive
voltage and current spikes which destroy the
A four-step current commutation
methodology, based on input voltage across
the two BDS involved, is established. The
following state machine can be derived for
safe commutation of the BDS, using the
voltage measurement of the input phases that
covers all possible cases. This strategy
assumes that, when the output phase has to
stay connected to an input phase, both the
active devices of the corresponding BDS are
turned on. A short time delay has to be
inserted between the commutation steps to
ensure the safe commutation of the reactor
Figure 3: Four Step Commutation State machine
Using this commutation strategy, the main
inductor current is nearly sinusoidal as shown
in the figure 4:
Figure 4: Current through Inductor, SWI & SW2
Task 2: Hardware Realization for Open-Loop
After successful implementation of the BDS
commutation strategy, an open-loop RSVC
can be realized using the power componentsi.e. capacitor (10 kVAr) and inductor (15
kVAr). Based on the desired operating point,
between 0.95pu to 1.05pu, the duty cycle of
the RSVC device can be adjusted, which inturn provides a reliable and convenient
approach for the utilities to regulate voltages
during peak demand hours.
The deliverable for this project will be a
laboratory prototype of open-loop RSVC
system with an adjustable duty cycle that can
vary the distribution voltage in the range of
0.95pu to 1.05pu.
il|tl\vT\i|/i/Y'l'\tlir/\ i\li'/'/,iil
Name Dr. Said Ahmed-Zaid
Oroanization Boise State UniveBiw
Name Dr. lohn Stubban
Oroanization Boise State univeEitv
Name Muhamma.l Kamran I atif
o Boi<F State I lnivFr
Name Andres Valdeoena
Oroanization Boise State univeEitv
lt" r..: *;l
St.p I -TDl
Stcp 2 - TD2
Stlp 3 - To3
St p{-B
RDS Simill 3 month Sen'l 5 Nov'1 5
BDS Hardware
Desion 4 months Dec'15 Mar'16
Testind l month Anril'ADril'
r-lnon PqVa 7 mdnthq Anril'1 6 llrn'1
Final ReDort 2 months Julv'15 Aildrrct'1 6
The information contained in this document is proprietary and confidential