HomeMy WebLinkAbout20130215Comments (2 Total).pdfIdaho Public Utilities Commission Attn: Randy Lobb, Utilities Division Director 472 West Washington Street P.O. Box 83720 Boise, ID 83720-0074 7013 FEB 15 API 8:41 UTI LIT IES CO?YUSS1O February 11, 2013 AVIA -ia-i -o/14vu -6-0-017 To Whom It May Concern, How much does Avista pay for the electricity it charges us for? A large portion of the electricity we use is generated by dams that we, the taxpayers built, and in some cases are still paying for. Avista leases the rights to use the dam to produce power, and other than upkeep of the dam site, they don't pay anything for the electricity that they charge us for. Given the seemingly exorbitant profits made by Avista, I believe a portion of those profits could and should be used to assist low income and/or unemployed individuals in our communities. I would like to see Avista put some of the profits they earn towards helping those who are really in need in our communities. Many people in Idaho, as well as the rest of the country, are faced with extreme financial hardships. Whether we are unemployed, or the jobs we have only pay minimum wage, which in Idaho is only $7.25 an hour and one of the lowest in the country, many have monthly incomes of $800 or less and rely on public assistance programs such as Food Stamps just to try and make ends meet. I believe individuals who receive state and/or other public assistance would benefit greatly if a low flat rate, or waived electricity bill was in place. Avista, however, just seems to profit and flourish. According to an article posted in The Spokesman-Review in October of 2012, Avista's profits were $5.8 million dollars for the quarter ending September 2012, which was down from an amazing $10.7 million dollars the year before. Even a portion of that kind of profit would be extremely helpful and appreciated by individuals and communities in these desperate and trying times. Rather than investing in those in need, Avista hired a subsidiary company to come in and give them ideas on how to better manage their power, and paid them an exorbitant amount of money to do so. Why not put some of that money into finding alternative energy sources or offering incentives to the communities and individuals in need? Avista is making millions of dollars a year from monies taxpayers spent to build the very dams that make them their millions. With the economy and unemployment rates in their current states, I believe Avista can and should help, and use a portion of those profits to help those in need instead ofjust themselves. Who knows, maybe their gifts could be used as some kind of tax write-off? So they'd help the needy and themselves, not to mention improve their overall appearance to the public. Thank you for taking the time to read my letter and I hope to hear from you. Sincerely, Tammy S. Taylor —J-.M v t703 ., - , .1 ..- t 1Ei2M3: 43L "FEB I !i I LR W-Oet , rj,~I, I 1iln..: /'enc1t Lbb, U114 L'c,,'b \ L/72 237tb tIco. .T\ 7O-074 Jean Jewell From: jwldmcconnell@netscape.net Sent: Thursday, February 14, 2013 9:36 AM To: Jean Jewell; Beverly Barker; Gene Fadness Subject: PUC Comment Form A Comment from James McConnell follows: Case Number: RATE INCREASE Name: James McConnell Address: 916 Hawthorne St. City: Lewiston State: Idaho Zip: 83501 Daytime Telephone: 208-669-1347 Contact E-Mail: 1wldmcconnellnetscape.net Name of Utility Company: Avista Acknowledge: acknowledge Please describe your comment briefly: I don't believe the average utility bill is $80. a month. That is very misleading. I believe it is closer to $200. per month and the rate increase would average a lot more.Mine is $228.per month year round. I don't believe Avista needs more. How much do they spend on advertising? How much do they spend on charities? How much is the government giving them for wind power and renewable resources? Avista is a monopoly supposedly controlled by the PUC which is appointed by Governor Otter. It's kinda like have children guard the Cookie Jar!! Avista needs nothing for several years! They should not be giving our money away to charities probably of their choice. They need no advertising or BONUS' because residents in Idaho have no choices. There are probably a lot more places to cut but I lust don't have the information. The form submitted on http://www.puc.idaho.gov/forms/€``ipuci/€€ipuc.html IP address is 1